PLACES O In this coming Festive Season The City of Cape Town invites you to explore and experience some of her well known and recognizable sites that has been refreshed and updated and uplifted in recent time as well as some new and old icons that are worth to be re-familiarising in person.
for future generations. Directions: From the raised Green point traffic circle, take the entrance closest to McDonalds, and entrance on Granger bay Boulevard at entrance C onto the podium.
COMPANY’S GARDEN VISITOR CENTRE The garden was established in 1652, making it one of the oldest gardens in the country. The display in the Visitor’s centre gives a comprehensive overview of the early history of the garden, which is unique in that it is the only example of how two different landscape styles – the Dutch ‘produce garden’ grid pattern and the ‘Victorian Romantic’ grid pattern and the overlaid to produce the garden as it exists today. Tel: 021 400 26 21 Visiting times: 7am -7pm
THE OLD TOWN HOUSE The Old Town House, originally built in 1755 in Dutch-Rococo style, is situated in Cape Town’s hub on the west side of Green Market Square. Formerly Cape Town’s City Hall, the Old Town House now displays a collection of pictures presented to the country by Sir Max Michaelis in 1914, consisting mainly of works by 17th century Dutch and Flemish masters, including Frans Hals, Jan Steen, Jacob van Ruysdael and Jan van Goyen.
CAPE TOWN STADIUM VISITOR CENTRE AND GREENPOINT PARK Since its completion, the new Cape Town Staduim has become an icon landmark in the city, and has elected a lot of attention and interest. The visitors centre is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Our long tours commence at 10:00, 12:00 and 13:00. Prices are R30 for adults and R15 for pensioners and children. Contact : 021 430 7300 North of the stadium you are welcome to stroll and relax at the recently opened Green Point Park which is part of the City’s Green Goal 2010 projects. This park is unique not only because of it’s location and beauty but also because it contains a Biodiversity Showcase Garden.The vision for this educational garden is to create a place of beauty and wonder which appeals to the senses and imagination. The vision is that people leave the garden with a love for our natural heritage, an understanding of biodiversity and why we need it, and the desire to care for it
The Houses Of Parliament are an architectural wonder. Gallery tickets are available from Room 12. Overseas visitors must present their passports. The parliament building, which also houses the Library of Parliament, is beautiful, with its central dome and Corinthian porticos and pavilions. You can also sit in the public gallery during a parliamentary session. The original designer, Charles Freeman, miscalculated the foundations and was replaced by Henry Greaves, who oversaw the building until completion in 1885. The new House of Assembly was designed by Sir Herbert Baker. A pedestrian walkway, Government Avenue, runs through the Company Gardens and provides easy access to Parliament and other nearby attractions are Greenmarket Square, the Castle of Good Hope and the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. Between July and January, guided tours take place from Monday to Friday: 11:00 and 14:00 Visiting Address:90 Plein Street Cape Town Tel: 021 403 2266 Houses of Parliament - Cape Town on the web:
THE OLD CITY HALL Built in 1905, the old City Hall in Darling Street is a mixture of Italian Renaissance and British colonial architecture. It is located on the Grand Parade to the west of the Castle of Good Hope and is built from honey-colored limestone imported from Bath in England. The 60m/200ft high bell-tower, with a carillon installed in 1923, was modeled on London’s Big Ben. The City Hall was the last major Victorian building to be erected in Cape Town. The City Hall’s carillon was installed as a WW1 war memorial, with 22 additional bells being added in 1925 with the visit of the Prince of Wales. Magnificent and imposing, the City Hall commemorates Kind Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, with its mosaic floors, marble staircase, stained glass windows and specially designed organ with 3165 pipes.
DISTRICT 6 MUSEUM District Six was named the Sixth Municipal District of Cape Town in 1867. Original established as mixed community of freed slaves, merchants, artisan, laboures and immigrants, District Six was vibrant centre with close links to the city and the port. By the beginning of the twentieth century, however, the history of removals and marginalization had begun. 021 466 7200 Visiting hours: Mon: 09:00 – 14:00
O F INTEREST Tues – Sat. 09:00 – 16:00
Groote Schuur Hospital Main Road, Observatory Cape Town, South Africa
CAPE TOWN’S MUSEUM MILE THE DRILL HALL AND CENTRAL LIBRARY The foundations of the City Hall were laid on 29th August 1900, and the building finally opened on 25th July 1905, by the Mayor Alderman Hyman Lieberman. It is built in an Italian Renaissance Style with a classical facade in a handsome campanile towering to a height of some 200ft. The exterior stonework is of sandstone and granite. The facade facing on Darling Street has a central feature surmounted by a pediment rising 82 feet above pavement level, the wings on either side are about 60ft in imposing clock tower houses the four-sided City Hall clock built to scale and half the size of London’s Big Ben. The building is divided longitudinally, with one half of the building housing the Grand Hall and reception rooms while the portion originally housing Municipal offices and which fronts onto Darling Street is the home of the Central Library of Cape Town.A stone set into the base of the building in front of the main balcony has this inscription: “upon release from prison on 11 February 1990 and on his election as President of South Africa on 9 May 1994 Nelson Mandela addressed the nation here”. For more information go to:
Cape Town is home to a large number of museums. Together, they offer a rich and varied picture of life in Cape Town and in South Africa in days gone by.
farmhouse dating back to the time of the Dutch East India Company, and is now an imposing mansion looking out on rolling lawns. It is an estate in the Gardens area of Cape Town, South Africa. It is the official residence of the Premier of the Western Cape. Leeuwenhof was originally a farmhouse dating to the time of the Dutch East India Company’s rule of Cape Town. It includes a Slave Quarters which has been renovated and used to house an exhibition about slavery in Cape Town. There is a legend that it is haunted by centuries-old ghosts, and Zille’s predecessor, former premier Lynne Brown, claimed to have experienced a “presence” from time to time.
In fact, the city is said to have its very own Museum Mile - so visitors have the advantage of only having to stroll a short distance between Cape Town’s most popular museums and galleries. For more information go to:
OLD CASTLE BREWERY While Castle began making in roads into what had been almost entirely “lion country” work was began on the erection of the Castle Brewery in Woodstock. This brewery was to be sited alongside the new railway line as an advertisement for Castle beer –a sort of early billboard. The Castle Brewery was completed in 1901, designed by New York architect H. Steinmann and was opened on the 1st April 1902, several setbacks to its completion, being caused by the second Boer War. 021 448 4500
From its original design as a square designed to serve the Groote Kerk, Church Square has been reclaimed from its more recent function as a car park to become an attractive open space close to parliament. Coffee shops and cafes are scattered around the square making it a pleasant place to stop for lunch. The square was re-paved, trees introduced and a memorial to the square’s origins as a slave market was unveiled in 2008. Eleven granite blocks give passers-by an indication of the names of some of the slaves traded in the square. Opposite the square on Spin Street is the slave tree memorial, commemorating the spot where slaves were auctioned and where they were forced to wait while their masters attended the Groote Kerk on the square. The original fir tree was removed in 1916. A few years later a statue of the Afrikaner politician, Jan Hendrik Hofmeyer, was erected on the square in recognition of his efforts to have the Dutch language recognized along with English in the Constitution of 1910.
HEART OF CAPE TOWN MUSEUM Experience the first heart transplant , the museum is housed where the actual event took place. See where Chris Barnaard successfully transplanted the first heart. 021 404 1967
LEEUWENHOF AND THE BO-TUIN Leeuwenhof, in the city bowl, was originally a
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CONTENTS 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Place of Interest Place of Interest Table Mountain A Safe City A Safe City & Table Mountain Article Designer Route Designer Route My Citi Crystal Towers My Citi Pigalle My Citi Peddlars Designer Route Designer Route Bloemendal Article & Panama Jack Map Panama Jack Saving Electricity Ferrymans Saving Electricity Bloemendal Lookout Deck Buena Vista Casa Blanca Yearly Planner Yearly Planner Yearly Planner Peninsula Hotel Yearly Planner Bamboo Sea Point CID Sea Point CID
37. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 49. 52. 53. 54. 55. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72.
Introduction to Van Ryn Van Ryn Peroni CafĂŠ Sofia Explore & Cell U City Map Studio Places of Interest Five on Main Aquila Aquila Monkey Valley WWF WWF & Ocean Blue Kidz Zone Kidz Zone & Ice Station JHB Intro JHB Intro JHB Intro JHB Intro JHB Intro DBN Restaurants DBN Restaurants Ethid Ethid Ethid Cape Luxury Cars & Bidvest Article Ritz Restaurant Emperors Palace Casino
Panama Jack Map Peninsula Map Cape Winelands Map Van Ryn Map Kruger National Park Map Western Cape Map Western Cape Map South African Map South African Map Guateng Map DBN Map
We at Hello Cape Town brings great tidings as we approach year end and sincerely hope that 2010 has brought you luck, prosperity and maintaining of good health. If there were any ripples or bumps you have encountered, we encourage you to shake them out during the festivities. Baring that in mind, our editor has compiled a range of information in relation to South Africa’s major cities namely JHB, CT and KZN. The features entail a diversity of maps to accompany you to your destination, articles for your informative pleasure and leading restaurants of assorted delicacies ready to cater to your satisfaction. Now set with fun-filled endeavours to gear up the festivities. We warm-heartedly thank all our readers for giving us the pleasure of providing you with information surrounding our beautiful cities and with the use of your confidence in us we will continue to do so.
Maps 18. 24. 36. 38. 48. 50. 51. 56. 57. 58. 64.
SEE PAGES : 2 3 6
7 8 9
10 12 14
16 17 20
May 2011 be a challenging yet fruitful New Year for us all.
* Cover Picture courtesy of Bruce Sutherland City of C-T
Featuring Editor Tovi Don (021) 426 5112 Manager Shirlene Visagie (021) 426 5112
Publisher Ari Spinner 082 696 0756 Graphic Designer Taryn Meyer (021) 426 5111
P.O. Box 888, Rhine Rd, 8050. Published and copywritten by Hello Festive Season All rights reserved. While every care has been taken in compiling the information in this publication, Hello Cape Town can not be held responsible for any tel/fax: (021) 426 5117 omissions or errors. CK2002/007961/23
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A SAFE Safety and Security
• Keep certified photocopies of all valuable documents in a safe place. • To report an incident, call these numbers: All emergencies from your cell – 112 All emergencies from a landline – 107 South African Police Services (SAPS) – 10111
Identifying safety and security officials
Cape Town has 3.5 million residents spread across a 2 400 km² (930 mil²) area. Ensuring safety and security for residents and visitors is a top priority for the City, which shares this task with the provincial and national governments.
All City of Cape Town police and law enforcements officials, and South African Police Service (SAPS) officers, carry an identification card showing the officer’s name, rank, service or staff number and a photograph.
The City of Cape Town has a sophicated disaster management system, and there is excellent coordination between the various laws enforcement and ire and rescue services.
If in uniform, officers wear service and rank insignia and a name badge. You have the right to ask officers, uniformed or not, to identify themselves with their cards. Safety and security officials can be identified by the insignia below: South African Police Services (SAPS), and City of Cape Town Traffic Services, Metropolitan Police, Law Enforcement, Fire and Rescue, and Disaster Risk Management.
About Beggars and Street Children As you would in any other city, do observe some general safety tips: • Avoid carrying large sums of cash. Try not to have expensive jewellery and cameras in plain sight, and don’t leave belongings unattended. • Heed the advice of your hosts, Cape Town Tourism visitor centre staff or locals on places to avoid after dark. Don’t walk alone and take care at isolated lookout points or after dark. • Do not allow strangers to assist you in any way at cash machines. • At night, park in a secure, well-lit area.
6 / Hello Festive Season
The City’s community-partnered Street People Project (along with many other organizations) and ‘Give Responsibly’ campaign encourage people to buy support vouchers, which, rather than perpetuating a culture of dependency, provides structured assistance. * If you would like to donate, contact Cape Town Tourism on 021 487 6800 or the Central City Improvement District on 021 419 1881.
The CCID: Security in the central city.
Cape Town is policed by the City’s Metro Police and Traffic Services, the South African Police Service (SAPS), and Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services. In addition, various city improvements districts employ security officers, and there is a wide range security patrols and guards. Much of the city, including the centre and the stadium precinct, is covered by a 280 – camera CCTV (closed – circuit television) network.
General safety tips
workers advise against giving money to children, as it is often handed to an older person, or used to buy drugs. Rather give food, or donate money to a registered charity.
The central City Improvement District (CCID) is a non-profit urban management regeneration organization that provides complementary services over and above those delivered by the City of Cape Town. The central city is divided into four precincts, each with a dedicated precinct manager. On the safety front, the CCID employs a security manager, a deputy security manager and 200 public safety officers to ensure that visitors and locals feel safe and secure in the central city at all times. Should you encounter a problem in the central city at any time, please feel free to approach any of the CCID officers, or make direct contact with the CCID security team via one of the following: • CCID 24-hour number: 082 415 7127 • CCID security manager: 082 453 2942 • CCID deputy security manager: 082 415 7127 Alternatively, visit The CCID employs 63 street cleaners as well, and its social development team works with a range of shelters and non-governmental organizations to provide the destitute and homeless with alternatives to life on the streets.
Street children and beggars may approach you for a handout. The City of Cape Town and many social
How to blacklist a stolen mobile phone Inform your network provider of your loss. If you
CITY have international roaming, you will be on one of these three networks: • Cell C: 140 from Cell C numbers, or 084 140 from other cell phone networks. • MTN: 173 (prepaid) or 888 (contract) from MTN numbers or 083 173 from a landline or other cell phone. • Vodacom: 111 from a Vodacom number, or 082 111 from a landline or other cell phone networks. You will receive a reference number to prove that your cell phone has been blacklisted. Report the loss at the nearest police station and provide the reference number.
Staying safe outdoors
TABLE MOUNTAIN GOES HALF PRICE AT SUNSET Sip sundowners on top of the Cape’s most majestic natural wonder, Table Mountain, for half price this summer. Table Mountain Cableway’s Sunset Special starts on Monday November 1 this year and runs until the end of February 2011. Visitors pay R90 per person return every day after 6pm. Now, there is no excuse not to spend more time on the mountain. Visit Table Mountain Café to select your sun downers and snacks, then find a secluded spot on top of the Cape’s most popular and majestic natural
only. Sunset Special tickets can be purchased from the Cableway’s Ticket Office from 6pm. The Cableway operates weather permitting. For information call (021) 424 8181 or visit www. Cast your vote for Table Mountain Table Mountain is one of 28 natural sites from around the globe competing to be named one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. The New 7 Wonders of Nature contest aims to raise
Cape Town’s wealth of natural beauty is there to be enjoyed, but do take personal safety requirements into consideration. Safety on the mountain Table Mountain – and the Peninsula mountain chain – has many spectacular walks. In spite of the fact that it is surrounded by the city, it is a mountain wilderness area, and should be treated as such. The mountain is large, and the weather on top can be very different to the weather in the city. • Should you wish to explore Table Mountain National Park on foot, make sure you take a good map, plenty of water, comfortable walking shoes, a few friends and a charged cell phone (mobile). • Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. Be aware that not all mountain areas have mobile coverage. • Weather on the mountain can change very rapidly. Take sunblock and something warm (and preferably waterproof) to wear. • Head back well before dark, and keep to marked paths. If darkness or dense clouds falls, find sheltered place and stay there. Someone will find you. • Save the dedicated Table Mountain National Park emergency number on your mobile phone before you set out: 0861 106 417.
wonder. Wander along the mountain paths looking for dassies and eagles; or simply sit and marvel at the 360-degree view of the sun setting on the Atlantic Ocean.
awareness of the incredible variety and beauty of nature around us. The official New 7 Wonders of Nature will be determined by votes from the public and the final 7 announced in November 2011.
Celebrate the start of summer with canapés and cocktails at the new Summit Lounge located at the Top Station. Decorated by Amarula, it’s the Cape’s trendiest spot to mingle with your friends on top of the world.
Table Mountain forms part of the Cape Floristic Region, which was declared a World Heritage Site in June 2004. The Cape Floristic Region is the smallest and richest of the six floral kingdoms on earth, boasting an amazing 8200 rare and endangered plant species, some of which occur nowhere else on earth.
Stop in at the Shop at the Top where you can take home some South African souvenirs, gifts and clothing. Adults pay R90 per person return while children under 18 years pay R45 per person return after 6pm
Cast your vote for Table Mountain at
Hello Festive Season / 7
ABOUT In partnership with The city of Cape Town, the Cape Town Design Route launched last year and its success has brought it back for Design Indaba Expo 2010. Tourists and design fanatics can explore the Cape while taking a closer look at the creative minds that inhabit this city. It’s your chance at taking Design Indaba Expo beyond its official time and explore it all year around. The Cape Town Design Route includes a total of 62 Western Cape–based Design Indaba exhibitors who have been approved by a curatorial panel of industry experts, ensuring that you will find the highest standard and quality of South African design at any studio or shop situated on the route.
The full route will have you travelling the Cape Town City Bowl, the Southern Peninsula and the Winelands as well as a multitude of in-betweens, leaving you with no excuse for not experiencing all that Cape Town has to offer. In the next pages are presented to you some of the businesses that are part of the Design Route as well as other members of Creative Cape Town initiative
A non-profit income-generating bead project. Monkeybiz focuses on women's economic development and has established a vibrant community of more than 450 bead artists, many of whom ae the sole breadwinners within their households. Monkeybiz focuses on women's economic empowerment and health development in the most economically under-resourced areas of South Africa. 65 Rose Str. Bo-Kaap. Tel: 021 426 0145
Wholesale manufacturer and retailer of up-market homeware and table top items. Tel: 021 424 8263 Fax: 021 424 8265 Web: Email:
Bokkie Shoes present two ranges. Made from 100% cotton shew-shew print, the much loved, playful Babydolls, and now there are a all new 2010 inspired range, KICKS, for South African supporters. Bokkie Shoes are always limited-edition and are assembled Bokkie shoes are sold at Loud on Long, 43 Long Str.
Fashion Designer Lindy Cohen helped establish Continent Africa, a think-tank focused on learning more about the intersection of politics, economics and charity. Proceeds of the Africa Tee go towards offsetting the running costs of Continent Africa. T-shirt sales available by appointment.
Designers Gerika Langenhoven and Elizabeth van de Merwe specialize in producing hand-crafted jewellery in precious metals and gemstones. They manufacture a variety of rings, earrings and necklaces using many metal techniques (such as casting, carving, smithing and oxidation.)
8 / Hello Festive Season
Tel: 021 426 1149 Address: 14 Kloofnek Road, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town
Cupcake Country provides a hands-on learning experience that result in a fun product as well as the acquisition of useful skills. The company creates of sewing kits that contain all the materials needed to construct a bright and deliciously crafted cupcake. It also has a range of original, crafty accessories that appeal to both kids and grown-ups. Tel: 021 461 4421 Email: Address: 10Ajagersfontein Lane, Oranjezicht, Cape Town
freeRange jewels is a proudly homegrown designer jewellery brand. Marele Lamprecht heads a creative team in translating their objections from nature into stunning pieces of jewellery. freeRange presents jewels with character, far beyond the boundaries set by convention. Tel: 021 423 1524 Email: Web: Address: Cape Quarter Extension, The Square, Shop 037, 27 Somerset Road, Greenpoint, Cape Town.
Every year, thousands of polpropylene bags full of rice, sugar, beans and other foods make their way to South Africa from around the world. Give it Bag collects and re–uses the sacks, turning them into unique and bold fashion statements. The bags are handmade and proceeds of the profits go to charity. Tel: 021 465 9852 Web: Address: Canterbury Studio’s, Unit 4, 35 Wesley Street, Gardens
deadlines with the birth of the Lalesso brand. Tel: 021 424 5565 Email: Web:
and Manenberg. Tel: 021 422 4828 Email: info@ Website: Address: 8 Kloof Street, Studio 602, Cape Town
Streetwires is a Fair Trade-accredited enterprise providing sustainable employment opportunities for many formerly unemployed men and women in the dynamic field of African wire and bead craft-art. Tel: 021 426 2475 Email: Web: Address: P O Box 50172, Waterfront, Cape Town
Urbanative presents fabulous jewellery for urban natives, featuring silver, gold, diamonds and precious stones. Commissions are welcome and goldsmith hobby classes and workshops are offered to local and overseas visitors. Tel: 082 770 99788 Address: Gold of Africa Museum, 96 Strand Street. Email: Web:
A township pattern is a social enterprise founded by Nicole-Marie Iresch. Patterns are inspired by the day to day life in the townships of South Africa. Bags are made out of cotton and sewn in co-operatives wholly owned by the women of Khayelitsha
Lalesso was launched in Cape Town in 2005 by co creators Oliver Kennaway, and Alice Heusse. The inspiration behind the brand came from a holiday to Oliver’s home country, Kenya. The traditional ‘uniform’ of the local women in these coastal regions is the captivating beautiful ‘khanga’ or ‘lesso’. In no time they managed to combine fashion college
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My CITI Some general information: The name MYCiTi is multilingual, easy to use for Capetonians and visitors alike, and unique to Cape Town with its play on the city’s name. It extends to the creation of a ribbon element that is a central theme in the design and represents how the service threads through the city, linking places and people to each other and to opportunity. The logo shape is aligned to the City’s corporate identity. The red ribbon in the logo is an abstract interpretation of Devil’s Peak, Table Mountain and Lion’s Head and also resembles the red roads that MyCiTi buses will use as they weave through
Transforming the public transport industry and improving public transport services is a priority for government and the MyCiTi system is being rolled out in accordance with national policy, with full backing and financial support from national government. Since 2009, national law has devolved the responsibility for public transport to metropolitan governments, given that cities are primarily responsible for the servicing and managing the urban “built environment”. The City has reached that crossroads where intervention is now necessary. Significant improvements to our city’s public transport system need to begin. This is an intervention we cannot afford not to do.
Which MyCiTi service is up and running?
Cape Town. The font or letter type is bold to easily identify the system while the colour palette is warm and approachable. The inspiration is drawn from the many colours of the deep blue ocean that surrounds the Cape Peninsula. The accent colour red represents red IRT roads, but is also symbolic of the connections that the system will offer to all its passengers across the city. “The slogan, ‘siyajikeleza, laat wiel, going places’ is obviously related to transport, but it also represents other themes central to the IRT service, including a sense of achievement and of going places in one’s life. The underlying promise of the slogan is that the IRT will expand as the city grows. It also extends to Cape Town itself, as a city that is ready to go and compete on the international stage” she added. The City has ordered 43 IRT buses, eight 18m long articulated buses and thirty-five 12m long buses. The buses were first used during the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ to ferry visitors from the airport to and around the central city.
Why do we need MyCiTi? Public transport in Cape Town, as in other cities in South Africa, is widely regarded as inadequate. Furthermore, there is a high and rising level of congestion on our roads, and a limit on the ability to provide increased road space for private cars. These factors, along with increasing environmental concerns and economic factors, show that the city needs a significant intervention to improve mass transit and development opportunities across the metropole. The backbone of this public transport system will be improved rail, complemented by the MyCiTi Bus Rapid Transit service.
10 / Hello Cape Town
The MyCiTi airport shuttle, operating between Cape Town International Airport and the Civic Centre Station in the Central Business District, is now running at R50 per trip. It is expected that cheaper, multi-trip tickets will be available soon. The shuttle departs every 20 minutes, and run in both directions.
When will the new interim inner-city service start? During the World Cup an inner-loop bus service was provided, focusing on the needs of visitors. A new inner-city service will start operating towards the end of September 2010. This service will go to the Waterfront, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town International Convention Centre, the Cape Town train station, and Long and Loop streets up to the Gardens Centre. A service will also run in the opposite direction. The cost will be R5 per trip. It should be noted that both the MyCiTi airport
shuttle and the interim inner-city service are only partial elements of the full Integrated Rapid Transit system, and will provide users with a sense of what is to come. These services will also provide the new IRT operating companies with valuable experience in the lead-up to the implementation of the full MyCiTi trunk and feeder bus system.
What difference will this interim MyCiTi inner-city bus service make?
The inner-city service is the first element in a speedy, regular, efficient, modern system that will eventually extend across the city. The bus service will become more user-friendly as each new element is launched, because these elements integrate with one another and with existing public transport. For example, when the new interim inner-city service is launched in September, passengers will be able to transfer from the airport shuttle to the interim inner-city service at Civic Centre Station. This means they will be able to travel on the new bus system from the airport to the Waterfront, Gardens and the Loop and Long street areas. They will also be able to catch the train, buses and taxis from across greater Cape Town to the CBD, then transfer at the train station on to the interim innercity service.
Why was the inner-city loop stopped after the World Cup? The inner city loop service was designed as a World Cup service primarily serving visitors, its route linking up with the Fan Fest, the fan walk and many tourist destinations. This service came to an end in mid-July as planned, since the high influx of visitors was expected to subside then. It was initially planned that the MyCiTi service in
THE ICONIC AFRICAN PRIDE CRYSTAL TOWERS HOTEL & SPA – WHERE INNOVATIVE, MODERN DESIGN MEETS TIMELESS SOPHISTICATION AND LUXURY. At the heart of Century City lies the luxurious oasis of the African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa. Within close proximity to Table Mountain, Canal Walk Shopping Centre, Ratanga Junction theme park as well as Cape Town’s city centre and airport, this hotel has so much to offer. Each room is a haven of serenity, with mood-enhancing lighting, a unique circular shower and added extras such as complimentary DVDs. Enjoy cocktails and sushi while watching the sunset from our pool deck followed by a fine dining experience in our Towers restaurant. End the evening off with something sweet from our 24 hour deli.
SUMMER PACKAGE Treat your family to a celebratory stay at the African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa. Take advantage of this exclusive summer package of R1,380 per room per night, including complimentary breakfast, complimentary use of sauna, steam room and fitness centre and complimentary shuttles to and from the V&A Waterfront, Clifton or Camps Bay. To book, contact our Reservations Team on 021 525 3888 or email Terms & Conditions: Valid 1 December 2010 - 31 January 2011. Minimum 2 night stay. Valid 7 days a week. Full pre-payment required. Not valid for groups. Subject to availability. Prokard members receive a further 5% discount off the advertised rate. Bookable directly with the hotel.
Corner Century Boulevard and Rialto Road, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 l Tel: +27 (0) 21 525 3888 l Fax: +27 (0) 21 525 3889 E-mail: l
My CITI the inner city would only be reintroduced when the City is ready to replace the existing scheduled bus and minibus-taxi services in the inner city, as is planned for October 2011. However, the City has received extensive feedback on ways to improve the inner-city service, together with requests to reintroduce the service – along an adapted route, increasing the frequency of the buses in the mornings, and making signage more visible. In response to this demand, the City will therefore launch an inner-city loop in late September, aiming this time at serving the needs of people who live and work in the city, as well as the broader community, including tourists.
How many people have used the innercity loop and the airport shuttle? As of 16 July 2010, MyCiTi buses had transported over 12 000 passengers between the airport and the Civic Centre, and over 17 000 people on the innercity loop. On the eight match days, the MyCiTi buses shuttled about 140 000 passengers between the Civic Centre Station on Hertzog Boulevard and Cape Town Stadium station.
Where will people park their cars if using the airport shuttle from town? There is existing parking around the Civic Centre Station. Free parking is available at parking space on DF Malan Drive, close to Table Bay Boulevard, which runs beneath the freeway. Paid parking is also available on along DF Malan Drive and at several nearby private parking places close to the Civic Centre Station, including one parking lot opposite Artscape.
When will MyCiTi provide its first commuter link towards Blaauwberg? The service to Blaauwberg and Table View is expected to be launched early next year, as the first step in a service that will be extended later to Du Noon, Montague Gardens, Century City, Atlantis and Melkbosstrand.
How many buses will the city acquire, and of what sizes? For phase 1A, a total of 310 vehicles will be acquired. These include 192 buses for the feeder routes (smaller, 9m-long buses and standard-size buses), 87 standard-size buses for the feeder routes and 31 articulated buses (18m long) for the trunk routes.
Where are these buses being used at present? Four buses are currently servicing the route between the Civic Centre and Cape Town International Airport. The other buses are used whenever there is
12 / Hello Festive Season
an event at the Cape Town Stadium, and for other events.
What is happening to buses not operational at present? The other buses have been parked at the MyCiTi depot and the staging area on the Foreshore. They are being used on rotation at least once a week to ensure they remain in good functional condition. They will be used for the new inner-city service, which is expected to start towards the end of September.
Who is driving the buses? All bus drivers are currently sourced from the transport sector (for instance, they are bus drivers with appropriate licences and retrained minibus drivers) and are employed on contract basis. The drivers who worked during the World Cup on the inner city loop, worked the full contract period of their employment, which ended in mid-July. Enough drivers will be employed to allow for routes to be optimally serviced, and relief drivers are available.
Who owns the buses? The buses are currently owned by the City. They were procured to service the 2010 World Cup event, with the intent of disposing of the vehicles through an appropriate mechanism to the IRT vehicle operators when the operating contacts are awarded. Several models have been investigated regarding the transfer and ownership of the buses. The most beneficial option favouring all parties, which the City is considering, is as follows: The City sells the buses to a financial institution, and invests the proceeds with that institution. The vehicles will then be leased to the operating company. The City will draw from its investment to make a separate monthly payment on behalf of the vehicle
operators to the financial institution, thereby paying the lease. This model is different from the one that will be used in subsequent phases of MyCiTi. The reasons for this are that in the first phase, the system revenue will be insufficient to cover the cost of the vehicles, as the service will be small relative to the final MyCiTi service across the city. Secondly, the City was able to buy these vehicles, as it obtained grant funding for them. Further, the vehicles were acquired to service the 2010 World Cup event and had to be procured by the City in the absence of a contracted vehicle operator. In subsequent phases, after Phase 1A, the current model is that the vehicle operators will have to buy their own buses and pay for them out of the per-kilometre fee. The per-kilometre fee will be agreed upon, for the particular service rendered by the operators, and paid for by the City from income generated through fares, concessions and other sources. Following a decision by Council on August 26, the City published requests in the press the next day, asking for public comment on the proposal to transfer the buses to a financial institution in terms of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations. This is the same proposal contained in the Business Plan, but the law requires a specific type of information statement to be put out for public comment.
How many phases are there in the new transport system and what are the timeframes? The overall time frame likely to be between 15 and 20 years but this is dependant on the availability of funding. The approach is a phased one, rolling out
in and around cape town this month
‘It matters not how long we live, but how’ PJ Bailey
Supper Club & Fine Dining specialising in seafood
There is only one restaurant that is able to offer you unsurpassed fine dining and classic glamour. Pigalle, hailed as South Africa’s most dazzling dinner-dance venue, invites you to join them for a night of style and sophistication. Named after the area in Paris renowned for its exuberant surroundings, Pigalle masterfully captures the same sense of joie de vivre through its plush décor and sumptuous dishes. Spoil yourself with an occasion out of the ordinary.
Pigalle Cape Town - 57 Somerset Road, Green Point, Cape Town . Tel: 021 421 4848 . Pigalle Bedfordview - Tel: 011 450 2244/2
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Pigalle Melrose Arch- Tel: 011 684 2711
MY CITI the system from the city centre up to Blaauwberg and Atlantis, and eventually covering the entire Cape Peninsula, complementing the City’s rail services. There are four phases for the roll-out process. Currently, the city is busy with phase 1A. For more information, read the new MyCiTi business plan, on
How will existing taxi organisations and transport sector role-players be included? A similar model will be followed as was used for the World Cup service, and is currently being used for the airport shuttle. Minibus-taxi organisations and scheduled bus operators who are directly affected will form consortia in the form of private companies, and these will be awarded the contracts to operate the buses. Directly affected operators are those whose services are proposed for replacement by a particular phase of MyCiTi, whose legal rights are affected, and who have agreed to surrender their operating licence and operating vehicle. For phase 1A, the City will award contracts to two companies. The extent of the service awarded to each of the companies (and constituent parts) will be based on their current market share.
Is the system development and rollout still within budget, or are there shortfalls? The new transport system is implementing national government policy. It has been approved by national government and a large part of its funding comes from national government. Phase 1A is still expected to remain within the expected budget of R4.2 billion for implementation, if VAT paid for infrastructure can be reclaimed. The extra VAT amount that may be due in addition, if VAT cannot be reclaimed, is R309 million. By the 2013/2014
financial year, an amount of R809 million (the outstanding funding from the amount indicated above) must still be secured from national government for Phase 1A. The City has asked national government to provide this a year earlier, so that the system might be built faster than previously anticipated. Another R100 million is requested for the initial planning of later phases. None of these amounts constitute over-expenditure. Regarding MyCiTi operations, the City has assessed an initial operational deficit of between R86 million and R145 million for phase 1A, with a midpoint of R115 million. The business plan indicates how this will be funded. This will be done through a combination of income from rates and bus subsidies (R55 million). If costs should reach a pessimistic projection of R145m (for example, if costs are significantly higher than expected, or if ridership is lower than expected), the City will have to call on additional grant funds from national government. It should also be noted that the primary source of income to cover ongoing operation costs is that derived from fare revenue. Given the potential residential and other development growth in the Table View area, existing congestion levels and limited opportunities for increase road space, a significant increase in commuter patronage is expected in the future.
What park-and-ride facilities are being developed? The ultimate vision of the new MyCiTi transport service is to provide an integrated transport system that encourages as many people as possible to leave their cars at home, and opt for public transport from close to their homes instead. The aim is that, once the entire service is rolled out across the city, there will be a trunk or feeder station within 500m – an easy walking distance - of 75% of the homes in Cape Town. To reach their nearest MyCiTi trunk station, people will have the option of walking, cycling or catching a feeder bus. The City recognises that until these feeder buses are launched, commuters will have to find interim solutions for getting to the trunk stations. It will take a while before all the feeder services are set up. Meanwhile, the City is investigating parking facilities that may be available at each station along the route, as an interim measure for those who need to travel to the MyCiTi stations. Parking does exist close to many of the stations, although arrangements
14 / Hello Festive Season
must still be finalised. The City acknowledges the concerns of residents who live close to the trunk stations, that there might be an increase in the amount of informal parking in their vicinities. It is investigating possible solutions to these issues.
Where are cycling facilities being built? A three-metre wide cycle lane is being built along the 16km route from Table View to the city. Cyclists will also be able to take their bicycles on to the buses (this may be restricted at peak times) or leave them at special facilities close to the stations, which will have security guards. A secondary supporting network of cycle paths has been designed along all the roads intersecting with the trunk service. As far as possible, networks like this will be extended along all MyCiTi trunk routes as the system is expanded. Bicycles will be allowed on buses, and secure bicycle racks are also planned at key trunk stations.
Why are there red lanes with no buses on them? Before a new bus service to Blaauwberg can be launched, all work on the new red bus lanes, as well as on the cycle lanes and all the bus stations on the route, must be finished. The final stage of this work is under way, and the City expects to launch the new service to Blaauwberg early next year.
Why are there cracks on the red bus lanes? The red bus lanes are made of continuously reinforced concrete, in which cracking will develop. The cracking has occurred as expected. The concrete is heavily reinforced to control the cracking, and the cracks in the red MyCiTi bus lanes depend largely on the prevailing weather conditions when the concrete was laid. However, the cracks will not widen any further and are not a cause for concern. Had the concrete not been continuously reinforced, regular joints would have had to be cut into the concrete. The option to select a continuously reinforced concrete bus was based on considerations of maintenance and life-cycle cost.
Where is more information made available? The business plan document is available for comment, and can be viewed at public libraries or online at - click on “Business Plan”. Another set of Frequently Asked Questions is also available on this. Provided with the courtesy of The City of Cape Town
For more info. please go to
Peddlars on the Bend is without a doubt one of the best known landmarks in Constantia. Having recently celebrated its 17th birthday, it is fortunate to have built up a substantial following of loyal customers. Like a good wine, Peddlars has matured well over the years and for many tourists (whether from up-country or overseas), a day in Constantia would not be complete without a visit to this popular establishment. Peddlars has a unique ambience and, with versatile seating and dining in the restaurant, bar and garden, is perfectly positioned to cater for all tastes. To make your reservation for end of year functions and corporate functions, contact Natasha on: Tel: 021 794 7747 Fax: 021 794 2730 SMS the word Peddlars to 34007 and we will call you back! Spaanschemat River Road, Constantia. Email: Website:
Hello Cape Town / 15
Get into the spirit of the 2010 World Cup with African Allsorts’ handmade bead and wire soccer artwork, created specially for the event. African Allsorts has a wide selection of imposing trophies, beautifully sculpted figurines, vibrant beaded vuvuzeles and fun desktop accessories. Support job creation and social upliftment while experiencing the thrill of backing a winning team! Tel: 021 447 6976 Email: Website: Address: 4 Briar Street, Salt River, Cape Town
Firepetals is a creative collaboration between designers Adi Cloete and Adeline Cloete. Cloete and Joubert met in 2000 and have shared a studio ever since. In 2005, they decided to merge their creative talents and Firepetals was born. They specialize in hand-crafted art jewellery, their own unique ranges and tailor-made pieces. Their work has contemporary South African flair. Tel: 021 447 2025 Email: Website: Address: 59 Roodebloem Road, Woodstock
Heath Nash makes cool things (with the assistance of a wonderful team, and you rubbish). His business, Heath Nash cc, has been operating since 2004, making products with a uniquely South African and eco-friendly slant. His range called ‘other people’s rubbish’ champions the process of hand-made recycling and innovative re-use and is characterized by a very analogue African take on these socially relevant techniques and work processes. Heath Nash Cares. Tel: 021 447 5757 Email: Address: Address: 2 Mountain Road, Woodstock, Cape Town
Combining simple , clean lines and sensuous forms, Binky Newman has created a range of beautiful hand-weaves-baskets, textiles and adornmentswhich is origanically textured and neutral in colour. Handspun cotton, river reeds, palm fibres and mountain grasses have been intertwined and combined with plastic, leather and glass. Tel: 021 4489761 Email: Web: Address: 42 Hares Avenue, Woodstock, Cape Town
An old Victoria house in Woodstock is studio and showroom to experienced artist Frieda Luhl. Her simple designs are affectionately crafted to perfection, incorporating natural materials, contrasting in texture, colour and density, framed in silver. Tel: 021 447 5757 Email: Website: Address: 30 Roodebloem Road, Woodstock
16 / Hello Festive Season
Award-winning contemporary furniture design brand Haldane Martin offers a sense of belonging to our world, and the spirit of the times, by creating contemporary furniture that integrates man, nature, culture and technology with the human qualities of
ROUTE wisdom, love and beauty. Tel: 021 448 0999 Website: Address: 12 Aberdeen Street, Cnr Dickson Street, Woodstock
and Lulama Sihluku – Operations manager. Tel: 021 447 7668 Email: Website: Address: Unit 102A, the Old Biscuit Mill, 373-375 Albert Road, Woodstock
Contemporary ceramic candleholders from the foundation of Helen Vaughan Ceramics’s studio, which also produces hand-crafted bowls, vessels and wall-mounted pieces. These artworks bridge the divide between high-end interior design and the tourist market. Tel: 021 447 3966 Email: Website: Address: 10 Oxford Road, Observatory, Cape Town
Moonbasket is a project that was started by Cape Town designer and Artist Dani Le Roy. It aims to both support a community-based project and create beautiful items for living spaces. Le Roy and crochet maniac Laura Sums have created the beginnings of a range of lampshades and other home accessories. Email: Web: Addess; B101a Woodstock Industrial Centre, 66 Albert Road, Woodstock
Sophisticated and stylish, versatile and sexy, SouldChild is the hottest label to grace YDE stores across the country! It is a cutting edge, highly styled yet wearable ladies brand that has both local and international appeal. It is designed and manufactured in Cape Town. The brand is renowned for an excellent fit coupled with the highest quality standards. SoulsChild’s ethos is, “To empower ourselves through empowering others”, a mantra that runs through all areas of the business, and is reflected in SoulChild’s unique style and quality of clothing. Tel: 021 448 8666 Email: Address: Studio B506, 5th Floor, Block B, Woodstock
Mu&Me is a range of locally designed and produced stationery based on the lives and loves of a group of friends living on Orange Hill. The story is told by Mu, a colourful little bird that watches the goings on from his perch in the big oak tree. Daley Muller, the name behind the Mu&Me brand, produces an ultra-cute range of greeting cards, notebooks, giftwrap and textiles featuring her unique illustrative style. Tel: 021 447 1413 Email: Website: Address: Mu&Me Store, Shot E102, The Old Bicuit Mill, 373-375 Albert Road, Woodstock
The New Basket Workshop is a South Africa-registered, not-for-profit organization that collaborates with South African designers to enable rural-based local women to increase their ability to reach local and international markets. Tel: 021 448 9761 Email: Web: Address: 42 Hares Avenue, Woodstock
Cape Town fashion label Sway produces women’s clothing. Sway textiles are silkscreened with handdrawn images and garments are styled for comfort and ease. Sway prints are more than mere decoration. Everyday objects turn into offbeat patterns and Sway florals always contain surprises. Tel: 021 447 5999 Email: Website: Address: 68 Albert Road, Woodstock, Cape Town
Imiso Ceramics is upscale brand furniture, which is developed from mastering and studying African artifacts then interpreted into clay to produce modern ceramic pieces and furniture fused with ceremics and fabric. Imiso is owned and managed by Andile Dyalvane – Head Ceramic and Furniture Designer, Zizipho Poswa- Head Ceramic Designer
Pedersen + Lennard are a design company skilled in residential and commercial product design and manufacture, including lighting, storage and special commissions. Tel: 021 447 2020 Email: Website: Address: 45 Yew Street, Salt River, Cape Town.
Corrugated, hot-dipped galvanished iron is an iconic material. Trademark Design uses it to make unique, handmade frames in its Woodstock workshop. Frames are all metal; sides are fold-presses, not welded. They are available in a range of rustic colours and can be polished, varnished, oiled or left in their naturally weathered state. Email: Address: Unit 13 Ravenscraig Mews, Ravenscraig Road, Woodstock
For more info. please go to
Hello Festive Season / 17
BLOEMENDAL ARTICLE how lucky I am to work at one of the most beautiful places in the world. Time after time the views and sunsets still takes my breath away. Bloemendal Restaurant is situated on top of one of the highest hills just outside Durbanville in the northern suburbs of Cape Town on the Durbanville wine route. 30 Minutes drive from the center of Cape Town, Airport, Malmesbury and Paarl. Durbanville area is established and reckoned as one of the best wine producing areas in the Western Cape – world renowned for our Sauvignon Blanc and our Bordeaux red wines.
Being the General Manager of Bloemendal Restaurant for the past 9 years of it’s 12 years existence, it fills me with a sense of overwhelming pride every time I look out over the Cape Peninsula and realize
Bloemendal Restaurant serves a tradition cape cuisine buffet. By keeping with the traditional we serve our food in pots on Dover stoves and on the open fire you will find a revolving lamb on the spit accompanied by various traditional dishes such as boboti, tripe, chicken pie and many more… Whilst you tuck into our extensive buffet you are surrounded by a 270 Degree view of the Cape Peninsula, stretching from
18 / Hello Festive Season
Yzerfontein, over Robbin Island, Table Mountain and as far as Valse Bay. The uniqueness and appreciation for this beautiful setting was evident during the Soccer World Cup when we played host to the Australian supporters and we were treated to the best sunset ever… It literally took their breaths away! Bloemendal Restaurant operates as a normal Restaurant on a daily basis; however with 4 unique separate venues on the premises your options for Weddings, private parties, Conferences and Banquets are vast. We also pride ourselves as being one of the few venues where you can enjoy a real Medieval Feast, with our own costumes and loads of fun!!! Being a normal, daily functional Restaurant as well as a popular function venue, bookings are essential, so please make sure you don’t miss out on having your next affair at Bloemendal Restaurant!!! Stella Cilliers General Manager Bloemendal Restaurant
Hello Cape Town / 19
SAVING ELECTRICITY Saving electricity is good for everyone. You can save money, reduce the risk of load shedding, and make your own personal contribution to Cape Town’s environment.
The cost of electricity is rising sharply. From 2010 to 2013 it’s likely that your electricity bill will more than double, or even triple – maybe more – with the biggest increases still to come. The truth is that saving electricity is not just a nice thing some people do to save the environment. Today, you need to save electricity to save your hard-earned Rands. The money you’ll save on electricity is money you can spend on other things – like a holiday, a solar hot water heater or school fees. The good news is that you can take a few simple actions to reduce the amount of electricity you use, and many of these don’t cost a thing. In fact, you can start saving before you invest a single rand – now that’s being smart. It’s like money back in your pocket free of charge. And investing just a bit of money will save you even more – and fast.
20 / Hello Festive Season
Officially the first tenant at the Waterfront, Ferrymans Tavern opened doors in 1989 and renowned for its quality, flavorsome food. Twenty years on, Ferrymans Tavern is still run by the original owners and has a loyal following of regulars, both from Cape Town as well as internationally.
Known for its marvelously warm pub atmosphere, the tavern has many pieces that accentuate the homely feel; from the cozy pub with a wood-burning fireplace, to the newly renovate upstairs restaurant, the outside beer garden with a kids play area to a live band on Sunday evenings in the summer months, Ferrymans caters for everyone’s needs.
Open daily from 11am for lunch and dinner. Book now all functions – from year end parties to private dinners. For further information and reservations contact us on: Tel: (021) 419 7748 Fax: (021) Hello 421 4463Cape Town / 21 Webpage: www. Email:
SAVING ELECTRICITY HOW TO SAVE : AT HOME TOP 10 approximately 40% of heat loss takes place through the roof. Insulation slows heat transfer and makes your home up to 10˚C cooler in summer and 5˚C warmer in winter.
TURN YOUR GEYSER TEMPERATURE DOWN TO 55˚C Turning down the thermostat of your geyser by a degree or two will really make a difference. If you turn your geyser temperature down from 65˚C to 55˚C, you are likely to see a 6% reduction in your hot water electricity bill. You can switch off your geyser to reduce peak demand for electricity and to reduce the risk of blackouts and load shedding. However, Eskom tests show that switching off your geyser at certain periods saves only a little, if any, electricity. Eskom does not recommend installing any gadget that will control your hot water cylinder, as it does not save as much as the salesperson might claim. However, definitely switch off your geyser if you go away for four days or longer.
INSTALL A SOLAR WATER HEATER A solar water heater (SWH) is one of the best ways of saving electricity and money. A SWH uses the sun’s energy to heat the water that you use in your home. A SWH can typically save up to 66% of your hot water bill. This is a lot, since your geyser consumes 40 – 60% of the electricity in your household. Typical examples of payback periods on SWHs are from 3.5 to just over 4 years: A 200 litre SWH that costs R15 000 installed pays back in 43 to 50 months A 150 litre SWH that costs R11 600 installed pays back in 44 to 51 months ESKOM is offering a rebate when you purchase an SABS approved SWH. This subsidy will make the payback period of installing a SWH even faster. For more information, visit
USE LESS HOT WATER You can make real savings if you reduce your hot water use and insulate your geyser and pipes. If you like to sing in the shower, sing shorter songs.
SWITCH OFF EQUIPMENT WHEN NOT IN USE There is a golden rule that applies to saving electricity at home. If you’re not using it, switch it off. Leaving your TV, DVD player, computer and printer on stand-by mode means that they still use up to 50% of their operating power. Rather switch them off at the power button on the wall. Unplug your cell phone charger or it will continue to draw power, and cost you money.
If you want to be warmer in winter (and cooler in summer), make sure your ceiling is insulated, as
The filter pump is often one of the largest consumers of electricity at home, accounting for up to
22 / Hello Festive Season
20% of total usage. Reset the pump control clock to fewer hours so the pump runs only as long as needed to keep the pool clean. Using a filter longer than necessary can be very expensive, because it wastes electricity. Set the pump control clock so that the pump is not on between 06:00-09:00 and 19:00-22:00. These are peak electricity use hours and doing this will help reduce blackouts and the need for load shedding.
REDUCE EXCESSIVE HEATING OR COOLING Dress for the weather: wear a jersey and use a blanket if you are cold – before switching on a heater. Use a hot water bottle that you fill by heating water in the kettle. If you still need warmth, use a two-kilowatt fan heater or an oil heater to efficiently heat single rooms. They are the best appliances when considering cost, health and safety. Underfloor heating is the most ineffective way to heat a room. During hot months, keep curtains closed on your north, east, and west windows. In winter, let the sun in and at sunset you can close the curtains to retain the warmth. In summer, use fans whenever possible instead of air conditioners. Fans cost less to use.
INSTALL AN ENERGY -EFFICIENT SHOWER HEAD These specially designed showerheads use less hot water and therefore less electricity. Energy- and water-saving showerheads will not compromise your shower experience.
INSULATE YOUR GEYSER AND THE WATER PIPES LEADING TO IT Use a geyser blanket to prevent heat loss from your geyser and save electricity.
INSTALL ENERGY-EFFICIENT LIGHTING Replace all your incandescent bulbs with energy saving Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and switch off lights in rooms that are not occupied. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) offer consumers lighting through lamps that have a longer life and consume considerably less energy than conventional incandescent globes. CFL technology has come a long way, and you can find a CFL bulb that is right for most light fittings (lamps, spot lights, down lights, etc).
in and around cape town this month
Hello Cape Town / 23
The ultimate travel accessory For more information on the World Currency Card suite, visit any of our 90 / Hello branches24 nationwide, call Cape 0860 11Town 11 77 or log onto Fluent in foreign exchange.
Bidvest Bank Limited (Reg No 2000/006478/06) is a licensed financial services provider and registered credit provider, NCRCP17.
Situated on the water’s edge in the Hout Bay Harbour, The Lookout Deck not only boasts breathtaking mountain and ocean views, but some of the best seafood fare in the Western Cape. The extensive menu presents premier seafood - fresh line fish caught daily by local fishermen, succulent LM prawns, fresh black mussels picked from the rocks of the local shores, legendary tender calamari steaks, Yellow fin tuna steaks and live oysters - as well as the finest cuts of local A-grade meats. Choose from a great selection of mouth watering wood-fired pizzas and hearty breakfasts, or appetizing salads and lighter snack baskets for the not so hungry The bar stocks a variety of local and international beers, including Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Stella Artois on tap. The wine list has been chosen to represent the different wine growing regions that surround the restaurant. Enjoy sensational sundowners and cocktails whilst listening to local, live music on selected nights. Open daily from 10am for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The restaurant caters for all functions including private, corporate and year end parties.
For further information & reser vations, contact us: The Lookout Deck - Hout Bay harbour tel: (021) 790 0900 • fax: (021) 790 0922 e -mail: reser
Hello Cape Town / 25
Buena Vista is a world class destination for cuban atmosphere. Situated at the the Western Cape Buena Vista bar is all about Food, Wine, Cigars and Vibe. Good Ambience, food and entertainment. The extensive wine list features some of the better and well known Estates in South Africa and we regularly visit Estates to select the best vintages available.All cigars are imported from Cuba, and all non-smoking areas are well ventilated and completely unaffected by the smoking.Buena Vista is a world class destination for cuban atmosphere. Situated at the the Western Cape Buena Vista bar is all about Food, Wine, Cigars and Vibe. Good Ambience, food and entertainment.The extensive wine list features some of the better and well known Estates in South Africa and we regularly visit Estates to select the best vintages available.All cigars are imported from Cuba, and all non-smoking areas are well ventilated and completely unaffected by the smoking
Waterfront - Alfred House Porchwood roadWaterfront ( Behind BP Headoffice )
26 / Hello Cape Town
Tel: +27 (21) 421 0348
Fax: +27 (21) 421 0305
The newest hotspot in CapeTown... Buena Vista / Casa Blanca Buena Vista
Old school flair meets new world comforts....... Casa Blanca.
-Social club and restaurant -Buena Vista has entertained us for many years in the spirit of the salsa South America Cuban style of entertainment -We relocated to 15 Portswood Road to serve our guests in the best possible way with a garden venue, terrace venue, indoor and outdoor service, first and second floor and private areas. - Our secure parking area serves us and Casa Blanca a top entertainment night club and function venue
Casa Blanca
Located in the Waterfront on Portswood Road, Casa Blanca is not only a centralised venue, but aversatile one too. In winter, fi the fireplaces are fired up to create a warm and cosy
atmosphere whilst in summer the beautiful courtyard bar and dance floor is the perfect place to enjoy warm, balmynights under the stars. Boasting astate of the art sound system inside and out, guests will not miss a beat while socialising with friends in our main dance floor area, our exclusive VIP area or our outside. Courtyard area. A private alcove outside is ideal for private parties and caters for up to
-Resident DJ’s will keep you on the dancefloor till the early hours on the dance floor in our beautifully decorated club -In summertime sip delicious cocktails in our outside Courtyard area -For functions we have a newly opened upstairs section to cater for all function requirements
20people for intimate soiree’s. For larger functions, the beautifully decorated upstairs area is perfect for cocktail functions,birthday parties, end of year functions and presentations for which tastefully sele menus that cater for all selected tastes are offered. For any further information please don’t hesitate to contact Laura on 084 792 4024.
CALENDAR YEARLY PLANNER in and around cape town this month NOVEMBER 2010
DON’T miss this year’s WineX. Come and meet local and international winemakers, taste their current releases and learn about the latest trends in winemaking, glassware, coolers (home storage) and wine racks. Sponsored by Rand Merchant Bank, WineX is the premier public event on South Africa's national wine calendar and draws thousands of wine enthusiasts every year. 27 - 29 October 2010. The Pavillion, Sandton Convention Centre, Maude Street. Sandton, JHB.
8-10 October, Cloop wine estate, Darling. Rocking the Gardens 9-10 October, Emmarentia Dam, JHB
TASTE OF JOBURG From Thursday 30th September to Sunday 3rd October 2010, the city's top restaurants and chefs will be serving a stunning selection of sample sized signature dishes to Taste of Joburg visitors. Riding high from the hugely successful Taste of Joburg 2009, this amazing food festival promises to be the culinary event of the year. Taste of Joburg brings together the city’s finest restaurants, award winning wineries, premium drink brands, niche food exhibitors and fantastic entertainment. If you love eating out, this is an opportunity too good to miss! 30 Sep- 3 Oct, Montecasino Outdoor Event Area
According to the Scotch Whisky Association, South Africa is the fifth largest Scotch market by volume in the world. Last year’s FNB Whisky Live visitor breakdown further confirms that whisky is fast becoming the tipple of choice amongst South Africans, and that the profile of whisky drinker is changing to include more women, and younger, upwardly mobile adults. With 73% of the total visitors aged below 45, this reinforces that whisky is on its way to being an affordable luxury that is more approachable and suits the lifestyle of many younger South Africans. In order to appeal to this ever changing and dynamic market, exciting innovations designed to take both whisky connoisseurs and novices alike on an unforgettable journey through the allure, origins, flavours and history of whisky will be introduced this year. The FNB Whisky Live Festival will run from 18h00 to 22h00 daily in Cape Town at the Cape Town International Convention Centre and in Johannesburg at the Sandton Convention Centre. Cape Town 3 – 5 / Joburg 10 – 12
DURBAN HOMEMAKERS EXPO Homeowners wishing to improve their living area and those searching for new ideas and latest trends will find what they are looking for among the more than 460 market leading interior and exterior home improvement exhibitors. 7-10 Oct, Durban exhibition Centre.
Some of France’s best Champagne will be tasted alongside the finest Cap Classiques to emerge from the wine cellars of South Africa. The winemaking method is virtually the same, so it comes down simply to the terroir and skill of the winemakers. The centrepiece of the festival will be a grand marquee on the sprawling lawns surrounding Franschhoek’s famous Huguenot Monument, where bubbly stalls will be interspersed with stalls from the local restaurants offering delicious delicacies to match. 3- 5 December.
Over three decades, since the inaugural event which featured a field of only five players, the tournament has grown in stature, and what began as a ‘exhibition’ of golf, soon grew into a fully fledged tournament complete with official world ranking points. The tournament has unquestionably become the greatest showcase of golf on the African continent. 2- 5 December, Sun City
8-10 Oct, CTICC.
RAGE South Africa’s Leading computer, gaming and technology expo. 1-3 October The Coca-Cola Dome, JHB
Two fantastic chefs already confirmed, Reza Mahammad, owner of The Star of India in London and Atul Kochhar, Michelin star chef and chef patron of Benares restaurant in Mayfair. Don’t miss the opportunity to cook with celeb chefs, learn from the masters and absorb all the latest international lifestyle trends. 25- 28 Nov, Durban Exhibition Centre, 11 Walnut Road.
28 / Hello Festive Season
Every year on the first week of December, Cape Town celebrates the beginning of summer with The Observatory Festival of Arts. This street festival features local and international music, film screenings, arts and crafts as well as children’s activities. Tipped to participate in 2010 are local music acts Just Jinger, Prime Circle and Springbok Nude Girls and Pete Rock from the USA. Email: Info@ObservatoryFestl: Fax Number: 086 568 1773
CALENDAR YEARLY PLANNER in and around cape town this month
A gold circle horseracing event. 29 Jan, Cape Town.
You are invited to celebrate your formidable feminine spirit in work, family and play at the Women’s Show. This is so much more than just another expo. It promises to be informative, jam packed with fun, inspirational and will empower you, reminding you of your magnificence. This Expo recognises women as primary decision makers and caters for all ages, interests, lifestyles and cultural orientations. This is a sensory and interactive experience that is not to be missed. Cape Town CTICC,
More than 13 000 brightly dressed minstrels, many wearing hats and waving parasols, are certainly a sight to behold. The event was originally known as the Kaapse Klopse and originated in the 1800s when Malay slaves celebrated the one and only day in the year that they had off work. 2 Jan, Cape Town CBD.
Design Indaba Expo is a 100% local-is-lekker celebration of South Africa’s ingrained creativity. Advertising, architecture, craft, décor, film, fashion, graphic design, interior design, jewellery, new media, publishing, product design and visual media, are all presented shoulder-to-shoulder. 25 -27 Feb, Cape Town CTICC,
24 Feb- 6 Mar. L'Ormarins Queen's Plate is one of South Africa's premier horse races over 1600m and a weight-forage contest in line with the world's most prestigious Grade 1 events. The event features a minimum of nine races on the day. This historic horse race was first held in 1861 in honors of Queen Victoria. When she died, the race became the King's Plate during the reigns of Edward VII and George VI but reverted to its original name in 1953 after the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the throne. The race in 2010 will be the 149th running of this race. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II is represented by the British High Commissioner and the celebrated sponsor, L'Ormarins. Kenilworth Race Course, Cape Town.
Melodytrip has ranked this proudly South African event as No.4 in the world, outshining events such as Switzerland's Montreaux Festival and the North Sea Jazz Festival in Holland.The festival’s winning formula of bringing more than 40 International and Local artists to perform over two days on five stages has earned it the status of being the most prestigious event on the African continent 25- 26 March,
CAPE TOWN CARNIVAL The Cape Town Carnival endeavours to create something new, where communities interact and celebrate our uniqueness, but also unite as citizens of one of the most beautiful cities of the world. While Rio Carnival represents a benchmark in relation to our quest, Cape Town Carnival will be distinctly and uniquely representative of our South African demographic, psychographic and cultural representation. The Carnival is optimistic that this event will strengthen social cohesion and cultural expression, the building of community self-esteem and development and the creation of positive spinoffs for the local economy and especially tourism. 19 Mar,
GETAWAY SHOW Find all the inspiration and suppliers you need for your home all under one roof. It is the country’s largest and most representative home improvement exhibition and in 2011 this event also sees an exciting expansion of products and services. 24- 27 Feb, The Coca- Cola Dome.
25-27 March Lorensford Estate
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CALENDAR YEARLY PLANNER in and around cape town this month
Joburg's Easter Festival. This South African icon is being rejuvenated with the promise of a Great Day Out, Every Day. Central to the renewal of the brand is a refreshed offering with more contemporary entertainment and more contemporary exhibits and interactive events. 22 Apr- 2 May, MTN Expo Centre,
26- 29 May, Cape Town International Convention Centre.
10th Anniversary- New Venue- Exciting Additions. 29 Apr- 2 May, Sandringham, Stellenbosch.
Showcases the widest variety of Southern Africa's best tourism products, and attracts international visitors and media from across the world. INDABA is owned by South African Tourism and organised by Witch & Wizard Creative (Pty) Ltd. 7- 10 May, ICC Durban.
15-17 April, The Coca- Cola Dome
Johannesburg, A four-day line-up of some of the country’s hottest acts, top class sound & lighting plus a wide choice of outdoor leisure activities for the whole family. 21-25 April, Drakensberg, KZN
30 / Hello Festive Season
The Wine Show Jo'burg is South Africa's fastest growing wine show designed for you the consumer. Come taste, try and buy wines from over 130 Estates. Learn about wine and wine-making in our Wine Theatre, or brush up on the latest food and wine pairing tips in the Friends for Dinner Theatre. The Wine Show is relaxed, fun and informal with plenty to do from Boules and Virtual Golf to sushi and cocktails. The Coca-Cola Dome,
Wacky Wine Weekend – come along to South Africa’s biggest regional wine festival and enjoy the wine and lifestyle festival that takes place in the beautiful Robertson Wine Valley. Lots of wineries participate in the festival with things for everyone to do. As well as the obvious wine-tasting opportunities there are game drives, golf, music, fishing, quad-biking, boat crusies and lots to eat. For food lovers there is everything from burgers to fine dining experiences. From oysters and champagne to whole BBQ salmon you will not go hungry while you are here. This is a great opportunity to meet with some of the winemakers and find out some of the secrets to their success. For the young ones there are bouncy castles, puppet shows, games and pony rides to name just a few things to keep them amused. Robertson. All visitors need to purchase a passport (R70) at their first port of call. This includes a stylish tasting glass, WWW goodie bag, festival program and a bottle of water. Designated Drivers need register at the cost of R70. This will include a booklet of coupons for FREE coffee, breakfast, etc and can be redeemed over the course of the Wacky Wine Weekend.
THE SUNSET RESTAURANT & DECK Situated on the most beautiful stretch of Cape coastline beneath Lion’s Head, The Sunset Restaurant, a delightfully airy alfresco restaurant with glass doors opening onto the hotel’s gardens and swimming pool, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It has played its role as gourmand over the years and now, with 75 inspired new Head Chef, Barbara Bloemstein, is presenting a new take on modern cuisine using African ingredients. The Sunset Deck is situated above their highly successful flag-ship restaurant and is a new addition to its already stunning setting - The Sunset R175pp Deck promises to be the City’s best seat in town to find yourself watching the sun burn orange as it descends to the horizon ushering in twilight. Why not join us for Cocktail Hour between 18h00 to 19h00 and enjoy two cocktails for the price of one!! Chris Godenir, the General Manager, of The Peninsula All-Suite Hotel has aimed to create a sophisticated and tranquil area to unwind, enjoy oysters and bubbly whilst taking in our spectacular view of the Atlantic Ocean. This wind-free deck is not designed to be an action bar and the menu is small and light encouraging those patrons to visit the lower level and experience a quality meal at The Sunset Restaurant. When the notorious South Easter is blowing, it can be guaranteed that there will not be a breath of wind on The Sunset Deck which is a huge advantage for clients and guests alike. R1
Access to The Sunset Deck is via Beach Road with secure parking at The Sunset Beach parking area.
313 Beach Road, Sea Point, Cape Town (t) 021 430 7777 • (f) 021 430 7776 •
YEARLY PLANNER in and around cape town this month JULY 2011 STELLENBOSCH WINE FESTIVAL
28- 31 July, Paul Roos centre.
THE NATIONAL BOAT SHOW South Africa’s biggest and most exciting food, beverage and lifestyle show – the Spring Good Food & Wine Show.
Tens of thousands of visitors are expected to meander through the bustling stands, talking to authors and enjoying literary sessions in an atmosphere dedicated to enhancing the culture of reading and celebrating the written word. CTICC,
NBS is recognised by visitors, exhibitors, the media and industry associations as the biggest event of its kind because it hosts the biggest number of exhibitors; visitors; exhibition floorspace; competition and prize bounty as well as boating, fishing, scuba and lifestyle events and attractions.
ZULULAND EXPO Zululand's Premier Entertainment & Exhibition Event.Exhibitors from all over South Africa will display their products or services, which range from decor, sports and leisure, arts and crafts, fashion and accessories, motor industry, outdoor and garden, technology, tourism, education and industrial exhibits, as well as an array of flea market stalls, with an ambit of unusual products to choose from.
CTICC. The 2011 Festival takes place between 30 June and 9 July in Grahamstown, so start planning your travel and accommodation arrangements as soon as possible… 30 June- 9 July, Grahamstown.
Celebrate being a woman –remind yourself why it’s great to be female from make-up, to gourmet food, to luxurious travel and giggling with your girlfriends. The Women’s Show is the perfect place to indulge all of your senses; flirt with fashion, discover the new you, bring out your playful nature and make sure you leave the kids behind so you can get a little ‘me’ time..... You deserve it! Be inspired, motivated and energised by other women. The show offers live performances, informative workshops as well as interactive zones where you can learn about finance, empowerment, health, beauty and your sexuality and so much more. Johannesburg, The Coca-Cola Dome,
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KIRSTENBOSCH BOTANICAL ART BIENNALE The revival of Botanical art in recent years is reflected in contemporary trends in interior décor and art collections. The Biennale provides a space where the public and collectors can view the best examples of botanical art. Kirstebosch Botanical Gardens.
15-18 September, The Coca Cola Dome JHB
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XVR DIST003436/E/1
THE WORLD’S BEST BRANDIES ARE MADE RIGHT HERE AT HOME Of all the riches our country is known for, there’s one unassuming golden treasure that continues to enjoy international acclaim. South African brandies, with their unique character and generous, velvety flavours of ripe fruit, chocolate, honey and warm spice, consistently bring home Gold awards from the top international spirit competitions.
Fine brandy is made following a time-honoured tradition of craftsmanship. Perfectly ripe grapes are converted to a low wine, which is distilled and then matured for at least 3 years in French oak barrels to extract the rich aromas and flavours. Every batch of matured spirit is then tasted by our master blenders to ensure only the best quality is used to craft our award-winning brandies.
YOU CAN SAVOUR SOME OF THESE BRANDIES AT THE VAN RYN’S DISTILLERY IN STELLENBOSCH, HOME TO INTERNATIONAL AWARD-WINNERS VAN RYN’S AND VICEROY 5 YEAR OLD Visit us and taste our luxury brandies, including our Van Ryn’s 10 Year Old, Van Ryn’s 12 Year Old, Van Ryn’s 15 Year Old, Van Ryn’s 20 Year Old and Viceroy 5 Year Old. Their accolades include Worldwide Best Brandy Trophy at the 2008 International Wine & Spirit Competition, Best Brandy at the 2009 International Spirits Challenge and four Gold awards,
including two Best in Class awards, at international competitions in 2010. Our Viceroy 5 Year Old also won Gold Best in Class at the 2009 International Wine & Spirit Competition and the Gold award three times at the International Spirits Challenge.
Not for Sale to Persons Under theHello AgeCape ofTown 18. /
The Brandy Route
Every taste an experience
THE WORLD’s finest
Been there, seen that, done it all when it comes to the Cape Winelands? Then take the road less-travelled to explore brandy - the country ’s iconic elixir - at its source. The world’s finest brandies, a wealth of brandy styles, as well as secrets and stories wait to be unearthed on two unique tourism routes dedicated to the brandy distiller’s art. Both take you on a personal journey through the heart of wine country. But, this time, when you embark on the Western Cape Brandy Route or explore the R62 Brandy Route in the hinterland of Cape brandy-making, you may just forget the wine and focus on the brandy. Not really such a big leap; brandy is made from wine, after all.
For more info & maps visit:
38 / Hello Cape tel: +27 (0)21Town 809 7618 I email:
XVR DIST003436/E/2
EXPERIENCE THE CRAFTSMANSHIP OF THE COOPER FOR YOURSELF A fine brandy owes as much to the wood in which it is matured as to the grapes from which it is made. As it ages, the young brandy spirit draws its rich character and warm golden colour from the French oak cask that holds it. And making these barrels is an art form in itself. Once the skilled cooper has crafted each barrel to completion, he uses his hammer to play a signature melody on the metal rings that hold the cask together. Visit the Van Ryn’s Distillery in Stellenbosch, home of our internationally award-winning brandy collection and the only distillery in South Africa with a dedicated cooperage where you can experience the craftsmanship of the cooper for yourself.
TOURS AND TASTINGS: Daily tours: Find out more about our working distillery, cooperage and maturation cellar. Van Ryn’s Brandy Tasting: Taste our Van Ryn’s 10 Year Old Vintage and 12 Year Old Potstill Brandies. Brandy & Charcuterie Tasting: Enjoy 3 cured meats with Van Ryn’s 5 Year Old Viceroy, 10 Year Old Vintage and 15 Year Old Potstill Brandies. Brandy & Dessert Tasting (by appointment only): Indulge in delicious brownies with Van Ryn’s Potstill Brandies. Brandy, Coffee & Chocolate Tasting: Pair Belgian chocolate and Brazilian coffee with our award-winning Potstill Brandies.
OPENING HOURS: Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 4:30pm Sat: 9am – 2pm Sun: 11am – 4pm (no cellar tours) CELLAR TOURS: Mon – Fri: 10am; 11:30am; 3pm Sat: 10am; 11:30am; 1pm
Van Ryn Road, Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch S 33 57’ 42.8” E 18 48’ 02.9” email: Tel: +27 21 881 3875
Hello Capeof Town Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age 18./ 39
APERITIVO STYLISH LIVING From the streets of Rome and Milan, Aperitivo is a longstanding Italian ritual, which brings together friends at the end of a long day to taste delicious appetisers and your favourite crisp and refreshing Italian beer, Peroni. Start your evening in style. Participating outlets in the Cape: San Marco Wafu Sand Bar La Bottega Grand Ghillies Dry Dock Sirocco
V&A Waterfront Greenpoint Camps Bay Woodstock Granger Bay Plettenberg Bay Knysna Knysna
Enjoy Responsibly. Not For Sale To Persons Under The Age Of 18.
in and around cape town this month
Expedition missions are long gone. These days you have more than enough stylish ways to get in and around Cape Town. CITY SIGHTSEEING Hop –on, Hop- off for unique close-up experience of Cape Town and Peninsula! Two fascinating tours at your own pace, in ultra modern double-decker buses.
CAPE LUXURY CARS Takes pride in offering the best car hire service, putting the needs of customers first. 021 434 1750
dreams come true.
CLASSIA & ACTION VEHICLES It’s about an experience, a journey back to when cars were a celebration of fun, style, audacity and beauty 021 432 1800
CITY CYCLE TOURS Day trippers philosophy is to make a meaningful contribution to Cape Town tourism while ensuring minimal impact on the environments 021 511 4766 (after hours 082 807 9522)
LUXURY CRUISE The Nartilus departures daily from the Radisson
With of without a side boat it’s a boys –and girls-
42 / Hello Festive Season
Hotel on Grange bay and provides the best of its kind 083 301 9222
OLD TIME SAILING Built in 1965, the 66-ft maharani offers the ultimate in traditional sailing experience in and out of Cape Town historic harbour 083 769 4450
HIT THE ROAD JACK Take a drive in a classic Cobra. Experience the Cape in an open top sports car and get a dose of adrenalin and happiness for free 083 321 9193
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY Take an helicopter ride above Cape Town and the peninsula and have a unique sight of this great city 021 425 3868
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in and around cape town this month
HORSE RIDING: Imhoff Equestrian Centre is situated on Imhoff Farm on the M65 close to the picturesque village on Kommetjie. We offer guided two hour beach rides on the beautiful Noordhoek Beach along the waters edge towards Chapmans Peak and back. We offer three rides daily between 9.00 am and 8.00 pm depending on the season. Tel: 082 7741191
DIVING: Cage: 75 Loop St, Cape Town Mon - Fri 08:30 - 20:00 Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 021 422 4198
INSHORE FISHING: Inshore fishing is a great way to catch fish and, as the name suggests, involves fishing close to the shore. This type of fishing is quite popular in Cape Town and with Cape Sea Safaris, you will enjoy a world class experience. Deep Sea Fishing can be enjoyed all year round in Cape Town with Yellowfin tuna usually arriving in large numbers between March and June and again from October to December. These fish can weigh between 50 and 120kg and are found in the deep waters so tuna fishing usually takes a full day. Other species include Longfin tuna, Yellow Tail, Cape Salmon, Swordfish, the odd Marlin and the occasional dorado. To Book Call Cape Sea Safari’s 086 126 6524
achievement not to be missed. The world famous Table Mountain soars above Cape Town at 1000 metres above sea level. 1 Vredenburg Lane, off Long Street in the Cape Town City Centre.We are in the Abseil Africa Shop which is above Long Street Liquors Office hours from 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday: After hours, weekends and public holidays: Telephone: +27 (0)21 4220868
STELLENBOSCH WINE LANDS HORSE RIDING Let our guides take you on a horse trail ride from this Stellenbosch Wine Lands livery yard over the wooden bridge, out on to Spier Estate on horseback, through the beautiful vineyards, around the dams, along the shaded river bank trail and back through the Eerste River and to the horse stable yard. 021 881 3683 R310 / Lynedoch Road Stellenbosch
ROCK CLIMBING CityRock is Cape Town’s centre for all things related to the sport of Rock Climbing. Their facility features A large top rope and lead climbing area with Introductory lessons taught numerous times every week. They also offer a large bouldering cave. 021 447 1326 Located in Observatory on the corner of Collingwood & Anson, just 5 minutes from UCT.
WAVE SURFING You can watch this unique surfing event from land on Sentinel Ridge or take a 15-minute boat ride from Hout Bay harbour and experience the awesome power of the ocean firsthand, there are a number of charter companies that operate boat trips all day to Dungeons on the day of the event.
Killarney is a classic motor race track in Cape Town - ideal for novices but also a stern challenge for those willing to pin back their ears. Address Killarney is situated just past the Caltex Refineries on Koeberg Road and behind Tableview. Contact Details 021 557 1639
KAYAKING NOORDHOEK: Huge boulders, rounded by wind and water, frame a little sandy bay called “The Hook”. This is a place for surfers. The waves arrive in short sequence and are often several metres high.
HIKING The CapeNature Hiking Trails range from easy strolls to challenging climbs with panoramic views of mountain ranges and seacoasts.Read more in our detailed guide to hiker safety on our reserves. CapeNature House Belmont Office Park Belmont Road Rondebosch (021) 659 3400
ABSEILING Abseiling off Table Mountain(world’s highest commercial abseil) is an experience of adrenaline and
44 / Hello Festive Season
One of the most unique places in the world - a penguin colony in suburban Cape Town! And the best way to see it is from the water. We leave from Simon’s Town Waterfront and paddle past the civilian and Naval Harbour and out to Boulder’s Beach. After visiting the penguins we stop on a lovely semi-private beach for refreshments, swimming and snorkelling (we provide the snorkels and bottled drinking water.) Our double kayaks are very stable and perfect for those with no paddling experience. By far our most popular trip. During the whale season from August to October there is a good chance of seeing whales as well. Read an article about seeing whales when paddling here. Occasionally we get really lucky and this is the result. Phone: 082 501 8930 Fax: 021 786 4208 Post: PO Box 223, Simon’s Town, 7995
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REDUCING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT... in and around cape town this month
Avoid sharp braking and accelerating to save petrol. • Car pool the kids - why have four parents stuck in traffic. Do lifts for other parents and vice versa.
.... by travelling smart Nearly 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions result from transport. It would be unrealistic to expect people not to travel, but there are real ways that you can travel more efficiently! With petrol and air travel costs skyrocketing (pardon the pun), now is a good time to change the way you travel, saving the planet and your pocket at the same time! DRIVING • Drive less. • Choose a fuel efficient car. • Check your tire pressure - incorrect tire pressure results in higher petrol/diesel usage. • Drive smoothly - your car burns the most fuel when you are accelerating.
FLYING Greenhouse gases which are released at high altitudes have an even greater impact on climate change. • Avoid unnecessary flying - urge your business to invest in tele- and videoconferencing facilities. • Fly direct - most of the fuel used when flying is used during the take off. Fly direct to avoid extra "take-offs".
.... at home KEEPING IT CLOSED Avoid opening the fridge, the freezer or the oven unnecessarily. For each minute a fridge door is open, it takes three energy guzzling minutes for it to cool down again. It can take a freezer as long as thirty minutes to regain its temperature if the door is open for just one minute. Every time you open the oven while cooking, you lose heat, making the meal take longer and use more energy. A BRIGHTER IDEA If one million people replaced one incandescent bulb with a Compact Fluorescent light bulb (CFL), more than 200 000 tonnes of CO2 emissions would be eliminated in a year. CFL light bulbs last ten times longer than traditional bulbs
and use a fraction of the energy. DON’T OVERCHARGE Turn off appliances at the wall. Cellular phone chargers, shavers and electric toothbrushes all continue to draw electricity even when they are fully charged. A television left in standby mode uses nearly a quarter of the electricity it uses when it is on. WARMING THE OL’ GEYSER Geysers can consume as much as 40% of a household’s energy. Set the thermostat to no more than 60 degrees and fit a geyser blanket (available at hardware stores) to reduce lost heat. DON’T POLLUTE THE ENVIRONMENT OR YOURSELF Clean your home and yourself with products that are good to the environment and to you. Enchantrix stocks a range of organic, biodegradable cleaning products and toiletries and a portion of their profits is donated to WWF. Buy online with a clear conscience at CAR POOL THE KIDS Sharing lifts with other parents is a great way to reduce traffic, emissions and save on petrol. KNOWLEDGE IS KEY Make sure your child’s teacher knows about the WESSA/WWF Eco-Schools Programme and encourage the school to sign up by calling the Eco-Schools head office at 033 330 3931.
WWF South Africa was founded in 1968 by the late Dr. Anton Rupert and was then know as the Southern African Nature Foundation. Throughout the past 40 years, this national office of the leading global conservation organization, are still committed to conserve the natural heritage of South Africa for future generations. WWF South Africa currently has 7 main programmes; Climate Change, Trade and Investment, Environmental Education, Species, Marine, Freshwater and the Ecosystems Partnership.
52 / Hello Festive Season
The Southern African Sustainable Seafood Initiative Conumer’s Seafood Guide SASSI is collaborative initiative by WWF South Africa andothers that aims to improve the conserva tion status of overexploited seafood species through education and awareness. The list tells you about which seafood species are legal and more sustainable choices from South African fish population.
Each color has different meaning:
GREEN : The most sustainable choices from the healthiest and most well managed populations. These species can handle current fishing pressure. ORANGE : Exercise caution when choosing
RED : These species are illegal to buy or sell in South Africa. Some are specially protwcted and others are "no-sale" species, reserved for recreational fishing only (you need a valid recreational permit to catch them, and must adhere to specific regulations).
these as there are reasons for concern: - Rare from overfishing and cannot sustain current pressure. - The fishery that catches them may cause particularly severe environmental damage and/or has high bycatch. - The life-style (biology) of the species makes it vulnerable to high fishing pressure.
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in and around cape town this month
The Two Oceans Aquarium on the V&A Waterfront,is ideally positioned to show case the incredible diversity of marine life .The Aquarium is one of the top tourist attractions in Cape Town with over 3000 leaving sea animals, including sharks, fishes, turtles and penguins can be seen in this spectacular under water nature reserve.
The science centre provides valuable handson learning experiences using world-class exhibits designed to enrich the school curriculum and equip learners (young and old) by increasing their skill and understanding of science, technology and maths. 021 418 3823
BUTTERFLY WORLD Butterfly World, one of the more unique attractions of the Western Cape Winelands,consists of a tropical garden in a 1000 m2 green house. This luxuriant paradise makes the free flying exotic butterflies feel right at home. 021 875 5628
KENILWORTH RACECOURSE This is Indoor Kart Racing - South Africa’s most accessible, inexpensive, mega-excitement sport. The adrenaline rush of racing a high-tech kart at high speed around a twisty racetrack as you jostle for position against other drivers can only be duplicated in sports such as bungi jumping and sky diving. 021 529 8100
There are more than 3000 birds and small animals in this landscaped wildlife sanctuary. Under - threes get in free. 021 790 2730
IZIKO TREASURE HUNTS Iziko Museums organizers treausre hunts through the Company Gardens on the 1st and last Tuesday of every month. Kids get to hunt down clues across three museums sites. The event starts at 6 pm and booking is essential. 021 481 3823 021 683 2670 / 6174
The Scratch patch is a must - visit for tots who like to explore and discover with their hands. Buy various - sized containers and let your children dig around for gemstones that are theirs to take home.
The Planetarium, which is housed in the South African Museum building in Cape Town, is a celestial theatre in the round, utilizing the complex Minolta star machine and multiple projectors to transport the audience through the wonders of the universe. The ultimate in armchair travel. 021 424 3330
Bugz Playpark Is a colourful extravaganza of sandpits, pedal cars, jumping castles, rowing boats, jungle gyms and a choo choo train, and will tire out little ones in no time.
54 / Hello Festive Season Waterfront 021 419 9429 Simons Town 021 786 2020
WARRIOR TOY MUSEUM The huge collection of dinky toys, lead soldiers and model cars, trucks, aeroplanes, trains, boats and as well as functioning train set will have kids in there element. Little princesses will love the display of dolls, including old - fashioned barbie dolls. 021 786 1395
in and around cape town this month
Sea Point Putt Putt (Mini golf ) Putt Putt provides great entertainment for both young and old. Spectacular views of the mountain and ocean are a bonus! Choose between 2 different courses (or do both) – each course consists of 18 holes of varying difficulty. 1 round of 18 holes takes about 30 - 45 minutes. www. sea-point-putt-putt-mini-golf (021) 434 6805
Ratanga Junction
The Little Cooks Club Little Cooks Club is an educational programme for mothers and toddlers introducing children to cooking as well as healthy nutrition.This is a hands-on approach of introducing them to new foods with a view to appreciation of good food and a healthy diet. Southern Suburbs 082 877 3361 Blaauwberg / Table View 083 659 5446
Ostrich Farm
Ratanga Junction is packed with more than 30 exhilarating rides and attractions. Pumping thrill rides, more gentle family and kiddie rides as well as an exciting live entertainment programme all add to the entertainment equation ensuring something for everyone.
You are most welcome to join us on a guided tour of the farm. Our well trained team will be more then happy to show you around and give you detailed information about the life cycle of an ostrich from egg to the adult bird. 021 550 8504 021 7809294
Snowman building every Wednesday during school holidays
Kids Parties: Dawn 083 303 4907 • School Outings & Team Building: Helga Pinto 082 292 4030 Tel: 021 535 2260 • Fax: 021 535 2263 The Ice Station at GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World boasts an Olympic ice arena. Visit for more info
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$ € £ AU$ The ultimate travel accessory Available in: United States Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Australian Dollar, UAE Dirham, Mauritian Rupee, Botswana Pula 56 / Hello Cape Town
$ â‚Ź ÂŁ AU$ For more information on the World Currency Card suite, visit any of our 90 branches nationwide, call 0860 11 11 77 or log onto Fluent in foreign exchange.
Hello Cape Town / 57 Bidvest Bank Limited (Reg No 2000/006478/06) is a licensed financial services provider and registered credit provider, NCRCP17.
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ET Ih AD AI rWAy S Etihad Airways Offers Luxury Service and Travel this Festive Season
elebrate Christmas this year by visiting Euro-Disney in Paris, enjoying the festive markets in Switzerland or attending a pantomime in London. With its many award winning services, Etihad Airways is the ideal airline to fly you to your European destination of choice. Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates offers fantastic connections on the South African route into its European network including Geneva, Paris, London, Milan, and Frankfurt. This year, the airline marks its 5th anniversary in South Africa, and to celebrate, it is offering traveller’s special price promotions currently on offer and over the Christmas period on economy and business class tickets. These business class specials offer travellers greater choice and personalised attention through the Inspired Service offering which is available on all business class flights across Etihad’s network. With Inspired Service, passengers can look forward to an in-flight dining programme hosted by their very own food and beverage manager, individual table service features including speciallydesigned china, table linen, silver plated cutlery and quality glassware. The food and beverage managers, recruited from
some of the world’s finest dining establishments, are on board to assist guests by guiding them through their meal choices, offering expert advice and even suggesting a fine wine to complement their meal. In 2009, Etihad Airways won the Skytrax World Airline Award for best business class following a global poll by 16 million air travellers. Passengers are treated to a flat bed, offering six feet of comfort and a built-in massager, while enjoying over 600 hours of entertainment from movies to video games. All business class passengers have access to the premium lounges at various international airports, giving them an opportunity to relax in style and enjoy a range of services and facilities such as treatment rooms where therapists from Six Senses Spa will offer facials, foot and leg massages. Another benefit is five-star dining facilities offering a selection of foods from around the world. Etihad Airways operates daily flights from Johannesburg and Cape Town to 65 destinations worldwide via its hub in Abu Dhabi. On the South Africa route, Etihad operates only modern Airbus equipment. For more information about Etihad Airways visit
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68 / Hello Cape Town
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WORLD CURRENCY CARD Travellers should check with their banks to ensure they have funds in the most appropriate form for the countries to which they are travelling. Two key issues to consider are the amount being taken and the risk associated with ending up overseas with no money. Every traveller should have at least some cash in the appropriate currencies to cover incidental expenses, such as taxi fares on arrival, at their destinations. Ensuring you have the right currency is particularly important as travellers do not want to pay twice to change currencies and some exchange facilities overseas charge well above South African charges to change currencies. There are big margins and commissions being made by some overseas service providers People should not use their personal or business credit cards for overseas travel. Using a credit card to draw cash overseas is very expensive, particularly in a volatile exchange rate and high interest rate environment. The most effective mechanism for taking the bulk of one's offshore travel funds is the pre-paid travel card such as the Bidvest Bank World Currency Card. Bidvest Bank’s Word Currency Cards are a suite of pre-paid travel cards that give you access to your funds in the local currency of your travel destination, where ever you are in the world. The risk of carrying cash is eliminated and you can use your World Currency Card at international ATMs and merchants where the Visa sign is displayed. Because it’s prepaid, you cannot overspend - it is pre-loaded with your travel spending money so you determine your spending limit. And if your card is lost, unlike cash, it can be cancelled and replaced. • Pre-loaded currency • Fixed exchange rate • Immediate card activation • Re-loadable at any time • PIN and signature protected • Withdraw cash at over 1 million ATMs worldwide • Accepted at all stores, hotels and restaurants where the Visa sign is displayed • Text and email notifications on all transactions • Online access to balances and transactional history • No transaction fees charged on card purchases at stores and restaurants • FREE secondary card • Emergency cash replacement support • 24 hour support for lost / stolen cards For more information on Bidvest Bank’s World Currency Card suite visit any of our 90 branches nationwide, call 0860 11 11 77 or log onto www.
70 / Hello Festive Season