Hello Cape Town Magazine November 2010

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Th e To Of ur fic ist ia FR Gu l Ho EE ide tel s


safety & info • entertainment • maps • sites to see • dining out • adventure

see page 5

Table Mountain info.

see page 31 - 33

Hottest acts at this year

E st . 1980

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28 / Hello Cape Town

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Hello Cape Town / 29

CONTENTS Calendar 6-7 Safe City 10 - 11 Night Life 12 Places of interest 14 - 15 Restaurant of the month 17 Dining 18 - 19 & 22 - 23 Kidz Zone 24 -25 Info page 26 Design Route 28 - 29 Museums 35 Sea point CID 36 - 37 WWF - SASSI 39 Tourism News 41 What to see 42 - 43 Vacation Sport 45 On stage 47 Nightlife 48

Maps South Africa Cape Town Cape Peninsula Cape Winelands Gauteng Kwazulu Natal

20 - 21 24 - 25 40 44 49 52

Publisher Ari Spinner 082 696 0756 ari@hellocapetown.org

Featuring Editor Tovi Don (021) 426 5112 tovi@eat8.co.za

Graphic Designer Manager Taryn Meyer Shirlene Visagie (021) 426 5111 (021) 426 5112 admin@hellocapetown.org editor@hellocapetown.org tel/fax: (021) 426 5117

Hello Magazine, in their 4 editions are available, fresh and updated every month complimentary for guests, toursists and travellers in hotels, selected B&B’s, airports and in Premier Lounges at major airports, Hello Magazine can also be obtained at Joburg’s, Cape Town’s and Durban’s central tourist bureaus. Hello Cape Town is also accessible on the web through www.issuu.com and for android mobile phones through m.issuu.com

4 / Hello Cape Town

P.O. Box 888, Rhine Rd, 8050. Published and copywritten by Hello Cape Town All rights reserved. While every care has been taken in compiling the information in this publication, Hello Cape Town can not be held responsible for any omissions or errors. CK2002/007961/23

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Categories: Concerts & Shows / Entertainment Times Concerts starts at 17h30 and ends at 18h30 Gates open at 15h30

When: Saturday, 06 November 2010 Where: Green Point, Cape Town Categories: Outdoor Events / Sporting Events Venue: Moullie Point Light House, Green Point, Cape Town Entry Fee: R30 for adults, R20 for children and R80 for 2 adults + 2 children under 12 years. There are discounted rates for DSA members. Start Time: 08h30 Distances: 5km or 10km run / walk Contact: Diabetes South Africa on 021 425 4440 DISCOVERY CAPE TIMES BIG WALK

When: Sunday, 14 November 2010 Where: Cape Town Categories: Sporting Events

Westridge High School, Silversands Road, Westridge, Mitchell's Plain TOY RUN

Contacts Concert info: 021 799 8783 / 8620 / 8773 Ticket sales: 021 761 2866 /799 8782 FESTIVAL OF WHITE LIGHTS

When: Sunday, 28 November 2010 Where: Wynberg, Cape Town Categories: Annual Festivals / Charity Events Cost: No charge but please bring toys to donate Venue: The event ends at Maynardville, Wynberg

When: Friday, 26 November 2010 Where: Stellenbosch Categories: Annual Festivals / Entertainment / Outdoor Events Venue: Spier Wine Estate Time: 20h00 – 22h00 Bookings: Computicket Cost R100 for adults (includes glass of Spier wine), R60 for children, under the age of 12 CANSA RELAY FOR LIFE

6th Annual World Aids Day Gala Concert When: Wednesday, 01 December 2010 Where: Foreshore, Cape Town Categories: Annual Festivals / Concerts & Shows / Sporting Events Venue: Artscape Theatre Time: 19h30 Dress Code: Formal with a touch of red Tickets: Computicket CRAYFISH & SEAFOOD FESTIVAL

Phone: 021 685 3333 08h30-16h00. KIRSTENBOSCH SUMMER SUNSET CONCERTS

When: Saturday, 27 November 2010 to Sunday, 28 November 2010 Where: Mitchells Plain, Cape Flats Categories: Annual Festivals / Sporting Events When: Sunday, 21 November 2010 to Sunday, 03 April 2011 Where: Newlands /Claremont /Constantia

6 / Hello Cape Town

Telephone: 021 689 5347 Venue: Mr Price Parkhurst Football Academy at

When: Friday, 03 December 2010 to Saturday, 04 December 2010 Where: Paternoster Categories: Annual Festivals / Entertainment / Food & Wine Venue: Paternoster Sport Grounds Tickets: Tickets available on the day or pre-sold

CALENDAR Contact: Jenni on 083 692-2201 OBZ FESTIVAL

When: Dates to be confirmed (Sunday, 05 December 2010 to Tuesday, 07 December 2010) Where: Observatory, Cape Town Categories: Annual Festivals / Concerts & Shows / Entertainment Please Note: Dates for this event to be confirmed. COMMUNITY CHEST TWILIGHT TEAM RUN 2010

Way, Green Point R50



Date : 3 - 5 November 2010 Time : 18h00 - 22h00 Tickets to the Tasting Hall cost R180, with a range of other ticketing options available through Webtickets from midSeptember, including new multi-day passes, and group bookings. CTICC Cape Town International Convention Centre 1 Lower Long Street, Cape Town Western Cape, South Africa Email: contact@whiskylivefestival.co.za Website: www.whiskylivefestival.co.za

Date : 19 - 21 November 2010 Time : 10h00 - 18h00 Price : R 30.00 - R 50.00 Adults R50 pp; Children U/12 & Pensioners R30; Children U/2 years free Good Hope Centre, Sir Lowry Road Zonnebloem, Cape Town Tel: +27 31 7654286 Email: leigh@tradeprojects.co.za Website: www.dogscats.co.za THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS

FRANSCHHOEK LIONS OPEN GARDENS When: Dates to be confirmed (Wednesday, 08 December 2010) Where: Cape Town Central Categories: Sporting Events Contact: Community Chest on 021 424 3344 Please Note: Dates for this event in 2010 to be confirmed. THE CAPE TOWN FESTIVAL OF BEER

Thursday 25 - 27 November 2010 17:00 Hamilton’s Rugby Club, Stephan

21 Nov at GrandWest’s Grand Arena, R215 from Computicket: 083 915 8000 Date : 6 - 19 November 2010 Time : 09h00 - 17h00 Price : R 100.00


Franschhoek Centre, Huguenot Groot Drakenstein, Franschhoek Website: www.webtickets.co.za Organiser Information Franschhoek Wine Valley Tourist Association

Date : 6 November 2010 at 9am - 2pm

Tel: +27 21 8763603 Email: info@franschhoek.org.za Website: www.franschhoek.org.za

Tel: +27 021 8868514 Email: admin@slowmarket.co.za Website: http://www.slowmarket.co.za

Hello Cape Town / 7


APERITIVO STYLISH LIVING From the streets of Rome and Milan, Aperitivo is a longstanding Italian ritual, which brings together friends at the end of a long day to taste delicious appetisers and your favourite crisp and refreshing Italian beer, Peroni. Start your evening in style. Participating outlets in the Cape: San Marco Wafu Sand Bar La Bottega Grand Ghillies Dry Dock Sirocco

V&A Waterfront Greenpoint Camps Bay Woodstock Granger Bay Plettenberg Bay Knysna Knysna


Enjoy Responsibly. Not For Sale To Persons Under The Age Of 18.

A SAFE Safety and Security

• Keep certified photocopies of all valuable documents in a safe place. • To report an incident, call these numbers: All emergencies from your cell – 112 All emergencies from a landline – 107 South African Police Services (SAPS) – 10111

Identifying safety and security officials

Cape Town has 3.5 million residents spread across a 2 400 km² (930 mil²) area. Ensuring safety and security for residents and visitors is a top priority for the City, which shares this task with the provincial and national governments.

All City of Cape Town police and law enforcements officials, and South African Police Service (SAPS) officers, carry an identification card showing the officer’s name, rank, service or staff number and a photograph.

The City of Cape Town has a sophicated disaster management system, and there is excellent coordination between the various laws enforcement and ire and rescue services.

If in uniform, officers wear service and rank insignia and a name badge. You have the right to ask officers, uniformed or not, to identify themselves with their cards. Safety and security officials can be identified by the insignia below: South African Police Services (SAPS), and City of Cape Town Traffic Services, Metropolitan Police, Law Enforcement, Fire and Rescue, and Disaster Risk Management.

About Beggars and Street Children As you would in any other city, do observe some general safety tips: • Avoid carrying large sums of cash. Try not to have expensive jewellery and cameras in plain sight, and don’t leave belongings unattended. • Heed the advice of your hosts, Cape Town Tourism visitor centre staff or locals on places to avoid after dark. Don’t walk alone and take care at isolated lookout points or after dark. • Do not allow strangers to assist you in any way at cash machines. • At night, park in a secure, well-lit area.

10 / Hello Cape Town

The City’s community-partnered Street People Project (along with many other organizations) and ‘Give Responsibly’ campaign encourage people to buy support vouchers, which, rather than perpetuating a culture of dependency, provides structured assistance. * If you would like to donate, contact Cape Town Tourism on 021 487 6800 or the Central City Improvement District on 021 419 1881.

The CCID: Security in the central city.

Cape Town is policed by the City’s Metro Police and Traffic Services, the South African Police Service (SAPS), and Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services. In addition, various city improvements districts employ security officers, and there is a wide range security patrols and guards. Much of the city, including the centre and the stadium precinct, is covered by a 280 – camera CCTV (closed – circuit television) network.

General safety tips

workers advise against giving money to children, as it is often handed to an older person, or used to buy drugs. Rather give food, or donate money to a registered charity.

The central City Improvement District (CCID) is a non-profit urban management regeneration organization that provides complementary services over and above those delivered by the City of Cape Town. The central city is divided into four precincts, each with a dedicated precinct manager. On the safety front, the CCID employs a security manager, a deputy security manager and 200 public safety officers to ensure that visitors and locals feel safe and secure in the central city at all times. Should you encounter a problem in the central city at any time, please feel free to approach any of the CCID officers, or make direct contact with the CCID security team via one of the following: • CCID 24-hour number: 082 415 7127 • CCID security manager: 082 453 2942 • CCID deputy security manager: 082 415 7127 Alternatively, visit www.capetowncid.co.za The CCID employs 63 street cleaners as well, and its social development team works with a range of shelters and non-governmental organizations to provide the destitute and homeless with alternatives to life on the streets.

Street children and beggars may approach you for a handout. The City of Cape Town and many social

How to blacklist a stolen mobile phone Inform your network provider of your loss. If you

CITY have international roaming, you will be on one of these three networks: • Cell C: 140 from Cell C numbers, or 084 140 from other cell phone networks. • MTN: 173 (prepaid) or 888 (contract) from MTN numbers or 083 173 from a landline or other cell phone. • Vodacom: 111 from a Vodacom number, or 082 111 from a landline or other cell phone networks. You will receive a reference number to prove that your cell phone has been blacklisted. Report the loss at the nearest police station and provide the reference number.

Staying safe outdoors

TABLE MOUNTAIN GOES HALF PRICE AT SUNSET Sip sundowners on top of the Cape’s most majestic natural wonder, Table Mountain, for half price this summer. Table Mountain Cableway’s Sunset Special starts on Monday November 1 this year and runs until the end of February 2011. Visitors pay R90 per person return every day after 6pm. Now, there is no excuse not to spend more time on the mountain. Visit Table Mountain Café to select your sun downers and snacks, then find a secluded spot on top of the Cape’s most popular and majestic natural

only. Sunset Special tickets can be purchased from the Cableway’s Ticket Office from 6pm. The Cableway operates weather permitting. For information call (021) 424 8181 or visit www. tablemountain.net Cast your vote for Table Mountain Table Mountain is one of 28 natural sites from around the globe competing to be named one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. The New 7 Wonders of Nature contest aims to raise

Cape Town’s wealth of natural beauty is there to be enjoyed, but do take personal safety requirements into consideration. Safety on the mountain Table Mountain – and the Peninsula mountain chain – has many spectacular walks. In spite of the fact that it is surrounded by the city, it is a mountain wilderness area, and should be treated as such. The mountain is large, and the weather on top can be very different to the weather in the city. • Should you wish to explore Table Mountain National Park on foot, make sure you take a good map, plenty of water, comfortable walking shoes, a few friends and a charged cell phone (mobile). • Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. Be aware that not all mountain areas have mobile coverage. • Weather on the mountain can change very rapidly. Take sunblock and something warm (and preferably waterproof) to wear. • Head back well before dark, and keep to marked paths. If darkness or dense clouds falls, find sheltered place and stay there. Someone will find you. • Save the dedicated Table Mountain National Park emergency number on your mobile phone before you set out: 0861 106 417.

wonder. Wander along the mountain paths looking for dassies and eagles; or simply sit and marvel at the 360-degree view of the sun setting on the Atlantic Ocean.

awareness of the incredible variety and beauty of nature around us. The official New 7 Wonders of Nature will be determined by votes from the public and the final 7 announced in November 2011.

Celebrate the start of summer with canapés and cocktails at the new Summit Lounge located at the Top Station. Decorated by Amarula, it’s the Cape’s trendiest spot to mingle with your friends on top of the world.

Table Mountain forms part of the Cape Floristic Region, which was declared a World Heritage Site in June 2004. The Cape Floristic Region is the smallest and richest of the six floral kingdoms on earth, boasting an amazing 8200 rare and endangered plant species, some of which occur nowhere else on earth.

Stop in at the Shop at the Top where you can take home some South African souvenirs, gifts and clothing. Adults pay R90 per person return while children under 18 years pay R45 per person return after 6pm

Cast your vote for Table Mountain at www.votefortablemountain.com

Hello Cape Town / 11

NIGHT LIFE CLUBS & BARS THE BANG BANG CLUB Slick & stylish A: 70 Loop Street, CBD T: 021 426 2011 Open: Wed. - Sun.

www.thebangbangclub.co.za DELUXE Full range of Sound Taste A: Corner of Long & Longmarket Street T: 021 422 4832 Open: Fri.& Sat. 10pm to 4am... Thurs. Salsa nights 7pm to 12am

www.topclubs.co.za/ Nightclubs/Deluxe.aspx FTV Home of Excellent music and Fusion shows A: 114 Hout Street, Corner of Buitengracht De Waterkant Village, T: 021 426 6000

www.ftv.co.za VELVET Rock and Chic A: 160 Bree Street, CBD T: 021 426 0738 / 0737472033

www.capetowntoday. co.za/Nightclubs.htm ST YVES BEACH CLUB A: 2nd level Promenade Building, Camps Bay T: 021 438 0826 / 0935 CHEVELLE House Club A: 84 Harrington Str,CBD T: 082 829 6563 Open:Thurs. - Sat. www.chevelle.co.za CHROME Hip Hop Club A: 6 Pepper Street, CBD T: 083 700 6078/9 Open: Wed. -Sun. www.chromect.com HEMISPHERE A: 31st Floor, ABSA Centre, 2 Riebeek Street,CBD T: 021 421 0581 /4863 Open: Thurs. - Sat. from 10pm www.hemisphere.org.za ASSEMBLY Live Music A: 61 Harrington Street, District six, T: 021 462 7286 www.theassembly.co.za KINK Bar & Boutique A: 3 Park Rd, Gardens T: 021 424 0757 Open: 12pm to 4pm Mon. to Fri. Dinner 6pm Midnight Tues. to Sat. www.capetownmagazine. com/sa/events/view/2343/ KINK-Kitchen

12 / Hello Cape Town

KARMA Beach lounge bar A: Penthouse suite, Promenade, Camps Bay T: 021 438 7773 Open: Wed. - Sun. www.karmalounge.co.za CAPPELLO - CBD A cosmopolitan bar / lounge which combines fine food and vibey energy hosting international. Dj’s every Saturday night A: 9 Riebeek Str T: 021 425 5637 CAPPELLO EDEN ON THE BAY Restaurant & Cocktail bar A: Marine Drive, Blouberg T: 021 554 9696 Open: Monday - Sunday www.cappello.co.za FIREMAN’S ARMS English Pub since 1864 A: 25-27 Mechu Rd. Corner of Buitengracht Str T: 021 419 1513 Open: Mon. - Sat. 11am - 2am www.timeout.com/cape-town/ bars-pubs/venue/.../firemansarms CLUB BAMBU Bar, Lounge, Live entertainment A: 21b Somerset Rd, Green point T: 082 553 6810 www.topclubs.co.za/Nightclubs/ Bambu.aspx BEAULAH BAR Upmarket gay venue A: 30 Somerset Rd, Greenpoint T: 021 421 6798 Open: Tues. - Thurs. 5pm to 2am, Fri. & Sat. 5pm t o 4am www.beaulahbar.co.za CUBANA Latino Social Cafe A: Somerset Rd, Greenpoint T: 021 421 1109 www.topclubs.co.za/Nightclubs/ Cubana.aspx ALBA Lounge bar& restaurant A: Alfred Mall & Pierhead, Waterfront T: 021 425 3385 Open: 5pm to 2am www.albahouse.co.za JADE Groove lounge bar A: 39 Main Rd, Greenpoint T: 021 439 4108 Open: Tues. - Sat. 8pm to 2am www.topclubs.co.za/Nightclubs/ Jade.aspx CATU Irish Bar A: 38 Hout Street,CBD T: 021 424 7453 Open: Mon. - Sat.10am - 2 am

Buena Vista is a world class destination for cuban atmosphere. Situated at the the Western Cape Buena Vista bar is all about Food, Wine, Cigars and Vibe. Good Ambience, food and entertainment. The extensive wine list features some of the better and well known Estates in South Africa and we regularly visit Estates to select the best vintages available.All cigars are imported from Cuba, and all non-smoking areas are well ventilated and completely unaffected by the smoking.Buena Vista is a world class destination for cuban atmosphere. Situated at the the Western Cape Buena Vista bar is all about Food, Wine, Cigars and Vibe. Good Ambience, food and entertainment.The extensive wine list features some of the better and well known Estates in South Africa and we regularly visit Estates to select the best vintages available.All cigars are imported from Cuba, and all non-smoking areas are well ventilated and completely unaffected by the smoking

Waterfront - Alfred House Porchwood roadWaterfront ( Behind BP Headoffice )

• buenavista@sadomain.co.za

www.buenavista.co.za Tel: +27 (21) 421 0348

Fax: +27 (21) 421 0305

PLACES O In this coming Festive Season The City of Cape Town invites you to explore and experience some of her well known and recognizable sites that has been refreshed and updated and uplifted in recent time as well as some new and old icons that are worth to be re-familiarising in person.

for future generations. Directions: From the raised Green point traffic circle, take the entrance closest to McDonalds, and entrance on Granger bay Boulevard at entrance C onto the podium.

COMPANY’S GARDEN VISITOR CENTRE The garden was established in 1652, making it one of the oldest gardens in the country. The display in the Visitor’s centre gives a comprehensive overview of the early history of the garden, which is unique in that it is the only example of how two different landscape styles – the Dutch ‘produce garden’ grid pattern and the ‘Victorian Romantic’ grid pattern and the overlaid to produce the garden as it exists today. Tel: 021 400 26 21 Visiting times: 7am -7pm


THE OLD TOWN HOUSE The Old Town House, originally built in 1755 in Dutch-Rococo style, is situated in Cape Town’s hub on the west side of Green Market Square. Formerly Cape Town’s City Hall, the Old Town House now displays a collection of pictures presented to the country by Sir Max Michaelis in 1914, consisting mainly of works by 17th century Dutch and Flemish masters, including Frans Hals, Jan Steen, Jacob van Ruysdael and Jan van Goyen.

CAPE TOWN STADIUM VISITOR CENTRE AND GREENPOINT PARK Since its completion, the new Cape Town Staduim has become an icon landmark in the city, and has elected a lot of attention and interest. The visitors centre is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Our long tours commence at 10:00, 12:00 and 13:00. Prices are R30 for adults and R15 for pensioners and children. Contact : 021 430 7300 North of the stadium you are welcome to stroll and relax at the recently opened Green Point Park which is part of the City’s Green Goal 2010 projects. This park is unique not only because of it’s location and beauty but also because it contains a Biodiversity Showcase Garden.The vision for this educational garden is to create a place of beauty and wonder which appeals to the senses and imagination. The vision is that people leave the garden with a love for our natural heritage, an understanding of biodiversity and why we need it, and the desire to care for it

14 / Hello Cape Town

The Houses Of Parliament are an architectural wonder. Gallery tickets are available from Room 12. Overseas visitors must present their passports. The parliament building, which also houses the Library of Parliament, is beautiful, with its central dome and Corinthian porticos and pavilions. You can also sit in the public gallery during a parliamentary session. The original designer, Charles Freeman, miscalculated the foundations and was replaced by Henry Greaves, who oversaw the building until completion in 1885. The new House of Assembly was designed by Sir Herbert Baker. A pedestrian walkway, Government Avenue, runs through the Company Gardens and provides easy access to Parliament and other nearby attractions are Greenmarket Square, the Castle of Good Hope and the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. Between July and January, guided tours take place from Monday to Friday: 11:00 and 14:00 Visiting Address:90 Plein Street Cape Town Tel: 021 403 2266 Houses of Parliament - Cape Town on the web: http://www.parliament.gov.za/

THE OLD CITY HALL Built in 1905, the old City Hall in Darling Street is a mixture of Italian Renaissance and British colonial architecture. It is located on the Grand Parade to the west of the Castle of Good Hope and is built from honey-colored limestone imported from Bath in England. The 60m/200ft high bell-tower, with a carillon installed in 1923, was modeled on London’s Big Ben. The City Hall was the last major Victorian building to be erected in Cape Town. The City Hall’s carillon was installed as a WW1 war memorial, with 22 additional bells being added in 1925 with the visit of the Prince of Wales. Magnificent and imposing, the City Hall commemorates Kind Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, with its mosaic floors, marble staircase, stained glass windows and specially designed organ with 3165 pipes.

DISTRICT 6 MUSEUM District Six was named the Sixth Municipal District of Cape Town in 1867. Original established as mixed community of freed slaves, merchants, artisan, laboures and immigrants, District Six was vibrant centre with close links to the city and the port. By the beginning of the twentieth century, however, the history of removals and marginalization had begun. www.districtsix.co.za 021 466 7200 Visiting hours: Mon: 09:00 – 14:00

F INTEREST Tues – Sat. 09:00 – 16:00

Groote Schuur Hospital Main Road, Observatory Cape Town, South Africa

CAPE TOWN’S MUSEUM MILE THE DRILL HALL AND CENTRAL LIBRARY The foundations of the City Hall were laid on 29th August 1900, and the building finally opened on 25th July 1905, by the Mayor Alderman Hyman Lieberman. It is built in an Italian Renaissance Style with a classical facade in a handsome campanile towering to a height of some 200ft. The exterior stonework is of sandstone and granite. The facade facing on Darling Street has a central feature surmounted by a pediment rising 82 feet above pavement level, the wings on either side are about 60ft in imposing clock tower houses the four-sided City Hall clock built to scale and half the size of London’s Big Ben. The building is divided longitudinally, with one half of the building housing the Grand Hall and reception rooms while the portion originally housing Municipal offices and which fronts onto Darling Street is the home of the Central Library of Cape Town.A stone set into the base of the building in front of the main balcony has this inscription: “upon release from prison on 11 February 1990 and on his election as President of South Africa on 9 May 1994 Nelson Mandela addressed the nation here”. For more information go to: www.focal.org.za.

Cape Town is home to a large number of museums. Together, they offer a rich and varied picture of life in Cape Town and in South Africa in days gone by.

farmhouse dating back to the time of the Dutch East India Company, and is now an imposing mansion looking out on rolling lawns. It is an estate in the Gardens area of Cape Town, South Africa. It is the official residence of the Premier of the Western Cape. Leeuwenhof was originally a farmhouse dating to the time of the Dutch East India Company’s rule of Cape Town. It includes a Slave Quarters which has been renovated and used to house an exhibition about slavery in Cape Town. There is a legend that it is haunted by centuries-old ghosts, and Zille’s predecessor, former premier Lynne Brown, claimed to have experienced a “presence” from time to time.

In fact, the city is said to have its very own Museum Mile - so visitors have the advantage of only having to stroll a short distance between Cape Town’s most popular museums and galleries. For more information go to: www.iziko.org.za.


OLD CASTLE BREWERY While Castle began making in roads into what had been almost entirely “lion country” work was began on the erection of the Castle Brewery in Woodstock. This brewery was to be sited alongside the new railway line as an advertisement for Castle beer –a sort of early billboard. The Castle Brewery was completed in 1901, designed by New York architect H. Steinmann and was opened on the 1st April 1902, several setbacks to its completion, being caused by the second Boer War. www.oldcastlebrewery.co.za 021 448 4500

From its original design as a square designed to serve the Groote Kerk, Church Square has been reclaimed from its more recent function as a car park to become an attractive open space close to parliament. Coffee shops and cafes are scattered around the square making it a pleasant place to stop for lunch. The square was re-paved, trees introduced and a memorial to the square’s origins as a slave market was unveiled in 2008. Eleven granite blocks give passers-by an indication of the names of some of the slaves traded in the square. Opposite the square on Spin Street is the slave tree memorial, commemorating the spot where slaves were auctioned and where they were forced to wait while their masters attended the Groote Kerk on the square. The original fir tree was removed in 1916. A few years later a statue of the Afrikaner politician, Jan Hendrik Hofmeyer, was erected on the square in recognition of his efforts to have the Dutch language recognized along with English in the Constitution of 1910.

HEART OF CAPE TOWN MUSEUM Experience the first heart transplant , the museum is housed where the actual event took place. See where Chris Barnaard successfully transplanted the first heart. www.heartofcapetown.co.za 021 404 1967

LEEUWENHOF AND THE BO-TUIN Leeuwenhof, in the city bowl, was originally a

Hello Cape Town / 15

XVR DIST003436/E/1

THE WORLD’S BEST BRANDIES ARE MADE RIGHT HERE AT HOME Of all the riches our country is known for, there’s one unassuming golden treasure that continues to enjoy international acclaim. South African brandies, with their unique character and generous, velvety flavours of ripe fruit, chocolate, honey and warm spice, consistently bring home Gold awards from the top international spirit competitions.

Fine brandy is made following a time-honoured tradition of craftsmanship. Perfectly ripe grapes are converted to a low wine, which is distilled and then matured for at least 3 years in French oak barrels to extract the rich aromas and flavours. Every batch of matured spirit is then tasted by our master blenders to ensure only the best quality is used to craft our award-winning brandies.

YOU CAN SAVOUR SOME OF THESE BRANDIES AT THE VAN RYN’S DISTILLERY IN STELLENBOSCH, HOME TO INTERNATIONAL AWARD-WINNERS VAN RYN’S AND VICEROY 5 YEAR OLD Visit us and taste our luxury brandies, including our Van Ryn’s 10 Year Old, Van Ryn’s 12 Year Old, Van Ryn’s 15 Year Old, Van Ryn’s 20 Year Old and Viceroy 5 Year Old. Their accolades include Worldwide Best Brandy Trophy at the 2008 International Wine & Spirit Competition, Best Brandy at the 2009 International Spirits Challenge and four Gold awards,

Sale 28 Not / Hellofor Cape Town to

including two Best in Class awards, at international competitions in 2010. Our Viceroy 5 Year Old also won Gold Best in Class at the 2009 International Wine & Spirit Competition and the Gold award three times at the International Spirits Challenge.

Persons Under the Age of 18.


Festive Season


DINING SEAFOOD BAIA A: V&A Waterfront, T: 021 421 0935

www.baiarestaurant.co.za BLOWFISH RESTAURANT A: 1 Marine Dr. Dolphin Beach, Tableview T: 021 556 5464

www.blowfishrestaurant.co.za BOUILLABAISSE A: 38 Huguenot St. Franschhoek T: 021 876 4430 A: The Rockwell, Schiebe Street, De Waterkant T: 021 418 0443

www.bouillabaisse.co.za CODFATHER A: 37 The Dr. Camps Bay T: 021 438 0782

www.dining-out.co.za DUNES A: 1 Beach Road, Hout Bay T: 021 790 1876

www.dunesrestaurant.co.za FISHMONGER A: Corner of Ryneveld & Plein St. Stellenbosch T: 021 887 7835


GREEK FISHERMAN A: Shop 157, V & A, Waterfront T: 021 418 5411 www.greekfisherman. co.za OCEAN BLUE A:Shop 3, The Promenade, Victoria Road, Camps Bay T: 021 438 9838 PARANGA A: Shop No.1, The Promenade Victoria Road Camps Bay T: 021 438 0404 www.paranga.co.za


A: Les Fleur Centre, 58 huguenot Road T: 021 876 4375



A: The Cape Royal, 47 Main Road T: 021 430 0506 & UNION A: 110 Bree St. T: 021 422 2770 CAFE MANHATTAN A: 74 Waterkant St. T: 021 421 6666

A: The District, Grand West Casino T: 021 534 9194

www.manhattan.co.za CARNE- SA

A: 70 Keerom St. T: 021 424 3460 www.carne-sa.com

A: The District, Grand West Casino T: 021 534 6748 BIESMIELLAH

A: Wale & Pentz St. A: Shop 154, Bo-Kaap V&A Waterfront T: 021 423 0850 www.biesmiellah.co.za T: 021 419 3009


A: Haritage Square,100 Shortmarket St. T: 021 424 6373 www.hqrestaurant. co.za

A: 41 Victoria Road, Camps Bay T: 021 438 1213

A: 27 Caledon St. T: 021 465 7547



A: Winery Road off R44 Zandberg Farm T: 021 842 2020 www.96wineryroad.co.za BLUES RESTAURANT

A: The Promenade, Victoria Road, Camps Bay T: 021 438 2040 DE VOLKSKOMBUIS


A: 101 Buitengracht St.Lodge Hotel Tel: 021 422 0880 www.butchersgrill.com

A: Constantia Uitsig Estate T: 021 794 2390



A: 108 Camps Bay Dr. T: 021 438 0151 www.hussargrill.com

A: Pass Road Franschhoek T: 021 876 3016 www.lapetiteferme.co.za


A: 39 Barnet St. Gardens T: 021 465 4909 www.aubergine.co.za

A: 13 Boundary Road T: 021 685 5140 www.caveau.co.za


A: 103 Main Road Green Point T: 021 434 6893


A: Asara Wine Estate Stellenbosch T: 021 888 8060 dining@asara.co.za BIZERCA BISTRO

A: Jetty St. T: 021 418 0001 www.bizerca.com

A: 39 Main Road Green Point T: 021 434 1090 www.mano.co.za MON PLAISIR

A: 60 Kloof St. Gardens Central T: 021 426 0801 www.cafesofia.co.za

A: Oude Stallen 19 Huguenot Road Franschhoek T: 021 876 3772 www.reubens.co.za THE ROUNDHOUSE

A: Kloof Road T: 021 438 4347 www.theroundhouserestaurant.com


A: 67 Dock Road Waterfront T: 021 418 4040 www.sea-palace.co.za SIMPLY ASIA

A:Victoria Wharf V & A Waterfront T: 021 425 5555 www.simplyasia.co.za


A: Boschendal Manor House, Pniel Road Groot Drakenstein T: 021 870 4282/3 www.boschendalwines.com A: 119 York St. T: 044 884 1050 THE RED BARN

A:The Fern Gully Farm Rheenendal Rd. T: 082 739 0962


A: 60 Kloof St. A: At Chamonix T: 021 424 4344 Wine Farm Uitkyk St. www.arnolds.co.za T: 021 876 2393 REUBEN’S






A: Cape Quarter De A: Lifestyle Centre Waterkant Green Point Westlake Dr.Tokai T: 021 425 2200 T: 021 702 2975 www.thenose.co.za BUKHARA ZORBA’S A: 33 Church St. A: 3 Lagoon Gate Dr. T: 021 424 0000 Milnerton www.bukhara.com T: 021 528 2093

18 / Hello Cape Town



A: Aan de Wagenweg Stellenbosch T: 021 887 2121 www.volkskombuis. co.za


SALERO A: Shop 7216 Upper Level, Victoria Wharf V&A Waterfront T: 021 421 1916 TASCA RESTAURANT




A: 1st Floor Kloof A: The Wellington Street Junction Darling St. A: Cnr Church & 115 Kloof Street, Beach Roads, Sea Point T: 021 461 2458 Gardens, www.easternfoodbazaar.co.za T: 021 434 2471 T: 021 422 1888/3888 TAIWAN CITY www.laperla.co.za PICCOLO MONDO A: Shop 421,Canal Walk www.royalkitchen.co.za A: 257 Main Road Century City Sea Point T: 021 439 9228 TAPAS

A: 95 Keerom St. T: 021 422 0765 www.95keerom.com

www.pigallerestaurants.co.za SOUTHPOLE A: Ocean Square Sunset Beach T: 021 551 5752 www.southpolerestaurant.co.za TANK RESTAURANT A: Cape Quarter 72 Waterkant St. De Waterkant T: 021 419 0007 www.the-tank.co.za




PIGALLE A: 57A Somerset Green Point T: 021 421 4848



A: Aquila Game Lodge T: 021 421 4998 www.aquilasafari.com CAPE MALAY RESTAURANT

A: Hohenort Hotel 93 brommersylei Rd T: 021 794 2137 CAPTAIN’S TALE& TWO & SIXPENCE PUB

A: 88 St George’s St. T: 021 786 1371 Francois Restaurant A: Cnr. Beach & Recreation Rd Fish Hoek T: 021 782 3066 MAMA AFRICA

A: 178 Long St. T: 021 426 1017


A: 15 Rose Lane Bo-Kaap T: 021 423 5412 www.marcosafricanplace.co.za MARIMBA

A: Cnr Coen Steytler and Heerengracht Rd, Foreshore T: 021 418 3366 www.marimbasa.com MOYO

A: Spier Estate Lynedoch Rd(R310) Stellenbosch T: 021 809 1133 www.moyo.co.za THEO’S GRILL

A: 163 Beach Rd Mouille Point T: 021 439 3494 WESTCOAST OSTRICH FARM

A: Westcoast Ostrich Ranch Van Schoorsdrif Rd Philadelphia off N7 T: 021 972 1955 www.ostrichranch.co.za

HALAAL BIHARI - Indian A: Paddock Shopping Centre Milnerton / T: 021 522 9894 www.bihari.co.za

DAAWAT The Authentic Pakistani Restaurant A: Dockside building, Buitengracht & 31 Machu Str / T: 021 421 9017 www.daawat.co.za RAASOIE - Indian 7 Kloof St. Gardens / T: 021 423 1777

SIMPLY ASIA A: V&A Waterfront / Heritage Square (CBD) T: 021 425 5555 www.simplyasia.co.za ANATOLI - Turkish Restaurant 24 Napier Str, Green Point / T: 021 419 2501 www.anatoli.co.za

EASTERN FOOD BAZAAR The Wellington, Darling Street, Cape Town T: 021 461 2458 www.easternfoodbazaar.co.za OCEAN BASKET - Seafood Cnr Main And Gabriel Rd Plumstead T: 021 761 0765 ( All of Ocean Basket food in all the branches is strikly halaal) www.oceanbasket.com THAI RAK- SA - Asian Cnr of Blaawberg Rd & Marine Drive, Table View / T: 021 914 7009 www.thairaksa.co.za

Pepenero No 1 Two Oceans Beach, Bay Road, Mouille Point 021 439 9027 www.pepenero.co.za. With Pepenero's proud Italian heritage, its hardly surprising to find chilled Peroni on tap, as well as a host of fine Italian wines, aperitifs and liqueurs. Whisky is another specialty of the house - with a comprehensive single malt selection covering all ages, styles and districts. Cocktails are an obvious choice in a setting like this, and at only R21 for a Martini, Daiquiri or Cosmopolitan etc, you really can go quite wild.

Hello Cape Town / 19


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1st floor, Cnr Beach Rd & Surrey Place Mouille Point, Cape Town tel: 021 433-2377 email: info@wakame.co.za www.wakame.co.za. Wakame's breathtaking views add a unique dimension to the epicurion delights that await you. The view spreads from the old Lighthouse at Mouille Point, to the gleaming lights of Table Bay. From Whalewatching to Yacht racing or just watching the seals or dolphins frollicking in front of the restaurant, wakame's view comes out tops. Not to mention the only restaurant in Cape Town that has the best View of Robben Island.

T: 021 423 0850 www.biesmiellah.co.za GOLD - GOLD Restaurant is a vibrant, eclectic Pan-African experience GOLD of Africa Museum A: 96 Strand Street / T: 021 421 4653

THE CAPE MALAY RESTAURANT The spicey, rustic colours of the Cape’s unique cuisine at the Cellars . A: 93 Brommersvlei Road Constantia T: 021 794 2137 LELAPA - Traditional Township restaurant in Langa A: 49 Harlem Avenue, Langa T: 021 694 2681 www.theunlimitedletsgo.co.za IKHAYA - Ikhaya African Restaurant offers a memorable celebration of fine food and resplendent surroundings A: V&A Waterfront / T: 021 418 3728 MAMMA AFRICA - A place of African Food,&African Music & African Happiness A: 178 Long Street / T: 021 426 1017. www.mamaafricarest.net


Sand Bar Breakfast to dinner, 9.30am to late 31 Victoria Road, Camps Bay tel/fax 021 438 8336 email hello@sandbar.co.za www.sandbar.co.za.

A taste of Africa ADDIS IN CAPE - Ethopian A: 41 Church Street / T: 021 424 5722. www.addisincape.co.za AFRICA CAFE - From Moroccan through Ethiopian and Zambian, all the way to Xhosa and Cape Malay. A: 108 Shortmarket street / T: 032 422 0221 www.africacafe.co.za BIESMIELLAH - Cape Malay experience A: Wale & Pentz Streets, Bo-Kaap,

22 / Hello Cape Town

Indigenous African & Cape Malay Cuisine A:15 Rose Lane Bo-Kaap, Cape Town T: 021 423 5412 www.marcosafricanplace.co.za MOYO - Sophisticated African experience A: Eden on the Bay Shopping Centre Bloubergstrand / T: 021 554 9671 / 2 www.moyo.co.za

NOON GUN TEA ROOM & RESTAURANT - Aromatic, Spicy, traditional Cape Malay food.Strikly Halaal A: 273 Longmarket St. Signal Hill, Bo- Kaap T: 021 424 0529 www.noonguntearoom.co.za NYONIS KRAAL - Traditional African, Eastern and European flavours, recipes and cultures together A: 98 Long Street / T: 021 422 0529 / 0525 www.nyoniskraal.co.za ROOTIS CAPE MALAY - Authentic Cape Malay Farefully halaal A: Clock Tower Centre,Waterfront T: 021 425 8810

Hidden Treasures Cape Town hotels are the home to some of the

finest dining experience that our city can provide as part of the indulging hospitality tradition. Reservation is highly recommended for all venues.

CBD CAPE COLONY - Cuisine:Contemporary South African food served in impeccable surrounding A: Mount Nelson Hotel, Gardens T: 021 483 1948 www.mountnelson.co.za BOMBAY BRASSERIE - Cuisine: Fine Indian Specialty dining A: The Taj, CBD / T: 021 819 2000 TWANKEY BAR - Cuisine: Oyster & Champagne Bar A: The Taj, CBD / T: 021 819 2000

CORAL INTERNATIONAL Cuisine: Modern European & Authentic Arabic, Asian & African delicacies. Halaal & no alcohol A: Coral International / T: 087 310 2273 www.coral-international.com

THIRTY 7 - Cuisine:Contemporary A: Westin Grand Arabella Quays T: 021 412 9999 THE PEPPER CLUB -Cuisine: Continental A: The Pepper Club Luxury Hotel & Spa, T: 021 438 0000 www.pepperclub.co.za

GREEN POINT THE SET RESTAURANT Cuisine: Mediterraneanfine dining A: Protea Hotel, Victoria Junction T: 021 418 1234

V& A WATERFRONT BASCULE WHISKEY,WINE & COCKTAIL - Cuisine: International A: Cape Grace Hotel / T: 021 410 7082 www.capegrace.com/dining/bascule

SIGNAL RESTAURANT Cuisine: Creative Cape Cuisine A: Cape Grace Hotel / T: 021 410 7080 www.capegrace.com/dining/signal_restaurant NOBU - Cuisine: Sublime Japanese Cuisine A: One & Only Hotel / T: 021 431 5111 REUBENS - Cuisine: The creative menu of Reuben Riffel A: One & Only Hotel / T: 021 431 5222

CLIPPER RESTAURANT Cuisine: Seafood Delicacies A: The Commodore Hotel / T: 021 415 1000 www.commodore.accommodationsouthafrica. co.za/fine-dining-clipper-restaurant.php

QUARTER RESTAURANT - Cuisine: Fine Dining in the Cape Malay tradition A: The Portswood Hotel / T: 021 418 3281 TOBAGO’S RESTAURANT Cuisine: International A: Radisson Blu, Granger Bay T: 021 441 3000

THE ATLANTIC GRILL Cuisine: International A: The Table Bay Hotel / T: 021 406 5918 OYO - Cuisine: Seafood, Mediterranean A: Victoria & Alfred Hotel / T: 021 419 6677 www.newmarkhotels.com/newmark/oyo/

SEA POINT SALT RESTAURANT & BAR Cuisine: Simple, Approachable, honest food A: Ambassador Hotel, Bantry Bay T: 021 439 7258 www.newmarkhotels.com/newmark/salt/ TOP OF THE RITZ - Cuisine: European Kitchen with a South African taste on a 360° revolving platform. A: Ritz Hotel / T: 021 439 6988

Doppio Zero 81 Main Road, Greenpoint, Cape Town Tel: 021 434 9581 Email: greenpoint@doppio.co.za www.doppio.co.za Doppio Zero or Double Zero is patterned on the continental style café' restaurant and bakery. Catering for all tastes from a light early breakfast of oven fresh croissants through traditional wood cooked pizzas, vegetarian meals as well as steaks, fillets and fish. There is certainly something for all tastes. Centrally situated Doppio Zero boasts an unrivaled bakery and confectionery with a huge variety of freshly baked breads, cakes and sweets all prepared from the finest ingredients and strictly according to the regional Greek and Italian traditions.

Under the meticulous hand of legendary chef and owner, Mr Muraoko (affectionately known as ‘Papa San’) and his wife, Minato serves up the finest authentic Japanese cuisine in the city. Only the freshest and most succulent fish, bought daily, go into creating their superb sushi, sashimi and tempura. Vegetarians are also well catered for. Value for money, years of experience and tireless devotion to quality make Minato Cape Town’s best-loved and most respected sushi bar.

LEGENDARY, AUTHENTIC JAPANESE CUISINE IN THE HEART OF CAPE TOWN. BOOKING ESSENTIAL . 4 Buiten Street, Cape Town. 021 423 4712 Mon- Fri 12h00- 14h00 and 18h30-22h00 Open Saturday for Dinner

Hello Cape Town / 23

BIG FUN FOR L TWO OCEANS AQUARIUM The Two Oceans Aquarium on the V&A Waterfront,is ideally positioned to show case the incredible diversity of marine life .The Aquarium is one of the top tourist attractions in Cape Town with over 3000 leaving sea animals, including sharks, fishes, turtles and penguins can be seen in this spectacular under water nature reserve. www.aquarium.co.za 021 418 3823

BUTTERFLY WORLD Butterfly World, one of the more unique attractions of the Western Cape Winelands,consists of a tropical garden in a 1000 m2 green house. This luxuriant paradise makes the free flying exotic butterflies feel right at home. www.butterflyworld.co.za 021 875 5628 KENILWORTH RACECOURSE This is Indoor Kart Racing South Africa’s most accessible, inexpensive, mega-excitement sport. The adrenaline rush of racing a high-tech kart at high speed around a twisty racetrack as you jostle for position against other drivers can only be duplicated in sports such as bungi jumping and sky diving. www.karting.co.za 021 683 2670 / 6174 THE PLANETARIUM The Planetarium, which is housed in the South African Museum building in Cape Town, is a celestial theatre in the round, utilizing the complex Minolta star machine and multiple projectors to transport the audience through the wonders of the universe. The ultimate in armchair travel. www.museums.org.za/planetarium 021 424 3330

24 / Hello Cape Town

LITTLE PEOPLE MTN SCIENCENTRE The science centre provides valuable hands-on learning experiences using world-class exhibits designed to enrich the school curriculum and equip learners (young and old) by increasing their skill and understanding of science, technology and maths. www.mtnscience.org.za 021 529 8100

WORLD OF BIRDS WILD LIFE SANCTUARY & MONKEY PARK There are more than 3000 birds and small animals in this landscaped wildlife sanctuary. Under - threes get in free. www.worldofbirds.org.za 021 790 2730 IZIKO TREASURE HUNTS Iziko Museums organizers treausre hunts through the Company Gardens on the 1st and last Tuesday of every month. Kids get to hunt down clues across three museums sites. The event starts at 6 pm and booking is essential. www.iziko.org.za 021 481 3823

SCRATCH PATCH The Scratch patch is a must - visit for tots who like to explore and discover with their hands. Buy various - sized containers and let your children dig around for gemstones that are theirs to take home. www.scratchpatch.co.za Waterfront 021 419 9429 Simons Town 021 786 2020 WARRIOR TOY MUSEUM The huge collection of dinky toys, lead soldiers and model cars, trucks, aeroplanes, trains, boats and as well as functioning train set will have kids in there element. Little princesses will love the display of dolls, including old fashioned barbie dolls. 021 786 1395 Bugz Playpark Is a colourful extravaganza of sandpits, pedal cars, jumping castles, rowing boats, jungle gyms and a choo choo train, and will tire out little ones in no time. www.bugzplaypark.co.za 021 988 8836

Hello Cape Town / 25

Cape Town Tourism Visitor Info Centre Table Mountain Cableway Kirstenbosch Gardens Cape Point Reserve Robben Island

021 487 6800 021 021 021 021

424 799 780 409

8181 8899 9010 5100

991 112 900 990

1021 017 418 475


American Express Diner’s Club Mastercard Visa Swallowed Credit Card Hotlines: Absa FNB Standard Nedbank Investec Mercantile Bank African Bank Postbank

0800 0800 0800 0800

0800 111 155 0800 110 132 0800 020 600 0800 110 929 011 286 9663 0860 119 925 0861 000 555 0800 535 455

Emergency Services Netcare 911 ER24 084 124 General emergencies

10177 082 911

107 from landline and 021 480 7700 112 from a cellphone Mountain Rescue Services 021 873 1121 or 021 948 9900 Poison Crisis Centre 021 931 6129 Police 10111 Red Cross Children’s Hospital 021 658 5111 National Sea Rescue Institute 021 449 3500 Groote Schuur 021 404 9111 Somerset Hospital 021 402 6911 City Park Private Hospital 021 480 6111

airport CT International Arrivals / Departures SAA Lost Luggage O.R. Thambo International

021 937 1200 086 727 7888 021 936 2202 011 921 6911

trains General Enquiries Blue Train Rovos Rail

0800 658 6463 021 449 2672 021 421 4020

coach services Taxis Marime Taxis Springbok Atlas

021 434 4444 021 434 - 0 - 434 021 460 4700

And if none of that gets you what you’re looking for give us a call! 021 426 5111 O/H HERE ARE SOME PRECAUTIONS YOU SHOULD TAKE WHEN VISITING SOUTH AFRICA: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Avoid grand displays of expensive jewellery, cameras, laptops and other valuables. Plan your route beforehand, and the type of transport you're going to use. Keep your doors locked at all times and wind windows up. Lock valuable items in the trunk of your car. Be aware of whether any vehicle or people are following you. Never pick up strangers, no matter how friendly they appear. At night, park in well-lit areas Explore in groups rather than alone, and stick to busy, well-lit streets At night stay clear of dark, isolated areas Avoid isolated beaches. Never carry large sums of money around. Travelers cheques are your best bet. Always carry a map with you in the event that you get lost. Also keep your passport, plane ticket and other important documents in a safe place. If in any doubt about the safety of an area, phone a police station for advice.

EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES IN CAPE TOWN: • Argentine Republic 8 Brittany Avenue Bantry Bay 021 439 0403 • Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2nd Floor, Safmarine House, 22 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town 021 421 4040/1/2 • British Consulate General: Southern Life Centre, 8 Riebeek Street, City Centre 021 405 2400 • Canadian Consulate General: 19th Floor, Reserve Bank Building, 60 St George’s Mall, City Centre 021 423 5240 • Chile (Republic of) Suite 1918, Main Tower, 19th Floor, Standard Bank Centre Heerengracht, Cape Town 021 421 2344/46 • French Consulate: 78 Queen Victoria Street, Gardens 021 423 1575

• German Consulate General and Embassy: 19th Floor, Safmarine House, 22 Riebeek Street, Cape Town 021 405 3000 • Italy Republic of 2 Grey’s Pass Gardens,Cape Town 021 487 3900 • Korea (Republic of) Sunset Avenue No. 7LandadnoHoutbay, 021 790 9970 • Mexico (United Mexican States) 2nd Floor, the Spearhead Building, 42 Hans Strijdom Avenue Foreshore, Cape Town 021 419 3848 • Netherlands Consulate General 100 Strand Street, nr Buitengracht, City Centre 021 421 5660

28 / Hello Cape Town 12

• New Zealand Honorary Consulate General: 345 Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne 021 696 8561 • Spain (Kingdom of) 37 Shortmarket Street Cape Town 021 422 2326/7

• Switzerland Kingdom of Nr 1, Thibault Square, 26th Floor (Old BP Building) cnr Long and Hans Strijdom Streets, Cape Town 021 418 3669 • US Consulate: 2 Reddam Avenue, Westlake, Tokai 021 702 7300

JUST A LiTTLE REMINDER MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY Remember to lock your car. Never leave valuables in your car. Keep all keys in your possession. Never leave children alone in the vehicle.

SAFETY AT THE BEACH Do not go to deserted beaches. Leave at least one person with your belongings when you go for a swim. Keep valuable items locked away. Follow safety regulations in place for each beach. Don’t forget sun block!

PROTECTING YOURSELF Carry your camera securely in a camera bag. SHOULD ANYTHING HAPPEN: Avoid dark, isolated areas. Stay calm; Do not walk alone in isolated Contact the police immediately; areas - this includes hiking. Make use of the trauma Do not carry large sums of facilities available. money. Be alert! Police - 10111 • Ambulance - 10177 • General - 107 • Fire Brigade - 021 461 5555 • Mountain Rescue - 021 948 9900 • Sea Rescue - 021 405 3500 • CCID - 021 419 1881

Hello Cape Town / 29



Get into the spirit of the 2010 World Cup with African Allsorts’ handmade bead and wire soccer artwork, created specially for the event. African Allsorts has a wide selection of imposing trophies, beautifully sculpted figurines, vibrant beaded vuvuzeles and fun desktop accessories. Support job creation and social upliftment while experiencing the thrill of backing a winning team! Tel: 021 447 6976 Email: info@africanallsorts.com Website: www.africanallsorts.com Address: 4 Briar Street, Salt River, Cape Town



Firepetals is a creative collaboration between designers Adi Cloete and Adeline Cloete. Cloete and Joubert met in 2000 and have shared a studio ever since. In 2005, they decided to merge their creative talents and Firepetals was born. They specialize in hand-crafted art jewellery, their own unique ranges and tailor-made pieces. Their work has contemporary South African flair. Tel: 021 447 2025 Email: info@firepetals.com Website: www.firepetals.com Address: 59 Roodebloem Road, Woodstock



Heath Nash makes cool things (with the assistance of a wonderful team, and you rubbish). His business, Heath Nash cc, has been operating since 2004, making products with a uniquely South African and eco-friendly slant. His range called ‘other people’s rubbish’ champions the process of hand-made recycling and innovative re-use and is characterized by a very analogue African take on these socially relevant techniques and work processes. Heath Nash Cares. Tel: 021 447 5757 Email: elevator3000@mweb.co.za hnadmin@mweb.co.za Address: www.heathnash.com Address: 2 Mountain Road, Woodstock, Cape Town


Combining simple , clean lines and sensuous forms, Binky Newman has created a range of beautiful hand-weaves-baskets, textiles and adornmentswhich is origanically textured and neutral in colour. Handspun cotton, river reeds, palm fibres and mountain grasses have been intertwined and combined with plastic, leather and glass. Tel: 021 4489761 Email: binky@mweb.co.za Web: designafrika.co.za Address: 42 Hares Avenue, Woodstock, Cape Town

28 / Hello Cape Town

An old Victoria house in Woodstock is studio and showroom to experienced artist Frieda Luhl. Her simple designs are affectionately crafted to perfection, incorporating natural materials, contrasting in texture, colour and density, framed in silver. Tel: 021 447 5757 Email: info@friedda.co.za Website: www.frieda.co.za Address: 30 Roodebloem Road, Woodstock

Award-winning contemporary furniture design brand Haldane Martin offers a sense of belonging to our world, and the spirit of the times, by creating contemporary furniture that integrates man, nature, culture and technology with the human qualities of

ROUTE wisdom, love and beauty. Tel: 021 448 0999 Email:haldane@haldaneematin.co.za Website: www.haldanemartin.co.za Address: 12 Aberdeen Street, Cnr Dickson Street, Woodstock

and Lulama Sihluku – Operations manager. Tel: 021 447 7668 Email: imiso@telkomsa.net Website: www.imisoceramics.co.za Address: Unit 102A, the Old Biscuit Mill, 373-375 Albert Road, Woodstock



Contemporary ceramic candleholders from the foundation of Helen Vaughan Ceramics’s studio, which also produces hand-crafted bowls, vessels and wall-mounted pieces. These artworks bridge the divide between high-end interior design and the tourist market. Tel: 021 447 3966 Email: helenvaughan@mweb.co.za Website: www.helenvaughan.co.za Address: 10 Oxford Road, Observatory, Cape Town


Moonbasket is a project that was started by Cape Town designer and Artist Dani Le Roy. It aims to both support a community-based project and create beautiful items for living spaces. Le Roy and crochet maniac Laura Sums have created the beginnings of a range of lampshades and other home accessories. Email: dani@artmakedesign.com Web: www.artmakedesign.com Addess; B101a Woodstock Industrial Centre, 66 Albert Road, Woodstock


Sophisticated and stylish, versatile and sexy, SouldChild is the hottest label to grace YDE stores across the country! It is a cutting edge, highly styled yet wearable ladies brand that has both local and international appeal. It is designed and manufactured in Cape Town. The brand is renowned for an excellent fit coupled with the highest quality standards. SoulsChild’s ethos is, “To empower ourselves through empowering others”, a mantra that runs through all areas of the business, and is reflected in SoulChild’s unique style and quality of clothing. Tel: 021 448 8666 Email: tasleemb@gmail.com Address: Studio B506, 5th Floor, Block B, Woodstock



Mu&Me is a range of locally designed and produced stationery based on the lives and loves of a group of friends living on Orange Hill. The story is told by Mu, a colourful little bird that watches the goings on from his perch in the big oak tree. Daley Muller, the name behind the Mu&Me brand, produces an ultra-cute range of greeting cards, notebooks, giftwrap and textiles featuring her unique illustrative style. Tel: 021 447 1413 Email: daley@muadme.net Website: www.muandme.net Address: Mu&Me Store, Shot E102, The Old Bicuit Mill, 373-375 Albert Road, Woodstock

The New Basket Workshop is a South Africa-registered, not-for-profit organization that collaborates with South African designers to enable rural-based local women to increase their ability to reach local and international markets. Tel: 021 448 9761 Email: binky@mweb.co.za Web: www.thenewbasketworkshop.org.za Address: 42 Hares Avenue, Woodstock

Cape Town fashion label Sway produces women’s clothing. Sway textiles are silkscreened with handdrawn images and garments are styled for comfort and ease. Sway prints are more than mere decoration. Everyday objects turn into offbeat patterns and Sway florals always contain surprises. Tel: 021 447 5999 Email: info@sway.co.za Website: www.sway.co.za Address: 68 Albert Road, Woodstock, Cape Town




Imiso Ceramics is upscale brand furniture, which is developed from mastering and studying African artifacts then interpreted into clay to produce modern ceramic pieces and furniture fused with ceremics and fabric. Imiso is owned and managed by Andile Dyalvane – Head Ceramic and Furniture Designer, Zizipho Poswa- Head Ceramic Designer

Pedersen + Lennard are a design company skilled in residential and commercial product design and manufacture, including lighting, storage and special commissions. Tel: 021 447 2020 Email: info@pedersenlennard.co.za Website: www.pedersenlennard.co.za Address: 45 Yew Street, Salt River, Cape Town.

Corrugated, hot-dipped galvanished iron is an iconic material. Trademark Design uses it to make unique, handmade frames in its Woodstock workshop. Frames are all metal; sides are fold-presses, not welded. They are available in a range of rustic colours and can be polished, varnished, oiled or left in their naturally weathered state. Email: markhilltout@gmail.com Address: Unit 13 Ravenscraig Mews, Ravenscraig Road, Woodstock

For more info. please go to www.capetown.gov.za

Hello Cape Town / 29

SPRING AT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOTANICAL GARDEN IN AFRICA Spring is the most colourful time of year at Kirstenbosch. It falls in the months of September and October, although spring has an early start in the Cape and many species start flowering in August. The weather, although changeable with rain still likely, is mostly warm and sunny. The Namaqualand daisies and vygies carpet large areas of the Garden, and the spring bulbs and many fynbos plants are in flower at this time of the year. Namaqualand daisies in all colours of the rainbow, dance in the breeze and follow the sun with open faces. You will see Dimorphotheca (white, orange), Felicia (blue), Arctotis (orange, cream, red, bronze), Ursinia (yellow, orange), Senecio (purple, white) and Gazania (yellow, orange). Look closer to see many other annuals like the bokbaaivygies (Dorotheanthusbellidiformis) and the blue flax (Heliophilacoronopifolia) in amongst the daisies.Vygies (pronounced fay-gh-ease) transform into a kaleidoscope of iridescent colour in late spring (October), brilliant pinks, purple, magenta, yellow and white – just about every colour but blue. You can't miss the bright oranges and yellows of Lampranthusaureus or the purples and pinks of L. roseus. Many bulbs flower in the spring. You are sure to see the cool elegant spathes of Zantedeschiaaethiopica (arum lilies) and tall spikes of watsonias in the garden. To see the amazing variety and the beautiful shapes and colours of the Cape bulbs, including Moraea, Babiana, Sparaxis and Lachenalia, visit the Kay Bergh Bulb House in the Botanical Society Conservatory, where they are on display, safe from the ever hungry porcupines. Many fynbos plants are in flower, and this is an excellent time to see the pincushions (Leucospermum spp.) which enliven the Protea Garden with bright oranges, yellows, peach and red, some keeping going into early summer. You will also see many conebushes, (Leucadendron spp.), and proteas (Protea spp.) and a wide variety of other fynbos shrubs in flower.

30 / Hello Cape Town

omms 10.2010 T629

21 Nov

Just Jinjer


13 Feb

Zebra & Giraffe


28 Nov

TKZee featuring Khuli Chana


20 Feb

Jesse Clegg


5 Dec

Mango Groove


27 Feb

Loyiso featuring Chad Saaiman


12 Dec



6 Mar



16-19 Dec

Carols by Candlelight

13 Mar



26 Dec

Civil Twilight

20 Mar

RJ Benjamin featuring Slikour


31 Dec

New Year’s Eve Johnny Clegg & Loading Zone

27 Mar

The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra (1)

2 Jan

Prime Circle


3 Apr


9 Jan

The Parlotones


Ticket Prices

Rate (1)

Rate (2)

Rate (3)

16 Jan

Jack Parow and Francois van Coke


Adults Youth (6-21 yrs) Bot Soc members

R75 R50 R65

R95 R70 R85

R120 R90 R100

23 Jan

Farryl Purkiss,Dan Patlansky and Inge Beckmann


30 Jan



6 Feb

Isochronous and Kidofdoom




General info 021799 8783/8620/8773 Ticket sales 021 761 2866/799 8782 Online ticket sales www.webtickets.co.za www.oldmutual.co.za/music / www.sanbi.org

OLD MUTUAL SUMMER SUNSET C As we head into the summer months diarise to be at KirstenKirsten bosch National Botanical Garden every Sunday afternoon from 21 November 2010 to 3 April 2011. This season’s line up of the Old Mutual Summer Sunset concerts features some of the hottest acts in the industry and will appeal to all age groups. This magnificent outdoor venue sets the perfect scene for what is considered one of the highlights of summer in Cape Town. Residents and tourists flock to the Garden every Sunday to enjoy their favourite style of music as they picnic on the concert lawn against the majestic Table Mountain backdrop. Opening the season on Sunday 21 November is the ever popupopu lar Just Jinjer and music lovers will be delighted to know that this year’s line up includes the greats of South African music. Freshlyground, Mango Groove, Prime Circle, The Parlotones, Zebra and Giraffe, Jesse Clegg, Goldfish, aKING, the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra and more, making up a season that complements the more eclectic Old Mutual Encounters which are a firm favorite. Huge talent and major names bring these concerts to the forefront of musical events in the

32 / Hello Cape Town

Mother City and are bound to be booked out well in advance. Back for a second year are Farryl Purkiss, Dan Patlansky and Jamali whilst newcomers Inge Beckmann, Civil Twilight, Jack Parow and Francois van Coke, Isochronous and Kidofdoom join the line up of top artists offering a chance to hear some new sounds. The Old Mutual Encounters concerts (28 November, 30 January, 27 February, and 20 March) once more offer a variety of soul music that has proved to be enormously popular. Artists from different genres including TKZee, Lira, Loyiso and

RJ Benjamin collaborate with their chosen friends for special once-off performances bringing that additional excitement

to these already well attended events. Get set for a magical season of music as the audience rocks to a series that takes in all the major sounds of the century. Whatever your taste: rock, jazz, funk, soul, R&B, rap, kwaito, folk and classics will keep your toes tapping and your Sunday afternoons occuoccu pied as we gather together the top artists and SAMA award winners for a season of groovy beats in an outdoor venue that is surely one of the most beautibeauti ful settings in the world. Launching the 2010/2011 season on 21 November is Just Jinjer bringing rock sounds as the kickoff to the season. The delicious sounds of Mango


Groove hit the high notes on 5 December. Freshly Ground leads into the holiday season on 12 December whilst up and coming brother-friends rock group Civil Twilight gives new meaning to Boxing Day on 26 December. We get set for a hot year when Prime Circle brings us back to earth on 2 January. Hard on their heels on 9 January The Parlotones celebrate their hot rock sounds whilst the audience is introduced to Jack Parow and Francois van Coke on 16 January. Acoustic music is the scene when Farryl Purkiss, Dan Patlansky and Inge Beckmann captivate audiences 23 January.

Say hello to Isochronous and KidofKidof doom on 6 February and their gallery of sounds. 13 February welcomes Zebra and Giraffe with their eclectic sounds and 20 February sees Jesse Clegg with his own style of rock music. As March swings in the jazzy house beats of Goldfish set the scene on 6 March. Making a welcome return on 13 March is the all girl group Jamali whist classic fans will love the sounds of the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra on 27 March. aKING brings the season to a close on 3 April. The Old Mutual Encounters series has garnered high praise

with its eclectic mix of musical genres and our talented artists offer diverse blends of music which get to the heart

of the African beat. TKZee, on 28 November celebrates their SAMA nominated album “Coming Home and Khuli Chana introduces us to vernacular rap. When diva Lira takes the stage on 30 January expect to hear her soaring voice with Afro-pop, jazz and R&B. Loyiso is the highly regarded R&B artist who takes the stage on 27 February and is joined by soul singer/songwriter Chad Saaiman to present a memorable afternoon. 20 March sees RJ Benjamin enjoy a sunny Sunday concert in the company of hip hop artist Slikour. The Old Mutual Summer Sunset Concerts take place at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (Rhodes Avenue, Newlands, Cape Town) on Sundays from 17:30 – 19 00. Gates open at 16h00 (please note new time) For further information and ticket prices, please telephone 021 799 8783/8620 or visit the www. sanbi.org Tickets can be booked www. webtickets.co.za Issued by Beryl Eichenberger of HIPPO Communications on behalf of Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden For further information please contact 021 556 8200 / 082 490 6652 beryl@hippocommunications. com

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MUSE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM Millions of visitors have wandered its halls and corridors to be stimulated and inspired by its collections and exhibitions. 25 Queen Victoria Stree, Gardens Opening Times: 10:00 - 17:00 daily Free for persons under 16 years T: 021 481 3800

PLANETARIUM The Planetarium is a celestial theatre in the round, utilizing the complex Minolta starmachine and multiple projectors to transport the audience through the wonders of the universe. 25 Queen Victoria Street Opening Times: 09:00, 10:15, 11:30 and 12:45 during school term (excluding 1st Monday of the month). Mon to Fri T: 021 481 3900

S.A NATIONAL GALLERY South Africa's premier art museum houses outstanding collections of South African, African, British, French, Dutch and Flemish art. Goverment Avenue, Company’s Garden Opening Times : 10:00 - 17:00 Tues. to Sun.Free for persons under 16 years. T: 021 467 4660


Officially the first tenant at the Waterfront, Ferrymans Tavern opened doors in 1989 and renowned for its quality, flavorsome food. Twenty years on, Ferrymans Tavern is still run by the original owners and has a loyal following of regulars, both from Cape Town as well as internationally. Known for its marvelously warm pub atmosphere, the tavern has many pieces that accentuate the homely feel; from the cozy pub with a wood-burning fireplace, to the newly renovate upstairs restaurant, the outside beer garden with a kids play area to a live band on Sunday evenings in the summer months, Ferrymans caters for everyone’s needs.

The role played by building and collection in the cultural life of the Mother City. Old Town House, Green market Square Opening Times: 10:00 - 17:00 Tues. to Sun. Free for all T: 021 481 3933

KOOPMANS- DE WET HOUSE A household such as this would only have been able to function with its share of servants and slaves, and recent research has brought to light the names and professions of some of these, as well as the kinds of activities they would have pursued. 35 Strand Street Opening Times: 10:00 - 17:00 Free for oersons under 16 years T: 021 481 3935

BERTRAM HOUSE This museum, was largely the result of the magnificent bequest which forms the nucleus of the collection The museum comprises ten major collections of which the largest is porcelain, numbering 364 items. Hiddind Campuus, Orange Street Opening Times: 10:00 - 17:00 Mon. to Tues. Free for all T: 021 424 9381


Open daily from 11am for lunch and dinner. We cater fro all functions – from year end parties to private dinners. For further information and reservations contact us on: Tel: (021) 419 7748 Fax: (021) 421 4463 Webpage: www. Ferrymans.co.za Email: info@ferrymans.co.za

34 / Hello Cape Town

This unique museum entices visitors to experience the ancient, sometimes mystical relationship that exists between gold and the African continen through state - of - the artvisuals and artistic displays. The museum is home to a collection of 350 West african gold artefacts as well as objects from the ancient gold civilisations of southern Africa. Martin Melck House, 96 Strand Street. Opening Times: 09:30 - 17:00 T: 021 405 1540

EUMS THE SOUTH AFRICAN RUGBY MUSEUM Situated a touch kick away from Newlands Rugby Stadium, the SA Rugby Museum offers an exciting and thought-provoking insight into the history of the game in South Africa. With items dating back to 1891 the museum is a must for any sports fan visiting Cape Town. Take a trip down memory lane; listen to some old radio commentaries; follow the path to unity in South African Rugby and the emergence of the South African Rugby Football Union out of the four previous administration bodies. This museum is a fitting tribute to all South African rugby players, administrators and supporters. Tours are scheduled by arrangement from Monday to Friday, between 09h00 and 16h00. Only groups will be accommodated on Saturdays and Public Holidays. No tours will take place on match days. T : 021 686 2150 http://www.newlandstours.co.za

SOUTH AFRICAN JEWISH MUSEUM The museum is interactive and Hi-tech, using different media to present highlights of South Africa history, and transforming the Jewish community’s story into a vital account of individual and organizational roles and contributions. Dynamic display reveal the community’s response to the moral and political challenges that confronted them. On view are rare Judaica artifacts, animated video footage of famous Barney Barnato and Max Rose, and an award winning documentary film ‘Nelson Mandela. A Righteous Man’, which is screened throughout the day. Opening Times: 10:00-17:00 Sun-Thur, 10:00-14:00 Fri. T: 021 465 1546 http://www.sajewishmuseum.co.za

BO-KAAP MUSEUM The Bo-Kaap Museum, situated in the historic area that became home to many Muslims and freed slaves after the abolition of slavery,showcases local Islamic culture and heritage. The Bo-Kaap itself is well worth a visit. 71 Whale Street, Bo - Kaap Opening Times 10:00 - 17:00 Mon. to Sat. Free for persons under 16 years. T: 021 481 3939

CASTLE OF GOOD HOPE Contained in the collection is a wealth of historical information concerning the peoples and landscapes of early colonial South Africa. It is one of the most important public collections of artefacts of the period. Buitenkant Street Opening Times: 09:30 - 16:00 daily. T: 021 464 1260


Built in 1778 as a townhouse for theVOC fiscal, this museum is generally accepted to be the finest surviving example of eighteenth-century urban architecture in the country. 78 Buitenkant Street Opening Times: 10:00 - 17:00 Tues. -Thurs. Free for all

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28 / Hello Cape Town

The Southern African Sustainable Seafood Initiative Conumer’s Seafood Guide SASSI is collaborative initiative by WWF South Africa andothers that aims to improve the conserva tion status of overexploited seafood species through education and awareness. The list tells you about which seafood species are legal and more sustainable choices from South African fish population.

Each color has different meaning:

GREEN : The most sustainable choices from the healthiest and most well managed populations. These species can handle current fishing pressure. ORANGE : Exercise caution when choosing

RED : These species are illegal to buy or sell in South Africa. Some are specially protwcted and others are "no-sale" species, reserved for recreational fishing only (you need a valid recreational permit to catch them, and must adhere to specific regulations).

these as there are reasons for concern: - Rare from overfishing and cannot sustain current pressure. - The fishery that catches them may cause particularly severe environmental damage and/or has high bycatch. - The life-style (biology) of the species makes it vulnerable to high fishing pressure.

Hello Cape Town /39

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40 / Hello Cape Town

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TOURISM NEWS THE DESMOND TUTU PEACE CENTRE carbon footprint and minimise its environmental impact. Sustainability to the Peace Centre means more than just addressing environmental outcomes, but also creating a resilient, enduring space that will promote environmental awareness in South Africa and abroad.


THE BUILDING The building is set to be a global peace centre that will be a home for all who strive to work for world peace. It is set out to be a six star green rated building to ensure that it has minimal environmental impact by reducing its carbon footprint.

THE DESIGN The architecture of the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre is inspired by the natural movement in nature; curved pathways are moulded around the structure, finding their way to the central contemplative tower. The building is designed to be welcoming and accessible to all. It has no hard edges and its fluid shapes contrast with the surrounding, angular buildings. This design encapsulates the theme of 'pathways to peace' and signifies that negotiations for peace follow many paths. In keeping with that theme the building has a number of options for entry, some direct, others indirect.

ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS We are committed to ensuring the preservation of our planet. Although we are aiming for a six star Green building, we know that a five star rating can be realistically achieved. This will ensure that we limit its

- A large exhibition area - The Peace Room, which will offer a trusted, neutral space for brokering peace dialogues and post-conflict negotiations among world leaders and others. It will host Africa's Nakashima Peace Table. One table has been donated to each of the world's continents by the Nakashima Foundation. - A contemplative space where visitors may reflect on their experiences and commit to fostering peace. - A Peace Garden that provides an oasis of serenity in the heart of bustling Cape Town. - A forecourt in front of the contemplative space will function as a walkway as well as a venue for social gatherings and public occasions. - A meditation room where visitors are invited to pray or meditate in a dedicated, intimate space. - Teaching, meeting and auditorium facilities. - A resource centre. - A cafĂŠ and museum shop

and close to major media houses. The Centre seeks to occupy a landmark site through a Partnership Agreement with the Desmond Tutu Peace Trust and the City of Cape Town which has reserved a well-located municipal owned land in the city-centre for the Desmond Tutu Peace on a 50-year lease at a nominal charge. The land is known as Block D. This demonstration of civic responsibility by the City of Cape Town illustrates its firm commitment to invest in a facility of great public benefit for local communities, and for the world.

COST The project will cost around R197 million (US$24 million) and will be fully financed through capital donations. Construction on the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre is due to begin in 2010 and completed in 2011.

LOCATION The Desmond Tutu Peace Centre will be built on prime land on the Foreshore of Cape Town with the City of Cape Town as a strategic partner. The site is opposite the Cape Town International Convention Centre, adjacent to three major hotels and several corporate offices,

Hello Cape Town / 41



The spectacular Kirstenbosch gardens cover an area of 528 hectares of cultivated garden. The gardens are a celebration of South Africa flora and South Africa plants. An excellent spot for lazy picnics, romantic strolls and happy children.

A visit to the Cape Winelands is an absolute must as the region is one of breathtaking vistas and majestic mountain backdrops while being steeped in rich culture and history. The Winelands aredivided into various different regions, each offering their own ”wine route”.

Tel: 021 799 8783


HOUT BAY HARBOUR Hout Bay one of the most attractive regions in the Cape. You'll find a friendly working harbour, a famous bird sanctuary and lots of walking trails, as well as long stretches of sandy beach and a Sunday craft market.If you wish to get to Seal island or just to watch some seals enjoying the fishermans left overs Hout Bay harbour will be the perfect spot.

BOULDERS BEACH Boulders Penguin Colony is home to a growing colony of the vulnerable African Penguin and makes for a great stop either to or from Cape Point. Wooden walkways allow visitors to view the penguins in their natural beach – and what could be better than s wimming with penguins?



Table Mountain continues to capture imaginations and dazzle newcomers. There are only two waysup – walking or the cable car.Whether you choose to hike up or hitch a ride with the revolving cablecar, the summit offers breathtaking views and endless photo moments. Tel: 021 424 0015

Rhodes Memorial, which nestles at the base of Devil’s Peak, provides spectacular views towards both Table Bay and False Bay and the Hottentots Holland mountains in the far distance.stands on theslopes of Devil’s Peak, on the Northern flank of Table Mountain.




WHAT WINE ROUTE? Not sure where to go for a wine route adventure? It all depends on how much time you have and how much of day - or week - you’d like to make of it. For those with very little time, you’ll be happy to know that Cape Town’s CBD presents a host of wine bars that will guide you through a virtual wine tasting of practically any estate you choose. But for those who do have some time...

Constantia Valley

Stellenbosch Wine Route

Franschhoek Wine Route

Constantia Valley is the wine route at the heart of the Mother City (or at least a little to the left of it). This is the oldest wine-growing area in Southern Africa and stretches from Wynberg hill in the north, to the Silvermine mountains (the Tokai area) in the south. The five wine cellars on the route boast a winemaking history dating back to 1685 .

The Stellenbosch Wine Route was the first in South Africa and all the estates along the route are within a 12km radius of the town. It is arguably the country´s most famous, and includes 148 cellars - most of which are open to the public. From Cape Town take the N1 in a northerly direction and turn off at the Exit 39 onto the R304 and follow through into Stellenbosch. Call Stellenbosch Tourism: 021 883 3584 For more information: www.stellenboschtourism.co.za or Stellenbosch Wine Route: 021 886 4310 For more information: www.wineroute.co.za

Franschhoek was founded over 300 years ago when the French Huguenots settled in the Berg River Valley. The wine route here is comparatively small with only 29 cellars, but what it lacks in wine route variety, it makes up for in quality cuisine and breathtaking scenery. A perfect mini-break destination. Franschhoek is 85km outside of Cape Town.

Constantia Valley Association: 021 762 8769 For more information:www.constantiavalley.com

42 / Hello Cape Town

Call Franschhoek Tourism: 021 876 3603 For more information:www.franschhoek.org.za

ROBBEN ISLAND Almost as famous as Table Mountain, Robben Island has become an international symbol of human rights and is now a World Heritage Site. On your guided tour you’ll visit Nelson Mandela’s 46664 call and learn about the life and times of the Apartheid era. Tel: 021 413 4200 www.robbenisland.co.za

CAPE POINT There is nothing quite as inspiring as standing at the edge of a continent overlooking the wild ocean with towering cliff cutting into the landscape and holding you above the world. Cape Point is found within the Cape Peninsula National Park. Tel:021 780 9010/11 www.capepoint.co.za

Paarl Wine Route

Only a 40 min drive from Cape Town is the picturesque town of Paarl (pearl), nestled between Paarl Mountain and the majestic Du Toitskloof Mountain Range. Paarl lies in the Berg River valley and is the perfect stop-over destination in the heart of the wine route. From Cape Town follow the N1 north, turn off at Exit 55, Main Street, Paarl. Call Paarl Tourism: 021 872 0860 For more information: www.paarlonline.com

Hello Cape Town / 43

44 / Hello Cape Town

VACATION SPORT HORSE RIDING: Imhoff Equestrian Centre is situated on Imhoff Farm on the M65 close to the picturesque village on Kommetjie. We offer guided two hour beach rides on the beautiful Noordhoek Beach along the waters edge towards Chapmans Peak and back. We offer three rides daily between 9.00 am and 8.00 pm depending on the season. Tel: 082 7741191

DIVING: Cage: 75 Loop St, Cape Town Mon - Fri 08:30 - 20:00 Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 021 422 4198

INSHORE FISHING: Inshore fishing is a great way to catch fish and, as the name suggests, involves fishing close to the shore. This type of fishing is quite popular in Cape Town and with Cape Sea Safaris, you will enjoy a world class experience. Deep Sea Fishing can be enjoyed all year round in Cape Town with Yellowfin tuna usually arriving in large numbers between March and June and again from October to December. These fish can weigh between 50 and 120kg and are found in the deep waters so tuna fishing usually takes a full day. Other species include Longfin tuna, Yellow Tail, Cape Salmon, Swordfish, the odd Marlin and the occasional dorado. To Book Call Cape Sea Safari’s 086 126 6524

achievement not to be missed. The world famous Table Mountain soars above Cape Town at 1000 metres above sea level. 1 Vredenburg Lane, off Long Street in the Cape Town City Centre.We are in the Abseil Africa Shop which is above Long Street Liquors Office hours from 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday: After hours, weekends and public holidays: Telephone: +27 (0)21 4220868

STELLENBOSCH WINE LANDS HORSE RIDING Let our guides take you on a horse trail ride from this Stellenbosch Wine Lands livery yard over the wooden bridge, out on to Spier Estate on horseback, through the beautiful vineyards, around the dams, along the shaded river bank trail and back through the Eerste River and to the horse stable yard. 021 881 3683 R310 / Lynedoch Road Stellenbosch

ROCK CLIMBING CityRock is Cape Town’s centre for all things related to the sport of Rock Climbing. Their facility features A large top rope and lead climbing area with Introductory lessons taught numerous times every week. They also offer a large bouldering cave. 021 447 1326 Located in Observatory on the corner of Collingwood & Anson, just 5 minutes from UCT.


WAVE SURFING You can watch this unique surfing event from land on Sentinel Ridge or take a 15-minute boat ride from Hout Bay harbour and experience the awesome power of the ocean firsthand, there are a number of charter companies that operate boat trips all day to Dungeons on the day of the event.

Killarney is a classic motor race track in Cape Town - ideal for novices but also a stern challenge for those willing to pin back their ears. Address Killarney is situated just past the Caltex Refineries on Koeberg Road and behind Tableview. Contact Details 021 557 1639

KAYAKING NOORDHOEK: Huge boulders, rounded by wind and water, frame a little sandy bay called “The Hook”. This is a place for surfers. The waves arrive in short sequence and are often several metres high.

HIKING The CapeNature Hiking Trails range from easy strolls to challenging climbs with panoramic views of mountain ranges and seacoasts.Read more in our detailed guide to hiker safety on our reserves. CapeNature House Belmont Office Park Belmont Road Rondebosch (021) 659 3400

ABSEILING Abseiling off Table Mountain(world’s highest commercial abseil) is an experience of adrenaline and

One of the most unique places in the world - a penguin colony in suburban Cape Town! And the best way to see it is from the water. We leave from Simon’s Town Waterfront and paddle past the civilian and Naval Harbour and out to Boulder’s Beach. After visiting the penguins we stop on a lovely semi-private beach for refreshments, swimming and snorkelling (we provide the snorkels and bottled drinking water.) Our double kayaks are very stable and perfect for those with no paddling experience. By far our most popular trip. During the whale season from August to October there is a good chance of seeing whales as well. Read an article about seeing whales when paddling here. Occasionally we get really lucky and this is the result. Phone: 082 501 8930 Fax: 021 786 4208 Post: PO Box 223, Simon’s Town, 7995

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46 / Hello Cape Town

ON STAGE CARMEN Cape Town City Ballet presents Veronica Paeper’s dramatic interpretation of the love triangle between the sultry Carmen, the dashing toreador, Escamilo, and the naïve soldier, Don Jose. Artscape, 3-7 Nov, Tickets R90- 125 from Computicket: 083 915 8000

INTERRAPTING HENRY A bitter-sweet dark comedy set in a model C highschool in present-day Cape Town. Adrian Henry the new drama teacher hopes to produce an alternative version of The Diary of Anne Frank as the annual school play. His determination to do things differently puts him on a collision course with his colleagues. Henry has decided that Zed Jacobs, a Grade Eleven boy, should play Anne Frank. To complicate matters, Henry has also fallen in love with the new art teacher, Elsa Brown. A comedy of contemporary crisis called education. Artscape, 4-20 Nov, Tickets R50-R80 from Computicket: 083 915 8000

Best Book, Best Score and Best Musical of the year and in 1981, received a Grammy Award. Productions of EVITA have been performed all over the world and in 1996 a film version with Madonna in the title role hit the big screen, garnering 8 Academy Awards including best original song for You Must Love Me. A revival of the show opened at London’s Adelphi Theatre in 2006, with a new Latin-infused orchestration and the hit song from the movie, sung by Argentinean power-house, Elena Roger. Theatre On The Bay, 8 Nov – 8 Jan 2011, Tickets R150- R295 From Computicket: 083 915 8000

THE MOST AMAZING SHOW LIVE! The smash hit cult comedy phenomenon is back! Corné and Twakkie return with a vengeance to moer your funny bone to hell and gone. Believe it because it’s true. Baxter Theatre Centre, 16 Nov – 4 Dec (Concert Hall), Tickets R100-R120 From Computicket: 083 915 8000



Fresh from their sell-out performances at the Edinburgh Festival, the company returns to Cape Town to celebrate its 15th anniversary. Their latest presentation features exciting new works by Christopher Huggins (USA), Carlos dos Santos (USA), Esther Nasser, Alfred Hinkel and Debbie Turner. A production that is a fitting tribute to this now internationally sought-after dance company. Artscape, 24 Nov- 04 Dec, Tickets R100- R150 from Computicket: 083 915 8000

Cracks And The City, a popular hit comedy, is unusual in more ways than one. It features women only, yet none of them feels the need to explicitly address any feminist issues and turn the show into a discourse on what it means to be a woman in South African today..... They are comedians who just happen to be women, with views affecting the full spectrum of humanity. On Brodway, 10- 27 Nov, Tickets R85 From Computicket: 083 915 8000



From the creators of Headshots, Crazy Little Thing explores the joys, hardships, exhilaration, and rejection of teen romance, as they quickly discover the connection between ‘adolescence’ and ‘adult lessons’. Teen pregnancy, sexual identity, and risky sexual behaviour are some of the realities of this daunting rite of passage.. Artscape, 27 Nov- 04 Dec, Tickets R95- R110 from Computicket: 083 915 8000

Vanessa Harris, Lucy Holgate and Shannyn Fourie are electric in this hilarious comedy, cabaret show. Three sassy girls - jobless and desperate! This cabaret is an energetic and vibrant adventure of contrasting women who sing and dance their way through the recession and their problems, from boys to bank accounts. On Brodway, 30 Nov- 4 Dec, Tickets R95 From Computicket: 083 915 8000



Beginning with a young and ambitious Eva, the production follows her meteoric rise to virtual sainthood. The story tells of the enormous wealth and power she gained and the means by which she became the beloved Evita. EVITA’s memorable “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” was recorded and released in 1976, followed by the release if the complete double album, which went gold. The stage production opened on June 21, 1978 at the Prince Edward Theatre in London with Elaine Paige in the title role and Joss Ackland as her formidable husband and President of Argentina, Juan Perón. Following stints in Los Angeles and San Francisco, EVITA premiered on Broadway at the Broadway Theatre on 25th September 1979. The production ran for an incredible 1,567 performances (more than twice as many as Jesus Christ Superstar). EVITA won an impressive seven Tony Awards including

With no instruments ... no backing tracks ... these guys take `unplugged` to a new level. Featuring songs such as`Crazy little thing called love`, `Breakfast at Tiffany`s` and “The Final Countdown`,this group of vibrant singers will keep you moving to the beats of timeless songs, and show you what can really be done with the human voice. On Brodway, 22- 23 Nov, Tickets R90 From Computicket: 083 915 8000

Winfrey, Chris Rock and Mariah Carey. With a stunning operatic cross-over act `Il Divo` style - which appeals to all, the performance will include opera favourites such as O Sole Mio, Nessun Dorma and Nella Fantasia, as well as popular songs like The Prayer and Miriam Makeba`s Pata Pata.. On Brodway, 14 Nov, Tickets R75 From Computicket: 083 915 8000

YOLANDA YAWA Multi-talented Yolanda is best known as the dynamic ex-lead singer for Coda with whom she performed at many prestigious events, both locally and abroad. Her extensive and captivating repertoire of Afro-jazz meets reggae soul includes the soulful song - Forgiveness, reggae ballad S`thandwa Sam, Bam Bam Pio - an afro-reggae song dedicated to her two boys, as well as her favourite song by the late musical icon Miriam Makeba, amongst others. Performing with a 7-piece band which comprises of a lead guitarist, bass guitarist, keyboardist, drummer and DJ together with backing vocalists with vibrant dance moves, this is an offer that is sure to leave an impression on many. On Brodway, 28 Nov, Tickets R70 From Computicket: 083 915 8000

THE TABLE MOUNTAIN BLUES SUMMIT 2010 The Table Mountain Blues Summit is back in town! Bigger and better than anything that has preceded it. If you’ve ever been to one of these festivals you’ll know that this is an absolutely awesome event for the whole family. This is the single biggest Blues festival in the country and has now been awarded the prestigous ‘Category 5’ award for outdoor music festivals by ‘MusFEST SA’ . We have a great and varied line-up this year including a couple of international acts.Playing: Dan Patlansky, Blues Broers with Albert Frost, Boulevard Blues, Natasha Meister (Canada), Dane Taylor Trio, Akkedis, Gerald Clark, Black Cat Bone, Blaney and Heuer (Germany). Bloemendal Farm (Winehouse), Racecourse rd, Durbanville, 27 Nov, tickets R180 From Computicket: 083 915 8000

THE GUGULETHU TENORS IN CONCERT From the dusty streets of the township to the country`s top concert halls, the Gugulethu Tenors` raw talent has captured the hearts of audiences across South Africa. They`ve performed to politicians, dignitaries and superstars including Oprah

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‘It matters not how long we live, but how’ PJ Bailey


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GautenG The City of Gold


ast paced and bursting with energy, the Gauteng province referred to as a ‘World Class african City’ is rich in history and culture. It is the intersection of african and global trade - incorporating Johannesburg, Pretoria and Soweto. the smallest of the nine provinces, Gauteng is home to about 8 million people-a multicultural mix of people from all walks of life. the success of the 2010 FIFa World Cup changed the world’s perspective of South africa and will have everlasting positive effects. When in Gauteng pay a visit to Soccer City designed to look like the traditional african Calabash in Soweto, ellis Park in Johannesburg or Loftus Versfeld in Pretoria. the people are friendly and driven particularly in Johannesburg-the economic hub of Gauteng where most live by a ‘work hard, party hard’ attitude and who would blame them with the range of entertainment, arts and culture to choose from. For lively nightlife activities party at ‘Movida’ where you will be treated to weekly cabaret shows and it also serves as a function venue for Bachelorette/Hen Parties and even corporate functions.

a variety of Live theatre e.g. comedy clubs, ballet, contemporary dance and classical concerts is easily accessible. theatre venues include the grand State theatre complex in Pretoria, the more vibrant Johannesburg Civic theatre complex and the Market theatre, renowned for its use of drama as a weapon against apartheid. the Barnyard theatres have become extremely popular with their unique spin of the typical theatre venue. the ‘barnyard’ themed venue is a relaxed environment and you can order food at the venue or bring your own food and drinks whilst watching the shows. Joe Parkers Comedy Club in Monte Casino is the first and only comedy club in South africa and with some of the best comedic talent every night will have you in stitches. You can enjoy dinner and drinks whilst watching the shows. It is best to book online and seating is available on a first come first serve basis. If you prefer trying your hand at the poker table or playing a classic game of roulette, venture into the casino situated inside Monte Casino or enjoy dinner or a cup of coffee at one of the many restaurants.

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emperors Palace, situated alongside O.R tambo International airport, is an extremely popular tourist destination with its large casino, classy hotel resorts such the trendy Peermont group of hotels, fine dining including the popular African themed tribes restaurant, luxurious spas and the recently constructed cinema. In Hatfield, a suburb of Pretoria which lies north of Gauteng lays one of the biggest night-time playgrounds in South Africa - Hatfield Square. Daytime it’s a shopping and entertainment centre and it hosts a wide range of events every year. Hatfield Square’s slogan rings “Still the place to be,” which it holds true to. this uniquely african ‘urban jungle’ also has several natural tourist attractions from zoos and snake parks to aquariums. escape city life and enjoy a walk or leisurely picnic through the Walter Sisulu national Botanical Gardens. Proud sanctuary of the endangered breeding pair of Black eagles often seen soaring gracefully above the breathtaking waterfall. Venture to the Reitvlei Dam Nature reserve within the Pretoria municipal area which is populated by large herds of

Blesbuck, eland and Black wildebeest, as well as threatened species such as oribi, white rhinoceros and aardwolf. Soweto tours, provide a glimpse of how many South africans live in this former township. tours include visits to the Hector Pieterson memorial, Vilikazi street and the former home of nelson Mandela and the Regina Mundi Church. no tour would be complete without sampling traditional food at Wandy’s Restaurant. need some retail therapy? then the Sandton and Rosebank malls as well as the fairly new Greenstone Shopping centre remain popular shopping destinations - with the best of local and international goods, a modern and sophisticated atmosphere as well as secure, ample parking, they make for a pleasant shopping experience. Gauteng tourism agency tel: +27 11 327 2000 Fax: +27 11 327 7000 e-mail: tourism@gauteng.net Website: www.gauteng.net

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Kwazulu natal South Africa’s Holiday Destination


wazulu natal also referred to as ‘zulu Kingdom’ is a warm province offering white sandy beaches washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, subtropical climate , game parks, rolling green hills, numerous sugar cane plantations and vestiges of the great battles in South african history. Extensive savannah to the east and the grandiose Drakensberg mountain range to the west, make the Kwazulu natal the perfect holiday destination. Durban “the Place where the Earth and the Ocean Meet” is the capital of the Kwazulu natal and is a melting pot of african, European and Indian cultures. From the popular Gateway centre, to the Fleamarkets filled with African crafts and oriental bazaars fragrant with spice, Durban offers exciting shopping choices. Visit the Moses Mabhida stadium created for the FIFa world Cup in South africa which has become a landmark in this province. a golfer’s paradise, the Country Club Beach in Durban is the best golf course of the city and remains open throughout the year. the visitors coming here can enjoy other activities such as squash, bowling, billiard room, tennis or a dip in the swimming pool. learn about

the city’s rich historical heritage at the Da Gama Clock, given to the city by the Portuguese government. the memorial commemorates the explorer Vasco Da Gama’s initial discovery of Durban. the Botanical Gardens is regarded as one of the major tourist attractions of Durban. Infamous for the ‘orchid house’, collection of South african cycad species and the onhand experience with the original specimens of Encephalartos woodiithe rarest plant in the world. let your hair down at Coco’s in the umhlanga Sands Hotel for a guaranteed party or for a quieter evening have dinner at one of the quality restaurants in Ballito’s lifestyle Centre. the natal Sharks Board in umhlanga is the only organization of its kind in the world. It’s not only involved in preventing shark attacks with its extensive network of shark nets extending 320 kilometers along the coastline but also plays a huge role in research on sharks and works toward the conservation of sharks. You will gain fascinating insight about these often feared, cold blooded mammals.

uShaka Marine world is a mustsee and was opened to the general public on april 30th 2004. For the brave at heart immerse yourself in the world of sharks with the Shark cage experience or explore the sea life with its beautiful coral as you float above the surface at Snorkel lagoon. want to take a walk on the wild side? the Ocean walker allows you a slow walk much like an astronaut on the floor of the Open Ocean exhibit amongst the sand sharks, huge fish and rays. For a unique experience dine with the sharks at Cargo Hold Restaurant or sit back and enjoy the dolphin shows, seal shows or penguin presentations. Relax on the uShaka Beach, visit the aquarium or enjoy some retail therapy at the open air shops. It truly offers something for the whole family. Pietermaritzburg, which is located in the natal Midlands should be your next stop. near the town of Howick, several waterfalls can be found such as the Cascade Falls (25 meters), Shelter Falls (37 meters), Karkloof Falls (105 meters). wander towards the pastoral beauty of the Midlands Meander just north of Pietermaritzburg. this stunning 80 km stretch is full of amazing sights, sounds and activities. Enjoy this ‘arts and crafts route’ with 160 places to eat, drink, sleep, shop and explore the

mix of arts and crafts. For water sport enthusiasts enjoy windsurfing, sailing, boating and canoeing at Midmar Dam. Take the Battlefield tours to learn the tales behind every historical building, battle site and memorial. the Valley of 1000 Hills Route forms around the majestic valley created by the Mngeni River and its tributaries. the dramatic landscape and zulu culture are the main attractions. take a ride and view the stunning scenery with the 1000 Hills Choo Choo train, adventurous Microflight flips or with the leisurely boat cruises. an awe-inspiring range of mountains the Drakensberg is riddled with incredible waterfalls, rock pools, mountain streams, caves and crisp mountain air. there is a variety of accommodation to choose from including Champagne Castle and Cathedral Peak with activities that range from horse riding, canopy tours, white water rafting, abseiling, local arts and crafts or simply to relax. Gauteng tourism agency tel: +27 11 327 2000 Fax: +27 11 327 7000 e-mail: tourism@gauteng.net website: www.gauteng.net

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PINOTAGE the south african wine The French has the Cognac and the Champaign, the Spanish has the Cava from Catalonia region as well as the Rioja, the Portuguese has the Port and the Italians has the wellknown and much appreciated Chianti. Here in south Africa and in particular in the Western Cape region we are proud to have varieties from around the world, but also our special variety which is called Pinotage.

Pinotage is a red wine grape that is South Africa's signature variety. It was bred here in 1925 as a cross between Pinot noir and Cinsaut (Cinsaut is known as Hermitage in South Africa, hence the portmanteau name of Pinotage). It typically produces deep red varietal wines with smoky, bramble and earthy flavors, sometimes with notes of bananas and tropical fruit. Pinotage is often blended, and also made into fortified wine and even red sparkling wine. The grape is a viticultural cross of two varieties of Vitis vinifera, not a hybrid. Pinotage is pronounced [pɪnɔˈtaʒ] in IPA or Pin no targe (as in large) rather than Pee no targe . Pinotage is a grape variety that was created in South Africa in 1925 by Abraham Izak Perold, the first Professor of Viticulture at Stellenbosch University. Perold was attempting to combine the best qualities of the robust Hermitage with Pinot Noir, a grape that makes great wine but can be difficult to grow. Perold planted the four seeds from his cross in the garden of his official residence at Welgevallen Experimental Farm and then seems to have forgotten

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about them. In 1927 he left the University for a Job with KWV co-operative and the garden became overgrown. The university sent in a team to tidy it up, just as Charlie Niehaus happened to pass by. He was a young lecturer who knew about the seedlings, and rescued them from the clean-up team.[3] The young plants were moved to Elsenburg Agricultural College under Perold's successor, CJ Theron. In 1935 Theron grafted them onto newly established Richter 99 and Richter 57 rootstock at Welgevallen. Meanwhile Perold continued to visit his former colleagues. Theron showed him the newly grafted vines, and the one that was doing best was selected for propagation and was christened Pinotage. The first wine was made in 1941 at Elsenburg, with the first commercial plantings at Myrtle Grove near Sir Lowry's Pass. The first recognition came when a Bellevue wine made from Pinotage became the champion wine at the Cape Wine Show of 1959. This wine would become the first wine to mention Pinotage on its label in 1961, when Stellenbosch Farmer's Winery (SFW) marketed it under their Lanzerac brand. This early success, and its easy viticulture, prompted a wave of planting during the 1960s. The majority of the world's plantings of Pinotage is found in South Africa, where it makes up just 6.7% of the vineyard area but is considered a symbol of the country's distinctive winemaking traditions. It is a required component (30-70%) in "Cape blends". Here it is made into the full range of styles, from easy-drinking quaffing wine and rosé to barrel-aged wine intended for cellaring. It is also made into a fortified 'port' style, and even a red sparkling wine. The grape is very dependent on the skill and style of winemaking, with well-made examples having the potential to produce deep colored, fruity wines that can be accessible early as well as age.

In addition to South Africa, Pinotage is also grown in Brazil, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, United States and Zimbabwe. In New Zealand, there are 94 acres (38 ha) of Pinotage. In the US, there are plantings in California and Virginia. German winemakers have recently begun experimenting with the grape. The most important reason to drink Pinotage is because it is enjoyable. Another is that it is red. Somebody once said that the first duty of wine is to be red. That it has health benefits when consumed in moderation is a bonus. Study after study has shown that the moderate consumption of red wine could be beneficial to your health. And why Pinotage rather than other red wines? Because it is different, because it is uniquely South African, because it allows you to strike a blow against the tyranny of the conventional. There are no rules about food and wine. There are only silly conventions which people are changing. Good Pinotage goes well with most good food. The medium-bodied, 'lifestyle' Pinotage pairs particularly well with a freshlycaught game fish or a hearty winter bean soup. Try it also with sashimi and sushi. Bobotie, ratatouille and curry also taste better with

a glass of Pinotage next to the plate. Fullbodied Pinotage is better suited to venison, spare ribs with a rich barbecue sauce, oxtail or osso buco. At a recent tasting in an upmarket restaurant, a French sommelier chose a 'lifestyle' Pinotage, chilled to 12ºC, as the ideal companion to oysters!

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