Hello Life Academy November 2017 Issue

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"Follow your dreams, they were given to you for a reason." M.Lockhart NOVEMBER



thank you

- megan lockhart

Join our coaching community here!

what's inside Hello From Megan - Megan Lockhart, Hello Life Magazine About the Cover Courtney Benedict of Whole Wellness for Life Makeup & Lighting - By Jamie-Lee How to Survive the Holidays Gluten Free - By Lisa Marichal Courtney Lutkus of Simply Radiant Events Meet Stephanie Tomlinson Executive Sales Manager of Hello Life Magazine Shannon Quarantino of Cloverleaf Preet Nijjar of Studio150 Makeup Artistry What I Learned From my First Coaching Clients - By Megan Lockhart

the details www.hellolifestudio.com info@hellolifestudio.com

Megan's Photos Taken by Mandi Carter Executive Sales Manager Stephanie Tomlinson steph.hellomagazine@gmail.com Editor - Tara Antosh info@hellolifestudio.com Layout - Tori Yu studio.framboise@gmail.com Published monthly. All Rights Reserved.

hello from Megan Hello Beauties!! xo xo If you are anything like me, you crave a lot of things... Pizza... Wine... And something MORE. That craving I have been chasing... Well, it turned into 30 pounds on my body. If you are reading this, I can tell you that it took everything out of me to write those words down. I literally thought I was craving fast food and alcohol for the first twelve months of my business. However, I have come to realise that the only thing I really needed was SUPPORT. I had no idea at the time. I had no idea until I found the support I needed. I needed people outside of my friends & family group to really understand my passion for growing the business. I needed people to be awake with me at midnight, understanding that "SOMEONE just joined my program" excitement. I found it. I found it in creating the Hello Life Academy. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to actually talk with each member of the Academy and get to know them on a deeper level. I have really connected with each one of them. I have built these lovely new relationships. To be honest, I have fostered deeper friendships with Hello Life Academy members than with many other people in my life! Because they GET IT. They understand the late nights. The early mornings. Discovery calls.IssueFacebook groups. Technical issues. The frustrations. The joys. And everything in 01 between.

"The only thing I really needed was support."

We just got back from our four-day intensive together. And if I could capture the emotion in this magazine, I would. But the magazine would probably EXPLODE from the sheer magnitude of what we experienced. It would EXPLODE with the excitement, the knowledge, and the possibilities. We laughed so much. We hugged. We had our makeup done, and our photos taken. We had intense and meaningful conversations that could have lasted for days. We participated in workshops that made us all excited about growing our businesses and moving forward. We had so much fun! We did a lot of connecting with each other. Even more, we supported each other. More than I ever dreamed was possible. The women are leaving the Academy intensive with memories that will last a lifetime. These memories are not related to material things, but rather experiences that will continue to shape the future of their businesses, and their lives, for a long time.

Truly, they ARE support. xo We are excited to meet a new group of entrepreneurs that will feel the same way in 2017. A new community of passionate women who will grow in different ways. Women who will reach their financial goals and, of course, their life goals, through the Hello Life Academy. Women who will move beyond what they thought was possible. xo Being a coach is so much more than making a six figure income, or travelling the world. It is about finding happiness & creating freedom -- One connection at a time. As I reflect back on this October, and the amount of success our Academy members are having, I get quite emotional. It is like growing a little family. We became each other's sounding boards, supports, and biggest fans! Over the course of the next six months, some days will be hard and others will seem easy. We are all growing. We are all growing as a team. We all want to help people. We can't wait to experience this growth together in the months to come!

megan lockhart xo

My entire life is a testimony now. I went to the play-place with my kids today and made $499 by having someone join my premium coaching program. This would have NEVER happened before the Academy. This is because of finding my target market, because of charging my worth, and because of the focus the Academy has taught me. This was also because Megan has taught me to unplug and LIVE MY LIFE, which is a huge reason why I wanted to be self-employed in the first place!

- Christina Beckett

meet courtney benedict

How did you know you were on the right path with your coaching company? It took me a little bit of time to truly feel like I was on the right path with my coaching business. At first, I went in with the mentality of wanting to help everyone! Well, I soon found out that is not possible. "Helping everyone" definitely did not help me find or speak to my audience. Just within the last year, I have finally started to feel like I am on the right path. I decided to get certified as a triathlon coach and realised that there are a lot of women looking for help with some of the same things I struggled with for many years. It is so easy to get caught up in the "I can eat whatever I want, because I’ll just burn it off the next day" mentality. It can also be easy to let training and racing consume your entire life. I have been there, and done that. Ultimately, I want to help other women who struggle with this and help prevent it from happening in the first place. I want to support them in achieving their goals in a healthy and balanced way. I started asking other female athletes about their pain points, and what topics they would like to know more about. This is how I came up with my Holistic Tri Training for Women Group, and why I created a program specific to helping athletes with digestive wellness and nutrition guidance.

Advice for new entrepreneurs?

Don’t get "shiny object syndrome." Stay focused. Focus on one service or program offering at a time! When I first started my business with coaching, I wanted to get my hands into everything: Get a new website, offer multiple programs and services, partner with other practitioners, add products with my services, give webinars, and the list goes on. I was all over the place, and it was exhausting and expensive! It is important to take the time to figure out the main program or service you will be offering by figuring out who you truly want to work with. Who belongs to your niche or tribe? And what are their pain points? What do they need? Once you learn to speak to your tribe’s pain points, and be your authentic self with the world, clients will find you.

Favorite clientele?

My favourite clientele? Female athletes (or just active women in general) in their thirties and forties, who are looking for a more holistic, balanced approach to training and nutrition. Someone who is ready and excited to make healthy changes and be committed to achieving their goals. I am there to educate and support them every step of the way.

"be your true, authentic self."

Biggest success in business so far? I feel my biggest success so far is finally letting go of my fears and getting my name and brand out into the world. I have been opening up and sharing my story about my stress, anxiety, and digestive issues and my own process of getting healthier. Once I started sharing my struggles, I started to hear from so many people who thanked me for sharing. They thanked me for being so candid about my experiences. People started to share their stories with me. They started to inquire about ways to get healthier. My purpose in sharing my story is to help others and it has worked! Putting myself out there has also created some great opportunities for me, including nutrition seminars for the DC Tri Club, and recently joining a holistic wellness centre, where we work together to create wellness paths for clients. I encourage all female entrepreneurs to always be your true, authentic self. Put your true self out there, stay positive, and the law of attraction will do its thing!

Tell us about your upcoming programs. How can we work with you? In 2017, I am offering both triathlon and health coaching services and programs. A new program I will be launching in January, is my Healthy Gut, Healthy Athlete Program. This program is for female athletes who want to reboot their digestive health, increase energy levels throughout the day, learn more about hormone imbalances, figure out how to choose healthy sports products, and learn to fuel for performance on and off the course. I just launched my new website this month, and anyone interested in my new program can sign up to receive notifications on my site. Not an endurance athlete? No worries! I work one-onone with women looking to improve their digestive health and improve stress management. Visit my website at: www.wholewellnessforlife.com

Your group on Facebook is amazing. Are you still looking for more members? Thank you, and yes, I am always welcoming new members! I created a private Facebook group just for women looking to learn more about taking a holistic and balanced approach to endurance training! It is called Holistic Tri Training for Women Group. I share daily themed tips that include topics such as mindfulness, fuelling for performance, endurance training, and nutrition. I share healthy (and tasty) recipes as well. This group is for women who want to:

"focus on one service or program offering at a time."

Learn the latest on nutrition, training and recovery. Share and chat about experiences with training, racing, fuelling, nutrition, and life in general with other female triathletes Learn more about fuelling the body for optimal performance... And no, this does not mean boring, flavourless foods all the time... Once you fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods, you actually start to crave the healthy nutrients and minerals your body needs to thrive! Learn how to create a balanced approach to triathlon training and still have a life! Believe me, I know how easy it is to let training consume your life... Been there, done that! Have access to free webinars, athlete-specific handouts, and so much more! You can find so much information, and support, by joining my Facebook group using this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/holistictritrainingforwomen/

find courtney here

Hello Life Academy '17

doors open Nov. 18 12 FULL MONTHS OF:

support -- business training -- community -- accountability -planning -- coaching -- 1-on-1 calls -- branding -- tutorials -confidence-building -- store & web development -- photoshoots -mentoring -- scheduling -- and much more!

How To Survive the Holidays Gluten Free WITH LISA MARICHAL Navigating the holidays and social scene can be undeniably complicated for those of us who have Celiac Disease or who adhere to a strict gluten free diet. Issue 01

In the blink of an eye, the holiday season will be here. The festive lights, decorations, special moments, and the genuine heart that comes alive undoubtedly makes this my favourite time of year! However, for those of us who have Celiac Disease or who adhere to a strict gluten free diet, the fabulous parties can lead to stress, frustration, and even fear. Navigating the holidays and social scene can be undeniably complicated. That is why I am sharing six essential holiday survival tips. These are tips that I have learned over the years to once again make the holidays joyous and fun, even when gluten is poison to your body and cannot be on your menu!

Tip #1: Chat with the Host Ahead of Time Most likely, the host knows that you are gluten free. The host likely plans to add some gluten free goodies for you enjoy. It is important to be super respectful and loving, but more than likely, your loved ones are not gluten free experts. They may get some things wrong. It is important to appreciate them for wanting to do something nice for you, but you will have to tell them that the best way to support you would be to purchase a few packaged gluten free favourites and not make any dishes from scratch.

Tip #2: Plan ahead and bring your favourite dishes (& booze too!) Bring your favourite dishes (and even your own serving utensils) to the party with you, so at least the food you bring is safe for you. You can also bring enough food to share at the party. Most people are curious about how gluten free foods taste and may want to sample the gluten free fare. It is also important to remember to ALWAYS serve yourself FIRST, before any of the wrong serving utensils make their way into your dishes. In addition, there are several gluten free beers, ciders, and other gluten free alcoholic beverage options out there that you can bring to any party as well.

Tip #3: Stick to the Naturally Gluten Free Foods Items such as fruit and veggie platters, cheese and nuts can be safe for those avoiding gluten. Bring your own gluten free crackers or meats as a backup and you will be fine. Skip the dip, particularly if you were not the first to partake. Remember that most sauces, casseroles, meatballs, deli meats, sausages, and all breaded items are a no-go for you.

Tip #4: No, you can’t have "just one bite..." NO EXCEPTIONS! This is still tough when friends and family prepare what used to be your favourite holiday dishes and they expect you to eat it. Unfortunately, they do not understand the severity of your disease or condition. If you give in just this once, they will always expect you to have "just one bite." You have to explain to them how seriously you take your health. It is all too easy to forget that it only takes 1/1000 of a gram of gluten (that’s equivalent to one small crumb) getting into your system to trigger an immune system response in your body. This response can last for months. Is that one bite worth it? The answer is no.

"Is that one bite worth it? The answer is no."

Tip #5: CrossContamination is No Joke. I always suggest getting to the party early to help prepare food and set-up the food table. This way, you can ensure that gluten free food items are handled safely. People do not intend to contaminate gluten free food items, but mistakes happen. So please use your best judgement and when in doubt, go without.

Tip #6: Host Your Own Holiday Party. Yes, this is a huge undertaking! However, imagine the feeling of knowing everything is safe for you to eat! You can let your guard down once this holiday season. It is definitely an awesome option to consider over the holidays. Much love this holiday season,


Makeup with JamieLee Have you ever noticed that when you do your makeup in a small or dimly lit room and then you walk outside, you are left wondering what on earth happened to your makeup? Don’t worry, I have been there too. The answer to creating a flawless look is proper lighting! If you are going to be shooting a video for your business, or if you are going to be taking photos, try to do your makeup in front of some natural light. This can be as simple as sitting in front of a window. It will give you a more accurate look into how your makeup will appear in photographs or videos.

THE ANSWER TO CREATING A FLAWLESS LOOK IS PROPER LIGHTING! The other option is to invest in a quality makeup light, such as the ring light. The ring light will light up your face to give you a more even, flattering coverage on film. Many vloggers and beauty gurus out there have mastered this technique. They have turned their videos from drab to fab using ring lighting. It is definitely worth the investment if you are frequently photographed or captured on video. There are many options out there for lighting. Some of the ring lights can be set up with your camera or phone on the tripod, so you can film and have the lighting done -- All at once! I promise you, if you use proper makeup lighting once, you may become addicted! Have fun and happy filming!


jamie lee

about the cover

These women are going to be seen all over the World Wide Web. Not because they are spending hundreds of dollars on Facebook ads every week. Because they LOVE helping people. They work their butts off. These women are SUPPORTED. As we continue to grow the magazine, they will continue to grow their businesses. We reached 500,000 views last month!! So, a heartfelt THANK YOU, from the Hello Life Magazine team, for your support! Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but you will not regret giving it a try.

meet courtney lutkus

What is your business? Simply Radiant Events is the leader in fresh approach special events, meticulously coordinated, ensuring unparalleled quality and design.

How do you balance family life and business?

Making time for my family and my business is very important to me. One way to keep the balance is having your family on your side. Not everyone has the family support that I do in business, and in life. I am very grateful to have such a supportive family for all the ups and downs of life and business. Having events on weekends is something I deal with most weekends of the year. So making sure to shift my family life to weeknights, or intentionally setting aside certain weekends to be with my family, helps me find a nice balance. I have both of the things I love around me all of the time: My family and my business.

How do you disconnect from your business? At the end of the day, I close the office doors and leave my phone in the other room. Sporadically throughout the evening, I will briefly check my phone, to ensure nothing pressing is going on. If there is nothing urgent to attend to, I will deal with it in the morning. It is a great to know that my phone is accessible if something needs to be dealt with immediately, but if it is not an urgent matter, my phone is out of sight, and I deal with issues during business hours. I need to disconnect with my business life in order to reconnect with my personal life, personal interests, and close relationships.

On being an event planner I have the most amazing career as the owner and designer at Simply Radiant Events! I have a career that gives me the pleasure of throwing parties for a living. Even though we are a Southern California based event planning company, we travel to any location. I love to travel for business. I enjoy meeting new people, learning about new businesses, and getting to explore new areas and venues. I love how our team takes someone’s vision and turns it into a reality to wow our clients and their guests. We have to thank all of our wonderful clients, who have given us the opportunity to plan their events. They have truly made us the successful event planning business we are today.

Advice for a new entrepreneur

The three main things I would tell a new entrepreneur to focus on are pretty simple. First, you MUST have great customer service. It is all about the customers, honestly. Your customers matter. Their thoughts and opinions matter. You need to be willing to listen to their ideas, in order to meet their needs. They need to feel heard, and understood, through the design and implementation process. Secondly, grow your online presence. We live in a digital, social-media focused world. Embrace this fact, and spend time focusing on your online presence and identity. Social media and a solid online presence will take you where you want to go in business. Thirdly, I would say focus on growing your e-newsletter list. Getting information into the hands of those who need to see it is key. They need to see what you are doing, in business, and how you are doing it! They can share this information with others who may also need your services. It is truly one of the best marketing and network tools out there!

What is one thing you feel super confident about?

I feel very confident in the hospitality industry in general. The hospitality industry is a dynamic industry that is currently growing and changing at a rapid pace. Simply Radiant Events will be along for the ride, educated, prepared and focused. And we will definitely have fun in planning your events as well!

In the next six months... I hope that the next six months are nothing but a whirlwind! We just re-branded the business, and have a whole new website and logo design. We have expanded our services. We offer more to our customers when it comes to event design and production. There are some hopeful partnerships that will start emerging in the next few months as well. We cannot wait to see what is in store for our business!

Biggest fear in life

Failure! I don’t want to fail: With my business specifically, in my career in general, or with my boyfriend. My company is not likely to be a huge planning company that becomes a household name, but I do want to ensure that we make an impact on the people we plan events for. We strive to make event planning an enjoyable experience for our clients, instead of a stressful one.

Who is your inspiration? Whose work are you loving right now?

There are so many great planners out there. There is so much inspiration to be found! I feel like it changes every day. One company I am loving right now is "Dolly’s Cotton Candy." She keeps coming out with so many fun candy options for events. It also doesn't hurt that she has an adorable pink cart! So much fun!

Biography Courtney Lutkus, owner of Simply Radiant Events, is not only an event planner pursuing a hobby. She is a dedicated, professional planner with a degree in Public Relations from California State University, Fullerton. While at California State University, Fullerton, she completed event professional courses, and planned, organised, and implemented numerous campus events. Since then, Courtney’s events have included weddings, fundraising events, social events, and corporate events. Her easygoing personality and attention to detail make it easy for anyone to work with her. Over the years, her planning experiences have grown and changed with the times. She knows the industry inside and out. She specialises in coordination, budgeting, design concepts, implementation, and Public Relations. She has been successful with media placements on television, radio, magazines and newspapers. Courtney was recently honoured, by Senator Lou Correa, as a Woman Making a Difference (2014), and the University of Irvine presented her with their Community Leadership Award.

find Courtney here

You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, & the support.

- Sabrina Bryan



Meet Stephanie Tomlinson

"Open your mind before you open your mouth..."


I am Stephanie Tomlinson, Executive Sales Manager for Hello Life Magazine!

I grew up in the small town of Stony Plain, Alberta, and moved to Toronto, Ontario at the age of twenty two. The West kept calling me back though, and I decided to settle down in Cochrane, Alberta in 2013. I first met Megan Lockhart from Hello Life when I signed up for Hello Life Barre classes taught in her home studio in 2015. Megan and I formed a good relationship from the very beginning. Since the first day we met, I have admired her energy, strength, and passion for life and business. I started to work for Megan in May, 2016, as the Executive Sales Manager for Hello Life Magazine. I love my work, and am so happy to be part of an incredible team of inspired women! I also love being able to talk with and meet amazing, inspiring women from around the world through Hello Life Magazine. Each contributor has so much to say, and so much to give! It is so valuable to hear their stories and experiences. I gain knowledge and inspiration from each and every one of them.

I am also a full-time Sales Executive/Product Buyer for a worldwide tour operator as well. I have been in the travel industry for over thirteen years. I have been fortunate enough to travel to many parts of the world through my job. I love learning about different cultures, tasting new foods, meeting new people, and exploring new areas of the world through travelling. I am so glad I have been able to do this, and look forward to many more travelling adventures in the years to come. Though I love my work, my family is most important thing in the world to me. I am a proud single mom to a beautiful little boy named Heath. Heath will be three in December, and he is my whole world! Everything I do in life is for my son. Truly. It is all for him. I want my son to know that he is capable of making ANY dream come true. Making dreams come true is what LIFE is all about! My entire extended family and friends are very important to me, and I am extremely blessed to have an amazing support system filled with love, I thank them the bottom of my heart, for making me who I am today! I will always do my best in life, and regardless of any mistakes I have made in the past, I am happy to say, I wouldn't change a thing. My life story is certainly a work in progress, with many chapters yet to be written. But I can look back at my life story and say that I am proud of the woman I have become. I can confidently say that I am most proud to be called Mommy!

Life Lesson:

P.S. If you have any questions about being a part of Hello Life Magazine, please contact me at steph.hellomagazine@gmail.com

Never forget the three types of people in your life: 1. Those who helped you in difficult times. 2. Those who left you in difficult times. 3. Those who put you into difficult times.

"The most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Helen Keller

Hello Life Academy Schedule your interview today!

What I Learned from my First Coaching Clients WITH MEGAN LOCKHART 1) Set boundaries (Yes, I love talking to you at 11 pm... But maybe not at 6 am the next day as well!) 2) It is NOT about your logo or website -- I had neither of those, yet I still had clients! 3) Charge clients what you feel sort of uncomfortable about charging them. I was charging $69 per month or $400 for 6 months -- and it felt freakin' FANTASTIC when I had my first paying clients! 4) You'll get to a point where you realise that what you are charging is not enough for what you are providing -- and that is OKAY. Start charging more. 5) Be super clear on your packages: Options A, B, & C. Offer three packages that are all related but with a bit of a difference. For example, Option B offers four more features than Option A. Give people options to choose from. 6) Treat it as a business & it will be a business. Treat it as a hobby & it will stay a Issue 01 hobby. xo

meet shannon quarantino

About your business Cloverleaf has been open for about two years. I coach clients on how to simplify their diet, their exercise routine, and their closets, to make room for confidence, peace, and a wardrobe that makes them feel amazing! I also prepare and deliver cold-pressed juice! I love supporting clients find a healthier lifestyle. Keeping it simple is key.

On balancing life & business

I practice what I preach! This can be a struggle, as a business owner, but I typically schedule work time and family time and stick to my schedule. I am currently transitioning from working a full-time job and operating my business simultaneously, to going full force with my business. This is so exciting for me! I am happy that I will have more time to devote to Cloverleaf, and to my one-year old son as well.

Did you become a health coach because you personally struggled with health? Yes I did. During my adolescent years, I suffered with extremely low self-esteem. I also battled with anorexia. I decided to become a health coach in the hopes of helping other women avoid the struggles I went through. I want women to build confidence in themselves. I want to support a truly healthy and balanced lifestyle for each one of my clients.

One thing you feel super confident about? I am super confident in my ability to deliver green juice that nourishes the body AND tastes amazing! I am also confident in using my past experience in the fashion industry to help women find clothing they feel confident in. When you find clothing that you feel confident in, everything seems to fall into place much easier. Women care about themselves more, and care about their health more, when they feel confident about how they look to the world. It is all connected.

Any insecurities? Right now, I am insecure about my business being my only source of income. It is a scary thing to take the risk. I have been financially independent my entire adult life. Diving into my business head first means that I may have to rely on my husband's income for financial support, as my business grows. This has proven to be the hardest part of my decision to commit to my business full-time.

"Keeping it simple is key."

3 favourite things you learned from the Hello Life Academy Intensive The Intensive was amazing in so many ways, I am not sure I can narrow it down to only three things I have learned! The absolute best part was meeting all of the other passionate women, and being able to feed off of everyone's positive energy about life and business. Being pampered with hair, wardrobe, and makeup, as well as taking part in the incredible photo shoot, was fantastic as well. Having the time and space to focus solely on my business was invaluable. Truly, it was a wonderful experience from start to finish.

If you were to write a guide on how to transition to a healthier lifestyle tomorrow, what would it say? First, drink a green juice or smoothie everyday. Nourishing your body is essential. Second, start a gratitude journal. Focus on being thankful for what you have. Thirdly, introduce exercise into your life. Get up, and get moving! And finally, buy an amazing pair of jeans that you feel fabulous in! Rock those jeans! This simple guide would be a great start for a healthier tomorrow!

About the Hello Life Academy I would tell them that being a part of the Hello Life Academy was truly one of the best experiences of my life! Being around a like-minded community of women, led by Megan, was so incredible. I feel like I have found a lifelong tribe of super supportive friends. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before. I am confident that my business will be even more successful, having been part of the Academy. I have a dynamic and energetic team to hold me accountable. They will ensure that I work hard, set goals, and see my dreams come true! I feel so supported by the members of the Academy, and so supported by Megan and her team of business experts. The tools and the support the Academy has given me will allow my business to grow and thrive. The Hello Life Academy has been such a wonderful experience!

"nourishing your body is essential."

About the Hello Life Academy In the next six months, I am launching my "Making Space" three-week cleanse program, which I am really excited about! I am also actively searching for a storefront in Kingston, NY to open Cloverleaf Juice Bar. This will be a place where clients can walk in and buy quality, cold-pressed juice, fresh salads, and tasty vegan snacks. This is my dream, and I cannot wait until it opens... I cannot wait to see my dream become a reality!

find shannon here

meet preet nijjar

About your business My business is called Studio150 Makeup & Aesthetics. I have been working in the makeup and aesthetics industry for over 9 years. I love supporting other women in looking and feeling their best.

On balancing life & business

When I started my business, it was not easy at all to balance work with family life. As time went on, it got easier to balance my personal and professional lives. Now, I consistently work around my family life. My family is most important. I think it is only possible to find a balance if you are determined to work at it. It is not easy, but totally worth it. I love the flexibility of owning my own business.

Favourite thing about your job Without a doubt boosting my ladies' confidence by giving them a makeover is my favourite thing. I love enhancing their natural beauty and letting their personalities shine through. I love seeing that sparkle in their eyes when they see themselves in the mirror.

When did you discover makeup? Please don't laugh... But I discovered makeup when I was twentythree years old! Where I lived growing up, we were not allowed to wear makeup like other young girls here. It just wasn't an option.

3 products you use I wear foundation, eye liner and lip colour. These are my three go-to favourites that make me feel beautiful.

"I love seeing the sparkle in their eyes."

You're confident about...

"my family is most important."

Truthfully, I am a confident person, by nature. I feel good in my own skin, and am confident in life and in business.

You're insecure about... I do have a habit of not being able to say no to people. It is certainly a challenge. Sometimes, I think I overwork myself as a result.

"I feel good in my own skin."

In the next six months... I am going to add one more service to my business (stay tuned to my website for more details), and I plan to expand my business steadily over time. I want to continue to support my clients and their needs.

About Preet My name is Preet Nijjar. I am the proud owner of Studio150 Makeup & Aesthetics. I was born and raised in India. I have earned a Bachelors Degree in Arts and Masters Degree in English. I moved to Canada in April, 2007, with my husband Raj Nijjar. Shortly thereafter, I started working as an aesthetician at a salon in Calgary, Alberta. I am a proud mama of two little ones, Ayishana and Arjaan. After having my kids, my life began revolving around them! I decided when they were born to stay at home with them until they were in school full-time. However, staying at home all day was starting to drive me a bit crazy! I wanted to be able to do something from home, while still being there for my kids. In March, 2014 I made the most important decision I have ever made: To become an entrepreneur! I started my own little business and built it from the ground up. Today, just over two years after starting my business, I can say that I am very well known in my community. I have wonderful clients who support me in my business, and I am grateful for the opportunity to make the world a more beautiful place - One woman at a time!

find preet here

Before the Hello Life Academy, I just had a dream. It didn't feel like a real possibility. Fast forward just a COUPLE of months, and I am rocking what I do, love what I do, and have paying clients! The intensive hasn't even happened yet! Those four days of focus, fun, and profitability will be invaluable. I have a group of women who I want to see succeed. And the best part is that they want to see ME succeed too! I have learned that I cannot wait for the RIGHT time to invest in myself and my dreams. That time is NOW. It sounds a whole lot better than NEVER!

Victoria Baitson

Hello Life Academy save $1100 when you enroll by November 30th!

click here for more info

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