September 2016 Hello Life Academy magazine

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passion "follow your dreams, they were given to you for a reason." M.Lockhart OCTOBER



thank you

-megan lockhart

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what's inside Hello from Megan with CEO Megan Lockhart

When the Kids Take Over: A back-to-school guide for your online business Passion in Motion with Erica O'Callaghan of Fit Movement & Wellness Passion in Healing with Amanda Fehr of Love Infused Wellness Passion in the Soul with Tanya Blaney - Psychic Medium Passion in Design with Tori Yu Passion in Wellness with Jessica Peterson of Natural Wellness Passion in Nurturing with Jen Oliver of FitMama

the details

Megan's Photos Taken by Mandi Carter Executive Sales Manager Stephanie Tomlinson Editor - Tara Antosh Layout - Tori Yu Published monthly. All Rights Reserved.

hello from Megan

Hello Beauties!! xo xo

Welcome to Hello Life Magazine's September edition! ANd our SECOND anniversary - for the entire business. The next few pages are full of passion: From mothers, entrepreneurs and of course our team. Without passion, trying to run a business would get quite exhausting. If you have a business, or a dream... Work at building up the passion, which means that fire inside you - that drive. You know you would do anything to make it happen. With or without the money. I hope this month's issue brings you a beautiful boost of passion that you need to move forward. Because I get it... We all get stuck sometimes. You make lunches, clean your house, run a business... And at times, it feels like you are going in circles.

photo by organic snaps

"It has been a passion of mine to help support women above and beyond their dreams." Issue 01

I'm asking you to always remember why you started. What was that feeling, that desire? What was the thing that kept you going? Because that is PASSION! So as you scroll through the pages and watch these beautiful entrepreneurs expand their businesses Know and trust that they did start somewhere... And they do have the passion to move forward - xo

I am SO happy with my decision to establish the Hello Life Academy. It has been a passion of mine to help support women above and beyond their dreams - xo To watch them follow THROUGH with their passion - And I believe that the right entrepreneurs are finding the Academy - xo THANK YOU.

"Find good friends, support and a great bottle of wine And you will land in the right spot. Follow the passion - It was sent to you for a reason."

It's been amazing to see how these ladies are kicking butt already with their own businesses. I cannot wait for you to meet them all in October's issue! - xo As always, do all things through kindness. Trust that IT WILL work out - xo Find good friends, support and a great bottle of wine - And you will land in the right spot - xo Follow the passion - It was sent to you for a reason xo

photo by organic snaps Smile my beauties,

megan lockhart xo

meet jessica peterson

What is your business? Natural Wellness is a health coaching company that helps women create happier and healthier lives. Clients see that I am a busy mom living an energetic life with endometriosis. They come to me ready to make changes for their families and for themselves. Spending time in the kitchen learning about what we eat and how it fuels our body is part of all of my programs. It allows women to lead healthy, energetic and powerful lives.


first year struggles Learning to balance my family life with a new business takes passion and commitment. I spent a long time feeling isolated and alone as I searched for the cause of my health issues. The passion for my business stems from that feeling of isolation. Knowing that women are out there needing support is what has allowed me to take my company to where it is today. Great things will come from Natural Wellness.

On balancing work & family life Time management is key and learning how to let go. My house can get messy and laundry can pile up at times, but I’ve learned to be okay with that. I work on my business during the early morning hours and while my daughter is at school so that my nights are free to be with my family.

How do you disconnect from the emotion of coaching women? Seeing women go through what I have, or even worse, can be very emotional. I get past it by remembering how strong I have become. Deep down, I know they can be just as strong.

What is your education background? University of Central Florida - B.A. in Organizational Communications

IIN–Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certified Kids Yoga Instructor

On being a coach

I find coaching woman to be inspirational. When women come together, we become more powerful than we ever knew we could be. Knowing that helps me to coach other women. Having a part in someone’s journey to better health brings me great joy and drives me to learn new things and teach my daughter new things, which all translates into being able to teach my clients new things.


I feel confident in how my body feels. I trust what my body tells me, how it feels, and how food and exercise affect the symptoms of endometriosis. I know when something is off or when I’m doing something right. Knowing and trusting this has helped me thrive with endometriosis.

What is your biggest fear in life? I fear regret. In the past 5 years, I have quit my corporate job, become a mom, and gained the knowledge and education to become a health coach. I know that I have great things to accomplish in this world. There’s no looking back now!

Business & Family I involve my family whenever I can with my business. I use it as a learning tool with my daughter and it has been great. She cooks with me, learning about each food and why it is good for you. Her and my husband push me to dig deeper and learn new things all the time. I am glad I am able to incorporate my family into my business. As far as personal time, I save that for the gym. Gym time gets added into my calendar each week. I am at my best after a 600 calorie burn so I make sure to not forget about me.

Who is your coach crush/inspira

I love Andrea Beaman, a holistic health coach and natural foods chef. She took back her health and proved her doctors wrong, all with food. Then, she showed others how to do the same. She has been a great example for me to follow.

Favourite quote? "Trust Yourself." Endometriosis isn’t visibly noticeable on the outside or easily tested for, and because of this, women are often told that nothing is wrong or that their pain is normal. You have to truly trust yourself, it is your body. If something is wrong, find out what it is. I carry these two words with me daily now as I work with women to help them thrive with endometriosis.

Chat with Jessica here

Make passion your paycheque.

know your passion. FOLLOW IT. LIVE IT. DREAM IT.

meet Tori yu

About Tori yu

I am the new Hello Life Academy graphics designer and branding coach and expert, and the owner of Framboise Design Co. My specialty? You guessed it graphic design, calligraphy, brand development, custom business cards and logos for business and personal use. &


Your inspiration for Framboise

I have an engineering background but my passion is design. Honestly, it was a combination of perfect timing and making the best out a difficult situation! So after going on maternity leave with my firstborn, there weren t too many engineering opportunities, especially if I wanted to work from home. So I thought I d do some design work to help supplement our income. Don t get me wrong, I ve been designing with the Adobe Suite for over ten years, but this is the first time I actually considered turning my hobby into a business... And I haven t looked back since! '







On biz, littles, and focus

The most important thing is to be intentional! The second most important thing is to be okay when your kids change up your schedule. If you aren t intentional, nothing will ever get done. If that means I have to set my alarm for 5 AM to get as much work done before the kids wake up, so be it. But if the littles end up running a high fever or aren t feeling well and just need cuddles, I will always drop whatever I m working on to tend to them! I set my schedule to do as much work as I possibly can when the kids don t need me while they re sleeping, naps, at night etc. and I can focus on my work and clients without any distraction. And then I can be 110 with my kids knowing I finished the work I needed to get done for the day! OH! And coffee. LOTS of coffee! '










On entrepreneurship

I love being able to set my own schedule and be there for my kids! I can do work almost anywhere and also still get things done at home! It s really the best of both worlds. '

Why you love the Hello Life Academy women

Being able to meet such amazing and talented women and watching them get their wings and take off with their businesses! Honestly, I am just so honoured to be a part of the process!

Must know for your logo

Be true to yourself. You are your business biggest asset and you shouldn t try to be someone else. Plus, people appreciate authenticity over a facade or copycats.





What can we look forward to seeing from you in the next 6 months? There are a couple things that are under wraps which I m super excited about, but what I can say is there will be some awesome new products coming out in the near future! Other things in the works are: a HUGE branding refresh, website, and pricing and packages to suit different budgets and needs! '

find Tori here

meet our cover: erica o'callaghan

Your website is beautiful! Did you design it yourself? Thank you. Yes, I designed my website myself.

Your logo “feels� good. What does it represent? I chose the triangle for a few reasons. My yoga path is leading me more and more to the power within all of us. The triangle symbolises the number 3, and the sacred feminine and masculine energies. It is impossible to break (STRONG), and it sources everything it needs from within. I began feeling this pull to explore my instructing/coaching at a deeper business level at the age of 33 while teaching Buti Yoga. Buti Yoga is a wonderful blend of the feminine energies with masculine. All of this has lead me to truly believe that we can all heal from the inside, just like the triangle symbolises.

You are certified in CanFitPro, Yoga, Group Fitness, Buti Sculpt and so many things. Do you have a favourite to teach? I started my teaching journey in 2010, with certifications in CanFitPro, and went off to teach group fitness classes. While these certifications were a great way for me to get my feet wet in the industry, I felt something was missing. Buti Yoga found me. It was still very new in the United States. All it took was one online workout for me to call down to California and sign up for the next training that was coming up two weeks later. I jumped in feet first because I knew I wanted to share it with women. My favourite is definitely Buti Yoga because it is such a powerful practice and has touched my heart in so many ways. It allows me to be feminine and creative on my mat. It allows me to give of myself to help other women see how strong they are, inside and out.

When did you first start teaching? Group fitness in 2010, Buti Yoga in 2013, and Yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative) in 2015.

How & when did you first discover movement? I have always loved getting absorbed in the music, but actual intentional movement I found with Buti Yoga. This practice breathes life into me anytime I need it.

Do you find that once people attend classes, they just keep coming back? I have witnessed everything. Some fall in love instantly and can’t get enough, going off to become certified themselves. Others are hesitant. All I know is if you give it a real chance, at least 5 classes, you will feel different and not know why. The movement of energy in the body can be uncomfortable for some depending on the trauma they are holding in their body. Something as primal and natural as childbirth can cause energy to get stuck and literally we would never know it. On a fitness level, Buti Yoga works with a Spiral Structure Movement, unlocking energy, as well as working the deep core muscles, to strengthen and heal after childbirth. The women that keep coming back I have seen them transform inside and out. They are smiling and just loving themselves for who they are. No judgement in my classes.

Where do you primarily teach? Okotoks and Black Diamond, Alberta. We are working our way into Calgary, Alberta, so if anyone would like to hold a pop-up class or workshop, I would love to help you out. Buti Yoga has grown 400% over the last year worldwide.

Connecting music and movement

Music is very organic. There is nothing choreographed. It is all from a very primal and natural place. When I hear a good beat, I feel it.

Who is your number one inspiration? All women. I love to see women taking on the world. Breaking away from any stereotypes they don’t feel fit them. Knowing their worth and owning it #bossbabes in life!



What’s next for you? I am currently working towards my Master Trainer designation with Buti Yoga. I want to reach as many women as I can with this movement towards healing from the inside out. I am taking it all day by day. I am open to growth, connections and collaborations.

Do you have something you tell yourself every single day - A mantra? I don’t. Each day is a new day. I usually find that my thought for the day comes to me during my morning routine. Sometimes it has something to do with me. "Rah, Rah, you’ve got this!" Other times, it comes from thinking about recent experiences, interactions, or people in my life. For example, I found myself in a worried state about a situation. What came from that was, “Why does it all have to be perfect? It doesn’t. Just let it be as it needs to be.” That really changed my view on that situation as well as that whole day. It all goes back to the symbolism of the triangle and how everything we need is within, we just have to listen.

Are you seeing more & more people do Yoga? What is something you have observed is happening in the fitness & movement world? I think Yoga is finding it’s place. We live fast-paced lives. Sometimes, we just need to connect with ourselves, even for one hour. I recently attended a Buti Yoga Retreat in Scottsdale, Arizona. I had the pleasure of meeting Andrew Sealy (check him out on Instagram). Not only are his pictures insanely amazing, but he is a warm and inspirational human being. He spoke of a podcast series he is starting about the evolution of yoga. I couldn’t agree more: Yoga is evolving. A lot of people are saying, "Whoa, hold up... No, it can’t change." But, the thing is, it already has. From the beginnings of yoga and what the lifestyles were like back then. Those people lived lifestyles that are completely different from the lifestyles we lead today. I embrace the evolution of yoga that is healing. Yoga is very powerful. It is such a great tool for absolutely anyone to use, flexible or not. Yoga can be sitting in a quiet place and connecting with your breath for 5 minutes. It can be moving your body in a fluid way with breath as your guide. I am excited for it all.

Why did you choose to open Fit Movement? Honestly, I was looking for a name for my Instagram page while on a road trip. Fit Movement came to me and what it means to me is health - Mind, body, and spirit. Taking care of ourselves the best way we know how. Fit doesn’t just mean exercise to me, it means all three (mind, body, and spirit). You can’t have one without the others. Movement means moving towards awareness of the mind, body, and spirit.


On personal growth

I will never ever know everything about yoga. That is what is so fascinating about it. I read, I do, I attend workshops and training, I connect with others, I take time for myself, I write, and the list goes on. It is constant, but it is necessary, so I can show up the way I need to when leading a class.

If you could tell potential clients ONE thing about working with you, what would that be? I am approachable and real. As much as I would like to add “fluff” to that statement, that just isn’t who I am. I will always be approachable and real.

Is there a way to work with you outside of classes? I am available for one-on-one sessions at your preferred location. Actually, I am available for sessions located anywhere someone can dream up! At your workplace, over Skype, and so forth.



How do you reach beginners?

Currently, I reach them by word of mouth. I try to teach at a variety of locations as well, so I can connect with as many people as possible.

Find Erica here

it's your focus on what you can't stop thinking about turn. you.

I spent a lot of time, energy & effort to prepare the best Academy to take

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to follow the dream

Spirited at


I remember when I was five years old connecting with the spirit world through visions and a dream state. The energy I felt was peaceful. It wasn't always peaceful though. I can remember having a tremendous amount of anxiety going to bed at night. I could feel extra energy around. When I saw souls departed, I wasn't familiar with it. Sometimes, it made me feel uneasy, especially for a child at such a young age.

how to recognise a child who is communicating with spirits? When I was growing up in the 1970's, my parents didn't have the information about or any understanding of the afterlife. Today, this is more openly talked about. The public has been provided with resources about the spirit world. Children are more intuitive, especially between the ages of four and ten. Parents having an open discussion with their child(ren) about what they are experiencing is key. This will allow each child to feel more comfortable with what he or she is feeling. It will ultimately build trust. Each situation for the parent may differ depending on the child's individual experience.

Tanya Blaney

tanya talks spirits Each soul is given a written contract in the spirit world from the higher archery before returning back into to the physical world. Our journeys are pre-written based on the soul's needs, including past life experiences. The contract contains our soul's purpose, relationships, health, family, and much more. Each one of us has assigned guardian angels, spirit guides, and angels to look after us. We have free will here on earth. Consequently, they will not interfere unless called upon to assist. Your guardian angel is assigned to help you with your needs on earth. You can build stronger relationships with them by communicating through thought or on paper. This is a great way to start! They are always with us and willing to help. Each day, the universe is offering us loving guidance. Spirit can help with creating more happiness in your aura field. Here's a great example: Let's say you are needing to let go of emotions from a past lesson which caused you heartache. You can go to your guardian angel, saying, "I need your help now to release old emotions from my aura field. I no longer need the energy of past heartache in my aura field." Then, a person can write out the emotions in detail that they need to release. By doing this, your guardian angel will assist you in releasing these old emotions. Always remember to thank your angels for their help!

"Life dreams begin with a vision. The window of the soul reflects images. This frequency of energy travels to our higher self, which brings our dreams to light. This creates our soul's purpose."

when the kids take over

A BACK-TO-SCHOOL GUIDE FOR YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS. seven tips to staying sane, spending time with your kids, and running your business like a boss! Issue 01

September is a beautiful month. The leaves change colours... The days are a little cooler... Wait... That sounds perfect... It's the way social media makes it seem. In reality... Everything is about the KIDS. I cannot even begin to explain the chaos that hit September 1st. Back-to-school outfits, dentist appointments, hair cuts, new backpacks, meetings, closet purging, and the STRONG DESIRE to focus on my business all at the same time.

How do we stay calm, cool and collected while getting kids ready for routine? Schedule and call in for help -Seriously. Reach out to neighbours and friends. Hire babysitters. You will need to work on the business to make sure you build an income. Stay calm, drink wine, and enjoy your kids. They really do grow up too fast. They need you just as much as you need them during these first few weeks back to school. Get a really great assistant -- Not kidding! Hire a real, live person to help you manage your days. Or use an online or paper day planner that can keep track of your time, events, meetings and self-care appointments. Make sure you make entries and review it daily! An empty day planner won't help you stay organised!

Self-CARE -- Yes, of course we have to do it, even when September hits. Make sure you buy yourself a new book, organise your own closet, and make some ME time a priority. As crazy as this sounds -- Choose certain times to be "online" and certain times to be "offline." This will ensure you do not get distracted by the beauty of social media. Know that your business is a priority -- But it can wait. Your clients will understand if you can only take calls or host events at certain times of the day until things settle down. Build the business around YOU. Yes, if you do not want to take evening calls forever, do not start taking them now. Do what works for your lifestyle -- and stick with that.

With the first few weeks of September behind us, I think we are FINALLY getting into the groove. We can't wait to hear how September was for you!

amanda fehr


how to love infused begin? "The name was very important to me! It was essential that my business name described the intention of the sessions I offer, which are full of love and light."

I took an amazing Spiritual Raindrop course through "Perfecting You From Within," facilitated by the most loving and accepting mentor, my friend Tamaine. She reaffirmed that I was enough and that everyone is perfect. I loved my experience so much that I immediately took another week long bootcamp one month later to further advance my skills. It was after this experience that I followed my passion and created my business.

favorite oils to use

Issue 01

I love all of the life-essence containing essential oils. However, if I had to pick a few they would be Valor, Jasmine, Thieves, and Lavender. Each session is unique and it depends on the client’s spiritual, financial, sexual, physical, emotional and mental needs at that moment in time.

Can you tell us how you first got into Reiki & Oils? I was introduced to Reiki and essential oils through my husband’s side of the family. I had a natural gravitation towards learning more about it all. I have used essential oils for many years and apply them to my daily life in all ways. I saw that my alma mater Mount Royal University was offering Usui Reiki classes, so became excited to learn the technique and spend time at one of my favourite institutions. My experience learning Reiki was incredible, confirming my desire to dive deeper.

what is reiki?

To me, Reiki is a spiritual connection to a higher source that assists selflove. It is a hands-off technique that utilizes ancient symbols and intention to infuse any person, place, situation or thing with pure love. The session will encourage a calming of the mind and body, which raises the energetic frequency of the client. Through higher frequency, a person is connected to their most authentic self, and inner healing is possible.

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.” - Marianne williamson

I believe that living my truth and focusing on my growth greatly builds my business everyday. I fill my treatment room with love and joy and the rest will come!

Why work for yourself? Do you love it? I have always been a leader and took the giant leap towards pursuing my dream! I am on my journey and am blessed to be able to connect with people so that we can raise our frequencies together! I love encouraging freedom from that which no longer serves us.

biggest struggle My business is newly formed and I wouldn’t classify anything so far as a struggle. I embrace all the learning opportunities it has presented me and trust all will be perfect!

Issue 01

find amanda here


What is Princess Fit Fierce? Princess Fierce Fitness is a Private Studio where we provide services to others that promote health and well being through the approach of fitness and wellness. This includes Personal Fitness Training, Nutrition Counselling, Life Coaching, Group Fitness Classes and more.

tell us about your first few years of There were so many different kinds of experiences in the first few years.


There were fun times and many difficult times. I was literally ignorance on fire. I spent the first year of my business doing it all by myself. This included all administrative work, advertising, website management, clerical work, and most importantly teaching all thirteen fitness group classes from Monday to Friday on my own. I was also taking on personal training clients, running a household, and dropping my daughter off and picking her up from private school and taking care of her. It was only after my first year that I was able to hire my first employee. By the end of year two, I had nine employees and had increased my company's growth by 200%. I was very fortunate. However, fortune doesn't come without hard work and perseverance.


meet the owner of Princess Fierce Fitness

quitting corporate When I first started my business, I had a part-time job as a Pediatric Cardiology Thrombosis Nurse at the University of Alberta Hospital. My position was very important, incredibly challenging and, more importantly, an opportunity of a lifetime (if that was my goal). I also had a history as a Registered Nurse, working in multiple aspects of Adult Medicine and Adult Surgery, along with experience in Adult CCU. These all required Secondary and Tertiary Care. It started to really bother me to see all these unfortunate sick people. Sadly, many of their ailments were preventable. If they chose healthier lifestyle habits rather than poor lifestyle habits, they would have been much healthier overall. My mindset shifted. All I wanted to do was promote healthy lifestyles and help people to achieve levels of health that would prevent them from ending up in the hospital from preventable illness. I wanted to help those who were prone to future ailments and illnesses as a result of family history and genetics. I chose to remain as a casual Registered Nurse, not only to maintain my skills, hours for licensing, and education, but also to maintain my commitment to the health of society as a whole. I wouldn't say I had any fear when I first started in balancing both jobs. Drive and determination made the difference.

balancing family life? Make sure to set your family schedule first before your business schedule. Make sure you are always in the moment. By this, I mean when you are with your family, be with them. Not on your phone, or on your computer, or stuck in your own head. Be present with them. Your business is always there and one evening or one day is not going to make or break you.

family plan with your

business plan

My goal was always to be available to my daughter. When I started my business, and still to this day, I plan my business schedule around my daughter's schedule. I have been able to take her to school every day and pick her up every day. I have the ability to volunteer at her school and attend field trips and concerts. I am able to attend all her extracurricular activities and if she is ever in need (sick, for example), I can easily make arrangements without reservation. I also have my weekends and planned holidays free for my family. My business has always had to come second to my family.

disconnect from the emotion of coaching women? This has been incredibly easy for me. My girls (clients) are my family. We support each other, listen to each other, encourage each other, and, most importantly, we love each other. Every new client that comes our way knows it and feels it.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

I'm currently working on revamping my entire business, almost like a complete overhaul. I'm focusing on a more natural and herbal approach to nutrition, recreating and redesigning my fitness challenges, and bringing in quite a few new ideas to help provide the best possible services I can. Along with all of that, I'm working on my application for a Self-Employed Nurse to emphasise my focus on health promotion in this industry, as well as working on bringing more videos to my YouTube channel, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts. And lastly, I am working on a better and more efficient way to provide online programs to my clients, both nationally and internationally.


Find Charity here

do it with passion or not at all.



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