June Hello Life Academy Magazine

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everything you do in business should be done from a place of kindness.... -

megan lockhart




thank you

-megan lockhart

Join our COACHING Community Here

WHAT'S INSIDE Hello from Megan with CEO Megan Lockhart Happiness Reads with our Editor Suzy O ' Donnell Social Media Video Tips from Erin ZImmerman 10 Reasons You ' re not Getting Clients with Cara Rice Business Expert & Coach Sarah Leather l Relationship Coach Helene Golombek Foundation Tips for a Flawless Camera - Ready Face with Makeup Artist Jamie - Lee

THE DETAILS www.hellolifestudio.com info@hellolifestudio.com

Megan's Photos Taken by Mandi Carter Published monthly Executive Sales Manager Stephanie Tomlinson All Rights Reserved. Editor - Suzy O'Donnell suzy@bluesterbooks.ca

FOCUS READS WITH THE EDITOR SUZY O'DONNELL WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT This book is absolutely jam - packed with great content - before you even reach the end of the first secret you will be armed with 7 tips you can easily implement to boost your mood, and by the end of the book you will have learned 9 secrets of happiness that are simple, clear and effective. Need more reasons to pick it up? The Happiness Equation is chock full of pie charts, graphs and fun diagrams which are great for visual and logical learners!

do happy nuns live longer? Make sure to check out the Nun Study to find out why happy nuns live ten years longer ( on average ) than unhappy nuns! This section, hidden within Secret #1, clearly demonstrates a link between happiness and longevity - not to worry if you are less - than - saintly ladies, the study has implications for happiness outside the convent walls too!

In The Happiness Equation, Pasricha illustrates how to want nothing, do anything, and have everything. If that sounds like a contradiction, you simply haven t unlocked the 9 Secrets to Happiness. ’

the happiness equation the living lottery

If happiness is a matter of perspective, read this book to get a fantastic take on how lucky we all are and how we ve already won the lottery: '

the do circle

Take a lesson from Neil Pasricha s do circle. We are our own worst enemies it is not necessary to be an expert at something to do it... Think back to your swimming lessons the only way to learn to swim was to jump in the water! Do things, then get better at doing them! '



1 Be happy you are alive 14 15 people that have EVER lived are dead. You win! 2 Be happy you are rich the average world income is 5,000. You win! )






my takeaway

creating space

Chances are if you re reading Hello Life Magazine you are a busy entrepreneur or you know someone who is! Many of us suffer from decision fatigue and would love to focus on our happiness but simply cannot find the time. Neil Pasricha talks about creating space why it is important and why it can actually give you MORE time. Wouldn t it be great if you could spend more time doing things that you love and have more time to work on your business? Creating space might be the answer you are looking for. '





Be happy first. Success, wealth, fame and fortune do not guarantee happiness never do something because you think it will make you happy. Just be happy with what you are doing and you re already ahead of the game. -


down the rabbit hole Bunnies, billionaires and new beginnings Happiness means something different to everyone. Once upon a time, former playboy bunny Holly Madison dreamt of finding fame, fortune and maybe even love inside the Playboy Mansion. Whether or not you can relate to that dream you can almost certainly relate to the fact that reaching your dreams does not necessarily mean that you will achieve happiness. I read Down the Rabbit Hole this month because hope, healing and happiness underlie Holly Madison s journey and because it s about time Hello Life Magazine fell down a rabbit hole! If you can keep an open mind, you ll be pleasantly surprised at the compelling writing and will hopefully be inspired to seek out the things that make you happy on your own journey. '




readers beware

For our conservative or young readers, please be advised that Down the Rabbit Hole covers some material that may be considered sensitive in nature. You ve been warned! '

real life or reality tv

Some of you may have watched the reality TV show The Girls Next Door or even Holly s World. Even if you didn t watch it imagine having cameras film every private detail of your life for more than 5 years! Then imagine having to carve out a new life for yourself, having to break out of the stock character that you ve become! Can anyone relate? Did anyone have a different career or a different life before you became an entrepreneur? Is it hard to make the world see you for who you are now and not for who you used to be? If so, try this book for inspiration! '




the moral of the story

Make it, break it, or fake it and if that doesn t work, it s never too late to begin again!!! Eat those impossible things for breakfast and be who you are because the world may love you or hate you, but you can be happy regardless. -



quotes to live by

It s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then. Lewis Carroll, Alice s Adventures in Wonderland '





hello happiness Hello readers! Welcome to Hello Life Magazine's June edition! This month we are celebrating happiness because that is what coaching is really all about- making ourselves happy by pursuing our dreams and helping others succeed at whatever makes them happy! For some, happiness is simply a state of being and for others, happiness is a lifelong pursuit. Whether you are already there or whether you are working towards it, I hope June's edition brings you a beautiful boost of sunshine because you are beautiful and you deserve every ounce of happiness in the world! This month we asked our social media groups for happiness tips and we were amazed at the response! We are featuring some of our favourite answers throughout these pages. I am also going to share my biggest happiness tip with you- make decisions and feel good about them! Seems simple, right? You'd be amazed at how difficult this simple little philosophy can be to implement, but once you get it you'll be even more amazed at what you can achieve when you stop second-guessing yourself! Why is it important to commit to your decisions? It's simple- without making decisions you can't move forward. Think back to high school physics- an object at rest will remain at rest FOREVER unless something happens to move it. You need to move that object! Nothing will ever be perfect no matter how long you work at perfecting it so just get out there and give it some momentum! "Progress not perfection," is something the beautiful Marie Forleo says and I stand by it! You make 1000s of decisions every day (what to eat, when to sleep, what to wear, what to post, etc.) and trust me I know it's impossible to feel good about all of them. Trust that the outcome will be as it should, trust your gut, and remember that you made the best choice at the time and you did it for a reason. There was a time when I was not very good at trusting my gut, but I find that the more you do something, the better you get at it. I'm confident with my decisions now! Go for it- you'll only get better at it.

Issue 01

I am constantly telling my clients to make a decision and to stick with it; a common question I get in return is 'how long do I need to stick with a decision even if it turns out bad'? We really need to focus on what 'bad' means before I can answer this question. Does it relate to financial success? Or does it relate to bad feelings? If something doesn't feel right then you definitely don't need to stick with it! But if you made a decision and you're not raking in millions yetdon't give up! You started this for a reason! Things will evolve if you see it through. The best coaches I know come from a place of help and kindness; the value in their service is real and apparent but they did not arrive at that point overnight. So which decisions do I feel really good about this month? I am SO happy with my decision to establish the Hello Life Academy! I believe that the right entrepreneurs are finding the program. It's been amazing to see how these ladies are kicking butt already with their own businesses- I cannot wait for you to meet them all! I believe that we must approach all decisions with our hearts to find happiness. I have made many decisions throughout my life that have not necessarily resulted in instant happiness but I truly believe that I made those decisions for a reason. Committing to my decisions and not second-guessing myself brought me to Hello Life and I am truly happy to be along for the ride! Smile my beauties,

megan lockhart xo

10 reasons you're not getting clients

by cara rice

.1. You re focusing on what everyone else is doing instead of keeping your eyes on your own work. I know you think you re doing research , but what you re doing is sending yourself down a rabbit hole of comparison and your own awesome unique! ideas end up get watered down with the mediocrity of the masses. Create a schedule for social media if you have to. But get in and get out. '







2. You re not putting enough of YOU into your business. Guess what, people connect with people not businesses. If you re a coach, you need to be the face of your business at all times. You also need to create a genuine connection with your ideal client through your own personal story. Do you need to share everything about yourself? No. But the pieces relevant to what you are selling? Ummm...yes. Yes you do. . '


"if you're a coach



you need to be the face of your business

3. Your head isn t in the game. Just like abs are made in the kitchen, entrepreneurial success happens in the noggin. You absolutely need to be doing the mindset work daily to bust through the limiting beliefs that we all face on this entrepreneurial journey. This shit is scary! That s why I personally spend 10 hrs a week re wiring my brain for success. '




at all times"

4. You re not setting a monthly financial goal and or you don t have a strategy in place to reach it. Do you know how many calls you need to have to sign X clients? I have sticky notes all over my condo with my monthly financial goal. I also have a monthly strategy in place and physical a sheet of paper to place the names of the discovery calls I ve held, and spaces for the new clients I intend to sign. It lives on my fridge, where I can see it all day everyday. '




5. You don t have a logical sales funnel. Does your freebie attract the people you want to work with and are you nurturing your audience in a way that creates connection and provides a natural segue into working with you one on one? Or are you putting out something so general that your mother s 90 yr old neighbor ends up on your list? '





"abs are made in the kitchen


entrepreneurial success happens in the noggin"

6. You re not getting people on the phone Skype or meeting with people in person . SIMPLY PUT: You will not have a successful coaching business if you re not actively booking calls on a weekly basis. Whether this is by way of free coaching sessions, discovery calls or otherwise... this should be your #1 focus until you are fully booked with clients. 7. You haven t mastered discovery calls. If you re a coach or any type of entrepreneur for that matter , you need to master the art of the sale. You don t have to be sales y , but you do need to get better at connecting the benefits of your program to your ideal client s pain points and then asking for the sale. 8. You re whining about what s not working, instead of getting creative. If social media isn t working for you, go grassroots. Troll your newsletter reports. Who is clicking? Send them a personal email. Talk to people at the water fountain at your gym. Go to networking events. Drop old school flyers off at your local health food store. Connect with former colleagues for coffee. Volunteer at an event or trade show. Any opportunity to tell people about what you do is a possible connection. 9. You re simply not hustling smart enough! I am not suggesting you burn the candle at both ends. But the reality is that this is not easy. If it were, everyone would do it! You have to put in the work. And by work I mean both the action work and the mindset work. While it s not easy... it CAN be simple. You can learn how to hustle smarter with the right strategies and systems in place. 10. You re trying to do this alone. You re a smart cookie, I get it! But we ALL have blind spots. The bottom line is that even coaches need coaches to work through the inevitable stuff that resurfaces each time you uplevel. Ideally you want to look for a coach who has been where you are and has made it to where you want to be. Or who is at least 2 3 steps ahead of you. '




























sarah leather I am Sarah Leather, owner and founder of Healthy Wealthy Woman! I am a transformational coach and I love helping women succeed at business without killing themselves in the process. I also offer coaching for women who want to lose weight through healthy means and I offer a natural fertility e course! I am known as the Queen of VIP Programs because I tend to offer enormous value to high end clients, which means better results for everyone! -


advice for new coaches Get support. The idea that once I m successful I ll get help is about as logical as once I m fit I ll start going to the gym . I wish that I would have gotten support earlier. Do this... Get support. '








building a coaching foundation People tend to be so passionate about so many different things you have to get really focused on one thing! I always suggest that you start with a solid foundation one thing! This will develop into your signature product and you can branch out from there. -


sarah's journey I ve been evolving my business for the past 25 years. I began as a naturopath, then I started coaching and now I offer comprehensive holistic business coaching. It has not always been an easy road I ve been so focused on the business at times that I couldn t even take 5 minutes to myself but ultimately helping people is what keeps me going! '

- '



connect with sarah

meet helene

how did you discover coaching? I had multiple jobs...I was that person that left every 2 years because I thought i d be happy leaving. I had heard about life coaching before, but never considered it. I was considering going back to school to become a psychologist...but life coaching I liked the approach of starting with the person where they are now...not entirely looking at their past. '

confidence I You have to fall in love with yourself, it makes it easier to attract the right person so you have the confidence and skills to walk away from things that aren t fullfilling you. The women I work with find confidence and it helps them in other areas of their life as well '






Failure, i m new to the coaching world I want to succeed. I am getting more and more comfy with my message, putting myself out there but I still have fears that this won t work out...I m going to have to go back to a day job. '





cassie parks

Happiness in business is having the freedom to work with who I want, when I want in a way that feels good and supports the lifestyle I love living.



meet derek antosh

Derek was one of the first team members for Hello Life. Above and beyond his talent for helping Megan with her web technical issues he has launched a one of a kind site that helps owners renters across Canada. &



tell us about rentkey.ca

A few years ago I decided I wanted to create a website from scratch, using my own designs and web development skills, and see if people would actually use it. Initially I thought about creating a site similar to VRBO or AirBnB with vacation rentals, but instead I opted to go with something that would be a bit more applicable across all of Canada. So instead of limiting it to just short term vacation rentals, I decided to create a site where homeowners could list their properties for rent, and renters could find these longer term rental listings. Sure there are similar sites out there, but I have yet to find one that really nails the experience on a mobile device. There are still so many websites out there that don t work well on smart phones. You shouldn t need to pinch and zoom your way around a site it should just work on your phone. That was big for me. I wanted my site to work great on any device, and I believe it does. I struggled with the name of the site for quite a while. I knew I wanted something short that was easy to spell. I was walking up to my house one day and looked at the keys in my hand and it hit me RentKey.ca –


Who does RentKey help? Anyone who owns or rents property. Some places in Canada are saturated with rentals, which can make it difficult for property owners to get the word out that they have a place for rent. Other places have very few rentals, which is tough on renters because they are tasked with finding the few owners who have a property available. RentKey brings those people together. It s set up to be super easy to use for both owners and renters. Owners can get their properties listed quickly and can easily link to their listings on major social media. Renters can bring up the site on nearly any device and filter through to find their ideal property. They can even set up their email address to get notifications the second a new property is listed so they don t need to keep checking for new listings every day. I m also adding new features to the site all the time. I want the experience to be easy and stress free for anyone who uses the site. ’


entrepreneurship the best part about being an entrepreneur??

I get to make decisions on my own, and actually respond to customer feedback directly. RentKey isn t some big company it s just me. I am my own boss. Working for a large company, you are limited in what you can do. Every decision requires a meeting or approvals that can take ages to finally act upon. With RentKey, if you email me a suggestion or find a bug, I get to respond to you directly, and I get to fix it. It s way more personal. The best part is that there is no red tape and no chain of command delays. The sky is literally the limit when you are an entrepreneur. Down the road I may get the point where I need to have a number of employees to keep RentKey going, but I never want that personal element to get lost. ’

Who inspires you to continue growing the business? My friends and family have been great at supporting me with RentKey. I started on this project over 2 years ago, and it hasn t always been easy. Creating a fully functioning web application from the ground up takes time and effort. My family was the first group of people to test out the site and give me suggestions, and things have only grown from there. Recently I ve seen how successful Megan has been with Hello Life, and how successful she has made so many others, and I want to strive to be the same. ’

How do you find time to focus on RentKey above and beyond family commitments?

Honestly, I pace myself. Finding the motivation to work on RentKey when I could be doing so many other things is not easy. When I have spare time, work is typically the last thing on my mind. After my kids are in bed and my wife heads to the gym, I could easily sit back and watch Netflix for a few hours and I won t pretend that doesn t happen occasionally , but success takes work. If you plan each week to factor in a few evenings of work and commit to it, you can be successful. The key is prioritizing your goals, but also not casting everything else aside for the sake of the business. I intentionally work in spurts. I might work 5 evenings one week, so I can purposely work none the next. It s all about balance. If you try to sprint for 6 months on end, you will burn yourself out and lose motivation in a hurry. But if you pace yourself, anything is possible. (


happiness is following your dream

cheers to working towards your passion -

we love ya xo

Business is like a whole onion. Each layer one by one is a learning experience. It s not perfect! Once you get to the end result, you re confident and just keep growing from there. As long as you have the drive and keep learning, you re unstoppable.






melissa herb

... is feeling fulfilled because you know you are doing what you are meant to be doing!. "


sophie strout

Using video to increase your audience

WHY IS VIDEO SO IMPORTANT? I recently went on a business retreat 500 miles away from home with people I had never met in person. Am I crazy? I can say with FULL confidence: NOPE! Prior to the in person experience, we had masterminded 6 different times over video chat. So, even though I couldn t feel, smell, or taste them ALL OK with me they WERE strangers, after all � , I could see them, hear their voices, and sense their personalities based on how they interacted with the group. VIDEO enhanced their know, like, and trust factors. VIDEO made me confident that we were a great fit to spend 5 days retreating together in the mountains. -



VIDEO made my husband quit asking me if I was paying to get catfished by people you met on AIM Chat. “


HOW TO #1 1. Creation Station Behind the Scenes: Give your peeps a peek behind the scenes. Creating a course? Show them what your work space looks like! Advocating for quality of work over quantity? Show them your trip to the zoo with the kids, and how much fun they could be having if they work more efficiently! They want to know what is going on behind the branding, behind the finished product. SHOW THEM! -






Share stories: Humans are attracted to stories. They are what bind the past to the present to the future. They bring people together, and spark imagination and ingenuity in us all. So, YOU have to share your stories! They can be personal, they can be why you do what you do which could change daily , they can be interactions with clients with their permission . The SKY is the limit with the stories you share! TIP: Make sure to tie your story back to your purpose. Always ask yourself: Why am I sharing this with my community?? Knowing this will ensure they will watch and become ENGAGED. (


join Erin's Tribe




I get asked this question a lot, how should I be applying my foundation? . There are a lot of ways to apply foundation but I m going to give you some tricks to give you the most flawless coverage that will have you camera ready. “

I have a couple foundations that I love, but ones that I really tend to gravitate towards for film and photography are the ones that are High Definition foundations. Most foundations have an SPF in them and when you use a foundation with an SPF it can cause a flashback in film or pictures and make you look more pale than you actually are. So for this reason, if you are going to be on film or pictures, use a foundation with no SPF and preferably one in High Definition like Makeup Forever in HD. Next you want to take a sponge for the application on your face.

find jamie here


I love the Beauty Blender egg shaped sponge which you can get from Sephora. It is a bit pricey but will last you a long time. To use the sponge, you want to have it damp and the best way to achieve that is to run it under water and then squeeze out the excess moisture or even squeeze it between some paper towels. Then spray some setting spray on the sponge, such as the MAC Fix . The setting spray is used to help your makeup stay put all day, even through the heat. It s like a miracle in a bottle. +



Next, put a few dabs of foundation on the back of your hand and press the sponge lightly into the foundation. Then you want to dab the foundation all over your face, don t swipe the product on. Keep doing this until your face is totally covered. If you have some redness on your face, you may want to build the coverage in that area with the foundation. Next apply your concealer and always make sure to set your foundation and concealer with a setting powder to keep the longevity of it through the day. And lastly, after all your makeup is applied, spray your face with the setting spray again and voila! ’



Happiness in business is knowing that I m living my passion and helping people in the process.




Diabetes Coach Tamica

There is nothing that you can t accomplish. Believe in the thing that you keep thinking about work towards it. "




Megan Lockhart

you. focus on what you can't stop thinking about I spent a lot of time, energy & effort to prepare the best Academy to take

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