Hello Life April Edition

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STOP MULTI-TASKING & FOCUS Your business can only build on a solid foundation



A Day in the Life with CEO Megan Lockhart Meet Self - Love Activist & Life Coach Susan Ball Business Coaching with Digital Nomad Kaylee Spinhirn The 4 days of Focus you need to launch Meet the Hello Life Academy Social Media Guru Erin Zimmerman Visibility Business Coach with Holly Diederich Abc ' s of Academy Transformation and Lifestyle Coach with Lacrecia Dangerfield Women ' s Sexuality Coach Irene Fehr Yoga pants & high heels with Melissa Kessler Photoshoot - ready tips makeup with Jamie - Lee Wiebe

www.hellolifestudio.com info@hellolifestudio.com Megan's Photos Taken by Mandi Carter Published monthly All Rights Reserved. Editor - Suzy O'Donnell suzyodonnell@gmail.com

Asparagus that will change your kitchen with Jackie Copeland Focused Wellness Coaching with Crystal Bagby Focus Reads with our editor Suzy O ' Donnell


hello from Megan I am so excited to bring you April’s Edition of Hello Life Magazine, devoted to FOCUS and bubbling with inspiration! Focus can make or break your business­ so many of my creative breakthroughs have come from real focus. The good news is that you can train your focus­ it can grow into something beautiful. The bad news? Use it or lose it ladies; focus can wither if not properly cultivated. I try to take a few minutes each day to meditate; it helps me find my focus. Some days this is easier than others­ often I feel guilty for taking time away from my family and from my business. Hello Life is a testament to the fact that when you make yourself a priority, you have more time to make everything else a priority too. Research shows that creative insight flows best when you have time and attention to think freely. You’ll learn more about this ‘creative cocoon’ if you check out our Focus Reads. Getting into the right headspace to get creative in your business could help kick your business into high gear. Try to focus on one big thing at a time­ find that one thing that matters more than anything else and go for it. My big focus right now is Hello Life Academy. I am building an elite training academy that will streamline and accelerate business development by months or even years! The Academy will take amazing, passionate coaches and give them the tools, the support, and the platform they need to kick­start or rejuvenate their business. These 4 intense days of career building are seriously going to change lives! What can these lucky ladies look forward to? This is not a holiday retreat­ these entrepreneurs will be rolling up their sleeves and getting down and dirty with their businesses! They will work for freedom, for financial success and for flexibility like they’ve always dreamed of. They can expect 4 days of amazing, collaborative work and soul searching. What better place to find creative insight than a beautiful mountain setting, face­to­ face with an inspiring group of women? So now that I’ve shared my focus­ why not get engaged and share yours? When the Universe says, ‘Hello’, how will you answer? Issue 01

Your host Megan Lockhart www.hellolifestudio.com


coaching is like having another baby it takes time, love, tenderness &

a ton of hard work -

megan lockhart




thank you

-megan lockhart


the daily freedom &

fkexibility desire is possible the hello life academy will get you there


when you can't stop talking about it.. . .you should be doing it


Self-Love Activist and Life Coach on disconnecting I have to teach and practice what I preach. Disconnecting isn't easy, but I try to put things where they belong and move on.

the next 6 months I am launching a new 6 week program called PRIDE to help women escape victim'hood, as well as planning a retreat in Italy. In my free time I hope to start a non-profit organization.

megan's notes Check out Susan's collection of pictures from Nova Scotia (where she lives fearlessly) on Pinterest- so beautiful!!!

about your biz

I have been coaching for 4 years now, working as a certified NLP practitioner with women who have left abusive relationships. I help them get out of the Victim role in their lives and into fearless living.

your WHY I was in a relationship that was abusive- it was scary, but I got out. I sought help but it was hard to find a mentor who could relate to mesometimes it takes more than book smarts to connect with clients. I have been there and I found my way back. Now I am here to help other women do the same.

more self-love Being deeply madly in love with yourself is not ego, not conceit... it's beauty. Women should spend more time loving themselves and less time judging themselves- those negative thoughts are holding you back. Connect with Susan here


Digital Nomad and Business Coach Tell us your super power The art of connection! I am a connector to the core. If someone says “I need someone to help me do something..." I start thinking of who I know that can help.

advice to women

Never apologize. Don’t apologize for your plan, for not having money, for not having kids or for having kids. Love your life, live it, be it.

all about kaylee

I am a woman of many talents- I'm a business coach, a yogi, an accountant, a pattern expert, a digital nomad and a traveller. In between trips, you can find me, my fiancée and my puppy crushing it in Virginia.

overcoming mental blocks

Many people get comfy at a certain level of success… then they selfsabotage through self-abuse and guilt takes over. Most people want to push through the block to achieve bigger goals but they need to beat their mindset first.

I got here by learning to control my own fate- I jumped into business coaching and I am 110% committed to it!

Crush your goals - the 90 day 1:1

Let's crush those goals- no messing around! As a pattern expert, I help people recognize what happens when they face a challengethen we can tackle the big goals! My focus is a 90 day 1:1 coaching program for entrepreneurs. I provide clarity on thoughts and processes through support and accountability.

Connect with Kaylee here


social media guru



Erin is real with you, really real. If you're looking for someone who is passionate, inspiring and funny she's the social media expert you need- the kind you could sit down with, have a glass of wine with and talk with for hours about business and pleasure. Her personality is contagious and her down-toearthness is comforting. Erin's clients will see growth in social media the day they start working with her.

the elephant in the room Often overlooked but packing a trunk full of potential- it's time to party with your elephant! I am Erin Zimmerman of Kansas City, Missouri, and I am the owner of social media management and consulting company Elephant Social.

learning to live your dreams I was in a job that I didn't love, trying to follow someone else's dream of moving up a corporate ladder... I knew that I wanted a change, but my dream job did not seem to exist. About a year ago I was given a little push when a close friend passed away- it was tragic but I was inspired because he truly lived his dream- it suddenly clicked for me that I needed to live mine.

on making big changes 1. Focus on relationships- who cares what others are doing, let your relationships guide you! 2. Be yourself- do things that you love doing and not just things you are good at doing! 3. Be prepared for growing pains- save and make a plan before you leap!

biggest success so far in your biz Building relationships! I step out of my introverted personality, put myself out there and reach out to people I admire‌

things to look forward to I will be expanding my packages and extending my reach so that I can help more people! I am currently working on developing an online social media course as well as an independent film-maker's ebook.

Click Here to Visit Erin HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE - ISSUE 2

why focus matters what does focus even mean

with CEO Megan lockhart

Many of you reading this are multi-passionate coaches and YOU are SO bloody creative it blows my socks off. Daily I am astonished at the amount of creative ideas hitting me on social media. Which is exactly why you should pick one idea and let it grow up, just like a baby, or a plant. You can't expect a lilac to turn into a orchid. Give it 6 months... Let it grow. Focus is going to let you succeed; focus is going to allow you to receive that financial success you can already feel in your heart and your mind. What is the product you're offering? Choose one and let it grow as big as you imagine.

one thing will evolve into many


You launch your signature program; it is wildly successful because you've put time, energy and effort into it. Whether or not it was a 6-figure launch- it still blew your socks off and others are feeling results from YOUR product! What next? That ONE focused program you put all your energy into! Will evolve into many other items? Potentially- it's small opt-ins you create from it, or even a DIY evergreen program that people can click & buy. You could host a retreat entirely based on your program... This is where that creative passion comes into play. Let that ONE focused idea evolve into many- after you've built a solid foundation

megan lockhart




Abc's of Hello Life Academy noun | acad.e.my | \ə-ˈka-də-mē\ : a place of study or training for an elite group of amazing business women : an organization of experts working together to support your business (including SEO experts, marketing strategists, photographers, business experts, videographers, health coach expert and founder of the academy Megan Lockhart) : a private place to foster friendships, gather inspiration and focus on your dreams

noun | busi.ness | \ˈbiz-nəs, -nəz\ : activity of pursuing your dreams by providing services or selling goods in exchange for profit : something to nurture and grow through workshops, seminars, presentations, guest experts and 4 days of career building that will change your life

noun | em·er·ald | \ˈem-rəld, ˈe-mə-\ : a luxurious and secluded mountain lodge in Canada, home to Academy 2016 (Emerald Lake Lodge) : a bright or rich colour typically reflected by sharp-minded, dedicated and empowered coaches : a gemstone imbued with beauty and potential, often found just beneath the surface waiting to be discovered

noun | fo·cus | \ˈfō-kəs\ : main purpose or interest : achieved through 4 days of intensive training supported by 12 months of 1:1 business coaching with Megan (1) prior to Academy we build up your target market, we get clear on your program length and we outline your content (2) at Academy the entire time is focused on your business : still your mind and listen to your heart – find it at Academy

noun | \ˈkōch\ : an amazing passionate woman who is meant to help people with some aspect of their lives : hard worker who wants to reset and refocus their online business to gain freedom, financial success and flexibility

noun | \ˈdrēm\ : something you have wanted very much to do, be or have for a very long time : a journey down the path to enlightenment through 4 days of exclusive work on your business which will include (1) business branding, website, and an online platform for life (2) coaching calls with Megan to stay motivated before and after Academy (3) a tribe of women to collaborate with immediately (4) an iPad full of programs you’ll need for success (5) professional photos, makeup sessions and audio/videos for your best impressions (6) morning yoga, nightly champagne and special surprises throughout the day (7) private accommodation, meals and uninterrupted YOU time (8) so much more to build the business of your dreams



a little about you I'm a suburbanite from Illinois, Chicago and I have the whole package with a wonderful family, my dogs and a great big backyard. You won't find any Stepford in me however- I am an expert in VISIBILITY.

about your biz My primary business is my newborn baby and my 3-year-old! In between my Mom time, I am a Visibility Biz Coach and SPARKLEPRENEUR- I help women get visible and make more money in their business without sacrificing what's important to them. I am a skyrocket for women who want to take their coaching to the next level.

why your closet is awesome I love kids and fashion! About a year ago I opened up an online boutique business called Adore Your Closet to empower young girls ages 0-14 through clothing. Although I still own and run the business, I now push it one step further through coaching and help other women follow their dreams too!

visibility tip Be consistent and get out there. Find out where your clients are- you can be visible but if you are not going where your clients are you are not reaching them.

"be consistent, get visible"

coaching the coach I am constantly investing in myself and in my business. I currently have a mindset coach who is helping me work through some business blocks. I invest in value-added coaching.

Click Here to Visit Holly HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE - ISSUE 2

Transformation and Lifestyle Coach

hello Doctor Dangerfield What's in an incredible name? In this case a lot- a Master of Arts in Counseling, a Doctorate of Education in Counselor Education and Supervision, a Diploma in Christian Life Coaching and 25 years of experience in the public and private sector!

success in the second season To the casual observer, many middle-aged women appear highly successful and talented; but on the inside these same women often feel stuck and overwhelmed. I help them get clarity on who they are and what they want to achieve- the second season offers a chance to actualize their purpose.

where you'll find her Nashville, Tenessee, or online transforming lives.

taking care of yourself

answering the call

I have good self-care tools to put into place, to know that work is work, coaching is coaching and life is life.

Faith conquered my fear and allowed me to pursue my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I am who I was CALLED to be.

re-imprint your life

I have boundaries in my life, and I make sure to engage in other things outside of work including prayer, exercising, reading, travelling, and connecting with my support system.

This is my program designed to help middle-aged women connect with who they are at the core and embrace what their assignment is in life. We accumulate so many layers of beliefs as we journey through life that sometimes it takes a group effort to find the path to discovery.


women's sexuality coach

about your biz Desire, pleasure and sexuality reignited! I coach women with low libido and sexless relationships to help turn on the flow of sexual energy.

your ideal client Wants to feel like a woman! She knows that sexuality is incredibly important— but feels that something is missing in her life!

on your journey I used to be in a sexless marriage. Years later I still felt worthless- I did not feel like a woman and I did not feel datable. Everything eventually collapsed and I hit rock bottom. Working with a life coach awakened me on a spiritual level. I found a sexuality coach and started connecting with my body. As I built confidence in my sexuality, I started building confidence in every other area of my life. I quickly realized how powerful desire, and knowing what you want, can be.

Beating the burnout Sometimes you need to stop and let things go. Forget fear of what people will think, fear of failure. Opportunities will come your way once you surrender. There is no such thing as rock bottom for those who believe in beginnings.

why do you do it I want my clients to know that they have a light… and that they have a choice to walk their walk in their light. I want to help them get there.

most frequently asked question How do I manifest money? Get past the money, start to dream….then start acting on it.

what's next for you Focusing on a manifesting circle. I want to teach people what manifesting means, and how to actually manifest because just asking the Universe is not enough.

Click Here to Visit Irene HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE - ISSUE 2

about your biz? Calling all Mombosses, beach bums, and booty shakers- I want to help you SPARKLE! I recently relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida and I specialize in helping Mombosses shift themselves from non-priority to full-priority. I am re-branding to focus on high heels & yoga pants- because it's all about sexy and balance!

MOMBOSS Health Coach

what exactly is a Momboss The Boss Lady, a habitual hard-worker and over-achiever in charge of virtually everything, who also happens to have children.

your motto

Real food. Booty Movement. Sparkle factor!

on social media

I used to be very careful using Social Media, but after two years in the business I now realize that my clients need to know who I am. I want to be honest about who I am, and work with clients who can relate to me and be honest about themselves.

loving owning your own business Oh my goodness I used to dread working! I used to work 24/7 in a corporate setting. I wasn't happy, and I wasn't making anyone else happy either. Owing my own business- it's takes focus & gives me freedom. In business you have to be determined. You have to have goals- really big goals. You have to have a vision & focus on that vision.

finding time for family

I created a schedule on our fridge — it lists what times are for me to work, and what times are for family time. Of course it’s flexible... But it’s there for a reminder... Sometimes I get so involved in my business that I need a little reminder to keep me on track. My list helps me get focused, stay organized, and stay on agenda!


Take time for yourself every day to disconnect from work and to focus on what is making you happy. For me, that means enjoying some peace and quiet to re-focus and make myself sane. I try to pick a time when everyone has something to occupy themselves to keep the distractions to a minimum.


Where you can find her

All About Eyebrows

your eyebrows are unique

What you seek is seeking you. —Rumi

My favorite saying about eyebrows is that they are "sisters not twins". Meaning each of our eyebrows are different not identical. With that being said, we can try to make them look symmetrical with the use of products. In making them more symmetrical, shaping them and filing them in you are essentially creating a frame for your face. When you fill out and shape your eyebrows it can change the shape of your face, your expression and honestly if you are making a video or having professional pictures done...fill in those brows, you will appear more professional!

here is how to fill them in 1. Use an empty mascara wand or a brow brush and brush the brows out. Do this after you use foundation and powder. Using the brush will take out any additional product in them so you will have a clean slate to work with. 2. Take either an eyebrow pencil or brow powder (a shade slightly darker than your current brow color) and an angled brush and using light feathering strokes fill the perimeter of your brows in going with the direction of the hair growth. Always start with a small amount of product. You can always add more if needed. 3. Then taking a little product, fill in between the area you outlined. Again, use feather like strokes in the direction of the hair growth. 4. Make sure the area closest to your nose is lighter than the rest of your brows. If this area is too dark, if creates a harsh unnatural look to them. If you find this area or any area is too dark or harsh, take the empty mascara wand and brush out that area. This will create a softer more natural look. 5. Once your brows are done you can either leave them as is or if you ever find that your brows don't stay put during the day you can use either brow gel and brush over them lightly or you can spray the empty mascara wand with hairspray and again go over the brows lightly to set them.

practice makes perfect

It takes time and practice to get this done right. Don't be afraid to try and have patience with yourself! Take before and after pictures so you can see the difference. Lastly, I have made a short video tutorial for you to check out on my Makeup by Jamie-Lee Facebook page!.

See her video tutorial here HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE - ISSUE 2

Recipe by Jackie Copeland The Surprising Lesson “Dirty Dancing” Can Teach You about Healthy Eating Flash back to the scene from one of my favorite movies of all time. Breathlessly anticipating the moment when our hero, the incomparable Patrick Swayze, swoops in to save the awkward, misunderstood Baby played by Jennifer Grey. He says those magic words, that line which continues to be repeated years later. Have you ever been Baby? Sitting in the corner reduced to one thing. You feel that while everyone is talking to you and even looking directly into your eyes, they don’t see you. At one point in your relationship you became one thing to them – just a mom, just a friend, just a daughter. You’ve been labeled and placed in the corner in a small box of limited thinking. We do the exact same thing to our food. Many of us reduce it to just one thing – it’s 50 calories, it’s 3 points, it’s a carb, or heaven forbid, it’s a fat! Often we limit it even further by focusing on one main nutrient that it contains and use that alone to define it. Think oranges and vitamin C, bananas and potassium, beans and fiber. By doing that we miss out on seeing everything that one particular food can do to nourish our bodies. Take the darling of the spring vegetable garden. Proudly proclaiming the end of winter, bright green asparagus spears are taking center stage at your market. Why should you include this vegetable at your next meal? For many of us, especially health coaches, you had us at green. After all, green veggies are known for the nutrients they contain. Asparagus delivers the goods with its abundance of vitamin K as well as other vitamins and minerals. But let’s take a closer look. Needing some extra fiber? How does 11% of the RDA in just a cup sound? Need some fuel for the good bacteria in your gut? Yep, it’s a prebiotic. Feeling bloated? Guess who’s a diuretic? Just like us, it is so much more than just one thing. By adding it into our diet, we most likely are crowding out something far less nutritious. That’s a win-win! So now that you’re sold, which bunch do you take home with you?


How to buy? Asparagus is highly perishable so take the time to pick out the freshest bunch possible. Feel for firm spears, closed tips, moist bottoms, and a bright green color. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that thin asparagus is younger and more tender than medium or jumbo spears. Size does not determine the age and toughness of the spears but rather the age of the root crown. I actually prefer larger asparagus because it contains more of that tender inner section to enjoy. How to store? Let’s give your fridge a nice treat – an asparagus bouquet! No one likes pulling limp asparagus out of the fridge the day after bringing it home from the market, so treat it like your flowers. Trim the ends, place it in a vase or mason jar with water, and loosely cover with plastic. This can extend its life up to a week, not to mention become a pretty addition to your fridge. How to eat? Take advantage of the freshness of the season and go raw! Why risk losing any of these valuable nutrients with heat when a delicious lemony vinaigrette can “cook” it for you? Try my “Asparagus in the Raw” or, if you must, simply grill it. It’s high sugar content gives it a great caramelized color when tossed in olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper, and then placed in a single layer on a hot grill pan. Cook only for a few minutes until grill marks appear and it becomes slightly tender. Have some lemon in the fridge? Zest over the top and squeeze a bit of juice over it to bring out the freshness. It’s so versatile you can shave it into a salad, roast it, add it to a frittata, or toss it with some quinoa and other veggies for a complete meal. So do yourself and your food a favor. Take a closer look at the fruits and vegetables sitting patiently in your market. Look past what you think you know about them, dive a little deeper, and give them the Patrick Swayze treatment – truly see and appreciate them for all that they are, take them out of the corner, and make them the star of your next meal.



about your biz I am a wellness coach from Maitland, Florida and my motto is: being healthy doesn't have to be hard! My specialty is working with other busy women to help them live healthier lives by incorporating self-care and by helping them adjust to a plant-based diet.

your inspiration I grew up fascinated by my parents who were homeopathic doctors. I always thought that it was such a cool principle to connect with someone's energy in a way that will help them heal themselves.

best wellness tip Make sure to surround yourself with healthy people, the kind of people who you feel good around and who have your best interests at heart, and to do activities that you love with them.

feel good about your body Your body is your body- own it. Love it. We are all different but our bodies are all special in some way. Embrace that special part of your body, learn how to take care of your body and get comfy with who you are- because you are absolutely beautiful right now.

next six months This month I am launching my new 6-week program! In addition, I am working on some great things including a retreat in Orlando! Crystal practices what she preaches and then some. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Crystal over the past 6 months prior to this interview and she truly loves health coaching. More importantly, I can feel her heart when I am speaking with her. She loves helping people, she loves having fun and she is full of confidence. This girl is going to be the health coach to watch and hire over the next 6 monthsbecause she is committed to her clients success.

Where you can find her HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE - ISSUE 2

you are ready for the next step what's holding you back?


with EDITOR SUZY O'DONNELL Only have time for a ½ glass of wine? Read Time is Money: A Simple System to Cure Procrastination Without Willpower, Become More Productive, Find Your Focus & Get More Done in Less Time by Alex Altman.

why you'll love it

1. It’s simple- this book is easy to read, easy to understand and most importantly, easy to implement. 2. It’s short- seriously, I am juggling 4 jobs, a life and a fur- family and I still managed to squeeze this read in. 3. It’s free- go download it now, before someone figures out that it deserves a price tag.

what I loved

The 3 Rs of building a habit: 1) Remind, 2) Routine, and 3) Reward. Set a trigger, follow it up, and reward awesome behaviour instead of dwelling on failed attempts. Altman clearly conveys the impact of positive reinforcement versus negative thinking from the brain’s perspective- the more we dwell on failures the less likely we are to tackle challenging tasks.

what did it ask of me Time is Money asked me to tackle my goals through micro-goals each day (5-10 minutes at a time) and reward myself immediately for hitting those micro-goals.

did I find focus

In a nutshell, yes. Although the process is designed to help you tackle 1-3 things per day, I found that introducing these small ‘successes’ and ‘rewards’ in my day gave me the courage to tackle things I had been putting off for, well, far too long. There are no miracle cures, but this booked helped me take one small step in the right direction.

Preview on iTunes here


Do you have time for the full bottle of wine? Read: FOCUS: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman.

who should read it

Anyone whose coaching business requires an element of focus, willpower or attention. Be prepared for a massive compilation of pertinent focus research out there, and sink into the underlying WHYs which influence our abilities. Not for the casual reader, this book will change the way you think if you can focus on its message.

changing the conversation We all know that tone of voice matters immensely to those receiving feedback. Negative feedback given in a warm, supportive tone of voice will leave your clients feeling positive despite the negative feedback. Did you know that it also works on your own internal conversations? Do not ask yourself what you want to change- instead ask yourself who you would like to be in 5-10 years and watch the difference in outcomes.

still your mind Often it is our internal distractions, and not the external ones, which steal our focus. Next time you need to concentrate, try starting at 100 and mentally subtracting 7 at a time; it is amazing how quickly the inner distractions will quiet themselves with this simple exercise.

the creative cocoon Creative insights flow best when people have enough time to think freely. Make time for yourself to think. Nature settings work best for most people so take a walk, find somewhere that overlooks the water, and let those creative juices flow.

focus and leadership The best leaders can balance inner, other and outer focus seamlessly- this means listening to those inner instincts, having empathy for others around you and don't forget the bigger picture.

on willpower Studies have shown that willpower is a better predictor of future success in children than IQ, family status or other developmental factors. Those guitar lessons which force your kid to focus daily on practice? Or keeping the promise to walk a pet dog everyday? Teaching willpower will take your child farther than sending them to fancy private schools.

Check it in Amazon here


you. focus on what you can't stop thinking about I spent a lot of time, energy & effort to prepare the best Academy to take

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