Hellolifemagazineissueone 3

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HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE the inside world of coaching MARCH 2016








what's next for April

Get with the Signature Program with CEO Megan Lockhart Meet Business Coach Jillian Clarke Syngery & Health Expert Lisa Weigh "Lovely" Coach Sally Kathryn Take your Life back with Susan Ramos Gain Super Power with Jennifer Migkos Manifesting Queen Nathalie Guerin Photoshoot-ready tips fromJamie Wiebe Recipe freedom with Jackie Copeland Crystal Bagby Holly Diederich Erin Zimmerman Irene Fehr Susan Ball Lacrecia Dangerfield Kaley-Anne Spinhirn Melissa Kessler Hello Life Academy

www.hellolifestudio.com info@hellolifestudio.com Megan's Photos Taken by Mandi Carter Published monthly All Rights Reserved. Editor - Suzy O'Donnell suzyodonnell@gmail.com

hello from Megan Two years ago I looked at my husband and said, "I want to go to school to be a health coach". He laughed and replied, "No one pays for a health coach!" I almost gave up right then and there. Thankfully I kept at it because I felt a pull and I knew that it was my passion. I felt a lot of fear, tons of fear­ but every time I felt fear I stepped out of my comfort zone a little... and then a little more... Now I am the CEO of Hello Life, the Founder of the Signature Life Program and I have sold hundreds of online programs all across the world. I am a busy Mom just like so many of you­ I did it all while my two beautiful children were at my feet or on my boob (literally, crawling or eating). I feel abundance. I feel full. I feel like I am serving my purpose & there's no where else I should be. Every single one of YOU have a purpose in this life... Whatever it may be, it's time to follow your passion and make your dreams come true! I know as you sit and read these pages you will feel inspired, whether you are currently a coach or thinking of becoming one, and you will you feel encouraged. Ultimately you will feel freedom­ the freedom to start, the freedom to have, and the freedom to move forward in life and in business.

dedicate a few days without distractions to move your dreams forward faster Issue 01

This magazine is created for YOU to celebrate YOU, and celebrate other coaches. It will help you to understand that being an entrepreneur is not selfish, and it will help you to find your focus in a world full of distractions. Like you, I crave time for my business free from distractions (and especially free from cleaning duties) which is why Hello Life has developed a brand new tool to help find that balance. We are so excited to announce our Academy coming October 2016. Stay tuned because "it's going to blow your socks off"!!! Your host ­ Megan Lockhart www.hellolifestudio.com

success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents were used to serve others -

marriane williamson




Simple words as you embark on this journey and say hello to our magazine

thank you

-megan lockhart

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Get With the Signature Program with CEO Megan lockhart

what's the DL The Signature Program is a 6 week online program that helps women all around the world release the pressure of weight loss- it is freedom! I know package it up & help other coaches build from it.

on working with seriously awesome women We are friends first! If i cannot imagine having tea with them— I won’t accept them as a client. I want women who are committed to their business, and committed to themselves. These women are truly amazing at business, at motherhood and at life. I cannot wait to meet them all in person.



why is it such a success Because it’s like my baby - I would do anything for it. I stay up until 3 A.M., I nurture it, I grow it and I am flexible with it- I seriously give it my heart and soul.


on love, kindness and fighting fear


Most women fear success, they fear amazing things without even knowing it. We seriously CAN have a business and life we love. I model this every single day — when I find something or someone who is bothering me — I ask myself what it is about ME that is holding me back - not the person. I encourage strong boundaries as well - you do not have to like everyone but the first step to love and kindness —- is to start doing things YOU want to do. The rest falls into place.

MEET JILLIAN CLARKE BUSINESS COACH When you talk to Jillian - you immediately feel like you’re a success. Her positive energy & dedication to making her clients succeed literally shines through her smile. Not only is this woman powerful, she’s smart, kind and stays true to herself. I met Jillian through Facebook - and hired her shortly after to coach me through my business growth. If you get a chance to chat with her - do it!

favourite things There are many aspects of working for myself that I love. If I had to narrow it down to my favourite 3 things, the list would include: 1. Being able to fully utilize my creativity to provide high value content to my audience which in turn gives me the opportunity to positively impact the lives of others. 2. Creating my own schedule and having the ability to work from anywhere in the world. While I may work 60 hours a week, it can be done evening, weekends or whenever I am feeling inspired. I live in a different country than my family and I greatly appreciate being able to work from different countries and it not affecting my clients to the slightest. 3. I love the fact that I am able to scale my business as large as I would like. The sky is the limit with entrepreneurship and there are no restrictions on your ability to grow your empire.

is entrepreneurship easy? Easy is not a term I would apply to being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is exhilarating and the possibilities are endless; however, it can also be challenging and extremely hard work. Being an entrepreneur doesn't allow you to shut down the computer at 5pm and leave the office. Being an entrepreneur means your business is a part of you and you feel connected to its well-being. This means you experience the highs and the lows on an emotional level. Entrepreneurship is anything but easy and it takes a driven individual to succeed as an entrepreneur.





When you speak with Lisa you feel calm, you feel connected and you instantly feel like you can and will talk to her for hours. Not only will Lisa help you through some of your biggest health challenges, she may be your pilot when you head to Shanghai. I look up to this woman, and I hope to learn from her beautiful mothering and commitment to her family. Everything Lisa does comes from a place of kindness and she is the health coach you would send your friends to.

about your biz? I am a health and synergy coach as well as a yoga teacher. I am trained in Anusara yoga. Anusara means "following your heart", "flowing with grace", and "going with the flow". It is rooted in the philosophy that we are all inherently good. It is a heart-centered practice that emphasizes the "Universal Principles of Alignment" as a focal point. This is the basis of my coaching practice. "Synergy" is the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. I know so many incredible capable women who are fixated on the parts. It creates limiting beliefs that can hold them back in relationships, business, personal goals and even self-care. I empower women to connect with their heart, to own their greatness, and to live their purpose with clarity and intention. When we live from a heart-centered space and create alignment, we are in our power living our truest most brilliant self. We are playing BIG in the world and honoring our gifts. That's our purpose! That's synergy! I hope that through empowering women to share their gifts and greatness, it will in turn be passed along to the children of our world.

what is your fear in biz? Being honest & connecting --- It's Time. Time…to be able to create…connect what she visualizes. Time that it doesn’t consume. Time that …big ideas, big dreams….there’s a worry that navigate the time. Worry the cost of time….execute as her vision, hope….all of the sudden committed to time levels.

My biggest piece of advice for entrepreneurs is your business & personal life do not have to be separate, you can create them & align them together. - lisa weigh-kearns ISSUE ONE HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE

Where you can find her

MEET SALLY KATHRYN LOVE COACH Sally…what a bundle of AMAZINGNESS. We instantly connected, and seriously could’ve stayed on this interview for 6 hours. She is 100% passionate about helping women find love. This woman is living her dream and helping others do the same. After losing her job in October she dove into her business full-time and she has zero regrets. She is wildly successful and I cannot wait to watch her grow even more. I know Sally and I are going to be biz besties for life, and if you’re single— call her…like now.


what should we know about relationships?

I was an online dater back in 2001-2002 when it was "shhh". I wanted to change the mindset about online dating. I wrote an e-book — a guide to online dating, I gave it out to my friends & family. They kept saying the same thing you need to share this, you need to get out there. I hesitated for years because I had the fear of not having a degree “not an expert”…I sat on it for 3-4 years…and then one day I just said…I’m doing this. …and it spiralled from there.

Who gravitates to you? Everyone. Seriously — my message is clear…but there are so many people that this resonates with. Women, Men…..All people who are not my “ideal” client….but everyone needs support.

Taking the emotion about dating. Traditionally relationships are always about love, feelings…no one ever focuses on the strategic part of it. We get too emotionally involved with people ….. because I love them they are worthy.

fear in business? Not getting my message out to the people who need it. Things will happen for me as they should.

how do you know it's "right"? Based on your needs and wants. You develop a relationship with them. You will know, trust your intuiton. You will know when you are in the right situation - you can feel it. People are so focused on the sexual tension, they forget that.

"I am aligned. I don’t need a perfect sales funnel, I don’t need the perfect website…. Doing what works for ME in business— video works… I’m in my element when I’m doing it."

Read more about Sally here ISSUE ONE HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE

There was fear of not having a degree and “not being an expert”. I sat on it for 3-4 years…and then one day I just said I’m doing this. and it spiralled from there. SALLY KATHRYN


MEET SUSAN RAMOS LIFE COACH When you meet Susan you want to be her friend, you want to dive into her heart & head and learn from her. She is a wealth of knowledge and recently left her corporate job of 25 years to follow her life passion - Life Coaching. If you want to be listened to & break through your fears, call this woman.

ABOUT YOUR BIZ Every month I’m trying to sort out exactly how to help individuals. I love to coach women who were in the corporate world but who knew they were stuck… They had jobs they didn’t love, never had enough time with their families, and sacrificed good dinners for fast dinners…They were not as healthy as they could have been, but were doing the best they could. They were stuck... I help women break out of the stuck mode— and realize their super powers.

how did you find life coaching When I was a health coach, I realized there were too many people who thought weight loss would make them happy. Weight loss = happiness ??? From experience I know that this is not true at all. There are some people that will lose all the weight in the world and still not be happy. So I decided to help people find the real path to happiness.


what is a fear in your biz? I worry about not finding the people who need me. I have this gift…and I just want to share it with people— I want them to find me and to find success!

what is your best tip for new coaches? No one ever shows you what it takes to get there- only the glory. Your journey is YOURS to find.

what would be your motivating comment to all women? If you stop, listen and hear it your mind will reveal so much more than you anticipate.

MEET JENNIFER MIGKOS SuperPower Coach Jennifer is one of the sweetest, kindest and most caring people I've ever spoken to. I wanted to sit and have tea with her and talk about her volunteering, time commitment to her kids and her love for helping others. She is going to help women step into their power with her coaching and I look forward to watching her grow this business in the next 6 months.

how do you help women? I help people find confidence and clarity to find their inner voice. Everyone has that one thing that makes us shine. We don’t always know what it is, so I help streamline the process. We figure it out together so we can design that life around authenticity..

Would you recommend hiring a coach for different areas in your life? Coaches are absolutely helpful, but you have to be willing & ready for it. The promise of success, or quick results is not going to happen…unless you are ready. We will streamline the process…it’s a gray area. It’s important — Coaches hold you accountable. We are open, honest & create a network.

1 thing you want every woman to know about herself? She’s enough. Your insecurities are not your life.

Click Here to meet with Jennifer ISSUE ONE HELLO LIFE MAGAZINE

Surround yourself in business with people who will support you. Have coffee with those who tell you that your dreams are becoming reality. Drink wine with the ones who will stay up with you until midnight working on a launch.

always remember your why Be the creative genius you are. Schedule business time in your day. Collaborate it's way better than competing. Be real, tired, funny, awkward, kind, caring, sexy...just be it. Trust your freedom. You are free to inspire, to create. Free to run your business how you envision it.



Cooking with Jackie

MARCH 2016

with jackie copeland You just wrapped up another hectic week, your husband is out with his buddies and the kids have play dates. You’re free! Did someone say “Girl’s Night”? So who are you going to invite? Add avocado to the top of that list. I am ashamed to say that I snubbed my new BFF for years. As a carb addict and constant dieter, I was on the low-fat bandwagon that left so many of us overweight, constantly hungry and on a never- ending roller coaster ride of energy swings. Thankfully I was introduced to the many benefits of the creamy, nutrient-rich avocado and now it’s a staple at my house. Here are 3 reasons you should invite it to your next party: . 1. It doesn’t come empty handed. Unlike many of the party foods we eat, this one is not full of empty calories. Loaded with almost 20 essential nutrients, a 1-cup serving offers more potassium than a banana. It leaves you feeling full and satisfied. . 2. It’s team player. Not only does it bring lots of goodies to the table, but it also helps your body actually absorb more of the fat-soluble nutrients found in the foods that you are eating with it. Pair it with dark leafy greens, tomatoes, and red peppers so that your body can get the full benefit of the antioxidants they contain. . 3. It plays well with everyone. With its mild flavor and creamy texture, this is one versatile fruit. It can be used in place of mayo on a sandwich, sliced and layered on a salad, blended into a smoothie, or chopped and made the star of one of my favorite dishes- guacamole.

1 lb. small peeled and deveined raw Dressing: shrimp juice of 1 lime 1 avocado, cubed juice of 1 orange 4-6 cherry or roma tomatoes, diced ½ teaspoon of crushed red pepper ½ cucumber, diced flakes, increase for more heat ¼ - ½ red onion, diced 1 teaspoon honey 1 jalapeno, diced sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste 1 orange, peeled and cubed ½ bunch of cilantro, reserve some for garnish olive oil Sauté shrimp in warmed pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium-high heat. Lightly salt and pepper and cook approximately 4-5 minutes or until the shrimp are pink. Remove from the pan to cool. Combine the dressing ingredients and toss with the remaining ingredients except for the avocado. Chill for approximately 30 minutes. Gently stir in the avocado and garnish with cilantro to taste. Makes 6-8 mini cocktails.



MEET NATHALIE GUERIN MANIFESTING COACH Seriously I could’ve talked to this woman for hours and hours. She LOVES it, she lives her life to help people. Not only did she spend an amazing full hour talking with me, she helped CLEAR a block I had been hanging onto for months- moving forward with the Academy. Nathalie is going to help thousands of women with her next program and I am personally signing up! Make sure you check her website she has an amazing quiz on there to help move you forward.



I am a manifesting coach- I help coaches and entrepreneurs to move past blocks and to realize their potential. I can also help to manifest clients for your business. I work in the spiritual realm and in the the physical realm. Whether you are starting your business or you already have a well-established one, I can help you get results quickly and effectively.

BIGGEST BLOCK fOR MOST PEOPLE The fear of success. Everyone is afraid of the unknown. We need to get that out of the way and allow for dreams to come in. Many worthy and power women seem to have this thing where they should be “small". Being out there…being BIG in our space— that’s scary.

How do I manifest money? Get past the money, start to dream….then start acting.

what is your DAILY MANTRA? Journal every single day. Thus includes writing down things I'm grateful for, things I’ve done really well in my day and things I can improve upon.

how to manifest? The first step- Ask the universe for what you want. Clear up the vibration and trust your intuition. I give very specific action steps to help my clients get there. .

why hire a coach? Having a good coach is important to steer yourself in the proper direction and to get clarity. It’s important to have someone take you through the process and to learn its applications. It’s also about having the right person to guide you. They help you get to the next level.




Get Photo Ready

with Jamie wiebe

Jamie and I connected before I was a health coach, before I charged a penny for my services...and before it was my time to start coaching. Our paths crossed again when I was searching for a make up artist 2 years later to help women learn how to apply make up (because who knew it gets harder with age). She attended -- and we have been connected since. I mean spiritually connected, this girl is here at the exact time I need her. She has done several looks on me personally "the green smoothie" because we all know with two young kids looking fresh is sometimes hard. The "Glam she bam" for galas...and then the "camera-ready look". She's sharing with us the best tips for getting camera ready. As coaches we need to demonstrate a level of professionalism ...while being authentic. Photos make a huge impact on launches, they also help your audience know that you're serious about this biz. So go get 'em done.

1. Exfoliating your skin 1-2x a week will slough off dead skin cells and create the makeup to sit beautifully on your skin. 2. Try using false lashes such as Demi wispies. They still look natural but aren't overpowering and will give you an added oomph the eye area. 3. Use High Definition foundation, such as Makeup Forever Foundation in HD. If you use a foundation with an SPF in it, it can cause a flashback on film or pictures and you can appear more pale than you actually are. 4. Warm up your skin with a matte bronzer. Use the bronzer with a fluffy brush around the perimeter of your forhead, temples, cheeks and even under your jaw. 5. If you use shimmery shadows, keep the shimmer to your eye lid only. The flash or light from camera or film will highlight any area you use shimmer. Although pretty, shimmer can age a person if used in the wrong areas.


Find out More |




Get Photo Ready with Jamie wiebe

6. Blend your makeup!! Try to stay away from any harsh lines and you can do so by utilizing your makeup brushes and blend the products into your skin. Blend using swirly or windshield wiper motions with your brush 7. After you apply your liquid foundation, use a translucent powder to set it. Use a large fluffy brush and using swirly motions, apply the powder everywhere you applied the foundation. 8. Enhance your makeup for on camera. You may think it looks too dark in person, but once you see yourself on film you'll be happy you used a bit more product. 9. Fill in your brows!! Your eyebrows frame your face and can really change how your face shape is. Use a brow pencil or brow powder to gently fill in your brows and giving them a beautiful shape. 10. Always set your makeup with a setting spray. If you are on camera the studio lights can be hot so instead of your makeup melting off, set your makeup with a setting spray so it will stay put all day.



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