PREEMINENCE APRIL 2022 The Dreams, Dharma and Destiny issue

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ExecutiveEditor EnergyTransformation


CContributingEditor onsciousProsperity

ContributingEditor ManifestationLifestyle


SContributingEditor hiningWealthfor heart-led wellnesspractitioners

ContributingEditor Authroritypoisitioning


Global Connections

Editor, Achievement and Communication Mastery

GuestContributor CreativeBusiness Solutions

Executive Editor The Healthy Home and Feng Shui

Executive Editor Conscious Wealth Alignment

Juvee Perez -PA to Jenni

Jessica Taylor -VA to Jenni

ExecutiveEditor HolisticTransformation& sacredanointing


Magazine Copyright © 2021 by Jenni Parker Brown unless specifically stated for each author Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine

All rights reserved This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher houseofpreeminence com

Contact Jenni at House of Preeminence Media -2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300

The information in this edition is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is offered in good faith. However Jenni Parker Brown, the aforenamed authors, House of Preeminence, Preeminence Rising Conscious Media make no representation of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of any information within. Please consult a qualified professional for matters regarding health, financial and legal advice. The opinions of the authors expressed in this edition are theirs and theirs alone. AS SEEN ON

Jenni Parker Brown is a visionary multipotentialite, philosopher and genius activist. Her careers range from fashion-retailing, performing arts, fitness instructor, equestrian cabaret artist, award-winning gastronomy chef, published author, media design, image consultant and visionary magazine editor. Her mission and passion are to ‘Raise the bar on transformation by merging the qualities of beauty, grace creativity and heart to help humanity rise’.

Meet The Founder


True to the New Renaissance that is currently happening in our time, Jenni has brought her multi-faceted skills to innovate an aesthetic and high-vibrational new approach to success and personal transformation through enlightened collaboration with leaders who epitomise harmony of new thought, altruistic ideals, and blending science and spirituality in their service to the world.

For all enquiries regarding the magazine, collaborative projects, design or branding quotes please contact Jenni at or scan above QR code.

PRAISE for House of Preeminence

"A magazine for the New Earth

A wild and wonderful collection of wisdom from women who embody worthiness, wealth, and well-being A mustread for the evolving, expansive and evolutionary individual who wants to be part of the next wave of light that will flood our future. Absolutely brilliant and finally- something fitting for our time. "

"This glorious, high-vibe platform for women who want to step up to their highest potential deserves every superlative! A must-have resource for every feminine impact-maker who won’t compromise on her most epic life!"

Gina DeVee, Founder of Divine Living, author, accomplished speaker, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur

"This new magazine is beautifully designed, elegant, well written, inspiring and the content is fabulous".

Lynn Twist, founder of The Pachamama Alliance

"I look forward to receiving my monthly gift of timeless wisdom, beauty, inspiration and love from the brilliant Jennifer P Her unique House of Preeminence showcases fascinating female influencers who are up to the business of creating an inclusive and flourishing world that works for everyone. Thank you Jenni P. for being such an inspired visionary and for your generosity in making your beautiful offering available to us all"

"The launch of your magazine is coming at such a pivotal point in history this is all divine alignment. "

"It's the most gorgeous inspiring riveting uplifting and soul-soaring, frequency rising magazine I have ever seen in my life"!

Spryte Loriano, Humanitarian, Founder of Awakening Giants TV



Lifestyle & Business Inspiration Moodboard


Diamonds, Magnolia, Willow Stars fallen to earth, tears of the gods, cycles, patience, love for nature, nobility, perseverance, dignity. clarity, purity, suppleness, longevity, omnopotence, realistic perspective, memory. What is yourPower Word for today?












OUR VISION and how to use the magazine

This is so much more than a magazine It is a Holistic Success Blueprint

The Preeminence Monthly Collection and the WELLthy Life section are designed to activate your Highest Potential in Vitality, Radiance, Purpose and Profit.

Our panel of world-class experts recommend using the resources and content within, along with the 9 Graces Blueprint every day

The Blueprint and they can help you to leverage your Genius, Grace and Greatness, so that you can break free of personal, global, technical and market challenges and rapidly accelerate your visions and dreams.

Our mission is to inspire, support and showcase, ambitious, visionary, mission-driven and ethical women entrepreneurs everywhere who are actively initiating change, for the greater good of all


s c h e d u l e o r w e e k e n d t o b e n e f i t f r o m t h e

w o r l d - c l a s s a d v i c e , w i s d o m , i n s p i r a t i o n a n d f r e e

r e s o u r c e s o f o u r c o n t r i b u t o r s

a t i o n s a n d n e w s a n d e v e n t s .

T h i s c o l l e c t i o n r e p r e s e n t s t e n s o f t h o u s a n d s o f

$ $ $ o f t r a n s f o r m a t i o n w i s d o m F R E E .

P l e a s e h e l p u s g r o w f o r t h e g r e a t e r g o o d o f a l l

a n d s h a r e t h e a b o v e l i n k w i t h y o u r f r i e n d s .

D o w n l o a d t h e F R E E m o n t h l y d e s k t o p c a l e n d a r

J o i n o u r F a c e b o o k G r o u p h e r e

Prepare for an upgrade


Genius, Grace and Greatness




it is


key for feminine change-makers

g y

If you, like myself, are conscious entrepreneurs, heart and mission-led changemakers, philanthropists, innovators, movement-makers, we will probably be feeling like the lucky ones.

We have entered a cycle that has occurred many times in history - a revolution that ends with a catastrophe and shifts the paradigm into something new.

Taking into account all of the work we have done on ourselves over the years and our heart-intelligent approach to life, it is likely you, like me, are indeed feeling stirred, optimistic, inspired, possibly excited.

Maybe you ' re even feeling a weight lifting, a sense of imminent renewal, even a sense of being re-born? You're in the right place now It's your time

The online world - commerce, industry, social community and cultural structure is a leviathan environment It is transforming the way we live, learn, earn, spend, socialise, entertain ourselves. It is replacing old, outworn institutions.

of the 14th century, Europeans made few advances in science and art.

Often referred to as the "Dark Ages," that era was recorded as a time of upheaval, war, ignorance, famine, with pandemics such as the plague, leprosy and the black death, having a massive impact on the global population.

But that epoch gave rise to a vital paradigm shift in many parts of the civilised world - a rebirth or 'Renaissance'.

The Renaissance Period was a catalytic period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic regeneration.

Maybe you are experiencing this pivoting time as a kind of rebirth.

That feeling is not anodyne.

The Renaissance period was the herald to the start of the "modern age " .

period, the wisdom, innovations, e and sciences of Ancient Rome and even the far East of Asia) were explored and accepted as offering a whole new universe of knowledge and customs that could transform the dark ages.

The very notion of study, expanding culture, art and embracing new wisdom became a desirable virtue. It was not just for scholars but for any humble layman who had the wits to recognise the opportunities that lay in developing their personal life and, consequently, human advancement.

What followed were several hundreds of years of immense cultural and societal expansionforming the foundations of the modern age, which has, in its turn, dived into darkness once again.

Despite so-called progress in science and technology, we have been living through a dark age for many years. Each of us has become aware of the effects of that impact on our species and planet. We've witnessed the emergence of horrors of all kinds. Let's not go there. We know.

Why is this so important for you as an female entrepreneur? It is because we are entering a new Renaissance Age!

These dark ages that we have been through for several years culminating in the pandemic and now war, are giving birth to a new era of light and expansion. Much of Humanity has (finally) united to address and transform our most urgent problems

I spoke of these feelings of optimism and expansion earlier; these are signs that a new Renaissance is occurring.

The humanist sciences (many of which are ancient!) are becoming the bedrock of business innovation and human potential movement. Among these are Quantum physics, Epigenetics, Neuroscience - sciences that explain how our biological and psychological functions contribute to our evolution.

Then there are massive shifts in our economic structure. Businesses must now consider their social and planetary responsibilities and their contribution to the needs of their global citizens. (Yes, 'Big Pharma' is a bit slow on this).

In this new business ecosystem, individual entrepreneurs are the pioneers. Women and the millennial generation are forming the new leaders of that ecosystem.

The formerly disparate worlds of metaphysics and business are now harmonising into new ideals where we openly esteem our human potential to be an entity of immense value

The new models of success and fulfilment embrace our nature as a multi-faceted being and as being innately connected with the whole of humankind and our planetary ecosystem.

heticism, music, and the performing arts have never been so revered and accessible to all. New business is infused with many of these arts!

So let's look at themes of the modern Renaissance and how it echoes the last great Renaissance:

an explosion of new knowledge about how our universe works a revived collective social and planetary conscience a restored desire to 'be the change' and not part of the problem a rise of motivation and multitudinous possibilities for humans to develop themselves and seek fulfilled lives an escalation in our desire to live in our whole great nature - mind, body and spirit, and fulfil all of our potential a gradually improving tolerance of religious, racial and gender differences a genuine yearning for a sense of connection to our humankind an upsurge in philanthropy and sharing of resources for underprivileged populations since 1950, average global life expectancy has continued to rise with previously what was retirement ag expansive lifestyle.

Inequality, war, disease, hunger, pol challenges will continue to beset us as

However, a new age is dawning. An era in which the opportunities listed above all contribute to our potential success as an entrepreneur or company. Each and every one of them.

Here's the most exciting part of the revolution for you and me.

It's time to claim and explore the incredible potential of being a New Renaissance man or woman - a polymath.

A polymath is an individual who is knowledgeable and talented in multiple subjects; they can unify ideas from numerous fields to solve intractable problems.

One of the most famous examples of this was Leonardo Da Vinci. He was most famous as an artist, but he was also a scientist, engineer and mathematician. Another Renaissance man was Michelangelo, a sculptor painter, architect and poet

These exceptional men characterised the spirit of the Great Renaissance Age.

But they were not the first; Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, studied and wrote about many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theatre, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology and zoology.

More recent famous polymaths include Einstein, Jefferson, Churchill, and dozens more from eclectic backgrounds.

But look around you; isn't the internet and business just chock full of polymaths? Elon Musk has been cited as one, so has Will I Am.

I would propose that many Silicon Valley executives are one.

And just about every modern entrepreneur under the sun.

But a few criteria have changed:

We are no longer prepared to sacrifice parts of our life for our livelihood (If we are wise!)

We need to become skilled in many diverse aspects of running a business to succeed.



"Thewayyoudoanything isthewayyoudoeverything"


Does your current business model have room to grow?

Brainstorm 10 ways you could scale it to create more income and impact, for example!

Create a certifiable course that you can teach others. Take a product and offer and take it apart into mini-offers (very trendy right now!)

Whip up a book to get on Kindle, which leads to your training

Focus on one of your digital offers and automate a funnel sequence.

If you do 1 to 1 - create a methodology from your unique expertise.

The aspiration to excellence in everything you do, or even in just a few key areas of your life is like rehearsing for supreme achievement.

Even honing one craft to excellent or exceptional, causes ‘the multiplier effect’ - doing one thing excellently cascades over into all other parts of our life.

Practise skill-sets that elicit positive results consistently

Raise your ‘normal’ to world-class as a daily habit, and watch world-class results unfold.

What will people say about you on the day they mourn your passing?

Will you have inspired others in the way you wish to?

How can you change today to align with that?

Could you take 3 things off your goals list this year to give more focus and power to the others?



Special 2nd Anniversary Feature INTERVIEW

The 'real' secret to manifesting the life of your dreams, making an impact, & The 9 Graces Of Preeminence according to Marcia Martin. Click below to view.

Feminine Flow

When we are aligned with balanced energy we are able to live life from the feminine flow. This state is our greatest resource for creativity, expression, healing and energy management Give yourself permission to slow down, harmonize, reset and receive the magic of the universe We all need to heal and the best way to accelerate that process is to surrender to love

Feminine Healing

If you believe and expect the best days of your life to show up they will. Do you call in magic, miracles and abundance? Do you feel worthy of unconditional love and peace? Is your inner narrative aligned with optimal health, self-love and divine faith?

Dream Bold Network Art

When you are having a quiet moment of self-reflection what does your soul whisper to you? Where does your mind drift off to? What is your heart aching to express and pursue?

We all have an energy field that communicates with everyone we encounter What does your vibration radiate? If you are in the frequency of love and confidence, people will sense it

When we are embodying divine feminine energy we are lit up with hope, joy, peace and connection Trust your calling and it will guide you to your higher purpose.

A purpose doesn't have to mean a job It can be community involvement, self-care, inspiring others and artistic expression. You can design your purpose by paying attention to what resonates in your soul and heart.

"Be the Frequency of divine purpose"

Dream Bold Network Art

Feminine Instincts

L i f e P u r p o s e F r o m t h e F e m i n i n e P e r s p e c t i v e

As women, we have undeniable instincts and the more we listen to and honor this guidance the more fierce they become. This means that we must trust our innate powers and boldly navigate life with more faith. It's time for women to be more assertive with our divine gifts Can you imagine if we were to all join forces and unite our sacred abilities? Your soul's purpose is within you aching to be explored

Dream Bold Network Art

Purpose Mindset

Rewire yourself to have the mindset of a divine female with divine purpose

We all have a purpose a divine calling However, our society has inundated us with the message that our worth is contingent on our aesthetics and social status. We have been led in the direction of shallow competition and a delusional pursuit of beauty Consider this moment in history to be our turning point

We are all waking up to our innate powers of creation and healing We are reconnecting with our divine purpose of compassion, wisdom, intuition and heart-centered intentions. Our sensual and creative energy is imperative for a global shift. By honoring the love in our hearts and radiating peace we can create a quantum leap

Your purpose resides within you It's felt deep in your soul Your purpose calls to you It lives within your heart Your purpose is your higher self It vibrates in the frequency of love

When there is too much masculine energy we witness aggression and domination as our world is demonstrating Feminine energy balances masculine energy through reflection, softness and forgiveness Our superpower is our ability to love and nurture Our collective purpose is to harmonize our world and to inspire our children to navigate life from the flow state of divine creation and love

When our mindset is focused on purpose more than possessions, we move in the direction of peace. The world needs us to re-evaluate and re-prioritize our point of awareness In other words, we need to override and outvibrate our programming We are all being called to express ourselves fully and truly as the goddesses that we all are.

Feminine Energy

To amplify your energetic charge, it's important to be aware of how outside people and experiences impact your energy What lights you up and what drains you?

How protective are you of your sacred feminine energy? Is it suppressed or are you radiating your loving nature? Our beliefs and emotions are directly related to our energy signature

"You are a goddess with feminine powers of creation"

Purpose Vision

Purpose requires vision and the more we imagine a world of peace the more we create that reality With our superpowers combined, our purpose becomes universal to manifest peace

Dream Bold Network Art

Purpose Affirmations

I am grateful for clarity and guidance with my purpose.

I am a magnet for support in executing my sacred purpose

I am in alignment with my divine calling and powers

I am aware that I am becoming more whole and peaceful

l am so proud of my innate purpose and loving gifts

I am committed to sharing my purpose with the world.

I am in the frequency of receiving intuitive guidance

I am in love with exploring my purpose and passions

I am an attractor beam for aligned people and energy.

"I am in love with my purpose" Thanks for supporting our customized store:

Dream Bold Network is a company that I started to share conscious media that empowers humanity It’s a platform that showcases my greatest passions, including graphic art, interviews, Qi Gong, my books, conscious products, spoken word and inspiring writing. Dream Bold Network consists of thought-leaders, artists, filmmakers, authors, mindset coaches, healing practitioners and bold visionaries. We are all dedicated to the art and science of intentional magnetism, ancient healing modalities, quantum creation and unity consciousness. I became interested in this because of my own personal healing journey and the more I learned about ancient healing, the more I knew the world needed someone to translate it with a bold and innovative approach. It was a calling that I am so grateful I answered.

Dream Bold Network is on a mission to empower humanity and to reconnect us to our innate abilities Our intention is to tap us back into superhuman consciousness so that we can make a quantum shift in the direction of world peace Our plan is to teach this wisdom in a playful, sensual, artistic and entertaining way We are conducting a global energy experiment and truly believe that we just need enough of us to vibrate high enough to nullify the lower frequencies that are holding humanity back Our vision is to teach the world how to heal and create on a quantum level so that we can manifest freedom equality harmony and spiritual evolution We are all motivated to build a bridge back to divi reconnect with infinite intelligence and consciously create a better world for our ch

Free Guided Meditation:

Be sure to check out Kate's e-book, Spiritual Foreplay available at www dreamboldnetwork com


You are a natural genius and warrioress of your own soul quest. The world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess


When we move towards excellence and leave any traces of mediocrity behind, we gain distinction.

It may be with an accolade or an award, or simply by the power of our own convictions, passion and charisma.

A state of preeminence is a natural way for us to stand out, be seen, heard, admired and paid.

Take your usual title (coach, guide, facilitator, empress, queen, goddess, catalyst etc.) to the Thesaurus. Heartstorm new versions that no one else is using

Journal on what it would feel like to achieve the impact you desire Identify the feelings and emotions that you know you will experience How can you bring those feelings into your day this week?

Change your hairstylechange your mindset! There’s nothing like a cut or colour change for people to notice you, and new inspiration come in!




Power of Archetypes In Your Image, Style and Branding' series

You are a visionary. You see an expanded, improved version of the world, of humanity and of course, your life! You are endeavouring to use your genius, your dreams, your influence, technology, YOUR STORY to make an impact and in doing so, attract the financial rewards.

Out there in the world are all the people you can help, your ideal clients who are looking for you right now. Right now! Isn't that a fantastic thought? But where are they? Who are they? And how do you find them and get their attention?

This is the eternal conundrum of the small business owner - sustainable and easy client attraction. So let me suggest one of the most powerful principles that exists to do that - by tapping into archetypes.

Within the collective consciousness, (that includes your online audience!) lie archetypes that depict and evoke the ideals that humanity holds dear. Humans understand them innately because they are universal, and clients are humans too. Those archetypes are already present in your ideal client's head - images, characteristics, values, and qualities that are naturally tattooed into her psyche.

Your perfect client is wired to look for you. But will she recognise you when she sees you? Will she be attracted? Will your message resonate with her?

Branding and book writing use archetypes in the same way. But they are often archetypes that modern online audiences can't relate to. I don't use these traditional psychological or mythical archetypes because we are smack bang in a funky, complex technological age of women rising in their full power!

We women who embody the ideals of this dizzyingly fast and complex rise, need to tap into the new paradigm archetypes to help us clarify our messages so that we are fluent in the language of easy client attraction.

I have compiled a beautiful collection of Visionary Women Archetypes to help my clients align their mission, message, image and presence.

Here is the full list of my Visionary Women Archetypes:

The Romantic

The Adventurer

The Noble Influencer

The Formidable Nurturer

The Mystic / Bohemian

The Feminine Paradigm

The Sensual Goddess

The Twin Flame

The Rock Diva / Rebel

The Pioneer

The Actor / Entertainer

The Role Model

From your social media content to your website, from your emails to your webinars, Miss Visionary Archetype 2020 is waiting to crown you as a Chosen One!

Imagine how powerfully you can use that principle to clarify your message and brand. Imagine if you used this principle in all your visual social media content and on your website, how you could slay the beast of blandness and invisibility in a mascara-ed blink of an eye.

Imagine if you reversed the push energy of yang, go-out-and-huntfor-clients energy for the more feminine pull energy of 'This is who I am and what I stand for'.

Your archetypes always reflect YOUR uniqueness...and they appeal to a matching core desire that is currently important and strongly present within your ideal clients. The archetypes have three distinct qualities. Here are mine to demonstrate how this dynamic works:

Presence - that means your usual vibe and energy My daily vibe is one of luxury, aspiration, prestige, change-making, so one of my visionary women archetypes is the Noble Influencer. Personality - I am a rebel (in a posh kind of way) and have a strong resonance with music, art, the stage, and glamour. So my fun-loving Rebel / Rock Diva communication blends in with that elevated, regal, leadership of the first archetype.

Purpose - my third Archetype of Sporty / Adventurer reflects my high-energy hero's mission and vision in my business. It reflects the fact that feminine High Performance is part of who I am and colours my work.

When all three archetypes are integrated into your brand and image, and your message is articulated clearly in a way that fits the classic 'Promise to Problem' template, then, you will suddenly become a natural magnet to the ideal clients. And in a way that feels 100% authentic to you! In this series of six articles, to be spread over the year ' s issues of House of Preeminence Magazine, we are going to take each Archetype, and I will explain the values it evokes and how it can work for you too. Now, you don't have to particularly love the outfits demonstrated! The point is recognising if and how you are attracted to the vibe, energy, and overall look.

The Romantic

Let's start with The Romantic What does this evoke?

According to the dictionary, Romanticism relates to a movement in European art, music, and literature in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This period was characterised by an emphasis on feeling and content rather than order and form, on the sublime, the supernatural, the exotic, and the free expression of one ' s passions and individuality.

In this new Renaissance Age we about to embark on, the romantic could well be a trend that influences not just style and branding, but many parts of our lifestyle.

Romance is epitomised by idealism - the aspiration to lofty heart qualities Who doesn't want some of urky world?

from love and sentiment, and I that we are more than ready to feeling into every part of our ardent and passionate, qualities red entrepreneur can relate to! and art evokes freedom, it gination, emotions, and arly always celebrates nature, d creativity.

Archetype is beginning to feel ndeed!

Romanticism is not a vibe that few women wear openly in this modern techie age, even though numerous creative people resonate with the qualities. The trick of interpreting this archetype is to find the vibe of romancein shape or fabric - lace, satin, velvet, floral prints, pastel shades, hoods, capes and wraps, draping layers and floppy hats Find the spirit of romance in form and feel.

All these fabrics and styles are romantic in their vibe. Faux fur is fab too. It always gives a luxury and romantic vibe to an outfit. Source good quality faux furs from second-life boutiques and you have some wardrobe staples that will never date!

Long dresses not your thing? You don't have to opt for a complete romantic flowy look - a calf-length ballerina skirt looks sensational with a short leather jacket.

Heavy braids (if you have long hair) woven with satin ribbon would take a crisply-cut, sober business suit to a whole new level. Romantic garments and fabrics can influence a more sophisticated and contemporary look, for example lace with leather, loose pastel tunics with funky leggings and boots, a gorgeous poppy-patterned blouse with jeans and high heels! Get the idea? We aren't going backwards, we ' re adapting timeless energies into our image.

And who wouldn't feel fabulous in an ample, hooded woollen cape worn over jeans and knee boots? Capes are so romantic!

As for romantic colour and branding, dreamy pastels are everywhere online and are one of the popular themes for Instagram feeds!

Sweetie tones, flowers and femininitywatercolour shapes and rainbow filters - don't under-estimate the power of the romantic archetype on the audience's subconscious!

Now more than ever, the ideals of love, connection and free-spiritedness are elevated into our lifestyles and brands. Isn't it time to bring back romance once and for all?

If you want to know if the Romantic Archetype is one of your top three, here are the principle energies and qualities of the archetype:

flowing, idealistic, soft lines, often mystical, fluid, sensuous, intuitive, receptive, timeless, cyclical, lyrical, graceful, gentle, floral, idealistic, poetic, dreamy, heroic, charming, sentimental, tender, artistic, reflective.

If you resonate with the romantic archetype qualities but not the whole flowy style look, think about how you can bring some more romance into your wardrobe and branding.

If you are a heart-centered entrepreneur, chances are you do resonate with some of those qualities, and you would love your audience to feel that!

So the question to ask is, does romance figure in your Personality? In Your Presence?

Or your Purpose? Finding which part of your messaging and image an archetype fits, will help you infuse your brand and beauty with an authenticity you may have never known before

Without resorting to wearing long gowns and flower wreaths for your Facebook Lives (unless you love that!) how can you transmit your romantic archetype's values and ideals to your audience?

Whichever way romance might influence your style and branding, get creative and tap into this archetype for inspiration! To start with, as a romantic, you can't lose by 'wearing your heart on your sleeve'!

The Adventurer

t, we are going to take an entirely erent Visionary Woman hetype- the Sporty /Adventurer.

w, these two energies aren't essarily inseparable - some enturers aren't sporty. And some rty people aren't that adventurous t not many!)

wever, when it comes to a style or ge, they are very close in energy.

ere can be a trap in wearing this - sporty women can tend to live lothes that they wear for sport, in iment to anything more feminine chic. This is why it is good to e heed of the three-fold key to ting style - if your Purpose (your y and vocation) is a sport and sical wellness, you can express rself with the two other keys of sonality and Presence.

this era of stay-at-home work, ure or work-out wear can be ly upgraded to be perfectly chic stylish for presenting yourself in business situation. I'm proof of ! I create my outfits with a basis eggings (I have dozens!).

Then I build up the outfit with layers from my other archetypes, to create a totally polished look: I want to alternate my days between the yoga mat and my desk, feeling fit, comfortable but always primed, polished and ready to meet people online!

Now, sporty clothes do not just mean gym work out gear. The Sporty /Adventurer archetype can be someone who loves travel clothes with a vibe of exploration and discovery. They could be clothes with dance energy - any sort of dance, from Latino to hip-hop.

Even hiking, golf and tennis clothes can look super chic mixed with the staples of your wardrobe! Riding clothes can be super flattering!

For years when I had horses, I wore riding jodhpurs with lace tunics and hats - it was my thing Chic, sailinginspired clothes look great for the summer too.

Adventure and well-being are chic. So bring chic to your activewear and travel outfits.

Our successful lives require that we stay fit and well while spending so much time indoors. Activewear dressed up with jackets, accessories and scarves is a high-vibe look that says "I take care of my body and beauty". That is a powerful message to transmit to your people and your prospects!

The Adventurer Archetype



"People will not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel".


An impeccable know-like-and trust reputation will serve your highest visions. Swap the desire to just being ‘visible’ for showing up to serve with the prosperous presence of a hero, and adopt the etiquette of titans.

Make integrity (including self-integrity) your foundation stone on which to build relationships that thrive on win-win-win ethics.

Be known exclusively for your genuine virtues and endear people with your charm and ability to listen. Wear elegance, good taste, humour and style like a designer label, and be generous with your compliments to those who need them.

Whenever you connect with people online, invite them to a quick centring exercise where you connect from the heart for the best mutual outcome. People love this!

Review and revamp your email photo, info and links.

Ask yourself if your default sign off phrase still resonates or if it can really be unique (for example, instead of Best, Warmly, or Love find a power phrase that people will remember - In service to Your Genius, Grace and Greatness is mine )

Stages are about to open up again. Do you have a story, message or lesson learned from the last two lockdown years? Reach out to those connections you had who were all about events and find out what they’re doing



Unveiling my purpose when I play big games

My client and TEDx speaker Michelle Mehta said to me one day, "Izzy, you ' ve gottospeakontheTEDstage!"

Even though this pinnacle of goals is oneofmymostpassionatedesires,allI could reply was: "I've just had a baby; I'm scared of public speaking; I don't thinkIcandothis!"


"Izzy, you ' re a trailblazer. Where you go, people will follow You need to create a path so that other women can share theirvoicestoo!"

SoIdidwhatmyheartcalledmetodo andagreed


However, just because my hear ' yes'didn'tmeanthatTEDxwasgo aswell!

I applied to the first TED conference in therightlocation,thenthenextandthe next Here's what happened: six organizers didn't get back to me Three organizers said NO to me I was heartbroken and began to feel as if I wasn't good enough. But, dreams will be dreams, and the heart won't stop whispering, so I kept on going until the perfecteventsaidYEStome!

I was so happy and excited that I fell into prostration from gratitude But I didn't stop there If I was going to do this momentous thing (which was still scaring me!). I was going to be the best.

And so, I refined my dream not just to speak at TEDx but to excel MydesirewastobetheveryBESTTEDxspeakeratthatevent Itwas timetorehearsethatrealityintobeing

Iaskedforhelpfromvariousexpertsonallaspectsofpresentingat thatlevel-fromstageperformanceandstorytellingtoconfidence ThenIgotobsessed.

I practised every day when cooking, driving, showering, and walking I practised in front of my podcast guests I practised in frontofmyfriendsandpeoplethatcameovertomyhome IpractiseduntilIwasword-perfect

On 4th December 2021, the day of my TED talk, I was speaker number9outof12.

Fear, anxiety and nerves gripped me so hard that my chest tightened, and I could hardly breathe In the green room, where speakers prepare before the presentation, I paced non-stop, stretchingandmeditating Untilmynamewascalled

Then the emcee announced me and added, "Our next speaker, Dr IzdiharJamil,whatIremembermostaboutherishersmile"



At that moment, I closed my eyes and silently sent up a prayer"God,justletmebe

Help them hear my heart Help me touch their hearts Help me to takecareofonepersonoutthere,andI'llbesograteful"

I opened my eyes, looked to my right, and smiled at the audience asIwalkedtowardthestage.

As rehearsed so many times, I stopped at the red dot, turned to facethecamera,smiledandofferedmyfirstline, "Myhusband,Rizal,hadadream "

Then I opened my heart. I spoke of what deeply matters to me. I see a world where my daughter Nadrah, who's seven now, is going to grow up as a Muslim woman,andIdon'tlikethatworld

On that revered stage, I shared the lessons I've learned - that the revolution to overcoming social adversity isn't to blend, change, conform or transform yourselftofitthepre-conceivednotionof society's checklist But rather to be proud and courageous of your roots and heritage And to be open and accepting ofeachother'sdifferences

AsIcomplete,IknowI'vespokenfrommy heart. The first audience stands up, then the next and the next until the whole audience is standing, applauding. To my joy, I received one of the longest and loudeststandingovationsoftheday

After my talk, so many people came to me and said, "You made me cry!", "I can feel every part of your emotion", "You are so brave", and "I wish my daughter was heretohearyourstory!"

Sonali Fiske, the curator of TEDx DelthroneWomen where I gave my talk, commented: "Izdihar, you ' re a master storyteller!"

It'spowerfulwhenyouhavearealstoryto share. It started off with the journey of fighting for an outrageous dream to be a TEDx speaker - to speak on one of the world's most prestigious and influential platforms

Throughout that process of playing for something BIG, I discovered my purpose thatevenchangedtheprecedenceofmy businessandlife Whatcallsmedeeplyis to fight against judgements and preconceptions that people have just becausetheylook"different"

Beingabletotouchpeople'shearts,Isee myself as a "bridge" that connects from one world to the other. A world where our differencesarecelebrated,notattacked

Moreimportantly,Iwanttocreateaworld where my daughter Nadrah, and your daughters can grow up proud of their roots and heritage A society that is open andhonouringeachother'sdifferences.

By sharing my voice on the prestigious TEDx platforms and other influential platforms, by overcoming my fears and doubts, I am proud to be trailblazing a pathway so that other women can share their voices and build bridges between worlds,too

If you would love to speak on the TEDx stage and share your unique voice, join myFREEcoursehere

Coming To America: A Story Of A Hijab-Wearing Woman

WatchIzdihar'sinspiringstoryandknowthatanything ispossible! Clickabovetowatch!

Preeminence Rising Featured Contributor Interview

Izdihar shares her personal story and journey of her rise to influence with Jenni P. She encourages any woman to claim their voice, whatever their background and circumstances. Click left to watch.

Dr Izdihar Jamil’, PhD

Dr Izdihar Jamil, PhD is an immigrant, Asian, hijab wearing Muslim computerscientistturnedmediaexpert

Sheisan9x#1InternationalBestsellingAuthorofItIsDone,YesICan! And Women Who Lead and has spoken on hundreds of prestigious eventsandinterviewsallaroundtheworld

ShewasfeaturedonForbes,FoxTV,NBC,CBS,ABC,CW,ThriveGlobal andhundredsofmediaandpublications

In 2021, Izdihar was inducted into the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who biographyinrecognizinghercontributionasthetop5%intheindustry withWarrenBuffetandOprah.

She is also an upcoming TEDx presenter sharing her idea to inspire marginalizedwomentobeconfidentwiththeirheritageandroots

She is an influential trailblazer and an inspirational leader in helping femaleentrepreneurstobethe#1go-toexpertintheirfieldswithher simple,no-fussmethods.

She has helped over 100 people to be a #1 international bestselling author, get in the media, magazines, high profile interviews and publications

Izdihar lives in California with her husband and three kids and in her sparetimeshelovesreadingandbakingforherfamily

Free Gift and how to woek with me!


Becomethe#1Go-ToExpertInYourField WITHOUTaBigFollowing..

Do you want to book speaking gigs, media (Forbes, Entrepreneur etc), TV, Magazines and TED and become the #1 Go-ToExpertinyourfieldfasterthanyou thoughtpossible?

Sign up for Dr Izdihar Jamil's most popular FREE training for women "The TopAuthorityActivationRetreat"today!


I'll show you the step-by-step formula to ACTIVATE your TOP Authority Mindset & Genes and position yourself as the Go-To Expert and Influencer in your field.. From ZERO To Top Authority WITHOUT having a bigfollowingorahighprofilePRAgency!

I'll be showing you thehacks and shortcuts on how you can use your existing experience toelevate your brand, authority and credibility with ease while still being you And convert your followers into paid clients with con accelerating you astheTop5%!




"There is no-one in the world like you. Rejoice in your glory. You are a natural genius and the world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess " .


Find your genius

Believe in your super-powers

Conduct yourself like nobility

Be fascinated by others

Keep a beginner's mind

Wear your heart on your sleeve

Avoid crowds

Think before speaking

Breathe integrity

Cultivate charm

Choose your own values

Avoid wearing black

Practice playfulness

Ooze fabulousness

Is your business model unique to you? Brainstorm what it would look like if you could delegate all that is not in your genius zone.

Take time in the morning to tell your reflection in the mirror how beautiful and awesome you are Repeat every day!

Don’t enter any debates on Social Media if you value your peace, and your unique and personal point of view!



Dreams, Destiny Dharma


I believe there is an eternal and inherent nature of reality, a cosmic law underlying right behavior and social order This is called Dharma - or Divine Law in Buddhism, and constitutesthebasicprinciplesofexistence

ThoughIamnotofficiallyaBuddhist,andhave grownupintheChristiandoctrine,stillIseethe rationale and practicality of the notion that human life is a journey of learning and growing What Buddhism calls ‘suffering’, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, andrighteousbehaviorarethewaytoachieve enlightenment and peace It just makes sense tome

And so, I can also easily entertain the idea of Destiny - that there is a hidden power controlling and overseeing what will happen in our future For me, this ‘Destiny’ is ruled by our inner source of knowledge - I believe we each have a personal inner power fueled by the dreamswecreateandfollow

Last January, I turned 75. And from this perspective of being an Elder, I can now look backonmylifetoseewhatdreamsledmeto whereIamtoday-acatalystforchange,and aninstrumentofmotivationandinspirationfor otherstoleadalifethatmakesadifferencein theworld

My dreams kept me close to my Dharma, and myDharmaledtomyDestiny

I have now trained over 350,000 people around the globe in the art of effective communication and leadership, and I have vast evidence and testimonials that I have changed people’s lives and inspired them to create a better world for themselves and their communities Whowouldhaveguessed?


WhenIwasayounggirlin2ndand3rdgrade, Iusedtoaskmyteacherstogivemecopiesof the instructional papers they handed out in class. I would take them home, and in the summer months, I would hold “school” for my neighborfriends Iwouldgatherthemtogether andteachthemwhatIlearnedthatyear

Ineverimaginedthatyearslater,Iwouldbein front of audiences of 100 to 500, teaching much more complex concepts than how to add one plus one. I teach vital life skills; how the mind works, how to think effectively to produce championship results in life, how to speak and listen so that relationships can be transformed, and how to access and harness one ’sinnerpowertocreatealifeoffulfillment

Then, when I was a teenager and a sophomore in high school, I remember sitting on the bench at a school Pep Rally watching the Senior Pep Club President leading a cheer I thought to myself, “That’s me!” I just knew someday I would be leading the Pep Rally. I could see myself in my mind’s eye - a dream of sorts. Then, when I was a senior, I was elected the Pep Club President two years later and found myself doing exactly that It was as if I was already being trained to motivate and inspireotherstovictory

By the time I reached University, I was dreamingofeitherbeingacelebratedActress, an award-winning Journalist, or a powerful and articulate Litigation Attorney When I now look at my actual career, I find I am all three I entertain and teach from a stage, entertaining vast audiences ranging from 50 to 5,000 at a time I coach people to fight for their dreams andteachthemhow,andIwriteandsharemy experiences in magazines and books so that othersmaylearnfrommyjourney.

Something deep inside me prepared me for my Destiny My dreams lined up with what I neededtoexperienceinlifetocreatemypath MyDharmabecametheculminationofallthat - the ability to awaken others to their own power and assist them in handling their obstaclesalongtheway Idreamtandspokeit all into existence, guided by the inherent magicoftheCosmicLaw.

AfterIhadbuiltmanysuccessfulcompaniesand handled my own challenges and obstacles along the way, utilizing the lessons I learned from the pain and wonder of the journey,thenIbegantospecialize

I went from facilitating personal development workshops and seminars for individuals, to coaching and consulting corporate organizationsandteams

I was drawn to the Hospitality Industry - the world of hotels, restaurants, and clubs, which are all business, entertainment and event production entities. This aligned with my passion for acting, writing, teaching, and inspiring It appeared as if Dharma was at work - putting me where I needed to be, allowing me to contribute my gifts, and letting me express my passion As if by magic A forcewithwhichIwasflowing

I learned to surrender to the path, ride the waves without resistance, and become more successful in my own right. It was as if hidden wisdom was at work I understood deeply when Star Wars came out, the notion of “May theForcebewithyou”

Ihadadreamonce,thatpeoplecouldlearnto love each other rather than argue I saw a vision of the possibility of millions of people workingtogetherwithcareandpurpose.

And making this a better world in which to live, for all people I still hold that vision And not only that, I realize I have been an instrument in its fulfillment WhenIstartedoutasayoungwoman,Iwasteaching5peopleatatime;and that has unfolded over the years to having personally trained hundreds of thousandstoawaken,takeresponsibility,andmakeadifferenceintheworld

As the quote - Be the Change You Want to See - invites us all, I have heard the call and followed the path - that has been my Dharma all along. And it has eventually manifested as my Destiny. And it all started with my Dreams, which have been guided by my inner knowledge A perfect circle of light and UniversalOrder

I am grateful to have listened to my inner voice I am thankful I had the courage to ride the waves along the way, learning from my mistakes and losses I am grateful I was willing to surrender to a bigger purpose than my dailywantsanddesires-thatIwasastandtomakeadifferenceintheworld.

Everyday,Iamdeeplyinspiredandmovedbytheeternalandinherentnature ofitall AtrulycosmiclawaslifeunfoldsinperfectharmonywithGod

Here are some ideas to get on this path, utilize this understanding, and find your Dharma:

KnowthatwhatismostpowerfulandimportantiswhatyouareBEING,notwhatyou are DOING BE kind BE loving BE the possibility BE grateful BE authentic BE the change you want BE willing BE understanding and compassionate BE steadfast BE trustworthyandBEtrusting BEcommitted BEhappy BEconfident BEinterested

Once you are BEING those things, then DO what lines up with that - speak in the appropriate way to what you are being; act in the manner appropriate to what you arebeing.Andwhenyounoticesomethinginyourlanguageoractionsisoutofline with what you are determined to BE, then be diligent in taking on new ways of speakingandacting,thatdolineup


Look first at how you need to change, rather than how others need to change Consideritstartswithyou

Looktoseehowyoucanserve,ratherthanbeserved Looktofindthebestinothersandgivethebestofyourself

Andwiththat,youmayquitereadilyfindyouareonthepathofyourownDharma,and inlinewithyourDestiny.

Marcia Martin

Do you love the idea of being paid for who you are?

Doyouwishyourcurrentlifeincludedyour passions,uniquegiftsandtalents? Therehasneverbeenabettertime!

Whynotmakealistofallthosethingsyou lovedasachildoryoungadult,butwhich havebeenhiddenawaybecauselifegot toobusy

Journalormeditateonthisandseewhat comesup Astheworldopensupagain,it’s aninvitationtoreinventourselvesinthis newRenaissanceera

AsIsaid,theproblemsoftheworldneed solvingwithnewapproaches.Whatcan youimaginewhenyouthinkaboutyour idealworld?Youtoocanhaveadiverse andrichlifestyle!

ComeandbepartoftheBraveNewWorld byjoiningmyMembershipClub!

It’sfullofresourcesgleanedfromallmy aboveadventures,andtheskillsetsneeded tocreateyourownmagicallife Ican’twaittoseeyouinthere!


Globalspeaker,corporateexecutivecoach,transformationalthoughtleader,and changemakerextraordinaire,MarciaMartinhastrainedover300,000peoplearound theglobehowtolookinaverydirectwayattheprisontheyhavecreatedinlifethat limitsthemfromreachingtheirfullpotential.

DameMarcia(knightedin2008)spendshertimeconsultingentrepreneurialand corporatecompaniesinleadership,communication,collaborationandchampionship performanceincludingCapitalOne,HardRockInternational,WarnerBros., InterContinentalHotels,McCainFoods,andEvianWater.

AsoneoftheFoundingMembersandSr VicePresidentofErhardSeminarsTrainingest-(laterknownasLandmarkForum),MarciaMartinwaspersonallymentoredby innovativeacademicthinkerWernerErhardfor10yearsintheartandtechnologyof SelfTransformationandHumanDevelopment,andhelpedtaketheestorganization frominceptiontomillionsofgraduatesworldwide.Shehasconsulted,trainedor coachedsomeofthegreatestthoughtleadersandauthorsofourtimeincludingJack Canfield,TonyRobbins,LynneTwist,T HarvEcker,andRobertT Kiyosaki


I’mpersonallyinvitingyoutobeapartofmyPrivateTransformationClubanonlinetreasurevaultofmyfortyyears’trainingandresourcesthatIhave usedtohelptransformover300,000peopleovertheglobe

Thosepeopleincludesomeoftheworld’stopleadersandinfluencersandthe greatnamesofpersonaldevelopment.Thisinvitationisforyoutobenefit fromthesameresourcesthathavehelpedmanyoftheleadersyouknow andlove,togreatness

Comeandjointheclub!It'sjust$10permonth! Seewhatisinstoreforyoubyclickingbelow.

Now you can learn the tips, tricks, and techniques that Marcia learned personally from some of the greatest thinkers of our time



OF LEGENDS and access the content of one of the world's best loved 'influencer's influencer' for $10 per month!






Our Preeminent Self is the one who intuitively knows that all the secrets, all the answers, all the breakthroughs you seek, are already within you.

You need nothing else except the code to access them.

To decipher the code is to truly know your full power as the creator of your own legacy.

You came here for greatness. You came here to express your genius. Genius lies in the intersection between your gifts, your bliss and your values and is the most powerful attractor of abundance.

Treat yourself to a new handbag, wallet and or purse. One that is out of your usual price comfort zone Put some bills in your purse and energetically spend them (only) when you ’ re out shopping

Learn about digital currency, so you don’t feel left behind, but don’t make rash decisions - it’s the wild west out there. Informed is Wisdom!

Take a car on your wish-list for a spin (from the merchant!) and feel into what it’s like to own that model! Put it on your vision board and start living as if you already own it



Karen Baines


is not a

miracle, it ' s Your Destiny


But do you believe it? Do you believe that it's yourdestinytobecomewealthy?

It's law, Lovely, universal law, and I'm going to talk you through waking up to that and living fromit

So let's take a popular analogy of destiny and transformation Doesacaterpillarhavetopush tobecomeabutterfly?Doesanacornhaveto try to become an oak tree? Of course, they don't because that's what they're naturally designed to d transformation inevitable Likewise,youan abundance A percentageoft money And ev touched on the ofscalingabus Let'sdivein

Miraclesarenotsomethingexceptionalforme, but the way the universe works. I've just normalized miracles. That's my way of life. And I recognize it as that Even though it sounds cheesy, we are the miracle You are the miracle I am the miracle Everyone is a miracle. And the miraculousness of our ability to create is actually what we are designed to do

The problem is that because we also chose to be human beings in this lifetime, we tend to forget that we ' re actually an infinite being in a body, and we go against our divine nature We think it's all up to us to make things happen, makethishappen,andmakethathappen.

In fact, that's the waking preoccupation of most of the world's population, wake up, get outofbedandmakethingshappen.

Wespendatonoftimetryingtofigurethings out We worry about this problem We search for the solution to that problem. Where's the nextclientcomingfrom?HowcanIcreatethe perfect program that my audience will buy? How can I fill my group? When will I have my 5,6,7,8figurebusiness?

The search takes us away from the solutions because we are focused on pushing and trying and figuring things out. Note this one down, Lovely - figuring out a problem means we ' re vibrating at a frequency of the perceivedproblem,and,accordingtolaw,the solution is never available at the level of the problem

It's not our job to figure it out anyway. When we are in that space, we are preventing the universe from doing its job, and its job is to deliverthemostalignedandbestsolutionfor us

All of that searching and pushing and trying takes us out of alignment and further away fromourdivinenature,ourdivinenaturebeing thepeaceofourinnateselves.

I think of it as the insides of a mechanical machine; imagine lots of cogs, lots of cogs and wheels that depend on one another for turningsothatthewholemachineworks And imagine that you are the great big cog, the great big one in this machine, the machine that is your business, is your life, whatever, fill intheblank

That big cog that you be is surrounded by loads and loads of other cogs and wheels, likebigones,smallones,tiny,teenyonesthat seem insignificant and all these other cogs. They represent your business, your family, yourcolleagues,andyourhealth

Theyliterallyrepresenteverythingelseinyour life outside of you But the universe is like the lubricantthatworksitswaythroughallofthe cogs and keeps everything flowing really nicely and easily. Now, whenever you, as the big wheel, the big cog in the middle, whenever you focus on a problem and try and fix it or work things out for yourself and forget the truth of who you really are. When you try and do the job of the universe, you ' re actually getting in the way of the universe That'swhenyougetstuck!

heel' of manifesting your dreams y stops the rest of the machine the other cogs and wheels spit r, and get jammed up. Then the an't get around because nothing ng

you actually get out of your own nstead of trying to figure things ke a step back You let it all go, cus on something else Then, ou start moving again, and the an work through you So the continues to work, because isconnected,andtheneverything ng,yousee?

emember who we really are and th that part of us that is peace hatisdivinityitself,that'swhenthe miracles happen I call it, "not my mymonkey"

to get back to peace so that the ee to do its job of delivering the cause it has infinite ways to bring ion that works for you Your job is alignment Its job is to react from mentandbringyoueverythingyou ything you desire, the so-called yourso-calledproblems.

may be thinking, "Easier said than n - just get back to peace and challenge Right!"

Righton.It'stheperfectmomenttotaketime out to access that peace There are tons of ways to get back to peace, whether that's with a spiritual practice that you enjoy, a healing or a clearing modality, or whatever. Personally,whenIamawarethatthewheelis slowing down, I spend no more than a few seconds recognising it Here's what works for me:

I imagine the past on the left and the future on the right And when I realize that I'm spinning out on a problem, I close my eyes, centre myself, and envision the 'problem' like a house of cards on the left that represents the past, and I just use my imagination and collapse the house of cards. Next, I see the conjurer's hands in white gloves coming in andclearingthecardsup

And with a magical sleight of hand, the conjurer clears these cards, arranges them into a big fan, and then takes them away I can then focus on everywhere I might have imprinted the same scenario into the future, and I do exactly the same there All this happensinseconds

What I'm doing here is, I'm packaging everythingupforBigUtotakecareof I'mnot denying that whatever the issue is, doesn't exist. I'm acknowledging it and handing it overtoBigUtohandleforme Iabideinthis knowing: I exist I still exist without my problems I am; I exist, live, breathe, and function.Iconnectwiththepartofmethatis alwaysapartofandconnectedto,allthatis

And at that point, when I do this collapsing and handing-over exercise, I literally feel an innershift IknowthatBigUwilltakewhatever 'thething'isfrommeandhandleit

Thiscouldbeanythingatall;it'snotjustabout money It can be an issue with your business; it could be family stuff or relationship stuff It could be anything at all, even world events. It couldbesomethingyouperceiveaseitherbig or small because Big U doesn't perceive the way we do We just package it up, and we handitover

Your version of that will look different from mine. It will look different for everybody. I've got a client who blows up a red balloon. As she's exhaling into the red balloon, her issue, whatever it is, is filling the balloon And then shetiesitoffandletsitgo

I've got another client who sees herself in an ocean, and her issues are the ripples that come off of her body as she's flapping around. And then, as she calms herself, the ripplesgooutandbecomepartoftheocean

There are multiple ways that your own 'inner dictionary'willshowyouwhatworksforyou

ButIencourageyoutofindsomethingthat's reallyeasyandquick,that'sreallyeasy You don'tneedtospendmorethanacoupleof minutes on this; it can even take seconds The intention behind it deals with it, and howitmakessenseforyou

But the thing is, that when we hand it over, we naturally come back to a state of peace Then we can ask, is there anything that we are inspired or required to do with that particular issue in that particular moment?

I usually find that I might be required to do justtwoorthreethingsaday Soitcouldbe that there's a project I'm working on, and someone else is waiting for me to do somethingsothattheycanactonit Inthat case, I'm required to do something Or it could be that I'm doing it all on my own, and I need to take another step forward to keep the project moving That's a requirement

I usually find that I just do two or three things a day that is either required or inspired AndthenIfollowthebreadcrumbs of alignment from there Easy, peasy, squeezy,right?

Your job is to align and keep re-aligning whatever shows up So you follow the breadcrumbsofalignment.

Of course, sometimes you are not inspired to dowhatisrequired Eventhoughyoumaylove it, the inspiration has left the building It happens to us all. I have a three day deal with the universe What I do is, I say to the universe, "Okay, well, I am not inspired to do what is required of me today" So I do my house of cards process with everything that I'm coming upagainstorfeelingresistanceabout.

I'll keep doing it over two or three days until I'm inspiredtoact I'vegiventhisthreedays,butit's never taken that long. The universe always delivers inspiratio stayinalignment

And you can alignment by lea because you ' re g either of alignm going to create miraclesthatyou So remember, w designed to man ourdestiny.

In fact, it's our dream, our destiny and our dharma!

No struggling needed! Just as an acorn doesn't need to push, just as a caterpillar doesn'tneedtotrytobecomeabutterfly They become what they are destined to become A caterpillar just follows its bliss, it eats and eats and eats, and it sleeps and sleeps and sleeps Andthenoneday,itwakesup,andit'sbecome abeautifulbutterfly

So, remember that when you are pushing, when you ' re trying to figure things out, when you become the part of your machine that is getting in the way of everything moving and everything flowing, back to peace, package it up, hand it over to Big U, come back to peace, track your evidence so that you know what your next inspired action will be And then just follow the yellow brick road and the breadcrumbsofalignment.

Look down that road now look ahead Do you seeyourdestinytobewealthy?

It'syournature. Love,love,love, Karen

Free Money Momentum Assessment

Youwanttobreakthroughtothenextlevelofincome,youcanfeelit,youcantasteit,you knowitisrightthere Itswithintouchingdistancebutyoucan’tseemtogetyourhandsonit, nomatterwhatyoudo

You’respendingalotoftimedoingthingsthatwarrantlittlereturnanddon’tcreateactual results.Itfeelslike200stepsforwardand300stepsback.


AndIknowyou’redoingallofthethingsthatyou’vebeentoldtodoinyourbusiness,the provenstepsyouneedtotaketobuildyourbusiness Butletmeaskyou,howisthatworking outforyousofar?

Perhapsyouknowthatsomethingismissing,butyoucan’tputyourfingeronit Youknow youwanttomakeanimpactintheworld–aglobalimpact Youknowyouwantfinancial freedomandnotjustabankaccountthatlookslikeamobilephonenumber,butmoneyyou canactuallyusebecauseyouhavethetimefreedomtouseit!

“ Realign the things you can’t see, to get the results you can see. ”

KarenBainesisaConsciousWealthCreationMentorandlovestoworkwithpassionate, ambitiousentrepreneursbyshowingthemhowtomastertheirowncreationalprocess, particularlyaroundtheirbusinessandfinances

I’vebeenlearningandteachingthelanguageofmoneyforsomeyearsnow,havingpreviously runmyownsuccessfulbookkeepingbusiness Runningquietlyparalleltothiswasalife-long interestinpersonaldevelopment Awholenewlevelofmoneywisdomwasintroducedtome whenIdiscoveredUniversalLawandenergy,soonafterthatthedefiningmomentwhenthese twoworldssuddenlycollided Previously,Ihadbeenattemptingtocompartmentalisethem,the ironybeingthatInowteachhowyousimplycannotcompartmentaliseenergy.

Avitalcomponentofrunningabusinessisyourfinances–yourincome-money. Understandingyourownalignmentandtheenergeticsofmoneygivesyouapriceless opportunitytounlockandreachthatillusivenextincomelevel,asinanutshell,Moneyisjusta veryhappyby-produ mentisYOUDoYOU!


All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you.

Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past.

Unless it is to tell the world an epic story of your highest life, with a happy ending.

Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle move on your results.

How strong are your boundaries? Buy the book Boundary Boss by Terri Cole (our guest last year), and you’ll see how much work there is still to do, and how urgent it is to do it!

Learn EAM (from this mag) or EFT, or The Sedona Method or any other method you can use to scoop yourself back up rapidly when you feel destabilised or overwhelmed by anything.


Do you keep a habit tracker? Either in a journal or downloaded, track the 6 main habits you want to ship this year Score yourself daily.

Soleira Green Rising...

"Ideas are like dandelion puffs floating around in the quantum breeze, waiting to be seeded in someone ' s passion"

InthisMistressofChangeepisode,withJenniP,Soleira shareshowitispossibletotrulybecomeomnipotentinthe faceofglobalstrifeandsomuchdisruption.

Soleira’squietnatureunveilsbrilliantinsightsintopossibility, Sheencourageseachofyoutoknowandbelieveinthe powersyouhaveasaquantumcreator-notjustforyour happiestlife,butalsoforcontributingtoglobalpeace Shesays:“Ibelievethatwehaveenteredalegendarytimein whichwearecollectivelyelevatingourenergy,vibrational frequency,intelligenceandconsciousnesstobrandnew levelsofpossibility Weare *embodyinginfiniteintelligence, *livingsuperconnected&superconscious, *quantumleapingintowholenewlevelsoflifepower& miraculouscreation.Preparetoenteraworldofwonder!


you ' re looking to unleash your genius, discover your mastery and innovate an exciting new life & world, I'm your gal!"


For the past twenty-five years I've been coaching, training, writing about and creating breakthroughs in consciousness, transformation, genius innovation, quantum alchemy and miraculouspossibilitiesforlifeonplanetEarth.

Ibelievethatwehaveenteredalegendarytimeinwhichwearecollectivelyelevatingourenergy, vibrationalfrequency,intelligenceandconsciousnesstobrandnewlevelsofpossibility Weare

*embodyinginfiniteintelligence, *livingsuperconnected&superconscious, *quantumleapingintowholenewlevelsoflifepower&miraculouscreation

In my Patreon account, I write about the latest breakthroughs in consciousness, the quantum fieldandthemiraculousinmotionintheworld

Freeaccesstomy'GeniusGame'onlinevideocourse Gotohttps://genius-gameweeblycom/ andenterthepasswordGenius*Rules*The*World


All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you.

Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past.

Unless it is to tell the world an epic story of your highest life, with a happy ending.

Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle move on your results.

How strong are your boundaries? Buy the book Boundary Boss by Terri Cole (our guest last year), and you’ll see how much work there is still to do, and how urgent it is to do it!

Learn EAM (from this mag) or EFT, or The Sedona Method or any other method you can use to scoop yourself back up rapidly when you feel destabilised or overwhelmed by anything.


Do you keep a habit tracker? Either in a journal or downloaded, track the 6 main habits you want to ship this year Score yourself daily.




Permission to dream Bigger and ALLOW it to Become your Reality

We know the feminine rising is fuelled by VISION and DESIRE the unleashing and unfolding of fullest potential and expression, fuelled by the fierce feminine who chooses to settle no more

Yet, how often do we still diminish ourselves, edit ourselves and not really allow the greatest version of ourselves to evolve?

What if the brakes of fear and control came off, and we allowed life to be guided by instinct and inspiration?

Imagine What if your wildest dream became your manifested 3D lived experience?

So consider for a moment, what dreams from the past did you cast aside?

Thinking back as a schoolgirl, my dream was to be a vet and a conservationist I would dream of being in exotic places in Africa, and being actively involved in projects to help endangered species To camp under the stars with the sound of distant lions roaring, the hum of cicadas and the chatter of a thousand birds. The African savannah is like nowhere else on earth. The first time I visited, it stirred my soul so deeply, that I felt I was home I didn't want to leave I experienced a temporal confusion that is hard to explain I think my soul had been there before It was the most incredible experience that left a deep, indelible mark on my life

My dream of being a conservationist got overtaken by everyday life… getting married, having a career, building a business, and creating a home. It was life, but not fully LIVING

Getting divorced and finding myself starting over at 50 provided the space to sit with the question "what do you REALLY want" allowed me to reconnect with what had been so inspiring to me in my younger daysto see that the dreams had not left, but they had gathered layers of dust

Meditating on the notion that "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" got me thinking about the ways I could begin to embark on a new adventure To consider how things COULD be created that previously had not seemed possible

So, what if you gave yourself that opportunity too? What do you think you would rediscover in YOURSELF? What long dismissed-as-impossible dreams and ideas might re-surface?

My leadership trainer Lynne, first dropped it into my mind that everything is possible - and the INTENTION and committed action is what drives the eventual creation Desire, intention, devotion, commitment the energies of "I'm going to create this" without any doubt, is where the path begins to be revealed…

When you finally surrender, it's funny how life unexpectedly gives you what you want

Now, after 2 years of surrendering to the vision of greater impact and contribution - without knowing exactly how it happens, a whole new chapter to the "conservationist vision" is opening up that will see much impact be created - but absolutely not at all how I originally imagined!

Again, I share a little of my story to stimulate the question, "What dreams have you once had that perhaps got pushed to the back of your mind, dismissed as impossible because "how on earth could I do that" thinking condemned the ideas to never be fully explored and given the possibility of life?

It's most often the constraints of family life, finances and career that mean the "fullest life" can get sidelined and buried deeply under a heap of commitments and demands of current lifestyle.

So, consider for a moment that you have the power to change whatever you choose

If anything were possible, what would you choose?

You might like to give yourself an hour or two to really allow that thought process to take you somewhere new…to revisit old dreams…

That famous Steve Jobs quote “we can only join the dots looking back” took on a new level of meaning this year when I realised that what’s unfolding before my eyes is the culmination of a long-held dream to be a source for transformation and change in a powerful, practical way - and every step so far has led to this moment, possible only by each decision along the way.

When you DREAM BIGGER and demand more of life and step up to play a different game, life has no choice but respond to your energy

A friend of mine is a brilliant hypnotherapist and neuroscientist I began using one of her money visualisations daily and literally began to witness the 3D creation of opportunities and events. I was subconsciously calling into my life the very experiences I was envisioning and embodying in my hypnosis - and very quickly

Within 3 months, I introduced the idea of a very different life that was gradually being accepted by my brain and subconscious mind - a new vision of the future radically different from the past!! An abundant, fulfilled life that incorporated conservation and transformational impact - and as I accepted the very real possibility, my energy had begun to shift too.

So my question to you is "if you dreamed BIGGER and trusted in creating the "dream", what would you create - and more specifically, whose life would you positively impact?

Do you have a Passion Project that has been shelved because it's "not practical", "too expensive", "unrealistic", or "too much of a crazy fantasy"? What IF it was possible?...

My leadership training is based upon the premise that 100% is possible 100% of the time - but we must grow, evolve, adapt, get uncomfortable, take risks, try new things, and let go of all judgement - acting in spite OF fear.

There's a powerful line in the Napoleon Hill classic 'Think and Grow Rich': "FAITH is the head chemist of the brain"

Trusting in the unseen with unwavering faith creates a potent energy from which to live

When you give real airtime to your dreams and visions and hold the intention with faith, and take consistent action - something to happen as a consequence. That’s UNIVERSAL LAW.

“Something always leads to something” which is why knowing the “how” to reach your dream or vision is not as important as taking action

The vision of that 9-year-old version of me in Primary School, writing about conservation, I had no idea that decades later, a way would be shown to make the African dream and the animal rescue projects a reality

NSo I invite you to Never give up on your dreams. Allow yourself to let the imagined become possible.

Give your SOUL the experience of life that it hungers for and let the EXPANSION happen

Resurrect the thoughts and ideas that light you up but have been dismissed - and try them on again If anything were possible, what would you LOVE?

Look for the new New Paradigm Wealth Incubator event in MAY because this is a way for you to create the resources and be part of a visionary community who are excited about and committed to the birthing of impactful, community and global projects as well as sovereignty and independence for every woman

Let yourself Dream Bigger it might just happen

Dawn Grossart FCIM, Chartered Market r and Transformational Coach


After a career in a global corporate industry launching and leading projects of over £50m, Dawn has spent 15 years empowering women ’ s freedom and fulfilment as a personalempowermentcoach,businesscoachandleadershipmentor

Shehashelpedthousandsofwomentocreatechangeandestablishapathtofinancial independence.

Her greatest passion now, is helping others to create their best life - especially helping thembuildconfidence,self-esteemANDbecomefinanciallygenerativewithease.

Her unique blend of skills and experience help women change their relationship with time, money and themselves and pave the way to happiness and success on the path oftheirchoosing

She has hosted many successful thought leaders and world authorities from the personaldevelopmentworldinheronlineeventsandiscommittedtoleadingwomento newheightsinpersonalandfinancialfreedom

With over a decade in the corporate world as a senior marketing professional, managing £multi-million global brands and projects, she brings both business acumen and transformational leadership skills together to support women entrepreneurs in creatingimpactfulmarketingandaresilient,success-orientedmindset.

Her greatest passion is helping women (and men) to establish new ways to generate 100% passive income in a post-Covid economy, which facilitates greater personal autonomyandtruetimefreedom



"Endurance is not suffering, it's persistence and consistency in energetic balance".



Struggle, confusion, overwhelm and obstacles are exquisite opportunities to declare that we have turned away from our heart's desires.

But they are also exquisite signposts inviting you to turn back.

The journey of a thousand miles...begins, not just with the first step, but with putting the right shoes on.

Make them preeminently, resolutely gorgeous. And durable.

Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved by giving up.

When the going gets tough, move on to the next Grace.

Pick up details of local healer massage therapists in your area, and book yourself in! If you can, book monthly or even weekly!

It’s a good month for a detox - physical, spiritual, entertainment, intellectual, people what areas of your life need a thorough detox this month?

Buy a sports watch that tracks the number of daily steps you do and your cardio rates. Increase your steps daily Fix minimum steps goals Research your ideal cardio rates for your age and condition and how you can maintain or improve them



Create Your Destiny With Alignment and Flow

Imagine for a minute being SO in flow with yourself that every aspect of your life is aligned to you living your fullest expression in the world

Imagine just getting PAID to be of service, for showing up and being YOU THAT is the gift that each one of us has to bring


Everything in life is energy, our happiness, our relationships, our health and our wealth. So when we talk about alignment, we have to bring this state of flow into EVERY level of our life. This allows you to step OUT of fire fighting, dealing with the drama, being distracted in every moment and never feeling like you achieved well anything! If we want to bring our TRUE self to the world, we have to ensure that all aspects of ourselves come together in a WHOLE-istic way

When you find FLOW, it is possible to create shifts in so many areas of your life You’ll wonder why you never did it before Alignment - It isn’t just about meditating, doing yoga or journaling every day Whilst it can be Alignment is a whole life experience, meaning we apply it everywhere If you think that feels like SUCH a big task, so where do we begin?

I’m glad you asked As always, it begins with a spring clean Let me lead you through a process that will allow you to align your energetic, mental and emotional energy in a way that will enable you to fully express your passion and purpose in the world


We call it The Energy Evolution, a WHOLE-ISTIC step-by-step guide and systematic approach to changing your life. It’s designed to get you INTO flow in every way so that you work WITH the flow of energy instead of working against it (which is what most people do!)

Very simply, you approach one subject in your life at a time Then, using a process like EAMThe Energy Alignment Method®, you can shift your energy, transform any limitations, doubts, limiting thoughts, beliefs or emotions and align yourself to a new positive outcome!

By working in a step by step approach, as you clean each metaphysical “ROOM” in your life, the system begins to work more efficiently, which means you create more flow

What you’ll discover is the energy gathers. It creates a powerful cumulative domino effect, which multiplies the energy. This extra FLOW of energy means that situations begin to change more rapidly, and you ‘get’ what you are asking for faster!

As you unstick each consecutive area, the momentum of energy speeds up the change at increasing rates You feel more empowered as everything is easy because you have more energy flowing in your life It sounds like a dream it’s much more of a process that makes your dreams a reality!


How do you begin to change your life? Well, we have to look at your life in three main areas: we call them YOUR SOUL, YOUR LIFE, and YOUR WORK. Each area has a collection of elements that are in a specific order We work in this way because it works with the way your energy systems - mainly your AURA, is structured


It begins with these four elements, which we call your SOUL These are:

Your spiritual connect & energetic systems and makeup, Your thoughts and beliefs, Your emotions, Your physical health

These four areas of your life you do not share with anyone else in your life. It is something that only you ever experience. Yet, these are the elements which make you, well you… By aligning these areas first, you create a solid foundation for yourself. You have the energy, mindset, emotional resilience, and physical health to keep you going, so you have the power actually to CREATE those changes in your life.

Then there are areas of your life that you share with people close to you This includes:

Your home or physical environment, the space you’re in

Your relationships with other people

Your lifestyle, all the leisure activities outside work

This element means all the aspects that make up your 3D life experiences - the environment you’re in, the people you hang around with, and what you do with your time These are significant influencers of alignment and flow

If these areas of your life are out of alignment, it will impact your capacity to work You’ll be distracted by life events, derailed from your flow state and taken out by problems in our relationships By doing this BEFORE we start working on your WORK, you create a stable life basis that allows you to expand yourself and reach out into the world


Now we align ourselves in our work; these next three elements include

Your Money, Wealth & Abundance

Your Passion & Purpose

Your Impact

Now you are ready to impact the world because you have aligned your life from the ground up. Now YOUR SOUL and YOUR LIFE elements are in flow, you can build on those to focus on how you make money, live abundantly, connect with your passion, discover your purpose, and make your impact in the world

By working this way and bringing all the areas of your life into FLOW first, you then have the power and capacity to make a real difference to others


Let me explain WHY this works from an energy perspective … We start with the outer layers of your aura (YOUR SOUL), then we move onto the mental, emotional, and physical As we release the RESISTANCE in each level, our energy can expand, and your energy field becomes more robust This makes it easier for the RESISTANCE from the levels of your aura to transform more easily

We also need our physical body to be healthy and in FLOW If your body is sick, you’re not vibrating at your highest level To change your life, you need your physical body to be in optimal health We cannot make changes in our physical health unless or until we have changed our energy, thoughts, and emotions first. By releasing RESISTANCE, your body becomes strong enough to work through the transformation process.

Once your physical energy is healthy, we start working out through the levels of our aura, looking at the other elements, including, for example, your physical environment, your relationships, and your lifestyle Then we can expand past the levels connected to your earthly energy We have the power, strength and supp t t our energy to influence the world around us, so a more significant impact

Put simply, we are cleaning and clearing our amplification system - one step at a time - firs sure the SIGNALS are clear We are then incre CAPACITY for it to flow more energy. The mor we flow, the quicker we can change our life.


Ultimately, there is no one ‘thing’ that will change your life. Instead, it is a systematic, cumulative effect that will create the most significant shifts, which is why we work this way within EAM What this will allow you to do is to step into a new paradigm, where you genuinely know that MONEY, TIME, HAPPINESS, and POWER are limitless resources

They are all sources of energy They are not limited No one owns them They are freely available to you You just need to tap into their power

When you discover and truly live your life knowing that money and abundance are all just energy, you will be able to tap into the flow of wealth around you.

The way to LIVE this is to look at ALL of the ABUNDANCE in your life. ABUNDANCE is a way of life or a flow of ENERGY It relates to so much more than money When you SEE, FEEL and LIVE abundantly, you’ll find an increased flow of (well, everything) Love, money, peace, freedom, happiness EVERYTHING!

ENERGYALIGNMENTMETHODEAM®is, andwhatitcandoforyou.

This ‘Everything Is Energy’ understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method ®

EAM is an accredited modality that bridges science & spirituality, grounded in 20+ years of teaching energy medicine. It’s a quick, simple transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release resistant or negative energy, thoughts and emotions, then reprogram yourself to create a flow state around anything you face in life

Here’sasimpleinsightintothe5 STEPS

Step 1 - You Ask Tap into our subconscious to ask a question Step 2 - You Move Your energy field will respond

Step 3 - You Experience Get clear how it affects your energy Step 4 - You Transform Release what stands in your way

Step 5 - You Manifest Create a new thought, belief, pattern, emotion or experience

Let me guide you through steps 3, 4 & 5, so you can step into your LIFE OF MIRACLES AND MAGIC. You can work through this individually for each of these archetypes the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover



Close your eyes, and feel into the energy of your chosen archetype What do you notice about her? What does she feel like? What emotions she is experiencing, and what beliefs she has Where do you notice any stuck or resistant energy which prevents you from embodying her empowered energy? Even if you see or feel nothing follow steps 4 & 5 anyway.



Now we have fun reprogramming our energy and creating something new Ideally, hold your hands above your head, palms facing up and repeat three times



Take what you found at step 3 and insert it into this statement below

‘I AM ready to release (these feelings of fear, this heaviness in my heart when I step into the lover archetype). I release it from my energy in all forms, on all levels, and at all points in time.’

Repeat AT LEAST 3 times, in repetitions of three; you may have to do this once or twice when you feel the release, move onto step 5

‘I AM ready to allow (e g myself to embody this empowered lover energy, I am open to connecting and receiving all the good in the world, I share love wherever I go, whoever I am with. I connect). I allow this into my energy in all forms, on all levels, at all points in time.’


Tune into these archetypes and start to recognise as you flow through your day, which one of these empowered goddesses will I be; this is how you live your life as a goddess in a worn-out world It’s time to birth the new one Are you ready?

Yvette Taylor

Yvette Taylor is one of the most sought-after transformational teachers in our current paradigm She’s famous for being the Creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method®, a powerful 5 step self-help process to shift energy, thoughts, beliefs & emotions so you can change your life

Yvette is an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, coach, energy healer, guide, and mentor who has shared her message with 50,000+ worldwide

She is an entrepreneur and change-maker by heart, who has run multiple six- and sevenfigure businesses. She is a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm.

Work with Yvette

Learn the 5 Steps of EAMComplimentary Video & Chapter of the new book

Create Your Home as Heaven

There is a wonderful little story about a journalist who asked Mother Theresa how she would create peace in the world Her answer was the advice to go home and love your family It's such a beautiful and powerful thought that a home can be a potent place for the nurturing of peace that peace out there cannot be created unless we have peace in here, be that in our homes or ourselves

I had a similar inspiring conversation with a spiritual leader I was spending time in India and had the privilege to be with Dadi Janki, the head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, at their headquarters in Mount Abu. We were in a small forum where we could question the organisation's leaders. I asked Dadi about the role of women working alongside men in changing the world, intending to use her response on my Feminine Leadership blog

To my surprise, her response was that women should make their homes as heaven It was pronounced with great power, and I had to take some time to explore the meaning of the words Like Mother Theresa, Dadi was endorsing the power of home This idea that we can make a change in the world by going home and doing something there is both curious and powerful.

Admittedly, at first, I was disappointed because I thought Dadi was recommending that women should leave the world of business/work and return home But she was a world leader, and head of a vast organisation in over 120 countries, so her focus was not on domestic work

She was really talking about the role of women as leaders of peace and the power they have in the home that it is up to us to create heaven at home for everyone who lives there

Women have traditionally had the leadership role in the household. It is women who are largely responsible for homemaking and child care.

They're in charge of food and nourishmentoften combining the roles of quartermaster and chief cook, overseeing mental wellbeing, growth and development of children and their activity planning and management Women take on the healing of the mind, body and spirit, give encouragement and provide what I heard Aboriginal elders call, 'emotional labour' So women have that real opportunity and responsibility to provide a calm, peaceful oasis that is the foundation of everyone's life.

Home is where everyone sets out from each day to go out into the world in whatever endeavour they are doing

Creating even a little piece of heaven to experience in your home is essential, especially in a time of planet crazy

Your home should give you feelings of calm, peacefulness and stillness … at least somewhere in the frenetic activity because this affects your frequency. You are an energy being. You absolutely need coherence for your optimal wellbeing and for confidently looking to your future and making good decisions

It's only in the quiet and the calm that you can hear the needs of your spirit and the needs of your body When everything 'out there' seems to be beyond your control, safe shelter is what you need to retreat to and surround yourself with This is how you feed your power It is from this power base that your energy ripples out into the world

How to create your Home as Heaven

1 Deepening your Connection with Nature is essential.

Nature is the cornerstone of our well-being, our healing and our future

Everything about us is supported by our connection to the natural world, and disconnection from it is the source of all our problems Bring nature into your home with living plants, as many as you possibly manage. Grow things …. take cuttings, plant seedlings, sprout beans and pulses…. all of this connects us to the process of growth and cycle of life. And where access to real nature is restricted, you can add images of nature I have an entire wall in my lounge with a mural of an early morning walk in the forest, and it feels like I am there It does actually have an effect on me biologically and mentally

2 Disconnect from the Un-natural

Switch off the wifi when you are not using it, and of course, this is primarily important when you are sleeping Nothing interferes more strongly with sleep than being bombarded with discordant electromagnetic impulses Turn off the TV and shut your computer earlier in the evening

Do not watch a screen until the last minute; give your body a long transition space between exposure to the frequencies that disrupt the natural slowing down of your body and your getting into bed. Turn the lights down lower as the evening wears on … let your body know you are moving into wind down and sleep

(Above Right) Gina Lazenby with spiritual leader Dadi Janki

3 Entrain Yourself with the Cycles of Nature.

Routines and rituals are important to help us tune in to the natural world on a daily, monthly, quarterly and annual basis We need to sustain our own natural rhythms within these larger cycles Plan ahead with the seasons; adapt your menus every quarter at least Find ways in each season to enjoy being outside in the light.

4 Set Up a Calm Corner.

5 Create Order and Plan Ahead.

Not being able to find something, running out of an item and not knowing what to prepare for dinner (especially when you want to eat) adds to your stress All these little things rob you of calm Planning meals ahead is important In fact, my colleague Roger Green from the Academy of Healing Nutrition, where I have been studying, says the foundation of spirituality is cooking nourishing food for your family and providing welcome hospitality to your friends. He describes the most evolved person as the one who can look into the future and plan ahead for the days to come. Hurrah to Roger, thank you! Knowing what we're going to eat, providing the menus and shopping for those meals is an essential rhythm in your peaceful home The worstcase scenario for any of us is arriving in front of an empty fridge at 7 pm in the evening after a long day and wondering what's for dinner I have been there many times in the past Creating order, tidiness and setting up good organisation removes hundreds of tiny stressful moments that add up and create unnecessary peacelessness

6 Ensure Mindfulness in Your Space.

Find a space in your home that is an ongoing invitation to sit still and be quiet If it is already set up, you can choose that place at any moment and drop down into the quiet look out the window, meditate or lose yourself in a jigsaw Make it a moment of slow And turn off any music You might consider noise-cancelling headphones if you cannot get away from other busy household sounds As much as we all need a walk outside in nature, you must have somewhere at home that is a place of rejuvenation Even create a time in the day when that is ring-fenced for your daily retreat I favour a break in the busy midmorning to sit in front of my large picture window, in my most comfortable chair already facing the view of my garden, and I watch the birds and latest flowers to bloom … or the rain, whatever is happening. You might choose a 15minute nap. Give yourself permission to have a break in the forward motion of the day.

You have heard of the maxim "As without so within", and I have quoted it before, so you will understand it is a foundation principle of feng shui. Look around your home for areas of difficulty, lack of flow, excess, clutter and disarray and note that these will play out in your life and even your body I bet you notice the difference in the energy of a room after it has been vacuumed, so know that everything you do to create ease and remove obstacles to flow will lower stress levels in the body and increase feelings of calm


Your home is constantly in dialogue with you It's sending messages to you through the arrangement of the space, the state and condition of everything and the images you choose for art and decor These images should reflect your desired state of being Be careful what you put into your space and program yourself with I have seen homes with dreary, grey art which spoke of hard work and difficulty and then I have been told that the problem in the home is what I could see in the art You want a space filled with high vibe images for your high vibe life Choose well

8 Prioritise the Most Important Rooms in the house.

Firstly, the bedroom needs to be a sacred space for deep, peaceful sleep It should be dark (when you sleep), have a good air supply, be protected from electromagnetic fields and free of excess clutter. Plus, remove all reminders of things that have been left undone and sight any of your work. Invest in a good mattress (I have slept on a magnetic one for 25 years) and high-quality cotton bedding. Why save that delicious feeling of slipping into a luxurious bed with high thread count sheets on that occasional weekend away … create that in your own bedroom now.

Secondly, the kitchen is the heart of the home There needs to be good organisational flow, good storage and presentation of food an inspiring space that is tidy and clean, and everything ready for food preparation Calm cooking equals peaceful food, which is doubly nourishing

The Panorama Suite overlooks
beautiful views from the Healthy Home Retreat

Work with Gina

Gina Lazenby


Gina’s beautiful hilltop home in the Yorkshire Dales, featured on many TV programmes and the inspiration for her Healthy Home book, is now let as a retreat house to facilitators of yoga, transformation work and wellness It’s also a special place to hire for family gatherings and celebrations.

She has always understood the management and care of a home as a highly feminine skill set Her workinthelasttwentyyearshasbeenintheexplorationofthechangingnatureofgenderrolesand the value of home-making in our lives Her feng shui skill set enabled her to teach hundreds of students the value of aligning your home for success and wellness She has also produced and presentedaradioseriescalled‘TheRiseoftheFeminine’exploringtheshiftinvaluesintheworldand theuniquecontributionofwomen

Gina is a veteran conference speaker and has led gatherings for women entrepreneurs all over the globe Most recently, she has taken on the role of global host for Conscious Café, a consciousnessraisinginitiative,andhoststhenortherncommunitygroupbasedinSkipton Ginaisabornorganiser and has created thousands of events since she was a small child and led birthday parties for her reluctant toddler brother You can join her online or in-person at one of the many gatherings she creates around her passions of conscious conversation, feminine leadership, wholefood cooking, Feng Shui, living well and wisdom Her Healthy Home podcast is about to be launched from the RetreatHousewithtipsformakingyourhomethefoundationofyourabundanceandhealth

Photo credit: Henry Archer

The Healthy Home: Creating The Foundation For Your Abundance

For the Book CLICK HERE Visit the Real Healthy Home: Watch the beautiful video! Click here:

Gina has spent most of her life at the leading edge of new ideas She started out in the world of hospitality and her groundbreaking work in tourism marketing was recognised with a number of industry awards Responding to her own life crisis took Gina into the emerging human potential movement and in the early 1990s, she again broke new groundbylaunchingLondon’sfirstcentreforpersonaltransformation

Her passion for self-care and living well at home became the seed for her interest in feng shui and she was instrumental in creating the popularity of this eastern philosophy in the west In 1995 she created the world’s first professional training program in feng shuigoingontowritethreebestsellingbooks

Gina has circled back to her hospitality roots and now offers her home that inspired her books as the Healthy Home Retreat The 750-year-old original property near Skipton in the Yorkshire Dales has been restored and extended according to the principles she expounds She often leads programs there herself for women around the themes of wellness(personalnourishment)andwisdom(handlinglifetransition) Watchthevideo andseehowbeautifulthisvenuecouldbeforyourowngatheringorretreatinnature





Rest, recuperation and releasing are crucial to keeping our holy preeminence grails at least half-full to overflowing with vitality and abundance.

It is ok to not be ok, but it is even better to let balance, detachment, neutrality and silence, be the ingredients for the balm of our questing soul. To be applied daily and as often as needed to feel the stir of excellence rise again

Upgrade your bedding, sheets and pillows to hotel quality. Read Gina Lazenby’s article on Home as Heaven in this issue and take steps to turn your house into a haven! It’s never been more critical right now!

Schedule at least an hour week devoted to silence and not speaking. Both are deeply healing

Clean your larder, fridge, food stores and all cupboards to do with food. Ask yourself if what they contain represents your highest commitment to your wellbeing and take action appropriately.



The Kiss of the Mother

Like serpentine waves of color undulating across the continents, the lilac hues of lavender farms weave together the ancient feminine essence of the Divine Mother The very essence of Lavender in her ultraviolet color and scent, weaves a spell of softness, serenity, and the gentle enfoldment of a mother's embrace.

For the love of beauty, people flock to the cascading purple terraces of Provence, New Zealand, California, and many other locales, drawn like the bees climbing through their miniature labyrinthine worlds of ultraviolet scent Somewhere deep in our hearts and soul lives an innate and indescribable love for nature's tender expressions and spirit

This deep innate essence of nature lives within our hearts, beyond the artificialities of our modern world. This potent essence is what gets captured in all essential oils, and Lavender is a primordial Queen who bestows many blessings

The soft voice of Mother Nature is so eloquently expressed within the lavender plant, with its luscious essence of sweetness that draws us like bees to honey. Bees always know the sweetest of plants and flowers, and Lavender is one of their favorites

The soft, gentle spirit of Lavender essence is universally understood by so many in the world today Lavender essential oil is the #1studied oil, and is known as the 'universal oil' due to over 350 chemical constituents contained within it. These properties vary from sedating, calming, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial - the list goes on and on.

Somewhere in our heart and soul, where the artificialities of modernity are not allowed, there still lives an innate, indescribable love for nature's tender expressions; the quiet voice of Lavender's gentle spirit is universally understood

Beneath the world of hardened, agitated, restless madness we may see in the world around us, there is an inescapable vulnerability to the feminine power of the Earth's compassionate vital nature It is time for us to recognize and honor the Divine Feminine Grace of Mother Earth. There is no other essential oil more gifted and capable of bringing the resonance of the Divine Mother than the essential oil of Lavender.

Lavender's soothing touch helps us transcend our suffering and our imagined differences, bonding us together again in a gentle embrace of the Earth She brings her sweet essence like a blanket of ambrosia to wrap you up in her sweet loving embrace Much like a mother embraces her child with unconditional love, so too does Lavender embrace us with her caress of unconditional love.

Open a bottle of fine lavender oil as if you were one of those who feel reverence because it has cured them of sorrows in ways that science could never do Bring it slowly to your nostrils, for inside lies more than you could ever imagine Like the fresh notes of soft dewy rain, with warm sweet, herbal waves of pearls will drift up into your conscious awareness.

As you inhale further, you begin to experience the rich earthen notes of loamy fertile soil, or perhaps the mineral notes of a harsh, wild landscape, depending upon where the Lavender was grown It's easy to get lost in the smell of purples, the sweet aquamarine notes of fruit and flower so distinct yet so indescribable Do you sense the pungency, the soft sharpness of sunrays, the fiery acrid heat of Mediterranean summer days? And of course, how could you not notice the cool air of the evening that settles onto the bright violet hues of the flowers at dusk, bringing a hint of watery dewdrops.

But wait, there's even more We've only just begun to experience the Earth, which held the lavender plant in the palm of her hand What else has created this wonderous aromatic? Just as we must integrate the five elements into our biology - fire, earth, air, water, and ether - the plant world must also integrate the elements into every aspect of their sublime expression. This is why there is such a synergistic relationship between us We are born of the very same elements, so, naturally, we can intuit the very five elements from which we are born in the plant essence

Take this in What intelligence, what evolutionary force, what biological necessity, what inborn instinct, what genetic genius, what devic alchemy has melded, separated and refined this alchemical gem, this elixir of healing, this infinitely valuable aromatic talisman of protection? Perhaps we can't even begin to name it; it is a mystery so profound, so pervasive in every living species on our Mother Earth

What awakens within us as we continue to inhale the heavenly aromas is a presence that now begins to permeate the entire limbic system, with aromatic molecules dancing within the emotional and behavioral centers of the brain and consciousness The brain's receptor sites begin to fire in unison, as the sheer power of this supreme presence begins to permeate all of the neural networks of the brain

In an instant, the fragrance of Lavender within our own private universe of perception brings an awareness that wasn't there before. As you rest with your eyes closed, new revelations will appear, beckoning you to move beyond what was before Notice how this simple act of inhaling Lavender essential oil, in all its botanical brilliance, carries the life force of the Earth, the soothing and cooling enveloping of water, the warming and energizing rays of the sun, and the uplifting breath of air deep within the brain, the heart and the soul.

Spend a moment and allow the embrace of this transcendent aromatic to bring its effects on the body, mind, and spirit into your awareness Notice the softening within you, the degree of peace that permeates your awareness, the heartbeat slowing, and the breath softening

See if you also notice the more subtle effects, perhaps a simple joy that comes into you, a moment of peace from the collective despair or sadness of the world In the decades of using essential oils, I've witnessed these effects in myself and thousands of clients and students, and I've come to know Lavender as the closest essence to the love and comfort that a mother brings to a child.

Lavender embodies the very essence of the Divine Mother, and when you inhale it or anoint your body with it, the embrace of her is the embrace of the mother for her child

If your shelf only contained one essential oil, the oil of Lavender would be my choice We all need to give thanks to this compassionate plant that heals a multitude of ailments without causing harm to the precious Earth, and the Divine intelligence that brings it to life, to the soil that held it safely in its palm, the water that brought moisture, the air that brought breath and the sun that brought growth and awakening

We also need to recognize the labor and process involved to bring the essential oil to your shelf and your life The life cycle of the plant, growing green in the Spring, with the violet flowers coated in essential oil rising into the summer sun, and the harvest in the fall, before being distilled to bring forth the alchemical elixir of essential oil that you hold in your hand

Give thanks to the sacred alchemical art and science of distillation, transforming the plants into the essence of this magnificent masterpiece called Lavender essential oil Distillation is a process that requires exact formulas to keep the aromatic molecules intact, vibrant and alive. The process of distillation is passed down from master to student and is the only way to learn how to bring forth the magic of this exquisite plant into aromatic essence

Lavender essential oil is truly an alchemical miracle for us all and one that brings so many blessings to humanity in this extraordinary time of need.

Allison Stillman

Allison Stillman is an author, teacher, transformational coach, and an acclaimed Aromatic Alchemist She’s been a student of aromatherapy, alchemy, and spirituality for 45 years, and has been deepening her connection to Love her entire life.

Her book the “Sacred Art of Anointing” was the first of its kind when it was published, and continues to educate people about the ancient art of anointing. “The Sacred Art of Anointing” was admitted to the Harvard Divinity School Library, as it’s a deep exploration of the spiritual and religious use of essential oils throughout history, and is a reference for awakening consciousness and deepening Love

Allison has been featured in numerous books including, “Love for No Reason” by Marci Shimoff, “More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul” by Arielle Ford and “Insights from the Coffeehouse” by Jonathon Collins

She’s also been featured in magazines, and on radio shows across the globe, and as a speaker at global conferences & events

Allison has worked with people from around the world individually through private anointing rites of passage, coaching and mentoring individuals, as well as teaching large events for 30 years, and is dedicated to changing and empowering people through the gift of Aromatic Alchemy and Conscious Alchemy Coaching.

Work with Allison

Hi I’m Allison, Master of Aromatherapy, Alchemy, and Spirituality

I’ve been helping people around the world transform their lives for over 40 years through ancient alchemical practices, and deep inner transformational techniques.

My book, The Sacred Art of Anointing was the first of its kind, and I’ve been featured in numerous NY Times bestselling books, podcasts, radio shows, and magazines as an acclaimed aromatic alchemist and transformational coach.

I share wisdom gathered from around the world, and decades of practices to help people truly create the life of their dreams!


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It'sLOUDoutthereinsocialmedialand.Igetit.And,thereareaLOTofpeopletelling youthe"RIGHT"waytodothings

But here is the thing, sweet friend, if it doesn't feel aligned for YOU, it's not going to work In the quantum world, energy will ALWAYS trump strategy So you need to feel aligned FIRST with the strategy you decide to implement for it to have optimal success

When I started my health coaching practice, I was told to just book discovery sessions.Giveawaya1-hourcoachingsessionandSELLsomeoneintoyour90-day programthatway

Except it didn't work that way It felt like a bait and switch Offering someone a free 1-hour coaching session was not "really" about free coaching It was a "tactic" for trying to convince, persuade or overcome objections to joining me in a program AndICK!!ItwassoOUTofalignmentforme SoIstopped

And when I stopped and focused instead on actually creating relationships, cultivatingcommunityandnurturingthoserelationshipsin1tomanyworkshops,my business QUADRUPLED Not only that, but it was FUN I showed up aligned, in my integrity, and no force was involved It felt easeful and natural to serve and give value, and have an energetically aligned way to naturally invite people to take the nextstepwithme

And,somanywomenentrepreneursaremissingthiscriticalpiecethatIwas Here's the thing. You need to understand what is required to attract, nurture and invite peopletoworkwithyoutohaveasuccessfulbusiness.

DoyouhaveaMarketingsystemtoattractyourREADYYESclients? Asolidheart-centeredsalesprocessinplacetoconverttoapayingclient? Before someone makes a purchase, they have to know, like, and trust you How will youmakethathappen?1-hourdiscoverysessionsdonotbuild,know,like,trustwith a stranger If they don't already know what you do, have an experience of you and know they are getting on a call to talk about your program or offer, it's out of alignment.

The good news is that there is a simple process to follow that works really well for those of us who are not wanting to be a salesy weirdo It's called the Nurture Method™, and it's just 3 simplepillars

1)ATTRACTtherightclients,sotheyknowyouexist.Ifpeoplecan't find you, there's no way they can become your clients You need tobevisiblesotheycanfindyou Thisallowsthemtoself-identify inyourworld,andyoucaninvitethemintothenextstep

2) NURTURE the people who identify as wanting the solution to the problem you can help them with This is where serving valuable content, giving value and creating wins, breakthroughs andepiphaniesforyouridealclientcomesin.It'swhereyoubuild know, like, trust and cultivate a community. This is where the FUN happens

3) INVITE people to take the next step with you This is about enrollment, not convincing or persuading or overcoming anyone It'sbecomingapartnertohelpyourprospectgetwhatTHEYwant and desire It's not really about your program or offer People wantsolutions Notprograms

And, you need to give people a reason to take action. You need toinvitethemintoworkingwithyou ifyoudon'taskthem,you're abandoning them on pain island If you really want to help your client have a different life experience and move towards their dreams,workingwithyouinpartnershipisthequickestway

Here are some options to choose from each category

ATTRACT 1- share a free handout, checklist, recipe or post to help your people self identify that they desire whatyouhavetooffer


3- Start your own Facebook community, so your ideal clients have a place to land and learn from you for free



6-Collaboratewithotherentrepreneursthatserveyour idealclientinadifferentwaythanyoudo

7-Doalivemini-traininginyourFacebookgrouporon yourPersonaprofile ThesearejustafewofthemanyI share in my free handout, '30 Ways to cultivate communityandgrowahighlyengagedaudience'. Youcangrabthathereforfree


We keep this simple I have found the easiest way to nurture my audience and ideal clients through Nurture Events They are designed to give lots of value, create 'know,liketrust'andarefun.

I just did a free training on How to create a 90-day Nurture Plan You can grab that workshop for free here, includingtheworkbooktogowithit

INVITEWhenyouhaveasimplesystemandprocess to invite people to work with you and take the next step-itmakes1-hourdiscoverysessionsirrelevant Somesimplewaystodothisare:

1- Opening up enrollment or sharing your offer insideyournurtureevent.

You've served exceptional value and shared what's possible, so don't leave them in the pain of their problem-showthemawayout

2- Send emails out AFTER you have served them anddeliveredvalueinanurtureevent.

3- Personally inviting the people who joined you in your event to explore what it could look like for themtojoinyou

This is NOT a 1-hour discovery session This is a QUICK chat to help them make an empowered decision about joining you in the specific offer you madeinyournurtureevent

There is no bait and switch, and this is not a free coaching call to help them get unstuck- this is a call to see if it's a right fit for both of you to work together

4- Post on social media and make it easy for peopletocontactyou.

Remember, 1 in 5 people will see your posts, so be sure to show up consistently and interact with the peoplewhoarecommenting Justbearealperson But make the invitation Without sales, you have an expensivehobbyandnotaprofitablebusiness


What do you want to be known for? Ideally, this is sharingyoursignatureframework Theprocessyou take your clients through to get the transformation they desire First, you want to return to your ideal clientavataranduncoverafewthings

Step 1: Jot down five things you know for sure your ideal client struggle with. What does it look like for heronpainisland?

Step 2: Write down a handful of things you know thatitlookslikeforheronpleasureisland

What are the SOLUTIONS and results she would liketohave?

What are some of the roadblocks they might befacingthatyoucanhelpthemsolve? Whatpainsareyoualleviating?


Have they seen proof that you can deliver on whattheyneed?

What might be preventing them from swiping their credit card, and how can you address theirconcernshead-on?

Do they know enough about your expertise/whatmakesyouuniquelyqualifiedto helpthem?

When you have a process or system, it creates credibility with your audience And the truth is, people buy processes not programs They need to have a clear view of how they are moving from pain island where they are struggling, to pleasure islandwheretheyhavethesolutionandresultthey desire.

A Framework does that for you and takes all the pressure OFF you selling you Instead, sell the process It also makes your event repeatable When you teach your framework, you become knownforit,andyouwanttoputthatonrepeat

When you do this, you master your process. You keep things simple, and you become a leader in your field Nurture events can be SIMPLE too They canbeafreeFacebookliveinyourgroup Acouple of days, or a big 5, 7 or 9-day event that delivers valueforamoreextendedperiodoftime

The key piece is to just get started Even if you are onlyteachingapieceofyourframeworkorastepin your process, start sharing. Get visible. Talk about it over and over. Repetition creates belief, and believers are buyers I teach all of this inside my 6month business accelerator program Active Abundance™ We get you dialled in to your READY YESclient,createyourhigh-endoffersofabeautiful boutiquebusinessmodel(100k-500k)andhelpyou create your framework and run nurture events But wekeepitsimple.Focusedandlowtech.

No fancy funnels, ads, complicated tech or slimy sales tactics It works so well for heart-centered women entrepreneurs who want to have a serve first, high touch strategy and be well paid by sharingtheirgiftswithothers


We open enrollment just a few times a year and keep the class small We only take 15 women at a time to keep things high touch and impactful with wrap-around support, so you are actually implementing what you are learning and creating cashinyourbusiness

ThenextclassstartsApril13,sofeelfreetoshootme a message at if you want more details. And let me know if this has been helpful for you I read all my own emails and willresponddirectlytoyou


Conversations That Create Change

with Christine Williams Jenni P

Christinelearnedthelongwaywhatittakestoscalea wellnesspracticetomultiple6figures

Nowshareshertotallyrelevantandeffectivemodelwith heart-centred,wellnessentrepreneursdesiringto transcendstucknessandunder-achieving

Bothessentiallyfeminine,butalsogroundedinwhat works,Christinetakesherclientsonajourneyto‘Shine Abundance’withnocompromisetotheirsoulvalues

JointheminthisvaluableexchangewithJenniP,andtake heartthatyouareabsolutelycapableofthrivingatany levelofabundancewhileyouserveotherswithyourgifts

*Instantupgrades-Whyyoudonothavetocompromise yourheartvalues,well-beingandfemininitytolaythe foundationsofasolidbusinessmodel

*Thesecrettosalesasawellnessserviceprovider-it's notbyunderchargingandgivingyourservicesaway!

*Startwhereyouare-whenyouhavetherightPillarson whichtobuild,stucknesswillbeathingofthepast. Clickonthegem,below,toaccessthisexclusive interview!

Christine Williams is the owner and founder of Shine Wellness LLC A 7 figure business dedicated to empowering women wellness entrepreneurs and holistic practitioners to create soul-led and heart-centered 6 figure business, without the hustle and sales tactics that feel so out of alignment for many women. She is known for cultivating community, connections, and collaborations that inspire and create WIN WINS for everyone. As part of her Soulful Abundance System™, She weaves the abundance mindset and soul-fueled strategy along with a simple system to create consistent incomewithoutsacrificingyourfamily,values,orintegrity

She teaches you to keep things simple and focus on the power of ONE, let go of selfdoubt, become infinitely more confident, believe in yourself and how powerful and capableyoureallyare,valueyouruniquebrilliance,andthentakeinspiredactionsoyou cancreateamagnificentlifeyoulovewhilebeingwellpaidbyservingothers.

Work with Christine

e is this cultural entrainment that in order to make come you have to STRIVE, PUSH and HUSTLE. It’s a masculine way of working harder to get ahead I ,I’vebeentheretoo AndI’velearnedthatit’sjustnot

ach you a simple heart-centered strategy and the set shifts you need to finally break out of old rns of scarcity and feel abundant, empowered, dent, and excited about creating that 6 figure me and time freedom you desire, while making an ctintheworldasasoulfulfeminineleader

ase your IMPACT, WEALTH, JOY and FREEDOM as you ct an over-flow of ‘READY YES’ clients and elevate heempoweredfeminineleaderyouwereborntoBE

fine what it means to be an abundant and owered woman who creates the income + impact changes(y)ourworld

me to SHIFT from exhausting hustle and DOING ALL THINGS To clarity, focus and flow in your business beyond) so you can break free of limitations, rise empoweredaction,andcreatesoulfulabundancein waythatmostlightsyouup

n you do–everything changes. You can live dantly + lead soulfully and authentically You can into your purpose and passion and make the medoingwhatyoulove


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Thursday, April 21, 2022

12 to 4 PM EST/9 AM to 1 PM PST

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You will also learn from five other amazing women who started from scratch and created millions with purpose-driven work.

You will learn the best practices and strategies to feel empowered that YOU can do it, too!

Plus you’ll get an opportunity for coaching DURING the workshop, to show you exactly how to start to generate new financial income and freedom.

It’s true: The pandemic hit women especially hard. But every setback gets to be a setup… Which means we get to use the setback of the pandemic to set up our GREATEST financial empowerment, freedom, and impact EVER!

We're going to go BEYOND where we ' ve ever been...starting with this eye-opening new workshop! Click the button below to register for FREE!

Yes I'm In!

Five Effective Ways To Wake Up Your Audience

Wouldn't you love to wake your audience up right now and have all eyes on you and your offers? It's Spring and a great time for a client attention makeover!

I often speak to my clients about showing up in new ways. It’s absolutely the easiest way to wake up your audience

Why is this vital? Results! This one step can bring in effects you haven’t experienced yet.

How? By tapping into areas that your audience isn’t familiar with you doing, you are getting their attention, and a captive audience is an entrepreneur’s dream.

Let’s face it We as a global community have now circled two years of a pandemic that none of us likely thought would ever have happened, nor did we possibly think it would still be going on This has shifted everything, how the average person works, how the children do their schooling, and most of all, how we interact with each other

Show up in a way that no one expects from you.

Now more than ever people are attached to their screens, be that computer or phone. They scroll and scroll, and frankly, many are beyond bored. Everything feels the same because they are paying more attention than before.

How does this affect you and your business? Showing up with the same approach you always appear with can quickly put you and your business into the droll zone. Your messaging may be stellar, your gifts wildly talented, your offerings super high value, but if you don’t see the results you expected, it could come down to doing the same old, same old.

There is an easy solution! It’s so easy that my clients, when they tap into this, instantly see a response.

Show up in a way that no one expects from you.

Now how do we know what that is? It doesn’t have to be this significant, numerous hours of research and development to land on what you can do. I encourage my clients to come up with five new ways to show up. Consider it as a brainstorming session with yourself. You may think you are already doing everything possible, but there is always room for improvement.

I am nudging you to come up with five fresh ways to show up in your business.

Whether it's via social media or revamping a product line, there are many ways to add a little spice to your presentation. Why does this work?

Getting their attention when they least expect it physically wakes them up out of the zombie state of scrolling through their feed. Your positive, enthusiastic energy most definitely has a direct effect on your future clients.

By catching their eyes, you have the potential to change their lives with your products and services, and of course, the big one, making more money!

Coming up with five new ways to show up can be done over a cup of coffee or a notepad next to you that gets filled over a week. I recommend doing this exercise over a cuppa. Sure there will be more ways that arrive once you spark your flame, but it’s not about just continuing to make a list; it’s about action, inspired action taken. That’s what brings the results.

So make a date with yourself. Have that cuppa, create a brain cloud of things you haven’t done, maybe something you don’t often do that you could try again, perhaps even things that you forgot about that once sparked your interest.

Then… do one! Rinse and repeat.

Well, for one, it makes your audience do a double-take.

And always, always, show up and shine!


1. Start A Themed Weekly "Live" On Your Expert Topic... stick to it.

Make a goal to do this for one season - so "Live" weekly for three months. Assess afterward how it went. Before you begin, take a moment to list your numbers: last quarter’s sales, social media numbers, email list numbers, etc. After three months, assess those charts. Where did you find the best response?

Benefit: You harness your expert status.

You have the potential to gain more clients (not just leads). You have actual numbers to look at for viability purposes and where to put to focus... which place did these “Lives” give you the best results? Where was your biggest bang for your buck?

2. Start A Weekly Q&A Thread On Your SM Channels.

Again a way to show up as the expert you are. A Q&A Thread also is an opportunity to find out what your potential clients need from you. Ask questions. Ask them to let you know what problems they have. Making it interactive gives your audience a sense of community and being actively involved.

Benefit: You become the solution.

That is GOLD!

3. Start Reaching Out To Past Clients.

Thoughtfully, friendly, NO sales pitch. Just reach out, and say "Hi!". Ask how their season is going. Human connection is how to grow relationships.

Reaching out lets them know you remember them. They aren't just a number. Ask them how it's been going with all the shifts happening. Become pen pals with your clients.

Benefit: You are now at the top of their mind when it comes to the next time they need a service or product like yours.

Frankly, it leads to more work with these clients. In my experience, this is a game-changer.

4. Collaborate!

Find another business that compliments your work. Have a meeting and see if you can collaborate to benefit you both. Could it be a blog swap? Maybe you interview each other? Perhaps you combine products for an extra unique offering?

Benefit: New audience and possible new sales for you both.

5. Create A Showing Up Capsule Collection For Yourself.

Style counts! Create five or so outfits that make you feel fabulous and work exceptionally well from the waist up. Think Camera-Ready. Have these set out in your closet? Meaning, hang the jewelry, accessories, etc., on each outfit so you can grab-n-go.

These are the looks to slip on BEFORE you go “Live”, hop onto that group Zoom, or into the next client call.

Benefit: Being polished and put together can do wonders for your expertise.

When you are on a Zoom with 50 other people, make sure your square is the one that gets the attention for all the right reasons.

There are so many more approaches to show up fresh. What new ways will you show up to your audience?

xo, Katherine

I'll show you how to take your big ideas, grow a covey of raving fans, and turn them into loyal clients.


Creative Business Strategist | Hat Designer | Ideator

Katherine is an innovator and advisor helping to modernize businesses by making them relatable and resonating with their ideal clientele

Katherine's skillset for creative solutions and savvy of "what’s working right now" in the current business landscape helps her clients to turn their Ideas Into Income

Katherine inspires people to take quantum leaps toward their dreams by showcasing themselves and their work at the highest level She leads and lives with inspiration, and her clients reap these benefits for their lives and businesses.

See the inspired possibilities in store for you.

Photo: Selfie Grand Canyon, Arizona


The People, Ideas and Experts Who Will Help You

Rock Your Business


Facebook Group

'Women Who Dare to Desire' led by Debora Luzi

TheWomenWhoDaretoDesireFbgroupisagroupoffemaleentrepreneursready tosharetheirvoicesmore,ownwhotheyare,anddaretocreateamassiveimpact throughtheirwork

The FB group is an international group where you can get a lot of daily motivation andinspirationtomarketyourbusinessonlineandfindtheconvictionandpassion forgrowingandimpactingmorepeopleeveryday Itisaplacetonetworkandfind yournextclientorcollaborationormentor Itisagroupthatencourageswomento promotethemselvesondedicateddays

HouseofPreeminenceisinnowaylinkedtoFacebookoranyofits executives,platforms,technology,philosophiesorinitiatives Thepurposeofthisrecommendationistogetto knowthepersonhostingthegroupontheFBplatform,andthehighqualityofresourcesprovidedbythem

Debora is a Published Author, Content strategist,WordMagicianandSpeaker

She is also a passionate and artful wordsmith who empowers women worldwide to own their voice and content writing skills to create meaningful and impactful connections with clients through themagicofwords

Debora does not believe in writer's block or lack of creativity On the contrary, she believes that everyone is creative and can createengaginganduniquecontentwithout thefearofbeingjudgedandcriticised

Debora helps women become more confident by showing up powerfully in their business and creating a potent and embodied approach using the person ' s uniquecharacteristicsandflavours

This group is mainly to serve women entrepreneurs and small business owners who promote their services through the power of social media These are women who lack the confidence to write and be visible and who lack the confidence to sell their products and services with joy and pride

Why Jenni recommends:

I've known Debora for 5 years and she is truly gifted at encouraging women to fully express themselves confidently and effectively in this world where words and authenticity are key to heart-led client attraction She is also a sweetheart. They are rare when it comes to business and collaboration


Training, inspiration and experience in energyinspired copywriting, heart-centred sales and daring to show live your boldest vision of life.

Buy the book

Writing Inspiration for Entrepreneurs

is a beautiful haven of content ideas for entrepreneurs who want to write unique, engaging and impactful content that sells. This book is a journey within, not only for the reader but for the person who will read their content. A journey that will allow a deeper connection and trust.

The book is not like any other content books on the market. Debora's approach is unique and spiritual, focusing on in the moment energy and on the creativity of the heart and intuition. Debora shares her famous m writing personalities to embody while business. The book also comes wi Meditation, " a powerful meditation t writing blockages, doubts, and insecu

Join the Facebook Group

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"My mission is dedicated to a life in service to Mother Earth and all her children, supporting raising the frequency of the planet through the sharing of the powerful healing frequencies encoded within her voice, as well as guiding others into conscious connection with the powerful magic encoded within their own" Francesca J Littman "On
Debbie Debonaire

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How high aspiring women can realize their divine potential

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"It's my mission to help women heal, find and fulfil their soul's purpose, connect spiritually, build soul-based businesses, create wealth and abundance based on divine feminine principles, so they can co-create the new earth they know they came here to create "



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FREE GIFT To welcome in Spring and the birth of a new you book a free 30-minute consultation call with me here and tell me about the big thing that is holding you back right now


FREE 15 minute consultation

"My aim is to remind women of who they are and what they know; to be centre stage in consciously co-creating their lives and the new paradigm "

"If you struggle to find peace in your relationships, watch my video that explains the structure of the drama triangle so you can move beyond this toxic energy dynamic and free yourself from the drama!"

Anahita Visser

Preeminence Rising Ambassadors


"I help sensitive, empathic men and women remove past conditioning and the fears and doubts that have been put on them."



'Doing The Work' The Importance of Taking Action On The Messages We Receive

“My mission is to teach them to be their best selves by tuning into their heart, doing what they’re naturally good at and freeing themselves from external expectations " Sarah Brown

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"“I do not simply teach Pilates, I show clients how to understand their body and nurture body awareness so that they feel in control of their health and wellness This not only impacts their physical health but also mental and spiritual wellbeing " THIS SPACE IS WAITING FOR YOU!

May moodboard inspiration

Since 2020: 18 Editions

58.000 impressions

12,000 Reads

Potential distribution 300K to 1M

52 World Class Influencer Interviews

Over 2K pieces of training in Feminine Achievement






Networking and connection at a high vibrational level

Our Executive Contributors are connected to some of the world's most respected and influential transformational leaders (women and men) There are real opportunities for partnerships, exchanges (for example, podcasts), joint ventures and event appearances

Having your products, offers, services, and expertise shared in this exclusive circle of high integrity, and shared values is a blessing for us all.

Taking applications for:

Style and beaty expert

Certified healthy nutrition expert

Please contact me jenni@jenni-p com





































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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.