Getting Ready for the Adventure that is 2022 It's February.
My tickets were booked to return home in
It's cold.
time to enjoy the English spring golden
It's still winter.
daffodils in late March and early April. I found those weeks travelling in the bright
If you live in the cooler climates of the
northern hemisphere, then this might be your
experiences, were really nourishing for my
soul. It was a period in my life when travel was paramount, and I thrived on all the new
Does this month feel like one to be survived
ideas I was exposed to. All the varied life
and got through somehow, or can you use it
discoveries I made broadened my horizons
in your preparation for spring and the start
and helped me see the world differently.
of a new cycle? Since 2016 my practice of escaping the For me, February was the month that I used
winter has been replaced by settling down in
to abandon. By the end of January, I could
one place. In fact, during the last two years,
not tolerate any more cold or dark nights or
while we've had a global pandemic, I have,
grey skies.
in effect, been grounded like everyone else. I've got used to being in one place, literally in
I had worked out that this was the month
one town rather than simply in the UK, and
when I was most vulnerable, and I needed to
moving up and down to London from my
get away, really to support my mental health
Yorkshire base. So now, I am living through
and wellbeing.
and processing all the seasons and the shifting energy they bring. I value the energy
So for a whole decade, each February 1st, or
thereabouts, I'd get on a plane to Sydney for
wellbeing, and I understand what they are
several weeks of bone-warming sunshine.
doing to support the process of my life.