OstaraisthespringfertilityfestivalthathonoursEostregoddessofthedawn.(Hername meansEast,fromwherethesunrises.)It’satimetoplanttheseedsforwhatyouwantto growthroughouttheyear.
In modern pagan and Wiccan tradition, Ostara is the time when the maiden Goddess meets her reborn consort in the form of Pan or the Horned God. In these traditions, feastingandmerrimentarepartofthecelebrationsastheenergyofspringrisesup.Itis alsoatimeofritualcleaningtosweepawayoldpatternsandbringinrenewal.
For April, in the context of what’s happening in the world, I was called to choose elements that remind us of this renewal and our femininity - the fluid Willow Tree, the exquisite spring Magnolia and diamonds. Our monthly colours are palest pink, white, Iris blue, eggshell (it’s Easter!) and green. Think apple, cherry and plum blossom that adorns the first blooming trees, the tenderness of periwinkles and violets, and vibrant pink.
Why are flowers so important for our vibration? Imagine a world without flowers - no, maybe don’t! Flowers are direct links with divine intelligence. They convey messages thatcanimproveourlives.Flowersymbolismdatesbackthousandsofyears,andweare allaffectedbyit.Flowersymbolsarenotonlyprettyfordecorationpurposes.
Flowersymbolismhelpsusunderstandhowcertainideascameintohumanculture,and how they were influenced by stories, legends and myths People cared a lot more about flowers and nature in general in the past, but flower symbolism is definitely something wecan’tignore
Every flower hides a secret meaning and symbolism behind it Sometimes this meaning iswell-known,suchasarose,butothertimesflowershideprofoundmessagesthatcan’t be so easily interpreted This is why it is important to learn more about flower symbolism and apply it to our lives Flower symbolism dates back thousands of years, andweareallaffectedbyit
Flowers around us were once important symbols of deepest emotions and people’s affections Even today, flowers are there to express our feelings and send an important message out to the world Sometimes this message is clear, but other times we have to lookdeeperintothesymbolicmeaningofaflowertounderstandthismessage
Let’s take the Magnolia - the herald of Spring in many parts of the world With varying colours but sharing an uncommon beauty, Magnolias carry a strong symbolic value behind them. Just contemplating them is enough to feel the presenceofaflowerthatattractsattention-theyareheadturners.
TheMagnoliaflower'smeaningisattachedtoideasofnobility,perseverance,and loveofnature Softandsubtleincolouryetrobustanduprightinappearance,the flowerisrepresentativeofthebeautyencompassingfemininityandgentleness
With its majestic form and pink or creamy white flowers, the Magnolia tree has beenafavouriteacrossculturesforcenturies.Theenduranceandstrengthofthe Magnolia trees have also made them a symbol of lasting connections, which is whyMagnoliaflowersmakeagreatadditiontoanyweddingbouquet.
The beautiful Magnolia is no wonder, a symbol of beauty Just like women, everygorgeousflowerissimplyexquisiteandunique;itevokespureevidence thatlifecanbebeautiful.
Magnolia flowers are also symbols of the feminine side in every person. The Magnolia flowers are a perfect gift for someone gentle, loving and caring Theyaregoingtomakethatpersonfeeldeeplyappreciated
Magnoliaflowersaresymbolsofdignityandpurity Thissymbolicalmeaning is mainly derived from stories and myths surrounding the Magnolia flower’s origin.
The fragrant blooms sometimes hang or lie horizontally, showing their many facets, like a graceful woman curtseying Queen of spring flowers because of its vibrant and gorgeous hues, Magnolia belongs to the genus of the same name, whichhasabout75naturalvarietiesofdeciduousandevergreentreesorshrubs Accordingtosomegeologicalresearch,theancestorsofMagnoliaexistedfrom80 to100millionyearsago.Asaformofevolution,itdevelopedaspecificflowerthat doesnotbearfruittoensureitscontinuitybecausethentherewerenobees!
InChina,theMagnoliaflowersymbolizesstrengthandloyaltyinlove AChinese EmperoropenlyexpressedrespectfortheMagnoliaflowertohisfaithfulsubjects InEurope,theMagnoliaflowerwasofferedaftertheinfidelityofthereturnofold love Theflowerisasignofinnocence,withpinkhuesindicatingtheshynessand demurenessoffeminineyouth.
Accordingtotheartoffengshui,aMagnoliaplantedinfrontofthehouse attractstheenergyofpleasureandrest,andifitisplantedbehindthehouse symbolizestheslowbutsureacquisitionofwealth.
Magnoliabenefitshavebeenknownsinceancienttimes.Initstraditional medicine,theChineseandJapanesehaveusedthemedicinalextractofherbark for2000years.Today,thisextractisusedinmedicineandthecosmetics industry.ManyshampooswithextractofMagnolia,variouspreparationsand bathsbasedonitsodourareknown.
Howcanyoubringfemininitytoyourpostureandlifestyle?Canyouinfuse morereceptivityandintuitionintoyourdays?
2 Businessisgenerallyaveryyangthing Whynotreviewyourweeklyschedule andseewhereyoucanbringsoftnessandtendernessintoeverypart?
3 Whencommunicating,practisesofteningyourvoicewithoutlosingany volume Ouryangenergycansometimesover-ridethemorepersuasiveand charmingtonesthatcomewithbeingawareofourfemininenaturein exchangingwithothers
4 Ifyoucan'tfindanyMagnoliaflowerstotreatyourself,buyapostcardofone onlineorprintoffabeautifulphotoandframeit Keepitnearyourdeskto remindyoutobalanceyourYin/Yangnatureinallthatyoudo,andtoremind yourselfofhowexquisiteanduniqueyouare!
5.Trywearingsomenewpinksthismonth.Asarule,saturatedcoloursforhigh energy,winterandspringskinandhairtypes,subtler,moreblendedshadesfor summersandautumns.
Eggshellpinkcansuitnearlyeverytype,accessorisedwiththerighttones.Itisa colourthatautomaticallybringsoutthefemininityinawoman-hersofter, sensualsideofhernature.Eggshellpinkisluxuriousaslingerie,scarves, bedding,andinthebathroom.
HowToUseTheWillowToRe-enforceYour InnerStrength&Flexibility
IfyouthewhereaboutsofsomeWillowsnearyou,goandstandbeneathone Close youreyesandtuneintotheenergyofthetree Seeyourselfconnectedtothetree,dialoguingwithitenergetically.
Tuneintoallthoseattributesthatcanserveyou,thestrength,theabilitytobendand notbeknockeddownbylife'schallenges.Letthefluidityofthebranchesandleaves informyourbodyandswaygentlyinharmonywithit.FeelyourfemininityriseinyoujustrestinthelightnessandsoftnessofyournatureFeelhowrootedyouareinthis postureandmemorisethesensationasyouwalkonwards.
Willow’sfeminineenergyhelpswithlovespells,workingwithemotions,creativity, fertility,protectionandhealing.Aherbthathelpshonourandsoothesthefemaleright ofpassageintowomanhood.
Maybeit'stimetobuyyourselfawand!OssimplyputsomePussyWillowbranchesin waterandenjoytheirremindersoftheseasontocome
Willowisalsousedforhealingandmedicine-you'llfindsomewonderfulinspiration here
Pinktakesalltheprimarypassionandenergyofredandtempersitwiththecalming purity of white, leaving us with the colour of tenderness, affection and femininity Romantic, youthful, healthy, calming and playful, infused with a willingness to embracewonderandcreativity
"PinkisthenavyblueofIndia"declaredDianaVreeland-fashioncolumnist/editor andconsultanttoMetropolitanMuseum
It oozes optimism and elevates hope to a level where no obstacles are big enough (thinkofthepinkribbonasaninternationalsymbolofbreastcancerawareness).
Intuitiveandinsightful,pinkisvibrantandglowscreativity Yet,sometimes,itseesthe worldthroughrose-tintedglasses:itcanbeexcessivelyoptimisticandunrealistic.
Apartfromflowers,pinkisacolourthatoccursrelativelyrarelyinnatureduetoitnot being a 'real' colour in the spectrum. It's an extra-spectral colour and needs to be mixedwithsomethingelsetogenerateit.
Thisgivespinkanetherealandalmostartificialfeel.However,itssymbolismisvast, anditspopularityisunceasing!
Goodhealth.Thecolourpinksignifiesgoodhealth.Thephrase'beinginthepink' meansbeingatthepeakofhealthandinperfectcondition Generally,havingpink cheeksorarosyhueindicateshealthiness,whilealackofpink,orpaleness,isa signofillness.
Femininity It's associated with all things girly and feminine It's a traditional colourfordressingbabygirlswhileblueisusedforboys.Whenamalewearspink, it'sslightlyunusualandmoreeye-catching.However,today,manymenareopen towearingpink
Pinkisanimportantcolourassociatedwiththebreastcancersupportmovement. Thepinkribbonexpressesmoralsupportforallwomenwithbreastcancerandis aninternationalsymbolofbreastcancerawareness
Caringandinnocent.Thecolourpinksymbolisesaloving,caringnatureandthe innocenceofthechild
Avastrangeofpinksiscurrentlyoneofthemostunexpectedcolourtrendsinthefashion industry.It'strendyamongmenandwomennowadaysandlooksgreatonalmostanyskin toneOliveskintoneslookradiantinfuchsiaandvibrantpinkssince,beingonthe oppositespectrum,theyreflectarosyglowagainsttheskin
Manyclaimthiscolourlightensuptheirmood,soifwearedrawntothem,it'susually aroundsummerandSpring,whilemutedshadescanbewornallyearroundPairingpink andredisnowoneofthefunkiestfashioncombinations,althoughitwasoncethoughtof asafashionfauxpas.
Combiningpinkwithotherdarkercolourssuchasbrown,darkblue,darkgreen,blackor greyaddsstrengthandsophisticationtopink.
Alittlepinkaddsatouchofcolourtoneutralsormutedshadesintermsofjewelleryand accessories.Addingpinkjewellerytoyourensembleisasubtlewaytoaddcolourwithout goingoverboard.
Rosegoldhasbecomeoneofthehottestjewellerytrends,andamongthemostpopular metalsforengagementrings.Thebenefitofrosegoldisthatitsuitsanyskintone,and blendsinbeautifullywithmostothercolours
Inthelast4-5years,brandingcolourshaveembracedpinkinallitsglory-rosegold, fleshypastelpinkcombinedwithblackisnowubiquitousonwomen'swebsitesasthey seektoconveygroundedsophisticationwithsensitivefemininityNeonpinkandFuschia havebeenadoptedbynumerousinfluentialfemaleentrepreneurs,settingnewtrendsfor thispreviously'taboo'colourinbusinesscontexts
ManyspiritualentrepreneurshavepinksomewhereintheirbrandingForablended colour,ithasalotofpersonality.Usejudiciously!
Afterthedrabnessofwinter(atleastinthenorthernhemisphere),pinkisaninvitationto gaietyandoptimismIncorporatingthecolourintoourlifestyleinlittleorbig'pops'will raiseajubilantmoodinus!
Rightnow,inApril,thebestpinkstoenhanceourlifestylewillbepastelEasterEggshades, delicateandlight-filled.Itspeaksoftherenewalwefeelafterthehibernationofwinter, tuningintoourGoddessenergytogetclear,indulginginlotsofbathtimewithpetalsand essentialoils
Treat your feet to a pedicure and adorn your toes with pastel pink - feet look beautifulwiththisshade!
Fruit blossom branches are delightful to have in a glass vase; they speak of promise,hopeandthefruitoftheseasontocome
Updateyourinboxthemeinadelicatepinkandseewhatanimmediateeffectit hasonreadingyouremails!
Buy a Himalayan Salt lamp - not only do they mitigate the effects of electromagneticfrequency,buttheyarealsoeasyontheeyeandlendamystical qualitytoyourmeditationspaceordesk.
Makemineral-richHimalayanpinksaltastapleinyourkitchenforthemyriadof benefitsithasforyourcookingandyourbody!
Betweeneverythingthatyoudesireandrightnowisanemotion.Youhavedesires assignpoststojoy,peace,andfulfilment.Everythingyoudesireistoexperience thatemotion,afeelingofjoy,peace,excitementandcompletion.
Weoftengetthatbacktofront.Wethinkwewillfeelacertainemotionwhenwe've achievedamoneygoal(safe,peace,freeetc). Buttheoppositeishowtheuniverse works.Weneedtoembodythefrequencyofthosequalitiesinorderfortheenergy ofmoneytorespondtous.
Ifyouwanttoexperienceinrealhard3Dreality,alifeofgreaterfulfilment,success andwell-being,thenyoumustmastertheemotionalstatecorrespondingtothat life
Theprocessofalignment(andmanifestation)ispractisinginadvance,adesired emotionalstateuntilitbecomeseffortless Thisgoesbeyondsimplevisualisation andaffirmationtechniqueswhicharesomewhatstatic,andnotguaranteedtoraise your pharmacy of body chemicals in the same way as movement does Simply beinghappyisn'tenough,especiallyaswearereallygoodatfakingbeingcheerful andupbeat!High-frequencybrainwavesaremeasurable,asarehormonesinour neurologicalsystem So,byunderstandinghowtoidentifytheactualexperiences wewant, itiseasiertoinvokethem!
Remember,whenyoupicturesomethingwithanaccompanyingexperience,your braindoesnotdistinguishbetweenwhatyouarepaintinginyourimaginationand whatyou'refeelingandactual3Dreality.Sobycreatingtheexperienceofyour financialmilestonethroughregularpractice,youareestablishinganewnormal foryourself.
Sayyouwanttocreatea6figureoranyotherincomelevel,youwillbemakingan inner reality that becomes so familiar that the gap or separation between that innerrealityand3d,real-worldmanifestation,willbegintoclose.6Figureswill notbesomethingoutsideofyourself,butpartofyourself.
Sayyouwanttocreatea6figureoranyotherincomelevel,youwillbemakingan inner reality that becomes so familiar that the gap or separation between that innerrealityand3dreal-worldmanifestation,willbegintoclose 6Figureswill notbesomethingoutsideofyourself,butpartofyourself
Certain hormones are known to help promote elevated emotions, including exhilaration,enthusiasm,excitementandgratitude-allpowerfulfrequenciesthat enablethebrain'sreticularactivatingsystemtofilteralltherelevantinformation itneedstoachieveyourintentions
Whenyoulookatitthisway,thegoodoldLawofAttractionisactuallynotthat mystical.
I'vemadeitaccessibletoeveryone,whateveryourleveloffinancialaspirations. So, we hear a lot about "being the frequency of money " or, "resonating with wealth".
Itisnotrocketscience;weneedtodeliberatelyactivatehappyhormones. These"happyhormones"include:
DopamineAlsoknownasthe"feel-good"hormone,dopamineisahormone andneurotransmitterthat'sanimportantpartofyourbrain'srewardsystem. Dopamine is associated with pleasurable sensations, along with learning, memory,motorsystemfunction,andmore.It'swhatallowsyoutoinstalland maintaingoodhabits!
Serotoninhelpsregulateyourmoodaswellasyoursleep,appetite,digestion, learning ability, and memory. Mood has a vibrational frequency. Mood quicklybecomesanattitude,whichquicklybecomespersonality.AndasDr JoeDispenzasays,"Personalitycreatesourreality"
OxytocinThishormonecanalsohelppromotetrust,empathy,andbondingin relationships,andoxytocinlevelsgenerallyincreasewithphysicalaffection likekissing,cuddling,andsex
Endorphinsareyourbody'snaturalpainreliever,whichyourbodyproduces in response to stress or discomfort Endorphin levels also tend to increase whenyouengageinreward-producingactivities,suchaseating,workingout, orengagedinlovingsex
I'vetakenthe"experience"ofwealthandbrokenitdownintoseven'states'. Thesestatesallcorrespondwithemotionsthatwefeelwhenweexperiencepeace andwell-beingwithanythingtodowithmoney.
So,itfollowsthenthatifwecandeliberatelyactivatethesehormones(whichare allassociatedwiththeflowstate),wewill'prime'ourenergytoprovoketherelease ofthesehormones Thosesevenstatesare:
Theexhilarationofcontemplatingandachievingourmoneygoals-thatsparkly rush,oftenaccompaniedbytummyflutters,quickeningheartbeat,shorterbreaths andgiggles!
Awarm,stable,calm'high'-feelingcentred,groundedandupbeataswedowhen we feel masterful and trusting around money. This is the opposite of fear and contraction;noneedformentalpre-occupation.Everythingisinplaceforus,and ourenergyisfreeduptodirecttootherthings.
Adeepsenseofall-is-well-nessthatcomeswithrealisingallresistancehasgone, dropping out of dominant frontal cortex thinking into expansive breathing, stillness, serenity and deeper breathing. Combined with a flutter of excitement thatisournaturalstatewhenresistanceisgone.
Warmfeelingsoflove,connection,prideandcompassionforourselvesariseinus whenwetapintoagenuineemotionofourvalueandworthiness Thisisatricky onetoinvokeifthereistraumaonadeeplevelorsubconsciousprogrammingto overcome, but regular practice will deepen our ability to self-appreciate (like money!)andisessentialtoaccessthistoshiftourfortunes!
Adeeperlevelofconfidencewhereallfearhasleftus.Adrenalineandcortisoldo notfigureinthecocktailofhormones.Stressiseasilymanagedandovercomeinan abiding faith in our safety and well-being. Like self-worth, this can be hard to createataneurologicallevelifit'snotgenuineandnatural.Butitisaby-product ofeasearoundallmatterstodowithmoneyandourfuture.
This is the lightness of excitement (strengthened by confidence, freedom, selfworthandsecurity)circlingbackonitselfasourimaginationsandvibrationsbegin toexpandtoembracethenextlevelofwhatmightbe Thisisadelicioussensation whereweletgoofrationalthinkingandfullyengageourpowersascreativebeings, dancingwithourimaginationsintowhatmightbe
Themostpowerfulemotionandexperienceofall-deepcalm,peace,butaheart thatrejoicesintheexaltationofwhatisandmightbe Thisiswheretheemotionof lovefloodsourbeing,asenseofconnectionwithallthatis,alongwithelevated awareness,lucidityandcompassion
So,howonearthdoyoutapintoallthoseemotionsatwill? Youdon't.
You cannot use willpower to create frequency or force to invoke the happy hormones.Meditationisawonderfultoolforthis,butitpalesintoasecondnextto theformidablepowerofmovement.
Movement is an active way of evoking the emotions and sensations attached to yourprojectedoutcome.Movementisnotjustforthebenefitsofstayinghealthy andraisingourvibe!
Movementcombinedwithvisualisationandaffirmationsmultipliesthepowerof yourmindsetworkthroughtheactofgroundingitintoyourcells.
Movementandmeditationarepowerfulcatalystsforre-wiringyourneurological pathways to habituate the body to your preferred reality. I'm sure you already know the power of affirmations. Combining movement and mindset is 'affirmationsonsteroids'.
Asstudentsofmanifestation,thatfamous'vortex'ofconnectiontosourceenergy that we ' re all longing to access, we can do so by deliberately incorporating activitiesintoourdailylivesthatprovokethischemistryinourbodies!Justget moving!
WhatdoImeanbyvigorous?Ifit'sjustpushingthevacuumcleaneraround,it probablywon'thaveaneffect,butdancingwillinstantlyliftyourmood,makeyour heartbeatfaster,andreleaseendorphins Abriskwalkinnaturewillhavethesame effect, and any movement in nature will not just raise a pharmacy of happy chemicalsinyourbodybutconnectyoutotheearth'shealingfrequencies
Danceandmusicare,barnone,thebestwaytogettheendorphinsgoing Itishard to feel sad and angry after 15 minutes of bobbing around to whatever rhythm makes you shake your body and mood! Laughter, sex and chocolate are all endorphinreleases,too,andlaughterIrecommendusingandabusingasmuchas possible!
Whenyouaddmovementtothismanifestationwork,youchangeyourphysiology. Youareengagingyourentirenervoussystemwiththefullforceofyourattention, emotion, and body to induce a new state of being and instantly cultivate new beliefs.
Wouldyouliketolearntofeelinadvancewhatitfeelsliketoachieve6figures(or otherfinancialmilestones),andgroundthatintoyourbiology,atthesametimeas oxygenating your body, strengthening your muscles and ligaments, raising your cardiacrate,andallthemyriadofbenefitsthatcomewithbriskdailywalking?
Then, I invite you to discover my series of Wealth Walkout™ dynamic guided meditations. IhaveknownofthepowerofwellnessandexerciseincreatingalifeI love,formanyyears.
As a busy entrepreneur who loves multitasking, the idea of exercising, being inspiredandrejuvenatedbynature,andre-wiringmyneurologicalsystemfora high-frequency relationship with money all at the same time came to me as a downloadstraightfromdivineintelligence!
Think-walkandgetrich!WathoutfortheWealthWalkoutCollectioncomingback soon!
Fabulous On a plate
I will be bringing you insights, ideas, inspiration but also recipes totally conceived in my brain and crafted for your Preeminent Mind, Body and Soul delight!
Bearing in mind that ‘busy’ is a preoccupation with the modern working woman, and always seeking to create fabulous plates in the shortest amount of time, my recipes are easy
They rely on the freshest of ingredients and a well stocked larder of whole-food staples and seasonings.
My menus are predominantly plant-based, low carb, gluten free and full of super-foods. But I also love fish and a little farm friendly poultry occasionally, and never ever touch industrially reared or produced ANYTHING!
You can find every piece of nutritional information under the sun under Google’s titan power, and I heartily encourage you to take the advice of a nutrition certified professional. It is important to understand what works for YOUR body and health. Nobody is the same hence my intolerance of diets and fads.
So I’m focusing on the Fabulosity, yours and the plate's!
Bon appetit!
Fabulous On a Plate Factor
Choose your prettiest bowls (or even better start to collect some gorgeous Diva bowls!)
Assemble all your fresh ingredients, plus lots of chopped parsley on your work surface.
Get your Michelangelo on and create art.
Play with the colours of the ingredients.
Play with the layout.
Garnish with the beanspouts, chopped parsley and any fine natural leaves or edible flowers you may have access to - I love tiny roquette leaves, dandelion, fennel fronds, herb flowers.
Be sacred about your table rituals. Invoke gratitude.
Get your kids prepping and creating with you. Mothers are Divas too.
Evoke FALL in her jewel shades.
Breathe before eating and infuse your beautiful plate with intentions of its nourishing powers!
Swear you’ll never eat a rushed meal in front of the computer again - you are a Diva!
If you are thinking you haven't got time for this, you are not serious about your fabulousness.
Rejoice in the decision to commit to your highest self care and nourishment. A pre-requisite for Preeminence.
Be truly, fabulously, Preeminently nourished!
©2021 Jenni Parker Brown
Our very favourite... ...SuperFood
Chocolate? A superfood? Yes! The right kind of chocolate has numerous benefits. Let's dive straight into a melty, creamy vat of them so you can enjoy the delights of Easter whilst treating your body, mind and soul!
Cacao (ka·cow) powder is the raw, unprocessed form of chocolate bean The untreated seeds offer a wealth of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals, which we can add to our superfood menus, guilt-free!
The superstar of chocolate known as cacao beans is grown on small trees named Theobroma cacao, which literally translates to “cacao, the food of the gods” in the Greek language. These trees are native to Mexico, Central and South America Each cacao pod that emerges from the tree typically houses between 40 and 60 cacao seeds. After careful harvesting, the pods are opened, the seeds are removed, and they undergo a natural fermentation and drying process After the drying process is completed in 1-2 weeks, you are left with raw cacao beans
Much of our commercial chocolate is so processed that it is devoid of all the benefits and hides some sinners like sugar and palm oil, not to mention chemical additives
So let's look at the benefits of raw or unrefined cacao and how you can incorporate it into your healthy diet regimen
Raw chocolate contains many vitamins and minerals that are essential to ingest every day. They include:
Magnesium, and other essential minerals including calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, and manganese
Polyphenols called flavonoids, with antioxidant properties
Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, E
Essential heart-healthy fat: oleic acid a monounsaturated fat
According to research, here are some of the potential benefits:
1) Raw chocolate in powdered form and the way we love it as a bar, can lower blood pressure & improve blood circulation. Flavanols, theobromine, and other components found in cacao may lower blood pressure and enhance circulation by promoting dilation, strength, and health of blood vessels
2) It can support cardiovascular function & healthThe antioxidant power of flavonoids and essential minerals and vitamins found in cacao can promote healthy heart functioning by lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow.
3) Raw chocolate can neutralize free radicals These are the bad guys that damage healthy body tissue giving rise to cancer and cardiovascular disease. High levels of antioxidants in cacao protect the body from a buildup of free radicals from sun exposure, pollution, cigarette smoking, etc
4) Now this is the one that will have you put raw cacao on your shopping list! Raw chocolate can enhance physical and mental well-being. Bring it on! There are many components of cacao including alkaloids, proteins, beta-carotene, leucine, linoleic, lipase, lysine, and theobromine, that all work together to improve physical and mental health.
For example, theobromine helps to stimulate the central nervous system, relax muscles, and dilate blood vessels, giving the body a boost of energy; the “bliss” chemicals found in raw cacao help to increase circulation and availability of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain, improving mood and combating depression. You can make chocolate part of your medicine cabinet, yey!
What's the best way to buy this wonder-food? In order of goodness, the most beneficial form is in descending order:
raw, unprocessed cacao beans
1 organic, unroasted cocoa powder (not treated with alkalis)
2 organic dark chocolate with the lowest % of processed sugar, and the highest % of cocoa powder. Think 80% to 90% It's often bitter but you can find varieties that contain fruit peel or healthy sweeteners that reduce the bitterness 3.
There are many ways that you can incorporate raw cacao into your everyday diet Try snacking on whole raw cacao beans or crush them into nibs and throw them in your favourite snack mixes. If the beans are too bitter for your taste buds, try grinding the beans into a cacao powder to better conceal the cacao in your favourite foods and drinks
A packet of raw cacao powder is a great larder staple because you can incorporate it into so many meals!
Blend into smoothies
Add whole beans or nibs to granola and trail mixes
Add nibs or powder to oatmeal or yoghurt
Mix powder with nut milk
Add powder to your favourite protein drink
Use cacao nibs to replace chocolate chips in frozen yoghurt, pancakes, muffins, cookies, etc.
The idea is not to subject the cacao to heat which destroys the benefits, so here are my 3 favourite recipe suggestions.
Raw cacao brownies
1 cup pecans or walnuts
1 cup stoneless, syrup free organic dates
3 tablespoons Raw Cacao
4 tablespoons desiccated coconut
2 tablespoons agave syrup
A large pinch of pink Himalayan salt
1 tablespoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon unrefined coconut oil (solid)
1 tablespoon ground almonds
Melt the coconut oil in the microwave and set it aside.
Pop the pecans into a food processor and mix till they are finely chopped Add the dates and whizz until the mixture becomes sticky Add all the other ingredients. Mix thoroughly in the processor. Spoon the mixture onto a baking tin and flatten and spread with a rubber spatula
Dust the top with desiccated coconut and crushed walnuts or flaked almonds, or my favourite superfood addition, Goji berries. You can also roll the mixture into truffle ball shapes (Now the hard part) Leave to chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours.
Chocolate almonds or brazils.
Take some organic nuts and soak for a few hours in water (not tap water) to activate their nutritional qualities Dry them Put in a bowl and sprinkle with raw cacao and a little stevia powder - these are such a yum and nutritious snack!
Raw Choccie dairy-free and egg-free Mousse
This one will delight your guests who will not be able to guess that there are no eggs and cream in it!
Whizz a couple of tablespoons of raw cacao powder into silky tofu (it's the texture of soft cheese). Sweeten with agave, honey or stevia powder. Voilà!
Seriously! You can experiment by adding vanilla essence, cinnamon, cardamom powder, or spoon over blueberries. Smother a ripe banana in the mousse and sprinkle with flaked coconut or roasted flaked almonds
A fabulous and decadent variation is to blend a ripe avocado into the mousse, increasing the health benefits even further! This is a recipe that you can experiment with to your heart's and body's content! Enjoy!