0 vol 4 no 8

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THE e-NONGQAI Un-official Police Gazette for VETERANS of the former South African Police Force and for those interested in the history of our Police, Defence and our National Security

August 2013; Vol 4 no 8 DIE e-NONGQAI Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en vir diegene wat belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie, verdediging en nasionale veiligheid Augustus 2013; Vol 4 Nr 8

Your national security history magazine without malice

U nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenistydskrif sonder kwaadwilligheid


Om die verlede te bewaar sonder om in die verlede te leef.

To preserve the past without living the past.

WIE IS ONS? / WHO ARE WE? We are an informal group of police and defence veterans who would like to foster an interest in South Africa’s police, defence and national security history from 1652 with cut-off-date 1994 when the new South Africa came into being. We only tell and explain what we did; for we were the “on the spot” eyewitnesses! In fact we are the ones


saw in



reels of the time

following orders


parliament. However we have to debate the incidents because our memory is fallible as we grow older. In the terms of the day "we earned the T-shirt and right to tell our stories for you to enjoy with malice towards none." We all can learn from the past. In the suburbs I see so many gardeners wearing those shirts!

The Editorial Team Editor: HB “Hennie” Heymans, MA (Brigadier, SAP & SSSC - Ret) (HBH) Ass-Editor: J Jacobs (CPO SA Navy & Marines - Ret) SA Railway Police: Brig R Beyl Legal Advisor: Col (Dr) Len Els, MMM, LLD, SC Special Correspondent: Anemarie Jansen (MA) Technical: Bruce Jones


LEGALITIES This publication is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in policing/ national security or to cover all aspects of those referred to. Readers should take legal and other advice before applying the information contained in this publication to specific issues or transactions. The eNongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents and neither the compiler of eNongqai nor eNongqai will be held responsible for any of their comments which is entirely their own and not necessarily that of eNongqai or its publishers. To all future correspondents This condition must be placed at the end of your article: "The author of this article shall indemnify and hold harmless eNongqai and its publishers from any and all third-party claims, proceedings, actions, expenses, and damages (including attorney fees) in connection with a breach or alleged breach of the representations and warranties made in this article." This is not a literary magazine, but a magazine by and for veterans of the SA Security Forces; we want to capture the words and moods as written by our former veterans.

INLEIDING: SARIE VAN NIEKERK Toe Hennie my vra om die inleiding vir die maand se eNongqai te skryf, het ek baie lank nagedink wat om te skryf. Ek het sommer onmiddellik weggeval en begin skryf, maar soos wat dit maar met joernaliste en skrywers gaan, het ek verskeie kere weer van voor begin. Ja, weet julle dit gebeur in die werklike lewe ook dat skrywers oor-en-oor begin voordat ons werklik besef nou het ons die regte onderwerp beet. Dit is nie net in TV-stories waar die joernaliste of skrywers, die een na die ander papier uit die tikmasjien ruk, opfrommel en gefrustreerd in die snippermandjie gooi nie. Die enigste verskil is net, vandag is dit baie makliker om oor te begin, want ons weet mos, in die gerekenariseerde eeu druk jy net ‘n knoppie en woeps, daar verdwyn alles wat jy geskryf het. Wel hier is ek uiteindelik. Gereed om te skryf!


Mevv Kruger, Van Niekerk en Neethling Omdat die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag, wat tog maar gelei het tot die skepping van die eNongqai, vanjaar 100 jaar oud sou wees en omdat ek die afgelope meer as ‘n jaar as projekleier en skrywer, ontsettend betrokke was by die feesblad wat binnekort op die rakke gaan verskyn om die stigting van die destydse polisiemag op 1 April 1913, te gedenk, is dit seker vanselfsprekend dat hierdie inleiding oor die afgelope honderd jaar van die nou gesneuwelde polisiemag sal handel. Hennie se opdrag was gewees: “Jy mag maar krities wees.” Want sien, ek is mos een van daardie uitgesprokenes wat nie weet wanneer om stil te bly en wanneer om my mond te hou en wanneer om diplomaties te wees nie. O glo my, my dinges het al baie die spreekwoordelike pakslae gekry omdat ek nie kan stilbly en die regte ding op die regte tyd sê nie. Ek is nou maar eenmaal in die wieg gelê om die verkeerde ding op die verkeerde tyd te sê. Of dalk sê ek tog soms die verkeerde ding op die regte tyd. Ek het egter besluit om nie krities te wees nie, altans nie oor die afgestorwe SuidAfrikaanse Polisiemag nie. Ek kan nie waarborg dat ek nie dalk net per ongeluk ‘n kritiese aanmerking of twee oor die huidige polisiediens gaan maak nie. Ons weet almal, ‘n huidige het ‘n verlede. Só het die huidige polisiediens ook ‘n verlede wat ons die polisiemag noem. Die verlede van die polisiemag het, soos ons darem seker almal weet, op 1 April 1913 begin met die totstandkoming van die destydse polisiemag. Ek het reeds gemeld dat daar binnekort ‘n feesblad op die rakke gaan verskyn wat propvol wonderlike artikels gaan wees oor die jare van die polisiemag tussen 1 April 1913 en 1 Januarie 1995, toe die polisiemag soos ons dit 4

geken het, begrawe is en die nuwe polisiediens gebore is. Kan ek maar sê in skande gebore is, want laat ons nou maar eerlik wees van die begin van die polisiediens af, was daar die een skandaal op die ander. Ek wil egter nie praat oor die polisiediens se skandale nie, altans nie nou al nie, maar ek het besluit om julle tande so bietjie te trek met ‘n paar heerlike aanhalings uit die feesboek oor die jare wat 1995 voorafgegaan het. Sien, ek sê mos, elke huidige het ‘n verlede.

Laat ek sommer dadelik sê een van die groot hartseerstories in ons feesblad, wat nie bedoel was om ‘n hartseerverhaal te wees nie, is sommer die heel eerste artikel in die blad. Die voorwoord wat gelewer is deur wyle dr. Willem Cruywagen, ‘n voormalig administrateur van Transvaal. Ek en brig. Hennie Heymans het verlede jaar min of meer die tyd, by dr. Willem en tannie Snow in hul aftreehuis in Pretoria gaan kuier sodat ek met hom kon gesels om die voorwoord te skryf. Wat ‘n wonderlike dag! Mense, van die intrapslag totdat ons ure later daar weg is, was dit net een ongelooflike ondervinding gewees. Daar verstand van dr. Willem was nog so helder. Die liggaam was nog gewillig, maar ook nie meer so flink en regop soos wat ons hom deur die jare geken het nie. Die ou lyf het tekens van die tye (92) getoon. Die skouers het gehang, die voete het effens gesleep maar met die geselskap en die


geheue, het niks geskort nie. (Sien julle hy het ook sy huidige gehad wat ook ‘n verlede gehad het). Ná afloop van die onderhoud het tannie Snow die mooiste teetafel gedek met ‘n vrolike geblomde tafeldoekie, pragtige wit koppies en heerlike versnaperinge. Hoe goed onthou ek daai heerlike melktert. “Ai tannie Snow, ek proe omtrent nog die smaak van pypkaneel in my mond. Dit was veronderstel om ‘n teedrinkery te wees, maar dr. Willem wou nog gesels oor alles en wat. Tannie Snow wou nog vertel hoe sy die polisiemannetjies wat by hul ampswoning diens gedoen het, laatnag met koekies bederf het. “Hulle was soos ons eie kinders gewees, dit was vir my so lekker om hulle te bederf,” het sy gesê. Dankie tannie Snow en dr. Willem vir ‘n wonderlike paar uur se kuier. Tannie Snow, nou is jy alleen, maar jy het die pragtige herinneringe van jul lang huwelik saam. Sien julle daar is die huidige se verlede ook weer! Ek het gesê ek wil julle monde laat water vir die feesblad, wat ons hoop om op 21 September bekend te stel, deur vir julle so bietjie te vertel van die heerlike artikels wat in die boek is. Ek het die afgelope jaar met baie mense onderhoude gevoer, baie honderde, nee duisende, kilometers gery en saam met Hennie pragtige foto’s geneem en ongelooflike goeie onderhoude gedoen. So vertel genl. Johan van der Merwe, die heel laaste kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag, oor die eerste demokratiese verkiesing op 27 Mei 1994: “Dat ons daarin geslaag het om in 1994 die eerste sogenaamde demokratiese verkiesing te hou sonder grootskaalse bloedvergieting, is net te danke aan die ongelooflike werk van die polisie. Die verregse geledere het die polisie gehaat. Hulle kon nie begryp dat die polisie onwrikbaar aan hulle taak, om wet en orde te handhaaf, gebonde was nie.” Groot woorde van ‘n groot kommissaris!! (Hier het ons weer die huidige se verlede) Die oudminister, Adriaan Vlok vertel in sy bydrae in die boek van die dag toe hy en wyle genl. Magnus Malan, destyds minister van Verdediging, summier deur die destydse staatspresident, FW de Klerk uit hul poste verwyder en in ander portefeuljes geplaas is as ministers, bloot omdat die ANC die twee van hulle nie meer as ministers van Wet en Orde en Verdediging wou hê nie. “Die ANC met Nelson Mandela aan die voorpunt het in wese lank voor 1994 se verkiesing reeds die septer in die land geswaai!” (Kyk nou net hoeveel mense se huidige het hier ‘n verlede!) ‘n Heerlike artikel wat my laat skaterlag het en niemand mag mis nie, is die een deur genl.maj. Tertius Calitz onder die titel van “Die Portugees, die foksterriër en die 6

predikant.” Ek wil nie julle pret bederf nie, maar mense hierdie artikel handel oor die dae toe die voormalige polisiemag (sien julle hier is die hede se verlede ook al weer) se lede grensdiens in die destydse Suidwes-Afrika (Namibië) gedoen het. Al wat ek gaan sê is dit speel af by ‘n braaivleis een aand wat vir ‘n besoekende kapelaan gehou is! Nee wag, julle moet maar self verder lees. O en dan is daar nog die artikel oor ‘n voormalige offisier van die honde-eenheid wat weens sy buitengewone lengte deur die rotor van ‘n helikopter ‘n hele duim in die ou taal (hier is die huidige se verlede ook al weer) korter gemaak is. Hieroor gaan ek niks sê nie, hierdie een is die een wat julle beslis moet lees. Hoe voel dit om ‘n paar jaar in die dodesel deur te bring. Om dag in en dag uit te sit en wag dat jou beurt om gehang te word moet aanbreek. Om jou daar te sit en voorberei om die lang eensame paadjie na die galgkamer te stap? Maar dan skielik vrygelaat te word en as vry man uit die tronk te stap (weereens die huidige en die verlede) Ook dié vraag word in ons feesblad beantwoord! Soos baie van julle seker bewus is, was ek 41 jaar gelede lid van die eerste groep dames wat ooit amptelik in die polisie opgelei is. Ja, ek was onder daai 102 dames wat op 1 Maart 1972 (sien julle hier is ook my verlede voor my huidige) in die polisiekollege aangemeld het vir ons opleiding. Uit my jare in die polisie het daar wonderlike bande gevloei en wonderlike vriendskappe wat vandag nog voortduur. (Lees maar self verder oor die eerste polisiedames in ons feesblad). Maar kom ons rig ons net so effens na die polisiediens van vandag! Waar het alles dan verkeerd geloop, het ek onder meer vir verskeie senior offisiere en vir minister Adriaan Vlok gevra tydens onderhoude vir ons feesblad. Daar was net een antwoord deur hulle almal: Gebrek aan dissipline!! In die verlede, het minister Vlok gesê, was die polisiemannetjies so gedissiplineerd teen die tyd dat hulle uit die kollege gekom het, dat niemand daai dissipline uit hulle kon uitkry nie nie. (Sien julle hier is die verlede voor die hede, in die geval tussen die polisiemag en die polisiediens al weer ter sprake). Vandag is opleiding twee jaar, maar soos genl. Van der Merwe dit gestel het, menseregte is net eenvoudig te oorheersend vandag. “Almal wil net weet, wat gaan ek daaruit kry, nie wat kan ek vir die polisie doen nie!” Daagliks lees ons in die media van polisiebeamptes wat moord pleeg, verkrag, steel, bedrog pleeg, rooftogte uitvoer en enige ander soorte misdade waarby polisiebeamptes betrokke is. Een van die polisiekommissarisse, die eerste swart 7

kommissaris na 1994, mnr Jackie Selebi, is ‘n veroordeelde misdadiger, sy opvolger, genl. Bheki Cele, is sy pos kwyt oor onreëlmatighede en wag nog om te hoor wat sy lot gaan wees. Die derde (huidige) het nog nie juis gewys waartoe sy in staat is of wat sy van plan is om te doen om die polisie weer op die regte spoor te bring nie. Voor 1994, in die agt eeue sedert die stigting van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag, is daar opgekyk na kommissarisse as rolmodelle. Rolmodelle was hulle almal inderdaad gewees! (Hier is die huidige se verlede al weer). Dankie Hennie vir die geleentheid wat jy aan my gegee het om ook stoom af te blaas. Om my sê te sê oor die verlede (die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag) en die huidige (Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens). Ons kan dit net eenvoudig nie weg redeneer nie. Elke huidige het ‘n verlede! Ek staan op aandag en salueer ‘n ieder en ‘n elk wat help bou het aan die destydse Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag. Van die hoogste tot die laaste rang, was ons almal deel van die honderd jaar se geskiedenis van die polisie, die huidige en die verlede. Dit is jammer dat die huidige regering nie bereid is om die polisie se herdenking van hul stigting te vier nie. Hulle het net ‘n huidige en hopelik ‘n toekoms, wat maar bleek lyk as ek dinge so bekyk. Maar ons wat nog die naam van die polisiemag eer en respekteer, wat die wonderlike geleentheid gehad het om op 1 April vanjaar op verskeie plekke gedenkdienste te hou om daardie dag 100 jaar gelede te herdenk, het die huidige en ‘n pragtige verlede. Ons Beskerm en dien, al is dit nie meer in die blou uniform nie, maar solank as wat die polisiebloed in ons are loop, sal ons steeds Beskerm en dien. ‘n Spesiale saluut aan almal wat help bou het aan die polisiemag!! • Wat ‘n wonderlike besoek aan die Cruywagen-egpaar! Tannie Snow mag maar bak! Ons het heerlik by hulle geëet. Ek en Ta’ Sarie het so lekker daar vertoef. Ons het die doktor se medaljes (ook die SAP s’n),

artefakte en

sertifikate beskou! • ‘n Voorreg om te onthou! Dit was my tweede onderhoud met die Cruywagens. Die eerste was toe ek medeskrywer was van die boek toe Pretoria 150 jr oud was.– HBH.



Introduction Hindsight is 20/20 vision. They say that hindsight is the most exact science in the world. We had the TRC hearings. That’s all on record. Let’s hear the other side of the story; let’s hear your side! Invitation to whom? This is an open invitation to all members of the SA Security Forces and the Intelligence Community to share the past with us in a civil and proper fashion. We want to know 1) Who are you? 2) Where did you serve and when? 3) What can you tell us about ___________________________________? 4) Why would you have done anything differently? 5) How good were the checks and balances in place to ensure compliance to the law? 6) What words of wisdom would you give to young policemen today? 7) What is the five most important aspects of police work and why? 8) Anything else? •

Contact, or send your story to Hennie Heymans at: enongqai@gmail.com or phone him at 012 329 4229.


CONTENTS WIE IS ONS? / WHO ARE WE? .......................................................................................... 2 •

The Editorial Team ................................................................................................. 2

LEGALITIES ....................................................................................................................... 3 •

To all future correspondents .................................................................................... 3

INLEIDING: SARIE VAN NIEKERK.................................................................................. 3 INVITATION TO THE FINAL PARADE OF WISDOM ..................................................... 9 •

Introduction ............................................................................................................ 9

Invitation to whom? ................................................................................................ 9

We want to know .................................................................................................... 9

WELCOME / WELKOM .................................................................................................... 16 MOMENT OF SILENCE / BEPEINSING .......................................................................... 16 •

Thys du Plessis ..................................................................................................... 16

COVER / VOORBLAD ...................................................................................................... 18 EDITORIAL ....................................................................................................................... 18 •

Sharing and caring ................................................................................................ 18

Personalia vanaf 01 Julie tot 29 Julie 2013: Johan Jacobs .................................................... 20 •

Afsterwes .............................................................................................................. 20

Siekboek ............................................................................................................... 21

Verjaarsdae ........................................................................................................... 22

Kennisgewings en reunies ..................................................................................... 22

Verlowings, huwelike en geboortes ....................................................................... 22

Allegaartjie ........................................................................................................... 22

Saamgestel deur Johan Jacobs: Kontak besonderhede; selnr ....................................... 23 Begrafnis: Maj Daan du Toit ............................................................................................... 23 •

Geskryf deur Anemari Jansen en foto`s deur Larry Hanton ................................... 23

Afskeidsboodskap: Eugene de Kock aan Daan du Toit .......................................... 27

PERSONALIA SUID-AFRIKAANSE SPOORWEG EN HAWENS POLISIE: BRIG RONNIE BEYL .................................................................................................................. 28 •

Reunie oud-SASP-lede: Oos-Kaap ........................................................................ 28 10

Diefstal van Krugerrande .................................................................................. 28

“ONS AL ALTYD ONS OU KAMERADE ONTHOU” – “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!”.............................................................................................................................. 31 •

Wyle adj.-off. J.N. Hanekom: oud-ao Jan van Wyk (Kaapstad) ............................. 31

Begrafnis: Mev Kotie Stadler: oud-ao Jan van Wyk (Kaapstad) ............................ 31

TRIBUTE PAGE ................................................................................................................ 32 •

Police Officers in the Jeppestown Massacre: Gerhard Engelbrecht (NZ) ............... 32

Honour the Police Officers in the Jeppestown massacre ........................................ 32

The Jeppestown Massacre: From Billy Cox and Toffie Risk ................................. 33

Friends Missing and Found! / SAP 55 Vermiste persone ...................................... 40

Reburial of South African Soldiers at Tyne Cot, Belgium – Johan Jacobs ............. 40

Sarel Henk Van Tonder: Francis Reiners ............................................................................. 41 TC van der Vyfer: Grafskending: Mark Newham ................................................................ 41 HISTORY OF THE COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION ...................... 42 •

Part 6 – Capt Charles Ross (SAN – Ret)................................................................ 42

Memorial Statue via Barry Swart ........................................................................................ 46 REUNIONS / REUNIES / EVENTS / GEBEURE .............................................................. 47 •

Reunie: Weesgerus: SAP kollege innames 1961, 1962 & 1963.............................. 47

Skaapbraai: Oud-SAP-Liefdadigheidstrust: 21 September 2013 ............................ 47

Snoekbraai – Jan van Wyk .................................................................................................. 47 •

Snoekbraai - Samesyn Van Wynberg-tak in Kaapstad. .......................................... 49

Snoekbrai 29/6/2013 – Wynberg-tak, Kaapstad ..................................................... 50

PERSONALITY OF THE MONTH: ................................................................................... 50 •

Brig PP Potgieter (SAAF) [1920 - 2009] who captured U Boat U541 .................... 50

Lt PP Potgieter Gibraltar & Brig en Mrs PP Potgieter ........................................... 57

Spanish Identity Certificate ................................................................................... 58

OC’s 28 Squadron en Waterkloof AFB ................................................................ 59

Recipients of the Southern Cross Medal ................................................................ 59

Certificate: Southern Cross Medal ......................................................................... 60

C-130 2000 hrs .................................................................................................... 60 11

Flight to Gough Island: “Hoofstad 18 November 1971” ........................................ 61

Staff Course Diploma............................................................................................ 62

Col & Mrs PP Potgieter; A farmer & poet ............................................................ 62

BOOKPERSONALITIES & BIOGRAFICAL DICTIONARY/ PERSOONLIKHEDE & BIOGRAFIESE WOORDE BOEK ..................................................................................... 63 •

Gawie Botha ......................................................................................................... 63

Joeye Fourie Esterhuizen,.................................................................................... 66

Brig-genl Daan Nell (SAW) .................................................................................. 67

Danie “Boats” Botha ........................................................................................................... 67 •

Photos taken during Danie’s Career in the SAP ..................................................... 69

Assistance to a victim ........................................................................................... 71

Hugo Gerber ....................................................................................................................... 74 Brig Fanie Bouwer .............................................................................................................. 75 •

ISU ....................................................................................................................... 75

DC Springbok ....................................................................................................... 78

Brigadier (afgetree) Fletgert Booysen - Fanie Bouwer........................................... 79

Pondering.............................................................................................................. 80

Gerhard Engelbrecht (SAP / SAPS / NZP) ............................................................ 81

At Spies en familie .............................................................................................................. 81 ‘n Eeu oud! Majoor J.W. (Oom Wessel) Oosthuizen: Marianna Swanepoel Swart Wright ... 83 Hennie Groenewald (Kaapstad) Verlang terug..................................................................... 85 •

Sersant Stadler (Skietkuns: SAP Kollege) ............................................................. 86

1964 Fleur........................................................................................................................... 86 OVER A NICE CUP OF COFFEE ... OR HOW I SEE THINGS / OOR ‘N KOPPIE LEKKER KOFFIE ... OF SOOS EK DIE SAAK SIEN ....................................................... 87 •

Bisarre wens: Dalene Steenkamp (Kalahari).......................................................... 87

Mymeringe van 'n "ou" polisie-offisier wat dood gelukkig, met groot dankbaarheid, met pensioen is! ........................................................................................................ 87

Polisietaal: Blougatte en Mafokkies (HBH)........................................................... 87

Blouvitrioel (HBH) ............................................................................................... 90 12

BRANDPUNT: HOEKOM SKIET `N PA SY KINDERS? Anemari Jansen ....................... 91 •

Koos Kotze ........................................................................................................... 92

Michael Whitfield: was in die SA Weermag betrokke, nou in Amerika ................. 93

Opinies ............................................................................................................................... 94 •

Hugo Hannemann ................................................................................................. 94

WE REMEMBER / ONS ONTHOU ................................................................................... 95 •

What a wonderful life: The Privileged few; At Spies (SAAF) ............................... 95

‘n Bosstorie: Hugo Hannemann .......................................................................... 100

Jors Troelie en Pampoen – At Spies .................................................................... 101

STILTE IN DIE HOF: GALG HUMOR: ADV LENTULUS ELS ..................................... 104 •

Galgehumor (17) – Dr Len Els ............................................................................ 104

POLICE GROUPS ON FACEBOOK & INTERNET ........................................................ 105 •

Facebook ............................................................................................................ 105

Internet ............................................................................................................... 105


1922 Revolt on the Rand: Action by Col Fulford................................................. 106

SPESIALE TAAKMAG BYEENKOMS TE IPA HUIS, PTA, 6 JULIE 2013 ................... 111 •

Artikel: Anemari Jansen Foto`s: Larry Hanton .................................................... 111

Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens............................................................................... 115

Spesiale Taakmag Kentekens en Kwalifikasies ................................................... 115

Request: South African mine protected vehicles: Steve Camp: Durban.............................. 117 •

Request: South African mine protected vehicles: Steve Camp: Durban ............... 120

Kom boys! .......................................................................................................... 122

The Padda/Bospadda: APC: SAR & H Police – HBH........................................................ 122 •

Press cutting from Beeld (Date unknown) ........................................................... 123

Kobus APC (Road or Rail) of the SAR & H Police ............................................. 124

Photographs taken of “Kobus” at Windhoek: Ger Sevink .................................... 125

Photo of “Chris” taken at Elandsfontein: P Botha ................................................ 126

Amateur Historical Research is not cheap – HBH ............................................... 131 13

Police Railway Coaches in South Africa then and Now ....................................... 133

HERALDRY, UNIFORMS, COLOURS, FLAGS, MEDALS, MEMORIALS & BUILDINGS/ HERALDIEK, UNIFORMS, VAANDELS, VLAE, MEDALJES, GEDENKTEKENS & GEBOUE ...................................................................................... 134 •

1930: Aliwal North: Paul Els .............................................................................. 134

1927 Durban Central ........................................................................................... 134

Medals: Where to get your medals ...................................................................... 134

1964: Uniforms of Reservists ............................................................................................ 135 •

1964 - Reserviste se uniforms was ou SAW-uniforms. ........................................ 135


Stem vir Gideon .................................................................................................. 136

Kol Eugene de Kock: Ben Kruger VSA .............................................................. 137

Eugene de Kock: Piet Croukamp ......................................................................... 137

THE NATIONAL SECURITY, SADF & SAP LIBRARY / DIE NASIONALE VEILIGHEID-, SAW- & SAPBOEKRAK ........................................................................ 139 •

Lothar Neethling: Annette Jordaan ...................................................................... 139

Memoir of an Apartheid Cop: Glen Elsden.......................................................... 142

Brief van Glen Elsden ......................................................................................... 142

Marmon-Herrington: History of the SA Recce Car: Lt-Col William Marshall ..... 144

The Musings of a Modest Spy-fellow: PC Swanepoel ......................................... 144

Die Salem en ander Oliegeheime - PC Swanepoel ............................................... 145

1917: The British Commonwealth of Nations: Gen JC Smuts.............................. 145

The Other Side of the Story – Herman Stadler..................................................... 146

Mean Streets ....................................................................................................... 146

Rivonia Unmasked: Paul du Preez: Greytown ..................................................... 147

Filler: Do you remember? ................................................................................... 148

HUMOUR (SOMETIMES) IN UNIFORM ....................................................................... 149 •

Motivering vir Vuurwapenlisensie: Johan Jacobs ............................................... 149

Quotes via Gerhard Dekker ................................................................................. 150

Whorehouse sues local church over lightning strike! – Via adv Len Els .............. 152 14

OOR DIE NONGQAI SE DRUMPEL EN KUIERS ......................................................... 153 •

“Uit Japie van Warmbad se Possak." ................................................................... 154

Oubaas se honne! ................................................................................................ 154

Landmyne. .......................................................................................................... 155

NEWS FROM ALL OVER - THE POLICE POST BAG / NUUS POS VAN HEINDE EN VERRE - POLISIE-POSSAK ........................................................................................... 156 •

The debate: Peter Odendaal - NZ ........................................................................ 156

The Debate: Helmoed Heitman: Pretoria ............................................................. 157

The debate: Roy Allen – Australia ...................................................................... 158

The debate: Trevor Reid...................................................................................... 158

The debate: Dr James Myburg: Politics Web ....................................................... 158

Third Force: Helmoed Heitman: Pretoria ........................................................... 160

Steve Camp: Durban ........................................................................................... 162

Terry Schwartz (East Rand) ................................................................................ 163

Alberton polisiestasie: Annel Meyer ................................................................... 163

NETWORKING & “LET’S SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER AND OUR OWN”/ NETWERK & “KOM ONS ONDERSTEUN MEKAAR EN ONS EIE” .................................................. 164 •

Please send your business card for publication .................................................... 164

Annemari Jansen – Koorsboom Kothuis.............................................................. 164

Jannie Otto .......................................................................................................... 164

Karate: Kol (adv) Len Els ................................................................................... 164

Kunswerk: Japie Erasmus ................................................................................... 165

Phillip Jacobs: Trappers Witbank ........................................................................ 166

Antikwiteite en boeke: Leon “Div” de Villiers .................................................... 166

Memorabilia: Sandblasting: Dave Jeffrey ........................................................... 166

PJ Fourie Makelaars ............................................................................................ 167

JKLS Africa ........................................................................................................ 168

Die wildbedryf: Neelsie Borea ............................................................................ 168

Durban: Speedy’s Shuttle Services (ex SAP Member) ......................................... 169

STOP PRESS / LAAT BERIGTE ..................................................................................... 170 15

INDEMITY / VRYWARING ........................................................................................... 170 NEXT EDITION / VOLGENDE UITGAWE .................................................................... 171 CONCLUSION / SLOT .................................................................................................... 172 •

Kontakbesonderhede ........................................................................................... 172

WELCOME / WELKOM A hearty word of welcome to our August 2013 issue of the eNONGQAI, the terrible winter has moved along and we eagerly awaiting Spring! Please remember that we shall be having our annual sheep-braai during September. It’s really a jolly good show, because: That is where we old men meet once a year! We eat braaivleis and have a few beers! Please remember how fortunate you are! Be there!

MOMENT OF SILENCE / BEPEINSING Thys du Plessis depressie stryd ek is op 'n glybaan gly na onder. diep, dieper in die duisternis in gly ek daar is geen keer. ek probeer vasklou …tevergeefs, want diep na onder, diep in duisternis in gly ek en ek word meegesleur. kille koue duisternis omvou my, dit is so alleen… vrees en angs dring deur my en raak aan my siel en been. ek hoor stemme in die duister! 16

waar is hulle dan nou!? koud, ek kry so koud… en die donkerte omvou my soos ’n ou stink kombers ek beur terug! ek moet na bo! soos lood voel my voete, met moeite die stryd in my donker gemoed, die velle stryd tussen die sleg en die goed. ek druk op! ek dring deur! die duisternis om my wil ek breek, dit mag my nie keer! swaar is die opwaarts, sleepvoet na bo, lig begin wys ek begin reeds weer glo. ek sal herrys uit die duister waar net stemme nog fluister, en oorwin, dit wat my sleep, na die onderste duister. op my knieë is ek waar die lig nou skyn, Vader, spaar my nog sulke pyn, die pyn van duister, eensaamheid, koue, Vader, deur genade is ek nog behoue, In 'n lewenstryd teen 'n sware gemoed, Vader sal u my siel vir altyd behoed. ©Thys Du Plessis


Oos-Vrijstaat: Foto deur Thys du Plessis

COVER / VOORBLAD Raai wie is op die voorblad?

EDITORIAL Sharing and caring Pease take a moment and think of our friends that we have lost along the road to eternity; please pray for the release for and/or pardon of Col Eugene de Kock. [Quite frankly I now regard him as POW – he is no more or no less.] I must put on record that in the beginning of the 1990’s I did not condone some of his actions. They were not classical police actions. However, we all were influenced by the Total Onslaught and the performance of Covert Action. Do you still remember Godson’s book? Covert Action for the 1980’s?


However even far more dangerous people have been released and pardoned. So, why should he be regarded as our Asazel? He has mended his ways and he has found peace! He is a changed person. Justice must be tempered with mercy! Please take a moment and think of the victims of the past revolutionary war, so many have been injured, disabled, hurt, or suffer from PTS, alcoholism and various social disorders. Keep them in your prayers. Finally, please make an investment in our history, whether oral (by means of digital recordings) or by sharing your written anecdotes or memoirs with us. We have nothing to be ashamed of! We fought bravely against the Communist Alliance; especially during the Cold War phase and we adapted our counter measures as best we could during the revolutionary onslaught. Let’s forget party politics, let’s focus on the police and defence force action in this struggle. My personal view of history is that we as members of the SA Security Forces must explain what happened in the past; we must explain how we saw events and how we evaluated the past. That is our duty and privilege! I read utter and pure nonsense written by some academics and some politicians. Their writings are not even worth the paper it is written on! You and I were there. You and I were part of the National Security Management System (NSMS). They read for eg about the NSMS in the papers – some of it was propaganda! They don’t know the difference between fact and fiction. We feared naught but God, saw, we smelled, we heard, we tasted, we felt – all our faculties experienced this counter revolutionary exercise! Not they who pondered and wrote about it in air-conditioned offices. We were the men (and women) who charged, who fired, who patrolled, who guarded, who fought, who gave the orders – lawful and covert - and who risked our lives and reputations. Let no man say, we faltered or hesitated! We acted with the best of intentions. We did the best we could do against overwhelming odds. We did not lose the battle in the bush or in the cities! We lost the political battle because we did not understand political warfare! You don’t win this type of war on the battle field. On this level we must acknowledge that the communists were superb – various useful idiots supported them in their cause! The politicians on all sides of the political spectre and some other individuals have to answer the charges that history and God shall level against them!


Personalia vanaf 01 Julie tot 29 Julie 2013: Johan Jacobs Afsterwes Dit is met innige leedwese dat ons die We deeply regret to announce the afsterwe van die volgende oudlede van deaths of the following former die Mag of die van ons vriende moet members of the force or those of our aankondig:


Dinsdag 02 Julie: Genl.Tommie Thomas is gistermore oorlede! Hy was verbonde aan SWAPOL en het na sy aftrede in Hentiesbaai gewoon .

Woensdag 03 Julie: Sersant J Oliphant (SASP) wat baie jare in Port Elizabeth gestasioneer was, is gisteroggend oorlede!

Donderdag 04 Julie: Mev Kotie Stadler, moeder van Johsn Stadler is vanoggend 02h00 oorlede! Johan betuig sy dank aan almal wat haar besoek het in die MediKliniek.

Dinsdag 09 Julie: Oud-speur-ao Barry Massyn, in lewe van SANAB Vereeniging, B/O speurtak SAP Barrage en verbonde aan speurtak Vanderbijlpark, is gisteraand op 58 jarige ouderdom aan 'n hartaanval oorlede.

Dinsdag 09 Julie: Oud-a/o P.J. Van Schalkwyk, beter bekend as “Oom Sailor” van Schalkwyk is verlede week oorlede.

Dinsdag 09 Julie: Oud-a/o Rassie Erasmus van Amanzimtoti/ Kameeldrift/ Brits/ Empangeni vandag oorlede na ‘n lang siekbed!

Woensdag 10 Julie: Jolene Heyink, wat in die MAS kantoor gewerk het by Brooklyn, is eergister oorlede na 'n hartaanval. Sy was 'n burgerlike!


Maandag 15 Julie: AO Jan Minnaar, oud lid by die ou Gezina en Villieria polisie stasies


later hondeman







orgaanversaking. Maandag 15 Julie: A/O Dennis Brunette wat vir die afgelope ses en dertig (36) jaar verbonde was aan JHB Handelstak is gister oorlede. Woensdag 17 Julie: Martin Nel berig dat dit met droefheid is dat hy die afsterwe aankondig van sy dierbare eggenote Debora op 16 Julie 2013, net 8 dae voor haar 72ste verjaarsdag. Friday 19 July: Pierre Du Plessis, ex Durban Dog handler, passed away this morning after suffering from a heart attack! Saturday 20 July: Col. Jan de Waal of ballistics passed away today. He was 62 years of age. Vrydag 26 Julie: Johan Verster, afgetree te Kirtstenbosch SAP, is vandag oorlede Vrydag 26 Julie: Insp Etienne Myburgh (verbonde aan SWAPOL en ook eks Koevoet) is gisteraand oorlede. Hy was die seun van Generaal Myburgh (Bloubul). Sondag 28 Julie: JR (John) Palmer, is Donderdag 25 Julie oorlede na ‘n lang siekbed. Hy was verbonde aan Radio Tegnies vanaf 1963 en toe na Namibië verplaas as Radio Tegniese bevelvoerder vanaf 1980.

Siekboek Ons wens die ondergenoemdes alle beterskap toe: Woensdag 03 Julie: Tubby Myburg berig dat hy vreeslik pyn verduur na sy rugoperasie en dat daar nou `n spier en senu geleidings toets gedoen gaan word. Sondag 07 Julie: Gewese reservis kaptein Rudi Walters het vandag ‘n massiewe beroerte gehad en is in ‘n ernsige toestand in die hospitaal. Woensdag 17 Julie: Tiny Nortje is in die hospitaal opgeneem en sy galblaas is verwyder. Saterdag 20 Julie: Patrick Coetzee is skielik opgeneem in die hospitaal op 2012/7/16 en weer gister ontslaan. Hy het infeksie in sy linkekerbeen gekry....klein gaatjie tussen sy kleintoon en die toon langs hom. Vrydag 26 Julie: Gerry Adendorff was weer by die spesialis gewees. Die dokter is bekommerd oor sy ander tone!


Verjaarsdae Ons wens die volgende hartlik geluk: Sondag 07 Julie: Generaal Martin Nel verjaar vandag! Sondag 07 Julie: Generaal Horak (SASP) is vandag 77! Saterdag 13 Julie: 'n Paar van die bestuurslede van die Outeniqua tak van die Bond van Oud-Polisie beamptes het vandag die voorreg gehad om Oom (Majoor) Wessel Oosthuizen se 100ste verjaardag saam met hom te vier. Hy is nog glashelder van verstand. Maandag 15 Julie: Dit is Tiny Nortje se verjaarsdag vandag! Maandag 22 Julie: Is Rassie Erasmus se verjaarsdag vandag. Woensdag 24 Julie: Die volgende vriende vier hulle verjaarsdag vandag; Marcia du Pont en Johannes Beetge. Saterdag 27 Julie: Generaal Johan Deyzel verjaar vandag.

Kennisgewings en reunies SAP Braai Die Oud-SAP-Lede Liefdadigheidstrust bied sy jaarlikse skaapbraai aan op, DV, 21 September 2013. Prys per kaartjie R85-00 pp. Hennie Heymans het slegs 20 kaartjies hierdie jaar ontvang waarvan 11 reeds bespreek is. Bespreek vroegtydig by hom! (heymanshb@gmail.com)

Verlowings, huwelike en geboortes Ons wens die volgende hartlik geluk: Saterdag 27 Julie: Mike Scheepers se jongste dogter Tiffany het in die huwelik getree!


Woensdag 10 Julie: Fanie Bouwer berig dat hy gisteraand vir oubrigadier Fletgert Booysen - nou 85 jr oud – gebel het. Hy was vroeÍr in Suid-Wes Afrika gestasioneer gewees en afgetree as Afdelingskommissaris van die Boland in die Paarl. Hy klink 22

galdnie soos 'n 'ouman' nie - die stem is nog helder en vinnig, en die gedagtes nog duidelik lemmetjieskerp. Ons het die hond uit die bos gesels. Hy geniet nog baie goeie gesondheid. (Hy is die vader van Gerhard Booysen)

Vrydag 12 Julie: Emsie Pienaar berig dat hulle familie so geseĂŤnd is , haar moeder is vandag 88jr jonk.

Saamgestel deur Johan Jacobs: Kontak besonderhede; selnr



Begrafnis: Maj Daan du Toit Geskryf deur Anemari Jansen en foto`s deur Larry Hanton

MAJ DANIEL THOMAS DU TOIT: 15 Oktober 1949 - 25 Junie 2013 GEDENKDIENS: 12 Julie 2013 vanuit die SAPD Bejaardesorgfonds, Elarduspark, om 11h00


Gelukkig het Osie verdwaal. Terwyl ons vir hom wag, dreun die C5 Galaxy, beman deur vier vroue-vlieëniers, om 11h15 laag oor die SAP Bejaardesorgfonds-sentrum. “Dis nou `n properse send-off vir Daan Radio,” sê iemand.


Die gedenkdiens word waargeneem deur dr. Jan du Preez Ons is by die sestig mense en sit die stoele in die vertrek vol. Genl Dreyer en sy vrou Marietjie is daar, asook Sakkie van der Merwe. Die skriflesing kom uit Psalm 23:1-6. Die dominee praat met ons oor die begin en die einde, die alfa en die omega. Oor `n skip wat vertrek het en nooit weer sal terugkeer nie. Die begeleiding is onhoorbaar sag, maar `n vrouestem vat voor met “Grote God, aan U die eer.” Dr du Preez het Daan nie geken nie. Inligting het hy bekom van Dicks, Martie en Ampie. Daan het geen familie oorgehad nie. Wel vriende en kollegas – en dié het hy bederf. Daan het saam met sy worshonde geleef. Sal ons ooit verstaan hoe eensaam Daan werklik was? Sewe wit kerse brand hoog en stil langs die preekstoel. Die dominee sê amen en ons hoor die geluid van die “urn” wat aangeskakel word in die vertrek langsaan, waar groot borde vol sout- en soethappies wag. Dicks Dietrichsen lei die Koevoet Veteranebond se begrafnis-seremonie. Die lede teenwoordig staan terwyl Koos Brits die vaandel lig en Dicks voordra. Die klank van `n trompet wat die “Laaste Taptoe” speel, klink op. Koos laat die vaandel sak en die lede in Bondsdrag hou eers op salueer toe die laaste note wegsterf. Kol. Willie Fouché, oud-kollega en vriend van Daan, dra `n kort opsomming van maj. Daan du Toit se dienstydperk by Koevoet voor. Hulle leer ken mekaar in 25

Rhodesië: Willie, Daan, Fires, Basil en Wollie. “Ons was die laaste manne in Rhodesië. Daan het rugby gespeel ook daar.” Oor Daan se werketiek in die radiotegniese afdeling sê Willie die volgende: “Daan was verskriklik toegewyd.” Hy was ook sosiaal en het `n bierbeker met die Koevoetnaam op laat maak. Willie: “`Ons sal onthou` - dié woorde het ek die eerste keer gesien op die silwer bierbekers wat Daan laat maak het – en toe weer op die Muur van Herinnering. Ek salueer Daan se bydrae wat hy vir `n gróót eenheid gelewer het.” Koos hys die vaandel en die Laaste Taptoe klink weer op. Gen. Dreyer lê die blomkrans neer en daarna kan oudlede en vriende `n rooi angelier by Paul Fouché neem, om ook neer te lê met `n laaste wens, gedagte en saluut aan Daan.

Die gedenkdiens eindig met Paul Fouché wat die afskeidsboodskap van Eugene de Kock aan Daan voorlees. Eugene se woorde is `n waardige wegstuur.


Afskeidsboodskap: Eugene de Kock aan Daan du Toit Voorgelees deur Paul Fouchè: Daan, ek mis jou! Ons almal mis jou! Jy het die beginsel van “nederigheid” werklik geleef en fisies gestalte gegee. Jy wat altyd net die beste gelewer het. Oor jou radio’s kon ons altyd om hulp roep vir ons gewondes. Nooit het jou werk, jou radio’s, jou standaard, ons in die steek gelaat nie. In jou nederigheid het jy met grootsheid geleef. “From this day to the ending of the world, But we shall in it be remembered We few, we happy few, we band of brothers For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother.” King Henry V –speech, Battle of Agincourt, by William Shakespeare. Tot siens, Daan!

Willie Fouché hanteer die bedankings ten opsigte van Daan se hospitalisasie, begrafnisreëlings en gedenkdiens. Daarna word almal genooi om die kranslegging by die Muur van Herinnering (by die Voortrekkermonument) by te woon, ter nagedagtenis aan die diens wat Daan aan die Koevoet-eenheid gelewer het. Daan sou sy gedenkdiens so geniet het. Hy sou sélf daar wou wees.


PERSONALIA SUID-AFRIKAANSE SPOORWEG EN HAWENS POLISIE: BRIG RONNIE BEYL Reunie oud-SASP-lede: Oos-Kaap More Hennie. Die manne in Port Elizabeth is besig met die beplanning vir 'n re-unie van oudSASP-lede. Dit sal in die laaste kwartaal van die jaar plaasvind. Sodra 'n geskikte venue gevind is, sal die datum bekend gemaak word. Hierby ingesluit die maand se SASP inset. Groete Ronnie

Diefstal van Krugerrande Leier van die ondersoekspan: Lt. genl. A.F. Horak (toe kolonel in die SASP) Gedurende die jare 1970 tot 1980 was lede van die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie te Jan Smutslughawe verantwoordelik vir die veilige begeleiding van groot besendings goud en Krugerrande per vliegtuig na verskeie lande oorsee. Vir hierdie doel was daar van goed op geleidelede van die SASP gebruik gemaak wat ook dienste as anti- kapers op SAL se vlugte vervul het. In die laat sewentigs was ʼn besending Krugerrande dan ook na New Yorklughawe gestuur. Die begeleiers van dié betrokke besending was adjudant-offisier Van Dyk en sersant Banie Buys. Net na die aankoms van die vliegtuig te New Yorklughawe was ek in kennis gestel dat een kissie met Krugerrande met aan koms te New Yorklughawe kort ontvang was. Ek was op daardie stadium die posbevelvoerder op die Jan Smutslughawe met die rang van kolonel. Die berig het koue rillings langs my ruggraat afgestuur aangesien dit die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van die SASP was dat so ‘n waardevolle besending kort ontvang was. Ek het gesê dat dit onmoontlik was dat die besending kort vanaf Jan Smutslughawe gestuur kon gewees het. Die prosedure by die besending van waardevolle vrag was die volgende:Lede wat die begeleiding doen, gaan die besending saam met die personeel van S.A. Lugdiens na, waarna hulle vir die aantal houers teken. Hulle begelei dan die besending na die betrokke vliegtuig waarin dit gelaai gaan word. Sodra die besending in die vragruim gelaai is en die deure daarvan gesluit is, het die lede na die trappies van die vliegtuig beweeg waar hulle aan boord van die vliegtuig gegaan het. Ek was oortuig daarvan dat die kissie met die Krugerrande op New Yorklughawe gesteel was 28

omdat, met die aankoms van die SAL vliegtuig te New Yorklughawe, was die lede wat die begeleiding gedoen het nie toegelaat om na die laaiblad, waar die besending reeds uit die vrag- ruim van die vliegtuig gelaai was, te gaan nie. Hulle moes eers deur Paspoortbeheer en Doeane gegaan het alvorens hulle na die laaiblad kon beweeg het. Op daardie stadium was die besending dus reeds uit die vliegtuig gelaai en op die bagasiewa gesit vir vervoer na die kluis waar dit bewaar sou word. Die lede het daarna die besending saam met die New York se polisie na die kluis begelei waar die besending nagesien was. Tydens die kontrole van die besending was daar toe gevind dat een kissie met Krugerrande kort was. Ek het na New York gevlieg waar ek by die FBI vir die ondersoek aangesluit het. Dit was duidelik dat die kissie Krugerrande nie op Jan Smutslughawe kort gelaai was nie, maar dat dit gesteel was voordat die besending op die laaiblad beland het. Die ondersoek van die saak op Jan Smutslughawe was deur myself en adjudant-offisier Van Dyk behartig. Op ʼn gegewe dag het adjudant-offisier Herman Buckingham, wat ook op die lughawe werksaam was, my meegedeel dat hy inligting ontvang het dat ʼn dame wat by een van die privaat karweiers werksaam was, daagliks met ʼn plastiese Checkers sakvol R10-note by die werk opgedaag het. Op ʼn vraag van haar kollegas waar sy al die geld gekry het, het sy gesê dat sy dit by haar vriend gekry het wat as ʼn tegnikus in die tegniese afdeling van SAL op die lughawe werksaam was. Ek het die tegnikus na my kantoor ontbied waar hy deeglik ondervra was rakende die geld wat hy aan sy vriendin gegee het. Hy het uiteindelik drie verskillende verduidelikings gegee. Al hierdie verduidelikings was egter leuens. Om die waarheid uit hom te probeer kry was daar besluit dat hy vir een nag in die selle by Germiston toegesluit sou word. Die volgende dag het die verdagte weer teruggeval op sy verduidelikings van die vorige dag. Dit was toe ek opdrag gegee het dat sy vriendin na my kantoor moes kom. Sy het haarvriend se stories, wat hy aan die ondersoekspan vertel het, beaam. Uit die ondervraging was dit duidelik dat sy ook gelieg het en wel geweet het wat die oorsprong van die geld was. Die verdagte en sy vriendin was toe meegedeel dat hy sou teruggaan na die selle by Germiston en dat sy vriend in die nag in die selle in Kemptonpark aangehou sou word. Die verdagte het byna ʼn hartaanval gekry toe hy verneem het dat sy vriendin ook in die selle aangehou sou word. Hierna het hy gesoebat dat sy vriendin nie opgesluit moes word nie en dat hy die waarheid sou praat. Hy het die ondersoekbeampte meegedeel dat hy besig was om die seildoek van een van SAL se vliegtuie in die vragruim te vervang toe hy op die swart kissie afgekom het wat agter die seildoek versteek was. Hy was aanvanklik onder die indruk dat die kissie ammunisie bevat het en hy het die kissie agter die seildoek verwyder, dit in sy oorpak toegedraai, agter op syfiets gesit en na sy woonstel 29

geneem. Met aankoms by sywoonstel het hy die kissie oopgemaak en gevind dat die inhoud daarvan inderwaarheid Krugerrande was. Hy het die Krugerrande stelselmatig begin verkoop en die kontantgeld dan vir sy vriendin gegee om dit vir hom te bank. Met die deursoeking van sy woonstel was daar nog ʼn aantal Krugerrande gevind. Vir een of ander rede het ek die luidspreker van sy Hi Fi radio opgetel en gevoel dat die luidspreker besonder swaar was. Die luidspreker was toe oopgemaak en ʼn groot aantal Krugerrande was daarin gevind. Met die geld wat hy met die verkoop van die Krugerrande ontvang het, het hy vir hom ʼn Mercedes Benz motor gekoop. Daar was toe op die motor beslag gelê. Baie van die vermiste Krugerrande was opgespoor nadat die beskuldigde die persone aan wie hy dit verkoop het aan die ondersoekspan uitgewys het. Na die ondersoek was hy aangekla en het hy in die Hooggeregshof in Pretoria verskyn waar hy aan diefstal van die Krugerrande skuldig bevind was. Na afloop van die saak het ek verdere samesprekings met die FBI gevoer en hulle het my meegedeel dat hulle ʼn vorige saak gehad het waar ʼn kissie met goud ook gesteel was. Hulle ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat ʼn kissie met goud tydens die uitlaai van die besending gesteel was en later agter die seildoek van ʼn ander vliegtuig versteek was. Die naam en besonderhede van die vliegtuig waarin die kissie versteek was, was dan neergeskryf en wanneer die storm rondom die vermiste besending gaan lê het, was die versteekte kissie uit die vliegtuig verwyder sodra die vliegtuig weer in New York geland het. Dan word die kissie verwyder en by die lughawe uitgesmokkel. In hierdie geval het die vraghanteerders in New York dieselfde modus operandi gevolg. Hulle het die kissie met die Krugerrande wat gesteel was in ʼn ander SAL vliegtuig, wat op daardie stadium op die laaiblad gestaan het, gaan versteek met die doel om dit te verwyder wanneer die vliegtuig weer by New York sou aandoen. Die vliegtuig van SAL wat die oorspronklike besending na New York vervoer het, was met sy aankoms te Jan Smutslughawe deeglik ondersoek. Ongelukkig vir die diewe in New York was die vliegtuig waarin hulle die kissie versteek het, met sy terugkeer na Jan Smutslughawe geskeduleer vir reparasies en die vervang van die seildoek; dit is waarom die tegnikus op Jan Smutslughawe op die kissie afgekom het. Hy het sy kanse waargeneem en dit uitgesmokkel. As die diewe die kissie in die vliegtuig wat dit aanvanklik na New York vervoer het, versteek het, sou die ondersoekspan dit met aankoms te Jan Smutslughawe opgespoor het. • Lt. Genl. André Horak was met sy uittrede uit die S.A. Polisie, hoof van Logistiek.


“ONS AL ALTYD ONS OU KAMERADE ONTHOU” – “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!” Wyle adj.-off. J.N. Hanekom: oud-ao Jan van Wyk (Kaapstad) Jan van Wyk rapporteer dat adj.-off. J.N. Hanekom (72jr) op 4/7/2013 in sy slaap heengegaan het. Hy was meesal bekend in die Wynberg distrik. Hy kry ‘n oproep van Johann Henn van die Kelders af wat verneem of adj.-off. J.N. Hanekom nog lewe? Hy moes hom met leedwese meedeel dat hy oorlede is. Johann Henn het sy eerste dag as konstabel as vangwabemanning saam met oorlede Hanekom gewerk. So iets vergeet mens nooit. “My eerste dag moes ek beat stap met ‘n swart konstabel in Pietermaritzburg”, skryf Jan van Wyk. Begrafnis: Mev Kotie Stadler: oud-ao Jan van Wyk (Kaapstad)

Jan van Wyk skryf: Middel van die winter dan reën dit in die Kaap. Dit is ook snoektyd. Soos die Noordelike voorstede vriende, moet jy ‘n snoek braai funksie hou en die Wynberg tak se snoekbraai het op 29/6/2013 plaasgevind. By hierdie geleentheid het ons ‘n eresertifikaat vir Koti Stadler, eggenote van wyle kol. J. Stadler, aan haar dogter Sarie oorhandig. Tragies is Koti ‘n paar dae na hierdie funksie oorlede. Koti Stadler se begrafnis was die treffendste begrafnis wat ek ooit bygewoon het. 31

Dit was pragtig om te sien dat al hul kinders, en vriende van oor die hele land en selfs vanaf Australië gevlieg het om hulle Ma te kom groet. ‘n Foto wat ek van hierdie begrafnis geneem het, weerspieël die respek wat hulle kinders en die hele Polisiemag gehad het vir hierdie legendariese polisieman en sy eggenote. Wyle Kol. Stadler het opleiding in skietkuns gegee aan duisende polisiemanne. Saluut.

TRIBUTE PAGE Police Officers in the Jeppestown Massacre: Gerhard Engelbrecht (NZ) Hallo Brigadier, Baie dankie vir die uitnodiging. Elke maand op my webtuiste: www.southafricanpoliceofficersmemorial.com bring ek hulde aan iemand. Elke persoon word op sy eie bladsy gehuldig. Hierdie maand sin. Honour the Police Officers in the Jeppestown massacre Date: 25 June 2006 Location: 54 Mordaunt Street, Jeppestown, Johannesburg Lest not Forget • Inspectors Frederick "Frikkie" van Heerden (West Rand dog unit) • Inspector Victor Nzama Mathye (West Rand dog unit) • Sergeant Gert Schoeman (West Rand emergency response service) • Constable Pieter Seaward (Johannesburg dog unit) The drama began on25 Sunday 2006 about 09:30 when a gang of more than 20 robbers descended on the supermarket in Honeydew on the West Rand armed with AK47 Assault rifles and handguns. Robbers held up cashiers and stole tens of thousands of rand, and also wounded a shopper. One of the robbers was wounded when police tried to stop the gang from escaping, but the others made their getaway in a BMW and minibus taxi. The fleeing robbers were followed by a police helicopter to a safe house at 54 Mordaunt Street, Jeppestown, Johannesburg. On the scene at the supermarket in Honeydew, members of the dog unit questioned the wounded man, and then drove to the gang's hide-out, joined by a Johannesburg flying-squad car. When they arrived at the Jeppestown house, bullets started flying. 4 SAPS members were ambushed and murdered. 8 robbers were killed in the siege before the remaining 15 gang members surrendered. Ballistic evidence has shown that at least 27 firearms were used in the siege - including an AK-47 - and that more


than 110 shots were fired by the robbers and police have fired an estimated 300 rounds. “Inside the house, two slain police officers - Constable Pieter Seaward and Inspector Gert Schoeman - on the floor in a final embrace. Seaward's right hand is resting on his colleague's arm, his left hand is tucked under Schoeman, only the hand protruding. Their blue uniforms are covered in blood and dust from the crumbling plaster. All around is the bloody chaos of a standoff that, in the end, claimed 12 lives. The wall above the officers is smeared in streaks of blood and riddled with bullet holes. At their feet is a bag used by the gang to carry their loot. The floor is a wild mess of clothes, suitcases, bags, takkies, newspapers, car tools, buckets and coins. In the same room lie three dead robbers - one at the feet of the dead cops, one on the floor and one on his back on the bed. Five guns are scattered around the bedroom.� The police's intervention unit and the task force were called in to try to get the robbers out of the house. Sharpshooters and police were deployed all over the suburb and around the nearby Bertha Solomon Hall. Police negotiators convinced the gangsters to surrender and task force members entered the house just after 16:30 The 12 men and one woman face various charges of robbery, murder, attempted murder, and being in possession of unlicensed and illegal firearms. Members can leave tributes at: http://www.southafricanpoliceofficersmemorial.com/honour-the-police-officers-inthe-jeppestown-massacre.html Gerhard Engelbrecht The Jeppestown Massacre: From Billy Cox and Toffie Risk Protect And Serve - Not Die My four brave buddies in BLUE Today the Country salutes you You were all an inspirational light Keeping your mission and zest bright Little did you ever know What seeds of evil against you could sow On Sunday 25th June 2006 you were on duty Little knowing what was expected of you To come up against the trained forced of evil Lead to your fate by Lucifer, the Devil You were outnumbered, outgunned and slain Like pigs going to their slaughter Outnumbered, not once, out spirited You stood your ground like heroes 33

You carried your cross like disciples You paid the supreme price with your flesh You have all earned a place in heaven While your enemy will languish in HELL! Copyright (c)2006 William Ernest Cox

By Alex Eliseev For 19 months, photographs of the Jeppestown bloodbath lay hidden in police dockets and court files - but today it's clear why the June 25 2006 shootout was dubbed a massacre. Some of the 1 000-odd images presented to the Johannesburg High Court on Wednesday are too grisly to publish, but they tell the real and frightening story of a raid gone very wrong. The most striking photograph shows two slain police officers - Constable Pieter Seaward and Inspector Gert Schoeman - on the floor in a final embrace. Seaward's right hand is resting on his colleague's arm, his left hand is tucked under Schoeman, only the hand protruding. Their blue uniforms are covered in blood and dust from the crumbling plaster. All around is the bloody chaos of a standoff that, in the end, claimed 12 lives. The wall above the officers is smeared in streaks of blood and riddled with bullet holes. At their feet is a bag used by the gang to carry their loot. The floor is a wild mess of clothes, suitcases, bags, takkies, newspapers, car tools, buckets and coins. In the same room lie three dead robbers - one at the feet of the dead cops, one on the floor and one on his back on the bed. Five guns are scattered around the bedroom. The photo albums also contain pictures from the postmortems, detailed ballistic diaries, chilling glimpses inside other rooms at 54 Mordaunt Street, the areas surrounding the house, and money bags stolen from the Honeydew Pick n Pay and recovered in the hideout. 34

The much-awaited trial of the "Jeppestown Massacre 13" began on Wednesday after a two-day delay. State prosecutor Joanie Spies read out the 23 charges and was met with defiant pleas of "I'm not guilty" on all counts from all accused. This means the trial - set down until the end of March - is likely to run its full course. The 12 men and one woman face various charges of robbery, murder, attempted murder, and being in possession of unlicensed and illegal firearms. All but one accused exercised their right to remain silent. Zinto Mqunu claimed he had gone to the house to visit a sangoma and was not involved in the robbery. Ballistic evidence has shown that at least 27 firearms were used in the siege including an AK-47 - and that more than 110 shots were fired by the seized weapons. The real figure - including shots fired by police outside the house - is closer to 300. On Wednesday, 11 handguns and an AK-47 were laid out as evidence. The service pistols of Schoeman, Seaward, and inspectors Victor Mathye and Frikkie van Heerden were also presented. Two witnesses were called to give evidence: a woman robbed outside the Pick n Pay and a supervisor on duty on that bloody Sunday. Joanne Brown, who has an artificial leg, had parked in the disabled-parking spot outside the supermarket. As she opened the door, "a chap" appeared and ordered her to hand over her handbag. She later saw a man with the bag - covered in "trinkets, teddy bears and silly things" - making a getaway. She spotted a red Honda Ballade and claimed it was used by the gang. The car was then linked to the scene in Jeppestown. Sarah Marumole - a supervisor at the Pick n Pay since 2002 - was six months pregnant when the gang struck. She said she worked with one of the accused, Mary Maleke, who is thought to be the insider at the store. Marumole attended an identity parade at C-Max prison (where 10 of the accused are 35

kept) but said she was too scared to point out anyone. On Wednesday, she was given a set of photographs and picked out one of the faces. None of the widows of the slain police officers were in court.

Widow relives horror of Jeppestown massacre KHETHIWE MABENA | 01 September, 2009 17:56 CHEATED: Widows Leonie van Heerden and Nadia Seaward listen to proceedings in the Johannesburg High Court yesterday. Van Heerden earlier recounted events that led to her husband being killed .Pic: ALON SKUY. 04/11/2008. Š The Times. THE widow of a policeman murdered in the Jeppestown massacre wept as she described how difficult it was for her to explain their father's death to her young children. "Every day of their lives [my children] miss their father. We do not go to bed without my son asking why they shot his dad," said Inspector Leonie van Heerden in the Johannesburg High Court yesterday. "I am angry. They took away the best thing in my life." The widow, also a police officer, has spent many days in court listening to the proceedings. "We had dreams, things we wanted to go through together. I'm missing my best friend's company, his jokes, everything," she said. Her husband and partner in the Roodepoort police dog unit, Inspector Frederick "Frikkie" van Heerden, was one of the four police-men killed during the bloody Jeppestown shootout in June 2006. She, too, was at the scene, but survived. The police officers had driven to Jeppestown after a tip-off that an 18-man gang was hiding in a house in the area. Eight robbers died during the five-hour gun battle with the police. Van Heerden was one of the four witnesses called by the state to testify in aggravation of sentence against the 12 accused who were recently convicted for charges including murder, attempted murder, robbery with aggravating 36

circumstances, and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. She had previously said that she would not be able to testify against her husband's killers because she was still traumatized and was undergoing counseling. Yesterday, however, she was the first of the witnesses to testify. "I remember that Inspector Victor Mathye was shot in both legs and was down on the kitchen floor. I remember that he fired shots to keep the people inside the house at bay and that he was using his last breath to fire the shots," she said. "I was bleeding from the head and a person came out of the house, looked at me, laughed and ran off." Van Heerden lost her composure when she was asked to describe how the incident affected their daughter: "Her father was everything to her," she said. Accused Emmanuel Mweli, 29, appealed for leniency because he had "already spent two years behind bars" and was "still young". Judge Ratha Mokgoatlheng dismissed an application that it be recorded that three of the accused felt that he had pre-judged them and had not properly considered their evidence.

Life sentences for Jeppestown massacre accused Submitted by MyHoneydew on Fri, 28/11/2008 - 07:52. 28 November 2008 Eleven of the 13 accused in the Jeppestown massacre were on Thursday given four life sentences each by the Johannesburg High Court for the murders of four policemen. Judge Ratha Mokgoatlheng also gave them 40 years each for other crimes relating to the incident, including the killing of eight others who were thought to be members of the gang. As sentence was past, family members of the slain policemen wept and hugged each other before leaving the court room. Fanie Schoeman, brother of slain police Sergeant Gert Schoeman, said "I'm happy 37

that it's over, but we can't say that justice has been served, because they took my brother away. "The message that the judge gave to other criminals is a good one... Police are there to protect us, it doesn't matter what background you come from, you should know what is right and what is wrong," he said with tears in his eyes. Those sentenced to life were Nkosinathi Mzamo Mchunu, of Hillbrow; Sizwe Mbuyazi, of Joubert Park; Khumbulani Mabaso, of Johannesburg CBD; Sizwe Dlamini, of Fairview; Sihle Mdunge, of Hillbrow; Muzulelwa Vezi, of Johannesburg's Bree Street; Siyanda Mgomezulu, of Hillbrow; Hlongwa, of Jabulani Hostel; Bekokwakhe Zulu, of Benrose Hostel; Mhlomme Sesiba, of O'Riley Street, Johannesburg and Zinto Mqunu of Jeppestown. Most of the accused were fathers of very young children. The "prime mover" behind the Pick 'n Pay robbery in Honeydew which eventually led to the bloody shoot-out in Jeppestown two years ago, Senzo Mweli, 29, was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. He was also sentenced to five years for attempted murder, which would run concurrently with the 20-year sentence. The policemen were killed in the shoot-out at a house in Mordaunt Street, Jeppestown, on Sunday June 25, 2006 in the aftermath of the robbery. Inspectors Frederick "Frikkie" van Heerden, 32, and Victor Nzama Mathye, 49, both of the West Rand dog unit; Sergeant Gert Schoeman, 30, of the West Rand emergency response service; and Constable Pieter Seaward, 31, of the Johannesburg dog unit died in the gunfight. The father of Schoeman said earlier that he looked forward to closing a painful chapter of his life. "I have waited two-and-a-half years for this book to be closed. It's been two-and-ahalf years without any proper sleep. My son was a very brave man and I am very proud of him," said Stanley Schoeman. Provincial Commissioner for Gauteng, Director Govindsamy said the sentencing was settling for all members in the police force.


"We welcome the sentencing, and will continue in the fight against crime...our fallen heroes have paid the ultimate price...it is a great relief to know that those responsible for these atrocious acts have received justice." 38

Mokgoatlheng said that the background the accused came from should not be an excuse to the events that occurred. "People can’t be allowed to take the law into their own hands, because we have the capacity to think what is right and what is wrong...what this court can't understand is why people should kill in cold blood." He said that while he understood that the financial situation of the accused was very dire, it was no excuse even if all eleven of the 12 accused were all first time offenders. "We come from a very painful past, but I try to understand why such a waste of life happens for money...speaking as a black judge, I must say, that in South Africa today, a black man can rise and become what he wants to be." He said that South African policemen were the bastion of the constitution and society would not accept the killing of a policeman while on duty. "No civilised society should live like this...people should be allowed to go shopping on a Sunday morning without the fear of being shot and killed." Promise Mchunu, brother of accused number 3, Nkosinathi Mzamo Mchunu, appeared depressed ahead of the sentencing. "My brother is not okay. I spoke to him three days ago. He is very sad. I am very sad about this situation too, I love him very much," said Mchunu. In response to Mchunu's testimony that police had shot at the robbers first, Mokgoatlheng said that the police were just doing their job. "The police were following you criminals, it is not correct that the police shot at you first, they were just doing their work, and they should be allowed to do their work," he said. Sapa Sonny Cox June 26, 2012 at 4:08 AM We salute our slaughtered comrades...... We shall grow old, yet, they will never be forgotten!! R.I.P. Salute!! Tango June 26, 2012 at 9:18 AM Salute! RIP Buddies in Blue ! P os te d by T ang o @ 10: 4 9 P m 39

Sonny Cox June 25, 2013 at 1:09 AM The forces of evil can run - but, there is no place for them to hide!! They will be hunted down and shown no mercy! Buddies in blue we pay tribute to you by lighting a candle today; 7 years have gone bye yet, you did not die in vain - Salute R.I.P. Friends Missing and Found! / SAP 55 Vermiste persone Reburial of South African Soldiers at Tyne Cot, Belgium – Johan Jacobs Three unknown South African soldiers, who died while fighting on the Western Front in 1917, have been re-interred during a ceremony at Tyne Cot Cemetery in Belgium on 9 July 2013 at 10.00am local time. The ceremony was opened to the public. The service was organised by the South African Embassy, located in Brussels, and the South African Defence Force.

The remains of the three soldiers were found near a brick factory in Zonnebeke at the end of 2011. Indications are that these soldiers were never formally buried, but that their graves were covered during battle by mortar/artillery fire. Based on objects recovered, including unit insignia, as well as the location of the find, the remains were accepted as that of three unknown South African Soldiers that formed part of the 4th Regiment South African Infantry.


Rare and fascinating image of a South African fighting regiment in World War 1. Here South Africans from the 4th Regiment 'South African Scottish' perform a traditional 'African Tribal War Dance' withdrawn bayonets and dancing in their distinctive 'Murray of Athol' tartan kilts.

Sarel Henk Van Tonder: Francis Reiners

TC van der Vyfer: Grafskending: Mark Newham Mark Newham rapporteer dat dit nou alledaags voorkom dat metaal van grafstene af gesteel word. Hier is die SAP-kenteken gesteel. 41



With the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939 everyone appear to be better prepared to record the locations of the graves and to maintain records. While remaining in charge of the Commission Fabian Ware returned to the War Office as Director of Graves Registration and Enquiries so that the work of both organisations could be better coordinated. Early days saw the staff in Europe continuing with their daily tasks of maintaining the various cemeteries while at the same time Graves Registration Units were deployed with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) to ensure that the casualties were correctly recorded and the graves marked. During the early part of the war, 1939 and 1940, there were few casualties and some of these were buried in existing cemeteries, however it was anticipated that additional burial sites will be required and the Commission set work in motion to prepare these. During this period the Commission had to make an important decision with regards headstones for the casualties of the Second World War. In March 1940 a Royal Charter was proclaimed confirming that the headstones will remain as for the First World War. In May 1940 the German forces invaded the Low Countries which caught many by surprise, including the Commission. Commission staff in France and Belgium was uncertain of what to do and with communication back to England a challenge caused uncertainty and in some areas panic. The Belgium staff all gathered in the school yard of the English School in Ypres ready to be evacuated which eventually started much later in the day and with only one vehicle. The men were sent ahead on their bicycles with a Union Jack on the lead bicycle. Communication with Head Office remained a major challenge and while no general evacuation order was issued many of the staff in France left. Of the 540 Commission staff in Belgium and France 206 failed to reach England. The staff arrived with almost nothing and the Commission swung into action and arranged transport, accommodation and cloths. Organisations such as the Personal Service League and the Friends of the Fighting Forces and Poor were asked to assist the Commission. The Commission’s wives were also asked to collect cloths and other items for the staff. Finding work for the returned staff posed another challenge for the Commission.

Some were placed at Head Office while others found

employment at the Botanical Gardens. The Commission wrote to more than 200 municipalities enquiring about jobs for the staff.


With Italy joining the war work in the Italian cemeteries also came to a halt with work in all the cemeteries in Europe now at a standstill. Elsewhere outside Europe maintenance of some of the cemeteries continued. Following the first air raid on England the Commission decided to keep a record of all civilians that were killed and by November 1942 more than 18 000 names had been collected. The intention was that these names would be bound in bundles and placed in the Warrior’s Chapel and Westminster Abbey. In 1956 the full lists bound in leather were placed in the Chapel and since then the pages of each of the volumes are turned daily. The Western Desert soon proved to be the priority and while some of the existing cemeteries were again used for burials, the battle of El Alamein open a new phase for the Commission with a number of new cemeteries required. Initially each new cemetery would be limited to 2 000 graves. By then the Army had established a number of cemeteries which the Commission took over. This was soon followed by the invasion of Italy and Normandy by the Allied forces which once again required a number of new cemeteries. Ypres was also liberated and in September 1944 the traditional Last Post sounded again in the Menin Gate. By the end of 1945 a total of 245 Commission staff was back on the Continent with a further 110 waiting to go.

Photo 1: El Alamein war cemetery where 486 South Africans are buried.


Photo 2: Knightsbridge War Cemetery where 373 South Africans are buried.

Photo 3: Ancona War Cemetery where 77 South Africans are buried.


Memorial Statue via Barry Swart

Do you know? This statue currently stands outside the Iraqi palace, now home to the 4th Infantry Division. It will eventually be shipped home and put in the memorial museum in Fort Hood, Texas. The statue was created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad Kalat was so grateful for America's liberation of his country; he melted 3 of the heads of the fallen Saddam and made the statue as a memorial to the American Soldiers and their fallen warriors. Kalat worked on this memorial night and day for several months. To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in arms. Do you know why we don't hear about this in the news? The media avoids it because it does not have the shock effect... But we can do something about it. 46

We can pass this along to as many people as we can in honor of all our brave military who are making a difference. And please pass this on! "I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining. I believe in Love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent." Barry Swart

REUNIONS / REUNIES / EVENTS / GEBEURE Reunie: Weesgerus: SAP kollege innames 1961, 1962 & 1963. Raadpleeg verlede maand se uitgawe. Skaapbraai: Oud-SAP-Liefdadigheidstrust: 21 September 2013

Snoekbraai – Jan van Wyk Snoekbraai 29/6/2013 - SAP Bond Wynberg Tak, Kaapstad. Hierdie foto vertel 'n storie. Dit is die hele doel van die Bond van Oud Polisiemanne. Om vriende wat mekaar jare laas gesien het, en dan ewe skierlik mekaar weer sien in die pragtige kroeg van die Timour Hall Villa, mekaar omhels en die woorde uiter: 47

''Waar was jy al die jare? Waar bly jy nou? Ai dit is lekker om jou weer te sien! Ek is so bly jy lewe nog!''. Daar en dan het ek besluit om 'n foto te neem van hierdie blydskap van vriende om mekaar weer te sien. Dit was 'n pragtige gesig om die verwelkoming te sien gebeur. Barry Chamberlain heel regs op die foto dadelik 'n aansoek vorm voltooi, en hy is nou lid van die Bond Wynberg Tak.













Verster(Voorsitter) Barry Chamberlain. Johan Verster se gesondheid met Kanker in die lewer gaan deur 'n moeilike tydperk. Ons almal staan hom by.


PS Hennie hier is my eerste bydrae. Pannelbeat die taal soos jy wil. Snoekbraai - Samesyn Van Wynberg-tak in Kaapstad. Ons was 28 lede wat die byeenkoms bygewoon het.

Heel regs is Sarie, sy is die dogter van wyle kol J. Stadler, en Koba Stadler. Sy het die Ere-Sertifikaat (80 jaar oud) van haar moeder Koba Stadler, daardie dag in ontvangs geneem aangesien haar moeder in die Hospitaal was. Tragies is haar moeder Koba Stadler 'n paar dae nadat die foto geneem is oorlede. FONDSINSAMELING. Elke lid was gevra om iets te skenk om fondsinsameling te bewerkstellig. Daar was wyn, koekies, koeksisters, 'n 5 dae vakansie van Holiday











Einde van die samekoms is lootjies getrek. Aan die einde van die dag het ons R2110, in gesamel wat gebank is. Baie dankie vir almal se bydrae wat die dag 'n groot sukses gemaak het.


Snoekbrai 29/6/2013 – Wynberg-tak, Kaapstad Weidie Kleyn, is besig met die snoek te braai met aanskoulike gaste. Dit is pragtig om iemand te sien braai, veral snoek as jy jou storie ken. Baie Dankie Weidie en Pieter Mostert vir julle bydrae die dag was 'n groot sukses.

PERSONALITY OF THE MONTH: Brig PP Potgieter (SAAF) [1920 - 2009] who captured U Boat U541 Hennie Heymans, thank you very much for this opportunity to pass on my father’s history. Unfortunately I am not in possession of his personal log books, but I do have some other documents that refer to certain aspects of his life and career in die South African Air Force which I willingly share with you. Other information was garnered from my brother and sister.


Petrus Paulus Potgieter was born on the 19th of April 1920 on the farm Waterval, in the Swartruggens district of Transvaal, to Petrus Paulus and Maria Glaudina Potgieter. His junior schooling was at a small farm school in the same district. There was only one teacher and all grades were taught in the same class. At an early age he exhibited leadership qualities and his junior school teacher, who had quickly identified these qualities, made extensive use of this and his eagerness to assist him, in teaching the junior grades. He attended Rustenburg High School, but did not matriculate as his father past away and he had to leave school in standard 8 to take care of his mother, four brothers and three sisters. Originally he went to work on the Railways as a track layer. This was the only job that he and his brother in law, who was 2 years older than him, could find. It was hard physical labour and the salary was hardly enough to keep the home fires burning. He, however, from a very young age, had this desire to one day, become a pilot. Interesting to note that the South African Air Force came into being in the same year as he the year in which he was born, 1920. He however was aware of the fact that he would not be accepted for training as a pilot if he did not have his Matric certificate. As he was not satisfied with the job that he was doing and the pittance that he was receiving as pay, he decided to join the Special Services Battalion (SSB) where he would not only receive military training, but also a better salary and the opportunity to further his studies. In 1939/40, after he had matriculated, he applied for transfer to the Air Force and for training as a pilot. He passed selection and was sent to the Central Flying School, Robert Heights for training. Roberts Heights is nowadays known as Swartkops. On the 1st of November 1941, he married my mother, Caterina Elizabeth (Kitty) de Wit, in Pretoria. On the 28th of February 1942 he and the 32 other members of course no.10, receive their wings during a ceremony held at Waterkloof Air Force Base. Of this group only a couple of members would survive the Second World War. 51

His first posting was Oudtshoorn from where coastal patrols were flown. His first born, a son, named Petrus Paulus, was born on the 4th of October 1942, while he was stationed at Oudtshoorn. Early in 1943 he left for Gibraltar to serve with 22 Squadron on anti submarine patrols. While in Gibraltar he is chosen to be the Captain of 22 Squadron’s athletics team. During September 1943 they compete against the Royal Australian Air Force as well as elements of the RAF’s ground crews stationed at Gibraltar and make a clean sweep of the trophies. Lt.-General Sir Ralph Eastwood, the Governor and Commander in Chief of the Rock of Gibraltar and Group Captain Shaw of the RAF officiated at the prize giving. During 1944, in February he receives notice that his only daughter, Anna Magdelena, was born on the 9th of February. In May 1944 he and his crew, Lt Harrington – Navigator, Lt Hands – Radio Operator and Sergeants Hunter and Porter – Gunners, captured a Spanish Merchant ship, the Albaneda, who tried to run the blockade and escorted her back to Gibraltar. On the 11th of May, about 400 nautical miles South West of Cape Ministere in the Atlantic Ocean, while on patrol with Ventura H6443, with crew Lt’s Harington and Hands, Sergeants Hunter and Poorter, they spotted and captured German U Boat U541 when it surfaced for air and to recharge batteries. They were on it so quick that the Germans could not dive and signalled them with international Morse code to refrain from diving as they would be sunk immediately if they attempted. The Torpedo Boat, Malcombe, was in close proximity and immediately steamed at full speed to assist. The British Navy Sloop, Lowstaff, was summoned to assist. The U Boat was handed over to the Lowstaff for escort to Gibraltar. As far as we know this was the only time during the War that a U Boat was captured by an Aircraft. On the 8th of May 1945 during a Victory Parade at Gibraltar Lt.-General Sir Ralph Eastwood said “I salute your bravery and dedication to duty. In the annals of history it will be recorded that during the war and in the two years that 22 Squadron of the S. A. Air Force guarded the Straits of Gibraltar we never lost a single ship of the thousands escorted”. During the course of their normal patrols they also had occasion to visit Egypt, Spain, Malta, Casablanca, Morocco, Rabat and Jerusalem. 52

On his return to South Africa he is informed that he has been selected to remain a member of the South African Air Force. Many Pilots where however demobilized after the war and returned to civilian life. My father was however posted to Port Elizabeth to assist with the demobilization of pilots who had not been selected and was also tasked with the decommissioning of the Military air base at Port Elizabeth. • On the 1st of May 1946 2nd Lieutenant Potgieter was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. • On the 13th of May 1947 his youngest son Jacobus Johannes, was born at Port Elizabeth. • On the 1st of December 1950 he was promoted to the rank of Captain, and recalled to Pretoria. On the 16th of March 1951 he, accompanied by his family, embarks on the Cape Town Castle, of the Union Castle Line, reroute to England via Madeira, to join 24 Squadron, also known as the Commonwealth Squadron. This Squadron was the VIP Squadron of the Royal Air Force and was made up of specially selected pilots from all the Commonwealth countries, to transport VIP’s of the Commonwealth, wherever they had to go. It was seen as quite a distinction to be chosen for this Squadron. In England the family is originally housed at 6 Collage Road, Rippon, then at 18 Trentwell Road, Harrogate and finally at the Topcliffe Air Force base near Thrisk in Yorkshire. • Is a member of the Hastings mission to South Africa early in 1952/3. • Is a member of the troops lining the streets of London during the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on the 2nd of June 1953. On the 6th of August 1953, he and his family embark the R.M.V. Stirling Castle for their return journey to South Africa. On return from England, he is posted back to 24 Squadron, and moves into Government housing, an asbestos bungalow, in Roberts Heights. He very quickly decides that this is not where he wants to raise his family and purchases a 15 morgen small holding at Zwavelpoort, to the east of Pretoria outside the Peri-Urban area. On this he builds a house out of self made cement bricks. As it was not within PeriUrban boundaries no plans had to be submitted. The house was built over weekends by the family and stands to this day.


On the 4th of March 1954, at the Royal Air Force base Abingdon, No 24 Commonwealth Squadron receives their Colours. As he could not attend, Air Marshall S C Strafford sends him a programme of the ceremony. During 1954 he attends the Defence Conference at Dakar, Senegal as a South African envoy and as personal advisor to General Wilmot, with regard to the establishment of an air route, south of the Sahara, in the event of war with Russia. On the 1st of December 1960 he is promoted to the rank of Major. In the mid sixties, Prof Piet Stokes of the Geophysical department of the Potchefstroom University was busy doing research into magnetic anomalies in the South Atlantic. To assist with this research which also had implications for aviation the Air Force was requested to assist with flights from Waterkloof Air Force Base towards Dula (in the French Cameroon), Asuncion Islands, Gogh, Tristan da Cunha, etc. These flights where done to measure weaknesses in the magnetic field at a height of 30,000 feet and the trajectory length of these flights where as far as the aircraft could fly on a safe return trip. Accuracy of the trajectories had to be within one sea mile. Temperatures as low as -56 degrees Celsius where experienced during these flights. Air crew for all these flights were: • Flight Commander Mayor PP Potgieter, • Assistant Pilot Captain Gilliland. • Navigators : Tom Stegman, Graham Stegman, Jimmy Kotze and Dr Piet van Sittert of PUKKE • Loadmaster: Technicians of PUKKE. (Potchefstroom University) The Air Force received the highest commendations from the International Geophysical Community. On the 1 of April 1965 he is promoted to the rank of Commandant. In 1965 he is a member of the team who has to evaluate and purchase the Mirage III EZ. These aircraft arrive in South Africa is August 1966 and join 2 Squadron at Waterkloof. From the 11th of April 1966 to the 2nd of December 1966 he attends and completes Staff Course No 8. On the 23rd of August 1968 he is awarded the Southern Cross Medal. 54

The Southern Cross Medal is awarded to officer who, in time of war or peace distinguished himself through extraordinary devotion to duty in a specific instance or over a period. The holder of the Southern Cross is entitled to write the letters SM after his name. In 1969 the following Air Force Personnel visit the Lockheed Corporation in Marietta, Georgia for a course in the Lockheed C-130 was going to buy and to fly these aircraft back to South Africa. • Commandants: Pottie Potgieter and George Freeman. • Majors: John Bolitho, Jimmy Groenewald, Piet Letley, L G Jones, J Z Eloff and Carl Muton • Captains : Koekemoer and Patrick Clulow.

On the 1st of November he is promoted to Colonel. In 1971 during the resupply of Gough Island by the Fleet resupply vessel, the crane used to lift the goods the 75 feet from ship to shore became inoperable due to mechanical failure. As there were no spares to fix the crane and no other way to move goods or personnel from ship to shore, the Air Force was requested to paradrop the necessary spares to the island. This was a dangerous mission and only a Hercules C130 equipped with additional tanks, would be able to reach the island and return safely to South Africa, a round trip of 3,260 mile. If this could not be done, the lives of the 23 scientists on the island would be in jeopardy as another Naval ship equipped with a Helicopter could not be dispatched or reach the island in time and to top it all, the resupply ship at Gough island only had a limited time before it had to return to SA under full steam to still be able to resupply the South African base on Antarctica. If the Air Force could not assist, the only other option would be to lower all the personnel on the island down the cliffs with ropes to floats from which they could be rescued by the personnel of the resupply vessel. This would be a very dangerous situation due to the roughness of the sea and the lack of proper equipment. Col Potgieter immediately volunteered for the mission and only took volunteers to assist. The crew were: • Col Potgieter, Commander and Pilot. • Captain J J Le Roux and Lieutenant T I Saayman - Co-Pilots. • 2nd Lieutenants B J Horden and OC C Steenkamp – Navigators 55

• Warrant-Officer W P B Botha – Flight-Technician. • Sergeant D A M Wessels – Load Master. • Captains J D Labuschagne and M Dreyer as standby pilots/co-pilots.

Two containers, each containing exactly the same spares, where prepared for the drop. The reasoning being that if one container was drop either to short or too long and landed in the sea, a second chance would be available. The first hop was from Waterkloof to Ysterplaat where the aircraft was refuelled on the runway to ensure maximum available fuel. The next stop would be back at Ysterplaat. On arrival at Gough the navigators where spot on and as they broke through the clouds, the island was directly on their nose. On the rub in the first container was dropped bang on target and on the turn around and drop of the second container it joined the first to roaring cheers of everyone on board. The crew, taking into consideration the pre-flight preparations and the actual flight, worked nonstop for 36 hours. But as the flight was a total success they were tired but happy. On the return flight they searched for a good tail wind and found a Jet-stream dead on their tail which took them all the way home to Waterkloof negating the necessity to refuel at Ysterplaat. During 1971 He developed a roller system to speed up the loading and ununloading of the C-130. This system is still being used by the S A Air Force and has been copied by other Air Forces. The exact date on which he was given command of 28 Squadron is not known, but in April 1974 he was appointed as acting commander of Waterkloof Air Force Base. Before the end of that year he was officially appointed as commander of the Base. During 1975 he was appointed as Director Flight Efficiency of the SA Air Force. On the 1st of October 1975 he is promoted to Brigadier and shortly thereafter he was appointed Director Finances of the South African Defence Force. On the 30th of April 1977 after more than 38 years of loyal service to the SA Air Force and the Defence Force in general, he retires as Brigadier. 56

He spends the greater part of his retirement on his smallholding designing a plough/planter which could combine the two operations and therefore save the farmer time and money. Although he perfected this appliance he could not find anyone willing to manufacture and market is. The big manufacturers where not interested as this would mean loss of sales for them because this implement did three operations at once, whereas they had three implements to do the three operations separately. After the passing of my mother on the 30th of January 2005 he remained on his smallholding alone until his deteriorating health forced him to concede to move to his youngest son in Port Edward where he eventually passed away on the 6th of January 2009 from total organ failure. Finally I would like to mention that he was not only a “Soldier� but also a poet who wrote a number of very beautiful poems in Afrikaans while he was sewing during the 2nd World War. On both of their requests there cremated remains were interned in the memorial wall in the garden of remembrance at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria. Lt PP Potgieter Gibraltar & Brig en Mrs PP Potgieter


Spanish Identity Certificate


OC’s 28 Squadron en Waterkloof AFB

Recipients of the Southern Cross Medal


Certificate: Southern Cross Medal

C-130 2000 hrs


Flight to Gough Island: “Hoofstad 18 November 1971”


Staff Course Diploma

Col & Mrs PP Potgieter; A farmer & poet




In daardie dae het jy altyd jou hoofdeksel gedra! [Port Natal Mobiele-eenheid was nooit sonder jou pet nie!]



Joeye Fourie Esterhuizen, Ek was van ons land se eerste groep polisie vroue en het elke oomblik dit geniet. Groete. Joeye


Brig-genl Daan Nell (SAW)

Danie “Boats� Botha Goeie dag Hennie. Ek stuur bietjie inligting oor myself soos u versoek het, na aanleiding van die foto wat ek op die SAP veterane blad van myself geplaas het. Ek het by die SAP aangesluit in 1988, is na opleiding te Pretoria, geplaas by TIN operasionele eenheid HK vir een jaar, het een grensdiens trip gedoen en verskeie onluste trips in Soweto, Khatlahong ens. Was onder meer gestasioneer by Brooklyn Pretoria, alles gewerk daar van aanklag kantoor, patrollie voertuig, ondersoek en navrae, lasbriewe, misdaadvoorkomings eenheid, (die ou Tekkie-sqaud) en opsporingseenheid. Was verplaas na speurtak in die Wes-Kaap Mosselbaai - Da Gamaskop - van daar Oos-Kaap: Oos-Londen - Vuurwapenopsporingseenheid. Oos Londen: Ernstige Geweldsmisdaadeenheid. Oos Londen: Georganiseerde Misdaad Eenheid (Dwelmsindikaat-ondersoeke) Durban: Georganiseerde Misdaad Eenheid (Dwelmsindikaat-ondersoeke) Ontslag uit SAPD in 2004. 67

Groete. Danie Botha Op 17 al polisieman!

Dit is so Brig Hennie, Ek het al my lewenslesse in die polisie geleer,en die kennis en ondervinding dra my elke dag. Ek is tans werksaam by ‘n Risiko bestuursmaatskapy, en is aan die stuur van hulle ondersoekafdeling. Ek is baie suksesvol in my werk en kan dit net toeskryf aan die dissipline en karakter wat die polisie in my gevestig het. Groete en Gods seĂŤn. Danie.


Photos taken during Danie’s Career in the SAP




Assistance to a victim We are labeled the ‘apartheid’ police – so many times I have witnessed scene like these! Policemen sharing and caring – was routine!



Transkei Embassy


Hugo Gerber

Die foto is op Rundu geneem, op pad na Salisbury, waar ons hul kamoefleerdrag gekry het.


Brig Fanie Bouwer ISU

'n Stuk geskiedenis uit 'n gewelddadige tydperk vir my voor 1994. Kyk 3de laaste paragraaf - ietwat van famous last words ... Hennie Heymans Ja, dit was die dae van waansin, toe ons probeer sin maak het van al die donker en duistere magte wat om ons ondermyn, gewoel en gewerskaf het - elkeen met sy eie missie - min het ons geweet dat ons trou aan die land en sy inwoners, ons ideale en ons lewens goedkoop gereken was. [Ag man, na elke oorlog is daar slagoffers – solank dit nie my en my kinders tref nie, gaaf.] Boop alles, was ons op 'n skinkbord uitgelewer! Die mees siniese on-onwerklike tydperk van my lewe! Ek was tot die dood toe siek! Toevallig lees ek vandag iets treffend raak wat oorle Boetman geskryf het toe hy ontsteld was en dink ek weer jy kan GEEN politikus 75

vertrou nie – nie met jou lewe of die van ons kinders se lewe nie – maar, wie het gesê die











vaderlandsliefde, moed en trou en lojaliteit het ‘n groot knou gekry. Alles maar alles is bedrog, ‘n gejaag na wind en beteken niks! Daar is net die ewige en voortdurende WAARHEID en die ALMAGTIGE wat onveranderlik is en ROTSVAS staan. Dis al! Dankie dat jy met ons gedeel het,Fanie Bouwer Hennie Heymans Ons moet die tipe van geskiedenis vir die nageslag bewaar met die herlees neem ek in ag jy is vlot in Xhosa en na alles gesê en gedaan skilder jy 'n mooi prentjie van die toestand - iets waarmee ek kan identifiseer. Na baie jare se dink en lees, kan ek maar net dit sê: "Miljoene het ons gehaat! Dis hoe dit was - die politieke situasie was vir die SAP onverkwiklik, die ANC / SAKP was briljant met hul politieke oorlog veral teen ons en kyk hoe maklik het hulle die NP en AB ore aangesit. Ek dink dit was van die vreeslikste oorlog denkbaar, daardie oorlog waaraan ons deelgeneem het en wat so min mense werklik verstaan het ..... Anthea Jeffery se boek - The People's War - is 'n wenner. Ek het 'n 3 maande POLWAR kursus in Taiwan ondergaan ... die oorlog was by die praattafels verloor nie op die "slagveld" verloor. (Ons het die body count gewen.) Die terroris, vryheidsvegter en kommunis het die slagveld verskuif - daar waar die Casspir nie kon kom nie! Die slagveld is verskuif na die siel van die bevolking, na amorfe liggame wat "onaantasbaar" was; daarom is ons so gehaat en hulle het die propaganda oorlog gewen! Los hande! Gawie Botha Hennie Heymans, dis water onder die brug deur,,,ek is net baie bly dat ek vir niemand gestem het in die meerderheidsregering van Suid Afrika, en ek sal ook nie in die toekoms vir hulle stem nie,,,,,,want die meerderheidsbevolking is gewaarborg onder die bewind van die ANC, dat toestromingsbeheer, en blanke beheer nooit weer ingestel sal word! Dus is ek geensins teleurgestel hoedat die land nou deur die meerderheids bevolking regeer word, want dit gebeur presies soos ek veertig jaar gelede al geweet het, dit sal gebeur, en kan myself op my skouer klop, dat my mede-blankes met al hulle universiteitsgrade, en uitverkore politikuste in die blanke regerende party, minder weet van politiek en die meerderheidsbevolking as ek! Ek is darem ook nie die enigste blanke wat dit geweet het nie, die sogenoemde "Wit Regse groepe" wat ‘n skande was vir die meerderheid blankes het dit ook geweet! Ek lag nou vir die klomp "Hanskakies", die swartes lag eintlik harder vir hulle, want die 76

Swartes het geen respek vir hulle, en hulle weet dit, maar maak of hulle dit nie weet nie. Ek het gelukkig horde dagboeke opgeskrywe in my eie handskrif, van veertig jaar en langer gelede gedateer, dat wat nou gebeur in Suid Afrika, het ek voorspel, en ook ander blankes! Moet my nie verkeerd verstaan nie,ek verwag geen erkening van my mede blankes wat "Ja" gestem het,,,want hulle is vandag leierloos, en erkening van agteruitgang in Suid Afrika en die uitmoor van blankes, word luidkeels verkondig deur die nuusmedia uurliks! Al wat my positief hou is die feit dat ek glo God stel regerings aan ,,en God stel regerings af,,,,en ek glo dat God doen alles met ‘n doel,,en so bewys Hy dat Hy mense geweeg het, en hulle te lig gevind het! Moontlik het ek nog die eer in my lewe om te kan waarneem, wat God se doel was om in 1652 die blankes na Suid Afrika te laat kom!,,,,,,groetnis Gawie Botha! Deon Huysamen Lanklaas so maklik gevind om met iemand saam te stem Gawie. Sarie Van Niekerk Dit is omtrent famous last words want vandag stroom mense nie meer aanklagkantore toe nie Hennie Heymans "Those who love wisdom MUST investigate many things!" Dankie vir jou inset Gawie Botha - ek herhaal ek sal baie graag jou boek of m/s wil lees. Behoort interessante leestof te wees, so ook sou ek graag Fanie Bouwer se skryfgoed wil lees. Nico Lamprecht oud-lid van RI en vriend op my blad skryf gister hoe belangrik dit is om jou eie gedagtes (op skrif) uit die verlede te lees. Ek sal sy geskrif "plak en sny" en hier onder plaas. Hennie Heymans I/S Egotekse: het ook maar hul gebreke, vooroordele ens. Ek skrik wanneer ek myne lees want die lewe slyp 'n mens en jy verander jou siening van sake na jare ...


DC Springbok

Fanie Bouwer Ons open die polisiestasie op Kommagas in die weste van Namakwaland naby Kleinzee in1991. Ek is by die mikrofoon aan die praat, terwyl genl's Fourie en De Villiers (HK -regs) daar sit. Ons versier gewoonlik die kante van die podium met mooi plante - maar as jy mooi daar kyk sal julle sien dat ons net daardie klein vetplantjies daar in daardie droĂŤ deel van Namakwaland kon kry. 78

Dol Swart Ai Fanie dis lekker memories vir jou - die ou Namakwaland Ja my pa was ook die hele Namakwaland deur gestasioneer! Mooi foto. Izak van Zyl Ek het seker omtrent 20 nuwe polisie kantore se amptelike openings ge-PR. Dit was die lekkerste job ooit! Fanie Bouwer Word dit deesdae nog gedoen? Izak van Zyl weet nie. My laaste stasies was Emzinoni,,,,Bethal se lokasie stasie en Hendrina wat miljoene rande beloop het...dit was hier in 2004 rond. Frikkie van Eeden Het Maart maand vanaf Kleinzee verby Wolfberg wagpos waar ek 1962 diens gedoen het gery en was baie hartseer om te sien net die mure het oorgebly. Francois Gunter Daai deel van die wêreld staan die bokke by die verkeersligte en wag vir dit om groen te slaan sodat hulle dit kan eet. Die vlooie sit wydsbeen op die skape. Ons was altyd dankbaar vir enige reën. Judy Mossie Johan Mostert 1991 Was my broer S/b op Kleinzee. Baie daar gaan kuier Hulle het nou n teer pad vanaf Springbok. Van jaar gaan ‘n baie mooi jaar wees Groete. Brigadier (afgetree) Fletgert Booysen - Fanie Bouwer Ek het gisteraand vir brigadier (afgetree) Fletgert Booysen - nou 85 jr oud - gebel. Hy was









Afdelingskommissaris van die Boland in die Paarl. Hy klink glad nie soos 'n 'ouman' nie - die stem is nog helder en vinnig, en die gedagtes nog duidelik lemmetjieskerp. Ons het die hond uit die bos gesels. Hy geniet nog baie goeie gesondheid. (Hy is die vader van Gerhard Booysen - nou in Ierland - wat ook kort-kort hier gesels) Tubby Myburg Onthou hom baie goed, die manne het altyd deur geloop oor lang hare as hulle huis toe moes kom. Dan was hulle na my toe gestuur om die hare korter te maak, ek het altyd net so onder om skoon gemaak. Manne wat saam met hom gery het op "trippies" in Angola in het vertel hoe hy altyd `n paar hand granate langs hom op die sitplek reg gehad het vir gebruik. 79

Fanie Bouwer Ons was vreeslik bang vir hom, maar hy het my altyd met die grootse respek behandel. Uiters streng - 'n man van die manne - en 'n mensmens, wie almal se respek gehad het. Eddie Holloway Onthou hom baie goed. ysterman> Petrus Johannes Bester Baie raakgeloop in die Paarl. Het geheue soos olifant. Pondering


Gerhard Engelbrecht (SAP / SAPS / NZP) I served in the South African Police from 1987 - 2002 and resigned with the rank of Inspector otherwise known as Warrant Officer. During my police career I served in Riot Unit 6, Riot Unit 25, Brakpan Police Station, Instructor Maleoskop and Criminalistic Expert Germiston Local Criminal Record Centre (LCRC). Immigrated to New Zealand and join the New Zealand Police as Crime Scene Attendant (CSA) investigating burglary crime scenes for fingerprints and forensic ( June 2007 – October 2010 , Otahuhu Police, Counties Manukau) I later became a NZ Police Staff Safety Tactical Trainer at Napier (October 2010 July 2012) and is currently the Tactical Options Trainer Team Leader for Northland District.

At Spies en familie

Oupa At en Lynnette se dogter en kleinseun

Bo Lt-kol At Spies




Rolbalkampioene – Lynnette voorste ry - links

‘n Eeu oud! Majoor J.W. (Oom Wessel) Oosthuizen: Marianna Swanepoel Swart Wright


Die voorsitter van die Outeniquatak van die Bond, genl-maj (afgetr) U.T. (Tertius) Calitz, het die lekker eetbare en drinkbare geskenkpak aan oom Wessel oorhandig. Trudie Broodryk Oosthuizen Sjoe!, dit is wonderlik dat die Here oom Wessel so in die holte van SY hand bewaar en spaar. Mag hy en die tannie nog baie jare saam beleef.

'n Paar van die bestuurslede van die Outeniquatak van die Bond van Oudpolisiebeamptes het vandag die voorreg gehad om Oom (majoor) Wessel Oosthuizen se 100ste verjaardag saam met hom te vier. Hy is nog glashelder van verstand. Toe ek hom gelukwens toe sê hy: “Hallo Marianna, 10 jaar gelede was jy en jou eerste oorlede man, Johan Swart, by my 90ste verjaardag!” Hy het in WO2 geveg, was gevange geneem in Italië, ontsnap en weer gevange geneem. Sy eggenote tannie Enna is heelwat jonger as hy.


Marianna Swanepoel Swart Wright in Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie - Afgetrede Lede: Gerhard Pieters, Lynette Spies, Joaquim De Castro Lopo and 5 others like this. Marianna Swanepoel Swart Wright Majoor J.W. (oom Wessel) Oosthuizen vier sy 100ste verjaardag vandag! Gawie Botha Dit is vir my n eer om u te kan Saluut! Om hierdie dag te kan vier is een van die hoogste bevorderings wat u nog ontvang het! Lynette Spies Pragtig! Wat 'n voorreg om so oud te kan word en so goed te lyk! Nico Frylinck Ek kan net se "WOW wat ‘n mylpaal" Geluk my Oom !!

Hennie Groenewald (Kaapstad) Verlang terug


Sersant Stadler (Skietkuns: SAP Kollege)

Kan u enige van die persone identifiseer? Wie is die hoofkonstabel? Is dit mnr Botha?

1964 Fleur


OVER A NICE CUP OF COFFEE ... OR HOW I SEE THINGS / OOR ‘N KOPPIE LEKKER KOFFIE ... OF SOOS EK DIE SAAK SIEN Bisarre wens: Dalene Steenkamp (Kalahari) Vir 'n vlietende oomblik het ek vanmore so bisarre wens gehad dat ek nog uniform kon aantrek en skof kon gaan werk ...........dis nou toe ek die strykplank so beloer en weet die gevaarte met sy kreukel kamerade wag my ook nog in vir die dag. Toe loop maak ek maar nog 'n beker tee en versuip die ou begeertetjie een twee drie. Ek sal maar met grasie saam met my stofsuier hier oor die matte wals, die mop en ek sal saam mor oor die stof en as ek klaar is dan loop maak ek vir my vierkantig staan voor die biltonge wat hang en kyk hulle droog! Vanmiddag moet ek mos so kerfstuk kan hê met die rugby!! En die gesegde lui ook: “Don't cry over spilled milk” - roep die katte in laat hulle die storie uitsorteer! Woes lekker dag vir alle stoepsitters. Mymeringe van 'n "ou" polisie-offisier wat dood gelukkig, met groot dankbaarheid, met pensioen is! SAP tafeltenue: “Ou Pottie van Port Vetword” stuur onder andere, op my versoek, ‘n aantal foto’s van sy vader, brig PP Potgieter, SALM. Toe ek hierdie foto so betrag toe gaan my gedagtes terug na die “ou dae”, na die “ou” offisierskorps van die SAP. Ons het toe ‘n soortgelyke tafeltenue gedra; swart met “ou goud”, ‘n ou goud onderbaadjie, geel streep op die broek en chevrons op die mou met een of ander ‘knoop’ – net kleremakers ken daardie knoop se naam – op die moue. (Vir die wat belangstel in die “ou uniforms” lees die SAP se ou regulasies.) Ek het nooit foto’s geneem in die ou dae nie! Polisietaal: Blougatte en Mafokkies (HBH) Eddie Holloway Dagsê Hennie: ‘n Baie interessante vraag: “Waar kom die naam "Blougate" vandaan?? Ek het probeer dink, maar kom nie tot 'n antwoord nie. Hennie Heymans BLOUGAT: Ek sien iemand het gevra waar kom die naam BLOUGAT vandaan, daar is 'n rede vir die naam - maar ek het die rede vir die naam vergeet; daaraan dink ek nog terug.


Die rede vir die naam MAFOKKIE het ek nou onlangs raakgelees - diep in die nag en vergeet om aantekening te maak... Oudword en verstrooidheid is nie vir sissies nie. Ek plaas nou maar oral aantekeningboeke en 'n potlood. (Tydens stakings praat hulle van SCABS - in die SAW praat hul soms van jong rekrute as "rowe".) Die MAGAL is afgelei van die Voortrekkerwoord vir 'n renoster .... Goeie punt ek sal in die eNONGQAI ook vra ... Dankie navraag Eddie Holloway

Eddie Holloway Die woord "Mafokkie" weet ek was vir 'n speurder gegee, maar waar dit vandaan kom??? Jacques Greeff Kom aanvanklik uit die weermag uit, nie meer ‘n "roof" (nuweling/nuwe rekruut) nie, maar ook nog nie ‘n "ouman" nie. Jacques Greeff So ‘n "inbetweener" James Roets Mafokkie was ‘n Fanagalo woord wat op die myne gebruik is deur die myners wat n mengsel van Zulu en Portugees gepraat het, met verwysing na die ou mynspeurders. Tertius E Barnardt die nuwe uniforms wat aan nuwe rekrute uitgereik en nog na store gestink het is duidelik helderde van kleur...die blou kleur was aanduidendend van ‘n "rookie" as die nuwe rekrute na uitpassering by die stasies aangekom, getooi in hul nuwe uniform, het selfs die meisies na hulle verwys as blougatte......jare se droogskoonmaak en son het dit verbleik en ouman geword.......m'foki is ‘n Tswana woord wat speurder beteken Hein Kinghorn Mafoki werk kom ons gaan braai!! James Roets Blougat het ook verwys na die bobbejaan met die blougat. Frikkie van Eeden Die naam blougat was reeds in gebruik lank voor die blou uniform. Gawie Botha ,,,,,ek glo James Roets,,,se weergawe kan reg wees! Mickey Friedenthal sover ek weet het die oorsprong van blougat uit vroeër jare toe ‘n soort oorpak met blou jeans tipe materiaal op die agterkant was om rybroeke nie stukkend te ry tydens opleiding, 80% polisiemanne was berede in die vroeër 1914 tydperk, ‘n mafokkie is die naam wat aan mynspeurders gegee was deur die Fanagalo-taal en het oor gekom na KOD deur tolke in howe Pieter A. Rousseau "Mafokisi" was blykbaar die Fanakalo-beskrywing vir 'n (myn)polisieman wat nie 'n uniform gedra het nie. "Mchingelan" (of soos dit later vervals het "machikelan") was 'n uniformdraer. Interessant dat mafokisi later ook 'n spel- en uitspraak verandering ondergaan het en populêr feitlik die standaardnaam 88

was vir die KOD in al sy vertakkinge (in elk geval waar ek gestasioneer was Welkom, Virginia). Terrence Schwartz Pieter - Mafokisi - ek het ook so verstaan. Machikelan - is aan my verduidelik deur ‘n swart speurder, as, "Marching Along" Hugo Hannemann Is daar nie dalk 'n konnotasie tussen ‘blougat’ en die berugte blou vitrioel wat die kollege kokke in die koffie (na bewering) gegooi het nie? Leon Coetzee Moenie sê die storie word soos my Google navraag nie, Ek het mos so ses maande terug Ge=Google////// How to understand women.? Vinnige antwoord, WE WILL COME BACK TO YOU////// Gerhard Booysen Leon --jy gaan baie lank wag vir daardie antwoord !! indien ooit !! maar jy behoort mos ook te weet Ha ha ha Leon Coetzee Ek het intussen navrae gedoen via Google/// Dit moet van die vroulike geslag wees wat my geantwoord het, We said be panient we are working on this///// Gerhard Booysen Of course sal jy so geantwoord worre LoL Pieter A. Rousseau Presies Terrence - n.a.v. die weeklikse driloefeninge wat die mynpolisie in volle uniform en ten aanskoue van vele van hul ondergrondse mynkollegas gedoen het. Was vir 'n kort rukkie 'n mynmafokkie by Harmony (Virginia) en kon daai manne dril - het laas in ons kollege soveel entoesiasme aanskou. Leon Coetzee Nog nie antwoord nie Terrence Schwartz Pieter - ja, hulle was verskriklik trots om te dril. Hennie Heymans Iewers aan die Rand in die 1900's was 'n drankspeurder en ek dink die bron het die speurdenaar as begin van die naam "Mafoki" aangegee. Dit is van sy van afgelei ... ek sal eendag as ek nie soek nie, dit kry en dan annoteer. Louis Struwig Miskien as volg: jong polisieman is windgat en hy dra 'n nuwe blou uniform (nog nie uitgewas met "houding" nie) = Blougat ??? Gawie Botha Hey! hoor julle nie,,,die naam "Blougat" is al vandat ek kakie Uniform gedra het,,,gebruik,,,,,,,julle lees nie al die kommentare behoorlik nie!!!! Hennie Heymans: Elsabe Taljard vertel my die Noord-Sothowoord vir 'n speurder is lefoka (ekv) en mafoka (mv). Ek dink dis waarskynlik die korrekte etimologie. 89

Fanie Bouwer Of jy ruik nog na 'store'. Blouvitrioel (HBH) As daar nou een legende is wat nie doodgaan nie is dit die storie oor die “gif in die koffie!” In 1964 wys ‘n ou my: “Kyk hier!” En hy wys kamstig vir my blouvitrioel in ons koffie. Ja, die tee en die koffie in die kollege was al wat sleg was – nooit geweet watter is waffer? Ek het diè storietjie oor diee ‘gif in die koffie’ bietjie nagevors en kry die eerste verwysing na blouvitrioel tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog. Toe is dit na bewering in die boere se suiker gegooi. Vir jare was majoor Koos Kotze my buurman. Hy was die BO van die SAP Kollege se hospitaal; “Little Company of Koos” soos ons polisiemanne na sy hospitaal verwys het. So braai ons een aand vleis en ek vra: “Oom Koos die storie dat hulle blouvitrioel in ons koffie gegooi het, is dit waar?” “Ja”, beaam hy. Ek het dit daar gelaat maar baie daaroor gedink ... Later vorder ek in die mag en begin sien hoe dinge werk. Dink u dis waar? Nee, dis onsin. Stel voor die kwartiermeesters van die weermag en polisie sit by die tenderraad se vergaderings en die volgende storie speel hom af: Agbare voorsitter: “Ons kom nou by punt 7 op die agenda. Blouvitrioel vir voorsiening aan manne wat opleiding onder gaan ..... Generaal wat wil julle armysoldate en polisiemanne met blouvitrioel maak?” Generaal: “Uh ... mnr die voorsitter ons gooi dit in jongmans se koffie en in hul tee ... om hoe sal ek sê, hul .... verskoon tog dames ... om hul lewenslustigheid te beperk!” Dis mos suiwer onsin. Ek luister nou die dag toe twee ou soldate praat, Die een vra vir die ander: “Piet wat is daai goed wat die army in ons koffie gegooi het?” “O Blouvitrioel!” “Jaaaaaa, dis reg, lyk my die goed beginne nou te werk!” • Terloops Google gerus blouvitrioel u sal sien dis giftig – CuSo4. Maar ons hou van stories en dis waar!


BRANDPUNT: HOEKOM SKIET `N PA SY KINDERS? Anemari Jansen Ek is `n gewone vrou wat leef in `n gewone buurt. Omring, kan `n mens dus sê, met gewone mense. Maar hoekom voel dit vir my asof ons samelewing `n kanker het wat stadig aan hom vreet en wat is die radioaktiewe pil wat hierdie toestand kan verander? DIE GEBEURTENIS: `N PA VAN ALBERTON SKIET SY TWEE DOGTERS, SY EKSVROU EN DAN HOMSELF, OP DONDERDAGOGGEND 18 JULIE 2013. Die bespiegeling in koerante: Die pa was depressief, in finansiële moeilikheid, kon nie die egskeiding hanteer nie. Hy stel `n lokval vir die gesin. DIE GEVOLGE: Chane Nothnagel was in matriek saam met my dogter in Helpmekaar Kollege, Johannesburg. Die hele skool en gemeenskap is in skok en rou. Die maats ervaar die uiterste vertwyfeling: As `n vader/moederhuis nie meer veilig is nie – waar kan `n kind sy heil vind?

Ek, as `n gewone mens, ervaar ons samelewing as gedrewe (kyk, so lyk my pragtige huis, kar, familie, ons is geseënd dat dinge altyd vir ons reg loop), veroordelend (as jy nie doen soos wat my God en my kerk sê nie, is jy verkeerd; het jy gehoor wat het hy of sy aangevang; ek lees in die Huisgenoot..dit wys jou net hoe daardie mense is...), uitsluitend (ek hou net van mense wat ook Blou Bulle/Stormers/Lions is; ons is `n paar vriende wat elke Saterdagaand saam braai; net sekere vroue is welkom in ons boekklub/stapklub), verdeeld (ek hou by my besluite; kom ons kritiseer die regering/die munisipaliteit /die kerkraadsbesluit /die bestuursraad by die skool; hoekom moet ek my hande uitsteek en help), vereensaam (daar is niemand wat omgee wat van my word nie; ek is te bang om laatmiddag alleen te gaan stap; my vriende bel my nie meer nie), uit balans (wat sal die mense van my dink; die media beheer, manipuleer en skep my denke, begeertes, behoeftes en verwagtinge). Is die samelewing - óns samelewing – ook aanspreeklik vir `n pa wat sy kinders, sy eksvrou en daarna homself om die lewe bring? Het ons so verontmens dat ons werklik nie meer weet of omgee wat in die ander se lewe aangaan, buiten `n sappige skinderstorie nie? Wat is die sienings van oud-polisielede hieroor? Charles Dickens stel dit poëties in A Tale of Two Cities dat ons almal `n geheim vir ons naastes bly: 91

"A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other. A solemn consideration, when I enter a great city by night, that every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret; that every room in every one of them encloses its own secret; that every beating heart in the hundreds of thousands of breasts there, is, in some of its imaginings, a secret to the heart nearest it.” Dít verstaan ek. Maar die “saamleef” in `n samelewing soos ons s`n is nie meer vir my lekker nie. Hallo Hennie, Ek het terugvoering gekry vanuit twee baie verskillende hoeke, op die brief wat ek geskryf het. Heg hulle hier vir jou aan. Interessante en uiteenlopende kommentaar. Mooi en lekker aand vir jou!! Anemari ;)) Koos Kotze Ek dink jy gaan baie antwoorde kry. Party (die meeste) gaan alles op die ANC blameer en se dit het nooit in hulle SA gebeur nie (nonsens, ek het menigte familie moorde bygewoon) en dit antwoord glad nie jou vrae nie - dit speel net die "blame game" wat deel is van die probleem, Die fout lê by onsself - toe mnr Zuma so tyd terug se oumas ens wat in tehuise bly is 'n witmens ding was almal kwaad maar hy was reg. Die Afrikaner het as familie uit mekaar gespat en mense is net nie meer betrokke nie. Dis baie jammer. Ons leef ook in ons eie wêrelde van hond eet hond en ek sien baie min vrugte waarmee ek bedoel ek sien nie God (en Sy beginsels) in mense se lewens nie - selfs die grootste Christene is glad nie vreeslik Christelik in hulle lewens nie - bv om die wet te oortree deur te vinnig te ry, of buite egtelike verhoudings, belasting ontduiking ens ens. Ons het ook 'n samelewing geword van laer trek, elke ou op sy eie mishoop agter die heinings, bure ken nie mekaar nie en gee nie om nie. Geweld is ook iets wat alledaags is - kyk die Kotze voorval in Modimelle of wat ook al. Geen respek meer vir die wet, polisie of hof nie want mense kom weg met baie dinge, dit laat die arrogansie groei. Sal interessant wees of ek reg is met my bespiegelinge - seker Hennie sal dit plaas ons probeer reaksie uitlok.


Lekker dag en goeie werk, Ek dink die antwoord is in die geskiedenis. K Michael Whitfield: was in die SA Weermag betrokke, nou in Amerika A horrible and tragic event. I cannot fathom the sort of forces which would motivate any adult to murder their own children. It is just unthinkable. And yet, here it is, thrust upon us as fait accompli. I know a few things about suicide and murder-suicide, having been exposed to several attempts over the years - most of which were, thankfully, aborted. I have personally intervened in at least half a dozen suicide attempts by colleagues, and of course depression is always the key driving factor. There is certainly no shortage of reasons for South Africans to feel depressed, and it isn’t just a post-1994 syndrome; I recognized this first hand while growing up in the Vaal Triangle in the 60s. Men are almost always the perpetrators and guns are almost always the tool of choice. In recent years, I have witnessed a growing number of cases where “Suicide by Cop� would be the best description. This is usually when a man wants to commit suicide but is reluctant to do so for whatever reason, usually a moral or religious objection. He holes himself up, makes a few threats, eventually gets surrounded by Police and then comes out waving a gun and gets shot pretty quickly. This is reminiscent of a belief which was prevalent among the Danes some centuries ago; instead of committing suicide, they would opt to commit a murder and as a result be sentenced to death, believing that by not ending their own lives and expressing sincere repentance for the murder they had committed... would not result in eternal damnation. In this case, it sounds to me as if the circumstances surrounding the ex-husband were just too overwhelming for him to bear. As men we tend to carry big egos as part of our emotional baggage, and the failure to provide for our families would certainly represent a crushing burden of guilt. Add to that whatever was going on in terms of their divorce and a de facto broken family, and you have all the ingredients for a massive and public personal failure. Like it or not, we are a materialistic society, and (far?) too much value is placed on what we have as opposed to who we are. Men need to be recognized as the Hero of their family, the provider, protector, etc. And sometimes, whether due to bad luck, bad planning or circumstances beyond their control... they fail in those roles.


I’m certain that at the time of the shooting, he was not thinking clearly or rationally. Had he merely been seeking an extreme form of vengeance on his ex-wife for being the perceived cause of their divorce, at least his actions would have seemed more logical. But his daughters... it just makes no sense from any angle, and I doubt we will ever know for certain; I cannot believe that he actually planned to kill them too. Only one thing is certain; he was obviously way beyond clear thought when he was pulling the trigger. Perhaps there is a history of mental illness or similar genetic disposition which might contribute to his mindset? Meanwhile, if there are lessons which can be learned from this tragedy, we must learn them. There had to be behavioural signs evident before the incident; however, it is equally likely that people near to the man were too busy with their own hectic lives to take notice of them.

Opinies Hugo Hannemann Dis eintlik rede tot groot kommer... veral vir ons as oud-geregsdienaars. Hierdie afname in vertroue in die Polisie. Maar wat my meer bekommerd maak is dat die polisiebestuur nie die saak ernstig genoeg opneem nie. Die wat iets probeer doen, word uitgeskakel. Ek onthou baie goed wat my ou vriend, Len Schubach, my vertel het. Die eerste keer toe hy aan 'n anders kleurige senior offisier iets probeer verduidelik... word hy stil gemaak met die woorde: “ONS is nou in bevel... moenie my kom staan en leer nie... EK sal doen wat ek lus het!� Nou ja met hierdie soort mentaliteit sit die polisie nou met hierdie wetteloosheid en gebrek aan vertroue. En myns insiens is die grootste gevaar hieraan verbonde, mense wat reg in eie hande begin neem. Maw die rol van poliesman, regter en laksman oorneem. En ongelukkig is dit nie meer 'n hipotetiese stelling nie. Dit gebeur reeds reg deur die land. Dat mense (soms onskuldig) uitgewys word vir diefstal gewoon, en met sy lewe daarvoor boet. Selfs hier in Waverley wat na my mening 'n gegoede kalm buurt is, hoor ek gereeld hoe iemand (kom ons aanvaar 'n huisbewoner) verskeie skote afvuur, kom ons aanvaar, op 'n booswig of -wigte. En ek eis vir die dag wanneer hierdie trigger happy Hase ook die Reg in eie hande gaan neem. Ek is bevrees, die dag as hierdie piesangbewind tot 'n einde gaan kom, gaan daar baie werk vir 'n kliphardegat kommissaris en 'n ewe kliphardegat polisiemag wees om hierdie land weer in orde te kry... maar diegene wat nou in Hoofkantoor sit?....eish! Aikona!


WE REMEMBER / ONS ONTHOU What a wonderful life: The Privileged few; At Spies (SAAF) I freely admit that I was one of the advantaged few of South Africa. That bold statement has absolutely nothing to do about current or past politics but it is purely about the fact that I was fortunate enough to become a member of the South African Air Force (SAAF) at a time when there were a lot more discipline but much less restrictions. With “restrictions” I am only






(Department of Civil Aviation) had on the SAAF, our crews still had to operate within the strict confines of our own AFP’s. (Air Force Publications) There was also a lot more exciting flying to be done in those days and many “legends” came to the fore. I started my career as a navigator on 28 Squadron, flying that Sqn’s wonderful aircraft, the C-130’s and C-160’s (Flossies), for a few years before being posted to 24 Squadron where I had the privilege to be a crew member on that absolute icon amongst jet bombers, the Blackburn Buccaneer. Flying as a navigator on those superb machines really whetted my appetite for the real McCoy. That was to become a pilot. I applied to do the pilot’s course in 1971. Make no mistake, this was quite taxing because not only did I have to go through the whole of the academic phase all over again but, except for not having to live in the pupe’s (Pupil Pilot) bungalows, even as an officer, I had to do all the things that a pupe had to do while studying at the “Harvard University”. Not for me the carrying of my parachute slung over the shoulder like the instructors did, it had to be neatly folded and carried under arm and I was not allowed to fraternize with the instructors, even though some of them were junior in rank to me. It was a somewhat lonely existence, being somewhere in between being a pupe cadet officer and an officer, yet actually being a qualified airman and officer. After having completed the course and having received my pilot’s wings, I was posted to 42 Squadron, Potchefstroom. There I met up with that very under rated 95

little machine, the Cessna 185, and eventually served as an operational pilot in SWA, Angola and Rhodesia. In Rhodesia I served with the rank of a Captain in the SAP (Those days the SAAF was not supposed to be operating in Rhodesia thus the switch of forces). Many of the un initiated may view the C-185 as a little puddle jumper but after having flown that little beauty in excess of 1000 hours, I can state with absolute conviction that it presented every bit as much of a learning curve as any of the other great machines I have flown during a long career. If anyone tells you that he could do a perfect landing in a C-185 time after time, he or she is lying through his or her teeth. That little aircraft with its spring steel struts as undercarriage could be a great leveller or as we called it, a pile pusher. There were also times when you found yourself absolutely alone in that little aircraft and had to tackle the vast, mostly at that time, uncharted landscape of Angola, and that with little or no Navigation aids. That was when you really learned all about concentration, map-reading and navigation, especially at night when that country could be as black as a witch’s tit. Indeed, it was a time that I will forever think back on with a bit of trepidation but also great fondness. It was also a time when I was privileged to meet some of the great characters who were destined to become future legends, like the Monsters’, the Bakkies’, the Struis’, the Hojans’ of the SAAF and the Rooi Russe and the Wandrag’s, to name but a few of the SAP plus so many more. Wow- what a privilege indeed.

After a few years at 42, I was posted to 44 Squadron at Swartkop and there I got to do with the two aircraft that I personally view is the real Icons amongst all those that I have flown. As a pilot at 44 Squadron I was allowed to fly those two wonderful machines, the Dakota and the Skymaster. Ah, the old Dak, what a sense of nostalgia comes to mind at the mere mention of that machine. I often still dream about my love affair with those beautiful Ladies. I can still smell them when I sit back and concentrate. Somewhere in heaven there must be a few of them around, I hope. At the time that I was on the Squadron, 44 probably had the largest collection of Dakotas to be found anywhere in the world. Rows and rows of those magnificent ladies were displayed on the flight line each day and although similar looking, like real ladies, they each had their own distinctly different characters and moods. Some were sweet as honey and would whisper reassuringly in your ear all day long while others had a slightly bitchier demeanour and needed a firmer hand. However, what they all had in common was the fact that if you treated them right they would always get you home even if you had to down a few healthy tumblers of amber liquid afterwards (just to celebrate the homecoming of course). But today’s story is 96

not about those wonderful machines, it is about some of the amazing and often legendary older characters that I had met on that Squadron. On 44 there were three cruddy but wonderful old pilots on our permanent strength (we had several more on our reserve). Jaap du Preez used to call those old guys the oxygen thieves of 44 but he said that with love and lots of respect. How our perceptions of “old� have changed with the passing of time? Those days we viewed ourselves as virile, young and indestructible and those older men who were already in their late fifties, we viewed as really ancient by our standards. I am now already 66 years old and now consider myself not to be old at all. My wife and my children might dispute that fact, but I digress. There were three of those older characters on the squadron, Oom Norman Hayman, Oom Gys Louw, and Oom Fred (Dirty) Potgieter. Each one of the men named being someone with many stories and a wealth of experience behind him. Between the three of them they had very near to 60,000 flying hours, the majority being on Dakotas and Skymasters, aircraft with little or very few navigation aids. Those great men all flew during WW2 but Oom Pottie added Korea to his personal list of combat zones. What wonderful opportunities we, as young pilots, had just to learn from those older men. See what I mean about being advantaged and privileged? I was gifted to learn from the best. Those old guys had some truly amazing abilities. A few of those abilities I actually somehow managed to acquire over the years but some of their abilities were so amazing that even now it still boggles my mind. There were many examples but I will in the next few words, attempt to highlight one of those great guys and some of his own personal set of skills. This man was called Oom Gys Louw. Those of you who ever have had the opportunity to navigate your way across Botswana, flying a Dakota or similar older aircraft with usually no more than just a B-16 (whiskey compass) at your disposal, might understand a bit of the skill required. Now consider those topographic maps that we had at our disposal. They were 1:1 000,000 scale maps and Botswana being what it is, those maps were just boringly uniform brown sheets of paper with only the Latitude and longitude lines bringing some sort of variation to the colour of the map. Yes, here and there, there were tiny whitish marks on it, indicating some small salt-pan like eg Tsane but for the majority, especially if you were on the Swartkops to Ondangua run, there were no features at all on the three maps that was needed to be used. But Oom Gys did not even use a one in a million map. He used a 1:4,000,000 scale map. That scale was infinitely smaller. That map had the whole of Southern Africa squeezed into a sheet of paper that was not much more than 3ftx 3ft in size. At that scale there were very 97

few details to be seen. Furthermore, his navigation instruments of choice were also quite unique. Oom Gys smoked Gold Dollar cigarettes and always had at least two packets of thirty cigarettes with him. The back of one of those boxes always became his navigation log. On it he did all the calculations necessary for those long flights. His measuring device, or compass, was his ever present black cigarette holder. This was quite an ornate little device which when squeezed in from the sucking end, pushed the cigarette butt forward and at the same time opened up the small clamping mechanisms, allowing the butt to be ejected. I will now attempt to describe his modus operandi while navigating. Even though he was the commander, Oom Gys mostly allowed us young co-pilots to fly. “I have done enough landings and you need the practice” he would say but we suspected that he did not quite trust his eyesight anymore. Be it as it may, Oom Gys would sit in the right-hand seat with the Dakota’s side window slid open to about one inch width. The small opening so created would automatically suck out the smoke through the narrow crevice (unfortunately that would also channel all other odors from the back of the plane, right past your nose. When a passenger at the back farted, you, in the cockpit would be the first to know about it.) Again I digress, sorry. Well Oom Gys would be sitting there smoking his cigarette until the glowing ember was not visible in that holder anymore. While this was going on, Oom Gys would be staring at the complete lack of panoramic view that passed below him and compare that to the absolute nothingness displayed on his ridiculously small scale map. Eventually, he would bring the cigarette holder up to the window opening, squeeze the back of the holder and the butt would be instantly sucked out of that window. Now he would spring into action and with that same little cigarette holder, measure a few things on that map (heaven knows what) and then scribbled a few numbers on the back of his cigarette box. With this set of actions completed, he would triumphantly hold up that cigarette box so that I could see the boldly underlined ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival for destination) he had scribbled on it. Here I also must mention that Oom Gys did the navigation but, being ragged so often about calling Johannesburg control, Palmietfontein control, he refrained from doing the RT, if he could at all help it. Palmietfontein of course, was the name of the first international airport of Johannesburg. To those that wonder about it, a detailed study of Google Earth will just about reveal the faint outline of one of the old runways in the middle of a township. Oom Gys obviously did a lot of flying from there in the old days. Now back to the story. Those ETA’s he passed to me were never out by more than a minute or two. Even now with near to 18,000 hour’s of 98

flight time behind me, I am still in awe about how he achieved that accuracy on that ridiculous map of his. The reason why I now tell this particular story is because of a worrying thought that has been niggling at my mind for years now. People talk about the world advancing but I think we are stepping backwards. Yes there are many wonderful things like the very computer I am now typing this on, but the human race is becoming severely one dimensional. People are getting so specialized that outside of their field of interest they are completely useless. I often read and watch in awe about some the deeds of those pilots during WWi and WWii. Some of those guys, with less hours than we allow pilots to go solo with these days, were already involved in aerial combat and doing it extremely well. Imagine flying a Sop with Camel with its forward centre of gravity and its narrow undercarriage coupled to the fact that the whole engine was spinning creating massive torque forces while the throttle was not much more than a power interrupter. Add to that the fact that its total loss oil system was spewing castor oil all over the pilot, causing serious laxative problems. (The only remedy for those laxative problems suffered, apparently were the swallowing of copious amounts of Blackberry brandy and the pilots were authorized to use it, even while flying.) See the problems? Wow those guys were good, could we do it today. Even the Harvard on which we all learned, with its wobble pump in the one hand and primer pump in the other while holding the stick in the cradle of your knee and activating the start switch with your foot, needed quite a bit of dexterity. I have been intimately involved with the Flight Training of young pilots over the last six years and I saw very few young men with the sort of capability described above. Maybe they do have it but with things like the ever present calculator and GPS’ at their disposal, they are just not interested in developing any further skills. Those same guys and girls, some with university degrees, cannot even multiply 5 x 6 or any other combination of numbers without the use of their calculators. Mental arithmetic has become non-existent. They drive cars capable of in excess of 200 kph but do not know how they work or even what a spark plug is. Please don’t ask them to change a tyre, heaven forbid. I put it down to the fact that modern man, or woman, has grown up in front of their television sets and their natural curiosity has all but disappeared and so too the competitive spirit needed for life. Add to that, he has become part of a throwaway society. They do not even attempt to repair anything. Indeed, manufacturers these days design things so that they are very difficult to repair. What a waste!!! 99

During my time in Europe I have seen some students who would only recognize meat if it was wrapped in cellophane and bought at a supermarket. They would probably walk past a chicken and not realize that it could become Sunday dinner. They probably are also convinced that milk is somehow cultivated in a carton. If milk were not obtained from that carton, where would it come from? Furthermore they seem to have an absolute fear of germs and would not even touch water if it did not come out of a bottle. I have alarming news for them; those plastic bottles leach out carcinogens when exposed to the sun. Those poor souls grow up in an almost hospital like clinical environment and when they do encounter germs, their internal systems are defenceless. Please people, germs are needed to boost the immunity systems of the body. Sadly, the hunter/gatherers of old have all but disappeared and what is left is a society who expects things and successes to come to them. No effort should be required. Life simply does not work that way, read Bill Gates’ rules. The day the electronic devices stop working and the electrics are shut off, modern man will be in a huge heap of trouble. I believe that day is coming and it might be soon. Just read about the Carington effect, the devastation which would be caused by massive solar storms, is overdue. A wise man once said “Yes, do give your children what you never had but don’t neglect to give them what you DID have. Please guys teach your children’s children some of the basic stuff and allow them to play around in a bit of dirt with the cat and the dog. Let them touch animals, it is therapeutic. Allow them to investigate all things, allow them the freedom we had as children. They will need it someday. Greetings to the buddies on the SAP forum. I wish we could all get together and just “chinwag” about those amazing days we were gifted to have had. At Spies ‘n Bosstorie: Hugo Hannemann Goeie more aan ieder en elkeen van julle wonderlike mede draers van die Goue Ster! Ek wens ieder en elk van julle 'n pragtige dag toe. Ja oor net bietjie meer as 'n week is dit Augustus... wind maand. Dit het al so uit die ooste begin waai... en gemeet aan die vog gehalte in die lug, hoop ek ons gaan 'n puik reënseisoen en somer kry... ek HOOP so! 100

Ons het op Chewore so 'n deurmekaar seun gehad... Groenewald... nou nie onse Hennie nie. Party het hom “Green Beans” genoem... ander Sad Sack. Was volgens homselwers die vreeslike grensvegter. Soos die noodlot dit wou hê, was hy in my seksie. En het hy gereeld met ons geredekawel. Die eendag loop ons weer patrollie. Nou van julle sal onthou van daardie aaklige malariapille wat ons moes drink? Wel die dag val so 'n ander vaakseun, Raath vir die trick om syne te KOU! So gereeld as te veel moes hy in die bosse in, want die pille het sy maag goed laat werk... totdat 'n leeu hier kort agter hom gebrul het... toe skrik hy sy maag skoon van al die pille! Maar Sad Sack was op punt, en wou nie saam met ons ander wag nie... hy bly sommer loop. Nou, die man het 'n paar lang bene gehad... en die volgende oomblik kom hy van voor af gestorm... gooi daai kniege so verby sy ore soos hy hardloop... “Olifant!” skree hy. Toe hy by 'n donga kom, was daar 'n trop olifante in die donga. Die diere het hom gesien en wou storm, maar kon nie teen die walle uitkom nie. Gelukkig vir ons! Op 'n ander geleentheid moes ons 'n “OP” gaan lê. Die een sersant, ek dink hy was die kamp se kok of admin klerk (van Logistiek en 'n bleddie mooi dogter gehad... ook in die Polisie gewees) sy naam ontgaan my, maar hy wou saam met ons gaan voordat ons dienstyd oor was. Ons kry toe 'n mooi plek onder een van hierdie hak-en-steek bosse. En raak rustig. die wag moes aan die slap geraak het, maar daardie nag ruk daardie bos so heen en weer. Die sersant maak so 'n backward flip uit sy slaapsak sonder om die zip af te trek, want toe staan olifant reg bo hom en gebruik die bos as skuurpapier om hom te krap... gelukkig het die dier nie sommer ook gepiepie nie, anders was ons almal sopnat. Dit was eintlik die beste plek in daardie omgewing... so onder die hak-en-steek, want daardie bosse is geweldig dig. Ek glo ons reuk het hulle gepla, want die trop het gou aangeskuif. Nou ja... ek het baie pligte sommer vroeg in die oggend.

Jors Troelie en Pampoen – At Spies Verstaan baie mooi, hierdie is nie Steve Hofmeyer se pampoen nie, ok nie Cinderella 101

van goue koets faam se pampoen nie. Dit is my pampoen...... maar ek loop die storie vooruit. Die vlug begin heel normaal. Ons is getaak om die Rooikop-run met die Skymaster te doen. Die vlug is geskeduleer om Dinsdag oggend sowat 08:00 vanaf Waterkloof te vertrek en dan Donderdag oggend weer vanaf Rooikop terug te keer. Meer as genoeg tyd om met ‘n Landy so n paar Kabeljoue en Steenbrasse by Sandvis baai (ja dit is die regte naam nie die Engelse toebroodjie nie) te gaan aankeer. As ek reg onthou was Len Haasbroek my mede vlieënier op die trip. Ons het vroeg oggend al ons visstokke ens gelaai by Swartkops en toe oorgesuiker Waterkloof toe vanwaar die vlug sou begin. Die eerste been tot by Windhoek verloop sonder enige probleme. So n paar passasiers daar afgelaai en ander weer op gelaai. Uiteindelik land ons by Rooikop en terwyl die vrag nog afgelaai word stap ek gou oor na die Transport afdeling om vir ons as crew die gebruiklike Landy te gaan trek. Nie die keer nie. Die klerk daar se vir my dat sy bevelvoerder hom uitdruklik beveel het om op n besparings-drive te wees. Geen meer voertuie vir besoekende lugbemanning nie. “Jy maak seker n grap” seg ek vir die troep maar besef hy is sekerlik onder orders. Ek stap direk oor na die bevelvoerder se kantoor (n gelyke rang wat sowat n maand van te vore pos aanvaar het.) “Wat gaan ons vir twee dae lank op hierdie verlate basis aanvang as ons nie kan gaan visvang nie.”vra ek so ietwat ontsteld aan die man. “Jammer At, dit was n besluit wat ek geneem het om n bietjie besparing teweeg te bring. Ek kan nie nou weer terug gaan daarop nie. “Nou maar goed Mig, ek sal ‘n ander plan maak. Die polisie, die vloot en die brownjobs skuld my al lankal. Tyd vir Payback, kan ek jou foon leen?” vra ek. “Sekerlik maar ek dink nie jy sal sukses he nie.” Sêg die man selfversekerd vir my. Die eerste man wat ek bel is Nugget van Noordwyk van die vloot. Hy is nou gestasioneer by die Mini Silwermyn net buitekant Walvisbaai. “At, vir jou maak ek n plan” seg hy. Einde van die gedeelte van die storie is dat ons in stede van n kleinerige Landrover, nou ‘n donnerse groot Bedford tot ons beskikking het. Ek voel natuurlik baie goed dat hierdie kontakte van my werk. Daar was goeie vangste gemaak op die Woensdag en met al die steenbrassies en kabeljoutjies mooi skoon gemaak is ons vroeg Donderdag oggend op ons poste om 102

die terug vlug aan te pak. Goeie nuus, geen vrag vir Windhoek ons kan direk deurvlieg Waterkloof toe. Dit is nou hier waar die pampoen in kom. Een van ons passasiers is so ‘n mooierige dametjie in ‘n wit uniformpie, vloot natuurlik. Sy het ‘n moerse pampoen by haar. Party mense sal dalk sê dit was n kalbas maar ek weet nie of kalbasse so groot word nie. Die ding was groter as ‘n Bedford tyre. Goudgeel gedroog en geoordeel aan sy gewig (wat bykans niks was nie), moes die skil nou baie na aan papier dikte gewees het. Ewenwel, Die ou meisietjie kom vra my toe of ek nie dalk iewers in die vliegtuig n ou veilige plekkie vir die ou pampoentjie van haar het nie. “Hy is uiters fragiel maar is hy nie pragtig nie?” verduidelik sy vir my terwyl sy al te pragtig smile. Natuurlik net n vroumens wat mooigeit aan hierdie stofgaarders kan sien maar nouja, ek het nog altyd ‘n swakte gehad vir meisietjies in wit uniforms en nou boonop skuld ek die vloot vir die leen van die Bedford. “Sekerlik Adelbors (dit was die rang wat sy gedra het maar omdat sy vroulik was kon dit dalk eerder Edeltieties gewees het), gee maar vir my daardie ou pampoentjie.” Sêg ek en smile net so pragtig (die vloot kan mos nie beter wees nie). Die gene wat die Skymaster ken, sal onthou dat daar reg agter die “bulkhead”, agter die vlieënier se sitplek, ‘n massiewe groot spasie was. Dit is dan ook daar waar ek die ou pampoentjie bere, gebruik nogal ons eie mooie blou vliegbaadjies om hom so ietwat aan die kante te beskerm. Uiteindelik is al die vrag en passasiers klaar gelaai en is ons op pad. Daar waar die duine van die Namib ophou en die gebergtes van die Khomashoghland begin, bereik ons kruis hoogte (11000vt). Dit is toe wat die ondenkbare gebeur. ‘n Moerse ontploffing net agter ons. Ek skrik my gat in n krul, kyk om, en sien net rook. Ek kan nie eers iets agter die rook sien nie, vir n oomblik dink ek dat die hele vliegtuig agter my weggeblaas is maar tog hanteer sy nog goed. “Kan SWAPO so laag wees om hier vir ons ‘n hinderlaag op te gestel het?” flits dit deur my brein. Maar toe sien ek dat die “rook” besig is om te verminder, daar is ook nie vlamme nie, net so n nare muwwe reuk wat oor ons hang. Deur die sakkende “rookskerm” kan ek nou so n paar grootoog passasiers sien tuur, oa ook die dametjie in wit, Edeltieties. Maar haar ou uniformpie het nou sulke nare grys spikkels op. Meeste van die passasiers is bleek geskrik. Die wat babas gehad het sou daardie aand maar noodgedwonge moes bottel voed. Julle wat weet van vlieg sal besef dat op 11000 vt is die druk in die kajuit nou maar omtrent 70% van wat dit is op seevlak. Tot op daardie stadium het die binnekant van die ou pampoentjie nog seevlak gehandhaaf. Daardie dun wande van die pampoen 103

kon net nie daardie groot druk verskil hanteer nie, hy het kataklismies ontplof. Behalwe vir die steel glo ek nie ons het van daardie pampoen n stukkie groter as n outydse pennie opgetel nie. Maande later het daar nog steeds stukkies gedroogte pampoen binnestes oral in die klein hoekies van die vliegtuig hul verskyning gemaak. Elke slag wanneer dit gebeur het, het my baas, kmdt Kallie Minnaar, my ingeroep na sy kantoor en gesê, “At hier is nog ‘n stuk van jou donnerse pampoen.” Nou weet julle hoekom dit my pampoen was. Want my baas het so gesê. Ons vliegbaadjies het ook lank gevat om weer normaal te ruik. As iemand maar net daaraan gedink het om een of twee klein gaatjies in daardie dop te boor maar nou ja.... as en verbrande hout en gedroogte pampoen binnestes????. Groete At Spies

STILTE IN DIE HOF: GALG HUMOR: ADV LENTULUS ELS Galgehumor (17) – Dr Len Els Ek het 'n weeklange sitting voor die appelhof in Mafikeng en boek oudergewoonte by die Mmabatho Sun in. Sondagaand sit ek voor aandete in die hotel se kroeg en suig aan 'n whiskey.Drink Black & White met water wat ek en die kroegman terstonts "multiracial & river juice" gedoop het. 'n Jong Indiërman nader my met die vraag:"Pardon me, but were you a magistrate in Garankuwa?" Toe ek bevestigend antwoord, vervolg hy: "I just want to thank you. You convicted me on a charge of motor theft and sentenced me to six cuts with a police cane. With every blow that fell I said to myself: never, never, ever again." Vele tienerseuns het voor my verskyn vir motordiefstal. Stuur jy die mannetjie tronk toe,vernietig jy die res van sy lewe. Hy is nie 'n krimineel nie, maar 'n waaghals wie se hormone skommel. My standaard vonnis was ligte lyfstraf gekoppel met opgeskorte gevangenisstraf. Op navraag wat hy tans doen, deel die Indiër my trots mee dat hy 'n derdejaar regstudent is! Soms (net soms) het ek 'n ding reg gedoen.


POLICE GROUPS ON FACEBOOK & INTERNET Facebook Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie – Afgetrede Lede South African Police – Hall of Fame Internet www.southafricanpoliceofficersmemorial.com [Gerhard Engelbrecht] www.sapstf.org [Christo (Boats) Botha het sowat drie jaar gelede `n webwerf vir oud-Taakmaglede begin en hy het ook die vyf-en-dertig-jaar-reunie gereël.]1


Anemarie Jansen







Comments by HBH: Criticism has been leveled against the actions of Capt JML Fulford, however one should judge him against the climate and events of the time. It was clear that the Government were not going to be lenient. The both Ministers of Justice & Defence were also involved in the “Red Revolt” as well as the SA Air Force, Does anybody have info on the Police Stations at • Vogelfonteijn • Ginsberg Four trucks in march past: Marked “Voortrekker, Gertie, Liza and Doreen” – does anybody perhaps have any photo’s of the event?


SPESIALE TAAKMAG BYEENKOMS TE IPA HUIS, PTA, 6 JULIE 2013 Artikel: Anemari Jansen Foto`s: Larry Hanton

FOTO 1: Dinge raak vroeg-vroeg gesellig Op 6 Julie 2013, om 14h45, word die Taakmag miniskild en `n beskrywing van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Spesiale Taakmag se kentekens en kwalifikasies, in die voorkamer van IPA House in Pretoria onthul. “Die beplanning is om uiteindelik aan elke IPA House in Suid-Afrika dieselfde te oorhandig en daarna ook wêreldwyd,” vertel Christo Botha later by die braaivleisvure. Oud-taakmaglede staan in `n halfsirkel die voorkamer vol. Genl. “Blackjack” de Swardt neem die onthulling waar: Daar speel `n klein glimlag om sy mond voordat hy begin praat. “Ek is by IPA House om `n toutjie te trek om een van die Spesiale Taakmag se skilde te onthul.” Genl. De Swardt oorhandig die motorfiets “operator`s badge” en “wings” aan genl. Mike Fryer. 111

FOTO 2: Die onthulling van die “Plaag”

FOTO 3: Genl. Blackjack de Swardt en genl. Mike Fryer


“Vandag is `n besonderse geleentheid,” begin genl. Fryer. “Ons het `n ou in die Takies gehad, `n chopper pilot – hy het saam met ons die pad geloop. Hy het ook vir my `n hartaanval gegee, maar hy was deur dik en dun saam, hy was `n Takie, hy het net nie die keuring gedoen nie.” Willie Norval (Kolonel) kom na vore en ontvang die Vriende van die Taakmag-skild van genl. Fryer. “`n Ou het vertroue gehad – dit het begin by rugby – dis daar waar `n ou `n vriendskap begin ontwikkel het. Ek het gewéét – as iemand op my geskiet het terwyl ek Takies in die chopper gehad het, het ek geweet ek was veilig. Dit was `n gróót voorreg om saam met julle ouens te kon werk.”

FOTO 4 en FOTO 5: Kol. Willie Norval by genl. Mike Fryer Tussenin word daar gekuier en ook gesmous. 113

“Hey, hey, do you have a license for this boot sale?” Ashley Crookes groet Koos Pappie met `n hand oor die skouer. Koos se kattebak lyk soos `n winkel, volgelaai met Taakmag–kentekens, hemde, skilde, dasse, eenheid-wapens en mampoer. Elke nou en dan moet Koos - die bewaker van die memorabilia – uit die kroeg padgee om `n man wat iets uit sy kattebak wil koop, te help.

FOTO 6: Christo Botha, Degies en Koos Snyman Christo (Boats) Botha het sowat drie jaar gelede `n webwerf (www.sapstf.org) begin vir oud-Taakmaglede en het ook die vyf-en-dertig-jaar-reunie gereël. “Dit het tyd geword om die herinneringe te begin saamvat – ons geskiedenis is nêrens geboekstaaf nie,” gesels Boats. Hy het sowat honderd-ses-en-tagtig uitnodigings vir die onthulling van die skild uitgestuur. Die partytjie vandag is kleiner, maar die gees is gróót. Dit is die manne met die régte stories, hierdie.

FOTO 7: Aan`t kuier


Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens Spesiale Taakmag Kentekens en Kwalifikasies



Request: South African mine protected vehicles: Steve Camp: Durban Dear Hennie, I am fairly advanced in the process of a publication on the history of South African mine protected vehicles, which as I`m sure you`ll know is quite a fascinating subject. This is more of a pictorial publication so finding the right type of picture/s of each vehicle is important. The publication is in colour, A4 in size with around 250 pages. While I have many of the SADF vehicles, I am lacking good images of the SAP vehicles from the early 1970`s to the 1980s in particular these mine protected vehicles in use in South West Africa and Rhodesia. I`ve attached a few low res pics of some these vehicles which are easily found on the web as a point of reference. · · · · · · ·

Ribbok Hippo Hyena Swever Albatross Big Daddy Casspir and its variants

I am at the stage with my research that I need to start focussing on the SAP vehicles and have had a number of people suggest I get in touch with you, as you may be able to assist. I would be most grateful if you are able to assist with period photos that show these vehicles or able to point me in the right direction of people who could possible help me. All photos I use will be credited and I would obviously provide an acknowledgment of thanks to those who assist. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Steve 0793911866


Buffel in Rhodesia



Request: South African mine protected vehicles: Steve Camp: Durban Dear Hennie, Good chatting to another likeminded SA historian on Wednesday! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and offers for assistance, much appreciated. As mentioned here is an email with a short blurb about my project and what I`m looking for: I busy writing up the history of South African mine protected vehicles from 1972 present. This will be very much a pictorial publication, in colour, A4 in size and around 250 pages. South African Mine Protected Vehicles have progressed significantly since their first deployment during the Rhodesian bush war and South Africa`s border war in the 1970s. Despite at that time being very primitive, they were nevertheless highly effective and saved countless lives. It was the South Africans who took these developments to another level with their unique range of highly effective armoured personal carries such as the Buffel, Casspir and KwĂŞvoel, that proved so successful in hostile environments on the battlefields of southern Angola. They employed v-shaped monocoque hulls that deflected the blast force away from occupants. In most cases occupants survived anti-tank mine detonations with only minor injuries. The vehicles themselves could often be repaired quickly and easily in the field by replacing the wheels or some drive train components that were designed to be modular and replaceable for exactly this reason. The valuable lessons learnt with these combat proven vehicles has led to South Africa becoming a world leader in the development of what are now commonly referred to as Mine Resistant and Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAP). A niche industry has developed in South Africa with a number of companies who design and manufacture world class MRAP vehicles that are exported around the world. Surviving The Ride is a book that tells a fascinating pictorial story of these unique South African developed vehicles, spanning a 40 year period and with many previously unpublished photographs. That said, I`m short of good quality photos of SAP mine protected vehicles from the 1970s-80s that depict the vehicles in the field, particularly from South West Africa, Rhodesia and in the townships. While I do have photos of most these vehicles which I can use, I am not satisfied with their quality and am looking for better ones that


show close up these vehicles from different angles, and ones that have detonated a land mine. The SAP vehicles I`m searching for are: · Ribbok · Hippo · Hippo Mark 2 · Hyena · Swerwer · Albatross (cargo carrier) · Casspir and its variants (Blesbok flat bed), Duiker (fuel tanker), Gemsbok (recovery vehicle). · Sesspir (six wheel prototype Casspir). I`m also looking for somebody I can interview who has survived a landmine blast while travelling in a Casspir or any of the other vehicles mentioned above. Hennie, a reminder for the following contacts: · Dr Vernon Joynt: I`m aware he might be sensitive given the nature of his work and current place of residence. He had such an influence in the design of MPVs in the pioneering days and much later as an international consultant. It would be such a pity if he didn`t somehow feature in this publication given his passion for the subject. I am keen to at least interview him and get some insight into those days he was with the Defence Research Unit. · Paul Du Preez, you mentioned he might possibly have access to a number of relevant period photos. ·

Ronnie Beyl, was he involved with the Padda project for the SA Railway Police?

· Lt Col William Marshal, I think you mentioned he played a role with the development of the Casspir? · Marlene Swanepoel. I`m keen to get in touch and see if she has any SAP archival photos that may be of use. ·

Any others you may think would be of use. Thanks!

I`ve attached a pic from the web...is this the “Padda” train project you referred to? I really appreciate all your help with this project, thanks Hennie. Regards, Steve Camp


Dear All, I believe Peter Stiff wrote such a book called "Taming the Landmine" in 1988 or round about. There is also a book called SA Armscor or something which had details on all the vehicles. Will be most interesting to see the latest developments and where these vehicles are now - most of the Casspirs are in India though I saw some in Iraq and Afghanistan also. Of course the Buffel cannot begin to be mentioned in the same category of Casspirs. One made me sea sick. Regards, K Kom boys! Kom boys, kom ons help vir Steve, hy is ‘n soldaat ek is seker ons lesers kan help met pragtige foto’s van ons panservoertuie en ek is seker van ons lesers was in landmyn voorvalle. Onder: His Majesty’s Landship Nemesis met ysterwiele – SAP Alberton 1922

The Padda/Bospadda: APC: SAR & H Police – HBH Since early childhood I have been interested in, and fascinated by, trains. For many years I have also been interested in armoured trains. This love for trains I have also combined with my great interest in strategic studies, history and warfare. As a little boy I was an avid reader and kept many scrap books on various subjects of interest to me. Unfortunately as a child I collected and never kept record of the sources. Later


in life as a police officer I also continued the practice but was more diligent in annotating the sources, but not in all cases – due to laziness. The use of armoured trains in the Anglo Boer War is another area of special interest. The use of the war train, armoured trains, hospital- and ambulance trains by the Union Defence force kept me occupied for years.

I have built up thick files

containing very interesting information. Paging through one of my 4 – 5 inch thick lever arch files I see that three of my friends who were also interested in this subject have passed on. This shook me because I have not been as active in writing, as I would have been. In this respect I pay homage to my late friends; Brig SJP du Toit, Mr Dave Rhind (Cape Town) and Mr Helmuth Hagen (SAR Johannesburg.) The para-military use of railways is also a fascinating subject. A very good book on the subject is “Les Trains Blindes” by a French Army officer, Col Malamsari. During the 1914 rebellion trains were used extensively by Gen Louis Botha. During the 1922 Red Revolt on the Rand again use was made of an armoured train. In South Africa the SAR & H Police played an important role in keeping South Africa’s strategic. Press cutting from Beeld (Date unknown)


Kobus APC (Road or Rail) of the SAR & H Police

Kobus is SASR 810 493 Chris is SASR 810 494


Photographs taken of “Kobus” at Windhoek: Ger Sevink


Photo of “Chris” taken at Elandsfontein: P Botha






Amateur Historical Research is not cheap – HBH As I am growing older, I realize how little I know because there is so much knowledge to be acquired! Over the years I have collected, bought, and begged 1000’s of books, photographs, documents, facsimiles, scans, pamphlets and brochures. I have 100’s of pieces of memorabilia both militaria and railwayana. (My poor wife lives in a library/archive.) I have carefully filled in plastic sheets inside lever arch files all these cuttings and pieces of paper and photographs. Then the technical revolution came: I spent hours and days scanning documents and photographs. I now have my third scanner! I have taken 1000’s of digital photos. I am exasperated because my interesting my life is now drawing to a close. The time has come to draw up a balance sheet! No, I have not written my magnum opus. No, I have not written my memoirs. No I have not printed all my magazines into hard copies. Once I have put them on ISSUU and on my website “its overs cadovers” – I am exasperated because I don’t know what will happen to “my” collection after my death! Will it continue…? [Even poor old Pres Kruger’s medals are missing!] I have tried to capture the corporate memory of the SA Police. Look at how expensive private research is. Yes, I have acquired some of the books mentioned below. Yes, I have fully identified the SA Constabulary’s coach. History is expensive; now I need a secretary or assistant to


complete a lifetime’s work. My work was my hobby; I enjoyed my career as a policeman:


Police Railway Coaches in South Africa then and Now



1927 Durban Central

Medals: Where to get your medals Neelsie Borea Hallo Hennie .... Tel. kol Shilobane Kwartiermeester (Logisitiek) (012) 841 7941 / 082 815 6412


1964: Uniforms of Reservists 1964 - Reserviste se uniforms was ou SAW-uniforms. Ek het ‘n navraag oor SAP Reserviste se uniforms ontvang. Ek gaan deur my nota's en vind die volgende: MASS MEDAL PARADE AT PIETERMARITZBURG • ON the 2nd October 1964 a medal parade was held at the Jan Smuts Stadium, Pietermaritzburg, in conjunction with the Pietermaritzburg Azalea Festival. The Honourable the Minister of Justice, Adv. B. J. Vorster, presented the S.A. Police Star for Merit and the S.A. Police Medal for Faithful Service to 75 officers, warrantofficers, sergeants and constables. A large number of the recipients received both decorations.

With the Stadium as background, this was a memorable parade to all those who took part in it. Not only was a large number of members of the Force of the Natal and Port Natal Divisions presented with medals but this was the first parade to include members of the Reserve Police Force to be inspected by the Honourable the Minister of Justice. The Minister praised these members of the Reserve and congratulated them on their achievement. They were an example to the rest of the country. The guard of honour of S.A. Police was edged on to an extra degree of smartness by the competition set up by their reservist friends in smart khaki uniforms. After the opening prayer by the Police Chaplain, Lieut.-Col. (ds.) J. C. Jansen, the parade was inspected by the Honourable the Minister of Justice. Capt. J. C. de Klerk was officer commanding the parade and music was supplied by the complete Police Band from Pretoria under Colonel L. P. Bradley, L.R.A.M.

When the presentation of the medals had been completed, Brigadier W. T. D. Murray, Divisional Commissioner, Natal, introduced the Minister, who delivered a short speech. The main theme of the speech was advice to the young men to think three times before leaving the force to enter commerce. The prospects were usually rosier from a distance than what they actually were and there is many a young man today who regrets having purchased his discharge from the Force. Every available young man was needed for the S.A. Police and South Africa.


His Worship the Mayor of Pietermaritzburg, Councillor G. J. R. Bulman, welcomed the Minister on behalf of the citizens of Pietermaritzburg and expressed the wish that his visit would soon be repeated.

An expression of thanks on behalf of the S.A. Police was delivered by Brigadier W. T. D. Murray, Divisional Commissioner, Natal. Dignitaries on the saluting base during the March Past were Brig. Murray, Col. C. C. von Keyserlingk, His Worship the Mayor of Pietermaritzburg, His Honour the Administrator of Natal and Lieut-Col. Jansen. The highly successful parade was followed by a Civic Reception in the Supper Room of the City Hall for the Honourable the Minister of Justice and officers of the S.A. Police attending the parade. — H.B.M. SARP — NOVEMBER, 1964 53 Nota: In daardie jare was daar net een brigadier in Natal, Port Natal en Transkei tw brig WTD Murray, so was daar ook net een kapelaan vir die drie afdelings, ds Jansen. Ek verneem hy leef en woon in Kaapstad. Ek was deel van die Durban-peloton met sersant Desmond Welthagen as ons troepsersant. Die reserviste het ou-SAW uniforms gedra. Het iemand miskien ‘n foto van die reserviste in die kaki uniforms? HBH

VESTED INTERESTS OF VETERANS /VETERANE AANGELEENTHERDE Stem vir Gideon Brig Hennie, Alle pensioenarisse sal binnekort stembriewe en opdragte oor die stemproses in die pos ontvang. U sal ‘n stembrief en twee koeverte ontvang – op die stembrief word daar dmv. die trek van ‘n kruisie of regmerkie in die blokkie teenoor die kandidaat vir die kandidaat gestem, die stembrief dan in die eerste koevert geplaas en die lid wat stem se CP nommer en handtekening op die koevert aangebring. Hierdie koevert met die stembrief daarin word dan in die gefrankeerde koevert geplaas en teruggestuur na EISA. Ek versoek dat ons lede hul stemme ten gunste van my sal uitbring aangesien en deur die PSA en Bond genomineer is. Koeverte met 136

stembriewe kan ook na my gestuur word vir inhandiging by EISA. Indien lede nog nie teen die 6de Augustus stembriewe ontvang het nie kan u my kontak sodat ek kan reël vir stembriewe. Besonderhede oor die stemproses is ook op die GEPF webwerf www.gepf.co.za beskikbaar. Baie dankie Groete Gideon Serfontein Kol Eugene de Kock: Ben Kruger VSA Hallo Hennie, Net toe almal dink ek het verdwyn! Ek vertrou alles wel daar aan julle kant. Ons sukkel met rompslomp om die NPO geregistreer te kry. Dit sal gebeur, maar die tyd gaan ons vang. Soos genoem het ons ‘n "afslag" regsspan gekry vir R100,000. Omdat ons nie ‘n fondsinsameling mag hou nie vra ons vir direkte bydraes aan Eugene. So ‘n plasing op die eNongqai sal hoogs waardeer word. Plaas my e-pos adres as kontak vir die mense wat belangstel om by te dra. Ek sal aan hulle E se bank besonderhede verskaf sodat hulle privaat bydraes kan maak. Ons wil die bankbesonderhede om verstaanbare redes nie openbaar maak vir Jan Publiek nie. Bydraers mag anoniem bly indien hulle so verkies. Hulle hoef slegs op die inbetaling te noem dat dit tov die regskostes is indien hulle wil. Daar is reeds ‘n boekhouer aangestel wat tred hou met die inkomste en uitgawes. Enige bydraes sal op die stadium baie help. Uiteraard is die prokureurs se motivering slegs hul fooi en die moontlikheid om "naam" te maak. Ons wil darem aan hulle wys dat ons die rekening sal kan betaal. Seënwense en groete uit ‘n baie warm Mississippi, Ben Kruger • Kontak Ben Kruger in Mississippi, VSA, indien u meer wil weet. Hier is sy kontakbesonderhede: Ben Kruger <benkruger1@yahoo.com> Eugene de Kock: Piet Croukamp Enkele notas oor ‘n vriend 137

Die situasie met Eugene de Kock is kompleks. Daar is meetbare empatie met sy posisie binne die konteks van besluitnemers, maar soos verwag kan word is daar nie genoeg konsensus vaardig om die noodwendige stap van sy vrylating te neem nie. Eugene doen goeie werk op verskeie vlakke ter regverdiging van sy moontlike vrylating, maar dit is nie in sy natuur om opportunisties om te gaan met die proses nie. Hy sien geen waarde daarin om die verlede te probeer regstel deur middel van kosmetiese en simboliese interaksies tussen hom en slagoffers van die apartheidstaat nie. Wat hy doen, word na rype bepeinsing gedoen, en met die doel om werklik ‘n verskil te maak aan mense wat familie en vriende verloor het in die politieke stryd van die verlede. ‘n Belangrike punt is dalk dat Eugene nie sy vriende van die verlede sou wou agterlaat nie. Hy het steeds groot respek en deernis vir diegene wat ‘n lang en moeilike pad saam met hom geloop het. Hy het groot waardering vir dit wat mense doen in ‘n poging om sy huidige omstandighede makliker te maak asook vir diegene wat hy waarskynlik nooit ontmoet het nie, maar wat steeds bereid is om die ekstra myl vir hom te loop. Elke individu het waarskynlik ‘n eiesoortige motivering vir ‘n bemoeienis met Eugene, en soms kan daardie motivering hom in ‘n ongemaklike posisie laat, maar die feit van die saak is dat hy nie sonder begrip is vir die vrese, gegrond of ongegrond, wat mense mag hê vir die wêreld waarin hulle leef nie. Eugene is van nature ‘n optimistiese mens; toe sy parool aansoek onlangs afgekeur was, was dit hy wat my en ander bemoedig het deur daarop te wys dat die proses nooit maklik sou wees nie en dat ons moet sterk staan. Daar is minstens twee prosesse aan die gang wat daarop gemik is om Eugene se parool moontlik te maak. Die eerste proses is pogings om besluitnemers te laat besef dat Eugene verantwoordelikheid geneem het vir sy besluite van die verlede en sy straf uitgedien het. Hy is daarom nie alleen geregtig daarop om weer sy lewe voort te sit nie, maar erken en eer die belange van ‘n demokratiese staat soos vervang in die grondwet van die land. Die tweede proses is ‘n regsproses. Die idee is nie om politieke besluite uit te daag nie, maar eerder om sy posisie aan ‘n juridiese oordeel te onderwerp. Ons wag steeds vir die redes waarom sy parool afgekeur is. Die staat 138

het 90 dae om die redes te voorsien waarna ons ‘n regsmening sal aanvra met die oog op hersiening van die aanvanklike besluit. Uiteraard sal dit ‘n duur proses wees, in die orde van R100 000; net om die hersieningsaansoek te bring. Hopenlik bring so ‘n aansoek die proses tot wasdom, maar indien nie sal dit geweldige kosteimplikasies vir ons hê. Uiteindelik sal ons geen keuse hê as om te hoop dat ons die nodige finansiёle steun by mense gaan kry wat niks het om te wen uit die saak, maar wat wel bereid is om die ekstra myl saam met ons te stap.

THE NATIONAL SECURITY, SADF & SAP LIBRARY / DIE NASIONALE VEILIGHEID-, SAW- & SAPBOEKRAK Lothar Neethling: Annette Jordaan Annette Jordaan en Hennie Heymans het lekker koffie gedrink en gesels. Hennie het daarna die volgende verslag opgestel: Lothar Neethling se boek – Annette Jordaan Wetenskap in diens van die mensdom .... en om die lot van die misdadiger te verseël: Genl LP Neethling Wat ‘n voorreg om met ‘n pragtige dame, ‘n akademikus en taalkenner soos Annette Jordaan objektief te sit en gesels oor Lothar P Neethling. Na afloop van die gesprek word mens met net een gedagte gelaat; sonder om ons SAP verlede te verheerlik: Die mens Lothar Neethling is ‘n ware held! Nie jou gewone polisieman of Bobby op rondtediens nie, maar ‘n enigmatiese mens, veelkantig, ruim en ‘n karakter waaroor skrywers maar net kan droom. (Onwillekeurig vergelyk ek genl Neethling met Eugene N Marais se kol De Ville. Dan wonder ek wat sou Eugene Marais van Lothar geskryf het?) Annette skilder vir Lothar met haar fyn vroulike kwassie, so fyn dat mens self die verborge wonde van die verlede wat op sy kindergemoed gelaat is, duidelik kan sien. ‘n Klein seuntjie is die slagoffer van ‘n wrede konflik tussen die geallieerde magte en die Duitsers. Hulle vlug van die Russiese oostelike sektor van Duitsland na die westelike sektor om weg te kom van die Russe. Mens dink onwillekeurig aan een van Heinz Konsalik se boeke, want Lothar laat mens dink aan een van daardie karakters. Adj-off “Doppies” Baartman, ‘n lid van die SAP Brigade was ook in Duitsland as krygsgevangene en het ook deelgeneem aan ‘n geforseerde mars van 139

oos na wes. Hy het my vertel hoe swaar hulle onder Duitse bevel te gekry het net om te oorleef. Hulle was honger en die doelpale waar hul kos kon kry is gedurig na wes verskuif. Ek het gelees van die moord op SA polisie konstabel Gold wat ‘n slagoffer geword het van “draadsiekte”. Hy het geweier om verder as krygsgevangene te werk en is deur die Duitsers doodgeskiet – lees vermoor. Die voorbeelde word slegs genoem om aan te toon hoe moeilik dit oor net oorlewing gegaan het in Duitsland gedurende die tweede wêreld oorlog. As forse polisiemanne sukkel; hoeveel te meer ‘n swanger mamma en haar kinders in die tyd wat ook op vlug is? Lothar was die “vader” van sy familie. Sal ons ooit kan peil watter skade daar aan sy kinder gemoed aangerig is? Is dit een van die redes waarom hy in SA aanbly, nl om die “Rooi Gevaar” die hoof te bied? Dit moes ‘n titaniese stryd gekos het om bloot te oorleef met behoud van basiese waardes en middele. Kos was skaars en die weer was soms guur. Weens skaarste aan kos was hulle nêrens eintlik welkom nie! Hoe meer siele; hoe meer monde om te voed. Dit was die realpolitik van die tyd! Hulle is te midde van die stryd; die verwoesting, die barstende bomme, die gerammel van tenks, die fluit van missiele en die ewige oorhoofse gedreun van duisende geallieerde vliegtuie wat op enige plek ‘n bom kan laat val. Wet en orde stort in duie; duisende vroue word verkrag. Dit is die werklikheid wat klein Lothar in die gesig staar. Hy is nie onnosel nie – die oorlog het hom ook touwys gemaak en die spel se naam was: Oorleef! Deur die boek loop ‘n paar goue drade: Lothar se lojaliteit aan ander, sy omgee en sy mededeelsaamheid, ‘n voorbeeld hy sou altyd die hoender se nekkie eet sodat daar meer vir die ander was om te eet. Sy aangenome moeder het gedink hy is lief vir hoendernekkies en daarom vir hom ‘n pot vol daarvan gekook – eintlik het hy hoendernekke verpes. Een ding wat Lothar goed kon doen is om die wêreld van die akademie te verken. Hy het uitgereik na vriend en kollega. Deur die jare het hy vriendskappe in stand gehou. Hy het kennis opgeslurp en hy was lojaal aan sy aangenome land en sy nuwe volk, die Boere. So ver ek kon bepaal is Lothar die enigste polisieman wat lid van die SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns was. Hy het die Akademie se penning vir Chemie verwerf. As polisieman het ek vir Lothar geken; in my kring van vriende het hy as die “Duitser” bekend gestaan veral wanneer ons kripties gesels het. Dit was sommige van sy ondergeskiktes se troetelnaampie vir hom.

Die polisie se forensiese

wetenskaplike Lothar Neethling is geen onbekende nie, maar na die drie uur lange onderhoud het ek ‘n ander sy van Lothar die veelsydige mens leer ken. Genl (dr) LP 140

Neethling is nie ‘n man wat letterlik met kaalhande aangepak kan word nie! Om alles mooi te verstaan is dit nodig om die boek oor hierdie unieke mens te lees. Veel sal nog oor hierdie man geskryf word. Om hierdie boek behoorlik te resenseer sal etlike boeke neem om alles in die regte konteks te plaas en reg te laat geskiet aan hierdie wetenskaplike wat die wetenskap juis aangewend het om die las op die mensdom te verlig en die lot van die misdadiger te verseël. Wanneer ken jy ‘n mens regtig? Wat is die mites rondom so ‘n persoon. As polisiehistorikus het ek oor die jare gedink ek ken die man, Lothar Neethling en tog ook nie! Hy was ‘n briljante wetenskaplike wat tydens sy studies in die VSA daar ‘n pos aangebied is waaroor mens net kan droom. Tog het hy na Suid-Afrika teruggekeer. Waarom? Hy wou die Afrikaner wat hy in murg en been geword het, nie versaak nie. Annette vertel hoe hy besluit het om polisieman te word. Hy het natuurlik geweldig beter in die praktyk gevaar as Arthur Conyan Doyle se Sherlock Holmes! (Wat Jules Verne vir die moderne wetenskap beteken het, het Arthur Conyan Doyle wat vernuftige speurwerk betref het, die pas aangegee.) Ons leef in die tydsgewrig waar mens net aan iets hoef te dink en dit dan kan uitvoer! [If you can think it, you can do it!] In Suid-Afrika het Lothar Neethling pionierswerk verrig. Ek is bly dat Annette die boek geskryf het oor ‘n man wat ongetwyfeld ongekende horisonne verken het in die polisiewetenskap, daardie wetenskap wat hy aangewend het ten behoewe van die mensdom! Sy skilder hom as kind, as seun, as versorger van sy gesin, as begrafnisondernemer van sy pasgebore Boeta in ‘n Duitse woud. Ons leer hom ken as student, as rugby speler vir Tukkies se eerste span, as wetenskaplike, as besorgde Ouboet. As iemand met ‘n ruim veelkantige gees maar tog het hy binne in hom ‘n kelder of solder gehad waar hy sy pyn en sy letsels kon wegsteek. Hy het nooit simpatie gesoek nie! En o ja, voor ek vergeet, ek lees nie sommer ‘n boek deur enige dame nie! Ek is ‘n manlike chauvinis MAAR hierdie boek deur sy suster gee ‘n besonder insig van Lothar se sagte sy, sy romantiese sy veral net voor sy dood. Vir enige lid van die publiek; vir die historikus, die romantikus, vir die kultuurmens, vir die kriminoloog en vir enige ernstige polisieman, ook diegene wat ingestel is om die forensiese wetenskap beter te begryp is die boek: ‘n Moet!


Memoir of an Apartheid Cop: Glen Elsden Nonfiction » Politics and Current Affairs » Law enforcement» History » Contemporary political. By Glenn Elsden Published: Aug. 20, 2010 Words: 26,020 (approximate) Language: English ISBN: 9781452331812

Description This memoir reflects the true story of a South African policeman, who served his country during the apartheid era, and also 7 years into democracy. The author spent the last few years of his 24-year long career in the crime-ridden and war torn province of KwaZulu/Natal, where he performed official duties as a forensic ballistic analyst. Adult-content rating: This book contains content considered unsuitable for young readers 17 and under, and which may be offensive to some readers of all ages. For more information, see the Support FAQ. Brief van Glen Elsden Hallo Hennie, Bly om jou te ontmoet... Ek het my kort memoir (ongev. 26,000 woorde) in Augustus 2010 op Smashwords gepubliseer – as ‘n toetslope – net om te sien hoe die hele besigheid werk, met die gedagte dat ek later ‘n langer en meer professionele weergawe sou publiseer... en toe kom ek nooit daarby uit nie! Ek kan talle verskonings aanbied maar sal jou nie nou daarmee verveel nie :-) 142

Die huidige kort weergawe kan gratis afgelaai word by die volgende skakel: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/22112 Neem asb kennis dat ek glad nie tevrede is met die openingparagrawe en slot van die huidige memoir nie, maar dit sal beslis drasties verander in die 2de uitgawe. Ek moet beklemtoon, soos Koos Kotze dit ook gedoen het, dat ek myself glad nie beskou as ‘n skrywer nie. Ek skryf maar in my eie eenvoudige styl en visualiseer die leser sit voor my en luister terwyl ek my storie aan hom/haar vertel. Deesdae noem hulle hierdie metode van skryf, “South African English” – maar sommige Engelssprekendes (Buitelanders en ook in die RSA) beskou dit nog steeds as ‘n verskoning vir swak taalgebruik. My 2de uitgawe moet dus 100 persent taalkundig korrek wees - come hell or high water – al vat dit my nog twee jaar om te voltooi. Dit moet ook in albei talle (Engels en Afrikaans) beskikbaar wees, en op die buitelandse mark gerig wees. Op die stadium is TYD my grootste vyand. Al my tyd en energie word tans gefokus op ‘n nuwe besigheid wat ek onlangs begin het. Omdat ek my laaste spaargeld in die besigheid belê het, MOET dit eenvoudig net werk – anders is ek kniediep in.. jy weet wat se straat ;-) Sodra die besigheid begin glad loop, sal ek weer aandag gee aan die skryfwerk. Baie dankie vir jou bereidwilligheid om die boek in die eNONGQAI te adverteer. Ek wil nie vir jou vra, “wag vir die 2de uitgawe” nie, want ek weet self nie hoe lank dit nog gaan neem nie... Gebruik maar jou eie diskresie. So terloops – ‘n baie groot maat van my is Wollie (Tom) Wolmarans, ‘n afgetrede ballistiekdeskundige wat nog privaat sake doen. Ek glo jy sal hom waarskynlik ken (hy ken vir jou). Miskien moet ek en Wollie ‘n plan maak en kom koffie drink... Laat weet wanneer dit jou sal pas. Hier is die skakel na Wollie se webwerf: http://www.ballisticforensic.co.za/ (Sien foto onder op blad) Beste Groete Glenn Elsden: Educational Adviser / Opvoedkundige Adviseur


Marmon-Herrington: History of the SA Recce Car: Lt-Col William Marshall Hi Guys My new book “Marmon-Herrington History of the SA Recce Car” has arrived and is now available. Price R600.00 plus postage. Hard Cover, 176 pages, 229 archival b&w photos, 141 colour walk around photos, 20 full-colour plates of artwork, 8 pages of 1/35th scale drawings, 7 tables, 2 diagrams, 40 colour chips. Regards William

The Musings of a Modest Spy-fellow: PC Swanepoel Friends, Romans and Countrymen; lend me your eyes! You want to enjoy a spy-fellow’s musings; this is just the book for you! Oom Pieter is a retired senior spook and former Major in the SA Police; a foundation member of the Republican Intelligence Service, the Bureau for State Security and National Intelligence. He is one of my favourite authors of contemporary national security history. It written to truly amuse, amaze and to inform! A lekker read! Buy it! – Hennie Heymans


Die Salem en ander Oliegeheime - PC Swanepoel For the man who wants to know everything!

1917: The British Commonwealth of Nations: Gen JC Smuts Voor sy dood, vertel Annette Jordaan, het Lothar Neethling baie oor genl Smuts begin lees. Hierdie ou boekie kry ek tussen die dokumente van ‘n oorlede vriend. Ek self het wyd oor genl Smuts gelees. Hy het die eerste “nasionale veiligheidstrategie” vir die ou ZAR opgestel. Nee, die Boere het nie sy raad gevolg nie! Baie dae wonder ek oor baie dinge, veral oor genl Smuts se konsep van holisme en sy siening daarvan soos op die Britse gemenebes toegepas. Oom Pieter Swanepoel vertel dat genl Smuts die konsep Britse gemenebes geskep het. Pets Marais het Smuts se karakter “sielkundig” ontleed en dit is ook baie interessant!


The Other Side of the Story – Herman Stadler Hallo daar Hennie, Hoe gaan dit vanoggend? Hennie, ek wil by jou hoor of jy genl. Stadler se boek het, en of ek dit by jou kan leen op `n stadium. Verder sien ek more mense van Eenheid 6 vir nog `n storie. en verder sal ek graag Koos se skakels wil kry, om sy boeke te lees baie dankie, en wag in spanning!! Mooi loop en dankie!!! dat ons altyd so lekker kan gesels en redeneer daar by jou - ek geniet en waardeer dit regtig baie. Anemari Mean Streets Hallo Hennie en Koos, Baie dankie, ek gaan nou aflaai, en sien uit daarna om te begin lees. Hennie, ek sal volgende week deurkom na jou om genl Stadler se boek te kry - wil dan een by jou bestel, ok. Ja, hierdie soeke na die "waarheid", en hand aan hand daarmee, die (her)ontdekking van die self in die groter prent van die lewe - dit is soms `n duiselingwekkende reis. Dit verg dapperheid!!! Baie groete en mooi loop, Anemari

Hallo Koos, Ek het jou Mean Streets rêrig baie geniet. Dit is die boek wat die grootste venster oopgemaak het vir iemand soos ek, `n buitestander, om te kan verstaan hoe `n polisieman se kop werk, hoe kollege was, die tipe mens wat van so `n avontuurlike en fisiese werk sou hou. Het so `n stukkie gebruik vir die artikel oor die meisies van Eenheid 6 – weet nie of jy gesien het nie – kom agter mense trippel rond as jy hulle dinge oor die verlede vra – details word nie so lekker onthou nie, so jou inligting oor die vroue-gedeelte van die kollege het baie gehelp. Dankie! Mooi loop, 146

Anemari Rivonia Unmasked: Paul du Preez: Greytown Hi Brig Thought I would mail you this link. I read this book a few months ago and found it very interesting. http://www.hnp.org.za/site/fileadmin/user_upload/Biblioteek/rivoniaunmasked.pdf Regards Paul • I worked with Brig “Rivonia” van Wyk. He was then a Colonel and such an officer and gentleman! I never wrote his story, but he certainly told me many of his exploits. His nickname in Johannesburg at first was “Biesiesvlei” but after the raid on Rivonia he was called “Rivonia” van Wyk by all in the policemen in Johannesburg. Below the monument nr Howick that was erected where Mr Mandela was arrested by Lt Truter of the Durban Security Branch


Photos by Willie Marais. Filler: Do you remember?

Alias: “Mellow Yellow”


HUMOUR (SOMETIMES) IN UNIFORM Motivering vir Vuurwapenlisensie: Johan Jacobs Ontvang vanaf Irene van Vuuren Die Direkteur Vuurwapenaansoeke SAPD Pretoria 0001 IN SAKE : MOTIVERING VUURWAPENLISENSIE Hiermee bevestig ek, Chris Mxxx ID nr xxxxxx 5178 085, dat ek Mnr Koos van xxxx ID nr xxxxxx 5047 089 en woonagtig te 21 Liszt Place, xxxxxxx, 60xx, reeds etlike jare ken as persoon en dat hy al menige kere by my gejag het op Gxxxxn. Ek ken regtig nie ‘n meer joviale ou as Koos nie. Elke aand om die vuur is hy die man wat die hardste kuier, en as hy mooi gesuip is, is hy so vriendelik om sy pistool te gaan haal om skote in die vuur te skiet sodat die ander ouens kan foto’s neem. Hy het al van sy jagmaats raakgeskiet, maar dit was net vleiswonde wat getuig van sy uitstekende skietvernuf, en veiligheidsbesef. As verdere bewys van sy goeie skietvernuf kan ek getuig dat hy die enigste ou is wat nog by my gejag het, wat die rondawel se ligte almal kon uitskiet met net een magasyn. In die veld is hy ook bobaas, en skiet gewoonlik nie meer as 10 skote op ‘n bok nie, wat natuurlik teen daardie tyd ‘n duidelike spoor van bloed en pensmis los. Dit maak spoorsny kinderspeletjies, so ons is altyd redelik vroeg terug by die huis om die vuur aan te steek en ‘n paar biere te knak. Hy is werklik ‘n topjagter en op my plaas het hy al spesies soos springbok, koedoe, Brahman, ‘n dorperooi, en ‘n perdemerrie geskiet. Die vulletjie het ons maar hans groot gemaak. Koos is ‘n rustige ou wat nie maklik sy humeur verloor nie, en was nog net twee maal aangekla van aanranding. Dit was ook nie eintlik regtig aanranding nie, en die een ou kan nog goed sien met sy linkeroog. Die ander ou was in elk geval ‘n pxxpxl en het gekry waarna hy gesoek het. Sy vrou reken ook dat hy nie baie hard slaan wanneer hy dronk is nie. Reik asb sy lisensie uit so dat hy sy eie wapen kan gebruik en nie myne nie. Baie dankie 149

Quotes via Gerhard Dekker • As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind - every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder - John Glenn. • When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land - Desmond Tutu. • America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked David Letterman • After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box - Italian proverb. • Men are like linoleum floors. Lay'em right and you can walk all over them for thirty years - Betsy Salkind. • The only reason they say 'Women and children first' is to test the strength of the lifeboats - Jean Kerr. • I've been married to a communist and a fascist, and neither would take out the garbage - Zsa Zsa Gabor. • You know you're a redneck if your home has wheels and your car doesn't Jeff Foxworthy. • When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife - Prince Philip. • A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing Emo Philips. • Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself - Harrison Ford. • The best cure for sea sickness, is to sit under a tree - Spike Milligan. • Lawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke - Robin Hall. • Kill one man and you're a murderer, kill a million and you're a conqueror Jean Rostand.


• Having more money doesn't make you happier. I have 50 million dollars but I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million - Arnold Schwarzenegger. • We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for, I have no idea - W H Auden. • In hotel rooms I worry. I can't be the only guy who sits on the furniture naked - Jonathan Katz. • If life were fair Elvis would still be alive today and all the impersonators would be dead - Johnny Carson. • I don't believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we're very sceptical Arthur C Clarke. • Hollywood must be the only place on earth where you can be fired by a man wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap - Steve Martin. • Home cooking. Where many a man thinks his wife is - Jimmy Durante. • America is so advanced that even the chairs are electric - Doug Hamwell. • The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone - George Roberts. • If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to the airport- Jonathan Winters.


Whorehouse sues local church over lightning strike! – Via adv Len Els Diamond D's brothel began construction on an expansion of their building to increase their ever-growing business. In response, the local Baptist Church started a campaign to block the business from expanding -- with morning, afternoon, and evening prayer sessions at their church. Work on Diamond D's progressed right up until the week before the grand reopening when lightning struck the whorehouse and burned it to the ground! After the cat-house was burned to the ground by the lightning strike, the church folks were rather smug in their outlook, bragging about "the power of prayer." But late last week 'Big Jugs' Jill Diamond, the owner/madam, sued the church, the preacher and the entire congregation on the grounds that the church ... "was ultimately responsible for the demise of her building and her business -- either through direct or indirect divine actions or means." In its reply to the court, the church vehemently and voraciously denied any and all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise. The crusty old judge read through the plaintiff's complaint and the defendant's reply, and at the opening hearing he commented, "I don’t know how the hell I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from the paperwork, that we now have a whorehouse owner who staunchly believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that thinks it's all bullshit!"



Hein Goussard: Karos, Namakwaland

Andre du Toit, Durban


A serious Terrence Schwartz, Oos-Rand “Uit Japie van Warmbad se Possak."

Oubaas se honne!

Dag oom Hennie. Hier is net opvolg van die hinderlaag se storie. 154

Landmyne. Saterdag, nadat ons alles gedoen het wat nodig is op Vrydag se toneel van kontak, het ons net weer in die gebied begin werk. Spore soek en navrae doen. Laatmiddag het ons met die vier Hippo’s en Zebra op Oom Willie se pad in ‘n oostelike rigting beweeg. Nader na St. Mary’s, die Katolieke kerkie toe. Dit was laat en ons het begin kyk waar tydelike basis gemaak kan word. Ons (seksie 1), was voor, met die Zebra eerste agter ons. Dit ry stadig en ons bekyk die wêreld. Genugtig. Wonder of mens ‘n landmyn regtig hoor. Ek dink die ontploffing is dalk meer as wat mens se gehoor kan inneem. Daar is net skielik ‘n geweldige ontploffing, stof en rook. Wel, dit lyk soos rook, die stof is swart en nie swart nie. Dink ek weet nou hoe smaak kordiet ook. Die sware Hippo van hoeveel ton is amper vooroor gegooi. Eerste ding in jou kop is ‘Hinderlaag’. Omdat ek voor langs die bestuurder sit, weet ek die RPG7 sal my eerste wil uithaal omdat die LMG masjiengewere bokant my kop is. Belde (veiligheidsgordels vir landmyne) word afgeruk en ek spring op om by die LMG’s te kom. Gelukkig was dit toe nie ‘n hinderlaag nie, en nadat die sware Hippo op sy agterstewe gaan lê het was daar vir ‘n paar oomblikke doodse stilte in die voertuig. Dan kom die manne weer by in al die stof. Die belde word losgemaak en almal spring uit. Net twee het bly sit. Seker bewusteloos van die skok onder hulle. Hulle het regoor mekaar gesit en die myne het reg onder hulle, op die Hippo se ewenaar, ontplof. Mens klim mos agter uit ‘n Hippo. Sy agterwêreld was op die grond, en omtrent 2 meter van die gat af. Dit was dus maklik om uit te kom, sonder om in die gat te val. Mens sou nie oor hom kon spring nie, hy was baie groot en diep. Arme Cruywagen, die een wat langs my in die kontak gelê het, was een van die twee wat bewusteloos was. Die ander man was ‘n jong ‘buddie’ (lid van die tuiswag). Ons het met hulle probeer praat, dit was egter net stilte, maar hulle het asem gehaal. Dit het gelyk na inwendige beserings. Daar was nie bloed nie, en mens los hulle liewer vir die ouens wat weet. Ons kon maar net wag dat ‘n ‘Chopper’ kom vir CASEVAC. ( Casualty evacuation) Terwyl ons wag vir die helikopter, het ons rondgekyk en gewonder hoekom die ontploffing so groot kon wees, en hoekom reg onder die Hippo se ewenaar, nie onder ‘n wiel nie. Die regter agterwiel met ‘n stuk sy-as aan, het tussen die bome deurgetrek en vyftig treë van ons af in die bos gelê. Die linker agterwiel, met ook ‘n stuk sy-as aan, het weer ver links gelê. Met nadere ondersoek het ons uitgewerk dat hierdie storie goed opgestel was. Presiese lengte van ‘n Hippo was hier afgemeet. ‘n Stokkie soos die ‘V’ van ‘n kettie, het elkeen ‘n draadjie omgehad. Die draadjies was aan ‘n PM9 battery gekoppel, en aan ‘n landmyn. Wanneer die Hippo se voorwiel dan die ‘V’ trap, kortsluiting, en die myn gaan af.


Blykbaar was dit ‘n ‘Kaasmyn’ en nog twee ander myne. Dis ironies, naby die voertuig het ‘n myn in die stof gelê wat niks makeer het nie. Ons kon nie dink waar in die opset moes hy sy werk doen nie. Met aankoms van die helikopter het die weermag mediese personeel ons net so gekyk, die opset so gekyk, en gesê ons moet ook saamkom. Hierdie was ‘n groot ontploffing, ons moet liewer almal net ondersoek word. Nouja, daar vlieg ons toe saam. Moet sê, my ma sou nie haar seun herken het nie. Magtag maar ‘n man is vuil. Ons klere lyk maar na ou stofjasse, maar die gesigte, o wee. Wit oë tussen die stof, en bruin tande. Grawe vol stof in die ore. Hare net ‘n miershoop. Nadat ons op Ondangwa geland het en die twee bewustelose lede in die hospitaaltent ingedra is, het hulle sommer kort na mekaar wakker geword. Sonder ernstige skade. Niere gekneus, en ‘n seer rug. Ons ander was ook almal reg vir verdere avonture. Die manne wat agtergebly het, het die pad rondom ons Hippo gevee vir dalk nog ‘n myn daar rond. Snaaks hoe dinge kan gebeur. Die ouens het ‘n ent van die pad, terug, oor daar waar ons gery het, ook gevee. Sowaar, ons het ‘n myn misgery, en toe ons die myne daarvoor trap, swaai die Zebra agter ons onmiddelik uit die pad. Hy sou die myn trap, sy spoor was reg op hom af, maar toe mis hy hom omtrent met ‘n meter. Dit was ‘n TM57, in die pad, reg vir die Zebra se voorwiel. Die manne het die volgende dag, nadat die Hippo herwin is, teruggekeer basis toe. Ons het hulle weer die Maandag daar gekry. Die storie van ons en Oom Willie se pad het toe nie net daar opgehou nie. Sondag het ons ouens daar padgegee. Maandag ry daar ‘n bakkie vol plaaslike bevolking verby die gat. Honderd meter verder trap hulle ‘n myn. Dooies en gewondes bly daar lê. Geen ander voertuig kom heeldag daar verby nie. Dinsdag kom daar ‘n pastoor of priester van die Katolieke kerk op St. Mary’s verby, eerste persoon op die PB’s se toneel. Hy laai dooies en gewondes op sy bakkie en ry verder St. Mary’s toe. Honderd meter verder trap hy ‘n myn. Nog meer dooies. Ek weet nie hoeveel daardie kere dood is nie. Die plaaslike bevolking het dit ook maar nie maklik gehad nie.

NEWS FROM ALL OVER - THE POLICE POST BAG / NUUS POS VAN HEINDE EN VERRE - POLISIE-POSSAK The debate: Peter Odendaal - NZ Dear Hennie, My name is Peter Odendaal and I am a South African citizen resident in New Zealand. I thought I would let you know that I have just read the article "The South 156

African Police and the Security Branch: A Debate Koos Kotze - Roy Allen" on Politicsweb which I found very interesting. My New Zealand friends are remarkably uninformed about those times in South Africa, for the most part their only reference was the aborted rugby tour of the 1980's but I find they are also keen to hear more about it. So we often have interesting discussions on the subject and this particular article was a great source of information. Kind regards Peter The Debate: Helmoed Heitman: Pretoria We were in contact just before I moved from CT to Pretoria. I have now been here almost two-and-a-half years, but so tied up with the defence review and other work that I have seen less of my friends than when I used to come up once a month. From next month my time will become my own, and then I would like to take up our agreement to meet over a drink! Meanwhile, I have just read the uniformed vs SB articles on Politicsweb and find myself in partial agreement with both writers. If that is the quality of writing you attract, is it possible for me as a former ‘brown job’ to subscribe? Regards, Helmoed Heitman Dear HRH You may subscribe with pleasure. It's free and we need people of your calibre. We want to take eNONGQAI a bit "higher" than the normal "troopie" and "Bush war" stories - we also want to try and understand our history. I was a policeman - I was attached to the Secretariate of the State Security Council where I learnt a lot from the SADF - and I I told you I admired your work on the Concept of a Third Force. I am still a firm believer in that concept i.e. with the normal civil police service also a military constabulary or gendarme force to do the “hard policing” ever since I read your report. 157

We surely can have a beer, nice hearing from you!

The debate: Roy Allen – Australia Hennie, That is a nice comment coming from Helmoet Heitman. I have been an avid reader of his well informed and thought provoking analyses, for many years. You deserve the lion’s share of Helmoet's positive comments, because if it was not for you, both articles would have remained unwritten. Congratulations and well done! Roy. The debate: Trevor Reid Good Day Kudos to Rory Allen on his article in reply to Koos Kotze regarding the SB. I am an ex-SB an hundred percent in agreement with Mr Allen. It was often found during that time that people who had “beef” with the SB would love to tell fictitious stories about us, but Rory’s article pretty much covers everything. Kind Regards Trevor Reid: Proud Ex SAP and SB The debate: Dr James Myburg: Politics Web Dear Hennie, I think this debate is very important - though it is also a fraught and painful one. It is essential for historians truly trying to make sense of our difficult past - rather than simply flog crude caricatures of it. For me the key question raised by this debate is the following: When a state is faced with a revolutionary threat (one that seeks its forceable overthrow) what is the appropriate response by the security forces? Is it to act ruthlessly, using whatever means necessary, to see off that threat? Or should they continue to always try to act within the law (and certain basic ethical boundaries)? Or, it if is somewhere in between, where does the line get drawn? 158

In the South African context did the "extra-judicial" actions of some elements in the security forces forestall that revolutionary threat or did they, in certain ways, help to hasten it? Best wishes, James Dear James, A short reply by HBH: I think we as policemen have a twofold duty: 1. Once the politicians have determined what the police must do, we as police determine the “how”. (Our “how” in many cases was approved at the SSC in various strategies laid before them. The SAP must explain the “how” and “why” did we use this or that method to accomplish the set task i.e. the what.) The Commissioner determines the “how” we have to do in order to achieve the goals set by the politicians. The State could also plead “noodweer” but I think the police have been misused. We were seen as a quick-fix, a type of Handy Andy solution – “Leave it to the Police they are paid to solve the problem” or “Don’t worry Mr State President, or Mr Minister, we will see everything right!” In the US you call the US Marines Corps for special actions and for covert action. This they do in conjunction with the CIA. The USMC is seen as an instrument of state craft. In the RSA the SAP was wrongly seen as an instrument of statecraft. In the SA scenario it should have been the NI who had special people under deep cover assisted by SADF Special Forces who should have for e.g. attacked the ANC HQ in London. This attack, however spectacular, is not a police function – the police are peace officers, we take people to court. [We were not a gendarmerie or military constabulary.] Police don’t bomb offices in other countries; we have to act within the scope of the law. Your police must always come to court with “clean hands” and your police must not cultivate an evil mind. Per se I am not against the attack on the ANC HQ. It was excelled show and sent the correct message, shock waves and signals to both Whitehall and Goodge Street; but it should not have been done by the SA police in London. It is not a SAP function to act in the UK, about 6 000 miles (or 9563 km) from home. The politicians have to explain the “what” and “why” from their viewpoint. The Police have to explain the “how and why.” 159

In the final analysis our politicians are accountable for our police actions; if you are accountable you are responsible. The politicians are responsible for Col de Kock’s actions and his dilemma because he became part of a system of structural state violence. The politician could have closed Vlakplaas down; they knew what was happening there – we all have just to read the published matter on this subject. Our former NP politicians have a moral duty to intercede on Col de Kock’s behalf.

Third Force: Helmoed Heitman: Pretoria Hennie, You have just struck a chord with me again: I first tried to ‘sell’ the idea of a separate Internal Stability force in the mid-1980s; it was shot down by General Bischoff of the Army because it would have involved transferring the Group HQs, the Commandos and some light infantry battalions to the new force, to be merged with the riot control elements of the SAP. I proposed it again in 1990, and it was actually taken up by President De Klerk at a Cabinet bosberaad, with the words that “I am aware that this was considered previously and not taken up, but I believe it needs to be considered again”. The then Minister and Commissioner went into an overnight huddle and said the next morning that such a force would be unnecessary because the SAP was forming the POP, which would fulfil this function, and the Cabinet fell for that BS. I tried a third time during the Defence White Paper process in 1995/96 and failed again. Every time the key people missed the point: This was not about building a new empire or weakening someone else’s existing empire; it was about taking the soldier and the policeman out of the political and often unsavoury business of riot control and IS. The soldier defends against foreign enemies; the policeman is the person I run to when I am scared in a dark part of town, or ask for directions or the time. Neither should be dressed up like Darth Vadar and hitting protestors on the head. That goes against the ethos of both professions. And a separate ‘third force’ for IS tasks could very easily be given a real mission beyond riot control and the like: It could take over border protection, NKP protection, VIP protection, et al. That would provide for a core of very highly trained professionals and a promotion path, while the rank and file would alternate between border and riot duty on short-service contracts (you do not want someone making a career of cracking skulls, that develops some very strange attitudes) coupled with vocational training that gives then a future career after six or eight or ten years of service. And it is hardly an unusual concept, I would almost say that most countries of any size have something like this, with us and the UK being exceptions. The US have something essentially similar in their State Troopers and border guard forces. 160

Willem Steenkamp recently took up the cudgels on my behalf in an article in the SA Army Journal, which I edit, and used the term Constabulary, which fits the role and has a historical precedent in South Africa. On an entirely different note: After I came back from London in 1976, I picked up a copy of Servamus lying on Stephen Wrottesley’s desk at the Cape Times (police/crime reporter who sat next to Willem) and found an article written by a white, Afrikaans detective about a little black girl who had been murdered some years before in Soweto, and whose murder he had not been able to solve. It was written with such obviously genuine emotion and feeling that I (remember I was a soldier) reviewed my thoughts of who a policeman was, and that I subscribed (I still do). Later I had friends, acquaintances and colleagues in the detective and security branches and in Ops K, and I found all of them to be extremely decent human beings with a vocation, not just a career or even just a profession. I know there were thugs in the force and crooked cops, just like the Army had its share of thugs and crooks, as in every country, but they were the inevitable minority. I can also say that having managed to get lost at night in the coloured townships of CT once when collecting a foreign journalist, I saw two policemen next to their van, one coloured and one black, and knew my bacon had been saved – and it was, they looked at me, took pity and led me to where I needed to be. More recently I had to go to Brooklyn to have some documents stamped and encountered a bunch of new police cadets (still be monitored by baleful looking instructor warrant officers) and was struck by how enthusiastic and keen they were to be real policemen. I had the same experience after a rather strange burglary just after we arrived (tell you about that over a beer): I called Brooklyn on a late Sunday morning to report it, saying there seemed to be nothing missing, no real damage, no injury, etc but that I just wanted to report it. Less than ten minutes later I had two uniformed constables in my study taking a statement; less than thirty minutes later I had a case number by SMS; within an hour a detective called to ask if he could come around and was there within a few minutes; looked, said he would not be the investigating officer but that I would get the name by SMS and that the fingerprint man would be there on Monday morning. Within thirty minutes I had that SMS and 09h00 Monday the fingerprint man was here. As it turned out – no prints at all and the only thing missing was a GPS. About a week later a lady detective called to ask if I would object if she filed the matter, a portable GPS being essentially impossible to trace and no real harm having been done. I had no objection and really appreciated the courtesy.


So for all the real problems the SAP have, and for all the justified criticism, the service I experienced here in 2010, was as good as in Camps Bay in 1981 when a burglar got into our house and attacked my mother. We still have good policemen out there. I just wish the SAP was not as bad at selling itself as the SANDF. And I wish the new commissioner had listened to me (met her as part of the DR) when I advised her not to put on a uniform because while ‘a cop’ could respect an effective civilian administrator as head of the service, that same ‘cop’ would never respect someone wearing a uniform they had not earned the hard way, arresting drunks, getting tangled in family disputes and being desk sergeant on Christmas Eve when your kids want you at home. But there she is in her unearned uniform and I can already see which way that is going… Anyway, let’s be in touch next week and find a time that suits us for a drink. And please let me know how to subscribe. Regards, Helmoed Dear Helmoed, I say “police” operate on two levels. Firstly on a mundane level; to keep the peace at grass roots level. Such a force should be a civilian service. That’s why we were called peace officers. At a higher plane where the vested interests of the State are threatened we need the gendarmerie or (military) constabulary. This force would be something like the Royal Dutch Marechaussee. I was the only SAP Officer, I know off, who agreed with your concept of a “Third Force”. I would have left the SAP to go to such a gendarmerie. The SAP did not like or understand the concept. In reality we felt threatened by it. (I sat in on various top level forums where the idea was discussed.) Two SAP officers, Col Johan Gijsbers and John Horak submitted very good pro-SAP and anti-3rd Force reports. Lt-Gen AJ Wandrag and other senior officers were dead against the idea. I studied the concept in detail for a couple of years and wrote academic stuff on it. Today our legacy of not having a 3rd Force is manifested in our present high rate of crime. We lost the art of classical policing because of all the Coin and Riot Control duties. You only have to study the various annual reports of the Commissioner of Police. Its water under the bridge. Steve Camp: Durban Thanks Hennie, I have, on the link you sent me. Really enjoyed the read. It's a pity we don`t have a SA army one of similar calibre! 162

Regards, Steve Terry Schwartz (East Rand) Hi Hennie, As we have come to expect, superb issue. Chris Roberts ex-BSAP now living in UK would like to be included on your mailing list, could you organize it please. Regards (to Petro too) Terry. Alberton polisiestasie: Annel Meyer Vooraf: Annel Meyer is na die eNongqai verwys tov “ou” Alberton se polisiestasie. Sien verlede maand se nuusbrief. Enige iemand met inligting oor ou Alberton se polisiestasie is welkom om dit aan te stuur. Annel skryf hierdie maand verder: Baie dankie, Hennie. Ek sien op jou webblad jy stel belang in genealogie. Daarom stuur ek vir jou, met komplimente, die nuutste publikasie van ons genealogiese vereniging hier op die Oos Rand, waarvan ek die redakteur is. Groete Annel Meyer • Kollegas en vriende wat belangstel in genealogie kontak gerus Annel, hulle gee ‘n skitterende tydskrif uit. Indien u inligting oor Alberton polisiestasie kry stuur gerus aan.



NO 45 – JUNE 2013 Annel Meyer (klipnes@gmail.com)

NETWORKING & “LET’S SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER AND OUR OWN”/ NETWERK & “KOM ONS ONDERSTEUN MEKAAR EN ONS EIE” Please send your business card for publication Annemari Jansen – Koorsboom Kothuis

Jannie Otto Onthou indien u Israel wil besoek, tree in verbinding met Jannie Otto. Karate: Kol (adv) Len Els

Karateka 40


Karate het verskillende betekenis vir verskillende ouderdomsgroepe. Jeugdiges stelbelang in sport karate; kompetisies en medaljes. Volwassenes verlang fiksheid (liggaamlik en geestelik) en praktiese selfverdediging. Dit is dan ook die klem by Karateka40. En glo my: karate is goedkoper dan Prozac! Dit word inderdaad uiteindelik ‘n lewenswyse wat deursuur na alle fasette en verhoudings in jou lewe. Die benadering in die klas is ook anders. Dissipline word gehandhaaf, maar op ander vlak dan by jeugdiges. As jy op 40 plus nog nie selfdissipline het nie; sal ek jou dit nie kan leer nie. Uiters gevaarlike tegnieke word geoefen wat op straatwerk. Jeugdiges het nog nie die emosionele rypheid daar voor nie en gevolglik leer ekhulle nie die tegnieke nie. Fiksheid is nie onderhandelbaar nie: in ‘n straatsituasie het jy stamina brood nodig! Geen kontakskerm word toegelaat nie. Ons is almal professioneel en ek wil nie more met ‘n blouoog op die bank klim nie! Daar is ander metodes op die vaardighede op te skerp. Ek glo dat wapens ‘n integrale deel van karate is en is ook ‘n Nunchaku en AMOK mestegniekeinstrukteur. Ons bied ook oggends elfverdedigingseminare vir dames aan genaamd “Be your own Guardian Angel”. Selfverdediging is slegs 20% fisies; die balans is “attitude, awareness and avoidance”. Vir meer inligting, besoekwww.karateka40.co.za of kontak my by 082 9230603. www.karateka40.co.za Karateka40 - age groups, mature adult, stressful, crime, self defence, self confidence, men • Sensei Len (4de Dan, Tokio geakkrediteerd) is ook ‘n nunchaku en amok mestegnieke instrukteur. Kontak besonderhede: Kontak Sensei Len @ 0829230603 of lentulus@mweb.co.za Gegroet, Sensei Len. Kunswerk: Japie Erasmus Kom ons ondersteun vir Japie. Indien u illustrasies en kunswerk nodig het. Kom ons ondersteun mekaar!


Phillip Jacobs: Trappers Witbank

Kontak vir Phillip Jacobs by Witbank se Trappers. Epos vir Philip Jacobs: philip.jcbs@gmail.com Antikwiteite en boeke: Leon “Div” de Villiers AANKOPER & HANDELAAR IN AFRICANA & SKAARS BOEKE, insluitend: Boekversamelings, manuskripte, kaarte, skilderye, kunswerke, ens., met betrekking tot ons literatuur, geskiedenis, historiese geboue & plekke, jag, natuur, wildslewe, spoorweë, maritieme, militêre, oorloë, mense ens. asook onderwerpe wat betrekking het op die Afrikakontinent.

Kontak Leon by: Tel/Faks: 021 592 3460 Sel: 084 436 0842 e-pos: australb@mweb.co.za http://antiqbook.com/bookdealer.phtml?o=australafrica http://www.bidorbuy.co.za/seller/435994/Boekesmous Memorabilia: Sandblasting: Dave Jeffrey For a hobby Dave takes glass beer mugs, jugs and drinking glasses etc and he sandblasts them with the actual SAP, BSAP & SAR logo’s that I supplied him with. These make ideal gifts and also acts as fine SAP memorabilia. I had him even make me an AKPOL-glass, a League of Former Policemen -glass and a set of drinking glasses of pre-Union Police Forces. His prices are very reasonable. His contact no is 072-839-0146, 012-651-4829 or email: "Dave" davejulie@neomail.co.za 166

PJ Fourie Makelaars Piet is een van ons oudkollegas. Indien u iets wil weet oor versekering skakel gerus met Piet “Kierie� Fourie.


JKLS Africa

Die wildbedryf: Neelsie Borea Neelsie “Speurder” Borea het kom koffie drink en vra dat vriende wat in die wildbedryf belangstel asb hierna moet kyk. Nog ‘n dame hieronder genome, Petronel was ook in die ou SA Polisie. Kom ons ondersteun ons vriende!


Durban: Speedy’s Shuttle Services (ex SAP Member) Hi Hennie, Thanks for your offer to place the attached in your magazine. Let me know if you need anything else. Kind regards, Peter. Peter C Morris Comm of Oaths : RSA p 031-702 4415 c 082 574 4719 f 086 668 3128


Speedy’s Shuttle Services Transfers undertaken to and from King Shaka International Airport, to hotels, conference centres, game lodges etc. covering Stanger and Ballito on the North Coast, Port Shepstone and Margate on the South Coast and inland to Hillcrest or Pietermaritzburg.


Speedy Morris On 082 5744 719 to confirm your booking and a rate by prior arrangement, private hire to destinations in KZN undertaken. Sleep overs at customer’s expense due to fluctuating fuel costs, prices on request terms of payment – strictly “cash only” upon collection or electronic funds transfer (eft) accepted by prior arrangement BANKING DETAILS : PC MORRIS, STANDARD BANK, PINETOWN, A/C NO – 051907372, BRANCH CODE – 046 626, DEPOSIT REFERENCE - (Your Surname & Initials)

STOP PRESS / LAAT BERIGTE INDEMITY / VRYWARING Die e-Nongqai bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende korrespondente en die opsteller van e-Nongqai kan nie vir enige deel van die inhoud daarvan in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid verantwoordelik gehou word nie. 170

The e-Nongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents and the compiler of e-Nongqai cannot be held responsible for any of their comments. Enige advertensies of enige sake voortspruitend is tussen u en die ander party.

NEXT EDITION / VOLGENDE UITGAWE Next edition some time, Deo Volenti, during September 2013.


CONCLUSION / SLOT Dankie aan almal wat gehelp het om hierdie uitgawe ’n sukses te maak! Baie welkom aan ons nuwe lesers!

Kontakbesonderhede / Contact details Hennie Heymans: heymanshb@gmail.com [tel 012 329 4229] Johan Jacobs: jhnjacobs65@gmail.com Anemari Jansen: anemari@koorsboomcottage.co.za Ronnie Beyl: rbeyl@iburst.co.za Greetings - Groete Salute! Saluut! Hennie Heymans No 43630 © 2013


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