Nongqai Vol 11 No 1

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NONGQAI : VOLUME 11 NO 1 Table of Contents VOORWOORD: BRIG FANIE BOUWER ........................................................................................ 9 Voorwoord: Nongqai Vol. 11 Nr. 1 ............................................................................................. 9 FRONT COVER | VOORBLAD ..................................................................................................... 11 Eerste in die Reeks ................................................................................................................. 11 ADMINISTRATION | ADMINISTRASIE ......................................................................................... 12 Publisher | Uitgewer ................................................................................................................ 12 Contact Details | Kontakbesonderhede ................................................................................... 12 Aim | Doel ................................................................................................................................ 12 Policy | Beleid .......................................................................................................................... 12 Welcome | Welkom.................................................................................................................. 13


ELEKTRONIESE BEDIENING: KOOT SWANEPOEL .................................................................. 14 VISIT OUR WEBSITE | BESOEK ONS WEBWERF ..................................................................... 15 POLICE HISTORY | POLISIEGESKIEDENIS ............................................................................... 15 Operation “K” ............................................................................................................................... 15 Kaokoveld: Jim Hooper ........................................................................................................... 15 ANDER NUUS | OTHER ITEMS.................................................................................................... 26 Maleoskop ............................................................................................................................... 26 •

Top opleidingseenheid nou weiveld vir beeste ................................................................. 26

1974: Maleoskop ..................................................................................................................... 29 Servamus & redakteurs van SA Magte se tydskrifte ............................................................... 30 SAP-lugvleuel | SAP Air Wing: Frikkie van Eeden ................................................................... 30 Navorsing: SAP in Rhodesië | Research: SAP serving in Rhodesia ....................................... 31 •

Research: SAP: Rhodesia: Adrian Haggett & Maj Don Price ............................................ 31

Introduction of original information by Major Don Price..................................................... 31

Genl-maj Gerrit Murphy (SAW -afgetree).......................................................................... 38

Adrian Hagget: .................................................................................................................. 38

HBH: ................................................................................................................................. 39

“Ou” Polisieman van SWA: Sers. JL Botha: Mnr Wolfgang Witschas ...................................... 39 Mev Dimples Wandrag se herinneringe: Lt.genl. J Ferreira..................................................... 41 Hondestorie uit die Laeveld: Lt. genl. J Ferreira ...................................................................... 42 Durban Borough Police: Durban Gemeente Politie ................................................................. 43 •

Durban Central Police Station ........................................................................................... 43

Greyville Police Station ..................................................................................................... 43

SAP-gedenteken: Voortrekkerhoogte ...................................................................................... 44 1990: Plofstofkursus: Genieskool, SAW: 17 September tot 05 Oktober: Lt.kol. “Piet-Patu” van Zyl ........................................................................................................................................... 45 Gelykheid voor die Reg? ......................................................................................................... 45 •

Wie se sterftes maak SA gaande en watter nie? Brig. Fanie Bouwer ............................... 45

Inleiding ............................................................................................................................ 45

Arrestasie van 2 wit geneeshere ....................................................................................... 46

Openbare reaksie ............................................................................................................. 46 3

Wanneer ras 'n rol speel in SA.......................................................................................... 46

Die houding rondom en die gevolge van die inisiasie- tradisie ......................................... 47

Ter afsluiting ..................................................................................................................... 47

SAP: Puntdiens: Bloemfontein: Nico Moolman........................................................................ 47 Die Groot Fisant van die Kamp: HBH ...................................................................................... 48 Brigadier Anesh Haripersad is regarded as a top police officer by the media: Logan Govender ................................................................................................................................................ 53 •

Constable Haripersad Bhaul ............................................................................................. 54

Post Script ........................................................................................................................ 60

• Certificate successful completion of the Presidential Strategic Leadership Development Program-1 ............................................................................................................................... 60 •

General Bala Naidoo at his graduation for his Master’s Degree in Public Administration. 62

POLICE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES | POLISIE VERKEER GESELLIG ................................................ 64 Malalane: Retired SAPS officials treated to Christmas lunch .................................................. 64 Major Generals Bob Naidoo and Bala Naidoo ......................................................................... 68 SA RAILWAYS POLICE | SA SPOORWEGPOLISIE ................................................................... 69 Die Bospadda: “Chris & Kobus”: Heleen Crossman ................................................................ 69 Passenger Train 87300: Detonation of Landmine: Waterval-Onder: 19 June 1982: Mr Rudolph Pretorius .................................................................................................................................. 71 Bospadda: “Chris” in SWA: Foto’s vir Nongqai deur Floris Botha: Frans Bedford-Visser ........ 79 Bospadda: “Chris” in Operasionele Gebied ............................................................................. 79 Spoorwegpolisie in die Operasionele Gebied .......................................................................... 82 MILITARY HISTORY | KRYGSGESKIEDENIS ............................................................................. 84 Nag generaal! ............................................................................................................................... 84 Die laaste generaals van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag: Genl G Murphy ......................... 84 •

SA Weermag: Verdedigingshoofkwartier .......................................................................... 84

SA Weermag: Generaals van die SA Leër ........................................................................ 85

Generaals van die SA Lugmag en admiraals van die SA Vloot ........................................ 86

Geneesheer-generaal & Kapelaan-generaal .................................................................... 87

60 Sqn SAAF’s First Encounter with a Jet-propelled Aircraft: Lt Col William Marshall ............ 87 •

Enemy jet aircraft .............................................................................................................. 90

Messerschmitt Me262 data ............................................................................................... 91 4

Naval Police: Simonstown .......................................................................................................... 92 •

Introduction HBH............................................................................................................... 92

Simon's Town Dock Police................................................................................................ 92

Simonstown Dockyard Police ........................................................................................... 93

Royal Marine Police ....................................................................................................... 93

The Simonstown Dockyard Police .................................................................................... 93

1838 ............................................................................................................................................... 96 The Zulus and the Voortrekkers .............................................................................................. 96 Ambulans: Newcastle: Nico Moolman ..................................................................................... 98 Mainly of interest to former members of the Security Branch ................................................. 99 • DOJ &CD forced to disclose nearly R3.6m paid for Rodrigues legal costs, at taxpayers’ expense ................................................................................................................................... 99 •

1961: Umkhonto We Sizwe (MK) ...................................................................................... 99

“WE WILL REMEMBER THEM”: CAPT. CHARLES ROSS (SAN – RTD.) ............................... 103 South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties Buried Across the World: Part Twenty-Two by Captain (SAN) Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired) ................................................................... 103 ISMAILIA WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERY: EGYPT ............................................................... 103 •

Bedford Cemetery Bedfordshire: United Kingdom .......................................................... 104

Dover (St James’s) Cemetery, United Kingdom ............................................................. 104

Cambridge City Cemetery: United Kingdom ................................................................... 105

Harare Pioneer Cemetery: Zimbabwe............................................................................. 106

South African Branch: Commonwealth War Graves Commission ......................................... 106 Memorial: Const CW Eagle: Fort Hendrina later Fort Edward ............................................... 108 ANGLO BOER WAR | ANGLO BOERE-OORLOG .................................................................... 109 Plaaslewe voor, tydens en na die Anglo-Boere Oorlog ......................................................... 109 •

Voorwoord ...................................................................................................................... 109

Hoofstuk 1 ............................................................................................................................. 112 •

Roodebloem ................................................................................................................... 112

Foto’s uit die Anglo Boere-oorlog | Photos: Anglo Boer War ................................................ 121 •

Indians in the Anglo Boer War ........................................................................................ 121 5

African POW in Ceylon ................................................................................................... 122

Boere met lang hare ....................................................................................................... 123

RSA INTELLIGENCE | SA INLIGTING ....................................................................................... 124 Inleiding ................................................................................................................................. 124 Wikipedia: State Security Agency (South Africa) ................................................................... 124 •

Origins ............................................................................................................................ 124

Functions and mandate .................................................................................................. 125

Legislation ....................................................................................................................... 125

Director-Generals/Directors ...................................................................................................... 125 Organisational structure ............................................................................................................ 126 •

Domestic branch ............................................................................................................. 126

Foreign branch ................................................................................................................ 126

National Communications branch ................................................................................... 126

South African National Academy of Intelligence (SANAI) ............................................... 127

Intelligence Services Council on Conditions of Employment (ISC) ................................. 127

References ............................................................................................................................... 127 •

External links .................................................................................................................. 128

Analysis | Cleaning up the SSA: 'The Vault is now closed' ............................................. 128

Disinformation Colonialism and African Internet Policy ................................................... 128

ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE | REGSPLEGING ................................................................... 129 Landdroskantoor: Vrede: OVS .............................................................................................. 129 Bethlehem: Landdrosgebou .................................................................................................. 130 POLICE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................................ 130 Troubles: Northern Ireland ........................................................................................................ 130 Former Marine threatens to take court action against police for pursuing him over a shooting during the Troubles almost 50 years ago .............................................................................. 130 • Kommentaar deur dr Len Els, SC, (oud-adjunk prokureur- generaal van Bophuthatswana en oud-militêre regter.) .......................................................................................................... 132 DEFENCE INTERNATIONAL...................................................................................................... 132 Teen-Tenk Hond-Myn: Saamgestel deur Lt.kol. Philip Malherbe .......................................... 132 6

WW2: POW’s .............................................................................................................................. 136 Inleiding: Suid-Afrikaanse Krygsgevangenes in Europa tydens WO2 ................................... 136 Christmas in Stalag XX-A: From pantomimes to tobogganing, photos reveal how British PoW’s made the most of festivities during WWII .............................................................................. 137 BRICS .......................................................................................................................................... 138 Russia, China and Iran to hold joint naval drills in the Middle East amid heightened tensions over the Strait of Hormuz....................................................................................................... 138 INTELLIGENCE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................... 139 RS167 .......................................................................................................................................... 139 •

My View of the Intelligence World. .................................................................................. 139

Red faces in the UK. ....................................................................................................... 139

Mystery court case in Australia. ...................................................................................... 139

Questions on criminal acts by British Intelligence agents. .............................................. 139

UK: MI5........................................................................................................................................ 140 MI5 informants DO have a 'Licence to KILL': Policy allowing moles to murder, kidnap and torture to maintain cover is LEGAL, tribunal rules ................................................................. 140 Cyberterrorism ........................................................................................................................... 143 World's first 'uncrackable' code: Scientists develop security system that can never be hacked even by quantum computers ................................................................................................. 143 UK MI6 ......................................................................................................................................... 145 MI6 building plans go missing: Construction giant Balfour Beatty is sacked from refurbishment of Secret Service headquarters after major security breach saw layout and alarm details lost .............................................................................................................................................. 145 •

British Intelligence: HBH ................................................................................................. 147

LETTERS | BRIEWE ................................................................................................................... 150 Sergeant Charles Robert Eastwood Brown: Craig Bushy Brown .......................................... 150 Nuwe Veiligheidsraad: Adamus Stemmet ............................................................................. 151 Kol Berrange: Prof J Haarhof ................................................................................................ 151 Burgermag: Gevaartoelae: Staatsdienskommissie: AP Stemmet .......................................... 152


2019: Heildronk op afwesige lede | A Toast to Absent Friends! ............................................ 153 Sononder op laaste dag van die jaar | Sunset on the last day of the year ............................. 153 Lt.kol. Frank Ferreira (Oud-SAP: Moord & Roof) Welkom ..................................................... 153 Genl. Gert Opperman (SAW) ................................................................................................ 154 Karl Gerber (SAW) Pretoria ................................................................................................... 155 Lt. kol. ‘Piet-Patu' van Zyl ...................................................................................................... 155 Adv. (Kol) Len Els, SC ........................................................................................................... 156 Veteraan Tertius Barnardt (Vanuit NZ) (oud-KOD/CID Johannesburg) ................................. 157 Veteraan Anton Smit ............................................................................................................. 157 Kdr. David Blyth (Oud-SAV) en mev Mary Blyth .................................................................... 158 RS 167 .................................................................................................................................. 158 AO Venessa Fourie (Hondegeleier, Witrivier, Mapumalanga) ............................................... 159 Admiraal Errol Massey Hicks ................................................................................................. 160 Veteraan Lieb Koekemoer ..................................................................................................... 160 SWA-Veteraan: Gawie Botha (SAP) ..................................................................................... 161 Prof. Gerrit Dekker (Oud-SAP Handelstak) ........................................................................... 161 Veteraan: Danie Terblans...................................................................................................... 163 Lynette van Niekerk ............................................................................................................... 164 Nico Moolman (Utrecht: Buskruit & Laventel Museum) ......................................................... 165 Glenn Elsden (SAP Ballistiek) ............................................................................................... 165 Lt. Ger Sevink en mev. Jos Sevink (Amsterdam: Nederland: Koninklijke Marechaussee afgetree) ................................................................................................................................ 166 Barry Taylor: Thailand (Oud-KOD & Anglo American)........................................................... 167 INDEMNITY & © | VRYWARING & ©.......................................................................................... 169 End | Slot ............................................................................................................................... 169

Bikini Beach – Lt. Col. Danie Putter 8

VOORWOORD: BRIG FANIE BOUWER Voorwoord: Nongqai Vol. 11 Nr. 1 Dit is 'n groot eer wat my toegeval het om die voorwoord van hierdie nuwe uitgawe van die Nongqai te skryf, hier reg aan die begin van die 3de dekade van hierdie eeu. Ek het natuurlik eers hierdie kraakvars uitgawe, soos gewoonlik, van voor tot agter deur gelees. Ek had veel plesier aan hierdie uitgawe. Ek het elke keer teruggeblaai en sommige artikels wéér gelees – en was ek weer van voor af meegevoer. Dit is inderdaad asof dit my heeltyd aan die strot gegryp het. Nou nog, baie jare later, kan ek sonder huiwering sê dat die Nongqai keer op keer vir my 'n maandelikse lees-hoogtepunt is. En wil glo dat dit dieselfde is vir baie ander getroue Nongqai-lesers. Ek wil van hierdie geleentheid gebruik maak om nie net oor hierdie spesifieke uitgawe (meer daaroor onder) te skryf nie, maar ook iets kortliks oor die samesteller en redakteur, brigadier Hennie Heymans, en dan ook oor die begrip 'geskiedenis' self. Die doel met hierdie publikasie is om ons - veral die SAP, vorige veiligheidsdienste en ander historiese gebeurtenisse - se geskiedenis te bewaar en begrip daarvoor te bevorder. Iemand het eendag gesê-vra oor "die ding van onthou en vergeet". En soos Johannes van die Bybel het brigadier Heymans duidelik die gevoel dat hy en ander bydraers weer daaroor - die geskiedenis - móét skryf sodat ons dit kan onthou. 'Onthou' is natuurlik die pantser teen 'vergeet'. Derhalwe wil ek dan vir brigadier Heymans namens al ons lesers salueer vir sy ywer, volharding, entoesiasme en verstommende energie om die Nongqai jaar na jaar, maand vir maand, aan ons te lewer. Ek raak partykeer moeg net as ek daaraan dink. Daar het in die SAP byvoorbeeld dinge in die verlede gebeur waarvan party lede die (verstaanbare) gevoel het dat die feite daarvan eerder nié opgehaal moet word nie. Partykeer is dat dit 'ons mense' is wat verkeerd gedoen het. Dit is natuurlik 'n verkeerde benadering, weens die doodeenvoudige feit dat dit maar net bloot geskiedenis is wat nie onder die maatemmer geskuif mag word nie, want dan is dit selektiewe geskiedenis. Aan die ander kant weer sal veral die ouer garde weet dat daar die afgelope jare verbete pogings is om verwronge weergawes aan ons voor te hou - selfs oor die SAP. En so is talle skrywers ook besig om hulle misplaaste perspektiewe van die verlede doodeenvoudig as die waarheid te verkoop. Hulle glo húlle waarheid en aanvaar bloot dat die lesers en aanhoorders in vandag se tye dit sonder teëstribbeling moet aanvaar. Oor dinge van die vorige (politieke) bedeling kan jy mos maar aandik soos jy wil kom dit vir my voor. Mettertyd kan dit dan die aanvaarbare narratief word. En dít mag nie toegelaat word nie. En verset my teen dít, en wanhoop partykeer wanneer ek telkens weer sien hoe ons mense hulpeloos en onbeholpe staan teenoor sulke verdraaiings. Nongqai het egter die afgelope jare egter baie gedoen om die ware feite te publiseer en so vir die nageslag te bewaar. 9

Ek wil dan nou kortliks hier enkele gedagtes herhaal wat ek al oor die 'geskiedenis' gesê het veral vir die Nongqai-lesers wat nie insae daartoe gehad het nie. Ons ervaar geskiedenis deur woorde. Met ander woorde, deur storievertellings; deur die kronologie van gebeure én datums. Geskiedenis móét vertel word vanuit alle hoeke en oogpunte, alhoewel geskiedenis egter, soos hierbo aangedui, net so subjektief kan wees soos die hedendaagse joernalistiek. Lees maar 2 verskillende koerante oor d.s. onderwerp en let op waaroor geskryf word en wat geïgnoreer word. Dít reflekteer natuurlik die skrywers se subjektiwiteit oor die onderwerp. In die nuwe orde van SA vandag, soos seker maar voorheen ook, gee die nuwe heersers met al groterwordende selfvertroue hulle eie perspektiewe oor die verlede. Daardeur herskep en herrangskik die huidige orde dan die geskiedenis - maar meesal ook om hulle eie mislukkings te probeer verbloem. So word sekeres se bydraes in die anale van die geskiedenis uitgewis en word die huidige politieke elite wat die nuutgevonde vrugte van vryheid selfs onwettig pluk, se eie geskiedenis opgehemel. Daardie van ons wat deel was van die werklike, onlangse (resente) geskiedenis - bv. die pre-1994 era - en sekere dinge werklik gesien, belewe en ervaar het, lees en luister met ongeloof na sekere mense se uitsprake en perspektiewe asook die verdraaiing van sekere feite van daardie tyd. Hier dink ek bv. aan enkele dinge uit my/ons persoonlike ervarings soos Soweto 1976; die relatief goeie rasseverhoudinge van daardie tyd andersins; die werksaamhede van die SAP wat 'n veilige en ordelike leefomgewing geskep het; die hoë standaarde in die staatsdiens en elders en so aan. Daar is baie meer voorbeelde. Foute was gemaak ja, maar tog. Dis mos onsinnig om net sekere feite te wil erken of andersins 'n verwronge weergawe te wil gee. Die situasie rondom geskiedenisvertelling en bespreking daarvan het intussen 'n aaklige en onaanvaarbare wending geneem. Dit is dat jy niks goeds van die verlede (en daar is baie) in die openbaar mag sê of dit mag verdedig nie. Doen jy dit, word jy as't ware in die verdoemenis verdryf deur politieke leiers en sekere media-elemente. Ook dít sal teengestaan moet word. Ander se geveinsde sensitiwiteit mag nié die botoon voer nie. Sekere feite van die verlede staan vas en kan nie verander of ontken word nie. Ander dinge weer kan verskillende opinies tot gevolg hê. Ek het hier bo geskryf "vanuit alle hoeke en oogpunte". Dit is so omdat - met die storievertellery en storieskrywery uit almal se dalk subjektiewe perspektiewe - kom die ware feite van die verlede ook gewoonlik na vore. Iemand het ook al gesê dat soos die jare aanskuif, raak die geskiedenisfeite ook dan duideliker en meer akkuraat. Daarom is dit goed en reg dat 'n internet-publikasie soos hierdie (Nongqai) wat onder leiding van brigadier Heymans nou al vir baie jare ook die geskiedenis van SA se polisie (selfs meer as net dit ook) hier weergee - ook deur woorde; storievertellings; deur die kronologie van gebeure; datums én foto's. Dit het ons nie net ingelig nie, maar ook die lig vir ons laat skyn op 'n onbekende of selfs donker verlede. 10

Toekomstige geslagte - en nuwe, aspirant-geskiedkundiges - sal ook dan kan put uit brigadier Heymans se jarelange arbeid en navorsing, sodat die geskiedenis hieromtrent nie verlore gaan nie. Ek wil ook dan van hierdie geleentheid gebruik maak om ander lesers en bydraers wat so getrou foto's en artikels instuur om in Nongqai gepubliseer te word van harte bedank daarvoor. U wat hier lees kan gerus ook voortaan daaraan meedoen. Ek lig hier slegs twee insiggewende artikels uit wat in hierdie uitgawe verskyn. Eerstens bedank ek hiermee spesiaal vir kolonel Logan Govender vir die besonderse moeite wat hy gedoen het om die sluier vir ons te lig oor die IndiĂŤr-polisie van destyds. Hier is ook 'n reeks pragtige, interessante en geskiedkundige foto's geplaas deur Jim Hooper ("Pictorial Essays of Ops K") wat lesers 'n goeie idee sal gee oor hoe dinge destyds in operasionele omstandighede gelyk het. Dankie Jim. Dan is hier ook nog etlike ander insiggewende artikels, geskiedkundige dokumente en ou foto's wat jou aandag gaan behou. Lekker lees! En nogmaals baie dankie aan almal vir hulle bydraes.


Eerste in die Reeks | First in the Series Voorblad: Op die voorblad verskyn ‘n foto van hoofinspekteur O Steen die destydse gesagvoerder van die spoorwegpolisie gedurende 1933. Die foto is deur Jennifer Bosch ingekleur. Cover: 1933: Chief Inspector O Skeen the Controller of the South African Railways & Harbours Police. The colouring was performed by Jennifer Bosch.



Publisher | Uitgewer The Nongqai is compiled by Hennie Heymans (HBH) a retired Brigadier of the late South African Police Force and this e-magazine is published on ISSUU. Hennie lives in Pretoria, ZA. He is passionate about our police-, military- and national security history and holds a MA-degree in National Strategic Studies. Any opinions expressed by him, are entirely his own. Die Nongqai word saamgestel deur Hennie Heymans (HBH), 'n afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en hierdie e-tydskrif word op ISSUU gepubliseer. Hennie woon in Pretoria, ZA. Hy is passievol oor ons polisie-, militêre- en nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het 'n MA-graad in Nasionale Strategiese Studies verwerf. Enige menings wat hy uitspreek, is uitsluitlik sy eie.

Contact Details | Kontakbesonderhede

Aim | Doel Our goal is to collect and record our national security history for publication in the Nongqai for future generations.

Onthou, skryf u storie, soms kan ons net op u geskrewe weergawe terugval want dit is al wat daar is. Deel u SAP- en SAW-foto’s met ons!

Ons doel is om die nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis in die Nongqai aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte bewaar.

Policy | Beleid We publish the articles and stories as we receive them from our correspondents; we only correct the spelling mistakes. It's important to publish the stories in the form and context as we receive them from our correspondents. Policemen and defence personnel have their own language. We are not a scientific or literary journal. We only work with historical building blocks. Ons gebruik die artikels en stories soos ons dit van ons korrespondente ontvang; ons maak slegs die spelfoute reg. Dis belangrik om die stories te bewaar in die vorm en in die konteks soos ons dit ontvang. Lede van die veiligheidsmagte het hul eie taal en ons moet dit ook so aanteken. Ons is nie ‘n letterkundige of wetenskaplike joernaal nie. Ons werk slegs met die boustene van geskiedenis.


Welcome | Welkom ‘n Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar word u toegebid! A prosperous New Year, full of health, wealth and happiness! Baie welkom by hierdie Nuwe Jaar’s-uitgawe. Dankie aan Jennifer Bosch en Glen Elsden wat gehelp het om die voorblad te ontwerp. Aan brig. Fanie Bouwer baie dankie vir die voorwoord. We thank all our correspondents local and abroad! Thanks for your continued splendid support with which we cannot do. To write and collect the history of the South African Police is a full-time job. To Col. Logan Govender thank you for helping with the history of the South African Police in KZN. I do all the typing and the layout of the NONGQAI – I have never received any formal training and I just try my level best. So, please excuse all the typographical errors and please remember sometimes the computer thinks he is clever and does automatic changing of the script. I have decided to take art classes because I cannot find an artist to help me do illustrations of police uniforms. That is quite a difficult task for a novice.

On the left is HBH and on the right is Brig. WH “Colin” Steyn then Deputy Regional Commissioner for the Orange Free State. HBH was then the District Commissioner of Welkom. We have decided to publish this photo as Gen. Steyn is mentioned elsewhere in this edition. Capt. Stiglingh appears in the centre of the photo; he was then Station Commander of Virginia. This function was held by the DC of Welkom for the purpose of honouring certain upstanding members of the community. Leaders from all walks of life came forward and offered to help where they could; specially to negotiate peace amongst the various groups. I miss the regular prestigious officer’s club functions, balls and dinners. 13


Liewe oudkollegas, vriende en kennisse, die ou jaar 2019 is vinnig verby, altans so het ek dit beleef en ek glo en vertrou u ook. So het gedurende 2019 baie familie, vriende en kennisse ons planeet aarde verlaat na die hiernamaals. Ons het nog die voorreg om aan hierdie kant van die graf te wees. Ek wil met julle ‘n gedagte deel vir die jaar 2020 wat vir ons voorlê. Ons elkeen het al op een of ander stadium in een of ander winkel in ‘n ry gestaan om by die betaalpunt uit te kom. Soms was die rye lank en ons moes maar geduldig wag. Dit het al gebeur dat jy haastig was, maar jy kon nie by die persoon voor jou indruk nie. Dit het al gebeur dat jy jou goedere neersit en die ry verlaat en na ‘n ander winkel gaan of besluit om maar op ‘n ander keer weer te kom koop. MAAR nooit het ons dan maar agter in die ry bly stilstaan staan nie. En wanneer ons voor gekom het, is ons mandjie leeg gemaak en die bedrag betaalbaar aan ons bekend gemaak. Dan het ons kontant of per kaart betaal. Netso is daar ook ‘n tou mense oor hierdie aardbol waarvan ek en u ook in die ry staan. Dit is die tou mense waarvan ons deel is en waar ons een of ander tyd heel voor gaan kom, omdat dit dan ons tyd is om die aarde te verlaat vir ‘n ewige tuiste. En in hierdie tou kan ons nie voor indruk nie, en kan ons nie agter inval nie, en kan ons ook nie die tou verlaat nie. Die vraag wat ek by u en my wil los is: “Is ek en u reg vir wanneer ons heel voor staan om planeet aarde vir ewig te moet verlaat?” Wanneer ons voor kom kan ons nie “betaal” vir ons sondes en foute nie. Daar is reeds betaal vir dit deur JESUS CHRISTUS. Die vraag is net: “Het ek en jy HOM aangeneem as ons Verlosser en Saligmaker: soos in die Bybel geskrywe is? Joh. 14:23 “Jesus antwoord en sê vir hom: “As iemand My liefhet, sal hy my woord bewaar, en my Vader sal hom liefhê, en Ons sal na hom toe kom en by hom woning maak.” Joh. 1:12 “Maar almal wat Hom aangeneem het, aan hulle het Hy mag gegee om kinders van God te word, aan hulle wat in sy Naam glo;” Sodat as dit êrens dalk in die Nuwe Jaar of toekoms ons beurt is om heel voor te staan, ons nie bekommerd sal wees of bang wees of wil uitstel vra of wil wegvlug uit die ry nie, maar met ‘n blymoedige hart die woorde sal wil hoor wat dalk soos in ‘n winkel klink; “Volgende asseblief!” Seën en voorspoed vir die jaar 2020. Mag Psalm 23 vers 6 julle deel wees die jaar wat sê: “Goedheid en guns sal julle volg al die dae van julle lewens.” Sodat wanneer jy eendag by daardie punt van die tou kom, jy Psalm 16 vers 6 sal kwoteer wat sê: “Waarlik die meetsnoere het vir my in lieflike plekke geval, ja my erfenis is vir my mooi.” 14



Operation “K” Kaokoveld: Jim Hooper

General Dreyer wanted a few days out of the office, and asked if I’d like to come along. Between being invited by the boss and wanting to see part of Namibia I’d only read about, I immediately accepted.


1. From Oshakati our first stop was Okandjera, where we joined Piet Cronje’s Zulu Mike team. With four years’ experience in the Kaokoveld, he would be in charge. Like an admiral who doesn’t interfere with the skipper of the ship he rides in, General Dreyer will be a passenger under Sgt Cronje’s command. Before setting off, Piet shows him the route we’ll take. 16

2. Zulu Mike’s 40 men were divided between four Wolf Turbo APCs. Three tons heavier than the older Casspir APC, its improved armour, MAN turbo diesel engine and five-speed automatic transmission made it formidable fighting machine.

3. Heading west. 17

4. The terrain rises into escarpments.

5. Rock carved away by a river that disappeared aeons ago. 18

6. General Sterk Hans sips a morning coffee at our first TB.

7. Car commander Nick Coetzee and his men prepare to set off


8. Piet decides which route we’ll take. He was one of the few TLs who favoured the 20mm over a .50 Browning. The swivel-mounted 60mm mortar was his own invention.

9. A natural spring. The water bubbling through 100s of metres of limestone and igneous rock was cold and sweet. Swapo insurgents couldn’t carry enough water to get this far into the Kaokoveld; 20

10. The OvaHimba are peaceful nomadic pastoralists who had no interest in the Ovambo-based Swapo insurgents. Nor were they in the least intimidated by heavily-armed Koevoet policemen. To give protection against the sun, dry air and insects, the women cover themselves with a mixture of butterfat and ochre pigment. Today they are tourist attractions.

11. Our second TB at another rare oasis in the arid expanses of the Kaokoveld. 21

12. Sunset shots are clichÊs, but I couldn’t help grabbing this one.

13. More desert to cross. 22

14. A Wolf works its way up an ancient mountain ridge.

15. Nick Coetzee and crew pause for a photo. 23

16. Although it’s unlikely there are any insurgents in the area, Piet checks that his cars maintain tactical distance from each other.

17. Rock, rock and more rock. 24

18. The Kunene River about 50km from where it meets the ocean. Angola lies to the right.

19. Passing the tribal district offices on the way back to Okandjera.


ANDER NUUS | OTHER ITEMS Maleoskop • Top opleidingseenheid nou weiveld vir beeste Maleoskop wat eens op ‘n tyd een van die top opleidingseenhede vir die polisie was, is nou ‘n verlate en verwaarloosde stuk grond waar beeste wei. June 5, 2019

In die laat 1960’s het die eerste polisie-opleiding in Maleoskop begin vanuit ‘n tent. Die opleidingsbasis het egter vinnig uitgebrei en in ‘n dorp van sy eie ontwikkel. Die opleidingseenheid is gestig om polisiebeamptes op te lei in afdelings soos onluste en skarebeheer, asook teeninsurgensie. Gedurende die tyd van die grensoorlog moes alle polisiebeamptes intensiewe opleiding van ses weke lank voltooi in gespesialiseerde wapens en bosoorlogvoering. Die koevoet- en taakmageenhede is ook hier opgelei. 26

Lande soos Amerika, Japan en Sjina, het selfs van hulle burgers gestuur om daar opgelei te word. Op sy dag, was daar tot 800 kursusgangers wat op ‘n slag opleiding ontvang het. Daar het 400 gesinne gewoon, en daar was sewe kampe met elk sy eie bevelvoerder en ontspanningsgeriewe, soos ‘n swembad, wat deur die kursusgangers en instrukteurs gebou is. Maleoskop het tot sy eie gholfklub gehad, wat ontwerp is deur Dave Carpenter, Herklaas Strydom, asook Robbie Roberts wat steeds by die Groblersdal polisiestasie werk, en ‘n gereelde gholfspeler is by Groblersdal Gholfklub.

Besighede het veral baat gevind wanneer hierdie 800 kursusgangers ‘n “dorps-dag” gehad het. Kursusgangers is met busse na Groblersdal aangery waar hul inkopies kom doen het. 27

Alle vleis en kos, wat deur die Maleoskop opleidingseenheid aan die kursusgangers gegee is, is in Groblersdal aangekoop. Die opleidingseenheid is op 31 Desember 2002 gesluit deur Jackie Selebi, voormalige nasionale kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens. Grondeise is ook ingedien waar die opleidingsbasis was en behoort die grond nou aan Kgoshi Rammupudu van die Bakgaga-Bakopa stam. Die grond is omskep in weiding vir die stam se beeste.

Op die dag wat die opleidingsbasis in Maleoskop gesluit is, was daar 400 gesinne wat in huise op die basis gewoon het, 108 instrukteurs en 300 werkers, wat ander heenkome moes vind. In 2009 het Aquarius Platinum’s Blue Ridge myn op die buitewyk van Maleoskop produksie begin. In September 2010 is daar besluit om die myn te herontwikkel en infrastruktuur te installeer weens suboptimale mynontwerp en lae randpryse. Die herontwikkelingsprojek het in die laaste kwartaal van 2010 begin. Tydens die herontwikkeling het die maatskappy tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die myn nie sy voldoende teiken sal bereik om verdere ontwikkelingsuitgawes te regverdig nie. Die maatskappy het die mynbedrywighede en verdere ontwikkeling in die tweede kwartaal van 2011 gestaak. Tans word die myn onderhou, maar geen produksie vind plaas nie. Hallo mnr. Heymans, Jy is welkom om die artikel te gebruik met die nodige erkenning. Groete, Jana Boshoff. (Middelburg Observer)


1974: Maleoskop

HBH en brig Blackie Swart afgeneem in 1974 toe daar geen geboue was nie. “Ons het in tente gewoon of in die bos geslaap in tydelike basisse. (Sien HBH se handbagasie.)


Servamus & redakteurs van SA Magte se tydskrifte

Van links na regs: Kol P Coetzee (SSO SAW Tydskrifte), kaptein Ampie Myburgh (SASP), lt.kol. Tian Crafford (SAP) en lt.kol. Dries van Vuuren (Gevangenisdiens)

SAP-lugvleuel | SAP Air Wing: Frikkie van Eeden ‘n Leser het gevra dat ons bietjie aandag skenk aan die polisie se lugvleuel. Frikkie van Eeden skryf: “Op 30\3\2006 om ongeveer 12:00 was ek besig met herstelwerk op my huis se dak in Bellville toe ʼn vliegtuig laag oor my huis vlieg. Ek het gemerk dat dit ʼn polisievliegtuig was en afgeklim en my kamera gaan haal. Die vliegtuig het intussen gaan draai en weer in my rigting beweeg. Ek het die 2 foto’s geneem:”


Navorsing: SAP in Rhodesië | Research: SAP serving in Rhodesia Vir ‘n geruime tyd hoor ek gerugte van ‘n klompe SA polisiemanne – vyf tot ses - wat tydens ‘n patrollie langs die Zambezi-uitgewis is. Ek kry nie die name van ‘n groepie manne wat aan diens gesterf het in Magsorders of op die ongevallelys nie. Ek het met adj. nas. kom. Louis Eloff gesels – dis beslis nie sy groepie manne nie. Ek het met verskeie senior SAP-manne gepraat. Niemand weet hiervan nie. Ek haal geskrifte van voormalige Rhodesiërs aan en lees gerus wat hulle skryf. Natuurlik sal ons graag meer hiervan te wete wil kom:

• Research: SAP: Rhodesia: Adrian Haggett & Maj Don Price • Introduction of original information by Major Don Price I was called out when acting OC Tracking Wing, SAP Coy based at Chirundu had not heard from 1 c/s downstream for 2 days. I went in with tracker team made up of my instructors by Cyc 7. We located burned out position on Zambezi River downstream and in the area where they were meant to be. On landing discovered position had been over-run during the night or early hours of the morning; 5--6 bodies burned and dead in sleeping bags, 2 escaped barefoot heading NE over rocky ground. We eventually located 1 through broken, garbled radio call, later located second


man both VERY traumatized and badly sun-burned.1 Recovered by Cyc 7 to their base at Chirundu bridge. Morning Don and Hennie I don't know who the author is but, I have sent a message to the web-master with a view to finding out. This story is probably unrelated to Don's story but, it will be of interest to both of you and, perhaps, the author might know about the deaths of the SAP guys in Don's story. If I receive a reply from the webmaster, I'll definitely be in contact and let you know. Regards, Adrian

FRI, 29 DEC 2017 15:43:02 +1000 In 1968, when you travelled towards the Chirundu border post in the Zambezi valley you took the Lomagundi road out of Salisbury (Harare). After passing through Sinoia (Chinhoyi) and Karoi you arrived at Makuti, 290 kilometres from Salisbury (Harare) which is where the road split and by turning left you would drive down to Kariba. Take out the old names and the exact same directions apply! Up to 1980 the Makuti motel used to do a roaring trade out of the almost never-ending stream of service people traveling through the area. A great place where many a frosty has been gratefully downed. I gather it is still a welcome watering hole for travellers in the region. Proceeding on from Makuti towards the Valley one arrived at the Marongora Parks and Wildlife offices. The start of the section of OLD ROAD into the Valley was near Marongora. This piece of road is a narrow, steep tar/strip road off the new road and it reaches the Valley floor nearly 1000 feet below Marongora at a small stream (usually dry) where there is, or used to be, a large wild fig or similar tree. A lot of army patrols would base up near here and it was about two kilometres distant from where the new road reached the valley floor. The old road then meanders along for a while but, if you don’t turn off west towards the hunting camps or Nyamoumba, where the Kariba gorge ends, then the old road takes you back onto the new main road twelve kilometres or so further on. The area described above is roughly diamond shaped, twelve kilometres long by three to four kilometres wide at the widest point. The long sides of the diamond are bounded by the old road to the west and the new road – that still carried a lot of traffic in 1968 – to the east. On a quiet morning you could hear the trucks on the new road as they traversed the escarpment about two kilometres away. A large stream bisects the area from north to south. In 1968 I was a L Cpl and attached, from just before Easter to about mid-July, to the first company of SAP (South African Police) to be based at Chirundu. (That is 21-year-old me in the picture, posing next to the helicopter).


Ek het die storie al verskeie kere gehoor. Dis nie die geval waar genl Eloff betrokke was nie. Daar is geen rekord na die voorval in die koerante of magsorders nie – HBH.


At one point they had a small patrol base, as described above, at the foot of the escarpment on the old road. As already mentioned, the area was about twelve kilometres long with the two roads about one and a half to two kilometres apart at the base of the escarpment and at no point did the two roads diverge more than, at most, four kilometres from each other. Anyway, one of the SAP’s first patrols in the area got lost, well and truly lost, BETWEEN these two roads. They ran out of communications or, most probably had not taken radios (excuse: they are heavy) so when they had not returned from what was to have been a twenty-four-hour patrol there was some consternation and eventually, we (the Rhodesian Army) were asked to get trackers in. The trackers quickly found the somewhat wide-eyed, thirsty, and slightly panicky, patrol. They reported that the patrol had walked to within a few metres of the main road a couple or more times and had actually CROSSED the old road at one or two places. Mostly, though, they had walked in circles although deliberately changing direction sometimes. All within an area less than nine square kilometres in extent. I think the patrol members reported that they had fired shots a couple of times to attract attention but I cannot remember if that was so. The trackers also reported – again I am uncertain – that the patrol had walked past elephant and, at one point, perhaps either lion or hyena – entirely possible as there were, and are, plenty of these, and other, wild animals in the Valley. The trackers also felt that the patrol had approached the main road so closely that they should have seen the road and heard, even seen, traffic on it. Presumably so bewildered at being lost they did not register these otherwise plainly noticeable things. There was considerable teasing and quite a bit of sneering about this but the point is… These young men were POLICEMEN who had been taken from the beat and been given a short, sharp, paramilitary course. Some (perhaps all) had received some training from the South African Army prior to coming to Rhodesia. Based on the attitude displayed to us Rhodesians, when we did further pre-deployment training with them at Inkomo Garrison, it would be fair to say that the same disdainful attitude to the training would have pertained among many of them and few, if any, lessons had been absorbed or taken seriously by many of the men. (More on this in another post sometime). It is my opinion that policemen are trained to have a different attitude by virtue of often working alone or in pairs – the army way must have been a bit stifling and bewildering to them. This in charge, almost disdainful-of-authority, attitude really did not work in anti-terrorism patrolling when pretty much each individual felt HE should be in charge making the patrol leader’s task difficult. I am sure there are many other dynamics that could be brought into a discussion around this – that is not my intention. So, with little training in the way of soldiering and very few of the various skills that a soldier is taught, this patrol was shambling around – lost – and it illustrates how easily one CAN get lost if the basics of navigation and map reading are not learned and observed. It also illustrates how the anxiety of being lost can affect a group’s powers of observation. They came so close 33

to being able to follow a road and they just failed to register what was in front of them. The calibre of these men was to improve as time passed and lessons were learned. However, they were to suffer a number of casualties before the reality sank in that this was actually a serious situation. It was not, as one South African journalist around that time commented, “…only a bunch of disgruntled cookboys running around in the bush with a few guns…” (or words to that effect), belittling the very real terrorist war that was just getting started. This satellite image from Google Earth shows the area under discussion. If you go to Google Earth and enter Rukomeshe research it will find it as Rukomeshe Research Station, Hurungwe, Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe. By zooming OUT and scrolling LEFT (or West) from Rukomeshe you will find the area of the attached map. Then, by zooming in you can actually see the old road fairly clearly. The faint blue triangular area is the area that was to be patrolled. The patrol got lost somewhere between the old road and the new main road, a bit west of the prominent river feature I believe. If anyone reading this remembers the incident or can add more insight, I would be glad to hear from them.

Hello Don and Hennie It has transpired that, the author I am looking for, is somebody I befriended at Dickie Fritz many moons ago - and might even be known to Don. He is Erik Eilertsen who served in RhSigs at Brady and other places. Erik just might have an inkling on Don's story. For your interest, here is what I have just written to Erik. "Eish - Erik, that was a total stab in the dark but, somehow I had a nagging feeling that Erikthered might be you. Glad all is well with you. OK - down to business. Do you know the author of that article "Lost" - about the SAP guys in the Zambezi Valley? More important - do you have a contact for him? I have been researching an incident, told by Maj Don Price (BCR) that I have never got to the bottom of. You can read the story on the web-page or I can send it to you via this means. Don (this) is not a load of BS - it happened and it was covered up. I have Brig Hennie Heymans (SAP) involved in the research and you could be a vital cog.

I'm attaching the story for your information. The guys killed were never recorded by Rhodesia, and nobody knows who, exactly, they were. Well worth investigating but, keep it under wraps for now. (Letter shortened)

Morning Don and Hennie, It transpires that Erik Eiletsen (RhSigs) was with the first SAP intake around Easter 1968, for about 3 months, to the Rhodes & Founders holidays. Don took over the tracking unit from Lt Al 34

Tourle when Al was killed by a lion on 09 April 1972. This is a massive time-span but, worth pursuing. In 1968, the SAP had a camp below the later one, on top of the hill, at Chirundu. This camp was abandoned when the SAP moved to Kanyemba but, later returned to hill camp - and where Don's helicopter landed. The OLD camp was down near the bridge and the customs and excise post. SAP only moved to the one on top of the hill a year or two later. When some of our guys (RLI) took over the old camp temporarily they found a sub-machine gun buried in the dirt under a tent groundsheet. SAP had just left the tents erected when they moved up to Kanyemba. The two photos attached are original SAP guys, at Kanyemba - one in a boat with Zumbo (3km downstream) in the background - and the other is the SAP radio/cipher member about to scale the mast in order to place a SA (flag?) atop. If Hennie could trace these guys, we might get some int from them. Erik cannot remember names (although a surname, Thom, is in his head) but, does recall a Captain who was SA Parbats and another Capt who was a medical doctor with the SA Navy - a slightly built, sensitive man who was a crack-shot with a pistol.

Erik has also suggested that I contact Dave Scott-Donelan - what are your thoughts on this, Don? More pics when I receive them from Erik. Regards

SAP cipher & SAP Kanyemba •

Donald Price writes

Hi Adrian and Hennie, So good to hear from you and I find it all extremely interesting. 35

I remember both camps but as you explained the one at Chirundu Bridge is the one I took the bodies to. Funny a year or so before, 3Cdo, under Major Brian Barrett-Hamilton (I was OC 24 Tp at the time), was doing border control in the Zambezi Valley and we took over the camp from a company of SAP. They left dustbins full of TR 28 ni-cad batteries (they obviously did not realize how expensive nor that they were rechargeable) I know BBH is on FB getting on now but with a very active and brilliant mind. May be worth trying to speak to him...his wife Judy does FB. He may well remember the camp down-stream where the incident took place? The timing of the "hit" on the SAP that I witnessed, was after this when SAP where deployed on BC Kariba- down river to --Mwanja River (this was the boundry with RLI ... Mwanja -- Kanyemba.) Hope in some small way this helps. Great job as always Adrian...salute bwana!

Great stuff Erik I am forwarding to Brig Hennie Heymans in order for him to get the thread of things. Hennie will credit you when he publishes the story. There is also quite a lot here for Hennie to trace and piece together. There is no harm in you and Hennie making direct contact. I would just appreciate being kept in the loop. Best regards Adrian

Morning Erik In connection with Don Price's story and the research surrounding such - would you object if Brig Hennie Heymans publishes your story "Lost" in the SAP newsletter? Regards Adrian

No, not at all. Just an observation, Adrian - I did mention in my last email I think - that the name Meiring came to mind as either the OC of that company I was attached to - or the 2 i/c may have been Meiring‌not sure why that name keeps popping up in my mind. I really must make a greater effort to go through my photos that I went to great expense to have shipped to me after forgetting them at my sister's in Joburg. Another thing about the SA Navy doctor - he had red hair and wore specs - and he was a prolific photographer. I recall the pilot of a chopper giving him a terrible fright by doing an auto-rotate (well a sudden DROP) while the doc had his head covered by his combat jacket as he changed the film in his camera - which by the standards of the day was a rather fancy camera - streets ahead of my little brownie starmite! I know that SOMEWHERE I have another picture of myself sitting on the running board of a chopper - but I think that may have been with RLI at Makuti. My thought was that if it was an SAP 36

aircraft it might show the tail ID of the plane‌. but I cannot find it now that I want it. I had to have scanned it because I used it somewhere and a friend commented on it. Offhand I cannot think of anything else that may be relevant but my website is in the public domain so, as long as it is credited, I have no problem with stories and other material on it being used. (and that elusive picture might even be on my site somewhere among all the army stuff. Regards Erik Eilertsen Hello Adrian, Hennie Another name that keeps coming to mind, now I am thinking about this more, is van Eck (van Eyck??) and I am not sure if he was one of the SAP officers or if that was the name of the SA Parabats Captain who was with us for a few weeks - I tend towards the Parabats member.. I am also not sure if the incident where that Captain disciplined one of the men for having an accidental discharge while cleaning his rifle was ever recorded - that would have been 4 or 5 weeks after Easter 1968. I mention it because I had just vacated the place where those rounds landed and it MAY, if recorded anywhere, give more info on who was with that company. Erik Eilertsen All good stuff, Erik. Any recollections will be of huge interest to Hennie - not just in trying to get to the bottom of Don's story but, the general history of the SAP in Rhodesia. Regards Adrian There is a chap named Peter Voysey and he spent several months with the first SAP company at Sprayview/ Vic Falls - in 1967, I think. He was also Corps of Signals at J Troop HQ 1 Bde. I have not seen him on the signals page on facebook and I don't even know if he is still around he would be about my age. His home was in Bulawayo. Erik Eilertsen

Not sure I have sent you this, gents. We went over to Zumbo in the boat and on the way back the steering broke - as we motored in circles, drawing ever closer to the waiting Zambians at Feira, one of the men had the wit (his family had a boat I think he said) to park his bum on the motor and steer us back to Rhodesia like that. Not sure if that was this trip but it occurred to me that here is a picture of a face that MIGHT be useful? Erik Eilertsen


• Genl-maj Gerrit Murphy (SAW -afgetree) Genl-maj Gerrit Murphy (SAW -afgetree) wat jare lank diens op die Rhodesiese grens en veral in Chirundu diens gedoen het berig soos volg: Hennie, I was personally involved with the deployment of Operation Falcon at Chirundu in Rhodesia from 1969 till 1976 when it was decided to withdraw the South African Troops and redeploy them within the RSA borders. The aim of Operation Falcon was to deploy certain passive electronic warfare (intercept and direction finding) methods in Rhodesia to obtain enemy (ZANU, ZAPU, SWAPO, ANC, PAC etc) intelligence for the South African and Rhodesian military intelligence services in liaison with each other. If the incident described by Maj Don Price at Chirundu is true? I cannot believe that Operation Falcon (Victor Troop) at Chirundu dit not know about the incident and I also was not aware of such an incident. It is also difficult to believe that you can hide such an incident. Maj Gen (Ret) Gerrit Murphy.

• Adrian Hagget: Morning Guys There will, of course, be doubting Thomas's as to whether Don's story is true or not - I have had other doubters in the past. Fact is - the story is absolutely true but, it is still being covered up. Some time back, I filtered some of the dubious entries I had on my Combined Forces RoH and informed Hennie. They were all SA citizens who were recorded under the Rhodesia Regiment. That was convenient because, every army unit fell under RR to some degree or other. Any deaths in Rhodesia, prior to 1977, are traceable on the Internet via the Death Notice. No death notices exist for the dubious records I had filtered - but, the surnames, and initials of these men, appear on SADF/SAP rolls of honour under the war with Angola. As a consequence, I deleted the entries from my database - foolishly, I think - because I am now of the opinion that the four I deleted might have been the deceased in Don's story and the deaths attributed to the Angolan War because, it was "convenient" to do so. For the SAP to have multiple deaths on their hands, so early into the conflict, was most probably embarrassing and, hence, the deaths needed to be disguised. Later on 08 May 1974, four SAP were murdered near Kandahar Island upstream from Vic Falls (Willem Conradie, Zacharias Hough, Erhard Strydom and Robert Swart). In the same incident, Johan Kuhn escaped the initial shooting. Despite a helicopter being dispatched, from 7 squadron, to search for Johan, his body was never found. He is presumed murdered or abducted. Subsequent interrogation of a ZIPRA prisoner revealed that Johan had been shot on the Rhodesian side of the Zambezi River, and his body stuffed in an aardvark hole. Source: SAWGP. A reliable BSAP source, however, reports that Johan was abducted from the scene and imprisoned in Zambia for 18 months before he was eventually murdered. The incident was well documented, particularly in the Bulawayo Chronicle. The article was of interest to me because I had met all the guys, a week earlier, when the patrol came across the PhysEd faculty from TTC (Teachers' Training College, Bulawayo) whilst on a canoeing expedition of the Katombora Rapids, upstream from Kandahar Island. I was one of the TTC students. I read the article in the students' common-room back at TTC, and announced the news to fellow students sitting near me - one of whom was Roger Evans, wearing Johan Kuhn's head-dress (CC) that Roger had "borrowed" whilst the SAP guys were busy chatting to the female students in our party. The Kandahar Island incident is not in dispute - the incident, at Chirundu, remains unsolved - but it did happen. I would dearly love to interview (or have someone interview) the families of SAP members who died serving Rhodesia and Angola - perhaps the families of the four I deleted from my database 38

(I'm sure I have their names on an earlier version of the CF RoH). What were those families told regarding the circumstances of death? Were they told that the guys had been "conveniently" transferred to the SA/Angola border when, all the while, families believed their loved-ones were in Rhodesia? Regards Adrian.

• HBH: Dear Friends My source is an impeccable SADF source who served in Rhodesia mainly at Chirundu. Yesterday I sat down and I thought: 1. Yes, I have heard the rumour before. 2. This Army General (my source) and I have had many sensitive "historical" talks - he would have known about it because of his posting. He knew what went on both sides of the border. The Major would know what the General's posting entailed. 3. We discussed the possibility that it could have been "terrs" that were wiped out using SAPequipment. 4. I traced & spoke to Louis Eloff - it was not his group. 5. As a senior police officer I obtained a full list of all SAP deaths on duty. We don't have anything on the list to support the killing of four / five SAP men. I was then attached to SB and would have known about this incident. I have spoken to various SAP-COIN Commanders - nobody has any knowledge of such a case. 6. Policemen have families, salary & pension - this cannot be hidden away. There are graves, insurance, Widows & Orphans, Pension, Workman's Compensation, monuments etc. This is not a thing that we can hide. 7. Let's go with the research and keep on trying. As a policeman I have always kept an open mind .... 8. I will publish our research & enquiries in the Nongqai Greetings Hennie

“Ou” Polisieman van SWA: Sers. JL Botha: Mnr Wolfgang Witschas Wolfgang het vir my in opvolging van verlede maand se Nongqai hierdie twee foto aangestuur van sersant JL Botha. Navorsing toon dat sers. Botha identies is met: No 19333(B) 2/Sers. JL Botha 39

Hy was ook no. SAP254085 en sersant in die SAP Brigade. Hy was in krygsgevangene kamp: 8B te Teschen. Voor en na die oorlog afkomstig van 51 Distrik Windhoek • Eerste foto as kwekeling • Tweede foto as sersant


Mev Dimples Wandrag se herinneringe: Lt.genl. J Ferreira Dit is altyd lekker om terugvoer van ons lesers te ontvang. Vroeg een oggend in Augustus ontvang ek ‘n oproep van mev. Dimples Wandrag. Sy bevestig dat sy die nuutste uitgawe van die Generaalsklub’nuus in die pos ontvang het. Sy sê dat sy die boekies werklik geniet, veral die grensdiens-stories. Hierdie stories laat haar altyd terugdink aan die talle kere wat sy haar man, wyle generaal Bert Wandrag en ds. Stoffel Colyn met hul gereelde besoeke aan ons “seuns by die grens” vergesel het. Sy en generaal Bert het hierdie lede as’t ware as hul eie seuns beskou. Ons het lekker gesels en sy vertel toe van ‘n paar insidente wat haar met heimwee laat terugdink aan daardie besoeke. Terwyl generaal Bert en ds. Colyn in die kampe doenig was, het sy altyd gaan kyk wat in die menasie en die lede se hutte aangaan. Sy vertel dat dit vir haar te wonderlik was om te sien watter vindingrykheid die manne aan die dag gelê het om hul kamers en basisse op te vrolik en leefbaar te maak. Dimples het gereeld na haar “seuns” se hutte gaan kyk om te sien of hulle genoeg geriewe het en darem genoeg beddegoed en leesstof weg van hul huise het. Daar was oral “pin-ups” van wulpse en skraps- (indien enigsins-) geklede meisies teen die mure opgeplak. Maar wat haar lekker laat lag het, was een “seun” wat sy prente bokant sy bed teen die plafon vasgeplak het. Terwyl die ander moes sit om hul prente te bewonder, kon hy lekker op sy kampbedjie lê en kyk! Wat haar ook verstom het, is hoe die kokke op die eenvoudige gasstoof en met ‘n paar panne en kastrolle ‘n heel skaflike maaltyd kon voorberei. Mev. Wandrag onthou ook dat daar by een so ‘n besoek ‘n erewag vir die generaal en kapelaan opgestel is. Terwyl generaal Bert en ds. Stoffel die lede geïnspekteer het, was daar ‘n outjie op parade wat byna te jonk en te klein gelyk om al ‘n polisieman te wees - en dan boonop al grensdiens moes doen. Generaal Bert het voor hom gaan staan en stip met sy ysblou oë na die jong seun gekyk en hom gevra: “Ou seun, weet jou ma ooit waar jy is?” Terwyl hulle die parade so statig en doelgerig verder geïnspekteer het, moes ds. Stoffel en Dimples ‘n glimlag bedwing. Maar hierdie seun het ‘n leeuehart gehad en as daar ‘n taak was wat gedoen moes word, was hy altyd die eerste een wat aangebied het om te help. By een geleentheid moes die basis se “honeysuckle”2 leeggepomp word. Die jongman bied toe aan om die suigapparaat in die tenk te laat sak. Ongelukkig het die planke bo oor die tenk waarop hy moes staan, skielik meegegee en hy beland toe tot byna onder sy ken in die tenk. Hulle was maar aardig en teësinnig om hom uit te help en moes hom ‘n hele ent verder onderkant die wind laat staan en eers behoorlik met die tuinslang afspuit voordat hy homself behoorlik kon gaan reinig. Mevrou Wandrag was ook by geleentheid saam met generaal Bert en ds. Stoffel in ‘n helikopter. Saam met hulle in die helikopter was ‘n kameraman wat langs ds. Colyn gesit het. Ds. Colyn het skelm, sonder dat hy dit agtergekom het, ‘n “Playboy”3 tydskrif in die kameraman se tassie gesit. Toe die dominee vir die kameraman vra om vir hom te wys wat hy alles in sy tassie het, antwoord die kameraman dat dit sy lense, toerusting en filters is. Hy maak toe die tas oop en klap dit dadelik weer toe, omdat die eerste ding wat hy in die tassie raaksien, die “Playboy” tydskrif is! Weer eens moes hulle hul maar vroom hou, terwyl die trane uit hul oë wou loop om hul lag in te hou! [Met ‘n lag (en ‘n tikkie weemoed) onthou deur mev. Dimples Wandrag.]

Alle lede wat op die grens was, sal weet wat ‘n “honeysuckle” is: Dit is die tenk waaruit die kamp se rioolvuil gedreineer en leeggepomp moet word wanneer dit vol is. 3 Waar die Playboy vandaan gekom het, is nie deur Dimples genoem nie! 2


Hondestorie uit die Laeveld: Lt. genl. J Ferreira In die veertig jaar wat ek ‘n lid van die Mag was, het my paaie met ‘n hele paar bobaasstorievertellers gekruis. Toe ek in 1977 na Nelspruit verplaas is, het ek majoor Chris (Kleinboet) van Niekerk4 leer ken. (Foto – links) Ek glo nie ek het ooit iemand ontmoet wat, met sy droë humorsin en skalkse glimlag, ‘n storie so lekker soos hy kon vertel nie. Een van sy stories wat ek na al die jare onthou, is die storie van ‘n speurhond wat in die vyftigerjare naby Hoedspruit in die Laeveld plaasgevind het. Dit was in die tyd toe daar nog nie telekse, fakse en eposse was nie. Die Hondemeester is uitgeroep na ʼn veediefstaltoneel, waar duidelike spore van die veediewe se spore gesien is. Die mense wat die Oos-Transvaalse Laeveld ken, sal weet dat dit in die somer baie warm kan word. Die veld is ook ruig en bebos – nie juis die ideale omgewing om spoor te sny nie. Die hondemeester op Lydenburg, ʼn ervare speurdersersant, was al etlike jare daar gestasioneer en hy het sy hond mooi geleer. As die sersant moeg begin raak het, of as hy ʼn koppie louwarm koffie uit sy Oros bottel wat met koerantpapier toegedraai was, wou hê, het hy net so ʼn skelm plukkie aan die hond se leiriem gegee, dan het die hond geweet hy moet gaan sit. Dan kon niemand die hond kry om verder na die spoor te soek nie – totdat sy baas besluit het dat dit tyd was om voort te gaan. So het die baas met sy koffie en die hond so sit-sit deur die dag spoorgesny. Toe die son uiteindelik water getrek het, het die sersant besluit hy het genoeg gewerk vir die dag. Hy het net daar in die veld van diens gerapporteer en die hond agter aan die buffer van die Ford-bakkie vasgemaak. ‘n Vuurtjie is aangesteek en ʼn vleisie is op die rooster gesit. Die hondemeester het toe daardie bekende plat bottel polisiekoffie - Die Huisvriend, oftewel Mellow Wood - onder die Ford se sitplek gehaal en lekker voor die vuurtjie ontspan terwyl die vleisie gebraai het. Nadat hy en die hond klaar geëet het, het hy nog verder ontspan – totdat daar niks meer van Die Huisvriend se inhoud oorgebly het nie. Toe hy weer in die pad geval het terug stasie toe, was dit al goed donker. By die stasie aangekom, vind hy tot sy ontsteltenis dat daar net ʼn gerafelde en bloederige leiriem agter aan die Ford se buffer oorgebly het – van die stomme hond was daar helaas geen teken meer nie. Die Hondemeester het nie geweet hoe om die verlies van die hond te verduidelik nie, en het maar die volgende dag ʼn verslag deurgestuur na die distrikskommandant om te rapporteer dat die hond nie meer geskik vir diens is nie, en gekeur moet word. Die Hondeskool het via die DK het terug geskryf en gevra vir ʼn volledige verslag. ʼn Veeartsverslag moes ook ingedien word en ʼn offisier moes homself gaan vergewis of die hond wel ongeskik was vir diens. Hoe meer die Hondemeester teruggeskryf het om te motiveer, hoe meer vrae het die Hondeskool gehad en hoe groter het die probleem geword om die hond gekeur te kry. Na ʼn lang heen-en-weer korrespondensie tussen die Hondemeester, die DK en die Hondeskool, waarin die hondemeester alle moontlike verklarings opgedis het, het die Hondemeester uiteindelik met die sak patats vorendag gekom en bely wat werklik gebeur het. 4

Hy het as ‘n generaal-majoor in Hoofkantoor afgetree. Hy is in 2012 op 74-jarige ouderdom oorlede.


Afgesien van die skade wat in paaiemente van sy salaris verhaal is, moes die Hondemeester ook voor die verhooroffisier op die rooi mat gaan staan om vir sy sonde te boet.

Durban Borough Police: Durban Gemeente Politie • Durban Central Police Station

From left to right: Natal Bank, GPO, Police Station & Drill Hall. (Photo: Nico Moolman)

• Greyville Police Station


SAP-gedenteken: Voortrekkerhoogte

Johan VisagŃ? (43607) het my herinner van die gedenkteken. In opvolging van navrae het oudsers.-maj. Paul Els het die foto ingestuur.


1990: Plofstofkursus: Genieskool, SAW: 17 September tot 05 Oktober: Lt.kol. “Piet-Patu” van Zyl

Goeiemore en ek probeer weer met die name: Agter v.l.n.r. Sidney Fryer, Joe ??, ?? Fouche, Stan Joubert, Kobus van den Berg en Deon ??. Voor v.l.n.r. ??, Frik Crause en Piet Van Zyl.

Gelykheid voor die Reg? • Wie se sterftes maak SA gaande en watter nie? Brig. Fanie Bouwer • Inleiding Ek het as jong seun op ons plaas (in die Ugie omgewing) aan die Transkeise grens die sg. Abakhweta inisiasie (besnydenis) seremonies bygewoon. Dit is wanneer die jong seuns “bos toe gaan”. Dit word gedoen enige tyd bo die ouderdom van 16 jaar. Ek het byvoorbeeld bygestaan en gesien hoe die “snydokter” (“Ingcibi”) tydens ‘n besnydenis met een vinnige beweging die voorhuid verwyder en dan, wat ons 'geneesbol' genoem het, blitsvinnig om die wond draai. Nooit het ek gehoor dat enige van die ouens se wond ontsteek het nie. Dit gebeur deesdae baie. Ek wonder hoe die ouens intussen die kluts kwyt geraak het? Wanneer die jong swart seuns op die plaas geïnisieer is, en hulle in die gras makhwetahutte (“Iboma-labakhweta”), wat spesiaal vir dié doel opgerig word, gewoon het vir die voorgeskrewe 45

tydperk (gewoonlik 6 weke), het ons daar gaan inloer. Geen vrouens is daar toegelaat nie. Die voorhuid is binne die makweta grashut begrawe. Wanneer die tydperk verby was, is die grashutte afgebrand en moes hulle na die rivier gaan om die wit kleiverf af te was. Ek het baie keer gade geslaan. Hulle het dan kakie klere gekry en was dan as jong volwasse mans in die gemeenskap aanvaar. Dan was hulle gesigte weer rooierig geverf met 'imbola'-kleursel. Dit is vir hulle so belangrik as ons 21-ste verjaarsdagvieringe.

• Arrestasie van 2 wit geneeshere Voordat ek verder hieroor skryf, wil el net vir 'n oomblik by iets anders stilstaan wat ek dink relevant is tot hierdie storie. Ek sien gister op televisie dat 2 wit geneeshere gearresteer en voor die hof gebring is nadat 'n pasiënt gesterf het tydens 'n operasie. Ek het aangeneem die klag teen hulle is een van strafbare manslag. Ek ken ongelukkig nie die feite nie. Deesdae se snydokters ('Ingcibis') raak die kluts kwyt Nou lees ek toevallig vandag ook dat die makhwetas sterf nog op ‘n streep ná inisiasiesseremonies. Lyk my die snydokters (“Ingcibis”) se lemme word nie meer gesteriliseer nie, wat dan ontsteking veroorsaak. Selfs wonder ek nou of hulle nog steeds die destydse 'geneesbol' gebruik? Daar was ook sprake dat hulle nie genoeg water gekry het en dat dehidrasie óók 'n rol gespeel het. Die minister van gesondheid, Zweli Mkhize, sê dat 21 swart seuns in die Oos-Kaap gedurende hierdie somer se tradisionele inisiasie-seremonies gesterf het. Sedert middel-2000 het 'n allemintige 788 jong, swart seuns ná hierdie inisiasie-seremonies gesterf. Dít is volgens die regering se eie syfers. Wat verder skrikwekkend is, is bg. syfer apart staan van die 300 swart seuns wat in d.s. periode amputasies van hulle privaatdele moes ondergaan a.g.v. mislukte besnyding.

• Openbare reaksie Wat was die reaksie toe daar tydens die polisie-optrede in Marikana net 34 mense gesterf het? Die hel was los. Die vakbond AMCU het ook 'n voor-af rol gespeel in hierdie tragedie. So, politiekery het 'n groot rol gespeel, met die gepaardgaande en hewige openbare reaksie deur politieke partye (vir eie gewin) en ook die media.

• Wanneer ras 'n rol speel in SA Wat as die Oos-Kaapse snydokters wit was? Ek wil my verstout om te sê dat almal - die regering; die EFF, die hele boksemdais - blou moord sou geskree het. Ironies, en soos dit vir my blyk dus, is dit dat swart lewens meesal net saak maak wanneer daar 'n geur van rassisme daaraan gekoppel kan word.


Die regering toon maar min respek of simpatie vir ander (dink ook maar aan plaasmoorde) in die algemeen. Net so maar vir hulle eie mense. Dit is 'n klad op hulle naam. En 'n skande, want hulle en die SAPD - kan selfs nie hulle eie mense gelyk onder die reg behandel nie. Ek was in d.s. OosKaap as jong polisieman geleer om gelyke beregting toe te pas.

• Die houding rondom en die gevolge van die inisiasie- tradisie Die tragiese hiervan is dat hierdie 'gebruik', 'tradisie' of 'kultuur' ook verdedig sal word deur die naïewe tradisionele leiers en hulle volgelinge. Dalk die regering ook. Dit gesê, gaan die regering van die dag van húlle kant af toelaat dat die onnodige lewensverlies bloot voortgaan net omdat die 'tradisie-hekkie' ook vir hulle te hoog is om te oorbrug?

• Ter afsluiting In die lig dus van die gebeure deesdae, is die logiese vraag egter of hierdie gewoonte as 'n selfopgelegde 'ding' die moeite werd is om te bewaar deur die tradisionele leiers en daarmee voort te gaan in weerwil van die skrikwekkende lewensverlies. Dit maak mos 'n grap van die reëls van logika, nie waar nie? Dáárom is dit nonsens dat diè oeroue tradisie nie bevraagteken of ondersoek mag word nie. Die 'tradisionele' reaksie sal wees: "Hoe durf julle sulke vrae vra oor 'n kultuur waarvan julle geen begrip het nie?" Hoe dit dan ook al sy; dit het in elk geval meesal ontaard in bloot 'n geldmakery deur roekelose, gierige en onkundige 'snydokters'. En dít kan nié meer geïgnoreer word nie. Sien ook: •

'I had to take a stand': Meet the Port Elizabeth doctor fighting to end misery caused by deadly initiations • Save the lives of initiates, Mkhize urges as death toll grows

SAP: Puntdiens: Bloemfontein: Nico Moolman


Die Groot Fisant van die Kamp: HBH Uit die aard van die polisieman se unieke beroep kom verskillende mense, vir verskillende redes, ook na sy woonhuis. Ek praat hier van die laat negentien-veertigs tot middel negentien-vyftigs. Telefone was nie algemeen nie en slegs enkele telefoonhokkies het in woonbuurte bestaan. 48

Ons het op die Bluff, in Durban, gewoon en baie plekke op die Bluff was onbewoon en ongerep. Hier was nog kleinwild gewees, klein roofdiere, baie watervoëls en slange vir Afrika! Die polisie het nog te perd sekere dele van Durban gepatrolleer. Die perdestalle was te Wentworth. My toekomstige brigadier te hoofkantoor was destyds sers. Piet Fabricius – hy was die ‘farrier’ of te wel die hoefsmit. As guns vir my vader, het hy een maal my ponie kom beslaan. Die Bluff was een van die plekke wat te perd gepatrolleer is. My eerste kennismaking met ‘n polisieman te perd wat ons huis besoek het, het my so bang gemaak dat ek onder my bed ingekruip het. Vir ‘n vier-vyfjarige kind was dit ‘n angswekkende gesig. Dit was amper soos ‘n engel in die Kinderbybel, wat besoek aan iemand gebring het met ‘n boodskap.

My Vader en sy perde in die vlei op die Bluff. Hy het perde en ponies gesmous. Let hoe onbeboud was die Bluff. Kyk na die omheinde erwe van die swart mense teen die bult. Die Roomse sendingstasie is bo, links. Die Indiese Oseaan is net agter die bult.

Vandag se groot paaie, soos die bekende Tara-weg, was eers ‘n rooigrond-pad deur die geil bosse. Daar was ‘n Roomse-sendingstasie in Sormany-weg en ons kon soggens vroeg die klokke duidelik hoor beier. As dit hoogwater was soggens kon ons die branders gehoor breek het. Lank voor die ontugwet gemengde huwelike verbied het of die groepsgebiedewet ingestel was het mense van verskillende rasse deurmekaar gewoon. Daar was Indiërs wat in sinkhuise gewoon het, daar was swart mense (ek het my verbeel hulle was ook Zanzibari’s) wat op naby die sendingstasie op plotte gewoon het. Sondae kon ons hulle hoor sing. Daar was verskeie Indiërwinkels op die Bluff. Mnr. Wahab se slaghuis was op die hoek van Old Mission-weg en Bluff-weg. Dit was voordat Old Mission-weg verlê was. Mnr. Wahab was die eerste Moslem wat ek in my lewe gesien het. Hy het die bekende rooi hoedjie gedra. Daar was ook kleurling gesinne. Die een 49

gesin se huis in Andora-weg – aan die bos se kant - was later afgebreek. Die ander kleurling gesin (familienaam weerhou) wat “onder” in Andora-weg gewoon het, het na Australië geëmigreer. Daar was ‘n groep Zanzibari’s wat op plotte op die hoek van Bluff-weg en Hartepool-weg gewoon het. Die huisies was onder groot mango-, litchi- en avokadopeerbome verskuil.5 Hierdie Zanzibari’s het die ou groen ID-kaarte gedra, hulle was as Asiërs geklassifiseer. Hulle is ook na Chatsworth se kant verskuif. Meeste van hulle was Moslems. As kinders het ons die gerug gehoor dat hulle afstammelinge van slawe was nadat ‘n slaweskip naby Anstey’s Beach gestrand het. Sommige mense het gesê hulle was op die Alibama. Mnr. D (naam weerhou) was met ‘n gekleurde dame getroud. Mnr. D was Afrikaans en sy vrou was Engelssprekend. Ek het haar as “Missus D” aangespreek. Die egpaar het twee kinders gehad. Hulle is later as “wit” in die bevolkingsregister opgeneem. Mnr. D het soms na ons huis gekom. Eenmaal toe ek die agterdeur se geklop beantwoord toe vra hy my: “Is die groot fisant van die kamp hier?” Soos ek gesê het, hy en sy familie het in “die bos” ten ooste van Tara-weg gewoon. Daar was ‘n groot vlei en oop grasveld. Sy hout-en-sink huisie was ook onder groot avokadopeerbome verskuil. Hulle het ook ‘n paar sitrusbome gehad en ‘n pampelmoes-boom. Dit is ‘n baie groot sitrusvrug, so groot soos ‘n pampoen. Geen grasperk nie, maar ‘n sand-werf waar alles netjies gevee was. Ek het baie daar gaan kuier want ek was lief vir “Mister D” en ons het baie oor hoenders gepraat. As ek die bospaadjie na sy huis gevolg het, het ek vinnig gehardloop want ek was maar lugtig vir slange! Party kere as ek daar gekom het, het “Missus D” my taktvol ingelig dat “Mister D” nie beskikbaar was nie. (Hy was natuurlik beskonke.) Ek was dan baie teleurgesteld want hy was my “hoender-vriend”. Eendag sit ons op ‘n bankie langs sy huis in die skaduwee. Die bankie was ‘n growwe plank wat mooi op twee regopstaande sement blokke gepas het. Ons het gesels, natuurlik oor hoenders. Voor ons op die sand het sy twee honde gelê. Die vlieë het hulle ore al kaal gebyt! ‘n Jong hen kom verby en sy maak: “Kê-kê-kê-kêêêê!” “Sy is op die punt om te lê, as jy my een sjieling en ‘n sikspens gee, kan jy haar vat!” Ander keer sit ons weer op die bankie. “Missus D” het brood gebak en ek word op die brood wat in die koolstoof gebak is, met vars botter daarop, getrakteer. “Mister D” word dors en hy begin Cane drink. Hy gooi die Cane in ‘n glas en drink dit skoon. Hy neem dan ‘n klein Hart-aluminium potjie vol water by die een oor, neem ‘n teug water, spoel sy mond uit en spoeg die water uit! Ek het vergeet om te meld hy was redelik geset gebou maar het nie voortande gehad nie. Hy het baie gelag! Toe ek in matriek was, het ons George Bernard Shaw se toneelstuk, Pygmallion, as voorgeskrewe boek gehad. Ek het ook die film My Fair Lady wat op Pygmallion gebaseer was, gaan kyk, om matriek makliker deur te kom. “Mister D” het my baie aan Eliza Doolittle se vader wat in die film opgetree het, laat dink! “… landed in Durban in 1893 after a British ship, patrolling off the city’s coast, intercepted Arab slave traders with 500 captured Zanzibaris on board. The slaves were brought to the port, interned as indentured labour for three years and freed. The colonial rulers settled them at Kings Rest, a hillock overlooking the harbour.” Sien: 5


Om geld in te kry het “Mister D” soms skepe geverf en ander kere het hy die hele peerboom se vrugte aan ‘n Indiër smous verkoop. Hulle het bv. 5 pond (tien rand) vir die vrugte betaal, dit self kom pluk en dan gaan smous. Ander keer het hy so een pond tien sjielings verdien om ‘n prisonier op die trein te begelei. Die magistraat het hom as “spesiale konstabel’ ingesweer. Eendag vra my Vader vir hom, hoe dit gaan met sy visvangery? “Nee, miester Heymans, bevoor was daar baie visse in die bay gewees! Vandag is daar niks! ‘n Ander keer kom hy kla oor mense wat ook in die bos, naby hom gebly het: “Miester Heymans daardie Koreaanse wyf maak my klaar, jy moet haar gaan waarsku!” Ons het een of twee keer “broei-eiers” by haar swaer gekry wat elders gewoon het. Van toe af het ons hom mnr. “Broeieiers” genoem. Toe ek ‘n kind en jong polisieman was, het almal op die Bluff hoenders aangehou. Ek kry ‘n saak by “Ondersoek en Navrae” om te ondersoek van rusverstoring; dit gaan oor ‘n haan wat die bure snags wakker maak. Saak volledig ondersoek, toe skryf die SSA in die dossier: “There is a decided case where the learned judge remarked: It is the most natural thing for a rooster to crow at night. I decline to prosecute.” Nou hou niemand meer hoenders aan nie ook nie in Pretoria nie! Maar wat ek eintlik wil vertel: “Missus D” was diep gelowig en het Mister D se streke met gebed en lyding aanvaar en baie vir hom gebid. Sy was lief vir hom. In die klein donker sitkamer was ‘n geraamde portret waarna ek altyd gekyk het as ek daar gekom het. Die pragtige tekenprent het die breë weg na die Hel en die smal weg aangedui na die Hemel. O ja, daar was ook die berugte “Sondag-trein” in die prent. As ek reg onthou was die skildery-tekenprent in die Engelse taal. [Alles in Durban was in Engels – in Smith-straat was net twee Afrikaanse woorde: “Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie” en Volkskas bank.] Ons het die Engelse kultuur heel te maal aangeneem en “Guy Fawkes” op 5 November gevier my niggies en nefies was Engelssprekend. Honde was destyds nie so getraumatiseerd soos vandag nie. Ek dink die klappers was destyds baie sagter. Ek het na die fees verwys as “Sky Rocket-time!” Die Engelse kinders was in die meerderheid en ek is eers in graad ll na ‘n suiwer Afrikaanse skool (Laerskool Port Natal). Die een Engels-mannetjie het my “Fanie Vensterbank” of “Danie Disselboom” genoem en dan was ek slim genoeg om te begin hardloop. Ek was die enigste Afrikanerseun in die buurt waar ons gewoon het. Ons het as kinders sommer ‘n mengsels van Afrikaans, Engels en isiZulu gepraat om ons onderling verstaanbaar te maak. In die digte bos het ons gespeel ten spyte van die slange! Ek het eenmaal ‘n Zulu in die bos gesien wat tradisionele medisyne gedrink het. Hy het toe gekniel en voor hom ‘n gat gegrawe. Hy het toe alles opgebring in die gat voor hom. Die Zulu was nie bewus van my teenwoordigheid nie. My Vader het my toe vertel dis ‘n tradisionele reiniging seremonie. Diep in die bos het die seuns tonnels gemaak en ons het daarin gekruip. Hoe gevaarlik was dit nie? Ek het met tropiese vissies geboer en ons het altyd na die Indiërs-tuine naby die Wentworth spoorwegstasie gegaan. Die tuine was deel van Clairwood en suid van Edwin Swales VC Drive geleë. Die tuine was in akkers opgedeel met watervore tussen in. Hier het ons in die vuil water besmet met riool, bolle rooi bloedwurms gekry en dit vir ons vissies gevoer. Vandag is die spoorweë op hierdie ou tuine doenig en waar die Indiër landbouers nou boer, is ‘n ope vraag.


Ek was polisieman te King’s Rest toe is die laaste Zanzibari’s na die Chatsworth-omgewing verskuif. ‘n Paar myl verder met Tara-weg verby die Bluff-inry was “Happy Valley” en die eerste olie raffinadery. Vandag is dit toegebou en deel van Mere-Went. Ek onthou “Happy Valley” as ‘n ongerepte stuk natuur aan die oostekant (see se kant) van die Wentworth Hospitaal. Een oggend werk toe, het ek met my motor ‘n slang in die grondpad teëgekom en deur die motor se oop venster die slang dood geskiet. Ja, daar was selfs ‘n Jacobs-polisiestasie tussen Wentworth- en King’s Rest-polisiestasies. Sers. ‘Tandjies’ van der Merwe was die SB en hulle het by ons vars hoendereiers gekoop. Sy dogter, wyle Jeanette, was drie dae ouer as ek – ons was in dieselfde Sondagskoolklas. Eendag loop ek “Mister D” in Durban se sentrale stadskern raak. Ek was toe self in die polisie. Ons gesels en belangstellend vra ek waar hy woon. Hy noem toe ‘n woonbuurt en ek antwoord: “Dis oulik, daar tussen die ryk mense!” “Ja”, antwoord hy, “die Development Compartment6 het vir ons die huis gegee”.

My broer toe nog ‘n klein mannetjie by een van my Vader se perdjies. Die het hy verkoop as troeteldiere vir die ryker mense in Durban

As ‘ou man’ dink ek met soveel nostalgie terug aan die Bluff en hoe lekker ons daar gewoon het toe die Bluff nog rof en ongetem was. Dinge was toe so ongekompliseerd! 6

Die departement van gemeenskapsbou – “Department of Community Development” – HBH.


Brigadier Anesh Haripersad is regarded as a top police officer by the media: Logan Govender Photograph 1 Brigadier Anesh Haripersad is seen adorned with medals and decorations for loyal, dedicated and meritorious service. “Top Cop”, Brigadier Anesh Haripersad in 1972 acquired exceptional skills in Conflict Resolution & Peace Brokering whilst serving in the Soweto Region in the lower ranks of his career. Unbeknown to him that one day he would be faced with danger looking him straight in the eye. Years later, in 1991 whilst a Captain and at the helm of Isipingo Police Station armed conflict erupted at Malagazi Township which fell with the Isipingo police patrol area. At least 3 persons were reported killed, a number seriously injured and 14 homes razed to the ground. It was at this point where his immense skills would be tested. Brazenly, Captain would take up the challenge and hasten to the war-torn area with the assistance of other Police Personnel, backed up by the Defence Force. He was confronted with around 400 persons armed with AK 47 rifles, knobkerries, pangas and the like. Both groups were about 500metres apart, when Captain “Courage” sprang into action and approached the factions. He asked both groups to nominate 5 representatives from each faction to represent their group, viz “Senyooras” and the “Comrades”. Whilst interacting with both groups he immediately deduced that the violence was precipitated by the slaying of an Elder in the community and not politically motivated. The groups were apportioning blame to each other. After much deliberations a Peace Accord was signed by the “Senyooras” and the “Comrades”. The parties would embrace and shake the hand of the other in full view of the masses. This would later receive widespread media coverage throughout the country, whereby a Police Captain would courageously intervene and restore peace, law and order. This even earned him an acknowledgment by the Regional Commissioner SAP, Natal, General W H Steyn; not easily achieved in those days. Annexure 1 Copy of the Acknowledgement of his sterling work by General W H Steyn Anesh Haripersad, or “Harry” as he is affectionately known by his friends was born on 18 October 1951 on premises where the Jan Smuts Highway now traverses, then Mayville, Durban. His Dad, Haripersad Bhaul was a police officer stationed at Sydenham. He served for 18 years before he sadly passed away.



Constable Haripersad Bhaul

Photograph 2 Brigadier Anesh Haripersad’s Dad, Constable Haripersad Bhaul in uniform. 54

Anesh Haripersad joined SAP in February 1972 and was posted to the Crime Intelligence Unit in Kliptown, Gauteng. He underwent his basic training at The Wentworth Police Training College. He was in Troop 19, 1972.

Photograph 3 - Troop 197 After successfully completing his basic training he was resent to Kliptown. A few days later he was posted to John Vorster Square in Johannesburg operating in the same unit. In June the following year he was posted to Protea, Soweto West District, where he spent 3 years. It was in Soweto that he acquired the skills, knowledge and acumen for conflict resolution and peace brokering that would give him a head start over his contemporaries in this specialized field. In 1978 he was transferred to Crime Intelligence, Durban. A few days later he became 2nd in Command of the VIP Unit in Broad Street, Durban. On the 25th of June he was appointed at the helm of Isipingo Police Station as Captain. His intervention in the conflict between the “Senyooras” and the “Comrades” reverberated throughout the country where he achieved the unthinkable, peace amongst warring factions.


Note Sgt Lamech, Sgt Morgan Chetty & Sgt Govinsamy – all Sergeants I knew when stationed at Wentworth – HBH.


Photograph 3 Haripersad in mess dress chatting with the Head of the Forensic Science Laboratory, General Lothar Neethling On 1st of April 1990 be was promoted to Head of Visible Policing at the office of The District Commandant, Chatsworth, long side Brigadier Sharma Maharaj (deceased – Lieutenant General). Here he was able through the hard work and diligent co-operation of members reduce the crime rate substantially. On 1st January 1993 he was appointed Head of Human Resource Management, Area Commissioner, Pinetown alongside Brigadier Meintjes. On 13th December 1996 he was appointed Staff Officer, Area Commissioner, Durban, alongside Major General Ramsaroop. For the second time he was re-transferred to his erstwhile station, Isipingo as the Station Commissioner. He was dispatched to Isipingo, which was in crisis on two occasions where he skilfully managed and stabilised explosive situations. On 1st August 2000 he was prompted to the rank of brigadier as the Deputy Area Commissioner, Durban South Area, alongside Major General Ramsaroop.


Photograph 4 Brigadier Anesh Haripersad at his desk as a brigadier. Haripersad not only excelled in the execution of his duties but successfully managed a Port Natal Police Soccer squad for many years. They captured the National Police Commissioner’s trophy. This earned him Police Colours in Sport as a successful team manager. Brigadier and his wife are foundation members of the Retired Officer’s Social Club in Durban. In my interactions with him at Retired Police Officers Social gatherings I found him to be a kind, humble soul and an asset to the Club. He is respected amongst his contemporaries and subordinates alike. Well done brigadier for your remarkable achievements in the Police and in the Sporting Field. Harripersad will always be an inspiration to police officers and will be remembered for his unique skill for resolving conflict situations and is an effective and efficient manager. He served the police loyally and meritoriously for 42 years. Haripersad is married to his wife, Kay, for 41 years and they have three children, two daughters and a son.


Photograph 5 Brigadier Anesh Haripersad and his dear wife Kay. Their daughter, Sadhana, followed in her dad’s footsteps and is employed by the SAPS Legal Services, Pinetown.

Photograph 6 Sadhana Haripersad, daughter of Brigadier Haripersad currently in the employ of SAPS, Legal Services, Pinetown.


Information and photographs with the exception of Photograph 3, Troop photograph was kindly made available by Brigadier Anesh Haripersad. Photograph 3 Troop Photograph was kindly furnished by Detective A K Pillay who was in the same troop. Logan Govender: Pietermaritzburg Annexure “A�


• Post Script

Brigadier Anesh graduated after having successfully completing the course at the University of the North West.

• Certificate successful completion of the Presidential Strategic Leadership Development Program-1



• General Bala Naidoo at his graduation for his Master’s Degree in Public Administration.

Major General Bala Naidoo at his graduation 62

Seated from left - Brigadier Natty Govender and Major General Bala Naidoo Standing- Brigadier Bala Naidoo

Major General Bala Naidoo award medal for 40 years’ service. Other Officers unknown by myself. Logan 63


Malalane: Retired SAPS officials treated to Christmas lunch

“Let us enjoy our time left and understand the word travel”

MALALANE – Last week SAPS pensioners enjoyed their Christmas lunch. The function was held at The Sugar Train Restaurant at Rockvale Ridge Lodge outside town.

Brig Joseph Shabangu established this initiative with the aim of keeping retired police officials together. They have 25 active members. 64

The seniors were invited a while ago to the office of the provincial commissioner, Lt Gen Mondli Zuma, and he had a long discussion with them to find out what challenges they face during retirement.

Col Sam Mabunda, chairman, opened the activities by welcoming everybody and also asked that in the winter of their lives they must look at their lifestyle, the food they eat and the exercise they do. He requested all members to understand that going on pension is a new beginning in their lives.

“Let us enjoy our time left and understand the word travel. Go and visit new places. Let us travel to 65

release stress, anxiety and loneliness. Mingle with other people and attend church. Remember that during our working days we dedicated our lives to save the community. Now is the time to enjoy life with our families,” Mabunda said.

Col Gicks Moyane read a verse from Genesis 3 and 4 and said a prayer. Moyane trained as a reverend while in the SAPS and since he has retired is also a motivational speaker. His message to the attendees was about 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence. Moyane told his ex-colleagues that even though everybody is concentrating mainly on woman and children, men are also subject to abuse. Police members and most men were brought up with the saying “tigers don’t cry”. “This is the biggest misconception leading to some of the abuse from men, because they do not know how to handle and resolve the stress and anger within them.” He used an example of one of his colleagues who had a little boy with him in the office years ago. He had to keep him busy, so he gave him some mathematics sums to do. It kept the child busy for just a little while. He then gave him some sentences to complete which he also did in no time at all.

At the end of his patience he saw a map in a magazine. He tore it out and cut it small pieces and gave it to the boy the get the map stuck together again. The boy turned the map around and saw that the back had a picture of a man. Within half an hour he had the picture stuck together. The message in this is “get the men right and we will get society right”. 66

The seniors were treated to a three-course meal on beautiful decorated tables.

The message by Brig Joseph Shabangu, Capt Ben Mkhonto and Col Sam Mabunda at the end of the function was for all the members to have a blessed festive season with their families and to be safe.


Major Generals Bob Naidoo and Bala Naidoo

WARNING You are not expected to read everything that we publish in the Nongqai – read what you like and skip what you don’t like. We are trying to collect historical data for our coming generations.



Die Bospadda: “Chris & Kobus”: Heleen Crossman Frans Bedford-Visser stuur die volgende foto’s aan wat hy van Heleen Crossman, dogter van die Bospadda se ontwerper, mnr. Chris van der Merwe, ontvang het.


Oom Chris van der Merwe, dr. Kobus Laubser, Hoofbestuurder van die SpoorweĂŤ en Chris Heunis, Minister van Vervoer.

Oom Chris van der Merwe 70

Passenger Train 87300: Detonation of Landmine: Waterval-Onder: 19 June 1982: Mr Rudolph Pretorius Hennie Ek het hierdie interessante verslag gevind op Facebook, en het in verbinding getree met die skrywer, Rudolph Pretorius, wat sy toestemming gegee het om in Nongqai te publiseer. Hopelik kan jy dit gebruik. Groete Frans Bedford-Visser When reading the essay, posted earlier (November,17) written by Prof. Charles van Onselen and published by Media24 (Last part of the essay describing the planned derailment of trains between Waterval Boven and Waterval-Onder) it reminded me of an incident with the same intentions that took place at Waterval-Onder during 1982. This planned derailment of trains actually happened! On Friday evening, June 18, 1982 I was on duty as Senior Traffic Controller as from 18:00 until 06:00 on Saturday, June, 19 in the CTC Office (Centralised Traffic Control Centre) at Waterval Boven. That specific night Passenger Train 87300 from Komatipoort to Johannesburg was running about 120 minutes late and Passenger train 78303 from Johannesburg to Komatipoort was running about 60 minutes late. 71

Train 6901 (Goods Train) departed from Waterval Boven at 01:10 (1982-06-19) and arranged to cross train 8962 (Airbrake Train) at Waterval-Onder and Train 87300 Passenger Train at Sycamore. Train 6901 was admitted over the # 2 Mainline at Waterval-Onder. (# 2 mainline is the line on the right side in the down direction (Waterval Boven – Nelspruit) and was the last train to run over that line prior to train 87300. Train 78303 Passengers departed from Waterval-Boven at 01:50 and arranged to cross trains 87300 and 8962 at Waterval-Onder. Train 78303 was admitted over the # 1 mainline at Waterval-Onder (Left line in down direction Waterval Boven to Nelspruit) and on arrival at Waterval-Onder Train 87300 departed to Waterval Boven at about 02:10. At 02:10 Mr. William Mokwena (Patrolman) who‘s duty was to patrol the section for defects and fallen rock between Waterval-Onder to Waterval Boven informed the CTC by SPT phone (Signal Post Telephone) that he heard a loud bang and noticed train 87300 came to a standstill at the railway bridge over the Elands River at Waterval-Onder and that there are a fire alongside the train. As train 87300 was standing for about 10 minutes already (according to indications on the CTC Panel) I suspected sabotage and contacted Sergeant Fourie (Railway Police) at Waterval Boven 02:24 as well as the local Fire Brigade (Mr. Stamps) at 02:25. At 02:29 Mr. Pypers (Ticket Examiner stationed at Pretoria) of train 87300 informed CTC that his train activated a landmine and that Train Driver, Allie Odendaal and Train Assistant Wolmarans (Komatipoort personnel), sustained minor injuries, locomotives seriously damaged and standing on a gap of plus minus 1 meter wide and 1 meter deep. Mr. Barnard (System Managers Office, Pretoria notified of above at 02:33 TRAIN 87300 PASSENGER TRAIN: Train Driver: Allie Odendaal (Stationed Komatipoort) Train Assistant: Wolmarans (Stationed Komatipoort) Conductor: Els (Stationed Waterval Boven) Ticket Examiner: Pypers (Stationed Pretoria) Electric Locomotives: 1853 and 1613 Train load: 670-68 Incident took place on the # 2 mainline, Waterval-Onder at Km. 24 Mast pole 6. According to Conductor Els train 87300 came to a standstill at 02:12 EMERGENCY STAFF ACTIVATED: Track Master Venter (Nelspruit) 02:36 Mr. Herman (Waterval Boven) requested to activate the local First Aid crew 02:36. Mr. Van Rensburg, Asst. Superintendent Operating (Nelspruit) 02:40 Breakdown crew Waterval Boven notified 02:48. Authority # 51/6 Sgt. Van der Merwe, Railway Police Nelspruit 02:55 Sgt. Brandt, SAPS Waterval Boven 02:59 Mr. Bart Pieterse, Loco Inspector, Waterval Boven 03:06 Waterval Boven Provincial Hospital notified that Mr. Odendaal and Wolmarans will be brought in for assistance and medical treatment 03:11 72

District Supervisor (Perway), Mr. Van der Heyde, Nelspruit 03:37 Mr. Crompton, Technical Superintendent Signals, Nelspruit 03:45 Mr. Steyn, Signal Technician Waterval Boven 03:47 Mr. Wiehahn, Acting District Engineer, Nelspruit 04:00 At 02:40 a private person by the name of Bobby Singh phoned me from the local SAPS Office, Waterval-Boven informing me that he was stopped by the Train Crew of the passenger train at Waterval-Onder and that he must inform the CTC that the train had derailed. Mr. Singh was en route by motor vehicle on the N4 from Nelspruit to Middelburg where he resides. Sgt. Fourie reported at 03:14 that the first bogie wheels of the leading locomotive (1853) had derailed and the Steam Wagon (Wagon arranged just behind the locomotives and used to provide steam for the heaters in the compartments on the train during winter time) was standing over a hole of about 1 meter wide and 1 meter deep. Railway track seriously damaged but no injuries to passengers. He gave permission that trains may be admitted over the # 1 mainline. Train 8881 (Light Locomotives) departed from Waterval Boven at 03:41 and arrived at WatervalOnder at 04:00. Loose locomotives of train 8881 attach to the rear end of train 87300 at 04:12 to clear away the coaches from the Steam Wagon and locomotives of train 87300. Mr. Van Rensburg gave instruction at 04:42 that all train movements to be stopped until further notice as they found more explosives and detonators alongside the railway tracks. Warrant Officer van Jaarsveldt requested at 04:44 that explosives sniffer dogs and handlers from Komatipoort be called out to Waterval-Onder. Request forwarded to Nelspruit Railway police. Passenger couches of train 87300 cleared from the point of derailment and locomotives of train 8881 coupled in front ready to depart to Waterval Boven at 04:50 Sgt. Fourie reported at 05:04 that Mr. Odendaal and Wolmarans were admitted to Waterval Boven Hospital. Mr. Odendaal sustained internal injuries on his right leg and that his leg is swollen. Mr. Wolmarans also sustained injuries on his right arm as well as internal injuries. General Visagie (Johannesburg) phoned at 05:32 and requested that one of the Police Officers at the scene must contact him regarding the circumstances of the derailment. Request forwarded to Captain Venter at the scene. Captain Venter informs CTC that there might be more live explosives and that the Explosives experts will continue with their investigation of the area during daylight. TRAIN DELAYS: Train 8962 (Airbrake) 120 minutes at Waterval-Onder Train 3901 (Goods) 75 minutes at Ondervalle Train 88445 (Passenger) 68 Minutes at Ondervalle Train 4449 (Parcels) 30 Minutes at Ondervalle Train 8504 (Goods) 120 Minutes at Sycamore Train 2900 (Goods) 62 Minutes at Hemlock Train 7002 (Perishable) 50 Minutes at Ngodwana


I signed off duty at 06:00 that morning and the incident was handed over to my colleague, Mr. Johan de Jager, who further reported on the matter as follows: Warrant Officer van Jaarsveldt reported at 07:28 that the # 1 mainline is clear and open for train operating purposes. Train 8833 (Goods) departed Ondervalle 07:33 and arrived at Waterval-Onder at 07:55 (Delayed for 190 Minutes) Emergency Telephone (2337) for communication purposes installed at the scene at 07:45 Passenger train 87300 depart from Waterval-Onder at 08:01 after manually cranking point sets 161 and 163. (Delayed for 351 minutes) Train 2914 (Goods) depart from Sycamore at 08:39 (Delayed for 249 minutes) Locomotive 1853 re-railed at 08:45 Fitter from Waterval Boven called out at 09:45 and at 11:24 Mr. Pieterse report that the fitter temporary repaired the derailed locomotives and could depart to Waterval Boven. Locomotives 1853 & 1613 running as train 9902 departed from Waterval-Onder at 11:35 with a speed restriction of 15 Kph. YQ 1662 SAD 9 more trains delayed for 97 minutes each. Track Master Venter at Waterval-Onder report at 14:20 that # 1 mainline are safe and open for the normal running of trains. ooOoo End pieces of the rail were later cut off by Mr. Venter (Track Master) and this piece of history is still to be seen at the CTC Office, Waterval Boven. (See attached pictures) The fact that this whole event was arranged to be on a Friday night was well planned as they must have known that many passengers will be travelling on the train before the weekend. This could have been a major disaster, killing and injuring innocent people if Passenger Train 87300 was running on time. Another aspect was that train 6901 was on its way to Waterval-Onder and arranged to run over # 2 mainline and thus disturbed the process to install all the explosives in time before the departure of train 87300 from Waterval-Onder. It was later reported that this senseless sabotage attempt was planned from within Swaziland and the persons who actually did the sabotage fled to Swaziland (eSwatini) after the incident. No arrests were ever made regarding this incident.






Bospadda: “Chris” in SWA: Foto’s vir Nongqai deur Floris Botha: Frans Bedford-Visser Hallo Hennie Ek het die foto’s van Floris Botha afgekry. Hulle is in SWA geneem in 1980 of 1981 nadat “Chris” omskep is om alleenlik op die spore te loop. Floris sal die datums kan bevestig. Dit is die enigste foto’s wat ek gesien het waar Chris eintlik die trein gesleep het. (Sien opmerking) Gewoonlik het ons alleen voor die trein op die spore gery, die trein het onder sy eie stoom agter aangekom. Die ander foto’s is gedurende hulle tyd in SWA. Hulle het ook ‘n Hippo gehad vir padvervoer, omdat “Chris” nie meer op die pad kon loop nie. Hopelik kan jy die foto’s gebruik? Ek sal probeer om Floris te kry om ietsie te skryf oor sy tyd daar om saam met die foto’s te pos. Groete Frans Bedford-Visser Nota: “Chris” was slegs naby die waens geparkeer op Otjiwarongo Stasie. Ons het nie met hom gesleep nie. Die Duitse Herdershond (plofstofhond) was onder beheer van sers. Herbst van Kaapstad / Bellville – Floris.

Bospadda: “Chris” in Operasionele Gebied



Links: “Chris� van binne gesien. Let op die goiingsak om die waterbottel.


Spoorwegpolisie in die Operasionele Gebied


Die plofstofhond van die SA Spoorwegpolisie aan diens in die operasionele gebied. Ons het nie sy naam nie maar sy geleier destyds was sers. Herbst van Kaapstad / Bellville



Nag generaal! Die laaste generaals van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag: Genl G Murphy • SA Weermag: Verdedigingshoofkwartier


• SA Weermag: Generaals van die SA Leër


• Generaals van die SA Lugmag en admiraals van die SA Vloot


• Geneesheer-generaal & Kapelaan-generaal

Erkenning: PARATUS: Junie 1993

60 Sqn SAAF’s First Encounter with a Jet-propelled Aircraft: Lt Col William Marshall A preliminary report of the attack by a Me262 on a Photo Reconnaissance Mosquito of 60 Squadron SAAF was established in the Review of SAAF Operations of 01 to 15 August 1944. On 15 August 1944, the Mosquito, piloted by Capt Pienaar with Lt Lockhart-Rose as observer, approached Gunzburg/Liepheim airfield at 30,000 ft. The IAS was 220 Mph and as the pilot levelled out making a diving turn on the target a twin-engined aircraft was seen in the rear mirror, closing extremely rapidly. 87

Throttles were opened and long-range tanks were jettisoned and a turn started to starboard, simultaneously the enemy aircraft opened fire from 400 yards. Hits from 30mm cannon were sustained on the port wing and pieces flew off the Mosquito which flicked over into a semi-flat spin out of control. “G� forces pinned the observer in the nose.

Efforts to check the spin by rocking the aircraft were unsuccessful and it was impossible to throttle back as the throttles were jammed in the fully open position. Eventually at 19,000 ft and at IAS of 420 mph (TAS 580 mph) the pilot managed to level out only to find the enemy aircraft closing in again rapidly from astern. He could not turn to starboard, but turning to port, it was found possible to turn inside the enemy aircraft, which shot passed the Mosquito. The enemy aircraft, which during the third attack was identified as a jet-propelled Messerschmitt Me 262, made 12 attacks altogether in the 40 minutes. Three head-on, two from quarter, two from beam and 5 from astern. Only the first two in the attack did he manage to hit the Mosquito. The Me262 was extremely fast, made wing-tip trail all the time but it was not very manoeuvrable and appeared to be unable to turn sharply, the Mosquito being able to turn inside the Me262 every time.


The Mosquito was 90 miles South of Leipheim at 9,000 ft and unable to do more than 210 mph owing to intense vibration of the aircraft, when the final attack was made head-on. This the Mosquito pilot countered by attempting to ram the enemy aircraft, which fired another burst of this guns and then overshot. The Mosquito dived into clouds over the Alps and even through most of the instruments were unserviceable, the port flap, aileron and elevator main spar had been shot away, it managed to limp home. The undercarriage system would not work and wheels could not be lowered it then had to belly-flop at base.

The pilot Capt Pienaar stated: “I certainly found that forcing the enemy to make head-on attacks was the best policy for me, either that or starting to turn when he is about 600 yards away, sharpening the turn as he closes. His speed is so great that when he over-shoots he just disappears in the distance, although it is not long before he is back at you again. It is difficult to estimate when to turn because of the great closing speed but it is obvious better to turn a bit early than too late.� 89

• Enemy jet aircraft In view of the appearance of German jet aircraft during recent operations, extract from AFC 167, published by the Air Ministry (DAT), are repeated: There are three known types: The Heinkel 280, is a twin-engined mid-winged monoplane having a probable top speed of 490 mph at 30,000ft.

The Me 262 is a twin-engined low-wing monoplane with a probable top speed of 490 mph at 30,000 ft.

The Me 163 is a tail-less monoplane with sharply swept back wings and is powered by a single liquid rocket unit carried in the fuselage. The maximum speed is estimated at between 500 and 600 mph.


• Messerschmitt Me262 data The Messerschmitt Me 262, nicknamed Schwalbe (German: "Swallow") in fighter versions, or Sturmvogel (German: "Storm Bird") in fighter-bomber versions, was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design work started before World War II began, but problems with engines, metallurgy and top-level interference kept the aircraft from operational status with the Luftwaffe until mid-1944. The Me 262 was faster and more heavily armed than any Allied fighter, including the British jetpowered Gloster Meteor. One of the most advanced aviation designs in operational use during World War II, the Me 262's roles included light bomber, reconnaissance and experimental night fighter versions. Me 262 pilots claimed a total of 542 Allied aircraft shot down, although higher claims are sometimes made. The Allies countered its effectiveness in the air by attacking the aircraft on the ground and during take-off and landing. Strategic material shortages and design compromises on the Junkers Jumo 004 axial-flow turbojet engines led to reliability problems. Attacks by Allied forces on fuel supplies during the deteriorating late-war situation also reduced the effectiveness of the aircraft as a fighting force. Armament production within Germany was focused on more easily manufactured aircraft. In the end, the Me 262 had a negligible impact on the course of the war as a result of its late introduction and the consequently small numbers put in operational service. General characteristics • • • • • • • • • •

Crew: 1 Length: 10.6 m (34 ft 9 in) Wingspan: 12.6 m (41 ft 4 in) Height: 3.5 m (11 ft 6 in) Wing area: 21.7 m2 (234 sq ft) Aspect ratio: 7.32 Empty weight: 3,795 kg (8,367 lb) Gross weight: 6,473 kg (14,271 lb) Max take-off weight: 7,130 kg (15,719 lb) Powerplant: 2 × Junkers Jumo 004B-1 turbojet

Performance • • • • •

Maximum speed: 900 km/h (560 mph, 490 knots) Range: 1,050 km (650 miles, 570 nautical miles) Service ceiling: 11,450 m (37,570 ft) Rate of climb: 20 m/s (3,900 ft/min) at max weight of 7,130 kg (15,720 lb) Thrust/weight: 0.28

Armament • • •

Guns: 4 × 30 mm MK 108 cannon (the A-2a had only two cannons) Rockets: 24 × 55 mm (2.2 in) R4M rockets Bombs: 2 × 250 kg (550 lb) bombs or 2 × 500 kg (1,100 lb) bombs (A-2a variant)


Naval Police: Simonstown • Introduction HBH During the 1960’s as a schoolboy I hitchhiked twice from Durban to Cape Town all along the Garden Route and then back from Cape Town via the Karoo to Johannesburg. Then via Van Reenen (where Oupa & Ouma Heymans lived) back to Durban. I slept in police cells, at the Salvation Army, YMCA and once a kind policeman of Caledon Square allowed me to sleep on his carpet in front of his bed. In those days it was safe to “hike” and I lived mainly on fruit and cold drinks. I had a letter (permission) from my father to hike around the country. We had a neighbour on the Bluff who served in the SA Navy, Mr Denzil Farr. While I stayed in Cape Town, I took the train to Simonstown. Here I found the Naval Police at the gates. Simonstown was then till in the hands of the Royal Navy. I reported at the gate and thereafter I met Mr Farr and enjoyed a cup of tea with him. I never forgot the Naval Police and over the years I found a few scraps of information and filed the information in my archive. This week a wonderful old photograph was brought to my attention by David Wilson. He put me in touch with Capt Glenn Knox (SAN – Ret) who gave me permission to publish the photograph. I am sharing all the information I have on the Naval Police or Dockyard Police including the “old” photograph:

• Simon's Town Dock Police


• Simonstown Dockyard Police

• Royal Marine Police (Simonstown): There are 290 members of the Royal Marine Police at Home Stations, and 68 abroad at Malta, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Simonstown and Colombo. OLD SALT

The rates of pay are as follows: Constables, 5/10 to 6/4 p.d. Sergeants, 7/7 to 8/1. Inspectors 10/6 to 15/- (after 10 years). In the absence of Service accommodation, lodging allowance is payable. No marriage or victualling allowances are payable. Free issue of kit on enlisting and thereafter a kit upkeep allowance of 3,5d. per diem. Gratuities are payable on retirement or discharge. Source: The Nongqai 1937-03-212.

• The Simonstown Dockyard Police




Source: The Nongqai 1942-08-861/2.

1838 The Zulus and the Voortrekkers Barend Uys | 19 December 2019 Barend Uys writes on President Cyril Ramaphosa's Reconcialiation Day remarks The Zulus and the Voortrekkers – in search of more truth “For they were freedom fighters, because they were fighting for the freedom of our land, and they sacrificed immensely, fighting against invaders.” President Cyril Ramaphosa made this statement, referencing the Zulu warriors that fought at the Battle of Blood river, during his speech at the Reconciliation Day celebration at Bergville. Afrikaners reacted negatively to this statement. The Afrikaans singer Chris Chameleon said on Twitter:


“dingane’s impi lived under a brutal monarchy. no pvt landownership, no voting rights. @CyrilRamaphosa calling them freedom fighters on this day is deceitful & not reconciliatory. i distance myself from the reinterpretation of this day & reaffirm my ancestors’ religious intention.” To establish whether Ramaphosa presented a balanced view of history when he called the Zulu Warriors “freedom fighters” and the Voortrekkers “invaders”, one has to consider the events of that time. Commission Trek to Natal A small reconnaissance party under the leadership of Piet Uys, known as the Commission Trek to Natal, departed from the district of Uitenhage in September 1834 to investigate the availability of land in Natal. Discussions between Uys, Jacobus Moolman, Matthys Human and King Dingane kaSenzangakhona resulted in a verbal agreement by Dingane that he would be willing to give land to Uys and his people. The king was not willing to sign a written treaty before Uys and his people settled in this area. Retief and Dingane Piet Retief arrived at the seat of King Dingane on 7 November 1837 to negotiate land for the Voortrekkers who had left the Cape Colony. Dingane agreed to give Retief the land between the Tugela and Umzimvubu rivers, on condition that they retrieved Dingane’s cattle that had presumably been stolen by Kgosi Sekonyela (of the Batlokwa). Retief lead a commando to Sekonyela in December 1837, retrieved the king’s cattle and sent it to Umgungundlovu along with the Zulu herders that was escorting the commando. Retief and his party of 100 men left for Umgungundlovu in January 1838. A treaty, that ceded the land between the Tugela and Umzimvubu Rivers to the Voortrekkers, was signed on 4 February. Two days later however, by order of Dingane, Retief and his whole party was brutally murdered on kwaMatiwane Hill. The Voortrekker murders The Voortrekkers on the eastern side of the Drakensberg were waiting to hear from Retief when they were attacked by Zulu warriors on the night of 17 February 1838. The worst murders happened at the Bloukrans River and Moordspruit – 41 Voortrekker men, 56 women and 185 children were killed. The Battle of Italeni A force of 347 men, under the command of Piet Uys and Hendrik Potgieter left for Umgungundlovu on 5 and 6 April to aid the Voortrekkers on the other side of the mountain. The Voortrekkers suffered defeat during this campaign when Uys, his son Dirkie and nine other Voortrekkers perished in the Battle of Italeni on 10 April. The Flight Commando (as it became known) only arrived at the lagers two days later. Potgieter decided to leave Natal for good to settle on the western side of the Drakensberg. Fight Lager and the death of Maritz The Voortrekkers were once again attacked by approximately 10 000 Zulu warriors at Gat Lager between 13 and 15 August. With the aid of women and children, the 75 men able to fight back and managed to beat off the attackers, but all their livestock were driven off by the Zulu warriors. The lager was renamed Fighting Lager. Pretorius and the Battle of Blood River The outcome of the Battle of Blood River is well known – the Voortrekkers’ force of 570 men under command of Andries Pretorius faced a Zulu army of 15 000 to 30 000 warriors under the command of Dambuza Nzobo and Ndlela kaSompisi. Only three Voortrekkers, including Pretorius, were wounded. Not a single member of the Voortrekker force died during or because of the battle – a miracle indeed. Funeral on Christmas day Pretorius and his Winning Commando discovered that the Zulu’s had burned down their own capital before fleeing. The Voortrekkers also found the remains of Retief and his party, as well as the signed treaty in Retief’s leather bag. Retief and his men were laid to rest in a common grave at the foot of kwaMatiwane on Christmas Day 1838. A day that was meant for celebration was instead a day of sorrow. The battle at the White Mfolozi 97

On 27 December 1838, only eleven days after the Battle of Blood River, a Voortrekker commando of 340 men lead by Karel Landman (including 40 Zulus under the command of the Englishman Alexander Biggar) rode into the valley of the White Umfolozi River. The commando aimed to drive away the Zulus hiding in the valley and to claim the cattle grazing there. At this point it is important to note that thousands of Voortrekker cattle were taken by the Zulu warriors during 1838. The commando was however ambushed and the fierce daylong battle that followed ended in a victory for the Zulu’s and resulted in the death of five Voortrekkers, Biggar and five Zulu warriors that were under his command. This event clearly indicated that Dingane’s power was not yet broken. Dingane defeated and Mpande crowned Dingane’s half-brother, Prince Mpande kaSenzangakhona, joined the Voortrekkers and sent an army of 10 000 warriors to assist Pretorius in a subsequent expedition against Dingane. Dingane’s army, again under the command of Ndlela kaSompisi, was finally defeated by the army of Mpande under the command of Nongalaza KaNondela in January 1840 during the Battle of Maqongqo. It is important to note that the Voortrekker commando under the command of Andries Pretorius never engaged the army of Dingane during this expedition and therefore played no part in the final breaking of Dingane’s power (Dingane was killed shortly thereafter by the Swazi). Pretorius crowned Mpande as king of the Zulus on 10 February 1840. Pretorius annexed the land between the Tugela and Black Umfolozi rivers by proclamation on 14 February 1840 in the presence of Mpande and his Chiefs as part of the peace treaty between the Voortrekkers and the Zulu and as compensation for the cost of the campaigns against King Dingane. These events heralded a time of good relationships between the Voortrekkers and the Zulu. Conclusion You are not an invader if you negotiate before settling on a piece of land. For Ramaphosa to call the Voortrekkers “invaders” is therefore historically incorrect, to say the very least, and definitely not an act of reconciliation towards Afrikaners as descendants of the Voortrekkers. Luckily, we know that our future as well as our history are in our own hands – we must simply take up this responsibility. If we manage to convey a balanced view of the past to our descendants it will be possible to learn from it, enabling us to build a prosperous future. Barend Uys is Head of Research and Development at AfriForum.

Ambulans: Newcastle: Nico Moolman


Mainly of interest to former members of the Security Branch

DOJ &CD forced to disclose nearly R3.6m paid for Rodrigues legal costs, at taxpayers’ expense

Cajee calls on State Attorney to stop subsidising legal efforts to delay criminal trial A Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) Application submitted by Imtiaz Ahmed Cajee in May 2019 to the Department of Justice & Correctional Services (DOJ&CD) requesting the total financial costs incurred by the State for the legal costs of Joao Antonio Rodrigues has revealed that a staggering R3 585, 205.92 (Three million five hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and five rand, ninety-two cents) of taxpayers’ money has been paid so far. This covers the inquest, criminal remands and the stay of prosecution. It should be noted that the criminal trial of Rodrigues has not even started as yet. Remarkably the DOJ&CD is refusing to provide a breakdown of the costs paid, since it “will encroach on private individuals “. The attorney for Rodrigues, Mr Ben Minnaar refused to consent to such disclosure. Mr Minnaar previously worked in the State Attorney’s Office and resigned once Rodrigues

was charged. Read the response here.

• 1961: Umkhonto We Sizwe (MK) Die volle, objektiewe, storie van MK moet nog vertel word! Die destydse leier van die ANC was hoofman Albert Luthuli. Hy het die Nobel Prys vir Vrede verwerf. Kort na 16 Desember 1961 het mnr. Nelson Mandela hom ingelig dat die SAKP/ANC-alliansie MK tot stand gebring het. Hoofman Luthuli was teen geweld gekant en was nie gelukkig met hierdie toedrag van sake nie. Die Alliansie (en mnr. Mandela) is jare gelede deur mnr. PW Botha gevra om geweld af te sweer; dit is volgens my kennis nog nooit gedoen nie. Geweld is tydelik tydens die onderhandelinge opgeskort. Die geskiedenis is nooit eenvoudig nie. Dit moet onthou word dat ons in die Koue Oorlog vasgevang was – vgl. bv. ons rol in Angola en ons stryd teen die Kubane – die surrogaat magte van die USSR. Vandag is daar relatiewe vrede in die land behalwe vir plaasmoorde en ander gewelddadige misdaad. Korrupsie e.d.m. is aan die orde van die dag. Ons lede van die veiligheidsmagte moet ook ons nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis bewaar. Dit is ons plig en verantwoordelikheid. 99





South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties Buried Across the World: Part Twenty-Two by Captain (SAN) Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired) South Africans participated in almost every theatre of war during both the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries while 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. This does not include the 1 750 members of the South African Native Labour Corps and the 306 from the South African Book of Remembrance whose names are in the process of being added to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Casualty Data Base. With South Africans having served far and wide it is not surprising that you would find single or small group graves in cemeteries across the world. Here are some of those cemeteries where one or a very small group of South Africans are buried.

ISMAILIA WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERY: EGYPT Ismailia is a small town on the west side of the Suez Canal. The cemetery was begun in February 1915 following an unsuccessful attack on the town by Turkish forces (this action was later commemorated by the French with a memorial at Gebel Mariam), and continued to be used for burials from camps and hospitals in and around Ismailia and nearby Moascar. After the Armistice, the cemetery was enlarged when graves were brought in from other cemeteries in the area and from isolated sites. In 1956, the adjoining Indian cemetery was absorbed into the War Memorial Cemetery. There are now 372 Commonwealth casualties of the First World War buried or commemorated in the cemetery. Second World War burials number 291. The cemetery also contains 297 non war graves, chiefly of servicemen of the garrison and their dependents, mostly dating from the inter war years. 103

South Africans buried in this cemetery are Lieutenant E. H. Curran, 94 Squadron South African Air Force who died on 24 April 1941, Second Lieutenant J. Mc L. Stott, 4th Armoured Car Regiment, South African Tank Corps who died on 06 May 1941, Leading Air Mechanic A. R. Bronstein, 21 Squadron, South African Air Force who died on 10 August 1941 and Private H. Van Heerden, Cape Corps, who died on 14 July 1942.

• Bedford Cemetery Bedfordshire: United Kingdom Bedford is the county town of Bedfordshire and is bisected by the River Ouse. It lies about 50 miles north-west of London, from which it is easily reached by road or rail. The cemetery is owned by the Bedford Corporation, and is a mile-and-a-half north-west of the railway station. It contains war graves of both world wars, some in a combined 19141918 and 1939-1945 War graves plot and the rest widely distributed throughout the cemetery. The 19141918 burials number 151, of which 41 are in the plot. There are in all 70 burials of the 1939-1945 War, and this total is made up by 8 sailors, 32 soldiers, and 25 airmen belonging to the forces of the United Kingdom; 1 airman of the Royal Canadian Air Force; 1 soldier belonging to the army of undivided India and 3 Polish soldiers. Only twelve of the graves are in the plot, which is enclosed on three sides by a retaining wall, with the Cross of Sacrifice standing between two groups of graves. The continuous flower borders which run along the lines of headstones are set off by the level mown turf in which the graves lie. Sapper J. H. Oliver, South African Corps of Signals Company, Royal Engineers, who died on 28 October 1918 is the only South African buried in this cemetery.

• Dover (St James’s) Cemetery, United Kingdom During the First World War, Dover was a port of embarkation for troops bound for the Western Front and between August 1914 and August 1919 some 1,300,000 Commonwealth sick and wounded were landed there. The port was bombed in 1915 and again in August 1916. There are 373 identified burials 104

of the 1914-1918 war here. In addition, there are 19 unidentified burials, 9 of whom can be named as victims of the Zeebrugge Raid, and these 9 are inscribed on a Special Memorial on the Cross of Sacrifice in the Zeebrugge Plot. In 1940, Dover was the headquarters for the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk and nearly 200,000 of the 366,000 British and Allied troops brought back during the operation were landed there. Throughout the war Dover was a particular target for the long-range guns on the French coast and between September 1939 and May 1945 there were no less than 742 attacks by air raid and shelling. Most of the 356 Second World War burials are contained in a special war graves plot at the far end of the cemetery. The plot, known as the Dunkirk plot, contains many graves from the Dunkirk operation. 22 of these burials are unidentified. There are also 8 Foreign National war burials and 3 non war service burials in the cemetery. Private A. D. Cahill, 2nd Regiment South African Infantry who died on 15 November 1916 is buried in the Dover (St James’s) Cemetery. Private S. J. McEwen, 4th Regiment South African Infantry who died on 24 October 1918 is buried in the Cathcart Cemetery.

• Cambridge City Cemetery: United Kingdom The 1st Eastern General Hospital, with 1,173 beds, was posted to Cambridge during the First World War, initially at the Leys School and Trinity College, later in huts. The First World War burials in Cambridge City Cemetery are mostly in two plots, one in the southern part of the burial ground, known as the Dominion Plot, and the other on the northern boundary. The Cross of Sacrifice stands on the western border of the Dominion Plot, while in the centre of the other is a memorial cross of Portland stone which was erected by private subscription. The Second World War graves are also mainly in two War Graves Plots with a few others scattered throughout the cemetery. The general Service plot was established in 1940, and the Air Force plot in 1942 for the burial of casualties from the Air Force stations set up in the eastern counties during the war. These included Bomber Command bases in Lincolnshire and fighter stations in Norfolk and Suffolk. The Stone of Remembrance, which was unveiled by Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Tedder in July 1951, stands near the centre of the Air Force plot. Cambridge City Cemetery contains 181 Commonwealth burials of the First World War and 829, (inclusive 3 unidentified), from the Second World War. The cemetery also contains four non-war service burials and ten war graves of other nationalities.


South Africans buried in this cemetery are Sappers P. Pearman, Signal Company, South African Engineers who died on 25 October 1918, T. J. McKendrick, Signal Company, South African Engineers who died on 29 October 1918 and I. C. Sharp, South African Engineers who died on 27 July 1917. Second Lieutenant H. A. Whitcher, South African Air Force who died on 17 May 1944.

• Harare Pioneer Cemetery: Zimbabwe There are 27 Commonwealth burials of the 1914-1918 war and a further 224 Commonwealth burials of the 1939-1945 war in this cemetery. South Africans buried in this cemetery are Driver F. Mendelsohn, South African Service Corps who died on 05 December 1918, Sergeant G. Rathbone MSM (twice mentioned in despatches), South African Engineers, who died on 17 December 1918, Air Sergeant R. M. De Marillac, South African Air Force who died on 25 August 1941 and Sergeant (Pupil Pilot) G. W. Ford, South African Air Force who died on 04 August 1941.

South African Branch: Commonwealth War Graves Commission The South African Branch of the Commonwealth War Graves had previously carried out work at the Thaba Tshwane Cemeteries as well as some of the cemeteries in Namibia. The team recently also upgraded the nine graves at Odibo (St Mary's) Mission Station, Oshikango, Namibia. This was a major project that required the casting of a concrete slab and the erecting of a palisade fence. Those that were deployed in Ovamboland during the Border War will certainly remember the church at St Mary's. Left: Graves at St Mary’s prior to renovation. Recently teams from the branch were confronted with another challenge. Firstly, in Limpopo, a team had to practically cut a path through dense bushes and trees to reach an isolated Commonwealth war grave on a farm. On a second occasion, a team spent a fair amount of time searching for an isolated Commonwealth war grave in the Eastern Cape. On both occasions, the teams located the isolated graves which were 106

upgraded with a palisade fence and a concrete slab to protect the graves. Once again well done to the teams.

Renovation in progress of the graves at St Mary’s.

Renovation of the graves at St Mary’s completed.


The single grave on a farm in Limpopo, before renovation above, and after renovation below.

Memorial: Const CW Eagle: Fort Hendrina later Fort Edward Re: the grave of Const CW Eagle (Red Indian): We have collected just over R3,000 and it is our wish to fix the grave yard at old Fort Edward police station in a similar fashion. I need a group to take this project over from me. Come where are our policemen, please help? 108


Plaaslewe voor, tydens en na die Anglo-Boere Oorlog • •

Oorvertel deur Judith Müller Voorwoord deur Gideon De Jager

• Voorwoord In die ou dae as twee persone mekaar vir die eerste keer ontmoet het, was die vraag sonder uitsondering: "Van watter De Jager’s of Joubert’s of Beukes’se is jy nou eintlik?" Die huidige geslag is ongelukkig nie meer so gesteld op sy of haar herkoms nie. Tog kom daar darem nog 'n tyd dat jy jouself af vra: Wie is ek? Waar kom my voorouers vandaan? Hierdie vrae kom baie keer te laat want dan is die ouer mense nie meer daar om uit te vra nie. Daar is gelukkig die SA Geslagsregister, Heese en Lombard en De Villiers en Pama en andere wat jy kan naslaan. Die probleem is net dat die geslagsregisters die voorgeslagte duidelik aangee vanaf die eerste aankomelinge tot so ongeveer 1840 - 1890. Vandaar af bly net navrae oor. Dis ook hier waar alles nie so voorspoedig gaan nie. Sover dit direkte familie betref gaan dit redelik goed, maar dit wil voorkom asof die aangetroudes nie altyd hulle samewerking wil gee nie. Hopelik sal hulle eendag insien dat hulle eintlik 'n groot onreg aan hulle nageslag aangedoen het. Baie dankie aan die persone wat moeite gedoen het en almal wat mee gewerk het om hierdie gegewens bymekaar te maak. Die drie families; de Jager, Joubert en Beukes is so nou verwant daarom is al drie se voorgeslagte opgesom. Dit is nogal interessant dat die drie hooflyn stamme wat nou so saam gevoeg is, uit drie verskillende lande kom. Die de Jager voorvader kom uit wat vandag as België bekend staan, die Joubert uit Frankryk en die Beukes kom uit Duitsland. Soos oorvertel het die de Jager familie vanaf Willowmore se wêreld na die Vrystaat getrek. Op pad met al hulle waens en vee het hulle by die Stormberge geweldige skade gelei: Hulle is daar in 'n sneeustorm vasgevang en baie van hulle vee het daar verkluim. Hoe groot die trek was, en wanneer dit was, kon nie vasgestel word nie. Cornelis Johannes de Jager het hom op die plaas Roodebloem naby Petrus Steyn in die distrik Reitz gaan vestig. Dit is nie bekend hoe en waar Cornelis de Jager en Maria Joubert mekaar ontmoet het nie. Hy was drie en twintig en Maria twintig jaar oud toe hulle op 18 Maart 1888 getroud is. Sy was die dogter van Gideon Francois Joubert van die plaas Tuinsplaats in die distrik Fouriesburg. Cornelis en sy skoonpa het saam transport gery en dit was juis tydens so 'n tog dat Gideon siek geword het. Hulle het hom na Roodebloem gebring omdat dit die naaste was, en hy is ook daar oorlede en begrawe. Met die uitbreek van die Anglo Boereoorlog het die huisgesin bestaan uit vier kinders wat gewissel het van ongeveer tien jaar en die jongste nog 'n klein babatjie. 109

Met die rang van Veldkornet is hy kommando toe en is op 5 Januarie 1900 by Colesberg aan 'n skietword in die kop oorlede. 'n Paar dae voor sy dood het hy die volgende brief aan sy kinders geskryf: “22 Dec 1899 Aan myn liewe kinders, Hester en Johannes de Jager. Liewe Hessie en Hans, Door den liefde des Heeren kan ik u nog deze paar regels zenden. lk het die brief van Hessie ontvang waar over ik zeer verblyf was nu verwocht ik ook nog een brief van Hans. Hans moet my schryf hoeveel kalders daar is van hom en van Boet Frans, en of die spruit al geloop het van den regen en of die dam water heeft en hoe het met gesaaides is en of daar klein springkanen is en hoeveel schapen daar nu is, klein en groot. Hessie moet weer schryf van die vrugte en groente en bloemen en van Catharina, en van Gideon. Verder liewe kinders de Liewe Heer zorg voor my en hy zal voor u zorgen en zal u niets ontbreek, vrees tog die Here en nie kwaat te doen nie. Wees gehoorsaam voor u moeder en oude menschen vlug tot altyd voor kwaat en heb elkander lief. Wees nu duizend maal gegroet. Van u liefhebbende vader C. J. de Jager� Net 'n paar dae daarna word die volgende begrafnis brief geskryf: Cornelis Johannes de Jager Overleden op den 5 Jan 1900 Doodbericht Te Colesberg gewont op 2 en overleden op 5 Januarie 1900. Myn teder beminde echtgenoot Cornelis Johannes de Jager in den jeugdigen ouderdom van 34 jaren 1 maant en 3 dagen na een gelukkige echtverbintenis van 10 jaren, my nalatende met 4 onmondige kinderen om dit onherstelbaar verlies te be treuren. De overleden word daar een zyner eigen wachten gewond was zelf gun onvoorzichlige man zeer vredeliewend hy gaf bevel aan zyn huis voor hy weg ging. Kinde den Heeren in al zyne wegen in was vir ons onmisbaar. Hy zal in menig op zicht gemist worden vanaf zyn 16 jaren verzorge hy zyne moeder en diende de kerk als diaken deze harde slag heeft onze harten zeer diep getroffen doch wy hy ons is voorgegaan na het ewige Vaderhuis waar en vele woningen zyn en wy hom weder zullen onmoeten zyn bloet stroomde dubbelt onskuldig in deze onrechtvaardige oorluch. God zal het vergelden. Verder betuig ik myn hartelyke dank aan allen deelnemede vrienden, by name aan my zwager C.J. de Jager voor die zorg voor en behoorlyke begrafnis. Diepe wysheid zyn uwe paden: Gez. 21,4. Die bedroefe weduwe M. C. de Jager geb. Joubert 110

En kinderen: H.J.J. de Jager J.J. de Jager M.C. de Jager en G.F. de Jager Roodebloem, Reitz, dist. Betlehem” Ons tinger-geboude ouma Maria was alleen oor om deur die oorlogsjare na haar kinders om te sien. Om nie in die konsentrasiekampe te beland nie moes hulle vlug sodra die berig kom dat daar 'n Engelse patrollie aan die kom is. Die perdekar word dan so gou moontlik ingespan en weg gejaag om uit die pad van die patrollie te kom. So het dit aangegaan totdat die Engelse besluit het om die vroue en kinders nie meer te vang en na die kampe te stuur nie. Die beleid van verskroeide aarde het toe gevolg. Al die woonhuis en lande is afgebrand. Die huismense is net tyd gegee om die nodige uit die huis te verwyder voordat dit met paraffien te nat en aan die brand gesteek is. Terwyl Ouma se huis aan die brand was en die kinders dit verslae moes gade slaan het hulle hondjie vir een van die Kakies geblaf. Hy het die hondjie gegryp en in die brandende huis gegooi. Sy jammerlike gekerm het die tienjarige Hansie so aangegryp dat hy vir die res van sy lewe 'n wrok teen die Engelse gedra het. Die kinders moes ook aanskou hoe 'n kakie 'n jong vark vang, 'n blad afsny en die lewende vark skreeunde laat lê. Dit was dus geen wonder dat hy altyd van die "Verdomde Engelse" gepraat het nie. Vir die res van die oorlog was kos baie skaars. Daar kon nie geplant word nie en al wat oorgebly het was mielies wat in die grond getrap was met die afbrand van die geboue. Dan ook vrugte wat gedroog kon word. Na die oorlog het Emily Hobhouse gereël dat elke weduwee ses osse met trekgoed vir ongeveer twee of drie weke kon kry om mee te ploeg. Gelukkig het die ou werker met die naam Vyf, ook terug gekom uit Basoetoeland. Met hom as touleier en Hans agter die eenvoor-ploeg se handvatsels moes hulle vir daardie tydjie soveel saad as moontlik in die grond kry. Vir die ondervoede elf jarige kind met sy knop-knieë was die inspanning so kwaai dat hy saans deur ou Vyf huistoe gedra moes word. Die volgende dag was dit maar weer dieselfde storie. Met geld wat ouma nog gehad het is 'n koei aangekoop. Gelydelik het hulle weer op die been bekom. Op 4 Julie 1905 is sy weer getroud met Johannes Mostert. 111

Hoofstuk 1 • Roodebloem Op die Vrystaatse vlakte tussen Reitz en Petrus-Steyn lê die plaas Roodebloem, later Rooiblom genoem. Cornelis en Maria de Jager het hulle aan die einde van die 19de eeu hier kom vestig. Dis ‘n mooi plaas met bulte, vlaktes en ‘n klip randjie, ‘n spruit met diep kuile loop deur die plaas en eindig in ‘n mooi vlei. Landbougrond en rooigras weiveld is daar genoeg. Die huis is teen die bult van klip gebou en met klei vanuit die spruit, goed deur voete getrap, gemessel. Die solder was van riet, wat welig in die vlei gegroei het. Aan die buitekant van die huis is ‘n trap gebou wat na die solder gelei het. Hierteen is die graan, wol en alles wat geoes word in die solder onder die sinkdak gebêre. Die buitegeboue, waenhuis, buitekamer en perdestal is eweneens van klip gebou terwyl die ringmure en veekrale met klip gestapel is. ‘n Goed gepakte klip drif in die spruit het toegang verleen na die kliphuis hoër op teen die bult. Hier het wie ook al huisvesting nodig gehad het kom intrek. Bokant die pad vanaf Reitz lê die begraafplaas met vreemde grafte toegepak met klip terwyl die vrugteboord laer af na die spruit se kant toe uitstrek. In die huis is ‘n es gebou asook ‘n bakoond met sy deur gerieflik na binne. Die huis se mure is met kleigrond gepleister. Witklei is uit die spruit se wal gehaal, met water tot ‘n dik gladde mengsel geroer en met ‘n stukkie skaapvel die binnemure afgewit. Die grondvloere is met roet in melk blink gemaak, terwyl die kombuis dikwels met beesmis gesmeer is. Hout was skaars want die klimaat was nie geskik vir bome nie. Net hier en daar ‘n wilgerboom vir koelte. Daarom was dit nodig om droë miskoeke in die beeskamp op te tel vir vuurmaakgoed. Nat beesmis is ook dikwels in koeke teen die kraalmuur geplak om droog te word. In die winter na die oes af is, kon die droër mieliestronke gebruik word. Met die as is al die silwer, koper en sink gebruiksartikels blink gevryf. Op die muurplaat al langs die muur staan vetkersvorms, blakers, olielampe en strykysters, ook ‘n klein yster paraffien-stofie met ʼn breë pit wat in tye van nood gebruik is. Teen die muur hang pannekoepanne, koper konfytpotte en houtspane. Oor die es hang die groot yster waterketel. Op die drievoet staan die platboom-ysterpot en daarlangs die driebeen ysterpotte. Vir die bakoond is daar groot plate, panne vir laagkoeke en broodpanne. Die meelbalie staan op ‘n voetstuk, groot genoeg vir ‘n halfsak meel om brood en beskuit in te knie. Drinkwater is uit die fontein bokant die spruit in ‘n groot houtvat op ‘n slee met twee osse aangery. Hier uit is emmers vol geskep vir gebruik. Buite is die stampblok in die grond ingeplant met ‘n ronde hout stamper om mielies en koring te stamp. Daar is ook gladde hol klippe waarop mielies, koring en koffie gemaal word. Die groot seeppot, koffiebrandpot, slypsteen en stellasies waarop vrugte gedroog word, word goed bewaar vir gebruik. Meubels bestaan hoofsaaklik uit stewige tafels, riempiesmat banke en stoele, ledekante met klapperhaar matrasse en verebeddens en kussings. Karosse van gebreide velle van veld diertjies, 112

donskomberse van gansdons en gebreide skaap en bokvelle op die vloere het gesorg vir hitte in die koue wintermaande. Geelhoutkiste en jonkmanskiste is gebruik om ou klere en hoede in te bêre. In elke kamer was die wastafel met porseleinlampetbeker en waskom. Bedlinne is fyn en uitgeborduur met wit gare, gewas in boerseepwater, op die groen gras uitgesprei om te bleik en in skoon water uitgespoel. Groenmielietyd word die sagte wit mielies gemaal, in ‘n moeselien sakkie gegooi, sodat die melksap kan deurvloei. Dit word gebruik om die linin en kantlappe mee te styf. Netjies gestryk is dit elke jong vrou se trots. So ook elke kledingstuk, draags sowel as kisklere eie handig gemaak in die fynste stekies en goed versorg. In die waenhuis staan die tentwa, verewaentjie, spaaider en kapkar. Ook die trekgoed, gereedskap, sakke aartappels en alle dinge wat gebêre moet word, kry ‘n plekkie. Agter die waenhuis is die smidswinkel. Aambeeld, blaasbalk, swaar hamers, vuurtonge, ysters en alle nodige gereedskap is hier. Wa en karwiele word hier gekort, perde word beslaan en menige stukkende gereedskap word hier heelgemaak. In die perdestal word sekels gebruik om die voer mee te kerf. Saals en tooms hang netjies aan ysterhakke. Roskamme en borsels is byderhand. Skape en beeste slaap in afsonderlike krale. Varke in die varkhok en pluimvee in hulle kampe en hokke. Op die werf is twee lang pale in geplant met ‘n stewige dwarsbalk. Hier aan kom die swaar langwerpige klip om rieme te brei. Nader aan die spruit is die kuip vir leerlooiery. Lande na die westekom. Die vrugte tuin is die trots van die plaas. Vroeë perske, appels, appelkose, pere en taaipitgeelperskes is volop aangeplant. Inmaakbottels was skaars maar konfyt is op groot skaal gekook en in erdekanne bewaar. Appels is gekook vir appeltertjies. Appelkose vir die heerlikste bros handtertjies. Taaipitperskes is gedroog, rolle tameletjies gemaak en perske-asyn gemaak. Appelkose is ook gedroog en is veral vir siek mense gekook as hulle koors gehad het. Skape is weekliks geslag, die vleis in dele gesny gesout met sout wat per ossewa vanaf die soutpanne gehaal is, en in ‘n vleiskas opgehang. Die kas is van plank gemaak en met sifdraad toegespan, hakies bo-aan en ‘n deurtjie. Dikwels met poortjies sodat dit op die stoep aan die skadukant van die huis kon staan, of in die mik van ‘n groot wilgerboom staan gemaak. Die afval is spierwit gekrap en gekook: pootjies, pens en kop, gekap en skoongemaak. Dikwels is die kop heel gebak in die bakoond, dan het Pa die laaste krieseltjie vleis met sy sakmes uitgesny vir die kinders om heerlik te smul. Die lewer word met ‘n vurk geskraap, in netvet toegedraai met uieringe en gebak. Die wit dermpies word uitgedruk, uitgespoel en saam met die niertjies, vetderm, milt en hart oor kole gebraai. Lamsvleis is vir pasteie. Bees en vark is jaarliks saam geslag, biltong gesny, wors gestop - die afgesaagde beeshoring is vir wors stop gebruik. Vet is uitgebraai vir seep. Vleis is gepekel, sagte dele gaar gekook, met vet bedek en bewaar. Pote is skoon gekrap en sag gekook met uie, kerrie en kruie hoefkaas en “sult” genoem. Die olie word eers afgegooi, gesif en in bottels gebêre om gemors mee skoon te maak. Spek is in sout gepak en op ‘n koel plek bewaar vir gebruik in kossoorte, veral bone sop. Skaapvelle is oopgesprei, gesout en gedroog vir voet velle. Stukke is sag gebrei vir handmoffies vir die vrouens en kinders. Beesvelle is oopgespalk en al in die rondte repe van 2 duim breed 113

gesny vir rieme. Die ewe lang repe word oor die dwarshout tussen die lang pale gegooi en aan die ronde hout wat van die klip met draad vasgedraai is, vasgemaak. ‘n Lang dik stok word gedruk en dan stap die breier al in die rondte tussen die twee pale deur. Wanneer die repe in mekaar vasgedraai is pluk die breier die stok uit. Die klip swaai al in die rondte totdat die rieme wat intussen met uitgebraaide vet gesmeer is, sag genoeg is. Aan die punt van elke riem kom ‘n ronde ysterring vas. Die rieme word gebruik om osse te vang, aan die jukke vas te maak, om ingespan te word voor die wa. Korter rieme word gebruik om spantoue om melkkoeie te span. Daar word ook stroppe gedraai en swepe gevleg met dunner rieme. Wildsvelle word ook gebrei en dun riempies en voorslae gesny. Dit word ook gelooi vir sagte skoene en handskoene. Alhoewel varkvel gebruik is vir saals, is dit meestal klaar gekoop. Uitgebraaide varkvet is in kossoorte gebruik en pannekoek en vetkoek is daarin gebraai. Dit is ook vir roerseep gebruik. Wanneer die vark masels gehad het is dit gekrap en stukkend gesny vir die seeppot. Met seepsoda en water in die groot ysterpot op die oop vuur, word met die vernuf van die boervrou, pragtige wit stene gekook. Kaiings is gemaal, met sout en peper smaak dit heerlik op ʼn sny vars tuisgebakte brood. Reuselvet is as medisyne gebruik, veral vir borskwale. Die gal vir ‘n fyt in die vinger. Die blaas is uitgespoel en opgeblaas vir ʼn voetbal. Werksvolk was skaars en die boere moes mekaar help. Skaars ‘n stat of twee op elke plaas. Elke seisoen het sy eie werk gebring. In die lente is hoofsaaklik mielies gesaai of geplant. Implemente was skaars en duur, daarom is als eiehandig gedoen. Groentetuine is omgespit en beplant. Lammers en kalwers bewerk, jong perde ingebreek en ryperde afgerig. Lande, tuine en die werf word geskoffel, asook die begraafplaas. Stinkoliebome en knapsekêrel was onkruid wat die meeste aandag geverg het. Gras het ook welig gegroei, veral in die begraafplaas, waar geen diere gewei het nie. Cornelis en Maria het 5 kinders gehad, maar die 2de dogtertjie, Lenie is op tweejarige ouderdom weens kroep oorlede. Sy is ook in die plaaskerkhof begrawe. Op die sandklipsteen is haar naam uitgebeitel. So ook die grafsteen van Maria se vader Gideon Francois Joubert van Tuinplaas distrik Fouriesburg. Hy het tydens ‘n transport-tog vanaf Roodebloem na Johannesburg siek geword en is op die plaas oorlede. Op die kopstuk is ook ‘n oorlosie uit gebytel wat die tyd aandui van sy afsterwe. Teen die einde van Oktober is nagmaal gevier. Op die kerkplein op Reitz word tentwaens en tente staangemaak. Saterdae is basaar gehou en in die namiddag voorbereidingsdiens. Sondae is nagmaal gevier en in die namiddag babas gedoop. Jong lidmate wat Saterdagaande voorgestel is kon ook vir die eerste keer nagmaal gebruik. Menige paartjie het met so ‘n geleentheid huweliksmaats gevind. Somertyd was skeertyd. Dan kom die boere bymekaar en word daar besluit op watter plaas eerste geskeer gaan word. Die skape kom in die kraal, die skeerhok skoongemaak en die wolsakke aan ‘n hoë stellasie opgehang. Daar word lootjies gemaak en elke skeerder kry ‘n lootjie vir elke skaap wat hy geskeer het en daarvolgens word hy betaal. Die skaapskêre word van tyd tot tyd op ‘n plat slypsteen en water deur ‘n ervare slyper skerpgemaak. Die vrouens dra koffie aan en sorg vir ‘n goeie middagmaal. Die wol kom in ‘n wolsak en as die sak so halfvol is, word die kinders kort-kort ingetel om met hulle kaal voete die wol stewig te trap. Die wolsakke word met seilgare en ‘n seilnaald toegewerk en by die droë velle op die solder gebêre. 114

Cornelis was welopgevoed, belese, doelgerig en minsaam van aard. Hy het die agting van die omgewing gehad en met die innemende Maria aan sy sy, die pligte van diaken, Sondagskoolonderwyser, vrederegter en veldkornet getrou uitgevoer. Met hulle gasvryheid staan die werf van Roodebloem elke jaar vol tentwaens, spaaiders en kapkarre, tydens Kersfees en Nuwejaar. Dae vantevore is beskuit en handtertjies gebak, die gemmerbier gemaak en dik koek, melktert en rosyne poeding - die waterlint en ‘n lekker stroopsous. Koue poedings soos jellie, “bloemaans”, sneeupoeding met eiersous is die kinders se gunstelinge. Cornelis sorg vir die program wat bestaan uit godsdiens, kore en debatte. Met Nuwejaar is daar boerperdresies, voetresies en speletjies soos Ellie Rose, Aljater deur die bos, vrot eier, skilpad, toutrek, win gestrek en tiekiedraai speletjies gespeel. Konsertina, mondfluitjie en kitare dikwels ook trompies kon tot laat saans gehoor word. By die afskeid word menige traan afgevee met die sing van “God zy met u tot wy wedersien” Januarie begin die skool. Hester en Hans gaan op Reitz skool en word in Nederlands onderrig. Op die plaas word vrugte gedroog, stellasies van gevlegte grasmatte op hoë pale word vol oopgesnyde vrugte gepak. Smeersels op planke van gemaalde perskes of kwepers word wanneer droog in rolle gerol met suiker tussen-in, wat miet moet uithou, en in moeselienslopies gebêre. Appelkose word gebêre vir meboskonfyt. Bottels vir inlê was skaars, maar van elke soort is erdekanne vol konfyt gekook. Nastergal en appelliefies is in die mielielande gepluk vir die heerlikste konfyt. Heuning is uit die heuningneste gehaal. Die koeke is oor skottels gesit sodat die heuning kon uitloop. Die mooiste koeke is in bottels gepak. Van die byewas is gekook in water en die byewas is afgeskep in bolle gedruk en soos pik gebruik om gares te versterk. Heuning is gebruik in hoesstroop vir verkoues en hoes. Na vrugtetyd het vrouens klere gemaak, borduur en hekelwerk gedoen, oorlosie kettings gemaak van perdestert en maanhaarhoede van droë mielieblare gevleg en okkerneute ingesamel. Die mans het soetgras, tef en hawer gesny en in gerwe in miedens gepak, ook is baie aandag aan die skape met lamtyd bestee. Dan kom oes en dorstyd, wanneer die mielies, droë bone en hawer in die sakke is, word koring, groenvoer en rape gesaai. In die smidswinkel dreun die blaasbalk, gloei die vuur en klink die ysters op die aambeeld om wiele te kort, remskoene te maak en lood in die groot ronde ysterlepes te smeer vir koeëls. Trekgoed, saals, tooms, watente, hoefysters en kookgeriewe word nagegaan want die togwaens word gelaai. Mielies, koring, bone, botter, spek, biltong, droë vrugte, rieme, velle en huide en etlike handgemaakte artikels kom alles netjies op die waens gepak. Ook word voorsiening gemaak vir die tuisblyers, want dit neem maande voor die transportryers terug is. Johannesburg en Bloemfontein se handelaars het gretig uitgesien na die transportwaens want met die terugtog is die waens volgepak met klerasie, negosieware, medisyne, Lennon trommeltjies, linne, alle huisbenodigdhede, en wat op die werf nodig is. Cornelis, ‘n man met ʼn kop vir besigheid, het elke transaksie skriftelik gedoen, en elke dokument, transportakte van die plaas en kwitansies in veiligheid gebêre. Hiervoor het hy verkillende sakkies van sag gebreide velletjies gemaak, gebruik, en elkeen met ‘n dun gedraaide riempie vasgebind. Alles is in ‘n groot gebreide velsak geplaas, en in ‘n laai weggesluit. 115

Te midde van al die bedrywighede was daar ook tyd vir vermaak. Bure het Saterdagmiddae bymekaargekom en met groot skepnette vis gevang in die kuile. Dit is met gesels en lag oor die kole gebraai. Daar was skyfskiet, pieknieks, debatte en braaivleisvure wat saans laat gebrand het. Elke dag is afgesluit met sang en boekevat. Na voorspoed kom ook teenspoed. Die oorlog tussen Boer en Brit (1899-1902) het ook sy swart streep oor Roodebloem getrek, en met afgebrande landerye, verminkte vee, swartgebrande murasie en vier verskrikte kindertjies om die jong swart geknelde weduwee agterlaat, want Cornelis is die jaar tevore al op Colesberg doodgeskiet. Cornelis het in 1898 met ‘n wapenskou op Reitz vir hom ‘n Mauser geweer gekoop van President Steyn. In die oorlog was hy veldkornet van die Middel-Liebenbergsvlei kommando en het onder Kommandant Sarel Naudé van Betlehem gedien. In die Colesberg distrik het hy wag gestaan gedurende die nag. Toe sy wagtyd verstreke was, het hy kamp toe gestap. Piet van Niekerk skrik wakker, gryp die geweer, roep: “Werda”, en trek die skoot af! Cornelis is swaar gewond. Piet se verweer is dat hy gedink het die vyand is op hulle, want hy kon nie in die donker sien dit is hulle eie manskap nie. Op 6 Januarie 1900 sterf Cornelis, en word daar begrawe. Op die monument van oorlog gesneuweldes staan sy naam. Piet se plaas was naby Roodebloem, en wanneer Maria die deur oopmaak en die toppe van sy bome sien, het sy die deur toe geklap. Maria en haar vier kinders was nooit gevang en na ‘n konsentrasiekamp gestuur nie. Vir twee jaar was sy saam met die voortvlugtende vrouelaer in die veld. Nou en dan wanneer die vyand na verafgeleë plekke getrek het kon sy met die kinders ‘n rukkie op die plaas vertoef. Nadat die huis afgebrand is, en sy niemand meer gehad het wat op die gevegsfront diens gedoen het nie, het President Marthinus Steyn, die Engelse aanvoerder genader en vergunning vir haar gekry om op die plaas te bly. Met die hulp van ‘n afgeleefde boer het die murasie weer huisvesting geword vir haar en haar vier kinders. Omdat daar nie boumateriaal te vinde was nie, was die slaapkamer met ‘n donker gang aan die kombuis verbind. Vir lig is ‘n kleinerige ronde gat in die muur gelaat. Die vyand het kortkort kom kyk of daar nie Boere kom skuil nie. Maria word verdink dat sy deur die gat in die muur die teken aan die Boere gee dat die vyand in aantog is, daarom word ‘n Britse soldaat, “Tommie” genoem, opdrag gegee om gedurig wag te staan by die huis. ‘n Ander een moes by die kuil in die spruit wag staan want die disselboom van die perdekar wat hulle in die water gestoot het, het in die lug gesteek, en die indruk gewek dat dit ‘n geheime wapen is. Toe niks verdag gebeur nie, is die “Tommie” terug geroep. Maria was verlig want as jong vrou met ‘n tienerdogter was sy gedurig in ‘n waaksame spanning in die teenwoordigheid van die ruwe vreemde soldate. Sy was hartseer oor haar man wat haar so vroeg ontval het, onseker oor die toekoms, met leë hande in ‘n vreemde vyandige owerheid. Tog het sy, klein swak vroutjie, nooit haar menswaardigheid verloor nie. Drie jaar met dieselfde klere, was hulle swak aangetrek, maar sodra die ganse hulle waarskuwende geskel laat hoor het dat die Kakies in aantog is, het Maria haar kisrok uitgehaal en ‘n deftige statige houding ingeslaan sodat die soldate kon sien hulle is nie sommer sulke mense nie. Daarom het die offisiere vir haar respek 116

gehad en die Tommies hard aangespreek as hulle so barbaars optree. Sy kon nie Engels praat nie, het ook nie geskel nie, maar toe die Tommie sy hand uitsteek om die sakkie droë perskes wat teen die muur langs die es gehang het, af te ruk, het sy hom met die stoofyster oor die kneukels geraps. Dit het baie gereën gedurende die drie jaar van oorlogvoering. Die mielies en koring is op die grond uitgegooi en met die perde in die grond in vertrap. Pluimvee is met die perde ingejaag en koppe afgekap met die sabel (onder groot gelag). Varke is uit die hok gejaag en doodgemaak. In afgryse moes Hester aanskou hoe daar ‘n blad van die jong vark met die bajonet afgesny word en die nog lewende varkie hulpeloos lê en skreeu. Dus was kos uiters skaars. Die bietjie perskes wat Maria in die reën weer gedroog gekry het, kon sy darem nie deur ‘n onverantwoordelike soldaat se optrede ook verloor nie. Haar seun Hansie was agt jaar oud. Om te verhoed dat hy ook as ‘n vegtende Burger opgeskryf moet word, moes hy ‘n rok gedra het, tot groot ontsteltenis en ergernis van die stil ernstige seun wat homself as beskermer van die familie gevoel het na sy pa se dood. Van kleins af het hy ‘n baie swak maag gehad en som baie pyn gehad. Dokters was ver en skaars en toe hy nog boonop van koeboe-mielies moes leef, was dit eers so erg. Verslane moes die kinders die mieliepitte optel, afwas en in water sit om te week. Dit word dan sag gekook, en sonder sout geëet. Tydens die afbrand van die plase was dit vir hom vreeslik om die vure te sien. Die mielielande is aangesteek, en toe die vlamme oor die plaas uitslaan, het hy ontsteld gevra, “Ma is dit vandag die Oordeelsdag”. Die huis is met paraffien nat gemaak en aan die brand gesteek. Die huismense het soveel goed uitgedra as wat moontlik was voor die vlamme en verstikkende rook. Hester het nog vir oulaas ingestorm en kon net tot in die gang vorder. Sy het nog die kapstok van die muur afgeruk. Toe sy buite kom sien sy dat die soldate van die goed weer teruggooi in die vuur. Hansie se brakkie bestorm die soldaat, die gryp hom en gooi hom lewend in die vlamme. Sy jammerlike gekerm het Hansie aan die hart gegryp. Hy het daar op die oomblik ‘n wrok teen al wat ‘n Engelsman is in sy magtelose woedende hartseer ontketen. Vir die kinderlike gemoed was dit ‘n insident wat hom sy lewe lank sou bybly. Nou het daar ‘n tydperk van vlug voorgelê. Vlug voor die vyand om tog nie in die konsentrasiekamp te beland nie. Soos die son gedurende die somerseisoen op die Vrystaatse vlaktes kon verbrand, so koud was die winters. Om van die ongenadige Augustus-winde oor die oop velde nie te praat nie. In die vrouelaer was daar naderhand nog net stampmielies en droë bone te kook. Hester was besig om op die oop buite vuur die mielies om te roer terwyl haar moeder op siekebesoek was. Toe sy omdraai om die spaan neer te sit waai die wind haar rok se soom oor die vuur sodat dit vlam vat. Dadelik gewaar sy die vlamme om haar. Sy hardloop na haar ma toe en in die haas om haar kappie los te kry, trek sy die verkeerde bandjie, sodat die stuk vasknoop. Sy worstel en skreeuende hardloop sy. Dit laat die vlamme nog hoër brand. Hansie wat op die wa sit, sien dit en duik haar. Op dieselfde oomblik kom die bediende met die emmer water van die fontein af om die wa. Hansie gaan sy ma roep. Hier tref sy haar dogter, bleek geskrik en bedremmeld ineen gedoke. Die kappie is af maar die lang vlegsels hare is tot in haar nek opgekrul, totaal verskroei. Dit sou haar laaste kappie wees! Met die afbrand van die huis was die eerste gedagte om die kooigoed te red. Daarom het altwee die verebeddens behoue gebly. Die een het Hester se moeder vir haar van gansvere gemaak toe sy een jaar oud was. Een van die siek vrouens wat Maria besoek het, het net op ‘n kombers op die 117

harde buikplank van die wa gelê. Maria laat toe ‘n verebed na haar toe dra. Haar man, ene Heymans wou nie die bed aanvaar nie. “Waar sal ek jou na die oorlog weer in die hande kry om die bed terug te gee?”, was sy verweer. Maria het egter nie daarvoor omgegee nie. Dankbaar het hulle die bed geneem, en belowe om dit terug te besorg. Byna drie jaar na die oorlog sien Hester ‘n perdekar met die pad aankom. “Ma hier kom ‘n kar met baie mense aan, die kar is vol” Dit was Mnr. Heymans wat die verebed teruggebring het. Selfs ‘n dood strydende oorlog kon die eerlikheid van hierdie man nie demp nie. Ook was die Hand van genade nie van hulle af weggetrek nie, hongersnood en ongunstige weersomstandighede het hulle wonderbaarlik oorleef. Daar was die dag in die begin van die oorlog toe die vrouelaer in haas moes vlug… Maria het drie broodpanne in die bakoond gesteek. Die Engelse soldate het baie kwaad gedoen op die werf, maar het seker nie ‘n bakoond geken nie. Na drie dae was die brood, behalwe vir die harde korsies, welkome voedsel vir moeë en honger mense. In die harwar van die slag van Magersfontein het die vrouens halsoorkop gevlug. ‘n Fris boerevrou jaag met die perdekar oor polle en slote. By haar is haar dogter met twee kindertjies en ‘n baba. Die moedertjie sukkel om te keer dat die kinders nie afval nie. Die ouma druk die baba op haar skoot vas, maar sy moet die leisels met altwee hande hou sodat die kar nie omval nie. Toe ‘n burger verby kom en skreeu: “Jaag tante die vyand kom!”, gooi sy die baba na hom en jaag veilig uit. Die ruiter het die baba se lewe gered, maar nie geweet wie se kind dit was nie. Na die oorlog het die familie gesoek na ‘n dogtertjie en haar op die ou end in die destydse Rhodesië opgespoor. Na die ondertekening van die vredestraktaat op 31 Mei 1902 het die tyd van opstaan en aangaan aangebreek. Eintlik het dit beteken om van voor af te begin. Die mense het mekaar gehelp. So het Maria en haar kinders ook weer ‘n dak oor die kop bekom. Die dag toe hulle by die afgebrande murasie kom sien hulle die half verbrande balk wat skuins van die muur af hang. Aan sy punt swaai die goue portretraam van Maria se ouers, Gideon Francois en Hester Jacoba Isabella Joubert. Die glas en die portret het sy in die geelhoutkis gesit en met ander nodige artikels in die grond begrawe. Dit het gelukkig ongeskonde behoue gebly. Na die oorlog luidkeels het die gansmannetjie wat die veld ingevlug het, het sy terugkoms op die werf aangekondig. Maria se suster Francina het ‘n ganswyfie wat sy keer op keer in die bakoond versteek het behou. Saam kon hulle weer ‘n gansboerdery begin. ‘n Weglê hen het met haar kuikens ook oorleef en ‘n boerdery begin. Die getroue swartman “Ou Vyf”, wat onder Cornelis se hand geleer het om op die plaas te werk ,het na Basotholand gevlug vir die “Kaffer-Scouts”. Toe hy verneem die nooi en kinders is terug op die plaas het hy met sy twee osse en ‘n eenskaarploeg op Roodebloem aangekom. Gou word ‘n landjie geploeg, mielies geplant en groentuin aangelê. ‘n Buurvrou laat leen op ‘n dag ‘n bietjie sout en peper sodat sy haar kan verbeel daar is varkvet op haar stukkie droë brood. Rantsoene kon van die dorp af gehaal word, mits jy oor ‘n waentjie beskik het. Dié word dan eiehandig gestoot. Eers kon hulle die klinke nie eet nie, dit was dan kliphard, en as jy hom in ‘n bietjie warm mieliekoffie doop, het hy net blink geword, maar hard gebly, totdat hulle uitgevind het hy week net in koue water. Dit was gerieflik vir die Engelse soldate. Die perdekar het ook behoue, alhoewel gehawend uit die kuil gekom. Blink, Cornelis se ryperd, het sy weg deur die jare teruggevind huistoe. Met die goue ponde wat in ‘n sterk binneband in 118

vakkies vasgewerk was, en wat Maria om haar middel onder haar rok gedra het, kon ‘n perd en ‘n paar besies, tesame met sink en hout vir die reparasies aan die huis sorg. Besigheidsmense het ook hulle belange opgeknap. Geld was bitter skaars en elkeen het gewoeker om geld in die hande te kry. So kry Maria ‘n brief van die prokureur op Reitz dat Cornelis nog geld skuldig was vir ‘n transaksie wat gedoen is. Maria was oortuig daarvan dat dit ‘n misverstand is, want hulle het nooit skuld gemaak nie. Sy moes die geld bring of die kwitansie wat kan bewys dat dit reeds betaal is. Waar om die kwitansie te kry, was haar groot probleem. Indien sy nie die kwitansie kon toon nie sou hy tevrede wees met die kar en twee perde as pand. Bitter trane het gevloei want dit was dan al wat sy gehad het. Ten einde raad, ry sy en Hans met die kar Reitz toe om uitstel te vra. Die man kan egter nie wag nie. Terwyl hulle weg was, het Hester die huis aan die kant gemaak, die twee kinders, Catharina en Gideon versorg, en kos gekook. Aldeur dink sy maar aan die dae toe sy by haar pa gesit het wanneer hy skryfwerk doen. Sy het onthou van die velsak met al die besigheidspapiere. Die sak het ook in die kis bewaar gebly. Met trane vertel Maria van die prokureur se onbarmhartige houding. Nadat sy gerus het, vra Hester haar om die velsak te bring sodat hulle die kwitansie kan soek. Tot hulle groot verligting vind hulle die kwitansie. Vroeg die volgende oggend ry Hans te perd Reitz toe om die kwitansie te toon. Op pad terug word hy so siek dat hy afklim en voor die perd langs die pad gaan sit. Dan ry hy verder tot hy die gestamp nie meer kon verdra nie en gaan lê oor die saal. Blink, die getroue dier, stap met hom aan huistoe. Die vreugde oor die prokureur se tevredenheid versag die kommer en die medisynetrommel word nader getrek. Die Volk was oorwin, maar nie verslaan nie. Daarom het hulle met nuwe ywer die hand aan die ploeg geslaan. Met die koms van die Britse regering is goedere van die buiteland af ingevoer. Maar weens geldskaarste het die vindingrykheid van die Afrikaners hulle geleer om op wonderbaarlike wyse hulleself met handewerk te help. Die jong meisies het geleer om hoede te vleg met mielieblare. Die droë blare word versigtig in eweredige stroke gesny. Die stroke word op die punte vasgewerk, en dan gevleg. Die vlegsel word van die kroon af al in die rondte vasgewerk om die bol te vorm. Dan kom die rand. Wanneer die hoed klaar is word ‘n kassie uitgevoer met doek. ‘n Pannetjie met blomswael kom onder in. Die swael word aan die brand gesteek en die kassie dig toegemaak. Na ‘n paar dae kom die hoed daaruit met ‘n pragtige room kleur. ‘n Mooi lint kom om die bol, soms ook ‘n bossie gedroogde sewejaartjies van die veld af, en siedaar, ‘n pragtige hoed, geskik vir uitstappies. Meelsakke en ongebleikte linne word met ‘n flou seepsoda oplossing spierwit gebleik en gebruik vir bedlinne, onderklere, rokke en voorskote. Vir die mans is dasse gehekel, en oorlosiekettings van perdesterthare gevleg. Sag gebreide leer is oor ‘n skoenlese getrek en met klein hout pennetjies in plaas van spykers vasgeslaan vir die skoene. Molvelbroeke vir mans, mooi geborduurde onderbaadjies en gehekelde handskoene vir dames was aan die orde van die dag. Vir jongmeisies wat in rou was oor gesneuwelde naasbestaandes is daar manteltjies in swart gemaak en met gare geborduur om oor gekleurde rokke aan te trek kerk toe. Die uitlandse dorpsmense was bekoor met die meisies se handewerk, en het dikwels daarvan gekoop. So tref mens Hester saans tot laat by die vetkers aan waar sy sit en hekel of borduur. Skole is heropen en Engelse, Skotse en Ierse meisies is ingevoer as onderwyseresse. Die naaste skool op die buurplaas, Swartfontein, van Freek Ebersohn was etlike myle ver. Hester en Hans het elke dag soontoe geloop. Mnr. Coach het vir die hoër klasse skool gehou. Engels, Frans en Latyn 119

is geleer. Hester kon ‘n goeie opstel skryf, kort en bondig. Daarom het die onderwyser haar aangeraai om vir ‘n advokaat te leer. Maar met die geldskaarste het menige talent verlore gegaan. Algaande het die boerdery op dreef gekom. Die inkomste het verbeter. Materiaal was makliker bekombaar sodat daar vir elke kind genoeg klere was. Dit was nie meer vir Maria nodig om die boonste sloop van die verebed af te trek om daarvan vir die groeiende kinders klere te maak soos tydens die oorlog nie. In 1905 trou Maria met Johannes Mostert. Uit die huwelik is ‘n dogtertjie, Margaretha, gebore. Toe Hester 16 jaar oud is, moes sy na Reitz gaan vir katkisasie. Sy en haar niggie Maria de Jager het by ‘n vriendelike tannie ingewoon. Hulle klere kom in ‘n kas, terwyl die hoede, toegevou in ‘n kassie, onder die katel gebêre word. Na ‘n paar nagte pla die weeluise. Eers is hulle te skaam om vir die tante te sê want sy is baie gesteld op sindelikheid. Toe dit te erg word, broei die geskokte tante die springmat en klapperhaarmatras elke dag met kookwater uit, maar dit help nie. Saterdagmiddag is voorbereidingsdiens. Onder die preek gewaar Hester dat daar kort-kort ‘n goggatjie bo van die balk afval en in die tooisel van die vrou voor hulle se hoed verdwyn. Tuis ondersoek hulle hul hoede en ontdek die oorsprong van die weeluisplaag. Gedurende die oorlog is die kerk ook verniel en later as stal vir die Engelse perde gebruik. Die plafon was nog nie weer ingesit nie en die vlermuise vier hoogty in die kerk. Hester trou met Michael Beukes en verlaat die huis. Catharina trou met Jacobus Beukes en gaan woon oorkant die spruit. Ook Hans raak getroud, met Cornelia Beukes en bou vir hom ook ‘n huis laer af, anderkant die spruit. Vir Gideon was daar nie ‘n Beukes dogter nie, maar hy trou met Susanna, die Beukes weduwee, en bou vir hom ‘n huis naby die opstal. Maria en Margaretha woon toe alleen in die huis want haar tweede man Johannes Mostert is op 6 Februarie 1910 oorlede. Die plaas word as erfporsie onder vier kinders verdeel. Hester en Michael se deel word Mooivlei. Hans en Nelie se deel, Erfdeel en Catharina en Koos se deel, Dankbaar. Op 5 April 1927 trou Margaretha met Johannes Reyneke en gaan op Pietermaritzburg woon. Maria gee huis op en kuier-woon vir 12 jaar om die beurt by haar kinders. Die graf van haar dogtertjie Lenie, haar vader Gideon Joubert, en haar tweede man, Johannes se grafte laat sy agter. Haar geliefde Roodebloem behoort nie meer aan haar nie. Sy is op 23 Julie 1937, kort voor haar sewentigste verjaardag oorlede, en op Ermelo in die Transvaal begrawe. Haar vyf kinders en 17 kleinkinders het haar heengaan betreur. Cornelis Johannes de Jager gebore op 5 Mei 1865 en Maria Catharina Joubert gebore op 6 Oktober 1867, was die baanbrekers op Roodebloem, distrik Petrus Steyn, Oranje Vrystaat.


Foto’s uit die Anglo Boere-oorlog | Photos: Anglo Boer War • Indians in the Anglo Boer War

Photo credit: Linda Fouchѐ.

Photo credit: Linda Fouchѐ.


• African POW in Ceylon

Willem Snowball POW in Diyatalawa Ceylon. 122

• Boere met lang hare



Inleiding Sedert 1994 het baie dinge verander. Dit is nie ons doel om op ons eie organisasies te spioeneer nie of om enige wette te oortree nie; maar dit is van (akademiese) belang van almal dat ons moet weet wat aangaan. Elkeen moet sy plig doen om ons land te beskerm teen enige vyand. Die “ou” inligtingsgemeenskap wat ons geken het, het verdwyn. Nuwe instansies het na vore getree. Ek het gedink dis goed om opnuut na die inligtings situasie in Suid-Afrika te kyk. Volgens persberigte is alles nie te wel in die inligtingsgemeenskap nie. Ons is dankbaar dat die media sy plig doen. Dit hou almal op hul tone! Hier is die inligting oor die State Security Agency (SSA) wat op Wikipedia verskyn:

Wikipedia: State Security Agency (South Africa) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia The State Security Agency is the department of the South African government with overall responsibility for civilian intelligence operations. It was created in October 2009 to incorporate the formerly separate National Intelligence Agency, South African Secret Service, South African National Academy of Intelligence, National Communications Centre and COMSEC (South Africa).[1][2] This restructuring and integration of the disparate agencies was ongoing as of 2011.[3] Political responsibility for the agency lies with the Minister of State Security; as of 2018 this is Ayanda Dlodlo.[4] The agency is headed by an acting director-general; as of 2018 this is Loyiso Jafta. In the 2010/11 national budget, the secret services received a total transfer of 3,052.2 million rand.[5] For the 2015/16 national budget, the secret services received a total transfer of 4,308.3 million rand.[6] The Spy Cables are a set of leaked communications published by Al Jazeera and The Guardian, derived from communications between the State Security Agency and other global intelligence agencies.[7]

• Origins SSA focus on state security is significant and is best understood in the context of the evolution of South African politics since 1961.[8] During the John Vorster Regime, state security was seen to be paramount by virtue of the fact that the state was the referent object simply because it represented an ethnic minority and was thus contested. The referent object is that which needs to be secured. This gave rise to the Bureau of State Security (BOSS)8, which came to an end after the Info Scandal involving the use of secret funds and covert capabilities to manipulate public opinion via the media.[9][10] Emerging from this was the PW Botha regime, which saw the rise of the State Security Council as the premier decision-making organ.[11][12] This was hawkish and favoured the military.[13] The emergence of paramilitary police units was a direct result of this.[14] While this process was unfolding, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) was created but remained in the shadow under the leadership of Dr Niel Barnard.[15] Central to the creation of the NIS was the burning question about what the referent object is and how it should be secured. Within the NIS 8

It should read: Bureau for State Security – BfSS - HBH


the view was that the only way to secure the state was to create a legitimate government representative of the majority of the citizens. This discourse was known as "National Security" and the focus of security was the nation. The idea being that if the nation is secured, then a legitimate government would emerge so state security would become irrelevant as a concept. When the FW de Klerk Regime took over, it inherited a security force in crisis arising from the actions of the paramilitary police.[16] This created space for the National Security discourse to take its rightful place in underpinning the transition to democracy by creating the climate for negotiations to end the Armed Struggle. This saw the concept of "national security" dominate the intelligence community, at least during the transition to democracy and the decade thereafter. It was only when the state started to perceive that it was under threat, that the old thinking about "state security" again emerged. This drove the creation of the State Security Agency (with the security of the state as its primary objective) out of the remnants of what had evolved from the NIS (with the security of the nation as its primary objective).[17]

• Functions and mandate The SSA describes its mandate as to, provide the government with intelligence on domestic and foreign threats or potential threats to national stability, the constitutional order, and the safety and wellbeing of our people. — State Security Agency [18] Some of the areas the SSA focuses on are: • • • • •

Terrorism Sabotage Subversion Espionage Organized crime •


The following pieces of legislation govern and manage the role of the State Security Agency:[19]:329 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Constitution of South Africa, 1996 Proclamation: Government Gazette 32566 Intelligence Services Act, 2002 (Act 65 of 2002) Ministerial Notices No 32576 Government Gazette No 25592: Intelligence Services Regulations 2003 National Strategic Intelligence Act, 1994 (Act 39 of 1994) Intelligence Services Oversight Act, 1994 (Act 40 of 1994) Intelligence Services Act, 2005 (Act 65 of 2005) White Paper on Intelligence (1994) Protection of State Information Bill, November 2011 Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act, 2001 (Act 37 of 2001) Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act, 1998 (Act 15 of 1998) Defence Act, 2002 (Act 42 of 2002) SAPS Act, 1995 Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 (Act 38 of 2001) Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act, 2002 (RICA) (Act 70 of 2002 Auditor-General Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1995).

Director-Generals/Directors 125

The following people have held the position of Director-General since the restructure of the South African intelligence services in 2009: • • • • •

2009 – 2011 Mzuvukile Jeff Maqetuka[20] 2011 – 2013 Dennis Thokozani Dlomo (acting DG)[21] 2013 – 2016 Sonto Kudjoe[21][22] 2016 – 2018 Arthur Fraser[23] 2018 – Loyiso Jafta[24]

Organisational structure The following branches make up the State Security Agency: •

Domestic branch

Previously known as the National Intelligence Agency, its mandate is gather and analyse intelligence concerning potential or existing threats to South Africa's security including economic, social, political and environmental issues.[25]:482 The intelligence is shared with President and National Intelligence Co-ordinating Committee (NICOC) and when required, with government departments and the South African Police.[25]:482 The branch is also responsible for counterintelligence.[25]:482 Main article: National Intelligence Agency (South Africa) •

Foreign branch

Previously known as the South African Secret Service, the foreign branches mandate is to collect and analyse foreign intelligence and potential or existing foreign threats to South Africa's security. The intelligence is shared with National Intelligence Co-ordinating Committee. Main article: South African Secret Service •

National Communications branch

National Communications Centre (NCC) The branch is responsible for integrating and co-ordinating all South African government signals and communications interception through the Signals Intelligence Evaluation Centre and the Office of Interception Centre.[26]:406 Main article: National Communications Centre COMSEC (South Africa) (Electronic Communications Security (Pty) Ltd) Formed initially in 2002 as a private company called Civilian Intelligence Community, it became a government department in 2009 with a role to ensure that the government and civil service departments electronic communications are protected and secured.[25]:483 Main article: COMSEC (South Africa) Office for Interception Centre (OIC) The office centralizes the lead role for interception of communications for South African security and law-enforcement services.[26]:405 The office has been regulated since 2005 by the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communications-Related Information Act, 2002 (Act 70 of 2002).[26]:405 Oversight rests with the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI) and the Inspector-General.[26]:405 Main article: Office for Interception Centre


South African National Academy of Intelligence (SANAI)

The National Academy of Intelligence is based in Mafikeng and was established in February 2003 and comprises an academic faculty, an intelligence research institute and development support component.[26]:405 Main article: South African National Academy of Intelligence •

Intelligence Services Council on Conditions of Employment (ISC)

The council consists of at least three people one of whom is the chairperson and are appointed by the Minister of Intelligence.[27] The council make recommendations to the minister on conditions of service and other human resources activities such as salaries, fringe benefits and performance measures for staff in the agency.[27] References 1. ^ "Intelligence body restructured". SAPA. 2 October 2009. Retrieved 3 September 2010. 2. ^ "About SSA". Retrieved 18 August 2017. 3. ^ "State Security Agency restructuring going well – Cwele". SAPA. 2 June 2011. Retrieved 11 September 2011. 4. ^ "Minister Profile". South African State Security Agency. Retrieved 13 April 2018. 5. ^ "Vote 9: National Treasury" (PDF). Estimates of National Expenditure 2010. Pretoria: National Treasury. 17 February 2010. p. 157. ISBN 978-0-621-39079-7. Retrieved 30 August 2010. 6. ^ "Estimates of National Expenditure 2015" (PDF). National Treasury. 2015. p. 806. Retrieved 4 January 2016. 7. ^ Seumas Milne, Ewen MacAskill and Clayton Swisher (23 February 2015). "Leaked cables show Netanyahu's Iran bomb claim contradicted by Mossad". The Guardian. Retrieved 23 February2015. 8. ^ Africa, S. & Mlombile, S. 2001. Transforming the Intelligence Services: Some Reflections on the South African Experience. Harvard University Project on Justice in Times of Transition. Available online from 9. ^ McGiven, Arthur. Inside BOSS’s Super Spook HQ 10. ^ Swanepoel, Petrus Cornelius. 2007. Really Inside Boss: A Tale of South Africa’s Late Intelligence Service (and Something about the CIA). Self-publication: Pretoria: Piet Swanepoel. Available online 11. at e=gbs_navlinks_s 12. ^ Frankel, P.H. 1984. Pretoria’s Praetorians: Civil-Military Relations in South Africa. London: Cambridge University Press. 13. ^ Geldenhuys, D. 1984. The Diplomacy of Isolation: South African Foreign Policy Making. Johannesburg: Macmillan South Africa. 14. ^ Geldenhuys, D. 1982. The Destabilization Controversy: An Analysis of a High-Risk Foreign Policy Option for South Africa. In Politikon, Vol. 9. No. 2; 16-31. Reprinted as Geldenhuys, D. 1983. The Destabilization Controversy: An Analysis of a High-Risk Foreign Policy Option for South Africa. In Conflict Studies, No. 148; 11-26. In Gutteridge, W. (Ed.) 1995. South Africa: From Apartheid to National Unity, 1981–1994. Pp 42-57. Aldershot, Hants & Brookfield, V.T.: Dartmouth Publishing. 15. ^ Stiff, P. 2001. Warfare by Other Means: South Africa in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Alberton: Galago Publishers. 127

16. ^ NIS. 1994. National Intelligence Service: 1969–1994. Special Commemorative Book given to all serving officers of the National Intelligence Service. Pretoria: National Intelligence Service. 17. ^ CSIS. (Undated). De Klerk’s Relationship with the South African Intelligence Services. Commentary No. 15. Ottawa: Canadian Security Intelligence Service Internet Publication. Available online from 18. ^ Turton, A.R. 2010. Shaking Hands with Billy. Durban: Just Done Publications. 19. ^ "State Security Agency – About Us". State Security Agency. 2 April 2017. 20. ^ "Police, Defence and Intelligence - SA YEARBOOK 2014/15"(PDF). Department of Government Communication and Information System. 2 April 2017. 21. ^ "Mo appointment angers opposition parties". IOL. 2 October 2009. Retrieved 18 November 2013. 22. ^ Jump up to:a b "Cwele announces new appointments in intelligence". Mail & Guardian. 2 August 2013. Retrieved 18 November 2013. 23. ^ Helfrich, Kim (26 August 2016). "Top State Security Agency post vacant and still no Intelligence Inspector General". defenceWeb. Retrieved 2 September 2016. 24. ^ Grootes, Stephen (26 September 2016). "Arthur Fraser appointed as State Security's new Director General". EWN. Retrieved 17 April 2017. 25. ^ Bateman, Barry (17 April 2018). "State Security Agency Boss Fraser moved to Correctional Services Dept". EWN. Retrieved 2 May 2018. 26. ^ Jump up to:a b c d "Police, Defence and Intelligence - SA YEARBOOK 2012/13" (PDF). Department of Government Communication and Information System. 26 March 2017. 27. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e "Police, Defence and Intelligence - SA YEARBOOK 2009/10" (PDF). Department of Government Communication and Information System. 24 January 2017. 28. ^ Jump up to:a b "Intelligence Services Act 65 of 2002" (PDF). State Security Agency. 30 January 2003. Retrieved 26 March 2017. • •

External links

Ministry of State Security

Readers interested in our national security can read the following articles:

• Analysis | Cleaning up the SSA: 'The Vault is now closed' 2019-12-01 06:55: Sarah Evans For at least a decade, probably more, the beleaguered State Security Agency (SSA) has been like a ship lost at sea, thrown ruthlessly around by torrential looting and gigantic political waves. But all is not lost for SA's spooks. …..

• Disinformation Colonialism and African Internet Policy Russia’s recent disinformation campaign in African countries highlights the challenges that African states face in crafting internet policy that is responsive to both external threats and internal political dynamics. African countries will likely not push back against Russian disinformation campaigns, but rather will try to exploit the campaigns for their own international and domestic political goals.



Landdroskantoor: Vrede: OVS

Oranje Vrijstaat Rijdende Dienstmacht (Die polisie van die ou Boere republiek.)


Bethlehem: Landdrosgebou


Troubles: Northern Ireland Former Marine threatens to take court action against police for pursuing him over a shooting during the Troubles almost 50 years ago • • •

David Griffin was told detectives still ‘committed to reviewing’ the 1972 incident He was told police couldn't be ‘definitive’ about the timeline for the investigation Mr Griffin, 78, is desperate to be questioned in a court of law to protest his innocence

By Larisa Brown Defence and Security Editor for The Daily Mail

Published: 01:41 GMT, 26 December 2019 | Updated: 01:42 GMT, 26 December 2019


+2 Chelsea Pensioner David Griffin was told just weeks ago that Northern Ireland detectives are still ‘committed to reviewing’ the incident in July 1972 A Chelsea Pensioner who is still being hounded over a shooting during the Troubles 47 years ago has threatened to take the police to court for ‘blackening’ his name. Former Royal Marine David Griffin was told just weeks ago that Northern Ireland detectives are still ‘committed to reviewing’ the incident in July 1972. A detective chief inspector told him in a letter that she could not be ‘definitive’ about the timeline for the investigation – despite the probe now being in its seventh year. Mr Griffin, 78, said he has waited for so long that he is now at the stage where he is desperate to be questioned in a court of law to protest his innocence. He said: ‘This has put a black mark over the training methods of the Royal Marines, the finest troops we have produced in this country. I’ve asked them to face me in court but they continue to kick the can down the road and consistently ignore me. ‘If I keeled over and dropped dead and people speak about me ten years later, I want to know that my good name is cleared.’ Mr Griffin is calling for a judicial review into his case and how it has been handled, to be paid for by the Ministry of Defence. He said: ‘My case has been hopping from one in-tray to another over the years.’ The pensioner served in the Army for six years before joining the Marines, which is why he was allowed to move into the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London, which is typically for exsoldiers.

The pensioner served in the Army for six years before joining the Marines, which is why he was allowed to move into the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London, which is typically for ex-soldiers. Pictured: David Griffin when he was a Royal Marine in Singapore in 1970 In 2012 he was quizzed by police over the death of an IRA terrorist in an ambush in July 1972. The former Marine fired his weapon in the heat of the battle to save his comrades. He has no idea whether it was his bullet that led to the man’s death. He has since sent numerous letters asking for an update to his case. In October this year he received a letter from a detective chief inspector informing him his case would drag on. In the letter, a detective said: ‘[The Legacy Investigation Branch] remains committed to reviewing this incident… you will be updated as and when the case is allocated.’ Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pledged to change the Human Rights Act so it does not apply to incidents that occurred during the Troubles. It is not yet clear how such a move would help veterans such as Mr Griffin. Under current rules, hundreds of former soldiers could be investigated by the police in Northern Ireland as part of a new taxpayer-funded probe. 131

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• Kommentaar deur dr Len Els, SC, (oud-adjunk prokureurgeneraal van Bophuthatswana en oud-militêre regter.) Ingevolge artikel 18 van die Strafproseswet, 1977 verjaar die reg om vervolging in te stel 20 jaar nadat die misdaad gepleeg is. Die uitsondering is misdade ten opsigte waarvan ‘n doodstraf opgelê kon word, wat nooit verjaar nie. Dit sluit uiteraard moord in. Die beginsel kom uit die gemenereg (De Criminibus) en geld in die meeste lande, insluitend Ierland. In die ‘goeie ou dae’ kon die doodstraf ter plaatse opgelê word vir moord, hoogverraad, roof en verkragting. In 10 jaar as Adj. PG het ek 54 hangpale gehad en goddank nie ‘n slaaplose nag oor en nie.


Teen-Tenk Hond-Myn: Saamgestel deur Lt.kol. Philip Malherbe 132

Geskiedenis Gedurende 1924, het die Revolusionêre Militêre Raad van die Sowjet Unie goedkeuring verleen om honde op te lei vir militêre doeleindes, insluitende reddings, besorging van eerste hulp-sakke, kommunikasie, opsporing van myne, vervoer van medisyne, kos, krygstuig, en gewonde soldate op ʼn slee, asook die vernietiging van vyandelike teikens. Vir hierdie doel is 12 streeks opleiding skole vir honde geopen, waarvan 3 vir die opleiding teen–tenk-aksies, geoormerk is. Die soldate en burgerlikes van die Rooi Leër het oor geen honde opleidingsbeamptes beskik nie, en het gebruik gemaak van jaghondafrigters, polisie- en sirkusafrigters. Diere wetenskaplikes was die weermag behulpsaam, by die opleiding van die honde. Duitse Herdershonde het voorrang geniet, vanweë hul fisiese vermoë en gemaklike opleiding, ander honde is ook gebruik. Die idee om honde op te lei as draers van mobiele-myne is ontwikkel in die 1930’s, gesamentlik met die springstof-harnasse. Eers in 1935, het die teen–tenk hond–myn, projek amptelik van die grond af gekom. Opleiding Gedurende die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het die Russe ongeveer 40,000 honde opgelei om tenks te verwoes. Vermelde honde is opgelei om springstof aan hul lyf saam te dra, wat dan geaktiveer is deur ʼn kantel-skakelaar. Die Russe het dit собаки-истребители танков sobaki-istrebiteli tankov genoem en die Duitsers Panzerabwehrhunde or Hundeminen.

Militêre parade, Rooi Plein, Moskou, 1 Mei 1938. Elke hond is toegerus met ʼn lading van 10 – 12 kilogram springstof, wat in twee seil sakkies op die hond se rug, weerskante van die hond geheg is. Die myn se veiligheidspen is verwyder net voor loslating van die hond, en was nie veronderstel om beveilig te word nie. Die houthefboom van ongeveer 20 cm, het regop bo-op die ladings uitgesteek. Sodra die hond onder ʼn tenk inbeweeg het, het die hefboom die lading gedetoneer, die onderstel was die swakpunt van die tenk en daar is gehoop dat die ontploffing die tenk se masjien sou ontwrig. Die honde is uitgehonger en gedurende die oefening is kos is onder die tenk vasgemaak. Daar is aanvanklik op stilstaande tenks geoefen, daarna is op tenks geoefen met hul enjins aan, waarna dit gekombineer is met sporadiese loskruitpatrone, geweervuur en ander oorlog-geluide. Resultate 133

Die eerste groep opgeleide teen-tenk hond-myne het uit 30 honde en 40 hanteerders bestaan. Hul ontplooiing het ernstige probleme opgelewer. Om brandstof en ammunisie te bespaar is daar slegs op stilstaande tenks geoefen, sonder enige geweervuur. In die veld het die honde geweier om onder bewegende tenks in te beweeg. Party honde het langs die tenks gehardloop, wagtende dat hul tot stilstand moet kom, maar is in die proses deur die Duitse soldate doodgeskiet. Om verskeie redes het hierdie metodes nie altyd die gewenste gevolge gehad nie. Om die bom by ʼn tenk “af te laai”, moes die hond die lyfgordel met sy tande “losmaak”. Hierdie takie was vir party honde te gekompliseerd wanneer daar verskeie teikens was, het hulle egter deurmekaar geraak en het hulle eenvoudig terug gehardloop na die hanteerder, sonder om die bom vry te stel. Tweedens het die afstandsbeheerde toestelle te veel gekos vanuit ʼn praktiese oogpunt, en is daar gebruik gemaak van tydskakelaars. Die probleem was dat indien die bom nie by die tenk afgelaai is nie, is die hond en sy hanteerder gedood. Selfs waar die bom onder ʼn bewegende tenk afgelaai is, en die tyd was verkeerd gestel, het die bom wel gedetoneer, sonder noemenswaardige skade aan die vyandelike tenk.

Die skakelaar is later aangepas deur gebruik te maak van ʼn onmiddellike of impak skakelaar, wat die hond se lewe geëis het. Konflik Daarna was die honde onwillig om onder die groot “gediertes” in te hardloop, dit het hulle afgeskrik aangesien dit hulle wou doodmaak. Kos kan ook net tot ʼn sekere mate ʼn hond motiveer. ʼn Stuk vleis wat op ʼn stofsuier, wat aan is, geplaas word, sal ʼn hond afskrik, en hy sal nie nader gaan nie, al is die hond ook hoe honger. ʼn Tenk met skietende geweervuur wat rasend op jou afstorm moes ook vreesaanjaend gewees het. Die geweervuur van die vyand het die honde afgeskrik en hulle het terug gehardloop waarna die ladings gedetoneer het sodra hulle in die loopgrawe ingespring het, en is hulle en die soldate gedood. Om ongevalle te verhoed het die hanteerders die honde doodgeskiet, wat veroorsaak het dat afrigters van die honde onwillig was om honde verder op te lei. Die negatiewe kommentaar deur die militêre teen-intelligensie het gelui dat die afgesien van die soldate wat opgeoffer is, is die opgeleide honde ook uitgewis. Slaagsyfer

134 5Dw%3A1577082536335&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=587&ei=qF4AXujIEcnMwAK2vqi4BA&q=A NTI+TANK+DOG+MINE&oq=ANTI+TANK+DOG+MINE&gs_l=img.3...1882.17569..19106...3.0..1. 489.6805.1j0j9j10j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i131j0i8i30j0i5i30j0i24j0i30.FLcC9jmxSE&ved=0ahUKEwjovO2iksvmAhVJJlAKHTYfCkcQ4dUDCAY&uact=5#imgrc=6lQlNEOyUiff9 M: Uit die eerste 30 honde wat opgelei is, het slegs vier daarin geslaag om bomme naby die tenks te detoneer, met onbekende skade wat aangerig is. Ses honde het teruggekeer na die loopgrawe en (eie) soldate gedood en ernstig beseer. Drie honde is doodgeskiet en verwyder, nieteenstaande hewige vuur van die Russiese troepe. Later is ʼn verdere oefen fout ontdek, naamlik dat die Russe hul eie diesel tenks gebruik het om die honde op te lei terwyl die Duitsers se tenks deur petrol aangedryf is. Die honde het hul verlaat op hulle akute reuk en die bekende Russiese tenks uitgesoek, in plaas van die vreemde reuk van Duitse tenks. Effektief het dit dus beteken dat die Russe die honde opgelei het om hul eie weermag te saboteer. Die suksessyfer was onbekend. Die Russe het beweer dat hulle 300 Duitse tenks vernietig het. Russiese geskiedkundiges bevraagteken egter die syfer en beweer dat die getalle “opgeblaas” is om die opleidingsprogram van die honde te regverdig. Geskrewe dokumente dui op ʼn paar tenks wat beskadig is. Die 160ste Infanterie afdeling naby Hlukiv, het ses honde na bewering vyf tenks beskadig; tydens die slag van Kursk het 16 honde 12 tenks beskadig; en naby die lughawe van Stalingrad is 13 tenks vernietig. Teenmaatreëls Vanaf 1941 was die Duitse troepe bewus van die Russiese honde, en het dus teenmaatreëls aangewend om hulself te verdedig. Die gepantserde voertuig se masjiengeweer bo op die voertuig was oneffektief weens die feit dat die honde ʼn klein teiken en laag op die grond was. Die spoed van die honde het dit ook moeilik gemaak om hulle raak te sien. Die gevolg was dat die Duitsers opdrag ontvang het om alle honde op die slagveld dood te skiet. Daarna het die Duitsers die omvang van die ladings en skakelaars vasgestel. Hierdie inligting is later deur ʼn gevange Duitse offisier bevestig, wat bevestig het dat dit ʼn desperate en onsuksesvolle operasie aan Russiese kant was. Dié inligting is as propaganda materiaal aangewend om die Russiese weermag te diskrediteer deur te beweer dat die Rooi Weermag weier om verder te veg en honde aan te wend. 135

Die gebruik van die teen-tenk honde het toegeneem vanaf 1941 tot 1942, in ʼn poging om die Duitse aanslag af te weer. Na 1942 het die gebruik van die teen-myn honde drasties afgeneem en die opleiding van die honde het gekonsentreer op myn opsporing. Die opleiding van teen-tenk myn-honde het op klein skaal voortgegaan tot Junie 1996. Aanwending deur ander lande Die Japanse weermag het 25,000 honde van hul Duitse bondgenote ontvang en verskeie opleidingskole is gestig, slegs een opleidingskool is in China gestig. Sommige honde is opgelei as demolisie honde, in plaas daarvan dat die springstof aan die honde vasgegespe is, is dit op karretjies geplaas wat deur die honde getrek is. Die ontplooiing het bitter min sukses opgelewer, meestal weens swak opleiding. Gedurende die laat 1940’s het die Viëtnamese troepe, teen-tenk honde gebruik in Indonesië. Gedurende 1943, het die VSA troepe dit oorweeg om honde op te lei om ladings springstof te plaas by fortifikasies. Die idee van die “demolisie wolwe” was om in die loopgrawe in te hardloop en dan te gaan sit, waarna die bom dan gedetoneer het dmv ʼn tydskakelaar. Die honde se springstoflading was soortgelyk aan die Russiese seilsak-metode. Die program het egter einde 1943 ten einde geloop weens veiligheidsredes. Gedurende opleiding, het die honde gereeld teruggekeer na hul hanteerders, sonder om die loopgrawe binne te gaan of ʼn tydperk te wag tot die bom geaktiveer is. Die program is beëindig nadat daar gevrees is dat te veel eie troepe se lewe in gevaar gestel sou word. Hul was ook bevrees dat die honde onder geweervuur sou vou en meer male sou terugkeer. Pogings om die program weer in 1944 en 1945 te begin het nie geslaag nie. In 2005 het insurgente gepoog om ʼn hond wat ʼn springstoflading gedra het, aan te wend in die Irakese Oorlog. Die bom het gedetoneer sonder om enige skade aan te rig. Die Moslems het hewige protes aangeteken, wat van mening was dat diere net doodgemaak moes word om te eet. Daarna is donkies aangewend, aangesien hulle tradisioneel voorrade in sakke vervoer, en dus groter lading springstowwe kon vervoer, sonder om aandag te trek. Bronne

WW2: POW’s Inleiding: Suid-Afrikaanse Krygsgevangenes in Europa tydens WO2 Baie Suid-Afrikaanse soldate met inbegrip van lede van die SAP-brigade was krygsgevangenes in Europa en veral Oos-Europa tydens die tweede wêreldoorlog. Ek het verskeie boeke en artikels gelees oor ons aangehoudenes. Gelukkig was die SAP-orkes ook in krygsgevangenekampe en hulle het baie gedoen om die geestestoestand van ons soldate te verbeter. Polisie-soldate was aangehou onder meer in die volgende kampe9:


Terry King: Gallantry Awards of the South African Police, 2000; p 278.


O5A 012B O79 3D 4A 4B 4C 4D 4DZ 4F 4G 7A 7B 8A 8B 8C 9C 11A 13D 18A 317 344 357

Weinberg Hadamar Braunschweig Berlin-Steglitz Hohenstein Muhlberg Witstritz bei Teplitz Torgau Annaburg Hartmansdort Chemnitz Oschatz Moosburg Memmigen Gorlitz Teschen Kanau Kr Sprottau/Sagan Muhlhausen Altengrabow Nurnberg Wolfsberg Mark Pongau Lamsdort Kopernikus

Christmas in Stalag XX-A: From pantomimes to tobogganing, photos reveal how British PoW’s made the most of festivities during WWII

Dan Woodshaw was sent to Stalag XX-A in Poland after being captured at Dunkirk in 1940 where he amassed a remarkable set of pictures. Upon his release the soldier, who died in 1973, 137

filled and annotated an album - culminating in the incredible collector's item. Many of the images depict day-to-day life in the camp, including performances of Macbeth, a funeral and a 'French vs English' game of football. For more information, click on:

BRICS Russia, China and Iran to hold joint naval drills in the Middle East amid heightened tensions over the Strait of Hormuz

China, Iran and Russia will hold joint naval drills starting on Friday in the Indian Ocean and Sea of Oman, China's defence ministry said on Thursday amid heightened international tension.



Nongqai asked RS 167 to give our readers his view on the international Intelligence World. Here are his views of the current situation. In a next edition he will look at the South African scene.

RS167 • My View of the Intelligence World. • Red faces in the UK. It is not only in SA that the intelligence community has recently been publicly embarrassed. The UK Secret Intelligence Service (often known as MI6) fired the construction firm Balfour Beatty midcontract when it was found that sensitive plans of the SIS headquarter building had gone missing. The company was busy with internal renovation work in the building and had access to the detailed plans which were available in a supposedly secure room. The plans detailed the building layout, entrances and exits, alarms and security details as well as the wiring system. The loss of the plans has been put down to 'carelessness' rather than to a hostile act. However, sight of the plans could be of use to foreign intelligence services, terrorist groups or organized crime. The fact that some but not all of the missing plans were recovered poses questions about what actually happened here.

• Mystery court case in Australia. It was recently revealed in Australia that a former Intelligence officer in the Australian military was arrested in May 2018 and subsequently secretly held, for security reasons, in a secure unit for serious sex offenders. He was only identified as Prisoner 123458. He apparently served in Iraq and Afghanistan and held a top-secret clearance. He later served in a civilian capacity in East Timor and it was during a routine counter-intelligence review of his clearance that some questions arose which led to his arrest. He was subsequently tried and sentenced in February 2019 in a closed-door trial for a crime that may not be revealed. In the court he was referred to as 'Witness J'. The only reason that there is any record of this arrest or trial is that the authorities were forced to apply for a search warrant when they were looking for a memoir that he was believed to have written. If not for the details in the warrant application, no public record of this crime, arrest, trial or sentence would ever have been revealed.

• Questions on criminal acts by British Intelligence agents. Lord Justice Singh and the UK Investigatory Powers Tribunal this month dismissed an application by four Human Rights organisations for the IPT to rule the UK Security Service (MI5) policy on criminal acts by agents illegal. The applicants claimed that the current policy permits agents to 139

participate in crime and even potentially to commit murder, kidnapping and torture and that such agents were effectively immune from prosecution for such criminal acts. They compared the MI5 policy to the so-called 'James Bond' clause in the UK Intelligence Act which grants MI6 agents immunity for criminal acts committed abroad. The MI5 policy was implemented in the early 1990's and only revealed by PM Theresa May in 2018. Lord Justice Singh said that it was essential for the intelligence services to have agents in organisations such as terror groups and that it was essential for these agents to act in the same way as the other members of the organisation under investigation. He went on to say that agents in such organisations were essential, not only for intelligence but also for potential disruption of the target group. The IPT emphasised that the policy could not provide agents with legal immunity but that MI5 was permitted to allow its agents to commit acts of criminality in the course of their activities as agents within target organisations.

UK: MI5 MI5 informants DO have a 'Licence to KILL': Policy allowing moles to murder, kidnap and torture to maintain cover is LEGAL, tribunal rules • Human rights groups including one set up by the relatives of Pat Finucane lost • MI5 said it would be 'impossible' for moles to operate without acting normally • Government insists their informants are not immune from arrest despite policy • Policy said to be the equivalent of MI6's Section 7 rule - the 'James Bond clause' By Martin Robinson, Chief Reporter And Mark Duell For Mailonline Published: 11:22 GMT, 20 December 2019 | Updated: 16:04 GMT, 20 December 2019 MI5 moles are authorised to potentially commit murder, kidnap, torture or carry out other serious and violent crimes otherwise it would be 'impossible' for them to maintain their cover, a landmark tribunal ruled today. Four human rights groups including one set up by the relatives of Pat Finucane, who was shot dead for representing IRA members including Bobby Sands, lost the case in London this morning. Today the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) ruled by a 3-2 majority that MI5 does have the lawful power to authorise the commission of criminal offences by informants. Sir James Eadie QC, representing the Government, had said it would be 'impossible' for MI5 to operate without covert sources going about their business normally in terrorist groups or extreme protest groups. The legal cover policy is said to be the equivalent of MI6's powers under Section 7 of the Intelligence Services Act 1994 – known as the 'James Bond clause'. The British Army's key IRA agent Stakeknife, Freddie Scappaticci, circled following Gerry Adams at a Republican funeral, But Sir James insisted that their policy does not give them immunity from prosecution. Freddie Scappaticci, the head of the IRA's murderous 'nutting squad' in the 1970s and 1980s, has repeatedly been named as MI5's top agent inside the IRA called 'Stakeknife' - although he denies it. 140

Scappaticci, who has fled Britain, is alleged to have murdered and tortured men and women during The Troubles while passing secrets to the British state who were able to foil plots and shoot dead terrorists. Pat Finucane was a solicitor shot dead in 1989 for representing IRA members In the majority ruling, IPT president Lord Justice Singh said MI5 has 'an implied power' under the Security Service Act 1989 'to engage in the activities which are the subject of the policy under challenge'. But he added: 'It is important to appreciate that this does not mean that it has any power to confer immunity from liability under either the criminal law or the civil law ... on either its own officers or on agents handled by them. 'It does not purport to confer any such immunity and has no power to do so.' Announcing the decision, Lord Justice Singh said: 'This case raises one of the most profound issues which can face a democratic society governed by the rule of law.' Four human rights organisations took legal action against the Government over a policy they claimed 'purports to permit (MI5) agents to participate in crime' and effectively 'immunises criminal conduct from prosecution'. Privacy International, Reprieve, the Committee on the Administration of Justice, and the Pat Finucane Centre asked the IPT to declare the policy unlawful and grant an injunction 'restraining further unlawful conduct'. Mr Finucane was shot for representing IRA members including Bobby Sands (pictured) The complainants argued the Government's policy 'permits (MI5) agents to participate in crime' and effectively 'immunises criminal conduct from prosecution'. But the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) agreed at the ruling, published today, said: 'This does not mean that (MI5) has any power to confer immunity from liability under either the criminal law or the civil law'. What is the law on security service agents' right to kill? M15 gives its informants legal protection to participate in serious criminal activities which could potentially include murder, kidnap and torture. The once-secret policy has been in operation at least since the early 1990s, but judicial oversight of the practice was not brought in until 2012. The protection only came to light when former prime minister Theresa May acknowledged its existence in 2018. Details of the policy are in a three-page MI5 document called 'Guidelines on the use of agents who participate in criminality (official guidance)'. This guidance states: 'The service has established its own procedure for authorising the use of agents participating in crime.' 141

It adds that authorisation to commit crimes 'has no legal effect and does not confer on either agent or those involved in the authorisation process any immunity from prosecution'. The policy is said to be the equivalent of MI6's powers under Section 7 of the Intelligence Services Act 1994 – known as the 'James Bond clause' – which gives spies a legal amnesty for spies to commit crimes abroad. Lord Justice Singh said that preventing MI5 from embedding an informant in a proscribed terrorist organisation because they would be committing a criminal offence 'would strike at the core activities of the Security Service'. The judge said it was 'essential to run an agent in a proscribed organisation ... for the gathering of intelligence, but also for disrupting the activities of such organisations'. He added: 'The events of recent years, for example in Manchester and London in 2017, serve vividly to underline the need for such intelligence gathering and other activities in order to protect the public from serious terrorist threats.' However - in what were described as 'unprecedented published dissenting opinions', which Repreive said marked the first time the tribunal has ever published a dissenting opinion - two members of the IPT found that the policy was in fact unlawful. Professor Graham Zellick QC said in his dissenting judgment that accepting the Government's arguments 'would open the door to the lawful exercise of other powers of which we have no notice or notion, creating uncertainty and a potential for abuse'. He said an authorisation to participate in criminality was 'in itself intrinsically unlawful: it will impact on the legal rights of others; it may involve the commission of tortious and criminal acts and - in the absence of clear legal authority - is subversive of the rule of law'. Prof Zellick added: 'The power may well be sensible and desirable, even essential, but Parliament would, I fancy, be astonished to be told that it had conferred this power in 1989.' Charles Flint QC said: 'I entirely accept the operational necessity for the (Security) Service to run agents who may need to participate in serious criminal activity.' But he added: 'I am unable to find that the (Security Service Act 1989) provides any legal basis for the policy under challenge.'

The MI5 headquarters at Thames House on Millbank in London, adjacent to Lambeth Bridge At a hearing in November, Ben Jaffey QC said the issues raised by the case were 'not hypothetical', submitting that 'in the past, authorisation of agent participation in criminality appears to have led to grave breaches of fundamental rights'. 142

He pointed to the 1989 murder of Belfast solicitor Mr Finucane, an attack later found to have involved collusion with the state, and the case of Mr Scappaticci, 'who is alleged to have been a senior member of the IRA and a security service agent working under the codename 'Stakeknife''. Mr Jaffey told the tribunal at an earlier hearing: 'It appears that the Security Service thinks it could, if it thinks it would be in the public interest, authorise participation in murder, torture, sexual assault or other grave criminality in the UK.' Maya Foa, director of Reprieve, said: 'The IPT's knife-edge judgment, with unprecedented published dissenting opinions, shows just how dubious the Government's secret policy is. 'Our security services play a vital role in keeping this country safe, but history has shown us time and again the need for proper oversight and common-sense limits on what agents can do in the public's name.' Ilia Siatitsa, a legal officer at Privacy International, said: 'Today, the Investigatory Powers Tribunal decided that MI5 can secretly give informants permission to commit grave crimes in the UK, including violence. 'But two of its five members produced powerful dissenting opinions, seeking to uphold basic ruleof-law standards.' She added: 'We think the bare majority of the IPT got it seriously wrong. We will seek permission to appeal to protect the public from this abusive secretive power.' Daniel Holder, deputy director of the Committee on the Administration of Justice, said: 'The practice of paramilitary informant involvement in serious crime was a pattern of human rights violations that prolonged and exacerbated the Northern Ireland conflict. 'Archival documents show that the unlawful nature of informant conduct here was known at the time and it appears policy since has been even more formalised. This close ruling is far from the end of the matter'. A Home Office spokesman said: 'The use of covert agents is an essential tool for MI5 as it carries out its job of keeping the country safe. 'We are pleased that the Tribunal found in the Government's favour on all counts and recognised that participating in crime can be a necessary feature of this vital work. 'We are committed to ensuring that the intelligence and security agencies are supported by Government and have the appropriate tools to keep us safe.' Share or comment on this article: Tribunal rules MI5 informants DO have a 'Licence to KILL'

Cyberterrorism World's first 'uncrackable' code: Scientists develop security system that can never be hacked - even by quantum computers • • •

Team at University of St Andrews along with partners created 'uncrackable' code Uses optical chips that send information user to user using one-time-only key The technology overcomes the major threat of quantum computers which will soon be able to crack existing methods By William Cole for Mailonline Published: 09:46 GMT, 21 December 2019 | Updated: 17:43 GMT, 21 December 2019 Researchers have developed the world's first 'uncrackable' security system to protect communications against cyber-attacks, it has emerged. A team at the University of St Andrews along with international partners are believed to have achieved 'perfect secrecy' with the new technology, which stops the threat of quantum computers being used to hack into data. 143

The proposed new system uses silicon chips that contain complex structures that are irreversibly changed to send information in a one-time key that can never be recreated nor intercepted by an attacker.

Researchers have developed the world's first 'uncrackable' security system that uses silicon chips that contain complex structures that are irreversibly changed to send information in a one-time key that can never be recreated nor intercepted by an attacker. Pictured: Leader of the study, Dr Andrea Fratalocchi The information is stored as light, then passed through the silicon chip containing complex structures, which bend and refract it, scrambling the information. Prof Andrea di Falco, of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of St Andrews and first author described the technique as 'absolutely unbreakable'. Security experts were concerned cyberterrorists were already storing information ready to break quantum computing once it was a reality but the new system stops hackers in their tracks. The idea of 'perfect secrecy' was proposed by scientists as far back as 1917, and could be achieved if it was possible to change the key which encrypts a message each time, based on the message itself. First author, Professor Andrea di Falco of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of St Andrews, said: 'This new technique is absolutely unbreakable, as we rigorously demonstrated in our article. 'It can be used to protect the confidentiality of communications exchanged by users separated by any distance, at an ultrafast speed close to the light limit and in inexpensive and electronic compatible optical chips.' Leader of the study, Dr Andrea Fratalocchi, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at KAUST, said: 'With the advent of more powerful and quantum computers, all current encryptions will be broken in very short time, exposing the privacy of our present and, more importantly, past communications. 'For instance, an attacker can store an encrypted message that is sent today and wait for the right technology to become available to decipher the communication. 'Implementing massive and affordable resources of global security is a worldwide problem that this research has the potential to solve for everyone, and everywhere. If this scheme could be implemented globally, crypto-hackers will have to look for another job.' The results were published in the scientific journal Nature Communications. Share or comment on this article: Scientists develop security system that can never be hacked - even by quantum computers 144

UK MI6 MI6 building plans go missing: Construction giant Balfour Beatty is sacked from refurbishment of Secret Service headquarters after major security breach saw layout and alarm details lost • Balfour Beatty was let go after more than 100 blueprints went missing from MI6 • They included details about the layout of new building and alarm systems • Building in Vauxhall Cross, London, is famous for being in James Bond films By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 01:44 GMT, 27 December 2019 | Updated: 01:49 GMT, 27 December 2019 A top construction firm was sacked from its refurbishment of the MI6 headquarters after a major security breach, it was reported last night. Balfour Beatty was axed from the project after more than 100 blueprints outlining layouts and alarm systems went missing from the home of the Secret Intelligence Service. The building, at Vauxhall Cross in south London, is famed for its appearance in several James Bond films. Access to the sensitive papers was limited to supervisors and there were approximately 40 staff sub-contracted to the project, The Sun reported. So serious was the security lapse that when the alarm was raised staff workers were not allowed to leave.

Balfour Beatty was axed from refurbishing the MI6 headquarters in London (pictured) after 100 blueprints outlining layouts and alarm systems went missing from the home of the Secret Intelligence Service A source said: 'The whole building went into lockdown and all the construction workers were kept in isolation. 145

'To lose such sensitive documents was grossly irresponsible.' The documents would be gold dust to any enemy agents or terrorists,' they added. Documents included 'where alarms and other security measures were', it was claimed. Neither the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, under which MI6 operates as the foreign arm of British intelligence, nor Balfour Beatty were available for comment last night. An FCO spokesman told The Sun: 'We do not comment on intelligence matters.'

Bucking the construction industry's post-Brexit gloom, Balfour Beatty enjoyed increased profits last year as they rose 5.1pc to £123m in 2018 Though many of the missing papers were found inside the building after the alarm was raised, Balfour Beatty executives were reportedly told the firm's multi-million-pound contract had been terminated. Only last week the Government put forward fresh proposals to bolster national security. Citizens who pass sensitive information to hostile states could be tried for treason under laws being considered by ministers. Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged to update offences so they 'deal more effectively with the espionage threat' in a briefing document. Bucking the construction industry's post-Brexit gloom, Balfour Beatty enjoyed increased profits last year as they rose 5.1pc to £123m in 2018. Read more: Top secret MI6 papers revealing blueprints of spy HQ VANISH as it’s warned documents will be ‘gold dust’ for criminals – The Sun Share or comment on this article: Construction firm Balfour Beatty sacked from MI6 headquarters refurbishment over lost plans


• British Intelligence: HBH Here is a copy of an e-mail received from Daily Maverick. Some aspects of the intelligence situation in Britain are depicted here. One can clearly see that there is a struggle between secrecy and the right to know. For many years Britain had the best intelligence service in the world. Cyber warfare is to-day one of the most dangerous and deadly weapons in the hands of (y)our opponents. Even in the commercial world! South Africa can learn much from these articles. Daily Maverick <>

30 Des. 2019

Sunday, 29 December 2019 Declassified UK is a partnership with British investigative journalists Mark Curtis and Matt Kennard. Their focus is on covering issues emanating from the ministry of defence and the crossborder nature of corruption.

How the UK Security Services neutralised the country's leading liberal newspaper By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis The Guardian, Britain’s leading liberal newspaper with a global reputation for independent and critical journalism, has been successfully targeted by security agencies to neutralise its adversarial reporting of the ‘security state’, according to newly released documents and evidence from former and current Guardian journalists.

Britain’s seven covert wars: An Explainer The United Kingdom is fighting at least seven covert wars largely outside parliamentary or democratic oversight.

British government continues to aid repression in human rights-abusing countries, new data shows The British government is continuing to approve the export of hi-tech surveillance equipment and software of the type that is being used by states abusing human rights to monitor and repress dissent, new government figures show. The government's exports of 'telecommunications interception equipment' to repressive states are likely unlawful.

Britain’s secret Saudi military support programme The UK’s Ministry of Defence has mistakenly admitted for the first time the cost of a secret multibillion-pound programme it manages for the Saudi Arabian royal family’s de facto protection force, which is also active in the devastating war in Yemen. 147

How the British establishment is working to keep Bahrain's ruling family in power The British military and intelligence establishment is playing a key role in fortifying the repressive regime in Bahrain, it can be revealed.

— The UK’s secret military unit that answers to Saudi Arabian commanders By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis The UK military has a team of high-ranking soldiers embedded in the Saudi Arabian armed forces who are believed to be taking their orders from Saudi commanders, it can be revealed.

“We have a game changer: A decade of Daily Maverick”

A look back at South Africa and Daily Maverick. FREE online access here.

Julian Assange’s judge and her husband’s links to the British military establishment exposed by WikiLeaks The husband of Lady Emma Arbuthnot, the Westminster chief magistrate overseeing WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange’s extradition to the US, has financial links to the British military establishment, including institutions and individuals exposed by WikiLeaks.

The son of Julian Assange's judge is linked to an anti-data leak company created by the UK intelligence establishment The son of Julian Assange’s senior judge is linked to an anti-data leak company created by the UK intelligence establishment and staffed by officials recruited from US intelligence agencies behind that country’s prosecution of the WikiLeaks founder.

Conflict of interest: The general vs the veterans 148

British veterans’ charity chairman oversaw welfare cuts that hit ex-soldiers

How the UK military and intelligence establishment is working to stop Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister Officials in the UK military and intelligence establishment have been sources for at least 34 major national media stories that cast Jeremy Corbyn as a danger to British security, new research shows.

EXPLAINER: Five reasons the UK intelligence agencies fear Jeremy Corbyn winning Britain’s election By Phil Miller The 2019 Labour Party manifesto outlines a range of policies affecting the UK intelligence services. Five particular pledges are likely to be strongly opposed by the British military and intelligence establishment, even if they do not actually threaten national security.

Daily Maverick relies on the financial (and emotional) support of its Maverick Insider members to keep going. Our journalism and investigations are expensive. We don’t want to enforce a paywall because we believe that what we do is a public service and should be free to all citizens 149

regardless of their economic status. However, if you are able to contribute, even a small amount, please sign up to Maverick Insider here. It makes a huge difference to us and to South Africa.


British Counter-Intelligence has an exciting future, indeed! - HBH


Sergeant Charles Robert Eastwood Brown: Craig Bushy Brown He is doing his family research Police Sergeant Charles Robert Eastwood Brown Killed in the Line of Duty 1932. Salute thanks to the EGGSA for the photo (left). He also sent a photo of a plaque. Does anybody know where this plaque is?


Comments by HBH I believe the plaque was transferred from Marshall Square to the “new” Johan Vorster Square Police station – now Johannesburg Central. Is it still there? Does anybody know? •

Strangely enough I don’t find his name on the SAP Roll of Honour for 1932. One will have to look if his name is on the Roll of Honour at the Police Memorial in Pretoria.

Nuwe Veiligheidsraad: Adamus Stemmet In antwoord op ‘n brief van ‘n kollega dat die veiligheidsraad weer ingestel gaan word, skryf Adamus Stemmet, beter bekend as “AP”, soos volg: “”””””Ek het geweet hiervan. Oor hierdie onderwerp kan ek boeke skryf. Ek was een van die ontwikkelaars van die Nasionale Veiligheidsdbestuurstelsel wat die SVR ingesluit het.. Die Veiligheidspolisie was nie eens ten gunste van die stelsel nie. Daardie slim generaal weet nie waarvan hy praat nie. Die dag van die Kerkstraatbom in 1983 was ek op pad terug van ʼn byeenkoms iewers in die bosse waar ek die stelsel oa aan drie senior lede van Swapo verduidelik het. Hul reaksie? "Die ANC sal onnosel wees as hulle hierdie briljante stelsel nie net so behou nie." Die ANC het nooit ʼn geleentheid gehad om die stelsel te oorweeg nie. FW de Klerk het dit sommer al uit onkunde afgeskaf voor hy die Veiligheidsmagte afgetakel het. Die gevolg is dat die vorige regering nooit sy magtigste magsbasis by Kodesa kon gebruik nie. Alhoewel ons by die SSVR skerp krities was oor Mnr PW Botha se stadige staatkundige ontwikkeling veral wat die swartmense betref, (bv. by die Driekamerparlement), het ek gesien waarheen my ou gholfmaat FW op pad was en hom gedwing om my aftrede op 53 jarige ouderdom goed te keur. Ek was toe al gekant teen "aborsie" en het dit sien kom. Dit was in 1990 toe ek geloop het en ek het nog nooit weer met hom gepraat nie. Dit is jammer want ons was goeie vriende wie se kinders saamgespeel en skoolgegaan het en wie se nooienstoespraak ek vir ʼn benoude nuwe parlementslid geskryf het. Nogal oor hervorming: Regshervorming. Selfs die Eerste Minister, Mnr John Vorster en die Speaker, Oom Bybelprentjie Klopper het hom in die parlement geluk gewens. “”””””””

Kol Berrange: Prof J Haarhof Goeiemiddag Hennie Ons was al ‘n paar keer in mekaar se “inbokse”, maar nog nooit direk vir mekaar geskryf nie. Voorspoedige Nuwejaar! Ek is hier op die stil tyd van die jaar besig om bietjie aan ‘n paar van my eie projekte te werk – op die oomblik om ‘n meer volledige verhaal te vertel van Kolonel Berrange en sy Oostelike Mag se trek oor die Kalahari met WW1. My vraag is of daar nie dalk ‘n foto van hom iewers in die polisietydskrif voorkom nie. Ek het eenkeer die tydskrif in die Militêre Museum in Johannesburg onder oë gehad maar het nie nou toegang daarnatoe nie. Kan jy my dalk help? Volledigheidshalwe – Berrange was bevelvoerder van die 5de SA Mounted Rifles wat in Kimberley gestasioneer was, het toe bevelvoerder van die Oostelike Mag geword, was in die tweede helfte van 1915 weer in beheer van die 5de SAMR wat die orde in suidelike SWA moes hou, en vanaf 1916 in Ook-Afrika. Berrange is nie net vir my projek belangrik nie, maar sy oupa was ook ‘n groot gees in Graaff-Reinet waar ek tans bly en dit daarom ook van nut by ons museum wees. Dankie en groete, Johannes Haarhoff - 1 Jan 2020. 151

Gelukkig het ek die inligting gehad en kon ek prof Haarhof help met: Christian Anthony Lawson BERRANGE C.M.G.

Burgermag: Gevaartoelae: Staatsdienskommissie: AP Stemmet

Vriende, Petro (mev. Stemmet) kom in ʼn ou album hierop af: Einde 1975 word ek, ondersekretaris, justisie, en adv. Klaus von Lieres, adj.-prokureurgeneraal as burgermaglede opgeroep vir die oorlog in Angola. Ops Savannah. By ons terugkoms werk ons toe bietjie rof met amptenare van die departement van justisie wat onwillig of traag was om aan die oorlog deel te neem. Kyk hoe spot hulle toe met die twee ‘bloeddorstige krygers’ in Justisie se sosiale blad, Nuntius. Gelukkig het daar niks in Nuntius verskyn van ons twee se volgende veldtog nie. Justisie se hoofrekenmeester stuur toe ‘n kennisgewing van die staatsdienskommissie, uit dat alle 152

staatsamptenare, wat behalwe ‘n karige soldy, ook ‘n klein gevaartoelaag gekry het, se "danger pay" aan die einde van daardie maand van hul salarisse afgetrek sou word. Ons twee organiseer toe ons eie veldtog. Eerstens dreig ek die hoofrekenmeester om sy pote tuis te hou. Toe pak ons die magtige staatsdienskommissie wat vinnig skuilplek soek en beweer dat hoof van die leer dit goedgekeur het. Toe pak ons die magtige H/Leer, ‘n sekere genl. Magnus Malan wat self ʼn toughie was en dreig hom dat ons die burgermag sou lamlê deur vrywilligers wat offisiere was, en ook staatsamptenare was, almal sou laat bedank. Elke regiment se leiersgroep was vol van hulle. Hy pleit toe “onskuldig” maar belowe dat hy met die staatsdienskommissie sou onderhandel om die onsinnige opdrag te kanselleer. Hy sou vasstel wie namens hom opgetree het. Arme man! Die opdrag is vinnig gekanselleer. Adamus P Stemmet

2019: Heildronk op afwesige lede | A Toast to Absent Friends! Sononder op laaste dag van die jaar | Sunset on the last day of the year Dit is ons jaarlikse tradisie om op die einde van die dag, voor sononder ons vriende, kollegas en lesers wêreldwyd te vra om ‘n kelkie te lig en ons afgestorwe vriende van die veiligheidsmagte te gedenk! It is our annual tradition to ask our friends, colleagues and readers around the world, to lift glass, at the end of the day to commemorate and remember our deceased friends of the security forces!

Lt.kol. Frank Ferreira (Oud-SAP: Moord & Roof) Welkom


Genl. Gert Opperman (SAW)


Karl Gerber (SAW) Pretoria

Lt. kol. ‘Piet-Patu' van Zyl


WO2- Veteraan: Tant Marie Sweetnam: SWAN: Unieverdedigingsmag

Tant Mmarie skryf uit Nieu Seeland: “Hallo Hennie, Hier is ek vanmiddag laat in Christchurch, NZ, by ons oudste dogter en haar hele familie (ses van hulle). My geliefde Ray was tot 22 Julie hierdie jaar nog by my “….an Absent Friend and Husband indeed”. Môre is dit Nuwejaar hier by hulle – 12 ure voor Suid-Afrika. Geseënde Groetnis vir jou, Marie Sweetnam.”

Adv. (Kol) Len Els, SC


Veteraan Tertius Barnardt (Vanuit NZ) (oud-KOD/CID Johannesburg)

Veteraan Anton Smit


Kdr. David Blyth (Oud-SAV) en mev Mary Blyth

RS 167


AO Venessa Fourie (Hondegeleier, Witrivier, Mapumalanga)


Admiraal Errol Massey Hicks

Veteraan Lieb Koekemoer


SWA-Veteraan: Gawie Botha (SAP)

Gawie skryf: “Verdere Voorspoed! Ek salueer almal vir die nuwe jaar 2020. Nooit gedink ek sou dit haal! No 37424(B) op 3/11/1959 geattesteer! Groetnis, kom kuier weer ‘n slag! NB. Gawie was in die SAP-uniformtak te Fort Numatomi en het die eerste USSR-opgeleide SWAPO-lid gearresteer en aan die SAP se Veiligheidstak oorhandig. Ons het die storie volledig behandel.

Prof. Gerrit Dekker (Oud-SAP Handelstak) Gerrit het die volgende foto’s op Oujaarsaand gestuur vanuit Livingston in Skotland. Oujaarsaand word Hogmanay in Skotland genoem. So lyk die grasperk:


Minus 30 C om 15:00

Die voortuin:


‘n Heildronk met Guinness:

Veteraan: Danie Terblans


Lynette van Niekerk


Nico Moolman (Utrecht: Buskruit & Laventel Museum)

Sy vader, wyle sersant Chris Moolman (SAP Brigade), se heildronk het gelui: "Those of us who have gone silent... Maybe heard forever."

Glenn Elsden (SAP Ballistiek)


Lt. Ger Sevink en mev. Jos Sevink (Amsterdam: Nederland: Koninklijke Marechaussee afgetree)

Kol Henri Steynberg (SAP)


Barry Taylor: Thailand (Oud-KOD & Anglo American) More Brigadier Eerstens ʼn wonderlike Nuwe Jaar vir jou en die familie. Ek hoop julle bly lekker in julle nuwe woonplek en dat die lewe julle goede gaan behandel. Hier is foto’s wat ek gisteraand geneem het. Die eerste is van Jin, my vrou, en haar nuwe skoonsuster. Die ma van haar "nuwe " dogter. Die tweede is van die familie wie almal bymekaar gekom het by haar suster se huis. Dis net omtrent helfte daar sy 5 boers en susters het. Die laaste is van haar broer Wing Commander Berm Duangdee van die Royal Thailand Air Force en myself Jy spreek dit uit “Bim en Duangdee” soos jy dit skryf Ek sal kyk of ek van hom ʼn foto kan kry in sy uniform om vir jou te stuur. Wat vir my so wonderlik van die familie is dat nie een dronk word of hom sleg gedra nie. Ek gisteraand gesien hoe hy sy eie boots sit en "bone" op die ou manier met spoeg en politoer. Hy is een van die nederigste mense wat ek ken. As ek nou geld gehad het, het ek hom saamgebring na SA maar hulle kry ook net 10 dae verlof ‘n jaar soos alle staatsamptenare Alle besighede gee net 10 dae per jaar en baie mag jy dit nie aaneen neem nie, maar moet ‘n dag hier en daar neem Cheers! Barry Prachin Buri Thailand



LAST WORD: REV CHARISSE LE ROUX Do not harbour or carry bitterness, for it is not worth the pain. Jesus who was whipped,

beaten and spat upon, never uttered back a bad word, but instead said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’


End | Slot Dear reader Please note that in this quasi-historical magazine we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the Nongqai cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity. Geagte leser Vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese tydskrif maak ons van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die Nongqai kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie.

Brig. Hennie Heymans: No 43630K (B) © HB Heymans 2020.


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