Nongqai Vol 9 No 10

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NONGQAI : VOLUME 9 NO 10 Table of Contents ADMINISTRATION | ADMINISTRASIE ........................................................................................... 7 Publisher | Uitgewer .................................................................................................................. 7 Aim | Doel .................................................................................................................................. 7 Policy | Beleid ............................................................................................................................ 7 Welcome | Welkom.................................................................................................................... 8 ELEKTRONIESE BEDIENING: KOOT SWANEPOEL .................................................................. 11 FRONT COVER | VOORBLAD ..................................................................................................... 12 Andries Jacob Eksteen Brink CBE DTD DSO (1877 – 1947): Lt. Col. W Marshall .................. 12 VISIT OUR WEBSITE | BESOEK ONS WEBWERF ..................................................................... 17 WEB PAGES | WEB BLADSYE.................................................................................................. 17 Justitia ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Benevolence............................................................................................................................ 17 Nongqai ................................................................................................................................... 17 Historical.................................................................................................................................. 17 POLICE HISTORY | POLISIE GESKIEDENIS .............................................................................. 18 Polisiegeskiedenis en Akademici (HBH).................................................................................. 18 Die Dun Blou Lyn Verbrokkel: Philip Malherbe ........................................................................ 19 Page 2 of 161

Hoofkwartier ............................................................................................................................ 20 Die Wetgewende Raad van Ovamboland: Mnr Lukas de Waal ............................................... 22 SAP Cap badges from 1913 – 1994: Robert Suberg (Durban)................................................ 28 Talk by Robert Suberg............................................................................................................. 37 Bechuanaland Border Police The End of a Chapter – I Hope: Adrian R. Haggett (August 2018) ....................................................................................................................................... 38 SA RAILWAYS POLICE | SA SPOORWEGPOLISIE ................................................................... 45 Onder redaksie van Frans Bedford-Visser ................................................................................ 45 Deursoeking Van Spoorbaankampe: Ronnie Beyl .................................................................. 45 Werksaamhede van die Lede wat in die Noorde Gestasioneer was: Ronnie Beyl .................. 49 1976: S.A. Spoorwegpolisie Spesiale Taakmag word na Grensgebied Ontplooi: R Beyl ........ 49 SASP Boeljon Sakwapens: Frans Bedford-Visser ................................................................... 51 MILITARY HISTORY | KRYGSGESKIEDENIS ............................................................................. 54 Die Troepie en Almal se Generaal .......................................................................................... 54 The Major and the President of the Senate: Capt. Andre Van Ellinckhuyzen Andre [SAPS] ... 57 Huldeblyk|Eulogy: Johannes Jacobus Geldenhuys 5 Februarie 1935 – 10 September 2018 . 63 POLICE & THE PRESS | POLISIE EN DIE PERS ........................................................................ 67 Deputy Police Minister admits SAPS failed in containing Soweto xenophobic violence .......... 67 SAPU calls for conclusion of Phahlane trial............................................................................. 68 State capture inquiry claims first scalp, as top Hawks official suspended ............................... 69 R1bn 'lost' to cash-in-transit robbers in 8 years - Hawks ......................................................... 69 Greater independence for IPID closer as amendment bill approved ....................................... 70 UNHCR calls for Soweto looters to be brought to account ...................................................... 71 It is important that police watchdog gains more independence ............................................... 72 John Vorster Square Police Station born 50 years ago ........................................................... 72 South Africa is 'close to a war zone' with 57 murders a DAY, says police minister ................. 73 Top 10 areas you are most likely to be a target of violent crime in SA .................................... 74 How to steal a farm ................................................................................................................. 76 SA has 'deficit' of 62 000 police officers – Sitole ..................................................................... 76 Media Statement from the Office of the Minister of Police ....................................................... 77 The crime situation in the WCape - Dan Plato......................................................................... 79 Restructuring of police sorely needed ..................................................................................... 80 Page 3 of 161

Increase in murder rate worrying – POPCRU.......................................................................... 80 POPCRU statement on the 2017/18 crime statistics ............................................................... 80 Ramaphosa to Honour Steve Biko on 41st Anniversary of his Death ...................................... 81 Rise in murder rate shows state is failing in its duty to protect citizens: SA Institute of Race relations ................................................................................................................................... 82 Jan Rodrigues seeks stay of prosecution for Timol murder .................................................... 82 Former security branch officer seeks stay of prosecution for Timol murder ............................ 82 Dagga ruling a joint victory - now to weed out the details ........................................................ 83 A murder that encapsulates SA's decay .................................................................................. 85 MILITARY AND THE MEDIA | MILITÊR EN DIE MEDIA .............................................................. 86 Bird Island: Genl. Johan van der Merwe.................................................................................. 86 Leuen-toets kan Minnie se ‘feite’ verifieer ............................................................................... 88 Johan van der Merwe, Montana, skryf:.................................................................................... 88 Bird Island: AP Stemmet ......................................................................................................... 89 Genl.maj. Bart Vosloo se oorspronklike skrywe ...................................................................... 90 Leuen-toets kan Minnie se 'feite' verifier.................................................................................. 90 Jacques Pauw slams authors of book alleging apartheid ministers' involvement in paedophilia ring .......................................................................................................................................... 91 Met ‘n Fynkam deur die Bird Island-boek ................................................................................ 92 Persverklaring deur die Stiging vir Gelykheid voor die Reg: “The Lost Sons Of Bird Island” ... 96 Genl. JV van der Merwe stel graag die feite aan die lesers van Nongqai ............................... 96 SS Mendi: AP Stemmet ........................................................................................................... 99 Comments by Peter Dickens ................................................................................................. 100 “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM”: CAPT. CHARLES ROSS (SAN – RTD.) ............................... 101 South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties Buried Across the World – Part Seven ....... 101 •

Annagh County Cemetery: Ireland .................................................................................. 101

Beirut War Cemetery: Lebanese Republic ...................................................................... 101

ANGLO BOER WAR | ANGLO BOERE-OORLOG .................................................................... 103 Veldkornet Koos Visagie, ZAR: Nico Moolman ..................................................................... 103 Field Cornet Koos Visagie, ZAR: Jennifer Bosch .................................................................. 104 Boer heliograwe .................................................................................................................... 105

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THE OBSERVATION POST: PETER DICKENS ......................................................................... 106 They started it! ....................................................................................................................... 106 By Steve De Witt ................................................................................................................... 106 RSA INTELLIGENCE | SA INLIGTING ....................................................................................... 111 The legacy of the United Democratic Front lives on after 35 years ....................................... 111 SPIOENMEESTERS .................................................................................................................... 112 Agnesia Sadler ...................................................................................................................... 112 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE | REGSPLEGING ................................................................... 114 Moeg vir Onsin: Danie Marais ............................................................................................... 114 Selfoonrekords: Danie Marais ............................................................................................... 115 Goggas in die Hare? Danie Marais ....................................................................................... 116 De minimus non curat lex: Danie Marais ............................................................................... 117 NPA must explain why it failed to prosecute cases, including Bosasa - SIU ......................... 118 NEW TECHNOLOGY | NUWE TEGNOLOGIE............................................................................ 119 Hommeltuie (HT) Deel 2:Saamgestel deur Philip Malherbe .................................................. 119 Motorola is creating self-driving police vehicles that take criminals to jail – and call the suspect's lawyer on the way there, according to new patent ................................................. 128 POLICE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................................ 130 British Police vs Facebook ....................................................................................................... 130 Met police chief Cressida Dick says Facebook should make evidence available to detective’s murder detectives 'in minutes' amid row over Lucy McHugh murder case ............................ 130 Why the legal process of accessing a private Facebook account could take months through US authorities ........................................................................................................................ 132 Senior Scotland Yard officer faces the sack for using 'racist' term 'whiter than white' in briefing to colleagues about being faultless in their inquiries ............................................................. 133 Share or comment on this article ............................................................................................ 134

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DEFENCE: INTERNATIONAL .................................................................................................... 134 United Kingdom ......................................................................................................................... 134 Harry and Meghan will attend gala concert in Westminster aiming to raise £100,000 to help troops with PTSD .................................................................................................................. 134 UK ................................................................................................................................................ 137 Royal Marines Sniper School: Jim Hooper ............................................................................ 137 •

Part 1: A History of Sniping 1755 - 1945 ......................................................................... 137

Part 2: Royal Marines Sniper Course.............................................................................. 140

Sniper Organisation in a Commando Unit ....................................................................... 151

Part 3: A Review of Sniper Rifles from 1861 ................................................................... 152

Kingdom of Thailand ................................................................................................................. 155 Too many generals: Barry Taylor .......................................................................................... 155 INTELLIGENCE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................... 156 CIA alerted SA about Guptas in 2009 - report ....................................................................... 156 STAATSDIENS PENSIOENFONDS: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND ............. 157 Assosiasie vir Monitering en Voorspraak van Staatspensioene: Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) ...................................................................... 157 About the GEPF Watchdog/Waghond Facebook Page: As Kleynhans ................................. 157 LETTERS | BRIEWE ................................................................................................................... 158 Natal’s Whose Who: Elne Watson ......................................................................................... 158 Natal Almanac, Directory and Yearly Register for 1897: Elne Watson .................................. 158 Beïndruk met Nongqai ........................................................................................................... 158 A collection of Police related material from THE NONGQAI: Paul Roos (Australia) .............. 159 Article: Bechuanaland Border Police the End of a Chapter – I Hope, by Adrian R. Haggett: Comment by Charles Ross.................................................................................................... 160 INDEMNITY & © | VRYWARING & ©.......................................................................................... 160 End / Slot ............................................................................................................................... 160

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Publisher | Uitgewer The Nongqai is compiled by Hennie Heymans (HBH) a retired Brigadier of the late South African Police Force and this e-magazine is published on ISSUU. Hennie lives in Pretoria, ZA. He is passionate about our police-, military- and national security history and holds a MA-degree in National Strategic Studies. Any opinions expressed by him, are entirely his own. Die Nongqai word saamgestel deur Hennie Heymans (HBH), 'n afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en hierdie e-tydskrif word op ISSUU gepubliseer. Hennie woon in Pretoria, ZA. Hy is passievol oor ons polisie-, militêre- en nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het 'n MA-graad in Nasionale Strategiese Studies verwerf. Enige menings wat hy uitspreek, is uitsluitlik sy eie.

Aim | Doel Our goal is to collect and record our national security history for publication in the Nongqai for future generations.

Onthou, skryf u storie, soms kan ons net op u geskrewe weergawe terugval want dit is al wat daar is. Deel u SAP- en SAW-foto’s met ons!

Ons doel is om die nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis in die Nongqai aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte bewaar.

Policy | Beleid We publish the articles and stories as we receive them from our correspondents; we only correct the spelling mistakes. It's important to publish the stories in the form and context as we receive them from our correspondents. Policemen and defence personnel have their own language. We are not a scientific or literary journal. We only work with historical building blocks. Ons gebruik die artikels en stories soos ons dit van ons korrespondente ontvang; ons maak slegs die spelfoute reg. Dis belangrik om die stories te bewaar in die vorm en in die konteks soos ons dit ontvang. Lede van die veiligheidsmagte het hul eie taal en ons moet dit ook so aanteken. Ons is nie ‘n letterkundige of wetenskaplike joernaal nie. Ons werk slegs met die boustene van geskiedenis.

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Welcome | Welkom Hartlik welkom by hierdie uitgawe. Tans is ek besig om saam luit.-genl. Andre van H Beukes sy memoires na te vors en ek doen die tikwerk met twee vingers. Dit gaan stadig, maar dis ‘n verrykende ervaring om sy herinneringe te tik en ek het as vereiste gestel dat ons elke feit wat ons vermeld, moet kan verifieer. So, kom ons by die geval van Klaas de Jonge. Andre was toevallig in genl. Coetzee, destyds veiligheidshoof, se kantoor toe die feit aan genl. Coetzee gerapporteer is dat De Jonge uit polisiebewaring ontsnap het. Jare later is Andre weer teenwoordig toe De Jonge vir kaptein Wynand du Toit uitgeruil is en so is nog ‘n sirkel in die geskiedenis voltooi, of is dit?

Die kentekens van die KMar en luitenant Ger Sevink Intussen het die noodlot bepaal dat ek goeie vriende geword het met adjudant (later luitenant) Ger Sevink die Nederlandse polisiebeampte wat saam met De Jonge is die ambassade gebly het. Die besondere vriendskap het so ontstaan: Wyle kaptein Ari van der Kerkhof was die hoof van die polisie bekend as die Koninklijke Marechaussee te Schiphol-lughawe. Hulle doen onder andere grensbeheer en grensbewaking. Ek was destyds besig met ‘n BA. (Hons.) en vir een van my take moes ek die militêre konstabelmag van Nederland bekend as die Koninklijke Marechaussee afgekort KMar, navors. Die naam het nie op die databasis van Unisa of die RAU voorgekom nie. Dit was in die dae toe daar ‘n kulturele boikot teenoor Suid-Afrika bestaan het. Daar was toe nie “Google” of gesofistikeerde rekenaars soos vandag nie. Deur ‘n Nederlandse vriend skakel ek vir kaptein Van der Kerkhof. Hy stuur toe sommer die volgende dag per KLM vir my baie leesstof en boeke en so kon ek my navorsing doen. (Sommer direk na my kollegas by Jan Smutslughawe.) Later het ek ‘n IPA-beurs ontvang om Nederland te besoek, met Ari as my gasheer; maar ongelukkig het hy nie verblyf nie en reël dat ek by die Sevink-egpaar sal tuisgaan. So ontstaan vriendskapsbande tussen my en die Sevink-egpaar wat al baie jare voort duur. Deur die jare het ons baie oor-en-weer by mekaar gekuier.

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Die Sevink-egpaar tydens ‘n besoek aan Suid-Afrika en voor die Nederlandse bank in Pretoria afgeneem. Die Nederlandse ambassade was in dieselfde gebou gehuisves. Hier was luitenant Sevink saam met Klaas de Jonge in die ambassade ingehok. Ek is vreeslik naarstiglik opsoek na die twee speurders wat De Jonge na van Johannesburg na Pretoria vergesel het om uitwysings te doen. Ek wil baie graag hul weergawe van die gebeure bekom. Indien iemand weet wie hulle is, kontak my asb. Ek benodig hul weergawe vir ‘n storie waarby genl. Beukes betrokke was. Lees mens die inhoudsopgawe van hierdie uitgawe is dit ‘n riller op sy eie! Dat daar fout in die land is, is gewis so! Misdaad is buite beheer. Die treindiens in die Wes-Kaap is pateties en lewensgevaarlik. Slagoffers van roof is uit die bewegende trein gegooi. In KZNatal is die diens intussen opgeskort. Miljoene rande se witboordjiemisdaad word gepleeg. Mense ek hoop die parlement en die kabinet wil wakker skrik en daadwerklik iets doen. So luister ek na onophoudelike musiek op die rekenaar terwyl ek skryf (of is dit “tik”?) en na Montavani en sy orkes, en so kom The Very Best Instrumental Hits, Part 1 outomaties aan die beurt. By 1 uur 2 minute en 53 sekondes speek ‘n wysie musiek wat my ver terug voer. Ek sien myself in die aanklagtekantoor (AK) met die brandkassleutels aan die linkerkantse hakkie van die lyfband en die selsleutels, aan ‘n stuk besemstok, wat aan die regterkant van die lyfband se hakkie hang. (Die uniform het altyd twee brons hakkies – links en regs - gehad waarop die kombinasielyfband of Sam Browne gehang het. Voor ek afdwaal: Tydens offisierskursus het ons die meganiese skool in Benoni besoek en onder meer gesien hoe hulle daardie hakkies maak.) So het ek ‘n klein draagbare radiotjie in die AK op die tafel langs die voorvalleboek (VB). Middernag het die kenwysie altyd gespeel en dan was dit tyd om selle te besoek! Ek kan nog die verskriklike torre, besies, motte en ander gediertes hoor wat om die lig teen die plafon in die AK raas. Dis warm en die deure en vensters is oop. Dan is dit ‘n rooi lyn in die VB en ‘n nuwe dag begin met ‘n nuwe reeksnommer. Ons besoek die selle waar die torre en besies ook teen die buitelig vas vlieg. Ons besoek die selle en dan moet ons klagstate uitmaak, hoflyste en al die klas van dinge. Die partolliewa kom later in met ‘n vars warm brood en twee pinte melk. Wat ons deel tussen die wabestuurder sy bemanning, myself en die AK reserwe. Daardie dae was daar geen Page 9 of 161

deurnag-diens op die Afrikaanse diens van die SAUK nie. Nee, ons Springbok radio en LM Radio geluister. Om 05:00 was dit “Dagbreekdeuntjies” met Oom Danie Smuts. (Hy was later ‘n polisiereservis.) Die ander man was Robin Alexander op LM Radio. Een aand het nr. 43915 konst. PP Odendaal gevra dat ek vir Robin Alexander moes skakel – hy het die oproep in die “telefoonboek” aangeteken as nie-amptelike oproep. Ek moes net skakel en Engels praat. Ons het gedoen! ‘n Boodskap vir alle polisie, brandweer en hospitaaldienste is uitgesaai. So dink ek nou: Een aand op nagdiens – ons het sulke wonderlike “maanbepoeierde” nagte in Durban beleef – veral as dit volmaan was; en die maan het dan soos die son oor die see opgekom. Dit was altyd lekker warm. So is ek met die patrolliewa een aand op die uitkykpunt op die Bluff. Ek en die “van crew” geniet die uitsig oor die hawe en die strandfront. Toe kom radiobeheer oor die lug: “M67, sewe-en-sestig, King’s Rest, kom in!” Ek antwoord en hulle vra: “Wat is jou ligging?” Ek antwoord ek is by die Bluff se uitsigterrein. Toe chip Johan Visage in: “Ja, M67 ek sien jou daar; waar jou SAP-tjies blink!” Dat mens sulke onsin kan onthou en nog daaroor skryf. Ja, die wagdiens in die hospitaal was weer ‘n ander ervaring. Johan Visage skiet een nag ‘n blanke verdagte en ek moes op nagdiens sy prisonier in die Wentworth-hospitaal gaan oppas. Ek wil die ou sommer aan die bed vasboei maar die suster vertel my dis haar pasiënt en ek mag nie aan hom raak nie. Wel, die eerste nag was lank. Jy hoor die stoomtreine fluit en jy kan hulle hoor as hulle oor die Umlazi-rivier se brug voortsnel. Die laaste vliegtuig het ook by Louis Bothalughawe geland. Maar na 12-uur middernag gaan niks aan nie. Geen geluide. Ek is jong konstabel en ken nie staande orders nie. Eintlik mag geen wag meer as vier ure in ‘n eensame plek bv. in ‘n half-donker hospitaalsaal diens verrig nie, na vier ure moet hy omgeruil word. Ons het maar net gewerk! Wonderlik is die lewens-ondervinding wat mens as polisiebeampte opdoen. Daar is geen staande orders vir die lewe nie. Al wat my pla is hoe primitief ons was. Dink maar aan iemand wat verkrag was. Ons het nie vir die klaagster eers ‘n koppie tee aangebied nie.Waarom nie? Waar kry jy tee of koffie by ‘n polisiestasie na 3 nm? Die eerste tee (of koffie) is hier by 09:30 en dan 13:00. Ons kon beslis meer bedagsaam gewees het en meer omgegee het. Dan staan die arme vrou in die AK, by die toonbank, terwyl haar verklaring word afgeneem – in die fynste detail. Daar was nie gerieflike kantore nie – ons polisiestasies was maar basiese geboue en karig gemeubileer. Maar ons het ons werk gedoen! Bestudeer maar die kommissaris-jaarverslae aan die parlement! Dit was ‘n dekade voor ons dames in diens geneem het. Baie mense veral te Wentworth het self na AK gekom om die misdaad te rapporteer. Daar was oom nie baie telefone nie. Dit was die dae toe die polisie nog doodsberigte afgelewer het – veral na-ure en oor naweke. Ons kan net die Here dank ons het ons werk geniet, ‘n werk vol avontuur, diens en beskerming. Later het grensdiens bygekom en so sit ons vandag al in 2018. My koffie is klaar gedrink! Geniet verder die uitgawe!

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Baie mense dra die baie bekende armbandjie “WWJD” Dit beteken: “What Would JESUS Do.” Eintlik moet dit wees: WDJD. Wat dan beteken: “What Did JESUS Do”. Ons wil altyd verwys en dink na wat Jesus sou gedoen het, wat nie verkeerd is nie, MAAR ons moet eerder fokus op ons lewens en lewens uitkyk, en ons situasies en omstandighede met dié gedagte of wete; “What did Jesus do.” Wat het Jesus gedoen, sodat ons die selfde doen. HY het vergewe – ons MOET vergewe. HY DINK nooit weer aan dit wat HY vergewe het nie. M.A.W. HY haal nie ou koeie uit die sloot nie. HY tree vir ons in by die VADER. So, bid vir mekaar (Jak. 5 v. 14) sodat julle genesing kan ontvang. Dan DOEN ons SY wil en nie ons wil nie. Mat. 7:21 Nie elkeen wat vir My sê: Here, Here! sal ingaan in die koninkryk van die hemele nie, maar hy wat die wil doen van my Vader wat in die hemele is. Mat. 12:50 Want elkeen wat die wil doen van my Vader wat in die hemele is, dié is my broer en suster en moeder.

Glasnegatiewe: Nico Moolman

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Andries Jacob Eksteen Brink CBE DTD DSO (1877 – 1947): Lt. Col. W Marshall Andries Brink was born on 21 August 1877 in Somerset West, Cape Colony. During the Jameson Raid he unwillingly accompanied the raider having taken coach horses to one of their depots. He later testified against them. This aspect always seemed to follow and haunt him during his career. He joined the Civil Service in 1896 and served in the Mpefu Campaign of 1898. He was elected a Field Cornet in the South African Republican Forces in 1901 and served in the Zoutpansberg during the Anglo-Boer War. He later married Hendrika Meyer and they had two children. He joined the Union Defence Forces as a staff officer with the rank of captain in 1912 and served as the Staff Adjutant of No 6 Military District (Standerton). He was promoted to Major and appointed a District Staff Officer on 01 September 1914 to No 7 Military District in Potchefstroom. On 05 January 1915 he was appointed Brigade Major, 1st Mounted Brigade and took part in the German South West African campaign. On 20 March 1915 he was promoted to Lt Col with temporary rank. On 14 September 1915 he was promoted brevet rank as Lt Col. He then got seconded to the SA Imperial Service Contingent from 20 March 1916, and appointed as General Staff Officer, HQ, 3rd East African Division. He was granted the rank of Colonel in the Imperial Army on 09 December 1916. He then resumed his duties as District Staff Officer, No. 6 Military District (Standerton) and reverted back to his old rank on 10 December 1916. He was them transferred to Pretoria and promoted to Colonel and appointed as the Acting Chief of the General Staff and Adjutant–General on 12 November 1918. He was promoted to Brigadier General on 21 September 1920 and assumed duties as the Inspector General of the Permanent Force on 01 January 1922. During November 1920, as the problem at Bulhoek was developing, Brigadier-General A.J.E. (Andries) Brink, then Chief of the General Staff, submitted proposals to reorganise the Permanent Force and replace the South African Mounted Riflemen with a combat worthy and mobile force of 2500 men. However, financial considerations scuttled the idea. Appointed to the combined post of Chief of General Staff and Secretary for Defence on 01 October 1922. Page 12 of 161

During the 1930-1931 financial year, defence expenditure was cut by £172,499. Another cut followed, so that over a period of two years military expenditure was reduced by £328,000. A nadir was reached in 1932, when only £736,831 was voted for Defence. In 1931, Major General A.J.E. Brink reported on the hard circumstances the UDF was facing: "I much regret to report that the urgent necessity for economy which has curtailed the activities of most Departments of State has severely intervened with the training of Citizen Forces ... the Defence organization is called upon to curtail so large a portion of its activities." The series of growing cuts in the military budgets since 1925 affected the efficiency of the UDF. There were no more weapons systems acquisitions. Structural economic change followed the development of a South African national sentiment and the demand for a South-African-formulated national and defence policy. Gen Brink was instrumental in establishing the Pioneer Battalion. In addition to the Special Service Battalion, a special short service unit consisting of 500 men were given training for a period of three (later increased to six) months. This unit, the Pioneer Battalion, was established with effect from 0I January 1935 as a unit of the Permanent Force and played the same social role as that of the Special Services Battalion, with the exception that the age limit was set between 18 and 30 years, and all candidates were to be unmarried. Unlike the SSB, no set standard of education was demanded. The recruits for the Pioneer Battalion were of a poorer, less-educated type, who all their lives were "brought up in necessitous circumstances, badly fed, clothed, accommodation and not used to money". The UDF hoped to discipline them, and then find them employment after the end of their period of service, so that they would become accustomed to regular income and strive for better prospects in life. The Pioneer Battalion, however, attracted "really vicious types" and "was very nearly a failure. General Andries Brink also recognised the danger that they would return after their service, to their former environments, develop a spirit of dissatisfaction with the government, and ultimately become a potential source of danger to the State. Brink proved pretty much in touch with the situation. The Railway Board, in fact, undertook to find employment in the South African Railways and Harbours (SAR&H) for 500 members of the Pioneer Battalion, each year. Many refused State employment, both with the Railways and in other government schemes. Of the 66 details discharged during the first week of September 1935, only twelve accepted employment on the SAR & H. Four others went to work on the Vaal Dam Irrigation Works and a further three were placed in private employment. The remaining 47 either refused employment or re-engagement with the Special Service Battalion, and returned home to take up farming or eke out a private existence on their own. However, it is true that many of the 47 were under 21 years of age and not in possession of a Standard VI certificate, and therefore could not be considered for employment with the Railways or enlistment with the SSB. All in all, the scheme was not the resounding success it has perhaps claimed to be. During the course of 1934, the South African economy began to show definite signs of an upward trend. In fact, so much so, that a significant increase in the Defence budget was approved for the first time since 1924, and Brink could announce that the UDF would once again transform into a military organisation of modern standing.

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In South Africa, with a recovery in the economy and a new coalition government in power, including both Hertzog and Smuts, who received the Justice portfolio, a number of changes were made with regard to the Union Defence Force. Gradually the Union Defence Force was dragged fully into the party-political arena. The event, which brought the situation to a head, was the appointment of Andries Brink, who, through no doing of his own, was associated with Jameson's Raiders, as Chief Commandant of Commandos on 31 March 1937. During the Second World War he served as the Commandant-in-Chief of Burgher Commandos until his retirement. He retired from the UDF during 1946. He passed away in Pretoria on 17 October 1947. Service Record. 1898: Zoutpansberg Rebellion. 1899 – 1902: Anglo Boer War. 1914-1918: Operations in German South West Africa. 1916: Operations in East Africa. 1920-09-21 - 1933-05-01: Chief of the General Staff, Union Defence Forces 1922-10-01 - 1937-09-31: Secretary of Defence 1933-05-01 - 1937-03-31: General Officer Commanding Union Defence Forces 1937-03-31 - 1946: Commandant-in-Chief of Burgher Commandos Awards and Decorations: • • • • • • • •

Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst (DTD) 1899-1902. Distinguished Service Order (DSO) Croix de Guerre (France). Mentioned in Despatches during service in German East Africa. 1914-15 Star. British War Medal. Victory Medal. Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), on 1 January 1944, LieutenantGeneral Brink was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The Notice in the London Gazette reads as follows: “The KING has been graciously pleased, on the advice of His Majesty's Ministers for the Union of South Africa, to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire: To be Additional Commanders of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order: Lt General Andries Jacob Brink, D.T.D., D.S.O., South African Staff Corps (V)”

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Justitia Benevolence Nongqai Historical Webmaster Webmeester Glenn Elsden



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Polisiegeskiedenis en Akademici (HBH) Omdat daar m.i. nie baie oor die polisie en ons inligtingsdienste se geskiedenis gepubliseer is nie, merk ek heelwat feitefoute op in gepubliseerde werke. Ook as mens na akademici luister is daar ook soms verwarring. (Nie dat ek alle wysheid in pag het nie!) Ek is steeds besig om die geskiedenis van die Durban Gemeentelike Polisie (Durban Borough Police) na te vors. Baie keer word die polisie nie vermeld nie maar bv. misdaad word bespreek en mens moet dan “logiese� afleidings maak. Ek is verstom oor die spelwyse van Zuidafrikaanse Politie, loer bietjie na die oorspronklike wet van 1912:

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Die Dun Blou Lyn Verbrokkel: Philip Malherbe Dit wil blyk dat die dun blou lyn van die polisie aan die verbrokkel is, dit - wat tussen die magte van goed en boos op ons strate bestaan. Baie gemeenskappe glo dat die polisie die vermoë verloor het om hul regspleging uit te voer – al hoe meer gevalle word gerapporteer dat die gemeenskap nou “reg” in eie hande neem en kriminele oortreders volgens die halssnoer metode (brandende buiteband om skouers van beskuldigde plaas) en lewendig verbrand; Die krake is duidelik sigbaar met die minister van polisie wat die gemeenskap meedeel dat hy hom dit ten doel stel om korrupsie in die polisie uit te roei. Verwyt die polisie dat hulle nie-amptelike padblokkades opstel, net om chjo-chjo (omkoopgeld) te eis (gratis koue en warm drankies by winkels). Dan “encore” die kommissaris van polisie met sy erkenning dat “ons misdaadintelligensie is geïnfiltreer”, tydens ‘n voorlegging van die polisie se topstruktuur aan die parlement se portefeuljekomitee; Die opleidings sentrums (Universiteite) is ook nie bereid om te help met misdaadvoorkoming nie, en antwoord seker op die kritiek: “waar is jul sendingbloed”, nadat hulle agt sake teen kriminele teruggetrek en die beskuldigdes tydens tugverhore amnestie ontvang het as ‘n daad van harmonie, nadat R 43 miljoen se brandstigting en beskadiging aan universiteit se geboue aangerig is”; Die wetsgehoorsame gemeenskap is vuisvoos na die skokkende erkennings deur die polisie: • • •

oplossingssyfer van misdaad dossiere tussen 2.4% – 6.02%; verregse groepe vanuit tronke het polisie se inligtingstegnologie netwerk binnedring; beslagleggingsbevel toegestaan om op rekenaars en meubelment beslag te lê synde hul skuld aan verskaffers te betaal;

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180 polisielede wat skuldig bevind is op ernstige kriminelesake, liggies oor die vingers getik word deur slegs waarskuwings, ligte boetes en korrektiewe berading ontvang en weer mag terugkeer om hul pligte te hervat; afgelope 5 jaar 131 dossiere per jaar weggeraak het by speurder kantore en kriminele sake teruggetrek moes word; veroordeelde moordenaar wat 18 jaar gevangenisstraf moes uitdien, na slegs 4 jaar op parool vrygelaat word, nadat die polisie geen vertoë gerig het nie, en twee maande later op parool, weer ‘n moord pleeg; dood in aanhouding verhoog met 40% van 216 (2016) tot 302 (2017; dood a.g.v. “polisie aksies” verhoog met 8% van 366 (2016) tot 394 (2017; verkragting deur polisie 112 sake vir die tydperk 2016 & 2017; verkragting deur polisie, op lede van die publiek in aanhouding verhoog tot 13% = 20 (2016) tot 23 (2017); onafhanklike polisie ondersoek direktoraat berig dat 6,880 klagtes teen polisie ontvang is; moraal van die Valke is ook op ‘n laagtepunt, a.g.v. hulpmiddels, o.a. tekort aan voertuie en korrupsie wat begin toeneem; Suid Afrika se achilleshiel is die wetteloosheid ; onproduktief, lui en korrupte staat wat onbekwaam is om enige plan behoorlik uit te voer of enige beleid deeglik toe te pas;

Geen wonder die gemeenskap verloor alle vertroue in die justisie-stelsel nie. Wanneer ons na die kern van die probleem kyk, moet dit voor die deur gelê word van die enkele grootste risiko vir ons demokrasie: die ineenstorting van munisipaliteite, aangesien dit ‘n institusionele vakuum skep wat wetteloosheid en chaos aanwakker soos die gemeenskap sukkel om maniere te vind om te oorleef in ‘n situasie waar die regering nêrens te sien is nie; Dr Johan Burger, oud senior lid en navorser (ISS) se grondige kommentaar is dat lede gereeld onder groot druk is en dit moeilik vind om behoorlik te opereer weens werksomstandighede, asook die kwaliteit van toesighouers (offisiere). Bronne: Volksblad, Star en Sunday Times van die afgelope paar maande

Hoofkwartier Hoofkwartier van die Transvaal Police en eerste SAP Hoofkwartier voor die SAP sy intrek geneem het in die Paleis van Justisie. Die gebou het gestaan op die hoeke van Kochstraat en Kerkstraat hier in Pretoria, waar die TPA gebou opgerig is. Later het die SA{ verskuif na Kompolgebou en uit eindelik na Wachthuis.

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Die Wetgewende Raad van Ovamboland: Mnr Lukas de Waal Die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, het soos al die regerings in die wêreld sy eie parlement in Kaapstad wat bestaan uit ‘n vasgestelde aantal verkose lede van kiesafdelings ens. Uit hierdie lede word ‘n eerste minister/ president gekies, wat gewoonlik die leier is van die politieke party wat die verkiesing gewen het. Wanneer ons terug kyk na die beleid van die destydse Nasionale Party wat vanaf 1948 aan bewind was, was dit duidelik dat hulle na al die swart etniese groepe in SA, wat ook op daardie stadium SWA se inboorling volke ingesluit het, sou kyk om hulle iewers in SA en SWA in etniese groeperinge op hulle “eie” grondgebied te vestig. Die regering van die dag het reeds teen die einde van die 18de eeu (vanaf die 1880’s) en begin van die 19de eeu ‘n regeringskommissie, die sogenaamde “Lokasie Kommissie” aangestel met die opdrag om alle grond in SA (SWA was hierby uitgesluit) waarop reeds swart mense permanent in etniese groepe saamwoon, te identifiseer en dit op rekord te plaas. Hierdie grond is geïdentifiseer en in wetgewing (die Swart Grond Wet, 1913 [Wet 27 van 1913]) saamgevat. In die bylae van hierdie wet word al die sogenaamde lokasies genoem en staan bekend as Afgesonderde Gebiede. Die algemene aanvaarde beleid was dat geen swart volk stemreg sou kry nie en daar op ‘n ander wyse oor hulle lot op ‘n menswaardige wyse beskik moes word. Die “Tuisland” gedagte het toe ontstaan, waar elke etniese groep in sy eie tuisland saam sou gaan woon en mettertyd afsonderlik sal ontwikkel met ‘n eie identiteit en met sy eie regering. Die TBVC state Transkei (Xhosa), setel Umtata (nou Mthatha). Bophuthatswana (Tswana), setel Mmabatho. Venda (Venda), setel Thohoyandou en Ciskei (Xhosa), setel Bisho het beslag gekry, elkeen met sy eie grondgebied en regering. ‘n Vorm van selfregering is aan hulle toegeken en elkeen het sy eie amptelike vlag en amptelike wapen gekry. Hierdie vier state het later onafhanklikheid verkry binne die grense van SA, maar was nie deur die buiteland erken nie. Later het Qwa-Qwa (BaSotho), setel Phuthaditjhaba (die ou Witzieshoek), Lebowa (Pedi en Noord-Ndebele), setel Lebowakgomo, KaNgwane (Swazi), setel Louieville, KwaNdebele (Suid-Ndebele), setel Siyabuswa, KwaZulu (Zoeloe), setel Ulundi en Gazankulu (Shangaan),setel Giyani gevolg. Ten einde die tuisland regerings lewensvatbaar te maak is gedurende 1936 verdere wetgewing gepromulgeer wat daarvoor voorsiening maak dat die gebiede wat in wet 27 van 1913 genoem word, verder uitgebrei kan word deur die aankoop van aangrensende grond deur die staat. “Hierdie 7¼ miljoen morg grond is geïdentifiseer en is vervat in die bylae van die Swart Trust en Grond Wet, 1936 (Wet 18 van 1936) en staan bekend as Oopgestelde Gebiede. Gedurende die tagtiger jare is die Kommissie vir Samewerking en Ontwikkeling deur die parlement aangestel en wat uit 12 lede van die parlement bestaan het om verdere grond in SA te identifiseer vir toevoeging tot die reeds bestaande gebiede van die onafhanklike en selfregerende state in SA. Vir sover dit Suidwes-Afrika aan betref, het dr. Hendrik Verwoerd gedurende 1962 ‘n kommissie van ondersoek na aangeleenthede van SWA, bekend as die Odendaal-kommissie, aangestel met die opdrag: “Doen 'n in diepte ondersoek na die verdere bevordering van die materiële en morele welvaart en die sosiale vooruitgang van die inwoners van SWA en meer spesifiek die nie-blanke groepe en lê 'n verslag voor met aanbevelings vir 'n omvattende vyf jaar plan om die ontwikkeling van die verskillende swart groepe van Suidwes-Afrika te versnel.” Hulle verslag word in Februarie 1964 aan die wêreld bekend gemaak en hulle aanbevelings maak o.a. voorsiening vir die skepping van elf reservate vir elk van die inheemse bevolkingsgroepe wat bestaan uit Damaraland, die Kaokoveld, Ovamboland, die Kavango (wat ook die Wes-Caprivi insluit), OosCaprivi, Boesmanland, Hereroland, Namaland en dié vir die Basters en Tswana mense. Die elfde een is die oorblywende gedeeltes van Suidwes-Afrika. Page 22 of 161

Vanweë toenemende politieke druk van die VN op SA om op versoek van SWAPO die mandaat wat hulle op SWA tot nog toe gehou het, prys te gee, word nieteenstaande voortgegaan om ingevolge die Wet op die Ontwikkeling van Selfbestuur vir die Naturelle volke in Suidwes-Afrika, 1968 (Wet 54 van 1968) van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, selfregering aan Ovamboland toe te ken. Die wetgewing bepaal dat die regering van Ovamboland sal bestaan uit ‘n wetgewende raad (die "Parlement") van nie meer as 42 lede nie. Hierdie lede moet die sewe stamme (Ukwanyama, Ondonga, Ukwambi, Ombalantu, Ongandjera, Ukwaluudhi en Onkolonkadhi-Eunda) verteenwoordig - elk van hulle is geregtig om 6 lede aan te wys, waarvan een uit elke stam as raadslid genomineer moet word. Vanuit hierdie sewe raadslede moet die Wetgewende Raad 'n hoofraadslid aanwys. Die eerste hoofraadslid was kaptein Ushona Wilpard Shaningwa Shiimi van die Ongandjera stam. Die Eerste Sessie van die Eerste Ovamboland se wetgewende raad vind plaas op 17 Oktober 1968, onder voorsitterskap van senior hoofman Gabriel Kautwima van die Ukwanyama stam, in die saal van die onderwys opleidings sentrum op Ongwediva, sewe kilometer ten Ooste van Oshakati. Dié okkasie word amptelik geopen deur Sy Edele die minister van Bantoe-administrasie en –ontwikkeling en van Bantoe Onderwys, mnr. M C Botha.

Foto 1: Die ministeriële geselskap kom op die Ondangwa landingstrook aan. Links met die hoed op is luitenant-kolonel Floris Pretorius. Onder die trappie staan mnr. M C Botha Foto 2: Minister Botha (middel) praat met die hoofraadslid kaptein Ushona Shiimi (heel regs). Langs die kaptein is die tolk mnr. Laban Hamata. Links van die minister staan mnr. J P Dodds, sekretaris van die Departement van Bantoe-administrasie en –ontwikkeling en heel links, dr. Connie Mulder, minister van Inligting.

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Foto 3: Die seremoniële prosessie van regs na links: Kolonel A J (André) van Deventer, tweede van regs staan die bekende kolonel (later generaal-majoor) L G “Vingers” Snyman (SAP), luitenant-kolonel Doug Wellington, vierde onbekend, mnr. Leonard Shemuvalula, assistentsekretaris van die wetgewende raad (WR), mnr. Petrus Usiku, sekretaris van die WR, senior hoofman Gabriel Kautwima, voorsitter van die WR en mnr. Frans Iihuhua, die ampswag met die ampstaf.

Foto 4: Minister Botha groet die lede van die prosessie (senior hoofman Gabriel Kautwima). Foto 5: Die prosessie beweeg die saal binne vir die amptelike opening.

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Foto 6: Tydens die amptelike opening van die wetgewende raad op 17 Oktober 1968.

Foto 7: Die ampstaf Foto 8: Die seremoniĂŤle program van die opening Page 25 of 161

Die eerste sessie van die tweede Wetgewende Raad word amptelik op 1 Mei 1973 in die saal van die Ongwediva opleiding sentrum te Ongwediva deur Sy Edele die eerste minister, mnr. B J Vorster geopen. Tydens hierdie geleentheid word selfregerende status aan Ovamboland toegeken. Kaptein Filemon Shuumbwa Elifas van die Ondonga stam word verkies en ingesweer as die eerste hoofminister van die selfregerende staat Ovamboland. Die raadslede van die uitvoerende raad word nou die ministers van die kabinet met die verantwoordelikheid om beheer uit te oefen oor Ovamboland se staatsdepartemente wat reeds aan hulle toevertrou is. Ovamboland is die eerste tuisland in Suidwes-Afrika wat sy eie simbole as bewys van sy soewereiniteit ontvang het. Die naam “Ovamboland” word nou verander na “Owambo.” NOTA: Die naam “Owambo” verander weer na 21 Maart 1990 terug na “Ovamboland”.

Foto 9: Die ministeriële groep kom op die Ondangwa lughawe aan. Van links na regs: Mnr. Schalk Lubbe, hoofdirekteur van die departement van die hoofminister en van finansies van die Ovamboland se regerings-diens, Sy edele die eerste minister mnr. John Vorster, op agtergrond ‘n lid van die lugmag, mev. Lesinda de Wet groet mev. Vorster, Sy edele mnr. Jan de Wet, kommissaris-generaal vir die inboorling volke van SWA. Foto 10: Mnr. Vorster word deur mnr. De Wet voorgestel aan kolonel Floris Pretorius en luitenantkolonel H J van Loggerenberg.

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Foto 11: Die trompetblaser sersant Piet Niewenhuis (SAP). Van links voor regsom: Kolonel Mac Kotze, lugmag kolonel onbekend, Oswald Shivute, assistent-sekretaris van die wetgewende raad (WR), onbekend, heel agter: senior hoofman Gabriel Kautwima, voorsitter van die WR, mnr. Leonard Shemuvalula, sekretaris van die WR, kolonel Floris Pretorius, Afdelingskommissaris, Afdeling: Verre noorde en luitenant-kolonel H J van Loggerenberg, distrikskommandant van distrik 85, Verre noorde.

Foto 12: Sy edele die eerste minister open hierdie epiese sitting in die saal op Ongwediva. Page 27 of 161

Hierdie S&W foto was waarskynlik geneem tydens ‘n tussen sessie van die wetgewende raad (WR) gedurende Januarie 1973 ten einde ‘n nuwe hoofraadslid te kies nadat die vorige een in ‘n ongeluk omgekom het. Van links na regs: Sekretaris van mnr. De Wet (onbekend), mnr. Jan de Wet, Kommissaris-generaal, onbekend, luitenant-kolonel H J van Loggerenberg, onbekend, mnr. Leonard Shemuvalula, sekretaris van die WR, mnr. Petrus Usiku, assistent-sekretaris van die WR, senior hoofman Gabriel Kautwima, voorsitter van die WR en mnr. Frans Iihuhua, die ampswag.

SAP Cap badges from 1913 – 1994: Robert Suberg (Durban)

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Talk by Robert Suberg In the late 1980s, Colonel Fletcher1 of Radio Headquarters Pretoria held a parade inspection at my unit. This means that all State property and books were inspected. During our conversation, I told him that I was starting to collect South African Police Cap badges. He informed me that when he attended meetings at Army Headquarters, they said that there was something wrong with the police cap badge. He did not ask what was wrong as he was not interested. Now for a bit of history. On 31 May 1910, the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, the colony of Natal, the Boer republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State were amalgamated to form the Union of South Africa under British dominion. There were different Police Forces in South Africa throughout each of the Colonies. The different Provinces had their own Police Force as well as Town and Borough, which were not co-ordinated together: each of the colonies having their own laws, bylaws and regulations. In Natal we had the Natal Police, The Borough Police of Pietermaritzburg, Ladysmith, Newcastle and Durban. The Durban Borough Police retained their own identity and became the longest serving police force in the country, being established in 1854. The force has undergone several name changes i.e. the Borough Police, City Police in 1936 and finally the Metro Police in 1994. The Union government decided to have one National Police Force serving all four provinces. On 1 April 1913, the South African Police was formed under the command of Sir Theodore G Truter. From 1910 to 1926 The South African Police Cap Badge was a seven-pointed star with the Tudor Crown on top with a Circle inside, with a legend South African Police in English and Zuid-Afrikaanse Politie in Dutch on the bottom half. In the centre of the badge was a circle in which was placed the Union Coat of Arms. This was up to about 1926 when it was changed to Suid-Afrikaanse Poliesie with the same English title. The English wording is on the top half and the Afrikaans at the bottom. In the centre of the badge was a circle in which the Union Coat of Arms was placed. In 1932, the word “Poliesie” was changed to Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie. The English wording is on the top half and the Afrikaans at the bottom. In the centre of the badge was a circle in which the Union Coat of Arms was placed. During 1957, the crown was removed and replaced with an eightpointed star. On 31 May 1960, the country became a Republic and the crown on the cap badge was removed as it can only be used with the British Monarch's permission.2 Also, the Republic of South Africa took itself out of the British Commonwealth on 31st May 1961, which probably also caused the crown to be removed. The Cap badge was changed to Afrikaans lettering on the top and English at the bottom. When I joined the South African Police and was attested on 25 Jan 1967, the Police cap badge was solid for non-commissioned officers and had to be polished with Brasso. The Commissioned Later Brigadier Fletcher – HBH. In 1957 the SAP Badge became an eight-pointed star; and the Crown was replaced by a Castle. In die SADF “British” ranks were changed to e.g. “Veldkornet, Commandant and Combat-General – HBH. 1 2

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Officers3 wore a Voided and Gilded cap badge4. During 1976, this was changed when all Cap Badges were issued with voided centres and were gilded. The senior officers of Major and upwards had a gilded and enamel cap badge with the South African coat of arms on the outside of the ring. The South African Police Gilt and Enamel Badge After nine months of buying books and doing research, I found out what the Army was speaking about. I bought a book "National and Provincial Symbols and Flora and Emblems of the Republic of South Africa” where I found the answer I was looking for. So, is the South African Police Cap Badge Correct? Only part of the cap badge is correct. The coat-of-arms in the middle of the badge is correct. It is the 1910 Badge of Union. The problem is with the heraldry side of the cap badge5. When studying the coat-of-arms, in the middle of the badge, it was discovered that the Springbok and the Gemsbok had their tails down instead of the tails being straight up or curved upwards. If the tails are between the legs is called "cowed or coward” – Robert Suberg.

Bechuanaland Border Police The End of a Chapter – I Hope: Adrian R. Haggett (August 2018) Living in Palapye, Botswana, might not be everyone’s cup of tea but, this lonely village has deep, and interesting, history in and around it. The Pioneer Column passed not far from here and, of course, Palapye was a “watering-hole” when the railway was built. The telegraph passed this way, as well as famous characters such as Goold-Adams, Spreckley and Selous – not forgetting Rhodes. The railway station is mostly unchanged – with a shed nearby that still bears a sign forbidding entry to anyone who is not an employee of Rhodesia Railways!

And W/o’s – HBH. Lieut.-Col.’s and higher had badges woven / embroided in gold braid. 5 In heraldry terms, this means that the South African Police have been "cowards" since 1913until 1994, before they changed their name to "The South African Police Service". 3 4

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Two hours’ drive east of Palapye is Fort Elebe – you would miss it if you did not know where to look. In 1889, Fort Elebe was the HQ of the Bechuanaland Border Police. It was established due to a skirmish between Bamangwato troops (belonging to Khama) and a trader, Piet Grobler, who was returning from Bulawayo via the “disputed territory”. Grobler was an appointed envoy to Pretoria, negotiating with Lobengula for prospecting concessions in the territory north of the Motloutsie River and south of the Shashi River. Khama claimed this area belonged to the Bamangwato and not the Matabele – hence, the territory was disputed. Grobler was wounded in the skirmish and died of his wounds a few days later. “The Grobler incident naturally caused great excitement in the Transvaal, where the opinion was widely held Page 39 of 161

that Khama' s people had merely been the instruments of the British, and, in particular, of the Rhodes group. The British agent in Pretoria reported on October 12th, 1888 that Boers in the Waterberg, where Grobler had a brother, were talking of taking the punishment of the natives concerned into their own hands, and organising a filibustering attack on Khama. Reporting this news to London, Sir Hercules Robinson asked for an additional 100 police for the Protectorate. Following despatches from the Transvaal President, objecting to the north-east boundary of the Protectorate and. denying the validity of the Moffat treaty, a total increase of 200 men and the setting up of a permanent police post at Elebe in the north was sanctioned by the Colonial Secretary - (“The British Government and the Bechuanaland Protectorate 1885 – 1895”, Margaret T. Peters, MA Thesis presentation to University of Cape Town 1947.) The British South Africa Company had a hand in various police units during this time but, for the sake of clarity (and I stand to be corrected) - according to Parsons and Field: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

21 May 1884 - Bechuanaland Territories declared a British Protectorate. 01 July 1984 - Formation of Bechuanaland Mounted Police (BMP) 04 August 1885 - Formation of Bechuanaland Border Police (BBP) 29 October 1889 - Formation of British South Africa Company Police (BSACP) 01 April 1986 - BBP renamed BMP 29 Dec 1896 - Fixed establishment set for Matabeleland and Mashonaland Divisions of the force, which became known as the British South Africa Police (BSAP), under the control of Colonel Sir Richard Martin 7. 02 August 1897 - BMP becomes the BSAP No. 1 (Bechuanaland Division) 8. 1902 & 1903 - Formation of Bechuanaland Protectorate Police (BPP) Some remains of Fort Elebe still exist – stores, quarters, hospital, fortifications, etc. Evidence of Codd bottles, bully-beef tins, cartridges and personal effects are scattered about – even the midden/landfill is evident.

Various researchers [Hickman, Burrett, Quick (I think) and Main (I know)] have visited Fort Elebe and some literature exists. Amongst the literature, it is reported that two troopers are buried here but, their graves were undiscovered (by researchers) until a local herder, and farmer, led me to the spot in 2016 – some 900m north-east of the actual fort. Both burial sites had cast-iron “head-plates” embedded next to the occupants. Trooper Herbert Jarvis lies in a “bed”, bordered with rocks, whilst Trooper Thomas Edward Smith has a small Page 40 of 161

cluster of rocks atop his resting place. It is thought that Jarvis was interred according to western tradition, whilst Smith might have been buried in a crouching position, typical of local Ngwato tradition – hence, the small rock-pile above his head. Trooper Jarvis, aged 23, died from an accidental shooting, on 26 August 1989, whilst Trooper Smith, aged 30, died from fever on 05 March 1890. Jarvis shot himself in the stomach, accidentally, with his own revolver. Exactly what fever Smith suffered from is yet to be discovered but, malaria, or typhoid, would be the prime suspects. The actual cause of death is recorded as “pulmonary tuberculosis”.

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From what I understand, British soldiers, and allies, of this era were buried east-west, with the head in the west. The head-plate was not positioned behind the head but, at the feet (east) with the inscription facing west. The idea being that, the soldier would be able to see his memorial as the sun rose each morning. This might be theory but, is supported by an interesting local belief. Batswana bury/buried their dead in similar fashion – believing that, instead of the sun rising – the deceased “rises” as the world turns into the sun – at midday, when the sun is at its zenith, the deceased will be bolt upright. This was explained to me, by a local headman, on 14 August 2018. Interestingly, most British soldier head-plates (circa the Boer War) are uniform, in that they have a metal cross with a circular disc bearing the name and regiment of the soldier – along with the words “For King and Empire” – but, Queen Victoria was on the throne (20 June 1837 – 22 January 1901)!

The Jarvis and Smith graves, however, do not conform to the tradition – neither do their headplates; as can be seen above. Jarvis lies north-south with his head-plate north of the grave and Page 42 of 161

the inscription facing north, away from the grave. Smith’s plate is similar, although his body is suspected not to be horizontal. It is impossible for either trooper to see their memorials – ever. Why is this? Is it because the troopers were members of the Bechuanaland Border Police and not fighting soldiers? Is it because both were not killed in action (KIA)? A few months after the “discovery” of the graves, I received a call to say that the local chief was visiting the site and in the process of removing the head-plates of Jarvis and Smith. In haste, I rushed to Fort Elebe, accompanied by the farmer mentioned above, to determine that the call was indeed true. Both plates were prone, in the back of a bakkie, surrounded by various historic artefacts – Codd bottles included. The chief explained that he wanted to restore the plates, particularly Smith’s, because they had been cracked and damaged over the 127 years – probably by wandering cattle and game – the site is not fenced and is deep in the bush. I, however, was suspicious – no explanation was given for the excavation of the other artefacts. Not wanting to appear officious, or aggressive, (albeit a citizen) I decided not to point out that tampering with historic relics is an offence – and “grave-tampering” is worse. After all, Batswana have huge respect for the dead. The chief’s helpers were carrying picks, axes, spades and “badzas” – so, I let it be! Immediately after the departure of the chief, plus laden bakkie, I called my good friend, Mike Main (Botswana historian) to relate the story. News of the incident soon reached the ears of personnel at the National Museum. Despite repeated requests, more than two years passed and the plates had not been reinstated. It was time to force the issue. Thanks to the dedication of Milton Tapela (National Museum) and Mike Main’s persistent interest, Milton and I met the chief’s deputies, at the local kgotla (court), on Tuesday 14 August 2018, to recover the plates and return them to their rightful place. Initial questions were quite disconcerting, albeit non-aggressive – that is not Batswana custom - “Why have you been in this area? Why did you not introduce yourself to the chief? Why did you not seek permission? What is your interest?” It was evident that my activities had been tracked – that did not surprise me. I explained that I am not a tourist – did not realise that Fort Elebe fell under the jurisdiction of the village (the fort is 40km from the village), that I and my wife, Alison, have an interest in the history of Bechuanaland (Alison’s great grand-parents, and grand-parents, passed close to here, in 1895, with the SteynHenry trek) and that my intentions were neither to trespass on tribal land, nor to any cause trouble. These responses were accepted, in their entirety – so much so that the deputies asked to accompany Milton and me, using two vehicles, to the site. The atmosphere was relaxed. A fairly well-used track leads all the way to Fort Elebe but, not to the graves. One is required to walk, with hand-held GPS, in order to find the site. Most of the group appeared elderly, and ingredients for mixing concrete, plus the heavy plates, lay in the back of the lead vehicle. There was only one way to solve the situation. Leave the second vehicle at the fort, load all passengers Page 43 of 161

onto one vehicle, and dodge our way around the Mopani scrub. It would be the first time Jarvis and Smith would see a motorised vehicle! The sandy soil allowed for easy digging and, after careful use of a compass, to determine exact placement and direction, the plates were soon upright in the concrete.

A quick record (Milton Tapela on the extreme left of photo)

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and, most fittingly – a prayer for the safety of the men and their memorials. The job is complete – I hope. May Troopers Jarvis and Smith RIP eternally. (August 2018)


Onder redaksie van Frans Bedford-Visser Deursoeking Van Spoorbaankampe: Ronnie Beyl Positiewe inligting was ontvang dat meelopers en terroriste in die spoorbaankampe langs die spoorlyne gehuisves was en derhalwe was Luitenant Beyl van Hoofkantoor en tien lede van die Page 45 of 161

Spesiale Taakmag na SWA gestuur om bystand te bied. Hulle opdrag was om die terroriste wat by die spoorbaankampe tuis gegaan het uit te snuffel en te elimineer. Lede van Grootfontein, wat vertroud was met die gebied, het die taakspan vergesel. Alle kampe tussen Kranzberg, Grootfontein en Tsumeb was deursoek en die lede het ‘n passasiersrytuig by Otavi-stasie as ‘n tydelike basis ingerig. Die watertenks van die rytuig was een aand, tydens hulle verblyf te Otavi-stasie, leeg, en die lede kon gevolglik nie stort nie. Die lede was agter in patrolliewaens vervoer omdat die SASP op daardie stadium nie oor enige gepantserde voertuie beskik het nie. Gevolglik was die lede op die betrokke aand, soos elke vorige aand, vaal van die stof en feitlik onherkenbaar. Dit was ‘n uitgemaakte saak dat die manne dié besondere aand net eenvoudig moes stort ten einde die volgende dag fris en vars te kon wees. Gelukkig vir hulle was daar op Otavi-stasie ‘n oorhoofse waterpyp wat gebruik was om die watertenks van die stoomlokomotiewe vol te maak. Die water het met soveel geweld uit die pyp gestroom dat, wanneer dit die lid se kop getref het, hy skoon van balans en onvas op sy voete was. Dit was nie eers nodig om seep te gebruik om die sand en stof te verwyder nie. Tydens die operasie het die taakmag se spore dikwels met dié van die SAP taakmag, wat onder aanvoering van Majoor SJ “Blackie” de Swart was, gekruis.

A/O Gert Louw en sers Johan Lotriet : 60mm PATMOR opl.

SPECTA 1 Page 46 of 161

Grensdiens Opleiding

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Lt Genl JJJ van Vuuren (Komisaris SASP)

SPECTA 2 Bevelsgroep Page 48 of 161

Werksaamhede van die Lede wat in die Noorde Gestasioneer was: Ronnie Beyl Met die val van Angola in die sewentiger jare en die vlugteling krisis wat as gevolg daarvan ontstaan het, was dit noodsaaklik dat die lughawens te Grootfontein en Mpatsha in die Caprivi gemonitor moes word. Baie van die buitelandse vlugtelinge, veral Amerikaners wat op die olievelde in Angola werksaam was, was per vliegtuig na Grootfontein en Mpatsha afgevoer. Hierdie vlugte was sonder vlugplanne onderneem met die gevolg dat die vlugte ongeskeduleerd by die lughawens geland het. Die polisiëring gebied van die SASP te Grootfontein het gestrek oor ‘n gebied insluitende Grootfontein, deur die Okavango tot in die Caprivi, vanaf Grootfontein na sekere dele in Hereroland, Grootfontein tot by die buitehuis sinjaal te Otjiwarongo, Otavi, oor Tsumeb en die hele Ovamboland tot by Ruacana. Kommunikasie tussen die seksiespeurder en die aanklagtekantoor was egter ‘n nagmerrie vanweë die groot afstande tussen dorpe. Die speurder was met ‘n draagbare telefoon (“s to s”) uitgereik, en wanneer hy hulp wou ontbied of ‘n sitrap (situasie rapport) wou deurgee, moes hy eers die drade van die draagbare telefoon met ‘n lang stok aan die oorhoofse telefoondrade langs die spoorlyn koppel ten einde kommunikasie te bewerkstellig. Later van tyd was al die polisievoertuie met langafstand radio’s toegerus wat kommunikasie nie net vergemaklik het nie, maar ook baie verbeter het. Lede van die SASP wat te Grootfontein gestasioneer was, was ook as immigrasiebeamptes aangestel om aandag aan alle vlugte vanuit en na die buiteland, veral Botswana en Angola, te verleen. Die bykomende dienste om as immigrasiebeamptes op te tree, het ‘n groot las op die lede, maar veral op dié van die posbevelvoerder en seksiespeurder, geplaas. Later was hierdie lede dan ook verantwoordelik daarvoor om lede van die SA Lugmag, wat by Mpastha ontplooi was, as immigrasiebeamptes op te lei. Dit het die dienslas van die polisie van Grootfontein heelwat verlig. Later van tyd was die personeelsterkte van die polisie op Grootfontein aansienlik vergroot. Dit het teweeggebring dat hulle weer verantwoordelik moes wees vir die toegangsbeheer van passasiers van en na Mpatsha - en Grootfontein lughawens. Gedurende hierdie tydperk, 1975 tot 1980, was spoorvervoer die enigste werklike vervoermiddel om die operasionele gebied van brandstof, ammunisie, plofstof en voedselvoorrade te voorsien. Weermaglede vanaf die RSA was ook per trein na en van Grootfontein vervoer. Later was hulle per Lugmag vliegtuie na en van die operasionele gebied gevlieg.

1976: S.A. Spoorwegpolisie Spesiale Taakmag word na Grensgebied Ontplooi: R Beyl Die toename in die terroriste aktiwiteite het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat die eerste groep lede van die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie se Spesiale Taakmag aan die begin van 1976 by die Oshivellohek ontplooi was. Dié lede was in Oudtshoorn deur instrukteurs van die SASP opgelei. Hulle was die eerste polisie Spesiale Taakmag in Suid Afrika wat vir spesifieke hoë risiko take opgelei was. Hulle taak was om alle busse en passasiers wat vanaf die operasionele gebied deur die Oshivello grenspos na die suide van Suidwes-Afrika gereis het, te deursoek. Agt lede het op ‘n keer vir ‘n periode van ‘n maand by die grenspos diens gedoen. Die agt lede het in vier karavane by die hek gewoon. Lede van die S.A. Polisie se veiligheidstak het lyste met name van terroriste en meelopers gehad en die lede van die taakmag was hulle behulpsaam met die ondersoek van die passasiers asook die deursoeking van die busse vir enige onwettige vuurwapens of plofstof. Page 49 of 161

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SASP Boeljon Sakwapens: Frans Bedford-Visser Hi Hennie Ek heg aan die advertensie asook bestelvorms vir die SASP Boeljon Sakwapens. Die eerste lede het hulle wapens al die week gekry, en is baie in hulle skik daarmee. Ek sal dit waardeer as jy die advertensie in Nongqai sal plaas. Die projek is deur ek en Hein Crocker, voorheen Luitenant in die SASP Spesiale Taakmag, bestuur. Hein is ook tans besig om die webblad van die SA Spoorwegpolisie te ontwikkel, en ‘n gedeelte van die opbrengs van die verkoop van die wapens word daaraan geskenk. In het ook ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid SASP muntstukke nog beskikbaar. Die bestelvorm daarvoor kan op die skakel bevind word: By voorbaat dank. Frans Bedford-Visser Email:

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Die Troepie en Almal se Generaal

Generaal Jannie Geldenhuys, 5 Februarie 1935 – 10 September 2018 Page 54 of 161

Dit is hy, wie nie net op die slagveld die vyand verslaan het nie, maar ook om die vredestafel opponente uitoorlê het en strategies, “die mat onder hulle voete uitgepluk het”. Ek praat van Jannie Geldenhuys, die gulhartige mens, sportman, militaris, skrywer en gesinsman. Boonop skryf die Amerikaanse diplomaat, Chester Crocker, wie gehelp het om die koue oorlog vir die Weste te wen, onder andere as volg van hom: “Jannie Geldenhuys has an indomitable sense of humour.” Jannie Geldenhuys is op 5 Februarie 1935 te Kroonstad gebore. Voor sy aansluiting by die weermag was hy ‘n Vrystater in murg en been. Hy het Sub A (graad 1) in Frankfort geslaag en einde 1952 op Bethlehem gematrikuleer. In Januarie 1953 sluit Jannie as vrywilliger by die weermag aan en ontvang sy opleiding by die Militêre Gimnasium te Voortrekkerhoogte, Pretoria. Terselfdertyd studeer kandidaat offisier (K.O). Geldenhuys ook aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Dit was die begin van ‘n hoogs suksesvolle militêre loopbaan. Jannie Geldenhuys SSA, SD, SOE, SM tree uiteindelik in 1990 af as hoof van een van die sterkste en mees gevreesde weermagte ter wêreld, die SAW. Op 83 jarige ouderdom ontval hy sy gesin, familie, kamerade en vriende. Oom Jannie was ‘n nederige persoon en dit is een van die kentekens van ‘n ware groot leier. Hy kon ewe goed met die troepies kuier, en na hulle luister, as met wêreld staatsmanne. Onder sy vriende en kennisse van weleer vind ons die name van Tom van Vollenhoven (een van die wêreld se beste vleuels ooit), Danie Craven, PW Botha, Magnus Malan, asook internasionale persoonlikhede soos Chester Crocker. Andere sluit ons minder bekendes in, maar wie vir hom ewe belangrik was en met wie hy graag omgang gemaak het. Onder Oom Jannie se helde tel van sy destydse ondergeskiktes – manne soos kol. Deon Ferreira, kol. Dick Lord, kol. Chris Serfontein, kmdt. Mike Muller en andere – die wat gewen het. Generaal Geldenhuys se vyande het vir hom groot respek gehad maar tog het hy hulle uiteindelik om die vredestafel met meer respek behandel as wat hulle van hulle eie politieke meesters ontvang het. Na aanleiding van die Kubaanse/Sowjet/Angolese nederlaag by die Lombarivier in Angola in 1987 was sommige Kubaanse offisiere na Havana teruggeroep en gekielhaal. Onder andere, waarvan ons bewus is word een van die leier-generaals, genl. Arnaldo Ochoa Sanches doodeenvoudig voor ‘n vuurpeloton geplaas om oneervol te sterf. Ander het na die VSA gevlug. Vir genl. Geldenhuys het suksesvolle oorlogvoering nie net gegaan oor die uitwis van die vyand nie maar ook om die vyand en veral sy politieke leiers in ‘n hoek te maneuvreer – militêr, finansieel en moraal gesproke. Daarmee was genl. Geldenhuys meesterlik bedrewe. Chester Crocker skryf in die verband: “Jannie Geldenhuys was a professional’s professional, the sort of person a good negotiator quickly recognises as an ideal counterpart. He gave nothing away, kept his word, and he played a major role in enabling Southern Africa to avoid disaster. His subtle management of diplomacy of war saved many lives”. Dit moet onthou word dat die RSA op daardie stadium ‘n kenvermoë gehad het wat vyandige lande in ‘n oogwink kon uitwis. En soos die geskiedenis aanstap kom die volle waarheid oor die oorlog in Suider-Afrika stuk-stuk uit. Een van die Sowjet offisiere wat vir hulle in Angola diens gedoen het, lt.kol. Igor Zhdarkin, skryf later ‘n boek oor hulle ondervinding in Angola. Die boek se naam vertel eintlik die verhaal dis getiteld: “We did not see it even in Afghanistan”. ‘n Ander skrywer, Jose Milhazes – tans ook in Rusland woonagtig, titel weer sy boek: “Angola the Beginning of the End of the Soviet Union”. Suid Afrika se vasbyt in Suider-Afrika was in werklikheid direk oorsaaklik, as laaste strooi wat die kameel se rug gebreek het, tot die Sowjet Unie se nederlaag in die Koue Oorlog wat ook die val van kommunisme tot gevolg gehad het. Dis ironies dat diegene wie nou rojaal voordeel trek uit ‘n SA wat nie soos ander vervalle lande onder Sowjet juk gekom het nie eintlik glad nie die rede vir hulle onverdiende geluk besef nie. In werklikheid is hulle, asook die “nuwe rykes” in lande soos die hedendaagse Rusland, veel dank verskuldig aan Jannie Geldenhuys en sy makkers van weleer. Page 55 of 161

As gevolg van omstandighede is daar nie, soos in vele ander lande, monumente tot die nagedagtenis van helde soos Generaal Geldenhuys en sy tydgenote nie. Dis ‘n skreiende onreg wat hopelik in die toekoms deur die geskiedenis uitgewys gaan word. Mag ons hulle deur middel van ander mediums onthou. Page 56 of 161

Ons salueer Jannie Geldenhuys – almal se vriend. Mag ons hom onthou vir sy leierskap, deursettingsvermoë en menswaardige nederigheid. RIV Dr. Dreyer van der Merwe Pretoria 10 September 2018

The Major and the President of the Senate: Capt. Andre Van Ellinckhuyzen Andre [SAPS] On a visit to the Cemetery in our neighbouring town of Paulpietersburg, you will be amazed to discover a rich history of our local area that you never thought was possible. Among the numbers of headstones, you will find those for “Wallace” and “Wessels”. You will also find the graves of Boer General Marthinus Wilhelmus Mijburgh and a number of soldiers and airmen who served this country, in different eras. Major James Maynard Studholm “Wallie” Wallace was born on 15 April 1888, at Mount Frere, in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, and he was baptised in Grahamstown on 3 April 1890, on the same day as his then four-year-old sister, Janet Emily Sarah Wallace, in the Wesleyan-Methodist Chapel. Major Wallace was the son of farmers, James Wallace and Elizabeth Wallace born Pike, of Collingham farm in the Albany district near Grahamstown, and it is thought that he was educated at one of the many schools in and around Grahamstown. The grandparents of Major Wallace were James Wallace and Sarah Wallace born Brooks. James (Jnr) was of Scottish descent and his father, also named James Wallace, came to the Eastern Cape of South Africa, as a Settler. James Wallace (Snr) was born in the year 1793, in Ayrshire, Scotland and died on 15 August 1894 on the family farm Collingham near Grahamstown. James Maynard Studholm Wallace was the youngest of eight children, and his siblings were: • Ada Ann Ramsden ex Tomlinson born Wallace who passed away on 20th November 1939, in Grahamstown; • Arthur Douglas Wallace; • Alma Lestella Wallace; • Roydon Willie Ross Wallace, who was married to, (2nd marriage), Susan Rachel Shepard born Marais; • Collins Evelyn Brooks Wallace who was married to Myrtle Clara Tribe; • Jessie Olive Wallace; • Janet Emily Sarah Wallace. • James was the youngest child and was only one and a half years old when his father James died, at the age of 44 years. At the age of 31 years, James Maynard Studholm Wallace joined the South African Permanent Force on 31 January 1910, at Kokstad. His Military record at the time, indicated that prior to enlisting in the military, he was a Carpenter by trade, and his home address was listed as 20 Queen Street, King Williamstown. During the “Great War” Wallace served with the South African Military Medical Corps, and was based in Pretoria, Tempe in Bloemfontein and Congella in Page 57 of 161

Durban, and he served in most of the Military Hospitals. During this period Wallace was promoted to the ranks of Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant Major and Acting Warrant Officer. On 3 November 1915, the then Sergeant James Maynard Studholm Wallace, of Bloemfontein, married Gertrude Helen Thompson at King Williams Town, in the Eastern Cape. Gertrude was the daughter of Harry Hosie “John” Thompson and Louisa Sophia Thomas, from King WilliamsTown, and she was born on 22 August 1889. Gertrude had six siblings, of which 2 were boys. James and Gertrude had one child, a son, named Maynard Bruce Thompson Wallace. James and Gertrude’s marriage ended in a divorce, and Gertrude never married again. Gertrude Helen Wallace died on 30 September 1947 in the Addington Hospital in Durban. At the time of her death, Gertrude had been living with her son, at 147a Esselmont Avenue in Durban. During WW2, James Maynard Studholm Wallace also served in the South African Military in the Commissioned ranks of Lieutenant, Captain and Major, and during that time was based at posts including Voortrekkerhoogte and the Mechanical Workshop Branch in Pretoria, The Bomb Assembly and Shell Filling Depot at Lenz in Johannesburg, with the Medical Corps in Durban, and at the School of Mechanical Transport in Port Elizabeth. For his services during WW2, Major Wallace was awarded the 1939 to 1945 War Medal as well as the Africa Service Medal, and was officially released from military duty on 9 July 1945. It is said that Major Wallace had suffered from defects with his legs from childhood, and that during his time in the military in Durban he had spent many hours walking on the beach and in the surf, to strengthen his legs. In the late 1930’s a family friend had introduced Major Wallace to a farmer and businessman’s daughter from Paulpietersburg. On 15 March 1939, Major Wallace married Gertina Maria Elizabeth “Gertie” ex Schwikkard neé Wessels, in Paulpietersburg, Natal. Two children, a girl and a boy, were born from their marriage namely: Suzanne Elizabeth “Zannie” von Klemperer neé Wallace, born 4 December 1939, and Michael Jurie Wallace. At the time of their marriage both James and “Gertie” were divorcees. “Zannie” von Klemperer currently resides in Bergvliet in Cape Town and her brother Michael was born on 18 January 1946 and sadly passed away on 17 July 2011 at Paulpietersburg, after suffering a heart attack. During the time preceding their marriage, and before the outbreak of WW2, Major Wallace was in the employ of the Paulpietersburg Local Board as a Sanitary/Health Inspector, and during 1939 the Military had actually written correspondence to the Paulpietersburg Local Board requesting the services of JMS Wallace, and offering to appoint him in the commissioned rank of a Lieutenant, with a starting salary of 511 pounds per year, and “demanding” his re-employment with that board once the war was over. Suzanne Elizabeth “Zannie” von Klemperer, remembers her father being in the military during WWII, and being based in Durban and Pretoria. Zannie says that after the war her father worked as a Health Inspector for the Paulpietersburg Municipality, and she also remembers that her father owned a Movie House in Paulpietersburg, as well as a General Dealer store, in later years. “My father had a love for cricket, fishing and especially speed boats, and it was in the back stage of the movie house where he spent many hours building his own speed boat”. Major Wallace was a heavy smoker, and his daughter Zannie says that her father died of emphysema, in his home in Kruger Street in Paulpietersburg, in 1969. His wife Gertie passed away in 1984. They both rest in the cemetery at Paulpietersburg. Page 58 of 161

Gertina Maria Elizabeth “Gertie” Wallace was the second eldest child, out of six children, of Senator Petrus Jurie “Pieter” Wessels and Susanna Elizabeth Wessels neé Liversage. Petrus Jurie “Pieter” Wessels was born on 22 (25) July 1878 in Smithfield in the Free State as the son of Hendrik Balthazar Klopper Wessels and Anna Catherina Gesina Wessels born Swanepoel, and his siblings were: • • • • • •

Maria Catharina Wilter born Wessels; Hendrina Cecilia Liversage born Wessels; Jan Abraham Christoffel Wessels, who was married to Anna Wilhelmina Ferreira; Hendrik Balthazar Klopper Wessels; Anna Catharina Gezina Potgieter born Wessels, and Jacoba Johanna Abrama Stoffelina Nel born Wessels.

Hendrik Balthazar Klopper Wessels (Snr) was born on 29 November 1852 at Smithfield in the Free State, and his Death Notice indicates that his profession was that of a Warder and Chief Constable (Probably a member of the “Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek Polisie” or “ZARP”. H.B.K. Wessels died at the age of 41 years on 25 August 1894 in Vryheid, where he was also buried, only a few metres away from the grave of General Lucas Meyer. Pieter Wessels, who inherited his names from his grandfather, Petrus Jurie Wessels, was educated in Natal, and as a young man he worked in the Government Service as a Telegraphist (Morse Code Operator). During the Anglo Boer War, Wessels served on the Staff of General Louis Botha. With the outbreak of the Great War in 1914, he fought on the side of Government against rebel forces, and in the same year he was elected as a member of the Provincial Legislature, and in November 1926 he was elected as a Senator. Petrus Jurie Wessels served as the President of the Senate of the Republic of South Africa from 18 January 1946 to 5 August 1948. During the Royal Visit to South Africa in 1947, Senator Wessels had the privilege to meet, converse and mingle with King George VI, the Queen Mother, and the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Elizabeth was officially crowned as Queen on 2 June 1953, after the death, in February 1952, of her father King George VI. At the time of his death Elizabeth had been on a visit in Kenia, and she flew back home as Queen Elizabeth II. A newspaper article from 1947 reported on a specific conversation between Senator Wessels and Princess Margaret in Cape Town, in which Margaret enquired from him on what the Afrikaans Language version of her name was. Senator Wessels responded with “Magriet”. A few days later upon the departure of the Royal Family from Cape Town, the Senator greeted Princess Margaret with a whitty “Dag, Magriet”, and to his amazement her reply was: “Totsiens, Oom Piet.’ Senator Wessels was a farmer of Paulpietersburg, a big game hunter and the owner of a natural mineral source at Paulpietersburg, which we today know as Natal Spa or Gooderson Natal Spa Hot Springs and Leisure Resort, and the Senators granddaughter, Suzanne Elizabeth “Zannie”, reports that she lived at the Spa until the late nineteen seventies. Senator Wessels died on 5 November 1958, and his wife Susanna Elizabeth passed away on 2 February 1961. They too were buried side by side at Paulpietersburg.

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Grave stone of Head Constable H.B.K. Wessels

Senator Pieter Jurie Wessels

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The Senator and his wife in 1947 with the Princesses Margaret and Elizabeth

Major James Maynard Studholm Wallace. Right: Major Wallace and Gertie with the then 21 year old Zannie von Klemperer

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Huldeblyk|Eulogy: Johannes Jacobus Geldenhuys 5 Februarie 1935 – 10 September 2018 Ons geliefde tannie Marie, Annamarie, Bruwer, Lollie, die Geldenhuys familie, genl. Viljoen, lede van die destydse SAW generale staf, offisiere, sersante majoor, onder offisiere, troepies van weleer, dames en here. Frans du Randt ek dank u vir die geleentheid om hulde te bring aan genl. Jannie Geldenhuys. Dit is met groot deernis maar ook dankbaarheid dat ons hier bymekaar is om eer te betoon en afskeid te neem van Jannie Geldenhuys - in lewe - eggenoot, vader, vriend en militêre leier. It is however with sadness though, that we are assembled here today to celebrate the life of a great human being that will be treasured by many and remembered by more. Ek het al voorheen geskryf oor die troepies en almal se generaal. Vandag verduidelik ek waarom die woordkeuse. Dit is hy, wie nie net op die slagveld die vyand verslaan het nie, maar ook om die vredestafel opponente uitoorlê het en strategies, “die mat onder hulle voete uitgepluk het” en uiteindelik ook die vrede gewen het. Ek praat van Jannie Geldenhuys, die gulhartige mens, sportman, militaris, skrywer en gesinsman. Jare gelede geharde militaris, maar in sy laaste jare vol dankbaarheid teenoor sy eggenote en kinders wie hom liefdevol versorg het. Johannes Jacobus Geldenhuys is op 5 Februarie 1935 te Kroonstad gebore. Hy het Sub A te Frankfort geslaag en einde 1952 op Bethlehem aan Voortrekker HS gematrikuleer. Voor sy aansluiting by die weermag was hy ‘n Vrystater in murg en been. In Januarie 1953 sluit Jannie as vrywilliger by die weermag aan en ontvang sy opleiding by die Militêre Gimnasium te Voortrekkerhoogte. Terselfdertyd studeer kandidaat offisier Geldenhuys ook aan die Universiteit van Pretoria waar hy die B.Mil graad verwerf. Dit was die begin van ‘n hoogs suksesvolle militêre loopbaan. Verder het hy nie net vir die Garnisoen eerste rugbyspan gespeel nie, maar ook vir Noord-Transvaal onder 19. Hy het ook in krieket en boks presteer. Sy eerste liefde was egter rugby wat hy kon uitleef as die beskermheer van SAW Rugby. Sy stokperdjies was onder andere fotografie, musiek, skryf, lees en sport. Jannie Geldenhuys SSA SD SOE SM GCIH ORB tree uiteindelik in 1990 af as hoof van een van die sterkste en mees gerespekteerde weermagte ter wêreld, die SAW. Vir die daaropvolgende 20 jaar het hy hom besig gehou met die skryf van verskeie boeke en die verryking van kollegas, vriende en militêre korps met sy kennis. Op 10 September 2018 het dit ons Skepper behaag om hom na sy ewige rusplek te neem. Oom Jannie was ‘n nederige persoon en dit is een van die kentekens van ‘n ware groot leier. Hy kon ewe goed met die troepies kuier, en na hulle luister, as met sy generale staf en wêreld staatsmanne. Onder sy vriende en kennisse van weleer vind ons die name van Tom van Vollenhoven (Springbokvleuel en een van die wêreld se beste vleuels ooit), Danie Craven, PW Botha, Magnus Malan, asook internasionale persoonlikhede soos die destydse Amerikaanse diplomaat en VSA onderminister van Buitelandse sake, Chester Crocker. Andere sluit ons minder bekendes in, maar wie vir hom ewe belangrik was en met wie hy graag omgang gemaak het. Hy was ons generaal ook. Die twaalf jaar wat hy in Angola as vise-konsul en as SSO Operasies en later as bevelvoerder in Suidwes deurgebring het, het hom die geleentheid gebied om die kuns van militêre operasies in daardie deel van die wêreld te bestudeer en te bestuur. Met Operasie Savanna, onder andere, was hy Direkteur Operasies by Leër HK. Sy verbintenis met Angola en Suidwes het hom van die mees ervare en belese generaals gemaak in die stryd om die onafhanklike Namibië as ‘n nieMarxistiese staat te ontwikkel. Die grensoorlog het hoofsaaklik daaroor gegaan. Page 63 of 161

Onder genl. Geldenhuys se helde, so skryf hy in een van sy boeke, tel van sy destydse staatmakers – manne soos Kol. Deon Ferreira, Kol. Dick Lord, Kol Chris Serfontein, Kmdt. Mike Muller en andere – die wie gewen het. Een van oom Jannie se helde was ook sy eie seun, Majoor Martin Geldenhuys, wie tragies in ‘n vliegongeluk te Pomfret omgekom het. Hy het dit moeilik verwerk, miskien nooit. Jannie Geldenhuys het in geen van sy vele boeke enige ondergeskikte bevelvoerder te na gekom nie. Sy aansporinge aan hulle het hulle tot groter hoogtes gedryf. Dit was die kern van sy wese. Hy was ook hulle generaal. Jannie Geldenhuys was also gracious towards his opponents. Tom v Vollenhoven was his schoolmate and they played rugby for their school at Bethlehem. The snag was that Tom became interested in Jannie’s girlfriend which he graciously allowed. However, he reminded Tom of that favour during a last visit to Tom prior to the passing of the famous Springbok wing. Dit het ook gebeur, op ‘n ander geleentheid, dat ‘n ambassadeursvriend van genl. Geldenhuys ‘n steek wou inkry teen die Russe met wie sy land al vir eeue probleme ondervind. Die ambassadeur nooi toe genl. Geldenhuys wie per ambassadeursmotor tot voor die podium as sy eregas na die 70e viering van die uitbreek van die 2e wêreld oorlog aangery word. Uiteraard was daar baie diplomate en politici wat die glinstergeleentheid by die Russiese ambassadeurswoning bywoon. Die ambassadeurs van Rusland en Belo-Rus verwelkom om die beurt gaste met elle lange protokol lyste terwyl die ambassadeur van Oekraine volstaan met “General Jannie Geldenhuys - ladies and gentleman.” Geen verdere protokol nie!! U kan u indink wat daar in die gedagtes van die gewese vyand omgegaan het. Sommige was nie verbaas nie, maar plein weg verward, om die heldeverering van die oud-SAW-generaal te moes aanskou en dit op die voorstoep van die Russe en ten aanskoue van die Kubaanse, Angolese en Namibiese ambassadeurs. Oomblikke later het strepe mense tou gestaan om genl. Geldenhuys se hand te skud. Op die dag was hy almal daar se generaal. Dit was verdere bewys dat hy nie net die oorlog gewen nie maar ook die vrede. Generaal Geldenhuys se vyande het vir hom groot respek gehad maar tog het hy hulle uiteindelik om die vredestafel met meer respek behandel as wat hulle van hul eie politieke meesters ontvang het. Na die Kubaans/Sowjet/Angolese nederlaag by die Lombarivier in 1987 was sommige Kubaanse offisiere na Havana teruggeroep en gekielhaal. Onder andere, waarvan ons bewus is, was een van die leier generaals, Genl. Arnaldo Ochoa Sanches doodeenvoudig voor ‘n vuurpeloton geplaas om oneervol te sterf. Ander het na die VSA gevlug. Nog ‘n makker en vriend van genl. Geldenhuys, Fred Oelschig, was werksaam as die senior skakel offisier met UNITA tydens die jare 1986 tot 1991. Dit was die deurslaggewende jare van die oorlog met die grootste gevegte ooit. Hy skryf: “Generaal Jannie Geldenhuys se bydra tot die sukses van daardie gevegte was nog nooit eerlik erken nie en sy direkte invloed op die geweldige ondersteuning aan UNITA en Savimbi, wat gelei het tot hulle suksesse, was nog nooit behoorlik openbaar nie. Ek het oor die jare verbindings met vorige UNITA makkers behou. Hulle weet van die afsterwe van genl. Geldenhuys en het die volgende huldeblyk gestuur. Hulle is nou beide gesiene opper offisiere in die Weermag van Angola”. Generaals Peregrino Chindondo (Kasitu) en Generaal Artur Santos Vinama (Charlie Victor)” skryf: “A message to the family and friends of Genl Geldenhuys - History will tell! Our generation of freedom fighters does confirm it! You are among the best in Africa and the world! Our silence it is the best song from the elephants and towns you’ve contributed to secure across Southern Africa! Our lives and resistance against fear and weakness, these are lessons you’ve offered through all the sacrifice towards our past and the Page 64 of 161

future. “Tell me where that position on the map, KASITU?”! Thank you, my General and great friend!” Dit is internasionaal bekend dat Jannie Geldenhuys ‘n diplomaat en goeie mede-onderhandelaar was terwyl hy terselfdertyd Bevelvoerder Kommandement SWA was en later as bevelvoerder van die SWA Gebiedsmag. Daarna as Hoof van die Leër en Hoof van SAW kon hy ook nie wegkom van sy verpligtinge as onderhandelaar nie. Vermelde Chester Crocker, wie gehelp het om die koue oorlog vir die Weste te wen, het met groot lof van genl. Geldenhuys gepraat en geskryf. In his book, High Noon in Southern Africa – making peace in a rough neighbourhood he writes amongst others and state: “Jannie Geldenhuys has an indomitable sense of humour.” Dit het ons geweet en selfs Spies en Plessie het ‘n program met Jannie, op sy snykant, gemaak. Vind dit gerus op You Tube. Chester Crocker skryf ook dat tydens ‘n intense debat ene Jannie Geldenhuys sit en slaap het, in plaas van om die onderlinge geskille te help kalmeer. Wat hy nie geweet het nie, is dat wanneer Jannie met sy oë toe gesit het, hy die beste kon luister watse twak mense kwytraak! It is however in regard to Jannie’s professionalism that Mr Crocker was more interested. He describes Gen. Geldenhuys as a “soldier’s soldier who had been burned by politicians more than once” (quote unquote). After 2 February 1990 there were allegations that the SADF was involved in the so called Kwamakutha political attacks in Kwazulu-Natal. Even after retirement Jannie stood up for his soldiers and all was eventually exonerated by a court of law. However, it was also about his academic knowledge of the Southern African situation that Crocker was impressed when he wrote that Gen. Geldenhuys knew United Nations Resolution 435 “backwards and forwards” (quote unqoute). During his tenure as, military leader and peace negotiator he had a memory second to none. Suksesvolle oorlogvoering gaan nie net oor die neutralisering van mense nie maar ook om die vyand en veral sy politieke leiers in ‘n hoek te maneuvreer – militêr, finansieel en moraal gesproke. Daarmee was Genl. Geldenhuys meesterlik bedrewe. Chester Crocker skryf in die verband: “Jannie Geldenhuys was a professional’s professional, the sort of person a good negotiator quickly recognises as an ideal counterpart. He gave nothing away, kept his word, and he played a major role in enabling Southern Africa to avoid disaster. His subtle management of diplomacy of war saved many lives”. Dit moet onthou word dat die RSA op daardie stadium ‘n kernvermoë gehad het wat sommige vyandige lande in ‘n oogwink kon uitwis. Jannie Geldenhuys was vir Chester Crocker ‘n betroubare gespreksgenoot vir wie hy groot respek gehad het - hy was ook Crocker se generaal. En soos die geskiedenis aanstap kom die volle waarheid oor die oorlog in Suider Afrika stuk-stuk uit. Een van die Sowjet offisiere wie vir hulle in Angola diens gedoen het, Lt.kol. Igor Zhdarkin, skryf later ‘n boek oor hulle ondervinding in Angola. Die boek se naam vertel eintlik die verhaal dis getiteld: “We did not see it even in Afghanistan”. ‘n Ander skrywer, Jose Milhazes – tans ook in Rusland woonagtig, titel weer sy boek: “Angola the Beginning of the End of the Soviet Union”. Presies dertig jaar gelede, in 1988, was Suidwes in ‘n politieke warboel van onsekerheid en het mense daar opgekyk na Jannie Geldenhuys vir antwoorde oor hulle toekoms – waarskynlik net soos ons tans in Suid Afrika. ‘n Jannie Geldenhuys op die kruin van sy loopbaan spreek Suidwesters toe tydens die opening van die Windhoek skou. Sy woorde kan waarskynlik netsowel tans hier in Suid Afrika inslag vind. Hy se toe daar: “Baie mense se vir my - kom en gee vir my die Page 65 of 161

versekering dat alles reg sal wees – stel ons gerus.” Daarop antwoord hy. “Dit kan ek nie doen nie. Ek kom nie met u politiek praat nie. Ek kan u nie gerus stel nie. Ek praat soos ‘n weermag offisier en ons moet reguit, eerlik – die waarheid praat. Die situasie skep rede tot ernstige kommer. Die situasie veroorsaak onsekerheid. Die situasie veroorsaak twyfel. Ons is besig met ‘n ernstige saak. Mense se vir my ons sal wag en kyk wat gebeur. ‘n Mens kyk nie en wag wat gebeur nie – jy skep die toekoms. As ons terugsit en kyk wat gaan gebeur gaan ander mense die toekoms vir ons skep. As ons self aan ‘n toekoms werk dan skep ons die toekoms.” Suid Afrika se vasbyt in Suider Afrika was in werklikheid direk oorsaaklik, as laaste strooi wat die kameel se rug gebreek het, tot die Sowjet Unie se nederlaag in die Koue Oorlog en wat ook die val van Kommunisme tot gevolg gehad het. Dis ironies dat diegene wie nou rojaal voordeel trek uit ‘n Suid Afrika wat nie soos ander vervalle lande onder Sowjet juk gekom het nie, eintlik glad nie die rede vir hulle onverdiende geluk besef nie. In werklikheid is hulle, asook die “nuwe rykes” in lande soos die hedendaagse Rusland, veel dank verskuldig aan Jannie Geldenhuys en u - sy makkers van weleer. It is fit that I repeat this. I said it is ironic that those who now richly benefit from a South Africa that did not fall like other countries under Soviet yoke actually do not comprehend their undeserved luck. In actual fact they, just like the newly rich in countries like Russia, owe much gratitude to Jannie Geldenhuys and you - his companions of yesteryear. In his last book Gen. Jannie Geldenhuys explained why SA won the war in Southern Africa by quoting six non-South African authors. Their admissions gave him the title for his final verdict – the book is aptly named: “How the Soviets and Cubans Lost the War in Southern Africa”. This booklet is a compendium of the book “We Were There – Winning the War for Southern Africa”. As gevolg van ons nuwe omstandighede is daar nie, soos in vele ander lande, monumente tot die nagedagtenis van helde soos genl. Geldenhuys en sy tydgenote nie. Dis ‘n skreiende onreg teenoor hom en ons almal wat hopelik in die toekoms deur die geskiedenis uitgewys behoort te word. Mag ons hom en andere deur middel van ander mediums onthou. Jannie Geldenhuys het ‘n groot rol gespeel om die SA Weermag en die militêre gemeenskap van weleer se geskiedenis vir die toekoms te bewaar. Deur sy optrede is die optekening van ons militêre optredes van dertig jaar en meer spesifiek oor die “Bosoorlog” goed gestimuleer. Dit maak nie saak of dit volgens formele geskiedskrywings, bepalings of slegs die relaas van individue is nie. Die feit dat sovele boeke al gepubliseer is, is toe te skrywe aan die voorbeeld wat Generaal Geldenhuys gestel het. Sommige van die verhale kom dalk vergesog voor, maar soos die Engelse gesegde verklaar: ”Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction”. My liewe vriende hierdie was ‘n klein terugblik in die lewe asook die wel en wee van ons almal se generaal na wie ‘n skrywer op sosiale media onlangs verwys het as ‘n Suid Afrikaner in die geselskap van Montgomery, Smuts en Rommel. Ons salueer en groet Jannie Geldenhuys – almal se vriend. Met sy heengaan op 10 September 2018 het Suid Afrika een van sy grootste militêre leiers verloor. Mag sy siel vir ewig in vrede rus. Mag sy eggenote en kinders wie hom in sy laaste jare met soveel liefde en teerheid versorg het berus in die wil van ons Hemelse Vader. Ek dank u. Dr. Dreyer van der Merwe, Pretoria, 20 September 2018.

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Alhoewel ons primêr op die geskiedenis van die polisie en nasionale veiligheid fokus, is dit ook nuttig om nie net na die verlede te verwys nie, maar ook na die hede. Ons moet die geskiedenis verduidelik en soms moet ons kyk wat vandag gebeur om die verlede te interpreteer.

Bongani Mkongi admits SAPS failed to contain Soweto violence – Zakhele Mbhele Zakhele Mbhele | 30 August 2018 DA MP says the xenophobia displayed must be condemned in the strongest possible terms

Deputy Police Minister admits SAPS failed in containing Soweto xenophobic violence 30 August 2018 This morning on SABC’s Morning Live, Deputy Police Minister, Bongani Mkongi, made a stunning admission that the SAPS Crime Intelligence failed in their duty to provide the SAPS with the intelligence necessary to handle the crisis in Soweto yesterday, when violence and looting erupted. It has been confirmed that three people have died, and numerous acts of xenophobia have been perpetrated, while the lack of Crime Intelligence again left ordinary SAPS officers unable to preempt and thus effectively contain the violence and lawlessness. The DA reiterates our call for calm in the area. The xenophobia displayed in Soweto must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Indeed, the tense relations between communities and foreign nationals has been created in large part by a failing Department of Home Affairs, under the inept ANC, which is riddled with corruption and mismanagement, ultimately leading to the failure of the immigration system. South Africans deserve to know that those of other nationalities who live and work in our country are here legally and, equally, that our country has secure borders which are properly monitored and policed. The DA again calls on the ANC government to secure our borders and to deal with illegal immigration. Deputy Minister Mkongi’s admission this morning shows that the SAPS is under-resourced and under-equipped to deal with public unrest and violent protests, as has been shown around the country consistently. Crime Intelligence specially has a vital role to play in bringing down the unacceptably high levels of crime in our country and should have expert, capable leadership to fix this Division and make it effective. It is high time that the SAPS as a whole is led professionally by fit-for-purpose career cops who have the skills and experience to ensure safe streets and safe homes for all in South Africa. Page 67 of 161

Issued by Zakhele Mbhele, DA Shadow Minister of Police, 30 August 2018

Delay of Phahlane trial concerning – SAPU Tumelo Mogodiseng | 03 September 2018 Union says it is unfair to thousands of officers who are working hard to have a senior commander paid millions for doing nothing

SAPU calls for conclusion of Phahlane trial 3 September 2018 The South African Policing Union has noted with grave concern the apparent delay of the corruption and fraud trial of the then Acting National Police Commissioner Lieutenant-General Khomotso Phahlane. We have raised our reservations about these delays-could this be another Richard Mdluli episode where the suspended General is given an opportunity to milk millions of Rand while sitting comfortably at home. As we were given the impression that the Independent Police Investigative Directorate has a watertight case against General Phahlane why there are delays now? We are not by any means defending General Phahlane. If he has a case to answer he must be given his day in court. As the saying says justice delayed is justice denied. Its either Phahlane is swiftly and successfully prosecuted or his suspension lifted. It is just unfair to thousands of officers who are working day and night to have a senior commander paid millions of Rand for doing absolutely nothing. Mdluli enjoyed paid holiday for over 7 years enjoying taking his kids to school and back. SAPU is not prepare to allow a situation like that to repeat itself. If there are doubts about Phahlane’s case, he must be allowed to work for his salary. The misuse of taxpayers’ money cannot go unchallenged. It is abnormal that the taxpayer is footing the bill for two people, the other is compensated for doing absolutely nothing whilst the other is doing the actual job for the person who is at home. We would also like to know the real status of General Phahlane’s suspension in terms of SAPS disciplinary procedure. The regulations dictate the term of suspension, the process to follow in formulating charges, the hearing process and the conclusion. How far is the SAPS in terms of charging General Phahlane internally. The disciplinary process is a separate issue from the criminal proceedings. Issued by Tumelo Mogodiseng, Acting General Secretary, SAPU, 3 September 2018

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State capture inquiry claims first scalp, as top Hawks official suspended 2018-09-02 06:01 Hawks head Godfrey Lebeya confirms anti-corruption task team unit head Zinhle Mnonopi was suspended on Thursday afternoon. • • •

Hawks seriously concerned by Jonas' allegations Guptas were surprised how easy it was to get cash from government –

Maseko 'We are in control of everything' - Jonas on what Gupta brother told him

R1bn 'lost' to cash-in-transit robbers in 8 years – Hawks News24 | 05 September 2018 CIT robbery networks highly organised, well-resourced and operate with military precision, says report

R1bn 'lost' to cash-in-transit robbers in 8 years - Hawks 5 September 2018 More than R1bn has been "lost" as a result of cash-in-transit robberies in the eight years between 2008 and 2016, according to the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI). The DPCI, or the Hawks as they are more commonly known, granted a Public Access to Information Application (PAIA) lodged by News24, providing a five-page document that is apparently part of a presentation on cash-in-transit robberies. According to the document, the highest cash losses were reported in 2014, a total of R213.9m and R187.7m in 2016. "A total of R 1 071 430 410 cash amount was lost to the illicit market for the period under review," the document reads. It also provides a year-by-year breakdown of the various types of robberies committed. Cross-pavement robberies were the highest reported with 1 163 incidents in the same period, followed by robberies on retail premises at 606 incidents. Vehicle-on-road incidents total 180 in this period. Military precision "CIT (cash-in-transit) robbery networks are highly organised, well-resourced and operate with military precision," the document states. "CIT networks can form and dissolve according to the nature of the mission they are undertaking." The document adds that the cash-in-transit networks are usually orchestrated by a mastermind, or kingpin. The heists are usually planned well in advance and mostly rely on insider information. "CIT robbery networks are loosely structured, dynamic and flexible networks as opposed to the traditional structured or hierarchical mafia-type groups. Except for the mastermind and a couple of Page 69 of 161

trusted confidantes that may be repeatedly involved, the foot soldiers will rarely be repeatedly involved in every CIT robbery," it continues. It also details that, according to circumstantial evidence, cash-in-transit robbery networks in South Africa operate on a national level and a few groups or networks are responsible for the majority of cash-in-transit robbery incidents throughout the country. Irresponsible disclosure CEO of the South African Banking Risk Information Centre Kalyani Pillay told News24 the institution works closely with the Hawks and its statistics on record were similar to those presented to News24 by the Hawks. "Unfortunately, we do not disclose losses as they are subject to rigorous audits so that they can be sued in an aggravation of sentence. This means that the values are subject to change, depending on the outcome of the audit," Pillay said. "In addition, we believe it is irresponsible to disclose losses, as it only serves to stimulate the criminal's appetite to perpetuate this type of crime," she added. At the time of writing the Hawks had not responded to detailed questions over whether it had the necessary resources to deal with the cash-in-transit robbery networks its own background document referenced. News24

Greater independence for IPID closer as amendment bill approved News24 | 05 September 2018 Two-thirds majority vote in NA will be required to remove executive director

Greater independence for IPID closer as amendment bill approved 5 September 2018 The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill, which aims to allow for greater independence of the police watchdog head, was on Tuesday approved in the National Assembly. It intends to be aligned to the 2016 Constitutional Court ruling that gave the National Assembly 24 months to rectify a defect in the IPID Act, a law that essentially gives the minister of police powers to suspend, take any disciplinary steps pursuant to suspension, or remove from office the IPID executive director. The bill will now be sent to the National Council of Provinces for concurrence. ANC chief whip Jackson Mthembu said the amendments to the act intend to restrict political influence in the removal and suspension of the police oversight body's executive directors. "Furthermore, the amendments give IPID more independence from the police minister. When the bill is passed into law, it will require Parliament to have an oversight role in which a two-thirds majority vote will be needed in the National Assembly to suspend, discipline or remove the executive director of IPID," he said in a statement. "We are pleased that we were able to amend the legislation within the 24-month deadline set by the court." ANC 'pleased' with IPID investigations Page 70 of 161

Meanwhile, the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) said it would "meet soon" with South African Police Service (SAPS) management to "hear their side" on IPID's current investigations, as well as how the SAPS is dealing with the implicated officers. According to ANC's Scopa study group, it was "pleased" with the progress being made by IPID in its probe into cases such as the charges of corruption and defeating the ends of justice facing former acting national police commissioner Lieutenant General Khomotso Phahlane. "The IPID head of investigations Matthews Sesoko in the briefing suggested that amendments to the IPID Act, the Intelligence Service Oversight Act and the South African Police Service (SAPS) Act might be necessary in order to strengthen the oversight capacity of crime intelligence," said study group whip Mnyamezeli Booi. "The report by IPID gave an indication that [high-profile] investigations are nearing conclusion. In welcoming the report, we reiterate our stance that those found guilty of wrongdoing must face the full might of the law. The ANC pledges its full support to the police watchdog in its efforts to bring criminals in the police force to book." Scopa said it had met with IPID to follow up on meetings the committee has held with the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) and the police in which procurement processes at SITA and links to controversial company Forensic Data Analysts, Phahlane and other police officials were discussed. News24

UNHCR calls for Soweto looters to be brought to account News24 | 05 September 2018 Agency says xenophobic attacks could lead to further damage and destruction

UNHCR calls for Soweto looters to be brought to account 5 September 2018 Those responsible for "acts of violence and violations of human rights" during the looting of foreign-owned shops in Soweto last week must be brought to account, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), said on Tuesday. "We urge all possible efforts to avert future attacks, including incitement or attempts to block peaceful solutions. If unchecked, such xenophobic attacks could lead to further damage and destruction," spokesperson Charlie Yaxley said. Last Wednesday, violence broke out during protests in White City, sparked by allegations that shop owners sold expired food to the public. Rubber bullets and tear gas were fired to disperse crowds gathered at different shops in the area. The rioting and looting resulted in the deaths of four people, police have confirmed. The UNHCR said in a statement that it was supporting government efforts to assist people who have been displaced or who have been affected by displacement. Its staff have visited refugees and asylum-seekers affected by the unrest in Soweto to assess their situation and needs, Yaxley said. "Many foreign shop owners have been affected by the violence and their small shops – often their only means of livelihood – have been looted and destroyed." Page 71 of 161

According to UNHCR's data, just over 280 000 refugees and asylum-seekers are currently living in South Africa. News24 It is important that police watchdog gains more independence – Pieter Groenewald Pieter Groenewald | 05 September 2018 FF Plus leader says even though the amendment bill is not ideal, his party supports it

It is important that police watchdog gains more independence 4 September 2018 Who polices the Police? This question highlights the necessity for the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) to gain more independence by means of the Ipid amendment bill. It is lamentable that it took a decision by the Constitutional Court to force the government to amend the existing law so as to establish a more independent body that can investigate members of the Police. Even though the amendment bill is not ideal, the FF Plus supports it. With the amendment, there will be more parliamentary oversight for Ipid. Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Police will also be tasked with investigating complaints against the executive director of the Directorate. It is unfortunate that the ANC government has the majority in the portfolio committees by default. Nonetheless, an outstanding characteristic of the Portfolio Committee for Police is that the Committee truly acts in the best interests of the Police and South Africa and that party politics is not as prominent in this Committee as in some of the others. To further ensure the fairness of a decision by the Portfolio Committee where the ruling party has the majority, the Committee's recommendations are referred to Parliament where it must be adopted by means of a two-thirds majority. And this is why the people of South Africa need to know how dangerous it is to have a government with a two-thirds majority. Ideally the ANC must be ousted as ruling party next year with the general elections. The amendment bill is, however, not superior seeing as there is already a complaint against Ipid's executive director, Mr Robert McBride, that needs to be investigated. Issued by Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader, 4 September 2018

John Vorster Square Police Station born 50 years ago This video documents the opening of John Vorster Square (JVS) by new Prime Minister B.J. Vorster on 23 August 1968. Heralded for its efficiency and security, JVS housed all administrative sections of the police under one roof for the first time. The 9th and 10th floors were occupied by the notorious Security Branch and access to these floors was only possible through a single modified elevator located in the basement of the building. This video is included in "Between Life and Death: Stories from John Vorster Square" - a DVD produced as part of this project. Page 72 of 161

Detainees who died in police detention at John Vorster Square Police Station: Ahmed Timol, Wellington Tshazibane, Elmon Malele, Matthews Mabalena, Dr Neil Aggett, Ernest Dipale and Sizwe Clayton Sithole

South Africa is 'close to a war zone' with 57 murders a DAY, says police minister South Africa's police minister has compared the country to a 'war zone' • More than 20,300 people were killed from April 2017 to March 2018 • The already high murder rate increased by seven per cent year-on-year By AFP PUBLISHED: 10:58 BST, 11 September 2018 | UPDATED: 19:11 BST, 11 September 2018 South Africa's already high murder rate has increased by about seven per cent, prompting the country's police minister to compare the situation to a 'war zone.' More than 20,300 people - some 57 every day - have been killed across the country in just 12 months, official statistics showed Tuesday. Many murders were linked to gang violence in Western Cape province, whose capital is Cape Town.

Crisis: South African police often come under fire for failing to tackle rising crime levels but they say they need at least 62,000 more officers A total of 20,336 people were killed between April 2017 and the end of March 2018, up from 19,016 the previous year. The numbers reflect a 6.9 percent year-on-year increase, one of the highest per capita since the end of apartheid 24 years ago. 'Fifty-seven a day, that's how South Africans are murdered. It borders close to the war zone while there is a peace, there is no war in South Africa,' Police Minister Bheki Cele told reporters. 'The figures that always scare me are murder figures,' he said. Page 73 of 161

Police search suspects for guns and drugs during a raid on known drug houses in Mannenburg, Cape Town, South Africa, last month 'South Africans must not take it as a norm that they can be hijacked, robbed and killed every day. We have to pick up the ball and change the situation for the better.' Francois Beukman, who heads the police oversight committee in parliament, described the numbers as 'alarming and totally unacceptable'. Presenting the figures to parliament, Norman Sekhukhune, the police official responsible for crime research and statistics, said murder rate had increased for the past six consecutive years. South African police often come under fire for failing to bring down crime levels, while police chiefs saying they need at least 62,000 more officers. Share or comment on this article: Top 10 areas you are most likely to be a target of violent crime in SA News24 | 11 September 2018 Gauteng the province where most contact crime cases take place

Top 10 areas you are most likely to be a target of violent crime in SA 11 September 2018 South Africans were given the grim news on Tuesday that the murder rate had increased in the last financial year, after Police Minister Bheki Cele and his team presented the 2017/18 crime statistics in Parliament. Sure, to be on every citizen's minds are where they or their property are the most likely to be a target of violence or threatening "contact crime". Page 74 of 161

The police have released the top stations where these so-called contact crimes were most reported or recorded. Contact crimes include murder, attempted murder, assault with grievous bodily harm, common assault, common robbery, robbery aggravating and sexual assault. Here are the top 10 stations for contact crime (number of cases): 1) Johannesburg Central in Gauteng – 5 253 cases, 2) Nyanga (Cape Town) in the Western Cape – 4 784, 3) Mitchells Plain (Cape Town) in the Western Cape – 4 362, 4) Hillbrow (Johannesburg) in Gauteng – 4 334, 5) Kagiso (Krugersdorp) in Gauteng – 3 580, 6) Khayelitsha (Cape Town) in the Western Cape – 3 477, 7) Dobsonville (Soweto) in Gauteng – 3 373, 8) Umlazi in KwaZulu-Natal – 3 313, 9) Inanda in KwaZulu-Natal – 3 194, 10) Delft (Cape Town) in the Western Cape – 3 181, The provinces in the order of most contact crime cases are: – Gauteng (Decrease of 0.5% to 170 640 reported cases in the last financial year) – Western Cape (Decrease of 1.5% to 112 996) – KwaZulu-Natal (Decrease of 0.3% to 94 914) – Eastern Cape (Decrease of 0.2% to 65 393) – North West (Increase of 3.2% to 36 604) – Free State (Decrease of 5.3% to 35 725) – Limpopo (Decrease of 4.6% to 35 068) – Mpumalanga (Decrease of 2.2% to 32 646) – Northern Cape (Decrease of 4% to 17 380) Lastly, these are the top 10 stations for murder: 1) Nyanga in the Western Cape 2) Umlazi in KwaZulu-Natal 3) Philippi East in the Western Cape 4) Inanda in KwaZulu-Natal 5) Delft in the Western Cape 6) Khayelitsha in the Western Cape 7) Kraaifontein in the Western Cape 8) Gugulethu in the Western Cape 9) Mthatha in the Eastern Cape 10) Mfuleni in the Western Cape News24

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How to steal a farm How to steal a farm Fred Kockott - Thabiso Goba | 11 September 2018 Fred Kockott and Thabiso Goba write on a recent court case which highlighted corruption within Land Affairs Please click on:

We've dropped the ball on crime - Bheki Cele News24 | 11 September 2018 Police minister says latest crime statistics contain "scary figures"

SA has 'deficit' of 62 000 police officers – Sitole 11 September 2018 The police service has a deficit of 62 000 officers, National Police Commissioner Lieutenant General (sic) Khehla Sitole said on Tuesday as he and Police Minister Bheki Cele presented the crime statistics for 2017/18. Cele, addressing the media after a presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police, described the statistics as "scary figures" and with candour unusual for a politician admitted: "We've dropped the ball." Cele said he was not going to bother with the question of who dropped the ball, the important thing now was to pick the ball up and come up with a new game plan. After the statistics were presented to the Portfolio Committee on Police, several MPs raised the matter of understaffing in the service. Cele said in 2010 there were 200 000 police officers. There were currently about 190 000, and the population had since grown. He said the South African population was about 54 million in 2010, it was now about 57.3 million. Sitole added that the figure didn't include the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. Plans to increase police numbers He told the committee that according to the United Nations' best policing practice, there should be one police officer for every 220 citizens. "South African police are looking after double the figure," he said, as in South Africa there is a police officer for every 383 people. Sitole said according to the business case they have developed for the police, there is a "deficit" of 62 000 officers. Plans are afoot to increase the police force. Sitole said the intake of officers had been increased from the planned 3 000 in this financial year to 5 000 after some consultation with Cele. Page 76 of 161

He said the country's police colleges could take up to 7 000 entrants, and that that was what the service would consistently aim for until the gap was closed. Hawks' wings 'clipped' At the media briefing, Cele said government's security cluster, "for some reason", hadn't been meeting for the past two years. "Maybe that is part of dropping the ball," he said. He said the cluster was now meeting regularly. "It looks like somebody made sure the Hawks are not hawks," he said, without identifying anyone. "Somebody with big scissors clipped their wings." He said they were now working on putting those wings back. In the committee meeting DA MP Zakhele Mbhele questioned the police's priorities regarding the use of their resources as, according to the DA's calculations, the police spend R9.1m annually on each of the VIPs they protect, versus R1 500 per citizen. News24

Number of murders increase by 6,9% to 20 336 - SAPS SAPS | 11 September 2018 Number of business and home robberies down, but big increase in cash-in-transit heists

Media Statement from the Office of the Minister of Police Cape Town: The Minister of Police, Mr Bheki Cele, MP today presented the 2017/2018 crime statistics to the Portfolio Committee on Police, and thereafter hosted a media briefing in Parliament together with the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service, General Khehla Sitole. The crime statistics presented are for the twelve-month period, 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 and encompasses two broad categories of crime, i.e. 17 Community-Reported Serious Crimes and four Crimes Dependent on Police Action. The 17 Community-Reported Serious Crimes are further broken down into four categories being Contact Crimes, Contact Related Crimes, Property Related Crimes and Other Serious Crimes. These are further sub-divided into sub-categories. The four Crimes Detected as a Result of Police Action are Illegal Possession of Firearm and Ammunition, Drug Related Crimes, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs and Sexual Offences Detected as a Result of Police Action. Over the past financial year, between 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 the following decreases were experienced across the 17 Community-Reported Serious Crimes: - Contact Crimes decreased by 1.1% - Contact Related Crimes decreased by 4.4% - Property Related Crimes decreased by 6.0% - Other Serious Crime decreased by 6.6%. Under Contact Crimes, the following was recorded between the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 financial years: - Murder increased by 6.9% - Attempted murder increased by 0.2% Page 77 of 161

- Robbery with aggravating circumstances decreased by 1.8% - Common robbery decreased by 5.0% - Rape increased by 0.5% - Sexual assault increased by 8.2% - Assault with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm decreased by 1.9% - Common assault decreased by 0.1% The trio crimes of carjacking, robbery at residential premises and robbery at non-residential premises resort under the contact crime Robbery with Aggravating Circumstances. Between the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 financial years, the following was recorded: - Carjacking decreased by 2.3% - Robbery at residential premises decreased by 0.4% - Robbery at non-residential premises decreased by 3.1%. Under Contact Related Crimes, the following was recorded between the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 financial years: - Arson decreased by 10.5% - Malicious damage to property decreased by 4.2% In terms of Property-Related Crime, the following was recorded between the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 financial years: - Burglary at non-residential premises decreased by 5.8% - Burglary at residential premises decreased by 7.5% - Theft of motor vehicle and motorcycle decreased by 5.0% - Theft out of or from motor vehicle decreased by 6.5% - Stock theft increased by 7.2% A comparison of the past two financial years, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, in terms of Other Serious Crime revealed the following: - All theft note mentioned elsewhere decreased by 7.8% - Commercial crime decreased by 0.4% - Shoplifting decreased by 7.8% In terms of the second broad category, Crime Detected as a Result of Police Action are crimes usually not reported to the police but detected as a result of the deployment of law enforcement personnel and the employment of intelligence. The crime is usually recorded after the apprehension of suspects in connection with the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, drug-related crimes, driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and sexual offences detected as a result of police action. It should be noted, that an increase in theses sub-categories is directly linked with police action. A comparison of the past two financial years, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, in terms of Crimes Detected as a Result of Police Action revealed the following: - Illegal possession of firearms and ammunition increased by 8.8% - Drug-related crime increased by 10.5% - Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs increased by 14.8% - Sexual offences detected as a result of police action increased by 8.7% The above is a broad overview of the crime statistics presented. The crime statistics are available on the website of the South African Police Service Statement issued by SAPS, 11 September 2018

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The crime situation in the WCape - Dan Plato Dan Plato | 11 September 2018 MEC says 808 of 3 729 murders in the province last year were gang related Click on:

62 farm murders in 2017/18, not 47 as earlier claimed – Agri SA Thea Liebenberg | 11 September 2018 Organisation says murders and attacks on the farming community remain too high

Culture of violence against farmers unacceptable 11 September 2018 Agri SA strongly condemns the continued violence that the farming community and fellow South Africans face daily. The Minister of Police, Bheki Cele announced the latest national crime statistics in parliament this morning. It is worrying that 62 farm murders occurred during 2017/2018. It is 15 murders more than what was announced in parliament earlier this year. “Murders and attacks on the farming community remain too high and are unacceptable, the public and government should take note of this,” says Kobus Breytenbach, chair of the Agri SA Centre of Excellence: Rural Safety. “If more South Africans and international role players bring this to light, there will be improved action to prevent farm murders and attacks.” The Agri Securitas Trust Fund has over the past years contributed more that R10 million to farm security and crime prevention and has helped thousands of farmers and farm workers. “The Agri Securitas Trust Fund’s work over the years to safeguard farming communities is commendable and is delivering good results,” said Breytenbach. “All financial and other support to this fund is of utmost importance.” According to the statistics released this morning, murders in general have increased since 2011/2012. The murder rate in the 2017/2018 financial year was 6,9% higher than the previous year. Other striking statistics that have been announced are that the so-called trio crimes, namely house robbery, business robbery and hijackings have decreased in the past year, while in the previous year it showed an increase. “These are the crimes that the farming community are most exposed to and it is detrimental to the livelihoods of those who work in agriculture,” says Breytenbach. “The levels of brutality are too high and effective efforts, supported by intelligence, must be actioned to improve response times and prevent these farm attacks.” Agri SA has already requested an urgent meeting with the Minister of Police to discuss these issues and others in an effort to find solutions for the culture of violence in our farming communities. The Agri SA Securitas Trust Fund already assists various farmers’ associations. Issued by Thea Liebenberg, Media Liaison Officer, 11 September 2018 79 of 161

Restructuring of police sorely needed – AfriForum Marelie Greeff | 11 September 2018 Organisation says continued rise in murder rate exposes weaknesses in criminal justice system

Restructuring of police sorely needed 11 September 2018 Following the crime statistics that were made public today, it is clear that the South African Police Service (SAPS) and National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) are not capable of duly protecting the citizens of South Africa. The mentioned statistics indicate that the murder rate has risen by 1 000 murders every year for the past six years, to where it is currently calculated at 20 336 murders for 2017/2018. The only way in which this tendency could be curbed, is to restructure the entire SAPS and to put measures in place to get the NPA to a standard where criminals can be prosecuted effectively. “The latest crime statistics are terrifying to say the least. Trust in the ability of the country’s law enforcers to fight crime is injured anew year after year thanks to the high level of serious crimes,” says Ian Cameron, AfriForum’s Head of Community Safety. The situation regarding the fighting of crime in the country should take priority to avoid total anarchy and decline. “Government’s indifference says much for the denial with which government acts regarding this serious matter. This attitude projects the image that government is not planning to take actionable steps to manage the situation and the crime statistics will accordingly keep rising, as is already the inclination,” Cameron concludes. Issued by Marelie Greeff, Media Relations Officer, AfriForum, 11 September 2018 Increase in murder rate worrying – POPCRU Richard Mamabolo | 11 September 2018 Union says statistics reflect broader socio-economic conditions beyond police service's scope

POPCRU statement on the 2017/18 crime statistics 11 September 2018 The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) notes the announced 2017/18 period crime statistics as tabled by the South African Police Service (SAPS) management in parliament this morning. We have noted the that over the mentioned period, about 2 096 781 counts of serious crimes were committed, and that out of these 1 662 815 were community-reported, while only 433 966 were due to police action, therefore demonstrating the shortfall within which police are purported as to being the first line of defence in keeping our communities safe. Most worrying has been the increase in the murder rate which increased by 6,9%, signalling in the main the number of firearms roaming our streets at any given time, to an extent where it is estimated that 57 people are killed on a daily basis in our country. This is not by coincidence, but by design. For us, the fact that there has been an increase of 0,9% in reported sexual offences possibly demonstrates two possibilities; one being that the public calls by the SAPS management for victims of abuse within families to report their violations are now finding expression within police Page 80 of 161

stations, and a friendlier staff complement is being generated, while on the other side, it provides a broader window into the scourge the many have continued to suffer in silence. To this extent, there should be more work done in ensuring our police stations open up to such complaints while working hand-in-hand with communities and other relevant government structures in educating our communities, both male and female, about the adverse effects such actions have not only on individual families, but society as a whole. It is further concerning that in this financial period we have lost 85 police officers, some of which were killed in police stations. We have since 2015 been calling for a plan to deal with police killings, yet nothing has materialised. Considering that the SAPS is constituted by 191 000 police officials, a significant part of which are office based within the bloated national and provincial managerial offices, who have to safe-keep a growing population of 57 million, it has become an impossible burden to tackle the challenge of crime accordingly. Much as the National Police Commissioner promises to increase the number of trainees to 7000 per year, we know very well that senior government officials have recently been flirting with the idea of cutting down public service jobs, with claims that the public wage bill was too high, and this real threat to jobs has seen the demoralisation of many within the public service, and it is something we will collectively fight towards the 13th COSATU National Congress over the coming week. Overall, we view these statistics demonstrating that there have not been any drastic shifts in its pattern over the years, but most importantly that they reflect the broader socio-economic conditions beyond the police service’s scope. Statistical outcomes should not only be approached in abstract manner, but should result in a cohesive approach that would ensure all role players form part of building long-term solutions to these trends. Issued by Richard Mamabolo, Spokesperson, POPCRU, 11 September 2018

Ramaphosa to Honour Steve Biko on 41st Anniversary of his Death 12th September 1977: Today marks the 41st anniversary for the killing of Steve Biko Name: BIKO, Steve Date of Death: 12 September 1977 Held: Port Elizabeth and died in Pretoria Cause: Brain injury during scuffle with police Age: 30 Politics / 4 September 2018, 11:32am / Baldwin Ndaba Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the 19th annual Steve Biko memorial lecture in commemoration of the 41st anniversary of the Black Consciousness leader’s death in police custody. The announcement was made by the founder and executive trustee of the Steve Biko Foundation, Nkosinathi Biko and the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Unisa, Professor Mandla Makhanya this morning. The lecture will be held at the ZK Matthews Great Hall at Unisa’s Muckleneuk Campus in Pretoria next Friday. Biko was murdered at the Pretoria Central Prison on September 12, 1977 but the lecture will be held two days later to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Steve Biko Foundation. Ramaphosa is a former member of the South African Students Organisation (SASO) – which Biko was its founding president. The President was also a member of the Students’ Christian Movement (SCM) and the Black People’s Convention (BPC). President Ramaphosa was a student at the University of the North (Turfloop) – one of the heartlands of the Black Consciousness Movement in the 1970’s – where he studied for a B Proc Page 81 of 161

degree. He joined the South African Students Organization (SASO) in 1972 and was one of the organisers of the pro-Frelimo rally at Turfloop in 1974. Consequently, detained for 11 months under section 6 of the Terrorism Act for his activism, and after graduating with a degree in law, Ramaphosa continued his political activism through the Black People’s Convention (BPC), holding posts on various committees. In 1981 Ramaphosa joined the black consciousness-oriented Council of Unions of South Africa (CUSA) as an advisor in the legal department. He later led the formation of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). “As the Foundation marks 20 years of its existence, and in line with our institutional tradition of heads of state delivering the Lecture to mark significant milestones, President Ramaphosa will explore the importance of guiding the national and international transformation through selfreliance and personal commitment”, Biko said.

Rise in murder rate shows state is failing in its duty to protect citizens: SA Institute of Race relations The latest crime statistics released by the South African Police Service show the country is losing the war against crime in general and murder in particular. Some 485 187 murders have been committed since 1994. This sum of nearly half a million people murdered in just 24 years means that, on average, 20 000 people have been killed each year. According to the SAPS data, the murder rate has gone up from 30.1 per 100 000 people in 2011/12 to 35.2 per 100 000 people in 2017/18, or by 17%. The actual number of murder cases also went up. In 2011/12, 15 554 murders were reported compared to 20 336 murders in 2017/18, an increase of 31%, and an increase of 7% from the 2016/17 period. IRR analyst Gerbrandt van Heerden says that even though the murder rate has declined almost by half since 1994, from 67 to 35.2 per 100 000 people in 2017/18, it remains relatively high, being: • more than 30 times higher than in Australia (with a rate of 1.1), and almost 30 times higher than in France (1.2); • 8 times higher than in the United States (3.8); • twice the rate of Mexico (18.9); and • closer to countries such as Colombia (31.8) and El Salvador (39.8). Van Heerden said: “The State is failing utterly in its duty to protect society and all South Africans are paying an extremely heavy price in terms of the collective trauma visited on so many crime survivors and their families.” (Press Release) Jan Rodrigues seeks stay of prosecution for Timol murder News24 | 18 September 2018 Once Adv Jaap Cilliers SC files application, State will respond in writing, and date will be set for arguments

Former security branch officer seeks stay of prosecution for Timol murder 18 September 2018 The man accused of involvement in the murder of anti-apartheid activist Ahmed Timol wants to apply for a permanent stay of prosecution so that he won't be tried for the activist's death 47 years ago.

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Former security branch police sergeant Joao Jan Rodrigues' advocate Jaap Cilliers, SC, told the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg on Tuesday that he intended to file an application for a permanent stay of prosecution. "I have only been appointed to this matter very recently. The documents sent to me consists of volumes of papers. It is a huge matter to prepare for. We did indicate to the State that we consider and will probably bring an application for a stay," Cilliers told the court. "The alleged murder took place approximately 47 years ago, so we consider and [will] probably bring an application for a stay in proceedings. And that would have to be formulated in a proper substantive application and would take time to prepare," he added. Pre-trial conference proceedings were supposed to proceed on Tuesday but were postponed after the defence requested more time to read through documentation submitted. Prosecutors Sifiso Khumalo and Shubnum Singh also told the court there were still issues that the State and defence needed to attend to before proceedings could continue. The matter must be dealt with quickly Judge Ramarumo Monama postponed the case to October 15, saying that it was paramount that pre-trial proceedings be dealt with so that the trial could finally kick off. "If the matter is 47 years old, it needs to be attended to as quickly as possible," Monama said. He added that the court was only interested in pre-trial conference proceedings at this stage. Monama also warned prosecutors to supply the defence with all the documents they needed during the postponement period. Once the defence files the application, the State will respond in writing, and a date will be set for arguments. Rodrigues getting older A permanent stay of prosecution will mean that Rodrigues will not be prosecuted for his alleged involvement in Timol's murder. Timol's nephew Imtiaz Cajee told journalists outside court: "Our concern has always been the age of Rodrigues. Every day goes on and he is getting older and moving closer to his grave." He added that the family's position has been consistent and that it wants answers from Rodrigues. "It is in his interest to make a full disclosure and share with the family and the country as to what really transpired at Room 1026 at the notorious John Vorster Square police station," he said. Cajee added that, as a family, they were prepared to accommodate Rodrigues if he was willing to disclose everything. "We should not forget that he failed to apply for amnesty at the TRC hearings in 1996. The TRC failed to subpoena him‌," he added. The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria found last year that Timol, as his family maintained, died at the hands of the apartheid security branch police while in detention. Judge Billy Mothle found that Timol did not meet his death because he committed suicide, but that he "died as a result of having been pushed to fall, an act which was committed by members of the security branch with dolus eventualis as a form of intent, and prima facie amounting to murder". Rodrigues remains out on bail. News24 ConCourt rules that personal use of dagga is not criminal offence News24 | 18 September 2018 Parliament given 24 months to update the relevant legislation

Dagga ruling a joint victory - now to weed out the details 18 September 2018 Page 83 of 161

The highest court in the land lived up to its name on Tuesday and upheld a Western Cape High Court decision that it is legal to be in possession of dagga in your private capacity. The State’s arguments on the limitation of the use of dagga went up in smoke as Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo gave the green light for personal dagga consumption. "The right to privacy is not confined to a home or private dwelling. It will not be a criminal offence for an adult person to use or be in possession of cannabis in private space," Zondo said. The ruling follows a Western Cape High Court judgment that the possession, cultivation and use of dagga for private use was allowed. The court gave Parliament 24 months to update legislation relating to marijuana to be in line with its ruling. This is a joint victory for Dagga Party leader Jeremy Acton and Rastafarian Garreth Prince who argued on December 13 and 14, 2016, for the decriminalisation of the herb. There are still several technical issues to weed out, though, such as the amount of dagga a person can legally have in their possession. "The judgment does not specify how many grams of cannabis can a person use or have in private," Zondo said. You can’t light up in public Phephelaphi Dube, director at the Centre for Constitutional Rights, told News24 that she viewed the judgment as "cautiously progressive". "It balances, on the one hand, the right to privacy and associated entitlements such as dignity and wellbeing against the need to maintain a lawful and orderly society. "With due deference to the separation of powers, it will be up to Parliament to determine the lawful quantities that individuals may cultivate and consume." According to Dube, the judgment allows individuals to cultivate, to grow and consume cannabis "in certain narrowly defined spaces", such as their homes. "It would suggest that one can’t simply light up and smoke dagga in public spaces. "That’s where the judgment draws the line: it has to be within personal spaces and it is closely linked to the right to privacy," Dube said. How much is too much? Dube said Parliament still had to determine the legal amount of dagga a person could reasonably have in their possession for private consumption. That amount is currently undetermined. But Dube warned that this did not mean that one could now cultivate huge quantities of marijuana in one’s garden. "From a reasonable viewpoint, a huge amount of dagga in one person’s possession can be seen as dealing in drugs, which is a criminal offence." In his judgment, Zondo said that a police officer would have to consider all the circumstances, including the quantity of cannabis found in an adult person's possession. If the police officer, on reasonable grounds, suspects that the person concerned is in possession of that cannabis for dealing and not for personal consumption, the officer may arrest the person, News24 reported earlier. Dube said it would be up to Parliament to decide on the legality of purchasing and transporting dagga or cannabis seeds. So, once Parliament decides on specific provisions, and a person complies with those provisions, it would be legal for a person to grow and smoke dagga in private spaces. Buying or selling dagga on the street is still considered illegal, Dube said. News24

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The murder of Simon Milliken William Saunderson-Meyer | 21 September 2018 William Saunderson-Meyer writes on a killing that encapsulates SA's decay JAUNDICED EYE

A murder that encapsulates SA's decay Sometimes a vignette reveals more than an intricately detailed canvas. And a single murder may spotlight more surely the rot hollowing out our society than all the wisdom of opining experts. A week ago, the police released South Africa's crime figures. It’s one of those statistical bonanzas that provides a grisly annual feast to the commentariat. The bottom line figure is that more than 20,000 people murdered every year. That makes us one of the most violent societies on earth and the situation is steadily getting worse. Predictably, the media coverage was filled with political platitudes from the politicians and SA Police Service top echelon, and much abstruse theorising by academics on what could and should be done. As usual, the human story gets lost in the welter of numbers and the sludge of verbiage. Last Saturday’s murder of Simon Milliken, the principal double bassist of the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic and by all accounts a gentle man, is more than simply just another digit on the tally sheet of the 57 people who are homicide victims on any average day. Milliken was killed in a robbery in Durban’s Burman Bush, a small, urban nature reserve that is just a three-minute stroll from the president’s official residence in KZN. Milliken was on one of the 50-hectare reserve's three trails — the longest is a mere three kilometres and the shortest only 500 metres — with overseas visiting conductor Perry So. The two shared a passion for birdwatching. They were circling a tree, trying to spot the fledglings in a sparrowhawk’s nest, when they were confronted by a robber armed with a gun and a knife. It was one of those fumbling, bumbling encounters when naive middle-class outrage at being targeted by a criminal goes head to head with an angry young man who has few scruples and even less self-control. The upshot was that Milliken was killed, while So made his escape. The murderer’s actions are reprehensible but not entirely irrational. On the upside for the killer, dead men can’t be witnesses and, on the downside, while the sentence for murder is harsher than that for robbery, the likelihood of being arrested for a stranger-on-stranger crime like this one, is infinitesimally low. Similarly, if by some cosmic aberration there is an arrest, the chances of a successful prosecution are also abysmal, because of poor evidence collection and forensic failures. The problem is not, as the police chiefs often claim, a shortage of officers. It is, rather, the prevalence of incompetent ones. The SA Police Service has shot itself in the foot by expanding rapidly, enlisting large numbers of poorly schooled people, lacking the basic skills and character necessary to become efficient, disciplined law enforcers. In Milliken’s case, the police took an hour to arrive on the scene, by which time it was dark. They did not have powerful torches and, presumably because of this, failed to venture along the trail. If they had, they would have found Milliken lying on the path, a 10-minute walk from the main gate. He bled out from his stab wounds but at this stage was likely still alive, according to media reports. The following day, the police were again late to start searching, well past daybreak. Milliken’s body was found not by the risibly named Search and Rescue unit of SAPS, but by two early morning walkers. The lead cop had neither notebook nor pencil. He recorded his no doubt acute sleuthing observations on a page torn from Milliken’s own notebook, using Milliken’s own pencil, both obtained by rummaging through the dead man’s belongings. No forensic problems here.

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Police incompetence might have been the coup de grace, but it was the Durban metro that set the stage for Milliken's death. Like so many local authorities, Ethekwini is riddled with indolence, incompetence and indifference. The reserve, a jewel of coastal forest in the heart of the city, has been in decay for many years. Large sections of security fencing have been missing for at least a decade. Vagrants and illegal immigrants live semi-permanently in the bushes, despite complaints from the suburb’s residents. There have been scores of muggings at gunpoint and this is the third murder in four years. But the residents, too, had an inadvertent role in Milliken’s demise. Having burst free from the killer, so ran from walled property to walled property, ringing bells to no avail. What happens locally can taint us globally. Upon a time, international travel websites waxed lyrical about Burman Bush’s natural beauty, its prolific birdlife, and its rare blue duiker. In recent years this has switched to stern warnings to stay away because of violent crime. That shift in international sentiment towards what was a small bit of Paradise, is emblematic of what is happening, or in danger of happening, to SA across the board. Milliken’s death pulls together in a single event many of the strands of neglect, paralysis, and decay that are eating the heart out an entire country. Follow WSM on Twitter @TheJaundicedEye


Bird Island: Genl. Johan van der Merwe Tot dusver is in beriggewing sterk klem gelê op die bewerings van die skrywers Mark Minnie en Chris Steyn in hul boek oor Bird Island. Vergun my asseblief die geleentheid om repliek te lewer en enkele betekenisvolle feitefoute in hul weergawe uit te wys. Die geloofwaardigheid van die boek en sy skrywers kom beslis daardeur in die gedrang. Steyn het reeds in 2006 in haar boek “Publish and be damned” sekere van die bewerings gepubliseer, maar nie vir genl. Magnus Malan en die sogenaamde “ongenoemde minister” (mnr. Barend du Plessis, soos dit later geblyk het) daarby betrek nie. Toe was dit reeds bykans 20 jaar nadat die beweerde seksuele molestering van die seuns sou plaasgevind het. Desondanks was nie een van die sogenaamde slagoffers nog bereid om in die openbaar ‘n verklaring af te lê nie. Daardie boek het geen opspraak verwek nie, en ek het min twyfel dat die inligting oor die helikopter wat die drie ministers (John Wiley, Malan en Du Plessis) na Bird Island geneem het, die sneller was wat Chris Steyn en Mark Minnie beweeg het om Malan en Du Plessis deur assosiasie aan die hare by te sleep. Page 86 of 161

Mark Minnie het brig. Ernest Schnetler, afdelingskommissaris van Port Elizabeth, wat reeds dood is, ook bygesleep maar met die datums verwar geraak. Brig. Schnetler is aan die einde van 1987 na Johannesburg verplaas. Volgens Minnie se relaas is hyself na Soweto verplaas waar hy onder andere by die deursoeking van ‘n Inkathahostel betrokke was. Uit die besonderhede wat hy verstrek het, is dit duidelik dat die voorval beslis eers na 1991 plaasgevind het. Minnie word daarna terugverplaas na Port Elizabeth en hervat, volgens hom, sy skakeling met brig. Schnetler, wat lankal nie meer daar was nie. Minnie het blykbaar so meegevoer geraak dat hy vergeet het wat die gewone werkwyse van die polisie was wat deur staande orders en gewone dissipline bepaal is. Hy was aan die SANAB-tak in Port Elizabeth verbonde. Die tak was onder die regstreekse bevel van die afdelingspeuroffisier. Genl.maj. Barry Henn, toe ‘n brigadier, was van 1977 tot 1987 die afdelingspeuroffisier in Port Elizabeth. Die afdelingskommissaris of enige offisier van hoofkantoor moes noodwendig met hom skakel waar dit enige lid onder sy bevel geraak het. Brig. Schnetler sou in geen omstandighede regstreeks met Minnie geskakel het nie, tensy dit deur tussenkoms van brig. Henn geskied het. Genl.maj. Henn dra egter hoegenaamd geen kennis van enige van die bewerings wat Minnie maak nie. Brig. Jan Dowd was die stafoffisier van Brig. Schnetler wat al sy daaglikse sake gereël het. Volgens hom is dit onmoontlik dat Minnie met brig. Schnetler kon geskakel het sonder dat hy daarvan sou geweet het. Ook hy dra geen kennis van Minnie se bewerings nie. Ek was van April 1983 tot einde September 1988 aan die hoofkantoor van die veiligheidstak in Pretoria verbonde. Ek het in die bevelstruktuur van die veiligheidstak by Hoofkantoor gedien, was gedurende 1985 tweede-in-bevel van die veiligheidstakke in die RSA en van 1 Januarie 1986 tot 1 September 1988 die bevelvoerende offisier. Indien die bewerings wat Minnie waar is sou dit sonder twyfel onder my aandag gekom het. Dit is ook heeltemal onmoontlik dat twee offisiere van veiligheidstak se hoofkantoor Minnie oor die bewerings sou gaan spreek het sonder dat ek dit sou gemagtig het. Ek kan ook onomwonde verklaar dat mnr. P W Botha, die kabinet of die Staatsveiligheidsraad nooit volgens my wete op enige wyse probeer het om die wandade van enige minister te verdoesel nie. Die eerste openbare verhoor van die Waarheid- en Versoeningskommissie se komitee vir die skending van menseregte het in 1996 in Port Elizabeth plaasgevind. Die WVK het oor sy eie ondersoekspan beskik wat enige beweerde wandade van die vorige bedeling met groot gretigheid ondersoek het. Daarbenewens was daar ook ‘n getuiebeskermingsprogram wat enige getuie wat gevrees het dat sy of haar lewe bedreig word, beskerming gebied het. Hulle het ook ‘n regspan tot beskikking van die slagoffers gestel. Daar was gevolglik ruim geleentheid vir die sogenaamde slagoffers van die pedofieldade om na vore te kom en hulle klagtes aanhangig te maak. Dit geld ook vir die persone wat nou met geskal beweer dat hulle geweet het van die bewerings. Die feit dat daar desondanks na meer as 31 jaar nog geen slagoffer na vore gekom het nie, behoort selfs persone wat so in die persepsie van die boosheid van apartheid vasgevang is dat hulle alle perspektief verloor het, twee maal te laat dink. Ek is bewus daarvan dat dit na 31 jaar baie moeilik is om sulke wollerige bewerings te weerlê. Selfs al word feite aangebied om die ongeloofwaardigheid daarvan bloot te lê, gaan twyfel steeds bestaan. Die enigste wyse waarop die waarheid op ‘n onafhanklike wyse bepaal kan word, is deur ‘n leuenverklikkertoets. Ek is bereid om my aan ‘n leuenverklikkertoets te onderwerp ten opsigte van my stellings dat ek nooit van die bewerings in die boek kennis gedra het nie en dat mnr. Botha, die kabinet en die Page 87 of 161

staatsveiligheidsraad volgens my wete nooit probeer het om die wandade van ‘n minister te verdoesel nie. Dit sou net billik en in belang van die waarheid en reg en geregtigheid wees as Chris Steyn en die persone wat sy as getuies voorhou, hulle ook aan ‘n leuenverklikkertoets onderwerp. Dit geld vanselfsprekend ook vir alle ander getuies. Leuen-toets kan Minnie se ‘feite’ verifieer Deur Johan van der Merwe, Montana, 02 September 2018 00:00 9/2/2018 Leuen-toets kan Minnie se ‘feite’ verifieer | Netwerk24 2/2

Johan van der Merwe, Montana, skryf: Ek verwys na die berigte die afgelope paar weke oor Mark Minnie en Chris Steyn se boek Die seuns van Bird Island. Ek wys graag enkele betekenisvolle feitefoute uit wat die geloofwaardigheid van die boek ernstig in gedrang bring. Steyn het reeds in 2006 in haar boek Publish and be Damned sekere van die bewerings gepubliseer. Daardie boek het geen opspraak verwek nie, en ek het min twyfel dat die inligting oor die helikopter wat die drie ministers na Birdeiland geneem het, die sneller was wat Steyn en Minnie beweeg het om genl. Magnus Malan en Barend du Plessis deur assosiasie aan die hare by te sleep. Minnie betrek ook die ontslape brig. Ernest Schnetler, destyds afdelingskommissaris van Port Elizabeth, maar verwar sy datums. Schnetler is aan die einde van 1987 na Johannesburg verplaas. Volgens Minnie se relaas is hyself na Soweto verplaas waar hy by die deursoeking van ’n Inkatha-hostel betrokke was. Uit sy vertelling is dit duidelik dat die voorval ná 1991 plaasgevind het. Hy word daarna terugverplaas na Port Elizabeth en hervat, volgens hom, sy skakeling met Schnetler – wat lankal nie meer daar was nie. Minnie word blykbaar so meegevoer dat hy vergeet dat die Sanab-tak waaraan hy verbonde was, onder die regstreekse bevel was van die afdeling-speuroffisier, genl.maj. Barry Henn. Die gewone werkswyse van die polisie sou bepaal dat die afdelingskommissaris noodwendig met Henn moes skakel waar dit enige lid onder sy bevel geraak het. Henn dra egter hoegenaamd geen kennis van enige van die bewerings wat Minnie maak nie. Ek was van 1985 die tweede-in-bevel van alle veiligheidstakke in die land, en van 1986 tot 1 September 1988 die bevelvoerder. Indien die bewerings wat Minnie maak waar is, sou dit sonder twyfel onder my aandag gekom het. Ek kan ook onomwonde verklaar dat PW Botha nooit volgens my wete op enige wyse probeer het om die wandade van enige minister te verdoesel nie. Daar was oor die jare ruim geleentheid vir die sogenaamde slagoffers van die pedofieldade om na vore te kom. Dit geld ook vir die persone wat nou met geskal beweer dat hulle geweet het van die bewerings. Die feit dat dit nie gebeur het nie, behoort almal twee keer te laat dink. Ek is bewus daarvan dat dit ná 31 jaar baie moeilik is om sulke wollerige bewerings te weerlê. Selfs al word feite aangebied om die ongeloofwaardigheid daarvan bloot te lê, gaan twyfel steeds bestaan. Die enigste manier waarop die waarheid op ’n onafhanklike wyse bepaal kan word, is deur ’n leuenverklikkertoets. Page 88 of 161

Ek is bereid om my aan ’n leuenverklikkertoets te onderwerp ten opsigte van my stellings. Dit sou net billik en in die belang van die waarheid en reg en geregtigheid wees as Chris Steyn en die mense wat sy as getuies voorhou, dieselfde doen. Meer oor: Brief

Bird Island: AP Stemmet Beste Bart, Geluk met jou brief vandag in By. Wat jy skryf, strook met my ondervinding oor jare. Ek is bly dat iemand soos jy die moed het om jou kop uit te steek. Vir my maak dit nie deesdae meer saak oor wat oor senior mense van die vorige bedeling geskryf word nie. Wat saak maak is dat die afbreekproses nog lank sal aanhou. Alles van die verlede moet verdag gemaak word en afgebreek word. Almal wat deel van die regering was of senior amptenare soos ons is reeds of sal nog afgemaak word as misdadigers. Al wat ons nageslag eendag in die geskiedenis van ons sal leer is hoe ‘n slegte lot ons was. Baie groete, Adamus P Stemmet Durbanville

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Genl.maj. Bart Vosloo se oorspronklike skrywe Die seuns van Bird Island Ek is van mening dat die beriggewing oor hierdie onderwerp versigtig, rasioneel en met realisme benader moet word. Ek is ‘n afgetrede generaal in die SA polisie en was 24 jaar van my loopbaan verbonde aan die veiligheidstak van die SA Polisie. Deur die jare het individu met soortgelyke, opspraakwekkende bewerings na vore gekom wat na deeglike ondersoeke as ongegrond bevind is. Ek het uit die aard van my amp nou saamgewerk met sekere ministers in die ou bedeling. Ek het soms as ‘n tydelike lyfwag diens gedoen vir besoekende ministers wat my afdeling besoek het. Die opdrag vir alle lyfwagte was dat die minister nooit uit jou oog mag gaan nie. Jy as lyfwag is verantwoordelik gehou vir die veiligheid van die minister asook protokol reëls wat nagekom moes word. Ministers het almal privaat-sekretarisse, motorbestuurders en permanente lyfwagte gehad. Hierdie amptenare het dag na dag die ministers vergesel waar hul ookal gegaan het. Wanneer ministers per helikopter moes reis, was twee vlieëniers en een vroulike bemannings-lid aan boord. Ministers se personeel en staatsamptenare wat by ‘n minister betrokke was en hul oral vergesel het, was aan streng veiligheidskeurings onderworpe. Hierdie amptenare was van onkreukbare karakter. Dit is algemeen bekend dat ministers tydens hul ampstermyn weinig privaatheid gehad het. Veral hoe profiel ministers soos die minister van verdediging. Hulle was voortdurend in die openbare oog. Selfs tydens vakansies of ontspanningsgeldeenthede waar hulle golf gespeel of gejag het, was die privaat sekretaris en lyfwagte teenwoordig. As daar dan vir een oomblik van die veronderstelling uitgegaan word dat die inhoud van die boek, Seuns van Bird Island, waar is, beteken dit dat die ministers saam met hul personeel pedofiele moet wees of saamgesweer het om die ministers te beskerm teen die wandade. Die bewerings in die boek dat generaal Malan, ander invloedryke mans en weerlose seuns met weermaghelikopters na die eiland vervoer is, behoort vir elke nugterdenkende landsburger ‘n sein uit te stuur dat so iets nie moontlik kan wees nie. So ‘n 'orgie' sou in daardie tyd eenvoudig net nie geheim gehou of toegesmeer kon word nie. Netso onmoontlik, belaglik en sensasiesoekend is die bewerings deur die sogenaamde mnr X oor sy ontvoering in Port Elizabeth in die blou kombi met die gordyne. Bart Vosloo

Leuen-toets kan Minnie se 'feite' verifier Geagte Genl, (Van der Merwe) Dankie vir u brief in vandag se Rapport oor Bird Eiland. Ek was in die buiteland toe die "bom" gebars het en was geskok hoe sulke snert as feite aangebied word. Voorblad op ‘n eens gerespekteerde Sondagkoerant!!! Hoe oortuig jy jou kinders daar wat met Rapport grootgeword het, dat hulle asseblief nie Rapport se berig moet glo nie? Dat wat hulle lees snert is en net vir publisiteits- en dus sirkulasie -redes geplaas word ? Wat dus ‘n houding openbaar van na die hel met die waarheid en die gevoelens van familie van "veroordeeldes" solank my koerant net verkoop ? Pa, Oupa, is dit wat julle senior mense destyds aangevang het ? Oupa, wat het jy alles gedoen ? Pa, Oom Barend ook ? Sies. Page 90 of 161

In alle billikheid nou. Hoekom plaas Rapport nie u en Genl. Bart (Vosloo) se reaksie ook prominent nie ? Hoekom word dit in briewekolomme weggesteek? Gaan die ander Media 24 koerante u brief ook so prominent as die vals bewerings plaas? Ek wed van nee want feite en die waarheid verkoop nie koerante nie. Genl., dankie vir u reaksie. Die proses van aftakeling van alle prominentes van die vorige bedeling sal egter voortgaan en hartlik deur die media ondersteun word. Of dit waar is maak nie saak nie. Groete, Adamus P Stemmet Jacques Pauw slams authors of book News24 | 06 September 2018 Journalist questions Mark Minnie's conduct and ethics as a policeman investigating 'lost boys' case

Jacques Pauw slams authors of book alleging apartheid ministers' involvement in paedophilia ring 6 September 2018 Journalist and author Jacques Pauw has slammed Mark Minnie and Chris Steyn, authors of the controversial book, The Lost Boys of Bird Island, for sloppy police work and failing to disclose crucial information in the book. In The Lost Boys of Bird Island, the authors allege that former apartheid defence minister Magnus Malan, along with two other ministers and a local businessman, sexually abused children on Bird Island, just off Port Elizabeth. In an extensive review of the book, Pauw questions Minnie's conduct and ethics as a policeman investigating the case of the "lost boys", referring to several examples from the book that cast doubt about whether the allegations are indeed true. He also questions why Steyn failed to disclose that she was married to a member of the "murderous squad of army assassins" that would have, according to her analysis, been involved in the alleged murder of minister John Wiley and businessman Dave Allen, who were both implicated in the paedophilia ring. Wiley and Allen officially committed suicide. Minnie committed suicide last month. His body was found on a friend's smallholding in Theescombe, Port Elizabeth, on August 13, with a gunshot wound to the head and a firearm next to his body. Pauw writes that, because Minnie did not follow police procedure, Allen was released after his arrest the night before he committed suicide. "If Minnie had done his job, Allen might have been alive," writes Pauw. "Allen would have appeared in court that morning, might have been detained while awaiting trial, and would have spilt the beans on the involvement of the cabinet ministers in his paedophile ring." Pauw further rubbishes Minnie's claim that prosecutors had told him to shut down his investigation. "A prosecutor can refuse to prosecute once the investigation has been completed and he has received the docket, but he cannot close a 'living' docket. Didn't Minnie know this? Or is he lying?" 'The lost boys deserved better' Pauw also raises questions about whether the case docket had really been removed from where Minnie kept it at the police station, and where Minnie's notes, as well as the recordings of the interviews with the boys were. These would supposedly have been kept separately. Page 91 of 161

"A journalist friend that worked in Port Elizabeth in the '90s told me that around 1997, Minnie offered to sell the 'Bird Island docket' to him for around R20 000. He said he is prepared to make an affidavit in this regard. "Why did Minnie wait 30 years before publishing his allegations? As a result, there will be no justice for the boys because the alleged paedophiles – with exception of the elderly Barend du Plessis – are dead." Du Plessis, former minister of finance, identified himself as the third minister implicated in the book in an interview with Rapport. He denied all allegations and demanded that the authors provide the public with evidence of their claims. "I can only speak for myself. I know without a doubt about this matter, I can stand before God and say, Lord, as a human I have many sins, but this sin of which they accuse me of I'm innocent," he said. In the book, Steyn claims she met with the surgeon who treated the wounded child who Minnie claimed he saw in hospital. He is, according to her, retired and a wine farmer in the Western Cape. "Why is she protecting his identity when he almost certainly made himself guilty of at least professional misconduct by failing to report serious sexual assault of a child to the authorities? He should be named and shamed. "It is ultimately a tragedy that Minnie botched the Bird Island investigation. The lost boys deserved better but, as a result, there are virtually no detail of the events that took place," Pauw writes. News24

Met ‘n Fynkam deur die Bird Island-boek Front Nasionaal SA Die boek “The lost boys of Bird Island” van Mark Minnie en Chris Steyn het opslae gemaak, meer nog na Minnie se onverwagte selfmoord verlede week. In die boek word beweer dat voormalige minister van verdediging, Magnus Malan en minister van omgewingsake, John Wiley, deur bemiddeling van die flambojante sakeman, Dave Allen, gereeld jong seuns seksueel misbruik het op Bird Island naby Port Elizabeth. Die boek verkoop tans soos soetkoek. Geen wonder – dit lees soos ‘n kombinasie van Waarheidskommissieverslae, Stevenson se “Treasure Island” en ‘n goeie dosis van “Lady Chatterley’s Lover.” Kom ons gaan met ‘n fynkam daardeur: Wie is die bronne? Die beweringe het sy oorsprong by die arrestasie van Dave Allen deur die destydse Narkotikaburo polisiesersant, Mark Minnie, vir die besit van pornografie. Onderweg na die polisiestasie blaker Allen in die motor uit dat drie kabinetsministers betrokke is by ‘n pedofilienetwerk. Minnie erken dat hy nie daarop reageer het nie en dat geen geskrewe verklaring in hierdie verband afgeneem is nie. Twee dae later pleeg Allen selfmoord. Is daar enige bewyse dat Allen ooit sulke beweringe teenoor Minnie gemaak het? Nee, dis suiwer hoorsê. Verdere beweringe kom van ‘n jong seun wat in Minnie se kantoor vertel het dat hy ‘n ooggetuie was van die misbruik van sy ouer broer deur genl Malan en nog ‘n man op Bird Island. Weereens geen geskrewe, getekende verklaring. Net ‘n bandopname wat later uit Minnie se kantoor “verwyder” is. Nog ‘n bron is ene “William Hart”, ‘n dwelmverslaafde polisie-informant van Port Elizabeth wie se eerste vraag was: “Hoeveel geld kry ek vir my storie?” Enige regsgeleerde weet wat die waarde is van getuienis komende van ‘n getuie wat betaal word vir sy verklaring. Page 92 of 161

Tot op hierdie oomblik, meer as 3 dekades later, is daar ook geen spoor van die seun wat na bewering behandel is in ‘n hospitaal nadat hy in die anus geskiet is nie. Die dokter wat hom blykbaar behandel het, skuil glo agter pasient-geneesheer vertroulikheid, die verpleegster wat die seun versorg het se getuienis op band het verdwyn en die matrone is verplaas na ‘n ander hospitaal en het oor die telefoon erken dat sy R10 000 ontvang het. Daar is nooit ‘n opvolgverklaring van haar geneem nie en sy is nooit besoek nie. En niemand was getuie van die foongesprek nie. Vreemd genoeg is dit ook nooit opgeneem nie. Die selfmoorde Dave Allen het selfmoord gepleeg. John Wiley het selfmoord gepleeg. En in beide gevalle word dit bevraagteken. Beide se selfmoord was feitlik soortgelyk. Hulle het hulleself in die voorkop geskiet met ‘n 9 mm Walther Parabellum PPK – ‘n vuurwapen wat so ‘n sterk terugplofaksie het dat dit nie in die hande van die selfmoordenaar kon bly nie. In Dave Allen se geval wys die foto’s van die misdaadtoneel die vuurwapen op ‘n sementmuurtjie lê. Daar is slegs ‘n bewering van die man wat op die lyk afgekom het dat die wapen in Allen se hand was en dat hy dit opgetel en op die muurtjie neergesit het. Hoorsê op sy allerbeste. In Minister Wiley se geval was die kamer waarin hy selfmoord gepleeg het gesluit en die sleutel van die deur vermis tot op hierdie dag. Twee dae NA die selfmoord is halfverbrande kompromitterende dokumente in die oprit van sy huis gevind. Boonop word daar terloops beweer dat mevrou Wiley, wat ‘n laatslaper is, daardie oggend die huis om 6uur verlaat het. Die selfmoord het tussen 10:30 en 11:30 plaasgevind. Wat is die doel van hierdie nuttelose inligting anders as om te impliseer dat die minister se vrou dalk betrokke was? Dis tog loutere twak! Waarom sou die Veiligheidsmagte ‘n minister wou elimineer en dan tref hulle reëlings met sy vrou om vroeg stad toe te gaan sodat hulle rustig hulle vuilwerk kan doen? Chris Steyn skimp sterk dat beide mans deur die Burgerlike Samewerkingsburo vermoor is. Dit is erg dik vir ‘n daalder om te glo dat professionele, opgeleide veiligheidsmense soos die BSB sulke elementêre foute (soos dié met die sleutel en die dokumente in die oprit) sou begaan as hulle ‘n moord na ‘n selfmoord wou laat lyk. En terwyl die boek hierdie argumente aanvoer as bewyse daarvan dat die selfmoorde NIE selfmoord was nie, is dit nog dikker vir ‘n daalder dat presies dieselfde modus operandi met presies dieselfde voorkopskoot verlede week gevolg sou word om van Minnie ontslae te raak. Dit is eenvoudig nie oortuigend nie. Feitefoute, dwarsklappe en fantasie Die boek wemel van weersprekings. Terwyl een skrywer na John Wiley verwys as “te liberaal” vir Magnus Malan en die NP kabinet, haal die ander een die feit dat hy uit die Anglikaanse Kerk bedank het toe Tutu die eerste swart aartsbiskop word, aan as bewys daarvan dat hy weer te konserwatief was. Daar word beweer dat PW Botha die broeiende skandaal oor seksuele misbruik van kinders in sy kabinet ten alle koste in 1987 moes toesmeer, omdat hy gevrees het dat die Progressiewe Liberale Party die komende 1989 verkiesing sou wen. Die PFP het nie ‘n kat se kans gestaan om bewind oor te neem nie, want inderdaad het die Konserwatiewe Party van dr AP Treurnicht die PFP stof in die oë geskop en die opposisiebanke ingeneem. Dis ‘n elementêre feitefout. Verder word daar na vae bewerings verwys asof dit gegewe feite is. Tot op hierdie dag kon daar nooit konkrete bewyse gevind word daarvan dat die destydse Onlustepolisie die IVP van wapens Page 93 of 161

en ammunisie voorsien het in die konflik tussen die IVP en die ANC in die townships nie. In die boek word sommer gepraat daarvan asof polisiekonstabels wapens uitgedeel het aan die IVP. Die hele boek is heel duidelik ‘n poging om die vorige bedeling so swart as moontlik te skilder, met selfs ‘n terloopse verwysing na ‘n senior Weermagoffisier wat bevorder is na sy rang nadat hy ‘n naweek deurgbering het saam met Malan. Die pap word hier darem net té dik aangemaak! Voeg daarby ‘n terloopse bewering dat Allen en kabinetsministers betrokke was by ‘n poging om ‘n vrag stokou goue munte uit ‘n ou skeepswrak te versmous en jy kom redelik naby aan ‘n Konsalik roman. Sluipmoordpogings Minnie vertel van sy eerste ontmoeting met Steyn in die voorportaal van die Elizabeth Hotel in PE sowat 32 jaar gelede. Dit was by hierdie ontmoeting dat SY die eerste keer die naam van Magnus Malan genoem het. Volgens Minnie het hy vir haar geskree: “Wil jy my dood hê?” en uitgestorm. Net ‘n entjie verder vertel hy hoedat hy gereël het dat twee veiligheidsmanne byderhand is omdat hy bekommerd was dat Steyn ‘n lokval wou stel (en dat sy self van Veiligheid was) en gesê het dat hulle haar moet “uithaal” as dit lyk of Minnie dalk aan die slaap raak of enigiets verdag gebeur. ‘n Doodgewone sersant van die narkotikaburo reël twee Veiligheidsmense om ‘n sluipmoord in ‘n hotel se voorportaal te pleeg op iemand wat moontlik self een van hulle is???? Dit is uiters ongeloofwaardig om die minste te sê. Die twee weergawes, beide komende van Minnie, klop hoegenaamd nie. Daarby beweer Minnie dat daar twee sluipmoordaanvalle op hom was tydens sy ondersoek. In die eerste was hy tydens onlustediens in die nag op patrollie in ‘n Landrover naby ‘n hostel in Soweto in die midde van die onluste toe ‘n skoot geskiet is wat sy kollega in die passasiersitplek in die oor getref het. Twee polisiemanne in ‘n onbeveiligde Landrover in Soweto in die nag voor ‘n hostel waar faksiegevegte tussen die IVP en die ANC voortdurend plaasvind. Wat anders verwag ‘n mens as dat ‘n skoot op hulle gevuur sou word? Daar is niks vreemd aan nie. In die tweede poging het sy motorkar, ‘n onbetroubare ou voertuig waarvoor hy R900 betaal het, aan die brand geraak toe sy vriendin in Port Elizabeth daarmee gery het. Minnie was op daardie tydstip reeds 3 weke op onlustediens in Soweto. Dit is eintlik ‘n bespotting van die destydse Veiligheidsmagte om te beweer dat hulle ‘n sluipmoordpoging sou aanwend op ‘n man in Port Elizabeth, terwyl hy al vir weke in Soweto was en enige kollega, vriend of familielid dit binne ‘n sekonde of drie sou kon bevestig! Die skrywers Chris Steyn is ‘n ultra-liberale oud joernalis wat in die jare 80 geskryf het vir die antiregeringskoerante soos Rand Daily Mail, Cape Argus en The Star. Sy moes in 1986 landuit vlug nadat sy nie bereid was om in die hof te verskyn om haar beweringe in ‘n artikel te verdedig of haar bronne bekend te maak nie. Selfs haar redakteurs het nie kans gesien om al haar stories te publiseer nie, ten spyte van hulle verbete veldtog teen die destydse bewindhebbers. Dis heel duidelik dat Steyn ‘n ou wrok dra teen die destydse bedeling en ‘n ou appeltjie met hulle te skil het. Mark Minnie vertel hoedat sy eie pa ‘n gesinsgeweldenaar was. Hy wou, toe hy sy pa later jare ontmoet, niks met hom te doen hê nie. Sy stiefpa was ‘n Hongaarse immigrant en ‘n brutale man wat Sondae-middae sy gesin vir ‘n rit sou neem, roomys koop en dan by die huis vir sy eie vermaak hulle om die beurt slaan en mishandel. Op 12jarige ouderdom is hy deur twee 17jarige buurseuns “verkrag”. Minnie het nooit berading ontvang vir hierdie jeugtydtraumas nie en vertel self hoedat hy in trane uitgebars het toe hy dit teenoor sy brigadier moes erken. Page 94 of 161

Daarby getuig hy van sy woede-uitbarsting toe hy sy vuis dwarsdeur ‘n TV kabinet geslaan het. Bladsy na bladsy vertel hy hoedat hy rondgesit het in “George se kroeg” om geselskap te maak met die kroegmeisie, hoedat hy alleen ‘n bottel whisky sou uitdrink en met ‘n babbalaas by die werk sou opdaag. En uiteindelik begin hy hoofstuk 29 met die woorde: “All I ever wanted was to be a cop…”. Dit met ‘n toon van verbittering omdat hy gevra is om uit die polisiediens te bedank, volgens hom oor sy ondersoek na die Bird Island aangeleentheid. Dis regtig nie geloofwaardig nie. Volgens sy eie getuienis is die dossier en bewysstukke op daardie tydstip reeds uit sy kantoor gesteel. Watter nut sou sy bedanking uit die polisie gehad het as dit hom net nog meer tyd gegee het om die saak verder te ondersoek (soos wat hy toe wel gedoen het)?Sou dit nie veel eenvoudiger gewees het om hom, net soos wat hy beweer met Allen en Wiley gebeur het, “uit te haal” nie? ‘n Mens hoef nie ‘n geleerde sielkundige te wees om te sien dat jy hier te doen het met iemand wat groot sielkundige kwessies het nie: Molestering, geweld deur gesagsfigure en uiteindelike verwerping deur die Polisiediens, wat sy droomberoep was. Voeg dit bymekaar: Wraakgevoelens, pedofilie en ‘n hou na die grootste manifestasie van gesag in die jare 80 (die Polisie – wat hom verstoot het- en Weermag van die regering) en die eindresultaat: The lost boys of Bird Island. Gevolgtrekking Die grootste deel van Minnie se ondersoek het rondom ‘n bottel whisky in George se kroeg plaasgevind. Steyn se redakteurs wou nie al haar stories eers gebruik nie. En hierdie twee loop mekaar raak met ‘n gerug wat in die wandelgange van joernaliste en politieke opposisie die rondte gedoen het. Dieselfde gerugte is in Brittanje versprei oor Edward Heath en sy kabinet. Dieselfde gerugte is in Italië versprei oor Mussolini en sy skoonseun. Dieselfde gerugte is in Duitsland versprei oor weermaggeneraals. Vermoedelik het Minnie die gety in 2018 totaal verkeerd gelees. Hy het gedink sy boek gaan ‘n koor van weersin en veroordeling in Afrikanergeledere tot gevolg hê. Na 24 jaar is dit duidelik dat die politieke bestel wat op apartheid gevolg het, ‘n ewe groot mislukking is. Die Reënboognasie is besig om uitmekaar te val en in die aanloop tot ‘n geweldige belangrike verkiesing is dit nodig om weer ‘n slag die blanke in Suid-Afrika grond toe te dwing en te laat skaamkry. Die verskil is net: Die blanke Suid-Afrikaner is gatvol vertrap en verskop. Hy is nie meer lus om deur liberale, wat desperaat probeer om die verskietende droom van 1994 te red, gebrandmerk te word nie. Minnie en Steyn se poging het geboemerang, want die teenreaksie was eerder een van ongeloof en veroordeling. Duisende het gevra: “Hoekom nou? Wat wil julle bereik? Waar is die bewyse? Wat is julle motief?” En as jy die boek klaar gelees het, is dit geregverdigde vrae. Het Minnie verlede week besef dat hierdie storie nie gaan water hou nie en in ‘n vreemde, amper bisarre, stap die selfmoorde van Wiley en Allen self herhaal met doelbewuste nabootsing van omstandighede wat hy aangevoer het as bewys dat hulle vermoor is? Was dit ‘n laaste, desperate poging om geloofwaardigheid te gee aan hierdie hele sage? Ons sal miskien nooit weet nie. Al wat ons wel weet is dit: “The lost boys of Bird Island” oortuig nie. Daar is geen stukkie

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geloofwaardige bewys nie. Dis alles hoorsê, afleidings, suggestie, vae beweringe…en hopeloos te veel whisky in ‘n Baaise straatkroeg.6

Persverklaring deur die Stiging vir Gelykheid voor die Reg: “The Lost Sons Of Bird Island” Die boek “The lost sons of Bird Island” is reeds deur verskeie kritici aan flarde geskeur. Talle feitefoute is aan die kaak gestel. Dit is verstommend dat desondanks daar steeds diegene is wat so deur hul vooroordeel verblind is dat hulle weier om te glo die boek bloot ‘n sameflansing van onwaarhede is. Die kritiek wat deur Jacques Pauw, Front Nasionaal SA en verskeie ander gelewer is, wys wesentlike gebreke uit wat enige regdenkende behoort te oortuig dat die bewerings in die boek ongegrond is. Indien die besonderhede in die boek enigsins ‘n mate van waarheid bevat het, sou die polisiediens regtens verplig gewees het om ‘n klag weens die seksuele molestering van minderjarige seuns teen mnr. Barend du Plessis te ondersoek. Ingevolge die huidige bepalings van die Strafproseswet verjaar so ‘n klag nie weens tydsverloop nie. Die polisie sou ook ‘n klag teen die geneesheer en ander betrokkenes by die behandeling van een van die seuns in die hospitaal moes ondersoek het. Enigiemand wat bewus is van die seksuele molestering van minderjarige kinders, is regtens verplig om dit by die polisie aan te meld. Versuim om dit te doen, is ‘n misdryf. Mense wat weier om in so ‘n geval inligting te verstrek, kan ingevolge artikel 205 van die Strafproseswet gedagvaar word om voor ‘n landdros te verskyn om die inligting te verstrek. Weier iemand, kan gevangenisstraf opgelê word tot tyd en wyl die inligting wel verstrek is. Geen twyfel bestaan dat die publikasie van hierdie boek en die berigte wat daarmee gepaard gegaan het, ‘n skreiende onreg teen die families en vriende van genl. Magnus Malan en mnr. Barend du Plessis is nie. ‘n Morele plig rus op die uitgewer en die redakteurs van die betrokke koerante om die saak in belang van reg en geregtigheid reg te stel. JP Botha: Voorsitter Stigting vir Gelykheid voor die Reg.

Genl. JV van der Merwe stel graag die feite aan die lesers van Nongqai Ek stuur graag die aangehegte skrywe vir jou persoonlike oorweging. Ek het nie die volgende besonderhede in die brief ingesluit nie, maar verstrek dit graag vir jou inligting. Ek het gedurende Sondagnag begin vomeer en het Maandagoggend, 3 September, dr. Elmar Grobbelaar gaan spreek. Hy het my ondersoek en was van mening dat ek onmiddellik ‘n sjirurg moet raadpleeg. Ek het aan hom gemeld dat ek die namiddag om 15:00 ‘n leuenverklikkertoets moet doen en gevra of ek die besoek aan die sjirurg tot die volgende dag kan uitstel. Niemand gaan my glo as ek so kort voor die toets siek word nie. Hy het gesê dat hy bereid is om my ‘n sertifikaat te gee, maar dat dit te gevaarlik is om dit uit te stel. Dit kan ‘n obstruksie in die dermkanaal wees wat noodlottige gevolge kan hê. Ek het die sjirurg, dr. Hannes Mentz, om 14:00 gaan spreek wat ‘n gastroskopie gedoen het en daarna aanbeveel het dat ek onmiddellik in die hospitaal opgeneem moet word. Die gastroskopie toon dat daar ‘n obstruksie in die dermkanaal kan wees. Ek het daarna huis toe gegaan om my benodigdhede te kry. By die huis het ek vinnig deur my e-posberigte nagegaan en die berig van Marietie-Louw-Carstens van Netwerk 24 gesien waarop ek kortliks gereageer het. 6

Ontvang van genl. Van der Merwe op 23 Aug 2018 – HBH.

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Ek is daarna in die hospitaal opgeneem waar dit bepaal is dat dit inderdaad ‘n obstruksie in die dundermkanaal was wat na behandeling reggekom het. Ek is die Dinsdagmiddag, 4 September, ontslaan en het onmiddellik gereël dat die leuenverklikkertoets die volgende môre gedoen word. Die Poligraafinstituut van Suid-Afrika het vereis dat dr. Mentz ‘n sertifikaat moes verstrek dat ek geskik is om die toets te doen. Ek het die nodige sertifikaat bekom en aan hulle voorgelê. Daar was ‘n verslaggewer van netwerk 24 en ook ander verslaggewers teenwoordig met wie ek voor die toets ‘n volledige onderhoud gevoer het. Die poligrafis het genoem dat die Poligraafinstituut verkies dat daar tydens die toets nie ander persone teenwoordig moet wees nie. Die toets duur in elk geval een en ‘n half uur wat dit onprakties maak. Netwerk 24 het volledig oor die toets berig en die besonderhede wat ek in die aangehegte skrywe verstrek het, redelik volledig gerapporteer. Dit was reeds die middag van 5 September 2018 redelik volledig op netwerk 24 beskikbaar. Om een of ander rede het die Rapport verkies om dit te negeer en die brief van Chris Steyn op so ‘n wyse geplaas dat daar vrae oor my geloofwaardigheid kan ontstaan. Ek is derhalwe van mening dat die Rapport in belang van ewewigtige en billike verslaggewing my ook die geleentheid behoort te bied om my kant van die saak te stel. Ek sou graag die volgende besonderhede in my brief wou insluit, maar dan oorskry dit die toegelate ruimte: Gedurende Januarie 1985 het The Star ‘n berig geplaas dat die veiligheidstak van Johannesburg by ‘n smeerveldtog teen dr. Alan Boesak betrokke was. ‘n Pamflet en bandopname van ‘n voorval waar dr. Boesak die nag met ‘n vrou by ‘n hotel deurgebring het, is in die posbus van The Star gevind. Volgens die berig sou twee kolonels, Piet du Toit en Chris Scholtz, dit bevestig het. Minister Louis le Grange, toe die minister van polisie, het my en genl. Stan Schutte ontbied oor die aangeleentheid. Genl. Schutte was die bevelvoerende offisier van die veiligheidstakke in die RSA en was pas in daardie hoedanigheid aangestel. Ek was tweede-in-bevel. Minister Le Grange wou weet wat ons omtrent die aangeleentheid gaan doen. Ek het hom ingelig dat volgens kolonel Piet du Toit die veiligheidstak van Johannesburg beslis nie betrokke was nie. Ek het voorgestel dat ons eers met die betrokke twee kolonels gesprek voer en dan besluit wat om te doen. Ek het hulle albei na hoofkantoor in Pretoria ontbied waar albei nadruklik ontken het dat hulle dit op enige tydstip bevestig het. Ons het daarna ‘n klagte teen The Star by die Mediaraad aanhangig gemaak. Ek is aangewys om die veiligheidstak by die verhoor van die mediaraad te verteenwoordig. Die regspan wat vir die veiligheidstak opgetree het, het vermoed dat Chris Steyn ‘n leuen vertel het oor die bevestiging van die veiligheidstak se betrokkenheid en het haar aan ‘n strawwe kruisverhoor onderwerp wat sy baie goed gehanteer het. Dit het tydens die verhoor geblyk dat Steyn en nog ‘n verslaggewer ‘n onderhoud met die twee kolonels gevoer het en met groot lof oor die uitstekende kwaliteit van die band en die professionele wyse waarop die saak hanteer is, gepraat het. Die twee kolonels het so meegevoer geraak dat in plaas daarvan om betrokkenheid nadruklik te ontken, hulle skertsend daarop geageer het. Twee lede van die mediaraad het bevind dat die veiligheidstak van Johannesburg wel betrokke was en een lid het heftig verskil. Dit het ‘n geruime tydperk daarna aan die lig gekom dat die Inligtingseenheid van maj. Craig Williamson, sonder goedkeuring of oorlegpleging met hoofkantoor, daarvoor aanspreeklik was. Sedert 1983 was daar ‘n drastiese toename in terreurvoorvalle deur die ANC/SAKP-alliansie wat motorkarbomme, landmyne kleefmyne en ander ploftoestelle ingesluit het. Na die stigting van die Page 97 of 161

United Democratic Pary het onlusvoorvalle landwyd toegeneem. Talle weerlose persone is tydens die voorvalle gedood, vermink of ernstig beseer. Gedurende Junie/Julie 1985 het die veiligheidstak aan die Oos-Rand betroubare inligting van ‘n informant gekry dat studente van Cosas in Kwathema beplan om swart lede van die polisiemag en hulle gesinne aan te val en op ‘n besending handgranate vanaf die ANC wag. Talle swart lede en hulle gesinne was in daardie stadium reeds uit die swart woonbuurte verdryf en is in tentdorpe gehuisves. Ons vermoë in die opsig was egter beperk. Halssnoermoorde en die lewendige verbranding van persone waar daar die geringste vermoede bestaan het dat so ‘n persoon met die polisie saamgewerk het, het drasties toegeneem. Ons kon nie die Cosasstudente ingevolge veiligheidswetgewing aanhou sonder dat die informant in gedrang sou kom nie wat ‘n gewisse halssnoerdood vir hom en sy familie sou beteken. Ek het die saak met kommissaris, genl. Johann Coetzee, bespreek en gemeld dat die enigste doeltreffende wyse waarop ons ons swart lede en hulle gesinne aan die Oos-Rand kon beskerm, was deur die handgranate onder dekking aan die studente te verskaf en die tydvertragingsmeganismes te verwyder. Hy het saamgestem en die saak met mnr. Louis le Grange, die minister van Polisie, bespreek wat ook akkoord gegaan het. ‘n Askari van die Vlakplaaseenheid het die handgranate verskaf, maar besluit om nie besonderhede van swart lede se adresse aan die studente te gee nie en het ‘n aantal ander adresse gekies wat nie bewoon was nie. Verskeie studente is gedood of vermink toe hulle die handgranate gegooi het. Die daaropvolgende ondersoek is deur genl. Schutte en genl. Coetzee hanteer en ek was hoegenaamd nie by enige proses betrokke wat in hierdie verband met Chris Steyn se beriggewing te doen gehad het nie. Ek het op Woensdag, 5 September 2018, ‘n leuenverkikkkertoets gedoen en geslaag ten opsigte van die volgende vier vrae: 1. Was u bewus van ‘n dossier wat mnre. Malan of du Plessis by ‘n pedofielnetwerk betrek? 2. Het u persoonlik ‘n rol gespeel om ‘n dossier waarin mnre. Malan of du Plessis by ‘n pedofielnetwerk betrek word, te verdoesel? 3. Het u enige persone gehelp om ‘n dossier te verdoesel waarin mnre. Malan of du Plessis by ‘n pedofielnetwerk betrek word? 4. Was u bewus van enige opdrag wat gegee is om ‘n dossier te verdoesel waarin mnre. Malan of du Plessis by ‘n pedofielnetwerk betrek word? Die brief van Chris Steyn saam met Rapport se kommentaar is digby 500 woorde. Ek wil derhalwe vriendelik vra dat die tweede paragraaf van my brief wat bloot bedoel is om die verkeerde indruk wat geskep is, reg te stel, vir die doeleindes van die beperking op woorde buite rekening gelaat word. Groete Johan van der Merwe

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SS Mendi: AP Stemmet Beste Erika Gibson, Baie dankie vir jou berig LUI VAN DIE SKEEPSKLOK MOET SA TRADISIE WORD in Rapport van vandag, 2 Sept 2018. As oud-Burgermagsoldaat het dit my bewoë gemaak. Die klok is nou waar dit hoort en ‘n ereplek sal kry. Oor die SS Mendi het ek al vele stryde gestry. Hier en in die buiteland. As liefhebber van geskiedenis en natuurlik militêre geskiedenis, was ek jare lank bewus van die tragedie van die SS Mendi in die Eerste Wêreldoorlog. Veral dat ons soldate wat daar hul lewens opgeoffer het, nooit behoorlik vereer is nie. Die skip het op 21 Februarie 1917 10 myl suid van die Britse eiland, die Isle of Wight, gesink na ‘n botsing met die Britse vragskip Darro wat glo roekeloos in digte mis voortgejaag het. Gedurende 2011 gaan doen ek toe by ‘n museum op die mees suidelike dorp op die eiland, Ventnor, navraag by hul plaaslike museum oor die gebeure. Die afgetrede Britse offisier in beheer van die museum weet toe nie waarvan ek praat nie. Ek was nie baie beïndruk met sy kennis oor militêre geskiedenis nie en het hom gesê dat ek oor ‘n paar uur terug sou wees en hom aangeraai om intussen sekere dele van sy anatomie in rat te kry, sy huiswerk te doen en op te lees in die bronne wat ek hom gegee het. Toe ek later terugkeer sit hy met ‘n boek oor British War Stories waarna ek hom verwys het en vertel my trots dat hy nou die geskiedenis van die SS Mendi ken waarin 600 Suid-Afrikaanse soldate ondergegaan het. Wat my woedend gemaak het was toe hy sy gebrek aan kennis oor die Suid-Afrikaanse soldate wat verdrink het, verduidelik deur te sê: "Yes, but they were only Blacks". Toe leer ek hom vinnig ‘n paar Afrikaanse vloeke en vertel hom wat ek van sy Britse rassisme dink. Hy het moeilik geglo dat ek as RSA oudsoldaat geen kleurverskille in ons weermag geken het nie. Ook dat ons soldate nie geweet het van die "prevalent view in Britain ... was the absolute belief of the supremacy of the white man ..." nie. Soldate is bloedbroers. Alle kleure en klaar. Die Britte se gebrek aan kennis van geskiedenis is skokkend. Hulle weet nie van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog en konsentrasiekampe nie. Dit is nie asof hulle selektiewe geheues het nie. Hulle ken nie hul eie geskiedenis nie. Daarom moet ‘n mens seker nie verbaas wees as jy lees: "Yet in Britain few are familiar with the ship (SS Mendi) or the fate of those who sailed in it." Toe ek in Augustus 2018, verlede week, by dieselfde museum in Ventnor weer navraag doen oor materiaal oor die SS Mendi weet niemand weer iets daarvan nie. Hulle gaan diep toe ‘n beriggie in ‘n ou plaaslike koerant op waarin die gebeure beskryf word. Later vind ek uit dat my seun wat in Engeland woon daarvoor verantwoordelik was. Hierdie keer het ek my humeur in toom gehou Page 99 of 161

en hulle vriendelik versoek om iewers in die museum ‘n plekkie in te ruim ter nagedagtenis aan ons soldate wat tog in die Britte se oorlog gesterf het.. Al was hulle "only blacks".. As oudpantsersoldaat was elk geskok om te hoor dat sg. kundiges nie eens weet van die eerste roemryke aanwending van pantser ooit in ‘n oorlog (nogal deur die Britte) in die Battle of Cambrai op 20 November 1917 nie. Die klok van die SS Mendi is tuis en ek is gelukkig.. AP Adamus P Stemmet Durbanville 082 320 9245

Comments by Peter Dickens Hi Hennie There’re loads of work been done in the UK. The annual memorial event has been broadcasted on BBC and regional radio. There is a stage production of the SS Mendi called the Death dance at the moment doing it’s rounds in the UK. The BBC ran an entire program on “Coast” on the SS Mendi. The local Mayor etc in Southampton attend the memorial. The CWGC has published a DVD on the sinking. There is a museum on the Isle of White with Mendi artefacts. There’s an organisation in the UK called the Black Poppy that looks at Black war sacrifice all the time. There is UK university funding which is used to scan and sonar the wreck and recover artefacts and learn about it. Peter Dickens

Amendments to Defence Act welcomed – Pieter Groenewald Pieter Groenewald | 11 September 2018 FF Plus leader says changes will only work if they are implemented with discipline Click:

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South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties Buried Across the World – Part Seven South Africans participated in almost every theatre of war during both the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries while 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. This does not include the 1 750 members of the South African Native Labour Corps and the 306 from the South African Book of Remembrance whose names are in the process of being added to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Casualty Data Base. With South Africans having served far and wide it is not surprising that you would find single or small group graves in cemeteries across the world. Here are some of those cemeteries where one or a very small group of South Africans are buried.

• Annagh County Cemetery: Ireland The cemetery is 400 yards north of the Tralee-Dingle road, two miles South-West of Tralee, and belongs to the County Board of Health and Public Assistance. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1914-1918 war here. He is a South African Major John James Fitzgerald Harris OBE, 1st Regiment South African Infantry who died on 20 January 1920.

• Beirut War Cemetery: Lebanese Republic Lebanon was taken from the Turks in 1918 by Commonwealth forces with small French and Arab detachments. Beirut was occupied by the 7th (Meerut) Division on 8 October 1918 when French warships were already in the harbour, and the 32nd and 15th Combined Clearing Hospitals were sent to the town. In 1922 Syria and Lebanon became French mandated territory and after the fall of France in 1940, the two countries, under the control of the Vichy French, were a potential base for the Axis powers. The Germans Page 101 of 161

infiltrated Syria in May 1941 posing a threat to the Suez Canal and the Allied positions in the Middle East. In an attempt to neutralise this threat, the Allies, including a contingent of Free French forces, advanced into both countries from Palestine on 8 June 1941. The campaign lasted until 11 July, when the Vichy French asked for an armistice. Subsequently the French Mandate was superseded by an agreement which made Lebanon an independent state from 1 January 1944. Beirut War Cemetery is in two sections. One section, originally known as Beirut British War Cemetery, was begun in October 1918 and was later enlarged when graves were brought in from other burial grounds in the area. The older part of the adjoining section, originally known as Beirut (Saida Road) Indian and Egyptian Cemetery, contains three memorials to soldiers of the Indian army and the Egyptian Labour Corps who died during the First World War. This section was later extended for Second World War burials, and the two sections combined under the name of Beirut War Cemetery. Commonwealth burials and commemorations at Beirut War Cemetery now total 628 for the First World War and 531 for the Second World War. The cemetery also contains a number of war graves of other nationalities, many of them Greek and Turkish. South Africans buried in this cemetery are • • • • • • • •

Lieutenant P. J. Kilian, Lieutenant C. C. Van Der Spuy, Second Lieutenant D. M Lloyd and Flight Sergeant T. A. Selley all from the South African Air Force and died on 30 March 1944, Gunner D. Van Rooy, Cape Corps, who died on 20 July 1945, Private O. Verkyl, Cape Corps who died on 13 December 1942 and Private M. Mngomezulu, Native Military Corps who died on 12 September 1942. Also buried in this cemetery are 16 members of the African Pioneer Corps (H. C. T). 9 are from the Bechuanaland Coy (Botswana) and 7 from the Basutoland Coy (Lesotho).

Story for the South African Legion of Military Veterans by Lgr Charles Ross based on information from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Casualty Data Base and photos by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

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Veldkornet Koos Visagie, ZAR: Nico Moolman

Veldk. Koos Visagie near Middelburg Transvaal.

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Field Cornet Koos Visagie, ZAR: Jennifer Bosch

Jennifer Bosch has given life to Nico Moolman’s above photo - HBH. Page 104 of 161

Boer heliograwe

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They started it! By Steve De Witt The day we declared war on Zimbabwe According to a report in the Sunday Independent, a troop of 200 baboons is conducting a reign of terror on Beit Bridge. They live on the catwalk below. From there they stage ambushes on cars and travellers, eating and thieving and taking their loot back to the catwalk. I find this gut-wrenchingly hilarious. It’s amazing how history turns full circle. The last group of baboons terrorizing the catwalk on Beit Bridge was our army platoon. It may only be a footnote in the history of old South Africa, but it was us – little ol’ us – who unintentionally declared war on Zimbabwe in the early 80’s. Beit Bridge was a sensitive posting. ‘Daaie fxkkin communis en terroris’ Robert Mugabe had come to power only a few months before. At the last outpost on the frontier, standing face to face with the enemy half-way across the bridge, our platoon was instructed to defend South Africa against the swart gevaar. Our company commander, an Infantry captain, took this mission as a personal honour bestowed by PW Botha, Constant Viljoen (Chief of the Defence Force), Jannie Geldenhuys (Chief of the Army) and God, in that order. On the sandy, blisteringly hot parade ground of Beit Bridge he stood us at ease, not stand easy, for two hours in the sun. We were lambasted about the massive responsibility of our task. We were not under any circumstances to communicate with the Zimbabwean soldiers. Page 106 of 161

We were to be perfectly turned out, representing the whole SA army in appearance and discipline. We were the gate-keepers between SA and Communist Africa. The smallest indiscretion could flare into an international incident. “En julle fokkin Engelsmanne,” he said, referring to the minority five of us in Platoon 1, “Ek watch julle – Pasop!” Thus, entrusted with the safe-keeping of all SA, we were dispatched to the very same catwalk under the Bridge inherited today by our successors, 200 large monkeys. And thus, the Alfred Beit Bridge (1952) over the Limpopo River was once our possession, our kingdom. Amazing how the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

Actually, the bridge is a beautiful place on the Limpopo, especially at sunset. Strong legs brace into the flowing waters, and in the early 80‘s all manner of wildlife would come down to drink, including hippos. A resident crocodile patrolled the waters below, and we had endless hours of reflection from our bunker, now hidden behind overgrown foliage at the red circle (see picture below). Now our Captain may have been a drunken, Soutie-hating messiah but he knew his men. Leave low-ranking troops idle for too long and something untoward will happen. Leave five Souties in a bunker with a machine gun on an international border and you’re asking for a career-ending incident. So, we never told him that we’d smuggled cases of Castle Lager into the bunker. Nor that we’d chatted to the cautious Zim soldiers on the catwalk. He also never found out that we’d snatched a camouflage cap off one’s head. And that both sides had cocked rifles, resulting in a tense standoff, before we threw the cap back to them. Such small indiscretions were relatively easy to hide. Page 107 of 161

But when one drunken Soutie, feet up on the sandbagged wall, cocked the machine gun in a routine way to check the supposedly empty chamber, then pulled the trigger, we didn’t expect a clip of twenty odd rounds to fire across the water at the Zimbabwean bunker. Consternation and chaos broke out in the bunker. We all hit the floor, beer bottles scattering. “What the hell…!” we yelled at Trevor. Crack! Crack! came AK47 bullets back across the water. “They started it!” yelled Trevor. “They didn’t start it! You started it!” “Are you fuckin mad?” he yelled, wide-eyed – “We’ll all go to DB if we started it. They fuckin started it!” Thus the story was born. Within seconds an apoplectic, drunken Captain raged into the bunker ducking AK 47 bullets. “Julle fokkin Soutpiele!” “They started it!” we yelled in unison. “Almal in die bunkers!” he yelled into the radio. A hundred men stumbled out the bar and fell into trenches, and stayed there all night as the odd bullet continued to crack across our heads. In the morning the border post was closed, reinforcements sent and the Captain summoned to Messina HQ, some 20 km away.

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Weeks later we were at that landmark Oasis of the North, the Messina Hotel, getting pissed after a rugby game. The Captain, dronk verdriet, was there too, staring into his Brannewyn. It was safe to ask what happened when he got called to Messina HQ that day. He sukkeled to stay upright on the barstool as he revealed the biggest uitkak in the history of the SADF.

A Colonel had grilled him, asking – “who fired first”? “They started it,” he said. The Colonel then reported to Jannie Geldenhuys, Chief of the Army. He in turn told Constant Viljoen, Head of the Defence Force. Who spoke to Pik Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Who called in the Zimbabwean Ambassador… Who said “the SA Army started it”. (Here our Captain paused, and downed his Brannewyn) …Pik stared at him, not knowing what to believe. But had to inform PW Botha, who crapped him out. PW also kakked out General Viljoen. Who shat out Jannie Geldenhuys. Who got bedonnered with the Colonel. Who went bevok at the Captain… … who got five lying Soutpiele on orders in front of him, and in an unparalleled fit of drunken rage, demanded the truth. There was only one truth, and we stuck to it. “They started it”.

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In matters of unresolved blame, the army falls back on an old tactic – the opvok. Sandbags were dished out, a killer sergeant instructed to break us physically and mentally, and down to the fence by the river we were sent. It was the most brutal of PT sessions. We were drilled all day firstly into cramp, then heat stroke and finally semi-consciousness. The fences are still there today but Zimbabweans cutting holes in them care little about us Souties who nearly died there thirty years ago. Ah well, it’s all water under the bridge now, so to speak. Beit Bridge now has a new set of problems with millions of refugees, cholera, traffic congestion and a shortage of toilet paper.

I’m glad all this nonsense is not happening on my beat. It seems appropriate that baboons are the new custodians of the bridge – their intellectual capacity suits the chaos there, and at least they won’t accidentally declare war on Zimbabwe. Still, I get nostalgic for the bridge we once defended, and which God made our kingdom for two short months. It was beautiful and calm there when the Captain had passed out. I sometimes wish I could return to that bunker at sunset, if only for a beer and a banana with the new guard.

Editor’s Note; Sometimes we get a gem of a story, and this one from the heart of a veteran SADF national serviceman who has “been there, done that and got the T shirt” fighting on the Angola/Namibia (SWA) Border (and the Border on Zimbabwe), thank you Steve for this bit of “truth” and sharing your story in such an amusing and interesting way with The Observation Post. Copyright – Steve De Witt. Other Stories by Steve de Witt Kak Vraag Sit – click this link; Kak vraag sit

Mast picture of Steve de Witt’s Platoon guarding Beit Bridge in 1982 copyright and courtesy Carel Pretorius. Steve’s article was originally published in 2008 by News 24

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The legacy of the United Democratic Front lives on after 35 years For Immediate Release 20 August 2018 Thirty-five years ago, on 20 August 1983, thousands of South Africans, black and white, from across the country and from all walks of life, came together to form the United Democratic Front (UDF) in Rocklands, Mitchells Plan. The UDF brought together trade unions, civic movements, youth, women, student and faith-based organisations, NGOs, united in their opposition against the racist new Constitution Tricameral Parliament, that sought to divide our people. With the slogan “UDF Unites, Apartheid Divides� and inspired by the Freedom Charter, this formidable united front of our people went on to mobilise our people in a country-wide, non-racial and non-sexist movement, which changed the political trajectory of our country. Working with the ANC underground structures, the UDF moved swiftly to make apartheid unworkable and contributed towards pushing the regime to release cde Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners, unban the ANC and other organisations, and come to the negotiating table. As we celebrate 35 years of the UDF in the same year that we celebrate the centenary of its coPresident Mam Albertina Notsikilelo Sisulu, we pay tribute to the leaders and members of the UDF and all its affiliate organisations. We remember the thousands of UDF activists who were imprisoned, banned, restricted, teargassed and paid the ultimate price. Thirty-five years later, our country has come a long way. We now have a Constitution that provides a framework for redressing the injustices of the past. We have also removed racist laws from our statute books and laid a firm foundation over the last 24 years to ensure a better life for all our people. However, much more needs to be done to reverse the legacy of apartheid colonialism, and build a truly non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous society, to fulfill the dream of the UDF founders. Issued by the African National Congress Enquiries: Pule Mabe National Spokesperson.

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Aktuele Suid-Afrikaanse spioenasieverhale en gevallestudies – ware verhale uit Suid-Afrika se ryk en interessante intelligensiegeskiedenis. Lees in Spioenmeesters oor die maniere en metodes wat Suid-Afrika se statutêre intelligensiedienste aangewend het om geselekteerde intelligensieteikens te infiltreer, spioene in teiken-organisasies te werf en riskante infiltrasiepogings van stapel te stuur. Die gevallestudies sluit die volgende in: Die Taal wat Spioene Praat, Twee Boere-spioene pak mekaar in Oos-Afrika, Die beste spioen van alle tye – Richard Sorge, Kaptein Frederick (Fritz) Joubert Dequesne, Johannes van der Walt, Die Lang Generaal, Gerard Ludi, Yuriy Loginov (Edmund Trinka), Die Valk en die Sneeuman, Professor Hugh Hambleton – die KGB spioen, Die Spioen wat Afrikaans kon praat – Alexei Kozlov, Operasie Daisy, Arthur McGiven, Dieter Gerhardt, Die Sekretaresse, Agent 1912, Agnesia Sadler – die meisie van Pretoria, Operasie Vula, Infiltrasie-agente.

Agnesia Sadler Een van die ernstigste sekerheidsbreuke in Suid-Afrika se intelligensie-geskiedenis het in die middel-tagtigerjare die Nasionale Intelligensiediens [NI] se streekkantore in Londen en Washington plaasgevind. In daardie jare was Suid-Afrika skerp in die spervuur van omvattende ekonomiese sanksies en onder ‘n internasionale vergrootglas omrede ‘n abortiewe staatsgreep in Bophuthatswana, Barend Strydom se moorde op omstanders in Pretoria, talle binnelandse terroriste-insidente en vredesamesprekinge tussen Suid-Afrika, Angola, Kuba en die VSA om ‘n einde aan Suid-Afrika se 73-jaarlange administrasie van Suidwes-Afrika/Namibië te maak. In hierdie tydsgewrig was Agnesia Sadler ‘n buitelandse assistente (BA) onder vlak diplomatieke dekking in Londen en Washington DC waar sy administratiewe, finansiële en kriptografiese ondersteuningsfunksies in die NI se buitelandse streekkantore verrig het. ‘n Buitelandse assistent is nie normaalweg by enige operasionele of taktiese intelligensiewerk betrokke nie; sy sou ook nie kennis dra van die identiteit van bronne en agente of toegang tot intelligensieteikens hê nie. ‘n BA dra wel kennis van bronne en agente se kodename en numeriese kodes en hoeveel geld (indien enige) aan hulle betaal word. In uitsonderlike gevalle is van die BA’s as ondersteuningsagente vir agenthanteringsoperasies gebruik, byvoorbeeld om dooie uitskakels (‘dead drops’) te laai en ontlaai, briewe te pos, posbusse wat in vals name geregistreer is, leeg te maak of geld in valsnaam-bankrekeninge in te betaal. Ten spyte van deeglike opleiding en ‘n buitelandse opleidingskursus by NI se akademie buite Pretoria, het Sadler se agtergrond en opvoeding haar onvoorbereid gelaat vir die sosiale en politieke druk wat met ‘n diplomatieke lewe in Londen en Washington gepaard sou gaan. BA’s in Suid-Afrika se ambassades verdien oor die algemeen baie meer geld in vergelyking met hul salarisse in Suid-Afrika en daarmee was Sadler in staat om haar familie in Pretoria finansieel te ondersteun. Sadler was van Augustus 1983 tot 1985 in Londen gestasioneer, waar sy ‘n vriendskapsverhouding met ‘n kelner van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens aangeknoop het. NI-kollegas hul kommer oor die verhouding uitgespreek, maar Sadler het nogtans daarmee voortPage 112 of 161

gegaan. Wanneer die kelner Londen toe gevlieg het, het sy hom oorlaai met duur geskenke, vir etes by duur restaurante betaal en ook geld aan hom geleen. Sadler het by British Telecom en ook by klerewinkels buitensporige skuld gemaak wat sy later nie meer kon betaal nie.7 Dit het veroorsaak dat eisbriewe en dagvaardings aan die Suid-Afrikaanse ambassade op Trafalgar-plein beteken is. Haar NI-kollegas was deeglik bewus van en bekommerd oor haar onvermoë om met geld te werk. Haar optrede was in direkte konflik met die finansiële take en funksies wat sy in die NI se Londen-kantoor verrig het, want sy het presies geweet watter agente en bronne vir Suid-Afrika se intelligensiediens in Londen gewerk het en ook hoeveel geld aan hulle betaal is. Terselfdertyd is die streekverteenwoordiger (die hoof van NI se Londense kantoor), wat in die middel-tagtiger jare onder die kodenaam 9 gefunksioneer het, uitgeloop en sodanig gekompromitteer dat hy nie met sy normale intelligensiebedrywighede kon voortgaan nie. Hoewel Sadler vermoedelik eers later deur die Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)8 in Washington as agent gewerf is, het hierdie voorval NI se hoofkantoor in Pretoria oor haar bedrywighede agterdogtig gemaak. Sadler se geldprobleme het aan die lig gekom en sy is met spesiale vergunning in Junie 1987 na ‘n ander buitelandse kantoor van die NI, dié keer in Washington in die VSA, uitgeplaas. Sadler se geldsake was ‘n groot bron van kommer vir die NI, omdat haar persoonlike skuld op ‘n stadium meer as tien duisend pond beloop het – geld wat sy nie gehad het nie en nie kon betaal nie. Sy het ‘n buitengewone geheue gehad, veral wat name en syfers betref, ‘n eienskap wat haar ‘n aantreklike teiken vir werwing deur vyandige intelligensiedienste kon gemaak het. Sadler was ook afhanklik van aandag en dus ‘n maklike prooi vir manlike attensies – kwesbaarhede waarna intelligensiedienste soek wanneer hulle ‘n persoon as ‘n geheime agent of dubbelagent wil werf. In Washington het Sadler se spandabelrigheid vinnig weer kop uitgesteek. Sy het ‘n nuwe Hondamotor op skuld gekoop en ingeskryf vir ‘n rekenaarkursus wat duisende dollar gekos het. Die rekenaarkursus opsigself was nie aanvanklik suspisieus nie en het eers later aan die lig gekom as die plek waar Sadler vir Gino, haar latere kêrel, ontmoet het. In Washington was Sadler was ‘n alleenloper wat nie maklik ander mense in haar vertroue geneem het nie, selfs in die NIstreekkantoor het Sadler hegte vriendskapsbande met die res van die personeel vermy. Tydens die rekenaarkursus het sy Gino, ‘n jong-, voortvarende Amerikaner, ontmoet wat gou by in haar woonstel ingetrek het. Gino het haar aan sy broer voorgestel en kort daarna het die twee broers haar saamgeneem na ‘n vergadering met ‘n vrou wat haarself as ‘n verteenwoordiger van die Amerikaanse Departement van Binnelandse Sake voorgedoen het. Die vrou was in werklikheid ‘n werknemer van die FBI en so is Agnesia Sadler vermoedelik as ‘n agent van die FBI gewerf. Dié drie Amerikaners het Sadler kort hierna oortuig om vir politieke asiel in Amerika aansoek te doen. Toe Sadler se hoof in Washington en haar kollegas onraad begin vermoed, is sy nie meer toegelaat om kriptografiese versending van geheime boodskappe te doen nie. Sensitiewe politieke en operasionele inligting is van haar weerhou – sy is ‘op ys’ geplaas. Sy het agter gekom dat haar kollegas haar nie meer vertrou nie en het in Junie 1988 ‘verdwyn.’ Kollegas het na haar woonstel in Chevvy Chase gehaas, maar die woonstel was reeds leeg en Sadler nêrens te sien nie. Sadler se kollegas is by die woonstel deur lede van die Washington DC Metropolisie ingewag en gevra wat hulle daar soek. Uit die Metropolisie se gedrag was dit duidelik dat hulle vooraf, waarskynlik deur die FBI, gewaarsku is. Ambassadepersoneel het hulle ook na kêrel Gino se woonstel gehaas, maar daar was geen spoor van Sadler of Gino nie.

7 8

Swanepoel, PC. 2008. Really inside BOSS. Groep 7, Pretoria – H v A. Amerikaanse binnelandse federale speurdiens, hoofkantoor te 9de Straat, Washington DC – H v A.

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In ‘n poging om die aangeleentheid in perspektief te plaas, het NI tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die FBI ‘n geleentheid gesien het om Sadler se verhouding met Gino uit te buit en hulle het dit gedoen. Sadler het op die ingewing van die oomblik besluite geneem en haar verhouding met Gino was die katalisator vir haar besluit om nie na Suid-Afrika terug te keer nie. Sy het geborge gevoel by Gino en die sekuriteit van ‘n verhouding met hom het uiteindelik swaarder geweeg as haar lojaliteit teenoor Suid-Afrika en die Nasionale Intelligensiediens. Die Hoofdirektoraat Teenspioenasie van die Nasionale Intelligensiediens het in 1988 en 1989 ‘n omvattende ondersoek geloods na die omstandighede en redes wat daartoe gelei het dat Sadler haar land en kollegas oënskynlik aan die FBI uitverkoop het. Die verslag het tot die strakke gevolgtrekking gekom dat al NI se intelligensie-operasies, insluitende die identiteite van al NI se bronne en agente, waarskynlik gekompromitteer was. As gevolg hiervan is Agnesia Sadler deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering as persona non grata (PNG)9 verklaar en twee NI-beamptes is na haar ouerhuis in Pretoria gestuur om ‘n amptelike brief in dié verband aan haar familie te oorhandig. Ten spyte van hierdie gebeure en dat die FBI kwansuis ‘n intelligensie-skakelvenoot van NI was, het NI en die FBI nooit kontak oor Sadler gehad nie en daar is geen korrespondensie daaroor uitgeruil nie. In die middel-tagtigerjare het die FBI ook ander pogings aangewend om personeellede, veral sekretaresses en administratiewe personeel, van die Suid-Afrikaanse ambassade in Washington, DC, as agente te werf. In die intelligensiewêreld bly dit altyd waar dat daar nie vriende is nie, slegs mededingers en vyande. Met die doel om met Sadler kontak te maak, het die direkteur-generaal van NI, Dr Nïel Barnard, in 1991 ‘n gesoute lid van NI se Hoofdirektoraat Buitelandse Operasies na Washington gestuur om met Sadler te gesels. Sadler was nie ten gunste van ‘n terugkeer na Suid-Afrika nie en bevind haarself, sover bekend, vandag nog in die VSA.


Moeg vir Onsin: Danie Marais Ja, goed Hennie, hier is nog 'n voorval waarby howe by betrokke is! Jy sal seker verstaan dat die karakters se name liewer nie vermeld moet word nie. Ek dink die eerste van hulle is reeds oorlede. Gedurende die 1980-ger jare was ek 'n soort van "beheer-aanklaer" te Port Elizabeth as die assistent van die beheer-aanklaer. Ons beleid was om nie enige lang en/of ingewikkelde strafverhore aan 'n besondere streeklanddros (meneer C) te gee nie. Hy was al baie oud en moeg en nou nie regtig nie opgewasse vir lang, ingewikkelde verhore nie.


‘n Diplomatieke begripsomskrywing wat gebruik word vir ‘n persoon wat onwelkom in ‘n land is omdat sy/haar teenwoordigheid onaanvaarbaar vir die regering is – H V A.

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Op een stadium het ons egter 'n saak gekry waar 'n baie bekende maatskappy gekry waar ons die maatskappy en 'n verskeie van die direkteure van bedrog wou aankla. Dit was 'n maklike saak en kon net nie net in 'n skuldige bevinding uitloop nie. Ons het geen ander landdros gehad as mnr. C voor wie ons die saak kon plaas nie. Die media was natuurlik die hof vol - dit was 'n baie belangrike saak! Die verhoor het skaars begin toe die landdros ewe skielik van die bank af sê: "Ek is nou moeg vir hierdie onsin. Julle is onskuldig en ontslaan! Loop, asseblief." Natuurlik, het hierdie uitspraak voorblad nuus in die media gemaak. Die gevolg was dat die destydse prokureur-generaal die staatsaanklaer wou weet hoekom hy nie sy werk gedoen het nie? Die aanklaer kon maar net sê dat hy besig was om sy werk te doen toe die landdros skielik "onskuldig" sê! As gevolg van die antwoord het die departement van justisie die landdros vir 'n verduideliking gevra. Die landdros het bloot gesê dat hy 'n ooreenkoms met "sy" aanklaers het, nl. dat as hulle sien dat die saak gaan misluk, hulle net hulle linker wang moet krap, dan mors hy nie verder tyd met die saak nie,!!!

Selfoonrekords: Danie Marais Nou ja, kom ons kyk wat ek uit my verlede kan opgrawe! Daar was die saak waar die oproepe van selfone so geweldig belangrik was! Die identiteit van die persone moet vertroulik bly; maar wat ek hier weergee was wat die verhoorregter, o.a. met my as assessor as bewese bo enige redelike twyfel bevind het. Mnr. en Mev. A. was vir 'n klompie jare ( +_ 20) getroud. Sy het d.m.v. haar familie 'n gemaklike bestaan gemaak uit die wettige, maar ook maar onwettige in- en uitvoere oor die Namibiese grens. Mnr. A het, seker 'n nog beter bestaan gemaak uit sy musiek – d.w.s. die skryf van musiek, liedjies en die uitvoering daarvan. Toe bars die bom. Mnr. A het meer aandag aan 'n ander jonger dame, en ook mooier as sy vrou begin bestee! In der waarheid het Mnr. A na 'n luukse huis begin soek vir hom en sy eie (nie skoonfamilie nie) familie. Dit het al duideliker begin word dat hy in die rigting van egskeiding begin kyk! Hierdie verwikkeling het duidelik nie Mev. A gepas nie en sy het besluit om hom te laat vermoor! Om haar planne te laat uitwerk sonder dat sy by die moord betrek kan word, het sy 'n vriend Mnr. B, ('n regtige "scaly" karakter) genader en verneem of R10 000-00 voldoende sal wees om haar man permanent te verwyder. Maar dit moet soos 'n gewelddadige gewapende roof lyk! Page 115 of 161

Vir hom was die betaling voldoende maar hy sou meer geld nodig kry om die werklike moordenaars te kry wat hy nodig sal kry om die "joppie" te doen! As hy vier manne kry sal hy so R10 000-00 vir elk nodig kry! So word dit ooreengekom. Mnr. A sou op 'n sekere aand 'n uitvoering van sy en andere se musiek lewer. Dit sou die aand wees. Selfoonrekords wat die hof ontvang het, het aangedui dat verskeie oproepe deur haar vanaf haar huis gemaak is aan Mnr. B en dat hy tussen elke oproep nader en nader aan die huis beweeg het. Na elke oproep deur haar aan Mnr. B het Mnr. B weer die "moordenaars” gebel terwyl hulle ook na elke oproep nader en nader aan Mnr. A se huis beweeg. Uiteindelik is Mnr. A met 'n fatale koeëlwond in die kop in sy sitkamer aangetref. Ek dink dit is onvermydelik dat die hof bevind het dat Mev. A sowel as Mnr. B en sy 4 medepligtiges skuldig aan moord is! Elkeen is 'n gepaste vonnis opgelê!

Goggas in die Hare? Danie Marais Kom ons probeer maar nog 'n bietjie. In die laat jare van die 1960's het my pa, toe 'n ervare afgetrede landdros wat sy hele lewe lank saam met die SA Polisie gewerk het, op Humansdorp afgetree en sommer ook by die landdros, Humansdorp ge'retread'! (d.w.s. 'n afgetrede landdros wat weer gaan werk). Hy het wel gegaan en die regterlike werk van die kantoorhoof se hande afgeneem. Dit was gewoonlik 'n groot verligting vir die kantoorhoof. 'n Deel van sy verantwoordelikhede was om die vele daggarokers (Hippies) wat by Jeffreysbaai gearresteer word te verhoor. Een na die ander hippie met sy lang, vuil, slordige hare het voor hom verskyn. "ONGESOND, HET MY PA GESÊ, VIR HULLE EIE GESONDHEID SE ONTHALWE MOET DIE HARE KORT GESNY EN GEWAS WORD!" Het dus elke ducktail / hippie se saak vir ten minste 24 uur in hegtenis in die polisieselle uitgestel en gelas dat sy hare gesny en gewas word! Soos ooreengekom, het die polisie die arme man se hare met 'n skeermes afgesny en dan sy kop behoorlik vir hom gewas! Die hippies het daarna gou besluit om elders te gaan bly! Vra maar net 'n ou, ervare landdros om jou probleem op te los!

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De minimus non curat lex: Danie Marais Hierdie is ook een van die stories wat in 2009 in 'n boekie " Die magistraat weet mos" wat deur my en drie ander afgetrede landdroste uitgegee is; kom ons noem die storie maar "De minimus non curat lex". Die regsreël " de minimus non curat lex" beteken letterlik kleinighede/beuselagtighede pla nie die reg nie. 'n Beter vertaling sou wees dat die reg hom nie aan beuselagtighede/ kleinighede steur nie! 'n Pragtige illustrasie van die toepassing van hierdie regsreël is te vinde in 'n verhoor wat jare terug voor 'n landdros wat in Kaapstad plaasgevind het. Dit was in die tyd toe dit nog 'n ernstige misdaad was as 'n dame met onbedekte borste in die openbaar sou verskyn. So iets was nie eers op Clifton se vierde strand toelaatbaar nie. Om te voorkom dat een of ander perverse dame, die ander strandgebruikers, veral dié van die teenoorgestelde geslag, na die warmplek toe lei, was daar selfs genoeg Munisipale Polisie (ja, daar was 'n tyd toe hulle nog bestaan en gesien kon word) wat pligsgetrou toegesien het dat alles rein en kuis op die strande verloop! Dit het egter gebeur dat die pragtige mej. Trixie Visser (‘n skuilnaam), baie gewaag het om met haar bikini na CLIFTON VIERDE STRAND is om te gaan sonbad. Sy het mooi op haar magie op haar handdoek gelê en bandjies van haar bikini bostuk losgemaak sodat haar ruggie mooi egalig bruin brand. Met die het sy aan die slaap geraak en in haar slaap omgedraai. Die gevolg was dat haar bikini bostukkie agter gebly het en onder haar rug beland het. Sy was egter nie toegelaat om, veral, die manne op die strand te verlei nie want die Strand Polisie was spoedig byderhand om in te tree en toe te sien dat haar immorele optrede nie almal tot in die warmplek lei nie! Sy is kaalborstig gearresteer en met haar bikini bostukkie in die hand in die vangwa gegooi. Sy is in die Kaapstadse se hofselle aangehou totdat sy die volgende dag met haar bikini aan in die hof voor Landdros Common Sense op 'n aanklag verskyn het op 'n aanklag van openbare onsedelikheid verskyn het. Gelukkig het die landdros, nog voor sy op die aanklag kon pleit, aan die aanklaer gesê: "Meneer die aanklaer, het jy regte geswot of nie. Jy het oënskynlik niks van die leerstuk van de minimus non curat lex geleer nie. Aan die juffroutjie, wat nou die beskuldigde is: "Juffrou wat is jou borsmaat"? Trixie: "30A edelagbare"! Landdros: "Juffrou, die hof steur hom nie aan beuselagtighede nie. Jy is onskuldig en word ontslaan! Jy kan maar gaan! NPA must explain why it failed to prosecute cases, including Bosasa – SIU News24 | 04 September 2018 Andy Mothibi says his unit had referred 'many cases' which had then gone nowhere Page 117 of 161

NPA must explain why it failed to prosecute cases, including Bosasa - SIU 4 September 2018 The Special Investigative Unit (SIU) is turning up the heat on the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), demanding answers about all the cases it has failed to prosecute since 2007. The cases include a damning investigation into facilities management company Bosasa, the SIU has confirmed. In 2009, the SIU referred a report on four tenders awarded to Bosasa by the Department of Correctional Services, worth more than R1.5bn, to the NPA. The report found that Bosasa had bribed former prisons boss Linda Mti and the department's chief financial officer Patrick Gillingham to win the tenders but, nearly a decade later, the NPA has still not taken any action. Last year, the NPA confirmed to News24 that a new team of advocates had been appointed and the matter was now at an advanced stage. Following a report by News24 published in the City Press on Sunday that detailed how top ANC MP Vincent Smith received cash and gifts from Bosasa amounting to at least R800 000 in the past three years, the SIU is looking to engage with the NPA on numerous cases it referred for prosecution that have been left to gather dust. Bosasa, which changed its name last year to African Global Operations, has won tenders worth more than R10bn from Airports Company SA - as well as the correctional services, home affairs and social development departments - since 2003. SIU head Andy Mothibi has demanded a discussion with the NPA about the criminal cases which had been referred to it, but where it had failed to take action. News24 understands that there could be as many as 463 criminal cases. Mothibi said in a statement that they had referred "many cases" to the NPA, some as far back as 2007, but that there had been no prosecutions to date. "Leaving so many criminal cases, referred to the NPA by the SIU, hanging for [such a] long period is unsound and goes against the grain of good governance," Mothibi said. "It is absolutely critical to revisit all these outstanding cases which the SIU referred for prosecution to the NPA," he added. 'Cure the defects' SIU investigators and lawyers had spent an "inordinate amount of time" working with forensic specialist investigators, he said, adding that when their work yielded no prosecutorial results they were left demoralised. Mothibi also raised concerns about the money spent on investigating the cases. "Financial resources from the state purse are also disbursed during these investigations, for them not to be seen to their logical end‌ which is a corrupt-free South Africa," he said. Mothibi said he wanted the SIU and NPA to work together on all the cases, "to cure the defects, if any, which enabled the NPA to make a decision to either prosecute or decline to do so". He said there had to be feedback on all cases to avoid suspicion from the public, and added that both institutions had to give meaning to the constitutional dictate that "all are equal before the law". "Citizens are bound to look at us in the criminal justice system askance where we omit to account to them on the outcomes of the investigations we did in the past and continue to do without any tangible prosecutorial results," he said. He added that he wanted the SIU team to have a collaborative working relationship with the NPA. News24

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NEW TECHNOLOGY | NUWE TEGNOLOGIE Hommeltuie (HT) Deel 2:Saamgestel deur Philip Malherbe (Deel 1, Nongqai Vol. 9 No. 4 p.17.)

In hierdie tweede artikel oor hommeltuie gaan ons verder kyk na die interessante gebruike van hierdie 20ste eeuse nuutjie. Noodvoorrade Alreeds so vroeg soos Mei 2016 het Amerika en Rwanda het ‘n vennootskap aangegaan met Lockheed Marin, ‘n VSA globale lugruim verdediging-sekuriteit en gevorderde tegnologie maatskappy, om die sleutel behoefte aan te spreek vir die lewering van kritiese mediese voorrade na afgeleë gebiede. Weens die topografiese omstandighede in afgeleë plattelandse gebiede is dit bitter moeilik en in baie gevalle bykans onmoontlik gedurende die reënseisoen om vermelde gebiede te bereik. Die projek maak gebruik van SMS (“short message service”) -tegnologie wat dit moontlik maak vir dokters om bestellings in ‘n sentrale sisteem te plaas waarna die pakhuis vasstel of die produk beskikbaar is, dit laai en programmeer na die aanvraag dokter. Bokant die adres laat die hommeltuig (HT) die pakkie vry, die dokter kollekteer die pakkie en die HT keer dan terug na die pakhuis. Die proses wat normaalweg ure neem, neem slegs 15 min in beslag, met gepaardgaande impak op menslike lewe.

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Benaming Die benaming HT is ‘n meer toeganklike term vir wat aanvanklik begin het as ‘n onbemande lugvoertuig (“unmanned aerial vehicle” (UAV)). Beskrywend beteken dit dat vermelde voertuig of kan vlieg of beheer word vanaf ‘n verwyderde ligging. Die eerste voertuig wat sonder ‘n vlieënier geopereer het, is gedurende die eerste wêreldoorlog gebou. Die eerste modelle, soos in die Rwanda projek, is van stapel gestuur d.m.v. ‘n rekenaar en beheer deur radiokontrole. Gedurende die vroeë 1960’s is opgemerk dat suksesvolle uitvindings ‘n bepaalde patroon volg. Dit word nie eensklaps aanvaar nie, hetsy of dit ‘n bepaalde voordeel inhou of nie. Wat wel gebeur is dat ‘n klein groep entoesiaste dit op proef stel en dan versprei na dié meer onwilliges. Dieselfde het met HT-tegnologie gebeur. Moontlik het dit langer geneem as ander produkte, dit blyk egter asof die proses van ontwikkelaars finaal beweeg na die persone wat inkoop. Tans blyk dit dat die kommersiële aanvrae na HT-tegnologie toeneem onder opportuniste. Een van die laat entoesiastiese firmas, wat deesdae baie suksesvol is om HT kommersieel te bemark, is tans die wêreld se grootste vervaardiger naamlik: China se CJI. Normaalweg is China ‘n tegnologiese volger, maar in HT vervaardiging troon hulle uit as die leier. Ook is hulle konstant besig om die grense van kommersiële HT-ontwikkeling, te toets. Hul nuutste HT, die Phantom 4, is in staat om hoë definisie lewendige videobeeld-stroom oor te dra na ‘n “smartphone” of ‘n tablet tot en met 5 km ver, en dit met die grootste gemak. Dit is dus nie vergesog om te voorspel dat binne 10 jaar sal HT deel wees van jou algemene natuurlike lewe – kleiner, ligter, en meer prakties. HT sal sensors bevat wat voorwerpe kan systap, batterylewe sal verleng en afstande sal toeneem. Allerlei nuwe gebruike word daagliks by die gebruik van HT’e bygevoeg byvoorbeeld walvisnavorsers. Hulle gebruik HT’e om monsters in vlug te neem terwyl die walvisse lugkolomme Page 120 of 161

blaas. Dit word ‘snot larwe’ genoem. Na ontleding hiervan kan navorsers die gesondheidstoestand van die walvisse bepaal. Militêre Aanwending van Onbemande Vliegtuie

Gewapende weermagte het lank terug alreeds begin eksperimenteer met afstand beheerde tuie. Ter agtergrond: Napoleon het Italië in 1797 verower en in dieselfde jaar Italië oorgedra aan Oostenryk. Gedurende 1848 tydens rewolusies regdeur Europa, het die hoofstad van Italië, Venesië hulself onafhanklik verklaar. Oostenryk het onmiddellik teruggeslaan deur alle seeweë na Venesië te blokkeer, wat hongersnood tot gevolg gehad het, met aansteeklike siektes wat oral uitgebreek het. Nieteenstaande die feit dat Venesië heeltemal omsingel was op land en see, kon Oostenryk se artillerie nie naby genoeg kom om die stad suksesvol aan te val nie, weens die uitstekende kusverdediging en vlak strandmere. Oostenryk het toe buskruit mengsels aan ballonne (5.7m in deursnee) geheg en losgelaat op die stad. Alhoewel baie van die ballonne die stad gemis het en van die ballonne deur die wind teruggedryf is na die Oostenrykse troepe, het die skade wat aangerig is op die stad asook die gepaardgaande emosionele effek op die verswakte en verhongerde soldate, tot gevolg gehad dat Venesië twee dae later oorgegee het. Gedurende 1918 het die VSA-weermag begin om lugtorpedo HT te gebruik en is dit die “Kettering Bug” genoem. Navorsing t.o.v. onbemande lugvoertuie het toegeneem en die Britte het ook ‘n paar geproduseer wat radio gekontroleerd was. Dit is dan ook gedurende hierdie tydperk dat die term HT ontstaan het. Duisende V-1 vlieënde bomme is deur Duitsland op Engeland geloods, deur afstandbeheerde vliegtuie 13 dae na die suksesvolle landing van die geallieerde troepe. Dit het bestaan uit ‘n 1.4m lange bom met ‘n gewig van 2,150kg, met ‘n plofkop bevattende 850kg Amatol en ‘n elektriese impak-skakelaar. Die finale stuiptrekkings van Duitsland was egter nie genoeg om Engeland te oorwin nie, aangesien die V1 bomme nie baie akkuraat was nie, slegs ‘n 5de van die bomme het hul bestemming in Londen bereik. Viëtnam: Page 121 of 161

Die Amerikaanse troepe het verkenningsvlugte met HT op groot skaal gedurende die Viëtnamese oorlog in die vroeë 60 jare ontplooi. Dit is met sukses aangewend om missiele en pamflette te loods in sielkundige oorlogvoering. Teen terroriste: Verbeterde missiel-gehegte HT is in 2001voltooi met die Predators wat bewapen was met Helfire missiele en MQ-1L Wadit, en is in 2002 vir die eerste keer in Afganistan geloods, met die teiken Osma Bin Laden. Hy het egter snuf in die neus gekry en ontvlug. Industriële, Mynbou en Presisie Boerdery Die gebruik van HT in die privaat sektor en boerderye is aan die toeneem om “data” te versamel, juis omdat dit bekostigbaar, effektief, veilig en akkuraat is. Kunsmatige Intelligensie, wat ook besig om met rasse skrede vooruit te gaan, word aangewend in groot pakhuise om sekere items via hul strepieskodes op te spoor. Nuwe ontwikkeling sluit spesialis opnames ondergronds in waar die HT, “Tilt Ranger”, in samewerking met kameras en “lidar” (laser radar) op kruiptrekker wiele, mynskagte ondergronds, plot op kaarte. Die Elios HT word beskerm deur ‘n liggewig rooster, wat dit ideaal maak om inspeksies in nou plekke uit te voer. Risiko’s en gevare van HT Bekommerde lugvaart personeel in Suid Afrika (SA) waarsku toenemend teen die chaos en rampe indien HT in die lugruim nie behoorlik beheer word nie. Maklik bekombaar van die winkelrakke, is ongereguleerde HT ’n groot gevaar. Die hoogste gesag vir private veiligheid , die SA Private Lugruim Assosiasie doen ‘n beroep op groter waaksaamheid, en sê indien nie gehoor gegee word nie, kan dit lei tot “katastrofiese rampe” tussen HT en vliegtuie. Daar word alreeds voorvalle ondersoek waar vliegtuie neergestort het, vermoedelik nadat die loodse moes uitswaai vir HT. Voorbeelde van aangetekende klagtes teen HT wat roekeloos in die lugruim geloods is, is o.a. ontvang gedurende die Duzi kano-marathon waar ‘n stadige laag vlieënde helikopter met ‘n veiligheidsoffisier en paramediese personeel aan boord die kanovaarders gemonitor het. Skielik het ‘n flitsende wit HT voor die helikopter verskyn. Daar word vermoed dat dit deur ‘n toeskouer op die grond beheer is. Indien die HT in die lemme van die masjien beland het kon dit veroorsaak het dat die stuurkontrole van die helikopter beïnvloed sou word met ‘n botsing as gevolg. Die loods het ‘n landing uitgevoer om van die skok te herstel. Duidelik ‘n geval waar die persoon in beheer van die HT nie die veiligheidsregulasies nagekom het nie. Tydens nog ‘n voorval het personeel van Oseane Navorsingsinstituut ‘n opname gedoen van die aantal vissers vanaf rotse. Die vliegtuig het laer as gewoonlik gevlieg toe die vlieënier ‘n laag vlieënde HT opmerk, gelukkig kon hy daarin slaag om genoeg hoogte te bereik om die HT te vermy. Die vlieënier vermoed dat een van die vissers ‘n HT ingespan het om aas dieper in die water neer te laat. In hierdie geval het die vlieënier ongeskonde daarvan afgekom en net groot geskrik.

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Regulasies Die regulasies bepaal duidelik dat die HT, wat ressorteer onder ‘n onbemande of afstandbeheerde loods, wat vir privaatdoeleindes aangeskaf is, slegs mag opereer in private lugruim en nie naby ‘n lughawe of ‘n publieke plek of naby (50 m) ander persone nie, of ‘n gebou of struktuur. Dit mag ook nie aangewend word oor of langs ‘n publieke pad nie. Die tuig mag ook nie hoër as 120m vlieg of binne ‘n radius van 10 km vanaf ‘n lughawe, of langs ‘n kernkragaanleg, gevangenis, polisiestasie, misdaadtoneel, hofgebou, nasionale of strategiese sleutelpunt vlieg nie. indien die HT vir kommersiële doeleindes of vir besigheid aangewend word, moet die maatskappy ‘n afgeleë operasionele sertifikaat bekom en die hanteerders van die HT ‘n afgeleë vlieënierslisensie. Alhoewel die HT baie kleiner en ligter as bestaande bemande vliegtuie is, is die blote teenwoordigheid van HT in die lugruim ‘n dreigende gevaar vir ander lugruim gebruikers. Sou daar ‘n botsing tussen ‘n HT, en ‘n helikopter, of ‘n vliegtuig met passasiers plaasvind, kan dit katastrofies wees. Oortreding en skuldigbevinding aan vermelde regulasies kan tot 10 jaar tronkstraf of ‘n boete van R 50,000, of beide, beloop. Me. Nicole Swart was die 1ste persoon in SA, aan wie ‘n HT lisensie uitgereik is op 2015-07-10. (Sy is toevallig ‘n vlieënier).

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Byeboere Navorsing in “biomimicry” – die nabootsing van modelle, sisteme en elemente van die natuur met die doel om moeilike menslike probleme op te los, lewer interessante resultate op. Daar is nou daarin geslaag om ‘n by na te boots met die hoop dat HT aangewend kan word om plante te bestuif, a.g.v. die feit dat die bye populasie die afgelope dekade met 30% afgeneem het. Die HT word toegerus met klein titaan vlerkies en ‘n spesiale vesel om die stuifmeel te versamel. HT word bevoordeel met die vinnige tegnologiese uitbreiding, o.a. die navorsingsontwikkeling van die “FLIR Black Hornet” HT, merkwaardig weens die feit dat dit ongelooflik klein is, pas in die palm van jou hand, maar is baie gevoelig vir wind aangesien dit gebruik maak van ‘n konvensionele helikopter uitleg. Navorsers het na die natuur teruggekeer vir ‘n skeppende drang en het ‘n HT met vier klein flappende vlerke geskep wat uiters gevoelig is vir onstuimige lug toestande, dit is verder hoogstens beweeglik en stil. Verdere navorsing in “biomimicry” is die nabootsing van die visie van ‘n arend, wat ‘n haas 3 kilometers ver kan bespied, dit is gelykstaande aan ‘n mens wat ‘n mier vanaf die 10de verdieping op die grond kan waarneem. “Foveated lens” is kameras wat veeldoelige lense gebruik om verskillende resolusies teweeg te bring aan die beeld, wat dan in staat is om hoër skeppende beelde in die middel ten toon te stel.

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Lughawens “Biomimicry” het ‘n HT robot ontwerp wat ‘n valk / arend naboots, kompleet met flappende vlerke, om voëls te verjaag van lughawens. Soortgelyke HT word nou ook aangewend deur landbou om voëls te verjaag wat oeste verorber. Regsaksie Aangesien SA die enigste land ter wêreld is wat HT operateurslisensies verlang, het CUASSA (Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Association of SA) nou ‘n regsaksie van stapel laat loop om die regulasie proses te verhaas, aangesien dit tans enigiets van 3 maande plus neem (plus duisende rande aan verliese) vir die uitreiking van ‘n lisensie. Ekonome is van mening dat die HT bedryf gedurende 2017 meer as 30,000 formele en informele poste geskep het. As voorbeeld van die groei in die industriële sektor t.o.v. kaartopstellings, word daar verwys na ‘n plaaslike maatskappy Rocketmine wat hoofsaaklik fokus op mynbou en dienste, soos opmeting en kaart-vasstelling, plofstof skietwerk monitering, industriële inspeksies, sekuriteit en waarnemingsdienste, wildopnames, grenskontrole, mynopgawe-bestuur, stormskade evaluasies, sonpaneel-inspeksies ens. Rocketmine is slegs die tweede HT operateur, na Dennel, wat ‘n “beyond line of sight” lisensie verkry het vir kommersiële vlugte. HT Konferensie Tydens die onlangse Hommeltuie Konferensie is daar berig dat die bedryf besig om sy fokus te verskuif van harde ware na sagteware en dataverwerking, asook die verwerking van informasiePage 125 of 161

oorlaaiing. Die sisteem integreer nou die HT met satelliet en ander informasie in een bron en bestuur die inligting. Daar word nou gefokus op die “Zephyr High Altitude Pseude-Satelite”, wat in staat is om 100 dae in die ruimte te wentel. Die sensors verskaf groter hoër resolusies as die satelliete aangesien dit in ‘n hoër atmosfeer vlieg.

Regstoepassing Weereens word kunsmatige-intelligensie ingespan via HT om persone te identifiseer vanaf nommerplate en gesigs-herkenning asook gedragspatrone – sekuriteitkameras is deesdae in staat om verdagte gedrag te identifiseer gebaseer op liggaamstaal. Die aanwending van HT vir sekuriteit en waarneming waarborg ‘n groot kostebesparing indien daar gebruik gemaak moes word van helikopters of vastevlerk vliegtuie. HT kan ook ontplooi word in of naby areas as intelligensie insameling hulpmiddel, met regstreekse video terugvoer wat herlei kan word na OPS-sentrums. Dit word voorsien dat die verskillende misdaadvoorkoming-rolspelers (staats- en privaat sektor) gesamentlike operasies sal uitvoer. HT het die vermoë om soos duiwe oraloor teenwoordig te wees en is vinnig besig om ‘n breë spektrum te betree vanaf industrieë, landbou, sekuriteit, fotografie en aksie sport. Jare terug in die polisie het die groter Onluste Eenhede twee lede gehad wat video opnames van die tonele moes opneem. Sodoende is verdagtes geïdentifiseer, aangekla en voor die hof gebring. As ek na die onrustonele kyk wat deesdae bygewoon word, wil dit al vir my voorkom asof die manne bang is om iemand te identifiseer. Moontlik is hul bang dat hul wonings / familie getreiter mag word, of hulle private regte aangetas word. Page 126 of 161

Vroeër jare het ons nie gehuiwer om arrestasies uit te voer nie, self vir “lelik op straat”! Dit was goeie oefening en ons het fiks gebly vir ons onderskeie sportsoorte. Selfs die manne wat veerpyltjies gespeel het, het nie gehuiwer as die geleentheid daar was vir ‘n moontlike arrestasie, om voluit te gehardloop nie. Ek onthou hoe die langasems wat nie veel spoed gehad het nie, ‘n stewige pas aangesit het totdat die verdagte later sonder asem gaan stil staan het of op die grond neergesak het. Kom ons aanvaar dat die huidige jeug nie gebou of baie beweeglik is om in tweede rat te kom nie, moontlik moet die polisie dit oorweeg om HT aan te skaf, vergelyker wys - 6 tot 10 HT (teen ongeveer R 10 - 20,000 elk – die prys van een polisievoertuig), so groot soos ‘n waterbottel met ‘n gewig van ongeveer 1 kg. Vermelde HT kan uitvlieg tot op ‘n distansie van 7 km, met die nodige sensors, kamera en dies meer. Lede kan dan opgelei word om tonele te monitor en verdagtes op band vas te lê. Hulle is in elk geval meer vaardig met vandag se tegnologie en sal dit moontlik meer geniet om met die HT te “speel”. Sal net moontlik die HT moet voorsien van “governors” sodat hulle nie die spoedgrens kan oorskry nie. Deel van opleiding behels die voorsien en vermyding van ander vliegtuie deur gebruik te maak van rekenaar visie. HT maak dit net moeiliker vir die kriminele om hul aktiwiteite te verberg, gesien in die lig daarvan dat hul gemonitor word, sonder dat hulle daarvan bewus is, of dit te laat agterkom. Ter afsluiting: Die gebruik van HT is op nasionale vlak bespreek tydens ‘n polisie-portefeulje komitee vergadering in Augustus 2018 in die Parlement. Enkele polisie-eenhede het begin met die aanwending van HT, o.a. kreef- en perlemoensmokkellary, huisbraak eenhede, en enkele misdaadvoorkoming eenhede. Ongelukkig weet ons dat uitvoerbaarheid veel te wense laat.

Bronne Star 2018-03-16 p18 Page 127 of 161

For many years MOTOROLA (at least 73 yrs.) have been supplying the SAP with radio’s in police cars and police vans. Now ‘new’ technology from Motorola, read on:

Motorola is creating self-driving police vehicles that take criminals to jail – and call the suspect's lawyer on the way there, according to new patent • • •

Motorola has submitted a patent for the new self-driving vehicles It would scan the detainee for drugs, weapons and alcohol, patent suggests It could even put them in a conference call with their lawyer and court officials

By SAMUEL WEBB FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 18:49 BST, 17 September 2018 | UPDATED: 18:49 BST, 17 September 2018

Criminal suspects could soon be locked up, breathalysed, read their rights and driven to jail in autonomous police cars. Technology company Motorola has submitted a patent for the self-driving vehicle, which would also scan the detainee for drugs, weapons and alcohol. It could even put them in a conference call with their lawyer and court officials. The documents, submitted to the US Patent and Trademark Office, describes a 'mobile law enforcement communication system and method' that would even let suspects swipe their bank cards to pay bail and unlock the car.

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Technology company Motorola has submitted a patent for the self-driving vehicle, which would also scan the detainee for drugs, weapons and alcohol. It could even put them in a conference call with their lawyer and court officials

Motorola says arrests for minor crimes can be complex and time-consuming and aims to speed up the process and free up time for stretched officers. The patent reads: 'By performing law enforcement processes and proceedings within a vehicular environment, an officer is able to remain in the field, thereby advantageously preserving law enforcement resources.' The suspect may also be photographed and searched for on a facial recognition database. After the suspect is processed, the 'procedures' carried out by the car may trigger further legal action. For example, if weapons or drugs are detected, a judge contacted by the vehicle's communication system can authorise a search warrant on the suspect's home. 'The ability to have search warrants approved while the detainee is located in the vehicle saves considerable time and minimises disruption in preserving evidence,' the document adds. Motorola has been contacted for a comment.

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+5 Motorola says arrests for minor crimes can be complex and time-consuming and aims to speed up the process and free up time for stretched officers. Pictured is the patent


British Police vs Facebook Met police chief Cressida Dick says Facebook should make evidence available to detective’s murder detectives 'in minutes' amid row over Lucy McHugh murder case • • • •

Murder investigation into girl's death has raised further questions of Facebook Detectives asked company key information but had to go through legal route Victim's mother has urged the company to hand over a suspect's password Met Police chief says detectives should be able to get evidence 'in minutes' Page 130 of 161


The Commissioner of the Met Police has said Facebook should hand over potentially vital information to detectives 'within minutes' of being asked. Cressida Dick spoke out after the social network refused to hand over a password which could aid the investigation into the killing of 13-year-old Lucy McHugh. Hampshire Police has been forced to initiate a lengthy legal procedure in the US in a bid to get hold of messages sent and received by suspect Stephen Nicholson before Lucy's death. Frearm police o

fficers to use head mounted cameras on ‌ Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said police should be able to get hold of information from Facebook and other social networks more easily

Met Police chief Ms Dick did not comment on the case specifically but said social networks must make it easier for police to get at potentially key evidence. She told LBC: 'I absolutely think in certain instances - and it sounds like this is one - law enforcement in the UK ought to be able to have vital evidence which might bring someone to justice.' She said social media giants are getting better at working with police, but added: 'It's not the first time that a police force in the UK or overseas has approached a social media company looking for evidence and had to go through a very protracted procedure or has found that it actually impossible to do so.' Lucy's mother, Stacey White, said unlocking the account would 'certainly give police an idea of what was being said between Lucy and Stephen'. 'In situations like this, Facebook really should just release the information that is needed and I think that is the opinion that everybody has,' she told the Daily Mail. 'They should give over the account details. Lucy needs justice. It's so easy for them to do.' Detectives investigating the murder of 13-year-old Lucy McHugh are desperate to access Facebook accounts belonging to tattoo artist Stephen Nicholson

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Nicholson, a father-of-one, was staying at Lucy's family home in Southampton until several days before she was found stabbed to death in woodland on July 26. According to prosecutors he had contact with the teenager as recently as the morning of her disappearance. While being questioned on suspicion of murder and sexual activity with a child, he twice refused to give detectives his Facebook password. The 24-year-old was jailed for 14 months on Friday over his refusal to hand over the password to his account. Lucy's mother, Stacey White, has urged Facebook to hand over the password

The court heard his excuse for refusing access was to protect himself and his family as there was information relating to cannabis on the account. Prosecutors said police were facing a 'lengthy procedure' in order to obtain access and the investigation into Lucy's death had been 'considerably obstructed' as a result. Yvette Cooper, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, called on the Government and Facebook to create a fast, legal procedure for such cases. 'This was an appalling murder, and Lucy McHugh's family need justice,' she told the Mail. 'For there to be such long delays and cumbersome international processes for getting crucial information in such a serious case is deeply disturbing.' Nicholson remains on bail for his arrest on suspicion of murder and sexual activity with a child. A charging decision is anticipated on October 27. A spokesman for Facebook said 'This is a terrible case and our hearts go out to the family of Lucy McHugh. 'We are working closely with law enforcement and there are well established legal mechanisms that the police follow to obtain information in criminal investigations like this.'

Why the legal process of accessing a private Facebook account could take months through US authorities As a US-based company, Facebook has no legal requirement to provide British police forces with access to private accounts. In general, the firm says it only provides officers with swift access in cases 'involving imminent harm to a child, or risk of death or serious physical injury to any person'. For most other requests – even those relating to terrorism, murder and rape – detectives must go through the US legal system, which can take months. British police must send a formal written request for help, which Facebook calls a 'mutual legal assistance treaty request'. Page 132 of 161

They must also apply to the US Justice Department, which places the request in a queue before any court order is granted compelling Facebook to disclose a user's personal information – including their password. Facebook, which also owns the encrypted messaging service WhatsApp, was condemned last year for refusing to give MI5 access to text messages after a string of deadly terror attacks in Britain. It is not the only tech company to face such criticism. Apple was slammed for refusing to help the FBI access data on the phone of a terrorist who shot 14 dead in San Bernardino, California, in 2015. Share or comment on this article: Senior Scotland Yard officer faces the sack for using 'racist' term 'whiter than white' in briefing to colleagues about being faultless in their inquiries • Detective with anti-corruption squad said to have used phrase in briefing • Police watchdog is investigating context of the phrase and will question officer • Colleagues are said to be upset that a probe has been launched into comments By RICHARD SPILLETT, CRIME CORRESPONDENT FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 14:51 BST, 14 September 2018 | UPDATED: 16:02 BST, 14 September 2018 A senior officer with the Met Police faces the sack after he was accused of racism for using the phrase 'whiter than white'. The detective in Scotland Yard's anti-corruption squad is facing an investigation by the police watchdog after he is said to have used the phrase during a briefing to colleagues. According to Cambridge Dictionary, the term means 'never doing anything wrong', and the detective reportedly used it to mean officers' actions should be beyond reproach.

A detective with the Met Police's anti-corruption unit faces an investigation after he allegedly used the apparently innocuous phrase 'whiter than white' Page 133 of 161

But a complaint was made over apparent racial connotations of the phrase and investigation has now been launched. Colleagues are reportedly upset that the man's career has been hit and he faces a probe lasting up to a year for uttering a phrase which is widely used around the country without controversy. Another Met officer told The Evening Standard: 'It may have been a poor use of language but this is not what the misconduct process is for. This is not corruption, this is not serious wrongdoing.' The paper reported that other officers are being investigating over the use of seemingly innocuous phrases including 'pale, stale and male' and 'a good egg'. It is understood the detective in the Met Police case has been put on restricted duties after being served misconduct notice in June. He will be interviewed by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) at a later date. A spokesman for the Independent Office for Police Conduct said: 'I can confirm that as part of Operation Embley into allegations of serious corruption and malpractice within the Directorate of Professional Standards a notice of investigation has been served on an officer informing them we are investigating the alleged use of language deliberately intended to offend and that had racist undertones. 'A notice is issued to inform an officer at the earliest opportunity following an allegation and to safeguard their interests. It in no way indicates that misconduct proceedings will take place.' Share or comment on this article


United Kingdom Harry and Meghan will attend gala concert in Westminster aiming to raise £100,000 to help troops with PTSD • • •

Couple will be guests at 100 Days to Peace concert at Central Hall Westminster Aids Help for Heroes, Combat Stress, and Prince Harry's charity Heads Together Prince served in the Army for ten years and undertook two Afghanistan tours

By THE MAIL ON SUNDAY REPORTER PUBLISHED: 22:49 BST, 1 September 2018 | UPDATED: 22:49 BST, 1 September 2018

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend a gala concert this week that aims to raise £100,000 to help troops with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Royal couple will be guests at the 100 Days to Peace concert at Central Hall Westminster in aid of Help for Heroes, Combat Stress and Prince Harry’s own charity, Heads Together. The Prince served in the Army for ten years, rising to the rank of Captain and undertaking two tours of Afghanistan. The concert on Thursday will be hosted by singer Lesley Garrett and has been arranged by Royal Armouries, which runs the UK’s museums of arms and armour.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend a gala concert this week that aims to raise £100,000 to help troops with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The Prince (pictured in 2008) served in the Army for ten years, rising to the rank of Captain and undertaking two tours of Afghanistan

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Its chairman, Lord Dannatt, former head of the Army, backed a successful campaign by The Mail on Sunday to create a 24-hour helpline for serving soldiers with mental health issues. The campaign was inspired by the death of Warrant Officer Nathan Hunt, who served with Harry in Afghanistan and who killed himself in January. The concert is billed as ‘an evening of music and reflection’ and marks the centenary of the last 100 days of hostilities of the First World War. Lord Dannatt said: ‘I am delighted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be present on what should be a very special evening. ‘Tragically, the First World War did not turn out to be “the war to end war”. But then, as now, we can hope and pray for a better future.’ Tickets, from £39, are available from

Lord Dannatt said: ‘I am delighted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be present on what should be a very special evening'

Share or comment on this article: Ons sien die Britte neem PTS onder sy soldate ernstig op. Dit is ons wens dat PTS in Suid-Afrika, veral onder veterane van die SAP en SAW, ernstig opgeneem word - HBH

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UK Royal Marines Sniper School: Jim Hooper

Copyright © Jim Hooper

• Part 1: A History of Sniping 1755 - 1945 The snipe is a particularly agile and fast-flying game bird that not only requires careful stalking but, when it is finally flushed, can be extremely difficult to hit. Its popularity among hunters originated in India, where British officers who consistently hit this small bird in flight were given the accolade of ‘sniper’. The use of the word entered the military lexicon, and after a battle in 1773 a British officer wrote, “The soldiers ... put their hats on the parapet for the enemy to shoot at, and humorously called it sniping.” The military art of singling out important targets at long range had its roots during British colonial rule in North America. After General Braddock’s troops were routed by the French and their Abenaki Indian allies in Ohio in 1755, a British-American unit was formed from rifle-armed settlers whose fieldcraft, tracking and hunting skills equalled that of the Abenaki. This was the King’s Royal Rifle Corps, the 60th Regiment, which became known as the Royal Americans. The roots of the mis-named ‘Kentucky Rifle,’ described by historians as “America’s first original contribution to the development of firearms,” lay in central Europe, where well-organized shooting competitions had been established since the 16th Century. Among the 18th Century immigrants to America from Germany and Switzerland were experienced marksmen and gunmakers. The need for tools to provide meat and for defence against hostile Indians saw them turn their skills to producing accurate, long-range firearms for an environment where marksmanship was often Page 137 of 161

crucial to survival. By the time of the American Revolution the British Army had forgotten the lessons learned 20 years earlier, and was hopelessly outclassed by the rebels in accurate shooting. At the battle of Saratoga, in 1777, a Pennsylvania hunter by the name of Tim Murphy killed one of the most capable British commanders, General Simon Fraser, at the almost-unheard-of range of 300m. In one of his reports to London, General Lord Howe wrote of the “terrible guns of the rebels.” It was a harsh school, and the British reacted by hiring rifle-armed jägers from the small German states supplying mercenaries for the war in America. During the Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815) the 5th Battalion of the 60th Regiment was the first British unit to officially exchange their smoothbore muskets for rifles. No longer manned by American backwoodsmen, it became a jäger unit formed primarily from Germans; it was followed by the 95th Rifles, which gained fame against the French in the Peninsular Campaign. Both units were employed as sharpshooters and given the task of targeting enemy officers. The 95th broke with tradition by adopting a green and black uniform - an early attempt at camouflage and used natural cover from which to use their superior firearms. Their effectiveness was such that Marshal Soult, Commander in Chief of the French Army in Spain, wrote to the Minister of War in Paris in 1813, noting that “There is in the English Army a Battalion of the 60th ... the men are picked for their marksmanship ... and are expressly ordered to pick off officers, especially Field or General Officers.” One of the Marshal’s staff officers wrote, no doubt with considerable hyperbole, that, “Les Riflemen killed all our officers between July 25th and August 31st, viz: 500 officers and 8 Generals.” As a result, the French did not consider the Riflemen entitled to quarter “for the reason that their fire was aimed,” a practice considered unfair. It was the French, however, who scored the single most effective aimed shot of the Napoleonic Wars. French marine Robert Guillemand was positioned on the mizzen of the ship Redoubtable, when it was engaged by the British flagship Victory at the battle of Trafalgar. Looking down on to the deck of the enemy ship, Guillemand saw a high-ranking officer covered in decorations pacing the quarter-deck. His shot mortally wounded Admiral Horatio Nelson. Sharpshooter units specifically dedicated to long-range sniping appeared during the American Civil War of 1861-1865, a conflict considered by military historians to be the first modern war. The Confederate South took the lead in this new discipline and, although the North produced its own such units, the Southerners, with their higher proportion of backwoodsmen, were reputed to have the best shots. According to a Southern soldier, “The men are drilled in camp, on the march, and even on the field of battle in judging distances. They would be halted ... and required to guess the distance of a certain point ahead and then measure by steps. When firing these men were never in haste; the distance of a line of men, of a horse, an artillery ammunition chest, was carefully decided upon; the telescope adjusted ... to give the proper elevation; the gun rested against a tree, across a log, or in the fork of a rest stick carried for that purpose. The terrible effect of such weapons, in the hands of men selected ... because of special merit as a soldier and skills as marksmen, can be imagined.” Reliable stories exist of kills in excess of 500 yards with muzzle-loading target rifles imported from Britain. Camouflage and concealment techniques learned from experienced Indian fighters saw Civil War snipers attaching vegetation to their clothes when pursuing their deadly trade. Perhaps the most famous sniper casualty was Union General John Sedgwick at the battle of Spotsylvania Page 138 of 161

in May 1864. Seeing his staff ducking at the sound of Minié balls from Confederate snipers, his last words were, “What! What! Men, dodging this way for single bullets! ... I am ashamed of you. They couldn’t hit an elephant at this dis-!” The lessons of that American war were seen as inconsequential by the armies of Europe. The second Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1901, however, proved that the British should have paid greater attention to the role of individual marksmanship. Still clinging to the concept of volley fire on command of an officer, the British were out-manoeuvred and out-shot by the more individualistic Boers, who, like the American settlers 125 years earlier, used rifles as survival tools from childhood. The inertia of senior British officers and their stubborn reluctance to break with tradition was a costly mistake. Many of those near-sighted British officers who served in the Anglo-Boer War carried their narrow focus of warfare through the intervening years that led to 1914. Both they and their French contemporaries assumed that when war came it would be a war of manoeuvre. When, after two months, it bogged down to one of attrition, the Prussians were the first to re-examine the tactical requirements. The speed with which they developed an effective sniping capability shocked the British, who were unaware that the use of trained marksmen with superior rifles and telescopic sights was already well established in the German Army. By the beginning of the war at least 20,000 such weapons were already available to trained sharpshooters. This figure was supplemented by thousands of additional sporting rifles and telescopes collected by the Duke of Ratibor and put into the hands of former jägers or Forest Guards who adapted their skills of movement, concealment and shooting to a much deadlier sport. The consequences were devastating for the British, but some time passed before they realized that the high number of head wounds was the result of the first large scale deployment of specially-trained and -armed marksmen. Captain H. Hesketh-Prichard, a member of the English landed gentry with a passion for big-game hunting, arrived in France in March 1915 and was deeply shaken by the dominance of the German snipers. Volunteering as a roving instructor to front-line brigades, Hesketh-Prichard quickly gained a reputation for teaching the art of long-range marksmanship. Although some telescope-mounted rifles were in use, they were not common, and Hesketh-Prichard, like the Duke of Ratibor in Germany, prevailed upon the minor aristocracy to send their own sporting rifles. His persistence and enthusiasm led to the establishment of the first formal British sniping school which, from late 1916, did much to neutralize the German sniper threat. It also laid the foundation for future sniper training. True to form, after 1918 the British army reduced its sniping training to a minimum, believing it to have been a phenomenon of trench warfare that was unlikely to occur again. When 1939 arrived, there was yet another scramble to train skilled marksmen in the sniper role. After the end of the Second World War in 1945, the British Army echoed the American Army, which noted, “Sniper training has not been prescribed ... for over a year, as their employment has not been considered practical.'” Only the Royal Marines, who had exclusively taken over commando operations in the British military services, retained and continued to develop the tactical role of sniping. As a result, they would set the standards for other Western armed forces in the post-war years. The development of any art or discipline is an evolutionary process. Most are benign. Those that evolve on the battlefield, however, are examples of classic Darwinism: he who adapts most Page 139 of 161

successfully to a hostile environment has the greatest chance of survival and achieving dominance. The training of today's sniper is based to some extent on modern technology and the hard lessons of 200 years of warfare where firearms have prevailed. The basis of other skills goes back to Stone Age hunters who used stealth, natural camouflage and patience to ensure success and survival. Since those earliest days it has been the man with intelligence, imagination, courage and physical fitness who has been capable of succeeding through the use of inherited and wellpracticed skills. The modern sniper is an example of this amalgamation of old and new skills.

• Part 2: Royal Marines Sniper Course The top tier of modern sniping wear the green beret and Globe and Laurel badge of the Royal Marines Commando. Each volunteer is a professional, career-orientated Marine who has shown himself an expert in a range of disciplines during a gruelling and demanding seven-week course. Three courses a year, each open to 16 candidates, are run at the Royal Marines Commando Training Centre at Lympstone in Devon, where course director WO II Tom Sands oversaw those who had been selected. A sniper since 1976, Sands’ credentials leave no doubt about his qualifications. He is the Winner of Her Majesty the Queen’s Medal for the Champion shot, a regular member of the Great Britain service rifle shooting team, captain and coach of the Royal Marines shooting team, Corps coach and senior marksmanship instructor and the 1996 Corps pistol champion. He estimated that he fires at least 5,000 rounds a year to maintain his proficiency. When asked about the sniper course, Sands said, “We take a man with good infantry skills who works well in a team, and then we hone those basic infantry skills to a fine edge.” This may be an example of typical British understatement. No course would be successful without a knowledgeable training team of the right quality. There is little question that within the British military structure the Royal Marines are leaders in marksmanship and sniper course design and development. Sands explained that one of the reasons for this is that when a need for improvement is seen, a change can be made in-house rather than submitting it to a lengthy bureaucratic review at higher echelons. The Royal Marines instructors are experienced in a cross section of reconnaissance and pathfinder skills and are selected for their sniping knowledge and practical experience. An example of the reputation of the Royal Marines sniper course is that the British Special Forces and other foreign and commonwealth countries send selected members to train at Lympstone. Among the cadre is always a senior NCO from the United States Marine Corps sniper school posted to Lympstone, to share his knowledge and learn from the Brits. Before being accepted for the course, a volunteer must receive the recommendation of his commanding officer, who will make the first hard assessment. Good physical condition is essential; a sniper’s operational deployment may require him to go without sleep, food or water for extended periods. Good hearing and excellent vision without the aid of spectacles is crucial; sunlight reflecting on a lens can reveal his position, while losing or breaking spectacles would render him ineffective. Non-smokers are preferred; the need for nicotine could affect judgment, while smoking on operations could easily compromise a mission. He needs the intelligence to analyse situations, initiative to act upon them, common sense to know when to fire, and the patience to wait for the right moment. The final attribute is a mature personality capable of coping with the psychological stress of the calculated and deliberate killing of an enemy whose face may fill the eyepiece of his telescope. A US Army training manual notes that, “The sniper must not be susceptible to emotions such as anxiety or remorse. Candidates whose motivation toward sniper Page 140 of 161

training rest mainly in the desire for prestige may not be capable of the cold rationality that the sniper’s job entails.” But the commanding officer’s recommendation that sends a candidate to Lympstone is only the first step. Before being awarded the coveted Sniper’s badge, the student must master a wide range of skills. Among these are marksmanship, stalking, camouflage and concealment, the ability to judge distances, map reading and interpreting aerial photography, equipment recognition, intelligence reporting - all part of what is jealously known as ‘sniper knowledge.’

Candidates on the Bisley range. The first defining skill of a sniper is consistent marksmanship demonstrated by high scores on the shooting range at ranges up to 900m. The rifle of choice is the Accuracy International L-96A1 and the upgraded Arctic Warfare (AW) model. Thus, the first two weeks are spent at Bisley under the patient and expert tutelage of sniper instructors. He starts with grouping and zeroing at ranges of 100m and 300m, followed by the elementary application of fire from 400m, then out to 900m, receiving bonus points for first round hits. He must become intimately familiar with his rifle and the influence of wind and ambient air temperature on the bullet. He is taught to exploit the tripod, introduced to the correct use of binoculars, telescopes and common weapons sights and how to Page 141 of 161

use optics to measure distance. The next phase is the advanced application of fire, with a specified number of shots within a time limit at ranges up to 1,000m. The sniper qualification shoot is conducted in three phases: short range (400m) using a tripod and prone position; mid-range (500-600m) using a tripod and prone position; long-range (700-900m) using the prone position. Some shoots require the sniper to wear a protective NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) respirator. Allowed a maximum of one minute per shot, each student fires a total of 65 shots in the three phases, and must hold at least a 2 MOA (minute of angle) group to qualify. Those who fail any of the phases after two attempts are returned to their units. From then on, all marksmanship training is conducted in sniper pairs, one man shooting, the other spotting. The techniques of spotting swirl and strike and, more importantly, calling shot adjustments, are practiced. A sniper pair’s assessment test confirms the snipers’ ability to select a moving key target and accurately engage it out to 600m. This pairs phase provides the team work and spotting knowledge in preparation for the next phase - field firing.

Note tripods cut by the sniper from “green” timber of three-metre-long sticks lashed together spread out form a platform on. It allows the sniper to achieve, under test conditions, upper body hits out to 600m from both the kneeling and sitting positions. Up to this point in the course, the snipers have used known distance ranges for target engagements. Field firing provides the realistic open terrain element requiring sniper pairs to locate, identify key targets, judge distance and wind, and accurately shoot a selection of partially concealed targets out to 900m. The most difficult target is the enemy sniper. Each pair is allowed no more than three misses per target before they are forced to extract and relocate to their secondary position. Snipers who miss the target can be detected by the time lapse between the Page 142 of 161

high velocity crack (target position) and thump (firing position). This extraction routine emphasizes the penalty for missing. Further training is given in a purpose-built village where snipers are shown how to prepare and shoot from various types of house hides. The final shooting test, over natural terrain, confirms the sniper pair’s ability to locate, identify and destroy key targets under operational conditions.

Three head shots with the Accuracy International AW on the 500m Bisley range. Those who successfully qualify on the firing range are next challenged with a bewildering array of subjects. However physically fit, mature or proficient as a marksman, the student’s suitability as a sniper is no more than an academic - or suicidal - exercise without an expert knowledge of fieldcraft. Whereas he may be capable of hitting targets at extreme range under difficult conditions, he must first be able to move into the correct position without being seen and, equally important, withdraw undetected after he has fired. In order to accomplish this, he must be able to read a map in detail. Good map-reading allows him to plan his safest route to and from a position, and gives him an awareness of the distance and time required to reach it. Because he may often find himself in the role of Forward Observer, he must be able to use a map to call for mortar and artillery fire, as well as air strikes. In the event no accurate maps are available, or more current information is necessary to accomplish his mission, he must also be capable of interpreting aerial photographs. Oftentimes the sniper will be in a unique position to gather intelligence on the enemy. For this reason, he must be able to identify every type of weapon, vehicle, missile and radar system, and associated equipment in the enemy’s TOE.10 For the same reason, as well as the fact that officers 10

The Brits and Yanks both used the acronym, which stands for Table of Organization and Equipment. Ideally it will extend from division down to company level. They'll also apply it to foreign militaries. Within the TOE is OB - Order

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are among his priority targets, he must know enemy badges of rank. The sniper’s life and his mission are in jeopardy if the enemy can see him. Thus, the correct and effective use of camouflage and concealment are the sniper’s primary defence, and crucial to his success and survival. Although almost every army in the world uses camouflaged-pattern field uniforms, these do little to disguise the silhouette of a man or weapon, both of which are unnatural shapes the eye is instinctively drawn to. The British were the first to adopt the ‘ghillie’ suit which has since become standard for snipers in most Western armies. This is complemented by adding local vegetation in order to blend in with the terrain. The Ghillie Suit

Each student makes his own Ghillie suit to blend with terrain and vegetation. However hot and heavy the ghillie suit, it has proven to be the most effective method of personal camouflage in temperate regions. Its origin is the Scottish gamekeepers (ghillies) of the 19th Century, who devised it for stalking in the rugged and often treeless terrain of the Highland estates. As part of a ‘rite of passage’ into sniping, each student makes his own ghillie suit, using one- or two-piece overalls. The front, especially the elbows and knees are reinforced and slightly padded for protection and comfort in crawling, while the back is covered in dozens (occasionally hundreds!) of hessian strips in a variety of dull colours. Netting and hessian strips are also attached to a bush hat, often with a veil to cover the face. When stalking, local vegetation can be of Battle - which will name individuals commanding from division down to company and include names of staff officers for support element – Jim Hooper.

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easily attached through loops, although if the sniper passes through terrain with different types of vegetation he will need to change his natural camouflage to fit with his surroundings. When used correctly, the ghillie suit renders a sniper invisible at ranges of one or two metres.

In a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) contaminated environment the ghillie suit acts as a sponge and soaks in chemical residues. For that reason, the Royal Marines are phasing out the ghillie suit in favour of a removable 3/4 length full body camouflage suit. This is smaller and lighter to carry when not engaged on sniping operations, and is easier to replace when contaminated, yet the effect is still the same. The latest ghillie suit can defeat infra-red and thermal imagery. Obviously, ghillie suits are suited to woodlands and grassy areas, and even then, to particular seasons. Where there is complete snow cover, a white suit is used. Where snow covers the ground but not the trees, then white trousers and ghillie jacket may be used. Deserts with no vegetation are perhaps the most difficult conditions for a sniper. Little more than wearing tan colours and a veil to break up the shape of the head and shoulders can be done. Sandbags cut, shaped and sewn into a cowl, and placed over the head and shoulders prove very effective. In order to hide one’s advance the entire approach must be made in dead ground, though this does little to prevent the trail being seen by lowaltitude aerial surveillance. In the heat and humidity of jungle warfare a camouflagepattern suit of dark colours, supplemented by local vegetation, is more practical than a ghillie suit. Exposed faces and hands are very easily seen, even by untrained observers. Thus, camouflage paint appropriate to the local conditions is applied in a random pattern to alter facial features. Because a sniper’s rifle has a shape that does not occur naturally in nature, some effort must be made to change its outline without hindering the sights or mechanics of it.

Because the human eye is attracted to movement, the sniper is most at risk during his advance or withdrawal, regardless of the effectiveness of his camouflage. Stalking, therefore, is a skill that requires patience and planning. Whenever possible, he will confirm the details on his map and aerial photograph with a careful survey of the route he will use, noting dead ground and identifying landmarks that will be useful for navigation and keeping track of distance. Page 145 of 161

Each sniper pair plots a route to a selected firing position. A successful stalk is predicated on knowing which movement is suitable for the conditions, which may vary enormously along the route. Depending on the terrain, vegetation, weather and light, his stalk may allow walking upright or demand a slow crawl that will take him toward his position at no more than 100m an hour.

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Very slow crawl across open ground. When the sniper determines that a hide is appropriate, it is necessary for him to advance under cover of darkness in order to construct it. The construction of a belly hide requires the silent excavation of a shallow depression just large enough for two men and their equipment to lie on their stomachs. The spoil must be removed to a place out of sight of the enemy, after which the depression is covered with branches, and then draped with chicken wire. Grass or bushes complete with roots and sub-soil which originally grew over the position are then replaced over the hide. The sniper knows that without the roots and soil the natural vegetation will die off and reveal his position. Even at a range of one or two metres, a well-constructed hide will be virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding terrain.

Two-man hide in which a sniper team may remain for days until conditions are right for taking a shot. To successfully pass the stalking phase of the course, the student must advance unseen to a firing position between 250-500m of two sniper instructor observers equipped with binoculars. Other instructors, carrying radios and designated as ‘walkers,’ position themselves in the area through which the student must move. When the student has located the observer and reached a suitable Page 147 of 161

position, he adjusts his telescopic sight for the range and wind and fires a blank. If the observer cannot locate him, he radios to the walker, who approaches to within 10m of the sniper. If still undetected by the observer, the sniper fires a second time. He will not be penalized if the muzzle flash gives away his position, but if the observer sees the smoke the student is penalized.

Aware that he is being stalked, an instructor-observer tries to locate his student. Should the sniper still remain hidden to the observer, the walker points toward him.

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WO II Tommy Sands takes the role of walker. The observer carefully examines the area through his binoculars. If he cannot locate the sniper, the walker moves directly to the sniper and places a hand on his head or the muzzle of his rifle. The walker next examines the elevation and windage settings of the telescopic sight to see that they are correct, and asks the sniper to describe the observers’ movement. This confirms that the sniper can identify the target. The walker then looks along the intended bullet path to ensure that nothing would obstruct the bullet’s flight between the muzzle and the observer. If everything is correct so far, the student receives a score of 80%. If the sniper is not seen during extraction away from his firing position, a score of 90% is awarded. Only if he can extract unseen to a designated RV does he receive 100%.

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The ability to observe, interpret and accurately record what he sees is severely tested during the seven-week course. Using x7-binoculars and a variable x15 – 36 spotting scope, the student is required to find and identify a number of friendly and foreign military items at distances ranging from 100m to 300m. The criteria for the placement of the objects are that they will be invisible to the naked eye, visible but indistinguishable with binoculars and recognizable through the spotting scope. In most instances only, part of the equipment will be visible, which means the student must extrapolate from what he can see and decide what the object is. He is given 40 minutes to locate, identify and accurately plot their positions on a panoramic military sketch. Though the Royal Marines sniper instructors are issued with Leica binoculars that include laser ranging, the student must be capable of using standard optics to estimate distances of objects out to 1000m. In order to satisfy the course requirements, the student’s estimates must be accurate to within 15% of the actual distance.

The student’s day and night navigational skills based on map reading and aerial photographs are constantly challenged by the instructors. The student is taken to an unfamiliar location, where he required to confirm the grid reference of his starting position, and then asked a series of demanding questions requiring accuracy in detail. Occasionally, he will be told to move to another grid reference a few kilometres away. On arrival, he must identify ground features with those on his map and the aerial photograph, giving accurate bearings and distances to various points. Though he may have successfully completed all the practical aspects of the course, he still must pass a written examination that tests his ‘sniper knowledge.’ This demonstrates his theoretical grasp of his weapon’s design and mechanical function, elevation and windage tables, ammunition and ballistics. It also tests his knowledge of sniper ability and employment in addition to the principles of stalking and concealment, and recognition of foreign weapons vehicles Failing two subjects requires the student to re-apply, receive the recommendation of a sniper instructor and repeat the entire course. If the student fails one subject during the course, he may return within six months to repeat it. If he completes it successfully, he attends the last two weeks of the course for proficiency training in all the subjects. When he has proven his expertise in all these inter-related disciplines and successfully passed the written examination he is the product of natural selection, determination and one of the most demanding sniper courses in the world. Page 150 of 161

• Sniper Organisation in a Commando Unit There are 16 snipers per Commando Unit Support Company 8 sniper pairs are located in a Recce Troop as 2 x 4-man sections. The remaining 8 are scattered throughout the rifle companies. Support Company | Recce Troop | ___________________________________________ | Section

| Section


| Section

| Section Page 151 of 161

Sgt PW1

Cpl PW2

Cpl PW2

Cpl PW2













(PW - Platoon Weapons instructor)

• Part 3: A Review of Sniper Rifles from 1861 The American Civil War saw the first premeditated deployment of marksmen in the sniper role. The South had a stronger tradition of hunting than the North, and gained an early reputation for accurate, long-range sniping at selected targets. The Confederacy, however, had a poor industrial base compared with the Union, and relied on British-made Kerr and Whitworth target rifles for sniping. The muzzle-loading .45 calibre Whitworth was arguably the most accurate rifle in the world at the time and much sought after. Because of its exorbitant $500 price tag (in 1861!) and the difficulty of getting them through the Union blockade, they were available in very limited numbers and were given to only the most highly qualified sharpshooters. On the Union side Colonel Hiram Berden raised two regiments of sharpshooters, which were equipped with Sharps single-shot breech-loaders and deployed as skirmishers ahead of the main line, where their superior rate of fire was used to deadly effect against advancing Confederate infantry. Whitworths and Kerrs were as prized by the Union as the Confederacy, until arms manufacturer Morgan James produced a target rifle for military use. Built for accuracy, it weighed almost 15kg and was not suited to rough use at the hands of most soldiers. According to Sergeant Wyman White of the 2nd Sharpshooters, “Heavy target rifles with telescopic sights were used throughout the war for ‘special sharpshooting’. There were not many of them, but they were assigned to those soldiers that were considered the best shots. Each gun has a special wooden case, and when the unit moved, it was carried by a supply wagon. When the man put his telescopic rifle away, he took up his Sharps rifle again, and moved with the troops until a special duty required the use of the long-range rifle again. He often operated as an independent marksman in various parts of the line where he thought he could do the most good.” The latter part of the 19th Century saw great technological advances in the design and effectiveness of firearms. The first significant test of modern rifles arrived with the opening of the second Anglo-Boer War, when .303 Lee-Enfields of the British Army faced the 7.92mm Gew 98 in the hands of the Boers. Though neither weapon was substantively superior to the other - the Mauser bolt-action was slower than the SMLE, but provided slightly better accuracy - the Boers made better tactical use of the Mauser. When 1914 arrived the German Army, snipers were already equipped with the ScharfschutzenGewehr-98, an accurized version of the Gew 98. Usually mounted with x2.75, x3 or x4.5 Zeiss, Goerz or Luxor telescopes, it included a modified bolt handle to avoid the telescopic sight. Germany’s lead in the production of optical equipment would soon result in one of the more bizarre barter requests of the war.

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The British Army were not so much ill-equipped as un-equipped to counter the Germans’ superiority in sniping. A few officers of the landed class with years of shooting big game responded by sending home for their telescope-sighted sporting rifles. Lieutenant L. Greener of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, for example, brought his Ross Model 1905 .280 mounted with a Carl Zeiss Jena Prismatic telescope sight, which he used to some effect in his immediate area of operations. But these were ad hoc efforts that did little to redress the balance. As the British Army began to organize sniper training and learn the tactical lessons of effective deployment, a major problem was the lack of optical equipment of all kinds. The situation was so desperate that the British sent a Ministry of Munitions trade mission to Switzerland, where, using Swiss intermediaries, they sought to obtain optics from Germany! In exchange for rubber delivered to the Swiss-German border, the German War Office agreed to supply up to 28,000 binoculars immediately and, within six weeks of signing a contract, deliver 10,000 to 15,000 a month, and as many rangefinders as the British Government required. In order to obtain samples of these and other required instrument, the German War Office suggested that the British Forces examine equipment captured on the battlefield. Before the negotiations were completed, British manufacturers such as P. P. Co., Aldis and Charles Lancaster & Co. Ltd were able to fill the void. To the astonishment and anger of experienced marksmen such as Captain Hesketh-Prichard, an anonymous bureaucrat in the Ministry of Munitions specified that rifle telescopes should be manufactured for off-set mounting on the left side of the rifles. As Hesketh-Prichard noted in his book Sniping in France, “many a German owed his life to that ... decision.” Although the standard service rifle was the Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE), the British sniper was eventually equipped with the Rifle No. 3 Mk I, better known as the P.14. A product of the Bisley school of rifle design incorporating the slower but stronger Mauser bolt action and a heavier barrel and receiver, it was longer, more difficult to use and maintain than the SMLE, but more accurate. Captured Scharfschutzen-Gewehr-98s with top-mounted telescopes, however, were much sought after by British snipers. Three years after the start of World War II an accurized version of the standard service rifle was introduced for sniping. Designated as the .303 Rifle No. 4, Mk I(T), it was fitted with a top-mounted No. 32 x3- telescopic sight and a cheek piece. Twenty years later, this weapon was rechambered for the standard NATO 7.62x51mm cartridge. Still using the No. 32 telescope, recalibrated from yards to metres, it was redesignated the L42A1 and remained in service until 1985, when it was replaced by the Accuracy International L96A1. Prior to the L96A1, all British sniper rifles were generally issued combat rifles fitted with a telescopic sight. The introduction of the L96A1 provided the first purpose-built sniper rifle designed around the success and technology of a world beating target rifle. Shooting less than 1 MOA, it is unique in that the action is bonded into an aluminium alloy chassis with a similar coefficient of expansion that reduces the effects of temperature changes. An upgraded second generation L96A1, the AW (Arctic Warfare), was later redesigned at the request of the Swedish Army. Firing a 156-grain bullet, the AW is identifiable by its muzzle brake and Parker Hale bipod. It also features a smoother, non-freeze bolt action, low profile-fitting 10-round magazine and a 10 x 42 Hensoldt telescope allowing 1/2 MOA sight adjustments. The heavier 168-grain bullet affords better longrange and wind resistant capabilities.

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Interest in calibres heavier than the .303” or 7.62mm arose during the First World War. In1915 Hesketh-Prichard looked for a way to defeat the steel amour plates used by German snipers to protect themselves from British counter-fire. Although he found the Jeffreys high velocity .333 sufficiently powerful enough to “pierce them like butter,” heavier Nitro Express calibres up to .600 calibre were issued in limited numbers but saw little use; too often the flash and dust raised by the muzzle blast resulted in the Germans responding with heavy mortar fire. Much has been written and debated about the power, range and accuracy of modern .50 calibre sniping weapons. And whereas the Royal Marines agree that there are scenarios where a .50 calibre weapon would be useful – particularly in the anti-materiél rôle – they believe that its mere weight and size work against its deployment except when used from established positions. They do, however, agree that a more powerful and longer-range cartridge than the 7.62x5mm is required, and for this they have selected Accuracy International’s Super Magnum (SM) chambered for the .338 (8.6x70mm) Lapua Magnum, the AW’s big brother. Without suppressor, it is only 74mm longer and 0.3kg heavier than the AW and combines the best qualities of both the 7.62 and .50. Firing a 250-grain bullet, it is more accurate than the .50 with an effective range of 1,100m and easily capable of hitting larger targets out to 1,400m. Like the .50, the .338 is available in ball, armour-piercing and armour-piercing-incendiary. A suppressor which does not rely on sub-sonic ammunition can be fitted, but requires the sight to be raised by 4 MOA. Even though the attachment of the suppressor results in a slight deterioration of accuracy the SW remains more accurate than the AW.

From top: Barret .50 calibre; Accuracy International .338 SM (Super Magnum); Accuracy International 7.62mm AW (Arctic Warfare); standard Accuracy International L96A1

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.338 Super Magnum with suppressor.

Kingdom of Thailand Too many generals: Barry Taylor Too many generals. Why are there so many Thai generals and admirals? That's a question no one in the Thai military will answer. The United States has a population of 360 million people, and an active duty military force... Please credit and share this article with others using this link: View our policies at and Š Bangkok Post Public Company Limited. All rights reserved. More Brigadier As dit moontlik is, plaas die Bangkok Post berig asb.11 11

Ek kan nie die berig aflaai nie, slegs die skakel – HBH.

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Jy kan maar jou eie kommentaar insluit vir die lesers. Dit is so waar wat hier geskryf word. Lees maar ook die kommentaar van die mense. Die weermag en polisie hier het geen verantwoordelikheid tot die land, maar net tot hulleself en kyk hoeveel geld hulle kan kry deur bedrog kontrakte en hulle juniors bevordering koop. Die dienspligtiges hier waarvan daar elke jaar ongeveer ‘n honderd duisend ingeneem word kry ‘n basiese opleiding en daarna word vele van hulle huisbediendes vir die offisiere. Jin se broer wat ‘n vlugbevelvoerder in die lugmag is en hoof van die fotografies afdeling is, het so drie jaar gelede hier aangekom met ‘n Nikon kamera wat so 25K Rand kos. Hy sê toe aan my dat die kamera een is wat hy gekry het by die firma om te toets en drie jaar later toets hy nog steeds die kamera. Hy wys my ‘n ruk terug ‘n faktuur vir 2 kameras wat hy gekoop het by ‘n gewone winkel in Bangkok. Saam met die lense kos die kameras toe net oor die twee miljoen Rand! Ek neem toe die kamera en die lense se kodes en sien toe ek kan die kameras teen ongeveer ses honderd duisend Rand minder koop by ‘n gewone winkel laat staan nog by Nikon self soos hulle moes doen. Hy meld toe vir my hy is net gesê om die kameras te gaan haal by die winkel, so daar was weer geskenke gegee aan een of ander senior offisier wat aankope doen. Barry Taylor


CIA alerted SA about Guptas in 2009 - report 2018-09-02 12:21

The US CIA alerted South African state intelligence structures in 2009 to the potential threat of the Gupta family, it has been reported. • • •

'We are in control of everything' - Jonas on what Gupta brother told him Hawks seriously concerned by Jonas' allegations Gupta cases in crisis

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STAATSDIENS PENSIOENFONDS: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND Assosiasie vir Monitering en Voorspraak van Staatspensioene: Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP)

About the GEPF Watchdog/Waghond Facebook Page: As Kleynhans This page is the social media platform of the non-profit organisation “The Association for the Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions” (AMAGP). The AMAGP has only one agenda point – safeguarding of the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) against looting and mismanagement. Most of our GEPF members are content with the fact that pensioners still get their monthly pension (and some increases on an annual basis), and they are convinced by GEPF newsletters and very nice briefings by GEPF Board of Trustees members that our pension fund is in a super condition. There is, however, another side to the coin! As a member of the GEPF (working or retired), this page will keep you updated regarding any developments affecting the health of YOUR pension fund. It also provides you with the opportunity to participate in the debate, and raise issues of concern. Although it is not part of the core business of this page, you may also raise matters regarding the day to day management of your pension administration, which we will gladly refer to the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA). This page will only have any value for you, if you join the AMAGP. Kindly take note that you do not have to pay membership fees, or do any work for the AMAGP if you do not wish to do so – BUT your membership will add one brick to the wall that the AMAGP is building to protect our money. Visit our website at, and complete the online application form that you will find under “Membership”. The AMAGP does not want any GEPF member to leave the Fund, because it still is the best pension fund in the RSA – BUT, we as members and owners of the Fund have to protect it against abuse. Welcome to our page – please help us to get thousands more GEPF members to join this page and the AMAGP, so that we will have the required bargaining power. We are the owners of the Page 157 of 161

GEPF, and we have the right and the power to force the GEPF Board of Trustees, and the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), to manage and invest OUR money in a responsible and profitable way.


Natal’s Whose Who: Elne Watson Hello Hennie, Thought of you when I came across this. Perhaps you can put some faces to the name you come across. By entering “Police” in the search window the yellow teardrops at the bottom will show details where the word is referenced. Happy browsing. Elne •

Vriende hierdie is ook baie handig vir genealogiese navorsing - HBH

Natal Almanac, Directory and Yearly Register for 1897: Elne Watson Hello Hennie, Glad if it is useful. I thought of another source that I regularly consult that has quite a bit of information regarding police business across Natal. It is The Natal Almanac, Directory and Yearly Register for 1897. Here is a link to the online document. You can download it in PDF form and then search with “Police” to get an idea of contents. Elne

Beïndruk met Nongqai Hallo Hennie Storie oor Agnesia Sadler vir Nongqai. Wil weereens vir jou sê hoe beïndruk ek met Nongqai en jou lofwaardige poging in die verband is. Ek ‘verkoop’ die tydskrif sover ek gaan. Mooi loop Hennie, God bless Page 158 of 161

Henning van Aswegen Gordonsbaai

A collection of Police related material from THE NONGQAI: Paul Roos (Australia) Hallo Oom Hennie Groete uit Australië.. Ek het al voorheen met u kennis gemaak, maar net om weer te bevestig… ek versamel SAW Medaljes, maar dan het ek ook ‘n passie vir medalje-groepe aan die 5 Regimente van die ou S.A.M.R. Maar my een voorwaarde as ek SAMR-groep aantree is dat die groep ‘n Langdiens Medalje moet insluit.. dus ‘n Polisie “Long Service & Good Conduct Medal” van die “Permanent Forces of the Empire beyond the seas; Long Service and Good Conduct Medal” (‘n bek vol) …. Onder andere het ek lt.kol. WW Rush, DSO, se medalje-groep in my versameling. Hy was die bevelvoerende offisier vir 5th Reg S.A.M.R. Ek het afgekom op hierdie lys bydrae onlangs en die ROOI highlights het my gevang (#P315) … ‘n inset in die APRIL 1939 uitgawe van die NONGQAI… deur lt.kol. Rush.. end an enige ander insette van of deur RUSH in die NONGQAI, veral foto’s. Nou, my vraag is of Oom Hennie daardie uitgawe het, want ek sal bitter graag ‘n afdruk wil bekom van daardie stuk asb.? En dan indien moontlik enige van die ander hieronder, almal in die Junie/Julie 1938 en JAN/APRIL 1939 uitgawes asb.? Ek betaal met graagte enige onkostes vir tyd en materiaal. Ek hoor graag van u Groete Paul Roos Bylaag: P312



With the Cape Mounted Riflemen and Some Others, Part of the autobiography of Col. B.C. Judd, O.B.E., which parallels the greater portion of C.M.R. History from 1893, June 1938 issue, instalment 1, 21 pages With the Cape Mounted Riflemen and Some Others, Part of the autobiography of Col. B.C. Judd, O.B.E., which parallels the greater portion of C.M.R. History from 1893, July 1938 issue, instalment 2 (concluding), 23 pages EXTRACTS FROM REMINISCENCES The 1st REGIMENT S.A.M.R. THE SOUTH AFRICAN GARRISON ARTILLERY by COLONEL B.C. JUDD, O.B.E., January 1939 issue, 17 pages Page 159 of 161

P315 P316 P317 P318 P319 P320 P321 •

A RECORD OF CAPE POLICE D2, From its inception to its Disappearance as a Separate Unit, by Lt.-Col. W.W. Rush, D.S.O., April 1939 issue, 2 pages RECOLLECTIONS OF THE OLD CAPE POLICE by COL. A.E. TRIGGER, Formerly Deputy Commissioner, C.I.D., Marshall Square, April 1939 issue, 3 pages BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CAPE POLICE by CAPT. J.H. THOMAS, April 1939 issue, 3 pages RECOLLECTIONS OF THE CAPE POLICE Contributed by J.P. MATTHEWS, ex C.P.2, C.M.P. and S.A.P., April 1939 issue, 4 pages CAPE POLICE D2 Reminiscences by Capt. D.C.D. SELBY, Late C.P. D2, S.A.M.R. and S.A. Police (retired), April 1939 issue, 4 pages IN THE DAYS OF CAPE POLICE D2 by “Oom Jock”, April 1939 issue, 6 pages SOME RECOLLECTIONS OF C.P. D1 AND OTHER CORPS By CAPTAIN A.J. MOLLOY, June 1939 issue, 4 pages

Ek het Paul se versoek deurgestuur na die SAPS-museum. Ongelukkig kan hulle kan hom help nie. Indien daar ‘n leser is wat kan help laat weet asb. – HBH.

Article: Bechuanaland Border Police the End of a Chapter – I Hope, by Adrian R. Haggett: Comment by Charles Ross Thank you for the e-mail and the very interesting story. Sadly, graves such as those referred to in the article will always remain challenge as it is not covered by any treaty to maintain them, such as the Commonwealth war graves. If individual people do not assume responsibility it will unfortunately disappear eventually. People like those that took the time to locate the graves of the two Troopers needs to be saluted. Sadly, even in South Africa the care of cemeteries and graves is a challenge. The SA Agency of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission is restricted to the Commonwealth war graves and the British graves from the Anglo Boer War. This in itself is a major task with they are doing a great job! Yours Aye Charles Ross


End / Slot Dear reader Please note that in this quasi-historical document we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the Nongqai cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity. Page 160 of 161

Geagte leser Vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese dokument maak ons van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die Nongqai kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie.

Hennie Heymans: No 43630 (B) Š HB Heymans 2018.

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