Nongqai vol 9 no 6

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NONGQAI : VOLUME 9 NO 6 Table of Contents Publisher | Uitgewer .................................................................................................................. 8 Contact Details | Kontakbesonderhede ..................................................................................... 8 Aim | Doel .................................................................................................................................. 8 Policy | Beleid ............................................................................................................................ 8 Welcome | Welkom.................................................................................................................... 9 ELEKTRONIESE BEDIENING: KOOT SWANEPOEL .................................................................... 9 FRONT COVER | VOORBLAD ..................................................................................................... 10 The end of a Series ................................................................................................................. 10 Nuwe Reeks: Hoofde van UVM en SAW ................................................................................. 10 GENERAL GEORGE FIVAZ ......................................................................................................... 10 Commissioner of the “new” SAPS from 1995 - 2000 ............................................................... 10 Inauguration Speech by National Commissioner George Fivaz on 29 January 1995 .............. 10 Generaal George Fivaz: ‘n persoonlike perspektief: HB Heymans .......................................... 12 Kommentaar deur genl. Fivaz ................................................................................................. 14 Curriculum Vitae: JG Fivaz ...................................................................................................... 15 Die einde van die Fivaz-era ..................................................................................................... 17 VISIT OUR WEBSITE | BESOEK ONS WEBWERF ..................................................................... 18 WEB PAGES | WEB BLADSYE.................................................................................................. 18 JUSTITIA ................................................................................................................................. 18 BENEVOLENCE ..................................................................................................................... 18 NONGQAI ............................................................................................................................... 18 HISTORICAL ........................................................................................................................... 18 POLICE HISTORY | POLISIE GESKIEDENIS .............................................................................. 19 ‘Rooi Rus’ Trap Terroriste Vas! ............................................................................................... 19 •

Foto galery van mense genoem in die artikel (HBH)......................................................... 23

The Other Side of the Story: HD Stadler ................................................................................. 24 Page 2 of 180

SAP: Special Task Force; Hunter Group and 2 Recce: Roelf du Plooy ................................... 24 •

Brief deur HBH .................................................................................................................. 25

Kommentaar: Paul Els ...................................................................................................... 26

Kommentaar: Paul Els ...................................................................................................... 26

Comments: Toffie Risk...................................................................................................... 26

Kommentaar deur Roelf du Plooy ..................................................................................... 27

Medaljes | Medals ......................................................................................................................... 28 SAP Medaljes: Charl Steyn (Kalifornië, VSA) .......................................................................... 28 SPCA: 1938: Pietermaritzburg: Medal Mounted Constable HS Coetzee ................................ 29 Vrouepolisie | Women Police ...................................................................................................... 30 Aanstelling van nie-wit dames in die SA Polisie - HBH............................................................ 30 Adjudant-Offisier | Warrant Officer ............................................................................................. 30 Adjudantsrang vir nie-wit lede van die SA Polisie: HBH. ......................................................... 30 Petaljes op nagdiens ................................................................................................................... 30 Slapende konstabel vang dief: Gawie Richter ......................................................................... 30 SA Spoorwegpolisie | SAR Railways Police .............................................................................. 31 Pantsertrollies: Chris en Kobus: Herman Bosman .................................................................. 31 SASP-uitstalling | SARP Exibition: Voortrekker Monument 01-05-2018 ................................. 34 POLICE & THE PRESS | POLISIE EN DIE PERS ........................................................................ 36 SAPS: North West Province ........................................................................................................ 36 DA calls on IPID to investigate SAPS conduct during North West protests ............................. 36 Violence: Mooi River .................................................................................................................... 37 KZN Premier condemns public violence in Mooi River ............................................................ 37 Statistics: Farm Attacks .............................................................................................................. 37 Government once again releases statistics on farm attacks and murders after continued pressure from FF Plus ............................................................................................................. 37

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SAPS Corruption .......................................................................................................................... 39 Cops destroyed documents in guns-to-gangs case - more allegations ................................... 39 SAPS members with criminal records in Mangaung FCS unit highlights nation-wide police mismanagement problem ........................................................................................................ 42 Lamoer, former top cops must have known actions were corrupt - judge ............................... 43 Former top cops, businessman to spend first night behind bars ............................................. 44 MILITARY AND THE MEDIA | MILITÊR EN DIE MEDIA .............................................................. 44 SANW: Perde | SANDF: Mounted Branch .................................................................................. 44 Weermagperde verwaarloos ................................................................................................... 44 25 emaciated horses put down at SANDF unit ........................................................................ 44 SANDF finally taking emaciated horse problem seriously - National Council of SPCAs ......... 45 SANDF sets up inquiry into abuse of horses at military base .................................................. 46 Facebbook Reaksie ................................................................................................................. 46 Militêre siening: Verwaarlosing van Militêre-perde .................................................................. 50 Brief aan Pers: AP Stemmet.................................................................................................... 50 Anglo-Boer War: Horses, men, officers! .................................................................................. 51 SANDF: Robbery by Soldier........................................................................................................ 51 SANDF soldier nabbed in for business robbery ....................................................................... 52 SAAF ............................................................................................................................................. 52 Another Major Accomplishment: Peter Dickens ...................................................................... 52 Brigadier-General | Briagdier-generaal ...................................................................................... 53 Rank: Brigadier-General | Rang: Brigadier-generaal: Mark Naude (NZ) ................................. 53 •

Photo gallery: SA Brigadiers-General: HBH ...................................................................... 58

Military Show: Voortrekker Monument: 1 May 2018 ................................................................. 59 Trabant .................................................................................................................................... 59 Volkswagen WW2 ................................................................................................................... 61 Author Paul Els ........................................................................................................................ 62 Glenn Eslden ........................................................................................................................... 62 Author Louis Lubbe ................................................................................................................. 63 SAP COIN UNIT – SAP TIN-Eenheid: The Laubser Family .................................................... 63 Page 4 of 180

SAAF Museum: Swartkops AFB: Airshow: 5 May 2018 .......................................................... 65 “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM”: CAPT. CHARLES ROSS (SAN – RTD.) ................................. 69 South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties Buried Across the World – Part Three: Capt. Charles Ross (SAN – Ret.)...................................................................................................... 69 Calcutta (Bhowanipore) Cemetery – India ............................................................................... 70 ANGLO BOER WAR | ANGLO BOERE-OORLOG ...................................................................... 71 Imperial Military Railways ........................................................................................................ 72 Pantsertreine | Armoured Trains ............................................................................................. 73 Oliver John “Jack” Hindon: (Zarp & Train Wrecker) ................................................................. 74 THE OBSERVATION POST: PETER DICKENS ........................................................................... 76 SA Native Military Corps ............................................................................................................. 76 “We fought as one, black and white”; the South African Native Military Corps ‘at arms’ ......... 76 •

Comments by Hennie Heymans ....................................................................................... 83

Actor: Sid James UDF ................................................................................................................. 84 ‘Carry On’ the South African Army – the story of Sid James ................................................... 84 RSA INTELLIGENCE | SA INLIGTING ......................................................................................... 86 Naudé’s Scouts ....................................................................................................................... 86 A South African Intelligence Unit of the First World War: Compiled by M Naudé .................... 86 Revealed: SA intelligence agent murdered in Serbia was probing Cape underworld ............ 104 SA intelligence agent murdered in Serbia was probing Cape underworld ............................. 105 State security 'agent' linked to Pauw book, local underworld killed in Serbia - reports .......... 107 SPIOENMEESTERS .................................................................................................................... 108 Johannes van der Walt: Afrikaner-held en rofstoeier: Henning van Aswegen ....................... 108 •

Begraafplaas: Centurion: Ossewabrandwag en Afrikaner politieke gevangenes (HBH) . 112

Gedig: “Verrader Monster” (HBH) ................................................................................... 112

MAJOOR KOSLOV: KGB ........................................................................................................... 113 Kommentaar: Kol. Andries van Vuuren: Lid van die ou SA gevangenisdiens........................ 114 Comments by Admiral DF Gerhardt ...................................................................................... 115 Page 5 of 180

ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE | REGSPLEGING ................................................................... 116 Facebook: Burger vs Pienaar ................................................................................................ 116 Die executrix: Danie Marais................................................................................................... 124 STAATSDIENS PENSIOENFONDS: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND ............. 124 Assosiasie vir Monitering en Voorspraak van Staatspensioene: Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) ...................................................................... 124 POLICE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................................ 127 Portugal ...................................................................................................................................... 127 Background: PIDE: Polícia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado ......................................... 127 Angola: PIDE: Flechas: Uitwissing ........................................................................................ 127 PIDE: Flechas: Manuel Resende Ferriera ............................................................................. 128 The MPLA slaughtered one of the fourth of the "Arrows" ...................................................... 132 United Kingdom ......................................................................................................................... 133 Ruff and ready: Police are secretly training Britain’s first unit of attack dogs to hunt down terrorists in the event of a marauding attack.......................................................................... 133 DEFENCE: INTERNATIONAL .................................................................................................... 136 England ....................................................................................................................................... 136 “Cry Havoc And let slip the dogs of war” – HBH. ................................................................... 136 The military order Havoc! ...................................................................................................... 136 Rhodesia ..................................................................................................................................... 137 Will John Bradburne become Zimbabwe’s first saint? ........................................................... 137 Sudan .......................................................................................................................................... 139 Victory in Sudan .................................................................................................................... 139 UK: Veterans .............................................................................................................................. 153 Veterans fury as Prime Minister rejects amnesty for Ulster troops and pushes ahead with proposals to deal with the toxic legacy of the Northern Ireland Troubles .............................. 153

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Volksrepubliek van China ......................................................................................................... 153 China se eerste tuisvervaardigde vliegtuigdraer ondergaan seetoetse ................................. 153 Israel’s Sharpeville? .................................................................................................................. 154 Palestinians prepare to bury their dead after day of bloody protests saw 58 killed by Israeli forces 'including baby who breathed in tear gas' ................................................................... 154 INTELLIGENCE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................... 154 US: CIA: Director Gina Haspel .................................................................................................. 154 Trump's CIA Pick Vows No Use of Harsh Techniques .......................................................... 155 New Us Attitude Towards the RSA ........................................................................................... 155 Ambassador Haley on the Release of the U.S. Report on UN Voting Practices.................... 155 British Intelligence ..................................................................................................................... 156 How Special Forces mission to kill Robert Mugabe BEFORE he seized power was thwarted – when the British tipped him off that assassins were closing in .............................................. 156 Britse Geheimediens (MI6) en mnr NR Mandela ...................................................................... 163 Leon Lemmer: Die Britse rol in die ondergang van blank Suid-Afrika ................................... 163 LETTERS | BRIEWE ................................................................................................................... 165 Bosoorlog: SA Polisiebasisse ................................................................................................ 166 Bees Marais: Herman Bosman .............................................................................................. 166 Ons lesers sê ........................................................................................................................ 166 Samuel John "Jack" Symes: NONGQAI Vol. 9 No 3 Feb. 26, 2018 ...................................... 167 Second Letter: Elisabeth Preston: Canada............................................................................ 168 Third Letter: Elisabeth Preston: Canada................................................................................ 168 Response by Tertius Barnardt ............................................................................................... 169 Besoek aan die RSA: Barry Taylor (Prachin Buri, Thailand) ................................................. 169 Die arme VT-manne: Barry Taylor ......................................................................................... 172 Polisiepraatjies en foto’s: Barry Taylor .................................................................................. 174 Hofbevel: dr Johan Burger..................................................................................................... 177 True or Urban Legend? Johnny Facer................................................................................... 177 SAP-kollege Foto’s: Dr Henry Abbott (Kleinzee) ................................................................... 177 Page 7 of 180

INDEMNITY & © | VRYWARING & ©.......................................................................................... 180 End / Slot ............................................................................................................................... 180 ADMINISTRATION | ADMINISTRASIE

Publisher | Uitgewer The Nongqai is compiled by Hennie Heymans (HBH) a retired Brigadier of the late South African Police Force and this e-magazine is published on ISSUU. Hennie lives in Pretoria, ZA. He is passionate about our police-, military- and national security history and holds a MA-degree in National Strategic Studies. Any opinions expressed by him, are entirely his own. Die Nongqai word saamgestel deur Hennie Heymans (HBH), 'n afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en hierdie e-tydskrif word op ISSUU gepubliseer. Hennie woon in Pretoria, ZA. Hy is passievol oor ons polisie-, militêre- en nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het 'n MA-graad in Nasionale Strategiese Studies verwerf. Enige menings wat hy uitspreek, is uitsluitlik sy eie.

Contact Details | Kontakbesonderhede

Aim | Doel Our goal is to collect and record our national security history for publication in the Nongqai for future generations.

Onthou, skryf u storie, soms kan ons net op u geskrewe weergawe terugval want dit is al wat daar is. Deel u SAP- en SAW-foto’s met ons!

Ons doel is om die nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis in die Nongqai aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte bewaar.

Policy | Beleid We publish the articles and stories as we receive them from our correspondents; we only correct the spelling mistakes. It's important to publish the stories in the form and context as we receive them from our correspondents. Policemen and defence personnel have their own language. We are not a scientific or literary journal. We only work with historical building blocks. Ons gebruik die artikels en stories soos ons dit van ons korrespondente ontvang; ons maak slegs die spelfoute reg. Dis belangrik om die stories te bewaar in die vorm en in die konteks soos ons dit ontvang. Lede van die veiligheidsmagte het hul eie taal en ons moet dit ook so aanteken. Ons is Page 8 of 180

nie ‘n letterkundige of wetenskaplike joernaal nie. Ons werk slegs met die boustene van geskiedenis.

Welcome | Welkom Should you be interested in the history of Southern Africa’s national security you are at the right place! Welcome. We are interested in the history of the South African Police Force, Union Defence Force and the SA Defence Force, the SAR & H Police, antecedent police and military forces and our Intelligence services. Now and again we slip something in about Rhodesia, Angola or Mozambique – after all we fought there! We make use of various sources. From the left to the right. We also look at nomenclature, uniforms, badges and other devices of the various police and defence forces in Southern Africa. We publish large photographs and maps to illustrate our articles. Various people across the world contact us and this makes our life interesting. Thank you for the contact and the sharing of your anecdotes, photos, history and scrapbooks, you make the publication worthwhile! We never plan an edition in great detail because we don’t know what information we will receive. We are constantly amazed about the quality and content we receive. Thanks for your help in conserving our past without malice. It is our duty to explain what happened – we cannot be expected to defend the past.


“Beklee jouself met liefde” Kolossense 3:14 : Die Boodskap: “Tussen die klere wat God vir julle gegee het, is daar ‘n kledingstuk wat alles perfek afrond. Jy moet dit altyd en oral dra. Hierdie kledingstuk is die liefde. As julle mekaar liefhet, leef julle presies soos God dit wil hê. Liefde hou julle naby mekaar soos julle veronderstel is om te wees.” Klere is daar om die naaktheid van ons liggame te bedek, maar dit is ook daar om ons mooi te laat lyk en warm te maak. Net so is die Here se liefde. Ons moet dit “aantrek” om ons geestelike “naaktheid” te bedek en ook om “mooi te lyk” vir Christus. Toets jou eie lewe met al hierdie eienskappe in 1 Kor. 13:4-7. Maak seker dat jy “beklee” is met God se liefde, soos ons teks dit stel. “..daar is ‘n kledingstuk wat alles perfek afrond...Hierdie kledingstuk is die liefde.” 1Kor 13:13 En nou bly geloof, hoop, liefde—hierdie drie; maar die grootste hiervan is die “kledingstuk” liefde. As ons vandag voor ‘n spieël staan, en jy “geestelik” reg ingestel is; Waarmee of liewer, met watter “kledingstuk” het ek en jy ons, ons beklee? Page 9 of 180


The end of a Series The front cover-design of this edition featuring former National Commissioner of the SA Police Service, Gen. George Fivaz, is the final cover based on an old series of Nongqai covers used in bygone days. The series of designs commenced in February 2017 (NONGQAI Vol 8 NO 2) featuring Colonel (Sir) TG Truter who was appointed in April 1913 as the first Commissioner of the former SA Police. Future editions of NONGQAI will thus be boasting a totally new cover-design.

Nuwe Reeks: Hoofde van UVM en SAW WEL EN WEE VAN DIE MILITÊRE VETERANE : BERIG 07/2018 15/05/2018 “Beplande Reeks oor Hoofde van die UVM en SAW in die Nongqai: Hennie Heymans van die ZARPe het beplan om ‘n reeks oor die verskillende Hoofde van die UVM en SAW vanaf 1912 op te stel, sodat daar elke maand een aan die beurt kom met sy foto wat op die voorblad van die Nongqai sou verskyn tesame met sy biografiese besonderhede. Die reeks sou met genl. Georg Meiring tot 'n einde kom. Hennie het verwittig dat die reaksie nie voldoende was nie en dat die beplande reeks nie gaan plaasvind nie. Hennie sê nou egter “… dat daar goeie nuus is, want lt.kol. William Marshall se arm is gedraai en hy het ingewillig om vir ons die maandelikse reeks te doen. William is 'n krygshistorikus van formaat en skrywer van boeke oor mobiele oorlogvoering. Stuur asseblief foto's en staaltjies van ons hoofde van die UVM en SAW aan William by sodat hy met die navorsing kan begin”.

GENERAL GEORGE FIVAZ Commissioner of the “new” SAPS from 1995 - 2000 Inauguration Speech by National Commissioner George Fivaz on 29 January 1995 Mr President, Mr Minister, ladies and gentlemen of the media.

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It is not my intention to make a comprehensive statement today. However, it is necessary to react to the announcement of the President and it is also important to highlight a number of essential issues. Allow me to first and foremost thank the President, the Minister for Safety and Security and the Government of National Unity for their confidence and trust. My appointment by the President as the first National Commissioner of the new South African Police Service(SAPS) is accepted with pride and a promise of total commitment towards a most challenging task and responsibility. It is indeed a great honour to be part of the management of a process that is so essential for the reconstruction and development of our country. I underline what the President has said and would like to reiterate my total commitment towards the creation of an acceptable police service for all the peoples living in our beloved country. Soon after accepting the appointment I decided, in consultation with the Minister for Safety and Security, to appoint four Deputy National Commissioners. Their purpose would be to support the National Commissioner, but more importantly, to form with the National Commissioner a unified management team for the South African Police Service. The career profiles of these four persons indicate their dedication and expertise in various fields of policing. All four have the ability, the necessary skills and the competency to contribute towards the establishment of an acceptable police service for the country. Over and above this, these officers reflect the population we as a police service must and will serve. It is my privilege to now announce their names and to appoint them as the Deputy National Commissioners for the SA Police Service: They are (not in any specific order): • • • •

Deputy National Commissioner Morgan Chetty Deputy National Commissioner Zolisa Lavisa Deputy National Commissioner Mike Bester Deputy National Commissioner John Manuel

I want to thank the Deputies for accepting their appointments. I have confidence in your loyalty and ability. One would be naive to think that the responsibility and task of the new management team would be without obstacles or challenges. I am convinced that we as a team share the vision to create a safe and secure environment. Various crucial policing issues, all of national importance, must be addressed as a matter of extreme urgency. These are: •

The SAPS must in conjunction with all role players develop improved methods to curb crime and to improve the level of Safety and Security in South Africa.

The legitimacy and acceptability of the SAPS must be addressed and the SAPS must make a clean and definite break with the past.

The improvement of police/community relations is of vital importance, as is the removal of all forms of racism and other discrimination including that based on gender.

The amalgamation and rationalization of the existing eleven police agencies into an integrated SAPS.

The transformation of the police forces which includes the adoption of a new mindset

The discipline and morale of the SAPS must be restored and improved at all costs.

The establishment of a culture of fundamental rights within the SAPS is essential.

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The four deputies and I are committed to a consultative and participative style of management - a management style that we will strive to characterize with transparency, accountability and commitment to the values enshrined in the Constitution. In conclusion I would like to send a very special message to the members on the ground. The management team has the fullest confidence in the future and is committed to improve your working conditions. We need your support. We wish to stress again that no member of the SAPS has anything to fear and can look forward to a bright future. Together we will make the difference. A more detailed media briefing at which questions would be answered will be held on Monday, 30 January, at 15:00 at the Conference Room on the fifth floor of Wachthuis, Pretoria. The four Deputy National Commissioners and I will then elaborate and expand on our stated objectives as well as introduce ourselves to the community and members of the SA Police Service more comprehensively. Permission to publish Inauguration Speech Hallo Hennie, Ek sal vir jou ‘n verkorte CV stuur. Jy het my toestemming om my intree-toespraak te gebruik.1

Generaal George Fivaz: ‘n persoonlike perspektief: HB Heymans 1910 Gedurende 1910 moes ons ‘n “hoofd-kommissaris” van polisie in die nuutgestigte Unie van SuidAfrika kry. Ten spyte van reeds dienende kolonels is mnr. TG Truter aangestel om die taak te verrig. Daar was polisie, stadspolisie, waterpolisie, distrikspolisie en weermageenhede wat saamgesnoer moes word in twee magte, nl. die ZA Politie (ZAP) en die ZA Berede Schutters (ZABS). Daar was hoofsaaklik twee vertakkings in die nuwe polisie: Beredepolisie (“bosluise”) vir die platteland en voetpolisie (“magalle”) vir die stede en dorpe. Dit het drie jaar geneem om die magte, sonder rekenaars, te konsolideer onder een rekenpligtige amptenaar. Alles moes met die hand gedoen word. Mense moes op ‘n nasionale senioriteitslys kom en soms is sekere lede vinniger bevorder. Voetmanne (eerste rang: onder-sersant) en beredemanne (eerste rang: korporaal) het nie dieselfde range gehad nie! Daar moes nasionale staande orders opgestel word ens., ens. Die werk is voltooi en met die staking in 1913 is die polisie a.g.v. ontsettende probleme baie vinnig in ‘n hegte band saam gesnoer. 1994


E-pos deur genl. Fivaz gedateer 30 April 2018 – HBH.

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Na 1994 het ons weer ‘n nasionale kommissaris nodig gehad om die verskillende polisieagentskappe te konsolideer in die nuwe SA Polisiediens. Daar was baie gerugte oor wie genl. Van der Merwe sou opvolg. Daar is ‘n nuwe kommissaris van die SA Polisie aangewys. Hy het egter net die aangewese kommissaris gebly. Later het daar ander aanspraakmakers gekom. George Fivaz het die destydse kommissaris, genl. Van der Merwe, vertroulik ingelig dat hy die nuwe nasionale kommissaris van die SAPD sou word. George Fivaz se aanstelling as die nasionale kommissaris van die nuwe polisiediens het baie mense geskok, veral die “ou” garde. Wat hom van die meeste van sy kontemporêre offisiere onderskei het, was dat hy, as die hoof van die destydse doelmatigheidsdienste, in bevel was van ‘n span uitgesoekte offisiere wat in die enjinkamer van die beplanning, beleid en voorbereidings van die onvermydelike veranderings was, wat in die nuwe SuidAfrika aan die kom was. Hy het ook, in die vroeë 1990’s al, ‘n kardinale koördineringsrol in die werksaamhede van De Wittkomitee gespeel wat op die been gebring was om die SAP voor te berei vir die nuwe Suid-Afrika. Hennie Heymans en George Fivaz – vriendelik soos altyd

George Fivaz het vir sy manne gedoen wat hy kon! Hoewel ek nie in die SAPD onder hom gedien het nie, het my kollegas my vertel dat hy alles moontlik gedoen het om ‘n billike transisie vir almal wat daardeur geraak is, tot stand te bring. In so ‘n situasie is dit vanselfsprekend dat daar ongelukkigheid by sommige offisiere ontstaan het, maar dit is ook ewe waar dat die meeste offisiere die nuwe bedeling met die regte gesindheid tegemoetgegaan het. Hy was die regte man op die regte tyd en het sy beste gelewer! Hy het die oorgang goed bestuur. Wat van hom onthou sal word, is dat hy met die amalgamasieproses gesorg het dat die senior poste op so ‘n wyse gevul is, dat daar altyd ‘n goeie mengsel van ervaring en minder ervaring op alle vlakke versprei was en diegene wat nie die blootstelling aan senior bestuur gehad het nie, die nodige leiding kon ontvang. Hy het nie beleid bepaal nie – die ANC het die beleid bepaal en sy doelstellings daargestel. Hy kon ook nie kla dat hy aangestel is nie, net diegene wat nie aangestel is as die nasionale kommissaris nie, het baie gekla - want so was ons! Ofskoon al die voormalige kommissarisse van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie hul eiesoortige uitdagings gehad het, dink ek dat George Fivaz die beste man vir daardie tydstip was om die transformasie van die SAP na die SAPD te bestuur.

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George Fivaz is ‘n man van integriteit, eerlikheid en beginsel. Ek kan daarvan getuig a.g.v. samesprekings wat ek met hom gehad het. Ek is trots op George, net soos ek trots is op ons ander Kommissarisse want alles is maar ‘n gegewe! Hy kan in dieselfde kader as ons vorige kommissarisse geplaas moet word! Ek ken hom en ek salueer hom! HBH.

Kommentaar deur genl. Fivaz Genl. Fivaz merk soos volg op toe ek toe bostaande indrukke met hom uitgeklaar het: “Goeie dag Hennie: Jou stuk is insiggewend omdat ek nooit die era van kol. Truter so met myne vergelyk het nie. Hy het bykans dieselfde rol as ek gespeel – miskien minder mense wat saamgevoeg moes gewees het maar ook met minder gesofistikeerde hulpmiddele. Rasionalisering en amalgamasie van verskillende eenhede en derhalwe ook kulture!”2 Vir ons wat in die polisie se geskiedenis belangstel is daar ‘n paar gapings. Nadat ek sekere vrae aan genl. Fivaz gestel het, laat hy hom soos volg uit: Hallo Hennie Jou gedagte is suiwer om sekere dwalings reg te stel, ek hou daarvan. Ek is aangestel deur mnr Mandela in terme van Art 216 (2) (a) van die Interim Grondwet, Wet 200/1993. Hierdie Grondwet is vervang in 1996. Dirk Coetzee, wie ek goed geken het, het maar baie bont gepraat en ook soms probeer belangrik klink. Dit is nie waar dat hy my aanbeveel het nie. Mnr. Mandela het my ‘n klompie maande na my aanstelling vertel hoe my aanstelling gewerk het. Hy het gemeld dat drie persone instrumenteel was en dat aldrie my by hom sterk aanbeveel het: Nr. 1 van alle mense was Regter Richard Goldstone. Ek het vir regter Goldstone daardie tyd geken maar nie so goed dat ek kon dink hy weet iets van my nie. Hy het blykbaar, volgens mnr. Mandela, baie positiewe dinge omtrent my tydens die Goldstone Kommissie gehoor. Nr. 2 dr. Niel Barnard, wat my dosent in staatsleer by Kovsies was en vandag nog ‘n vriend van my. Nr. 3 Sydney Mufamadi – Jy sal onthou dat ek in 1994 op ‘n soort van ‘n advieskomitee van Sydney gesit het. Sydney was daardie tyd reeds Minister. So, bogenoemde is die ware feite m.b.t. my aanstelling. Nadat ek aangestel is het ons regspan (Gert Joubert, Louis Kok, Flip Jacobs en nog ‘n paar begin werk aan ‘n rasionalisering- en amalgamasie-proklamasie en die nuwe polisiewet. Die proklamasie is deur die Transitional Executive Council wat in terme van die Interim Grondwet saamgestel was goedgekeur en die Proklamasie het die wetsbasis vir die uitfasering van die SAP, TBVC en Selfregerende gebiede se polisiemagte geword. Nadat genl. Van der Merwe afgetree het, het die SAPS, TBVC en ander gebiede se magte en wetgewing steeds bestaan. Maar neem nou in gedagte dat die Interim Grondwet en die Proklamasie toe reeds vir Naskom die bevoegdheid gegee het om as Naskom van ‘n Nasionale Polisiediens op te tree. Maar ons moes noodwendig die Rekenpligtige Beamptes van SAP, TBVC behou totdat begrotings, logistiek mense ens. by SAPD ingelyf is. Toe is die ander magte se 2

E-pos van genl. JG Fivaz gedateer 30 April 2018 - HBH

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funderingwetgewing geskrap en hulle het ophou bestaan. Die Selfregerende State was minder gekompliseerd want hulle het nie hul eie Polisiewette gehad nie. Dit is hoe dit gebeur het dat ek vir ‘n tyd steeds ‘n kommissaris vir daar magte nodig gehad het wat by wyse van hul eie Polisiewet geskep was. Dit is dan ook hoe ons tereg kan te boek stel dat eers lt.-genl. JG le Roux Stemmet en toe lt.-genl. Mike Bester die laaste kommissarisse van die SAP was. Hoop dit klaar hier en daar iets op.3

Curriculum Vitae: JG Fivaz Name:

John George Fivaz


South African

Birth Place & School

Reitz – Orange Free State – Now Free State Province Bultfontein High School University of the Free State

Contact information:

George Fivaz Forensic & Risk Mobile: +27 82 332 8111 Email:

Language skills:

English – proficient read, write, speak Afrikaans – proficient read, write, speak South Sotho – competent read, speak


and other


• Department of National Education - National Diploma in Police Administration • University of the Free State - South Africa – Bachelor Administration (B Admin) Public Management • Pretoria Technicon - Diploma in Organisation and Work-study (Procedures & Methods)

Summary of Qualifications Experience: •

Academic Qualifications: BA in Administration (B Admin) (specialised in Public Management) National Diploma in Police Science (The curriculum covers topics such as Police Management & Administration, Criminal Investigation Techniques – with specific reference to forensics, crime scene procedures, collection of intelligence and securing the chain of evidence and the integrity of exhibits.


E-pos van genl. JG Fivaz gedateer 30 April 2018 – HBH.

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Knowledge of police management Served in all the managerial positions of a police service, namely from various positions at junior management level to the most senior management level as the National Police Chief of South Africa, to which position he was appointed by the late President Nelson R Mandela Was exposed to all policing disciplines during career. Involved in numerous national and international studies for the purpose of developing best policing practices. Served in the environment of management support services of the S.A.P. for 15 years with the responsibility to improve the effectiveness of the line and staff functions of the Police. Was extensively exposed to international law enforcement.

General responsibilities entailed functional and operational studies regarding cost effectiveness of law enforcement, improvement of procedures and methods and police productivity, development of training curricula, rank and remuneration structures, post establishment maintenance, development and introduction of policing best practices, assignments to improve the effectiveness of safety and security in and around national key points.

Lead the integration, rationalization and transformation of the previous 11 S.A. Police Forces to structure and establish a single amalgamated and rationalised S.A. Police Service for a united South Africa. Served for more than 35 years in various fields of police management •

International Experience Conducted various international study tours and was exposed to policing best practice models of countries such as the USA, Canada, South America, Australia, New Zeeland most Police Services of Europe and the vast majority of police forces of Africa.

Knowledge in police forensics: Served in the Detective Branch of the S.A. Police for more than 20 years and obtained considerable experience in conducting investigations, overseeing and managing the crime investigative and forensic components of police work – e.g. investigation of all categories of crime, knowledge of procedures on how to approach and manage crime scenes and how to secure the integrity of forensic and court directed evidence, the strategic role of


science disciplines such as fingerprints, toxicology, pathology, chemistry, ballistics, medicine, explosives, etc. •

Knowledge of private sector management Establish and manage over the last fifteen years a group of private companies with focus to Page 16 of 180

render security risk assessment services, forensic investigation services, to develop more effective policing structures and to improve the efficiency of existing safety and security services and law enforcement structures.

Die einde van die Fivaz-era

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‘Rooi Rus’ Trap Terroriste Vas! [Die Huisgenoot no. 26 van 25 Junie 1971] Dis hy wat in Rivonia ‘n oorgehaalde rewolwer uit die hand van ‘n generaal van Umkonto we Sizwe geslaan het. Hy was byderhand om ‘n voortvlugtige Bram Fischer se vryheid na nege maande te beëindig. Ure nadat die stasiebom ontplof het, het hy John Harris op Roodepoort gaan uithaal.4 En as daaroor kordaatstukke in die stryd teen terroriste gepraat word, word die aandeel van kol. Swanepoel as bevelvoerder genoem in wat in die dossiers as OPERASIE ONGULUMBASHE opgeteken staan …waarvoor hy nou die Polisie-ster vir Voortreflike Diens gaan ontvang. “Daardie eerste kennismaking met terroriste op Suid-Afrikaanse bodem het my opnuut gewys hoekom die Suid-Afrikaner so ‘n gevreesde vegter is.” Vir komitees van die V.V.O. en vir Radio Tanzanië is hy ‘n monster uit Auschwitz en Belsen, Spotprenttekenaars het hom voorgestel as ’n poenskopkariaktuur met kats en kamaste, en vyandige hoofartikelskrywers het name vir hom met venynige behae gemunt: The Beast of Compol, Master Inquisitor, Chief Interrogator. In die sitkamer van die beskeie woning in Collinsstraat, Brixton, wat twintig jaar al sy en Saartjie se tuiste is, glimlag Teuns Swanepoel suur wanneer hy sy plakboek deurblaai. As toegewyde veiligheidsman is hy onversteurbaar vir kritiek as wat hy immuun voorgekom het teen terroristekoeëls. Van ‘n dekade gelede af, toe ondermyning ‘n taamlik algemene verskynsel in Suid-Afrika geword het, was die naam en gelykenis van Teunis Jacobus Swanepoel5 telkens in nuusmedia. Dis hy wat in Rivonia ‘n oorgehaalde rewolwer uit die hand van ‘n generaal van Umkonto we Sizwe geslaan het. 6 Hy was byderhand om ‘n voortvlugtige Bram Fischer se vryheid na nege maande te beëindig7. Ure nadat die Stasiebom ontplof het, het hy John Harris op Roodepoort gaan uithaal.8 Sy reputasie as onverskrokke polisieman is in die jare vyftig reeds by die Blitspatrollie met ‘n twintigtal situasies bevestig. Waar ‘n koeël in die tien jaar van 1952 af aan die Rand geklap het, was Swanie, wat op Oudtshoorn gebore is, met weinig uitsonderings by, iewers langs die pad het Lt. (later lt.-genl.) Viktor en ‘n kollega het ‘n persoon ondervra (naam weerhou – hy lewe nog) en hulle het die bomontploffing gehoor. Die aangehoudene is na die toneel van die stasiebom geneem waar hy verklaar het dat Harris al persoon is, wat nog nie aangekeer is nie. Lt. (later brigadier) Hennie Muller van die veiligheidstak te Roodepoort het Harris arresteer. Maj. Swanepoel was destyds in bevel van ondervragings by “The Grays” – HBH. 5 Dis hoe die naam in die artikel gespel word – HBH. 6 Luit. Willem “Biesiesvlei” van Wyk – later genoem “Rivonia” van Wyk; was in bevel van die klopjag op die “Liliesleaf” kleinhoewe te Rivonia. Ek het saam met kol. (later brigadier) Willem (“Rivonia”) van Wyk te Raad op Atoomkrag, Pelindaba, gewerk waar ons albei gesekondeer was. Hy het my die hele Rivonia-storie vertel – HBH. 7 Adv. Bram Fischer is deur (destyds luit.) Roelf van Rensburg gearresteer en (destyds luit.) Kalfie Broodryk was teenwoordig. Maj. (later genl.) Mike Geldenhuys was volgende SAP-lid op die toneel. As lessenaar-offisier wat o.a. met die SAKP se bedrywighede gewerk het, het van hoofkantoor oorgestap en met kol. Roelf van Rensburg by die Pretoria veiligheidstak gaan gesels oor die arrestasie van adv. Fischer. Ek het later ook met genl. Mike Geldenhuys hieroor gesels toe ek en Hanlie van Straten ‘n boek oor genl. Geldenhuys gepubliseer het - HBH. 8 Nie korrek nie – luit. Hennie Muller het die arrestasie uitgevoer a.g.v. inligting verskaf deur luit JJ Viktor - HBH. 4

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hy die bynaam - bid jou aan! – die Rooi Rus opgestel. Dit oorleef om ‘n ironiese betekenis te hê in sy stryd teen die Kommunisme. Vreesloos, bekwaam, behendig met vuis en vuurwapen, was Swanie bestem om vroeër of later in ‘n elite-korps van die Polisiemag opgeneem te word. Bevordering het gevolg op sy optrede een aand in April 1963, toe drie saboteurs voorgesit is wat die treinspoor by Langlaagte wou opblaas. Na hul kennismaking met die Rooi Rus het twee saboteurs bly lê, een met ‘n gebreekte arm, die ander in die been geskiet. Hoewel die Veiligheidstak publisiteit vir sy manne ontmoedig, was dit onvermydelik dat Swanie se ywer hom op die voorgrond sou hou. Eers het sy talent as ondervraer van Rooi agente bytende reaksie uitgelok van sowel A.N.C.-vlugskrifte as Prawda. Sy hoedanighede in krygsoperasies teen terroriste is later telkens eervol vermeld in geheime verslae van die grens af. Swanie se bedrywighede in die nuwe soort grensoorlog verseker geen danige gesinslewe vir sy vrou en twee dogters, Petro (17) en Erika (8), nie. Dit het al gebeur, sê mev. Swanepoel, dat hy maande lank van die huis was, ‘n paar dae terug, en dan maar weer vort. Sy praat vergewend van die tawwe Tewis wat glo skaars ‘n gloeilamp kan inskroef of ‘n tafelpoot kan heelmaak. Hy hoef ook nie, shame, sê sy, so lank hy haar maar af en toe met die skottelgoed help en die meisiekinders ‘n bietjie bederf. Aan die gevegsfront is dit ‘n ander storie. In oorlogsmondering en met ‘n geweer in die waai van sy arm is kol. Swanepoel (teen omtrent 180 cm en 84 kg) een van die paraatste vegters is Suider-Afrika. As een van die eerste veiligheidsmanne wat met terroriste op ons grens slaags geraak het, is hy ewe onderleg in Chê Guevara se guerrilla-taktiek as in Marx en Lening se ideologieë. In 23 jaar het hy hom by elke soort polisiewerk aangepas en die uitdaging van elke tydperk beantwoord. Die Rooi Rus en die Beast of Compol het ’n verskrikking in die voorste linie geword. As daar oor kordaatstukke in die stryd teen terroriste gepraat word, word die aandeel van kol. Swanepoel as bevelvoerder genoem in wat in die dossiers opgeteken staan as Operasie Ongulambashe Dit was vroeg in 1966, ondermynende elemente in Suid-Afrika was feitlik uitgewis, maar guerrillaoorlog tussen sogenaamde vryheidsvegters uit die noorde en die Suid-Afrikaanse veiligheidsmagte was ophande. Daar was toe al ‘n tyd lank sprake van insypelaars, maar nêrens ‘n konfrontasie nie. Een oggend in Maart is Swanie dringend deur die Veiligheidshoof, brig. Tiny Venter, in Pretoria ontbied. Daar was nou die eerste keer getuienis dat ‘n aantal terroriste Suidwes uit Zambië binnegedring en nagenoeg honderd kilometer binne Ovamboland kamp opgeslaan het. Ure is beraad gehou om ‘n strategie uit te werk wat die bende met ‘n netjiese veeg in die hand sou bring. Swanie se opdrag was om met vier blankes9 en vier Bantoes as padwerkers en radioingenieurs in ses voertuie tot binne trefafstand van die terroristekamp te vorder. Midde Maart het hulle as die Pasco10 Civil Engineering Co. uit Pretoria vertrek. Swanie vertel self: Dit was sekerlik die gevaarvolste opdrag tot in daardie stadium van my polisieloopbaan. Nege van ons teen nagenoeg vyftig terroriste wie se taktieke of vegvermoë onbekend was, tot die tande gewapen met die jongste Kommunistiese wapens. 9

Onder andere JJ Viktor, Ben Badenhorst, Piet Ferreira, ‘n radioman en twee swart lede – HBH. “Pasco” = “Pas” + “Co”. Pas = SAP omgedraai – HBH.


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Ons eerste kamp is sowat 200 myl (om en by 320 kilometer) van die terroriste s’n af opgeslaan. Daarvandaan moes ons ongemerk nader skuif, al opmetende kastig, en op ons hoede om geen agterdog te wek nie. Ons voorraad militêre wapens is uit die oog versteek, maar darem binne armbereik as die nood dreig. ‘n Hoenderboerderytjie wat later tot veertig aangegroei het, het baie gehelp om die ekspedisie na ‘n padbou-eenheid te laat lyk. Met die help van beriggewers was ons voortdurend op die hoogte van die bedrywighede in die terroristekamp Dit was ook van belang dat ons op goeie voet met die inboorlingbevolking bly. Partymaal het dit probleme afgegee, soos toe hulle kom hulp vra het nadat ‘n leeu een van hul donkies gevang het. Alles goed en wel, maar sit jy nou met ‘n diensrewolwer en ‘n .303 ‘n leeu agterna wat met sy poot in ‘n slagyster getrap het? As die inboorlinge ‘n enkele outomatiese geweer by ons gesien het, en die terroriste kom dit te hore, was ons sending tot niet. Ons het ‘n plan gemaak, ‘n FN in die Land-Rover versteek, en toe ons op die verwonde leeu afkom, die inboorlinge gevra om hulle uit die gevaargebied skaars te maak. Deur die geweer op enkelskote te stel, het ons die ondier van kant gemaak. Pal in verbinding met ons eie mense en met die ander oor op die terroriste se doen en late het ons langsamerhand in laasgenoemde se rigting gevorder. Soos hulle van een watergat na die ander getrek het, was ‘n paar koersaanpassings nodig. ‘n Volle vyf maande se opmeting, bespieding en al die het ons in die laaste week van Augustus gevoer tot sowat dertig myl (nagenoeg 50 km) van die terroristekamp. Nou is die laaste fase van Operasie Ongulambashe (genoem na die streek waar die terroriste was) beplan 26 Augustus sou D-dag wees. Voordat ons toestaan, moes ek self op ‘n inspeksietoer van die kamp gaan. Saam met my het ek twee Bantoes geneem wat die omgewing ken en adjudant-offisier Piet Ferreira, ‘n 33-jarige Bosvelder met geen bang haar op sy kop nie. Ek en Piet is soos Bantoes vermom, en met verslonste lang jasse aan is ons die middag van 23 Augustus by ‘n punt sowat dertig myl van die terroristekamp afgelaai. Vir die tog het ons net die nodigste saamgeneem – elkeen die minimum proviand, sy diensrewolwer en masjiengeweer met patrone versteek onder die jasse. Na berekening sou ons die volgende middag, in die kamp terug wees om verslag te doen en die aanvalsplan af te rond. Dwarsdeur die nag het ons geloop sonder om by die terroristekamp uit te kom. Ligdag die volgende oggend was ons, voetseer en vaak, terug by die beginpunt. By die een of ander plek het ons gids die nag ‘n verkeerde wildspaadjie gekies … D-dag kon nie uitgestel word nie ons moes dadelik weer in die pad val. Vieruur die middag het die wêreld om ons gelewe. Die eerste aanduiding dat ons in lewensgevaar verkeer, was toe Piet wys na ‘n halfdosyn olifantkalfies skaars vyftien tree vorentoe. Ons was in die middel van ‘n briesende olifantkudde. Daar was net een uitweg, en ek het nie gehuiwer nie. Hol manne! Vier en twintig uur sonder slaap en die tamheid wat Ovamboland se warm son bring, was vergete terwyl ons die wêreld voor die briesende olifante uit geskeer het. Met ‘n wye draai het ons die tog voortgesit. Skuins voor nege daardie aand het ons in die verte ‘n kampvuur sien brand en stemme hoor opklink. In die lig van ‘n halwe maantjie het ons nader gesluip. Dit was Ongulambashe. En hamerslag betyds ook. Tegelyk met Radio Tanzanië se propaganda-uitsendings om nege-uur sou my werk ook begin. Ek moes vasstel waar die wapen-opslagplek is, hoe die skanse gebou is, waar die skuilings en die uitvlugplekke is. Page 21 of 180

Toe die radio-omroep opklink, het ek hande en voete nader gegaan … Binne ‘n kwartier – die duur van die uitsending – moes ek klaar wees. Terwyl die terroriste se aandag geboei is, het ek op my maag tot binne die kamp gevorder. Onder ‘n sewe voet (omtrent 2,2 m) hoë miershoop vir ‘n blaaskansie versuim. Toe ek opkyk, het my nekhare positief orent gestaan. Met ‘n masjiengeweer op sy skoot het ‘n wag bo-op die miershoop gesit. Gelukkig was hy verdiep in die rebelle-boodskap. Ek twyfel of ek al in so ‘n situasie was. Enige van ‘n dosyn dinge kon gebeur, en ons vier sou binne sekondes afgemaai wees. My waarneming van ‘n klompie minute het my oortuig dat net ‘n perfek beplande aanval die operasie sou laat slaag. Toe Radio Tanzanië sy omroep afsluit, was ons buite die kamp besig om ons waterbottels uit die terroriste se put vol te maak. Moeg en vaak het ons die volgende oggend ons basis bereik. polisieman en ‘n bottel koffie te sien.

Ek was omtrent bly om ‘n

Die res van die dag het ons die aanvalsplanne afgerond. Voor sonuit die anderdagmôre was ek vooraan in ‘n helikopter-eskader van tien om die aanval teen Ongulumbashe te lei. Die klompie het nie mooi geweet wat aangaan nie toe ons manne aan toue11 tussen hulle neergelaat word met stotterende outomatiese gewere. ‘n Paar het probeer teenstand bied, maar die meeste het in wanorde oorgegee.12 Binne ‘n minuut en ‘n half was alles oor. Sewe en dertig van die groepie is later in die hof verhoor. As Veiligheidsman was dit ‘n nuwe ervaring om ‘n model-guerrillakamp deur te loop. Die proviandkamers en ammunisie-opslagplek met die nuutste Russiese en Chinese wapens. Ché Guevara se handboeke oor guerrilla-oorlog voering, die Kommunistiese bloudruk om die Bantoe se stamstelsel te vernietig en ‘n sosialistiese staat op te rig. Daardie eerste kennismaking met terroriste op Suid-Afrikaanse bodem het my opnuut gewys hoekom die Suid-Afrikaner so ‘n gevreesde vegter is. Dit was, soos Piet Ferreira daardie aand gesê het, ‘n netjiese joppie. •

Baie dankie. Ingestuur deur Jonathan Pittaway – HBH.


Baie SAP-lede van Natal en Port Natal was teenwoordig te Ungulambashe, o.a. sersant Desmond Welthagen en No. 43607 konst. Johan Visage. Hulle was onder die bevel van kol. Dillon en maj. Frikkie Engels. Ons Mobieleeenheid (pel 7 & 8) van Port Natal was vroeër die jaar te Umbumbulu deur die SAW opgelei. Kapt. Heap van die leër het ons touwys gemaak en ons is deur die SALM die lug ingeneem en ons moes met toue afklim en die laaste paar voet grond toe tuimel. Toe was daar net geringe sprake van terrorisme – ons in die Mobiele Eenheid is hoofsaaklik gebruik vir bekamping van stamgevegte en “dagga kap”. Ons het slegs een keer ‘n maand onlusdril gedoen. Die toestand in die land was redelik kalm alhoewel MK op 16 Desember 1961 met sy sabotasie en terreurveldtogte begin het - HBH. 12 Een van die Swapo-vegters het selfs met pyl en boog na een van die helikopters geskiet – HBH.

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• Foto galery van mense genoem in die artikel (HBH).

Foto links: 2de van links brig. TJ Swanepoel as sersant van die blitspatrollie en regs by die Foxstraat-skietery.

Vlnr: Brig. W van Wyk, lt.-genl. JJ Viktor en brig. Hennie Muller. Ek was in 1970 op veiligheidskursus en maj. Neels du Plooy was die kursusleier. Maj. “Rooi Rus” Swanepoel het vir ons ‘n lesing oor ondervraging aangebied. Ek was toe ‘n jongman sowat 23 jaar oud en die majoor was ons almal se “held”. Na die lesing het maj. Swanepoel ‘n staande ovasie van die kursusgangers ontvang – HBH. Volunteer Wanted We are looking for a volunteer graphic artist to help us with art work regarding uniforms, medals etc of the South African Police and antecedent police forces in South Africa.

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The Other Side of the Story: HD Stadler

SAP: Special Task Force; Hunter Group and 2 Recce: Roelf du Plooy Good morning everyone, Paul [Els] this is a very detailed history of the formation of 2 Recce and the beginnings of the SAP Special Task Force. As a member of the SA Police Counter Insurgency Unit (COIN Unit) (TIN-eenheid) I met the Hunter Group in 1971 at Doornkop Military Base. The SAP members were under the command of Capt. “Blackjack” de Swart13 of the Security Branch Headquarters Pretoria and the Hunter Group under the command of Major Sybrandt van der Spuy. The purpose of the meeting was to acquire specialised training for selected SAP members to counter the insurgency threat to the RSA and neighbouring countries. We felt that the existing threat at the time was of such a nature that the prevailing counter insurgency training at the SAP training centre Maleoskop at Groblersdal was not sufficient to equip SAP members for this purpose. I have to mention that our reception at Doornkop was very enthusiastic and an agreement was arrived at that the Hunter Group would start with a training program of the SAP selected group at the Baviaanspoort training area near Pretoria. This training commenced duly as planned during 1971 and was attended by approximately forty SAP members of the Security Branch and myself as a member of the SAP Coin Unit. The instructors at the time were Major van der Spuy, Joh Grant Grierson, Woollie Ward, and Sgt Bill du Toit. The same subjects were covered that the 13

Maj.-Gen SJ de Swart – HBH.

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Hunter Group were undergoing with the main focus on specialised weapon handling, combat drills and the handling of booby traps. At the time it was also decided that we should have the ability to deploy rapidly and to achieve this, parachute training should be covered as well. We were then introduced by Major van der Spuy to Gary Magnusson, a D Licence freefall instructor at the Westonaria Parachute Club. It was then decided that we should undergo combat training at Baviaanspoort on Saturdays and parachute training at the Wonderboom airfield on Sundays. Eventually approximately forty SAP members did their basic parachute jumping course at the Wonderboom airport under Gary’s instruction and approximately twenty proceeded onto freefall jumping. With this background in mind it was felt that a SAP Special Task Force should be started and unsuccessful presentations were done to the SAP COIN Unit. This state of affairs continued until 1976 when the Commissioner of Police eventually agreed that an SAP Special Task Force should be started. The first STF (Special Task Force) selection commenced in January 1976 at Maleoskop and forty members eventually passed the course and were transferred to Pretoria where the first HQ was based in the old Arcadia Police Station. The first Commanding Officer was Colonel Dries Verwey. In conclusion it has to be mentioned that the following individuals played a key role in the formation of the SAP Special Task Force: • • • • • •

Major Sybrandt van der Spuy Joe Grant Grierson Woollie Ward, Bill du Toit Capt. Blackjack de Swart Gary Magnusson

I eventually became the RSM of the STF after the first RSM “Piet-Kantien” Bezuidenhout was KIA’d during a follow up on the farm Tirol near Otavi in 1977. During June 1979 I transferred to Special Forces (SADF) and underwent selection where after I was posted to 5 Reconnaissance Commando at Duku Duku. I eventually retired in 1998. Kind regards, Roelf du Plooy Former CS SFHQ BDE (1994 to 1996). • Brief deur HBH Beste Paul Baie dankie dat jy die belangrike brokkie onder my aandag gebring het. Ek het 'n jaar later as kapt. “Blackjack” de Swardt by Kompol x302 begin. Ons was op dieselfde eenheid en ek het baie inligting met hom oor SWAT, wat van die VSA afgekom het, gedeel. Hy het met "die Bliksems" begin. Hy kan egter tereg as die "Vader van die STM" in die SAP beskou word. [Ja, daar was ander mense met hoër range as hy. Maar die gedagte het by hom begin.] As ek reg onthou was kol. Kerkhoven die "Vader van die Hunter's" – is dit korrek Paul? Beste Roelf Ek kan jou nog onthou toe jy eendag op kompol x302 by ons ingeloer het.

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Mag ek asb. hierdie stukkie geskiedenis in die Nongqai publiseer? Ek hoor graag van jou!

• Kommentaar: Paul Els Dis reg Hennie m.b.t. kol. Kerkhoven. Aaaaai daar is so baie wat geskryf moet word. Ek het vanoggend begin met ‘n boek wat baie mense voor wag en bitter min oor geskryf is – 101 Bn. Shit baie inf. en foto’s gekry van hulle bond. Lekker dag ou maat en ek het vir William Marshall goed gestuur en nog net ‘n cd by hom kry Dukubat Paul.

• Kommentaar: Paul Els Dankie Roelf ou maat, Dis moerse geskiedenis! Jammer dit nie gehad vir my Hunter boek nie. Ek file die onder my Hunter goed vir moontlik later – wat ek waar kry haha. Lekker dag verder en dit is moontlik ek Kaap toe gaan vir my Sussie se 70 die 15de Aug Dukubat Paul NB. Ek sukkel nog steeds wie almal springkursus in Duku gedoen het.

• Comments: Toffie Risk “Captain J.J. de Swardt was closely connected to Sergeant Roelf de Plooy, based at Tin Transito, the Counter Insurgency Transito located at the South African Police College in Pretoria West. Sgt de Plooy, or ‘Hagar’, had been severely wounded during a previous tour of duty in Chishuma, Rhodesia, by ZANU terrorists. His position as a counter insurgency (COIN) instructor provided him with a prime opportunity to evaluate the physical capability, competency and mental preparedness of the various South African Police candidates posted for COIN duty in Rhodesia.” Goeie Naand, Ek groet hier van my selfoon! Hoop dit gaan goed! Hier is nog inligting bo en nog meer wat moet bykom. Roelf kan sy kontak bevestig (Saluut) Roelf 1974/1975 Tye toe lt.-genl. NG Loxton, AJ Wandrag, Vic Verster, brig. “Karools” Mouton, kol. HO Eksteen en Page 26 of 180

Du Plessis met Jors Brummer by TIN H/K gewerk het. AO Gert Marais en Chris Nell was almal deel van die span! Groete Toffie Risk.

• Kommentaar deur Roelf du Plooy Goeiemore almal, Ja die herinneringe vloei duidelik terug hoe ek die manne bymekaargemaak en gereed gekry het vir die C130 op pad bos toe, Rhodesië of Suidwes Afrika. Sekere ouens se gesigte het ek gereeld gesien tussen Polkol en die bos. Dit was ongelooflik om te sien hoe party ouens hul kant gebring het en soms tot 6 maande ononderbroke grensdiens in Rhodesië gedoen het tydens OP Hurricane waar hulle onder ‘n bos op die grond moes slaap en terre jag. Hul storie is tot vandag nooit besing nie want dit is mos nie “polities korrek” nie. So te sê niks is dusver geskryf of gesê wat hierdie manne deurgemaak het nie want so te sê al die rekords is vernietig deur Kompol voor ’94. Baie dankie vir u insette. Groetnis, Roelf du Plooy NS: Dit was destyds, 17 Januarie 1970 , ZAPU, onder Joshua Nkomo se manne wat my bygekom het, Zanu het jare later op die toneel verskyn onder Bob en kie.14


Die verhaal was destyds in die Huisgenoot gepubliseer – HBH,

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Medaljes | Medals SAP Medaljes: Charl Steyn (KaliforniĂŤ, VSA) Hallo Hennie, Iets interessants dalk vir die Nongqai. Ek het gedurende 1977 my studies by Tukkies gelos en by die polisie aangesluit. Is as student by die medalje afdeling te Hoofkantoor gepos en hier het my lewenslange belangstelling in medaljes ontstaan. Een van my aanvanklike take was om elke medalje wat van die munt af ontvang word te inspekteer om seker te maak die lid se magsnommer en details is korrek op die medalje gestempel. Daarna is die medalje terug geplaas in sy boksie en is gemerk en die afdeling waarheen dit gestuur moet word daarop geskryf. So 'n maand of wat gelede toe sien ek hierdie medalje op 'n veiling in Engeland, steeds in sy boksie van meer as veertig jaar gelede, met my merkie en handskrif op. Die speurders het dikwels nooit hulle medaljes gedra nie, so die is nog in die oorspronklike kondisie. Natuurlik het ek 'n bod ingesit en uiteindelik die medalje gekoop. Ek heg vir jou 'n foto hierby aan. Groete en beste wense, Charl Steyn.

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SPCA: 1938: Pietermaritzburg: Medal Mounted Constable HS Coetzee

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Vrouepolisie | Women Police Aanstelling van nie-wit dames in die SA Polisie - HBH. Tydens ‘n besoek aan die SAP Argief het ek op die volgende brokkie inligting afgekom: • • •

Kleurling dames is op 1981-07-20; Asiër dames is op 1982-05-17; en Swart dames is op 198-07-08 vir die eerste maal as lede van die SAP aangestel.15

Vandag beskou ons dit as iets alledaags. Dit is algemeen bekend dat wit dames vir die eerste maal gedurende 1972 aangestel is.

Adjudant-Offisier | Warrant Officer Adjudantsrang vir nie-wit lede van die SA Polisie: HBH. Nie-wit offisiere is vir die eerste keer gedurende 1970 aangestel. Daar was destyds geen voorsiening vir nie-wit adjudant-offisiere (AO) gemaak nie. Range vir niewit lede was destyds konstabel, sersant, senior-sersant en spesiale-graad-hoofsersant. Die rang AO vir nie-wit lede is gedurende 1973 deur genl. TJ Crous aangekondig. Die SA Polisie het dus die rang AO vir alle rasse in 1973 gehad. Nie-wit lede – offisiere uitgesluit – moes wag tot laat 1970’s - begin 1980 voor hulle die blou SAP-uniform kon dra.

Petaljes op nagdiens Slapende konstabel vang dief: Gawie Richter Gedurende 1956 moes konstabel Boerboel Niemandt, wat op Marshallplein, Johannesburg gestasioneer was, rondtediens doen. Vir hom was dit eintlik ‘n straf, omdat verdagtes polisiemanne in uniform reeds van vêr af kon sien en dan kon spore maak. Niemandt was nie ‘n persoon wat homself sou doodwerk nie! Hy het geweet wanneer ‘n sersant hom sou besoek en dan gaan “rus”. Hy moes een nag in die omgewing van die Carlton-hotel gaan diens doen. Daardie jare was die diefalarms slegs by deure en vensters aangebring. Indien ‘n deur of ‘n venster gebreek sou word, het ‘n alarm in die aanklagkantoor van die naaste polisiestasie afgegaan. Inbrekers was bewus daarvan en het hulle strategie daarvolgens aangepas. Hulle het doodeenvoudig deur die dakke van besighede begin inbreek. Twaalfuur daardie betrokke nag besoek die sersant vir Niemandt, terwyl hy op en wakker op sy pos is. Toe die sersant egter om die draai is op pad na sy volgende inspeksie, verdwyn Niemandt in ‘n stegie tussen die winkels, waar hy hom op die trappe van ‘n juwelierswinkel tuismaak. Nagwagte was volop en jy kon hulle gewoonlik langs hulle konkas, voor ‘n warm vuurtjie kry, vas aan die slaap. Hulle moes dien as afskrikmiddel vir die boosdoeners.


Verwysing na bostaande is C8/126/(5) – (v) lt.-kol. Visser gedateer 1986-04-04 – HBH.

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Onbewus daarvan dat die klein venstertjie bokant die versterkte deur waaronder hy hom bevind die middag met opset oopgelaat is, raak die geregsdienaars vas aan die slaap. Terwyl Niemandt in droomland verkeer, klouter ‘n inbreker deur die dak en plafon van die juwelierswinkel. Nou het hy vrye toegang tot sy “prooi”. Die goud en steentjies blink en hy maak bymekaar. Die dief, wat vertroud was met die winkel en goed bewus is van die oop venstertjie, raak besig. Hy gooi toe sy buit eerste by die klein venstertjie uit. Die spul kom op Niemandt se kop te lande. Hy skrik wakker en sit versteen terwyl die juwele stuk-stuk op sy kop reën. Niemandt sit toe twee en twee bymekaar. Toe die laaste stukke geval het, staan hy wat Niemandt is stadig op en kom in gereedheid om die dief aan te keer. Uit vorige ondervindinge het hy geweet wat die inbreker se modus operandi gaan wees. Soos die inbreker die winkel binnegegaan het is hy weer daaruit. Hy stap doodluiters, met ‘n sak in sy hand, om die winkel na buite toe. Toe hy die eerste juwele in sy sak prop, druk Niemandt sy rewolwer in die boef se ribbes en arresteer hom net daar waar hy versteen staan. Met sy aankoms by Marshallplein se aanklagkantoor, word die eienaar van die juwelierswinkel ontbied. Tot die Jood se verbasing was dit sy troue werker wat die misdaad gepleeg het. Alle gesteelde eiendom is vanselfsprekend teruggevind. Daardie jare was daar nog nie streekshowe nie en die jurisdiksie van magistrate was dus beperk. Die gevolg was dat die saak in die hooggeregshof deur regter Lucas aangehoor is. Die inbreker is tot 5 jaar gevangenisstraf met hardearbeid gevonnis, terwyl konstabel Boerboel Niemand aangeprys is vir sy besonderse diens wat hy gelewer het. Min het die regter geweet dat hierdie geregsdienaar ten tye van die voorval aan die slaap was en deur die inbreker verras is voordat die arrestasie kon plaasvind!

SA Spoorwegpolisie | SAR Railways Police Pantsertrollies: Chris en Kobus: Herman Bosman Goeie more Brig. Hennie. Na ons laaste e-posse het ek na ISSUU-webwerf gegaan en ook die SAS/SAR tydskrifte gevind. In een van hulle het ek ʼn kort beriggie gelees oor “Chris & Kobus”, die eertydse Spoorwegpolisie se pantsertrollies. Operasionele foto’s is uiters onbekombaar, aangesien die ouens maar sku was om foto’s te neem weens die situasie in die land en ook die geheime aard van die spesifieke voertuie/trollies. Hier ‘n bietjie meer inligting aangaande die twee trollies: Die twee voertuie was plaaslik ontwerp deur ‘n spoorwegingenieur, Mnr. Chris van der Merwe, en vervaardig by die spoorwegwerkplaas te Langlaagte. Ongeveer 6800 onderdele moes in die werkswinkel ontwerp en vervaardig word. Vroeg in 1987 is die twee voertuie by die spoorwegpolisiekollege te Esselenpark aan hooggeplaastes bekend gestel en is die voertuie dan ook vernoem na “Chris” (Mnr. Chris van der Page 31 of 180

Merwe, die ontwerper) en “Kobus” (destydse Hoofbestuurder van die SA Spoorweë, Dr JCH Loubser, noemnaam Kobus). Die voertuie was koeëlvas en ook so ontwerp om landmyn/bomontploffings te kon weerstaan. Die voertuie kon op ʼn gewone pad, sowel as ʼn treinspoor gebruik word. Hulle kon ʼn snelheid van oor 60kph behaal en het ʼn reikafstand van 750km per pad en 1000km per spoor op een tenk brandstof gehad en het 12 ½ ton elk geweeg. Op elke wiel was daar ook ‘n hidroliese-motor geïnstalleer en die hidroliese-pomp wat die hidroliese motors voorsien het met hidroliese-olie is deur ‘n sessilinder Magirus Deutsch diesel enjin aangedryf. Die veerstelsels van die voertuie is ook so ontwerp dat die voertuie op die swakste denkbare paaie kon beweeg. Verder was die trollies ook voorsien met ‘n staalraamwerk voor die treinwiele wat so ontwerp was om bomme te kon onskadelik stel of detoneer wat op die spoorlyn geheg was. Om die trollies op die spoor te kon gebruik, is die trollies bo-oor die spoor getrek en is die treinwiele laat sak en dan kon dit op die spoorbaan gebruik word. Aangesien die trollies ook op die pad gebruik kon word moes lede ook oor swaarvoertuiglisensies beskik het en die lede met die Spoorweë se luukse Eagle busse opgelei om sodoende hulle swaarvoertuiglisensies te bekom. Verder moes die lede ook ‘n treinbedryfskursus te Esselenpark, Spoorwegkollege deurloop het. Gedurende Januarie 1978 het sersant J.P.L Strydom van Suidwes-Afrika en verskeie ander lede in die Republiek die treinbedryfskursus deurloop, waarna die twee trollies intensief getoets is. Sersant Strydom was die enigste lid afkomstig van Suidwes-Afrika en “Kobus” is daarna per spoor na SWA vervoer waar dit deur sersant Strydom in bedryf gestel is, terwyl “Chris” vir die patrollering van die spoorlyne in die Republiek gebruik was. “Kobus” het die Spoorwegnetwerk vanaf Mariental in die suide, Gobabis in die ooste, Walvisbaai en Outjo in die weste en Tsumeb en Grootfontein in die noorde van Suidwes-Afrika gepatrolleer. Ongelukkig was daar ‘n probleem weens die volgehoue druk waarmee die hidroliese-olie aan die hidroliese-motors voorsien moes word en het die koppelings van die hidroliese-pype nie gehou nie en is die padwiele dan ook later permanent verwyder en is net die treinwiele op die spoorbaan gebruik. Verder het die trollies wat in SWA gebruik is ook ‘n nadeel gehad weens die feit dat ‘n ligter tipe spoorstaaf op die spoorbaan gebruik is. Die bemanning van elke trollies het normaalweg bestaan uit ‘n Bevelvoerder (sersant) en vyf konstabels, gewapen met 9mm pistole en R1 gewere. Weens die tegniese (hidroliese) probleem is daar toe besluit om van die gewone “Funkey” spoortrollies gebruik te maak om die spoorbane te beveilig. Die “Funkeys” was ook gepantser met koeelvaste glas, maar was nie mynbestand nie en was aangedryf met ‘n petrol-aangedrewe twee liter Ford enjin met ‘n vierspoedratkas. Hulle bemanning het bestaan uit ‘n sersant en drie konstabels met bewapening soortgelyk aan die panstertrollies “Chris & Kobus”. Tydens die onttrekking van die Suid-Afrikaanse Magte uit SWA is “Chris” daar agtergelaat en word tans in die Museum te Windhoek uitgestal. “Kobus” is aan die spoorweë agtergelaat tydens die samesmelting van die spoorwegpolisie en die SA Polisie op 1 Oktober 1986, waarna verskeie veranderings aangebring is om dit sodoende te kon gebruik vir spoorbaan inspeksies en onderhoud in gevaarlike gebiede. Page 32 of 180

Groete, Herman Bosman

Foto van “Kobus” deur Johannes Botha.

Foto’s van “Kobus” deur Johannes Botha. Page 33 of 180

Foto: Ger Sevink het te Windhoek ‘n foto van “Chris” geneem – HBH.

SASP-uitstalling | SARP Exibition: Voortrekker Monument 01-05-2018

The owner (below) of the SARP-exhibition was part of a re-enactment group. He is dressed in the uniform as a chaplain of the former SADF. Unfortunately, we lost his name card.

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Vuller: “ou” Pretoria-sentraal en kaserne

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SAPS: North West Province DA calls on IPID to investigate SAPS conduct during protests – Joe McGluwa Joe McGluwa | 30 April 2018 Party says behaviour displayed by members of the police is completely unacceptable

DA calls on IPID to investigate SAPS conduct during North West protests 30 April 2018 The Democratic Alliance in the North West has written to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) requesting an investigation into SAPS conduct during protests, which swept across the Province. On Saturday 21 April 2018, the DA visited families who were affected by the police action during the protests. We were informed that police barged into people’s houses shooting at children and old people. We were also informed that police acted with force against community members who were just innocent bystanders. They also shot at people who were laying on the ground. We furthermore met with a family who told us that police unfairly discriminated against them, using derogative terms such as “bushmen” and telling them that they did not belong there. During our visit we were informed that police promised to pay for the hospital expenses for those injured but we could not find proof that this was done. Due to the serious nature of injuries sustained by Cuan Everrett we decided to take him to hospital to get medical attention. The behavior displayed by members of the police is completely unacceptable, police officers should serve and protect not discriminate or shoot at innocent people. Our province has an unfortunate history of police brutality, and we cannot afford to have another Marikana massacre on our hands. In the short-term, Supra Mahumapelo must be removed, and come 2019 the people must exercise their power by voting for total change. Issued by Joe McGluwa, DA North West Provincial Leader, 30 April 2018

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Violence: Mooi River Public violence in Mooi River denounced – Willies Mchunu Regi Khumalo | 30 April 2018 All relevant depts tasked to assist in stabilising the situation, says KZN Premier

KZN Premier condemns public violence in Mooi River 30 April 2018 KwaZulu-Natal Premier Mr T.W. Mchunu has strongly condemned the resurgence of public violence around Mooi River over the weekend. “The provincial government would like to condemn in the strongest possible terms the incidents of public violence that occurred near Mooi River over the weekend where about 23 trucks were set alight. “The provincial government would not like to speculate at this point on the reasons and the identity of persons behind this, but we have tasked all relevant government departments in the province to assist in stabilising the situation there and to ensure the safety of thousands of road users who have to travel through Mooi River as they head back to their homes after holidaying in the province,” said Mchunu. Mchunu also assured motorists, business and local communities that the provincial government will employ all resources at its disposal to normalise the situation. Issued by Regi Khumalo, Media Liaison Desk, Office of KZN Premier, 30 April 2018

Statistics: Farm Attacks SAPS releases farm attack/murder stats by province - Pieter Groenewald Pieter Groenewald | 05 May 2018 FF Plus leader says over past six years 24% of attacks occurred in NWest, 21% in Gauteng and 15% in KZN

Government once again releases statistics on farm attacks and murders after continued pressure from FF Plus The FF welcomes the decision by the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and the Police Commissioner, General Khehla Sitole, to once again release statistics on farm attacks and murders after eleven years of silence on the matter. The last time that these statistics were disclosed was in 2007. The FF Plus, however, continued to request the figures by way of parliamentary questions and answers have finally been provided (see data extracted from answer below - PW). In essence, the party asked for the number of attacks and murders that took place in every province since 2012 to be disclosed. From the answer it can be gleaned that attacks increased Page 37 of 180

(561 attacks) over the last year (2017/18), while there was a decrease in attacks over the previous three years. The figures show that over the last six years since 2012, there were 3059 attacks altogether (on average, that is 509,8 per year) in which 338 people were killed (on average, that is 56,3 per year). During this time, most of the attacks took place in the North West province (722 attacks) and Gauteng (644 attacks). The province with the highest number of murders during this time, however, is Gauteng (69 murders) and then the North West and KwaZulu-Natal (61 murders each). If these figures are compared to other available sources, then they seem to be fairly reliable. It is regrettable that these statistics were swept under the rug under the administration of former President Jacob Zuma. Without the necessary statistics on crime, one is left groping in the dark and then it is not possible to take meaningful action and implement preventative measures. In the interim, the FF Plus will continue with its action plan to inform the international community of the exploits and particularly the cruelty of murders in South Africa by actively liaising with, amongst others, the European Parliament and governments as well as the United Nations (UN) through the FF Plus’s UNPO membership. In this regard, statistics on farm attacks and murders released by the government will surely carry more weight than the statistics of other institutions. Incidents: % of 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total total Gauteng 88 128 119 50 107 152 644 21% KZN 104 82 78 80 77 42 463 15% Mpumalanga 24 68 30 12 47 37 218 7% ECape 11 19 11 9 36 54 140 5% WCape 142 30 37 16 19 45 289 9% NCape 8 4 3 2 4 14 35 1% NWest 137 108 114 165 104 94 722 24% Limpopo 10 41 46 67 24 58 246 8% FState 43 37 52 45 60 65 302 10% 567 517 490 446 478 561 3059 100% Murders: % of 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total total Gauteng 14 11 10 11 14 9 69 20% KZN 9 16 9 9 13 5 61 18% Mpumalanga 2 6 4 1 9 3 25 7% ECape 2 9 1 4 8 2 26 8% WCape 8 3 4 5 1 1 22 7% NCape 1 1 0 1 1 1 5 1% NWest 17 7 11 6 8 12 61 18% Limpopo 1 2 11 7 6 7 34 10% FState 5 2 10 5 6 7 35 10% 59 57 60 49 66 47 338 100% Statement issued by Dr. Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader, 5 May 2018 38 of 180

SAPS Corruption Cops destroyed documents in guns-to-gangs case - more allegations News24 | 04 May 2018 Charge sheet against three former police officers exposes serious allegations of criminality within SAPS

Cops destroyed documents in guns-to-gangs case - more allegations Three former police officers, who were based at the Central Firearm Registry in Pretoria, are suspected of destroying documents relating to firearms and focusing on alleged 28s gang boss Ralph Stanfield, his wife and 18 associates, in a case which forms part of a national guns-to-gangs investigation. The charge sheet exposes serious allegations of criminality within the police and details acts which stretched from Gauteng to the Western Cape, including how officers allegedly worked with a group of suspects involved in the 28s gang, which is known for carrying out murders, assaults and intimidating witnesses in court cases. Some of the allegations include that details, which indicate that some of the accused had gone for firearm competency training, were entered into documents when they had actually never been for training. 'Documents disappeared' The charge sheet also alleges that, between May and June 2014, the three ex-police officers accused in the case - Billy April, Priscilla Manganye and Mary-Gail Cartwright - had been involved in the destroying, or the ensuring of the disappearance, of documents of Stanfield and his associates. The documents relate to competency and applications received at the Central Firearm Registry in Pretoria. Stanfield was wounded in a drive-by shooting in Johannesburg in July 2017, in an incident suspected to have been linked to underworld developments Years earlier, he was embroiled in the firearm saga. In June 2014 Stanfield and his wife Nicole, who both reside in Newlands in Cape Town, as well as his sister Francesca Stanfield, were arrested in the city and, at roughly the same time, the Central Firearm Registry was raided. April, Manganye, and Cartwright were then arrested. The charges against these accused were provisionally withdrawn in October 2016. However, it emerged earlier this month that the charges have since been reinstated, more have been added and more accused also now form part of the massive case, involving 109 charges. Stanfield, his wife, his sister, the three former police officers and 17 other associates of his, including some relatives, appeared in a court in Khayelitsha last week for this case. The 17 associates are from suburbs including Mitchells Plain, Valhalla Park and Delft, which are areas of which parts have experienced ongoing gang violence. Page 39 of 180

The charge sheet detailed how, between 2013 and 2014, alleged crimes were committed within the police and between the three officers and suspected gangsters. A section of it said: "The accused and others known and unknown to the State were members and associates of the 28[s] gang." Some of the accused were not members of the gang but participated in activities associated with the 28s. Murder, intimidation, drug trafficking The charge sheet said the gang was an informally-structured criminal organisation and its members and associates were involved in crimes, including murder, assault, possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition, the intimidation of witnesses and drug trafficking. Hand signals used by members of the gang, as well as tattoos, made them identifiable as 28s. "The gang managed the procurement, transfer, use, concealment, and disposal of firearms and dangerous weapons to protect gang-related territory," the charge sheet said. It said gang members earned money and financed their activities via funds obtained through the illegal trafficking of drugs, as well as the possession and distribution of heroin, tik, dagga and mandrax. The charge sheet alleged that Stanfield, his wife, his sister and their associates, before and including the period from December 2013 to June 2014, participated in gang activities and this involved fraudulently getting hold of firearm licences, firearms and ammunition. Cops accused April, who had the rank of warrant officer, had worked in Gauteng during 2013 and 2014 at the Central Firearm Registry in Pretoria, where he had provided support functions relating to firearm competency applications and new firearm licences, and covering only the provinces of the Eastern Cape and Free State. Cartwright was an administrative clerk at the firearm registry during the same period and performed similar duties to April, but for the South Gauteng region. Manganye worked as an administrative clerk during the same period as her two former colleagues, answering calls about firearms, liquor and second-hand goods applications, at the firearm registry. All the other accused had been based in the Western Cape during 2013 and 2014. Refused licences Stanfield, according to the charge sheet, had applied for competency and firearm licences on March 28, 2000, March 1, 2002, May 27, 2002 and April 13, 2006, but these applications were refused by the Central Firearm Registry as well as by the Mitchells Plain police in Cape Town. His wife had applied for a firearm licence and competency certificate at the Table View police station on July 28, 2010 for a handgun and the firearm registry approved this on June 9, 2011, for a .40 Smith and Wesson pistol. Francesca Stanfield also applied, via the Mitchells Plain police, for a firearm licence on October 9, 2006, but this was refused by the firearm registry officers.

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The charge sheet said that Stanfield, his wife, his sister and 17 associates, had later applied for competency certificates at the Olifantsfontein police station in Midrand, Gauteng. While five firearm licences were approved for Stanfield, four for Nicole and two for his sister, the rest of those who applied were not issued with competency certificates or firearm licences. Fraud allegations However, the charge sheet said their competency certificates were allegedly fraudulent as the accused had not been at the Olifantsfontein police station to complete application forms and Manganye had actually captured their applications with the help of the designated firearm officer at the station. Stanfield, Nicole and his sister were alleged to have in some way, either conspired with the three ex-police officers, or gave, or agreed to, pay them to fraudulently obtain firearm licences. It was also alleged that April, before or between December 2013 and January 2014 in Benoni and Pretoria, gave, or agreed to provide R1 500 or other benefits to an accredited firearm instructor, who was authorised to issue proficiency certificates for Stanfield, his wife and sister. During January 2014, either at or near the Central Firearm Registry in Pretoria and at Olifantsfontein, Stanfield, his wife, his sister and the three former police officers, also allegedly intended to defraud the commander of the firearm registry in that they were accused of handing over proficiency certificates issued by the accredited firearm instructor. Misrepresentations It was made to look as if these had been lawfully issued to them after they had completed the necessary practical and theoretical training. However, it was alleged in the charge sheet that they had known the representations in these were false and they had never had any training at a firearm training school. The charge sheet also alleged that Stanfield, two of the ex-police officers and his associates had in April 2014 supplied misleading details about his associates receiving proficiency training at the Lyttelton Firearms Training Centre where they were issued with training certificates. Claims were also made about what firearms and ammunition Stanfield and his wife had with them. 'Illegal' rifle, pistol and ammunition The charge sheet said that on May 7, 2014, Stanfield unlawfully had with him a rifle, Glock pistol, as well as ammunition including .45 hollow point rounds, without having the necessary documentation to legally carry these. Between June 25, 2014 and March 2015, in areas including Bishop Lavis in Cape Town, as well as Johannesburg, Stanfield unlawfully had firearms including a Remington rifle and three semiautomatic pistols. Nicole was also accused, in the charge sheet, of having had a pistol, semi-automatic pistol and rifle on her between February 2014 and June 25, 2014, in areas including or near Table View, Bishop Lavis and Pretoria. She also allegedly had ammunition, including .17 hollow point rounds, at the Atlantic Beach Golf Estate on June 25, 2014, and ammunition including 1 042 Cyclone Remington rounds and 138 9mm Browning rounds were discovered at the Shell garage on the corner of John Ramsey Avenue and Bishop Lavis Drive in Bishop Lavis. Page 41 of 180

This firearm licences case links to Project Impi, a national gun smuggling investigation launched in December 2013 by police officers Major General Jeremy Vearey and Lieutenant General Peter Jacobs It included looking into the import and export of illegal firearms, and whether weapons were being stockpiled by right-wing groups to be used against the state. But the investigation was affected in June 2016 when Vearey, who was deputy provincial commissioner for detective services, was suddenly shifted to a position he had previously filled commander of the Cape Town cluster of police stations. Jacobs, who headed the province's crime intelligence unit, was appointed Wynberg cluster commander. The two approached the Cape Town Labour Court challenging their redeployments, which they believed derailed Project Impi. Jacobs has subsequently been appointed as head of police's crime intelligence nationally, while Vearey has returned as deputy provincial commissioner for detective services. Project Impi had led to the arrest of Chris Prinsloo, an ex-police colonel now serving a jail sentence. Prinsloo previously said he had sold at least 2 000 firearms, meant to be destroyed by police, to Rondebosch businessman Irshaad Laher, who then allegedly sold these to gangsters. Vereeniging arms dealer Alan Raves was also arrested as part of Project Impi and he and Laher are expected back in the Western Cape High Court on June 8, when pre-trial proceedings are expected to resume. The Project Impi investigation established that at least 261 children were murdered or wounded, between 2010 and 2016, with guns smuggled from within the police to gangsters. About 1 066 murders were also believed to have been carried out with the firearms, of which about 1 200 were never accounted for. News24

Nation-wide police mismanagement obvious – Zakhele Mbhele Zakhele Mbhele | 07 May 2018 DA MP says SAPS members with criminal records highlight problems in SAPS

SAPS members with criminal records in Mangaung FCS unit highlights nation-wide police mismanagement problem 7 May 2018 Page 42 of 180

Today’s oversight visit to the Mangaung Police Station’s Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) unit in the Free State, highlights a nation-wide problem of police members with criminal records, which is reflective of mismanagement on the part of the police top brass. In Mangaung specifically, there are 3 FCS SAPS members with criminal charges relating to the defrauding of SASSA, reckless driving and assault. According to the law, someone with a criminal record is not eligible to serve as a police officer. However, in the course of the oversight visit, an explanation was brought forth to indicate that at least one of the criminal records is a case of wrongful conviction that needs to be investigated, as the member was not aware of the record against their name and was never called as a witness to a court process that resulted in the conviction. Whatever the full facts of the matter, it is clear that there has been a management failure in the criminal justice system whereby the criminal record was not picked up earlier and the member thus afforded an opportunity to explain the preceding circumstances and apply for condonation or expungement. It’s patently clear that police members who have criminal records would either be not fit to serve in the SAPS and especially to deal with children and victims of sexual violence, or they might have been failed by mismanagement to ensure correct records concerning their criminal status, which could potentially haunt the careers of serving members unfairly. The fact that there are cops with convictions still in the police service, especially the critical component such as the FCS unit, demonstrates that the ANC government does not care enough to ensure SAPS members are fit and proper for serving those affected by crime, or at the least is mismanaging these records and human resource systems. The entire SAPS leadership crisis continues to fail our people, especially victims of rape, due to the under-resourced and under-trained police service. The fight against the unacceptably high levels of crimes becomes a futile exercise when the police service is harbouring police officers with criminal records. The DA has relentlessly called on the Police Minister, Bheki Cele, to ensure an overhaul of the SAPS leadership and the adequate training of the police personnel in order to ensure the safety of all South Africans in their homes and in the streets. If Minister Cele was serious about his job, he would crack down on criminal cops, remove from the service those who rightly should be, and ensure a swift and effective condonation process for those who qualify for it. Individuals who are not fit-for-purpose offer nothing in the bid to fight crime and make South Africa safe. Minister Cele must immediately remove patently criminal cops and clean up the records such that they should not put an unjust stain against the names of men and women in the SAPS. Issued by Zakhele Mbhele, DA Shadow Minister of Police, 7 May 2018

Lamoer, former top cops must have known actions were corrupt - judge A Western Cape High Court judge says she finds it hard to believe that retired provincial police commissioner Arno Lamoer and two former police officials would not have known they were involved in corruption. For further information read: Page 43 of 180

Former top cops, businessman to spend first night behind bars Two former high-ranking police officials, retired Western Cape police commissioner Arno Lamoer and his friend of more than 25 years, businessman Saleem Dawjee, are spending their first night behind bars. For further information read:


SANW: Perde | SANDF: Mounted Branch Weermagperde verwaarloos Weermag se verwaarloosde perde uit lyding verlos Perde van die weermag se eenheid wat die land se grense patrolleer, was so verwaarloos en verhonger dat die dierebeskermingseenheid hulle geskiet het.16 NETWERK24.COM

25 emaciated horses put down at SANDF unit 2018-05-07 16:50 | Duncan Alfreds An inspector examines an emaciated horse in the care of the SANDF. (NSPCA) The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) has lambasted a unit of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) over the mistreatment of horses. The NSPCA said that, during an inspection of the South African Army Special Infantry Capability (SAASIC) unit, it discovered 25 horses in such emaciated conditions that they had to be put down. "In 2013, the SANDF and NSPCA entered into a Memorandum of Understanding which was formally signed in May 2016, but the SANDF has continually reneged on the agreement, particularly the SAASIC Unit, with regards to their responsibilities to adequately care for the animals in their control," the NSPCA said in a statement. The organisation said a lack of adequate staff and facilities had resulted in "a complete breakdown in the welfare conditions afforded to the horses".


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"The main herd had no food; the horses had no other option but to eat soil and their own faeces. Food was only provided to the horses after the NSPCA forced the SAASIC unit into taking emergency action to secure adequate feed for the animals due to process restrictions," said the NSPCA. The 2016 memorandum followed a High Court order on allegations of mistreatment of the horses at the SAASIC in the North West province. The scope of the agreement included a provision that only NSPCA staff could inspect military animals – mainly dogs and horses – to prevent them from being abused. Multiple and sustained efforts by News24 to contact the SANDF spokesperson for comment failed to elicit any response. NEWS & ANALYSIS

'SANDF finally taking emaciated horse problem seriously' News24 | 08 May 2018 25 of the animals had to be euthanised by NSPCA due to compromised health

SANDF finally taking emaciated horse problem seriously - National Council of SPCAs 8 May 2018 The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) is engaging with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to find solutions for horses that are poorly treated at the South African Army Specialist Infantry Capability (SAASIC) unit. On Monday the NSPCA expressed anger at the poor state of care for horses at the unit in Potchefstroom. The organisation had to put down 25 severely emaciated horses. "My inspectors spent the day on the base yesterday (Monday) working with the SANDF in identifying horses that will not be used in the future," NSPCA executive director Marcelle Meredith told News24. "We will engage with the colonel who has been made responsible to sort the matter out and of course we will insist on a meeting with the chief of the SANDF." The SANDF confirmed that 25 horses were euthanised at the base. "The SANDF can confirm that following the euthanisation of 25 of its horses at [the] South African Army Specialist Infantry Capability unit in Potchefstroom due to compromised health, it is currently taking remedial actions to alleviate the plight of the horses under its care as a sign of its commitment to prevent cruelty, promote the welfare and alleviation of animal suffering," Brigadier General Mafi Mgobozi said in a statement.

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Mgobozi said that the Military Veterinary Institute (MVI) had been asked to assist with the care of the animals and address the "health status of our animals". "We will ensure that as long as there are horses on the base that they have good quality food, we will assist the MVI. We will do whatever it takes to ensure the welfare of the horses immediately," said Meredith. The SANDF has promised that some horses will be moved to a "better facility" at Rooiwal, north of Pretoria, leaving 40 horses at the Potchefstroom base. "With the help of the MVI, we have also enlisted extra personnel and veterinary physicians to help manage the animals and ensure that the highest standard of animal breeding behaviour is maintained by the SANDF," said Mgobozi. The NSPCA had previously lambasted the SANDF for its failure to take seriously a memorandum of understanding that covers the care of animals and threatened to lay criminal charges. However, the organisation said that the SANDF appeared to have had a wake-up call on the state of horses that were so badly treated that "the horses had no other option but to eat soil and their own faeces". "We do believe that they have finally taken the matter seriously and the necessary attention has finally been given to the grave situation," said Meredith. The Constitutional Court affirmed in December 2016 that the NSPCA has statuary power. "It is declared that the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has the statutory power of private prosecution conferred upon it by section 6(2)(e) of the Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 169 of 1993 read with section 8 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977," reads the judgment against the minister of justice and constitutional development and the National Director of Public Prosecutions. News24

SANDF sets up inquiry into abuse of horses at military base 2018-05-11 The SANDF has established a board of inquiry to determine who should bear responsibility for the mistreatment of horses at its base and how to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. [Photo: NSPCA].

Facebbook Reaksie Hennie Heymans Page 46 of 180

8 Mei 2018 om 06:58 VM. ¡ As perdeliefhebber en oud-beredeman is dit 'n absolute skande en verontagsaming van basiese reÍls t.o.v. perde en beheer oor stalle. ("Horse & Stable Management") Die minister & hoof van die weermag is aanspreeklik vir toesig en beheer. Hierdie is 'n klad op die weermag se naam.

Talle uitgeteerde perde by weermagbasis uitgesit | Maroela Media Volgens die NDBV was die perde sĂł uitgehonger dat hulle grond en hul eie ontlasting begin eet het. MAROELAMEDIA.CO.ZA 62 Kobus Steyn, Pieter Hansen en 60 ander 7 delings Adamus P Stemmet Skande. Mens hoor niks van optrede teen skuldiges nie. Het niemand, bure ens, opgemerk dat daar fout is nie ? Anemari Jansen Het dit raakgelees. ‘n Skande. Philip Hanafey Skandalig. Grey Greyling Ek stem saam met jou Hennie, dit is betreurenswaardig, niemand sal verantwoordelikheid aanvaar nie. So iets het nog nooit in die geskiedenis van die weermag of polisie gebeur nie. [Van] hierdie mense is in alle opsigte en op alle gebiede onbekwaam en traak my nie agtig. Waar gaan dit eindig? Iets sal gedoen moet word. Van die ministers se diere vrek van honger op hulle plase. En niks gebeur nie! Lorayne Benadè SKANDE!!!! đ&#x;˜Ź Johann De Jager I did my national service in the Mounted Section of the SANDF in 1973. We were very proud of our horses and rode and displayed them in many parades. They were in excellent condition and the horses were at all times well fed, groomed and cared for, both in the bush on the border and in the Camp at Diskobolos. Heaven helped you if you were at any time found by the officers to be mistreating any of your mounts. The horse in the picture appears to be Page 47 of 180

what we called a Grey. It was an excellent horse for use on patrols in the bush and we used them extensively. What an absolute disgrace and a sign of the times. Gawie Botha Wonder hoeveel saals en tome nog bestaan, nogtans is ek baie bly om te sien dat die weermag ontken nie die feit dat hulle self verantwoordelik is vir hulle vernietiging van die SAW sonder dat ‘n skoot geskiet word, moet hulle "Veggeneraals" daarvoor ook ’n pluimpie gee! Piet Snyman Hierdie mense moet aangekla word ongeag hul rang!!!!!!!!!!!! Gawie Botha Hoe op aarde kan ‘n mens die oorsaak wees dat so ‘n prag dier moet sterf van die honger!

Marcia Mcclintock Ek dink dis ‘n skande, Hennie, dat goeie, opgeleide diere hierdie pad moet loop... Grey Greyling Praat van rang - rang beteken vir hulle niks al wat hy weet is hy kry elke keer meer geld. Wat hy nooit verdien of kan verdien met sy kennis nie. Dieselfde geld vir die SAPD ook. Elke nuwe kommissaris of selfs waarnemende kommissaris bevorder sy vriende en vriendinne. Daar was nog nooit soveel generaals in die SAPD soos tans nie. Philippus Johannes Jacobs Wat nog? Jean Pitout Absoluut skokkend en tragies Paul J Els Wat vir my snaaks is dat niemand dit raak gesien het nie en dit kon gekeer het nie. Wat gaan aan??? Hennie Heymans Waar is die sersant-majoor, Paul J Els? [Ons het ook na-ure diens verrig as stalwagte!] Paul J Els THOSE WERE THE DAYS MY FRIEND AND IT ENDED IN THE DARK,!!! Netti Botha Dis pure traak my nie agtigheid!! Wie kan by 'n honger dier verbystap en nie wéét daardie dier is jou verantwoordelikheid nie ?? Page 48 of 180

Willem van Zyl Sers Maj braai. Grey Greyling THE CITIZEN 8 May 2018 “ ... the national society for the prevention of cruelty to animals said it would be laying charges against these responsible for the starvation of the horses at a army unit in Potchefstroomâ€?. Let’s hope it will happen! Koot Swanepoel Hennie dit is so hartseer. Ons land gaan net agteruit met alles. Dreyer Vd Merwe Die DBV behoort ondersoek in te stel. Almal wat iets hiermee te doen gehad het behoort 'n DD1 te kry en vervolg te word, op parade gebring te word en gekasseer te word en daar uitgereik te word met 'n sertifikaat van oneervolle ontslag. Die minister van verdediging behoort te bedank. Dit is wat in ander lande sou gebeur het. 'n Land en 'n nasie wat nie na sy diere, ou mense, kinders en siekes omsien nie behoort deur ander nasies geminag en gestraf te word. Anton Alberts, Pieter Groenewald word versoek om vrae hieroor in die Parlement te opper en dit nie hier te los nie. Waarom was die perde nie aan perdeplase geskenk nie? Daar behoort dringend ondersoek ingestel te word na ander diere in die staat se besit. Dit skreeu ten hemele. Marcia Mcclintock Ek stem! Boela Snyman Ai, Hennie Heymans, dis tragies. Hennie Heymans Anton Alberts - ek stem saam met dr Dreyer van der Merwe; in die geskiedenis is daar so veel te danke aan die perd, muil en esel. U moet hulle in die parlement looi! Boela Snyman Nou wonder ek hoe lyk die polisie-perde wat nou ook in Potchefstroom is. Bestaan daar nog ‘n berede eenheid in die SAPS? Leon Coetzee Skande!!! Grey Greyling Dreyer van der Merwe jy blyk goeie kennis te hĂŞ van die tipe gedrag kan jy dit verder voer. Dit glo ek sal hoog op prys gestel word deur die wat omgee Philippus Janse van Rensburg Onderhoud is nie 'n Afrika-prioriteit nie! Martin En Tineke Brookes Kom ons staan as ‘n groep oudsoldate saam en lĂŞ ‘n amptelike klag vir dieremishandeling teen die bevelvoerder Chris De Vos Stem....absoluut onaanvaarbaar..... die perde was ons TROTS. Laurette Engelbrecht Jones Dit is onaanvaarbaar. Mensig ek verstaan nie hoe dinge so erg raak dat daar tot vir diere niks gevoel word nie. đ&#x;˜

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Martin En Tineke Brookes Kom ons staan saam en roep hulle volgens die wet tot harde verantwoording. Robin W Smith I couldn't even bear to read more than the first paragraph - horrifying!

Willie du Plessis Wat ‘n skande is dit nie, wie is verantwoordelik vir die perde, dit wys ook vir my hoe paraat die weermag eintlik is. Neels Jacobs .Ek stem saam: diere tel niks en dis dieselfde disrespek wat teenoor mense gehandhaaf word.

Militêre siening: Verwaarlosing van Militêre-perde WEL EN WEE VAN DIE MILITÊRE VETERANE: BERIG 07/2018 15/05/2018 VERWAARLOSING VAN MILITÊRE PERDE 14. AP Stemmet van die Kavallerie: “Met verwysing na die artikel in die media is dit ‘n skande dat 25 perde by die militêre eenheid in Potchefstroom weens hulle verwaarlosing geskiet moes word. Moet die Pantserbond nie hulle stem laat hoor nie? Ek wonder hoeveel Pantsereenhede hou nog die tradisie van die heildronk op die perde in stand. Ek het dit nog by my ou regiment, Regt. Oranjerivier, toegepas. In Armour it is tradition to toast The Horses because we owe so much to them”. 15. Johann Dippenaar: Voorsitter van die Raad van Militêre Veterane-organisasies: “Hierdie skande van die SANW se perde se verwaarlosing is wyd in die media gedek en ons moet ons stemme dik maak, want as oud-soldate moet ons volhard om die ou norme en waardes te behou”. 16. Heinrich Janzen: President of the SA Armour Association: “The Armour Association, the Armour Formation and the Regiments within the Armour Formation all uphold the Cavalry tradition of drinking a toast to the horses as prescribed in Armour Customs and Traditions”. 17. Note on Webpage of DISQUS A Veteran with the non de plume of Ursus Formidimus stated that “... an organisation as large as the SANDF, with its own veterinary unit, supposedly subject to a stringent disciplinary code, cannot possibly explain away this transgression! What are the members who work in the relevant units actually doing to earn their salaries? As a Veteran of the SADF I deplore this shameful, inexcusable conduct in the strongest possible terms; they bring not only the SANDF but the nation they represent into disrepute. Nowhere in the world could SANDF members go without hanging their heads in shame”.

Brief aan Pers: AP Stemmet To: Burgebriew <> Cc: Beeld Briewe <>, Volksblad <>, By Briewe Reg <>, <> Die onlangse tragedie toe 25 perde van die SA Weermag op Potchefstroom as gevolg van kriminele verwaarlosing deur die DBV geskiet moes word om hulle uit hul lyding te verlos , het betrekking . Page 50 of 180

Ek stem saam met Willem de Haan en Neels se menings in DB van 11 Mei 2018 maar wil verder gaan en vra dat die skuldiges voor die hof gedaag word. Eerstens strafregtelik want hulle behoort lang gevangenisstraf te kry. Tweedens om sivielregtelik aanspreeklik gehou te word.. Hulle moet die belastingbetaler vergoed vir die skade veroorsaak. As trotse oudlid van ‘n pantserregiment, Regiment Oranjerivier, is ek trots dat ons die ou tradisie in stand hou deur by gepaste geleenthede ‘n heildronk op DIE PERDE / THE HORSES te drink. Dit omdat ons die voortsetting van die kavallerie is en die perde vereer vir die rol wat hulle in die geskiedenis gespeel het. Die president van die Pantserbond het bevestig dat hierdie tradisie nog deur die Pantserbond, die SA Weermag se Pantserformasie en alle regimente onder beheer daarvan getrou instand gehou word. Ek glo alle pantsermanne is met reg woedend oor die gebeure. Die weermag skuld almal ‘n verskoning en moet aandui watter stappe teen die skuldiges gedoen word. Adamus P Stemmet Durbanville

Anglo-Boer War: Horses, men, officers!

British soldiers treating a 'wounded' horse after a skirmish near Vryheid... ABW. (Nico Moolman archive.)

SANDF: Robbery by Soldier

SANDF soldier nabbed in for business robbery News24 | 30 April 2018 Two suspects were stopped in BMW belonging to military’s VIP section Page 51 of 180

SANDF soldier nabbed in for business robbery 24 April 2018 Limpopo police say they have arrested a South African National Defence Force soldier and one other suspect following a business robbery in Nzhelele on Monday. According to a police statement on Tuesday, members of the Limpopo tracking team received information about a group of suspects who were planning to commit a cash-in-transit heist in the Vhembe area. After following up on the information, police tracked down the suspects who had just robbed a business in Nzhelele, before speeding off towards Thohoyandou. After a car chase, the police eventually stopped the vehicle and arrested the two. The vehicle that the suspects were travelling in had military registration plates, the statement said. "Preliminary investigations found that the BMW belongs to the SANDF VIP section and that the driver is an employee of the SANDF," police said. Police also recovered a 9mm pistol with the serial number filed off, blue dash lights, registration plates, and over R2 000 in cash. Further information received led the police to other vehicles, allegedly used by the suspects, which were hidden in a house in Matanda village. "Members of a tracking team followed up and, at that homestead, three cars with altered chassis numbers were found," the statement said. News24

SAAF Another Major Accomplishment: Peter Dickens Congratulations to Major Suzy Dempsey on becoming the first female in the world to fly the Rooivalk Combat Attack Helicopter. Major Dempsey went solo on Rooivalk and now flies with a weapons systems operator. Now the hard work starts as she will be trained to use this beast to its utmost. Denel AH-2 Rooivalk Attack Helicopter As firsts go in the advancement of female aviators in the South African Air Force (SAAF) she now joins Major Nandi Zama, who became the first female to fly a SAAF C-130. To see her accomplishment, follow this link: Nandi Zama; One Major accomplishment! Congratulations Major Suzy Dempsey on breaking new ground for female pilots the world over. You exemplify the fine values and traditions of 16 Squadron and the South African Air Force.

Posted by Peter Dickens with reference to Capital Sounds, Rooivalk helicopter image courtesy militarytoday.comSOUTH AFRICAN MILITARY HISTORY | SUID-AFRIKAANSE KRYGSGESKIEDENIS

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Brigadier-General | Briagdier-generaal Rank: Brigadier-General | Rang: Brigadier-generaal: Mark Naude (NZ) ORIGIN The rank apparently first appeared in the British Army in the late 1600s. As the name suggests, it was held by a general officer commanding a brigade. As an aside, the French Army, and several others who have followed its pattern, grade their general officers according to the size of the formation they command, i.e. General de Brigade, General de Division, General de Corps, General de Armee. In the British Army, Brigadier-General ceased to be a permanent rank in the mid-1700s becoming instead a temporary appointment usually bestowed on a Colonel for the duration of a campaign or command. After probably reaching its zenith during the First world War when there were probably more Brigadiers-General than ever before, the rank disappeared from the British Army in 1921. It was replaced by two equivalent ranks, Colonel-Commandant and Colonel-on-the-Staff. The rank insignia was the same (crown over three stars) but the title depended on whether the incumbent held a command or staff post. In 1928 the two ranks were replaced by Brigadier which retained the same insignia. THE RANK IN SOUTH AFRICA The rank was of course introduced by the British. It is however interesting to note that the Boer commando system did have similar ranks. The Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek had vecht-generaal which was basically an appointment for a senior commandant that temporarily commanded a group of commandoes in wartime. It was later revived in the 1950s with veggeneraal or CombatGeneral replacing Major-General however this was historically inappropriate. When the Union Defence Force was formed, Brigadier-General was the highest rank available. The Inspector-General of the Permanent Force was Brigadier-General Tim Lukin while the Commandant-General of the Active Citizen Force was Brigadier-General Christiaan Beyers. Following the outbreak of the First World War more Brigadiers-General were appointed as various brigades were formed. Some officers reached higher ranks such as Major-General Lukin, Lieutenant-Generals Smuts and Van de Venter and General Louis Botha. Lukin was the only one of them who was a Permanent Force member the others being part-time officers.

After the First World War there was one head of the Union Defence Force now called the Chief of the General Staff. This post was held by Brigadier-General Jack Collyer. Sir Pierre van Ryneveld Page 53 of 180

was also a Brigadier-General when he became Chief of General Staff in the 1930s though he rapidly rose in rank once the Second World War started. South Africa retained the rank of Brigadier-General long after it had been phased out of the British Army. This is possibly because it was the highest rank attainable at the time and changing it would have meant that the Chief of General Staff would have lost his status as a General Officer. The UDF did eventually introduce Colonel-Commandant in 1937 (renamed Brigadier in 1940) but they also retained Brigadier-General. In fact, it appears Brigadiers-General were still around as late as 1944. This is possibly because a number of retired officers of Brigadier-General rank were recalled during the Second World War to fill various administrative and training posts within the Union. Again, downgrading the status of several experienced and highly decorated retired ‘generals’ to a senior field rank would probably not have been acceptable. The retirees included men such as:

 Brigadier-General William Tanner, a hero of Delville Wood, who at times had commanded the 1st SA Brigade in France during the First World War and had been acting Chief of General Staff in the 1920s.  Brigadier-General ‘Stork’ Wakefield another WW1 veteran who had been Adjutant-General during the 1930s.  Brigadier-General ‘Manie’ Botha, Boer War veteran and former Mounted Brigade commander in East Africa.  Brigadier-General Jack Collyer, first Chief of the South African General Staff, who was called out of retirement to be General Smuts’ Military Secretary. It appears that no additional appointments to the rank appear to have been made after 1940 but people who already held the rank were allowed to retain it. After 1940s Colonels were promoted to Brigadier rather than Brigadier-General. Brigadier-General was never used as a rank by the South African Police (Brigadier was however from 1942-1995 and again more recently). In 1998 the South African Defence Force replaced the rank Brigadier with Brigadier-General and restored its status as a general officer rank.

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RANK INSIGNIA 1912-1944* A crossed sword-and-baton.

1998-2002 A 9-pointed star over a crossed sword-and-baton.

2002A coat-of-arms over a 9-pointed star over a crossed sword-and-baton

BRIGADIER / BRIGADIER The Union Defence Force introduced the rank of Brigadier in 1940. It also retained the former rank of Brigadier-General for a few years. The South African Police introduced the rank of Brigadier in 1942.17 Chief Deputy Commissioner GRC Baston had become Acting Commissioner in place of Major-General I P de Villiers who left his post as Commissioner of Police (in which he had ranked as a Colonel) in 1941 to serve in the Army as General Officer Commanding 2 SA Division in North Africa18. George Baston was promoted to Brigadier in 1942. 17

The SAP had two grades of brigadier: Brigadier (Deputy Commissioner) and Brigadier (Assistant Commissioner); they had different pay scales. A Deputy Commissioner was higher in rank than an Assistant Commissioner. During the late 1980’s the then Minister Adriaan Vlok brought all SAP brigadiers into line with SADF brigadiers. A brigadier (Assistant Commissioner) was of a lower rank than a brigadier in the SADF. A brigadier (Deputy Commissioner) was equal to a brigadier in the SADF. I do not know what the position in the SAR Police or SA prisons Service was – HBH. 18 De Villiers was no stranger to military life. He had been an artillery officer during the First World War and was awarded the Military Cross for Gallantry. In 1928 he had been appointed as Deputy Commissioner: Headquarters straight from civilian life as a lawyer – MN.

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Police officers who commanded Army Brigades during the war, such as FW Cooper and RJ Palmer, held the rank of Brigadier in the Defence Force. In 1994/95 the South African Police Service changed the names and insignia of several police ranks. Brigadier was replaced by Director. In April 1998 the Defence Force replaced Brigadier with Brigadier-General. The SAPS have since reintroduced the rank of Brigadier with the same insignia as the former Director rank. The changes were ostensibly to reintroduce an equivalency in rank structure and rank titles between the services however police brigadiers do not currently have ‘general officer’ status while those in the Defence Force do.

1938-1952 A Tudor Crown over three ¾ size bath stars

Army/Air Force


1952-58 A Tudor crown over three ¾ size 5-pointed stars

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1958-1995 A Castle device over three ž size 5-pointed stars

Army c.1958-77

Police c.1972-95 1995-1998


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• Photo gallery: SA Brigadiers-General: HBH

Brig.-Gen. Tim Lukin

Brig.-Gen. Christiaan Beyers

Brigadier-General Jack Collyer

Brig.-Gen. ‘Manie’ Botha

Brig.-Gen. HS ‘Stork’ Wakefield

Sir Pierre van Ryneveld

All photos from the Hennie Heymans-Collection except Sir Pierre van Reyneveld from Nico Moolman-collection

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Brig.-Gen. Tim Lukin and some future South-African brigadiers-general. Photo: The Nongqai 1946-07-826

Military Show: Voortrekker Monument: 1 May 2018

A restored left-hand drive “Diamond T” truck dating from the 1940’s.


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We found a Trabant at the Military Show and did a little research on this strange vehicle: “The Trabant is an automobile which was produced from 1957 to 1990 by former East German car manufacturer VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau. Although it is often seen as symbolic of the defunct East Germany and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc in general, it was a sought-after car in East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Trabant had a hard plastic body mounted on a one-piece steel chassis (a so-called unibody or monocoque), front-wheel drive, a transverse engine, and independent suspension – unusual features at that time. Called "a spark plug with a roof", 3,096,999 Trabants in a number of models were produced over nearly three decades with few significant changes in their basic design.[3] Older models became popular with collectors in the United States due to their low cost and fewer restrictions on the importation of antique cars. The Trabant also gained a following among car tuning and rally racing enthusiasts”.19

Two members of the re-enactment group in East German uniforms and a Trabant.


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Volkswagen WW2 Below a genuine Volkswagen of the second world war that was used by the German forces in North Africa under General Rommel. The car is still used by its owner.

The Volksie out-lived most of the soldiers that fought with her in North Africa!

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Author Paul Els

Paul Els and Hennie Heymans.

Glenn Eslden

Glenn took most of the photographs at the Military Show and is our webmaster.

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Author Louis Lubbe

SAP COIN UNIT – SAP TIN-Eenheid: The Laubser Family

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“Ek as voorsitter, Ilana die admin en MC op ouderdom 16 wat die heel eerste ondersteunerslid van die SAP TIN Eenheid Veterane Bond was maak maar van alles ‘n spanpoging wat ons betrokkenheid by die Bond aanbetref. Ons teenwoordigheid op die Militêre-fees elke jaar is maar hoofsaaklik om met harde werk fondse in te samel om ons erg beskadigde beelde te herstel. Ek plaas ‘n uittreksel uit ‘n Beelde bulle-TIN wat maar oor die beelde handel:In die tydperk voor die stigting van die SAP TIN Eenheid Veterane Bond op 7 Junie 2014 is verskeie aansoeke deur die Erfenis Stigting van die Voortrekkermonument om die Maleoskop Beeldegroep te bekom deur die kommissaris van die SA Polisiediens afgekeur. In Februarie 2015 gee die kommissaris uit die bloute, tot groot verbasing, toestemming dat die beelde deur die SAP TIN Eenheid Veterane Bond by die Polisiemuseum gehaal kan word. Onmiddellik word daar toe by Erfenisstigting van die Voortrekkermonument aansoek gedoen om die beeldegroep daar te hervestig gebaseer op hulle vorige aansoek om die beeldegroep te bekom. Tot groot verbasing en teleurstelling word ons aansoek in Oktober 2015 afgekeur. Die rede wat verstrek was, was dat geen verdere militêre- of apartheid beelde voortaan daar hervestig sal word nie. Nadat die kommissaris van die SA Polisiediens toestemming gegee het dat die SAP TIN Veterane Bond die Beelde mag skuif, het TIN Veteraan Henk van Heerden na die toestand en opset van die beeldegroep gaan kyk. Tot almal se verbasing het hy kom rapporteer dat die eens trotse beelde in ʼn haglike toestand was en dat die ererol wat agter teen die muur was, verwyder is en saam met die arms, R1 gewere en rugsak/ slaapsak kombinasie wat voor die knielende beeld op die grond was alles gesteel en gesmelt is. TIN Polisiemanne gaan nie lê nie en daar is dadelik ʼn beeldefonds gestig. Die rekening is geopen met ʼn R500 donasie wat op dieselfde dag deur ʼn TIN veteraan geskenk is. Sedert die stigting van die beeldefonds het die bestuur voortdurend items vervaardig en verkoop om hierdie fonds te versterk sodat daar fondse is om ons beelde te herstel wanneer die groot dag kom. Waardering en vriendelike groete, Martin Loubser.” Vuller/ Filler

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SAAF Museum: Swartkops AFB: Airshow: 5 May 2018 Johannes Botha sent the following action photographs:

Denel CSH Rooivalk.

Extra EA 300L Page 65 of 180

Extra EA 300L

North American Havard Page 66 of 180

North American Havard Page 67 of 180

Aerospatial SA330 Puma. (Thanks to Col. William Marshall who identified all the aircraft – HBH). Page 68 of 180


South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties Buried Across the World – Part Three: Capt. Charles Ross (SAN – Ret.) South Africans participated in almost every theatre of war during both the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries while 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. With South Africans having served far and wide it is not surprising that you would find single or small group graves in cemeteries across the world. Here are some of those cemeteries where one or a very small group of South Africans are buried. Dire Dawa African Military Cemetery Ethiopia

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When Italy entered the war in June 1940, Ethiopia, which had been part of the Italian East African Empire since 1936, became a threat to British positions in Egypt and the link by sea to the Far East and Australasia. Commonwealth forces took up defensive positions on Ethiopia's borders with Sudan to the west and Kenya to the south, and in mid-December 1940, after initial skirmishes with the Italians, the first of a series of offensives was launched from Kenya. A strike east into Italian Somaliland secured the coastal port of Mogadishu in February 1941 which made possible an advance into the heart of Ethiopia. Within a month Harar had been taken and Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, was captured early in April, allowing the deposed Emperor Heile Selassie to return in May. Diminished Italian forces continued to withdraw north and the East African campaign in Ethiopia was not concluded until the end of November 1941 with the surrender of the last concentration of Italian forces at Gondar. Dire Dawa African War Cemetery contains 70 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, five of which are unidentified. There are also three special memorials to airmen of the Royal Air Force who were originally buried in the civil cemetery at Dire Dawa but whose graves are now lost. South Africans buried in this cemetery are Private Abobaker Abrahams, South African Indian and Malay Corps who died on 25 January 1942 and Private Moora Dysen, South African Indian and Malay Corps who died on 01 April 1942.

Calcutta (Bhowanipore) Cemetery – India

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This civil cemetery has been in use since 1864, many of the earlier burials of service personnel and their dependants being made from the nearby garrison at Fort William, from which the cemetery initially took its name. During the Second World War, various establishments important to the war effort were posted to Calcutta and No 47 General Hospital was there from January 1943 to the beginning of February 1945. Originally, the graves were in denominational plots throughout the cemetery, war graves and civilian graves indiscriminately mingled. In 1954, the church authorities decided that it would be necessary to clear certain plots and the outlying war graves were moved by the Commission into the area with the largest number of war burials. This now forms a separate service section containing the graves of both world wars. Calcutta (Bhowanipore) Cemetery contains 95 Commonwealth burials of the First World War, including one brought in from Fort Chingrikhali Cemetery in 1934. Second World War burials number 617. The Commission also has responsibility for the care of 187 non-war burials in the cemetery. South Africans buried in this cemetery are Lieutenant John Ferguson McGlashan, South African Air Force who died on 05 June 1942 and Lieutenant C. Rowe, South African Air Force 146 Squadron who died on 08 March 1943. •

Story for the South African Legion of Military Veterans by Lgr Charles Ross based on information from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base. Photos by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.


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Imperial Military Railways

Nico Moolman skryf dat hy die foto20 - bo - en twee ander – kyk onder - in ‘n ou album gevind het en die foto’s graag met ons lesers deel. Oom Les Pivnic – voormalige adjunk-kurator van die SAS-Museum in Johannesburg - skryf uit Australië: “On September 11, 1900, the NZASM relinquished control of the railways in the Transvaal and OFS to the Imperial Military Railways (IMR) and on July 1st 1902, the IMR handed over control in the Transvaal and OFS to the Civil Administration of the Central South African Railways. Then in 1910, the CSAR, CGR and NGR were all absorbed into the South African Railways & Harbours Administration. So, photographs of NZASM engines carrying IMR plates is not unusual – all NZASM engines were given IMR plates when the change took place in 1900. Regards Oom Les”


Die lokomotief lyk soos ‘n ZASM ’19-tonner’ – HBH.

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Pantsertreine | Armoured Trains

His Majesty’s Armoured train at Hatherley.

His Majesty’s Armoured Train No 3: “Cock of the North”.

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Oliver John “Jack� Hindon: (Zarp & Train Wrecker)

Jack Hindon was born in Stirling, Scotland on 20-04-1874 and he died in Pretoria 19-03-1919. Not only a member of the Middelburg (T) Commando, he was also a Zarp. After the Battle of Spionkop Page 74 of 180

he was a member of Edwards’ Spy Corps. Later he joined Capt. Danie Theron and eventually he commanded his own corps who wrecked the (British) railway lines. He married Miss MP Coetzee. A photo of his house and grave in Middelburg:

Photos HBH. Page 75 of 180


SA Native Military Corps “We fought as one, black and white”; the South African Native Military Corps ‘at arms’

Now what is truly remarkable about this photograph? Well it shows a bunch of armed South African soldiers during World War 2 who by all accounts never carried a firearm and by directive were not allowed to either. These are members of the South African Native Military Corps (NMC), and it’s proof positive that there is no such thing as skin colour or ‘Segregation’ legislation when under fire.

This photograph was taken by Warren Loader’s Grandfather, Noel Edgar Fuller, while serving with The Royal Durban Light Infantry (DLI) B Coy in North Africa during WW2. What makes this photo remarkable is the DLI L/Cpl is standing next to three armed members of the South African Native Military Corps (NMC). So, visual proof that .303 Lee Enfields were issued to some members of the NMC, but what is the validity of this rare photograph? Page 76 of 180

Official Policy During the Second World War the South African government of the day held out that members of the NMC could only function in noncombatant roles, and where not allowed to carry firearms whereas funnily members of the Cape Corps (Cape Coloured members) where fully armed and enrolled in combatant roles. In terms of the race politics of the day, on the arming of Black soldiers at the beginning of war, Smuts’ had to bow to the pressures of his opposition, the Nationalists, led by DF Malan. The Nationalists were vociferously opposed to black South Africans in the army at all, even unarmed. As Dr D.F. Malan was to be quoted in Parliament: “To every Afrikaner, the use of black troops against Europeans is abhorrent.” Faced with all this opposition in Parliament from the official opposition bench Smuts had little choice, he needed men to fight, and had to tap South Africa’s black population for resources. So, he found a way by striking compromise, they could carry traditional weapons in the form of spears and knobkerries. The president of the ANC in the war years, Dr AB Xuma, responded: “They are expected to fight aeroplanes, tanks and enemy artillery with knobkerries and assegais. What mockery.” Arming the Native Military Corps with Spears So, in a counter-intuitive move to the National Party’s objections and statements to the Smuts government, the Native Military Corps were trained in traditional weapons (other than firearms) which they were allowed to carry. This was a long spear, and bear in mind spears are very deadly (as the British fighting at the Battle of Isaldwana found out) – but let’s face it, spears were very out of date in the context of modern war, but they pressed on and in training the South African Native military corps even trained to charge with the spear, even though tear-gas screens.

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South African Native Military Corps members charging with traditional spears into a teargas screen Secretly arming some Native Military Corps members with Firearms All this political segregation and racial discrimination became quite irrelevant when serving in combat areas and in many instances serving Regiments, Units and Sections of the South African Army quite quickly issued firearms to their NMC ‘support’ members – and this photo of DLI members stands testament of such practice. Their lives – Black or White, depended on it, and logic prevailed. As is often the case in combat, the man who joins you in the fight is your brother – irrespective of the colour of his skin – in combat there is no such thing as racial segregation in a foxhole. The caption written on Noel Edgar Fuller’s photo is “our Lance Corporal and his two native pals”. Quite a lot can be seen and said to this remarkable snapshot into the attitude of the time versus the attitude of soldiers. Job Maseko MM In addition to snapshots like Noel’s one, there are actual accounts of South African Native Military Corps getting into the fight at the Fall of Tobruk, and it produced one highly decorated South African from the SA NMC. During the Fall of Tobruk, over 1200 NMC members found themselves in a frontal attack by Rommel and his Axis forces. Many of them were quickly issued rifles and ammunition and got into the fight alongside their white compatriots. Job Maseko was one and he ferried ammunition to the other NMC members who had been issued rifles and were in the thick of the fighting. Page 78 of 180

After the Fall of Tobruk (South Africa’s greatest capitulation of arms, Job found himself and other NMC members taken prisoner of war. Made of stern stuff, whilst been put to work by the Germans on the Tobruk dock loading and off-loading Axis suppliers, Job secretly created a bomb using a condensed milk tin, cordite taken from bullets and an extremely long fuse. His intention, sink a ship! Job placed his home-made bomb deep inside the bowels of a German freight ship (and “F” Boat) that was docked in the harbour at Tobruk. He skilfully placed it next to fuel barrels for maximum effect, lit the fuse and made good his escape. Had he been caught, as a Black POW, he would have certainly been put to death if not tortured first. Job waited and later the ship shuddered from a huge internal explosion and sank almost immediately into the harbour. He later escaped from Tobruk and walked, for three long weeks though the desert and through enemy lines, all the way to El Alamein, he intended joining the battle there as he had fixed an old German radio he had found which informed him about General Montgomery’s epic and tide turning battle at El Alamein. We still await the full historical account of this remarkable man as very little is known to this day; rest assured historians are now writing it. Sergeant Petrus Dlamini Now consider this remarkable first-hand account of armed Native Military Corps soldiers in the thick of the fight at El-Alamein The Germans ran away. Now we were having short magazine guns, we pushed them. They said we went 300 miles … (we were in the) 8th Army led by (British Field-Marshal Bernard). Montgomery. Those Germans never came back. We fought as one; black and white soldiers.” — Sergeant Petrus Dlamini speaking about the battle of El Alamein to filmmaker Vincent Moloi. After 1948 this history was held back from the ‘White’ population and to a very large degree from the ‘Black’ population for political expediency, it is only being recounted now with the very few remaining NMC members. In effect South Africans were denied the opportunity to know their own history. All that is starting to change now. From their recollections we know that, although black soldiers left South Africa armed only with spears, when they got “Up North” (to the North and East African campaigns) many were armed with rifles. We also know now some even fought alongside white soldiers in the thick of battle. Sergeant Petrus Dlamini spoke of being at Sidi Rezegh, Mersa Matru, Tripoli, Garowe in then Abyssinia and El Alamein before he went by boat to Italy with the South African 1st Division. He remembered doing guard duty in North Africa. He says: “There, at Garowe, we were guarding as a sentry. We were guarding with assegai.” But just a few months later, Dlamini adds: “It was said — I heard a rumour — that the superiors [commanding officers] of South Africa, England and Australia said we must be given guns. Those guns were taken from the Italians in Kenya. They gave them to us and we were taught how to put ammunition and we were training with guns”.

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Short Magazine .303 Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk 1, standard issue “Then we went to El Alamein and they took these [Italian] guns that were not right and they gave us short magazine Lee-Enfield .303. We got them at El Alamein.” The Lee-Enfield .303 short magazine was the standard rifle issued to all British and Commonwealth troops. This has been verified in an article in the South African Historical Journal by historian LWF Grundling, who says: “Recruits received rifle musketry training, which was seriously handicapped by the defective Italian rifles with which they were issued.” General Sir Pierre van Ryneveld According to this research it was General Sir Pierre van Ryneveld himself who instructed the commanding officers in North Africa to arm black soldiers with Lee-Enfield rifles before El Alamein. No small player, General Sir Pierre van Ryneveld was the Chief of General Staff (which today is known as Chief of the South African National Defence Force) and led the South African war effort in the Second World War. But this does not seem to have been mentioned in despatches (possibly because of the petty race political ramifications back in South Africa of the Nationalists). Sergeant Dlamini said: “In the front line we were accompanied by whites. When we go to fight the Germans we were mixed.” He spoke vividly of the battles he was in. Moloi recorded his description of the battle of El Alamein. “It was like bees, those German planes together with our planes, the Royal Air Force and the South African Air Force. Many died there. Shots were like falling rain. They would hit here and here where you are sitting. When you are sleeping in your trench you would hear sounds of bombs all the time, when you wake up you would see those injured and those who are dead.” Dlamini says they were with the 8th Army. as they pushed the Afrika Korps and Axis forces out of Africa, he goes on “It [the 8th Army] pushed. Ai! Man! It was terrible, soldiers were lying dead, black and white, but the Germans were retreating and we kept following them. The Germans ran away. Now we were having short magazine guns. We pushed them. They said we went 300 miles … 8th Army led by Montgomery. Those Germans never came back. They went down together with the Italians you see.”

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Rare original colour photograph of a NMC Field Kitchen in North Africa campaign, note the high degree of integration of the South African soldiers represented. Dlamini added: “We were one. We fought as one; black and white soldiers. Here in South Africa (before we went up north) we were treated differently. Blacks were sleeping this side, whites on the other side. When we arrived in Egypt we mixed. If we made a queue, in front would be a white person, behind would be a black person then a white person. We were one.” And, perhaps explaining why he had not spoken of his experiences before, he added: “You know the heart of a soldier. Your feelings die. You are always angry.” Besides Moloi’s interviews with Dlamini, and with several other black World War II veterans, almost no records of the wartime experiences of black soldiers exist. And as it’s probably too late now to collect more, Moloi’s transcribed and translated interviews are a national treasure. Lucas Majozi DCM Lucas Majozi DCM (left). Adding to Job Maseko’s gallantry, another NMC man was to attain hero status during the Second World War was Lucas Majozi, a man who performed a feat very similar to Pvt. Desmond Doss (who has a movie ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ made over his gallantry and US ‘medal of honour’), and like Doss, as an unarmed medic Lucas time and again exposed himself and walked into the hell of machine gun fire as an unarmed medic to rescue a large number of critically injured ‘white’ South African soldiers on the battlefield during the Battle of El Alamein, so much so he became riddled with bullets himself and eventually Page 81 of 180

collapsed. This is South Africa’s own ‘hacksaw ridge’ and movies should be made of it, Lucas Majozi should be elevated to the highest accolades of gallantry we have to offer today. He remains the NMC with the highest decoration to this day – the Distinguished Conduct Medal. Politically inconvenient ‘Sacrifice’ NMC Recruiting Poster (left). It’s an often-ignored fact and statistic – one which most certainly the National government after 1948 did not want widely published, lest national heroes be made of these ‘Black’ men. Simply put the ‘Black’ contributions to World War 1 and World War 2 were quite literally erased from the narrative of the war after 1948 and dismissed by the incoming Apartheid government as ‘traitors’ (a tag also suffered by their ‘White’ counterparts) for serving the ‘British’. Bear in mind when reviewing what this actually means to the prevailing opinions by many South Africans of the war (White and Black) – approximately 40% of the standing South African servicemen in WW2 where persons of “colour”. In all more than 146,000 whites, 83,000 blacks, and 2,500 people of mixed race served in the standing forces of the Union of South Africa at this time. Mull that over for a minute. The sacrifice of the men of the Native Labour Corps no less significant – if you think that as ‘noncombatants’ this corps came through unscathed by war, also think again – this is the honour role of those NMC members who laid down their lives during the war, their sacrifice is literally quite eye-opening: In total approximately 1655 Native Military Corps members died during World War 2, read that again – One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Five ‘Black’ South African soldiers died during World War 2. That’s almost three times the number who died on the SS Mendi during World War 1, and that’s only from one ‘Corps’. Put into context, nearly as many South Africans died during the entire 23 years of fighting during the Border War in the 70’s and 80’s when approximately 2013 South African service personnel died – from all arms of the military …. yet, here we are talking about only ‘one’ single Corps of Black South Africans and only five years of conflict. Consider that the book shelves on South African history are stuffed full of books on the Border War and not one single book is dedicated to the history of the South African Native Military Corps in World War 2. There is also almost nothing by way of definitive work on the unit history on the internet. In Conclusion The history of the South African Native Military Corps needs to resurface – it’s screaming out for a proper definitive work and information access – this featured photograph alone calls for it. We need to fundamentally rethink who and what has been sacrificed to military conflict by South Africans of all ethnic origins, we need to completely re-dress how we honour them and we need to take some serious perspective Page 82 of 180

It must be noted that this policy of arming NMC was not a universal one and only seemed to have been actioned with certain members in front line units or when combat situations demanded it, in reality reason finally prevailed. It also seems that once high intensity combat operations abated these rifles were handed back. For the most part many NMC members went through the war in non-combatant roles and unarmed in roles like supply truck drivers, medics, chefs, bomb loaders, engineering labour (rail and bridgebuilding) etc. It is unfortunate that after the war, and when the Nationalists ascended to power in 1948, that the NMC was disbanded and history scrubbed. They were excluded from national parades and would sit under a tree and tell their stories to anyone prepared to listen. Their stories really becoming fable in the Black community only, any record of NMC using weapons was generally written out the state’s historical narrative, interviews with them disregarded and these priceless historical nuggets are only starting to re-surface now in a post-Apartheid epoch. NMC Insignia The history of the South African Native Military Corps needs to resurface – it’s screaming out for more definitive works and information access – this featured photograph alone calls for it. We need to fundamentally rethink who and what has been sacrificed to military conflict by South Africans of all ethnic origins, we need to completely re-dress how we honour them and we need to take some serious perspective. Related Work and Links: Native Military Corps Dress and Bearing: Dress and Bearing of the South African Native Military Corps Job Maseko; Job Maseko; one very remarkable South African war hero. Lucas Majozi; “With bullets in his body he returned … into a veritable hell of machine gun fire”; Lucas Majozi DCM Skin colour in combat; Skin colour is irrelevant in a foxhole! Native Military Corps honour roll; NMC Honour Roll, Delville Wood official website

Written by Peter Dickens. Image copyright of NMC members holding weapons to Warren Loader, used with his kind permission. Paintings of Job Maseko and Lucas Majozi by Neville Lewis copyright. Quotes obtained from ‘Memories of black South African soldiers who bore arms and fought in War II’ by Marilyn Honikman.

• Comments by Hennie Heymans I joined the SA Police during 1964 and there were many WW2 veterans in the police force. In the Police College Major Snyman and Sgt Otto were the most prominent. At SAP King’s Rest I had the honour to have as “van crew” Constable Bekinkosi Cele. He was a WW2 veteran. He was a stretcher bearer during the war. He had an impressive row of medals on his chest. He was an intelligent, strong and brave Zulu. He was very loyal – may I say, fiercely loyal towards me. Being a ‘blougat’ he taught me a lot about life on the streets. One night we were on our way to the “Barbeque” – a night spot frequented by sailors of the merchant marine. He said to me nKosaan: “When we go in, to break up the fight, don’t worry about your back, I’ll be there with my kierie! You fight them – I’ll cover you!” We became good colleagues and he took me in his confidence. He Page 83 of 180

related his wartime experiences ‘Up North’ to me. On night duty he told me of his experiences. Time flies when he started his narrative about the war. Most interesting. Well, I was a kid and I never thought to pen down his stories and neither did I take his photograph. When I asked him about Tobruk he said: “The Germans never caught me. I ran in to the “bush” (ehlatini) and later I re-joined the Allies”. I salute his memory!

Actor: Sid James UDF ‘Carry On’ the South African Army – the story of Sid James Sid James in the South African Army Sid James – was the famous ‘cockney’ Jack the Lad star of the “Carry On” movie series with his legendary trademark ‘naughty’ laugh. He epitomised a London ‘wide-boy’ and exists in British comedy as Super-Star. But did you know Sid James was in fact a South African and served in the South African Armed Forces during World War Two? Not many know this as off-screen Sid was a very private man, and when not in his ‘cockney wide-boy’ character, his South African accent would find its voice. Sid James was born Solomon Joel Cohen, on 8 May 1913, to Jewish parents, in South Africa, later changing his name to Sidney Joel Cohen, and then Sidney James. His family lived on Hancock Street in Hillbrow, Johannesburg. Upon moving to Britain later in life, he claimed various previous occupations, including diamond cutter, dance tutor and boxer; in reality he had trained and worked as a hairdresser. It was at a hairdressing salon in Kroonstad, Orange Free State that he met his first wife. He married Berthe Sadie Delmont, known as Toots, on 12 August 1936 and they had a daughter, Elizabeth, born in 1937. His father-in-law, Joseph Delmont, a Johannesburg businessman, bought a hairdressing salon for James, but within a year he announced that he wanted to become an Page 84 of 180

actor and joined the Johannesburg Repertory Players. Through this group he gained work with the South African Broadcasting Corporation. Sid’s abandonment of his career and then his young bride and child was the last straw for her wealthy father (whom apparently ‘put a price’ on our man’s head), so Sid decided to cut his losses and join the army. Sid was never to look back, as when he volunteered to join the South African army World War Two had broken, and funnily the war aided this emerging performing career and grounded his career. After a stationing with the South African Tank Corps in Abyssinia, Sid felt his talents were better used in troop morale, so he joined the Entertainment Unit of the South African Army, he was initially made a corporal and proceeded to put on shows for his fellow troops. During this time, he was also caught under heavy fire at the notorious ‘Fall of Tobruk’, South Africa’s largest capitulation of arms, he managed to escape Tobruk ahead of Rommel’s forces and was eventually promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Sid was eventually given a commission as a lieutenant in the entertainment unit, and subsequently took up acting as a career. Around this time, he acquired for himself a second wife, another South African – dancer Meg Sergei, and come the war’s end and his demobilisation, the couple’s showbiz ambitions saw them leave their homeland for the glamour of London. Sid and Meg arrived in the UK on Christmas Day 1946 and, amazingly enough, within days he’d landed himself not just an agent but a small role, the rest is movie and show-biz history.

Ironically Sid died in complete character with his trademark ‘dirty laugh’ at the Empire Theatre on Monday, April 26, 1976. He was appearing in a suitably smutty comedy called ‘The Mating Game’. Sitting next to Sid on the stage was actress Olga Lowe, an old friend from his early days in his native South Africa, and he died of a heart attack staring at her breasts … a “Jack the Lad” to the end.

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Related Work and Links: Fall of Tobruk: “Defeat is one thing; Disgrace is another!” South Africa’s biggest capitulation of arms – Tobruk El Alamein; “General Pienaar, tell your South African Division they have done well”; The Battle of El Alamein

Written and Researched by Peter Dickens. Reference Wikipedia and The ghost of comic legend Sid James by Ian Robson. Video Clip – YouTube, master image of South African troops in North Africa during World War 2, Imperial War Museum copyright.


Naudé’s Scouts A South African Intelligence Unit of the First World War: Compiled by M Naudé Establishment Jacobus Johannes Naudé had excelled as a scout and spy during the South African Anglo-Boer of 1899-1902 and was appointed as “Captain and Head of Special Services” by CommandantPage 86 of 180

General Louis Botha in 1901. On 3 October 1914, he was appointed a Temporary Captain in the newly-created Union Defence Force. It appears that Naudé’s Scouts was formed the same day as the appointment of Lieutenant Vlok and the transfer of Lieutenant Reeves were also effected on the same date.

Deed of Commission Originally the unit was to have a strength of 50 specially enrolled scouts21. Records indicate that Naudé tried to recruit additional men early in 1915 to increase the strength to 100 men. It appears that around 90 served in the unit at one time or another. Role and Affiliation According to Brigadier-General Collyer22, “Every mounted brigade in German South West Africa had its “scouts”, from 25 to 50 strong, under a selected commander whose name they usually bore, thus “de la Rey’s Scouts, “Lemmer’s scouts”, “Swart’s Scouts”, and so on. Special scouts were a feature too of the Republican Armies in 1899-1902. They contained some of the more adventurous spirits and, especially in the case of Theron’s Scouts, led by Danie Theron, performed numberless feats of audacity.”

21 22

DDocS: Minute from Acting Staff Officer General Staff Duties dated 15 October 1914. G.4/70. F/9199 Brig-Gen JJ Collyer, CB, CMG, The Campaign in German South West Africa, 1914-1915 (p. 72).

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Major Tylden23 described the organisation of the Mounted Brigades raised for the German South West Africa campaign, of which (according to Tylden) there were five excluding the SA Mounted Riflemen which formed a separate brigade under Brig-Gen Lukin24. Typically, each brigade consisted of two wings, usually three regiments strong. Regiments usually had three squadrons of roughly 100 men each. In addition, there were also “brigade troops” including an artillery battery, machine-gun section and scouts. Each brigade had their own scout unit, of roughly squadron strength under command of handpicked officers. Tylden listed the Brigade Commanders as well as the scout units attached to 3, 4 and 5 Mounted Brigade. Midland Scouts were listed as having been with 4 Mounted Brigade under Van Deventer, however it is clear from other sources25 that Naudé’s Scouts were in fact also with the 4th Brigade from Schuits Drift through Nabas at least. Some attestation forms for Naudé’s Scouts had “SA Intelligence Corps” written across the top26. This suggests that an Intelligence Corps may have been raised during the First World War and later disbanded27. Most members of the unit had attested into the “SA Veterans Reserve”. Some of the younger members were however attested on different forms. Mobilisation On 8 October 1914 Naudé received minute G.3/70F/9199 from the Under Secretary for Defence. The content of the minute is not known but on 10 October, Naudé replied that the instructions had been carried out and attached a list of 50 men who had been provisionally enrolled, subject to confirmation. He added that in every case he had been provided with a testimonial and that he was satisfied that the men had previous service and are suitable. His reply was typed on South African Railways and Harbours letterhead. At the time he was employed as the ‘Superintendent of White Labour’. The letter is however signed “JJ Naudé Captain Naude’s Scouts”. The letter was sent to the Minister for Defence on 11 October. An almost illegible note from the Staff Officer General Staff to the Quartermaster General dated 12 October 1914 mentioned “these 50 men get ready… soon as possible to… Col Brits28”. The note was endorsed as “Cancelled”. Further down on the same page, is another note in scrawling somewhat familiar looking handwriting: “Let Naudé’s Scouts now get ready to report to Col Brits”. It ends with the initial “JCS” for Jan Christiaan Smuts and the date “12/X/14”. By 15 October the powers that be had however decided otherwise and orders were issued for Naudé’s Scouts to proceed to Birdfield to report to Colonel van Deventer29 instead. The following day instructions were issued to entrain at 18:00 for Birdfield. At that time the unit consisted of three officers, 51 men, eight horses and one motor-car30. On 18 October the station master at De Aar detached the coaches the scouts were on to send them to Carnavon instead. An exchange of telegrams between Naudé and Defence Headquarters


Tylden, G, Major, Armed Forces of South Africa (p.115-6) Brig-Gen H T Lukin, later Major-General. 25 L’ange, Rayner 26 Fullard and Solman’s forms have this inscription. 27 A similar situation arose during the Second World War 28 later: Brigadier-General C J Brits, CB 29 later Lieutenant-General Sir Jacob van Deventer, KCB, CMG, DTD, ADC. His brother, Dirk van Deventer, DTD, DSO at one time also commanded a detached column of the 4th Mounted Brigade 30 Movement Order A42/9199 G10/707/9199 dated 16 October 1914 24

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ensued. At 07:45 the following day, Naudé telegraphed the Defence Staff to confirm that he had reported to Colonel van Deventer at Carnavon31. Composition The Union Defence Force at that time included several soldiers who had been at war with each other only twelve years before. Like the UDF itself, the unit included many Boer War veterans from both sides. The majority of the men were older than thirty and had previous military or police service. Presumably the handful of younger members possessed special skills or local knowledge suitable for the task. Trooper Sheldon for example is believed to have been employed as a motorcycle dispatch rider at the relatively youthful age of 25. For the veterans, previous military service included Boer Commandoes, Colonial or Imperial Forces. On the Boer side, for example, Lieutenant Vlok had been a veldkornet during the war of 18991902 while Lieutenant Botha had been a prisoner of war. Examples from the English/Colonial side include: Lieutenant Atmore who served with the Border Horse; Trooper Solomon who served with the Imperial Yeomanry and Sergeant Curran who had been in Malcolm’s Scouts. Some members had previously been policemen. Sergeant Curran had been in the Cape Police; Trooper Berry had served in the Cape, Transvaal and South African Police. Trooper Solomon had been a policeman in Southern Rhodesia. A number of men also joined the Scouts in the field direct from other units especially Fraserburg Commando as well as others such as Studer’s Springbok Commando32, Namaqualand Commando and the Kalahari Horse. Judging by the surnames and previous military service (where known) the unit appears to have had a good mix of English and Dutch/Afrikaans speakers. Based on birthplace and next-of-kin details there were a few Scots and Irish members as well as possibly an Australian. Intrigues On 6 October 1914 the Secretary of Defence received a minute33 from Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Wyndham34 of General Staff Intelligence. At the time Wyndham was the Union Defence Force’s chief intelligence officer. The minute was stamped ‘Secret’. Wyndham said, “I have information that Daniel de Wet, brother of Andries de Wet, has enrolled himself as one of Naude’s Scouts. This man like his two brothers, is extremely disaffected and has only enrolled as a SPY”.


Telegram from Capt Naude to Defence Staff Pretoria 10/70F/9199


During the First World War it was not unusual to add the surname of the commandant to the name of a commando unit. This practice appears to have started during the rebellion era to distinguish ‘loyalist’ and ‘rebel’ commandoes. Later in the war, some towns/districts, such as Standerton, provided more than one commando unit for service. These are sometimes referred to as ‘A’ and ‘B’ Commandoes and sometimes by the name of the commandant. 33

GSI 6/A dated 12 October 1914 Lt-Col the Hon Hugh Wyndham, was the Union Defence Force’s first chief intelligence officer. A member of the “Milner Kindergarten” he was best man to John Buchan. After the Boer War he commanded the Eastern Rifles and Southern Mounted Rifles of the Transvaal Volunteers. He also stood for Parliament in Standerton. Later he moved back to England and became the 4th Baron Leconsfield. See: Van der Waag, IJ, Hugh Archibald Wyndham: his life and times in South Africa, 1901-1923 34

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This picture was drawn for the writer by the late Sgt Andy May and was based on two separate photographs. The Major’s cap cover would have been khaki drill in the field.

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Captain Naudé replied that contents of the letter had been noted, adding: “Experience gained in the past has taught me that every effort should be made to choose men in every way reliable” and that “no member will be taken on by me for this present Corps unless I am fully satisfied about his character, antecedents and behaviour”. Naudé added that in the event he required further men he would follow the Minister’s advice and wait until he reached the front, where men could be selected from units already there. On 7 October 1914 the Secretary for Defence, HRM Bourne, wrote to the Staff Officer General Staff: “Minister instructs that Captain Naude is immediately to discharge Daniel de Wet and a man named Rosseau, who resides in GERMAN South West Africa, if he has enrolled these two men in his corps”. The letter further stated that “Captain Naude is not definitely to engage anyone in his Corps until he has submitted the names to the Minister and received the Minister’s approval to each name”. This instruction was subsequently issued to Naudé by Major James Mitchell-Baker35. On 12 October 1914 the Secretary of Defence again received a ‘Secret’ minute36 from Wyndham. It stated that Wyndham had “information that two brothers Coleman, who are farmers from German South West Africa, District Aras, have been enrolled in Capt. Naude’s scouts; my information is that both these men are German spies”. A handwritten postscript stated: “Might I suggest that a police check be secured on all men enrolled by Capt. Naude”. No Colemans appear on any of the nominal rolls for Naudé’s Scouts. Whether they were ever enrolled or not and whether or not Wyndham’s information was correct is not known. Only two days later the Secretary of Police informed Colonel Wyndham that a certain Zeeman had made anti-government comments and was believed to have made his way to Pretoria to join the Intelligence Department. The letter was endorsed as having been seen by Captain Naudé. On 16 October a minute from Major Mitchell-Baker summarised a discussion that Naudé believed that Zeeman was a brother of the man enrolled in his Scout Corps and that he could vouch for him. Mitchell-Baker ended by saying “The Minister desires you to make absolutely certain”. As HJ Zeeman was awarded the 1914-15 Star for service with Naudé’s Scouts presumably the matter had been put to rest. The declaration of War opened old wounds for many who had experienced the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 and even lead to the open rebellion of some servicemen. It is therefore not surprising that suspicion and mistrust would surface from time to time, especially between former enemies. No doubt, Wyndham, who had served in the British Army during the Boer War, may have been sceptical of Naudé’s loyalties given that his wife and children had spent time in British concentration camps only 12 or so years before. According to one source, Naudé found himself in a difficult position when war was declared and he is believed to have decided to join up more out of personal loyalty to General Louis Botha than anything else. In February 1915, Naudé appears to have spoken with Colonel van Deventer about recruiting additional men to increase the strength of his corps to 100 men and intended recruiting additional members in Johannesburg. Telegrams exchanged between Colonel van Deventer in Upington and Major-General Smuts in Pretoria indicate that the latter was not convinced that suitable men would


Major Mitchell-Baker was Brigade-Major at Delville Wood and was Quartermaster-General during the Second World War as a Major-General. After retiring, he became Mayor of George in the Cape. 36 GSI 6/A dated 12 October 1914

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be found on the Rand. Smuts was of the opinion that it was more likely they would attract German spies and that the matter should not proceed.

Lt-Col Hugh Wyndham

A Col JL van Deventer

Maj-Gen JC Smuts

Actions The unit served in the northern Cape Province in the suppression of the Rebellion during 1914, and in the German South West Africa campaign of 1914-15. Rebellion The declaration of War would effectively open old wounds for many and lead to the open rebellion of a group of former Boer officers and their men. In 1914, Boer Rebels had gone over to the German side, and found themselves at odd with loyalist Union Defence Force units. Lieutenant-Colonel SG “Manie” Maritz, as well as approximately half of the troops under his command rebelled to join the Germans. Those under command who wished to remain loyal to the Allies subsequently found themselves “prisoners-ofwar” and sent to German South-west Africa. In October 1914, Maritz and his rebels, as well as a small German force under his command briefly occupied the towns of Keimoes and Kakamas in the northern Cape Province, from whence he threatened to attack Upington. On 24 October the rebels faced a surprise attack by a force under command of Colonel Coenraad Brits37. Brits’ force liberated Kakamas but were unable to pursue the retreating rebels, their horses having been too fatigued from the previous night’s forced march. Maritz’s rebels retreated toward Schuit’s Drift, on the Orange River. The rebel Major Ben Coetzer and about 200 men were sent southward by Maritz to illicit support for the rebel cause. This force eased into Kenhardt which had been abandoned by its residents. Thereafter the force split into two columns. The first under Captain Louw headed for Calvinia and the second under Coetzee and Captain Reenen de Villiers made for Carnavon. 37

later: Brigadier-General C J Brits, CB

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Letter from Secretary of Police to Chief Intelligence Officer Page 93 of 180

Major PA Vermaas

Cape Field Artillery at Schuit’s Drift

The latter column included a German officer Leutnant van Weiherr and two maxim guns that had earlier been captured from Lieutenant Freeth38 at Van Rooisvlei. On 24 October 1914 they ran into a “loyalist scouting party under Major Naudé, at a place called Breekkerrie”. A rebel officer rode under white flag to demand Naudé’s surrender, and to his surprise encountered his uncle and several close friends among the loyalists! Contrary to the rebels’ expectations the district was not in a state of rebellion. Consequently, the rebel party was convinced to surrender instead to the loyalists. Coetzee and de Villiers were however not among those captured as they had got lost in the dark the previous night and became separated from those under their command. At this time Naudé’s Scouts appear to have fallen under the overall command of Commandant CJ van Zyl. The other column that was destined for Calvinia was captured on 26 October at Onderstedoorns by a small force under command of Major PA Vermaas39. On 27 October 1914, Colonel Brits met and defeated a portion of Maritz’s force at Schuit Drift . Brits was able to report that the invasion of the Cape had been broken, after his victory over a combined Rebel-German force at Schuit Drift. Brits returned to the Transvaal and temporarily transferred command to Colonel Royston40. Van Deventer marched from Upington at the end of February 1915, with his first objectives being Schuit Drift (on the Orange River) and Nabas (north-west of Nakob and Ukamas). Members of the Kenhardt-Calvinia, Murraysburg and Namaqualand Commandoes, the Karoo Schutters41 and Naude’s Scouts advanced along the north bank of the Orange and attacked Schuit Drift. The terrain was too rugged for horses and had the attack had to occur on foot., leader of the Scouts, and one of his men, even though both were wounded. In the meantime, the German positions were being shelled from across the river by a section of the Cape Field Artillery” 42. Schuit Drift is situated on the Orange River (approx. 28˚ 30’S, 19˚ 45’ E), roughly fifty miles northwest of the town of Kakamas43. The Orange River has few suitable crossings and drifts were thus of great tactical importance. 38

Possibly Joseph Cashmore Freeth, a New Zealander who later served as a Major in Pretoria Regiment and commanded 7 SAI in East Africa. 39 Major Petrus Arnoldus Vermaas, DSO of Vermaas’ Scouts

Later Brigadier-General JR Royston, CMG, DSO, VD, he would be better known as “Gallopping Jack” the nickname he earned later while commanding an Australian Light Horse unit. 41 14th Mounted Rifles (Karoo Schutters), Headquartered at De Aar. 42 Llange, G. Urgent Imperial Service. 43 Map of German South-West Africa as printed in Mumby. 40

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Unfortunately, the name of the wounded scout is not mentioned. Corporal Louw had already died on 8 January 1915. Sources vary on whether his wounds were received at Schuit’s Drift or Sandfontein. If at the former, this may have been an earlier contact with the enemy than the one in February. Rayner lists only one member of Naude’s Scouts as wounded in the campaign, namely Trooper Germishuizen44, who was wounded at Nabas on 6 March 1915. (According to the Casualty List however the location was Stolzenfels!).

Grave of Cpl JCA Louw (CWGC) Nabas Nabas was a well-entrenched position and German forces resisted for nearly five hours before Van Deventer’s men could finally charge the positions45. Surviving Germans fled to Kalkfontein. By 5 April 1915, Van Deventer’s force had advanced as far as Kalkfontein, there occupying the southern railway terminus connecting the main trunk railway. The Left Wing of Van Deventer’s force (under Colonel Bouwer46) arrived two days later. 44

JM Germishuizen, later promoted corporal in Naude’s Scouts.

L’ange 46 later Lt-Col B D Bouwer, DSO 45

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Major-General Jan Smuts47 arrived at Van Deventer’s Kalkfontein HQ on 11 April 1915 to take command of Southern Force, which included the columns under Colonels Berrangé48, Mackenzie49 and van Deventer50. Uniforms and Equipment A photograph of Major Naudé shows him wearing a drab service dress jacket with no collar badges, riding breeches, and leather leggings. His headdress appears to be a blue forage cap with a lighter cover (likely to have been khaki in the field or possibly white for walking out) and a row of passing braid on the peak. The badge on his cap unfortunately cannot be identified in detail. It is more than likely to have been the general service pattern badge of the era namely the Union coat-of-arms within a garter inscribed ‘South Africa’ and ‘Zuid-Afrika’ surmounted by a tudor crown. This badge was worn by many units during the war. It is only much later that the SA Infantry badge of the era (a springbok head in a circlet) became the general service badge. A photograph of Trooper Sheldon shows him wearing a mounted rifle pattern bandolier over the shoulder and a Mauser bandolier around the waist.51 He appears to be wearing a khaki drill shirt and riding breeches with leggings. Of interest, his slouch hat is dented ‘boy scouts’ fashion.

Personnel Regimental Appointments Officer Commanding Maj J J Naudé52

03/10/1914 - 26/05/1915

Second-in-Command Unknown. Most likely Captain N J Vlok as he was among the first officers appointed and the first to be promoted to captain. Adjutant Unknown. Most likely Lieutenant Reeves. The majority of existing unit correspondence on file that was not signed by Naudé himself appears to have been written or signed by Reeves. Reeves had been transferred to the Scouts from the 13th Mounted Rifles (Noordelike Traansvaal Bereden Schutters).

Quartermaster Unknown.


later: Field-Marshal the Rt Hon J C Smuts, OM, CH, DTD, ED etc. later Brigadier-General C A L Berrangé, CMG, DSO 49 later Brigadier-General Sir Duncan Mackenzie, KCMG, CB, DSO, VD 50 later Lieutenant-General Sir Jacob van Deventer, KCB, CMG, DTD, ADC. His brother, Colonel-Commandant Dirk van Deventer, DTD, DSO at one time also commanded a detached column of the 4th Mounted Brigade. 51 Many troops in GSWA were issued with the Portuguese Mauser Verguero 6mm rifle 52 He was promoted to Temporary Major on 7 November 1914. 48

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Maj JJ Naudé Commissioned Officers53 Maj J J Naudé Capt. R M Atmore Capt. N J Vlok Lt G M Botha Lt W J Cox Lt H L Hugo Lt C L Liebenberg Lt I d M Overbeek Lt A S Reeves Lt WH Rhoades

Capt NJ Vlok

Capt RM Atmore

(later DTD, Croix de Guerre avec Palme, JP) (later DTD, DCM) (later Capt, the Hon, MBE, MEC)

(later Capt., MC) (later Major, VD)

Regimental Sergeant-Major RSM G M Botha 06/10/1914 – 25/10/1914 RSM I d M Overbeek 21/10/1914 – 14/11/1914 RSM H Lowery 15/11/1914 – 27/04/1915 RSM W P Whitney 28/04/1915 – 31/05/1915 Quartermaster-Sergeant QMS J T Pascoe QMS M Baumann


09/10/1914 – 12/02/1915 13/02/1915 – 25/05/1915

Highest rank held in Naudé’s Scouts is indicated

Page 97 of 180

Nominal Roll Regt. Age No. at (if attesta known) tion

Town/Dist Rank rict of (if known) Origin




Rupert M








Pte or Tpr




Johannes burg



John William



Pte or Tpr


Peter David


Johannes burg



Gerhardus Maritz





Harold Peter


Delagoa Bay








Pte or Tpr



Pte or Tpr


William Joseph




Richard Henry John




De Villiers

Stephanus Johannes




*De Waal










Pte or Tpr


John Andrew


Knights, Jhb.

Pte or Tpr


Jan Migiel







Johannes burg

Pte or Tpr









Anthony Aubrey


Pte or Tpr 37


Middelbur g, Tvl.



Lt Pte or Tpr

Pte or Tpr 49

Johannes burg

Sjt Pte or Tpr

Pte/Sjt 39




Served in Spanish-American War 1898 as lieutenant. Served in Boer War as Sergeant in SA Light Horse (1899-1900). Awarded Queen’s South Africa Medal with six clasps.

Page 98 of 180

Regt. Age No. at (if attesta known) tion

Town/Dist Rank rict of (if known) Origin













Henry Lawrence


Johannes burg





James Henry


Middelbur g, Tvl.

Pte or Tpr


Herbert Llewellyn



Pte or Tpr






Newlands, Jhb.





Middelbur g, Tvl.


Le Roux

Hendrik Graaff



Pte or Tpr





Pte or Tpr


John Stephenson



Pte or Tpr


Sidney Charles


Grahamst own

Pte or Tpr




Jacobus Andreas



Pte or Tpr





George Burnall




Graycroft Hannay

Mickie/Michie/ Miele/Miekle (?)56 Muller



Sjt Pte or Tpr

Pte or Tpr

Pte or Tpr



Pte/Sjt/Lt Christoffell



Johannes burg.

Johannes burg


Cpl Pte or Tpr



Johannes burg



Middelbur g, Tvl.

Pte or Tpr

Hendrik Jacob Andries Terblanche



Pte or Tpr


Corporal according to Commonwealth War Graves Register. Private according to medal roll. Surname illegible. On his attestation form it appears to be either Miche or Miele, but Captain LHD Hale of the SA Medical Corps wrote Mickie on the medical certificate! Could possibly have been Miekle. 56

Page 99 of 180

Regt. Age No. at (if attesta known) tion

Town/Dist Rank rict of (if known) Origin







Pte or Tpr


Jan Christiaan Vogel



Pte or Tpr


Johannes Jacobus




O’Shaughness y

Michael Patrick



Pte or Tpr


Immens Mauregnauld


Johannes burg



George Andrew



Pte or Tpr


Thomas Nicholas


Johannes burg



John Thomas


Newlands, Jhb.

Pte or Tpr


Charles Christiaan


Johannes burg



Alexander Stuart







William Herbert






Johannes burg

Pte or Tpr




Johannes burg

Pte or Tpr


Alexander Benjamin



Pte or Tpr




Johannes burg

Pte or Tpr


Arthur James





Algeruon Victor



Pte or Tpr

Solman/Solom on61

Charles Wesley


Johannes burg

Pte or Tpr




Jeppesto wn, Jhb.

Pte or Tpr


Guy Henwood



Pte or Tpr


de 11

Pte or Tpr 33

Newlands, Jhb.

Lt Pte or Tpr



No attestation form for JJ Naude in unit file. Transferred to Naude’s Scouts. 59 Only member of unit to complete Dutch version of attestation form. 60 Difficult to decipher spelling from form. 61 Previous service with BSA Police 3 years and Imperial Yeomanry 2.5 years. 58

Page 100 of 180




Nicolas Frederick

*Van Merwe

Regt. Age No. at (if attesta known) tion 40

Town/Dist Rank rict of (if known) Origin Williston

der L J

Cpl Pte or Tpr

Van Rooyen62



La Rochelle, Jhb.

Pte or Tpr

Van Wyk

Frans Petrus



Pte or Tpr

Van Wyk

Wessel Johannes



Pte or Tpr


George Adolphus






Pte or Tpr



Pte or Tpr


Nicolas Johannes


Boshoff, OVS



Willem Stephanus


Johannes burg



Reginald Clive


Parkton, Jhb.

Pte or Tpr


William Peach


Johannes burg





Charles Leonard


Johannes burg

Pte or Tpr




Middelbur g, Tvl.

Pte or Tpr


Matthew Welsh


Middelbur g, Tvl.

Pte or Tpr


Hendrik Johannes



Pte or Tpr


Abraham Paulus


Johannes burg

Pte or Tpr


Reginald Ernest



Pte or Tpr


Walter James



Pte or Tpr


Bastiaan Paul


Johannes burg



Pte or Tpr


Personalities 62

Note on back of attestation form stating previous experience as Boer War 3 years and Zulu Rebellion 3 months.


Spelling unclear. Attestation forms look like starting with “Z” but Nominal Roll for 1914-5 Star looks as if starts with “T”.

Page 101 of 180

Jacobus Johannes Naudé had been a soldier, spy and scout during the Anglo-Boer War. As a kapitein he was in charge of ‘Special Services’ for General Louis Botha and commanded Naudé se Verkennerskorps [i.e. Corps of Scouts]. For his First World War service in command of Naudé’s Scouts he was awarded the French Croix de Guerre and was mentioned-in-despatches. It is unclear what Naudé did between the end of the South West campaign in 1915 and 1917 when he resumed his role as Superintendent and Inspector of White Labour. Letters on South African Railways letterhead were exchange between the General Manager of the Railways (Colonel Hoy) and Major Naudé congratulating each other on their respective awards for wartime service. Major Naudé does not appear to have performed further military service however he only relinquished his commission in 1920. In his civilian role Naudé was responsible for setting up and inspecting work schemes intended to address the ‘poor White’ problem. In this capacity he received numerous letters from poor whites addressed to various ranks and titles (e.g. kommandant, generaal etc.). The spelling of his surname seemed to attract as many variations as possible too. During the 1920s his post was disestablished following a change of government. Naudé went farming near Zeerust. The former labour inspector openly criticised the new Smuts Government’s approach to labour issues. Also, during the 1920s the Union Government introduced formal awards for service on the Boer side of the 1899-1902 war. Besides his campaign medal, Naudé was also awarded the Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst the Boer equivalent of the Distinguished Service Order. In 1940, G D Scholtz compiled a biography of his Boer War adventures entitled In Doodsgevaar [i.e. ‘In mortal danger’]. The book was silent on his First World War service. Possibly because a large proportion of the likely market was anti-War or anti-Government at the time. Naudé remained active in Boer War veteran’s affairs through the ‘Bond van Oud-stryders’ and attended one of the last formal reunions of ex-republican officers held in the 1950s. The Christian faith played an important role in his life. He served as an elder in the Dutch Reformed Church and wrote an article for Die Kerkbode on the subject. Nicolas Johannes Vlok was born in Calvinia which may have been of benefit while serving in the Northern Cape. Vlok was descended from an Admiral and had been a veldkornet during the Boer War and had farmed along the border of the Free State and Northern Cape. At the end of his service as a captain with Naudé’s Scouts he enlisted with the South African Overseas Expeditionary Force to serve in France as a mere private with the 2nd South African Infantry (Natal and OFS Regiment). He qualified as a sniper in December 1915. On 15 July 1916, Private Vlok was wounded at Delville Wood. He was shot in the upper arm by an exploding bullet that rendered his arm ‘quite useless’ (according to the Medical Officer that examined him). Despite this, he was reputedly the life and soul of the Ward he was recuperating in. He was discharged four months after his injury. Vlok was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for evacuating Lieutenant Tatham while under fire. He survived the war after many operations and like Naudé was awarded the Dekoratie for Trouwe Dienst for his Boer War Service. His application for Boer War campaign medals was signed “N.J. Vlok D.C.M.”. Soon he was to become “N.J. Vlok, D.T.D., D.C.M.” with the distinction of having been awarded the highest only decoration that could be bestowed on a former Boer officer as well as the 2nd highest bravery award that could at the time be bestowed upon a British ‘other rank’. Vlok’s funeral in the 1930s appears to have been quite an event. His coffin was draped in both the Union Flag and South African Flag. Two buglers from the Kimberley Regiment played The Last Post. His pallbearers were all members of the SA Police stationed at Beaconsfield. The funeral was attended by the Deputy-Commissioner of Police as well as a large cross-section of the Kimberley community.

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In the early 1900s Rupert Atmore had been one of the first rangers appointed by Major James Stevenson-Hamilton to help look after the reserve that was eventually to become the Kruger National Park. During the Second World War, Atmore served as a Sergeant at the Central Army Training Depot and later with the Field Security Police. Lieutenant Alexander Stuart Reeves previously served in the 13th Mounted Rifles (Northern Transvaal Mounted Rifles). Following his service with the Scouts, Reeves served for two months as a captain with Carnarvon Commando before serving with the 2nd South African Horse in East Africa. He was invalided out in October 1916. Reeves appears to have remained active in the Citizen Force after the war serving with the 13th Mounted Rifles64. He was later promoted to Major and awarded the Volunteer Officers Decoration. In March 1915, Lieutenant Immins Overbeek was transferred to the Provost Marshal’s Staff and promoted to Captain. After release in August 1915 he appears to have taken some leave from the military before re-joining in July 1916 as a lieutenant in the SA Service Corps. He went on to serve in various roles in the East Africa campaign. He was promoted to Captain, mentioned-indespatches and awarded the Military Cross for Gallantry. From June to November 1918 he commanded the Cape Auxiliary Horse Transport Depot in South Africa before going back to East Africa for the third time. He was finally released from service in December 1918. His commission was finally relinquished in January 1920 by the same order affecting the commission of Major Naudé. Gerhardus Maritz Botha the first RSM of Naudé’s Scouts subsequently joined the South African Service Corps and served in East Africa as a quartermaster. He was promoted to Captain in July 1916, arrived back in Durban in July 1917 and was released from service in November 1918. Botha went on to become Chairman of the Natal Provincial Council. He was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire and also received the Coronation Medal 1937. Harold Peter Bourhill appears to have served as an officer in the Royal Engineers (he was an electrical engineer in civilian life) and also did a stint as a lieutenant and Intelligence Officer. William James Cox claimed to be a lieutenant during the Spanish-American War however this has not been confirmed. He was a sergeant in the South African Light Horse during the AngloBoer War and qualified for the Queen’s South Africa Medal with six clasps and was mentioned-indespatches. Cox left Naudé’s Scouts to become a Captain in the Fraserburg Commando. Cox served just over seven months with the 2nd South African Horse in East Africa. His civilian occupation had been ‘Civil Engineer’ and in August 1916 he joined 1 Special Engineer Section, South African Engineer Corps instead. Captain Cox appears to have been involved in a court martial which led to his ‘discharge from HM services’. The offence for which he was court martialled is surprisingly not recorded in his personnel files! Another note in his files mentions that he was ‘discharged from service by a medical board at Cradock on 24 July 1919’ which does not match the court martial date. It could be that he successfully appealed his court martial dismissal and was subsequently boarded on medical grounds. Richard Henry John Curran went on to serve with the 4th SA Infantry (South African Scottish) in Europe and was later commissioned.


Union Defence Force Officers List 1921

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George Burnall Luck had been a corporal with the Scouts but re-enlisted as a mere private in 5th South African Horse. He later became a corporal again but his luck ran out on 24 August 1916 when he went missing in action. He was later presumed dead. William Herbert Rhoades only served with NaudÊ’s Scouts for just under two months before joining Fraserburg Commando as Quartermaster. He later served as a lieutenant in the Engineer Corps. Trooper A V Sheldon, a bank clerk prior to the war, went on to join the Royal Air Force. He later returned to South Africa and became a bank manager. Scout David Sasieni went on to serve as a corporal in 3rd SA Infantry in Europe. He was unfortunate enough to have been four times while in Europe including gunshot wounds to the groin and neck.

Revealed: SA intelligence agent murdered in Serbia was probing Cape underworld 2018-05-07 15:04 | Caryn Dolley State security contract agent George Darmanovic, murdered in Serbia on Sunday, was apparently preparing to try and take down some of South Africa's most high profile figures allegedly linked to the underworld. News24 has reliably learned that he specifically wanted to target an individual whose name has repeatedly been linked to alleged crimes relating to the underworld in Cape Town, and who may have links to other figures in other provinces. Documents linked to underworld Darmanovic appeared to have had documents, with government letterheads, some of which News24 has seen, which detail information relating to the underworld, as well as acknowledging his role in certain investigations. In Cape Town, over more than a year, underworld activities have been linked by police to the nightclub security industry and a takeover of these operations which resulted in several shootings and murders. Darmanovic, whose full name according to Serbian media is Gorgija Gorg Darmanovic, and who was known locally as George Darmanovich, a contract agent for South Africa’s State Security Agency, was gunned down in Belgrade, Serbia, on Sunday. He died in hospital. The news broke via media in Serbia on Sunday, where it was reported that two men behind the shooting had left the scene on a scooter. It is not clear why he was killed. It is understood Darmanovic had peddled information and allegations, relating to politics and crime, to several well-placed individuals in this country. Some of this information had then been passed on to journalists. Page 104 of 180

News24 has seen information to suggest he planned to try and help investigations into the local underworld figure in July this year. It is also understood, based on other information seen in January, that he was aware of developments in underworld ructions relating to Cape Town in particular. Darmanovic in touch with Modack Darmanovic had been in contact with suspected underworld kingpin Nafiz Modack who is facing an extortion charge in Cape Town. In January, in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court, during Modack’s bail application in this case, Charl Kinnear, a police colonel who is investigating fights in clubs, testified: "The person Modack phoned in Serbia is the same person who gave information for the first few chapters of The President's Keepers.” He was referring to Darmanovich as being a source in author Jacques Pauw’s critically acclaimed book. Part of a recorded conversation Modack had, apparently with Darmanovic, had also been played during this bail application. The application was heard between mid-December 2017 and the end of February 2018. Modack and three other accused were each granted R10 000 bail. A fifth accused was granted R5 000 bail. Modack is accused in the case, along with Colin Booysen – the brother of alleged Sexy Boys gang boss Jerome Booysen – Jacques Cronje, Ashley Fields and Carl Lakay. They face extortion charges relating to nightclub security. The group is expected back in the Cape Town Regional Court for this case at the end of May. SA intelligence agent murdered in Serbia was probing Cape underworld News24 | 07 May 2018 Darmanovic wanted to target individual linked to alleged crimes in province

SA intelligence agent murdered in Serbia was probing Cape underworld 7 May 2018 State security contract agent George Darmanovic, murdered in Serbia on Sunday, was apparently preparing to try and take down some of South Africa's most high-profile figures allegedly linked to the underworld. News24 has reliably learned that he specifically wanted to target an individual whose name has repeatedly been linked to alleged crimes relating to the underworld in Cape Town, and who may have links to other figures in other provinces. Page 105 of 180

Documents linked to underworld Darmanovic appeared to have had documents, with government letterheads, some of which News24 has seen, which detail information relating to the underworld, as well as acknowledging his role in certain investigations. In Cape Town, over more than a year, underworld activities have been linked by police to the nightclub security industry and a takeover of these operations which resulted in several shootings and murders. Darmanovic, whose full name according to Serbian media is Gorgija Gorg Darmanovic, and who was known locally as George Darmanovich, a contract agent for South Africa’s State Security Agency, was gunned down in Belgrade, Serbia, on Sunday. He died in hospital The news broke via media in Serbia on Sunday, where it was reported that two men behind the shooting had left the scene on a scooter. It is not clear why he was killed. It is understood Darmanovic had peddled information and allegations, relating to politics and crime, to several well-placed individuals in this country. Some of this information had then been passed on to journalists News24 has seen information to suggest he planned to try and help investigations into the local underworld figure in July this year. It is also understood, based on other information seen in January, that he was aware of developments in underworld ructions relating to Cape Town in particular. Darmanovic in touch with Modack Darmanovic had been in contact with suspected underworld kingpin Nafiz Modack who is facing an extortion charge in Cape Town. In January, in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court, during Modack’s bail application in this case, Charl Kinnear, a police colonel who is investigating fights in clubs, testified: "The person Modack phoned in Serbia is the same person who gave information for the first few chapters of “The President's Keepers”. He was referring to Darmanovich as being a source in author Jacques Pauw’s critically acclaimed book. Part of a recorded conversation Modack had, apparently with Darmanovic, had also been played during this bail application. The application was heard between mid-December 2017 and the end of February 2018. Modack and three other accused were each granted R10 000 bail. A fifth accused was granted R5 000 bail. Modack is accused in the case, along with Colin Booysen – the brother of alleged Sexy Boys gang boss Jerome Booysen – Jacques Cronje, Ashley Fields and Carl Lakay. They face extortion charges relating to nightclub security. The group is expected back in the Cape Town Regional Court for this case at the end of May. Page 106 of 180

State security 'agent' linked to Pauw book, local underworld killed in Serbia – reports News24 | 07 May 2018 Incident may have links to organised crime in the country

State security 'agent' linked to Pauw book, local underworld killed in Serbia reports 6 May 2018 A state security contract agent in Serbia, who was a source in author Jacques Pauw’s critically acclaimed book “The President’s Keepers”, and whose name also cropped up in the extortion case centering around suspected underworld figure Nafiz Modack, has been murdered in Serbia. The Telegraf reported on Sunday that Gorgija Gorg Darmanovic (George Darmanovich) was shot in the head while in New Belgrade and died in hospital, and that this incident may have links to organised crime in South Africa. Four shots had been heard, it was reported, and it is understood the shooter or shooters had fled the scene on a scooter or motorbike. A local source also confirmed to News24 on Sunday that he had died. Darmanovic was a source in Pauw's book and his name has also been linked to Modack. In January in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court, during Modack’s bail application in an extortion case, Charl Kinnear, a police colonel who is investigating fights in clubs, testified: "The person Modack phoned in Serbia is the same person who gave information for the first few chapters of “The President's Keepers." Kinnear had been referring to Darmanovic. Pauw's book lifted the lid on alleged shady dealings that former president Jacob Zuma was allegedly involved in. "This shows the relationships (Modack) has with people in the South African government," Kinnear had testified. Part of a recorded conversation Modack had, apparently with Darmanovic, had also been played during this bail application which had stretched from mid-December 2017 to the end of February 2018. News24

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Aktuele Suid-Afrikaanse spioenasieverhale en gevallestudies – ware verhale uit Suid-Afrika se ryk en interessante intelligensiegeskiedenis. Lees in Spioenmeesters oor die maniere en metodes wat Suid-Afrika se statutêre intelligensiedienste aangewend het om geselekteerde intelligensieteikens te infiltreer, spioene in teiken-organisasies te werf en riskante infiltrasiepogings van stapel te stuur. Die gevallestudies sluit die volgende in: Die Taal wat Spioene Praat, Twee Boere-spioene pak mekaar in Oos-Afrika, Die beste spioen van alle tye – Richard Sorge, Kaptein Frederick (Fritz) Joubert Dequesne, Johannes van der Walt, Die Lang Generaal, Gerard Ludi, Yuriy Loginov (Edmund Trinka), Die Valk en die Sneeuman, Professor Hugh Hambleton – die KGB spioen, Die Spioen wat Afrikaans kon praat – Alexei Kozlov, Operasie Daisy, Arthur McGiven, Dieter Gerhardt, Die Sekretaresse, Agent 1912, Agnesia Sadler – die meisie van Pretoria, Operasie Vula, Infiltrasie-agente.

Johannes van der Walt: Afrikaner-held en rofstoeier: Henning van Aswegen

Skrywer van die artikel Henning van Aswegen (bo links) en Johannes van der Walt (bo regs) Johannes van der Walt was ‘n Ossewa-Brandwag generaal met verantwoordelikheid vir die Witwatersrand-gebied in die periode net voor die tweede wêreldoorlog, te wete 1939 - 1940. Van der Walt, ‘n vriendelike, robuuste reus, het die skaal op 280 pond getrek (sowat 127 kilogram) en ses voet vyf-en-‘n-half duim in sy sokkies gestaan. Hy was ‘n gewilde nasionale sportheld en swaargewig-stoeikampioen wat ‘n venynige volstuisskop gebruik het om teenstanders te oorrompel. Van der Walt was terselfdertyd ook ‘n vurige stryder vir Afrikaner-sake in Johannesburg in die periode voor die 2de wêreldoorlog en bekend daarvoor dat hy benewens brute fisiese krag, ook oor ‘n uitstekende intellek beskik het en ‘n goeie redenaar was. Met die uitbreek van die oorlog het Van der Walt hom sterk in die openbaar uitgespreek teen die Smutsregering se planne om Suid-Afrika aan die kant van die Britte by die oorlog te betrek. So sterk Page 108 of 180

was Van der Walt se teenstand teen Smuts dat hy begin het om teenstand en ‘n opstand (“insurrection”) teen die Smuts regering te beplan. Van der Walt was nie alleen in sy afkeer van die Smuts regering nie en talle jong Suid-Afrikaners wat dieselfde as hy gevoel het, het by die Ossewabrandwag en die Rapportryers aangesluit. Die Rapportryers was die jeugvleuel van die Ossewa-Brandwag wat saam met die Gryshemde aan die voorpunt van Afrikaner opposisie en teenkanting teen Engeland gestaan het. Die OssewaBrandwag, onder leierskap van sy stigter dr. Hans van Rensburg, was openlik militant en sterk teen Jan Smuts se ‘Engelse oorlog’ gekant.65 In hierdie konteks en atmosfeer het ‘n jong Johannes van der Walt sy aansienlike gewig en gewildheid onder die Afrikaner bevolking agter die Ossewabrandwag ingegooi. Van der Walt se uitgesprokenheid het hom onder die aandag van ‘n Duitse professor op besoek aan Suid-Afrika, Graaf Von Duerckheim Montmartin, gebring en sommige gerugte wil dit selfs hê dat die Graaf vir Van der Walt as Duitse spioen gewerf het. Die Graaf self was wel ‘n spioen wat direk aan Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler se minister van propaganda, rapporteer het.66

Graaf Karlfried Von Duerckheim en Joseph Goebbels Die Ossewa-Brandwag (OB) was as gevolg van die volksmoord wat die Britte teenoor die Boere en hul vroue en kinders gepleeg het, sterk anti-Brits gesind en het Duitsland in die tweede wêreldoorlog ondersteun. Die OB, wat op 4 Februarie 1939 in Bloemfontein gestig is, wou nie gehad het dat Suid-Afrikaners vir die Britte in wat hulle as ‘n Europese oorlog beskou het, baklei nie. In die vroeë negentiende eeu het baie Boere-Afrikaners juis uit Noord- en Oos Kaapland na die Vrystaat en Transvaal getrek om weg te kom van Britse onderdrukking af. Hierdie BoereAfrikaners het in Suid-Afrika se binneland hul eie twee republieke gestig, die Republiek van die Oranje Vrystaat en die Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek (ZAR), juis om die juk van Britse kolonialisme en imperialisme af te skud. Omdat Nederland en Duitsland die stigting van die Boere Republieke ondersteun het, het die Boere-Afrikaners tydens die Eerste en Tweede Wêreldoorloë die guns terugbewys deur Duitsland teen die Britte te ondersteun. Die brutale volksmoord op Afrikaner vroue en kinders het Afrikaners met diepgewortelde wrokke en wrewels teen die Engelse gelaat – 65

Wilkens, Ivor & Strydom, Hans, The Super-Afrikaners, 1978. Jonathan Ball Publishers, Johannesburg: 76. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het eers nà afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog uitgevind dat Graaf Von Deurckheim Montmartin ‘n Duitse spioen was, toe hulle een van sy geheime verslae in die ontruimde Duitse ambassade in Windhoek, Suidwes-Afrika (‘n voormalige Duitse kolonie), ontdek het. 66

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en ‘n afsku wat tot vandag nog voortduur. Die leier van die OB was Johannes van Rensburg, ‘n slim prokureur wat op ‘n stadium Sekretaris van die Departement van Justisie was. Van Rensburg en Van der Walt was ook stigterslede van die OB se jeug- en militêre vleuel, die Stormjaers wat ‘n sterk leuse en gedragskode gehad het : “As ek terugval, skiet my, as ek sneuwel, wreek my, as ek vorentoe beur, volg my.” Jan Smuts Aan die beginjare van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het gemoedere tussen Smuts ondersteuners en Boere-Afrikaners hoog geloop en die twee groepe het dikwels handgemeen geraak. Op 1 Februarie 1941 wou Smuts-soldate die Voortrekker-gebou in Johannesburg, wat deur OB ondersteuners gebruik is, ontset en oorneem. Johannes van der Walt het man-alleen die Westelike ingang van die gebou teen die aanvallers beskerm en hulle keer op keer met ‘n stuk hout teruggedryf. Die aanval deur die Smuts-soldate het misluk en daarná was Van der Walt uiters gewild onder die Afrikaners in Johannesburg. Hy was van toe af ook ‘n geswore vyand van die Smuts-regering. In daardie tyd het Smuts se pro-Britse polisiemanne en soldate, wat die sogenaamde Rooi Eed afgelê het, rooi lussies (“red shoulder tabs”) as kentekens op hul uniforms gedra. Van der Walt se optrede teen hulle by die Voortrekkergebou, het baie van hierdie rooi lussie-draende soldate met ‘n persoonlike wrok teen hom gelaat omdat hulle geglo het dat Van der Walt hulle verneder het. Hoewel baie staatspolisiemanne en soldate rooi lussies gedra het, was daar egter oor ‘n groep van hulle wat geweier het om dit te doen: daar was dus tweespalt in die polisiemag en weermag en spanning tussen die onderskeie groepe. Van der Walt is deur die Smuts-regering as ‘n bedreiging beskou en van spioenasie beskuldig, alhoewel bewyse daarvoor nooit gelewer is nie. Van der Walt is onder polisie-waarneming en -agtervolging geplaas en sy huis in Johannesburg is etlike kere deur die ‘Special Staff’ van die SAP ondersoek. (Let op die naam Spesiale Staf – dit was die korrekte benaming in 1941 en sou later die Special Branch word)(Die ‘Special Staff’ het die taak gehad om staatsondermynende bedrywighede te ondersoek en die Ossewa-Brandwag, en so ook Van der Walt en Van Rensburg, was definitief op hulle radar.) Van der Walt in arres Op 15 Desember 1941 is Johannes van der Walt deur ‘n Engelssprekende Sersant Charlie Day van die SAP in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van ‘n ongelisensieerde pistool en ammunisie. Omdat Smuts ‘n tweede rebellie (die eerste was in 1914) gevrees het, was die privaatbesit van pistole, ammunisie en gewere gedurende die 2de wêreldoorlog onwettig en die draers daarvan kon vervolg word. Van der Walt is formeel aangekla, maar op borgtog van 25 pond vrygelaat. Die borgtog is deur advokaat Pat Jerling, die hoof van die Stormjaers, betaal, sonder dat die Smuts-regering geweet het dat Jerling ‘n lid van die OB was. Slegs twee dae ná sy vrylating is Van der Walt weer gearresteer, sonder dat ‘n rede aan hom verstrek is. Die Smutsregering was vasbeslote om Van der Walt te interneer en hom as politieke opponent te neutraliseer. Van der Walt is in die Marshalllplein-polisieselle in Johannesburg aangehou en is daar deur advokaat Jerling daar besoek. Tydens die besoek het Jerling en Van der Walt bespreek en beplan hoe Van der Walt uit aanhouding kon ontsnap. Om middernag 22 Desember 1941 het Van der Walt sy selwag, ‘n jong konstabel Shelver, gevra om toilet toe te gaan. Van der Walt het Page 110 of 180

Shelver vinnig oorweldig en hom summier in ‘n wagtende voertuig buite die polisieselle ingedwing. Dit was gou duidelik dat Van der Walt deur lede van die Stormjaers gehelp is en hulle het Shelver in die omgewing van Northcliff in Johannesburg uit die voertuig geboender. In die motor het Van der Walt en sy makkers Shelver se diensrewolwer, sy polisiehelm, fluitjie en selsleutels afgeneem. Die SAP het dadelik vir Van der Walt ‘n voortvlugtige verklaar en ‘n landswye soektog na hom is op tou gesit. Van der Walt het by Stormjaer- en Ossewa-Brandwag-lede in Johannesburg geskuil en uiteindelik op die plaas van mnr Pieter Malan by Witkoppen weggekruip. Van der Walt word doodgeskiet Vroegoggend 23 Februarie 1942, het ‘n polisie-eenheid onder bevel van kaptein A E Talken, op die plaas van mnr Pieter Malan opgedaag. Talken was vergesel van speurder-hoofkonstabel Harvey en speurdersersant Danie Bester67 van die Spesiale Staf. Ook teenwoordig was ‘n sersant Fourie, wat nie geweet het na wie gesoek word nie, maar deur Talken saamgeneem is omdat hy mnr Pieter Malan geken het. Malan het die deur van die plaashuis vir Fourie oopgemaak met Talken kort op sy hakke. Bester en Harvey het op die stoep van die plaashuis gestaan en gesien hoe Van der Walt deur ‘n venster klim. Volgens die polisie se verslag het Van der Walt ‘n rewolwer in sy regterhand gehad wat hy op Fourie gerig het. Toe Van der Walt spring, het Fourie sy eie diensrewolwer uitgepluk en Van der Walt aan die regterkant van sy rug geskiet. Daar is later gevind dat Van der Walt se rewolwer met lewendige patrone gelaai was en dat daar ‘n tweede, gelaaide rewolwer in sy kamer was. Hoewel polisiemanne Van der Walt na die Krugersdorpse-hospitaal geneem het waar die koeël verwyder is, is Van der Walt daardeur verlam. Van der Walt beskuldig Jerling dat hy ‘n regeringsagent is Die voorval het landwye reaksie veroorsaak en koerante het daagliks oor Van der Walt se toestand berig. Van der Walt is in die hospitaal deur talle OB- en Stormjaer-lede, asook lede van die Kabinet, besoek. Dr D F Malan Die Van der Walt saak het op 2 Februarie 1942 ‘n verrassende wending geneem toe dr. D F Malan, leier van die amptelike opposisie in die parlement, tydens ‘n debat in die Volksraad opgestaan het en ‘n beëdigde verklaring van Van der Walt voorgelees het waarin hy advokaat Jerling daarvan beskuldig dat hy ‘n verraaier is wat Ossewa-Brandwag lede, onder andere homself en Robey Leibbrandt, aan die owerhede verklap het. Hoewel dit nie bewys is dat dit Jerling was nie, het die SAP Spesiale Staf inligting ontvang oor Van der Walt se wegkruipplek. Beskuldigings is deur baie Afrikaners teen die Smuts-regering gemaak omdat Van der Walt in die rug geskiet is. Sersant Fourie se reputasie was daarmee heen, alhoewel hy volgehou het dat hy nie geweet het dat dit Van der Walt was wat in die plaashuis geskuil het nie. Daar is beweer dat Fourie hom doodgetreur het oor die voorval. As gevolg van die skietwond is Van der Walt op 25 Maart 1943 oorlede en op ‘n reuse begrafnis op 29 Maart 1943 in Johannesburg begrawe. Geregtelike ondersoek 67

Later general DA Bester – speurhoof RSA – HBH.

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‘n Geregtelike ondersoek, wat deur ‘n magistraat van Johannesburg gelas is, is nà Van der Walt se dood gedoen en bevind dat Van der Walt se rugmurg deur die koeël afgesny is. Die magistraat het geen bevinding gemaak oor die regverdigbaarheid van die skoot nie en geen verdere ondersoek na die voorval is ooit daarna gedoen nie. Van der Walt se dood het ‘n bitter smaak in die monde van baie Afrikaners gelaat en die Smuts regering se weergawe van die voorval is met agterdog en afkeur bejeën. Smuts het ‘n latere versoek deur dr D F Malan dat ‘n onpartydige kommissie die voorval moet ondersoek, afgemaak en verwerp met die woorde dat ‘n soeke na politieke propaganda was. Smuts se optrede teen Johannes van der Walt het sterk herinner aan Smuts se vroeëre hantering van die Boereverkenner Jopie Fourie se ter dood veroordeling in 1914, en beide voorvalle het onberekenbare skade aan Smuts se reputasie as Eerste Minister aangerig. Henning van Aswegen

• Begraafplaas: Centurion: Ossewabrandwag en Afrikaner politieke gevangenes (HBH)

• Gedig: “Verrader Monster” (HBH) Jare gelede het ek die gedig in ‘n pamflet van die OB gevind en ek dink ons lesers sal dit interessant vind:

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Verrader, monster, vloek der aarde, Vernederd schepsel der natuur, Gods wraak die u tot hede spaarde, Verdelg u eens door 't helse vuur

MAJOOR KOSLOV: KGB Last month we ran an article on Major Koslov wriiten by Mr, Henning van Aswegen. A colleague and friend, Toffie Risk, brought the following website: ESPIONAGE HISTORY ARCHIVE68 to our notice. We quote from a few sections69: Izvestia: Is it true that thanks to you the USSR obtained information on the Republic of South Africa’s nuclear arsenal? Kozlov: Yes, that is so. At the end of the 1970’s I made a “tour” of Africa and stopped in Malawi. There were a lot of whites who had close connections to South Africa. I was sitting with some company, and the talk turned to the atomic bomb. At that time a mysterious flash in the south of Africa had occurred, one that resembled an atomic explosion. And I said, “And where could they get an atomic bomb from?!” Suddenly one old woman, quietly dozing, opened her eyes and gave it away: “In December of 1976 we doused it with champagne together with the Israelis!” The woman turned out to be the former secretary of the general director of Pelindaba, South Africa’s nuclear center. I immediately informed Moscow. Yuri Drozdov, head of the Illegals Directorate, called down all the department chiefs in the middle of the night, who practically arrived in their pyjamas! South Africa’s Nuclear Research Centre in Pelindaba. Izvestia: How did it happen that you were arrested? Kozlov: That took place in 1980, when I had come to South Africa for a third time. Then it was a country of brutal apartheid. I was in transit in Namibia and it was there I first noticed surveillance on me. But there was nowhere to go. I flew out to Johannesburg. The plane had hardly landed when I saw a black car with siren. I understood immediately it was for me. Out of the car walked the deputy director of South African counterintelligence, Major General Broderik (sic).70 He showed me his identification and told me I was under arrest. He, by the way, wasn’t a bad guy; he was an intellectual. But aside from him there were plenty of people who wanted to bash my head in. I was sent to the security police’s internal prison71. My interrogator, Colonel Gloy72, was an authentic Nazi, an admirer of Ernst Kaltenbrunner. A portrait of Hitler was hanging in his office.73 Izvestia: Did you continue to stick to your legend? Kozlov: The South Africans didn’t know anything about me. Even when they were beating me, they didn’t understand why74. Then came the Germans from the BfV and intelligence. The 68 Translation: Deep Cover In South Africa; January 15, 2016 Mark Hackard 70 He is actually (the late) Brigadier “Klafie” Broodryk of the South African Police (Security Branch) – HBH. 71 The Security Branch does not have its own prisons. SAP (SB) use ordinary police cells or the various prisons in South Africa – HBH. 72 The late Hans Gloy retired as a major-general in the SA Police – HBH. 73 Absolute propaganda – this is not true. I spoke to various colleagues (including Toffie Risk & Johan Visage) and friends and I never saw this in his office - HBH. 74 Not true. He was never beaten. I saw him and Hans Gloy drinking coffee in Polley’s Arcade, Wachthuis, Pretoria – HBH. 69

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interrogations continued for a week. I wasn’t allowed to sleep for one minute. They pulled things you wouldn’t believe. Finally, they showed me photo cards of when I was still very young. I turned one over, and there it was written: A.M. Kozlov. There was no further reason for disavowal. I said I was a Soviet citizen, but they didn’t find out one more damn thing from me. Soon I was transferred to the Pretoria Central Prison. Izvestia: Were you in an isolation cell? Kozlov: I was on death row. The cover of the door slit was torn off, and I could see how the corpses of the hanged were carried by. Every Friday morning, they conducted executions. And although they had the same time of apartheid in the prisons – whites and blacks separated – everyone was hanged together. Before death they were served their last breakfast. So, a white was given a whole fried chicken, while a black received half that. The hanged men fell downward through a hatch. And there stood the great scoundrel Dr. Malherbe, who gave them a last injection into their hearts. Izvestia: How long did they not know anything about you in the Center? Kozlov: For ten West German agents and one South African officer. The chief of the prison came up to me with a suit told me to get my things together. For some reason I took with me a piece of green soap that reeked of carbolic, a belt from my prison pants and a device for rolling cigarettes that the prisoners had given me. Major General Broderik (sic) warned me: “We are transferring you to our intelligence service for an exchange. I don’t know what they’ll do with you, but you stay silent as if you don’t know anything.” And Colonel Gloy said as a farewell, “I apologize for everything that happened to you. Now we know you’re a normal guy and a real man.” He shook my hand, and in my palm, there remained a South African counterintelligence75 badge granting right to arrest – “for the memories.” And their intelligence service was truly infamous76. They sat me down on a cliff overlooking Pretoria and told me they were going to shoot me. Izvestia: Is it now known why you were discovered? Kozlov: We understood that only in 1985, when our resident in London, Oleg Gordievsky, defected to the West. We were acquainted back at the Institute; he was two years behind me. And then he found out about my time in Denmark. He has admitted this betrayal of his as fact, by the way, by making mention of me in his book.

Kommentaar: Kol. Andries van Vuuren: Lid van die ou SA gevangenisdiens Hennie, My geheue laat my so 'n bietjie in die steek want ek was laas in die vroeë sewentiger jare in die ter dood veroordeelde afdeling met media besoeke wat uiteraard ook nie dikwels plaasgevind het nie. Die galg en deathrow was in wat destyds bekend was as die Maksimum Veiligheidsgevangenis reg agter die Sentrale Gevangenis. Die gevangenis aan Potgieterstraat was bekend as die Lokale gevangenis en 'n vleuel daarvan is eers later omskep in 'n maksimum sekuriteitsgevangenis. Die Lokale gevangenis het ook onder die gevangenisbevolking bekend gestaan as Newloc, 'n akroniem vir New Local.

75 76

Probably a brass South African Police badge – HBH. We wonder why? They have no executive powers - HBH.

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Ek glo dat Koslov in die maksimum gevangenis aangehou is maar deathrow, aikona. In die gang wat na die galg gelei het is daar ook nie selle nie. Die lykskamer wat reg onder die galg geleë was het 'n buitedeur na agter waardeur tereggesteldes se oorskot verwyder is. Enige aanspraak dat hy kon sien hoe die lyke uitgedra word, is 'n infame leuen. Buitendien is gevangenisdeure nou ook nie juis van so 'n aard dat enigiemand van binne af kan sien wat buite aangaan nie. Dr Malherbe was destyds die distriksgeneesheer en sy taak was om seker te maak dat die tereggestelde dood is en die doodsertifikaat te voltooi. Van 'n finale inspuiting in die hart was daar geen sprake nie. Hy kon wel 'n stetoskoop gebruik het om vas te stel of die tereggestelde dood is. Ek het my bedenkinge oor die ontbyt. Teregstellings het vroeg soggens plaasgevind voordat ontbyt bedien is. Ter doodveroordeeldes kon wel die aand voor die teregstelling 'n ete volgens behoefte van familie ontvang. Teregstellings het gewoonlik op 'n Vrydag plaasgevind maar beslis nie elke Vrydag nie. Die finale bevel vir die teregstelling is aan die balju beteken en hy het die teregstellings waargeneem en net die balju, die hoof van die gevangenis en soveel lede as wat nodig was om diens te doen, is toegelaat by 'n teregstelling. Ek is nie meer seker van die getal nie maar as ek reg onthou kon tot ses mense gelyktydig tereggestel word. Groete Andries van Vuuren (10 Mei 2018).

Comments by Admiral DF Gerhardt I’ve read article by Izvestia’s Kozlov interview with interest. No doubt he contributed to the USSR’s overall knowledge of SA’s Nuclear Weapon program. It is perhaps worthwhile looking at the exposure time line. The serious work researching Nuclear weapons was already underway by the AEB and the NIDR at the Stellenbosch facilities as early as 1964. The USSR was made aware of this activity at that time and subsequently progress was carefully monitored. Much of the information reaching the USSR authority was shared with the Americans who also initiated a separate monitoring probe into the activity. In 1976 joint discussions took place relating to a possible pre-emptive strike on the Pelindaba/ Velindaba Enrichment Facilities. This option was not agreed upon or pursued! There is now considerable open source material available in various local archives which has been provided by actual participants in the program or by SA researchers with approved access. For example, Al J. Venter’s book “How South Africa built six Atom Bombs” Ashanti Publishing 2008 ISBN978-0-9814098-4-9 (soft cover) or Nic von Wielligh’s “Die Bom, Suid-Afrika se kernwapenprogram” subsequently also translated into an English version. (10 May 2018)

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Facebook: Burger vs Pienaar

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Sien brif van dr, Burger in die briewe-afdeling – HBH.

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Die executrix: Danie Marais In die jare 1940/50s terwyl my pa 'n addisionele landdros te Oos-Londen was, was dit juis die tyd toe jy Engelssprekend moes wees om in tel te wees. Die dame, 'n staatsgetuie, was 'n eksekutrise in 'n bankrot boedel m.b.t. 'n diefstal uit die boedel. Dit was egter baie duidelik dat sy plat Afrikaans was. Nieteenstaande die staatsaanklaer en die hof se versekering dat sy maar Afrikaans kan praat, dring sy daarop aan om in Engels te getuig. Op 'n stadium vra die aanklaer: "Are you the executrix in this estate?" Waarop sy kortweg antwoord: "No, I wasn’t up to any tricks!”

STAATSDIENS PENSIOENFONDS: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND Assosiasie vir Monitering en Voorspraak van Staatspensioene: Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) VOORSITTER SE VERSLAG 2018 Dit is in die begin van 2018 en Suid -Afrika staan voor talle uitdagings. Die ekonomie word bedreig deur grootskaalse korrupsie wat teen ‘n onaanvaarbare tempo die ekonomie en enige oorblywende reserwes dreineer. Polities word groot verwagtinge gestel soos gratis medies en gratis tersiêre onderwys. In ‘n ekonomie waar daar slegs ongeveer 5 miljoen belastingbetalers is en daar ongeveer 17 miljoen maatskaplike pensioene is wat maandeliks betaal moet word, word die uitvoerbaarheid hiervan bevraagteken. Nasionaal is Suid-Afrika se infrastruktuur in ‘n skokkende toestand is en bemoeilik optimale produksie. Algehele produktiwiteit is nie op standaard nie en meeste SBI’s in ‘n finansiële verknorsing is. Dit plaas Suid-Afrika in ‘n swak Page 124 of 180

finansiële posisie en is dit duidelik dat alle fokus nou gerig is op die enkele instansies en individue waar daar nog reserwes is wat benut kan word. Die verwagting is dat met die begrotingsdebat individuele belastings sowel as BTW verhoog gaan word, terwyl sekere zero heffings soos op brandstof ook opgehef mag word. Al die inisiatiewe gaan tot gevolg hê dat die gemiddelde belastingbetaler net nog swaarder belas gaan word. Hiermee saam nog verreikende besluite by die ANC konferensie dat grond sonder vergoeding vervreem kan word. Net die besluit druis kardinaal in teen eiendomsreg wat ‘n belangrike bousteen vorm van ‘n goeie ekonomiese bestel. In die lig van bogenoemde omstandighede is dit duidelik dat daadwerklike pogings aangewend sal moet word om kritiese beginsels en regte van die mense soos vervat in die Grondwet en die Algemene Reg te beskerm en te handhaaf. Verdermeer sal Suid-Afrika daadwerklik moet optree om verdere internasionale afgradering of selfs ekonomiese marginalisering teen te werk. My voorstel is gesonde leierskap, die daadwerklike uitroei van korrupsie op alle vlakke, die afdwinging van verantwoordelikheid en aanspreeklikheid, wêreld standaard opleiding en die algehele verhoging van produktiwiteit. Graag wil ek op die noot my dank en waardering uitspreek aan die lede van die AMAGP wat onbaatsugtig, vrywillig en op eie koste hard gewerk het om die saak en belange van AMAGP en ook GEPF-lede te bevorder en te beskerm. Besondere mylpale is bereik of bevorder soos: a. Sakeplan: Ontwerp, goedgekeur en geïmplementeer. b. die grondwet van die Organisasie is gefinaliseer, c. die Organisasie is amptelik as Nie-Winsgewende Organisasie geregistreer, naamlik die Assosiasie vir Monitering en Voorspraak van Staatspensioene (AMAGP) d. die mashoof is uitgeklaar, e. ‘n bankrekening is oopgemaak, f. Ledetal is verhoog en die bankrekening vergemaklik inbetalings. g. ‘n duidelike liasseerstelsel is geskep en gerekenariseer. Hierdie is ‘n reuse taak met langtermyn voordeel vir ons organisasie. h. vordering is gemaak met die skep van ‘n eie webwerf en i. die struktuur van die organisasie is uitgebrei met die identifisering van potensiële kandidate. j. Verskeie studies, persverklarings en ‘n kwessiedokument is gedoen en uitgereik om mense en instansies te sensiteer vir moontlike bedreigings teen die GEPF en gevolglike lede belang. Die uitgangspunt is deurgaans gehandhaaf dat lede primêr gefokus is op die beskerming en volhoubaarheid van hulle pensioen vir hulleself en hulle afhanklikes. Dus dit wat hulle regmatig toekom. k. Pertinente vrae met klem op voorsiene risiko’s is aan die Raad van Trustees gerig. Die nie-beantwoording van vrae deur die GEPF het dit genoodsaak dat alternatiewe mediums gebruik is soos Politici, mediaverklarings, PAIA-aansoeke en die stel van standpunte. l. Dit het direk en indirek daartoe gelei dat momentum aan die beskerming van die GEPF se fondse gegee is en dat verskeie organisasies insluitende vakbond organisasies ook teen die misbruik van die pensioen fondse gemobiliseer het. m. Die Organisasie het deurgaans sy bereidwilligheid om met ander organisasies saam te werk wat die gemeenskaplike belang van die regeringspensioen lede bevorder en beskerm, bekend gemaak. Daar verskeie uitreik inisiatiewe soos vergaderings met OUTA en Helen Suzman Foundation. Page 125 of 180

n. ‘n Gereelde Bulletin is gepubliseer en versprei met saakmakende artikels en standpunte. o. Die ondersteuningsbasis is uitgebrei met die hulp van etlike kundiges. Die bestuur van die organisasie het bestaan uit vier lede op nasionale vlak. Die werk van Albert van Driel, Hennie Roux en Errol Massey-Hicks was omvangryk en van onskatbare waarde. Voorts het mnr AP Stemmet die media en persverklarings energiek en met groot sukses bedryf, Daan Kemp het sonder aarseling ingestem het om die Bulletin te koördineer toe daar ‘n groot leemte was en Dries en Gerda het gehelp om die finansies te bedryf. Dankie vir julle onbaatsugtige werk vir die edele doel. Die Bestuur het binne die mandaat klem geplaas op kritiese aspekte en die insette van kundiges en professionele mense was deurgaans van groot hulp. Dankie vir die lede wat so waarde toevoeg. Die benadering was om oplossing gedrewe te wees en standpunt binne bestaande wetgewing in te neem. Vanweë die beperkte ledetal was ook besluit om op die 20% mees kritiese aspekte te fokus. Verder is daar deurgaans gestreef is om met gesaghebbende organisasies met ‘n gemeenskaplike belang saam te werk om impetus en sigbaarheid aan die saak te gee. ‘n Beginsel besluit is geneem dat stellings en standpunte op bewese feite gegrond moet wees om onnodige litigasie of skade aan ons beeld te vermy. Nogtans word nie geskroom nie om standpunt in te neem waar daar bewyse is dat lede se pensioen belang bedreig word. Die oorhoofse doelwit is die beskerming van lede se pensioen belang met klem op regmatigheid en volhoubaarheid. Die bestuur het ook in ‘n duidelik bewoorde brief aan die Raad van Trustees van die GEPF hulle aanspreeklikheid en verantwoordelikheid beklemtoon teenoor die Fonds. Die brief is per geregistreerde pos aan elke Trustee gestuur. Op die stadium is die grootste uitdagings vir die AMAGP die beperkte ledetal, die gebrekkige fondse, die gebrek aan swart verteenwoordiging en die gebrek aan samewerking van die meeste vakbonde. Dit hou dan ook verband met die oënskynlike erns waarmee die GEPF die organisasie hanteer en die gevolglike gebrek aan die beantwoording van saakmakende vrae.. Die AMAGP het die reg om binne wetgewing en strukture o.a. PAIA en die nuwe ombudsman druk te plaas op die Raad van Trustees om te verseker dat vrae nie sondermeer geïgnoreer word nie. Nogtans het ons almal met reg rede tot bekommernis, veral wanneer die OBK besluit om nog ‘n verdere R5 biljoen lening aan ESKOM te gee wat reeds meer as R350 biljoen skuld het en waarvan die blote dekking van die rentelas buite beheer raak. Die hoeveelheid GEPF pensioenfondse wat alreeds in ESKOM belê is, is ‘n rooi lig wat nie ligtelik opgeneem moet word nie. As Voorsitter glo ek nie dat ons krag daarin lê om daagliks met die Raad van Trustees van die GEPF swaarde te kruis nie, maar dat ons dit duidelik moet maak dat ons deurentyd bereid is om saam te werk in belang van ons lede. Die GEPF moet ook verstaan dat ons hulle verantwoordelik hou vir die gesonde bestuur van ons pensioen fondse en dat ons elke medium tot ons beskikking sal gebruik om ons lede en die belastingbetalers in te lig en te sensiteer oor enige aspek wat ons pensioen of die volhoubaarheid daarvan daadwerklik bedreig. ANTONIE VISSER: VOORSITTER AMAGP77 Rig navrae aan Errol Massey-Hicks by: Antonie Visser was adjunk-direkteur generaal by die departement van verdediging en Errol Massey-Hicks was ‘n admiraal in die SA Vloot - HBH 77

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Portugal Background: PIDE: Polícia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado The PIDE or International and State Defence Police (Portuguese: Polícia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado) was a Portuguese security agency that existed during the Estado Novo regime of António de Oliveira Salazar. Formally, the main roles of the PIDE were the border, immigration and emigration control and internal and external State security. However, it became more known by its political police activities. The agency that would later become the PIDE was established by the Decree-Law 22992 of August 1933, as the Surveillance and State Defence Police or PVDE. It resulted from the merger of two former agencies, the Portuguese International Police and the Political and Social Defence Police. The PVDE was transformed into the PIDE in 1945. PIDE was itself transformed into the Directorate-General of Security or DGS in 1968. After the 25 April 1974 Carnation Revolution, DGS was disbanded in Portugal, but continued to exist transitionally in the Portuguese overseas territories as the Military Information Police or PIM, being finally completely disbanded in 1975. Although the acronym PIDE was only formally used from 1945 to 1969, the set of successive secret polices that existed during the 40 years of the Estado Novo regime are commonly referred to as the PIDE. Historically, this set of police agencies is also often referred as PIDE/DGS, from the acronyms of its two last designations. It is referred in this last way in article 293 of the Portuguese Constitution, which states the criminalization and judgment of its former officers. During its existence, the organization was known for its actions during the Spanish Civil War, its role as a political police, its counter-espionage activities during World War II and its counterinsurgency operations in the Portuguese Colonial War.78

Angola: PIDE: Flechas: Uitwissing MPLA chacinou um quarto dos “Flechas”após fim da guerra colonial em Angola – historiador79 Met behulp van Google word die opskrif soos volg vertaal: “MPLA het na die einde van die koloniale oorlog in die Angola 'n kwart van die "Pyle" uitgewis – historikus. Die berig lui verder: “Ongeveer 25% van Angola se meer as 2000 Angolese "pyle" wat langs Portugese troepe geveg het, is in die eerste sewe maande na die einde van die Portugese koloniale oorlog in Angola deur die MPLA uitgewis, aldus 'n Amerikaanse historikus.

78 79

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Kommentaar deur Manuel Resende Ferreira Betrayal of the worst kind by those responsible for the Portuguese communist revolution of April 1974! On my question if the Flechas were also active in Mozambique, Manuel replied: “The Flechas were also active in Mozambique right to the end to 1973 in Vila Pery. Their OC was Major Alvaro Manuel Alves Cardoso.” Kommentaar deur HBH PIDE was die ou Portugese staatspolisie bedrywig in die kolonies. In Portugees: PIDE: "Polícia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado or PIDE" – International and State Defence Police; later renamed "Direcção-Geral de Segurança" – General Security Directorate), the political secret police during the authoritarian Portuguese regime of the Estado Novo.80 In die 1970’s het ons by SAP-veiligheidshoofkantoor nog inligtingsverslae van PIDE ontvang. Die Flechas se suksesse was gereeld vermeld. Die Flechas (beteken pyl in Portugees) was Boesmans wat deur PIDE in die Angolese stryd aangewend was. •

Vir ‘n oomblik staan ons stil en ons eer hierdie dapper vegters se nagedagtenis!

PIDE: Flechas: Manuel Resende Ferriera

Flechas founder and OC Inspector Oscar Cardoso and a PIDE/DGS female agent with a group of Flechas


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Founder and OC of the FLECHAS, Inspector Oscar Cardoso. He later became a Cmdt (Lt Col) in the SADF, served with MI & SAAF Intelligence. From the PIDE/DGS official magazine:

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Upon reflection: One must stand still for a moment and "SALUTE" these brave little fighters of the 'stone age'. They were roaming over the land and were brought into a war they knew nothing about. I humbly pay my respects! – HBH. Page 131 of 180

Good day Hennie, I managed to get hold of LUSA's full article if you interested. LUSA is Portugal's official News Agency. The link is - Manuel Ferreira

The MPLA slaughtered one of the fourth of the "Arrows" 25 April 2018 About 25% of more than 2,000 "Arrows" Angolans who fought alongside Portugal, were "slaughtered" by the MPLA in the first seven months of the end of the Portuguese colonial war in Angola, said an American historian today. John P. Cann, interviewed by Lusa agency on the subject of his latest book "The Arrows - Raiders Warriors Eastern Angola - 1965/74", published by Tribune of History, indicated that only an operation held in Mavinga, in the province of Cuando Cubango (southeast), MPLA forces slaughtered 130 Bushmen. The "Arrows", initially known as "Auxiliary Board" were an indigenous special force created in 1966 in response to a need of the International Police Security General - Directorate State Defence (PIDE / DGS) for collecting information of interest to Portuguese political and military in eastern Angola. At first, the force created by the former inspector of the Portuguese political police Antรณnio Fragoso Allas, to the "tentacles" of Portuguese destabilizing actions as to extend also to the Congo, Namibia, Zaire (now DR Congo) and Zambia, had only eight men, but until 1974, exceeded 2,000. The Bushmen, recruited from the ancient population of hunters-collectors residing in the plains and savannas of eastern Angola, Namibia and desert Karoo (semi-desert region of South Africa), have a small stature and Asian-looking face, and experts in operations recognition. According to John Cann, who retired from the "Marines" in 1992 and then made a PhD in War Studies at Kings College, University of London, the Arrows showed "great powers" in joint operations with regular ground forces, responding the PIDE / DGS, which integrated them as paramilitary organization, and also the local commander of the Portuguese army. "When the war ended, it quickly became clear that Arrows were a dangerous group. Families after families were killed in a series of massacres. In one case, about 130 Bushmen were shot dead in a bloody genocide in the outskirts of Mavinga, "said the ancient" Marine "US. "Later, it was estimated that about 25% of Angolans Bushmen were killed in the first seven months of power of the MPLA. As a consequence, many fled to South Africa, where he joined the South African armed forces to form the Alpha Combat Group, which would become then the Battalion 31, "he added. Asked if there is data on the casualties among the "Arrows" during the conflict period in Angola (1961/74), John Cann said he had not found along the inquiries made, any statistics. "There must be somewhere. But initially the arrows were used in spy missions, intelligence gathering, since they were clearly a passive force. However, after some unfortunate encounters with enemy forces, it became clear that the bow and arrow could not beat modern weaponry, "he said. Page 132 of 180

John Cann reminded that things have changed from the time when a small patrol Bushmen was captured and tortured. "From there, the arrows were armed with an automatic rifle slight. His philosophy of combat passed avoid direct confrontation, which maintained reduced casualties. If I had to make an estimate, I would say the number of casualties in combat will be in the range between 1% and 2%, i.e. from 20 to 40 deaths, "he said. Today highlighted the captain retired mar-and-war US Navy, the Bushmen reside mostly in South Africa, where much of was integrated in the local security forces. Asked how the interest in the war did that Portugal kept for 13 years in Angola, Guinea and Mozambique, John Cann explained that the first contact had it in the autumn of 1967, when his squad used the Lajes (Azores) and airport Sal, Cape Verde "It was clear that Portugal was fighting a counter-subversion in Africa but had very little time to follow with interest. In the late 1980s, I had the opportunity to coordinate military exercises in the NATO headquarters in Oeiras. Here met veterans of the wars in Africa and was fascinated by their stories and campaigns to keep the Portuguese territories in Africa, "he continued. The doctoral thesis was the Portuguese conflict and later was published in the book "Counterinsurgency in Africa: The Portuguese Way of War - 1961/1974", which had two editions in Portugal, with the author to review it for a third. At the invitation of the Portuguese military authorities published "The Navy in Africa: Angola, Guinea and Mozambique - Fluvial campaigns 1961/74" (2009) and "Flight Plan Africa: Airpower in Portuguese Counter-subversion - 1961/74" (2017). To Africa @ War series, has published in English, the book "The Arrows, The Commandos, The Paras and The Corps" - "The Paras" came out in Portugal in 2017 and "The Arrows" now, is expected to brief the remaining two. Currently, John Cann is writing a similar book on the use of cavalry in the wars in Angola and Mozambique. "Given that virtually all the fighting was done by specialized troops, I wrote about this in four separate books. I am interested in African wars as a comprehensive study from the political forces that led Portugal to 'go it alone' to Africa, while other colonial powers went, until, in particular, the campaigns in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea to tactically in each front fight, "he said. •

Please take into account that this article was translated from Portuguese to English by nonEnglish speakers and I find it difficult to edit this article properly.

United Kingdom Ruff and ready: Police are secretly training Britain’s first unit of attack dogs to hunt down terrorists in the event of a marauding attack • • •

Known euphemistically as 'conflict management' dogs and cost £500k each The canines are trained specifically to bite the terror suspects to detain them Met wants to expand project so every counter terrorism unit has a special dog


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Police are secretly training Britain’s first unit of attack dogs to hunt down terrorists in the event of a marauding attack. Known euphemistically as ‘conflict management’ dogs, the animals – which cost more than £500,000 each – are trained specifically to bite terror suspects to detain them. Scotland Yard has spent more than £1million on a pilot scheme training two Belgian malinois to be deployed as a ‘less lethal force’ to stop terrorists in their tracks.

Police are secretly training Britain’s first unit of attack dogs to hunt down terrorists in the event of a marauding attack

Smaller than German shepherds, the highly specialist canines are able to be parachuted out of helicopters with their handlers and are capable of tracking down targets amid the flash and bangs of grenades or the sound of gunfire. Now the Metropolitan Police wants to expand the project so every counter terrorism unit has one of the dogs after they proved to be a huge success in trials. The pilot has been modelled on tactics used by the Special Forces and US Navy Seals. A malinois called Cairo was attached to Seal Team Six, which killed Osama Bin Laden.

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Bought as puppies, the elite animals are so vicious they cannot be trained or housed with other police dogs. Each dog has its own handler who is on call 24 hours a day to respond to a terror attack or major counter terrorist operation. Currently the Met has only two of the dogs. The animals cost more than £500,000 each, with this covering their training and a dedicated vehicle. But the Met’s Specialist Firearms Command hopes to train more so each of the eight counter terrorism units can use them during raids instead of having to Taser or shoot a suspect who poses a serious threat. The use of this tactic can only be authorised by a superintendent who has to weigh up the risk to the officers and public posed by the suspect. Police rules state the use of the dogs must be reasonable, necessary and proportionate, in line with other means of force. The animals are trained to subdue the target by biting them on parts of the body such as the ankle and are told not to go for the neck. Other forces already use canines to help in terror investigations by looking for digital storage devices, such as USB sticks and hard drives. But the Scotland Yard pilot, launched in April last year, is the first time in the UK that attack dogs whose duty is specifically to bite the offender have been used. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist, head of the Met’s armed uplift programme, said: ‘It’s really important that we constantly look for ways to develop our response to terrorists… 'That includes looking at what new tactics and training we can use. The development of these dogs has been part of this. ‘They have been used successfully in a number of firearms operations.’ Scotland Yard said: ‘This is part of ongoing work to ensure that the Metropolitan Police Service is using all possible tactical options to deal with the highest threats, including a marauding terrorist attack.’ Mimi Bekhechi, of animal charity Peta, said: ‘We support the use of police dogs as working partners as long as they’re rescued, not bred; trained humanely; kept in homes, not kennels; cared for; and, ultimately, retired.’

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England “Cry Havoc And let slip the dogs of war” – HBH. Ek het al baie oor die “Dogs of War” gelees en gewonder waar die uitdrukking sy ontstaan gehad het. So lees ek Gideon Joubert se boek Die Groot Gedagte – Abstrakte weefsel van die kosmos vir die tweede maal. Hier vind ek die verduideliking: In Brittanje gedurende die veertiende eeu was die kreet “Havoc” – verwoesting - ‘n bevel om mense voor die voet dood te maak. Die kreet of bevel is tydens die bewind van Richard ll verbied. Oortreders is summier tereggestel.81

The military order Havoc! The military order Havoc! was a signal given to the English military forces in the Middle Ages to direct the soldiery (in Shakespeare's parlance 'the dogs of war') to pillage and chaos. The 'let slip' is an allusion to the slip collars that were used to restrain dogs and were easily 'let slip' to allow the dogs to run and hunt. What's the origin of the phrase 'Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war'? The Black Book of the Admiralty, 1385 is a collection of laws in French and Latin that relate to the organisation of the English Navy. In the 'Ordinances of War of Richard II' in that book we find: "Item, qe nul soit si hardy de crier havok sur peine davoir la test coupe." [Item: No one should be so foolish as to cry havoc and have the test cancelled.] An English text which comes nearer to defining the term is found in Grose's Military Antiquities Respecting a History of the English Army, 1801. Grose was quoting a translation of an Old French text by Thomas De Brotherton, the first Earl of Norfolk (Brotherton died in 1338): "Likewise, be all manner of beasts, when they be brought into the field and cried havoke, then every man to take his part." Shakespeare was well aware of the use of the meaning of havoc and he used 'cry havoc' in several of his plays. The 'cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war' form of the phrase is from Julius Caesar, 1601. After Caesar's murder Anthony regrets the course he has taken and predicts that war is sure to follow. Antony: Blood and destruction shall be so in use And dreadful objects so familiar That mothers shall but smile when they behold Their infant’s quarter'd with the hands of war; All pity choked with custom of fell deeds: And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge, With Ate by his side come hot from hell, 81

Tafelberg, 1997: p 103 – HBH.

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Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial. The term is the predecessor of 'play havoc' (with). This is now more common than 'cry havoc' and has lost the force of the earlier phrase - just meaning ‘cause disorder and confusion'.82

Rhodesia Will John Bradburne become Zimbabwe’s first saint? Trevor Grundy | 24 April 2018 Trevor Grundy says Mugabe's departure opens door to the canonisation of missionary killed by Zanla in 1979 He died on a dusty road-side in Rhodesia on September 3, 1979, cut down at the age of 58 by guerrillas firing Kalashnikov (AK 47s) assault rifles. Now, nearly forty years after his death, the Archbishop of Harare, Robert Christopher Ndlovu, believes progress is being made which will see John Bradburne become Zimbabwe’s first saint and the first English person to be canonized for nearly half a century. The campaign to have Bradburne beatified and then canonized is being led by his niece, Celia Brigstocke, 63. And in his younger days, Zimbabwean author and historian Lawrence Vambe, 101, told me: “John was a wonderful man who served the poor, the sick, the wretched and who might one day be recognised as a very great poet.” Bradburne’s life – but especially the way he was killed – has been the subject of intense debate in Roman Catholic circles for decades. Robert Mugabe was brought up by Jesuits and Marist Brothers at Kutama Mission and was a close friend of Archbishop Patrick Chakaipa, who did everything possible to delay the publication of an explosive report – prepared by Catholics - that linked Mugabe’s supporters to the slaughter of tens of thousands of men, women and children in Matabeleland(Gukuruhundi) from 1983-1987. * The canonisation of a man murdered by guerrillas supporting Zanla (the military wing of Robert Mugabe’s Zanu (PF)) the year before the Rhodesian war ended was a sticking point between Mugabe and the Catholic hierarchy in Harare until recently. But with Mugabe gone and disgraced, the road leading to Bradburne’s canonization could become less bumpy. So, who was the man who could become the first English person to be made a saint in nearly 50 years? 82

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Born on June 14, 1921 John Bradburne was the child of privilege, a cousin of the playwright Terence Rattigan and a distant cousin of Christopher Soames, Britain's last governor of Rhodesia. During the Second World War, he served with the 9th Gurkha Rifles and at the fall of Singapore he escaped to Sumatra after living wild in the Malayan jungle. Later, he went to Burma where he met a friend for life, the late John Dove, then a soldier who went on to become one of Rhodesia’s bestknown Jesuits and friend of black nationalists during the Rhodesian war. Bradburne was a loose cannon, a social misfit and a remarkably good writer. He spent 16 years after the war’s end wandering between England, Italy and the Middle East, his belongings in a Gladstone bag. In a vision, he said, Christ told him to go to Africa and care for lepers. He wrote to his war-time friend, Dove, asking:” Is there a cave in Africa where I can pray?” Bradburne turned up in Rhodesia in 1962, became a member of the Third Order of St Francis and was appointed warden at Mutemwa mission in 1969. Joh Dove told me during one of my many visits to Mutemwa: “In John’s life he wanted three things: to work with lepers, to die the death of a martyr and to be buried in a Franciscan habit.” The first wish came true at Mutemwa where Bradburne lived alone in a tin hut on the edge of the mission settlement, where he nursed about 80 blind and deformed men and women. By the end of the 1970s, the war against Rhodesia’s white-officered army reached its climax and Bradburne came to the attention of Mugabe's hit-men. On the night of September 2, 1979, he was abducted, accused of being a Rhodesian spy, put on “trial” and shot dead. And, at his Requiem Mass, a strange – science defying – act took place which ensured the fulfilment of Bradburne’s third wish. A friend placed three white flowers on the coffin. At the end of the service, three drops of blood are said to have appeared on the floor underneath the coffin. But when the coffin was re-opened, no traces of blood were found. Then something just as strange happened, in the eyes of those who believe in miracles. It was noticed that the dead man had been buried in a plain white shirt. But when it was removed, a Franciscan habit was wrapped around his body. And since then several people have claimed that after praying to John Bradburne various ailments of theirs– mental and physical – were cured. Since his death, devotion to John Bradburne has sprung up in Zimbabwe and spread to other parts of Africa and is now significant in religious circles in Britain. In 2007 Celia Brigstocke told me: “The John Bradburne Memorial Society raises about £30,000 a year to help keep Mutema running.” In the post-Mugabe Zimbabwe the way is now open for a new appraisal, and possible canonization, of a remarkable man who did so much to improve the lives of men and women Pharisees and Sadducee’s avoided but who the founder of Christianity both embraced and kissed. *From Liberator to Dictator – An insider’s account of Robert Mugabe’s Descent into Tyranny by Michael Auret (David Philip Publishers, 2009). For many years Auret was Director of the widely respected Catholic Commission of Justice and Peace. Page 138 of 180

Photo: John Bradburne at work as a poet in his tin hut at Mutwemwa Mission for Lepers in Zimbabwe. (Courtesy of the John Bradburne Memorial Trust) Trevor Grundy worked in Rhodesia from 1978 -1980 and then in Zimbabwe from 1980-1996. He had written on religious issues in Africa and Europe for Religion News Service (USA), Ecumenical News International (Geneva), the Church Times, Catholic Herald, Jewish Chronicle, Huffington Post and the Washington Times.

Sudan Victory in Sudan Text and photos Copyright © Jim Hooper 2018 Koranic verses on the dashboard and plastic flowers round the windscreen were legacies of a former driver, but two bullet holes in the glass suggested the recent change of ownership had not been amicable. “We are smashing the enemy!” the young rebel officer shouted over the blat of unmuffled engine as the captured truck lurched sideways and two tyres dropped into a rock-hard rain gully. With a horrible grinding, the driver found first gear and put his weight into the wheel. In the back, half-a-dozen guerrillas bounced atop tons of mortar and artillery shells abandoned by the fleeing Sudanese army. “Near Yei we made a big ambush!” he yelled exuberantly. The truck climbed out of the gully and immediately pitched the other way on a dirt track that hadn’t seen a grader in fourteen years of war. “You will see. It is a very smelly place!” Left: Munitions abandoned by fleeing Sudanese Army Barely 72 hours had passed since I’d returned from a Bosnia up-date. A message from Nairobi on my telephone said that the Sudan People’s Liberation Army had launched a major offensive against government forces. Yei, the second-largest town in the south had been taken. Did I want to cover it? I swore silently. Just six weeks earlier I’d been in southern Sudan, gambling that, with the end of the rainy season, the SPLA would open a third front against the Sudanese army. In the previous five months the rebels had advanced in the eastern part of the country and were threatening Port Sudan. A desperate Islamist government in Khartoum had declared a jihad and begun taking teenagers from their schools to throw against the seasoned rebels.

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B-10 training

New crews are given training in T-55s given to SPLA by Ethiopia and Uganda With the Sudanese army badly over-stretched, logic dictated that a southern offensive had to be imminent. And indeed, my last visit had revealed a snorting, bullish SPLA pawing the earth in preparation for a headlong charge. Thousands of new recruits, fresh from months of intensive training, were engaged in large scale infantry and armour exercises; food, ammunition and diesel were being stockpiled; and morale - from senior commanders down to the newest troepie - was stratospheric. It was clear that the biggest confrontation of the war was gathering force, but my pleas of When? received innocent replies of “What offensive?” and I came home in a funk. My editor at Jane’s was sympathetic and promised half a page for my tenuous predictions but, well, the SPLA had been saying for years that they were on a roll and we can’t really justify using much space on maybes, can we? Now it had happened. I picked up the phone and dialled the number of the SPLA office in Nairobi, to say I was on my way. There was a day’s stop in Nairobi for a letter allowing me to embed with friendly forces, then on to Kampala and a missionary flight to Nimule. An NGO with close links to the SPLA put me on the back of a dirt bike that took me across the border to Kaya. The next leg was in a truck carrying tons of ammunition abandoned by Sudan’s Islamist army. War comes in different ways, in disparate climates and terrain, at the hands of a rainbow of colours wielding weapons from a rainbow of sources, but its immediate and irreducible end is death. And for those who earn their crust reporting the world’s conflicts, each war has a defining image distinct from those past or yet to come. The road, hemmed by teak forest, straightened and smoothed. Through the starred windshield I saw the first burned-out Toyota Landcruiser. Beyond it clusters of scorched trucks and abandoned equipment stretched a mile into the distance. The engine bellowed painfully as the driver downshifted and we passed the first body. “Now you will see,” my escort said. “Under just one tree more than twenty enemy.” Page 140 of 180

We ground to a halt in a cacophony of hissing air brakes, shaking bodywork and the thud of an ammunition crate against the back of the cab. Here was the “smelly place.� Tying a bandanna across my mouth and nose, I stepped down and glutted ravens took to the air. Then the stench penetrated and the stomach rebelled as darker objects came into focus wherever the eye settled: on the road, the verges, deeper into the undergrowth.

The 14.5mm ZPU-4 was devastating in the direct fire role. Bodies, hundreds, lay where they had fallen a week earlier, their own eyes long since taken by the birds. Under a large tree twenty rotted under a blanket of maggots. The gorge rose, I gagged and somehow held it down, then shot them again focus and click. Just beyond the tree a dry streambed disappeared under the road. More bodies, feet and legs protruding from the culvert, had died scrambling desperately for cover. Click. A few paces more and a white skull and black scalp rested on the warhead of a RPG. Pause and ... click. Keep walking. Now a fifty-foot swathe of saplings scythed down with another dozen men. I cut around a heavy tree limb chain-sawed off by automatic weapons fire and jerked to a stop, one foot in the air, before stepping back and detouring past three who fell with it. Then a desiccated body, rigidly straight, reclined at right angles to the road, its head broken loose and resting at the ankles. Scattered between and around all of them were piles of small arms ammunition, heavy machine gun belts, mortar and artillery shells - and thousands of cheaply-printed Korans. I stooped and pocketed an amulet of some sort lying next to a bullet-holed copy. Here and there a page turned idly in the gagging breeze, but as I lowered the camera the only sounds came from the ravens scolding us for the interruption. Page 141 of 180

Eight months in the planning, Operation Thunderbolt was a three-pronged attack against Islamist government forces along the road between the Ugandan border and Yei. Launched on 9 March 1997, the southern axis took less than an hour to rout the Sudanese brigade headquarters at the border town of Kaya, then began driving the 56 miles north to Yei. The next eight small enemy bases, complete with heavy weapons and bulging ammunition bunkers, were taken without a shot. Warnings of rebel strength had convinced the defenders to grab what they could carry and join the retreat. By now the SPLA’s central axis had cut the road twelve miles below Yei, while the northern axis had already struck four miles north of the provincial town. Four days later Yei, a strategic target since the war began in 1983, was in rebel hands. In what would be an incredible stroke of luck for the SPLA, the panicking defenders failed to send a single message that they were leaving for safer places. The lack of a warning would prove catastrophic, for the column of almost 6,000 demoralized Sudanese army and 4,000 West Nile Bank Front83 combatants struggling towards the presumed safety of the garrison. Forewarned of its approach, the SPLA commander sent the Yei victors south to join the central axis, which lay directly in the path of the approaching enemy. Outnumbered by almost 2:1, the rebel force would have to rely on surprise and the shock of massed firepower if it were to survive. Tanks and truck-mounted anti-aircraft and anti-armour weapons were moved into the forest and hastily camouflaged by supporting infantry. Thirty minutes later the enemy column reached the edge of the ambush. Not until the bulk of it had entered the killing zone was the order given to open fire. When it finally stopped close to 2,000 lay dead and more than 1,000 had surrendered, the balance abandoning tanks and vehicles and fleeing into the dense forests.

Left: The 14.5mm ZPU-4 was devastating in the direct fire role. Right: SPLA Chief of the General Staff Salva Kiir Mayardit, today president of an independent South Sudan. The truck groaned to a stop in Yei. The immediate news from Chief of the General Staff Salva Kiir Mayardit was that the enemy had attempted a counter-attack that morning between Yei and the southern capital of Juba. Three government battalions had been thrown back with heavy losses. My camera trigger finger began itching. How far from here? Sixty miles. Can I go there? At the moment it is too dangerous. The enemy have been attacking with gunships and MiGs to cover the withdrawal of their ground forces. Perhaps in a day or two. Okay, then I’ll start with the prisoners


The West Nile Bank Front was funded by Khartoum to destabilise Uganda. It avoided confrontations with the Ugandan Army and SPLA, preferring to terrorise the civilian populations on both sides of the border, with murder and mutilations - JH.

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Some of almost 1,000 POWs captured by the SPLA

Left: Muslim soldiers of the Sudanese Army Right: SPLA tank makes a victory tour through Yei.

Left: After years of living under Sharia law in Yei, locals celebrate their liberation. Right: Interviewing Colonel El Tayep El Hussein Outside the POW officers’ block a depressed Sudanese Army colonel accepted a cigarette. Colonel El Tayep El Hussain had arrived at Kaya only five weeks before Operation Thunderbolt. He spoke passable English, having once attended a US Army munitions course in Savanna, Page 143 of 180

Illinois. Why, I asked, had Khartoum closed all churches in the south? “It is government policy to introduce Islam to the southern people,” he said. And the arming of West Nile Bank Front to murder and mutilate Sudanese refugees in Uganda? El Tayep shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “It is government policy,” he repeated. What can be done to end the war? “The government must recognize the religious and political rights of the people.” The SPLA officers nearby stared stonily at the horizon. They’d heard it all before. Much farther down the scale of prisoners was 18-year-old Yasir Sheik Idris Agib, one of the few surviving members of a self-styled Sudanese mujahedin unit. Visibly frightened at being singled out for questioning, he described being press ganged from his high school in Khartoum, given two weeks training and sent to the southern front. What did the instructors teach him? To assemble, load and fire an AK-47. What else? Agib shook his head. “Only to assemble, load and fire,” he mumbled. Yasir Sheik Idris Agib at left At the end of the two weeks his class of new holy warriors was addressed by a member of the National Islamic Front, who described the “perfumes of heaven” that would greet those fortunate to be martyred in the jihad, whereupon they were each presented with a ta’wiz, a tightly folded page of Koranic verses wrapped in plastic, and a key. The first was to protect them from infidel bullets, the second to unlock the gates of heaven should the first fail. I showed him what I’d picked up at the ambush site and he nodded: yes, that was what they have been given. Hopefully the key was working better than the ta’wiz, for less than half of Agib’s classmates had survived. “After they took me from school my parents were never told,” he said, blinking back tears. “They don’t know where I am.”

Ta’wiz amulet that did not work as advertised. The next day I was sharing the back of a Toyota bakkie with a multiple barrel rocket launcher and easing down a steep riverbank. “They managed to destroy the bridge here three days ago,” Commander George Athor said as we lurched up the other side, “but didn’t get any farther.” A decomposing body stripped to its underwear lay near the road. “That was the battalion commander, a lieutenant colonel,” he said grimly. Athor led me along the bottom of a ridgeline to where half-a-dozen bodies sprawled in hastily prepared positions. Athor pointed at one. “He was too light-skinned to be Sudanese. We’re sure he was Iranian or Iraqi.” But after three days the bloated corpse had blackened beyond recognition; only the straight hair suggested a Middle Eastern origin. “We captured a Farsi speaker, probably an Iranian, at Mile 40,” Athor continued Page 144 of 180

matter-of-factly. “He’d been badly wounded and we tried to save him, but he died. Too bad. He would have been proof that the government is using mujahedin from other countries to fight their jihad.”

SPLA T-55s after halting a Sudanese armour attack. Ten minutes brought us to four burnt-out tanks squatting in earth ploughed by explosions and gunfire. Thomas Cirillo, another of the SPLA’s young, fighting generals, swept his arm across the front-line battlefield. “They tried an end play here. Two armour battalions were sent beyond our right flank as a diversion, then turned west to surprise us. We were waiting for them. When Page 145 of 180

they passed, we crossed their tracks and hit them from behind.” Cirillo hitched his AK a little higher on his shoulder as my camera focused on a blackened tank and a half of a body blown out of the turret. Beyond it, dozens more lay under a fine drizzle. “It was a massacre,” he concluded with professional pride.

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From left, Cdrs Thomas Cirillo and George Athor Story and photos tucked safely away, I waited next to the 4x4 that would carry me south from Yei to the border. My hosts, ebony giants in battle fatigues, crowded round to wish me safe journey. “You must return when we take Juba,” they insisted. Looking over my shoulder to wave good-bye, I remembered my last question to Colonel El Tayep: Could the Sudanese army hold Juba? A truck carrying cheering rebels towards the front captured his attention and he squinted after it for a long moment, then sighed and shook his head. “I don’t think so.” With Cdrs George Athor and Garang Mabil Deng Chol, SPLA head of logistics.

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Frankryk Franse Vreemdeling Legioen: Philip Malherbe

Die Franse Vreemde Legioen (FVL) is ‘n militêre diens vertakking van die Franse Weermag wat gedurende 1831 ontstaan het.

Franse Legioen in Noord Afrika gedurende die vyftiger jare (let op die sandale in die woestyn- definitief nie vir sissies nie!). Die legioen het primêr ontstaan om buitelandse drosters en kriminele soldate bymekaar te maak na die Napoleontiese oorloë, nadat hulle ‘n bedreiging vir die private samelewing geraak het. Daar is ontdek dat vermelde persone teen minimum koste opgelei kon word as professionele soldate en aangewend kan word om Algerië in Noord Afrika te verower. Page 148 of 180

Die legioen is natuurlik ook die enigste rekrute wat bereid is om diens te verrig in die Franse gewapende magte. Met die stigting was dit egter nie uniek in Frankryk nie, aangesien daar alreeds buitelandse formasies in die Franse magte diens verrig het. Opleiding word verskaf deur Franse bevelvoerders, met ongeveer 25% Franse inwoners onder die rekrute. Die opleiding is gebaseer op tradisionele militêre vaardighede en sterk ‘n esprit de corps, gesien in die lig daarvan dat die rekrute van verskillende lande kom, met verskillende kulture. Dit is dus ‘n groot uitdaging vir die instrukteurs om almal saam te bind om as ‘n span saam te werk. Natuurlik ook die enigste weermag in die wêreld waar rekrute ‘n klein bottel wyn met aandete ontvang, ‘n ou Legioen tradisie. Alhoewel die eenheid deel is van die Franse gewapende magte, is dit die enigste wat nie trou sweer aan Frankryk nie, maar aan die Vreemde Legioen. Gevolglik, word die opleiding gereeld nie net as fisies uitdagend beskou nie, maar ook sielkundig spanningsvol. Na drie jaar diens kan enige soldaat aansoek doen om Franse burgerskap. Soldate wat gewond word tydens enige operasie, kan onmiddellik aansoek doen om Franse burgerskap onder die regulasie “Francais parle sang verse” (“Frans deur gestorte bloed”), lede van 140 lande het al diens verrig in die Legioen. Die Franse Vreemde Legioen is aanvanklik primêr aangewend om Franse koloniale ryk te beskerm en uit te brei gedurende die 19de eeu. In die begin het die Legioen vanaf Algerië geopereer. In die laaste twee dekades is hulle aangewend in Bosnië, Kambodja, Tsjad, die Kongo’s, Djiboeti, Frans Guiana, Gaboen, Irak, Ivoorkus, Kosovo, Koeweit, Rwanda, en Somalië. Geen ander gewapende magte was al in soveel oorloë betrokke nie. Die leuse van die legioen is Legio Patria Nostrie leusea wat beteken: “Ons aanvaar jou, ons sal jou beskerm, ons mag jou uitstuur om te sterf”. Vroue word toelating geweier. Diens aan die Legioen is die eenvoud van ‘n man se lewe. Tans staan die getalsterkte op 7,286 met 1,000 lede wat jaarliks opgelei word, insluitend onderoffisiere. Onlangs het hulle nog in Afghanistan geveg. Daar is geen ander weermag in die wêreld vandag wat al so lank in oorloë gewikkel is. ʼn Aansienlike aantal manne is voortvlugtiges voor die gereg, waar hulle met veronderstelde name aangesluit het, hul werklike identiteite word noukeurig deur die Legioen bewaar. Slegs ‘n derde van die rekrute is Frans magtig. Laasgenoemde probleem word oorbrug deur die samestelling van Franse en buitelandse instrukteurs. Die rekruut loop die pad van “‘n gewonde van die lewe” wanneer hy arriveer, het ‘n offisier opgemerk, t.o.v. die tipiese vreemde legioen rekruut. Daarom kan ek hom oplei en beskerm as ek sy agtergrond ken. Daarna word hy ‘n goeie soldaat, na hy die streng reëls van opleiding nakom, leer om Frans te praat en die hiërargie te respekteer. Hy is selfs bereid om te sterf vir ‘n land wat nie syne is nie. Sy swakheid tree na vore sodra hy onaktief is. Dan begin hy te veel drink, raak in die moeilikheid of dros. Vanselfsprekend, is die aanleer van die Franse taal ‘n voorvereiste. Twee tot drie rekrute word aan elke plaaslike Franssprekende rekruut toegesê, met die verantwoordelikheid vir nie sprekende Franse se vordering. Oggende, middae, aande word bestee aan taktiese oefeninge, op gelyk grond, deur bosse, moerasse en berge, afvuur van loskruitpatrone en hantering van ongevalle.

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Die finale fase van opleiding vereis ‘n mars met volle patrollie-uitrusting, twee dae van 120 km. Hierna word hulle as ware lede van die Legioen beskou en tydens hul uitpaseringsparade word hulle toegelaat om vir die eerste keer hul Keppies te dra, gestyfde, ronde, plat bokant as deel van hul gevegs- en seremoniële uniforms. Die eksklusiewe wit kleur het ook dan aanleiding gegee tot die benaming te wete kepi blanc. Op parade word die keppie van hul hoof afgehaal en op hulle harte vasgedruk met die uitroep: “Ons belowe! Om te dien! Met eer! en lojaliteit! – die hele beweging moet in twee sekondes geskied.

Gedurende 1863 was die legioen betrokke in ‘n oorlog teen die Mexikaanse weermag. Met hierdie veldslag het die legioen vir homself naam gemaak deur met slegs 65 ‘n oormag van meer as 3,000 man aan te, gedurende die geveg van Camarón. Nieteenstaande die oormag het die legioen gesorg vir groot getalle lewensverlies aan die Mexikaanse weermag se kant en het geweier om oor te gee. Die Franse offisiere het egter die ultimatum aan die Mexikane gestel om oor te gee of die gevolge te dra. Aan die einde van die dag het slegs vyf man oorgebly waar hulle vasgekeer was in ‘n opstal. Die ander was of dood of dodelik gewond, die geveg het geëindig, nadat die vyf, die weermag stormgeloop het met ‘n gevelde bajonette, waarna hul omring is, en geforseer was om oor te gee. Die Mexikaanse bevelvoerder het sy verbasing uitgespreek en gevra: “ Is dit al wat oorgebly het? Hierdie is nie mense nie, dit is bose geeste!” Die legioen tot vandag toe herdenk die veldslag, met die oorlede bevelvoerder, kapt. Danjou, se houthand, wat ten toon gestel word in die legioen se museum. Page 150 of 180

‘n Gesegde word tot vandag toe herhaal, dat daar geen nut is om ‘n legioen-soldaat te probeer verstaan nie. Tyd is onbelangrik. Ons is stof afkomstig van die sterre. Ons is niks. Of jy nou sterf of jy 15 of 79 is, ‘n duisend jaar van nou af is sal dit geen saak maak nie – dus, waarom bekommerd wees?

Daar is darem een bonus wat nie te versmaai is nie, indien jy ingaan vir versterkte vloeibare verversings, is daar is nooit ‘n tekort nie. Selfs in gevegsones is daar genoeg beskikbaar in jou aftyd - heel moontlik wil hul verseker dat jy nie onaktief raak nie. Die realiteit is verskillend. Ten eerste is die legioen beskou as ‘n kragtige rowwe huursoldaat wat immuniteit teen kriminele vervolging geniet, wat ‘n nuwe lewe geniet met die voordeel van Franse burgerskap. Ten tweede het die legioen ‘n soort aangenome familie geword. Nou ten derde is die amptelike siening, nl. dié van ‘n elite gevegsmag, wat ter eniger tyd met die VSA of Brittanje se Taakmagte vergelyk kan word. Jong manne (gemiddelde ouderdom in legioen is 23 jr.) doen jaarliks aansoek om toelating tot die legioen, en 80% word afgekeur. Die legioen bestaan uit verskillende vertakkings: valskerm, gepantserde aanvalsmag en voetsoldate. Meeste van die legioen se offisiere is gegradueerdes van hul Militêre Akademie, slegs 10% offisiere is afkomstig van persone wat deur die range gevorder het.

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Die aanvangs salaris is ongeveer $ 1450 per maand, ‘n klein salaris in ooreenstemming vergeleke me die van ‘n VSA soldaat van $ 1733. Bronne Langewiese, W: The Expendables Lekic, S: Stars and Stripes, 2017 Parris, B: The making of a Legionnaire, 2004 Porch, D: What happened to the French Foreign Legion? Szoldra, P: We Are The Mighty, 2015. ttps://, 2017 Wikipedia: the free encyclopaedia Baie dankie aan Philip Malherbe vir hierdie insiggewende artikel oor die Franse Vreemdeling Legioen. As jong seuns het ons die slaprand boekies oor die Franse Vreemdeling Legioen verslind. Baie van ons jongelinge wou eerder daar asiel vind, as om huiswerk (wiskunde, boekhou en opstelle te skryf en gedigte te leer!) te doen. Ek het iewers gelees dat die Legioen ook plase winsgewend bedryf met pensioenarisse as werkvolk.

UK: Veterans Veterans fury as Prime Minister rejects amnesty for Ulster troops and pushes ahead with proposals to deal with the toxic legacy of the Northern Ireland Troubles Hundreds of elderly veterans now face the prospect of being quizzed about their actions in Northern Ireland four decades ago, during the Troubles.84 Click on:

Volksrepubliek van China China se eerste tuisvervaardigde vliegtuigdraer ondergaan seetoetse China se eerste tuisvervaardigde vliegtuigdraer (aircraft carrier) word nou getoets. (Die eerste vliegdekskip is van die Oekraïne gekoop.) Dit is ‘n nuwe dimensie in die internasionale arena. China het nooit ‘n groot vloot gehad nie. Die RSA is deel van die BRICS-groep85 van lande en ons mag dalk eendag die Chinese vlag in die Indiese Oseaan sien wapper. Meer kommer vir NATO en die VSA. Vir meer inligting klik op: Members of the SA Security Forces face a similar problem – HBH. Die BRICS is 'n akroniem vir die saamsluiting van vyf ontluikende markte, hulle is Brasilië, Rusland, Indië, die Volksrepubliek China en Suid-Afrika. Oorspronklik is die vier eersgenoemde lande as BRIC gegroepeer, met die aansluiting van Suid-Afrika in 2010. Al vyf BRICS-lande behoort tot die voorste nuut geïndustrialiseerde lande en is lidlande van die Groep van 20 – Wikipedia: 84 85

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Israel’s Sharpeville? Palestinians prepare to bury their dead after day of bloody protests saw 58 killed by Israeli forces 'including baby who breathed in tear gas'

The day of bloodshed [14 May 2018] came as America opened its new embassy in Jerusalem, months after US President Donald Trump recognised the city as Israel's capital. Grieving relatives are gearing up for a day of funerals after what was the deadliest single day in the Israeli Palestinian conflict since a 2014 war between the Jewish state and Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas. It comes amid Palestinian claims that a Palestinian baby died as a result of inhaling tear gas during clashes along the Israel-Gaza border.


US: CIA: Director Gina Haspel Ms Gina Haspel has been appointed as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. She is the first lady to head the CIA. Page 154 of 180

Trump's CIA Pick Vows No Use of Harsh Techniques U.S. President Donald Trump's pick to head the country's spy agency promised lawmakers not to revive a program featuring so-called enhanced interrogations of terror suspects but repeatedly refused to condemn the practices as illegal or immoral. ...For more info click on:

New Us Attitude Towards the RSA Nikki Haley names and shames South Africa for UN voting United States Mission to United Nations | 30 April 2018 Ambassador lists country as one of the ten nations with lowest voting coincidence with US at United Nations

Ambassador Haley on the Release of the U.S. Report on UN Voting Practices 26 April 2018 Today, the State Department released its annual UN Voting Practices Report as required by Congress for the last 34 years. The report includes a comparison of voting records between the United States and other countries on UN General Assembly resolutions. Of the 93 resolutions that were voted last year, on average other countries voted with the United States only 31 percent of the time – a 10 percentage point drop from 2016 but at a rate that is historically near average. “The American people pay 22 percent of the UN budget – more than the next three highest donor countries combined. In spite of this generosity, the rest of the UN voted with us only 31 percent of the time, a lower rate than in 2016. That’s because we care more about being right than popular and are once again standing up for our interests and values. Either way, this is not an acceptable return on our investment. When we arrived at the UN last year, we said we would be taking names, and this list of voting records speaks for itself. President Trump wants to ensure that our foreign assistance dollars – the most generous in the world – always serve American interests, and we look forward to helping him see that the American people are no longer taken for granted,” said Ambassador Haley. The 10 countries with the highest voting coincidence with the United States were Israel, Micronesia, Canada, Marshall Islands, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Palau, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic. The 10 countries with the lowest voting coincidence with the United States were Zimbabwe, Burundi, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Bolivia, and South Africa. The full report can be accessed here. From the report: Allies and Adversaries: In 2017, Israel had the highest voting coincidence with the United States, and Zimbabwe had the lowest. The 10 countries with the highest voting coincidence with the United States were, in descending order: Israel, Micronesia, Canada, Marshall Islands, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Palau, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic. Page 155 of 180

The 10 countries with the lowest voting coincidence with the United States were, in ascending order: Zimbabwe, Burundi, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Bolivia, and South Africa. Issued by the United States Mission to the United Nations, 26 April 2018

British Intelligence How Special Forces mission to kill Robert Mugabe BEFORE he seized power was thwarted – when the British tipped him off that assassins were closing in • In 1979, Mugabe was leading the fight for majority black rule against Ian Smith's government in Rhodesia • The Rhodesian SAS was responsible for preventing uprisings against the white-minority government • They were also tasked with assassinating Mugabe, who was leading the fight for black majority rule • But when assassins arrived to kill him at his home in Mozambique, he had already fled - tipped off by Britain By Khaleda Rahman for Mailonline PUBLISHED: 02:00 BST, 11 May 2018 | UPDATED: 02:02 BST, 11 May 2018

A mission to kill Robert Mugabe before he seized power was thwarted – when the British tipped him off that assassins were closing in. Mugabe was leading the fight for majority black rule against Ian Smith's government in Rhodesia – now known as Zimbabwe - in 1979, a year before he became the nation's prime minister. The Rhodesian SAS squad was tasked with preventing uprisings against the white-minority rule – as well as a number of covert operations. Among these was the assassination of the two leaders of the two sides of the independence movement: Mugabe, who led the Zimbabwe National African Union, and his rival Joshua Nkomo, who led the Zimbabwe African People's Union. A new book - We Dared to Win: The SAS in Rhodesia – by Hannah Wessels and Andre Scheepers – details the SAS plan to kill Mugabe as he led the African National Union forces across the border from Mozambique in February 1979. Mr Scheepers, who was an officer in the Rhodesian SAS in the late 1970s, describes how officers, escorted by South African special forces – known as Recces – were dropped off by submarine off the coast of Maputo, where Mugabe was living, before making their way to shore in inflatable boats. They were armed with machine guns, grenades and a bomb that one officer described as 'big enough to sink a ship.' But by the time they arrived, it was clear Mugabe had fled. Page 156 of 180

A mission to kill Robert Mugabe before he seized power that was thwarted when the British tipped him off that assassins were closing in is described in a new book by Andre Scheepers, a former Rhodesian SAS officer, who is pictured disembarking from a helicopter in the late 1970s)

In 1979, Mugabe was leading the fight for majority black rule against Ian Smith's government in Rhodesia – now known as Zimbabwe. Pictured, Mugabe last year Both plots failed – and a new book describes how it was the British who alerted Mugabe, prompting him to flee before the assassins arrived. Page 157 of 180

SAS officers Ray Gibbison, Frans Botha and Phil Toland are pictured while serving in Mozambique in the late 1970s.

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Andre Scheepers, author of We Dared to Win: The SAS in Rhodesia, is seen being taken to safety after sustaining an injury.

Former Rhodesian SAS officer Andre Scheepers (pictured) was wounded during the conflict in Rhodesia, now known as Zimbabwe. 'By late 1978 a decision had been taken to kill Mugabe in Maputo,' Mr Scheepers writes. ‘Following rehearsals the operation commenced mid-February and following a two-day voyage from Langebaan in a strike craft the ship took up a position below the horizon with the lights of Maputo brightening the distant sky.’

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Chris Hougaard after demolishing an electrical sub-station. 'At sunset a signal from an intelligence operative was received indicating the 'target' was in residence. 'Travelling in three Zodiac inflatables the SAS men boated into shore paddling the last few hundred metres to maintain maximum silence knowing the harbour mouth was heavily defended.' Rich Stannard, a commando, added: 'We came down the rope-ladders and on to the inflatables and made for the beach. 'There was a bit of a scare when we ran into some fishermen and I heard Page 160 of 180

the 'Recce' guys speaking in Afrikaans saying we had been compromised but the fishermen did not appear to be too alarmed and we decided to carry on. We left a landing party on the beach and headed for the target. We approached the house with no problem as we knew the route from our rehearsals and none of us saw any sentries. I was carrying a bomb big enough to sink a ship. As we neared the house, Keith said to me, 'good luck Sir this is going to be quite something.' Billy Grant and Keith jumped up on to the wall with RPGs ready to initiate but nothing happened because they could see no sign of life. I jumped up to look and could see through his bathroom window and I could see a small red light but it was clear the place had been abandoned and only recently. 'I was itching to blow the place to pieces anyway and damn nearly pulled the pin and threw it for the hell of it. We all felt that he had been warned we were coming. It was a huge disappointment.' Wing Commander Peter Petter-Bowyer later told the BBC: 'We had absolute proof. The guy who lived across the road from Mugabe, happened to be a South African.

Air Marshal McLaren, General Peter Walls and PM Ian Smith visiting serving personnel in Zimbabwe in the late 1970s.

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Rich Stannard (left), a commando, and Mike West (centre) are pictured on their way to Beira by sea. 'I met the man, confirmed that Mugabe was at home and all was well. But, when we got there, [he had] gone. No question, Mugabe was called, there's no doubt. That's exactly what happened.' Asked who he believed called Mugabe, Mr Petter-Bowyer replied: 'The Brits.' Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe from 1980 until he was ousted last year after the military took over briefly and his onceloyal ZANU-PF party turned against him. The former ruler, 94, whose own regime was accused of siphoning off diamond profits, has described his ousting as a coup, and that it must be 'undone'.

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Rhodesian Defence Minister PK van der Byl (left) is pictured at an awards ceremony in the late 1970s.

An SAS team, who were tasked with preventing uprisings against the white minority government, pose for photos while on tour in Rhodesia in the late 1970s. Ons as lede van die SAP het vir jare met die Rhodesiërs geskakel – selfs lank voor die rewolusionêre oorlog - en ons was bewus dat Britse Inligtingsdiens die Rhodesiese magte en polisie gerysmier het. Dit was eintlik voor die hand liggend! Dit was iets wat ons soms buite rekening gelaat het. Die BSAP het ‘n skakeloffisier in Pretoria gehad. Ons het gereeld inligting aan die BSAP in Pretoria oorgedra. Suid-Afrika het later baie oud-Rhodesiërs in die SAW en SAP in diens geneem.

Britse Geheimediens (MI6) en mnr NR Mandela Leon Lemmer: Die Britse rol in die ondergang van blank Suid-Afrika In my jongste rubriek toon ek aan hoe buitelandse (veral Westerse) inmenging die feitlik volledige Islamisering van Kosovo veroorsaak het, met die gepaardgaande ondergang van die Milosevicbewind en die benadeling van die belange van die ortodoks-christelike Serwiërs. Die vraag wat ek daar in die midde lê, is of iets soortgelyks in 1990/94 in Suid-Afrika gebeur het, dus die ondergang van die blanke politieke bewind en die grootskaalse benadeling van die belange van blankes weens buitelandse (veral Westerse) inmenging. (Ek wou hierdie teks aanvanklik as ‘n reaksie op my rubriek publiseer, maar ag dit van soveel belang dat ek gevra het dat dit liewer onder ‘n eie opskrif gepubliseer behoort te word.) Page 163 of 180

In die Kosovo-geval was inmenging deur die Amerikaanse regering, veral dié van die oorlogsugtige derduiwel Madeleine Albright, van deurslaggewende aard. In die geval van SuidAfrika kom hierdie twyfelagtige eer die Britse regering toe. “Robin Renwick roem daarop dat Brittanje, wat buitelandse regerings betref, die hoofrol in die myns insiens skandalige plaaslike revolusie gespeel het (Kindle 45). ‘Great admirer as I am of George Bush senior, he did not make anything like as strenuous an effort as Thatcher did to bombard [!] the South African government with demands for reform and the release of Mandela’ (1461)” (Praag 28.10.2017 – vir meer inligting oor Renwick: Praag 6.05.2018). Britse SAS lei Mnr Mandela se lyfwagte op In die geval van Kosovo het die Amerikaanse en Britse regerings, afgesien van NAVOlugaanvalle, wapens en opleiding aan die Moslem-terroriste verskaf. Renwick skryf: “Ná sy vrylating Mandela ‘needed some practical help from us. Not wanting to rely for his security only on the South African police, he asked us to provide training for his personal bodyguards, which we arranged for the SAS [British Special Air Service] to do’ (Kindle 1833)” (Praag 28.10.2017). ‘n Oud-MK-terroris en kommunis, Jeremy Vearey, wat sedertdien deur die ANC ryklik met hoë poste in die polisiemag beloon is, het pas ‘n boek gepubliseer wat interessante lig op hierdie SASopleiding werp: Jeremy vannie Elsies (Kaapstad: Tafelberg, 2018, R275; Amazon Kindle $23). Toe Brittanje tussen Afrikaner-Suid-Afrika en die Sowjet-geïnspireerde ANC moes kies, het sy die ANC gekies. Vearey is in 1990 danksy die goedertierenheid van FW de Klerk uit die Robbeneiland-gevangenis vrygelaat. Hy het ‘n lid van Nelson Mandela se persoonlike lyfwag geword, in diens van die ANC se Departement van Intelligensie en Sekuriteit (DIS). “My salaris sal direk deur die World University Service … betaal word … Ek word gepas toegerus met ‘n arsenaal op nabye bystand met ‘n Makarov-pistool [en] ‘n AK47-aanvalsgeweer” (Kindle 1627). “In November 1990 word ek … deur die ANC se DIS opgeroep om lyfwagopleiding onder die Britse Special Air Service (SAS) te doen” (1631). “Die opleiding begin in alle erns ‘n maand later in Zimbabwe … buite Harare” (1636). “Net voor Kersfees [1990] sypel ons en ons Britse instrukteurs Suid-Afrika per Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens (SAL) binne en saam met ons ‘n arsenaal persoonlike FN Browning-9mm-pistole, Heckler & Koch se MP5-outomatiese masjiengewere, bokse ammunisie en ander toerusting. Dis ‘n angstige eerste vir my in baie opsigte. Nie net vlieg ek nou met ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse paspoort – sonder ‘n benul hoe die ANC dit bekom het – nie, maar die vlugte heen en weer is my eerste ooit. En dit met ‘n arsenaal wapens. Die SAS-soldate blyk geen probleme te hê om daarmee deur die doeane in albei lande te beweeg nie. Hoe word dit deur die ANC en Britse regering in die onsekere politieke klimaat van 1990 onder ‘n steeds vyandiggesinde apartheidsveiligheidsmag vermag? (1640). “Met ons aankoms by die destydse Jan Smuts-lughawe in Johannesburg wag daar geen Veiligheidspolisielede om ons te visenteer of ondervra nie. Inteendeel, ek kom agter dat die Britte onverstoord met die hulp van hul diplomatiese status saam met ons beweeg” (1645). Daardie aand het hierdie Mandela-lyfwagte in die Hotel Sandton Sun “gegradueer” met Mandela wat die swierige onthaal bywoon – klaarblyklik deur die Britse regering betaal. Mandela se “onthullings oor ons Britse gashere in sy toespraak beantwoord al my kwelvrae toe hy hulle as lede van hul land se geheimediens M16 bedank vir ons opleiding. Hy meld dat dit die gevolg was van ‘n onlangse ooreenkoms met eerste minister Margaret Thatcher gedurende sy eerste besoek aan Brittanje en dat dit op haar aandrang* geskied het. Hy beklemtoon dat dit die begin van vele ander geleenthede vir intelligensieopleiding deur M16 is” (1658). In 1993 het Vearey verdere opleiding deur M16 in Portsmouth in Brittanje ondergaan (1663, 1737). [* Mandela en/of Vearey Page 164 of 180

lieg waarskynlik hier. Ek is geneig om eerder vir Renwick te glo, dus dat die Britse opleiding van sy lyfwagte op Mandela se versoek was (kyk hierbo).] Dit is bekend dat FW de Klerk hom van sy voorganger, PW Botha, wou onderskei deur nie sekuriteitsbewus te wees nie. Dit het ANC-terroriste met hulle wapens in staat gestel om in 1990/94 op groot skaal die land binne te sypel. Heel moontlik vandaar De Klerk se kompliment aan homself dat hy deur sy mandaatlose magsoorgawe aan die ANC ‘n burgeroorlog verhoed het. Wat uit Vearey se boek afgelei kan word, is dat De Klerk reeds in 1990 in groot mate aan die ANC en Britse druk toegegee het en toegelaat het dat hulle met wapens en al vryelik die land binnekom. Die wapens wat na sy vrylating in 1990 aan Vearey uitgereik is, toon dat die De Klerkregering aan die bewapening van ANC-lede meegewerk het. Vearey noem dat hulle almal “wettige vuurwapenlisensies” gehad het (1857). Sekerlik ook wettige paspoorte wat deur die ANC verskaf is (1645). De Klerk het die blanke kiesers jammerlik gefaal. Hoe is dit moontlik dat hy hulle steeds in die oë kan kyk? %3A+praag+%28Pro-Afrikaanse+Aksiegroep%29 Kommentaar: Die doel met die plasing van die berig is om die rol van MI6 – die Britse geheimediens - in Suid-Afrika uit te lig. Voor republiekwording het ons (SAP & SAW) met MI5 saamgewerk. (Ons veiligheidstak het destyds onder die kommissaris se persoonlike handtekening direk met MI5 in Londen geskakel.) Na republiekwording het MI6 (“die Foreign Office se mense”) wat die NP-regering nie goedgesind was, die plek van MI5 ingeneem. Ons het van MI6 se agente in Suid-Afrika gearresteer wat in Suid-Afrika gespioeneer het. Name word weerhou. MI6 was ook ‘n doring in die vlees van die Rhodesiërs gewees. Ek was betrokke met ‘n film oor mnr. Mandela. Tydens die maak van die film in Ethiopië is dit weereens onder my aandag gebring dat MI6 ‘n groot rol gespeel het om mnr. Mandela veilig te laat reis tussen Addis Abeba en Botswana. Ek het Brittanje verskeie kere besoek en gevind dat mens in teenstelling met MI6 wel met hul polisie en weermag kon gesels en idees uitruil. Die Britte het my nog altyd as gewone mense beïndruk. Baie van my familie woon vandag in die Verenigde Koninkryk. Die wêreld is maar deurmekaar! – HBH.


Hallo Hennie Ek het die jongste weergawe van Nongqai nou deurgelees – ‘n magnum opus van gehalte. Ek heg ‘n beter self-foto hierbo aan. Daar is omtrent twintig gevallestudies, kom ons plaas maar Johannes van der Walt volgende, hierbo aangeheg + foto. ‘n Guns asseblief Hennie, Craig Williamson – ek het ‘n gevallestudie oor hom geskryf, wil hom graag kontak vir deurlees, voordat ek enigiets publiseer. Sal bly wees vir ‘n e-pos sodat ek die gevallestudie aan hom kan stuur. Page 165 of 180

Dankie, mooi loop, God bless, Henning van Aswegen Gordonsbaai

Bosoorlog: SA Polisiebasisse Goeie more Brig. Hennie. Hoop dit gaan nog goed. Hoop u kan my dalk help. Ek is op soek na lys van al die SAP basisse gedurende die bosoorlog in Rhodesië. Tydens die tydperk wat ek die boek “Eye in the sky” geskryf het (laat 90’s) was die manne maar bra stil en monde “zip locked”. Wel ons almal weet hoekom en ook te verstane. Dinge raak darem nou meer openlik maar baie van daar die generasie is nie meer met ons nie. Hoop u kan dalk help en sal hoogs waardeer. Vriendelike groete. Herman Bosman Louis Lubbe (skrywer) het vir ons ‘n volledige lys van ons SAP-basisse gestuur. Nou wonder ek so, met die sleutelbord voor my, kan lesers nie vir ons foto’s van die basisse stuur nie. Sulke foto’s kan Herman Bosman baie help. Ons hoor graag van u.

Bees Marais: Herman Bosman N.a.v. die foto wat onlangs in die Nongqai verskyn het van ‘n SAP-helikopter by die suidpool skryf Herman Bosman: Net so vir die geskiedenis: Bees Marais is op 9 Maart 2015 oorlede terwyl hy besig was met wat hy van gehou het :- Vlieg. Hy het met ʼn Huey helikopter (Working on Fire) gehelp met brandbestryding te Kaappunt toe dinge skeefgeloop en hy verongeluk het. Volgens die SACAA ondersoek verslag is die volgende bevind: - “Probable cause of the accident was that the pilot was unable to regain control of the helicopter following a loss of tail rotor thrust, which was caused by fracture of control cable during flight, followed by failure of tail rotor drive shaft.”

Ons lesers sê Manuel Resende Ferreira: Great issue! Well Done Hennie! Page 166 of 180

Esther Stieger: Veels geluk met nog 'n interessante uitgawe! Nico Moolman: Pragtig Hennie. Rodney Warwick: Many thanks Hennie - look forward to working my way through this latest Nongqai; I do have some articles I wish to send onto you - just need to polish them up a bit more. Hennie Heymans: Please send them w/o delay! Erens Maree: Baie geluk Hennie Peter A. Dickens: Excellent stuff Charles Ross: Thank you Brig. Looking forward to reading it. Ferdi Wentzel: - Sjoe Oom Hennie - Uitstaande - Die werk aan die "karre" in Ovamboland veral. Baie dankie. Craig Williamson: Another fine job Hennie Heymans! Congratulations!

Samuel John "Jack" Symes: NONGQAI Vol. 9 No 3 Feb. 26, 2018 Hi Hennie: I am the Grandchild of Harry Hayward SYMES who was the brother of Samuel John SYMES "Jack" to family. Jack was my great uncle - my Mother's uncle. Both men went to South Africa and served in the Police Force in Johannesburg. Harry was in the Imperial Yeomanry in the Second Boer War and then served per family story under Jack in the Police Force. I have a photo of them together in uniform in South Africa. Harry went on to serve in the Vancouver Police Force before and after the Great War and was gassed at Ypres. Another brother served in the London Metro Police, Scotland Yard, Lambeth per my genealogy research re the National Archives, Kew, London before and after WWI per UK WWI military (Navy) records. I cried when I read the newspaper articles in your publication. I have been researching the UK line, my Canadian line and the South Africa family with the help of a genealogy friend in Port Elizabeth and she was able to find the Death Notice for Samuel John SYMES in the 1930's as well as an online photo of Edith SYMES' cemetery stone. I have a photo of a little girl about age 3 with 2 ladies in black capes with ivy and a white picket fence that I was told was Jack's daughter in South Africa. I have also researched Mavis Ena SYMES (one of Jack's daughters) who served in WWII in Italy as part of the S. African Military Nursing Service (commendations in the Guardian newspaper, UK in the 1940's). I have direct contact with SYMES relatives in the UK. as well as here in Canada. Please - Would you be able to CONTACT the SJ SYMES lady relative and family referred to in the magazine. Sincerely, Elizabeth Preston Page 167 of 180

Second Letter: Elisabeth Preston: Canada Harry Hayward SYMES (standing), Samuel John "Jack" SYMES (seated). South Africa studio photo undated. My Mother had said this photo was taken during the Boer War and the men were in Boer War uniforms in S. A. but as Jack only arrived in South Africa in 1902, then the date must be 1902 or later. My Genealogy Research: Harry Hayward SYMES, born 14 May 1880, Isle Abbots, Somerset, UK. c 1896 West Kent Yeomanry 3 years per WWI Canadian Attestation papers. c 1899 - 1902 Rank Private, 36 Co. or Unit / Squadron Imperial Yeomanry (W. Kent) 11th Batt. 1899, 11 Nov. Royal Fusiliers City of London Reg. (7th Foot). 25 Dec. 1901 Tweefontein, S. Africa Whole camp taken by De Wet - full 11th Batt., 289 Yeomen killed, wounded or taken prisoner.86 Harry taken prisoner and released 25 Dec. 1901, Tweefontein. Harry served 4 years 9 months in the South Africa Town Police87 per Vancouver Police sign up. 29 June 1902, Elandsfontein, S. Africa. Military Discharge: Own request to take up civil employment in Johannesburg. Intended place of residence: c/o SJ SYMES 1905 Leave of Absence 7 Days Sick. Constable H. SYMES (Nat. Archives of S. Africa) Transvaal Town Police, 1906. Resignation of Constable Symes, Transvaal Town Police (Nat. Archives of S. Africa) 1907 16 Jan. Ship Avondale Castle arrives from Cape Town to Southampton, Hampshire, UK. Manifest: Occupation: Policeman, age 27 years. Elizabeth

Third Letter: Elisabeth Preston: Canada From my Research: Second Boer War: 1899 - 31 May 1902. SAP started after Second Boer War. Samuel John SYMES "Jack": 1901 missing from UK Census. 24 Sept. 1906: Address at (first) Marriage in Durban, Natal, age 31, Police Sergeant Transvaal Town Police. 22 Sept. 1907: Address at Bapt. of first child, C's Jules and Robinson St., Johannesburg 12 June 1911: Address at Von Brandis Square Police Barracks, Johannesburg (second) Marriage 19 Dec. 1934: Johannesburg 86 87

DEATH NOTICE: age 59-11[months]. Last Address 442 Fox St., Fairview,

Quite a serious battle – HBH. Could be the Transvaal Town Police (Witwatersrand & Pretoria) – HBH.

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Last Occupation per second spouse: Retired Head Constable

Response by Tertius Barnardt Hi, My name is Tertius Barnardt and I am the author of the article on Samuel John Syme Rose Bennet nee Symes is his daughter from first marriage and quite possibly the young girl in your photo. She lives in our complex (71 houses). She is an extremely active and energetic and lovable lady and is now 86 years old. She was utterly surprised when I read your email to her and she has no objection to me sharing info. I will do so once we have had a chat. She is entertaining guests right now. (its 13h40 Friday) Regards Tertius.

Besoek aan die RSA: Barry Taylor (Prachin Buri, Thailand) Beste Brigadier Ten eerste verskoon aub. die tikfoute. Soos reeds voorheen vermeld, woon ek in Thailand en boer ek maar so ‘n bietjie en verder geniet ek die lewe sonder enige misdaad wat my pla nie. Ek moet net meld dat op die Korrupsie indeks is SA no. 64ste op die lys en Thailand no. 101. Libië is die korrupste op 176 en NZ die minste as nommer 1. Hier is dit ‘n, as ek so kan sê, 'n “werkbare” korrupsie wat my nie pla nie. Die groot voordeel is dat as jy op die platteland woon is daar geen misdaad wat jou pla en pla die korrupsie ook nie. As julle dink die polisie is onbekwaam in SA kom kyk of lees gerus hier wat onbekwaam en korrup is. Hulle het gedurende Songkran, die Nuwejaar fees, van 12 en 13 April kastig padblokkades gehou vir dronkbestuur en toe net 490 Duisend ja: vier honderd en negentig duisend gevang en die waarsku hulle maar en laat hulle verder ry. Ek gaan die begin van die jaar vir my Thai Best lisensie en druip toe drie keer voor ek dit kry.Dis ‘n ander storie as julle dit wil hoor eendag. Ek wat al in SA oor my loopbaan seker oor die twee miljoen Km bestuur en het al amper ‘n 100-duisend hier bestuur. Dis nou rêrig ‘n sirkus. Hier is 22 miljoen Motorfietse op die paaie en net 12 miljoen het lisensies. Ek wil julle die grap vertel: ‘n Farang (blanke) staan nou die aand by ‘n stoplig in sy motor en wag vir die robot om groen te word. ‘n Elfjarige seun jaag met ‘n motorfiets agter teen die voertuig vas. Die polisie sê toe die motorbestuurder is 50% skuldig want hy het baie geld en moet die kind se beserings betaal wat die assuransie toe maar betaal het. Jy moet 16 wees om ‘n motorfiets lisensie hier te kry. Een van my vriende het nou die dag vir sy motorfietslisensie gegaan en het vier keer gedruip hoewel hy van Denemarke kom en al jare motorfiets onder die streng reëls daar bestuur. Op die 11de April het ek SA toe vertrek met Qatar en op die 12de te Kaapstad aangekom en ‘n motor gehuur. Ek het eers vir my twee dogters gaan kuier op Kleinmond en het op die 13de vertrek na Upington waar ‘n ou vriend van my woon. Langs die pad by Nieuwoudtville is ek voorgekeer deur ‘n Swart Dame wat ewe bruusk van my wou weet waar is my lisensie. Ek wys haar toe my Thai bestuurderslisensie en sy sê toe vir my dis nie geldig en hoewel ek haar toe daarop wys dat dit vir ‘n jaar in SA geldig is, wou sy niks weet. Voor my m***** toe pluk gee ek haar my SA-lisensie wat die betrokke dag verval en sy gee dit toe terug sonder om ‘n woord te sê. 'Diens in die nuwe SA' !!!!!!!! Page 169 of 180

Op pad soontoe het ek besluit om so kuier-kuier te ry en kom eers die middag laat in Calvinia waar ek toe ‘n lekker gastehuis ontdek en daar inboek. Die dame sê toe vir my ek moet maar by die Blou Naartjie gaan steak eet, steak is amper onbekombaar in Thailand en geen verskil tussen Dentyne en steak nie en dit teen R200 per KG. Het eenkeer so ‘n toets gedop by Makro. Goeie steak kan jou ‘n fortuin kos as jy dit kan kry en boerwors so R500 per KG in Bangkok. Ek gaan soek toe na die plek en kry toe ‘n ander Steakhouse Myl-iets? in dieselfde straat. Ek gaan toe in en vind ‘n baie vriendelike dame wat toe beweer hulle steak is baie sag en dit was toe so. Sy vertel my toe dat beide haar seuns in die VSA werk en nie terugkom na SA - een ‘n rekenmeester in NY en die een ‘n Sous Chef in Provence naby Boston. Op pad soontoe eet ek ‘n ontbyt op Kenhardt en sê die twee oulike mense wat daar woon en ‘n "kafee-restaurant " besit vir my op Brandvlei woon daar klaarblyklik net nog drie blanke gesinne. Ek weet nie of dit waar is nie. Die volgende dag is ek toe Upington toe en het daar vir ‘n paar dae gekuier en is toe na Potchefstroom om vir brigadier Louis (Simon) Sauer te kuier. Op pad soontoe het ek deur Vryburg, Delareyville en Ottosdal gery en ook so ‘n paar draaie deur die dorp gemaak en gesien hoe verwaarloos die strate en die huise is. Die meeste strate in die dorpe het nie meer enige teer om van te praat nie. Die pad tussen Delareyville en Ottosdal is net een groot slag gat en weer het ek onder die indruk gekom hoe die platteland agteruit gaan agv die onbekwame mense wie die land bestuur. Brig. Sauer was o.a. te Dundee, Pretoria, Vereeniging PE en Soweto gestasioneer. Hy was in die tagtiger jare deur ‘n terroris geskiet en het lank in die hospitaal gelê van die twee koeëlwonde wat hy in die skietery opgedoen het. Ek het vir ‘n paar dae by hom en sy vrou gekuier en die ou dae "bespreek". By ‘n Bond-samekoms daar het ek vir James Beeslaar ook raakgeloop. Hy is ookal 81 en geniet nog die lewe. Ek en Louis het toe Sondag 22 April van Potchefstroom vertrek na Kleinmond en weer so kuierkuier gery. Hopetown is besoek en deurkruis asook Strydenburg. Dit was so in die middel van die dag in Strydenburg en ons kry toe ‘n dronk bruinman wat die hele hoofstraat vir sy staptog oorgeneem het. Hy is al heel grys en toe ek hom vra hoe oud is hy deel hy my mee hy is al oor die 60 is en kry "Allpay Pension". Ek sê toe vir hom ek gee hom R5 as ek ‘n foto kon neem en dadelik "pose" hy vir my. Na ek hom die R5 gegee het sê ek vir hom hy kan maar ‘n wyntjie koop en sal hy nie vir ons sê die wyn kos R25 en toe help ons hom maar verder die verderf in met nog ‘n donasie vir sy vloeistof verbruik. Die kommentaar van die ander in die straat sal ek maar nie aanhaal nie. Dit is wat ek mis van die Kaap en sy mense. Die sêgoed want nooit sal jy ‘n gesprek wen met ‘n bergie nie. Ons het toe in Beaufort-Wes geslaap en die volgende dag in Kleinmond aangekom. Die Dinsdag het ons vir brigadier Koos le Roux ‘n groot "pel" van Louis gekontak en het ons hom in Hermanus ontmoet. Hy het vir Noord-Transvaal, WP en ek dink Oostelike Provinsie [rugby] gespeel en het eentyd die WP help afrig. Koos broer is luit.-genl. Johan le Roux van Krugersdorp en later veiligheidshoofkantoor. Koos woon op Stanford so 23 km van Hermanus en dis die foto’s van hom en Louis wat hierby aangeheg is. Page 170 of 180

Die ander foto is van my en Louis en dan een van S/A/O Dave Marias, takbevelvoerder van Kleinmond wat nou ook aan die einde van Augustus die polisie verlaat na vele jare van geen bevordering. Ek het Louis Donderdag die 26ste na Kaapstadlughawe geneem en is hy na sy seun in Louis Trichardt.

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Die laaste foto is ‘n deel van Doha gisteroggend vroeg geneem toe die vliegtuig opgestyg het. Ek sal weer skryf as julle nog van die sirkus hier wil te wete kom. MAAR ek woon baie lekker hier en sal nie sommer terugkeer na SA. Sal volgende keer vertel van my reis volgende week na Montana en Yellowstone as julle belangstel. Kom kuier maar sal julle op die lughawe kom haal. Was gister ‘n ligte verkeersknoop na die lughawe. Van my huis is dit 123 km na die lughawe op ’n snelweg en gister het dit met ‘Labour day’ het dit agt ure geneem want dit het ook gereën. TIT - This is Thailand Cheers Barry Taylor, Thailand

Die arme VT-manne: Barry Taylor Ek het lank gewonder of ek hierdie brief van Barry moet publiseer. Ek was weer met Barry in verbinding hieroor. Ek voel die geskiedkundige moet nie verskoning maak vir die verlede nie, maar moet eerder die verlede verduidelik. Barry doen dit uitstekend in hierdie brief. Ons moet ook weet hoe ons manne destyds gedink het en hoe hulle vandag oor die verlede voel. Paul Hattingh en ek was in ons jong dae in Afdeling Port Natal en later was ons saam te veiligheidshoofkantoor. Die verlede tas elke persoon anders aan. Page 172 of 180

Beste Brigadier Ek het nou die laaste paar dae eers Johan van der Merwe se boek en toe die boek van Anemari Jansen oor Eugene [de Kock] gelees. Beide boeke het ek by oud-brig. Louis Sauer gekry daar ek die soort boek nie op my Kindle wil lees. Vir my is daar net een manier om ‘n boek te lees en dit is die fisiese boek. Beide beeld die geskiedenis van die SAP en die VT88 uit soos deur hulle en hulle onderhoudvoerders gesien word. Daar is egter ‘n boek wat ‘n baie goeie aanloop tot die twee boeke het en dit is die boek van Helene Opperman Lewis "Apartheid Britain’s Bastard Child." Die Afrikaner word vir alles blameer maar niemand gaan terug tot die aanloop van die 1948 Nasionale Party bewindsoorname nie en kyk waar lê baie van die blaam ook. Wat van die Boereoorlog en konsentrasie kampe? Chaka en Dingaan se moordbendes en vele meer. Alles word voor die deur gegooi van die laaste klomp jare se mense wat die land regeer het maar niks word gesê van die amper 300 jaar voor die NP aan bewind gekom het. Van Rhodes tot Kruger en die Goewerneurs van die Kaap. Dit is in ‘n groot mate deur hulle aangestig. ‘n Kultuur word geskep en op voortgebou deur die geslagte en dis waar arme Eugene [de Kock] vandaan kom. Ek was baie goed bevriend met brigadier Paul Hattingh wie saam met Eugene by die amnestie verhoor gesit het. Hy het altyd vir Eugene biltong geneem wat hy in Kleinmond gekoop het. Ek het hom altyd van Kleinmond na die lughawe geneem as hy JHB toe moes gaan. Hy het hom doodgedrink a.g.v. van Katryn [Schoon] - soos hy gesê het. Maruis Schoon se dogter wat dood is in ‘n bomontploffing waar die bom vir Marius bedoel was. Ek en my dogter het hom vele male uit sy huis gaan haal as hy bewusteloos gelê het van al die drank en dan het die wonderlike dr. (naam bekend) op Kleinmond hom hospitaal toe geneem. Ek het hom na die "wynskool" (Ramot) in die Kaap geneem vir sy 6-weke-lange behandeling daar en dit het niks gehelp. Ons moes partykeer die huis letterlik oopbreek om in te kom of die sleutels van ‘n tafel hak met ‘n draad. Hoeveel keer het hy vir my gesê hy gaan homself skiet as hy begin treur oor die verlede en die dade wat hy gepleeg het. Hy het hom op die ou ent letterlik dood gedrink. Hy het my vertel van die aand wat hy en Eugene [de Kock] Khotso huis besoek het. So is baie [lede] se lewens vernietig deur die regering en vele manne daar wie toe "doodonskuldig" was. PW was vir my nog ‘n laer klas mens as Zuma en dit sê baie. Ek kon hom [PW] nooit verdra nie. Ek voel net dat die onregverdigheid van die hele waarheidskommissie was: Dat dit soos orals gesê is [dat dit] net op ‘n paar mense gemik was. [Naam weerhou] die moordenaar (Quatro) en vele ander lag vir ons en ek sit 12000 km van alles om weg te kom van my eie woede oor die onregverdigheid van die lewe vir ander mense soos Eugene [de Kock], Paul [Hattingh], Wahl [du Toit] en vele ander wat ek van weet en Riaan Bellingan, Lionel Snyman en nog ander wie ek vandag nog mee kontak het. As die mense maar weet hoe ek en van die ander manne Lionel gehelp het met akkommodasie met sy Askari’s en ook van kos voorsien het. Nou voel ek beter en jy doen wonderlike werk met jou geskryf en tydskrif. Groete. Barry Taylor.


Veiligheidstak – HBH.

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Polisiepraatjies en foto’s: Barry Taylor Hi Brigadier Hier is ʼn paar foto’s wat ek hier in Thailand het.

Die eerste is van speurders van Pretoria. Ek staan regs tweede ry; Martin Nel links agter; kaptein David Joubert voor op stoel; konst. Scholtz langs hom op sy hurke. Langs Martin staan AO Botha. Regs agter "Aap” Alberts en die res kan ek nie onthou nie. Die persoon agter met die pak was ‘n offisier en ‘n nice mens.

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Die tweede is van ons speurderkursus Oktober 1964 tot Januarie 1965 te Marshall Plein, Jhb. Ons het reeds in die nuwe Barakke langs die snelweg wat hulle die pilare van toe gegiet het, die kursus gehou. Kapt. Engelbrecht was kursus leier en Jack Cronje die een AO met wit baadjie. Ek het die foto ĂŞrens met al die name in Kleinmond.

Die derde is in 1975? en ek is tweede van links agter. Aan my linkerkant staan Zirk? later in Veiligheid, ander kan ek nie onthou nie. Was saam met Stan Schutte en kol. Fischer op kursus ook met Andre Stander. Page 175 of 180

Die vierde is van ‘n AO van veiligheid op Rundu gedurende die verkiesing in 1978. Ek en hy het saam rondgery en toesig gehou oor die stemlokale, ek was toe ‘n luitenant gewees.

Die laaste is van Jean Grobbelaar; genl. Jan Grobbelaar se seun en nog ‘n lid net na ons in Rundu aangekom het, Hulle was heel ongelukkig oor die hitte en dit was Desember 1978. Jean was ‘n speurder saam met my op Pretoria-Wes Leef JAN Grobbelaar nog? Page 176 of 180

Was laas by die Vaalrivier êrens so het ek gehoor volgens Louis Sauer. Groete Barry Taylor, Prachin Buri, Thailand.

Hofbevel: dr Johan Burger Beste Hennie Ek heg graag vir julle inligting die hofbevel aan wat ek met koste teen Barend Pienaar verkry het. Die inhoud spreek vanself. Die bevel is nie in die hof bestry nie en Pienaar, deur sy prokureur, het ingestem tot al my voorwaardes, insluitende my regskoste. Dit is deur die hof bekragtig. Groete Johan

True or Urban Legend? Johnny Facer Hi Hennie. As discussed. On one of my courses many moons ago, possibly Polkol, I was told the story of a Russian spy who was dropped off the Transkei /Pondoland coast by a Russian submarine. This must have occurred during the Sixties or Seventies. According to the story, the Spy was subsequently arrested by a young local constable as he suspected he's ID or drivers licence was a fake. I cannot find any record of the incident at all. Is it an S.A. Police urban legend.?? Could you or one of your avid readers possibly verify the incident. Many Thanks. Johnny Facer.

SAP-kollege Foto’s: Dr Henry Abbott (Kleinzee) Hallo Hennie, Hoop dit gaan nog goed met julle. Het jy miskien ‘n beter weergawe van hierdie kollege-foto van 1944. Ek weet nie die troep nommer nie. Ek vermoed my Ma het afskrifte van die foto gemaak en nie die oorspronklike behou nie. Ek kan my Pa89, 2 de ry, tweede van links en Andries van Tonder90, eerste ry links, herken maar die foto is onduidelik. Ek het ook nog ‘n paar berede kollege-foto’s van 1944 wat ek sal aanstuur. Daar is seker nie ‘n bron met kollege-foto’s en name nie, of weet jy van iets?

89 90

Genl. HL Abbott – HBH. Genl. AG van Tonder – HBH.

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Ek het op ‘’n stadium verstaan iemand was besig om oorspronklike Nongqai’s na pdf’s te skandeer. Anders kan ek weer die scans wat ek van Paul [Els] gekry het probeer bybring, maar dan sal my seun ‘n paar rand daaruit wil maak want dis bleddie baie werk om al Paul se vingers en klampe uit elke foto uit te crop. Ek kon nog geen manier kry daarom outomaties te doen nie. Groete, Henry

Hallo Hennie, Hierdie foto’s is duideliker. My Pa is een van die manne wat met die perde spring, ongelukkig amateurfotograaf. Op die volle parade, is my Pa heel regs, maar net sy rug is sigbaar. Ek herken hom uit sy manier van staan. Miskien kan iemand die twee parade foto’s aanmekaarlas om een foto te gee. Ek het nie nou die tyd of die programmatuur beskikbaar nie. Groete, Henry

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Vader in kollege

Vader in die beredepolisie

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Vader spring – amateurfotograaf se foto’s.


End / Slot Dear reader Please note that in this quasi-historical document we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the Nongqai cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity. Geagte leser Vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese dokument maak ons van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die Nongqai kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie.

Hennie Heymans: No 43630 (M) © HB Heymans 2018. Page 180 of 180

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