Nongqai Vol 9 No 8

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NONGQAI : VOLUME 9 NO 8 Table of Contents ADMINISTRATION | ADMINISTRASIE ........................................................................................... 6 Publisher | Uitgewer .................................................................................................................. 6 Contact Details | Kontakbesonderhede ..................................................................................... 7 Aim | Doel .................................................................................................................................. 7 Policy | Beleid ............................................................................................................................ 7 Welcome | Welkom.................................................................................................................... 7 ELEKTRONIESE BEDIENING ........................................................................................................ 8 •

Koot Swanepoel .................................................................................................................. 9

…. When you are tired: Rev. Charisse Le Roux: SAPS Paarl ............................................ 9

FRONT COVER | VOORBLAD ..................................................................................................... 10 Nuwe Reeks: Hoofde van UVM en SAW: Genl.-maj. HT “Tim” Lukin ...................................... 10 Maj General Henry Timson Lukin: Lt.-Col W Marshall ............................................................. 11 POLICE HISTORY | POLISIE GESKIEDENIS .............................................................................. 13 Wie was die polisie op die grens/operasionele gebied...? Kol Corrrie Prinsloo ....................... 13 Kommentaar deur genl. Johan van der Merwe........................................................................ 15 SAP Intelligence operations: SWAPO: Maj CM Williamson, SOE ........................................... 15 ZARP Speurder Garaty: Gawie Richter ................................................................................... 17 Huldeblyk: Genl. MCW Geldenhuys ........................................................................................ 17 Huldeblyke: Genl. Mike Geldenhuys ....................................................................................... 23 Page 2 of 158

1928: SAP: Pieter Van Zijl ....................................................................................................... 28 Boodskappe van lede van die SAP-generaalsklub se WhatsApp-groep aan mev. Annatjie Geldenhuys na aanleiding van genl. Mike Geldenhuys se afsterwe ........................................ 29 Judges Rules, OK? (HBH)....................................................................................................... 30 Pack up your troubles (HBH) ................................................................................................... 31 Genade: 54 Jaar ...................................................................................................................... 31 SAP 67: Censored Historical Document: RS 167 .................................................................... 33 Our best Police Secret Agents (HBH)...................................................................................... 35 •

Captain Jan Taillard .......................................................................................................... 35

General HJ van den Bergh: The Father of Modern Intelligence in the RSA ...................... 35

Warrant Officer Gerard Ludi .............................................................................................. 35

Major CM Williamson ........................................................................................................ 36

Misdadigers se teen-intelligensie veldtog ................................................................................ 36 1893: The Natal Colonial Police and Apartheid ....................................................................... 38 •

Mahatma Gandhi: The Truth About the Infamous Pietermaritzburg Train Incident. .......... 38

Die Springbok: Wie is hy? ....................................................................................................... 45 Cape Colony: Police & Prisons: Swartberg Pass (HBH) ......................................................... 46 1988: SAP tragedy on the Robinson Pass (HBH) ................................................................... 48 Sydney Robey Leibbrandt: 1913-1966 .................................................................................... 50 Koevoet: The last Casevac...? Lt.-Col. Corrie Prinsloo............................................................ 63 Repliek: Eerste Koevoet-weduwee .......................................................................................... 64 RS Leibbrandt: Glasnegatiewe: Nico Moolman ....................................................................... 65 SA RAILWAYS POLICE | SA SPOORWEGPOLISIE ................................................................... 67 SASP Boeljonwapens: Frans Bedford-Visser .......................................................................... 67 AO (Later brig.) Ronnie Beyl: Wim (Kierie) Pretorius .............................................................. 68 Die Padda: Panzkarre: “Chris” en “Kobus”: Frans Bedford-Smith ........................................... 69 Diagram: “Chris” & “Kobus”: “Armoured Special Purpose Road and Rail Vehicle, aka the Padda Armoured Car.” ............................................................................................................ 73 ‘n Geselsie met Oud-spoorie en Skotse polisieman: Konst. Frans Bedford Visser ................. 73 SA MILITARY HISTORY | SA KRYGSGESKIEDENIS ................................................................. 80 SDB (SSB): Glas negatiewe: Argief Nico Moolman ................................................................. 80 UVM: Ander glas-negatiewe .................................................................................................... 82 Red tabs .................................................................................................................................. 83 No 2: Bosvark .......................................................................................................................... 83 Page 3 of 158

Genl. Jannie Geldenhuys: Kursus 957G: Binnelandse beveiliging: SAW/SA Polisie / SAS PolSamewerking ........................................................................................................................... 84 POLICE & THE PRESS | POLISIE EN DIE PERS ........................................................................ 86 Police minister told to 'f*k*f' after visiting family of murdered Mitchells Plain child ................... 86 Farm attacks increase by 34% ................................................................................................ 86 SAPS not doing enough to curb Cash-in-transit heists ............................................................ 87 ANC Presidency has 81 protectors per person, compared to the 1 police officer per 628 residents in Nyanga ................................................................................................................. 88 Deur korrupsie het 658 polisiedossiere sedert 2013 vermis geraak en net agt mense is vervolg ................................................................................................................................................ 89 Bokamoso | How to make SA a safer country: Mmusi Maimane (DA Leader) ......................... 90 •

Cape Town Metro Police Department (CTMPD) ............................................................... 91

Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) ............................................................. 92

Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) ..................................................................... 92

NMB Metro Police Department ......................................................................................... 92

Unstitching the culture of criminal impunity ............................................................................. 93 MILITARY AND THE MEDIA | MILITÊR EN DIE MEDIA .............................................................. 95 One hundred years of an air force inspired by General Smuts ................................................ 95 Die SANW se perde te Potchefstroom .................................................................................... 96 “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM”: CAPT. CHARLES ROSS (SAN – RTD.) ................................. 97 South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties buried across the world – PART FIVE by Captain Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired) ................................................................................ 97 Ambon War Cemetery - Indonesia .......................................................................................... 97 Jakarta War Cemetery - Indonesia .......................................................................................... 98 THE OBSERVATION POST: PETER DICKENS ......................................................................... 100 Shooting down enemy FW 190 at “point blank range” – SAAF hero; Albert Sachs ............... 100 Field Marshall JC Smuts’ central role in Operation Overlord (D-day itself) ............................ 103 South Africa was represented at the formal surrender of Japan in 1945 ............................... 109 RSA INTELLIGENCE | SA INLIGTING ....................................................................................... 113 State security agencies and private sector spied on journalists - Right2Know ...................... 113 State security agencies and private sector spied on journalists - Right2Know ...................... 113 Page 4 of 158

SPIOENMEESTERS .................................................................................................................... 115 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE | REGSPLEGING ................................................................... 119 •

RSA ....................................................................................................................................... 119 If we want to stop drugs we need to protect our borders ....................................................... 119

UK ......................................................................................................................................... 121 Three judges are to appear in the dock over alleged scam involving bogus legal aid claims of £12.6m following 'big and complex' police probe ................................................................... 121

STAATSDIENS PENSIOENFONDS: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND ............. 121 The Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) .............. 121 Assosiasie vir Monitering en Voorspraak van Staatspensioene: Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) ...................................................................... 122 POLICE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................................ 123 •

UK ......................................................................................................................................... 123 Revealed: More than 3,000 areas in England and Wales had NO burglaries solved last year amid fears criminals are enjoying 'easy pickings' because of the lack of police on the streets .............................................................................................................................................. 123

Thailand................................................................................................................................ 124 Royal Thai Police (RTP) ........................................................................................................ 124

Mexico .................................................................................................................................. 126 Ocampo Town jails entire police force ................................................................................... 126 •

BSAP: Rhodesia: The Queen’s Peace............................................................................ 126

DEFENCE: INTERNATIONAL .................................................................................................... 127 •

UK ......................................................................................................................................... 127 Last surviving original SAS hero is awarded France's highest honour for bravery 74 years after he parachuted into the Loire to sabotage Nazi fuel depots and fend off Hitler's Panzers ...... 127 Diamonds Are a Guerrilla's Best Friend ................................................................................ 127

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INTELLIGENCE: INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................... 149 •

UK ......................................................................................................................................... 149 Did poisoned couple find a SYRINGE discarded by Russian spy's assassins? Salisbury is on lockdown and public are warned not to pick up unknown objects as police hunt Novichok remnants that left man and woman fighting for life ................................................................ 149 Police 'have grainy CCTV pictures' of suspected Novichok poisoners who killed mother-of-two and they are thought to work for Russian military spy agency which once employed Sergei Skripal ................................................................................................................................... 150

LETTERS | BRIEWE ................................................................................................................... 150 SWANS: Mev. Marie Sweetnam (94 jr) ................................................................................. 150 Das-versameling: Koot Swanepoel ....................................................................................... 151 Info needed: Attack on SAP COIN: Downstream from Chirundu in Rhodesia ....................... 152 Mahatma Gandhi: Pietermaritzburg: Herdenking 7 Junie ...................................................... 156 Mev Annatjie Geldenhuys: Nigel ........................................................................................... 156 Rus in Vrede.......................................................................................................................... 156 •

Patrick Coetzee (HBH).................................................................................................... 156

Genl.maj. Flip Fourie....................................................................................................... 157

Brig OJM Calitz (Patrick Coetzee) .................................................................................. 157

INDEMNITY & © | VRYWARING & ©.......................................................................................... 157 End / Slot ............................................................................................................................... 157


Publisher | Uitgewer The Nongqai is compiled by Hennie Heymans (HBH) a retired Brigadier of the late South African Police Force and this e-magazine is published on ISSUU. Hennie lives in Pretoria, ZA. He is Page 6 of 158

passionate about our police-, military- and national security history and holds a MA-degree in National Strategic Studies. Any opinions expressed by him, are entirely his own. Die Nongqai word saamgestel deur Hennie Heymans (HBH), 'n afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en hierdie e-tydskrif word op ISSUU gepubliseer. Hennie woon in Pretoria, ZA. Hy is passievol oor ons polisie-, militêre- en nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het 'n MA-graad in Nasionale Strategiese Studies verwerf. Enige menings wat hy uitspreek, is uitsluitlik sy eie.

Contact Details | Kontakbesonderhede

Aim | Doel Our goal is to collect and record our national security history for publication in the Nongqai for future generations. Ons doel is om die nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis in die Nongqai aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte bewaar. Onthou, skryf u storie, soms kan ons net op u geskrewe weergawe terugval want dit is al wat daar is. Deel u SAP- en SAW-foto’s met ons!

Policy | Beleid We publish the articles and stories as we receive them from our correspondents; we only correct the spelling mistakes. It's important to publish the stories in the form and context as we receive them from our correspondents. Policemen and defence personnel have their own language. We are not a scientific or literary journal. We only work with historical building blocks. Ons gebruik die artikels en stories soos ons dit van ons korrespondente ontvang; ons maak slegs die spelfoute reg. Dis belangrik om die stories te bewaar in die vorm en in die konteks soos ons dit ontvang. Lede van die veiligheidsmagte het hul eie taal en ons moet dit ook so aanteken. Ons is nie ‘n letterkundige of wetenskaplike joernaal nie. Ons werk slegs met die boustene van geskiedenis.

Welcome | Welkom Baie welkom by hierdie besonderse uitgawe, eintlik is elke uitgawe so uniek! Baie dankie! Wie moet ons bedank? Ons moet vir u, dit is: Ons lesers en ons skrywers van artikels en diegene wat foto’s instuur vir plasing in die tydskrif bedank. Sonder u insette is ons tydskrif vaal en lusteloos! Stappie vir stappie, uitgawe na uitgawe, bewaar ons die geskiedenis inkrementeel, onthou die langste reis begin met die eerste paar tree; aan die begin van die reis. Page 7 of 158

Ek stel nie in hoogdrawende akademiese geskrifte belang nie. Ek stel belang in goeie gesonde historiese artikels en foto’s oor ons veiligheidsmagte. Dit is wat ons moet bewaar: Daardie kulturele erfnis! Die SAW- en SAP-generaals is die kundiges op die strategiese vlak en hulle kan baie daaroor uitwei MAAR in die bos, op die grens, in die loopgraaf, hangende aan ‘n valskerm, in die oproer en in die kontaksituasie is ons konstabel en ons troep die man wat die oorlog aan sy lyf voel, hy is die ooggetuie van die voorafopgestelde plan. Dit is hoofsaaklik sy (of haar) storie wat belangrik is en wat ons wil bekom. Net hy of sy kan die antwoorde verskaf bv. die operasie het gefaal want die wind het gedraai of dit het skielik begin reën of daar was so baie mis ons het verdwaal! Of toe ons daar kom is ons in ‘n lokval ingelei. Wat veral in ons gedagtes rondmaal en dit wat ons ervaar vind neerslag in die sosiale media. So raak plaasaanvalle en moorde ons elke dag; ons voel dit aan ons lyf. Dit gebeur met ons vriende en familie. (So herhaal die geskiedenis van plaasmoorde en plaasaanvalle homself!) Ons sien hoe belangeloos en traag daar by sommige plaasmoorde en ander moord- en misdaad tonele opgetree word. Die minister is selfs by een slagoffer se huis weggejaag juis omdat die inwoners van die woonbuurt dink die polisie was laks by die misdaadtoneel. Mens vind dit onaanvaarbaar dat die staatspresident en relevante ministers so swyg oor plaasmoorde. Ek het in verlede maand ‘n artikel deur dr James Myburg oor plaasmoorde in die Nongqai geplaas. Dit is die beste artikel wat ek nog oor die onderwerp gelees het. Die polisie is tans soms ietwat onbevoeg en belangeloos, toenemend lees mens die sekerheidsdiens was eerste op die toneel en die privaat ambulansdiens het noodhulp toegepas. Ja, ons het ‘n dubbele stelsel – private “polisie” en privaat nooddiens waarvoor ons betaal. Die polisie staan so in die tweede linie. Kyk na die poskantoor – ek gebruik eerder Posnet want binne 24 uur word my pakkie afgelewer. In teenstelling daarmee het die poskantoor al dikwels van my items gesteel en die diens by die poskantoor self, is ‘n riller. Nou gaan ‘n nasionale gesondheidsdiens ingestel word; die staatshospitale is reeds so swak hoe hulle dit gaan hanteer bly ‘n raaisel! Ek lees in die koerant dat KwaZulu-Natal die afgelope finansiële jaar 530 onwettige betogings gehad het – d.w.s. meer as een onwettige betoging per dag. Nasionale paaie is ontwrig.1 Onrus hou net nie op nie. Dit laat mens dink aan die manifes van MK: “The time comes in the life of any nation when there remain only two choices: submit or fight. That time has now come to South Africa. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means within our power in defence of our people, our future and our freedom.”2




Sien bv. Manifes van Umkhonto we Sizwe gedateer 16 Desember 1961.

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• Koot Swanepoel “Goue appels wat in silwer gemonteer is, so is die regte woord op die regte tyd.” (Spreuke 25 vers 11.) Regte woorde is bewonderenswaardig……. Donald McCullough het hieroor gesê: “Egte eerlikheid is om die regte waarheid vir die regte persoon op die regte tyd op die regte manier om die regte rede te sê.” Edward Heath, eertydse eerste minister van Engeland, het vroeg deurgeloop onder ‘n beledigende berig in die koerant wat behoort het aan die koerantmagnaat Lord Beaverbrook. Hulle het mekaar ‘n paar dae later raakgeloop in Heath se privaat klub. Beaverbrook het sy hand uitgesteek en vir Heath gesê: “My dear chap, I’ve been thinking it over, and I was wrong in that editorial/ Here and now, I wish to apologize.” Heath het egter vir hom gesê: “Very well, but next time I wish you’d insult me in the washroom and apologize in your newspaper.” Regte woorde op die regte plek is die beste.

• …. When you are tired: Rev. Charisse Le Roux: SAPS Paarl Isaiah 40:29-31 “He gives strength to those who grow tired and increases the strength of those who are weak. Even young people grow tired and become weary, and young men will and stumble and fall. Yet, the strength of those who wait with hope in the Lord will be renewed. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and won’t become weary”. Isn’t it wonderful to know that in our circumstances of life where people demand from us and always in the firing line of the enemy which tires us; God never gets tired, and He never grows weak. When we are tired, He promises to give us new strength. We are all very busy. There are so many things to be done, so many duties to perform, so many responsibilities waiting for us, that we sometimes grow tired of living and don’t have the energy to go on. But God knows when you are tired and He wants to offer you his strength. Are you feeling tired and discouraged today? Don’t ever give up! He will give you strength, so that you – “will soar on wings like eagles, you will run and not grow weary”. If you trust in Him, He will do it for you. Heavenly Father, thank you for knowing how tired I am today, Lord, I now ask that you will strengthen me and increase my power. I will wait upon you to renew my strength. Amen

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Nuwe Reeks: Hoofde van UVM en SAW: Genl.-maj. HT “Tim” Lukin

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Maj General Henry Timson Lukin: Lt.-Col W Marshall Henry Timson Lukin was born in Fulham in London on 24 May 1860, eldest and only son of Robert Henry Lukin and his wife Ellen Lukin. After completion of his schooling at the Merchant Taylor’s School in 1875 he had hoped to enter the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, but failed the entry examinations. He joined the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment based at Knightsbridge Barracks in London where he learnt the art of horsemanship. He also completed a Junior Infantry Volunteer Officers course at the Chelsea Barracks. However, seizing the moment of a war in South Africa, he left England on 02 January 1879 for Natal, where he worked first as a road foreman, but soon, with the help of a cousin, Lieutenant Jack Spurgin, he was commissioned into the 7th Regiment and under the command of Major H.M. Bengough and saw service during the Anglo-Zulu War. Having distinguished himself in the field in Zululand and was wounded in the leg at Ulundi in KZN. Leave back to England followed for a time. Lukin was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Cape Mounted Riflemen (CMR) on 23 March 1881 and served with this unit in the Basuto War of 1881, the Langeberg campaign (1896-97) and the South African War (1899-1902). While serving in the CMRs in Alice in the Eastern Cape he married Lily Quinn, the third daughter of Micheal Herbert Quinn. No children were born from this marriage. He was also appointed as the CMRs artillery gun instructor. Artillery and signal courses followed sending him back to England to Woolwich, Shoeburyness and Hythe. On 01 February 1894 he was promoted to Captain. During the South African War, he received the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) for the defence of Jammersbergdrift and played an important role in capturing key Boer commando leaders, including Commandant Johannes LÜtter and Commandant Gideon Scheepers. After the retirement of Lt Col E.H. Dalgety, on 13 October 1900 he is promoted to Lt-Col and appointed as the commander of the CMR. Various operations followed in the Northern Cape and Orange Free State. Lord Kitchener then bestowed the CMG medal on him for exceptional services rendered. On 23 August 1902 he received the appointment of Lt Col in the Imperial British Army, something he always wanted and dreamt of. On 01 January 1903, Lt Col Lukin was appointed Commandant General of the Cape Colonial Forces while still also commanding the CMR with the rank of Colonel. In 1903 and 1904 he lost not only his beloved sister but also his father. This had a great impact on him. On 17 May 1911 he handed over command of the Cape Colonial Forces and CMR to Lt Col R.C. (Reginald) Grant and left for England. He was in command of the South African Coronation Contingent attending and forming part of the coronation of King George V. The then attended wargames and exercises held in Switzerland. He returned to South Africa in January 1912 and took over his old position with the Cape Colonial Forces but left Lt Col Grant in command of the CMR. He played an important role in establishing the structures of the Union Defence Forces (UDF) and was appointed as Inspector General of the Permanent Force in 1912. Page 11 of 158

During the First World War distinguished himself as commander of a force of the South African troops in German South-West Africa (1914-1915) and as commander of the South African Brigade in Egypt during the Senussi Expedition and the Battle of Agagai (1915). Promoted to Maj Gen in the Imperial Army to command the 9th (Scottish) Division, 30 November 1916. Commanded the Division at Arras and Ypres in France (1916-17). Commanded the 64th (Highland) Division from March 1916. The illness of his wife, Annie Marie (Lily) necessitated a transfer to Britain, where he commanded the 64th Division until the end of the war. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig placed on record in a letter to the War Office; “his high appreciation of his distinguished services and great ability as soldier and commander. He was one of the most reliable Division Commanders in France”. In 1917 one of the highest honours was bestowed upon him when he was knighted. Promoted to Maj Gen in the Permanent Force (Staff), Union Defence Force on 23 May 1918. Relinquished temporary Imperial commission on completion of his service overseas and granted the honorary rank of Maj General in the Army, 15 May 1919 (London Gazette of 13 Oct 1919). Embarked from England to return to South Africa on the Balmoral Castle on 26 March 1920. After retiring from active service on 23 January 1919, he remained active in a variety of exservicemen’s organisations, including that of 1 South African Infantry Brigade. He was also a guest speaker at various functions, including the unveiling of monuments and memorials, and served on the Defence Commission of Enquiry (1924). He was also appointed as a member of the Council of Defence on 10 July 1924. Major General Sir Henry Timson Lukin died after a full, varied and distinguished military career in 15 December 1925. An approximately six-metre-high statue of Major-General Sir Henry Timson Lukin K.C.B. C.M.G. D.S.O. Commander Legion of Honour, Order of the Nile is situated just beyond the Queen Victoria street entrance of the historic Company Gardens in Cape Town. It was unveiled on the 3rd of March 1932 by the Governor-General, the Earl of Clarendon. Some of the medals awarded to Major General H.T. Lukin: • • • • • • • • • • • •

SA War Medal: Zululand War: 1879 Medal. Bechuanaland: 1897 Medal. Cape of Good Hope General Service Medal with Basutoland 1881 clasp and Bechuanaland Clasp 1897. SA War Medal: 1899 – 1902. Distinguished Service Order (DSO) and Bar. Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George. (CMG) Queens Medal with four clasps Kings Medal with two clasps Order of the Nile Most Honourable Order of the Bath: Knight Commander (KCB) Mention in Despatches (London Gaz 20 June 1918) Legion d’ Honneur – Commander Level (France) Page 12 of 158

• • •

1914-15 Star Victory Medal British War Medal


Wie was die polisie op die grens/operasionele gebied...? Kol Corrrie Prinsloo Hierdie is 'n in breë trekke verduideliking oor die onderwerp, aangesien daar regtig baie verwarring bestaan oor presies wie en wat die polisie se rol in die operasionele gebied was... Die veiligheidsmagte op die grens het bestaan uit die twee hoofgroeperings, naamlik die Weermag met al sy groeperings/bene en die polisie met al sy groeperings/bene. Tot en met 1 April 1981 terugwerkend, is die polisie se rol in geheel uitgevoer deur die SA Polisie (SAP). Op die genoemde datum is SWAPOL gestig (as 'n onafhanklike polisiemag vir SWA), waarvan ek 'n stigterslid was. Tot en met 1 April 1981 het die SAP die polisiëringsfunksie uitgevoer op die grens. Dit het bestaan uit die uniformtak, speurtak, veiligheidstak, SAP Tin-basisse (beman deur SAP-lede op driemaand-kampe) en Koevoet sedert stigting in einde 1978 begin 1979. Koevoet se primêre en uitsluitlike rol was teen-insurgensie en alles wat daarmee gepaard gegaan het. Met die ontstaan van SWAPOL is alle lede wat wou aansluit, ingeneem op voorwaarde dat ons ter eniger tyd terug kon gaan na die SAP met erkenning van rang, jare diens en pensioen voordele. Baie het die aanbod aanvaar en het aangesluit by SWAPOL. Die res is terugverplaas RSA toe of is gesekondeer aan SWAPOL. Die sekondering was veral wyd toegepas by die veiligheidstak en Koevoet. Koevoet het Koevoet gebly onder SWAPOL en het hulle voortgegaan met hulle primêre lynfunksie. Net die naam het basies verander en het SWAPOL TIN/COIN geword. Waar hulle eers in SAP camoe’s3 geveg het, het hulle later in SWAPOL camoe’s diens gedoen en toe laastens in hulle eie, kenmerkende Olive Greens. Koevoet het hoofsaaklik suid van die grens/jati en die blanke boerdery gebiede opereer, maar was nie as sulks beperk nie. Baie van hulle optredes en suksesse was trans-grens tydens hakkejag operasies, of tydens gesamentlike Ops’e4 met die Weermag. Uiteindelik is hulle as een van die beste teeninsurgensie-eenhede ter wêreld beskou... Ná April 1981 het die SAP voortgegaan om hulle lede uit die RSA vir driemaand-kampe op te stuur grens toe. Hulle het diens gedoen as SAP TIN en het basisse beman soos by Ruacana, Onesi, Tsandi, Umungwelume, Ongandjera en elders. Hulle was nie deel van Koevoet (SWAPOL TIN) nie en het hulle eie bevelstruktuur op Oshakati (Withuis) gehad. Ook het van hulle lede ons uitgehelp by SWAPOL. Die rol van die veiligheidstak (eers SAP en toe SWAPOL), verdien spesiale vermelding hier. Baie SAP-offisiere het as gesekondeerde veiligheidstaklede diens gedoen op die grens en in Windhoek. Hoofsaaklik in 'n bevelselement. Ons as SWAPOL-veiligheidstaklede het onder hulle direkte bevel gedien, maar steeds onderhorig aan ons eie seniors in SWAPOL. Die veiligheidspolisie het ook in 'n gevegshoedanigheid opgetree op die grens, alhoewel hierdie feit nie algemeen bekend is nie.

3 4

Kamoefleerdrag - HBH Gesamentlike operasies – HBH.

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As my geheue my nie nou in die steek laat nie, weet ek dat ons vier gevegspanne van veiligheid in Owamboland bedryf het. My eie op Ruacana, een van Ombalantu, een van Okatope en een van Ohangwena. Hierdie gevegspanne het honderd persent presies net soos 'n Koevoet- of Romeo Mike5 gevegspan van die SA Weermag gefunksioneer, hetsy onafhanklik óf tesame met Koevoet as ondersteuning of voorspoorsny hulp. Veiligheidstak se primêre funksie was egter nie om gevegspanne te bedryf soos Koevoet en die Romeo Mikes nie. Dit was maar 'n sekondêre funksie. My gevegspan was die enigste veiligheidstak gevegspan wat toegelaat is om ter eniger tyd transgrens te opereer. Ons primêre doelstelling was om vyandelike opslagplekke (caches) op te spoor, te buit en/of te vernietig. Ons was ook gespesialiseerd in bergwerk en teenspoorsny en is daarvoor in baie gevalle aangewend, selfs deur middel van troepering deur Puma-helikopters. Ons het hoofsaaklik alleen opgetree as ons transgrens gewerk het, ter wille van spoed en verrassing. Die verste noord wat ons 'n cache gelig het, was tussen Humbe by Xangongo, én Cahama, net suid van die teerpad. Tog, ons primêre funksie was inligting insameling, -bevestiging en -evaluering en die oordra daarvan aan ons bevelselement en die Weermag. 'n Kontak of so langs die pad was as 'n bonus beskou. En ons het ons deel daarvan gehad oor die jare heen, glo vir my. Terloops, my heel eerste kontak op die grens was as 'n uniformtaklid - iewers op pad gewees om 'n dagvaarding vir hofbywoning te gaan dien... Samevattend dus... die polisie se bydrae op die grens was deur die hand van Koevoet, die SAP Tin-kampers en die veiligheidspolisie se bydrae. Ook die gewone polisiewerk wat deur die uniformtak en die speurders gedoen is, tussen al die lokvalle en mynvoorvalle deur. Ek hoop die Polisie se oorhoofse rol is nou duideliker aan almal...

('n Gevalle SWAPO-vegter... voor my as 'n veiligheidspolisieman - dit was oorlog gewees. Nie net deur soldate en Koevoet nie, maar ook deur ander polisiemanne...) 5

Romeo Mike – reaksiemag – HBH.

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Kommentaar deur genl. Johan van der Merwe Soos reeds alom bekend het Koevoet in 1979 tot stand gekom met die oogmerk om as inligtingsbron vir die weermag in die operasionele gebied te dien. SWAPOL het in 1981 tot stand gekom, maar die bewaring van die binnelandse veiligheid is nadruklik by wetgewing uitgesluit en het nog steeds die verantwoordelikheid van Suid-Afrika gebly. Die veiligheidstak was onafhanklik van SWAPOL en het onder die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag se bevel geval. Koevoet is gedurende 1985 onder bevel van SWAPOL geplaas. Die bewaring van binnelandse veiligheid is eers na onafhanklikheidswording aan SWAPOL oorgedra. Daar het egter verskeie lede wat aan SWAPOL verbonde was in die veiligheidstak gedien en het onder die bevel van die Polisiemag gestaan vir sover dit bevel en beheer betref, maar vir administratiewe en tugdoeleindes onder bevel van SWAPOL.

SAP Intelligence operations: SWAPO: Maj CM Williamson, SOE While much has been said about Security Branch intelligence operations against the ANC, both internally and abroad, not much is publicly known about similar operations aimed at SWAPO. For example, during 'Operation Daisy' from 1975 until 1980 SB involvement with the IUEF (International University Exchange Fund) gave access to substantial political and financial intelligence about SWAPO. The IUEF was probably the INGO (International Non-Governmental Organisation) most involved in raising and channelling financial and other assistance from Governments and other organisations to the so-called 'liberation movements' in Africa from its head office in Geneva, through its offices and programmes in London, Lagos, Lusaka and Luanda. The IUEF channelled substantial funding to SWAPO from the Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and other governments as well as from various church groups and anti-apartheid organisations. As the Information Officer and later Deputy-Director of the IUEF I had to meet regularly with SWAPO officials in Geneva, New York, London and Lusaka. I met with SWAPO officials such as Shapua Kakungua, Ben and Dr Libertina Amathila, Hidino Hishongwa, Peter Katjavivi, Mishek Muyongo, John Ja-Otto and even internally based leaders like Dan Tjongarero and Martha Ford. Interaction with such well-placed SWAPO officials gave us insight to the thinking within SWAPO on matters such as their negotiations with the so-called Group of 5. We also could report back on political differences within the SWAPO leadership, on personality clashes, on allegations of corruption and financial mismanagement, on health problems in the camps and on political differences between SWAPO and the Frontline State's. Some interesting reports were, for example: • a plan to attempt to affect the morale of SA troops through propaganda pamphlets and radio broadcasts; •

the absolute determination by SWAPO to ensure that any SAP role during any peace process was totally limited;

the post-Cassinga raid tension between the MPLA government and SWAPO due to MPLA anger at SWAPO's total inability to respond adequately;

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the fact that the SWAPO Chief Representative in London, Shapua Kakungwa, 'cleared' any public statement he made with the London ANC office before issuing them;

a SWAPO /AAM/trade union plan to try and seize a shipment of uranium from SWA which going to the Netherlands;

my assisting Hadino Hishongwa to purchase SA currency in Geneva for SWAPO President Sam Nujoma; (see report attached).

an 'Operation Daisy' officer, RS183 carried funds originating in Europe to the SWAPO internal offices while they existed. When Hendrick Witbooi was arrested, RS183 not only delivered emergency funds but stayed and ran the office for a while. RS183 also delivered money to Toivo Ja Toivo's mother in Ovamboland.

Due to the importance of the IUEF to SWAPO from a political and financial support perspective, the IUEF was the only outside organization allowed to send a representative to visit their camps and view 'refugee support' programmes. Unfortunately, on one occasion the IUEF officer that I sent to inspect the projects was later seen sketching a map of the camp and its position. This led to Mishek Muyongo making an official complaint. Fortunately, this incident didn't affect our operations. After 'Operation Daisy' was terminated, our monitoring of SWAPO's international political and financial activities continued through agents and operatives put into place during Daisy. Our agents remained closed to SWAPO internationally and provided some administrative and financial support to SWAPO officials and delegations. Our agents were in Geneva in January 1981, supporting the SWAPO delegation at the historic first conference ever where SWAPO, SWA and SA delegates were in the same room, seated across a table from each other. (See a previous Nongqai article about Genl. Johan Van Der Merwe for more details if that conference).

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ZARP Speurder Garaty: Gawie Richter Gawie Richter skryf onder meer soos volg en ons haal die stukkie oor speurder Garaty aan. Ons kry geen rekord van hom nie. “Op 8 Augustus 1881 verkry Transvaal onafhanklikheid. Gedurende 1900, tydens die Anglo Boereoorlog bekom Hans Masibi vuurwapens van die Engelse om die boere aan te val. Tydens die oorlog, versteek Abraham Christoffel Janse, asook sy seun en nefie, beeste tussen klowe op die plaas Charles Hope 260 KR, aan die Bo-Palala. Op 20 Maart 1901 word die drie blankes deur ‘n rowerbende van 18 man opgemerk. Onder bevel van Masibi se kok en huisbediende, ene Maerman, wat aan Janse bekend was, stel hulle die blankes tevrede dat die besoek in vrede was. Maar ‘n sluipmoord word op die drie blankes uitgevoer en van hulle liggaamsdele vir toormedisyne verwyder. Later is van ‘n toordokter Tlaga vasgestel dat hy aan Masibi vertel het dat blanke liggaamsdele die beste medisyne maak en dat die oorlog tussen Boer en Brit die geleëntheid geskep het om boere te vermoor. ‘n Patrollie van generaal Beyers het die lyke ontdek. Ses jaar na die moorde is dit deur speuder Garaty ondersoek. Masibi het selfmoord gepleeg, die toordokter is vrygespreek en die res gevonnis, maar later vrygespreek.”

Huldeblyk: Genl. MCW Geldenhuys Michiel Christian Wilhelm Geldenhuys het hom op 8 November 1943, tydens die tweede wêreldoorlog, by die SA Polisiemag aangesluit. Dit was die begin van ‘n roemryke loopbaan wat weinig, indien enige van die ander lede van die polisiemag, beskore was. Hy is na voltooiing van sy opleidingskursus in Johannesburg geplaas waar hy ‘n lid van die speurdiens geword het en in Orlando, Moroka en Kliptown gestasioneer was. Hy het ‘n lid van die eenheid wat maatskappyebedrog ondersoek het geword en was by die ondersoek van ‘n opspraakwekkende bedrogsaak betrokke wat tot in Londen gestrek het. Hy is gedurende 1947 na die Handelstak in die Graysgebou in Johannesburg oorgeplaas. Gedurende 1949 is hy tot tweedeklas speurdersersant bevorder. Bevorderingsgeleenthede in die speurafdeling was beperk en gedurende 1951 het hy gevra om weer na die uniformafdeling oorgeplaas te word waar hy tot eersteklassersant bevorder is en te radiobeheer in Johannesburg gestasioneer is. Op 1 April 1953 is hy as stasiebevelvoerder op Utrecht aangestel. Op 1 Januarie 1956 is hy tot hoofkonstabel bevorder, ‘n rang wat later deur adjudant-offisier vervang is, en is as die stasiebevelvoerder te New Castle aangestel. Op 0 1 Oktober 1958 is hy tot die rang van luitenant bevorder en te Greenwood Park in Durban geplaas. Gedurende 1962 is hy as die distrikskommandant van Keetmanshoop aangestel. Sy bekwaamheid het spoedig onder die aandag van genl. Hendrik van den Bergh, wat die hoof van die veiligheidstak was, gekom. Hy is gedurende 1963 na die veiligheidstak oorgeplaas waar ‘n hegte verhouding tussen hom, genl. Van den Bergh en mnr. John Vorster ontstaan het. Hy word kort daarna as die koördinerende offisier van die veiligheidstakke in die Oos-Kaap aangestel waar hy Page 17 of 158

spoedig as die “ystervuis” van die Oos-Kaap bekend geraak het. Gedurende 1964 is hy as die hoof van die Republiek se Intelligensiediens aangestel. Hy was betrokke by die arrestasie van Yuri Loginof, ‘n KGB-spioen. Hy was ook by die arrestasie van Bram Fischer betrokke. Hy het aan die hoof gestaan van die ondersoek na die ontvoering van mev. Etty Glazer en haar seun Sammy wat gedurende Maart 1966 plaasgevind het. Daar is aanvanklik ‘n losprys van R140 000 betaal, maar al vier ontvoerders is opgespoor en gearresteer. Die meeste van die geld is teruggevind. Die buro vir staatsveiligheid is gedurende 1969 gestig en genl. Hendrik van Den Bergh is as die hoof daarvan aangestel. Genl. Van den Bergh het onmiddellik gereël dat genl. Geldenhuys na die Buro oorgeplaas word waar hy adjunk-hoof van die Buro geword het. Genl. Geldenhuys is gedurende 1974 weer teruggeplaas na die polisie waar hy hoof van die veiligheidstak geword het. Hy is gedurende 1978 as kommissaris van die polisie aangestel. Op 25 Januarie 1980 het drie MK-terroriste gewapen met AK-gewere en handgranate die Volskasbank in Silverton binnegegaan en 25 van die werknemers gyselaar geneem. Genl. Geldenhuys, op daardie tydstip die kommissaris, het onmiddellik vanaf Kaapstad na Pretoria gevlieg en na die toneel vertrek waar die taakmag reeds ontplooi was. Nadat hy die situasie ontleed het, het hy opdrag gegee dat die terroriste doodgeskiet moet word. Die taakmag het daarin geslaag om die drie terroriste dood te skiet, maar een het ‘n handgranaat laat ontplof wat van die werknemers gedood en beseer het. Een van die skokkendste terreurvoorvalle in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika het op 20 Mei 1983 plaasgevind. ʼn Motor met ʼn kragtige lading springstof het omstreeks vieruur die middag voor die Nedbankpleingebou in Kerkstraat, Pretoria, ontplof. (Die gebou het in Engels as die Nedbank Square Maritime House bekend gestaan.) Altesame 19 mense is dood, onder wie 12 burgerlikes en 7 Weermaglede. Altesame 219 mense is erg beseer of vermink, onder wie 217 burgerlikes en 2 Weermaglede. Die twee terroriste wat die ontploffing veroorsaak het, Ezekiel Maseko en Freddie Shongwe, is ook in die ontploffing gedood. Hulle was waarskynlik nie goed opgelei hoe om die sender en ontvanger van die afstandbeheermeganisme te aktiveer nie of het deurmekaar geraak en dit in verkeerde volgorde gedoen. Die ploftoestel het gevolglik onmiddellik ontplof toe die afstandbeheermeganisme geaktiveer is. Helene Pastoors, ‘n Belgiese burger wat in Nederland gebore is, het die voertuig met die springstof vanaf Swaziland deur ‘n grenspos die land binnegebring. Sy is ‘n tyd gelede deur die ANC-regering met ‘n medalje vir hierdie gruweldaad vereer. Ironies genoeg het genl. Geldenhuys die voormiddag van 20 Mei 1983 die hoeksteen gelê van die gedenksteen by die Uniegebou ter nagedagtenis aan al die lede wat hulle lewe in belang van hulle land opgeoffer het. Hy het op 31 Mei 1983 met pensioen uit die diens getree. Daar is ‘n groot aantal medaljes aan genl. Geldenhuys toegeken wat onder andere die volgende ingesluit het: • • • •

S A Polisiester vir uitnemende leierskap S A Polisiester vir voortreflike diens S A Polisiester vir uitmuntende diens S A Polisiester vir verdienste

Genl. Geldenhuys het alles veil vir sy land en sy mense gehad. Hy was ‘n Afrikaner in murg en been wat sy taak met groot toewyding en ywer vervul het.

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Na sy aftrede het genl. Geldenhuys die voorreg gehad om sy pensioen tot en met gedurende 1994 te geniet. Gedurende 1994 het die ANC-regering aan bewind gekom en dit was onmiddellik duidelik dat die voormalige lede van die S A Polisiemag, insonderheid die veiligheidstak wat daarin geslaag het om die rewolusionêre aanslag met groot welslae af te weer, ‘n duur prys daarvoor gaan betaal. Ek en genl. Geldenhuys het saam met genl. Johan Coetzee, genl. Hennie de Witt en ons eweknieë van die weermag verskeie samesprekings met mnre. Mandela, de Klerk en Mbeki gevoer in ‘n poging om die voormalige lede van die polisiemag teen vervolging te beskerm. Dit het egter geen welslae opgelewer nie. Die werksaamhede van die WVK het gedurende 1996 ‘n aanvang geneem en dit was uit die staanspoor duidelik dat die oudlede van die voormalige veiligheidstak die spit gaan afbyt. Ek en genl. Geldenhuys was verplig om onmiddellik ‘n regstryd met die WVK aan te knoop wat uiteindelik in die appèlhof geëindig het en in ons guns beslis is. Genl. Geldenhuys en Annatjie het baie hard gewerk om te help om fondse in te samel vir die regskoste van oudlede van die veiligheidstak. Annatjie het konfyt gemaak, gebak en was jaar vir jaar getrou op haar pos by ons jaarlikse skaapbraai. Die welsyn van lede van die polisiemag het Genl. Geldenhuys en ook vir Annatjie baie na aan die hart gelê. Geen moeite of opoffering was vir hulle ooit te groot as dit by die welsyn van lede van die polisiemag gekom het nie. Ons salueer ‘n groot Gees wat diep spore in die polisiemag getrap het! - Johan van der Merwe Begrafnisbrief: Genl. MCW Geldenhuys

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Choppie Cronje was die generaal se motorbestuurder. Choppie het op Oudtshoorn afgetree. Page 21 of 158

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Huldeblyke: Genl. Mike Geldenhuys Hennie Heymans: 22 Junie 2018 om 11:34 Hanlie van Straten, vriendin van die Geldenhuys-familie op Nigel, het my geskakel en met leedwese verwittig dat generaal Mike Geldenhuys net so voor 11uur vanoggend (22-06-2018) oorlede is.

Opmerking Casper Kruger, Elmarie Boshoff en 155 ander.

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Leon Coetzee Innige simpatie met die Generaal se familie. Ons dink aan hulle. Gerhard Meintjies Ai RIV genl. Saluut. Brad Bennetts RIV GENERAAL. Cobus Holtzkampf R I V. Tinus Oosthuizen R I V. Piet Meyer RIV General. Aristo Schonken RIV Genl.! Pieter Van Zijl Hartseer dag, net gister gekyk na die Kommissarisse pre-94. RIV Generaal. Willem van Zyl RIV oom Mike. Steenkamp Vermeulen RIV Generaal. Braam van Zyl RIV Generaal . Pieter Van Zijl Nie die Generaal geken nie maar hy was solied. SAMIRROR.COM: General MCW Geldenhuys Fransien Barnard RIV Generaal. Malcolm Webster RIV Generaal. Leon Moore RIV Generaal. Alle simpatie aan die familie. Danie Matthee RIV Generaal!


đ&#x;™? đ&#x;™?


đ&#x;™? đ&#x;™?.

Piet Van Zyl Saluut en RIV. Paul Janse van Vuuren RIV. Craig Cruickshank Salute. Danie Coetzee Rus in vrede. Drummond Hammond Salute Sir! Susan Stoltz Saluut my Generaal! Was bevoorreg om onder hom en sy seun Don te gewerk het! RIV. Johan Van Aswegen RIV groot respek gehad vir hom ‘n man van manne. Het my nog so 7 jaar terug gesĂŞ sy grootste rang was Sersant. Hy het ‘n sersant geword op Utrecht. Hy het later jare daar besoek as kommissaris. Die eienares van die kroeg het hom oorgenooi, hulle mekaar lank geken. Toe sy hom sien toe roep sy SARGE maar jy het ver gevorder in die polisie. Hy het SARGE GEBLY. Noddy Janse van Rensburg RIV Generaal. Page 24 of 158

Jan Janzen van Vuuren RIV Generaal. Respek. Paul J Murphy RIV Generaal!!!! Fanie Geyer RIV Genl.... Piet Gunter RIV GENERAAL. Trevor Taute RIV GENERAAL. Renier Wagenaar Rus in vrede. Ronelle Mouton Valentyn RIV generaal. Johan Geldenhuys Gellie RIV. Dieter Meyer RIV. Marius Morland RIV, SALUUT. Daar het 'n groot man geval. Hy het my agter die boeke gekry. Ek sal hom altyd dankbaar wees. Wessel Badenhorst Salute Sir sterkte aan familie. André L du Toit Riv Generaal..Saluut. Petro Laas Bothma Louise Droskie. Johan Oosthuizen RIV Saluut. Sterkte aan die familie. Jan Daniel Bester RIV Saluut. Patrick Coetzee RIV Generaal. Alta Shafaian Fard RIV


Wayne Morgan Condolences, RIP General. Paul Greyling RIV GENERAAL. Johann de Bruin Riv. Bennie Van Niekerk RIV GENERAAL. Koos Diedericks RIV Generaal! Robert van Onselen RIV Generaal en sterkte aan familie. Wessel Geldenhuys Rus in vrede...GENERAAL. Freddie van Wyk RIV Generaal. Ina Schutte RIV Generaal... Marie Snyman Saluut vir oulaas. Nicolaas Joubert RIV. Page 25 of 158

Rose-marie van der Merwe

Abrie Grobler SALUUT RIV. Generaal. Hennie Pheiffer Saluut Generaal, baie sterkte aan die familie. RIV. Andre Coetzee R.I.V Generaal. Herman Van Deventer Saluut!! RIV Generaal. Reg Crewe RIV. Sterkte aan die familie. Jan Britz Jooste RIV. Sterkte vir die familie. Boela Snyman RIV. Gen. PW van Zyl Saluut! Rus in vrede! Edna Myburgh RIV Generaal

đ&#x;˜˘ Saluut.

Boet Meintjes Sag rus Generaal. Johan van den Berg RIV. Generaal. Casper Steyn RIV Generaal .Sterkte aan familie . Hennie Punt RIV Generaal. Nico Botha Saluut. Groet ʼn grote! Sterkte aan die familie. Christian Loedolff Saluut Hein Kilian Saluut aan ‘n GENERAAL !! RIV. Fanie Bouwer 13 Oktober 1978 was hy en minister Jimmy Kruger by die opening van Robertson polisiestasie waar ek SB was. Sterkte aan sy familie RIV generaal Saluut! David Bruce My sincere condolences to the Geldenhuys family. A sad loss indeed. Brad Bennetts My Ouma Groetjie was soos die Generaal se Ma. My Ouma, My Pa se Ma, was die Generaal se Beste Vriendin. My Pa sĂŞ vir my hulle was "ge-case" na my Oupa se dood. Dirk Pretorius RIV. Page 26 of 158

Leon De Villiers RIV. Roland Frost 'n Groot boom het geval! Een van die bestes ooit. Johann Kilian RIV Generaal. Piet Kierie Fourie RIV Generaal. Marinda Visser-Hough Jannie Hough. Glenn Elsden . RIV Generaal – SALUUT. Bere De Beer Saluut, RIV. Elmarie Boshoff My pa se laaste en my eerste kommissaris. Simpatie aan die familie. Rus in vrede Generaal. 'n Groot boom is vandag uit God se bos gekap. Lenie du Plessis RIV Generaal. Hein Stapelberg Rus in vrede Generaal


Red Baron Saluut. Johan Terblanche RIV, Genl. Sonja Erasmus Geldenhuys RIV Generaal. Sterkte aan die familie. Jr Le Roux SALUUT MET RESPEK, HET DIE EER GEHAD OM SAAM MET SY SEUN KLEIN MIKE OP SUNNYSIDE TE WERK, RIV GENL. Giel Venter RIP. Rob Welman RIP. Hennie Scholtz RIP... Apie van Straten RIV Generaal. Kobus Nortje Rus in vrede Generaal. Dawid Jacobus Malan RIP. Henry Beling Salute....Rus in vrede Generaal. Paul Grabe RIP Genl. Graham Davidson RIP. Stoffel Uys RIV Generaal. Trevor Lindoor Rip general. Werner Scholtz RIV Generaal. Rich Hurt RIP General. Page 27 of 158

Tom van Rensburg R I V Generaal. Rietta Everton RIV Generaal. Een van die beste.



Hannes Schulz Innige meegevoel aan familie. Seun Oosthuizen Saluut. Marius Johannes Mountjoy RIV. Elmarie Boshoff Daleen Meyer. Jakes Jacobs RIV YSTER!!! Casper Kruger R.I.V Generaal. Neelsie Borea Riv. Willie du Plessis Saluut, Generaal rus in Vrede was ‘n eer om hom te ken. Kevin Smith RIP Gen. you were a leader of note. Ons dank aan almal wat ons Facebook inskrywing geteken het om medelye met mev. Geldenhuys te betoon - HBH

1928: SAP: Pieter Van Zijl

Bosluise en Magalle: Berede- en voetpolisie Page 28 of 158

Boodskappe van lede van die SAP-generaalsklub se WhatsApp-groep aan mev. Annatjie Geldenhuys na aanleiding van genl. Mike Geldenhuys se afsterwe Genl.maj. Hannes Swart Genl.maj. Herman en Joey Grobler Mev. Elsje van Zyl Genl.maj. Chris en Babs Smith Lt.genl. le Roux en Nelet Stemmet Genl.maj. JAP Burger Genl.maj.. Hennie en Drienie Fischer Mev. Zena Conradie Genl.maj. Sakkie en Bettie Minnaar Genl.maj. Tertius en Rina Calitz

Dis baie hartseer. Sterkte aan die familie. Baie hartseer en sterkte vir Annatjie en familie. Dis so hartseer. Sterkte aan Annatjie en familie. Ons is so jammer en hartseer om nog ‘n generaal te verloor. Baie liefde en sterkte vir Annatjie en familie. Ons innige meegevoel. Nog ‘n seder het geval. Trots om onder hom te kon dien. Innige meegevoel met die familie.

Baie sterkte Annatjie en familie. Ons innige meegevoel met Annatjie en ander lede van die familie. Ons bid vir vertroosting. Opregte meegevoel met die afsterwe van generaal Geldenhuys. Annatjie en familie. Ek koester die dae as sy persoonlike adjudant en die tyd saam met hom op die Nasionale Hoofbestuur van die Bond. Dit is kosbaar en sal so bly tot in lengte van dae. Daar gaan ‘n man verby. Lt.genl. Wouter en Rina Ons innige meegevoel Annatjie en familie. Ons salueer. Grové Genl.maj. Johan en Ons innige meegevoel met julle groot verlies. Sterkte. Willemien Kruger Genl.maj. Mike en René RIP Generaal Mike. Fryer Genl.maj. Coen en Margie Ons innige meegevoel aan mev. Geldenhuys en al die familie. Ek Spaumer (Margie) het ook die nuus oorgedra aan my mammie, mev. Baby Engels, My ouers was nie net kollegas nie, maar ook hegte vriende. Genl.maj. Gerrit en Anna Ons innige meegevoel. Erasmus Genl.maj. Johan en Aan die Geldenhuys familie. Ons innige simpatie met die afsterwe Amanda Koen Genl.maj. (ds.) Basie en Annatjie, die boodskap van genl. Mike se dood laat die Jeanette van Eeden herinneringe diep en wyd loop. Mag julle almal die troos van die Here self ervaar. Mev. Marietjie van Dyk Mev. Geldenhuys, my innige simpatie. Ek dink aan u en die hele familie. Genl.maj. André en Riana With deepest sympathy. Roos Genl.maj. Obie en Maryna Mev. Geldenhuys, ‘n mens dink party mense vir wie jy baie Oberholzer respek het, gaan vir ewig lewe. So was dit met Generaal. Ons dink met deernis aan u en die familie. Lt.genl. Johan en Felicity le Ons innige simpatie gaan uit na Annatjie en familie. Mag julle Roux troos in ons Almagtige Here vind. Genl.maj. Vic en Adri Innige meegevoel aan die Geldenhuys familie. Haynes Lt.genl. Mike Bester Innige meegevoel met u groot verlies. Genl.maj. Barry Henn My innige simpatie met u groot verlies. Genl.maj. Sharon Schutte Ons dink aan die Geldenhuys familie. Mev. dit was ‘n voorreg om Page 29 of 158

(Néé Holmes) en Willie. (Sharon was ook ‘n lid van die SA Polisie Orkes) Lt.genl. Johan en Nettie Ferreira

onder genl. Mike te dien. Ek onthou my pa (wyle brig. Stan Holmes – orkesleier van die SA Polisie orkes) is altyd versoek om “Spanish Eyes” vir u te speel - glo u gunsteling. Mev. Geldenhuys, ons dink aan u in hierdie dae. Na generaal Geldenhuys se aftrede was ek die persoonlike stafoffisier van sy opvolger, generaal Johann Coetzee. Generaal Mike het hom dikwels in Pretoria en die Kaap op kantoor kom opsoek, en dit was my voorreg om hom namens genl. Coetzee te ontvang en te leer ken.

Hierdie was boodskappe op die Generaalsklub se WhatsApp groep. Johan Ferreira Administrateur van die WhatsApp-groep Pretoria 24 Junie 2018 Volunteer Wanted We are looking for a volunteer graphic artist to help us with art work regarding uniforms, medals etc of the South African Police and antecedent police forces in South Africa.

Judges Rules, OK? (HBH) Ons is eendag gedurende die vroeë 1970’s op die skietbaan, wyle Andy Taylor en ek. Ons was saam op Durban-veiligheidstak. Die skietbaan in Durban was destyds langs die see by die Blue Lagoon. So skiet ons manne van Durban-Sentraal almal saam en daar kom ‘n aantal speurders by om ook te skiet. Andy Taylor so lang, maer, Engelsman vertel my toe die volgende storie: “Sien jy daai ou daar ...?” Page 30 of 158

Ek knik my kop. “Hy is by die Punt se voertuigdiefstal-eenheid. So kom dit eendag dat ons twee nuwe polisiekarre by Seksie 4 kry. (Seksie 4 het die plek van Republikeinse Intelligensie (RI) oorgeneem. RI is toe oorgeplaas na die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid.) Ek en Jerrie moes die polisievoertuie, onder dekking, by die munisipaliteit in Old Fort-weg gaan registreer. Ek het ʼn John Bull-stempel gaan koop. Ons het die vorms ingevul en ek het die stempel daarop geplaas as sou ons die karre by Grosvenor Motors gekoop het. Ongelukkig het ek Grosvenor Motors verkeer gespel - Grovenor Motors. Ons staan in die ry en die dame by die rekenaar wat die registrasies hanteer, sê: “Die rekenaar is aflyn” – ons moet maar net so bietjie sit, sy sal ons roep.” Sy gaan stilletjies en skakel die voertuigtak te SAP Punt. Gou is die speurders daar en ek en Jerrie – my swart kollega - word gearresteer. Ons word, soos dit die gebruik is, geskei en apart ondervra. Die speurdersersant is nogal aggressief met sy ondervraging en ek mag nie aan hom erken dat ek ʼn geheime lid van die Mag is nie, aangesien ek onder dekking is. Ek onthou toe van regters reëls. Ewe slim vra ek: “Waarsku u nie ʼn mens vir volgens regters reëls nie?” Hy stap na my toe en gee my ʼn vreeslike klap teen die kop en sê: “Nou is jy gewaarsku volgens regters reëls!” In die kantoor langsaan kon ek hoor Ou Jerrie kreun! Ek vra toe om die offisier-in-bevel te sien en die sersant sê dat hy daar in bevel is. ʼn Ander speurder kom ingestap met die nuus: ‘Weet ‘sant wat? Dis twee pliesiekarre wat die manne gesteel het. Ek het die voertuie deursoek en in die een kattebak die logboeke en bandestate (SAP 132) gekry!’ Toe kreun ou Jerrie eers! Ons is opgesluit as verdagtes en toe ‘n offisier die selle besoek, toe vra ek hom om luit-kol Frans Steenkamp te verwittig. So het ons later uitgekom en het ek in die praktyk ‘n les geleer ...”

Pack up your troubles (HBH) The “Old Bull & Bush” was just across the road from the Rossburgh railway station. One night the SAP attended to a disturbance at the “Old Bull & Bush”. One of the inebriated customers grabbed the police van’s mike and entertained the police in Port Natal “over the air” on the old soldier’s song: “Pack up your troubles”. The SAP showed their appreciation for his talents and he was promptly rewarded with an admission of guilt fine for obstructing the police in the execution of their duties.

Genade: 54 Jaar S.D.G: ‘n Mens het so baie om voor dankbaar te wees - 54 jaar gelede as "konstabel" aangestel. So bitter jonk! So baie plekke besoek, so baie gesien en God het altyd Sy Bewarende Hand oor my en my makkers gehou! Wat 'n voorreg om te kon "dien en beskerm". Dit was destyds ons leuse. So het ons baie dinge beleef en so baie humor in die polisie! Ek het nog kontak met die Page 31 of 158

manne van “1964” – Johan Visage, Andre Beukes en Johan Ferreira. Ons groep het ‘n minister (Leon Wessels) en ‘n kommissaris (George Fivaz) opgelewer.

(Ek kon later nooit weer die rewolwer in die SAP opspoor nie. Ons is as jong seuns met wapens en ammunisie in die kollege uitgereik gewees.) Page 32 of 158

SAP 67: Censored Historical Document: RS 167

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Comment: Names have been removed to protect innocent people. This form SAP 67 was available in Afrikaans and English. Reading SAP 67’s for the greater part of the day was most interesting, especially in the section I worked on (Section A1). I read so many interesting reports from our Intelligence Section – Section “G” (national and international) and local reports from our various Divisional Commanders. Even criminal misconduct of our politicians went over my desk. Page 34 of 158

Nobody was above the law; I saw the results in their prison sentences. The other aspect of the work was the privilege to read about incidents in our reports before it appeared in the news. We received our urgent reports and SAP 67’s via the telex machine. I am proud to state that we “knew” a lot of things; from Bredasdorp to Beit Bridge; from Durban to Hondeklipbaai; from Genève to Amsterdam, New York, London, Harare, Arusha or where ever. Our eyes and ears were at all our ports of entry and exit. Many of our agents and informers visited Moscow, Vietnam and Cuba where they received training.

Our best Police Secret Agents (HBH) A while back I was asked who our “best” agents were. In South Africa we go back to various wars and South Africans played an important role in intelligence gathering. In this regard we may mention the name of Field Marshall JC Smuts who was head of the Secret Police before and during the Anglo Boer War. Danie Theron – later the head of Theron’s Scouts – was a lawyer and spy even before the Anglo Boer war. We had a lot of knowhow to build on. The SAP even back in 1910 had a vote for secret work. The Deputy Commissioner of Police and Secretary of Police, HC ‘Manie’ Bredell was well versed in covert intelligence gathering whilst attached to the ZARP’s.

• Captain Jan Taillard Our very first important spy after the Anglo Boer War is Captain (later Lt.-Col.) Jan Taillard. His intelligence before and during World War 2 (WW2) was of great national importance. In a way his intelligence even changed the course of WW2 in Africa. His intelligence prevented a putsch in SWA where the local Nazi’s wanted to present Hitler with SWA as a prize on his birthday. This was 1939 before WW2 was declared. Many Nazi’s from SWA were interned in South Africa. His second task was to capture Robey Leibbrandt. (See article elsewhere in this edition.) This mission during WW2 was successfully accomplished.

• General HJ van den Bergh: The Father of Modern Intelligence in the RSA When South Africa left the British Commonwealth, we lost the cooperation of MI5 – the British Secret Service. We in the Security Branch did correspond and liaised with MI5 via the office of the Commissioner of Police. After 1961 we in South Africa fell under the ambit of the British Secret Intelligence service – MI6. When Lt.-Col. HJ van den Bergh was appointed Commanding Officer of the Security Police he looked towards the USA, the CIA, and to West Germany. He was a dynamic leader and soon the Security Police was an excellent organisation. I think he used General Reinhard Gehlen6 in Western Germany as a role model. The covert Republican Intelligence (Service) under the national and international command of Major Mike Geldenhuys with Head Office in Johannesburg was established with vigour and intelligence. I remember the young Captain Johann Coetzee – then attached to “Pretoria Agencies” (part of RI) on the Bluff in Durban.

• Warrant Officer Gerard Ludi In this cloud of success our second spy of national importance was Warrant Officer Gerard Ludi – Agent Q018 – who accomplished work of great security importance during the 1960’s.

Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a German general who was chief of the Wehrmacht Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit during World War II (1942–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organisation for the United States (1946–56); and the first president of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) of West Germany (1956–68) during the Cold War 6

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• Major CM Williamson Our third spy presented himself in the late 1960’s to the late 1980’s; he became a police Major and later a SADF Colonel, CM “Craig” Williamson. I was privileged to have read many of his SAP 67’s. He was a most valuable asset. (I must stress he was not our only agent – we had many agents and many super handlers.) He was initially handled by Col. Johann Coetzee a man with great experience in covert intelligence – later the CO of the Security Branch in the Witwatersrand, CO of the Security branch Head Office in Pretoria and finally the Commissioner of Police. Col. Johann Coetzee as he was then, was known as “CoCo” in reports.

Misdadigers se teen-intelligensie veldtog Saamgestel deur Philip Malherbe Terwyl die polisie op die oog af poer-poer om intelligensie in te win, om misdaad suksesvol te bekamp, is die sindikate wat misdaad bedryf voltyds besig om hul misdaad intelligensie uit te brei. Dit blyk dat baie van die polisielede nie mooi weet waaroor misdaadintelligensie gaan nie. Uit die aard van die saak is dit die werwing en hantering van beriggewers. Die goue reël t.o.v. die hantering van beriggewers is die onderneming wat jy aan jouself gee, die verantwoording taak wat jy onderneem, wat daarop neerkom dat die beriggewer se lewe nou in jou hande is. Maak jy droog of ontbloot jy jou beriggewer, is die kans baie goed dat die gemeenskap die beriggewer se lewe gaan beëindig – hoe sus jy dan jou gewete? Baie polisielede (geen opleiding wat werwing en hantering van beriggewers behels nie – eintlik die skuld van hul bevelvoerders) uit onkunde, is van mening dat om ‘n beriggewer te werf so maklik is soos 1,2,3 en al wat jy doen is om ‘n persoon te nader en te versoek om inligting tov van misdaad te verskaf teen betaling. Misdaad sindikate of bendes is hiper-sensitief teen moontlike infiltrasie deur polisie-beriggewers. Kom ons aanvaar vir die oomblik dat ‘n beriggewer daarin slaag om inligting tov misdaad te verskaf, kan dit baie maklik gebeur dat die onkundige hanteerder die bron kan ‘blaas’. Die verkeerde kontak (kommunikasie en betaling) van ‘n beriggewer kan so maklik sy/haar einde beteken. Die mees aanvaarbare manier van kommunikasie deesdae is ‘n selfoon, en dit is so maklik om jouself te ‘verraai’ sodra ‘n agterdogtige familielid, bende of sindikaat-lid jou selfoon in die hande kry (terwyl jy slaap bad of terwyl die selfoon op herlaai is) of jou direk konfronteer dat jy die selfoon moet oorhandig. Al wat hul dan moet doen is om na die foon se geheue te gaan en ‘n paar nommers te skakel, met die moontlikheid dat hulle die hanteerder se nommer skakel en die hanteerder antwoord: ‘Goeie naand sers. Smit’ – af is die as! Die oplossing, ‘n tweede selfoon wat weggesteek word en soos met die hanteerder gereël, net op sekere tye elke aand of sekere dae aangesit word indien die beriggewer alleen is of weg van die huis is. Alternatiewelik kan daar van ‘n DLB -“dead letter box” - gebruik gemaak word, hetsy ‘n posbus, ander wegsteekplek of notas wat in ‘n bepaalde boek in ‘n boekwinkel geplaas word – wat uiteraard vernietig moet word nadat die boodskap gememoriseer is. Die betaling van ‘n beriggewer is ook ‘n belangrike aspek, hetsy ‘n bankkaart, tensy ‘n ongeletterde wat in kontant betaal moet word. Indien ‘n werklose, moet daar ou gebruikte note en niks groter as R50 oorhandig word nie. Die ongeletterde en werklose beriggewer moet uiteraard ook gerantsoeneer word. Hoe verduidelik hulle skielik R 100 en R 200 note?

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Dan die agterlosige polisieman wat die beriggewer na sy kantoor ontbied en dan betaal. Wie almal sien die man by die polisiestasie en merk agterna hom/haar (werkloos) besig om geld by die sjebeen te spandeer! Die sindikaat-base - “hoofmanne oor honderd”- maak na bewering gebruik van middelmanne om bestuurders van voertuie te werf; huur of koop vuurwapens, en werf die nodige mannekrag. Laasgenoemde bestaan na bewering baie keer uit oud- of dienende polisie- en weermaglede, asook na bewering ook lede van “Umkhonto we Sizwe” (MK) die gewapende vleuel van die African National Congress (ANC) wat ‘amptelik’ hul operasies in 1990 beëindig het, en “Azanian People's Liberation Army” (APLA ) voorheen bekend as Poqo, die militêre vleuel van die Pan African Congress (PAC), heel moontlik lede wat sonder werk sit en waarskynlik in Rusland, OosDuitsland en Tsjeggo-Slowakye militêr opgelei is. Deurdat die modus operandi van misdaad nie aangepas word nie, lei dit baie keer tot arrestasies deur op en wakker polisiemanne wat opmerk het dat die merke bv. by huisbrake of deur ‘n skroewedraaier, hamer of klein koevoet veroorsaak is en dan word die gereëlde bekende brekers gearresteer. Vroeër het sindikate werkloses wat op straathoeke sit en werk soek genader om inligting te verskaf van inwoners wat hul huise verlaat om te gaan werk. Terugvoer sou dan heel moontlik die volgende behels: Die man verlaat die huis om 06:00 en die vrou en die skoolkinders om 6:30, en die huishulp kom net sekere dae. Daarna slaan die misdadigers toe op die huis. Teen die tyd weet hul wat die reaksietyd van die sekuriteitsmaatskappye is, en weet dan dat hulle slegs 5 of 10 min tyd het om te vat wat waardevol en vinnig in kontant omgesit kan word. Daarna het hulle van strategie verander, deur eenvoudig gebruik te maak van “spotters” in voertuie wat konsentreer op woonhuise waar huisvroue en huishulpe tuis was. Hulle was bewus van die feit dat die huisalarm nie geaktiveer is nie, met die persone wat binne en buite die huise beweeg het, dan het hul eenvoudig die elektriese hek met hul voertuig van die spoor af gestamp om toegang te verkry. Daarna is daar toegeslaan op spesifieke huise. Vermelde huise is noukeurig uitgesoek na inligting bekom is. Soos die polisie maak hul ook nou gebruik van beriggewers wat ‘n varkoor moet gooi, waar huisbediendes in taxi’s is of by sjebeen iets vloeibaar geniet, en dan gesels oor hulle gegoede werkgewers wat oor brandkaste, duur TV stelle, klanktoerusting, skootrekenaars en selfone beskik het. Aanvanklik het hulle toegang tot huise met alarms verkry deur die alarm vroeg oggend te aktiveer, ligte gaan aan en huiseienaar is op, sekuriteit klok in – niks – 15 min later aktiveer hulle weer die alarm, selfde storie – 15 min later selfde storie. Nou is die baas van die plaas nie meer dik van die lag nie en skakel hy die ‘foutiewe’ alarm af met die sekuriteitsbeampte wat die eienaar verseker dat die tegniese persoon vroeg die alarm sal kom regmaak. So halfuur later dan slaan die kriminele toe. Daarna het die kriminele van taktiek verander deur persone te nader wat installeerders by sekuriteitsmaatskappye was. Kontak is dan gemaak hetsy in ‘n sjebeen of tydens ‘n saamrygeleentheid, gewoonlik so week voor die einde van die maand wanneer jy laag op fondse was. Eers is daar oor die algemeen gesels, o.a. hoe lank werk jy al by die plek, hoeveel jy verdien ens. Dan sal die opmerking gemaak word dat jy maar min verdien teenoor die aantal jare diens. Page 37 of 158

Intussen is hul nie skaam om vir jou drankies te betaal nie. Dan kom die lokaas. Ons bied jou (afhangende van die salaris) ‘n paar duisend rand aan, in ruil vertel ons net hoe ‘n alarm te omseil. Indien inligting bekom word van besighede se alarms wat moeilik is om te omseil, mag hul heel moontlik meegedeel word dat toegang vergemaklik word deur die dak. Huise wat op hul lys is en waar honde teenwoordig is word eenvoudig vergiftig met “two-step” wat onmiddellike dood tot gevolg het. Binne ‘n dag of wat slaan hulle die huis. Hulle weet goed dat die dood van troeteldiere hoogs emosioneel is en dat dit ‘n paar dae vat voordat nuwe honde aangeskaf word. Intussen het misdadigers aangepas wat uitkenning bemoeilik. Hul het begin handskoene en “balaklawa” klapmusse te dra. Misdadigers hou ook tred met die nuutste tegnologie, en span hommeltuie in om adresse op hul lys te monitor, tov waar alarms en kamera-ogies is. Van die mees vernuftige skelmstreek misdaad waarvan ek gehoor het, het ‘n tyd gelede in die Oos-Vrystaat op ‘n plaas plaasgevind. Die gegoede boer besit drie plase, elke oggend en elke aand voor uitvaltyd moet die plaasbestuurders die skape tel en die boer bel met die getal en toestand van die skape. Een nag word 300 skape op een van die buurplase gesteel, die ryk boer bel sy plaasbestuurders en deel hulle die nuus mee met die waarskuwing dat hulle wyd moet kyk en gereeld nagpatrollies moet ry. Op ‘n dag merk een van die plaasbestuurders op dat ‘n skaap mank loop en met naderende ondersoek kom hy agter dat dit nie een van hulle skape is nie. Tot sy verbasing merk hy op dat al die skaap in die onmiddellike omgewing die gesteelde skape is van die buurman. Gevolgtrekking – op die selfde aand wat die buurman se skape gesteel is, is 300 van hul skaap ook gesteel en weggevoer, terwyl die buurman se skaap oorgeplaas is na hulle plaas. So tel hulle elke oggend en elke aand getrou al hul skaap en kom elke keer met die regte getal na vore. Skerp sê ek, skerp soos ‘n “minora blade”

1893: The Natal Colonial Police and Apartheid • Mahatma Gandhi: The Truth About the Infamous Pietermaritzburg Train Incident. (This unique photograph proves: There were no “WHITES ONLY” train compartments in Natal Railways!) By Dr JC van der Walt, Richards Bay. During the evening of 7 June 1893, 125 years ago, the young Indian lawyer, Mohandas Gandhi, was thrown off a train at Pietermaritzburg station because he refused to leave a “whites only” firstclass train compartment, despite the fact that he had bought a first-class ticket. “I was afraid for my life. I entered the dark waiting room. There was a white man in the room. I was afraid of him. What was my duty? Should I go back to India or should I go forward with God as my helper, and face whatever was in store for me? I decided to stay and suffer. My active nonviolence (Satyagraha) began from that date”, claims Reverend JJ Doke’s first biography of Gandhi, SIXTEEN YEARS LATER. Page 38 of 158

This is the story told throughout the world and taught to children at school. The truth is that Indians regularly travelled together with whites in first-class from Durban to Charlestown.

(See photo of Indians and whites on the train at Botha’s Hill in 1883.) However, it was compulsory for all first- class passengers to purchase bedding tickets for the overnight trip to Charlestown. On the fateful day Gandhi twice flatly refused to buy a bedding ticket. Unlike the overcrowded and dirty trains in India, officials of Natal Railways maintained a high standard, especially as regards decorum and etiquette in the two-person luxury first-class cabins.

(See photos of the actual first-class combined dining compartment and adjoining sleeping cabins in 1893.) Gandhi tells the true story about the infamous “train incident on pages 35 to 38 in a translation of the ORIGINAL Gujarati, “THE STORY OF MY LIFE” by MK Gandhi, Narvajivan Trust, (1955). He Page 39 of 158

wrote: “I left Durban. Abdulla Sheth (Gandhi’s employer) insisted that I should book one bedding but, OUT OF OBSTINACY AND PRIDE AND WITH A VIEW OF SAVING FIVE SHILLINGS, I declined. “Abdulla Sheth warned me.” Look now,” said he, “this is a different country from India. Thank God, we have enough and to spare. Please do not stint yourself in anything you might need.” “I thanked him and asked him not to be anxious.

(See photo of Durban station in 1893.) A first- class seat was booked for me. It was usual there to pay five shillings extra if one needed a bedding.

“The train reached Maritzburg, the capital of Natal, at about 9pm. (See photo of station in 1893.) Bedding used to be provided at this station. A railway servant came and he asked me if I wanted one. GANDHI LIED, “NO”, SAID I, “I HAVE ONE WITH ME.” He went away. But a passenger came next, and he looked me up and down. He saw that I was a “coloured” man. This disturbed Page 40 of 158

him. Out he went and came in again with one or two officials. They all kept quiet, when another official came to me and said, “Come along, you must go to the van compartment. “But I have a first-class ticket,” said I. “That doesn’t matter,” re-joined the other. “I tell you to go to the van compartment.” “I tell you, I was permitted to travel in this compartment at Durban, and I insist on going on in it.” “No, you won’t,” said the official. You must leave this compartment, or else I shall have to call the police constable to push you out.” “Yes, you may. I refuse to get out voluntarily. “The constable came. HE TOOK ME BY THE HAND AND HE PUSHED ME OUT. My luggage was also taken out. I refused to go to the van compartment and the train steamed away. I went and sat in the waiting room, keeping my hand-bag with me. “It was winter. The cold was extremely bitter. I sat and shivered. A passenger came in at about midnight and possibly wanted to talk to me, but I was in no mood to talk. I began to think of my duty. Should I fight for my rights or go back to India, or should I go to Pretoria without minding the insults, and return to India after finishing the case? The hardship to which I was subjected was SUPERFICIAL – only a symptom of the deep disease of colour prejudice. I should try, if possible, to root out the disease. “The following morning, I sent a long telegram to the General Manager of the Railway. The General Manager justified the conduct of the railway authorities. The evening train arrived. There was a reserved berth for me. I NOW PURCHASED AT MARITZBURG THE BEDDING TICKET I HAD REFUSED TO BOOK AT DURBAN.

The train took me to Charlestown.” (See photo of Charlestown station in 1893.) In his own words, Mohandas Gandhi ended his “suffering” and “insults” at Pietermaritzburg station simply BY BUYING THE BEDDING TICKET that he twice refused to buy the previous day. He Page 41 of 158

writes that the passengers never said a word. He does not substantiate his claims of racism except by saying that a passenger, “thought that I was a coloured man.” He was NOT THROWN OFF THE TRAIN as he claimed sixteen years later. Gandhi’s OBSTINACY, PRIDE AND STINGYNESS resulted in his transfer to the van compartment. (See the re-enactment of 7 June 2018 of Gandhi being thrown from a “whites only” compartment. This event was screened to 2,5 million people all over the world.) THE TRUTH IS: AT THE TIME THERE WERE NO SEPERATE “WHITES ONLY” COMPARTMENTS IN NATAL RAILWAYS! The allegations of RACISM WAS MOOTED SIXTEEN YEARS LATER in Gandhi’s biography, “Gandhi. An Indian Patriot in South Africa”, by the Baptist Reverend JJ Doke, who used lies, myths and political propaganda to project Gandhi as a political martyr.

Photo of JJ Doke. Shortly after his arrival in South Africa, Gandhi wrote letters to newspapers in India, England and South Africa about racial discrimination against Indians. However, he wrote nothing about the “train incident.” The incident was not even mentioned in his diary. However, in later years, Gandhi gave four different versions of the train incident. In 1896 Gandhi went on a visit to India. He told the Indians about the terrible racial discrimination to which Indians were subjected to in South Africa, yet he said nothing about the “train incident.” When he addressed a public meeting in Bombay on 26 September 1896, he had the following to say about the Indian struggle in South Africa: “Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kxxxxr, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.” (See CWMG vol. 2, p.74) Gandhi also published a 33-page booklet, “The Grievances of South African Indians in South Africa – An Appeal to the Public.” Not a word was published about the “train incident”. Two South African authors, Dr PJ Metha and RET Krause, who knew Gandhi very well, also wrote books about him. They do not mention the “station incident.” Henry SL Polak, a Gandhi disciple and editor of the Gandhi-newspaper, “Indian Opinion”, wrote two books on Gandhi: “The Indians of South Africa” and “Mr MK Gandhi” in 1909 and 1910. The “train incident” was never mentioned. The train incident was also never ever mentioned in any edition of, “Indian Opinion.” Instead, Polak writes: Page 42 of 158

“The cxxlie lawyer was a well-known railway passenger who travelled about the country on professional and public business, travelling generally first-class, often having a whole compartment for himself.” The Indian government produced a well-researched documentary film in 1968 entitled, “Mahatma the Life of Gandhi.” However, nothing was mentioned about the infamous “train incident.” The 1982 fictional propaganda film by Richard Attenborough, “Gandhi”, vividly illustrates how Gandhi, WITH HIS RAILWAY BEDDING IN THE CABIN, was THROWN OFF the train by a brutal and racist white constable for refusing to leave a first- class compartment “reserved for whites only.” He fell heavily onto the concrete platform and his baggage was THROWN OFF the train as well. Gandhi was called: “A c--lie”, a “smart bloody K-ff-r” and “a smart black ass.” These scenes are false. It never happened. This political propaganda film projected most South African whites as despicable and brutal racists to millions of people throughout the world. ANC politicians cynically use lies, myths and political propaganda to honour Gandhi as a fellow freedom fighter in order to attract the votes of Indian South Africans. Election posters in Durban and Pietermaritzburg had a picture of Gandhi with the message: “Vote for Gandhi’s vision.” This irked Indian voters who protested over Radio Lotus. Most of the callers expressed their displeasure at what they termed, “The misuse of what Mahatma Gandhi stood for.” Desmond Tutu, Anglican archbishop emeritus of Cape Town and Nobel Peace Laureate told his audience in Virginia, America and in Pietermaritzburg, at the unveiling of the Gandhi statue, “Gandhi was thrown off a train because he sat in a whites-only first-class compartment, even though he had paid the fare. And I am glad that he suffered the great indignity, he, a Londontrained lawyer? I am glad because it roused a righteous anger in him and provoked him to develop his Satyagraha methods of non-violent resistance.” On 25 April 1997, President Nelson Mandela handed the freedom of the City of Pietermaritzburg to the grandson of Gandhi, the High Commissioner of India in South Africa, Gopal-Krishna Gandhi, and he said, “Today we are righting a century-old wrong. This station, once one of THE WORLD’S MOST NOTORIOUS SYMBOLS OF DISCRIMINATION, INTOLERANCE AND OPPRESSION, today proclaims a message of dignity restored.” Sadly, President Nelson Mandela was ignorant of the truth about the “station incident.” He fell for Gandhi’s self-serving lies, myths and political propaganda. President Mandela was blissfully unaware that Mahatma Gandhi was a blatant racist who detested South African blacks. (30/6/2018) PHOTOGRAPHS: 1). The Pietermaritzburg bound train with Indian and white passengers in the same compartments (1883). There were no “whites only” compartments in Natal Railways! 2). A first-class dining compartment. Note the leather seats, Damask table cloths, serviettes and silver cutlery.

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3). Two-person first-class sleeping cabin. The purchase of railway bedding was strictly enforced at Pietermaritzburg station. 4). The Durban station in 1893. 5). The Pietermaritzburg station in 1893 where Gandhi eventually bought a compulsory bedding ticket. 6). The railway line ended at Charlestown station in 1893.

7). The theatrical re-enactment on 7 June 2018 by actor, Nirvikar Bhundoo, showing how Gandhi was forcefully thrown off a “whites only� first- class compartment. Page 44 of 158

8). The Reverend JJ Doke, a Baptist minister, he projected MK Gandhi as a political martyr in 1909.

Die Springbok: Wie is hy?

Vlnr: Hennie Heymans, die Springbok – onbekend - en wyle Joe Malherbe.

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Cape Colony: Police & Prisons: Swartberg Pass (HBH) One does not think that the police and prisons were ever involved in road making! Well read the following account.

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The stones were packed at the side of the road and the void was filled with earth and stones In the Little Karoo, on the northern side, runs the Swartberg range of mountains with deep poorts and snowy peaks. This range stretches eastwards from Touws River for hundreds of miles. The Swartberg Pass is still today one of the gateways into the Great Karoo. I travelled on this pass from Oudtshoorn to Prince Albert. It is a great majestic pass and national monument! The summit of the pass is more than five thousand feet above sea level. We read that long before the pass was built, there was a track for pack animals. Years ago, the locals remembered Thomas Bain - second son of Andrew Geddes Bain – who surveyed the pass and the convicts who built the pass. After the failure in 1881 of a contractor called Tassie, Bain was called upon to build the pass. It took one thousand prisoners, 40 Constables with rifles and dogs7, 20 warders with revolvers who arrived by foot from Price Albert Road station. Amongst the 18 convict gangs, was one gang composed of white men. Well-behaved prisoners were drafted into the ‘koffiespan’ and received coffee, sugar and tobacco with their rations. There was a ‘kettingspan’ – chain gang – for the more difficult customers. Years ago, the various huts were the prisoners slept, was visible to visitors. It took five years to build the pass and more than 150 prisoners were buried along the pass. The winters are very chilly and even in summer it was cool on the summit. During snowstorms the prisoners were kept indoors. One night the roof of a building caved in under four foot of snow and 30 prisoners died; they were frozen to death. Cattle and sheep were slaughtered daily. The 7

I knew the Natal Police had used dogs. This is the first reference to police dogs in the Cape Colony that I have come across – HBH.

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convicts received soup, bread and beans. Although some people died; one birth was recorded. Jim Stockenstroom spent his first seven years at the store situated on the summit. While working on the pass, some convicts paid in full for their crimes. Criminals of all types were working on the pass: IDB’s8, housebreakers, thieves and murderers. No machines were used – only pick and shovel. High walls were packed and filled up. The pass cost 80,000 pounds. A few tragedies took place on the pass, mainly due to the weather. However, one strange case reported is that of a grocer shot dead by a policeman during 1901 on the summit. A mail-coach transported a Constable, his prisoner and a grocer. This storekeeper had a ‘reckless sense of humour’. He passed the time ‘pleasantly by pretending that he was going to help the prisoner to escape’. At the summit, when the coach halted the joker went too far and the Constable drew his revolver. The fire arm went off and the grocer was shot through the heart. At the Worcester circuit court, the Constable was charged with culpable homicide but was acquitted. Bibliography 9,10.

1988: SAP tragedy on the Robinson Pass (HBH)

Unveiled by Gen. HG de Witt on 17 November 1988. IDB – Illicit Diamond Buyers – HBH. Green, LG: Karoo, Howard Timmins, Cape Town, 1955. 10 Green, LG: In the Land of the Afternoon, Howard Timmins, Cape Town, 1949. 8 9

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Sydney Robey Leibbrandt: 1913-1966 Nagevors deur: Esther Visser Stieger11 Sydney Robey Leibbrandt is op 25 Januarie 1913 in Potchefstroom gebore. Sy lewe en doen en late het opslae gemaak in Suid-Afrika voor en gedurende die 2de Wêreldoorlog. Hy was die derde van ses kinders en ‘n vurige Afrikaner met Duitse en Ierse bloed in sy voorsate. Sy vader was Meyder Johannes Leibbrandt s/v Willem Theodore van den Berg Leibbrandt x Rachel Jacoba Palm. Robey se moeder was Susan Marguerite Joyce, d/v Thomas Sydney Joyce x Elizabeth Judith Wilke. Vroeë invloede in Robey se lewe

Foto 1: Robey Leibbrandt as jongman. Uit: H. Strydom.

Die wêreld is ‘n klein plekkie. Ek was vir ‘n paar jaar op skool (Laerskool Port Natal) saam met Esther – die skryfster - se broer, wyle Nico Visser. Hulle vader was ook in die polisie te Durban waar hy ‘n speuroffisier was. Nico en ek was in 1964 saam in die SAP-kollege. Jare later werk ek saam met kapt. HS “Hennie” Visser – hy is die Oom van Esther en Nico. Hennie Visser was betrokke toe die SAP te Witsieshoek aangeval was. Ek het egter nooit tyd gehad om sy storie neer te skryf nie. Deur die kuberruimte het ek en Esther kontak gemaak en ons verbintenis uitgelê – HBH. 11

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‘n Interessante feit is dat Robey se ma ‘n niggie was van William Joyce oftewel ‘Lord Haw-Haw’. Hy was ‘n Anglo-Ierse Fascistiese politikus wat Nazi propaganda uitgesaai het in Engeland gedurende die 2de Wêreldoorlog. Adolf Hitler het William Joyce ‘n ‘Oorlog Meriete Kruis’toekenning gegee vir sy radio uitsaaidiens. In 1945 is ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ ter dood veroordeel toe hy deur Brittanje aan hoogverraad skuldig bevind is. Robey het hierdie familielid van hom as ‘n held beskou.

Foto 2: William Joyce/Lord Haw-Haw. Bron: Internet. Robey se vader, sersant-majoor Meyder (Meider) Leibbrandt, het gedurende die ABO saam met Generaal Jan Smuts teen die Britte geveg. Meyder was ‘n instrukteur in die Unie se Verdedigingsmag en was dikwels verplaas. Die gevolg was dat Robey en sy sibbe op baie verskillende plekke moes skoolgaan. Toe die 1ste Wêreldoorlog later uitbreek en die Engelse geëis het dat die Suid-Afrikaners Duitswes-Afrika binneval, was Meyder Leibbrandt, nes baie ander Suid-Afrikaners, sterk gekant daarteen want hy het gevoel dat Duitsers nie met Duitsers moes veg nie.

Foto 3: Meyder Leibbrandt. Bron: Internet. Boksloopbaan Reeds vroeg het Robey bekend geraak as ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse bokser van formaat. Hy het al op 13jarige ouderdom begin boks. Nie alleen was hy sterk en atleties nie maar van jongs af waaghalsig. Toe een van sy maats hom eendag uitdaag om uit die venster van die skool se tweede vloer te spring, het hy die uitdaging vir ‘n tiekie/trippens aanvaar. Met ‘n tweede uitdaging vir ‘n sikspens was hy egter nie so gelukkig nie en het hy sy been gebreek. Hy het op 16-jarige ouderdom Vrystaatkleure verwerf as bokser en in 1930 aan Grey Kollege in Bloemfontein gematrikuleer. Na matriek het hy by die Unie se Verdedigingsmag aangesluit en vanaf 1932-1935 was hy verbonde aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie en was hy hulle swaargewigsbokskampioen. Op 21jarige ouderdom wen hy die lig/swaargewig brons medalje in die 1934 Statebondspele. Gedurende 1935 het hy by die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweg-en-Hawe Polisie aangesluit en Suid-Afrika in 1936 by die Olimpiese Spele in Berlyn verteenwoordig waar hy vierde gekom het in die lig/swaargewig klas. In 1937 het hy Suid-Afrika se swaargewig bokskampioen geword toe hy in Johannesburg teen Jim Pentz gewen het. Fiksheid en gesondheid was altyd vir hom belangrik en hy het ‘n paar baie eksentrieke idees gehad oor hoe om fiks, paraat en gesond te bly. Vir ‘n groot gedeelte van sy lewe was hy ‘n vegetariër en hy het ‘n baie strawwe oefenprogram gevolg deur elke oggend douvoordag op te staan om oefeninge te doen. Hy wou nie op ‘n bed slaap nie en het gewoonlik op die vloer geslaap. Page 51 of 158

Foto 4: Robey Leibbrandt as bokser. Bron: Internet. Die Tydsgees Die dertigerjare was neerdrukkend na die Groot Depressie. Die nagevolge van die eerste Wêreldoorlog het gelei tot die ontstaan van Nazi-Duitsland want die Duitsers het gebelgd en verneder gevoel deur die Verdrag van Versailles. Hulle het groot dele van hul grondgebied verloor waarna talle Duitsers hulle onder vreemde regerings bevind het. Dit was die vernaamste oorsaak van die opkoms van die Nazi’s onder Hitler. In 1933 het Hitler Duitsland uit die Volkereverbond onttrek en begin bou aan ‘n vloot van duikbote en ‘n lugmag. In 1935 het hy die Verdrag van Versailles verwerp en daarna die Rynland ingeval. So het die Duitsers Oostenryk met hul Blitzkrieg in 1938 beset en het Hitler se geboorteland deel van die 3de Ryk geword. Op hierdie wyse het hy uitdagend opgetree teen die oorwinnaars van die 1ste WO en toe nie die Engelse of Franse hierop reageer nie, begin die Duitsers voorberei vir ‘n 2de WO deur hulself te herbewapen nadat die Versailles-verdrag hulle ‘n vloot-en lugmag en swaarwapen-nywerheid verbied het. Talle Suid-Afrikaners het simpatie gehad met Duitsland se strewe omdat die Engelse gedurende die ABO hulle op soortgelyke wyse ontneem het van hul drome van ‘n eie Boererepubliek. Daarbenewens het baie Afrikaners Duitse voorsate gehad wat tot verdere verdeeldheid gelei het in ‘n reeds verdeelde nasie. Gedurende 1933 het die Verenigde Party ontstaan nadat die eerste minister J.B.M. Hertzog se Nasionale Party en sy opposisie, Jan Smuts se Suid-Afrikaanse Party, saamgesmelt het. Dr. D.F. Malan was teen die samesmelting gekant en sy Gesuiwerde Nasionale Party het die daaropvolgende 14 jaar die opposisie gewees teen die VP (Verenigde Party). Malan was ook gekant teen Suid-Afrika se deelname aan die 2de WO. Eintlik was meeste Afrikaners gekant teen Suid-Afrika se deelname aan die oorlog en in 1939 het dit selfs gelei tot ‘n skeuring in die VP. Baie het oorgeloop na Malan se party en met die volgende verkiesing in 1948 is die VP met ‘n groot meerderheid verslaan. Die landswye herdenking van die Groot Trek in 1938 was die inspirasie vir die stigting van die Ossewabrandwag in 1939. Hierdie was nog ‘n groep wat veral pro-Duits was en sterk gekant was teen deelname aan die 2de WO. Hulle het geweier om by die Suid-Afrikaanse leër aan te sluit om Brittanje teen Duitsland te help. Die leier van hierdie beweging was Johannes van Rensburg, ‘n prokureur wat onder Jan Smuts gedien het as Sekretaris van Justisie. Hy was ‘n bewonderaar van Nazi Duitsland. Binne die geledere van die OB was daar ‘n meer militante groep wat bekend gestaan het as die Stormjaers. Na die ABO was daar redelike verdraagsaamheid teenoor Brittanje toe die Unie van SA in 1910 tot stand gekom het onder Boerevegters soos Louis Botha en Jan Smuts. Baie Suid-Afrikaners het in die Britse leer geveg gedurende die 1ste WO. Nogtans het hulle die volksmoord-taktieke van Brittanje gedurende die ABO met bitterheid onthou wat hulle ‘n weersin gegee het in Britse heerskappy. ‘n Verdere element om in gedagte te hou is die idealistiese bedrywighede van die Afrikaner Broederbond - ‘n semi-geheime beweging sedert 1918 wat gestig is om die taal en kultuur van die Afrikanervolk te bevorder. Page 52 of 158

Operasie Weissdorn Robey was in sy lewe nie alleen beroemd gewees as ‘n kampioenbokser nie, maar het uiteindelik meer bekend geraak as ‘n politieke aktivis. Na die Berlynse Olimpiade in 1936 het hy teruggekeer na Berlyn om in 1938 aan die Reich Akademie vir Gimnastiek te studeer waar hy teenwoordig was toe die 2de Wêreldoorlog uitbreek. Hy het by die Duitse Leër aangesluit waar hy die eerste SuidAfrikaner geword het wat as ‘n Fallschirmjäger en sweefvlieënier opgelei is. Later het ander SuidAfrikaners ook by die Duitse Wehrmacht aangesluit. Hy het ‘n saboteurskursus gedoen by die Abwehrschool Quenzgut naby Brandenburg en Der Havel (wes van Berlyn). In 1940 het Robey ‘n seun, Berndt Schaefer, by ‘n Duitse vrou, Edda Adelheid Schaefer Matusch (*1911) gehad. Nie lank hierna nie, nog voor Robey met sy verloofde kon trou, het Duitsland se Admiraal Wilhelm Canaris ‘n coup d’etat genaamd ‘Operasie Weissdorn’ beplan wat dit ten doel gehad het om Smuts se koalisie-regering omver te werp. Generaal Smuts het Suid-Afrika gedurende die 2de Wêreldoorlog gelei aan die kant van Brittanje.

Foto 5: Die Kyloe. Uit: H. Strydom. Robey was vuur en vlam om die hoofrol in Operasie Weissdorn te speel toe hy as die beste kandidaat genader is deur die Nazi’s. Sy redes het hy kortliks as volg aan die Duitsers verskaf naamlik dat: “…… die Boere duisende myle die onbekende ingetrek het om die Britse juk af te skud; teen swart stamme moes veg; en elke maal wanneer hulle die wildernis woonbaar gemaak het, kom annekseer die Britte dit: Elke keer gaan die Afrikaner verder; en elke keer kom die Brit agterna: Die Engelse het Natal oorgeneem; Kimberley se diamantvelde by die Brits-beheerde Kaapkolonie ingelyf; en met die Boereoorlog begin om die Transvaal se goud te vat. Ses-enTwintig-duisend vroue en kinders het in die konsentrasiekampe gesterf”. (Strydom: p. 33-34“) Die Duitse luitenant Freiherr von Vlietinghof was verheug maar verbaas om so ‘n gewillige ‘bekeerling’ te vind in Robey en het hom gevra: “Maar daar is tog nog ‘n paar Afrikanerleiers aan bewind?” Robey se bars antwoord hierop was: “ Afrikaners se voet! Lakeie van die Britte, ja! Al drie sogenaamde groot Boeregeneraals, Botha, Hertzog en Smuts, het ons aan die Engelse uitverkoop. Eers Botha en Smuts met hulle konsiliasiebeleid teenoor die Engelse, en nou – dis wragtig moeilik om te glo – het Hertzog en Smuts in ‘n koalisieregering saamgesmelt.” (Strydom: p. 34) Duitse belangstelling in Suid-Afrika het hoofsaaklik gelê in die feit dat die lang oorlog besig was om hulle land se hulpbronne uit te put. Om Duitsland se geskiedkundige grootsheid te laat herlewe moes hulle dringend meer strategiese hulpbronne bekom. Met Suid-Afrika se hulp het hulle ‘n geleentheid gesien om daardie skaars hulpbronne aan te vul. Saam met Rusland beskik SuidAfrika oor 99% van die wêreld se Platina, 97% van die Vanadium, 93% Mangaan, 17% Nikkel en Sink, 12% Fosfaatrots en Steenkool asook 11% van die wêreld se Koper en Industriële Diamante. Voorts was die verlies van Suidwes, wat deur Hermann Goering die “diamant in die Duitse Kroon” genoem is, iets wat vir Hitler om wraak geroep het. (Strydom: p. 8) Die Reis Page 53 of 158

Foto 6: Die roetekaart van die Kyloe wat meer as 9000 myl afgelê het om Britse skepe te vermy. Uit: H. Strydom.

Foto 7: Die Duitse opblaasbootjie soortgelyk as die een waarmee Robey aan land gekom het. Uit: H. Strydom. Op 2 April 1941 vertrek Leibbrandt onder die kodenaam Walter Kempf, saam met 2 Abwehragente en 6 bemanning stil-stil vanuit Paimpol. Duitsland se geheime diens, Abwehr, het hom vanaf geokkupeerde Frankryk in ‘n luukse privaat jag, die Kyloe, na Suid-Afrika gesmokkel. Die jag was onder aanvoering van Abwehr-agent Christian Nissen. Twee kruisers (oorlogskepe) sou dieper die see in vir hulle wag om hulle te vergesel. Een sou hulle op sleeptou neem tot hulle nie meer sigbaar vanaf die land was nie en tot daar genoeg wind was om hulle te vervoer. Die ander kruiser was daar om hulle teen vliegtuie en vyandelike skepe beskerm. Die kruisers sou hulle tot by die Atlantiese oseaan vergesel. Die Duitsers het ‘n pro-Duitse Franse radio-operateur genaamd Dorner saamgestuur om Robey met ‘n radiosender te help om informasie na Duitsland te stuur vanuit Suid-Afrika. Robey het Dorner egter nie vertrou nie en het glad nie gehou van die Fransman se pap handdruk nie. Dit was ‘n moeilike reis want nie alleen het Robey seesiek geword nie maar op die 2de dag het ‘n vyandelike Britse vliegtuig verskyn en bomme afgegooi na hulle. Dit het een van die kruisers wat die jag op ‘n afstand vergesel het, genoop om terug te skiet. Of die vliegtuig getref is, was onseker maar daarna het die vliegtuig vinnig verdwyn om nie weer terug te keer nie. Hulle het vermoed dat die vliegtuig iewers neergestort het voor dit kon alarm maak of versterkings kon ontbied. (Strydom: p. 85) Leibbrandt en kapt. Nissen het gedurende die lang seereis stry gekry want hy het volstrek geweier dat Dorner saam met hom afgelaai word in Suid-Afrika. Verder het hy Nissen ook ingelig dat hy hom nie by Lambertsbaai moes aflaai waar hy volgens ‘n vooraf bepaalde plan veronderstel was om nog ‘n Duitse Abwehr-agent te ontmoet. Laasgenoemde agent sou volgens die oorspronklike plan saam met hom werk aan Operasie Weissdorn. Robey het hierdie agent in Lambertsbaai, nes in die geval met die Franse radio-operateur, Dorner, ook glad nie vertrou nie want hy het vermoed dat beide moontlik spioene vir die vyand kon wees. Toe Nissen hom vererg oor al die veranderinge in die oorspronklike plan en gedreig het om terug te draai Duitsland toe, het Robey hom met sy pistool gedreig en beveel om te doen soos hy sê. Page 54 of 158

Foto 8: Robey (heel links) aan boord van die Kyloe. Uit: H. Strydom. Naby die Namakwalandse kus, net Noord van Kaapstad, het Robey die jag met ‘n rubberbootjie verlaat met 14 000 Amerikaanse dollars plus R300 aan Suid-Afrikaanse valuta asook sy tas met klere, die Duitse radiosender, plofstof, tydmeganismes en ‘n pistool. (Strydom: p. 85) Hy was bang die rubberbootjie slaan om en het daarom slegs ‘n kortbroek en sandale aangehad en sy lyf met Vaseline gesmeer om te keer teen die koue. Die golwe was baie woes en die rubberbootjie het ‘n paar meter naby die strand omgeslaan. Hy moes toe deur die branders met sy vrag sukkel om by die strand te kom. Dit was 15 Junie 1941 en die weer was ysig koud en reënerig. Sy vrag het later te swaar geraak en hy het die radiosender in die sandduine begrawe met die doel om dit later weer te kom haal nadat hy die regte kontakte gemaak het. Die eerste persoon wat hy teëgekom het was Hendrik Rietjie (ook bekend as Hendrik Sodom), ‘n Namakwalandse skaapwagter wat by Gert Agenbach op sy plaas Ghaams naby Klipheuwel gewerk het. Hendrik Rietjie het Robey na die naaste plaas Driekop van Hendrik Auret probeer beduie. Dit was egter donker en Leibbrandt loop Auret se plaas mis en hy land op Joos Engelbrecht se plaas. Aangesien die plaas in ‘n ingeperkte diamantgebied was het hulle hom eers met agterdog bejeën en glad nie sy storie geglo dat hy ‘n student was op reis en dat hy die pad byster geraak het nie. Hulle het hom nogtans 2 nagte verblyf verskaf voor hy verder geholpe geraak is op sy soektog na kontak met die Ossewabrandwag. Die Ossewabrandwag Na ‘n hele paar avonture om eers sy voete en rigting te vind kon Leibbrandt uiteindelik daarin slaag om in die geheim kontak te maak met ‘n pro-Duitse beweging, die Ossewabrandwag. Aanvanklik wou hulle hom nie glo nie. Genl. Chris de Jager het ene Hendrik Erasmus gestuur sodat hulle Robey se Duitse radiosender in die duine kon gaan haal om sy storie aan hulle te kon bewys. Die Ossewabrandwagleier, kommandant-generaal Johannes (Hans) Van Rensburg en Robey Leibbrandt het met die eerste oogopslag nie van mekaar gehou nie. Van Rensburg het hom as arrogant beskou. Nogtans het hy Leibbrandt ‘n pos in sy Stormjaer-groep aangebied wat afgewys is. Terselfdertyd het hy hom meegedeel dat hy nie roekelose sabotasie sou goedkeur nie. Hy was gekant teen Robey se Nasionaal-Sosialistiese idees. Na hierdie ongemaklike ontmoeting het verdagmakery teen Robey die rondte gedoen in OB kringe. Toe hy daarvan te hore kom het hy teruggekeer om ‘n verduideliking van Van Rensburg te eis. Daar het ‘n hewige argument ontstaan met die drie Ossewabrandwag-leiers, Smit, De Jager en Van Rensburg. As hulle nie deur ander teenwoordiges gekeer was nie, sou dit moontlik op ‘n lelike vuisgeveg uitgeloop het want Van Rensburg het Robey ‘n Duitse agent genoem terwyl Robey hom daarvan beskuldig het dat hy ‘n lakei van Jan Smuts was. Robey het die indruk gekry dat Hans van Rensburg nie daadwerklik wou optree om die Smutsregering te elimineer om sodoende die verdeelde Afrikanergroepe te verenig teen die prooorlogfaksie nie. Na die onderonsie met Van Rensburg was daar suspisie oor laasgenoemde en gerugte het rondgegaan dat hy deur die Smuts-regering omgekoop is om ‘n dubbele rol te speel deur sy posisie as OB-leier te gebruik om anti-oorlog faksies in bedwang te hou. Robey Leibbrandt Page 55 of 158

het hom nie gesien as ‘n geskikte leier van Afrikaners nie, maar eerder as ‘n vyand. Van Rensburg het glo vroeër jare, gedurende die 1914-Rebellie, ‘n heksejag uitgevoer op die rebelle-leiers as lid van die Unie van Suid-Afrika se militêre eenheid. Hiervan sou Robey se vader, Meyder Leibbrandt, moontlik kon getuig.

Foto 9: Kommandant-Generaal van die Ossewabrandwag, Hans van Rensburg. Uit: H. Strydom. Werwing en die Bloedeed Na sy uitval met Hannes van Rensburg het Robey begin om veldtogte te loods om aanhangers vir sy eie Nasionaal-Sosialiste organisasie op die been te bring. Dit was geskool op die Duitse model. Hy het op verskeie plekke in die Vrystaat en Transvaal byeenkomste gereël en deur middel van vurige toesprake volgelinge gewerf. Sy ondersteuners het meesal uit die meer militante vleuel van die OB, die Stormjaers, sowel as die Nasionale Party gekom. Hulle is met ‘n bloedeed ingesweer en in die geheim deur Robey opgelei in aktivistiese bedrywighede - byvoorbeeld hoe om bomme te maak en telegraaf- en telefoonlyne, krag- en spoorlyne op te blaas. Hendrik Erasmus was sy eerste volgeling wat die bloedeed afgelê het. Hendrik en sy broer Doors Erasmus was onder die grootste vertrouelinge van Leibbrandt. Hendrik was die persoon wat hom voorgestel aan die waaghalsige Karel Theron wat die nasionaal–sosialiste leier in Transvaal geword het. Robey is op ‘n dag Potchefstroom toe om sy ouers te besoek wat hy jare laas gesien het. Hierdie besoek was eintlik ook ‘n verskuilde geleentheid om ‘n ou vriend wat hy in Londen ontmoet het, in die geheim te gaan sien in belang van die nasionaal-sosialistiese saak. Dr. Louis le Roux was ‘n lektor by die dept. chemie aan die Potchefstroomse Universiteit. Robey het sy hulp benodig om die rebelle te leer hoe om bomme te maak. Verraad in die OB Intussen het Hans van Rensburg besluit om die owerhede in te lig dat Robey Leibbrandt onder ‘n skuilnaam terug is in Suid-Afrika en besig was om ‘n rebellie teen die regering te organiseer. Hy gee opdrag aan Advokaat Pat Jerling, leier van die OB in Transvaal, om as informant op te tree om die inligting deur te gee na die minister van justisie, Harry Lawrence. Toe daar geen reaksie was en daar niks hieruit voortspruit nie, besluit Van Rensburg dat Leibbrandt geëlimineer moes word. Hy betrek ‘n getroue OB-volgeling, die polisiesersant Dirk van Jaarsveld om Robey dood te maak. Wat Van Rensburg egter nie geweet het nie, was dat Van Jaarsveld in die geheim reeds Robey se bloedeed geneem het en ook ‘n nasionaal-sosiale rebel was. Johannes van der Walt 1908-1943 Een van die Stormjaers se hoof-generaals was Johannes van der Walt wat gedurende die 19301940’s heelwaarskynlik meer bekend in die sportwêreld as Robey Leibbrandt was. Hy was ‘n wêreldkampioen-stoeier wat as die ‘Gemaskerde Wonder’ bekend gestaan het. Na hy eendag ‘n geveg verloor het, het hy die masker afgehaal en van toe af daarsonder gestoei. Nie alleen was hy ‘n nasionale held nie maar ‘n man van integriteit. Omdat hy lid van die Stormjaers se binnekring was, was hy teenwoordig toe Advokaat Jerling iemand in die organisasie beveel om Robey Page 56 of 158

Leibbrandt se teenwoordigheid en missie in Suid Afrika te verraai. Kort daarna het Jerling ook vir Johannes van der Walt opdrag gegee om ‘n ander offisier in die OB, adv. Joe Ludorf (later regter Ludorf) te assasineer. Die rugstekery het Van der Walt dwars in die krop gesteek en hy besluit toe om ‘n geswore affidavit met die verdoemende getuienis teen Jerling en Van Rensburg af te lê. Die klag is voorgelê aan die nuwe Minister van Justisie, Colin Steyn.

Foto 10: Johannes van der Walt, die wêreld se swaargewig-stoeikampioen wat Leibbrandt se bloedeed afgelê het. Uit: H. Strydom. Op 15 Desember 1941 is Johannes van der Walt in hegtenis geneem en aangekla van onwettige besit van ‘n ongelisensieerde pistool en patrone. Hy is na 2 dae op borgtog vrygelaat maar weer in hegtenis geneem en in die polisieselle op Marshallplein in Johannesburg aangehou. Hy ontsnap egter 5 dae later op 21 Desember 1941 met behulp van die bewaarder wat ‘n geheime Stormjaer was. Hierna was Van der Walt ‘n voortvlugtige voor die polisie en het op Desember 1941 saam met Leibbrandt byeengekom om die bloedeed te neem. Johannes het later in die Pretoria distrik op die plaas Rietvlei gaan wegkruip vir die polisie. Iemand het sy wegkruipplek egter verraai en op 23 Mei 1942 het die polisie die plaashuis omsingel en toe Van der Walt deur ‘n venster probeer ontsnap is hy in die rug geskiet. Die rugskoot het hom verlam en selfs na ‘n mislukte rugoperasie, was hy ‘n permanente invalide. Na ‘n intense lyding van 13 maande is Johannes van der Walt op 25 Maart 1943 oorlede. Johannes van der Walt se begrafnisstoet is as ‘n Volksaamtrek beskryf. Sy begrafnis was deur ‘n geraamde 30,000 - 50,000 begrafnisgangers bygewoon. Sy oorskot is op die ossewa van Louis Trichard uit die Simboliese Trek van 1838 na die Wespark Begraafplaas in Johannesburg vervoer. Op sy grafsteen, ‘n 3m hoë suil, staan geskryf: “Ek het geval op die pad van Suid-Afrika” In 1943 het dr. Verwoerd namens die trustees van die Johannes van der Walt gedenkfonds die PUK versoek om £4000 beskikbaar te stel vir die oprigting van die Johannes van der Walt Instituut wat in 1949 tot stand gekom het op Potchefstroom se Oude-Molen landgoed. Die skenking is van die kuratore van die Teologiese skool verkry. (Wikipedia:2018). Verdeeldheid in die Polisiemag Na Van Rensburg se inligting oor Leibbrandt het die regering tog meer agterdogtig geraak oor sy teenwoordigheid en bedrywighede in Suid-Afrika. Hy gaan skuil toe op die plaas Ontmoet van eerwaarde Joyce. Die plaas was verweg tussen die berge in die Rustenburg omgewing waar hy gehoop het om vanaf die hoogste bergpiek sy radiosender te laat werk sodat hy Duitsland kon kontak. Die stuur van seine het egter keer op keer misluk - selfs nadat hy die hulp van ‘n poskantoor-telegrafis ingekry het. Mense in die omgewing het later bewus geword van die vreemde bedrywighede in die berge en hulle het dit by die polisie rapporteer. Sersant Pauley en twee manskappe het gaan ondersoek instel. Pauley was onbewus daarvan dat sy twee manskappe Leibbrandt se saak goedgesind was en na ‘n vrugtelose uitvraery is hy weer vort met die versoek dat Robey by die polisiestasie in Brits moet aanmeld vir verdere ondervraging. Robey Page 57 of 158

het Pauley se versoek geïgnoreer omdat hy agtergekom het dat die polisiemanne hom eintlik wou beskerm. Terwyl Leibbrandt nog ‘n ruk lank op die plaas vertoef het, het hy te hore gekom dat daar in die buurt gerugte oor hom versprei word deur ene Dirk Coetzee en Edward Dames. Hy gaan toe na hul plase en konfronteer hulle oor die verdagmakery waarna hy hulle elkeen ‘n loesing met ‘n sambok gegee het omdat hulle volgens hom verraaiers van die Afrikanervolk was en agente van Jan Smuts. Toe hulle kort daarna by die polisie gaan kla kom dit uit dat sers. Pauley wel reeds ‘n dossier oor Robey met sy radiosender en onwettige wapens oopgemaak het. Hierna daag twee polisiemotors by die Joyce-plaas op en toe Robey met ‘n pistool uit die plaashuis kom het die polisie skote afgevuur. Eerwaarde Joyce pleit toe dat die polisie asseblief nie moet skiet nie. Hy deel hulle mee dat Karel Theron binne die huis was en almal sou doodskiet as die polisie skiet. Toe stap Robey reguit na die polisie en daag hulle uit: “Skiet hierdie Afrikanerhart. Dis groot genoeg! Julle kan my lyk vat, maar sal my nooit vat nie”. Hierop versoek hulle Robey om hulle na die polisiestasie te vergesel omdat hulle glo streng bevele gekry het om nie sonder hom terug te keer nie. Robey skryf toe ‘n brief aan hulle bevelvoerder, kol. Verster, en vra die polisie om dit aan hom te oorhandig: “Beste Kolonel Verster, ek verstaan jou posisie en ook dié van jou mede-Afrikaners wat jy gestuur het om my te arresteer. Maar ek vra jou om my erkenning te gee as ‘n draer van die ware wil van jong Suid-Afrika. Ek weier voor God en my volk om ooit oor te gee. My dooie liggaam mag dalk val in die hande van die regering, maar nooit my vryheid as vegter nie, nooit!! U vra om bloed Kolonel, maar onthou dat ek as Afrikaner nog nooit gesteel of vermoor of sabotasie gepleeg het nie. Ek staan as ‘n eerlike landgenoot vir reg en geregtigheid. Ek sal veg en val soos ek is, ‘n Afrikaner deur en deur. Vierkleur hoog!!” Hoofkonstabel De Kock het die brief na sy bevelvoerder in Brits geneem maar sy manne aangesê om net daar te bly wagstaan by die plaashuis. Robey het die huis binnegegaan en die polisie het buite gebly. ‘n Uur later het De Kock teruggekeer saam met majoor Orsmond wat beveel het dat die huis deursoek moes word. Hulle vind niemand nie want op een of ander wyse het Robey Leibbrandt en Karel Theron ontsnap. Voëlvry Hierna was Leibbrandt permanent besig om die polisie te ontduik. Hy was seker die mees gesoekte persoon in Suid-Afrika. Daar was onder andere ‘n losprys van R1000 op sy kop gesit – lewend of dood. Twee dae daarna is twee van Leibbrandt se luitenante, Andries en Frederik van der Walt net buite Buysdorp in ‘n polisieblokkade gevang. Die polisie het hulle na die plaas Ontmoet geneem waar hulle Robey se radiosender gekonfiskeer het. Toe Robey die polisie ontglip het maar sy radiosender op die plaas ontdek is, het dit die polisie baie meer waaksaam gemaak. Smuts se sekuriteit was swak en dit was teen hierdie tyd duidelik dat ‘n groot gedeelte van die polisie Leibbrandt goedgesind was. Volgens Advokaat Jerling het die intelligensiediens ontken dat Roby Leibbrant in die land was. Kaptein Jan Taillard se rol ‘n Bo-baas polisieman, kaptein Jan Taillard, is toe opgekommandeer om die Nasionaal-Sosialiste se beweging te infiltreer en om op Robey te spioeneer sodat hy vasgetrek kon word. Taillard, onder die dekmantel dat hy Nazi-gesind was, kon Robey van nader bestudeer en het hom Page 58 of 158

opsommend beskou as iemand wat daarvan gehou het om gevlei te word en graag as ‘n man van aksie gesien wou wees. (Strydom: p. 201.)

Foto 11: Jan Taillard. Uit: H. Strydom. Reeds in 1939 was Taillard Suidwes-Afrika toe gestuur om daar te gaan spioeneer op Duitsers en Afrikaners wat verdink was daarvan dat hulle militante navolgers van Adolf Hitler was wat beplan het om die regering daar oor te neem. Taillard se speurwerk en getuienis het daartoe gelei dat meer as 2000 Nazi ondersteuners arresteer is. Ten einde Leibbrandt se vertroue te wen is Jan Taillard deur Jan Smuts se raadgewer, Louis van Esselen, aangesê om nie die eed van getrouheid aan die regering te onderteken nie. ‘n Duitse vrou, Erna van Eggert, ‘n getroue volgeling van Leibbrandt het Taillard aan hom voorgestel sonder dat sy bewus was van sy geheime agenda. Dit was gedurende hierdie tyd dat Johannes van der Walt op 21 Desember 1941 uit sy sel ontsnap het met die hulp van konstabel Shelver (‘n senior leier van die Stormjaers) en konstabel Fred van Onselen wat in bevel was van Van der Walt se tronksel. Die Lokval Taillard het vorendag gekom met die gedagte om Robey voor te stel aan ‘n ryk Afrikaanse nyweraar, Danie Malan. Dit was ‘n lokval om Leibbrandt vas te trek voor hy sy beplande eliminasie van Jan Smuts kon uitvoer. Taillard het uitgevind dat die daad beplan word vir die 20ste Januarie 1942 op die 8ste verjaardag van Hitler se 3de Ryk. Vir die suksesvolle uitvoering van Taillard se plan het hy die polisie se samewerking benodig. Op Oukersaand 1941 was Robey saam met Taillard in sy motor op pad deur Johannesburg na Rosslyn waar die ontmoeting met die magnaat sou plaasvind. Hy was onbewus daarvan dat daar geen ontmoeting met die sakeman sou wees nie of dat Taillard met die polisie gereël het om hulle in ‘n padblokkade vas te trek nie. By die blokkade het Taillard hard briek getrap en toe oorrompel en arresteer die polisie hulle albei. Taillard moes 18 steke aan sy kop kry na hy hard deur ‘n polisieman met sy knuppel geslaan is. Hy was vir 2 dae saam met ander rebelle opgesluit sodat hy meer inligting kon versamel voor hy vrygelaat is. Met Taillard se informasie kon die polisie in ‘n opvolg-operasie beslag lê op ‘n groot hoeveelheid ammunisie, plofstowwe, handgranate en is daar ook geheime plofstoffabrieke ontdek. Dit het ook aan die lig gekom dat ‘n groot klomp polisiemanne, spoorwegpolisie en gevangenis-personeel volgelinge van Robey Leibbrandt was – 359 polisiemanne, 60 bewaarders en 291 konstabels waarvan 52 van hoogverraad aangekla is. Page 59 of 158

Nie almal is gevang nie en op 2 Februarie 1942 is die stoorplek waar informasie oor Leibbrandt se bedrywighede gehou is, gedeeltelik opgeblaas. Die rebel Johannes van der Walt was nog op vrye voet en was van die ontploffing verdink. Soos reeds vermeld is hy later op 23 Mei 1942 in die rug geskiet toe hy vir die polisie gevlug het by die plaas Rietfontein buite Pretoria. Robey se meegevoel met sy gevalle kamerade Die Nasionaal-Sosialiste se sabotasie- bedrywighede het Jan Smuts se Unie-regering in SuidAfrika hoofbrekens besorg. Toe Hendrik Erasmus in 1941 sy lewe in ‘n skermutseling met die Unie se agente verloor het, was Robey diep ontsteld en hy het die volgende brief van meegevoel aan die Erasmus-gesin geskryf: “Transvaal 2 Desember 1941. Geagte Mnr. En Mev. Erasmus, Hiermee wens ek my innerlike medelye oor u swaar verlies tot uitdrukking te bring. Hendrik Erasmus was ‘n ware en bloedgeswore Nasionaal-Sosialis en het sy lewe in diens van sy volk en vaderland op die altaar van reg en geregtigheid gelê. Met uitgestrekte regterhand groet ek die graf van my dapper kameraad en neem die vryheidsvaandel vaster in my hand in my stryd tot eer van Suid-Afrika. Ook ek moet sterwe, maar ek vrees die dood hoegenaamd nie. Die dood van u seun sal ons wreek in ‘n vorm wat die naam Adolf Hitler waardig is. God met u. Die Vierkleur hoog! ROBEY LEIBBRANDT” “Nie Robey of een van Hendrik Erasmus se naaste vriende kon dit waag om sy begrafnis by te woon nie omdat hulle almal voortvlugtiges was.” (Strydom: p.199 – 200.) Net so kon Leibbrandt ook nie Johannes van der Walt se groot begrafnis bywoon in 1943 nie omdat hy toe reeds self in gevangenisskap was. Maar dat Johannes se verlamming en dood hom diep ontroer het, is nie te betwyfel nie. Toe hy aanvanklik die nuus van Johannes van der Walt se verlamming na ‘n skietery by ‘n bewaarder hoor, wou hy hom nie glo nie. Hy het “Nee! Nee! uitgeroep en met sy vuiste teen die tralies gehamer, “Nie Hannes nie” het Robey gekerm “ Geen genadige God sal so ‘n volmaakte liggaam, wat Hy geskep het, vir die res van sy lewe aan ‘n bed vasketting nie!” Dit was asof die nuus Robey gebreek het en hy het op die vloer neergesak met sy kop op sy knieë en sy hele liggaam het gebewe. Met Hannes buite aksie het hy gevoel dat daar niks meer oor was nie. Vonnis en Gevangenisskap Die “Rand Daily Mail” het op 21/27 Desember 1942 berig : “Leibbrandt group smashed”. Op 11 Maart 1943 is Robey Leibbrandt tot die dood veroordeel vir hoogverraad. Later is sy doodsvonnis versag na lewenslange vonnis deur genl. Smuts wat gesê het: “Hoe kan ek die seun van so ‘n dapper Boerevegter ophang?” Smuts het simpatie gehad met die Leibbrandt-familie. Hy het ‘n bewondering vir Robey se vader Meyder (Meider) Leibbrandt gehad sedert hulle saam Page 60 of 158

geveg het gedurende die ABO. Volgens genl. HV Verster was sy vader kol. Fred Verster destyds ‘n buurman en vriend van Leibbrandt se ouers en het hy ook ‘n spesiale woordjie by Genl. Smuts gedoen vir die versagting van Robey Leibbrandt se vonnis.(Heymans: 2018) Robey was ‘n moeilike gevangene en terwyl hy in die tronk was het hy dikwels gesag uitgedaag. Op ‘n keer moes hy met traangas uit sy sel gedwing word. In 1948 is Leibbrandt vrygestel toe amnestie vir oorlogoortreders toegestaan is nadat die Nasionale Party aan bewind gekom het onder Daniël Francois Malan. Laasgenoemde was ‘n teenstander van deelname aan die 2de Wêreld Oorlog aan Engeland se kant teen Duitsland en ten gunste daarvan dat Suid-Afrika neutraal bly. Die dag toe Leibbrandt uit die tronk kom is hy deur ‘n groot skare verwelkom wat hom as ‘n volksheld gesien het. Die lewe na Operasie Weissdorn Robey het kortstondig teruggekeer na die bokskryt waar hy in 1949 vir George Strydom in die eerste rondte uitgeslaan het in Pretoria. Sy laaste geveg was op 6 September 1949 toe hy vir Jimmy Britt in die 8ste rondte geklop het. Hiermee was sy loopbaan as bokser afgesluit. Hy het darem nog vir oulaas Suid-Afrika se swaargewig Lou Strydom vir ‘n wyle afgerig waarna hy nooit weer iets met boks te doen gehad het nie. Na vrylating het Robey ‘n paar besighede op die been gebring. Eers het hy ‘n blomplasie by Honeydew aangeskaf. Daarna het hy ‘n slaghuis bedryf in ‘n vennootskap op Springbok in Namakwaland. Toe hy hom later in Bloemfontein vestig het hy ‘n motorsaak begin en daarna ‘n skryfbehoeftewinkel geopen.

Foto 12: Robey Leibbrandt na sy vrylating uit die tronk. Uit: H. Strydom. In hierdie tyd van sy lewe het Robey Leibbrandt steeds aktief by die politiek betrokke gebly. Hy het die “Anti-Kommuniste Front” gestig in 1962 en ‘n reeks pamflette uitgegee getiteld “Wake Up South Africa”/ “Ontwaak Suid Afrika”. Hy het later ‘n lasteraksie teen die Sunday Times ingestel wat hom as ‘n ‘Nazi-saboteur’ beskryf het. Hy het die saak in die Hooggeregshof gewen maar die appèlsaak met koste verloor. Dit het hom finansieel uitgeroei toe hy al sy eiendomme moes verkoop om te betaal vir die saak. Daarna het hy en sy gesin in ‘n woonstel gaan woon. Die latere probleme van Robey was egter ‘n vulletjie in vergelyking met Operasie Weissdorn wat, as dit sou geslaag het, beslis Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis sou verander het. As mens terugkyk kan veral twee dinge geïdentifiseer word wat Robey se sending moes benadeel het. Eerstens was dit onmoontlik om die groot klomp Amerikaanse dollars wat die Duitsers vir hom gegee het, in te ruil in Suid-Afrika sonder om suspisie te wek. Tweedens kon hy nooit kontak maak met Duitsland toe die radiosender nie wou werk nie. Moontlik het die sender beskadig geraak toe Robey se rubberbootjie omgeslaan toe hy naby die Namakwalandse kus afgelaai is – wie sal weet? Page 61 of 158

Afgesien van die seun, Berndt Schaefer*1940 wat Leibbrandt by die Duitse vrou gehad het, het hy later in 1949 in Suid-Afrika getrou met Margaretha (Etha) Cornelia Botha en saam het hulle 5 kinders gehad; Herman, Remer, Izan (omgekeer spel Nazi), Rayna en Meyder Johannes. Robey Leibbrandt sterf op 1 Augustus 1966 in Ladybrand aan ‘n hartaanval.

Foto13: Robey Leibbrandt se grafsteen. Bron: Internet. EwiIupHAtvHbAhVQSX0KHdu2BNoQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=662 Bronne •

Heymans, Hennie (Brig.) 2018. Persoonlike meedeling in verband met Kol. Verster se aandeel in versagting van Robey se vonnis.

Leibbrandt, Robey. 1941. “Geen Genade” (autobiografie)

Malan, D.F. 1959. AFRIKANER VOLKSEENHEID EN MY ERVARINGS OP DIE PAD DAARHEEN. Nasionale Boekhandel Beperk. Kaapstad. Bloemfontein. Johannesburg.

Strydom, Hans. 1983. Vir Volk en Führer - Roby Leibbrandt en Operasie Weissdorn. Jonathan Ball uitgewers. Johannesburg. Vertaal deur Wilhelm Grütter.

Strydom, Hans. 1983. FOTOS: Uit: ‘Vir Volk en Führer – Robey Leibbrandt en Operasie Weissdorn. Jonathan Ball uitgewers, Johannesburg. Vertaal deur Wilhelm Grütter.




Dickens, Peter.2016. robey-leibbrandt/

Jackson, Ron. 2018.

Joyce, William (Lord Haw-Haw).1945.






Die artikel het oorspronklik in Noordwestak: FAMNEA-uitgawe nr. 2 verskyn. Ons dank aan Esther Visser Stieger en Simon du Plooy. Page 62 of 158

Esther Visser Die artikel: “Sydney Robey Leibbrandt: 1913 - 1966” is nagevors deur Esther Visser Stieger

Koevoet: The last Casevac...? Lt.-Col. Corrie Prinsloo

Probably the last historic casevac by the SAAF in Western Ovambo (and in the Operational Area) some months after the April 1989 armed conflict. I called it in. One of my police trackers on his way to Ondangwa. We were clearing the mountains of arms caches west of Ruacana (Hippo Pools), hastily created by retreating SWAPO fighters. The Cunene river runs west beyond the last hills in the distance. How I miss the sound of the rotor blades of those choppers, especially when they were gunships! Fine memories... This photo was one of the last that I took in the war zone of western Ovambo. Two months later the national elections took place, and SWAPO became the government...

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Repliek: Eerste Koevoet-weduwee Sandra Fourie: Dankie Corrie. Ja ek glo julle het mekaar dalk geken, hy was AO Johan Coetzee (Z5-Charlie) Oorlog van der Merwe was altyd sy bemanning gewees en ook met hom gewees die dag toe hy heen gegaan het, Johan was natuurlik ook ‘n gebore Suid-Wester gewees. Hy was ook die jaar voor sy dood beseer in ‘n kontak waar sy linker oog erg beseer was. Tubby Ueckermann het nog vir my by die huis die tyding kom bring dat hy afgevoer sou word na 1Militêr in Pretoria en dat daar vir my ‘n vlug bespreek was vanaf Ondangwa na Waterkloof. Ook ‘n verhaal wat ek nog sal deel met julle. Groetnis. Corrie Prinsloo: Ai, liefste Sandra Fourie... wat kan ek sê...! Dalk het ek iewers in ons verlede langs jou Koevoetman se Casspir met myne ingetrek met 'n kontak ná 'n opvolg. My gevegspan van Ruacana Veiligheidstak het baie kere saam met die Zulu 5 spanne gewerk. Veral met Kokkie en sy manne van 5 Sierra. Ek was seker maar net een van die gelukkiges wat saam met my dierbares ná tien en 'n half jaar kon oppak en na Suid-Afrika te kom om my loopbaan voort te sit. Jou Kaokoveld is ook in my bloed. Ek het ook daar rondgedraf... te voet, op die Casspir’s of getroepeer deur 'n Puma helikopter iewers heen. Dankie dat jy aan die sy van 'n Koevoet-makker was. My vroulief het ook daardie pad gestap... my sekretaresse, tikster en radio-operateur. Julle vrouens van hierdie kaliber is ysters... soos die res van ons wie daar was. Ek is dankbaar dat jy met jou lewe kon aangaan. Ek is dankbaar dat jy Kaokoveld en Koevoet in jou bloed het. Jou Koevoetkinders moet weet... hulle vader se offer was nie tevergeefs nie! Al sê baie mense wat! Stap aan, Sandra. Ons generasie daarbo het ons merk gelos. En ons is nie skaam nie.... Sandra Fourie: Soos my gedagtes gaan Corrie was ek seker die heel eerste Koevoet-weduwee wat onttrek het en teruggetrek het Republiek toe ek was een van die gelukkiges wat ‘n behoorlike meubeltrok gehad het wat my meubels kom pak en getrek het dit was einde 1986, dit was die swaarste besluit wat ek moes neem want ek wou nie terugkom nie, maar moes aan my twee dogtertjies dink. Hulle pa is daar oorlede in diens van sy land tussen Okangwati en Opuwa waar ons gebly het (Z5). Een ding waaroor ek trots voel is dat ek die voorreg gehad het om as lid van Koevoet te kon wees vir 2 jaar na my man se heengaan, al was dit om in die kantoor te kon werk en soms die radio te beman en ook in beheer gewees van die menasie waar ek vir die manne van Z5 kos gekook het. Dit is 32 jaar gelede al maar voel vir my soos gister. Nog ‘n herinnering wat ek nooit sal vergeet nie was toe ek in Januarie 1984 moes af vlieg vir my bevalling van my jongste dogter en die enigste vlug was die vlug met gewonde en erg beseerde manskappe weermag en Koevoete en hoe ek my hulp aan gebied het om te help met drips en verbande omdat daar nie genoeg mediese personeel was nie, en een man vir my mos sê: "Maar mevrou jy kan mos nie in jou toestand sulke werk doen nie?! Dis nie goed vir jou nie?!" En waar ek net daar vir die jong man sê: "Boet! Ek is nie siek nie, ek is net swanger". As ek nou daaraan dink kry ek ‘n glimlag op my gesig maar van trots omdat ek ook ‘n klein deeltjie kon bydra om iemand se pyn en lyding ligter te kon maak. En daar het ek jong seuns wat ledemate verloor het gesien en ook die vrees in hulle oë en paniek van pyn. Daai deel van my lewe sal ek nooit kan vergeet nie maar is dankbaar dat ek tot diens kon wees. Saluut aan die wat oorleef het.

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RS Leibbrandt: Glasnegatiewe: Nico Moolman

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SASP Boeljonwapens: Frans Bedford-Visser Hallo Hennie Hier is die boeljonwapens. Hulle gaan ten R400 stuk te koop wees. Ek en Johan Lotriet gaan binnekort beskikbaar maak. Beste groete Frans Bedford-Visser 71 Lanark Avenue Livingston West Lothian EH54 8QN Mob: +44 7786378393 Email:

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AO (Later brig.) Ronnie Beyl: Wim (Kierie) Pretorius Ek bring eer aan ‘n mentor en vaderlike figuur wat ‘n groot impak op my lewe as jong polisieman en ek glo ook elke mens wat met hom op Komatipoort te doen gekry het, gemaak het. Met ingang 15 Augustus 1977, was ek vanaf Jan Smuts-lughawe na Komatipoort verplaas. Met my motorfiets het ek die lang pad na Komatipoort aangedurf. Met aankoms die Sondagmiddag, het ek by die aanklagtekantoor aangemeld net om te vind dat daar slegs nieblanke personeel aan diens was. Ek was net so verbaas toe konstabel Lazarus Shiba my met die polisievoertuig na die posbevelvoerder, Adjudant-Offisier, Ronnie Beyl, se woning geneem het. Hy het dadelik vir my blyplek in die Spoorwegkoshuis gereël. Gou was dit vir my duidelik dat hierdie man dinge kan reël en baie vinnig ook. Elke persoon wat ooit met Ronnie Beyl te doen gehad het, sal weet dat hy alles wil weet en dat hy op sy eie versoek enige tyd van die dag of die nag ingelig wil wees wat om hom aangaan, maak nie saak waar hy hom bevind het nie. Een nag kom daar mense by die aanklagtekantoor aan en sê dat ‘n swart vrou in die wagkamer sit en dat sy vermoedelik besig is om te kraam. Adjudant-Offisier Beyl was geskakel, wat die lede van die nagskof na die wagkamer vergesel het. Die vrou het geboorte in wagkamer geskenk en die vroedvrou, Adjudant-Offisier Beyl, het die baba gevang waarna die kind en die ma later deur die distrikgeneesheer ondersoek en ontslaan was. Ongeveer vier jaar na hierdie voorval daag ‘n swart vrou met ‘n klein seuntjie by die aanklagtekantoor op en verneem “waar die man is wat die baba gevang het”. Sy het verduidelik dat sy die vrou was wat geboorte in die wagkamer geskenk het en dat sy net die seuntjie, klein Ronnie, vir hom wil kom wys! Adjudant-Offisier Beyl was toe reeds ‘n geruime tyd al na hoofkantoor verplaas. Sy het gevra dat as iemand hom weer sien, hulle tog net moet sê dit met haar en klein Ronnie goed gaan!12 Daar het tussen myself, Natie Roesch, Dolf Visser en Spyker Swanepoel ‘n ongeskrewe reël bestaan dat wanneer ons saam met Adjudant-Offisier Beyl Nelspruit toe gery het moet die lid wat oggend skof werk voor by hom sit. En wanneer ons terugreis moet die lid wat middagskof werk, weer voor sit. Die rede hiervoor was, die oomblik wanneer ons op die N4 op pad Nelspruit toe was, dan het die vrae begin: “Wat is die elemente van misdaad, moord, verkragting, brandstigting, aanranding ens.”? Die res het agter in die patrolliewa gesit en was dus nie aan hierdie indoktrinering van die wetsaspekte blootgestel nie. (Hierdie is maar soos jong manne is). Later in my lewe was ek spyt dat ek nie elke keer as daar gery was, voor by hom gesit het nie, want hoe dit ook al sy, enige van die vrae wat in ‘n polisie-eksamen voorgekom het en wat met jou op die pad Nelspruit behandel was, sou soos ‘n boek voor jou in ‘n eksamen lokaal oopgeval het. Met die deursettingsvermoë van Adjudant-Offisier Beyl, het die spoorweë ‘n brandweerwa aan Komatipoort onder sy bevel en beheer geplaas. Die polisiemanne van Komatipoort was vrywillig verplig om as brandweerbeamptes op te tree sou ‘n brand ontstaan het. Met die oorhandiging van die brandweerwa was daar ‘n groot parade gehou met die afdelingsbestuurder, stasiemeester, Oom Nel van die Koshuis, lede van die publiek, wat teenwoordig was. Hierdie verpligte vrywillige deelname as brandweerman het die spoorweg ons met ‘n tjek van twintig rand per maand vergoed. Dit het so by die vyftiende van die maand per pos op Komatipoort aangekom, wat ons


En dit in die tyd van “apartheid” – HBH.

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dan by die bank gewissel het, vyf en twintig sent by die geld gesit en daarmee kon jy vir jou ‘n kas Castle bier koop. “Dad” ek sê dankie vir die al die kennis, insig, leiding, opleiding, respek en eer wat jy in jou kort tydperk op Komatipoort, waar ek die voorreg gehad het om saam met jou te werk, vir my geleer het. Baie van hierdie dinge het ek later in my lewe as polisiebeampte en offisier gebruik en toegepas. Ek onthou nog jou woorde toe jy as ‘n kaptein ons besoek het. Ek en Swannie het jou gevra om vir ons vrae te spot vir die opkomende eksamen en jou antwoord was, “Kêrels spot en daar sal met jou gespot word”. Ek salueer U!”

Die Padda: Panzkarre: “Chris” en “Kobus”: Frans Bedford-Smith Ek was een van die eerste twaalf drywers wie opgelei was om die “Padda” te bestuur. Die kursus het drie maande geduur en ons moes eers ons swaarvoertuigbestuurslisensies kry en daarna leer hoe om trein te dryf. Toe ons klaar opgelei is, het ons die “Paddas” op die spoorlyn tussen Langlaagte en Magaliesberg getoets. Hulle het ‘n heel paar keer gebreek, maar was darem maklik om te stoot terwyl op die spoor. Op 'n pad was dit 'n heel ander storie gewees. Toe ons eers na Langlaagte gegaan om aan ons panzerkarre13 voorgestel te word, was dit die ontwerper, die werkswinkelbestuurder van Langlaagte PMD14, Oom Chris van der Merwe, wat ons vertel het na wie die “Paddas” genoem is. “Kobus” is vernoem na die destydse hoofbestuurder van die spoorweë, mnr. Kobus Loubscher en “Chris” na Oom Chris van der Merwe. Die voertuie se registrasie nommers was: • •

Kobus – SAS-R810-493, Kode Nr. SP1. Chris – SAS-R810-494, Kode Nr. SP2.

Die “Paddas” is ontwerp om op beide die spoorlyne asook op die pad te kan ry. Daar was twee stelle wiele gewees. Een stel spoorwiele, of “bogies” en ‘n stel padwiele. Mens het net eenvoudig die onnodige stel hidrouliese opgelig, en daar gaat jy! Omdat die “Paddas” op die spoorlyne geloop het, moes ons ten volle as treindrywers opgelei word en het die kursus by Esselenpark, saam met die “hase”15 geloop. Die swaarvoertuiglisensies het ons gedoen by die spoordepot op Langlaagte. Toe ons klaar opgelei was, was die Paddas gereed om te toets en ons het baie op en af met die spoorlyne tussen Langlaagte en Magaliesberg gery. Ons het so ‘n heel paar snaakse kyke gekry van verbygangers af. In Desember 1980, is die eerste klompie drywers Suidwes toe per die trein. “Chris” was toe al daar en het op Windhoekstasie vir ons gewag. Die eerste groep was ek, W/AO Frans Visser, A/O Nico O’Kelly, en Konstabels du Plessis en Kraus. Ongelukkig onthou ek nie meer hulle voorname nie. Ons het by die spoorweghostel in Windhoek gebly, nie te ver van die stasie af nie. Die woorde ‘panzerkarre’ en ‘panzkarre’ is ‘n word eie aan die spoorwegpolisie – HBH. Padmotordiens – HBH. 15 Siviele personeel van die spoorweë – HBH. 13 14

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“Chris” was gebruik om die passasierstreine van Windhoek af, deur die Namib na Swakopmund en terug te begelei. Ons het ook noord na Okahandja treine begelei. Alles het goed afgeloop en so halfpad deur ons diensperiode, het ons een aand op pad Okahandja toe ‘n “kontak” gehad. Ons het so ‘n ronde of twee afgeskiet - so in die bosse in, maar dit was te donker om mooi te sien. Ek, Doepie en Krausie wou toe sommer uitspring en die etters agterna sit, maar net sowel Nico was (cool as a cucumber) daar en as die senior man het hy geweier om ons toe te laat. Seker ook net sowel! Ons het darem ietsie lekker uit die trippies gekry, waar ons ‘n meneer van ‘n vlakvark platgetrek het, na sommer ‘n klomp rondes! Daardie goed is taai hoor! Nico het my ook herinner oor ‘n koedoe, maar hoe minder daaroor gesê die beter! In ons laaste week in Suidwes, net so 14km buitekant Windhoek, terwyl ek nogal bestuur, besluit “Chris” genoeg is genoeg en daar gaan staan hy. Dit was omtrent sesuur die oggend en die panzerkar was dood, hidrouliese olie orals! Ten minste het die radio nog gewerk en ons het hulp ingeroep. As ek reg onthou was dit eers so twaalfuur die middag wat ons weer by Windhoekstasie uitgekom het, heeltemal uitgeput! Nou ja, vir die laaste week voordat ons teruggekeer het na die “States”16 toe, het ons treine begelei deur om op die treine te wees. Voorlaaste nag is ons almal, (ek, Doepie en Krausie – Nico het lekker in Windhoek bly kuier) heeltemal uitgeput en ons sê toe vir die kaartjieswag om ons wakker te maak as daar moeilikheid is, of te nie, as ons by Usakos aankom, waar ons ‘n trein terug Windhoek toe sou haal. Ons het toe maar lekker gaan slaap! So net na middernag, voel ons hoe ruk die trein en ek kyk toe uit, om die ligte van Usakos agter ons te sien verdwyn! Nou hoe nou? Ek gaan haal die kaartjieswag en sê vir hom hy moet die trein stop en vir ons terugneem Usakos toe, maar natuurlik was dit nou glad nie ‘n opsie nie. Toe sê hy as ons by Rossing aankom, kan ons die goedere trein wat terug Windhoek toe gaan, neem. Ons moet net vinnig ruil en hy sou die goederetrein se drywer per radio kontak om hom te laat weet. Alles goed en ons kom by Rossing aan, ruil treine en ons is toe weer op pad terug Windhoek toe…of miskien nie! Die drywer vertel ons sy trein gaan Okahandja toe, maar hy kan ons by Usakos afsit. Weereens goed en wel, maar toe is daar ‘n bietjie van ‘n vertraging en toe ons by Usakos stasie intrek, sien ons daar ry die Windhoek trein! Sonder ons!! Nou wat maak ons? Drie polisiemanne in vreemde kamoefleerdrag, met Uzzi’s en handgewere! Toe besluit ons om te hitch hike, maar almal ry verby, voet of die gas! Na so drie of vier karre wat verby gery het, strip my moer en die volgende voertuig, so ‘n rooi Volkswagen Golf, kom met ‘n spoed aangery. Bogger die hitch hike-stories ek staan toe sommer in die middel van die pad, Uzzi in volle sig en trek die Golf af. Toe ek vir die drywer, wie se oë net so groot was teen die tyd, wat die storie is en vertel hom ons MOET in Windhoek, by die stasie, wees as die trein wat ons verpas het, daar intrek, toe sê hy: “Nee maar goed. Klim binne!”. Die mannetjie en sy nooi maak sitplekgordels vas en die drie van ons sit so saam vasgedruk in die agter sitplek, so styf teenmekaar vas dat ons nie eens die sitplekgordels kan bykom nie. En daar gaat ons! Jitte, maar die mannetjie ry! Vol spoed! So twee minute voor agt trek hy langs Windhoekstasie in en ons spring uit, deur die sekuriteitsheining


Die Republiek van Suid-Afrika – HBH.

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(moenie vra nie – as mens moet dan doen jy dit) en op die platform net toe “ons” trein daar intrek. Daar aan die anderkant van die platform wag Nico en die majoor vir ons. Die drie van ons stap so lekker casual oor, asof daar niks gebeur het nie, salueer die majoor en strek vir Nico. Dis toe wat ek sien, die majoor is ingevat maar nie Nico nie! Maar hy sê toe niks nie, totdat die majoor wegstap. Boetie! Toe is die lug blou soos Nico vir ons uittrap. Maar toe hy nou klaar uitgetrap het, glimlag hy so, en sê: “Goed gedaan boys!”

Hier is ons groep op die laaste dag van die swaarvoertuigkursus, die heel eerste groep “trolliedrywers”, opgelei om “Chris” en “Kobus” te dryf. Die foto is by Floridameer geneem waar ons lekker gebraai het.

Kersfees 1980 in Suidwes: Konst. Kraus, W/AO Nico O’Kelly, konst. Mossie Mostert (van Windhoek af) en konst. du Plessis. Page 71 of 158

Chris, op sy huidige staanplek by die spoorwegmuseum, Windhoek stasie, sonder padwiele. (Geneem 2009)

Doepie (Konst. du Plessis), W/AO Visser, en Konst. Krous, in Chris in Suidwes. Kersfees 1980.

W/AO Frans Visser agter die wiel van Chris, Suidwes, Kersfees 1980. Page 72 of 158

Kobus wat aan vervoerminister Chris Heunis, gewys word. “Kobus” wat mooi speel vir die kamera.

Diagram: “Chris” & “Kobus”: “Armoured Special Purpose Road and Rail Vehicle, aka the Padda Armoured Car.”

Amptelike beskrywing in Engels: “Armoured Special Purpose Road and Rail Vehicle, aka the Padda Armoured Car.”

‘n Geselsie met Oud-spoorie en Skotse polisieman: Konst. Frans Bedford Visser Ek mag nou dalk deesdae ‘n Skotse polisieman wees, maar in my hart is ek nog altyd ‘n Spoorie17, en baie trots daarop. 17

“Spoorie”: Ek is geen taalkundige nie, maar ek sien die Spoorwegpolisielede verwys so na hulself – HBH.

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Die SASPOL Logo (vir die Nongqai) is perfek. Ek hou baie daarvan en voel seker die manne en dames van die Spoories sal net soveel daarvan hou. Wat SASPOL se geskiedenis betref is ek ook bly om vorentoe te kan help koördineer. Sal van brig. Ronnie se stories uithaal uit sy boek en ook oor pos saam met enige interessante foto’s wat ek vind. Waar moontlik sal ek ook vir jou die besonderhede van die foto’s stuur, waar/wanneer dit geneem is, en wie is in die foto’s. Nie altyd moontlik nie, maar sal probeer. Dis hoog tyd dat die oud-Spoories sien hoe trots ons nog steeds is oor ons mag, al bestaan dit nie meer nie. Ek heg ook sewe foto’s aan. Die nuutste was op 3 November 2006 geneem, toe ek uitpasseer by die Skotse Polisiekollege op Tulliallan-kasteel, nou die hoofkwartier vir die Polisie Deins van Skotland. Ek was die Pelotonleier en ons peloton het die Davie Connor Dril Trofee gewen, en ek het die Endeavour Award, vir die student wat die meeste bydrae gemaak het in die kursus, gewen. Destyds was ek Lothian & Borders Police gewees, nou is almal Police Scotland! Die oudste foto was op 23 Junie 1978 geneem te Esselenpark. Ek het toe die Beste Musiekstudent Trofee gewen. Hoop jy kan hulle een of ander tyd gebruik. Beste, Frans. Foto’s: SA Soorwegpolisie

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Frans se diens in die Skotse polisie

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2006.11.03 – Wenner drilkompetisie en Endeavour-toekenning

Skotse Polisiekollege: Uitpaseringsparade: 3 November 2006 Page 76 of 158

Skotse Polisiekollege: Uitpaseringsparade: 3 November 2006 Geselsie Nommer 2 Goeie môre Hennie Ek het 3 Desember 1977 by die SASP aangesluit as 'n 17-jarige rekruut, magsnommer R2052. Ek het van 6 Januarie tot 23 Junie 1978 Kollege deurgeloop en is ingesweer as konstabel, magsnommer 12561. Aanvanklik by die ATKV-gebou, Johannesburg gewerk as rekruut en gepos te Johannesburgstasie as konstabel. Daar het ek diens gedoen op Parkstasie en omgewing en daarna het ek ook die Oos-Rand remissie gery. Ek is toe vir 'n tyd Mobiele Eenheid toe en toe as waarnemende-sersant na New Canada toe, voordat ek een van die stigtingslede was van majoor (later luit-kol) Wells se professionele polisie-orkes. Ons het orals opgetree van Saldanhabaai tot Kaapstad vir die Parlementsopening, asook in Durban by die Taptoe. In 1980 was ek een van die eerste twaalf trolliedrywers wat opgelei is om “Chris” en “Kobus” te bestuur , en is as waarnemende-AO aangestel. In Desember 1980 is ek saam met W/AO (later brig.) Nico O'Kelly en twee ander vir 'n maand SWA toe ontplooi om “Chris” (die “Padda” panzerkar) te gebruik in trein begeleidings. Ons was die eerste trolliedrywers wat operasioneel ontplooi is met die panzerkarre. Ek was toe nog steeds 'n orkeslid, met my tyd gedeel tussen die orkes en die panzerkarre wat ons oral getoets het voor en na ontplooiing SWA toe (“Kobus” het in die Republiek gebly). In 1981 het die orkes vir die eerste keer by die Parlementsopening opgetree en toe ons per trein terugkeer huis toe, het ons oor die Laingsburg-brug gery enkele oomblikke voordat dit ingestort het. Ons was net na middernag op 25 Januarie 1981 oor die brug, die laaste trein om daaroor te ry! In Oktober 1982 het ek uit die SASP bedank en begin as verkoopsman werk. In 1987 het ek geïmmigreer VK toe waar ek in Edinburgh, Skotland gaan woon het. Ek het in verkope gewerk en in 1990 my die besigheid opgestel wat ek vir vier jaar bestuur het, voordat ek by Sky-TV aangesluit het. Page 77 of 158

In 2004 het ek bedank by Sky-TV en het as voltydse offisier gewerk met die reserwemag vir twee jaar, met die rang van luitenant in die Royal Scots Regiment. Ek het toe ook skool- en weermagkadette as deel van my pligte opgelei. In Julie 2006 het ek by Lothian & Borders Police as konstabel aangesluit en het tussen 2 Augustus tot 3 November 2006 die Skotse Polisiekollege te Tulliallan Kasteel deurgeloop. Ek was daar pelotonleier en het my peloton in dril opgelei aangesien ek al met die Britse leer 'n gekwalifiseerde drilinstrukteur was en ons het aangegaan om die Davy Connor driltrofee te wen. Ek het ook die Endeavour Award gekry, gegun aan die student wat die meeste tot die kursus bygedra het. In 2013 is al agt Skotse polisiemagte saamgesmelt in een; as die “Police Service of Scotland� (Police Scotland). Hier het ek verskeie rolle gehad, onder andere dwelmeenheid, vuurwapenlisensieoffisier en binnekort verkeerspolisieman. Ek tree af in Julie 2020.

Daar het jy dit. Aanhegting soos volg:

1. Lothian & Borders Police (oorspronklike wapen) 2. Lothian & Borders Police (nuwe wapen)

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3. Police Service of Scotland 4. Royal Scots Regiment 5. Royal Regiment of Scotland

6. Ek by Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Beste Frans

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SDB (SSB): Glas negatiewe: Argief Nico Moolman

Manskap CJ Cassel, drommer van die Spesiale Diens Bataljon op Voortrekkerhoogte ...1939-1941

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Die orkes van die Spesiale Diens Bataljon (SDB – SSB) en Rufus te Voortrekkerhoogte 1939.

Lt.-kol. EG Brits: Die legendariese “Papa Brits” van die SDB. Page 81 of 158

UVM: Ander glas-negatiewe

Militêre begrafnis

Vroue in uniform tydens die tweede wêreldoorlog. Let op die “rooi lussies” wat op die skouer gedra word. Page 82 of 158

Red tabs The South African Defence Act (Act No 13 of 1912) was vague in its description of where members of the Union Defence Force could be deployed. Because the act could be interpreted as not making provision for active service by UDF units beyond the Union's borders and "the prevailing tense political climate", Field Marshal Jan Smuts, the prime minister, declared that only volunteers would make up a fighting force beyond the country's borders. The volunteers were required to sign a document known as the 'Africa Oath', in which they declared that they would be prepared to fight anywhere in Africa. They were distinguished from other members of the UDF by orange-scarlet shoulder tabs worn on their uniforms and commonly referred to as 'red tabs'. According to Professor Andrè Wessels of the Department of History at the University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, “the wearing of these tabs caused a lot of resentment, by stigmatising both those who were prepared to fight and those who opposed active involvement (depending on one's political outlook), and was one way of exerting pressure on UDF members to volunteer for active service”. The author Alan Paton mentioned the red tabs/flash in his 1953 novel, Too Late the Phalarope. The South African Police also wore them and they were derogatorily called the "red lice".18

No 2: Bosvark

18 - HBH.

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Genl. Jannie Geldenhuys: Kursus 957G: Binnelandse beveiliging: SAW/SA Polisie / SAS Pol-Samewerking

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Ek het jare gelede met genl. Jannie Geldenhuys oor hierdie berig gesels. Hy het die kursus aangebied. Hy het aan my genoem dat hy reeds in die vroeë 1960’s die leemte raakgesien het dat die polisie en die weermag saam opgelei moet word en dat hulle mekaar beter moet leer ken en saamwerk. Op die foto’s verskyn brig. Johan “Stemmetjie” Verster, later ‘n generaal in die SA Polisie. [Hy was in die 1960 Pondoland Opstand die BO van die SAP aldaar met kaptein HJ van den Bergh (destyds van KOD Welkom) wat aan die spits van die ondersoeke in Pondoland gestaan het. Hier het genl. Van den Bergh goeie lesse vir die toekoms geleer. Hy het gedurende 1963 veiligheidshoof geword.] Op die kursus foto verskyn die volgende voorlopers wat ek ken: Lt. A Moss – hy het een van ons handboeke vir die bevorderingseksamen geskryf. Lt. HAT Prins was van die spoorwegpolisie se veiligheidsafdeling in Durban. Hy het baie nou met ons veiligheidstak gewerk. Maj. Jack Hurter is die bekende skrywer van polisie-fiksie en hy het ‘n paar episodes van “Squad Cars” geskryf toe hy SB van DurbanSentraal was. (Toe ek die offisierseksamen slaag was my broer ‘n student-konstabel te DurbanSentraal onder sy bevel en hy het toe die offisier in een episode van “Squad Cars” “Lieutenant Heymans” genoem.) Voor op die punt sit die Springbok (later rofstoeier) Manie van Zyl. Van die AO’s in die tweede en derde ry, wat ek ken/geken het en diep spore getrap het was: • EE Oosthuisen – SAP (V)-opleiding • E Barkhuisen - NI • BPJ Badenhorst – Kompol x302 en later Afkom • AF Horak (SASPOL – generaal) • JP Durand (SAP-Tin: SWA).

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Police minister told to 'f*k*f' after visiting family of murdered Mitchells Plain child 2018-06-25 20:34 Police Minister Bheki Cele has had to face the ire of residents who are angry because the police had not secured the crime scene. Farm attacks increase by 34% - AfriForum Marelie Greeff | 27 June 2018 Organisation says farm murders take place at an unusual frequency and that are unusually cruel

Farm attacks increase by 34% 27 June 2018 Although there are only three days left before the end of June, there have been – in comparison with the first six months of 2017 – a 34% increase in farm attacks during the first six months of 2018 already. According to AfriForum’s records, 33 farm murders could be verified since the start of the year. AfriForum particularly expressed its concern over the brutal murders of Gabriel (78) and Marian Bruwer (67) and once again urged the government and the South African Police Service (SAPS) to prioritise farm murders. The bodies of the Bruwers were found yesterday in their farmhouse at Vanstadensrus. They were bound to chairs. A pillow was used as a silencer before both Gabriel and Marian were shot in the head. They were members of AfriForum. During the first six months of 2017, 157 farm attacks took place and 40 farm murders were committed. Since the start of January 2018, 210 farm attacks occurred and 33 farm murders were committed. Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum and the author of the book Kill the Boer (which will be launched in this week), says that farm murders take place at an unusual frequency and that are unusually cruel. “The widely spread allegation, that farm murders are currently at its lowest point ever, is plain false. To be honest, our verified data shows that farm murders have been increasing since 2011. Although less farm murders were committed in the first six months of 2018 than in the first six months of 2017, we are gravely concerned about the sharp increase in farm attacks,” says Roets. Roets adds that AfriForum will intensify its campaign against farm murders in the coming months. In the meantime, AfriForum urges the farming community to be more vigilant regarding their own safety and to join community safety networks. Page 86 of 158

Issued by Marelie Greeff, Media Relations Officer, AfriForum, 27 June 2018

SAPS not doing enough to curb Cash-in-transit heists – DA Gauteng Michele Clarke | 05 July 2018 Party says it is clear heists are becoming more violent, as these criminals become more desperate

SAPS not doing enough to curb Cash-in-transit heists 5 July 2018 The Democratic Alliance (DA) is deeply concerned about the rise in cash-in-transit heists in the province, despite the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele announcing that stringent measures have been put in place to curb this scourge. These attempts have not yielded positive results. The police's intelligence on the way in which these crimes are orchestrated is weak at best. This follows many recent incidents of cash-in-transit heists with the latest occurring today near Atlas Road and North Rand Road in Boksburg, Ekurhuleni. It has been reported that one suspect was shot dead. Two security guards and one bystander were injured. It is clear that cash-in-transit heists are becoming more violent, as these criminals become more desperate. Questions need to be asked about who is supplying these criminals with military grade explosives and ammunition. The manner in which these attacks have occurred indicates that the perpetrators have access to inside information. There are claims that in all these incidents police don’t arrive timeously at the scene. We call on the Gauteng Premier, David Makhura to engage with the both the Gauteng SAPS Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Deliwe de Lange and their national counterparts, Minister of police to find a holistic approach to effectively clamp down on the plague of cash-intransit heists in the province and to rid SAPS of whatever elements may be fuelling these attacks. Under a DA government, the police service will be professionalised and make use of crime intelligence and technology which will greatly assist in the war on crime. Issued by Michele Clarke, DA Gauteng Spokesperson for Community Safety, 5 July 2018 Page 87 of 158 1 382 personnel employed by Presidential Protection Unit - Zakhele Mbhele Zakhele Mbhele | 11 July 2018 DA MP says this is to guard all of 17 individuals

ANC Presidency has 81 protectors per person, compared to the 1 police officer per 628 residents in Nyanga The DA can reveal that for the 2017/2018 financial year, the number of close protectors for current and former Presidents, Deputy Presidents and First Ladies has a ratio of 81 protectors per person. A reply to a DA Parliamentary Question shows that there are currently 1 382 personnel employed by the Presidential Protection Unit. According to a reply last year, this unit was protecting a total of 17 individuals. These are truly astonishing numbers considering that in Nyanga in the Western Cape, the police to population ratio in 2018 is estimated at 1 police officer to every 628 residents. Nationally, this ratio is 369 residents for every 1 police officer. This is a blatant example of how the lives of the elite matter more to the ANC government, than ordinary citizens lives. While current and former Heads of State and their spouses are safely protected, millions of South Africans live in constant fear of being the next victims of violent crime in our country. It is time that this government realises that all lives have value and not just the lives of ANC cadres. It is an indictment on the ANC government that it can spend more than R690 million on the Presidential Protection Unit, yet the South African Police Services has for years remained chronically under-resourced. The DA is the only political party that will ensure an efficient, professional and well-resourced police service which will ensure that all South Africans, irrespective of their status in society, will feel safe in the streets and their homes. 36/1/4/1(201800209) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION 1235 DATE OF PUBLICATION IN INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: 26 APRIL 2018 (INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER NO 13-2018) 1235. Ms D Kohler (DA) to ask the Minister of Police: (a) What Is the total amount (i) budgeted and (ii) spent on the Presidential Protection Unit in the (aa) 2015-16, (bb) 2016-17 and (cc) 2017-18 financial years and (b) what has been its capacity in terms of personnel in each of the past three financial years? NW1334E REPLY: (a)(i)(ii) Page 88 of 158

(aa) 2015/2016 Economic Classification Overtime Goods and Services Transfer and Subsidies Payment of Capital Assets Total Operational Salaries Total Spent

Budget R 71 888 000,00 R150 036 000,00 R 394 000,00 R 63 840 000, 00 R286158 000,00 -

Expenditure R 70450113,00 R160 506 495,00 R 322 319,00 R 61 168 590,00 R292 447 518,00 R325 575 259,00 R618 022 777,00

(bb) 2016/2017 Economic Classification Overtime Goods and Services Transfer and Subsidies Pa•=ent of Canftal Assets Total Operational Salaries Total Spent

Budget R 47 581 000,00 R 94 596 000,00 R 430 000,00 R 25 086 000,00 R167 693 000 00 -

Expenditure R 85 590 217.00 R132 893 954.00 R 351 966.00 R 17 741 516.00 R236 577 654.00 R360 567 624.00 R617 145 278.00

(cc) 2017/2018 Economic Classification Overtime Goods and Services Transfer and Subsidies Payment of Capital Assets Total Operational Salaries Total Spent

Budget R120 000 000.00 R119 342 000.00 R 450 000.00 R 20 995 000.00 R260 787 000.00 -

Expenditure R109 804 667.00 R121 218 664.00 R 444 596.00 R 19 628 033.00 R251 095 961.00 R442 517 356.00 R693 613 317.00

(b) 2015/2016 = 1 162 personnel. 2016/2017 = 1 369 personnel. 2017/2018 = 1 382 personnel. ENDS Statement issued by Zakhele Mbhele MP, DA Shadow Minister of Police, 11 July 2018

Deur korrupsie het 658 polisiedossiere sedert 2013 vermis geraak en net agt mense is vervolg Dr Pieter Groenewald: VF Plus-leier In wat dui op grootskaalse korrupsie het altesame 658 polisiedossiere sedert 2013 van die polisie se speurtakke regoor die land vermis geraak terwyl net agt persone, van wie vyf polisielede, aangekla en vervolg is.

Dit is ʼn skokkende aanduiding van die polisie se onvermoë om hierdie soort misdaad te bekamp en kom rofweg daarop neer dat 650 dossiere sonder enige nagevolge verdwyn het. Page 89 of 158

Uit antwoorde op geskrewe vrae aan die minister van polisie, Bheki Cele, oor hoeveel dossiere sedert 2013 vermis geraak het, hoeveel mense daarvoor vervolg is en wat gedoen word om die verlies van dossiere te bekamp, blyk dit dat die Wes-Kaap met 229 vermiste dossiere verreweg die meeste probleme in dié verband het. Tweede op die lys is Gauteng met 128, dan KwaZulu/Natal met 118, die Vrystaat met 97 en die Noord-Kaap met 54. In Limpopo het nie een dossier vermis geraak sedert 2013 nie, in Noordwes slegs vier, in Mpumalanga agt en in die Oos-Kaap 20. Wat opval is die groot hoeveelheid dossiere wat binne ʼn enkele jaar op sommige plekke verlore geraak het. In die eerste vier maande vanjaar het 44 dossiere by die Mothibistad-speurtak in die Noord-Kaap verdwyn. In 2014 het 57 by Nyanga se speurtak (Wes-Kaap) verdwyn, in 2016 55 by die Newcastle-speurtak (KwaZulu/Natal), in 2013 78 by die Tembisa-speurtak (Gauteng) en in 2016 41 by die Winburg-speurtak in die Vrystaat. Dit is ironies dat die groot verlies van 658 dossiere juis onder die neuse van die land se speurders plaasgevind het, en dat slegs agt mense daarvoor aangekla is. Dit is onaanvaarbaar. Dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus, sê die minister se antwoord oor wat gedoen word om die probleem te bekamp, is uiters teleurstellend aangesien dit blyk dat slegs al die ou en normale prosedures steeds gebruik word om dossiere te beskerm. Die tyd het aangebreek om innoverende stappe te neem om dossiere, en sodoende die publiek van Suid-Afrika, beter te beskerm aangesien ʼn saak doodloop wanneer ʼn dossier verlore raak en die misdadiger sodoende die reg ontwyk. Wat hier gesien word, is wydlopende korrupsie en dien as bewys dat die strafregstelsel die mense van Suid-Afrika in die steek laat en ʼn omgewing skep waarin misdaad floreer. Dr. Groenewald sal die saak met die parlementêre portefeuljekomitee vir polisie opneem om seker te maak daadwerklike stappe word geneem om oplossings vir die probleem te vind. [VF+nuusbrief 580]

Bokamoso | How to make SA a safer country: Mmusi Maimane (DA Leader) Yesterday I led a march in Cape Town, calling on national government to send the army to areas of the Western Cape. This is an extreme measure. To deploy the military in civilian areas is not a call made lightly. But the levels of violence and suffering warrant it. Communities in this DA-run province are being held hostage by drugs and gangs, and we urgently need to get this crisis under control. SAPS is entirely controlled by the ANC national government. It is plagued by weak leadership, falling budgets and large vacancies. Our calls for more police officers in these high-crime areas have gone unanswered. On the contrary, the Western Cape is increasingly being denied our fair share of police services. Since 2016, while the national average policing ratio of police officers to population has dropped from 1:347 to 1:369, in the Western Cape it has dropped from 1:385 to 1:509. Vacancies stand at 22% of the entire service, three quarters of which are in the Western Cape. Page 90 of 158

To make matters worse, police deployment is highly inequitable between areas. At the extremes, Parliamentary VIPs enjoy 81 SAPS members per 1 VIP while Nyanga, the murder capital of South Africa, gets just 1 SAPS officer per 628 residents. The whole country is under-policed and inequitably resourced, but the Western Cape most severely so, to the point that it would be fair to conclude that political considerations are driving police resourcing allocations. The DA is calling for decentralization of policing powers. International experience shows that bringing policing powers closer to the people will gives the best chance of fighting crime effectively and becoming safer. Our country is being held hostage by highly skilled and organised criminals. The monolithic, lumbering SAPS is hopelessly inadequate to the task of responding. The South African public has lost faith in the SAPS to keep them safe, and justifiably so. There are urgent and obvious ways the SAPS should be reformed. The DA supports three key pillars of reform to turn SAPS into an effective crime-fighting organization: Localise, Professionalise, Specialise. All of these are considered international best practice. The SAPS budgets and management authority should be localised to make the police more accountable to local residents and the local governments they elect. Currently, the only localised policing services are the Metro Police Departments, under the control of each metro. They have limited powers and budgets but are better positioned to find local solutions to local problems, as the DA-run Metro Police Departments are showing. But far from seeking to strengthen their powers, the national government is now seeking to subsume metro police departments into the SAPS. That is a recipe for disaster. Beyond decentralizing, SAPS must be professionalised through the appointment of competent leadership, recruitment and promotion by merit, adequate training and equipping, and stronger accountability measures, for example body-worn and vehicle cameras for on-duty cops and CCTV surveillance cameras in Police Stations. The SAPS must form specialised units such as rural safety, anti-hijacking, anti-gang and border security units, to address criminal activities that require expert knowledge, dedicated intelligence and investigation, and special equipment. The DA now runs four Metro Police Services, in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela Bay Metro. We have a growing track record that shows the effectiveness of the “localise, professionalise, specialise” approach and proves our commitment to safety.

• Cape Town Metro Police Department (CTMPD) Our longest track record is Cape Town, considered to run the best metro police in the country with the most competent, qualified leadership team. With its “localise, professionalise, specialise” approach, the tiny metro force does its best to fill the huge voids created by a chronically understaffed SAPS in the metro, where deployment ratios are 1:560. When the DA took over in 2006, we managed to reduce crime in the CBD by 90% and largely keep it at those levels, in partnership with the Central City Improvement District, a private sector initiative. But these impressive gains are starting to be eroded and many of our suburbs remain Page 91 of 158

war zones, because of the increasingly chronic SAPS understaffing, hence our call for SAPS reform, and for temporary support from the army. Despite having to cover for the SAPS in crime fighting and prevention, CTMPD has not neglected its own constitutional duties such as traffic and by-law enforcement and fire services. Cape Town has the country’s lowest corruption rates within law enforcement staff, making it the city in which you are least likely to be approached for a bribe. The road death toll has reduced even as the number of vehicles has risen by 40%. Our informal settlement fire death toll has been halved and overall fire mortality rate is roughly half the average for other SA metros. The CTMPD lessons and systems are now being transferred to the new DA-run Metro Police Services.

• Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) On taking over the JMPD in 2016, the DA-led government appointed experienced, committed leadership, which recruited and trained an additional 1500 police officers to increase visible, on the ground policing. As in Cape Town, they are prioritizing safety in the CBD by dealing with slum buildings and promoting mixed-use development. They are committed to proper by-law enforcement, with the philosophy that taking a zero-tolerance approach to even minor law-breaking, grows a culture of law and order that is a prerequisite of a safe society. Mayor Mashaba is nothing if not determined to restore law and order in Johannesburg. His campaign, Operation Buya Mthetho (return to the law), is a project run together with the SAPS that targets problems such as hijacked buildings, illegal utility connections, nonpaying businesses (from which it has recovered over R600 million), licensing infringements, drunk driving and unroadworthy taxis (550 impounded this year so far). They made more arrests in the first 18 months than in the previous three years combined (including by their specialised K9 narcotics unit, which has achieved 1193 arrests, recovering 123 illegal firearms, 136 kg of drugs and over 1000 hijacked vehicles) and are working with the Department of Home Affairs to assist undocumented immigrants to become documented or be repatriated.

• Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) The DA-run coalition is particularly focusing on tackling Tshwane’s widespread drug problems. It has established the TMPD Anti-Drug Unit to fight and eliminate drug abuse. This is a key area where specialisation is essential and makes sense, since so much other crime is drug-related, such as theft, which targets city infrastructure. Drug lords and peddlers are now feeling the heat in Tshwane.

• NMB Metro Police Department When the DA-run coalition took over NMB metro in August 2016, the metro police service was non-existent save for a police chief earning over R1 million per year. Not a single officer had been appointed. The NMB Metro Police service is one of the NMB council’s greatest successes. Eighteen months later, the metro police force now has a competent, experienced police chief, Yolanda Faro, and 129 (will be 154 by year-end) fully trained metro police officers that are on the beat, regularly out doing patrols and by-law enforcement. They have 3 metro satellite police stations, 10 vehicles, a bicycle unit, a ghost squad, a 24-hour manned call centre, a great track Page 92 of 158

record so far, and an excellent working relationship with the SAPS, carrying out many joint operations to clear out criminals and drug lords. They are extremely proud of their achievements and results to date, although they still need to grow the force significantly. Conclusion Where the DA governs, we have made real, measurable progress in fighting crime, despite policing being a national government responsibility. We have shown that localisation, professionalisation and specialisation work, and are the best way to achieve maximum impact with scarce resources. We are committed to working towards a safe South Africa in which law and order prevails. In 2019, a vote for the DA will be a vote for a safer society. [20 July 2018]/ Comment: HBH After serving many years in the police and visiting various police forces I feel that policing takes places on two levels; (1) at ground level and as near as possible to the people (i.e. Metro Police) and (2) at the highest level where the state needs state police to protect the vested interests of the state (i.e. national police – various divisions at national level including border protection and border security.)

Unstitching the culture of criminal impunity Opinionista • Muhammad Khalid Sayed • 24 July 2018 Photo: Jeff Benzien during the TRC hearings. Benny Gool In South Africa, our failure to hold one another to account for the most heinous crimes in our past – not to exact revenge, but to facilitate justice and healing – can be read today in our crime statistics, in gender violence, and in grand corruption in our private and public sectors. Twenty-one years ago, last week, notorious Cape Town security policeman Jeff Benzien19 appeared before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to apply for amnesty in respect of a host of human rights violations. Characterising himself as a torture expert with particular expertise in the rapid extraction of information immediately photographs 19

from after of

political detainees their arrest, chilling Benzien showing

A similar story also appeared on Facebook. It was reported that Mr J Benzien has died – HBH.

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commissioners how he dealt with freshly captured political detainees by suffocating them with wet bags were published across the world. He also used electricity. For more detail click on: Ref: Kommentaar deur HBH Ek praat nie marteling of aanranding in wettige aanhouding goed nie maar mens moet maar alles wat gebeur of gebeur het, in konteks sien. Die polisie of inligtingsmense, soos bv. die CIA of Mossad wat al dikwels van marteling beskuldig is, is soms uit desperaatheid genoop om marteling toe te pas ten einde die publiek te beskerm. Dit moet ingedagte gehou word dat die terreur-oorlog in die RSA openlik asook ondergronds plaas gevind het. Talle onskuldige polisiemanne en hul gesinne, boere en hul gesinne, ontvoerde skoolkinders en die algemene publiek slagoffers van terreur was. Dink maar aan die Kerkstraatbomontploffing en die ontploffing te Amanzimtoti en die landmyne wat orals gestel was. Hoe voorkom die polisie sulke voorvalle en beplande voorvalle? Een woord: Inligting of voorafkennis. Mens hoef net na die Anglo Boere-oorlog te kyk om te sien hoe fel die Britte teen die Boere opgetree het. Talle spioene van die Boere is na gebrekkige militêre verhore tereggestel en die liggame is in die geheim begrawe. As mens die SAP se veiligheidstak se optrede met die ANC se eie “veiligheidspolisie” die Mbokodo20 se optrede vergelyk is dit ‘n riller. Dus, fokus op die konteks van bostaande berig. Die terroris weet waarvoor hy homself/haarself inlaat voordat hulle met hul onwettige bedrywighede begin en hul weet die polisie kan hul dalk ondervra en martel.


Mbokodo is a Xhosa word which means 'the grinding stone.' This name was given to the security branch of the African National Congress's armed wing, ...

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Jan Smuts and the RAF John Kane-Berman | 16 July 2018 John Kane-Berman writes on the role of the SA statesman in its founding, 100 years ago

One hundred years of an air force inspired by General Smuts Last week fighter aircraft flying in formation to look like the figure "100" swooped down The Mall and over Buckingham Palace to mark the centenary of the foundation of the Royal Air Force (RAF). Nearby in Parliament Square stood the statue of Jan Christiaan Smuts, often described as the founding father of the RAF. How did this come about? In May, June, and July 1917, more than 300 people were killed when German aircraft dropped bombs on London and elsewhere in the penultimate year of the First World War. This was the first time aircraft, only a recent invention, had struck directly at an enemy instead of simply supporting ships at sea and armies in the field. The result was consternation. The British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, appointed himself and General Smuts to a committee to decide how to meet this new threat. Smuts, described by the British military historian Max Hastings as a "rehabilitated Boer" and one of the British Empire's "foremost heroes", had graduated from anti-British foe during the Boer War to membership of Lloyd George's Imperial War Cabinet. By August 1917, while Lloyd George was busy with the conduct of the war, Smuts had singlehandedly produced what became known as the "Smuts report". "My father's conclusion," wrote one of his sons, was that "we can only defend this island effectively against terror attack by offensive measures and by attacking the enemy in his airbases on the continent and in that way destroying his power of attacking us across the channel." In his report General Smuts wrote, "The day may not be far off when aerial operations with their devastation of enemy lands and destruction of industrial and populous centres on a vast scale may become the principal operations of war." These were chillingly prescient words. Barely more than 20 years later precisely such devastation was being inflicted throughout Europe during the Second World War by bombers bearing the colours of perhaps a dozen different nations, among them Britain, the US, South Africa, Russia, and Germany. Smuts's opponents in the meantime were in Whitehall in London. His key proposal was that an air force should be established as an independent service alongside the navy and the army instead of remaining subordinate to these other two services. This was the last thing the admirals and the generals wanted and they fought rear-guard actions against the Smuts report. But their own failures during the First World War had discredited them, and they were overruled by Lloyd Page 95 of 158

George. The Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service were merged to form the new RAF on 1 April 1918. During the Second World War the RAF won the Battle of Britain against Hermann Goering's Luftwaffe in 1940. Along with the naval convoy system, it played a key role in finally winning the Battle of the Atlantic against Karl Doenitz's U-boats in 1943. Without air supremacy provided by the RAF and the US Air Force, the landings by the armies of the Western Allies in Normandy on D-Day in 1944 would probably not have been possible. That supremacy arose from the bombing of German oil and other installations, with the result that Germany was not able to produce, let alone fly, all the aircraft it required. But British and American bombing also targeted German cities, while the Germans of course did the same to cities in Britain, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia and elsewhere. Smuts lived to see the terrible devastation he had predicted. The head of RAF Bomber Command, Arthur Harris, believed that bombing alone could win the war. Although Prime Minister Winston Churchill did not share this wrong-headed belief, he ensured that Air Chief Marshal Harris was able to continue with his campaign of saturation bombing. On 11th November this year ceremonies in many parts of the world will mark the centenary of the signing of the armistice that ended the First World War – only a few months after the flypast over London to commemorate the centenary of one of the instruments that helped to win the Second. * John Kane-Berman is a policy fellow at the IRR, a think-tank that promotes political and economic freedom. If you agree with what you have just read then click here or SMS your name to 32823.

Die SANW se perde te Potchefstroom Publiek kan ‘uitgehongerde perde’ nou aanneem

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South Africans Commonwealth War Casualties buried across the world – PART FIVE by Captain Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired) South Africans participated in almost every theatre of war during both the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries while 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. This does not include the 1 750 members of the South African Native Labour Corps and the 306 from the South African Book of Remembrance whose names are in the process of being added to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Casualty Data Base. With South Africans having served far and wide it is not surprising that you would find single or small group graves in cemeteries across the world. Here are some of those cemeteries where one or a very small group of South Africans are buried.

Ambon War Cemetery - Indonesia The town of Ambon, situated on Laitimor Peninsula on the southern shore of Ambon Bay, was severely damaged during the war, first by the Japanese who bombed it heavily in January 1942 and later by the Allied forces who attacked it in 1943 and 1944. After the fall of Ambon in February 1942, a former Dutch army camp on the island was used to hold Australian, American and Dutch prisoners of war, captured during the invasion. The War Cemetery was constructed on the site of this camp (known as Tan Touy) after the war. The cemetery contains Australian soldiers who died during the Japanese invasion of Ambon and Timor, plus those who died in captivity in one of the many camps constructed by the Japanese on the Moluccas Islands, including many British prisoners who were transferred from Java to the islands in April 1943. Soon after the war, the remains of prisoners of war from Haruku and other camps on the island were removed to Ambon and in 1961, at the request of the Indonesian Government, the remains of 503 graves in Makassar War Cemetery on the island of Celebes were added to the Page 97 of 158

cemetery. The total number of graves in the cemetery is over 2,000. Of this total over half are Australians, of whom about 350 belonged to the 2/21st Australian Infantry Battalion. Most of the 800 British casualties belonged to the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force; nearly all the naval dead were originally buried at Makassar. The cemetery is laid out in a series of terraces approached by short flights of steps on the central axis. The Ambon Memorial, which is in the form of a shelter, stands on the first terrace. It commemorates over 450 Australian soldiers and airmen who died in the region of Celebes and the Molucca Islands and have no known grave. The Cross of Sacrifice stands on the highest terrace in a wide expanse of lawn; the terrace below it contains most of the burials from Makassar. All the graves are marked with bronze plaques mounted on concrete pedestals and set in level turf. Tropical trees and shrubs are planted throughout the cemetery and around its boundaries. There are 1,956 Commonwealth burials of the 1939-1945 war here, 357 of these are unidentified. There are 186 Dutch burials here, 15 being unidentified, and 1 American Airman. The American airman was killed with 7 Australian airmen in July 1945; all were buried in a collective grave in Plot 28. The non-war grave is that of a seaman of the Merchant Navy, whose death was not due to war service. The cemetery was designed by Ralph Hobday. South African buried in this cemetery is Able Seaman Nelson Joseph Hefferman, South African Naval Forces, HMS Encounter who died on 11 February 1945.

Jakarta War Cemetery - Indonesia Jakarta, the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, lies on the north-west coast of the island of Java. It was the administrative capital of the former Netherlands East Indies and was known as Batavia, the name used in the records of the 1939-1945 War. Batavia was the port by which thousands of British and Commonwealth servicemen entered Java in February 1942 from Singapore and Sumatra, shortly before the Japanese invasion of the island. It was defended by Nos. 232 and 605 (Fighter) Squadrons from Tjililitan airfield, a few miles distant. Although greatly outnumbered and dwindling in strength, the fighters remained in action in defence of the capital from 17th-27th February. The 77th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment was also employed in Batavia's defence. On 25th February H.M.S. Exeter, Electra, Encounter and Jupiter and H.M.A.S Perth sailed from Batavia to join the Eastern Striking Force at Sourabaya before meeting the Japanese in the Battle of the Java Sea. On 1st March the Japanese landed near Batavia, by the 4th the Dutch had ordered its evacuation, and on the 5th the Japanese occupied the town. Most of the Allied prisoners of war captured in Java were later concentrated in a number of prison camps around Batavia, one of the largest being "Bicycle Camp", so named because it had been the barracks of a Page 98 of 158

Dutch cycle battalion. The camp held among its first prisoners 300 survivors of H.M.A.S. Perth, and 250 soldiers of the 2/15th Punjab Regiment who had fought in Borneo. In 1961 at the request of the Indonesian Government, the Commonwealth dead from the Netherlands Field of Honour at Sourabaya, and from those at Palembang, Medan and Muntok in Sumatra, were brought into the cemetery, which already contained 474 Commonwealth war graves. Additional land was acquired to accommodate all the graves, and the total number of burials was increased to over 1,000. Jakarta War Cemetery therefore contains the graves of many who died in defence of Java and Sumatra during the swift Japanese advance in 1942 and many others who perished afterwards as prisoners of war. Among the dead were sailors who fought in the Battle of the Java Sea, soldiers of "Blackforce" including a number of Australians whose graves lie together in plot 6, and airmen who died in flying battle and airfield defence. The cemetery is entered on its northern side by a short flight of steps leading into a memorial building. Two main grass avenues cross the site, one running north-south and one east-west, and the Cross of Sacrifice stands at their intersection. The graves of members of the forces of undivided India lie on a terrace in the southern part of the cemetery. Here an Indian Forces monument has been set up; it is a stone pillar crowned by a sculptured wreath and bearing wreaths on two sides, with "INDIA" inscribed below one and "PAKISTAN" below the other. The graves are marked by bronze plaques set in concrete pedestals. The cemetery is covered with turf and planted with many colourful sub-tropical trees and shrubs. South African buried in this cemetery is Chief Petty Officer James Edward Brennan, South African Naval Forces, HMS Dragon who died on 08 July 1945. •

Story for the South African Legion of Military Veterans by Lgr. Charles Ross based on information from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Casualty Data Base and photos by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

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Shooting down enemy FW 190 at “point blank range” – SAAF hero; Albert Sachs Here is another fantastic colourised photograph of a South African WW2 hero with an extraordinary tale of heroism. Lieutenant Albert Sachs - a member of the South African Air Force (SAAF) who was seconded to No. 92 Squadron of the Royal Air Force. Here he is seen sitting on his Supermarine Spitfire Mark VIII at Canne in Italy.

This very heroic South African, known as 'Bertie' to his friends is best explained in his own Sortie Reports and Squadron Reports: 30 November 1943 Page 100 of 158

'I was flying Yellow 3. At 0935 I saw 10+ 109s and 190s which we had been warned of by Control, bombing along the secondary road parallel with the Sangro River towards the River mouth. I dived on them and as I approached they turned and began straffing the road towards the mountains. I closed in on a 190 and fired several bursts from quarter astern and astern from 250 – 50 yds. He dived N.W. along the side of the mountain and after seeing strikes on the cockpit I saw the A/C (aircraft) half roll and it crashed in the vicinity of H.1898.

German FW 190 I then broke slightly up as a Warhawk was on the (Me) 190s No 2s tail. The Warhawk fired several shots none of which hit the E/A. He then broke up and I closed in on the 190 and fired a burst at quarter astern from 100 yds. getting strikes on the wing roots, as I was firing the Warhawk flew through my sights so I broke away and then lost sight of the 190. I then rejoined the Patrol. I claim One F.W 190 destroyed. One F.W 190 damaged.' Editors Note: the Warhawk referred to here is another Allied aircraft - the Curtiss P-40 - see below, the variants flown by the RAF and Commonwealth forces knew it as a 'Kittyhawk' (some variants also became knows as 'Tomahawks'), the United States Air Force and other US armed forces called it a 'Warhawk' - see below.

American Curtiss P40 Warhawk Page 101 of 158

5 December 1943 On the 5th of December 1943 Lt. Albert Sachs scored the 99th and 100th victories for his Squadron when he shot down two Focke Wulf Fw 190s near Pescara, before colliding with a third Fw 190 and being forced to bale out. The Officer Record Brief entry for 92 Squadron provides the following, detailed insight into this engagement: ‘Lt. Sachs destroyed two FW 190s and probably destroyed another. His story is an epic. He positioned himself behind the twelve-plus fighter-bombers while two others attacked the fighter cover. After destroying an FW 190 with a one-second burst, Lt. Sachs saw another on the tail of a Spitfire, so he turned into it, firing a 30-degree deflection shot, then fired again from point-blank range astern. The aircraft blew up, and portions hit Sachs’ windscreen, smashing it, while another large piece struck his starboard wing. FW 190s were then diving on him from both sides and one shell exploded on his tail plane, blowing off his starboard elevator. He turned toward another FW 190 which as attacking him at point-blank range on his port side and felt a jar as he collided with it. The enemy aircraft dived away out of control minus its fin and rudder. The attack continued and finally, after his elevator and aileron control were useless, Lt. Sachs was forced to bail out. He landed safely in his own lines within 60 yards of the wreckage of his Spitfire.’

Royal Air Force Spitfire Mk VIII He was discovered by 'friendly' Italians and was able to return to his Squadron to fight another day. After a period as a flying instructor in the United Kingdom, Sachs, now a Major, returned to Italy to command No. 93 Squadron RAF from September 1944 to February 1945. In September 1944 No.93 Squadron was moved from operations covering the D-Day (Operation Overlord) forces and moved to Italy, where it operated as a fighter-bomber squadron until the end of the war. At the end of the war the squadron took part in the occupation of Austria, before being disbanded in September 1945. Albert Sachs was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). Page 102 of 158

Here pilots from No. 93 Squadron RAF Detachment under Albert Sachs command leave their dugout for a scramble at Nettuno, Italy. Leading the way, from left to right, are: Flying Officer E Stewart of Ipswich, Suffolk; Lieutenant J Marais SAAF of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Sergeant D Karck of Cockerham, Lancashire.

Salute to 'Bertie' Sachs, another very notable, brave and successful South African Air Force pilot of World War 2. •

Researched by Peter Dickens. Photographer: Flying Officer B. Bridge B, Royal Air Force official photographer. Image and caption courtesy of the Imperial War Museum, image and affectional caption work obtained from Colourising World War 2.

Field Marshall JC Smuts’ central role in Operation Overlord (D-day itself) It was D-Day+6 when South African statesman, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, was also to cross over to Normandy, accompanying the British prime minister Winston Churchill by his side. To this point Smuts had played a pivot role in not only the planning and strategy behind Operation Overlord and the Normandy campaign, he also played a central role as Winston Churchill's personal advisor and using his considerable political skill, Jan Smuts was to keep Churchill in line with the wishes and

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objects of not only Overlord's military commanders (mainly British and American), but also those of the King of Great Britain - George V.

Churchill in the lead up to the Normandy campaign was not in favour of the entire operation, he felt that the focus should remain on the Italian campaign and maintained that any available resources should be concentrated to winning it by entering Germany and Austria via what he termed 'the soft under-belly of Europe' and not France. The truth of the matter was that the 'soft-underbelly' had turned into a slow and costly grind through mountainous terrain, and instead had become a 'tough old gut'. Allied military planners now looked to open a third front to stretch the Axis the forces across an Eastern, Western and Southern front. Operation Overlord Smuts was to bring considerable expertise to win Churchill over to backing Operation Overlord and opening the third front via France, but he had another challenge, once won over Churchill insisted on meddling in just about everything to do with the invasion plans, bringing him into direct conflict with General Montgomery specifically. General Montgomery was assigned to command the 21st Army Group which consisted of all Allied ground forces that would take part in Operation

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Overlord, under the overall direction of the Supreme Commander, American General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Smuts was to stick to Churchill like glue, never leaving his side, not for a moment - he was to arbitrate and advise not only Churchill, but the entire supreme command, lending a guiding and experienced hand - before and during the campaign itself. In doing so Smuts was to cement a formidable international reputation as not only a sought-after military strategist but also a very skilful politician in forming the vision for a post D-Day invasion Europe and the world at large post war. Typically, Churchill had insisted on personally hitting the beach-heads on D-Day itself (undoubtably Smuts, who was no stranger to danger, would have had no option but to be at his side). Churchill felt it important that as Prime Minister that he should be ashore with the assault forces leading from the front. His peers, the commanders and the King thought him quite mad and it eventually took an intervention from the King Gorge V to Churchill to insist he was too valuable to be risking his life on what would have amounted to a Public Relations antic. Ignoring this, as DDay approached it took a further letter from King George to literally order Churchill to stand down at the last-minute. Not to be outdone, Churchill did the next best thing, and with Jan Smuts at his side the two of them on D-Day itself - 6th June 1944 went to the port with journalists in toe to wish Godspeed to British and Canadian troops embarking for the liberation of Europe. The troops waiting on the quayside gave the two Prime Ministers (Smuts and Churchill) a hearty cheer as they went up the gangway. This Pathé newsreel called 'over there' captures D-Day and the beach-head breakout (if you watch to the end you'll see Churchill and Smuts). In addition, prior to the departing troops on June 6th, the newspapers of the time noted the following as to Smuts and his involvement in the planning; “General Smuts also accompanied King George V, the Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory on a visit to General Eisenhower at Supreme Headquarters on ‘D-Day’ and went to the operations room to follow the progress of the battle. Throughout the day General Smuts received independent reports from the highest quarters, of the progress of the invasion operations.” It was at Eisenhower’s headquarters that, a few days earlier, that Smuts had met the French soldier and statesman General De Gaulle at “a quiet, tree-shaded spot” and that “General Eisenhower, Mr. Churchill and Mr. Eden were there as well.” The group had spent “nearly two hours together, largely in the war room tent of the Allied Supreme Commander, where the walls are hung with detailed maps and the planned liberation of France.”

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Not able to keep Churchill and Smuts away from the action for too long, it was a short 6 days into the landing operations (D-Day +6) on 12 June 1944, that the two of them bordered a destroyer, the HMS Kelvin crossing over to France and into the teeth of the fighting.

12 June 1944, the boarding party with Field Marshal Jan Smuts (right), Prime Minister Winston Churchill (centre) and Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke and Rear Admiral W E Parry (bottom right).” Crossing to France D-Day +6 The K-Class destroyer is the HMS Kelvin which reached the French coast at 9.30 a.m. and had steamed through the battle fleet during a bombardment and later joined in the shelling of the German north-east flank. Churchill and Smuts were then conveyed to the beach via a “DUKW” amphibious vehicle where they then met Field Marshal Montgomery, where-after they departed in Page 106 of 158

a jeep for Montgomery’s headquarters for a de-briefing of the progress and offer him advise on the next phases.

Whilst at Montgomery's headquarters, General Smuts took up the role of photographer (the reason he's not in the picture) and he was to take this world-famous photograph. From left to right: The Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke; Mr Winston Churchill; and the Commander of the 21st Army Group, General Sir Bernard Montgomery, at Montgomery's mobile headquarters in Normandy. Smuts was rather lucky to survive his visit to Normandy, as both he and Churchill could very well have been killed while visiting Monty’s headquarters at Cruelly. While visiting the headquarters and as senior officers stood outside with the Prime Minister (Churchill), Field Marshal Smuts sniffed the air and said, “There are some Germans near us now…I can always tell!” And lo and behold, just two days later, two fully armed German paratroopers emerged from a nearby Rhododendron bush, where they had been hiding all along (they had become isolated from their unit, seeing that they were unable to re-join they chose to surrender). Had they used their guns and grenades on Churchill (and Monty as well as Smuts), everything would have changed. There you have it, Smuts’ keen sense of smell and intuition is another attribute you can add to the very long list of honours attributed to this great South African. The below mage shows Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Jan Smuts with General Sir Bernard Montgomery at his headquarters, 12 June 1944 looking at aircraft activity overhead. Page 107 of 158

It is also really amazing when one considers that Smuts, an erstwhile enemy of the British empire during the South African War (1899-1906), was not only to reconcile himself to his former enemy over the succeeding years but was also to be greatly respected by two British prime ministers: Lloyd George and Winston Churchill during the First and Second World Wars respectively and served on the appointed war councils in both. During the Second World War he was even appointed to the British King’s Privy Council - finding himself at the epicentre of how the war was to be conducted and fought.

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Notwithstanding the fact that South Africa, with Smuts as head of state played a very key role in the liberation of Europe, Smuts also represented the large contingent of South African Union Defence Force personnel taking part in Operation Overlord seconded to the Royal Air Force, flying all manner of fighters, transports and gliders and South Africans seconded to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines and serving on the many vessels used in the landings and in the ground invasion forces. In conclusion The King was even warm to an idea proposed by Jock Colville (Churchill’s Private Secretary) that should Prime Minister Winston Churchill die during the war (which very nearly happened in Normandy), Smuts would replace him, however this idea was never tested as Smuts would have need to have been made a peer and British Parliamentary process would have prevented it. Smuts had also refused a peerage and South Africa's constitution would not have allowed him to do anyway as he was already the Prime Minister of South Africa - and politics was such with his National Party opposition accusing him of being a 'traitor' at every turn, that Smuts in all likelihood would have refused outright lest he alienate his own Afrikaner community completely. Whether possible or not it does give an idea of just how close Smuts was to Churchill and how indispensable he had become to the war effort - strategically, tactically and politically, he was South Africa's greatest military export - without any doubt - his council sought by Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Field Marshals and Generals. His role in Overlord would rid the world of Nazism and pave the way to the 'new' western democratic order and United Nations order that we know today. Simply put Smuts can easily take up the same mantle as Churchill and can stand the very epicentre of our modern values of liberty and western democratic freedoms. Related Work and Links • • •

Churchill's desk and Smuts; Churchill’s Desk Jan Smuts; South Africa’s role in giving D-Day the green light Jan Smuts; “The force of his intellect has enriched the wisdom of the whole human race”the death of Jan Smuts.

Written by Peter Dickens. Photo copyright Imperial War Museum - caption thanks to The Southern African History Musings of Ross Dix-Peek. Nicholas Rankin, “Churchill’s Wizards, British Genius for Deception 1914-1945”.

South Africa was represented at the formal surrender of Japan in 1945 To many South Africans ‘VJ' day - Victory over Japan celebrations - the official end of the 2nd World War is seen as American, Australian and British endeavour and not really a South African one - but they could not be more wrong. Little do they know that South Africa had official representation at the surrender - and for a very good reason. The 2nd of September is a significant day in the history of the world, it’s the Page 109 of 158

day Japan formally surrendered to finally end World War 2. The ceremony took place on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay in 1945, and the South Africans where right there too, represented by Cdr A.P. Cartwright, South African Naval Forces. Cdr A.P. Cartwright is seen here, overseeing the signature of Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser on behalf of the United Kingdom on the Instrument of Surrender. He's standing in the row of four naval officers left and right of General Douglas MacArthur (behind the microphone), Cdr A.P. Cartwright is on the far left.

Cdr Cartwright was the senior South African officer on the staff of the American Admiral Chester Nimitz, the Allied commander-in-chief in the Pacific Ocean. The ceremony aboard the deck of the USS Missouri lasted 23 minutes and was broadcast throughout the world. This old newsreel footage captures the moment and is the only footage on the net taken from the angle which shows Cdr Cartwright standing with the British delegation at their ceremony (please excuse the poor sound quality). General Douglas MacArthur's speech summarised the sentiment perfectly, he said; "We are gathered here, representatives of the major warring powers—to conclude a solemn agreement whereby peace may be restored. The issues involving divergent ideals and ideologies, have been determined on the battlefields of the world and hence are not for our discussion or debate. Nor is it for us here to meet, representing as we do a majority of the people of the earth, in a spirit of distrust, malice or hatred. But rather it is for us, both victors and vanquished, to rise to that higher dignity which alone befits the sacred purposes Page 110 of 158

we are about to serve, committing all our people unreservedly to faithful compliance with the obligation they are here formally to assume It is my earnest hope and indeed the hope and indeed the hope of all mankind that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past—a world founded upon faith and understanding—a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish—for freedom, tolerance and justice. The terms and conditions upon which the surrender of the Japanese Imperial Forces is here to be given and accepted are contained in the Instrument of Surrender now before you. As Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, I announce it my firm purpose, in the tradition of the countries I represent, to proceed in the discharge of my responsibilities with justice and tolerance, while taking all necessary dispositions to ensure that the terms of surrender are fully, promptly and faithfully complied with." Alfred Eisenstaedt's iconic “V-J Day in Times Square” now colourised brings life the general sentiment and relief felt world over at the surrender of Japan.

When the assembled representatives of the Allied Powers and of Japan had finished signing the agreements, General MacArthur, MacArthur saved his very best for last, words that put a closure not only to the ceremony, but to the entire war itself. He stated: Let us pray that peace be now restored to the world and that God will preserve it always. These proceedings are closed.

A total of 297 South African Naval Forces (SANF) personnel were killed in action during World War II, and that excludes many South Africans serving directly on British ships as part of the Royal Navy. Many of these South Africans were lost in actions against the Japanese - especially during Japan's 'Easter Raid' against the British Eastern Fleet stationed at Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) which sank the HMS Dorsetshire and HMS Cornwall on the 5th April 1942 and the HMS Hollyhock and HMS Hermes on the 9th April 1942 - with the staggering loss of 60 South African Naval Forces personnel seconded to the Royal Navy and on board these 4 British ships. In all South African Naval Forces (SANF) personnel received 321 awards for gallantry and distinguished service were made. Page 111 of 158

SANF officers and ratings served in nearly every major naval operation of the war as well as fulfilling duties in Asia against Japan.

The Japanese representatives on board the USS Massouri,for the signing were the following: Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, General Yoshijirō Umezu, Chief of the Army General Staff, Major General Yatsuji Nagai, Katsuo Okazaki (Foreign Ministry), Rear Admiral Tadatoshi Tomioka, Toshikazu Kase (Foreign Ministry), Lt. General Suichi Miyakazi, Rear Admiral Ichiro Yokoyama, Saburo Ota (Foreign Ministry), Captain Katsuo Shiba (Navy) and Colonel Kaziyi Sugita

Related Work and Links: • • •

The complete SA Navy Sacrifice during World War 2 The South African Navy’s ‘elephant in the room’ The Japanese Easter Raid and South African Sacrifice The South African Navy’s ‘darkest hour’ is not recognised and not commemorated South African Naval Forces against Japan South African Navy at war against …. Imperial Japan!!

Written and Researched by Peter Dickens. Reference: Military History Journal, Vol 10 No. 3' South Africa and the War against Japan 1941-1945', wikipedia. Image reference HMS Wager's commemorative website

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State security agencies and private sector spied on journalists - Right2Know Advocacy group Right2Know has released a report21 documenting how South African journalists are being spied on by state security agencies and the private sector. [2018-07-04 20:34.] The report, entitled: Spooked - Surveillance of Journalists in South Africa, may be sourced at: State security agencies and private sector spied on journalists – Right2Know News24 | 05 July 2018 Organisation says such surveillance can put whistle-blowers and other confidential sources at risk

State security agencies and private sector spied on journalists - Right2Know 5 July 2018 Advocacy group Right2Know (R2K) released a report on Wednesday documenting how South African journalists were spied on by various state security agencies and the private sector. The report, titled Spooked - Surveillance of Journalists in South Africa, reveals how several journalists who have exposed corruption have been targeted. The report says that surveillance of journalists can put whistle-blowers and other confidential sources at risk. "Let's remember that everyone has the right to privacy. Nobody's communication should ever be spied on unless they are facing a legitimate investigation for serious criminal activity. But journalists' communications are especially sensitive," the group said. Although the Regulation of Interception of Communication Act (RICA) was introduced as a crimefighting measure, Right2Know said there was no convincing evidence that this had improved the government's crime-fighting capacity. 'RICA failing to protect journalists' The law had failed to protect journalists and the general public, it said. The report also stated that in 2017, amaBhungane launched a court bid after it emerged that journalist Sam Sole had been spied on by the National Intelligence Agency, now called the State Security agency. 21

The report makes for interesting reading - HBH

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"For months, government agents listened to the confidential discussions he had with sources, as well as all of his personal calls with friends and loved ones. "AmaBhungane has told the court that when the government spied on Sam Sole, RICA failed to protect him. They have told the court that RICA is unconstitutional because it fails to protect the rights of journalists and others against surveillance abuses," it said. The group has joined the matter as a friend of the court. The advocacy group is now calling for an overhaul of the RICA Act that forces South Africans to provide their personal details before buying a SIM card. Call to scrap SIM card registration R2K says it wants an end to SIM card registration and also transparency within RICA, which means anyone who has been targeted for surveillance would eventually be notified once any investigation against them was concluded. "In all the case studies documented here, the journalist who was spied on only found out about it through accident, coincidence or via confidential source - without which it would be impossible to get any recourse," it says. In its report, the group also highlights the vetting of SABC journalists as an abuse of the public broadcasters 'national key point' status. It says the journalists need to be protected from harassment, intimidation and interception. In addition, it calls on newsrooms to strengthen information security to protect the privacy of journalists and urges that, when there is evidence or a reasonable suspicion of abuse by intelligence structures, they should lay a complaint with the inspectors general of intelligence or report the issue to the police. News24

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Aktuele Suid-Afrikaanse spioenasieverhale en gevallestudies – ware verhale uit Suid-Afrika se ryk en interessante intelligensiegeskiedenis. Lees in Spioenmeesters oor die maniere en metodes wat Suid-Afrika se statutêre intelligensiedienste aangewend het om geselekteerde intelligensieteikens te infiltreer, spioene in teiken-organisasies te werf en riskante infiltrasiepogings van stapel te stuur. Die gevallestudies sluit die volgende in: Die Taal wat Spioene Praat, Twee Boere-spioene pak mekaar in Oos-Afrika, Die beste spioen van alle tye – Richard Sorge, Kaptein Frederick (Fritz) Joubert Dequesne, Johannes van der Walt, Die Lang Generaal, Gerard Ludi, Yuriy Loginov (Edmund Trinka), Die Valk en die Sneeuman, Professor Hugh Hambleton – die KGB spioen, Die Spioen wat Afrikaans kon praat – Alexei Kozlov, Operasie Daisy, Arthur McGiven, Dieter Gerhardt, Die Sekretaresse, Agent 1912, Agnesia Sadler – die meisie van Pretoria, Operasie Vula, Infiltrasie-agente. AGENT 03/1912 In die middel tagtiger-jare het die Britse regering en sy buitelands intelligensiediens, MI6/SIS, alles in hulle vermoë gedoen om Suid-Afrika se Nasionale Party regering te ondermyn en tot ‘n val te bring.22 Dit was die jare van omvattende ekonomiese- en militêre-sanksies teen Suid-Afrika, boikotte van Outspan-vrugte en ander Suid-Afrikaanse produkte in Europa, sportboikotte en protesoptogte en daaglikse betogings voor SuidAfrikaanse ambassades in die buiteland, veral in Londen en Washington DC. Suid-Afrika se Nasionale Intelligensiediens (NI), met sy kantore diep weggesteek in die Suid-Afrikaanse ambassade op Trafalgarplein, het netjies daarin geslaag om nie alleen die ANC/SAKP-kantoor in Londen deur middel van ‘n penetrasie-agent te infiltreer nie, maar indirek ook die Britse vakbond-beweging, die Trades Union Council (TUC). Britse vakbonde word oorheers en beheer deur kommunisties-gesinde vakbondleiers (wat hulself misleidend en vernuftig as ‘sosialiste’ verkoop) en hulle was in die apartheidsjare-tydsgewrig een van die ANC/SAKP se grootste ondersteuners en SIS – die Britse buitelands intelligensiediens, meer algemeen MI6 genoem, is in 1909 gestig as ‘n onderafdeling van die Britse Militêre Intelligensiediens. Die naam MI6 beteken inderdaad Military Intelligence, Section 6. Die bestaan van SIS in eers in 1994 vir die eerste keer bevestig en die hoof daarvan, algemeen “C” genoem (Control), rapporteer aan die Britse ‘Foreign Secretary’ of Minister van Buitelandse Sake. Die Britse intelligensiegemeenskap bestaan uit MI5 (binnelands), MI6 (buitelands), ‘Military Intlligence (MI) en GCHQ, die elektroniese onderskeppingsagentskap wat by Cheltenam gehuisves word. SIS se hoofkantoor is by Vauxhall Cross, op die Suidelike wal van die Teems-rivier in Londen - HvA. 22

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Henning van Aswegen Die Trades Union Council (TUC) Agent 03/1912 was ‘n gerespekteerde vakbondleier wat sy eie vakbond op die sentrale komitee van die TUC verteenwoordig het. Die TUC is ‘n soort verteenwoordigende raad of geamalgameerde komitee wat uit sestig kleiner vakbonde saamgestel is, m.a.w. ‘n super vakbondraad met ‘n begroting van miljoene ponde (wat meesal uit maandelikse ledegeld afkomstig was), tot sy beskikking. Geld uit hierdie fondse is gereeld aan die African National Congress (ANC), die Suid-Afrikaanse Kommunistiese Party (SAKP), Suid-Afrikaanse vakbonde en die Britse Anti-Apartheidsbeweging (AAM) geskenk. Omdat Agent 03/1912 uit die geledere van die Britse vakbonde gekom het, het anti-Suid-Afrikaanse drukgroepe en politieke organisasies sy bona fides onvoorwaardelik aanvaar en glad nie vermoed dat hy ‘n NI penetrasie-agent was nie. Hy het as gesiene lid van die TUC se uitvoerende komitee vergaderings bygewoon waar geldskenkings aan die ANC/SAKP goedgekeur is en metodes bespreek is om die Suid-Afrikaanse regering omvêr te werp. Klandestiene kommunikasie-metodiek Agent 03/1912 het tydens maandelikse ontmoetings met sy hanteerder, ‘n lid van die SuidAfrikaanse Ambassade in Londen, volledig oor die geldskenkings berig en ook inligting voorsien oor die kanale en metodes wat die ANC/SAKP gebruik het om geld aan hul ondergrondse lede in Suid-Afrika te stuur. Klandestiene kommunikasie-tegnieke was dus van die grootste belang om die kontak tussen 03/1912 en sy hanteerder te verbloem. Die agenthanteerder (bronhanteerder) het sy geheime ontmoetings met die agent, en die metodes om met hom te kommunikeer, tot in die fynste besonderhede beplan en uitgewerk. Die agent was besonder sensitief geplaas en elke moontlike voorsorg is getref om te voorkom dat die agent gekompromitteer word, m.a.w. dat nóg die ANC/SAKP/TUC, nóg die Britse teenspioenasiediens (MI5), agterkom dat hierdie vakbondleier inderdaad ‘n spioen van NI was. Page 116 of 158

RSA Ambassade: Trafalgar Square Notules van ANC/SAKP vergaderings, dokumente waarin die Britse Anti-Apartheidbeweging se strategie om die Suid-Afrikaanse regering te ondergrawe, korrespondensie tussen antiapartheidsgroepe en drukgroepe wat onderling saamwerk, agendas van opkomende vergaderings waarin sanksies teen Suid-Afrika die hoof besprekingspunt is – dit is die soort van inligting wat Agent 1912 ingesamel het en aan sy hanteerder tydens klandestiene persoonlike ontmoetings in Londen en omstreke oorhandig was. Agent 03/1912 het gewoonlik kopieë van dokumente gemaak en dit aan sy persoon weggesteek. ‘n Persoonlike ontmoeting tussen Agent 03/1912 en sy hanteerder, wat onder valsvlag23 (‘n vals naam) aan die agent bekend was, is tydens ‘n vorige ontmoeting gereël sodat daar geen elektroniese kontak tussen die twee partye is nie. Elektroniese kommunikasiemetodes soos telefone, fakse, e-posse, teksboodskappe en dies meer is vermy omdat dit maklik deur MI5, die Britse teenspioenasiediens, onderskep kon word. Dit is vir ‘n teenspioenasiediens baie moeilik om kontak tussen ‘n intelligensiediens en ‘n agent te bewys as daar geen elektroniese kommunikasie tussen die twee is nie. Die teenspioenasiediens moet inderwaarheid die agent en sy hanteerder tydens ‘n persoonlike ontmoeting op heterdaad 23

Valsvlag beteken intelligensie-operasies onder valse voorwendsel wat daarop gemik is om te verwar, mislei, van die spoor af te bring – dus oëverblindery. Suid-Afrika se Nasionale Intelligensiediens en sy agent-hanteerders het dikwels van vals paspoorte en name gebruik gemaak om hul ware identiteit te verbloem, hoofsaaklik om hulself te beskerm en ontekenningsvryheid aan NI en die Suid-Afrikaanse regering te verleen. ‘n Goeie agent-hanteerder het nooit sy ware identiteit en sy ware posisie en rang in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse ambassade aan ‘n agent (ook bronne genoem), openbaar nie – H v A.

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betrap. NI se goed-opgeleide agenthanteerders het dus deurentyd tydens persoonlike ontmoetings ‘n reeks volgende ontmoetings, sowel as terugval-ontmoetings en kontakpunte, gereël en met die agent afgespreek. Indien die agent òf die hanteerder vir die een of ander rede nie vir ‘n persoonlike ontmoeting met sy/haar hanteerder kan nakom nie, skop ‘n opvolg-prosedure in en die agent en hanteerder ontmoet dan op ‘n ander datum en tyd by ‘n plaasvervanger lokaliteit (rendezvous). Agent 03/1912 en soortgelyke penetrasie- en infiltrasie-agente wat deur die Londense streekkantoor van die Nasionale Intelligensiediens hanteer is, se ontmoetings met hanteerders het gewoonlik in ‘n hotelkamer in Londen of omstreke plaasgevind. Die vooraf-gereelde klandestiene ontmoeting sou byvoorbeeld op Woensdag 12 Junie plaasvind, argumentsonthalwe twaalf uur die middag by die Great Western Hotel in een of ander Londen-voorstad. Die agent sou dan homself of haarself onder ‘n vals naam in die afgespreekte hotel inbespreek en kontant vir die kamer betaal (EFT of reisigertjeks of kredietkaartbetalings los papier-spore). Hotelle het gewoonlik ‘n gaste-badkamer/toilet in die voorportaal of ‘n toilet in die restaurant of kroeg in die hotel. Die agent neem dan ‘n klein groen of rooi plakkertjie wat by enige winkel beskikbaar is en bring die nommer 781 daarop aan. Die plakkertjie word dan onder naby aan die vloer op die basis van toilet naaste aan die deur geplak – dit beteken dat die agent is kamernommer 187 is (omgedraai) en die ontmoeting tussen agent en hanteerder vind op die afgespreekte tyd daar plaas. Teenagtervolgingsmetodes Die belangrikste element van ‘n suksesvolle klandestiene persoonlike ontmoeting tussen Agent 03/1912 en sy hanteerder in Londen was effektiewe téén-agtervolging deur beide. Agent 03/1912 het die dag van die persoonlike ontmoeting sy normale trein vanuit ‘n voorstad na Londen geneem, maar onopsigtelik by een van die tussenstasies afgeklim en van trein (gewoonlik een wat in die teenoorgestelde rigting ry), verwissel. Ná een of twee stasies het die agent weer van die trein afgespring en weer op ‘n ander trein teruggery Londen toe, waar hy naby die sentrale busterminus afgeklim het. Die agent het van bus verwissel, by roltrappe af en opgery, van toilette en badkamers gebruik om by die agterdeur van ‘n koffieplek uit te glip en vinnig kortom gedraai terwyl hy die hotel waar die ontmoeting plaasvind, nader. Die agenthanteerder het ook van verskeie onortodokse téénagtervolgingsmetodes gebruik gemaak, onder andere deur te draf, òf met sy bergfiets deur nou strate van Londen en onder-deur brûe te ry, òf om te gaan swem en dan oor die muur van die swembad te verdwyn. Die identiteit van Agent 1912 is nooit bekend gemaak nie en hy geniet waarskynlik vandag sy aftrede op die Britse platteland terdeë, met goeie herinneringe aan die dae toe hy Suid-Afrika se vyande uitoorlê het deur waardevolle intelligensie-inligting aan die Nasionale intelligensiediens te lewer. * Henning van Aswegen

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• RSA Court invalidates appointments policy – Solidarity Anton van der Bijl | 05 July 2018 Movement says it is a triumph for them and a line has been drawn in the sand saying: 'Enough is enough!' Solidarity triumphs as Court invalidates appointments policy 5 July 2018 Trade union today obtained a favourable ruling in the protracted SARIPA lawsuit when the Constitutional Court found for Solidarity by ruling that the random application of affirmative action must come to an end. The lawsuit was the result of an appointments policy instituted by the Minister of Justice and the Master of the High Court according to which the appointment of liquidators has to be based on the grounds of race only. “With this case we have drawn a line in the sand, saying: Enough is enough! This race-obsessed approach, instead of a more inclusive and nuanced approach based on merit and training, was not good for the country and its citizens,” Anton van der Bijl, Head of Solidarity’s Labour Law Division said. Solidarity will issue a further statement as soon as the judgment has been studied. Issued by Anton van der Bijl, Head of Labour Law Services, Solidarity, 5 July 2018 If we want to stop drugs we need to protect our borders – Mmusi Maimane Mmusi Maimane | 05 July 2018 DA leader says increase in drug crime is not just a statistic but a catastrophe that is destroying lives

If we want to stop drugs we need to protect our borders 5 July 2018 My fellow South Africans We chose to come here today to do this oversight visit, because the two local police stations here – Mahikeng and Mmabatho – have seen a 538% and 323% increase in drug crime over the last 10 years. This is not just a crime statistic, it is a catastrophe of destroyed lives. Page 119 of 158

We cannot hope to build a stable and prosperous South Africa if we cannot keep our children safe. Any investment in our country must begin with them. But when you look at the effects of drugs and drug-related crime in our communities, then we have to admit that we are failing to protect them. This is a problem across the entire country, but I want to specifically point out the alarming rise in drug crimes here in this province. There are 84 police stations in the North West province, and almost all of them have reported a dramatic increase in drug-related crime over the past decade. Province-wide, drug crime has risen by 108% since 2007, and these two local police stations – Mahikeng and Mmabatho – have shown a five-fold and three-fold increase respectively. At the same time there have been various reports of cross-border drug trafficking. Two years ago, a truck was searched at the Kopfontein border post near Zeerust after sniffer dogs reacted. Custom officials found almost one-and-a-half million mandrax tablets worth nearly R80 million in a hidden compartment. They arrested two people – one Tanzanian and one Zambian national. One year earlier, 16 border police officers and three Home Affairs officials were arrested at the same border post for aiding smugglers and accepting bribes. You don’t have to be a detective to connect the dots. Given the massive spike in drug-related crime in the North West, we have to ask ourselves: what else have we been missing here? It has long been known that the border between Botswana and South Africa is like a drug highway – both into and out of South Africa. A big part of the problem is that our borders are so easy to cross illegally. If we want to keep our children safe from drugs, then one of the first things we must do is to secure our borders. South Africa has 53 land border crossings, and 15 of those are along the 1000km-long Botswana border. If we’re not sure who or what is entering our country through the many ports of entry, such as the border crossing here at Ramatlabama, then we cannot protect our children and our communities. And it’s not only drug crime either. Stock theft, the movement of stolen vehicles and human trafficking happen far too easily across our borders. Two years ago, during a routine check point right here in Mahikeng, police discovered 57 undocumented children in the back of an unventilated delivery truck from Malawi. These children were likely destined for child labour and prostitution and thank goodness they were found. But how many have we missed? We have to make it our priority to properly secure our borders and prevent illegal immigrants and goods from entering our country. At the same time, we must also honour our legal and moral obligation to take in genuine refugees and asylum-seekers and treat them with dignity. This starts here at the border post, but it includes every step of the journey, where vulnerable people who simply want to get themselves documented are still regularly exploited and abused by police members, Home Affairs staff and guards. If we are to tackle the scourge of drug trafficking, human trafficking and all the other crimes committed across our borders, then we will have to urgently prioritise the following four things: • Firstly, we need to secure our borders and fix our fences. We must make it almost impossible for people to enter the country illegally. This includes rooting out corruption at our border posts and handing out harsh sentences for those found guilty. • Secondly, we must make a clear distinction between legal and illegal immigration. We must make the process for those who wish to enter legally clear and simple, and we must go out of our way to attract skilled workers. But those who cross our borders without permission must know that it is against the law, and that they will be stopped. • Third, we need to take stronger action against those who employ illegal immigrants. Page 120 of 158

And fourth, we must urgently address corruption, inefficiency and capacity constraints in the administration process for refugee or asylum seekers.

In addition to these four steps, we must also demand accountability from those entrusted to guard the entrances to our country – from the officers in charge of our border posts to the Ministers of Police and Home Affairs. These cross-border crimes, and specifically the drug trade, are destroying the lives of thousands of our young people. As a country we need to say: No more. Our government has a Constitutional duty to protect all its citizens. As a country we need to start holding them to account or replacing them with one that is prepared to fulfil this duty. Thank you. Issued by Mmusi Maimane, Leader of the Democratic Alliance, 5 July 2018

• UK Three judges are to appear in the dock over alleged scam involving bogus legal aid claims of £12.6m following 'big and complex' police probe

Immigration judges Kareena Maciel and Rasib Ghaffar have been charged with conspiracy to commit fraud, along with civil judge Razi Shah. They'll appear in court in London next month.

STAATSDIENS PENSIOENFONDS: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND The Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) The Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) was founded by a number of voluntary pensioners to fulfil a critical need about the management of their pensions. Pensioners, employed employees and beneficiaries were concerned about the sustainability of the Fund especially in the present circumstances where the economic growth is far too low to support the population growth, government debt is increasing and corruption seems to be institutionalised. The AMAGP organisation was formally established and registered as a non-profit organisation to ensure that the GEPF and Board of Trustees (BoT) manages the pensioner’s assets diligently, effectively and efficiently in the best interest of the fund members with emphasis on sustainability. In the execution of this AMAGP within existing legislation hold the BoT accountable to fulfil their fiduciary duties , monitor investments for performance and ethical conduct, utilise government institutions with investigations, cooperate with parliamentary functionaries and processes to advance AMAGP objectives, use the media to sensitise the public and to expose alleged abuse and corruption activities and to mobilise civil society to support the rule of law in ensuring the sound management of the GEPF. Page 121 of 158

The organisation is proud with the achievements reached over a short span of time. Several institutions have been met and overall there are a willingness to cooperate in the interest of the pensioner and the tax payer. The Minister of Finance and the Public Protector were also officially contacted to raise specific concerns. The initiatives were also supported by press releases and the sharing of critical information with organisations that are supporting the progress of this country. It is important to take note that all this work was done by a few voluntary pensioners in the interest of all government employees and GEPF pensioners. However, the potential of this organisation is hampered by a lack of numbers as members or co-workers as well as funds. It is really sorry that so few pensioners of the about 400000 are involved, whilst the aim is to look at our own interest and the sustainability of the GEPF for us and those that follow us. Much information is available on our official website AMAGP, including application forms for membership. AMAGP welcomes your support for this challenging task in our own interest. ANTONIE VISSER: CHAIRMAN: AMAGP

Assosiasie vir Monitering en Voorspraak van Staatspensioene: Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP)

The Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) Introduction The trustees’ performance in protecting the Government Employees’ Pension Fund (GEPF) members’ interests has left much to be desired. Pensioners, employed members and beneficiaries were dissatisfied with their support when dealing with the GEPF. Initially, The GEPF Monitor Group was founded by a number of voluntary pensioners. As there was a requirement for an organisation to be a judicial person when dealing with these issues, the Association for Monitoring and Advocacy of Government Pensions (AMAGP) was established to address this need. This document attempts to summarise the purpose and expectations of AMAGP. Vision Government pensioners derive the best possible benefits from their pension fund. Mission AMAGP ensures that the GEPF manages the pensioners’ assets/benefits diligently, effectively and efficiently in the best interests of the fund members while ensuring that the fund is sustainable. Page 122 of 158

Objectives •

The fund’s growth supports the improvement of rightful benefits while ensuring its long-term sustainability. Annual pension increases significantly exceed inflation.

Approach GEPF sustainability. AMAGP influences the pension fund’s sustainability as follows: • • • • • •

We hold the Board of Trustees (BoT) accountable to fulfil their fiduciary duties diligently. Monitor the investments for performance and ethical conduct. Utilise official government institutions with investigations to rectify wrongdoings. Cooperate with parliamentary functionaries and processes to advance AMAGP objectives. Use the media to sensitise the public and to expose alleged abuse and corrupt activities. Mobilise civil society to support the rule of law in ensuring the sound management of the GEPF.

AMAGP Membership If you are a government official, pensioner or a beneficiary as a widow/widower, you will benefit by joining AMAGP to preserve our pension fund.


• UK Revealed: More than 3,000 areas in England and Wales had NO burglaries solved last year amid fears criminals are enjoying 'easy pickings' because of the lack of police on the streets

The staggering amount of unsolved crimes prompted the Police Federation to say burglars were getting used to 'never being stopped by police, never mind arrested.'

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• Thailand Royal Thai Police (RTP) I have been living in Thailand since I left SA due to the deteriorating political situation and the decision to start a new adventure in life. I moved to Thailand where I bought a house about 150 km from Bangkok in a small rural town called Kroksom Boon with about 4000 inhabitants. It is in the Prachin Buri Provence. I live just outside the village on a piece of land about 6 Rai (one Hectare) where I have bought a house from a long-time expat resident of Thailand who had emigrated here 20 years ago and was teaching English at the local primary school. I paid him for the house a "huge " amount of R150thousand Rand and the house was newly built and is 280 sq. meters. I have been visiting Thailand since 2001 due to my daughter importing from here and knew the country reasonably well, but one thing I did not know so well was the local Police Force known as the Royal Thai Police (RTP). This consists of about 230.000 men and a few women. Women have only been allowed to join since 2009 and I have not seen one in my time here. They have 2 fixed wing aircraft and 72 Helicopters. They also have about 1700 Tourist Police and these are expats from Europe, the USA, etc who can speak English, German etc. The Expats have no arresting powers and are only used to assist tourists of which there were 33 million last year. The RTP are also the immigration officers at the airports and immigration offices situated right through the country’s 76 provinces and at the borders. The RTP are considered the most corrupt department in Thailand and I must add the ineptest as the keystone cops are more efficient than they are. They have absolutely no idea how to enforce the law and do not know the basics of investigation. Thailand is number 101 on the corruption index where SA is only at 64. This is in a great part due to the police and the way they (do not) control crime in the country. By that I mean they have a finger in most pies and protection money is par for the course right through Thailand be it a small local shop or the bars in Pattaya. Phuket, Bangkok etc A Police General was recently questioned about the amount of 300 million Baht about R120Million Rand he borrowed from an owner of a Club and he then informed the investigators that he had repaid the amount in 3 years. His salary is R40 thousand a month (100,000 THB) and the repayment amount worked out according to the investigators. “Sou graag ‘n paar ou Handelstak ondersoek beamptes hier wou hê en sien of hulle tot dieselfde gevolgtrekking sal kom”. The clubs name is Victoria Secret and you can Google it. It supplies any service you could require, it is also known as Victoria's massage parlour. During the New Year’s Weekend in April known as Songkran or the water festival when Thailand celebrates their New Year the Thai the police announced that they were going to check on drunken driving.

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Close to five hundred thousand people were arrested for this offence of which 371.000were on motorbikes and the rest in vehicles. All of them were warned not to drink and drive and released to continue on their merry way. This is while Thailand has the highest accident casualty figures in the world. They are NUMBA ONE. Here bribery it is called "Tea Money" when you hand the brown envelope to the policeman who stops you for an infringement. This can vary between 200 Baht for traffic infringements to five hundred thousand or more Baht for a murder or a drug charge and also it depends if you are a HISO (High Society) or not. Of the 21 million Motorbike drivers on the road only about twelve million have licences and 70 a day die in accidents as very few wear helmets. A father of two died here in the village yesterday due to driving head on into a truck coming around a corner, the motorbike driver had no helmet and the truck was overtaking on a solid white line and around a corner. There are 75600 villages in Thailand and 6500 Municipalities or Tessebans being policed by the RTP One law the Police enforce very strictly is the Lèse-majestÊ Law. A drunk tourist a few years ago insulted the King in a bar and he has free accommodation in Thailand now for the next 10 years, doesn't even need a visa or a passport. People are regularly sent to prison under this act for years at a time. The police love to hold roadblocks and there is not a week that I do not encounter one on the road. I have been stopped many times but only once have I been asked for a licence. Usually when they see it is an Expat driving the vehicle they wave you through. I have also never been asked for my passport or residence visa and my passport is kept at home and I never carry it with me. My Thai drivers licence is sufficient ID. The police are very efficient when it comes to arresting people for drugs which include Ganja (dagga) Kratom a leave that they chew, Yaba (tik), Cocaine and Heroin. As you are probably aware the sentences are pretty heavy for this. A while back a Mannequin was searched at the airport and one hundredth of a gram cocaine was found in her pocket and she received 15 years and a R500000 fine. They have an unusual way of sentencing a person found guilty here If you plead guilty you are sentenced and is then given e.g. 100 years and then immediately halved to 50 years. The average sentence for a few grams of drugs is usually 50 years but less for Dagga, about 10 to 25 years. A British tourist was caught a few years ago with a few kg of Mandrax and because he pled guilty he received 99 years and not the death penalty. His sentence for some unknown reason was not halved. Another tourist, British male 45 old years, received the death penalty because he pleaded not guilty. Fifty percent of the prison population are in prison for drug offences. The lady who cleans my house was in prison for a few years for possession of dagga. Page 125 of 158

Her husband recently spent a month in prison because his urine was tested while he was walking in the village and he tested positive for dagga. No court case, just straight to prison, doo not pass court. He was also tested right in the main road next to the police vehicle, no privacy.

Well I hope this gives you an idea of the Law Enforcement or should I rather say the non-law enforcement in Thailand.

• Mexico Ocampo Town jails entire police force The entire police force of Ocampo in Mexico has been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder of a candidate for mayor. Twenty-eight police officers from the town of Ocampo were detained by the police’s internal affairs department. (So far more than a 1000 Mexican politician have been murdered.)

• BSAP: Rhodesia: The Queen’s Peace. When Policemen went about their duties, unarmed. Peace, harmony and law and order prevailed. Proud to have been a small part of such a chapter in Africa – David Wilson.

One mounted Constable, two Constables on cycles, one cart with four donkeys with touleier. A peaceful scene in rustic Rhodesia – How things have changed! – HBH.

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• UK Last surviving original SAS hero is awarded France's highest honour for bravery 74 years after he parachuted into the Loire to sabotage Nazi fuel depots and fend off Hitler's Panzers

France has awarded the last survivor of the original SAS with its highest honour for bravery. Mike Sadler, 98, was made a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur yesterday, 74 years after he parachuted into Nazi-occupied France during the Second World War. He was given the award at a private event in London with representatives of the French embassy and former members of the SAS included on the guest list. The French defence attaché, Colonel Antoine de Loustal, who presented the red-ribboned medal to one of the Britain's last wartime heroes, said: 'We shall not forget. We will never forget.'

Diamonds Are a Guerrilla's Best Friend Copyright Jim Hooper © 2018

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It's amazing the number of wars in Africa where there just happen to be diamonds. Of course, the side that's dressed in rags and running around in the bush with guns invariably has an earnest Oxford graduate telling any dimwit prepared to listen that his side is only fighting for democracy and the rights of the common man. What he doesn't mention is that there just happen to be oodles of diamonds where he comes from. Or that his side would really like to get their hands on those babies. And the gold deposits. And the ... well, you get the picture. Speaking of pictures, if Hollywood ever did one about Sierra Leone it would be a corker. Imagine the opening scene as a 4X4 filled with black and white soldiers and one journalist (that's me, played by Robert Redford naturally) noses into the shabby African village. Cut to: close ups of narrowed eyes following its progress along potholed streets. Above the buzz of flies whispers of 'South Africans' ripple ahead. The jeep bumps into the market square and the gathered throng freezes, then approaches timidly, surrounding the car in silence. I almost leap out of my skin when one woman suddenly shrieks, 'SOUTH AFRICA!' and the mantra blasts through the crowd, echoing and re-echoing to the rhythm of waving hands and swaying hips. Children dart in to touch their heroes, racing away in giggling triumph. A woman grabs my arm. 'They saved us. They are saints!' These veterans of the Namibian and Angolan wars, case-hardened tools of the old apartheid regime, cast shy looks at the dancers, then at me. 'This happens every time we come here,' mumbles one. He ducks his head in embarrassment as the cheers gather strength. 'They really like us.' Heading to the local market for fresh produce. Now as a serious war tourist you might be thinking, 'Sounds good so far, but how do I get there?' Okay, imagine it's the middle of the night and your KLM or Sabena flight has just landed in steaming Sierra Leone after six boring hours from Amsterdam or Brussels. The good thing is, even if you're at the back of the queue you won't wait long to get through immigration; not many people get off in Sierra Leone. A first word of caution. Immigration may be a breeze, but customs can be a little tricky. Before he tells you about his ailing mother and crippled children and asks for a small contribution, lie and say that you're here to interview the Prez and what is the nice customs officer's name so you can mention it to the Big Fella first thing in the morning. This will get you a quick, “Welcome to Sierra Leone, sir. Oh, and can I help carry your bags?� Be aware that Lungi airport is separated from Freetown by ten sweltering and very dark miles of pot holes punctuated by kerosene-lit check points, followed by a rust bucket ferry ride, then another ten miles to your hotel. Outside the Page 128 of 158

terminal about two dozen sweating and shouting taxi drivers will dive for your luggage. Once someone’s latched on, you're not getting it back until you're at the hotel and he's demanding 100 bucks, so keep a grip. Inasmuch as your few fellow travellers will be heading in the same direction, suggest sharing a taxi. Sharing or solo, however, the bone-jarring ride will carry a tariff of at least $50, plus another tenner each for the rust bucket. The best thing about the ferry is the open upper deck and the opportunity to rehydrate with cold beer. Take the opportunity. The flight from Europe may have spanned 1,500 miles and six hours, but the 25-mile journey from Lungi to your hotel will take three more. If you're on expenses the only place to stay is the Cape Sierra. The rooms are air-conditioned and, critically important for a hack, there is a well-appointed bar. In the event you're moved to actually file a story, the telephones usually work. If your editor's prepared to cough up 200 bucks a night you're laughing. If you're a freelancer and can't convince any of your various editors to spring for it ('We'll be happy to take a look at what you have when you get back.') then it's down the road to the charming Mammy Yoko. Just across the road from a stunning beach, the rooms were cleanish when I was there, there wasn't too much fungus in the showers, and the air-conditioning worked - sometimes. Although I negotiated down to $50 a night, the Mammy Yoko's recently undergone a major refurbishment and may now be less inclined to accommodate journos on a budget. If you're hoping to be snapping bang-bang photos from your beach-side balcony, tough luck: the war's in the interior and you're going to have to get over to army headquarters for an introduction to the South Africans of Executive Outcomes. Bribing your way past the local army isn't too difficult, but it may take a while, in which case hire a taxi to wait. Lest you’re unsure on this point, bribes are definitely part of Sierra Leone's cultural fabric. The aforementioned customs officer, for example, could have been bought off for a couple of dollars. There may well be other instances where the demand will be substantially inflated. An acquaintance found himself under arrest for taking photos of Freetown's landmark baobab tree. For a mere 100,000 Leones ($100), however, the police were prepared to overlook this open and shut case of espionage. After much haggling they meekly accepted five dollars. (Bribes should be carried in bills of $1 and $5 denominations, but never in one wad.) So, what's all the palaver about Sierra Leone, anyway? You'll already have guessed they have one of those dinky little wars going on. And guess what? It's all about diamonds. Mountains of diamonds. Not to mention the biggest titanium oxide mine in the world, serious bauxite and gold deposits, and a good chance of platinum and oil. But it's the same old story: there are a few folks who have it all, and few folks who'd like to have it all. The screwy thing is that since independence the Haves have turned Sierra Leone into the world's sixth poorest country. Officially. And were about to lose the whole shebang to the have-nots, until they dialled 911 for outside help.

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Russian tiffie adjusts YakB 12.7mm Gatling gun while the flight crew prepare for an armed reconnaissance.

Ready for lift off. At the South Africans' base overlooking the Koidu diamond fields a Mi-24 helicopter gunship settles noisily. I climb out after another hair-raising ride at palm frond level, snap a few more photos and fall in with the Russian crew. When I offer to send copies to their families back in Minsk, Volodya and Valerii, grizzled veterans of Afghanistan, growl an unmistakable Nyet!' Valerii slaps a mosquito. 'Look, our wives think we're flying cargo here. If they knew what we're really doing they'd kill us.' He stops alongside Colonel Roelf, the South African commander for the Kono Page 130 of 158

District, and takes the offered beer. 'But you can send them to Roelf and he'll make sure we get them.' And the former mortal enemies stroll off arm-in-arm to discuss tomorrow's joint operation against the rebels. You look a little confused. Okay, here’s what's happening. The side who don't have their hands on the goodies are the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front. Their idea of a good time is a bit of ritual cannibalism in between lopping parts off innocent bystanders. Their head muck-a’muck is Alfred Sankoh, a 62-year-old former corporal who a couple of decades ago ended up in the slammer for trying to overthrow the government. Eventually amnestied but still sore at everyone, he headed to Libya for some counselling. His roommate at Ghaddafi's college for aspiring warlords was Charles Taylor from Liberia, which happens to be right next door to Sierra Leone. You may remember that Taylor and his sidekick Prince Johnson went on to overthrow Liberian President Samuel Doe. Before PJ turned Doe into a fricassee, a paranoid Charlie T sliced off PJ’s ears, then sautéed and fed them back to him. After that, he got really nasty. One of those cultural things, I guess. I mean, really, who are we to judge? Besides, Sam ate his predecessor's liver. And inherited his vote at the UN, where everyone is really concerned about human rights. Anyway, when Al Sankoh formed the Revolutionary United Front, Chuckie gave him a start with a few guns and thugs to keep the standards up. Oh, and they're fighting for democracy and the rights of the common man. I almost forgot to mention that. Until recently the side which did have the goodies was led by Captain Valentine Strasser and his four best chums. Back in 1992 theze Boyz From the Barracks, all lieutenants and captains and grumpy, marched up to the presidential mansion one day to complain about not being paid for months and months. Seeing them coming, that internationally known bon vivant, President Joseph Momoh, ever mindful of his neighbour Mr Doe's fate, was out the back door like a shot and making serious tracks for the airport. When the last of the lads' 'Helloooos?' echoed through the empty mansion, they propped their boots on Momoh's desk and discussed the latest in job openings. Flipping coins, 25-year-old Strasser ended up as Chairman of the new National Provisional Ruling Council. The others gave themselves the inspired titles of S.O.S. - for Secretary of State it's said and P.L.O. - for Permanent Liaison Officer, then shot craps for S.O.S. for Mines, S.O.S. for Treasury, for Defence, for Tourism, Fisheries, Trade and Industry ... you name it, then divvied up all the P.L.O. positions. It was tough, but they knew where their duty lay and accepted the heavy burdens of responsibility.

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57mm rocket pod carried by Mi-24. Back in the jungle, the rebel attacks were low key at first: a village here for food, a clinic there for medical supplies, an everyone-asleep-at-the-wheel army convoy for more guns and ammunition. All straight out of Al's favourite course at Goofy Ghaddaffi University, “How to Get Your Start in Revolutionary Warfare 101�. But with a twist: instead of being nice to the people to get them on side, which every guerrilla leader since Mao has preached, Al Sankoh preferred chopping off arms and legs and heads and stuff. This, according to a RUF defector, was Uncle Al's way of suggesting the survivors join up. As recruiting programs go, it was said to be jolly effective.

Innocent farmer hacked with a machete and thrown into a burning hut. Page 132 of 158

Teenager shot through leg and shoulder and left to die.

A machete took off the fingers of one hand and severed tendons in the other. He was no threat to anyone. Page 133 of 158

As the rebel attacks moved closer to Freetown a stressed-out Strasser & Co began grabbing kids off the streets, giving them a gun, a uniform and a few words on their sacred duty to Sierra Leone, then shoving them into the jungle. Their sometimes salaries of $20 and two bags of rice a month, coupled with the prospect of the RUF pouncing on them, convinced a fair number to do a bit of looting, murdering and amputeeing themselves. There was a certain ebb and flow to the business until Sankoh's Neanderthals grabbed the diamond mines. Suddenly there were no millions flowing into the ... uh, treasury. Almost as bad was that the diamond smugglers, who paid certain S.O.S.s good money not to have their bags examined too closely at the airport, suddenly had nothing to pay anyone not to look for anymore. And to top it off, the pesky rebels were threatening Freetown itself. It was a vexatious moment. Were the boys to do a Momoh and high tail it for the tall and uncut, or bring in some muscle? In April 1995 Pretoria-based Executive Outcomes, a private military company staffed by black and white former Special Forces soldiers, signed a contract to sort things out. To the astonished relief of the Boyz, it took less than a week to eliminate the RUF threat around the capital. Before the even more astonished rebels could ask, 'Who was that masked man?' EO roared off to recover the diamond fields. That two-day operation barely worked up a sweat. As soon as rumours of this reached London I wangled an invitation, got myself visa-ed up, and sprinted for the airport. Hours after arriving I was sitting on the tailgate of a Mi-17 helicopter surrounded by black and white South Africans in all their feathers and warpaint as we skimmed the jungle.

A veteran of a dozen secret wars, retired SAS Sergeant Major Fred Marafono sits at left with newly trained troepies of the Sierra Leone Army. Page 134 of 158

Wearing his old Koevoet canvas boots, author Jim Hooper sits next to Fred Marafono en route to EO’s forward base at Koidu.

Second Mi-17 carries more troops and ammo.

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Russian pilot tucks his Mi-24 in next to us.

Mi-24 ripples a salvo of flechette rockets at suspected rebel camp. Page 136 of 158

Colonel Roelf van Heerden outside villa used as the Koidu operations HQ.

EO professionals patrol around their Koidu base. Page 137 of 158

BMP manned entirely by ex-Koevoet operators.

A fierce warrior, Fred Marafono was not the only Fijian to have become a legend in the British SAS. Page 138 of 158

On the Koidu helipad, Renier Hugo and Karl Deats double-check everything is ready as Fred buckles up to join his men on the Mi-17.

Fred and his team lift off, to be inserted for a sweep toward the rebel-held town of Gondorhun.

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With Koidu town in background, the Russian Mi-24 crew lifts off to escort us to the planned LZ.

Door gunner watches for rebel fire. Page 140 of 158

Retired Recce Colonel Renier Hugo. At Koidu they dragged me off on a jolly op to mortar the bejeezus out of the bad guys. Our nights were spent under monsoon rains or running back and forth to escape columns of ginormous ants.

At right, Colonel Hugo completes a quick check of the hilltop LZ as crates of 120mm mortar bombs are unloaded. Page 141 of 158

A RUF camp located by signals intelligence is the target.

All weapons and ammo were supplied by the SL government, which had only white phosphorus 120mm mortar bombs. Intercepted comms would reveal that at least 34 rebels had been killed.

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Former Recce Colonel Renier Hugo. Two choppers eventually picked us up, then dropped down to a town just captured. Dripping with cameras, I was out the door and down on one knee looking for action. I blinked at the sight of the wheel struts lengthening on my helicopter. That means it's taking off, I choked. Deafened by the whop-shriek of blades and turbines, I saw the door gunner frantically motioning me to return. Are the bad guys coming? Is someone shooting at us? When the wheels actually left the ground, the determined expression of the professional poser dissolved into near - well, total, actually - panic at the prospect of being left to the tender mercies of the RUF. (You won't say anything about this to Bob Redford, will you?) This was followed by a mad dash and leap that left me clinging cat-like to the bottom of the door. Hands grabbed my wrists and hauled me inside 100 feet above the jungle. Page 143 of 158

'That'll teach you to get out of my helicopter without telling me,' the South African pilot said over a few beers that night. 'If you had just stayed there, you silly twit, I'd have come back for you.'

Op complete, Mi-17 flown by ex-SAAF Puma pilots lands to pick us up.

A local who lost his fingers to a RUF machete is treated by EO Ops Medic. Back at Executive Outcomes' headquarters, I leap aside as a shiny 4X4 skids to a stop. Two Sierra Leonean soldiers stagger out under the weight of chromed pistols, shotguns, Bowie knives and hand grenades. One, with a set of fetching ear protectors perched atop his head, also carries a machine gun and about fifty yards of ammunition belt wrapped around him. The weight of it all has this metallic Michelin man pop-eyed.

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Example of elite unit in Sierra Leone Army. They are followed by their boss, Colonel Tom Nyuma, universally loved as one of the five coup d'etat-ers back in '92. To the everlasting joy of all Sierra Leoneans, he was recently promoted from captain to colonel, skipping the tiresome ranks in between, and added S.O.S. of Defence of the NPRC of Sierra Leone to his other S.O.S.s. He held on to all his P.L.O.s for old time's sake. It's rumoured that the main requirements for holding all these high-octane titles are being able to recite them without a crib sheet or taking a breath. You probably think I'm joking.

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Colonel Tom struts past his bodyguards, the patches on his vest proclaiming him 'Ranger,' 'Airborne,' and 'Special Forces.’ Tom is not known to have attended any such courses anywhere in the world. Ever. His clear favourite is a skull and crossbones with the warning, 'Mess With the Best, Die with the Rest.’ Tom, who went from being an impecunious captain with an attitude to a senior government minister with property in England and monthly First Class trips to the U.S., is said to have purchased the patches through Soldier of Fortune magazine. Tom is 26 years old. The reader will sleep better knowing he is also in charge of the war. Sort of.

Tom Nyuma didn’t think the rank of captain was suitable for someone of his military talents so promoted himself directly to colonel. Inside the operations room Colonel PP, EO's operations officer, is briefing the Russian gunship crew and Colonel Tom on another attack. Next to Tom is a Sierra Leonean major whose men have been guarding the diamond fields for Tom since the South Africans chased out the rebels. It should be stated here and now that his keeping a very close eye on those diamond fields has nothing to do with him being tight with Tom's sister, or that Tom might have one or two ideas about Page 146 of 158

what to do with those diamonds. And you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking otherwise. (What's happened to trust these days?)

From left: Sierra Leone Army lieutenant, Russian Mi-24 weapons officer and pilot, retired Recce Karl Deats, Colonel Roelf van Heerden, listening to Hugo’s briefing.

The Russian flight crew had learned knap-of-the-earth flying skills during the USSR’s war in Afghanistan. PP taps the map, his tone crisp and professional: This infantry company will advance to this point, another company will be landed here by helicopter, a platoon will act as a stopper group on this trail here, support elements will be placed there, the gunship will orbit over here until .... The Russkies listen intently, making notes on their own maps. The major, whose men are integral to the operation, is content with the plan; so, content he's been snoring gently since the briefing began. A blinding flash fills the room. Duck! But it's only Tom's official photographer. Tom bebops Page 147 of 158

up to the map to explain how the attack should be conducted. Volodya and Valerii's eyebrows lift and meet in bewilderment. The South Africans smile fixedly. Two more flashes for the Freetown newspapers and Tom takes his seat. Colonel PP carries on as if nothing has happened. The attack, by the by, was successful. Of course, Tom and his sister's boyfriend really didn't think it important enough to be at the sharp end with their troops. It was too small an operation for them to be involved, they told me hastily when reports of six wounded were radioed from the advancing soldiers. Consummate professionals, they spent their time studying tactics as revealed in their complete collection of Rambo videos. And no, I'm really not joking this time. But if there were ever a film made, by God you'd split your sides laughing.

New updated edition of the classic account of EO’s founding and successes as a private military company. Next month also by Jim Hooper: Democratic Republic of Congo

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• UK Did poisoned couple find a SYRINGE discarded by Russian spy's assassins? Salisbury is on lockdown and public are warned not to pick up unknown objects as police hunt Novichok remnants that left man and woman fighting for life

Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charles Rowley, 45, fell critically ill within hours of visiting Salisbury - the site of the murder attempt on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. Police are desperately searching for the source of a deadly Novichok nerve agent that left a couple fighting for their lives after they were exposed to it on Saturday. Mr Rowley is a registered heroin addict and the couple were thought to have stumbled across a discarded container or syringe used to carry the nerve agent in the attempted assassination and been 'accidentally' exposed, it was reported last night.

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Police 'have grainy CCTV pictures' of suspected Novichok poisoners who killed mother-of-two and they are thought to work for Russian military spy agency which once employed Sergei Skripal

Mr Skripal's former employers, Russia's military intelligence service the GRU, are thought to be behind the attempt to poison the ex-spy and his daughter, Yulia, at his home in Wiltshire.


SWANS: Mev. Marie Sweetnam (94 jr) Gegroet Hennie, Dit lyk vir my of jy die Groot Kokkedoor van die “Nongqai” is en nou weet ek ook hoe jy lyk. Dit is vir my altyd baie belangrik om te weet hoe die persoon lyk met wie ek gesels – soos ek altoos wil weet waar die outydse Telkom-fone van ons kinders se huise staan, sodat ek kan ‘sien’ waar ek met hulle gesels. Ek kon die Swan-storie gou opspoor en sou dit miskien wou lees, asof ek dit nie goed genoeg ken nie, maar die skrif is hopeloos te fyn vir ou oë om te kan lees. Baie dankie Hennie dat jy belang gestel het in ons storie en dat jy dit so mooi in jou koerant vertoon het. Ek wonder of daar nog meer lewende Swans as net Lucy en ek is, wat dit sal kan lees. Ek sal sommer nou jou e-pos aan Lucy stuur, sy woon in Kaapstad in ‘n aftree-oord en is nog altyd betrokke by Vloot aktiwiteite en navorsing. My twee Swan uniforms – wit vir die somer en navy vir die winter - het ek ten volledig vir sowat 62 jare sorgvuldig teen mot en roes bewaar en hulle toe verlede jaar aan die Vloot-museum op Simonstad geskenk. Die kurator en nog ‘n werker daar het die uniforms hier by my kom afhaal en hy was oorstelp van vreugde dat hulle dit gekry het, want hulle het niks daarvan gehad nie. Die uniforms is nou daar uitgestal en ek hoop om eendag nog daar te kom om dit te sien. Miskien sal afstammelinge van ons Swans dit graag wil sien, as hulle net daarvan weet. Is, of was, die NONGQAI nie die Polisie se nuuskoerant nie? My broer Willie v. Rooyen was vir sowat 45 + jare in die polisie en het die grootste gedeelte daarvan in Johannesburg se “Flying Squad” deurgebring. Hy was seker toe al so 20 jaar of meer in die tuig, toe hy die nag aan diens was by die Newlands-polisiestasie wat die buurstasie van Sharpeville was, toe die groot drama daar afgespeel het. Hy het my die hele storie op band vertel, hoe alles gebeur het, want hulle by Page 150 of 158

Newlands was op radio-bystand vir Sharpeville en kon alles hoor wat daar aangegaan het. Ongelukkig het ek skynbaar die band verlê, maar ek soek nog daarna, want ek wil nog graag die regte storie na die koerant toe stuur – AS hulle dit ooit sal publiseer, en indien ek nie daarna ‘n politieke teiken sal word nie. Ék het eenkeer aan ‘n Potch Univ skryfskool deelgeneem en ons moes ‘n artikel vooruit stuur wat ons voorwaardelik toelating sou gee tot die 2-3 dag seminaar. Ek het toe Willie se lewe vooraf en in die diens beskryf onder die titel “Ou Vadertjie” – sy bynaam in die polisie, omdat hy so beskermend was teenoor elke nuwe rekruut was. Ek het eintlik die storie vir sy drie kinders geskryf en hulle het dit seker nog. Sy seun, Gert van Rooyen, is die hoof-offisier van die polisie se meganiese werke in Krugersdorp. Willie was die bevelvoerder van Groblershoop-polisiestasie toe hy self sy seun in die polisie ingesweer het. Nouja, met die afhandel van die storie is daar nou nog ‘n hoofstuk van my lewe afgehandel en ek dank jou vir die belangrike deel wat jy persoonlik daarin gehad het. Daarsonder sou ek ‘n groot emosionele verlies in my lewe gely het – EK DANK JOU HENNIE. Groetnis, Marie.

Das-versameling: Koot Swanepoel

“Wow! Nico Frylinck het soos altyd weer meer as sy kant gebring. Hy kom bless my vandag nie net met 'n lekker middag ete nie, maar ook met 32 dasse vir my versameling. Japie de Jager en Hennie Heymans, manne ons staan tans op 4,933 dasse. Dan is daar nog 'n klomp in die pos in Johannesburg wat as die stakers begin werk, ek daardie dasse sal kry. Dit is nie meer lank nie en 5,000 dasse is hier. Dankie aan elke lid, man en vrou wat my tot nou toe nog lojaal ondersteun het met my liefde vir 'n das. Seën vir julle.” Koot. •

NB – die boonste das is destyds deur my aan Koot geskenk. Dis ou Natal Universiteit se das. Ja, die universiteit se naam het ook verander! - HBH Page 151 of 158

Info needed: Attack on SAP COIN: Downstream from Chirundu in Rhodesia As stated, I am a researcher and author of "The Rhodesian Combined Forces Roll of Honour 1966-1981" The incident I am trying to clarify is as per Major Don Price's story here: One of my first deployments at Kariba was when Andre Rabie, Stretch Franklin, Hennie and I reacted to an attack on some SAP policemen deployed on the Zambezi River in the vicinity of "C" Camp downstream from Chirundu. It was still dark when I was summoned to the Signals Office of 2 (Indep) Coy. It had sounded urgent so I ran the short distance down the hill from Tracking Wing to find out what the problem was. Major Harry Harvey was waiting to brief me. ‘Don, I want you to quickly assemble a tracker team for deployment into the Zambezi Valley. As you know, the SAP lads are deployed down there but the Coy HQ based at Chirundu is unable to make contact with one of its call-signs out on patrol along the river. There have been reports from local fishermen of heavy small-arms fire coming from their general direction so I want you to check it out. A Cyclone 7 will be up here from FAF2 in approximately thirty minutes to fetch you guys, so you don't have much time.’ After giving orders to Rob Johnson my WO2 and 2I/C I left him with Pete to continue with the running of the current tracking course and jogged down to the single quarters at the barracks where I briefed Andre, Stretch and Hennie. We were all ready to go almost immediately. The promised chopper soon after and we emplaned in the parking lot on top of the hill. Soon we were thundering out of the Army Camp, dropping into the Zambezi River gorge and flying at breakneck speed low level, right on top of the trees. We flew at tree top level and in the early morning it was truly a breath-taking experience to see all the different species of wild life that broke from cover in front of us. Elephant, buffalo, scores of different plains game and even a large maned lion spooked and ran for the thick jesse. On we flew and as the sun broke the horizon we encountered more and more animals; it really was spectacular. It was not long before the Chirundu Bridge came into view with the SAP Company base clearly visible on top of a small hill. We crossed the main tar road from Salisbury to Lusaka, the bridge to our left, then we swooped down over the river and on we sped at low level as hippo, crocs and birds bomb-shelled before us. When we reached the approximate area, the pilot pulled up and as we began a wide orbit I signalled the lads to look out for the SAP on the ground. Suddenly the tech yelled, “Over there!” and pointed back towards the Zambezi. “See that burnt out area?” The pilot banked sharply and the blades beat the air making a thudding noise. On high alert now, we scrutinised the bush below which was predominantly mopani woodland with the occasional baobab tree. Sure, enough we could make out a charred area about 100 metres back from the Zambezi River bank. As we circled the pilot tried to raise the call-sign on the ground. Suddenly Andre shouted to me, “Ishe!” and pointed downwards out of the open helicopter towards the burnt area. What could he see? I strained my eyes and sure enough, there in amongst the burnt vegetation I could make out what appeared to be several charred and burning bodies. Before landing we circled once again just to make sure the area in close proximity was clear of the enemy. The chopper flared, and with its nose up we settled in a small clearing, clouds of black dust billowing around us, an aftermath of the fire. Immediately the pilot's head dropped and he nodded vigorously which was our signal to deplane. We hit the ground running and, with weapons cocked, positioned ourselves a short way from the aircraft all facing outwards in a 360. The chopper then lifted and headed off north to gain altitude and cover the river for us. Page 152 of 158

The scene that awaited us was not pleasant. We could clearly see where the SAP contingent had bedded down around a small camp fire. They must have taken their clothes off as naked half-burned bodies twisted in grotesque forms dotted the area and, in some cases, the brown issue nylon sleeping bags had melted and stuck to their remains. They were all dead and there appeared to be no survivors. We scouted the area and picked up where the group, numbering possibly six terrs, had beached their rubber dinghy a short distance away and approached the sleeping SAP patrol. It was obvious from the empty 7.62 mm intermediate cartridge cases found around the bodies that the terrorists had opened up on the SAP men from close range. There was no evidence that any fire had been returned. Their kit and equipment had been looted by the enemy who had got away with weapons, webbing, backpacks and possibly even radios. Items deemed non-essential littered the surrounding area. I radioed our findings back to the chopper orbiting above. I was contemplating our next move when, pointing northwards Hennie Pretorius called, ‘Ishe, looks like two SAP men have gapped it into the bush.’ We joined Hennie and sure enough, even though the ground was stony and far from ideal for tracking we could make out scramble marks, foot prints, with toes splayed, strides wide apart, confirmation that two men had escaped running from the carnage of the surprise attack. “Okay guys, here’s the plan. I will call for pick-up while you three attempt to track and follow the SAP. It’s imperative you locate them, as by now they must be completely lost and desperate. I’ll help the tech load the bodily remains and we’ll get them back to Chirundu where I'll refuel and return asap.” Flying due north on the last known direction as we returned a few hours later it was not long before the chopper radio crackled to life and I received a sitrep from Andre. The night of the attack had been extremely dark with no moon and apparently the two surviving SAP had run astride of each other about twenty metres apart. My guys had followed the tracks for about ten kilometres to a point where the two men had become separated. We soon located the follow-up group from the air and searched ahead in the general direction the SAP must have run. Suddenly the radio burst back to life: ‘Chopper, chopper …kom in, kom in!’ came the frantic shout. “Chopper! Je moet land!” Amazing they had a radio! We continued to circle and finally the chopper tech spotted a naked figure huddled next to a tree. We landed and the poor guy was a sight to behold. His body was all scratched up from running through thorn bushes, his bare feet a complete mess, bloody and so swollen that he could hardly hobble to the chopper. The poor guy was extremely traumatized and sobbed and cried uncontrollably. When the tech covered his shoulders with a red emergency blanket we noticed how badly sunburned he was. His back was one big blister, whilst his neck, arms and torso were crimson and burning hot. He was so dehydrated he couldn’t speak. It took three more hours for tracker Team Tango to locate the second policeman, who was in a similar state to his mate. The chopper flew the two casevacs to Chirundu whilst we found some shade under a pod mahogany tree and waited for our ride to return. Apparently, this SAP patrol had been told not to show themselves on the river but they had disobeyed this order and paid the price. The ZIPRA terrorists had watched them Page 153 of 158

from the Zambian side and then when the time was right, crossed over in their rubber raft, walked a short distance and killed them while they slept. Initially the SAP training was inadequate for the task and the men sent on border duty did not know what they were getting themselves into. These were city policemen who had probably never been in the wilds before. Fortunately, their training improved as the war progressed. Tracking Wing assisted the SAP as trackers on many more incidents in the Zambezi Valley but thankfully none of the call-outs were ever as bad as finding that lost patrol. Hennie - I also attach the South African Forces roll of honour (Rhodesia) as I have it. None of these SAP guys are listed here. It is a complete mystery and I would dearly love to hear what you have to say. The two you mentioned, Danie du Toit and Rodney Falls are listed but, I would appreciate any corrections to errors/ommissions that you might find by way of names, number, rank, unit, command, circumstances of death, footnotes, etc. This applies to the whole database not just Danie and Rodney i.e. I notice that I have recorded Danie as 44433 but, you said it was 44333 - and I have Rodney as 47174 whereas you stated 471174 - which ones are correct? I suspect I might have a lot of correcting to perform. Best regards Adrian Haggett (MSc-Edin, DipEd-UR, ADR "Arbitration"-SA).

Morning Hennie Thank you for the confirmation on the force numbers and my sincere condolences on the death of Gen Mike Geldenhuys - a man I did not know but, certainly carried a magnificent reputation. I have been in touch with Maj Don Price to inform him of developments and Don is really chuffed that at least two people believe his story. I see no harm in you publishing the story in your newsletter - it being 40 odd years since the event - and the fact that the truth should be known. Perhaps the cover-up was due to the fact that 4 (not stated in Don's story but, believed to be 4) were killed in the same brutal incident but, it was impossible to hide the Kandahar Island incident (Vic Falls), years later, when four SAP were killed and Sgt Khun was abducted to Zambia, What is most puzzling about Don's incident is that there were two survivors, from the stick of 6, and an untold number of family members. What were these family members told about the circumstances of death - and why were the two survivors told to keep quiet? It's now 40 years later and time for the truth to be told. Hennie - you expressed genuine concern that the four names are not listed on a specific document that the SAP have - saying it is mandatory for the Rhodesian SAP deaths to be entered into this file. Also, the four names do not appear on the plaques at the Voortekker Monument. My gut feeling is that the truth should be found and the family members informed of such. Comfort and closure is so much better than living with false nightmares. Surely, there must have been a nominal roll of SAP deployed to Chirundu and a record of those members who stood down from Chirundu and either deployed elsewhere or returned to SA. If that nominal roll was destroyed - why and by whom?

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From the inference of your reply, I take it that you saw service in Rhodesia with Danie du Toit and Rodney Fall - or was that during SA ops? Hennie - this could turn out to be a block-buster - not that I have any intention of such - but, the truth of our history is most important. Incidentally, a week before the Conradie, Hough, Strydom, Swart and Khun incident, near Kandahar Island, I was with the physical education faculty of the Teachers' Training College (Bulawayo) on a canoeing exercise at the Katamborra Rapids. Sgt Kuhn and his men were patrolling towards Vic Falls when they came across us. We had all the Phys Ed girls with us - so, it was opportune for the SAP to "protect" us - thus delaying their arrival at Vic Falls. I must say, the distraction of the females caused the stick to become somewhat slack - resting their rifles in a pyramid whilst swimming in the eddies of the Zambezi with the girls. One of my mates stole Johan Khun's cap (it had his name in it) and, a week later, we were examining the cap, in the students' lounge back at college, when the news came through. A sad day indeed. A very good friend of mine, based with BSAP at Wankie, Lupane and Vic Falls, and now a private investigator, confirmed with me, just a few weeks ago, that Johan Khun was abducted back to Zambia where he was imprisoned for 18 months before being executed. Hennie - I live in Botswana but, I am in Joburg once a month to attend the RLI "prayer-meeting" at the Dickie Fritz Moth Shell-hole. I did not serve with the RLI (I was with the Psychological Operations Unit) but, my research prompted the RLI to offer me an associate membership. The next get-together is Saturday 07 July and I would like to invite you for a drink/lunch in order for us to discuss a plan of action. We often get visitations from SAP guys so, who knows, you might meet with some folks you already know.

Morning Hennie It definitely was an SAP incident with two white survivors and either three or four dead SAP members. This was confirmed by the brown sleeping bags melted on the bodies - Rhodesian issue "fart-sacks" were green. Also, the bodies were returned to the SAP camp at Chirundu as per instruction of the OC 2 Indep Coy, Kariba. An exact date is unclear but, Maj Don Price (BCR) took over command of the tracking wing soon after Al Tourle was killed by a lion near Bumi Hills. That date was 09 April 1972 and the incident happened a few months later. I am guessing somewhere between June and December 1972. I'll forgive those who claim it never happened but, Don is a decorated soldier and his story is too accurate to be false. He would have no reason to lie. Also, I have checked out similar incidents that took place where soldiers were killed in their sleep and none of them fit Don's account or the area where it happened. The problem lies in most of the personnel involved now being dead - including the chopper pilot and his tech. Regards

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Mahatma Gandhi: Pietermaritzburg: Herdenking 7 Junie Beste Hennie, Elke jaar op 7 Junie is daar 'n groot fees in PMB om die volgende te herdenk: 1). Dat Gandhi van die trein AFGEGOOI is. 2). Dat Gandhi afgegooi is omdat hy in 'n WHITES ONLY COMPARTMENT gesit het. Albei is LEUENS. Ek waardeer jou moeite opreg. Jaycee (Dr JC van der Walt) •

JC – ek stel graag die korrekte feite!

Mev Annatjie Geldenhuys: Nigel Mev Annatjie Geldenhuys bedank almal vir hul besoeke, oproepe, e-posse, besoeke, blomme edm voor, tydens en na afloop van genl. Mike Geldenhuys se begrafnis. Sy waardeer almal opreg.

Rus in Vrede Die afgelope tyd is ons geskok oor die afsterwe van ons kollegas:

• Patrick Coetzee (HBH) Ek het nooit vir Patrick ontmoet nie, MAAR Patrick was gereeld met my in verbinding. Hy het tot aandag gekom toe hy en twee ander lede deur die destydse Rand Daily Mail afgeneem was terwyl hul fietspatrollie gedoen het. Hy en die sersant in die foto is raakgeskiet deur ‘n booswig – ons het een maal die volle verhaal gepubliseer – net een lid op die foto lewe nog! Hy het my ook gehelp met ‘n Facebook blad oor die SA Polisie. Hy het gereeld foto’s bekom en aangestuur en hy sal altyd onthou word.

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• Genl.maj. Flip Fourie Ek het Flip Fourie die eerste keer in die offisiersklub te hoofkantoor ontmoet – ‘n man wat glad nie gedrink het nie! Later was hy en ek saam by die sekretariaat van die staatsveiligheidsraad gestasioneer. Hy was ook lank in die Paarl gestasioneer as afdelingskommissaris.

• Brig OJM Calitz (Patrick Coetzee)

Wyle Patrick het geskryf: Brig. Calitz van Kimberley is ook vandag (26 Junie 2018) oorlede. Die brigadier is reeds 1988 met pensioen. Op die foto verskyn hy 2de van regs. – Patrick Coetzee. Die man tweede van links is wyle brig. Piet Fabritius – hy was ondermeer in Durban se ou beredeeenheid te Wentworth, Louis Bothalughawe, Nottinghamweg, SAP Kollege en veiligheidshoofkantoor en laastens afdelingskommissaris te Kimberley. Hy het gedurende 1951 my perdjie in Durban beslaan en in die 1970’s was hy my groepshoof te veiligheidshoofkantoor. HBH.


End / Slot Dear reader Page 157 of 158

Please note that in this quasi-historical document we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the Nongqai cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity. Geagte leser Vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese dokument maak ons van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die Nongqai kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie.

Hennie Heymans: No 43630 (B) Š HB Heymans 2018.

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