SAS-SAR Vol 8 No 10

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Contents PUBLISHER / UITGEWER .............................................................................................................. 4 SUBCRIPTION / INTEKENARE ....................................................................................................... 4 PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES................................................................................ 4 AIM / DOEL ...................................................................................................................................... 4 COPYRIGHT.................................................................................................................................... 4 ONGOING PROJECTS.................................................................................................................... 5 WELKOM / WELCOME ................................................................................................................... 5 EDITORIAL / REDAKSIONEEL ....................................................................................................... 5 SAR ENGINE ELEPHANT EARS .................................................................................................... 6 by Les Pivnic ............................................................................................................................. 6 RUDDY’S STEAM WORLD ........................................................................................................... 13 UK RAIL PRESERVATION: “UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA”........................................................... 19 Trainspotting paradise as Flying Scotsman meets the Union of South Africa for the first time since the end of the steam era in the 1960s with thousands packing lines to capture the moment ................................................................................................................................... 19 UK RAIL: INNOVATION ................................................................................................................. 26 Putting the romance back into travel: Dream makeover for the Caledonian Sleeper will see the service become a 'travelling hotel-style experience' with double-bed suites ........................... 26 RUSSIAN-JAPANESE: INNOVATION ........................................................................................... 29 From London to Tokyo by TRAIN: Epic new 8,400-mile route will link the Trans-Siberian railway to Japan ...................................................................................................................... 29 WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS ................................................................................................ 35 Sightings: 12 Aug 2017 ........................................................................................................... 35 Sightings: 29 Aug 2017: J & J Wepener ................................................................................. 37 Sightings: 31 Aug 2017: J & J Wepener ................................................................................. 38 Saturday morning sightings 1 September 2017 ...................................................................... 40 Saturday morning sightings 1 September 2017: Part 2 .......................................................... 43 Saturday morning sightings 1 September 2017: Part 3 .......................................................... 46 Sightings 5 September 2017................................................................................................... 52 More defence force railway lines ............................................................................................ 53 Even more defence force railway lines ................................................................................... 53 Station/Halt/Siding/Stopping Places, with Proud, working etc names. .................................... 54 1991 "Spoornet" diagram. [Compared to 1970 diagram]. ....................................................... 55 Mass bridges .......................................................................................................................... 55 Livestock feeding/watering stations. ....................................................................................... 56 Local/Suburban services in Angola, D.R.C., Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. .................................................................................................. 57 SAR: RAILWAY HISTORY............................................................................................................. 62 2

1937 Railway Tour and bedding Tickets: Via Elsmarie Wellman ............................................ 62 HORSE POWER: SHUNTING BY HORSE.................................................................................... 66 NOSTALGIA: FIRST CLASS SAR COMPARTMENT .................................................................... 66 15E STEAM LOCOMOTIVE: SOME HISTORIC PHOTOS ........................................................... 68 BETHLEHEM STEAM .................................................................................................................... 73 PURE STEAM AFRICANA: NATHAN BERELOWITZ .................................................................... 74 SOUTH AFRICAN MILITARY TRAINS .......................................................................................... 78 SADF / SAW ........................................................................................................................... 78 ABO Britse pantsertrein .......................................................................................................... 79 Permission .............................................................................................................................. 79 A British WW2 Hospital Train .................................................................................................. 82 A KAROO SHOT: NOEL WELCH .................................................................................................. 83 SUNDAY MEDIA: 10 SEPT. 2017: NEW RAILWAY LINE REPORTS. ......................................... 83 PRES SJP KRUGER ..................................................................................................................... 84 ’N GESIG VIR SEER OË: LT.-KOL. ERIC SAMUELS ................................................................... 84 SEEHEIM: NAMIBIË: GAWIE BOTHA ........................................................................................... 85 SAS TROLLIES: YOLANDA MEYER ............................................................................................. 86 ABO: BRITSE PANTSERTREIN / ABW BRITISH ARMOURED TRAIN ........................................ 89 CHINESE INNOVATION ................................................................................................................ 89 China re-launches 'the world's fastest bullet train' running at 217 mph six years after shocking railway crash killed 40 people ................................................................................................. 89 The 'High-Speed Flying Train' ................................................................................................. 95 PHOTO ESSAY ............................................................................................................................. 96 The cost of Metrorail vandalism .............................................................................................. 96 STEAM TRACTORS: ANGLO BOER WAR ................................................................................. 102 Via Nico Moolman ................................................................................................................. 102 TREINE / TRAINS: NIC OOSTHUIZEN ....................................................................................... 103 Aloe Festival / Aalwynfees ........................................................................................................... 103 Die Skim se trein ................................................................................................................... 105 Atlantic Rail ........................................................................................................................... 105 DIE WONDER VAN ELKE DAG: JACO HOLTZHAUSEN ........................................................... 106 TREINBEKRUIPING: JAPIE TERBLANCHE ............................................................................... 106 PRESS CUTTINGS: Elsmarie Wellman ....................................................................................... 109 Often-forgotten chapter from nostalgic steam era ................................................................. 109 Sea Point / Seepunt – Victoria Falls ..................................................................................... 110 The Toy Train that came in from the Cold............................................................................. 111 The Karoo and Matjesfontein ................................................................................................ 113 3

SLOT / END ................................................................................................................................. 114

PUBLISHER / UITGEWER This electronic magazine is compiled and published on ISSUU by Hennie Heymans (HBH). Hennie is a retired brigadier of the former South African Police Force. He is passionate about the history of South Africa’s National Security and holds a MA degree in National Strategic Studies. He is most interested in the strategic use of railways in Southern Africa but he loves trains generally no matter where they are!

Hierdie elektroniese tydskrif word saamgestel en uitgegee op die platform ISSUU deur Hennie Heymans. Hennie is ʼn afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige SA Polisiemag. Hy is passievol oor ons nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het ʼn MA-graad in nasionale strategiese studies verwerf. Hy stel belang in die strategiese aanwending van die spoorweë tydens oorloë in Suider-Afrika. Hy is baie lief vir treine waar ook al op die aardbol. Niks kom mos naby treinry en kondensmelk?

Contact address: Telephone number: 012-329-4229.

SUBCRIPTION / INTEKENARE Subscription is free. Subscribe via ISSUU. You may down load and enjoy on your computer. See the link in “previous editions”. Die SAS-SAR word gratis op ISSUU versprei. Teken in via ISSUU en laai gerus die tydskrif af en geniet! Klik op skakel by “vorige uitgawes”.

PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES Vir vorige uitgawes klik op: For previous issues click on

AIM / DOEL Our goal is to collect and record our South African railway history for publication in the SAS-SAR for the use of future generations. Ons doel is om die spoorweggeskiedenis van suidelike Afrika in die SAS-SAR aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte se gebruik te bewaar.

COPYRIGHT Great care is taken to make sure that we do not transgress the Copyright Act. Please make sure that when you use somebody else’s photographs or material to first obtain the necessary permission 4

before sending it to SAS-SAR for publication. Permission to reprint any article or photograph may be obtained from SAS-SAR.

ONGOING PROJECTS Please help us with: • • •

Researching royal and presidential visits to southern Africa. Compiling information about the use of armoured- and hospital trains in southern Africa. Trains in time of war, rebellion and unrest.

WELKOM / WELCOME All the contributors and I hope you will enjoy this edition. We thank all our contributors for their efforts, stories, anecdotes and above all their photographs. We realise it took time, money, effort and a good camera to capture the railway event. Thanks for sharing with our readers.

EDITORIAL / REDAKSIONEEL A word of welcome to our readers where ever they may be. With the diaspora of South Africans we find them all over the globe. Thank you for sharing your photographs (and articles) with us. Railway preservation and railway innovation is occurring internationally, the exception being South Africa. There is a dangerous phenomenon: The destruction of railway property. The problem is acerbated by the theft of copper wire. When trains are running late, some commuters vent their anger by destroying railway carriages. Have a look at our article on this self-destructing cult. Baie welkom aan ons lesers van heinde en verre. Baie dankie aan al die fotograwe wat hul foto’s met ons lesers hier gedeel het. Dit wil voorkom asof spoorweg-innovasie oor die hele wêreld ‘n bloeitydperk beleef. China, die slapende reus, het begin ontwaak en sy spoorwegprojekte is fenomenaal. In Suid-Afrika word daar van ampsweë min gedoen om ons spoorweg-erfnis te bewaar. Ons het so ‘n pragtige land en mens dink aan die spoorlyne tussen Simonstad en na Kaapstad; die lyn tussen George en Knysna en Rayton en Cullinan wat nog nie herstel is nie. Intussen trap baie swaar vragmotors ons paaie stukkend; ek sien self steenkool word met vragmotors vervoer. Die spoorweë moet weer die nasionale karweier word. ‘n Vriend het my aandag gevestig op militêre- en pantser voertuie wat per trein in Amerika vervoer word. Ons sal vandag kwalik die spoorweë kan gebruik in geval van oorlog. Stasies en sylyne is besig om agteruit te gaan. Hoe gaan ons soldate en hul voertuie vervoer as die infrastruktuur nie onderhou word nie? Militêre sylyne het in onbruik verval. Ons het vandag min passasiersrytuie oor. Die slagting op die paaie duur voort. Pendelaars moet na treine gelok word. Taxi’s kan met vrug gebruik word om pendelaars na spoorwegstasies te vervoer. Een ligpunt is die Pretoria na MolotoGroblersdal-korridor vir pendelaars wat aandag van beplanners geniet. Die busse op daardie roete is baie en die pad is gevaarlik. Een spoor wat stuk-stuk gesteel word is die Magaliesburg – Hercules spoorlyn. (Baie ander lyne word ook geplunder.) Met relatief min koste kan hierdie korridor in ‘n vrugbare en welvarende lyn omskep word. Geniet die tweetalige tydskrif en nogmaals baie dankie vir u ondersteuning. This is the only bi-lingual (Afrikaans-English) railway magazine that I know of. Please enjoy!


SAR ENGINE ELEPHANT EARS by Les Pivnic Prior to 1935 steam locomotives on the South African Railways (with the exception of the class GL Garratt) had chimneys that stood well-proud of the smokebox. The American-designed 15CB and 16D and their subsequent derivatives – the classes 15CA and 16DA introduced between 1925 and 1930 had pretty substantial chimneys that carried the smoke clear of the boiler when the engines were travelling at speed on the open line. The GL Garratts introduced between 1929 and 1930 had rather squat chimneys but soon after entering service, they were fitted with adjustable smokedeflecting cowls that directed the smoke down to track level to facilitate tunnel working on the “New Main Line” between Rossburgh and Cato Ridge in Natal.

Class GL no.2351 “Princess Alice” as fitted with a smoke-deflecting cowl. In 1935, A.G. Watson, CME of the SAR, introduced his class 16E with the standard 3A boiler. This was followed in 1936 by the 15E with the standard 3B boiler. Both boiler types were very close to the limits of the loading gauge with the result that there was no room for a substantial chimney or steam dome. The 15E class in particular had a very squat chimney while the 16E was only slightly higher in shape to the top lip. The photos hereunder show the original chimneys as fitted.


Class 15E no.2881 at Henschel Works in Kassel, Germany

Class 16E no.854 Paarden Eiland Loco, Cape Town just prior to her transfer to Kimberley where she was to be stationed with her five sisters for working fast passenger trains south to Beaufort West and north to Johannesburg. Soon after these Watson engines entered service – the 16E class for fast passenger service and the 15E class for mixed traffic service, it soon became apparent that the smooth-topped boilers in combination with squat chimneys was causing a problem for drivers with smoke hindering the view forward. At speed, a vacuum developed on the top of the boiler which in turn, dragged the smoke down over the boiler – thus creating a problem for the drivers in reading signals etc. The Cape Town and Kimberley men soon drew their respective Loco Foremen's attention to this problem. The initial result was some experimentation with a shallow wrap-around cowl encircling the chimney as shown in the photo below of 15E no.2879 stationed at Paarden Eiland in Cape Town.


In the second photo below, we see the same engine on main line passenger duty between Cape Town and Beaufort West.

Kimberley decided to try small deflector plates as seen below on engine 854. Note the original handrails from the front footplate to the running boards were still in place.


This smoke problem must have been anticipated because Henschel & Sohn in Kassel, fitted one class 15E no.2885 with German-designed “Wagner” smoke deflectors as shown below.

The “Wagner” deflector plates fitted to 2885 proved to be superior in lifting the smoke clear of the boiler – in fact, these deflectors were actually adopted as standard for all future locomotives for main line service on the SAR. So engine 2885 had the distinction of being the very first main line engine on the SAR to carry “Wagner” deflector plates. The GL class in Natal preceded this but that was another type of appliance to bring smoke DOWN to track level – another concept altogether. A single class 23 (also German-built) was fitted new with “Wagner” deflector plates. The rest initially only had the standard handrails. Subsequently, all classes 15E, 15F, 16E, the sole class 21, 23, 25 and 25NC were equipped with “Wagner” deflector plates. It should be noted that the basic “Wagner” style deflector plate was 9

modified between different classes of engine to suit particular requirements. For example, those fitted to the class 16E engines were a slightly cut-back version designed to fit the 16E only. Those fitted to the 15E, 15F and 23 were interchangeable while the class 21 had a lengthened version for its particular use. In Germany, the “Wagner” design was replaced by a new type known as the “Witte” smoke deflector. This was a smaller type mounted directly to the sides of the smokebox. Apparently, these newer “Witte” deflectors were again superior in action to the “Wagner-style” deflectors. The SAR first tried the “Witte” deflectors in 1950 with the experimental condensing class 20 no.2485 – see photo.

Then in the late 1970s/early 1980s, David Wardale introduced his modified class 19D no.2644 which was followed by the famous Red Devil class 26 no.3450. The former engine had visually-hideous panels alongside the chimney but the class 26 initially had beautiful “Witte-style” deflectors after modification in Salt River Shops.


Here is the Wardale-modified 19D 2644.

Unfortunately, at a later stage, the handsome “Witte-style� deflectors on 3450 as shown below were replaced by rather ugly and massive elephant ears as shown further below.



Smokebox modifications to 25NC no.3454 “B.I. Ebing” were also carried out which resulted in her standard “Wagner-style” deflectors being extended to a higher level alongside the sides of the smokebox. They might have been a necessary part of the modifications to the exhaust arrangements and double chimneys but visually, were also rather hideous. So, there we have it – the SAR had a close and extended association with smoke deflector plates on its main line steam locomotives – all brought about by the large engines having very limited clearance under the upper limit of the loading gauge. Les Pivnic September 2017 Sydney, Australia Photo credits: HL Pivnic- and THF-Collections.

What beautiful, majestic and strong locomotives they were!

RUDDY’S STEAM WORLD Mark Ruddy skryf: Agter elke foto is ‘n storie. Lank gelede, tydens my skoolloopbaan het ons baie middae na skool met die fietse af gery na PE stasie toe om die stoom te sien rangeer of die lokale na Uitenhage te sien vertrek. Hierdie spesifieke dag het ons klankopnames gemaak van die shunt ens. Langs een van die platforms het ‘n 15AR gestaan, op daai stadium besig met ‘n rangeerbeweging. Ons het na die enjin toe geloop en met die stoker en drywer begin gesels. Dit was ons heel eerste kennismaking met, op daai stadium, stoker Noel Welch, en drywer "Bossiedokter" van Rensburg. Jare later sou "Bossiedokter" my opleierdrywer wees. ‘n Rangeerder het na hulle toe gekom en hulle verwittig dat die lokomotief wat die volgende lokaal na Uitenhage toe moes vat, vertraag was en gevra of hulle nie die trein wil werk nie. "Bossiedokter" het Noel Welch gevra of dit reg is met hom, aangesien hulle later ‘n lokaal sou gewerk het, maar nou net die vroeë een werk. Die lokomotief wat dan nou nie op gedaag het nie, sal dan die volgende lokaal werk. Noel het ingestem en daar is gereël dat hulle gou op die draaitafel sou gaan draai. Die foto van die los lokomotief is dan geneem nadat hulle van die draaitafel op pad was om op die lokaal te koppel. Dit was in die jare 1981/2. Die foto van die drywer agter die kontroles van ‘n 24 klas is geneem van die einste "Bossiedokter" tydens my opleiding as stoker op die Alexandria pad in 1984. (Net so bietjie nostalgie)




Ready for duty.

Resting in the loco. Hoor ek toe die storie uit die perd se bek: Jare gelede was die Spoorweë se hooftaal mos net Afrikaans en elke Engelssprekende mens wat daar begin werk het moes Afrikaans aanleer binne 6 maande vir so klein toetsie. Die Engelssprekende stoker wil toe elke dag een Afrikaanse woord aan leer. Sy drywer help hom toe netjies aan met die leerdery. Die dag breek toe aan dat die stoker op die voetplaat getoets moet word om te sien kan hy stook. Op klim die loko-inspekteur en doen toe sy ding en die stoker slaag sy prakties. Nadat die inspekteur af geklim en weggeloop het, vra die stoker vir die drywer:" Who was that?" Die drywer antwoord: “Dit was Pankop" ("Pankop" Gouws) Daar klim toe ‘n tweede drywer op die voetplaat en vra vir die eerste drywer: "Why don't you teach him to say: "how are you"? Die eerste drywer antwoord die tweede drywer toe : "Is jy bedonnerd in jou kop ?" ‘n Paar dae later sien die Engelse stoker vir die loko-inspekteur, wat hom getoets het, in die aantekenkantoor en wil hom "impress" met sy Afrikaans en loop na hom toe en wil hom in Afrikaans vra: "Morning Mr. ......., how are you? en sê die volgende : "More mnr. Pankop, is jy bedonnerd in jou kop?" (27 April 2017).


Sydenham loco during the early 1980’s: 12R No 1505 in the centre and right 15AR 1798.

15AR with a local from Port Elizabeth to Uitenhage. 17

Above: Driver “Vlakhaas� Claasen at the controls of 25NC 3402: Bethlehem to Bloemfontein. Below: Sydenham loco.


UK RAIL PRESERVATION: “UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA” Trainspotting paradise as Flying Scotsman meets the Union of South Africa for the first time since the end of the steam era in the 1960s with thousands packing lines to capture the moment • Didcot Railway Centre played host over the Bank Holiday weekend to two icons of the British steam train era • The Union of South Africa and the Flying Scotsman stood side-by-side for the first time since the 1960s • The iconic trains may never be seen next to each other again as the Union is set to retire to a Scottish museum By Rebecca Taylor For Mailonline PUBLISHED: 10:16 BST, 30 August 2017 | UPDATED: 10:50 BST, 30 August 2017 Train enthusiasts were treated to a paradise over the Bank Holiday Weekend as two iconic steam locomotives met for what may be the last time ever. Thousands of people all over the country converged on Didcot Railway Centre over the Bank Holiday Weekend to get a glimpse of the World famous Flying Scotsman, at the same time as the Union of South Africa. With the latter train due to be retired to a museum in Scotland, this could be the last time the pair will meet.

The LNER A3 Class Pacific No. 60103, the 'Flying Scotsman' and LNER A4 Class Pacific No. 60009, the 'Union of South Africa' (same class as Mallard) met for the first time since steam days in the 1960's.


Didcot Railway Centre hosted the special flying visit for visitors to gaze at the locomotives side by side. It is unlikely to ever happen again.

The Union of South Africa is to be retired to a museum in Scotland, so the pair of steam locomotives are unlikely to be on the rails together again. 20

Locomotive crew carry out their duties on the two icons of the British rail as they stand side by side for probably the last time. The Union of South Africa is a LNER Class A4, sister to the Mallard, the world's fastest steam locomotive. It was built in Doncaster in 1937, and originally named Osprey. In the 1980s, its name returned to Osprey, due to political opposition to Apartheid. It was withdrawn from service in June 1966, but made a return to the rails to carry Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Nicola Sturgeon to officially reopen the borders railway between Edinburgh Waverley and Tweedbank.


The Union of South Africa, built in Doncaster in 1937, was originally named Osprey, and is a sister engine to the world's fastest steam locomotive, the Mallard.

The arrival of the Union of South Africa, above, was a big coup for the Didcot Railway Museum, more so as it came at the same time as the Flying Scotsman visit.


The Flying Scotsman has been dubbed the nation's favourite locomotive, and was also built in Doncaster, finished in 1923. It holds two world records, has a top speed of 100mph, and its longest non-stop journey was 441 miles. It became known as the Flying Scotsman when it took on the Edinburgh to London route. According to the team behind the iconic train, the next chapter in the Flying Scotsman story will be its triumphant return as a working museum exhibit, conquering yet another record as the oldest mainline working locomotive on Britain’s tracks.

The Union of South Africa, briefly renamed Osprey during tensions over Apartheid in South Africa in the 1980s, is a sister train to the Mallard.


According to the Flying Scotsman campaign, is will return as a working museum exhibit, conquering yet another record as the oldest mainline working locomotive on Britain’s tracks. Ahead of the 'once-in-a-lifetime' event, Didcot Railway Centre Manager, Roger Orchard said: 'We are delighted to have been chosen by the National Railway Museum to show off their most famous locomotive in our living steam railway museum. Passengers will be able to ride behind Flying Scotsman in beautifully restored carriages from the 1930s and there will be frequent trips to watch and photograph the train as it goes by. 'We look forward to welcoming Flying Scotsman to Didcot again and to further visits in the future.' Ann Middleton, commercial manager, added: 'It is many years since Union of South Africa visited Didcot Railway Centre. To have two Gresley locomotives together, particularly these two locomotives, is quite a coup.' Jim Lowe, head of operations at the National Railway Museum, said: 'Following the successful restoration of the Flying Scotsman, we're delighted to be able to give as many people as possible the opportunity to see this magnificent locomotive in person. 'Embarking on a national tour, we’re visiting Wales, the South and South West of England and will be returning to Didcot over the August Bank Holiday weekend for the first time since the engine was restored. 'We’re excited to be back and expect the crowds to be out in force once again.' 24

The two locomotives raise steam at Didcot early on Monday morning. The Flying Scotsman is on its first tour since extensive work was done.

Thousands of people all over the country converged on Didcot Railway Centre over the Bank Holiday Weekend to get a glimpse of the World Famous Flying Scotsman. Share or comment on this article. (30 Aug. 2017.) 25

UK RAIL: INNOVATION Putting the romance back into travel: Dream makeover for the Caledonian Sleeper will see the service become a 'travelling hotel-style experience' with double-bed suites • • •

A new fleet of 75 carriages is being built as part of a £150million upgrade of the London to Scotland service Operators said the new trains, to be introduced from next spring, would ‘dramatically improve’ the service On-board accommodation will include double-bed suites, en-suite facilities and single and double rooms

By Paul Ward for The Scottish Daily Mail PUBLISHED: 09:55 BST, 31 August 2017 | UPDATED: 11:30 BST, 31 August 2017 With a tasteful, minimalist interior, double bed and en-suite bathroom, it looks more like a trendy hotel room than a railway carriage. But this bijou accommodation belongs to the revamped Caledonian Sleeper, with operators promising a ‘travelling hotel-style experience’. A new fleet of 75 carriages is being built as part of a £150million upgrade of the overnight service between Scotland and London. Operators said the new trains, to be introduced from next spring, will ‘dramatically improve’ the service.

This bijou accommodation belongs to the revamped Caledonian Sleeper, with operators promising a ‘travelling hotel-style experience’. On-board accommodation will include double-bed suites, en-suite facilities, single and double rooms, and accessible rooms for passengers with reduced mobility. There will also be wi-fi throughout the carriages, ‘bespoke comfort seats’ and extra power points. Serco, which runs the service, said the trains would ‘ensure guests enjoy a unique travelling hotel-style experience, waking at their destination refreshed and relaxed having travelled in comfort through the night’. 26

A new fleet of 75 carriages is being built as part of a £150million upgrade of the overnight service between Scotland and London.

Serco, which runs the service, said the trains would ‘ensure guests enjoy a unique travelling hotelstyle experience, waking at their destination refreshed and relaxed having travelled in comfort through the night’.


The sleeper service passes through some of the most amazing scenery in Britain.

On the way out: The old carriages (left). The map on the right reveals the sleeper service's routes from London to the Highlands. Chairman Peter Strachan said: ‘Travelling with the Caledonian Sleeper is a wonderful experience and the new train fleet being introduced will offer a new standard in overnight travel. ‘The sleeper is already a fantastic way to travel and the new trains will improve the service dramatically. ‘The sleeper offers great value for money compared to other travel and accommodation options and, combined with the new train accommodation, will give guests the journey of a night-time.’ The Caledonian Sleeper


Highland route runs between London Euston and Fort William, Inverness, and Aberdeen, while the Lowland route runs between London Euston and Glasgow Central or Edinburgh Waverley. The journeys from Fort William and Inverness to London Euston take around 12 hours, with services from Aberdeen to London taking around 10 hours. Prices for the new-style service are yet to be revealed. Share or comment on this article: - (31 Aug. 2017).

RUSSIAN-JAPANESE: INNOVATION From London to Tokyo by TRAIN: Epic new 8,400-mile route will link the Trans-Siberian railway to Japan • • •

Russian government in serious talks with Japan to finalise plans for Trans-Siberian rail line to link countries Route will include a 28-mile bridge across the Sea of Japan and could operate from London to Tokyo Proposed link described as a 'bridge across history' because Moscow and Tokyo have never signed a treaty formally ending the hostilities of WWII

By Katie French For Mailonline PUBLISHED: 20:54 BST, 7 September 2017 | UPDATED: 00:59 BST, 8 September 2017 An epic 8,400-mile railway route will link London to Tokyo in an ambitious project proposed by the Russian government. Vladimir Putin's officials are currently in serious talks with Japan about constructing a 28-mile bridge to enable trains to cross the sea. The blueprint for the project, once mooted by Stalin, would see passengers travel on a remarkable journey beginning in England's capital before crossing the Channel into Europe.


An epic 8,400-mile railway route will link London to Tokyo in an ambitious project proposed by the Russian government.

Vladimir Putin's officials are currently in serious talks with Japan about constructing a 28-mile ridge to enable trains to cross the sea. 30

The proposed link has been described as a 'bridge across history' because Moscow and Tokyo have failed to sign a treaty formally ending the hostilities of WWII. Pictured above, an artist's impression of the bridge.

The blueprint for the project, once mooted by Stalin, would see passengers travel on a remarkable journey beginning in England's capital before crossing the Channel into Europe. 31

The trains would run through Germany and Poland before entering Eastern Europe and into Russia. The trains would run through Germany and Poland before entering Eastern Europe and into Russia. Passengers would be able to marvel at the snow-capped mountains in Siberia before discovering the stark and deserted countryside of Russia for bulk of the trip. In its final stretch, it is proposed the transits will travel over the Sea of Japan on a purpose-built 28mile long bridge. Russian's vice premier Igor Shuvalov said: 'We are seriously offering our Japanese partners to consider the construction of a mixed road and railway passage from Hokkaido to southern part of Sakhalin.' Sakhalin is Russia's largest island - and it would take a 28-mile bridge or tunnel to link to Hokkaido in northern Japan, which is connected to the country's super-efficient rail network. Shivalov said: 'We are close to starting our part of the job.'


Passengers would be able to marvel at the snow-capped mountains in Siberia before discovering the stark and deserted countryside of Russia for bulk of the trip.

In its final stretch, it is proposed the transits will travel over the Sea of Japan on a purpose-built 28mile long bridge. Pictured above, a Trans-Siberia train.


The proposed link to Japan has been described as a 'bridge across history' because Moscow and Tokyo have failed to sign a treaty formally ending the hostilities of the Second World War. This is due to Stalin's grab of the Kuril Islands in 1945, the subject of a long running territorial dispute. But with Putin keen to boost investment in the Russian Far East, relations are warming and the Japanese are looking at pouring money into the disputed islands. Shuvalov said Japan would become a 'continental state' if the rail links become reality. Putin's environment guru Sergei Ivanov said a link to oil and gas rich Sakhalin - half of which was controlled by Tokyo before the Second World War - was a 'long held dream -- even Comrade Stalin planned to do it.' A bridge between the Russian mainland and Sakhalin has been costed at around ÂŁ4 billion, while a link to Japan is likely to be more expensive. The scheme was unveiled at Russia's Eastern Economic Forum hosted in Vladivostok by Putin. Japan does not claim its former territory on Sakhalin but does seek to restore the southernmost Kuril Islands to Tokyo's rule.

Putin's environment guru Sergei Ivanov said a link to oil and gas rich Sakhalin - half of which was controlled by Tokyo before the Second World War - was a 'long held dream -- even Comrade Stalin planned to do it'. 34

Shuvalov said Japan would become a 'continental state' if the rail links become reality. (8 Sept 2017.) WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS Sightings: 12 Aug 2017 Hi guys. Got the Friedesheim timber shunt yesterday. Cheers. John & Jacque.



Sightings: 29 Aug 2017: J & J Wepener Hi Guys, Got the return working of the Bloemfontein pick-up between Welgeleë and Cronnel, heading back to Kroonstad. The Welgeleë pick-up from yesterday was staged at Welgeleë and this train was combined with the BFX train. There is a total shutdown again on the lines from Springfontein to East London and Port Elizabeth. Bethlehem station has burnt down - still don't have the full details. Cheers. J & J. (30 Aug 2017).


Comments by an old Railwayman with steam in his veins “The locos (Elec & Diesel) hauling the BFX pick-up are an absolute disgrace! In SAR days, not all locos were pristine - far from it but, I never saw anything as grubby as the locos in your photos. As for the burning of Bethlehem Station - I'm at a loss for words - our beautiful sandstone railway buildings being systematically destroyed!� Sightings: 31 Aug 2017: J & J Wepener Hi Guys. Got the return working of the Skoonspruit pick-up. Just past Mooiveld and just before Hennenman. The rumours are there again that Transnet are going to take over or rather take back the Grindrod ore haulage. Cheers. J & J.



Saturday morning sightings 1 September 2017 Hi Guys. This morning at 06:30 I arrived at Welkom station awaiting the Skoonspruit pick-up for some foot plating. The wind made the temperature well below freezing... A couple of pics at Welkom station, Grindrod and the old Rest rooms. Arrival and departure at Welkom, heading to Friedesheim and at Friedesheim. Grindrod returning from Frieddes 1 shaft at Odendaalsrus with the 36 class. The timber trucks standing here are from yesterday's Bothaville pick-up, crew's time being up. Yesterday the Friedesheim and Bothaville trains were combined due to a shortage of drivers. The Bultfontein pick-up also ran today, she turned around at Wesselsbron and will pick up this load. The diesel was already taken with this morning for reason only known to the crew. We heard on the radio that she was at Wesselsbron. This made us pick up the pace in order to return and run ahead of her back to Kroonstad, otherwise the trip could get long, with delays stuck behind this train waiting for the section to clear ahead of us before we could proceed. Approaching Chrisbouw, Arrival at Allanridge. This train staged here was yesterday's Wesselbron pick-up, also crew's time up, we brought this load back. The staged train's diesel was started up and left idling so when we returned the temperature and all things would be ready for a quick departure - have a look at the diesel smoke to give you an idea of the Free State cold!! Part 2 to follow...




Saturday morning sightings 1 September 2017: Part 2 Hi Guys. Departure from Allanridge, the old coaling stage - those sleepers are the warning board!! Anything metal gets stolen... En-route to Rooiblom, if you look carefully there are a lot of flamingos on the pan. Arrival at Rooiblom, left to Bultfontein and right to Vierfontein. Departing Rooiwal for Skoonspruit, at Skoonspruit we dropped the load and headed back "gatkant" first to Allanridge. I include the picture of the cab heater because it was only working when given a kick!! Every bump in the track made it cut out - a few kicks and it was working again, even with the hotplate on full blast as well the cab remained cold. We arrived at Allanridge and pulled alongside the other 34, as we were going to swop cabs from here. This brought back memories of working trains crossing point, carrying over all the kit to the new train. Departure from Allanridge. It was warming up now at least on the outside!! Part 3 to follow...




Saturday morning sightings 1 September 2017: Part 3 Hi Guys. We left Allanridge - have a look at the state of the surrounding area at the township... Transnet train crews use more packaging tape that a postal service – each and every nook and cranny get sealed as the icy wind blows in through everything and anything with gaps...


Arriving at Odendaalsrus and through Friedesheim, Grindrod waiting for us to clear the section, they have come from Freddies 5 shaft. Approaching and departure Welkom. The pics inside the diesel are what the new Brightstar's look like inside - that is showing 2716 Horse power this loco is putting out !! The other shot is of the Telemeter as we brought back an air braked train. The driver can do an emergency application from the cab to the back of the train at the Telemeter. The Brighstars are much more quiet than the normal 34's inside the cab. Last we heard Grindrod might be finishing end of October ?? Cheers. J & J. Some info from John: Stations/sidings/halts/stopping places on the *Saturday sightings. Copied from O.F.S. - W.T.B. diagram. 0km. Whites 2km. Whites West (Signal Cabin) 8km. Mooiveld (Siding to Zommerveld, explosive siding, closed by road). 16km. Kaalvlei 21km. Mothusi 24km. Welkom* 31km. Friediesheim* 38km. Odendaalsrus* 46km. Chrisbouw* 52km. Allanridge* 65km. Rooiblom* 66km. Junction West* 66km. Junction East* 2km. Rooiblom East* (Ex Junction East) To North. 78km. Rooiblom East* (Ex Vierfontein) 70km. Skoonspruit* (Do.) 63km. Golden Fleece (Do.) 57km. Schuttesdraai (Do.) 37km. Bothaville (Do.) 20km. Mirage (Do.) 11km. Karookom (Do.) 11km. Bourke's Sdg. (Do.) 7km. Manna (Do.) 0km. Vierfontein To South. 1km. Rooiblom West (Ex Junction West) 80km. Ancona (Ex Vierfontein) 90km. Losdorings (Do.) 95km. Erfdeel (Do.) 106km. Wesselsbron (Do.) 117km. Besempan (Do.) 126km. Tierfontein (Do.) 136km. Willemsrus (Do.) 47

147km. Protespan 154km. Stillerus 262km. Bultfontein

(Do.) (Do.) (Do.)





Sightings 5 September 2017 Hi Guys. Noticed the northward signals were green at Virginia. The TCO at Kroonstad said that a trolley had just left WelgeleĂŤ and a goods train had just departed from Gunhill. We decided to get both movements between Whites and Hennenman. A bonus was a return working from the branch. The trolley sped past with plenty of hoots and waves from the crew. Lastly the BFX bound load came through with a 34 & 35 class in toe for the shops at Bloemfontein. Cheers. J & J.


More defence force railway lines Hi Hennie, Doing research on the East OFS line, we came upon the following Military lines. Authority Opened From To 1914 Union Act No. 2/1914 18.01.1915. Prieska Louisvale Road behalf of UDF by SAR, added to open lines on date mentioned. 1916 Union Act No. 43 miles Do.

01.08.1915. Louisvale Rd

Miles Remarks 143 miles. Built on

SWA Border (Nakop) 88

1916 Union No, 41 01.08.1915. Walvis Bay Swakop River 22m Do. Line built along coast. Drift sand problem. Replaced 1974 inland. The above lines plus all lines built by German authorities, OMEG and other private builders were taken over by the SAR in 1922. 1922 Union Act No. 22/1922 - 01.04.1922 Acquired by Government. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (3 Aug 2017)

Even more defence force railway lines Lenz het Spoorweg sylyne (Diens lyne). Jan Kempdorp ook. Jacque was daar en het na ou lokomotiewe gekyk, nou tot niet. Soldaat het gesê: “Be careful, there are WWII old bombs in the long veld-grass”. Nog ‘n lyn was vanaf Simmer and Jack halt naby Germiston, na ‘n Britse bergings depot in Bezuidenhouts Valley. Volgens Bruno’s kaarte soos volg: Lyn na: 47th Field Artillery Company of Royal Engineers. “Bezuidenhouts Light Railway”. 3.5km from Simmer and Jack Mine siding to Engineers Stores Depot in Bezuidenhouts Valley. Gauge 600/610mm - 2’ Foot. In operation 1900 - 1902. Simmer and Jack stop plek nog sigbaar op Weste kant op draai, tussen Driehoek en Geldenhuis Passasiers stopplekke. Spoorweggroete, John en Jacque. (4 Aug. 2017).


Station/Halt/Siding/Stopping Places, with Proud, working etc names. Hi all, Have a bit of free time, thought I would look up these names. No longer applicable in present RSA. System 1. System 2. Cook’s Pride. (None anymore). Bad Hope. (Lots of that).

System 3. Perserverance. (Staff has none). Power. (ESKOM battling). Blywend. (No staying power). Geduldrivier. (No patience). Buurman. (Can they be trusted). Nuwe plaas. (Will be barren next season). System 4. Oudag. (Baie kry swaar). Swaartrek. (Baie kry swaar). Picnic. (No more). System 5. Vebetering. (No chance). Voorspoed. (Niks meer nie). Rustig. (Not any longer). Passie. (No more left). Protespan. (Daily protests). Welkom. (Are we Welcome?). Glen Harmony. (No harmony anymore). Hersteloord. (SA can’t be repaired). Sorghoek. (Regering sorg slegs vir self). Immigrant. (Lots of illegal ones). Valschfontein. (Fake imports on rise). [The OFS had 5 name boards with the “k” word. (K-river two spellings, K-stad two spellings and K river tank). System 6. Noodhulp. (Needed in SA). Jacobs. [Not related to J Zupta]. Success. [None here anymore]. System 7. Industria. (Many closing down). Horison(Not bright). Bank. (Safe?). Gatsrand. Rietgat. (Ons almal “G” vol). Tywfelspoort. (All have doubts). Hardeklip. (Ons kou harde klippe deesdae). Gatiep. (Ja meneer ek’s nog hier). 54

Kaalfontein. (Belasting betaalers word kaal uit getrek). President. (Zupta). New Era. (Corruption/Bribery). Blinkpan. (Niks blink meer nie). Broodplaas. (Staple food expensive). Stoffberg. (Stof wil nie gaan le nie oor zupta/guptas). Pynbos. (Baie pyn in SA). Confidence. (None. No investments). Sukkelaar. (Almal sukkel nou). Koolbank. (ESKOM contracts). [Houtkop changed to Houtheuwel]. System 8. Werkmetlus. [Nobody even works anymore]. The pioneers of long ago knew something with the above railway names, which was a clear warning of today’s disasters. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (11 Aug 2017) 1991 "Spoornet" diagram. [Compared to 1970 diagram]. Hi all, An icy indoors day today, 2c at 09h00 outside 12c inside, very windy. Snow on W Cape mountains, including Matroosberg. Pity railway pass closed. Lootsberg also snowing. E Cape road passes closed. Italic were in use 1970. Shown on paper diagram bought at Bookstalls/CNA JHB concourse 25c. [Departmental diagrams ordered marked “Gratis”]. Mass bridges System 1. Table Bay Harbour, Bellville, Worcester. System 2. Upington. De Aar System 3. Mossel Bay, Noupoort. System 4. East London. System 5. Bloemfontein, Bethlehem. Kroonstad System 6. Ladysmith(N), Point. System 7. Langlaagte. Germiston 55

System 8. Pretoria, Hercules, Witbank, Waterval Boven, Pietersburg. System 9. Ermelo. Doubt left in working order. No single truck loads transported. Block loads only. Mass supplied by consignees. (Grain/Ore/Coal etc). Livestock feeding/watering stations. System 1. Bellville, Worcester, Beaufort West. Bellville/Worcester/Hutchinson emergency feeding/watering station. System 2. Beaconsfield, Upington. Upington, then under System 9, was emergency station System 3. Noupoort. Mossel Bay/Oudtshoorn/Kliplaat/Noupoort/Grahamstown were emergency stations. System 4. Queenstown. Burgersdorp/Rosmead were emergency stations. System 5. Bloemfontein, Kroonstad, Bethlehem. Bethlehem/Bloemfontein were emergency station. System 6. Ladysmith (N), Pietermaritzburg. Empangeni/Gingindlovu/Stanger/Portshepstone/Pietermaritzburg/Dalton/Greyto wn/Ladysmith (N) were emergency stations. System 7. None. Germiston/Mafeking/Volksrust/Breyten were emergency stations. System 8. Pietersburg, Nelspruit, Komatipoort. Old SWA. System 9. Keetmanshoop/Windhoek/Usakos were emergency stations. Today none left. Livestock by road. Koue Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (17 Aug 2017)


Local/Suburban services in Angola, D.R.C., Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Hi all, Busy with Museum cleaning and rearranging, found documents about Angola, Botswana, D.R.C., Kenya, Swaziland, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zanzibar, Zimbabwe. The same as the lists we have for RSA. Have no idea of when and from whom they were received. Reading through them the following came to light. Local/suburban trains on following sections. [ ] Former station name. Angola. 0km. Lobito 2km. Lobito-Compao [Compao] 4km. Sao Miguel 11km. Catumbela [Katumbela] 15km. Negrao 21km. Catumbela-Praia 25km. Damba Maria 31km. Benguela-Cavaco 33km. Benguela [Benguella] a. Daily Congo. 0km. Brazzaville. 10km. Ngoma Tse-Tse b. A number of New Zeeland EMU sets, converted to DMU sets Welkom. Shipped to Congo, painted blue. Firm closed down. Large number of coaches in old goods yard, many derailed. A sad site. D.R.C. 0km. 0km. 11km. km. km. km.

Kinshasa Cite [Leopoldville Cite] Kinshasa Est. [Leopoldville Est.] N’Dolo Funa -Bokassa (Branch) Limete

0km. Limete km. Masina km. Tshenke km. N’Djili Aeroporto. c. Served by Kinshasa suburban services. Kenya. 0km. Nairobi 6km. Makadara [Makongeni] 9km. Embakasi (Airport) 0km . Nairobi 5km. Saba Halt 57

10km. Kibera 0km. Mombasa Old Port (Customs House) 1km. Mombasa club 2km. Bank 4km. -Branch Hospital 5km. -Branch P.C’s house 4km. -Branch Government house. 5km. -Branch Light House 5km. -Branch Quarry 5km. -Branch Sports club 6km. -Branch Cemetery 11km. Old station/town. 11km. -Branch Telegraph Office 12km. Town at Kilindini 20km. -Branch Kilindini harbour area A 600mm line, manually operated. To transport goods and passengers.*** Mauritius. 0km. Curepipe km. Rose Hill 26km. Port Louis d. Construction to start soon. Mozambique. 0km Beira*** km. In town A 600mm line. Manually operated for goods/passengers. Mom visited family in Beira, pushed by servants around town shopping/visits in trolleys. Have wooden vases/ small round boxes bought there. [1930’s]. 0k Maputo [Lourenco Marque/Delagoa Bay] 10km. Machava 21km. Beluluane 29km. Estevel 35km. Boane 37km. Umpala 58km. Mallana 68km. Goba e. 2 trains daily to Goba with return working, plus Saturdays excluding holidays to Boane. 0km. 1km. 7km. 10km. 15km. 16km. 20km. 21km. 24km. 27km. 28km. 31km.

Maputo [Sao Jose de Lhanguene/Sao Jose de Languene] Campo de Corridas [Aeroporto/Mavalane] Bairro Ferroviario Gara de Mercadorias [Mahotas/Dona Alice] New goods offices/sheds* Romao Chicubele [Chicabekla] [Albasini/Albazine/Albasine] Jafar Habele Papucaides [Papucides-Revez] 58

31km. Santa Maria 35km. Marracune [Vila Luiza/Vila Luisa] 42km. Bolaze km. Moveja km. Fonte Santa km. Bobole km. Tuluine km. Martins de Azevedo km. Munguine km. Tavira km. Massingele 79km. Manhinca [Manhinca] km. Cal 115km. Ungubana -Junction to Xinavane** 125km. Magude 150km. Pontia 156km. Mapapene km. Boa Esperanca 158km. Motaze 174km. Mazinchopes km. Rodrigues 196km. Sagres 190km. Leonde 201km. Chokwe[Guija] km. [Alideia do Guija] km. [Vila Trigo de Morais] km. [Alferes Chamusca] km. Trigo De Morais 212km. Matuba 221km. Aldela da Barrage 228km. Chinhacanine 244km. Mont’ alto 258km. Bucaco 267km. Niza 295km. Mabalane km. [Villa Pinto Teixeira] km. Pinto Teixeira 310km. Luso 318km. Aviz 327km. Hoyo-Hoyo 342km. [Combomune] 357km. Chaves 371km. Gerez 401km. M’Puzi 403km. Regua 438km. Mapai 460km. Nadulo 470km. 1st station [Chicualacuala] 484km. Vouga 485km. Vouzela km. Curia 522km. 2ND Station Chicualacuala [Malvernia] 59

Rhodesia/Zimbabwe border. f. 4 daily plus 6 on other weekdays with return workings. Some only to Vila Luisa, Manhinca, Magude, Aldela Da Barragem and Malvernia. 0km. Maputo 2km. [Oficinas Gerais/Cubine] Old Goods offices/sheds.* 10km. Machava 11km. Daniel 20km. Matola [Matolla] 25km. Siduaba 31km. Tenga 39km. Pesswene 47km. Maguanza 53km. Moamba (Junction to Ungubana) km. Golomo 75km. Dingue 88km. Mangulane 99km. Chinhanguanine 112km. Gonclaves [Km. 111.3] [Km 112] 128km. Ungubana [Magude 1st station] **Junction to Xinavane km. Santa Rita 143km. Xinavane g. 4 daily trains on weekdays with return workings to Xinavane. 0km. Maputo 10km. Machava 11km. Daniel 20km. Matola 25km. Siduaba 31km. Tenga 39km. Pesswene 47km. Maguanza 53km. Moamba (Junction to Ungubana) 62km. Secongene 69km. Movene 76km. Chanculo 80km Incomati 88km. Ressano Garcia. 91km. Komatipoort h. i.

4 daily to Ressano Garcia , 1 to Komatipoort all with return workings. Eight New Zeeland, DMU sets on way to Mozambique. With spares.

Namibia. 0km. Windhoek 3km. Gamams [Gammans] 4km. Ausspann 8km. Aigams [Klein Windhoek] 11km. Mavis 25km. Hoffnung 29km. Finkenstein 31km. Kapps 60

46km. Neudamm [Kollege] 51km. Ondekaremba. 57km. Sam Njoma Airport j. Proposed link. Manual operated trolley lines in Duits-Wes Afrika.*** • Swakopmund town railway. • Karibib town railway. • Okahandja town railway. • Windhoek town railway. • Usakos town railway. • Luderitzbucht town railway. Uganda. 0km. Luzira/Port Bell [Port Kampala] 11km. Kampala k. Mono-rail (1909-1912). Zambia. 0km. Njanji km. Matero km. Kabanae km. Highland km. Chipate km. Mpulungu km. Chilenje Zanzibar. Also had 600mm trolley manual operated lines in town. Zimbabwe. 0km. Harare [Salisbury] 7km. Lochinvar 0km. Harare [Salisbury] 14km. Mabvuku Sadly, most no longer in service. 24 in Africa states. Plus at one stage 150 services in RSA. There will be numerous local/suburban services in North Africa. Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. West Africa Ghana and Nigeria. Africa railways all deteriorated after independence and withdrawal of colonial powers, including RSA. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (31 Aug 2017)


SAR: RAILWAY HISTORY 1937 Railway Tour and bedding Tickets: Via Elsmarie Wellman Front cover

Ticket Mossel Bay to Oudtshoorn

Inside cover 62

It is wonderful to receive an 80-year-old gem and to publish it here for coming generations.



Bedding tickets



I have seen elephants and oxen doing shunting but never horses! (Photo via Facebook). More info will be welcome.


“I can even smell the leather and the unique aroma of a SAR compartment in the old days. Here the holiday began on entering the compartment. Those days are gone for ever! 66

1st Class via Morne van Zyl - 1ste klas



15E No 2858 on a trail run during 1935


15E 2862: Between Nelspoort and Beaufort West South African Railways & Harbours Magazine: 1940-07-940

15E 2878 by Boon Boonzaaier. 69

15E 2878 Date: 1985 Photo by: SJ Lepard


Number plate: 15E 2879 (Photo: Japie Terblanche)

15E 2879: Photo via Facebook by Gerhard Ruhnau 71

Hallo Hennie, Yes, I have the photo that you sent to me and other photos showing the test cowls around the chimney. These tests were conducted to try and eliminate the problem of smoke being sucked down over the smooth boiler-top and hence restricting the driver's view ahead. The smooth boiler-top created a vacuum at speed which pulled the smoke down. The cowls were not successful and one new 15E no.2885 built by Henschel & Sohn of Kassel, was fitted in Germany with "Wagner" smoke deflectors as a further test and this was successful and became the standard design for smoke deflectors on the SAR. So, engine 15E no. 2885 can lay claim to being the very first SAR locomotive to be fitted with "Wagner" smoke deflectors! See photo attached. The other style of smoke deflector was also of German design and known as the "Witte" style smoke deflector. Witte deflectors were fitted to the SAR class 20 when she was converted to an experimental condensing locomotive in 1950. Witte smoke deflectors were also fitted to the Red Devil class 26 no.3450 when she was first converted at Salt River Shops to David Wardale's design. These were later replaced by much bigger (and ugly!!) smoke deflectors which were sometimes called "Elephant Ears"! Even the standard "Wagner" deflectors were sometimes known as "Elephant Ears". Regards, Oom Les. NB: I forgot to add that the small test cowls around the chimney were fitted by SAR engineers in South Africa – not Germany. 72

Photo: Les Pivnic Collection.

BETHLEHEM STEAM (via the late IB Nel and Japie Terblanche)

Japie Terblanche writes: “My Bethlehem-stookmaat en mede-graadverteenwoodiger gewees, foto deur wyle IB Nel.”



ONCE UPON A TRAIN. Legends of the line. During her trial period at Capital Park shed in the early 1980's, the RED DEVIL'S regular crew was driver Carel Vos and pictured here, fireman Stoffel Van Rensburg. 74

ONCE UPON A TRAIN: After her service in Zimbabwe, she returned to Capital Park and stands here withdrawn from service on the scrap line in 1988. A section of armour plating that was fitted to counter the Terrorist activity in Zimbabwe, hangs to the side to reveal where the cab-side number plate once resided. GMAM Garratt number 4071. 75

ONCE UPON A TRAIN: The ballast train workings on the line from Greenview to Sentrarand, were often worked by double header 15F Ballast loads, which were either collected from the siding at Koedoespoort or from the yard at Pyramid South. Here we are returning to Capital Park after dropping off a load of empties at Pyramid South and my regular loco 3127 and driver Cliff Petzer, behind another F, await the signal at Hercules. A final fire has been rolled in from the mechanical stoker, to see me through to the depot at Capital Park and then home. 1981.


ONCE UPON A TRAIN. A good deal of shunting in Pretoria was tackled by Capital Parks selection of 15CA locomotives. Housing the bulk of the class, they were used all over. The "Nywerheid" (Industrial) shuts were worked mostly around the Pretoria West area. A 15CA gets to grip with a load of DZ Loaded containers in the late 1970's.

ONCE UPON A TRAIN: End of days 1988 as a 15F stands gathering cobwebs and rust, under the coal stage at Capital Park, after being withdrawn from service. Lowenthals Scrap Metal merchants got most of the locomotives, which were towed away to their yard near Germiston. The loco is long gone and today this is the only remaining operational coal stage in South Africa, used by Rovos Rail and for many years, by, Friends of the Rail. 77


Photo 1: Photographer unknown, I have seen this photo on various Facebook pages. Any idea who the photographer is?

Foto 2: SA Weermag Vereeniging (Facebook). 78

Foto 3: SA Weermag Vereniging (Facebook)

ABO Britse pantsertrein 15 November 1899, Chievely. Martin Bossenbroek, 2012; p 161.

Permission Dear Hennie, Thanks for your phone call and subsequent email. Permission is granted. Many thanks, Janine Daniel: Jacana Publishers (11 Sept. 2017). 79


Dis ‘n skitterende boek oor die Anglo Boere-oorlog!


A British WW2 Hospital Train

Photo credit: WW2 Colourised Photos - Colorized by Jack McCarthy from the USA from an IWM photo.



Near Rossmead.

SUNDAY MEDIA: 10 SEPT. 2017: NEW RAILWAY LINE REPORTS. Hi all, Sunday papers are always covering or uncovering non-conformance with State regulations on granting contracts. Two mentioned. 1. Moloto metro line from Pretoria. China railway construction Company given contract, no tender process followed. 2. Large water project also no tender process followed. The evil bribery and corruption bug rears its ugly head again? More Railway related news. 1. The long-planned line from RSA/Swaziland/Mozambique to be implemented. This line is from Lothair towards Sidvokodva, onwards Maputo and Richards Bay. Start to be made soon to improve rail infrastructure on Goba and Swaziland tracks. 2. At a R77million cost, survey of route, Waterberg coal line to be started. This line will be built onwards to Botswana. Originally stated new line Nylstroom to Vaalwater. Onwards past Ellisras to Botswana. Eventually to link with Namibia near Gobabis and point in Caprivi Strip, onwards to Zambia. More chances of bribery and corruption. Leadership making a last bid to enrich themselves, before losing to opposition groups. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque Wepener. 83


Photo received via Nico Moolman.

’N GESIG VIR SEER OË: LT.-KOL. ERIC SAMUELS Oom Piet Sameuls sê dat dit vir hom gelyk het of spoorweg gedurende die dertigerjare ’n beleid gehandhaaf het om hardlywigheid onder sy personeel te bevorder met die dat kondukteurswaens nie toilette gehad het nie. Hierdie slag was dit ou Jan wat aan die kortste ent getrek het. Met oom Jack se aanstelling as leerlingkondukteur was ou Jan die senior kondukteur en tydens hul aflosdiens op die Steelpoort-Belfast trajek moes hy dus vir oom Jack die pad leer. Dit het beteken hy moes gevaarlike plekke, die afstande en die looptye van ’n trein ken, asook uitstaande punte soos bv. besonderse bome of rotse waaraan hy hulle posisie sou kon identifiseer sou dit misweer of onweer wees. Alles dinge wat ’n kondukteur moet weet wanneer hy met ’n trein oor ’n bepaalde trajek beweeg. Soms is dit net so dat as ’n man moet gaan, dan moet jy gaan en met iets soos ’n probleemmaag wat nie wil wag as jy nog bietjie wil wag nie, was die afwesigheid van toilette in die kondukteurswa van ’n bewegende trein ietwat van ’n groot probleem.

Die dag toe dit Jan oorgekom het, het hy dit dus ook as deel van sy pligte geag om prakties met stap vir stap aanwysings aan sy leerling te demonstreer wat hy in so ’n geval moes maak. Eers is die baadjie en onderbaadjie uitgetrek en netjies aan ’n haak opgehang. Die skoene was volgende, netjies langs mekaar geplaas. Dan die broek ook netjies opgehang waarna die onderbroek afgestroop is. Heel laaste was die das, want die sou darem sekerlik nie gepas het by die adamsgewaad nie. Jan het ook nie vergeet van die noodsaaklike papierwerk wat gedoen moes 84

word nie. Die laaste bladsy van die treinjoernaalboek is sorgvuldig uitgeskeur, ’n paar keer klein gevou en toe in sy mond vasgeknyp, want hy het sy hande nodig gehad om aan die relings vas te hou wanneer hy stadig al langs die trappe aan die buitekant van die kondukteurswa moes loop. Die enkele trappie het destyds al langs die hele lengte van die kondukteurswa gestrek en bokant dit, ongeveer in die helfte, was ’n handreling wat ook oor die hele lengte geloop het. Dus was dit moontlik en ook veilig om buite teen die wa af te loop terwyl die trein in beweging was. Aan die kort agter- en voorkant van die wa was daar twee reëlings wat min of meer vanaf die middel van die wa skuins na bo geloop het. Deur die naaste een van die skuins relings te gryp, kon ’n mens tot bo-op die buffer van die remwa beweeg. Al wat Jan op die ou end aangehad het, was sy wit hemp. Dié het wapperend agter hom in die wind gestaan terwyl hy, met die noodsaaklike dokument in sy mond vasgeknyp, sy kaalstert-tog na die agterkant van die kondukteurswa begin het. Aangedryf deur die dreigende nood het hy rats en so vinnig as wat die stampende kondukteurswa hom wou toelaat, sywaarts na agter geskuifel en sommer gou-gou het hy, met behulp van die skuins relings, op die agterste buffer van die wa gestaan. Met sy hande krampagtig om die kort relingkies geknel en sy knieë effens vorentoe gebuig het hy na agtertoe gehang en sy twee ronde en spierwit vleisbroodjies so ver as moontlik in die lugleegte agter hom uitgestoot. Sy hemp het soos ’n ballon na agtertoe uitgebol en terwyl spoorwegklippe en twee blink spore in ’n aaneenlopende streep onder hom deurrol, het sy lyf ritmies op en af saam met die voortsnellende wa gewieg. Dit was in daardie stilte net voor die storm dat die kondukteurswa oor ’n gelyk oorgang vir voertuie gerol het. In die motor met sy afslaankap wat langs die spoor gestaan en wag het vir die trein om verby te gaan, het drie mooi jong dames gesit. Niemand sal ooit weet wat hulle van die petalje gedink het nie, maar Oom Jack het vertel dat ou Jan daarna vir amper ’n maand lank hardlywig was.


Gawie in ou SWA waar hy op sy “ou” spore terugloop. Hy was lank polisieman in die bos. 85


Trollie no. 15; 4,5 perdekrag, gedurende 1909 [Foto: P4095] 86

Trollie No. 69 [P4096].

Tunnel, Sir Lowry’s Pass [P4097]. 87

Trollie No. 15 [P4101].

Another photo of Trolley No 15 on operational duty [Photo: P4103]. 88


Armoured train at Waterval Onder via Nico Moolman.

CHINESE INNOVATION China re-launches 'the world's fastest bullet train' running at 217 mph six years after shocking railway crash killed 40 people • • •

'Fuxing' bullet trains were put to use today between Beijing and Shanghai The maximum speed of the trains has been raised - six years after a speed cap Made-in-China Fuxing is said to be the world's fastest commercially used trains

By Tracy You For Mailonline Published: 10:44 BST, 21 September 2017 | Updated: 12:09 BST, 21 September 2017 China today raised the maximum speed of its bullet trains to 217 mph (350 kmh) - six years after a fatal high-speed railway crash had shocked the world. The new bullet trains, called 'Fuxing', are said to be the fastest commercially used trains in the world. The super-fast locomotives cut down the travel time between Shanghai and Beijing, the two main cities in China, from five hours to four hours and 28 minutes. In the 1990s, the same journey could take a day and a night.


A quick journey: The Fuxing bullet train runs on the Beijing-Shanghai Railway in Changzhou in China's eastern Jiangsu province on September 21. China raised the maximum speed of its bullet trains back to 217 mph (350kmh) today six years after a speed cap was imposed.

Ready to be impressed: A passenger takes a selfie with a Fuxing bullet train before it departs from Beijing South Railway Station to Shanghai today. With a top speed of 248 mph (400 kmh), Fuxing is said to be the world's fastest commercially used bullet train. 90

Fatal crash: In 2011, a two-train collision near Wenzhou, eastern China, killed 40 people and injured 191 (pictured). The accident led the authority to put a speed cap on all bullet trains. In 2011, China ordered all bullet trains to lower its maximum speed from 217 mph to 186 mph (300 mph) after a collision involving two bullet trains near the city of Wenzhou had killed 40 people and injured 191. Seven pairs of Fuxing bullet trains were put to use from midnight today on the Beijing-Shanghai railway line, the busiest railway line in China which serves 505,000 passengers daily. Beijing said the latest speed increase was a milestone 'for the world's commercial railway service achieved by China', according to a commentary on the news from People's Daily Online.


All aboard! Super-fast Fuxing (pictured) cuts down the travel time between Shanghai and Beijing, the two main cities in China, from five hours to four hours and 28 minutes.

Lightning speed: A Fuxing bullet train departs from Beijing South Railway Station to Shanghai, as the country restores the world's fastest bullet train which runs at 217 mph (350 kmh). 92

China unveiled the glitzy Fuxing bullet trains on June 26. Fuxing, whose name means 'rejuvenation', boasts a top speed of 248 mph (400 kmh), which means it would take the train just an hour and 14 minutes to travel from London to Paris. Fuxing is the first bullet train designed and manufactured by Chinese engineers without help from the West, according to Chinese state media. Chinese companies spent 13 years learning to build the world-class high-speed train after acquiring know-how from leading firms in developed countries, such as Japan, France, Germany and Canada.

Fuxing is said to be the first bullet train designed and manufactured by Chinese engineers without help from the West. Workers spent three years developing the model.


China's high-speed railway network measures a staggering 13,670 miles (22,000 kilometres), which is about 60 per cent of the world's total. Pictured, A Fuxing bullet train (left) runs past a Hexie bullet train, the last bullet train model, on the Beijing-Shanghai Railway today. Workers from more than 20 Chinese companies joined forces to form a core team in order to build Fuxing. The model was developed and built within three years. The operator of the new trains is the China Railway Corporation, based in Beijing. There are currently two models under the Fuxing series, namely CR400AF and CR400BF. The sleek and super-fast bullet trains are also more comfortable than China's previous bullet train models as they provide free Wi-Fi coverage and more legroom in all carriages. Fuxing's on-board monitoring system has been described as 'sophisticated'. It could automatically slow the train in case of emergencies or abnormal conditions. Prior to Fuxing, China's bullet trains were called 'Hexie', or Harmony.


The 'flying train' is a passenger pod that travels through a vacuum tube using magnetic levitation similar to Elon Musk's Hyperloop, which is set to reach speeds of 760 mph. China's high-speed railway network measures a staggering 13,670 miles (22,000 kilometres), which is about 60 per cent of the world's total. Last month, the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) announced it had started looking into creating a 'high-speed flying train' that could reach speeds of 2,485 mph (4,000kmh), according to state-run space contractors. If the project goes through as planned, this super train could move at four times the speed of commercial flights and three times the speed of sound.

The 'High-Speed Flying Train' The 'flying train' is a passenger pod that travels through a vacuum tube using magnetic levitation similar to Elon Musk's hyperloop. If the train reaches these speeds it means it could whip along at four times the speed of commercial flights and three times the speed of sound. Contractors claims their tube system will be the first designed for supersonic speeds - although their first aim to hit more modest speeds of 621 mph (1,000 kmh). Earlier this month, Hyperloop One completed the first successful test of the passenger pod for its radical transport system, travelling at historic speeds of 193 mph (310 kmh) (22 Sept. 2017). 95


The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures. Cape Town Every month Metrorail loses 70 train carriages due to fires and vandalism in Cape Town.

A cat makes its home in a gutted Metrorail carriage. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures At Maitland station, there is a whole "graveyard" of burnt out and vandalised train carriages. Last month two entire trains were set alight in Cape Town. 96

The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures On a daily basis Metrorail reports vandalism of signals and cable theft.

A cat makes its home in a gutted Metrorail carriage. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures Metrorail’s Riana Scott said suspects have been arrested in connection with cable theft.


The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures A few weeks ago, another person was arrested while in the process of vandalising a train carriage.

A cat makes its home in a gutted Metrorail carriage. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures “The estimated repair cost and the value of the cable recovered amounted to R400 000.


The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures. "With regards to train windows - these have been the target of vandals for decades, initially for their aluminium frames, then later entire windows would disappear only to surface in informal dwellings," Scott said.

A cat makes its home in a gutted Metrorail carriage. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures “It was suspected at the time that the thieves would sell the windows onto unsuspecting homebuilders. 99

The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures. "Subsequently our engineers designed half-drop windows with polycarbonate shrouds.

A cat makes its home in a gutted Metrorail carriage. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures. "Windows are still being vandalised. Their absence will not necessarily delay trains but is inconvenient to our customers especially during winter and rainy weather,� she said. 100

The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures. Metrorail regional manager Richard Walker said they wanted to eradicate crime from rail precincts.

The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures. "We encourage communities and commuters to be part of the fight against crime by reporting suspicious behaviour. A reward of up to R25 000 is payable for any information leading to a conviction,� he said.


The "train graveyard" in Salt River, Cape Town. Picture: David Ritchie/ANA Pictures. A commuter at Maitland station who wanted to remain anonymous, said: “The fact that trains are being burnt out like this, is sad because all of us are being affected by it.” Source: Cape Argus. Reference: Received from J & J Wepener.


From glass-plate negatives – Nico Moolman. 102

TREINE / TRAINS: NIC OOSTHUIZEN Aloe Festival / Aalwynfees



Die Skim se trein Hierdie is die “SKIM” se trein. ‘n Klas 91 diesel wat loop op Ixopo. Kyk hoe mooi “halo” het my lens om die lig gemaak.

Atlantic Rail

Op Spier Landgoed se stasie op pad Stellenbosch toe; geneem in Februarie 2017. 105


Die wonder van elke nuwe dag. The view from the engine driver’s office.



Oom Japie sê: “Ekke op my eige draai, met my Geliefkoosde Trein, met my Geliefde Vriend, Jaco Holtzhausen agter die ysters.”


Japie sê: “My kleinboet, stoomdrywer, Piet Terblanche.


PRESS CUTTINGS: Elsmarie Wellman Often-forgotten chapter from nostalgic steam era


Sea Point / Seepunt – Victoria Falls

Source: Most probably the Cape Argus. 110

The Toy Train that came in from the Cold

Source: Weekend Argus 28 May 1988.



The Karoo and Matjesfontein


SLOT / END Geagte leser vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese dokument maak ons van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die SAS-SAR kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie. Samesteller & redakteur. Dear reader of this quasi-historical document: please note we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the SAS-SAR cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity. Compiler & editor. Hennie Heymans


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