Nongqai Vol 8 No 4

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Contents PUBLISHER / UITGEWER......................................................................................... 5 AIM / DOEL ................................................................................................................ 5 FRONT PAGE / VOORBLAD: BRIG GEORGE BASTON .......................................... 5 ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS ......................................................................... 6 WELCOME / WELKOM .............................................................................................. 6 REDAKSIONEEL ....................................................................................................... 6 Mymeringe en polisiepraatjies ................................................................................ 7 Waardes en norme ............................................................................................... 12 PLAASMOORDE: REDAKSIONEEL ........................................................................ 12 HOOF BERIG: PLAASMOORDE / MAIN ARTICLE: FARM MURDERS .................. 17 The economy can only grow if crime is stopped ................................................... 19 Februarie 2017: Swartste maand ooit ................................................................... 20 February 2017: Darkest Month Ever ..................................................................... 20 Stop Wantom Farm Murders - SAPTU ................................................................. 21 ANALISE VAN PLAASMOORDE 1990 - 2017 TLU-SA ........................................... 23 STATISTIEK: 1990 – 2017 ....................................................................................... 24 DIE ONGEMAKLIKE WAARHEID OM PLAASMOORDE KAN NIE LANGER GEÏGNOREER WORD NIE ...................................................................................... 24 STAMGEVEGTE: ʼn VERHAAL UIT DIE TRANSKEI: ERIC VAN NIEKERK ............ 26 Polisie: Berede Afdeling ........................................................................................... 28 1838 VOORTREKKER ALMANAK ........................................................................... 28 1874: UITNODIGING ............................................................................................... 33 1896 AND ONWARDS: OLD PRETORIA: INTERVIEW WITH MR SJO NOONÈ BY MR TOM ANDREWS ............................................................................................... 34 1899: COLENSO: KOMDT.-GENL. LOUIS BOTHA EN STAF ................................. 57 1899 - 1902 ROOI KRUIS: BRITSE VELDAMBULANS ........................................... 57 1899 – 1902: WITWATERSRAND RIFLES .............................................................. 58 1899: DE VOLKSSTEM (13 DESEMBER 1899) ...................................................... 59 1899: £50 BELONING .............................................................................................. 60 1901 – 1902 BURGHER POLICE ............................................................................ 61 1899 – 1902: DIE OUDSTRYDERS WORD AL HOE MINDER ............................... 61 OUDSTRYDER EN ZARP: OOM JAAP COETZER ................................................. 64 100-Jarige veteraan van die ZARP’s ........................................................................ 67 2

J SMIT & J COETZER VAN DIE ZAR STAATSARTILLERIE – NICO MOOLMAN .. 69 ‘TEAPOT 1’: LONDON METROPOLITAIN POLICE ................................................. 69 FROM THE MEDIA / PERSBERIGTE VAN BELANG .............................................. 70 From maids to mechanics: Incredible pictures of the women who swapped a humdrum life in wartime Britain for service with the army in world war one .......... 70 Hate speech on Facebook shocks: FF Plus Youth in Gauteng opens case with HRC ...................................................................................................................... 80 Murder: Glebelands Hostel: Umlazi ...................................................................... 80 Wittes het gewerk en betaal vir grond................................................................... 81 Some Saps Crime Statistics ................................................................................. 82 Majuba: 27 Februarie 1881: Herdenking van Afrikaner-Boere se weerstand teen Britse Imperialisme ............................................................................................... 83 Skokkend dat Speaker van parlement nie debat oor plaasmoorde wil toelaat nie 84 Attempts at Regime Change are happening - Mahlobo ........................................ 86 Crime: Violent crime keeps increasing and is worrying......................................... 87 Two Years without an Inspector General of Intelligence as we celebrate the Constitution that created the position.................................................................... 88 IPID agrees to investigate Rosettenville ............................................................... 90 Gauteng SAPS must root out criminal elements ................................................... 90 Remarkable Untold Story of an Epic Battle between British Soldiers and An African Tribe which brought a definitive end to the Zulu War is revealed 140 years after the conflict ............................................................................................................ 91 Warden farm attack - how many more have to suffer before specialised SAPS Rural Safety Units are reintroduced? .................................................................. 101 Proposed state regulation of social media nothing but state interference ........... 102 British army officer murdered on his Kenyan ranch foretold the attack in a haunting letter to friends weeks earlier .............................................................................. 103 Dismounted: fears for the future of Britain’s mighty police horses as forces cut them back by a fifth in just five years .................................................................. 108 Daar is nie genoeg geld vir misdaadbekamping in Gauteng............................... 112 VF Plus takel Paul Mashatile oor ANC wat VF plus-raadslede in Gauteng dreig en aanrand .............................................................................................................. 113 HEROES ................................................................................................................ 113 Some wartime heroes are less equal than others ............................................... 113 Edwin Swales VC ............................................................................................... 115 Early life and career ............................................................................................ 115 3

Awards and recognition ...................................................................................... 118 Solomon Mahlangu (Afrikaans) .......................................................................... 119 Solomon Mahlangu Statue Solomon Mahlangu Mamelodi, Gauteng. ................ 120 Solomon Mahlangu (English) .............................................................................. 120 Comments: Who is my Hero? ............................................................................. 122 1905 (c.): BRITISH FORCES: SOUTH AFRICAN WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION: 1899 – 1902 (TRANSVAAL BRANCH)................................................................... 124 Foto’s van die beskermheer en takpresident almal ou Veterane ........................ 127 1912: GUILD OF LOYAL WOMEN OF SOUTH AFRICA ....................................... 130 Heroes Acre / Heldeakker: Pretoria .................................................................... 130 For King and Empire: Transvaal Constabulary, Provisional Constabulary Regular and Volunteer Regiments ................................................................................... 130 1913: STAKINGS: SAP SE EERSTE VUURDOOP VANAF 4 JULIE ..................... 132 To the disgraceful memory of the British Dragoons and the (new) SA Police..... 132 The words of the Red Flag ................................................................................. 133 Geskiedenis uit die vuis ...................................................................................... 134 1917: SA WAR MARKET: GOVERNOR GENERAL’S FUND ................................ 135 1920: THE BRITISH LEAGUE CLUB ..................................................................... 136 1922: STRIKE DISTRESS FUND .......................................................................... 140 1928 MEDALJES: KOLONEL SIR TG TRUTER, KBE, CMG................................. 141 1932: FRIENDS OF THE SOVIET UNION: GEORGE BERNARD SHAW ............. 142 DIE BEGIN VAN DIE VAL VAN DIE BRITSE EMPIRE .......................................... 147 1950: Wet op die Onderdrukking van Kommunisme........................................... 149 1940: 20 JULIE: AS DIE HELE VOLK BETOOG .................................................... 150 1940: GEÏNTERNEERDES: KOFFIEFONTEIN ..................................................... 158 Kapt. Van Vollenhoven ....................................................................................... 159 Kampgeld ........................................................................................................... 159 Polisienoodhulp: Police Medic ............................................................................ 159 1910 GETALSTERKTE: ESTABLISHMENT SAP ................................................. 160 2012 Establishment SAPS.................................................................................. 160 2015 – 2016: Establishment SAPS : Getalsterkte .............................................. 161 1978: AMI: DTI: TEEN-INLIGTING SE BEVELSKADER: KOL L ELS, SC ............. 161 MESSAGE: JW BOOYSEN: MAJ.-GEN. (RET) DURBAN ..................................... 162 NUUT OP DIE BOEKRAK / NEW ON THE SHELF................................................ 164 4

SAP: Koevoet: The men speak: J Pittaway ....................................................... 164 SADF: Recce: The Men Speak: J Pittaway ........................................................ 166 Ons was daar: Sektor Een Zero: Paul Els .......................................................... 168 SANW: MEDALJEPARADE: P ELS ....................................................................... 168 OPERATING A SUBMARINE: CAPTAIN JOHN LAMONT (S.A. NAVY RETD) ..... 170 SAS EN HAWE-POLISIE BY OSHIVELO .............................................................. 173 Wel en Wee van die Militêre Veterane : Berig 03/2017 ...................................... 173 GEDIG: DOKTER EK ROOK: KOL VAN RENSBURG (SALM).............................. 174 NUWE VERKEERSOORTREDING........................................................................ 175 SLOT ...................................................................................................................... 175 GEEN KOPIEREG ................................................................................................. 175

PUBLISHER / UITGEWER The Nongqai is compiled and published on ISSUU by Hennie Heymans a retired Brigadier of the late South African Police Force. He lives in Pretoria, ZA. He is passionate about our police and military history and holds a MA-degree in National Strategic Studies. Tel. No. 012-329-4229 E-mail:

AIM / DOEL Our goal is to collect and record our national security history for publication in the Nongqai for future generations. Ons doel is om die nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis in die Nongqai aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte bewaar.

FRONT PAGE / VOORBLAD: BRIG GEORGE BASTON In the centre is Brig George Baston, acting commissioner during World War 2 and our first police brigadier. The front page is based on an old series of Nongqai covers used in days gone by. The cover was artistically improved by Glenn Elsden, a former member of the SA Police based at Forensics. Contact details: Elsden Design Services e-mail:



Photographs of police stations. (Please share your photographs with us.) Southern African Uniforms and badges. Police Heroes and a “Police Who is Who”. Police Commissioners: We are preparing a booklet on the various SA Police commissioners. Should you have any photographs or anecdotes please share with us. Kommissarisse van polisie: Ons is besig om inligting van ons onderskeie polisiekommissarisse in te samel. Ons begin by kol. sir TG Truter en werk ons pad deur die geskiedenis totdat genl. JV van der Merwe die SAP oorhandig het aan nuwe nasionale kommissaris van die SAPS, genl. George Fivaz. Ons het besluit om brig. George Baston by die reeks in te sluit aangesien hy vir bykans vyf jaar as die kommissaris waargeneem het. Police History: We collect eyewitness reports from policemen about cataclysmic events in our history e.g. Cato Manor, Sharpeville, Pondoland, etc. We have large collection of digital recordings from prominent police officers.

WELCOME / WELKOM Welcome to our world! We live in an interesting world! It was a great pleasure to compile this edition; I sincerely hope you would enjoy the content from our various sources.


Mymeringe en polisiepraatjies

Ons is Geskiedenis Waar hulle tans ons ou Veterane se rekords bêre; is ons maar bloot geskiedenisverslae. Ons is die produk van ons omgewing; ons as Veterane is geskiedenis in eie reg. Om die metafoor te konkretiseer: Ons is hier op ons oudag maar net leë gebruikte of halfvol bottels drank. Die etikette op die bottels wissel van water tot koeldrank en van Vaaljapie tot die beste drank wat geld kan koop. So is ons almal deur ons lewens maar geëtiketteer – soms ten regte en soms tot onregte. Ons is net dit wat ons beleef en gedoen het! Ons is ook skuldig vir ons versuime! Miskien is ons versuime eerder die ergste sondes! Ja, ons is almal net geskiedenis, die oudstaatspresidente, die oudministers, die oudgeneraals, die oudspeurdersersante, die oudkorporaals en die oudkonstabels is almal afgeleef en met pensioen (of lankal al dood). Ek is seker die Skepper skep die oudag sodat ons Veterane kan reflekteer op ons lewens wat verby is. (Dit is inderdaad ʼn voorreg om terug te dink en te mymer oor dit wat was en wat kon gewees het.) 7

Alles is Liefde Ons lewens het bestaan uit verdedig, beskerm en dien. As mens mooi dink gaan alles wat saakmakend is, maar om die Liefde vir en gehoorsaamheid aan ons Skepper en ons naaste. Dit vorm ʼn denkbeeldige kruisformasie, vertikaal van ons na die Skepper en horisontaal na ons naaste. As diensbare en barmhartige dienaars van Reg en Orde dink ek die Skepper het van betaamlike, netjies en eerlike en hoflike polisiebeamptes gehou. Met respek: ʼn Polisiebeampte moet soms soos die Heiland wees: Vol deernis vir sy naaste en tog weet wanneer om figuurlik die “sweep in die Tempel” te gebruik. (Tog moet die polisiebeampte nooit ʼn bullebak of boelie in uniform wees nie.) Straatpolisiemanne Nou die dag gesels ek met ʼn oudsersant wat ʼn straatpolisieman was. Vandag is hy ʼn doktor in die regte. Hy sê vir my: “Hennie ek het aan beweeg, ek is nie meer die sersant van 30 jaar gelede nie!” Hy is reg. Het u en ek aan beweeg? So hou ʼn oudkonstabel met sy resiesfiets stil by my huis. “Hallo Oom Hennie ... ek wil u net kom vertel ek het as geoktrooieerde rekenmeester gekwalifiseer en het ʼn M.Com in belastingvermyding verwerf!” Baie geluk! Suksesvolle mense het die polisie vaarwel geroep en elders uitgeblink! So weer, kom ʼn oud-senior offisier gesels oor sy nagraadse studies. Hy verseg om familiêr te wees: Dis net “brigadier” en “u”. Ek vertel hom ek is ʼn “has been”. Hy luister nie. Toe klik alles in plek: Die man is goed opgevoed; van die “ou skool” – daardie skool wat nie meer bestaan nie! Hy beskik oor geweldige selfrespek – hy respekteer homself in die eerste plaas en steur hom nie aan my versoeke nie. Ansiënniteit Geen offisier, wat die ansiënniteitslys betref, kon egter in die ou SA Polisie iets aan sy situasie doen om sy posisie op die lys te verbeter nie. So glimlag die geluksgodin vir sommige lede en hulle seil net eenvoudig by ander verby! Ander wat steunpilare in die lynfunksie is, word benadeel omdat hy in ʼn onvriendelike en werklike omgewing diens doen. Dink maar aan die bestuurders van polisievoertuie wat tweemaal per dag in spitsverkeer flink moet bestuur om by klagtes uit te kom. Hulle kans om botsings te maak – lees kriminele sake teen hulle of vals beskuldigings teen hulle deur kriminele is feitlik 100% meer as die polisie-klerk. Sondes wat jou volg vir die res van jou lewe So sit ek met een van my seniors en gesels. Hy was ʼn stasiebevelvoerder op ʼn besige stasie en hy was afwesig met grensdiens. ʼn Paar rand wat in ʼn register aangeteken is, word tydens sy afwesigheid gesteel. Selfs die bladsye word netjies uit die register verwyder. Na sy terugkeer by sy stasie ontdek hy die verlies en deur die ou voorvalleboeke te gebruik skep hy ʼn tweede register en herwin die verlore besonderhede. Twee verantwoordelike lede besluit om die geld te betaal; hopende die saak kan nou in der minne geskik word.


ʼn Raad van ondersoek word belê omdat hy in alle eerlikheid die geval gerapporteer het. Die staat het geen verlies gelei nie. ʼn Paar maande later moet hy ʼn sogenaamde “waarskuwing” teken en vir jare is die waarskuwing ʼn swart kol op sy diensrekord en uiteindelik word sy bevordering benadeel. Goeie polisiemanne is soms vir beuselagtighede benadeel. Die polisiebeamptes wat as klerke dien by distrik-, afdelingshoofkwartiere en te hoofkantoor kan maar foute maak en steeds elke dag hul mooi uniforms aantrek. Die arme stasiehaas was dag en nag verantwoordelik vir sy beheer gebied. Daar was verantwoordbaarheid vir misdaad op jou aflossing. Die lid op uitvoerende diens kry 12 dae minder verlof want hy werk op openbare vakansiedae! (Soms wens ek, ek kon ook weer op sekere openbare vakansiedae werk! Vakansie dae verveel my!) Kyk hoe gaan dit vandag. Polisie-eenhede veg oor dwelms – seker om later te verkoop. Senior man word deur die hof onbevoeg verklaar om sy pos te beklee. Duisende vuurwapens op die staatseindomdsrekening word vermis. Reuse rowe vind plaas ten spyte van voorafwaarskuwing. Polisie aan diens (OT-lughawe) antwoord nie hul selfone nie. Luister maar wat sê mnr. Robert McBride! En u kry koue rillings .... wat doen al die generaals en brigadiers? Waar is bevel en beheer? Besige polisiestasies Die Voorsienigheid het bepaal dat ek ook ʼn straatpolisieman geword het. Die aksie, die opwinding en die avontuur was “lekker”. Ek het die versoekings gesien waaraan ons blootgestel was en waarmee ons gekonfronteer word. Ons was ʼn klein maar besige stasie op King’s Rest met ongeveer 3000 RAA’s per maand. AO Marais het die stasie met ʼn ysterhand regeer. Eendag loop ek weer my oud-stasiebevelvoerder te Middelburg (T) raak, waar hy die distriksklerk was. Hy vertel my toe dat King’s Rest baie besiger as Middelburg en Witbank saam was! Ek onthou sers. DC Danny Keyter (ondersoek en navrae) het op een dag ʼn volle boekie, UDJ 534, dagvaardings uitgeskryf vir verkeersoortredings – meeste versuim om by stopstraat stil te hou. Konstabels Uys en Ivor Human was ook besige manne! Voordat grensdiens en afgedeelde onlustediens die toepassing klassieke polisiëring wreed in die rede geval het, het ons ons wyke gedomineer. Geen buitelander of misdadiger sou ons gebied “beheer” nie. Konstabel Ivor Human was in die verband onverskrokke. Prostitusie In die SA Polisie kon mens werklik die lewe in sy naakte werklikheid sien. Ook die onregverdigheid van die lewe! Onthou niemand het u ʼn “roostuin belowe” nie. So keer ons ʼn wavrag vol dames van die nag aan. Hulle is naby Salisbury-eiland gevang. Ons staan by die stasie af om aan te kla. Vra die dame my: “Sersant hoeveel verdien u per maand? Ek is skaam; ʼn junior sersant met my jare diens verdien toe R150 per maand1 en dan kry mens so tussen R70 en R80 uit. Om die Mag die verleentheid te spaar lieg ek toe maar en sê: “R150 per maand!” Sy begin 1

Gedurende 1971 word ek offisier en die topskaal vir konstabel tot luitenant was R3000 p.a. (ongeveer R250 per maand). Slegs konstabels het ʼn trouedienstoelae ontvang en offisiere moes hul eie tandartsrekeninge betaal. Die jong luitenant het maat net gouer op die topskaal gekom maar het veel meer verantwoordelikheid gedra.


vroetel en haal geld orals uit vir die SAP 22 en sit eindelik sowat R92 op die toonbank neer. “Is dit genoeg? Dis vir een aand!” Wys jou net! So van prostitusie gepraat: Ek kon nog nooit verstaan waarom dit nie gewettig kon word nie? Dis so ʼn vuilbesigheid; vol misdaad veral in Durban rondom die hawe. Prostitusie was in Johannesburg toegelaat gedurende pres. Kruger se tyd. Indien mens dit beheer, verdwyn baie ander misdaad. Ek sal nooit die fetusse vergeet wat ons in die hawe gekry het nie. Die staat kan ook “entertainment tax” op elke transaksie hef. Skep ʼn veilige gebied waar die sekswerkers kan werk en belasting betaal. Baie sekswerkers word as feitlik as slawe gebruik. Die polisie sal nooit prostitusie uitwis nie! Dit kom al van Ragab se tyd! Leerkurwe Jou hele diensloopbaan is een yslike leerkurwe (en die Skepper hou jou dop.) So tree ek vroeg aan as bestuurder vir die diensoffisier. Skakel die SAP-radio aan en maak die motor vol brandstof. Dis ongeveer 90 minute voor die tyd. Ek hoor daar is ‘n ernstige treinongeluk by Effinghamweg. Baie mense dood. Ek ry na die diensoffisier se woning (LW: Offisier het nie ʼn huis nie, hy het ʼn woning!) en verwittig hom van die ramp. Hy beveel my om hom 18:00 te kom haal. Ons diensbeurt strek van 18:00 tot 02:00. Hy is die diensoffisier vir die Durban-metropolitaanse gebied. Middernag ontbied die afdelingskommissaris vir die diensoffisier. Ons ontmoet die afdelingskommissaris, kol. CC von Keyserlingk, by die Cuban Hat. Trap hy daardie kaptein uit – sommer voor almal! “Dis ʼn ramp kaptein en ek as Afkom moet die kommissaris en die ministers inlig!” So het ek ook baie klein dingetjies geleer om later in my diensbeurt toe te pas. Ervaring is ʼn baie belangrike leermeester mits dit die regte ervaring is. Keuse Vroeg in jou lewe moet jy ʼn wilbesluit maak besluit watter waardes gaan jy aanhang. Gaan jy aan diens drink? Gaan jy omkoopgeld of omkoopgeskenke aanvaar? Die besluite is joune en joune alleen. (“Lei ons nie in die versoeking nie...”) Die lewe my baie dinge geleer! Net om te lewe is doodsgevaarlik! Aan jou vriende word jy geken! Die polisie bevelstruktuur kon ook nooit die “bullshitters” uit loop nie, party kollegas was van kleintyd af ʼn kansvatter en hy is nooit uitgeloop nie. Baie keer het ek gesien hoe seniors met juniors se osse ploeg of na ondertoe delegeer met “doen die nodige.” Ontoekomlike eer is ten onregte ingepalm. Dan het ons die ouens gehad wat ALTYD alles geweet het! Leierskap was soms ʼn probleem – genl. Roy During het daaroor geskryf in sy herinneringe. Ek het baie gesien hoe die onluste aan jong manne oorgelaat is, terwyl seniors hulle besig gehou het met onbenullige stafwerk. Die skinderpraatjies om die “teetafel” het sommige offisiere vinnig verplaas. Navorsing Die polisie het vir elke moontlike gebeurtenis ʼn staande order – of te wel ‘n staande operasionele prosedure - reggehad wat voorgeskryf het wat mens moes doen as daar bv. ʼn sprinkaanplaag of melaatsheid uitgebreek het. Die polisie het werklik ʼn indieptestudie van die praktyk gemaak. Hoe het dit ontstaan? Wel die polisie en die magistraat (met inbegrip van die vrederegter en veldkornet) was veral die manne wat met die publiek geskakel het. Die polisie het plaasbesoek gedoen en patrollie 10

rapporte voltooi. Reeds na die Anglo Boere-oorlog was die polisieman die publiek se eerste skakel met die staatsdiens. Die SA Constabulary het veel buitedepartementele take uitgevoer. (Die take is volledig gedokumenteer in die argief.) Wat my egter as afgetrede polisieoffisier gekwel het, is die gebrek aan navorsing. Die polisie het bitter min navorsing gedoen. Ek aanvaar dat ons bevorderingseksamens moes skryf na kommissierang. Steeds kan ek nie sien hoe ʼn mens ʼn polisie-offisier kan word sonder om die reg en staande orders ken nie! Tydens ʼn besoek aan ʼn polisiestasie het ʼn vrouekaptein in bevel van die aanklagtekantoor vir my genoem dat sy te besig is om elke uur die selle te besoek! (Sy het ʼn prisonier gehad wat reeds ʼn paar uur ernstig siek was. Die prisonier is later in die hospitaal oorlede.) So vra ek die diensoffisier op nagdiens een aand waarom offisiere wanneer hulle ‘n stasie besoek, besoek hulle eerste die selle? Toe verduidelik die offisier dat aangehoudenes mense is en ons moet kyk of hulle enige klagtes het, hul aanhoudingstyd kan verstreke wees ens, ens. Die polisie en die weermag van ouds het eerste na die perde en muile omgesien, dan na die prisoniers en dan die manskappe en laaste na die offisiere. Mense, al is hulle prisoniers, se welsyn, binne perke, is belangrik omdat hul van hul vryheid ontneem is. Die polisie en die daaglikse nuus In die jongste tyd is die polisie vreeslik baie in die nuus en wel om die verkeerde redes! Daar is vreeslike aantygings selfs teen generaals in hofsake en buite die hof. Ons leef inderdaad in interessante tye. Daar is selfs ʼn bewering dat mnr. Mandela deur lede of lid van die polisie om die lewe gebring sou word. Die saak is na bewering toegesmeer. Keer terug na die basiese beginsels Ons wil nogal die waarnemende nasionale kommissaris steun in die verband. Hy sal egter die SAPS moet opdeel in twaalf gelyke dele. Een deel is gewoonlik met verlof en een deel sal heropgelei moet word en dit sal hom laat met 10 dele van die SAPS wat moet werk en diens lewer. Oud-ervare, veral oud-stasiebevelvoerders en oudspeurders, sal gebruik moet word om praktiese lesings te gee en as mentors op te tree. Hy sal spaar op sy begroting wat siviele eise betref. Dit is absoluut pateties om te verneem dat lede van die SAPS nie weet wat die magte van die “aanklagtekantoorbevelvoerder” is nie. (Ek weet nie of daar nog iets is soos ʼn “aanklagtekantoor” nie?) Ek is ongelowig aangehoor toe ek ʼn paar jaar gelede, op versoek, ʼn praatjie by ʼn polisiestasie gelewer het. Toe ek vertel dat die AK-bevelvoerder die mag het om klagtes aan te neem of om klagtes te weier het die lede my nie geglo nie. Wanneer die AK-bevelvoerder sy reg ken, kan hy weier om enige klagte aan te neem. So spaar die staat miljoene rande wat later in siviele sake betaal word. Ek moes eendag oor ʼn naweek sukkel om ʼn oudlid – medies afgetree - uit die selle te kry. Sy sonde? Drie inbrekers was op sy perseel en hy het ʼn paar skote afgevuur ten einde hulle aan te keer. Inbrekers het ontvlug en die polisie was ironies gou op die toneel vir die verkeerde rede.


Hy is die voornag van ʼn Saterdag geboei. (Hy het gevra om hulle sy arms voor sy lyf kan boei. Nee, het die SAPS bepaal arms agter die rug.) Hy is stasie toegeneem en aangehou vir ‘afvuur van vuurwapen in beboude gebied’. Sy huis is onbewaak gelaat nadat die elektriese drade by sy hek afgeknip geknip was. Die offisier in die aanklagtekantoor het nie geweet wat om te doen nie toe ek haar die daaropvolgende Sondagmiddag nader nie. Sy het my na ʼn (blanke) SAO verwys. Sonder om te probeer “rang trek” het ek uitgewys dat die aangehoudene in pyn verkeer (sy skouer is gebreek toe hy geboei is, sy lyf was gebroke na hy ʼn volle jaar afsiek was na polisie-botsing.) Ek wou hom hospitaal toe neem en sou sorg dat hy die volgende oggend by die hof is. Ek het uitgewys die lid ʼn woning besit, dat hy pensioen ontvang en dat hy lid van Polmed is. Hy kan nie vlug nie. Hy kan mos vir hof gewaarsku word. Hy is toe vrygelaat op waarskuwing. Die volgende oggend is die saak uit die hof gegooi! Die oudlid het ʼn paar maande later aan sy beserings (skouer) in die hospitaal beswyk, voordat ʼn siviele eis ingestel en afgehandel kon word. Ek sal egter nooit vergeet hoe die lid met trane van vernedering in sy oë, na vrylating buite die selle, verklaar: “Ai Oom Hennie ek het hier so baie kapers en misdadigers toegesluit en nou moet ek self in die selle gesit het!” •

Hier is ʼn les te leer t.o.v. basiese polisiewerk!

Waardes en norme In Tokio Japan het die publiek 3,67biljoen Yen ($32M) in verlore/gevonde geld by die polisie ingehandig. Waarom is die Japanners so eerlik? (Lees berig deur te klik op: Last year people handed over a record 3.67 billion yen ($32 million) in lost cash to the police - Suid-Afrika deur sy president en kerkleiers sal iets moet begin doen om nuwe en ander waardes by die mense van Suid-Afrika tuis te bring. Miskien moet iets soos die padvinders (Boy Scouts) weer herontdek word. SAPS: Tweede linie? Die polisie, altans in Pretoria, het die tweede linie van verdediging geword, ek plaas die privaat-sekerheid ver bo die SAPS wat sigbaarheid betref. Ek sien ons privaat sekerheidsbeamptes baie meer dikwels as ek in die voortuin kom. Maar asof die oorlaaide SAPS nie genoeg werk het nie, is politieke moord en doodslag ook ʼn probleem. Dit iets wat moeilik voorkom kan word, die skuldige kan egter makliker aan die kaak gestel word.



In sommige opsigte het ons wêreld vol waansin geword en wreed! Wat sê dit van ons opvoedingspeil en ons land se volkskarakter? Swart en wit lei onder sinnelose en weersinwekkende geweld (ook in die stede) veral wat huisrowe en kapings betref. Ons fokus val die maand op plaasmoorde. As samesteller van die blad, kan ek net op my eie praktiese ervaring as wyksersant, stasiebevelvoerder, veiligheidsman, inligtingsman, distrikskommissaris en op akademiese leeswerk oor die jare heen put. Indien my analise en vertolking verkeerd is sal ek nederig om verskoning vra. Ek probeer nie aan politiek deelneem nie. Almal sonder aansiens des persoons is slagoffer van die verskynsel. Ek probeer net om die verskynsel van plaasmoorde in Suid-Afrika te verstaan. SuidAfrikaners oor die algemeen is goeie en wetsgehoorsame mense. Oral waar ons kom in die land is daar welwillendheid en humor te bespeur. Dit lyk my dis ʼn net ʼn siek groepie in ons land wat mense vermoor en genot daaruit put om mense te martel en daarna die slagoffers se lyke te skend. Mense – wit en swart - word daagliks vermoor. So is dr. Anna Moloto en haar suster in Garsfontein, Pretoria, vermoor. Kyk na die moorde in Umlazi of in Soweto. Kyk ek na die syfers oor plaasmoorde – en die gepaardgaande weersinwekkende geweld - gaan daar ʼn koue rilling langs my rug af. Dit is immers die jaar van ons Heer: 2017. Ons lewe in ʼn moderne en verligte eeu. Ons het goeie media fasiliteite en meeste Suid-Afrikaners is geleerde mense en verstaan tog dat kos - met inbegrip van Kentucky Fried Chicken - op die plaas sy oorsprong het. Die boer voed die nasie! (En by implikasie kom die kos in Woollies, Checkers, P ’n P en Shoprite via die mark vanaf die boer se plaas.) Oor die jare heen het ek duisende klagtes bygewoon, duisende bruin dossiere (SAP 3) geopen, honderde geel “eerste aangifte van misdaad” (SAP 4) vorms voltooi en honderde misdadigers gearresteer en voor die hof gebring. Reg of verkeerd, ek het gesien wat aangaan. Destyds het die brandweer, die ambulans, die verpleegster, die dokter (distriksgeneesheer) en die predikant ʼn VRYPAS in “rooigebied” gehad. Selfs die media kon vrylik beweeg en het soms vir opstote gesorg wanneer die omstandighede reg was. Ja, as die polisieman seerkry is dit sy saak; hy verteenwoordig immers die sg. apartheidsbestel en die mense is kwaad vir die staat. Die ander ampsbekleërs reeds genoem dien die gemeenskap sonder vooroordeel. Vandag kry daardie ampsbekleërs net so pak en word hul aangeval en hul uitrusting gesteel. Waar is ons gemeenskap se waardes?


.SAP 3 – Case Docket / saakdossier 14

Kyk ons na die verskillende oorloë in Suid-Afrika, dink ons ook aan die vreeslike helkampe waarin my grootouers aangehou was, die doodslag tydens die rebellie en eerste wêreldoorlog en dan het die mense gehoop dit gebeur nie weer – onthou u nog die Volkebond? Kyk mens na die weersinwekkende, afskuwelike en grusame dade wat die Nazi’s op die Jode en Russe gepleeg het, word dit allerweë verdoem. Ons kyk en sien wat met Dresden gebeur het! Wat geweld betref is die plaasmoorde veel erger as die Duitse gaskamers. ʼn Mens kan nie vandag die weersinwekkende verskriklike onsinnige geweld wat op plaasboere en hul genote - en soms plaasdiere - gepleeg word, aan die groot klok hang nie! Die hoofstroom media berig nie oor plaasmoorde nie want dis nie polities korrek nie! Die leserspubliek is aangewese op die alternatiewe media wat wel berigte oor plaasaanvalle publiseer. Die weersinwekkende en buitengewone geweld maak die plaasmoorde net nie meer “gewone misdaad” nie! Ek glo nie meer wanneer kundige mense vir my vertel plaasmoorde is “gewone misdaad” nie. Dis eerder terrorisme van die ergste graad! Ons het vandag slawe van internasionale politieke korrektheid geword, vryheid van spraak is ʼn mite. Jy mag net uitlatings maak wat die toets van politieke korrektheid weerstaan. Is dit tans ongehoord om die “anderkant van die storie” te vertel. As hoof van fisiese dienslewering in Soweto het ek op die grondvlak opereer. Die ongeveer 6000 swart polisie op grondvlak was m.i. totaal deur die SAKP/ANC/UDFalliansie geneutraliseer; hul het self hul eie moderne kaserne te Umseweto (?) aan die brand gesteek. Hulle privaat wonings was aangeval en afgebrand. Die “wit” polisie by die blitspatrollie en by die onlusteeenheid het ʼn dun blou stippellyn tussen anargie en stabiliteit in Soweto gevorm. Ek het my hoed vir daardie jong manne afgehaal! “Ja dit is so!” Ek is jammer ek moet dit vandag skryf – maar dit was so! (Ek is bereid om ʼn leuenverklikker toets oor die onderwerp te ondergaan.) Het veral die swart publiek die huidige swart polisie geneutraliseer? Waarom is misdaad so hoog in die voorstede? Ek weet nie. Ek dink stellig so. (ʼn Kritiese en eerlik ondersoek moet gedoen word.) Kyk na al die verskriklike moorde op (swart) polisie. Kyk na die komplekse omgewing waarin die Afrika-polisieman moet werk. Sien u ooit ʼn polisieman alleen loop? Nee! Is hulle “bang” om alleen te loop? Ek sien hulle in groepe stap in Durban Hawe, in Pretoriusstraat (Pretoria), in die gangetjie op die passasierstrein stap hul luidkeels verby. (Voorste ou gesels met die agterste man!) Ek ry vir die laaste keer - nogal eersteklas maar ek kom geen verskil agter - op voorstedelike trein tussen Pretoria en Johannesburg: Ek dink hier gooi hulle my af en steel my duur kamera en my tas! ʼn Troep polisiemanne klim op en later weer af van die Metro-trein. Ek hoor wat hulle in Zulu sê. Op Durban stasie neem ek foto van die 15

ou lokomotief “NATAL” in die stasie se portaal. ʼn Polisieman wil my net arresteer omdat ek “sonder toestemming” ʼn foto van die lokomotief neem. Ry gerus op die Gautrein – nooit sien u ʼn polisieman alleen diens doen nie! (Privaat sekerheid wel! Is die privaat-sekerheid beter opgelei?) Ek was ʼn konstabel en moes saam met swart speurder ʼn arrestasie in Zulu-biersaal maak – ek het geleer om nooit bang te wees nie of om nie my bangeit te wys nie. Ek het dikwels alleen opgetree en in gevaarlike gebied alleen beat gestap. Gaan kyk mens na die getalsterkte van die SAPS2 dan sidder mens. Die kommissaris is geskors; maar daar is verder 29 ander luitenant-generaals om haar plek vol te staan bygestaan deur 159 generaals-majoor, 567 brigadiers, en 2137 vol kolonels voltooi die makabere prentjie! Ek wonder wie het ‘n meaningt full job en wie nie?!!! Sommige polisiebeamptes, en hul is in die minderheid, is jammerlik kriminele met SAPS-kentekens. Daar is 149730 mense op die SAPD-betaalstaat. (Onwillekeurig dink ek: “Ons sal lewe ons sal sterwe, Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika!”) Kan die regering die polisie vertrou om die dag wanneer die “pawpaw op die fan val”, sy kant te bring? Het ons ʼn polisiediens van salaristrekkers of het ons ʼn polisiediens wat ʼn etos van “beskerm en dien” prakties uitleef? Wie is aanspreeklik vir die gebrekkige dienslewering op plase? Ons betaal tweemaal belasting – staatsbelasting en vir privaat sekerheid in woonbuurte en op plase. Onthou swart mense lei meer onder misdaad as ons. Praat met swart mense, hulle voel net so onveilig soos ons! Ek was nou die dag op ʼn kommersiële plaas. Die boer vertel my dat al wanneer hy die polisie sien is wanneer hulle kom bedel vir vars groente. Boere maak op hulself staat , vertel hy – dit help nie om die polisie eerste te skakel nie! Hulle is traag om die foon te beantwoord of hulle “weet nie waar” die plaas is nie. Die polisiediens is totaal oneffektief! (Ek meen ‘n taxi doen net wat hy wil voor die polisie en die polisie doen niks!) Die speurdiens is futloos. Die SAPS reageer en justisie en howe ageer op die polisie se poging. Ons kan net die Heer dank vir die privaat boerdery-sekerheid wat nou die eerste linie geword het tussen wetteloosheid en bandeloosheid. Oudkollega vertel hy ondersoek ontfutseling baie suksesvol by groot winkelgroepe. Hulle doen al die ondersoek en gee dan vir die polisie die hele dossier, bewysstukke en die verdagte. Al wat die polisie moet doen is om die saak “deur die boeke te sit”. Plaasboere sal later dieselfde metodes moet aanwend as die Jode op die kibboetse. Dis tragies. Terug na die statistiek van plaasmoorde: Baie van ons het in Rhodesië 2

Die akroniem vir die ‘SA Polisiediens’ kan nie SAPD wees nie, polisiediens is een word. Ek gebruik derhalwe die akroniem SAPS. Mens kan dit dan makliker van die ou SAP onderskei – HBH.


diens gedoen. My ervaring is dat Suid-Afrika se boere iets soos “a low intensity conflict” belewe. Dis onvoorspelbaar en dit kan enige plek of tyd gebeur. Ons geslag het die Kongo, Kenia3, Angola, Tanganjika, Noord- en Suid-Rhodesië en Mosambiek se plaasaanvalle beleef. “Alles het begin met plaasaanvalle”. Boere in daardie lande het vir baie minder gevalle uitgewyk4. Wat Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar is ellende en hongersnood indien ons op die trant voortgaan. Die boer is ʼn kommersiële boer! Hy voed die nasie. Om te boer is ʼn kuns en ʼn wetenskap wat baie praktiese ervaring vereis! Die boer lei ook erg onder veediefstal – maar ons praat nie daarvan nie – ons praat van plaasmoorde. Nie enige outjie kan kos produseer onder hierdie omstandighede nie. Ons sien mos baie plase word aan nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse boere gegee en hulle maak erge mislukkings daarvan. Tussen al die gemors is daar een redelike stem: Die Zulu koning maak sinvolle uitsprake en ek salueer hom daarvoor. “U Majesteit moet asb op daardie pad voortgaan en keer dat die Zuluvolk sy morele kompas verloor.”

HOOF BERIG: PLAASMOORDE / MAIN ARTICLE: FARM MURDERS Ekonomie kan slegs groei sonder misdaad TLU SA het met ernstige kommer kennis geneem van die jongste misdaadsyfers wat verlede week vrygestel is. TLU SA is afhanklik van lede se rapportering asook mediaberigte van voorvalle om die databasis korrek te hou. Dit is in beste belang dat misdaadstatistiek so akkuraat as moontlik beskikbaar gestel moet word ten einde misdaad te beveg. Reeds op 3 Februarie 2017 en 12 Januarie 2017 is onderskeidelik skrywes gerig aan die Minister van die SAPD sowel as die Waarnemende Nasionale SAPD Kommissaris met die versoek om statistieke te belyn waarop ons nog geen reaksie ontvang het nie. Vir die tydperk 1 April 2016 – 31 Desember 2016 (Beeld 4 Maart) het TLU SA 53 bevestigde moorde aangeteken teenoor die SAPD se 47. Wat egter nog meer kommer wek is dat dit syfers is van verlede jaar, terwyl feitlik elke Suid-Afrikaner in die eerste paar maande van hierdie jaar reeds deeglik kennis geneem het van die vlaag plaasmoorde en ander geweldsmisdade, wat dikwels ontstaan uit protesoptredes.


Sien ook: As the movement progressed, a Swahili acronym was adopted: "Mzungu Aende Ulaya, Mwafrika Apate Uhuru" (MAU MAU) meaning: "Let the foreigner go back abroad, let the African regain independence" - (16 Mart 2017) 4 Gaan kyk na die Mau Mau [wou bekend wees as “Kenya Land and Freedom Army (KLFA)”] se aanvalle op plase in Kenia. Kyk na die vreeslike en afskuwelike geweld wat deur die Mau Mau op mens en dier gepleeg was – regte gewapende propaganda.


“Ons ervaar ook dat die regering redelik neutraal staan oor die steeds stygende misdaad, en dat dit nie vir hom ‘n prioriteit is nie,” sê mnr. Louis Meintjes, President van TLU SA. “Daarteenoor word daar byna histeriese aandag gegee aan die sogenaamde radikale ekonomiese transformasie, waarin grondbesit en eiendomsreg sentraal staan. Dit is nou geen geheim meer dat ‘n moontlike grondwetlike verandering om gronddiefstal sonder vergoeding moontlik te maak, op die regering se sakelys is nie. “Wat die regering egter nie besef nie, is dat geen ekonomiese transformasie gaan slaag tensy bepaalde beginsels bepaal en maatreëls in plek gesit gaan word nie,” sê mnr. Meintjes. Wat ook al met die ekonomie aangevang word, moet dit volhoubaar wees. “Om van die een te vat om vir die ander te gee, was nog nêrens in die wêreldgeskiedenis volhoubaar nie. Dit sal ook nie in Suid-Afrika wees nie. Solank die land egter gebuk gaan onder ʼn gees van wetteloosheid, en ondersteun deur die kanker van korrupsie, sal enige verandering slegs neerkom op die bevoordeling van die korruptes tot nadeel van die werklike armes.” TLU SA doen aan die hand dat, alvorens daar na sogenaamde radikale ekonomiese transformasie gekyk word, die volgende aspekte aandag moet kry: •

Die politieke wil moet geopenbaar word om die misdaadvlaag met desnoods radikale optrede te stuit en misdadigers hok te slaan;

Korrupsie moet met wortel en tak uitgeroei word wat gesien moet word as 'n voorvereiste van enige ekonomiese stabiliteit en groei;

Private besitreg behoort deeglik gevestig en erken te word sonder uitsondering. Dit geld vir landbougrond, maar ook deur privaat besitreg te vestig by HOP huise sowel as by staatsbeheerde landbougrond. Die eiendomme sal dan vir die eienaars as werkskapitaal van waarde kan wees terwyl dit tans as dooie kapitaal geen doel dien nie behalwe dat die regering dit gebruik om die massas te manipuleer.

Daardeur sal moontlik groter beleggings gelok word omdat toestande gestabiliseer sal wees op grond van suiwer ekonomiese beginsels, en nie politieke emosionele retoriek nie;

Entrepreneurs sal met meer vertroue besigheid doen wat onmiddellik werkskeppend sal wees, wat die volhoubare wyse is om armoede te beveg;

Natuurlike, ongedwonge en volhoubare ekonomiese groei sal daaruit voortspruit wat sal meehelp dat die land se kapasiteit sal vergroot wat dan die middele daar sal stel waarmee die kritiese armoede- en werkloosheidsvraagstukke aangespreek kan word.


The economy can only grow if crime is stopped It is with grave concern that TAU SA has taken note of the latest crime figures released last week. TAU SA depends on reports by members and the media to keep their crime database updated. It is necessary that crime statistics should be made available as accurately as possible in order to fight crime. TAU SA sent a letter to the Minister of SAPS on February 3, 2017 and to the Acting National Police Commissioner on January 12, 2017 requesting that statistics should be aligned. To date no response has been received. For the period 1 April 2016 - 31 December 2016 (Beeld March 4, 2017) TAU SA recorded 53 confirmed murders against the 47 on the SAPS list. An even more serious concern is that the figures from last year are used, while almost every South African is aware of the wave of murders and other violent crimes, often arising from protests, during the first few months of this year. "It is evident that government is quite neutral about the ever-rising crime and that it is not regarded as a priority," said. Louis Meintjes, President of TAU SA. "In contrast, there is an almost hysterical attention being given to the so-called radical economic transformation, with land and property rights at its core. It is no longer a secret that a possible constitutional change to enable land theft without compensation is on the government's agenda. "But what the government does not realise is that no economic transformation will succeed unless it is done according to certain determined principles and with measures put in place," said Mr. Meintjes. Whatever is done regarding the economy should be sustainable. "To take from one to give to another, has never been sustainable anywhere as world history has shown. It will also not be sustainable in South Africa. As long as the country is experiencing the current spirit of lawlessness, worsened by the cancer of corruption, any change would only be to benefit the already corrupt, to the detriment of the real poor. " TAU SA suggests that, before we look at so-called radical economic transformation, attention should be given to the following: •

The political will must be shown to stop the crime with radical action against to halt criminals;


Corruption must be eradicated to the root - a prerequisite of any economic stability and growth;


Private ownership should be well established and recognized without exception. This applies to agricultural land, but should also be extended to enable private ownership of RDP houses as well as in state-owned agricultural land. Then owners will be able to utilise properties for their working capital value while they currently serve no purpose except that the government uses it to manipulate the masses.


Thereby possibly larger investments in the country will be attracted because conditions will be stabilized on the basis of fundamental economic principles, not political emotional rhetoric; •

Entrepreneurs will be able to business more confidently with an immediate job-creating affect which is the only sustainable way to fight poverty.

Natural, unforced and sustainable economic growth will be the result which will increase the country's capacity consequently creating the resources to address the critical poverty and unemployment issues.

Februarie 2017: Swartste maand ooit In seker een van die ergste maande ooit, naamlik Februarie 2017, word die meeste aanvalle en moorde aangeteken vir die spesifieke maand. Volgens TLU SA se amptelike statistiek oor aanvalle en moorde op plase en kleinhoewes, is die statistiek as volg: Aanvalle – 45 (meer as een per dag!) Moorde – 17 Die totaal vir 2017: Aanvalle – 71 Moorde – 21 Hierdie statistiek is skokkend. TLU SA spreek hiermee sy innige simpatie uit aan die families wat aangeval is en familielede verloor het. Ook ons dank aan die SAPD en almal betrokke met die ondersoek en arrestasies van verdagtes in sekere gevalle. Daar sal nou verseker dringende aksies moet kom, van Regering en SAPD se kant. Julle planne werk nie meer nie! Aan boere op grondvlak, moenie van uself ʼn slagoffer maak nie. Skerp u paraatheid op. Dra u vuurwapen en weet hoe dit werk. As u een het en dit lê in die kluis, verkoop dit asseblief. Skakel in by plaas- en buurtwagte. Raak betrokke by veiligheids inisiatiewe, ongeag watter organisasie dit is. Bid elke dag vir die hand van beskerming van die Here en word deel van verootmoedigings geleenthede soos waar dit gereël word.

February 2017: Darkest Month Ever The most attacks and murders were recorded in February 2017 which is one of the worst months yet. According to official statistics of TAU SA, the numbers of murders and attacks on farms and small holdings are as follows: Attacks – 45 Murders – 17 20

The total for 2017: Attacks – 71 Murders – 21 These statistics are shocking. TAU SA would like to extend its condolences to families who were attacked and to those who have lost family members. We would also like to express our gratitude to the SAPS and everyone involved with investigations and the arrests of suspects in certain cases. Urgent action is now required from the government as well as from the SAPS. Your plans no longer work! To the farmers, don’t become a victim, become more vigilant. Carry your weapon and be sure you know how to use it. If you keep your weapon in a safe, rather sell it please. Become part of the Farm and Neighbourhood watch and get involved with safety initiatives, it does not matter which organisation arranges it. Pray every day for the Lord to protect you and join in prayer days where ever it is organised.

Stop Wantom Farm Murders - SAPTU

25 February 2017 The South African Parastatal and Tertiary Institutions Union (SAPTU), an affiliate of the Federation of Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA) in the agricultural sector has called on the government to act decisively to stop ruthless farm murders. SAPTU has noted with great concern that 11 people were killed on farms in the first 14 days of February this year alone, averaging one murder a day. FEDUSA believes that it is high time the state devolved deeper into the real causes of farm killings rather than just treating it as common crime or a way dealing with the thorny land reform issue. “Our agricultural community is a strategically important component that ensures stability by being putting food on everyone's table,” says FEDUSA General Secretary Dennis George. “We strongly feel that regardless of our difference, the ongoing attacks on farmers will not help bring any solution. We need to escalate this problem and engage our government and encourage all citizens to unite and strongly condemn these killings”. This sentiment was echoed by SAPTU’s leadership: “It is SAPTU's submission that the safety situation on farms has now become a national priority and that all roleplayers including government must now act to avoid an extremely explosive situation 21

and to stop the infringement of the right of life of farmers,” said Ben van der Walt, Saptu General Secretary. TLU SA het Vryheidsfront Plus bedank vir die feit dat hulle die probleem van plaasmoorde in die parlement ter tafel gelê het, sodat Suid-Afrika en die wêreld kan weet onder welke omstandighede Suid-Afrikaanse kommersiële boere moet werk. Dit is egter teleurstellend, selfs skrikwekkend, dat ʼn ANC-LP tydens dr. Groenewald se toespraak ‘n tussenwerpsel kan maak “begrawe hulle lewendig” met verwysing na die boere, en dat so iets nie deur die Speaker onmiddellik aangespreek word nie. Netso skrikwekkend is dit dat parlementslede, veral van Agang en die EFF, hulle parlementêre privilegie kan misbruik om vaaghede, veralgemenings en selfs vermoedelik flagrante onwaarhede te verkondig, sonder dat hulle ook daaroor aangespreek word. TLU SA daag enige politieke party of vakbond om met konkrete feite vorendag te kom waar daar algemene bewerings gemaak word van boere wat werkers slegter as varke behandel, waar boere hulle arbeiders met alkohol betaal en dat boere hulle verlekker in die ellende van werkers. “Daar is tans meer as genoeg regeringsinstellings wat met graagte sal optree teen enkelinge wat hulle aan sodanige optrede sou skuldig maak. Die meerderheid van kommersiële boere het oor geslagte heen ʼn uitstekende verhouding met hulle werkers opgebou. Hulle weier derhalwe om met wet ongehoorsame uitsonderings oor dieselfde kam geskeer te word deur opportunistiese politici wat ʼn regverdiging vir die moorde en martelinge op die plase probeer soek,” sê mnr. Bennie van Zyl, hoofbestuurder van TLU SA. “Net soos boere weier om beskuldig te word van diefstal van grond, weier hulle ook om vals beskuldig te word van swak arbeidsverhoudinge. Sou dit wel plaasvind, is dit omdat die Departement van Arbeid dan nie sy werk doen nie. Daarom daag TLU SA vir Agang en EFF om hulle bewerings met konkrete feite te ondersteun. Tot dan behoort die Speaker hulle aan te spreek oor hulle ongegronde en ongetoetste aansprake . “Terselfdertyd moet hulle dan ook openlik sê of enige beweerde optrede, brutale moord, marteling of verkragting regverdig,” sê mnr. Van Zyl. [Woensdag, 15 Maart 2017] TAU SA thanks the Freedom Front Plus for addressing farm murders in Parliament. South Africa and the rest of the world have to be aware of the circumstances in which commercial farmers have to work in South Africa. It is however disappointing, even frightening, that an ANC MP could make a comment of ‘burry them alive’ referring to farmers, during Dr Groenewald’s address and that the Speaker did not immediately react to that comment. Just as frightening is the fact that members of parliament, especially of Agang and the EFF, were allowed to generalise, be vague and express flagrant untruths without being addressed.


TAU SA challenges any political party and union to come forward with concrete evidence were general comments were made of farmers treating their workers worse than pigs, pay them with alcohol or where farmers take delight in the misery of their workers. "There are at this stage numerous government institutions that would gladly act against anyone who is guilty of such conduct. The majority of commercial farmers have over generations cultivated good relationships with their work force. They refuse to be compared to those who do disobey the law, by opportunistic politicians who search for justification of the murders and torture on farms" Mr van Zyl of TAU SA said. Just as farmers deny the accusations of stealing land, they also deny the false accusations of bad labour relations. If this is the case then it would be because the Department of Labour is not doing its job. TAU SA would like to challenge Agang and the EFF to come forward with concrete evidence. Until then the Speaker should reprimand them on their unjust comments. "At the same time they should then openly state whether any alleged conduct, was justifiable by the brutal murders, tortures and rapes" Mr van Zyl said. [Wednesday, March 15, 2017]


Kopiereg TLU-SA







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STATISTIEK: 1990 – 2017 Aantal plaasmoorde: 1879 - Number of Farm murders Aantal plaasaanvalle: 4206 – Number of Farm Attacks Daar is baie statistiek beskikbaar, ook per provinsie, maar weens beperkte ruimte is slegs die groottotale gegee.

DIE ONGEMAKLIKE WAARHEID OM PLAASMOORDE KAN NIE LANGER GEÏGNOREER WORD NIE Dr. Pieter Groenewald: VF Plus-leier [VF Plus-nuusbrief 523] Die buitensporige hoë persentasie moorde op plase en die brutaliteit daarvan in baie gevalle wat die indruk skep dat dit nie gewone misdaad is nie, het genoodsaak dat die VF Plus die debat oor plaasmoorde aangevra het, sê dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus. Plaasmoorde is vir die eerste keer in die parlement bespreek. Dr. Groenewald het in sy toespraak gesê die ‘ongemaklike waarheid’ om plaasmoorde kan nie langer geïgnoreer word nie. Hy het ook klem daarop gelê dat 24

nie net wittes in plaasaanvalle sterf nie, alhoewel hulle volgens statistiek die meerderheid is. Hy het gesê waar die wêreld se gemiddelde moordsyfer 7 per 100 000 van die bevolking is, is dit in Suid-Afrika 33 per 100 000. Wat polisielede aanbetref is die syfer 54, terwyl 133 boere per 100 000 van die bevolking vermoor word. “Dit beteken dat dit byna drie keer gevaarliker is om te boer in Suid-Afrika as om ‘n polisieman of -vrou te wees. “Van belang is ook die feit dat die landbousektor 6,9% van die land se BBP bydra, en werk aan sowat ‘n miljoen mense verskaf. Bykans alles wat u dus vandag geëet of gedrink het, buiten water, is deur boere geproduseer. “Syfers wat ek van die polisie self gekry het, wys dat daar sedert 1991 altesame 2 393 moorde en 14 589 aanvalle op plase was. “Daar is ‘n persepsie dat net wittes op plase vermoor word. Dit is nie so nie. Navorsing wys dat sowat 40% van alle slagoffers van plaasaanvalle swart is. “Waar die polisie se statistiek wys dat aanvalle verlede jaar afgeneem het, moet dit in gedagte gehou word dat boere toenemend stappe neem om hulself te beskerm. “Nogtans het pres. Thabo Mbeki met die ontbinding van die kommando-stelsel onderneem om iets in die plek daarvan te plaas. Sektor-polisiëring sou hierdie rol vervul. Dit is egter nie effektief genoeg nie. Baie van die polisiekantore in landelike gebiede het nog nie eens daarmee begin nie. “Van die wat wel bestaan, vervul sowat 50% nie aan die minimum-vereistes nie. Ek het gister ‘n oproep van Upington gehad waar daar slegs een voertuig en vier polisielede is om ‘n gebied met 184 plase te bedien. “Dit is duidelik dat sektor-polisiëring nie suksesvol is nie, en ek doen ‘n beroep op die regering om hieraan aandag te skenk. “Die veralgemening dat plaaswerkers wat sleg behandel word die rede vir die aanvalle is, is ook nie waar nie. Die polisie se navorsing wys dat minder as 2% van die aanvallers en slagoffers aan mekaar bekend was. Ook dat sowat 2% van die aanvalle polities gemotiveerd was,” het dr. Groenewald gesê. Volgens dr. Groenewald is baie van die aanvalle so buitengewoon wreed dat daar nie gesê kan word dit is slegs gewone misdaad nie. Hy het gesê dit is nie gewone misdaad as mense gemartel word tot hul sterf nie, waar ‘n vrou ure aaneen verkrag word terwyl haar man gedwing word om dit te aanskou nie, waar mense se koppe vergruis word en hulle aan die brand gesteek word nie of waar ‘n elektriese boor gebruik word om gate in ‘n vrou se voete te boor nadat sy reeds gemartel is nie.


In een geval by Parys is ‘n boer se testikels uitgesny en deur die aanvallers geëet nadat hulle dit gekook het. Dit is die skokkende en ongemaklike waarheid oor plaasmoorde wat nie langer geïgnoreer kan word nie,” het dr. Groenewald gesê.

STAMGEVEGTE: ʼn VERHAAL UIT DIE TRANSKEI: ERIC VAN NIEKERK Uit polisielede sal daar seker nooit ʼn tekort aan stories wees nie, party ietwat vergroot party oordrewe en selfs party verdigsels, maar altyd baie interessant. So het ek dan op ʼn dag in die Transkei, buite Lusikisiki, sal mens amper kan sê die voorreg gehad om ʼn stamgeveg eerstehands waar te neem. Dit het so gebeur: Ons het by monde van twee stamhoofde verneem dat daar moeilikheid aan die broei was in die Ntontela-distrik, wat ook wyd bekend was vir sy uitstekende kwaliteit dagga. Ek het met ʼn paar, ek onthou altesaam vier swart kollegas na die toneel gehaas om te sien of ons die situasie kon keer, want ek het geweet dat om so ʼn saak te ondersoek altyd baie tyd in beslag geneem het en nooit eintlik die gewenste resultate bereik het nie. By die toneel aangekom met behulp van twee stamhoofde het ons op die een impi afgekom wat doodluiters in die son gesit het, ek onthou sowat 30 tot 40 jong manne. Hulle was geklee in hul tradisionele komberse met hulle wapens onder die komberse versteek. Ons benadering was vriendelik sonder enige aggressie, als met behulp van my tolke. My Xhosa was maar beperk en somtyds meer vermeng met Zulu, my plek van afkoms (Durban). Ons kon met die klomp selfs grappies maak. Dit was moeilik om te bepaal wat die konflik veroorsaak het, skynbaar was dit maar oor jong swart dames wat ʼn voorkeur openbaar het vir van die opposisie party, wat eienaardig genoeg aan die oorkant van die vallei ook sit en wag het. Ook nes die met wie ons kon praat. Die oorkantse was baie moeilik bereikbaar as gevolg van die ruwe terrein, en ek het maar in onkunde besluit om eers met maklike oplossing te probeer naamlik die binne makliker bereikbaar ons het so min of weer ietwat van ʼn onderneming verkry met die goedkeuring van die chiefs en die belofte dat hulle op hul beurt in ons afwesigheid, na ons vertrek ook met die ander party sou gaan praat om te sien of hulle die konflik sou kon stuit. Met die belofte en ʼn beperkte gerustheid het ons teruggekeer polisiestasie toe. My swart kollegas was minder gerus. Hulle was oortuig dat ons nie die geveg sou kon keer nie. Vroeg die volgende oggend het ons, weer met dieselfde kollegas almal swart konstabels na die toneel teruggekeer, maar die keer was die impie al reeds op pad na die vallei en ons kon duidelik waarneem hoedat die ander party ook aan die beweeg was na onderkant van die vallei. Ons het dadelik besef dat die geveg onstuitbaar was en het maar net magteloos sit en toekyk.


Alhoewel dit vir baie ietwat barbaarsheid klink was dit ook skouspelagtig. Toe die impies mekaar reg onder in die vallei ontmoet was dit ietwat chaos, moeilik om te sien wie is eintlik wie. Die geveg self duur eintlik net enkele oomblikke, die wie se moed eerste breek slaan op die vlug en word dan deur die aggressors van agter ingehaal. Dit was my absolute indruk dat daar bepaalde reëls (seker baie buigbaar) is wat vereis wat jy mag doen. Die wat vlug word met ʼn kierie teen die kop platgetrek, en wanneer hy val word hy gesteek met ʼn spies of met ʼn kapmes (panga) vermink. Latere na-doodse ondersoek het hierdie waarneming van my bevestig. Lyke het verskeie wonde openbaar wat nie met dieselfde wapen toegedien is nie. Ons het later die volgende dag die lyke gaan bymekaarmaak. Daar was al tesaam 17, en natuurlik baie gewondes. Die distriksgeneesheer was ene dr. Bruce Buchan wat later in Durban afgetree het. Interessant genoeg was dat sy vrou ook ‘n distriksgeneesheer was en sy was ene dr. Margareth Barlow, direkte familie van die bekende politikus Punch Barlow. Ek wil my verstout om te sê dat ek waarskynlik die enigste witman is wat al ooit so ʼn stamgeveg waargeneem het, want die dinge word gewoonlik in die geheim en in afsondering gepleeg, en dan moet ek ook byvoeg dat daar toe, ek weet nie van nou meer nie, hierdie bloot gesien is as ʼn tipe vermaak, daar is destyds beweer dat as jy nie net een keer in tronk was nie dan het jy nog nie volwassenheid bereik nie. Hierdie was maar net een van baie sulke stamgevegte gedurende die tyd wat ek op Lusikisiki gestasioneer was. My ou vriend en kollega was speurdersers Tiny Viljoen en ons het ons hande vol gehad met die soort van ondersoeke. Terloops hierdie insident was op die vooraand van my vertrek waar ek as speurder oor ʼn paar dae in Durban begin werk het. Eers Sentraal, toe Stamford Hill en toe Somtseu Road.5 Ek gee erkenning aan my destydse vriend die stasiebevelvoerder AO Coen Lemmer wat sy hande vol gehad het met my hardkoppigheid en natuurlik speurdersers Tiny Viljoen met wie ek hard saamgewerk het. Hierdie storie is vertel op aandrang van brigadier Hennie Heymans, ʼn historikus van formaat, wat so baie van sy tyd gebruik om ons ou lede op te spoor en te stimuleer. ‘n Ou-ou verhaal uit my dae in die polisie toe ek op Lusikisiki gestasioneer was. Geskryf deur Eric van Niekerk. Eric was ʼn SAO in Durban en is een van die min speurders wat sy ervaring met ons lesers gedeel het. Eric het die speurdiens vaarwel geroep en afgetree as ʼn baie senior bankamptenaar. •

We invite our readers to share their experiences with us.


Almal het in Afrikaans van die polisiestasie as “Somtsue Road” gepraat, nooit Somtsueweg nie! (My vader was lank daar gestasioneer – Hennie Heymans.)


Polisie: Berede Afdeling

Vuller: Polisieperd en ruiter in die 1950’s. Foto kom uit die argief van Nico Moolman. Dis altyd lekker om ʼn wakker polisieperd gade te slaan. Vir die De Witt-komitee het ek ʼn paar voorstelle gedoen. Die herinstelling van ʼn berede afdeling was een. Luitgenl (adj-nas-kom) Mike Bester het my verwittig toe die aansoek goedgekeur was.

1838 VOORTREKKER ALMANAK (Via me. Elsmarie Welmans) Die ou Voortrekkers het uit die Oos-Kaap getrek (wetlikgesproke die Kaapkolonie onwettig verlaat) na beter weivelde in die binneland. Ons gaan nie na redes kyk waarom hulle die “land verlaat het” nie. Maar mens wonder hoe hulle geweet het watter dag iets gebeur het.


Hier is die voortrekkers se almanak:






















Comment by Hennie Heymans: Red Rag for the Pretoria News might refer to the 1922 Red Revolution on the Rand. 48








Key words p. 1: First Pretoria Prison, public executions, old Military hospital in Park Street and SA Mounted Rifles policed Hatfield. Key words p. 2: Forts in Hatfield, Police Station. Key words p. 3: Locality of Pretoria police station, Married and Single quarters, CID, Sergeants Gunn, Peach and Besaans. Key words p. 4: Fire brigade. Key words p. 7: Military camps in Pretoria and Merton keep. Key words p. 12: AasvoĂŤlstraat and Sharks Alley. Key words p. 15: Red Rag for Pretoria News. Key words p. 19: Police Band. Key words p. 21: Imperial Forces. Key words p. 22: Union Defence Force drilling and military training.









1899: £50 BELONING

Die Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek het ʼn uitmuntende en moderne “Geheime Politie” – onderafdeling van die ZARP’s - gehad. Staatsprokureur JC Smuts het hulle reorganiseer. Hulle het foto’s van die vyand se stellings geneem en ook sketse gemaak. Die opperbevel van die Boeremagte het nie veel van spioenasie en die bedryf van inligting gedink nie. Kaptein Mike du Toit was ‘n lid van die Geheime Politie, later was hy afdelingskommissasris in die OVS en later adjunkkommissaris van polisie te hoofkwartier. Lt-kol. Manie Bredell het in pres. Kruger se sitkamer, agter ‘n skerm, geslaap. Hy het besluit wanneer om die president wakker te maak wanneer dringende telegramme inkom. Hy was ‘n soort van veiligheidsadviseur vir die president. Later het hy en dr. Heymans saam met pres. Kruger in ballingskap vertrek. Manie Bredell was toe die president se privaat sekretaris. Lt.kol. Manie Bredell was die eerste adjunkkommissaris van die SA Polisie en ook sekretaris van polisie. 60

1901 – 1902 BURGHER POLICE Interessante inligting is bekom oor die “Burgher Police” – meestal hensoppers en verloopte burgers wat by die Britte aangesluit het. Die Anglo Boere-oorlog het baie verdeeltheid onder die Boere gebring. ʼn Paar “Burgher Police” is gevang en vier is deur die Boeremagte gefussileer. Daar was ʼn veelvoud van polisiemagte in ou suidelike Afrika. Die doel is om inligting oor al hierdie magte te bekom en vir die nageslag te bewaar. Enige inligting oor die BURGER POLICE sal welkom wees.(Alle berigte Via me. Elsmarie Welmans)

1899 – 1902: DIE OUDSTRYDERS WORD AL HOE MINDER (Via mev. Marie Geldenhuys.) Voor ons die artikel gedateer 1968 uit die Huisgenoot gaan aanhaal, deel ons graag ander inligting oor ons oudstryders van die Anglo-Boere-oorlog. U kan gerus klik op: (Sien berig in blokkie.) Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe On-line version ISSN 2224-7912. Print version ISSN 0041-4751. Tydskr. geesteswet. vol.54 n.2 Pretoria Jun. 2014. NAVORSINGS- EN OORSIGARTIKELS / RESEARCH AND REVIEW ARTICLES "Mag ons vergeet?" 'n Geskiedenis-serie en Afrikanernasionalisme, 1937-1948. "Should we forget?" A history series and Afrikaner nationalism, 1937-1948. Opsomming Met hierdie studie word die rol ondersoek wat 'n geskiedenisreeks van Nasionale Pers, getiteld "Ons Geskiedenis-Serie", tussen 1937 en 1948 ten opsigte van Afrikanernasionalisme gespeel het. Enersyds het die reeks beoog om Afrikanernasionalisme te bevorder, maar andersyds het dit 'n behoefte by Afrikanernasionaliste bevredig en was die publikasies 'n aanduiding van die stand van hierdie nasionalisme. Vooraf word daar ter wille van konteks gekyk na vroeë Afrikanergeskied-skrywing, Nasionale Pers se rol in hierdie geskiedskrywing, en die opbloei van Afrikanernasiona-lisme in die dertigerjare. Daarna kom die ontleding aan die beurt van die 21 werke wat in die reeks verskyn het. Met die oog daarop word die aard van die hooftemas en die aard van die individuele werke onder die loep geneem. Die hooftemas was die volksplanting, die Groot Trek, die Eerste Vryheidsoorlog of Eerste Anglo-Boereoorlog, die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899-1902, en die Afrikaner se ekonomiese en geestelike vernedering voor Brittanje ná die oorlog en in die eerste dekades van die twintigste eeu.







Mag ons, dis eintlik op u die leser gemik, mag ons: Die ou SAP- en SAW-veterane en oudstryders vergeet? Soos alle mense het ons foute gemaak en ja, ons het baie goed verkeerd gedoen in alle eerlikheid en billikheid! Ja, ons het ook ons plig versuim en daaraan is ons skuldig! Nadat ek die artikel gelees het, het ek onthou dat daar ook ‘n artikel van Oom Jaap in die SARP gelees het.


100-Jarige veteraan van die ZARP’s




Vlnr: Veterane J Smit & J Coetzer van die ZAR se Staatsartillerie. Nico en ek wonder of Oom Jaap Coetzer nie vir ʼn rukkie aan die ZAR se staatsartillerie verbonde was nie? Die ooreenkoms is merkwaardig.


Met erkenning: “Mail on Line.”

Hoeveel keer het ons in die SAP nie diens langs ons hoofstrate gedoen sonder om nat of droog oor ons lippe te kry nie? Die SAW het ons soms blymoedig langs die pad gevoed. Ek onthou toe ons in burgerlike drag tydens adv. BJ Vorster se inhuldiging as SP in Kerkstraat (oos) die heeldag diens moes doen, toe het die SAW en Seuns ons wat ook in civvies was, gevoed – hulle het seker gedink ons is van MI?


FROM THE MEDIA / PERSBERIGTE VAN BELANG From maids to mechanics: Incredible pictures of the women who swapped a humdrum life in wartime Britain for service with the army in world war one To make up for manpower shortages in the Army, the government called on thousands of women to serve • One hundred years ago this month the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps was created to aid the war effort • Members worked as cooks and office workers and some served as mechanics - unthinkable before the war By Rory Tingle for Mailonline •

Published: 11:26 GMT, 5 March 2017 | Updated: 11:26 GMT, 5 March 2017 Three years into World War One, Britain was running short of men, with millions of Tommies mown down during a series of bloody battles including Ypres and the Somme. To carry on the fight, the government called on the services of thousands of women, who swapped the dreariness of wartime Britain for the peril of life on the front line. The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) was created in March 1917, one hundred years ago this month, and on the 31st the first detachment of members, 14 cooks and waitresses, were sent to France. +15 Due to a shortage of male soldiers, the government called on the services of thousands of women to help in the Army, forming the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 70

(WAAC) in 1917. Pictured are some of its members marching in Britain on June 1, 1917, before leaving for France

On March 31, 1917, the first detachment of 14 cooks and waitresses were sent to France. Pictured are members of the WAAC during an inspection at a barracks in 1917 +15

Volunteers wore khaki uniforms like male soldiers, but any skirt was not allowed to be more than 12 inches from the ground. Pictured is Queen Mary inspecting members of the WAAC at Aldershot barracks in 1917 71

Although they were not involved in fighting, women replaced men in support roles at offices and army bases. Queen Mary was a great fan on the WAAC, which took her name in its title after 1918 until its dissolution in 1920. Behind the Queen is King George V (carrying a stick)

Members of the WAAC kept fit with activities such as Morris Dancing and hockey. Pictured are women taking part in a tug-of-war contest in August 1918 while hundreds of male soldiers watch on.


Volunteers wore khaki uniforms like male soldiers, but with a skirt that was not allowed to be more than 12 inches from the ground. Although they were not involved in fighting, women replaced men in support roles at offices and army bases. Some even went from being maidservants back in Blighty serving as mechanics in France - an unthinkable concept before the war. Share this article They regularly worked as cooks at hospitals and army camps, often serving up food that was far better than the men had enjoyed at home. At first there was some resistance to the idea of using women in France. Sir Douglas Haig, commander-in-chief of the British Army, was concerned they would not be able to manage the physical labour done by men. He also questioned whether the presence of women in storerooms - where male soldiers had to change - would undermine moral standards.

At first there was some resistance to the idea of using women in France. Sir Douglas Haig, commander-in-chief of the British Army, was concerned they would not be able to manage the physical labour done by men. Pictured are members of the WAAC walking back to billets in France in 1916



+15 +15

Volunteers such as Miss Carter, from Manchester,(right) were inspired by recruitment plasters such as this one,(left) which urged women to see themselves as a vital part of the war effort. Both photos were taken in 1918, when the WAAC had been renamed Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps 75

This postcard shows members outside the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Hostel, 5 Rollestone Camp, on Salisbury Plain. Some 50,000 women signed up to the WAAC the end of the conflict in 1918



Members of the WAAC march through London in 1918, presumably after the end of World War One in November. The contribution made by women to the war effort greatly increased the respect they were afforded among the male establishment. Women over the age of 30 who owned property were given the vote in 1918 But in the end he accepted the idea, writing to the War Office on March 11th, 1917: 'The principle of employing women in this country [France] is accepted and they will be made use of wherever conditions admit.' Some 50,000 women signed up to the WAAC by the end of the conflict in 1918, with each recruit being paid upwards of 24 shillings a week. After 1918, the organisation was renamed Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, and remained in existence until 1920. However, it was not only through the WAAC that women contributed to the Allied effort during World War One. Thousands worked as nurses and ambulance drivers for the Voluntary Aid Detachment, whose most famous member and leader was Katherine Furse. There was also the Women's Royal Navy Service, established in 1916, and the Women's Royal Airforce that came into existence two years later. While most never came too close to the front line, there was one female soldier - 20year-old Dorothy Lawrence, a journalist who joined the British Expeditionary Force in 1915 by passing herself off as a man.



It was not only through the WAAC that women helped out in World War One. Pictured are members of the Women's Royal Air Force, created in 1918. This image was taken in London in 1919, when members were attending a party for war workers

Thousands of women also carried out dangerous work at munitions factories in Britain. In total, 400 women died in these factories, between 1914 (when this image was taken) and 1918, when the war ended


Women war workers, including the distinctively white-capped and VAD nurses in aprons, parade outside Buckingham Palace in 1918

Female ambulance workers, such as this group photographed in November 1915, served both at home and on the front line

Members of the Women's Fire Brigade - another women's organisation separate from the WAAC - photographed in their uniforms beside an extinguished fire in March 1916 Read more: The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps - History Learning Site Share or comment on this article

79 (Retrieved 5 March 2017). Relevansie: Dis hoe die vrouepolisie in Groot Brittanje en in Suid-Afrika ontstaan het. Vrouepolisie het gedurende 1914 - 1918 in die Unie van Suid-Afrika vir ʼn kort rukkie bestaan. Vrouepolisie het eers in 1972 sy beslag in die RSA gekry.

Hate speech on Facebook shocks: FF Plus Youth in Gauteng opens case with HRC Issued by: Jean Kriek Capacity: FF Plus youth leader: Gauteng Date: 24 February 2017 The leader of the FF Plus Youth in Gauteng opened a case with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) on Thursday against Mr. Makate Rapulana for hate speech and inciting the killing of farmers on his Facebook page, says Jean Kriek, FF Plus Youth leader for the province. Rapulana said on his page that farmers being killed in South Africa are “karma”. Also: “I am for the killing of farmers… I support anyone who kills a farmer”. Kriek says this kind of behaviour and comments are unacceptable in any civilised society and inciting and celebrating the death of a farmer is sick and inhumane. “Rapulana’s comments are the result of an example of violent rhetoric against white farmers set by political leaders such as president Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema, leader of the EFF, who claims that whites killed blacks to steal the land of the country. “Rapulana’s comments get even more sinister when he writes: “Believe me I have looked too many a farmer in the eye and I was not the one splattered on the front pages of tabloids the next day”. This implies that he could have been involved in the killing of farmers. “This admission definitely warrants a thorough investigation. We will thus also be opening a case with the South African Police Service to investigate,” Kriek said. Contact number: 079-224-7321

Murder: Glebelands Hostel: Umlazi Since March 2014 to date there have been 77 murders at Glebelands Hostel, Durban South. See:


Wittes het gewerk en betaal vir grond Dr. Pieter Groenewald: VF Plus-leier Regmatige grondeienaars het gewerk en betaal vir hul grond. Hulle gaan nie daaroor jammer sê nie,” sê dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus. Dr. Groenewald het met die mosie op die wysiging van artikel 25 van die Grondwet oor grondonteiening gesê wanneer die ANC-regering praat oor grond en grondonteiening sonder vergoeding, verwys dit nie net na boere en landbougrond nie, dit raak elke eienaar van grond in Suid-Afrika, van ʼn plaas tot ʼn huis in ʼn stad of ‘n dorp. Hy het gesê dit is belangrik dat alle grondeienaars besef dat elkeen se eiendom ter sprake is wanneer van onteiening sonder vergoeding gepraat word, maar dat dit nie sonder meer sal kan gebeur in Suid-Afrika wat ʼn grondwetlike demokrasie is nie. Hy het gesê dit bly jammer dat wit mense altyd die sondebok gemaak word wanneer grondhervorming ter sprake is. “Oor grondbesit moet dit duidelik gemaak word dat die regmatige eienaars van grond en eiendom in Suid-Afrika diegene is wat daarvoor gewerk het, wat dit betaal het, en wat ‘n titelakte in die titelakte-kantoor het. “Daardie mense is die regmatige eienaars, en dit is nie moontlik om sulke mense se eiendom net af te neem sonder vergoeding nie. Suid-Afrika is ʼn grondwetlike demokrasie. Daar moet dus ʼn grondwetlike proses plaasvind voordat iemand se eiendom onteien kan word. “Die regering moet net ophou om wittes die skuld te gee vir alles wat fout is. In hierdie geval is dit die onbevoegdheid van die regering self wat nie vordering kan maak met die proses nie. “Meer as 5% van alle grond in die land beland deurentyd op die opemark. Baie daarvan, veral plase, is weens die droogte selfs onder markwaarde beskikbaar. “Die regering is dus in ʼn baie goeie posisie waar hy miljoene hektaar grond onder markwaarde kan koop. Waarom doen hy dit nie? Waarom die retoriek dat wittes die proses verongeluk? “Ek is bekommerd daaroor dat pres. Jacob Zuma gesê het grond sal sonder vergoeding afgeneem word. Dit lyk ten minste of sy lede in die parlement van hom verskil. “Dit moet benadruk word dat regmatige eienaars vir hul grond gewerk en daarvoor betaal het. En hulle gaan nie daaroor jammer sê nie,” sê dr. Groenewald. [Bron: VF Plus-nuusbrief 521] 81

Some Saps Crime Statistics NEWS & ANALYSIS

Crime stats: SA's murder and rape situation unpacked News24 | 03 March 2017 Norman Sekhukhune says part of increase can be blamed on local govt elections where some candidates were assassinated Crime stats: SA's murder and rape situation unpacked 3 March 2017 Cape Town – While there was a marginal decrease of murders in the country, some provinces still experienced an increase, according to crime statistics. Police on Friday presented official crime statistics spanning from April 1 to December 2016 to the police committee in Parliament, where they painted a picture of a country winning the fight against crime. According to the statistics, 14 333 cases of murder were reported in the time period, a decrease of 10 in comparison to the previous trimester. In the first quarter, there was a 0.6% increase in murder compared to the previous year, and a 1.9% increase in the second quarter. It went down by 2.3% in the third quarter, resulting in a 0.1% overall decrease for the nine months. While murder had decreased in the Northern Cape, Limpopo, the Free State, Eastern Cape and North West, it remained a problem in the Western Cape where there was a 0.7% increase. KwaZulu Natal also had a 1.7% increase, while murders went up by 3.7% in Gauteng and 6.8% in Mpumalanga. Presenting the statistics, Norman Sekhukhune, SA Police Service Head of Crime Research and Statistics, said 447 murders committed in quarter one, were committed with firearms. “The reason why we have observed [an increase], some of them were related to local government elections, where some candidates were assassinated.” The other contributing factor in the first six months of the financial year, was that 109 murders recorded were taxi-violence related murders. Out of these, he said, 47 incidents were committed in Gauteng.


The motive was mostly around road disputes with taxi associations and revenge attacks in that hitmen were hired to eliminate rivals, Sekhukhune said. “In Gauteng, in Midrand especially the Mall of Africa in the first quarter, was among the highest contributors regarding road disputes leading to murder,” he said. Domestic violence also played a role in increasing violence reported in the first semester of the financial year, he said, with 344 murders reported in the period found to be related to such incidents. This contributed to 3.8% of the murders. Gang violence was also found to be prominent, especially in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape in the first six months of the financial year. “Thirty-one people killed in 31 days [were] associated with gang violence,” Sekhukhune said, referring to the death count in the Delft area in the Western Cape in August 2016. Sexual offences Sexual offences decreased by more than 2 500 cases in the period under review. Between April 2016 and the end of December, 30 069 cases of rape were reported, down from 32 161 in the previous year. This amounted to just under 110 rape cases a day. There were 4 815 cases of sexual assault in the year under the spotlight, a decrease of only two cases from the previous year. Rape decreased in all the provinces in the time under review, with the Northern Cape reporting the highest decrease of more than 14%. While rape decreased by 0.7% in Gauteng, the province remained the highest contributor to this contact crime with more than 5 900 rapes reported in the nine months. (Retrieved 6 March 2017.)

Majuba: 27 Februarie 1881: Herdenking van Afrikaner-Boere se weerstand teen Britse Imperialisme Dr. Pieter Mulder: VF Plus-leier Tydens die emosionele debat die afgelope week in die parlement oor grond, moes parlementslede luister na woeste EFF-, ANC- en PAC-aanvalle oor hoe wittes en


Afrikaners ("Dutch gangsters") volgens Malema "imperialiste en kolonialiste" is wat alle grond met geweld gesteel het. Daarna was daar die gewone geleentheid in die parlement vir verklarings en gelukwensings. Die PAC het met groot emosie oor Robert Sobukwe gepraat wat 27 Februarie 1978 dood is. Dr. Pieter Mulder, VF Plus-parlementslid, het die geleentheid gebruik om die verklaring hieronder (ook oor 27 Februarie) te maak net om hulle oorvereenvoudigde geskiedenisbeskouing verkeerd te bewys. Die Raad het in stilte geluister met geen negatiewe reaksies daarna nie. Hieronder is dr. Mulder se voorstel: Die tweede helfte van die negentiende eeu in Suider-Afrika is gekenmerk en oorheers deur Britse imperialisme en Britse kolonialisme. Cecil John Rhodes het die simbool van hierdie Britse imperialisme in Suidelike Afrika geword. In ’n toespraak by Oxford in 1877 het Rhodes gesê: “I think that what God would like me to do is to paint as much of the map of Africa British Red as possible”. As gevolg van hierdie benadering volg die Anglo-Zoeloe oorlog in 1879 tussen die Britse Ryk en die Zoeloe Koninkryk. Dit word in 1881 gevolg deur die eerste Anglo-Boereoorlog tussen die Britse Ryk en die Afrikaner Boere burgers van die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. Gister was dit presies 136 jaar na die slag van Majuba waar die Britte oortuigend deur die Boere verslaan is. 27 Februarie 1881 het die Britse genl. Colley die berg Amajuba beset as deel van sy veldtog om die ZAR in te val en vir Brittanje te annekseer. Die Boere onder leiding van genl. Piet Joubert en Nicolaas Smit het die Britte oortuigend daar verslaan in wat ek graag die Eerste Vryheidsoorlog noem. Die Britse genl. Colley is tydens die geveg gedood. Hierdie oorlog was die enigste oorlog wat die Britte in die 19de eeu en tot vandag toe verloor het. Hulle het ook al vier die veldslae tydens die oorlog verloor. Die VF Plus bring graag vandag hulde aan daardie Boere wat bereid was om hulle lewens op te offer in die geveg teen Britse imperialisme. [VF Plus-nuusbrief 521]

Skokkend dat Speaker van parlement nie debat oor plaasmoorde wil toelaat nie Dr. Pieter Groenewald: VF Plus-leier


Dit is skokkend dat die groeiende slagting onder boere van Suid-Afrika nie as belangrik genoeg geag word om in die land se parlement bespreek te word nie, sê dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus. Nadat dr. Groenewald die Speaker van die Nasionale Vergadering, Baleka Mbete, op 16 Februarie versoek het om ʼn dringende debat oor die plaasmoorde en – aanvalle toe te laat, het hy nou die antwoord ontvang dat die versoek afgekeur is. Dr. Groenewald sê dit is tragies dat ʼn moord op ʼn boer sowat elke vierde dag in Suid-Afrika en feitlik ʼn plaasaanval per dag volgens die Speaker nie dringend genoeg, of van genoegsame nasionale belang is om ʼn parlementêre debat daaroor toe te laat nie. In die Speaker se antwoord skryf sy onder meer die aanvalle op boere is wel ʼn “ernstige aangeleentheid”, maar dat dit nie ʼn onmiddellike debat regverdig nie. Volgens dr. Groenewald beskou die VF Plus dié besluit as skokkend onvanpas. Hy sê dit is ook ʼn duidelike weerspieëling van die ANC-regering se houding oor die jare teenoor plaasaanvalle. Dr. Groenewald gaan dit egter nie daar laat nie en gaan vra vir ʼn persoonlike afspraak met die Speaker om die saak met haar te bespreek. “Die hele land en die internasionale gemeenskap moet hiervan kennis neem. Dit wil voorkom asof die lewe van boere en hul werkers vir die regering nie van belang is nie. “Tot en met die vyftiende van vandeesmaand is elf mense net in hierdie maand op plase vermoor terwyl daar dertig aanvalle was. In 2016 is 70 boere in 345 plaasaanvalle vermoor. Dit is een moord sowat elke vierde dag en feitlik ʼn plaasaanval per dag. “Dit is absoluut onverstaanbaar dat die Speaker kan sê dit is nie belangrik of dringend genoeg om te bespreek nie. “Veral kommerwekkend is die skerp toename in die aantal moorde en veral plaasaanvalle oor die laaste paar jaar, asook die brutaliteit in baie van die voorvalle. Die nasionale polisiediens kon ook nie daarin slaag om sy plig uit te voer om landelike gebiede en in die besonder die boerderygemeenskap, te beveilig nie. “Dit kan eenvoudig nie so voortgaan nie. Plaasaanvalle raak elke Suid-Afrikaner. Die landbousektor voorsien werk aan byna ʼn miljoen mense terwyl die sektor 6,9% bydra tot die BBP van die land. “Daar is reeds minder as 35 000 kommersiële boerdery-eenhede oor om voedsel vir die land te produseer. “Die verlies van 'n boer, hetsy ʼn kleinhoewe- of kommersiële boer, het nie net 'n onmiddellike direkte impak op die families van die vermoorde boer en sy of haar werknemers nie, maar dit is 'n direkte bedreiging vir voedselsekerheid en uiteindelik die BBP van die land.


“Dit hou daarom nie net ernstige gevolge in vir die veiligheid van die land in terme van voedselsekuriteit nie, maar ook vir die stabiliteit van die arbeidsmark en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die algemeen. “Hierdie is ʼn groeiende tragedie wat voor ons afspeel, en die regering kan ingryp indien die politieke wil daar is. Dit is nou egter duidelik dat hy met gevoude hande sit en toekyk terwyl die slagting op plase voortduur,” sê dr. Groenewald. [VF Plusnuusbrief 521]6


Attempts at regime change are happening - David Mahlobo News24 | 05 March 2017 Minister of State Security also says regulation of social media is being considered

Attempts at Regime Change are happening - Mahlobo Pretoria - Minister of State Security David Mahlobo says attempts at regime change in South Africa are happening. He was speaking on Sunday during a question and answer session with journalists following a press briefing by the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS) briefing. Mahlobo first touched on terrorism, saying that South Africa was not an exception when it came to being a target of terrorists. He then went on to say: "Attempts at regime change are happening. We know who does what." Mahlobo said counter-intelligence was dealing with this. "We do that work quietly because at the end of the day South Africa should never be a failed state. Our duty is to protect its sovereignty". A statement on Sunday's JCPS briefing said that no country in word was immune to the threat of terrorism. "The JCPS Cluster, through its law enforcement agencies, continues to identify and address violent extremism and terrorism-related activities," it said. "We are committed to ensure that our country remains relatively safe and free of any attempts to destabilise it. Joint operations of all intelligence community structures will 6

Die debat is intussen toegelaat - HBH


continue as well as the sharing of information critical to countering any threats that is identified." - News24 Social media in SA could be regulated The regulation of social media, in light of issues including the spread of fake news and scams, is being considered, says Mahlobo. Mahlobo, responding to a question by a reporter about fake news, said aside from being used for what it was meant for, social media was being abused to, among other things, peddle false information. He said this was not unique to South Africa. "We are contemplating to regulate the space. Even the best democracies that are revered, they regulate the space," Mahlobo said. He understood that this would not be an easy thing to do and could be seen to be "interfering with human rights". It would therefore need to be discussed with various bodies and forums. "We will be discussing how do we regulate it," Mahlobo said. Aside from people misrepresenting themselves on social media, or even purporting to be others, he said problems included photographs being set up to depict fake scenes. Photoshopping images was also an issue. (Retrieved 6 March 2017). POLITICS

Violent crime keeps increasing and is worrying – Pieter Groenewald Pieter Groenewald | 03 March 2017 FF Plus welcomes first quarterly announcement of crime statistics

Crime: Violent crime keeps increasing and is worrying The first quarterly announcement of crime statistics is welcomed as the Freedom Front Plus has been asking for it for a number of years. The crime statistics for the first term which runs from 1 April 2016 until 30 September 2016 was for the first time released to the Police portfolio committee.


“Although it shows that there has been a decline of 0.03% in 17 serious crimes which are reported by the community, the public should not be misled. Contact crimes (murder, attempted murder, serious assault, ordinary assault, ordinary robbery and sexual crimes) increased in this period (0,1%), and the triple crimes (car hijackings, robberies at residential properties and robberies at non-residential properties) increased sharply by 14,3%. “Violent crime in South Africa still increased, which is worrying. Murder (1,3%), attempted murder (0,6%) and murder with aggravating circumstances (6,9%) increased during this reporting period. All of these crimes showed a consecutive increase during the last four years, and again during this quarter,” Dr. Pieter Groenewald, the FF Plus Leader and chief spokesperson on Police, says. “The triple crimes, i.e. robberies at residential properties (5,7%) non-residential properties (8,1%) and car hijackings (14,3%) increased sharply in the reporting period. The feared crime, robberies at residential properties, have increased for four consecutive years already – and now again in this period by 5,7%. “Car hijackings are getting out of hand and has increased by 14,3%, and has also increased in the last four years. The general public, therefore, has justification when they say that they feel unsafe and that crime in South Africa is increasing. “Statistics on farm murders and farm attacks show that from July 2016 until the end of December 2016, 27 farm murders occurred in 195 farm attacks,” Dr. Groenewald said. Issued by Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus Leader, 3 March 2017 (Retrieved 6 March 2017.)


Zuma must stop dragging heels and appoint new IG – John Steenhuisen John Steenhuisen | 03 March 2017 DA says crucial position has been vacant since March 2015 and as result there has been no oversight of intelligence services

Two Years without an Inspector General of Intelligence as we celebrate the Constitution that created the position The DA calls on President Jacob Zuma to stop dragging his heels and appoint Prof Setlhomamaru Isaac Dintwe as the new Inspector-General of Intelligence (IGI). 88

This crucial position, created by section 210(b) of the Constitution, has now been vacant since March 2015. As a consequence, there has been no oversight of South Africa’s intelligence services for nearly two full years! Prof Dintwe was found to be the most suitable candidate for the position and, on 29 November 2016, the National Assembly passed a resolution approving the recommendation for the appointment of Prof Dintwe to the vacant post. The DA has been tireless in its efforts to finalise the appointment of a suitable IGI. In March 2016 the DA successfully blocked the nomination of Cecil Burgess, the architect of the "Secrecy Bill" and a “whitewashed” report on “Nkandlagate”, to the post of IGI. Six months later we wrote to the chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence demanding that the committee urgently reconvene and resume its search for an IGI. At the time, the DA vehemently objected to the appointment of Arthur Fraser as the new Director-General of the State Security Agency. Fraser's suitability for the position is highly questionable and the new IGI must make an investigation into this dubious appointment his first order of business. Ultimately, the IGI must investigate the Minister of State Security, David Mahlobo, who has been proven to keep company with rhino horn traffickers, organised crime figures and criminally accused student “leaders”, among others. Parliament today launched, to much fanfare, a campaign to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Constitution and the NCOP. Meanwhile, the IGI, a constitutional appointment, “celebrates” two years of being vacant. All the while, Minister Mahlobo and his cronies continue to have unbridled access to the security services without civilian oversight. Prof Dintwe has been tapped to fulfil this important function. He must be allowed to start his work. Issued by John Steenhuisen, Chief Whip of the Democratic Alliance, 3 March 2017 (Retrieved 6 March 2017.)


IPID agrees to investigate Rosettenville SAPS - Kate Lorimer Kate Lorimer | 03 March 2017 DA MPL says numerous tip offs indicate that SAPS officers are in cahoots with the crime kingpins in the area.


IPID agrees to investigate Rosettenville IPID agrees to investigate Rosettenville SAPS after DA request I welcome the fact that the Independent Police Investigative Directorate has agreed to investigate a DA complaint against the Rosettenville SAPS, after community outrage at alleged SAPS involvement in Rosettenville crime. In a letter from IPID Executive Director, Robert McBride, to the DA, our complaint is acknowledged and the opening of an investigation by IPID into Rosettenville SAPS is confirmed. The community of Rosettenville has been plagued by organised crime, illegal brothels and drug dens for too long, and numerous tip offs indicate that SAPS officers are in cahoots with the crime kingpins. The IPID must now fully investigate, and must deal with SAPS members involved in crime, to the full extent of the law. They must be dismissed from the force so that Rosettenville can be cleaned up. We commend Johannesburg Mayor Herman Mashaba for his crack-down on crime in Rosettenville, and we trust that with the IPID’s investigation criminal cops can be rooted out too. Statement issued by Kate Lorimer MPL, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC of Safety and Security, 3 March 2017 (Retrieved 6 March 2017.) POLITICS

Gauteng SAPS must root out criminal elements – Kate Lorimer Kate Lorimer | 06 March 2017 DA says rogue elements who work in conjunction with criminals undermine the work of honest police

Gauteng SAPS must root out criminal elements 6 March 2017


Gauteng Community Safety MEC, Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane must explain how expelled SAPS Colonel Innocent Khumalo, and police reservist Lehlohonolo Leeba were at the centre of a bank robbery in Roodepoort. Despite their arrest, this incident raises concerns over SAPS’ ability to weed out rogue elements operating within the force and the vetting process for new applicants. The recently released Victims of Crime Survey has highlighted that there is a serious breakdown in trust between the public and the SAPS. Rogue elements within the service who work in conjunction with criminals undermine the work of honest SAPS members and should be brought to book to face the full force of the law. The DA will submit questions to MEC Nkosi-Malobane to ascertain what steps her department is taking to root out corruption and criminality within the service and how many criminal SAPS members have been identified thus far. Issued by Kate Lorimer, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Community Safety, 6 March 2017 (Retrieved 7 March 2017).

Remarkable Untold Story of an Epic Battle between British Soldiers and An African Tribe which brought a definitive end to the Zulu War is revealed 140 years after the conflict • • •

Little know battle between British and Bapedi tribe at Fighting Kopke was a definitive moment in the Zulu War Despite being outnumbered more than three to one and having far less weapons, tribe fought to the very end Bapedi were finally defeated by Brits and their Swazi allies under the command of Sir Garnet Wolseley in 1879

By keiligh Baker for Mailonline Published: 12:30 GMT, 6 March 2017 | Updated: 13:15 GMT, 6 March 2017 The remarkable story of an epic battle between British soldiers and a vastly outnumbered African tribe which brought a definitive end to the Zulu War has been revealed in a new book. The little known Battle at Fighting Kopke was overshadowed by the story of the British defence of Rorke's Drift which took place 11 months earlier and was later immortalised in the film Zulu. Following the British annexation of land north of the Vaal River in South Africa in 1877, the native Bapedi tribe had been at loggerheads for two years with the British.


The conflict came to a head in a fierce four day battle at Fighting Kopke where the Bapedi were finally defeated by British troops and their Swazi allies under the command of Sir Garnet Wolseley in November 1879.

The little known Battle at Fighting Kopke was overshadowed by the story of the British defence of Rorke's Drift which took place 11 months earlier and was later immortalised in the film Zulu. But the battle with the Bapedi tribe, led by Sekhukhune (seated second from left) who was king of the Bapedi of Sekukuniland, brought a definitive end to the Zulu War.


Pictured: An artists's impression of the Battle at Fighting Kopke. The Bapedi tribe occupied the Lulu Mountains, which were unique for their cone peaks, steep gorges and numerous cave systems which provided a great challenge for an invading force The Bapedi had already fought off two other white armies - the Boers in 1876 and the British in 1878 - before they were vanquished. During the battle at Fighting Kopke the Bapedi, outnumbered at over three to one, held the superior-armed British force at bay for seven hours, refused to surrender and carried on fighting in dribs and drabs literally to their last bullets, four days later. SHARE THIS ARTICLE It was a bloody battle with both sides sustaining heavy casualties but the British eventually won and captured the Bepali leader Sekhukune. Historian William Wright has spent the last five years researching this little-known final phase of the Zulu War and Wolseley's role in it for a new book which has now been published.


A guide listens for sounds of the enemy. Following the British annexation of land north of the Vaal River in South Africa in 1877, the native Bapedi tribe had been at loggerheads for two years with the British. The British and Swazi combined force of 12,000 men outnumbered the 4,000 Bapedi three to one, but the Bapedi were resourceful and on familiar terrain The British and their Swazi allies launched the Kopke offensive in the early hours of November 28 against the Bapedi stronghold of Tsate, a heavily fortified settlement of 3,000 huts at the bottom of the Lulu Mountains. The British and Swazi combined force of 12,000 men outnumbered the 4,000 Bapedi three to one, but the Bapedi were resourceful and on familiar terrain. The Bapedi occupied the Lulu Mountains unique for their cone peaks, steep gorges and numerous cave systems which provided a great challenge for any invading force. Each hut was surrounded by a fence of prickly pear or thorny wood, while in front of Tsate were a series of rifle pits.


The town itself could only be entered by two steep and narrow paths, which were heavily defended. Sekhukune had even ordered a 15 feet high and 15 feet wide fence be built around the settlement to provide an extra obstacle for the British.


The conflict came to a head in a fierce four day battle at Fighting Kopke where the Bapedi were finally defeated by British troops and their Swazi allies under the command of Sir Garnet Wolseley (right) in November 1879. Cetshwayo kaMpande (left) was the king of the Zulu Kingdom from 1872 to 1879 and its leader during the Anglo-Zulu War. He famously led the Zulu nation to victory against the British in the Battle of Isandlwana At 4.15am the battle started with a shell being fired into the Fighting Kopke. Immediately the Bapedi responded with war cries and blasts from their war horns.


The British and Swazi attacked from both left and right, dodging gun fire from Bapedi marksmen concealed in the mountains. Gradually the Bapedi fire slackened allowing attacking forces to work their way above the town into the Lulu Mountains where the Bapedi had retreated. However, under the cover of darkness, large groups of Bapedi boldly charged out of the caves in a defiant attempt to stab and shoot their way to freedom.

A newspaper's impression of the morning after the Battle of Isandlwana - but the reality was far worse. It erupted on January 22 1879, 11 days after the British started their invasion. 20,000 Zulu warriors attacked 1,800 British, colonial and native troops and 400 civilians. The Zulus, who had more numbers, overwhelmed the British, killing over 1,300 troops, while around 1,000 Zulu soldiers were killed Hundreds of Swazi were killed in hand to hand fighting near cave entrances while the British, on the whole, hung back. Fierce fighting continued with the British soldiers not hesitant to fire down holes in rocks into caves where the Bapedi women and children were hidden away. Over the course of the four days, under the strain of constant bombardment, women and children gradually left the caves and the final defenders surrendered on December 1. That night, Wolseley wrote a letter home to his wife Louisa in which he expressed his relief at having defeated the 'strong' enemy and turned his attention to tracking down Sekhukune. 97

He wrote: 'My dearest little Sandpiper I have cracked the nut thank God and Sikuni's Town (Tsate) is a thing of the past, everything destroyed, his people killed, prisoners or dispersed as wanderers and his property falling into our hands daily.

Wolseley on horseback, a bearded Chelsmford on his left, presents Lieutenant Chard with his Rorke's Drift Victoria Cross. Following the battle at Fighting Kopke Wolseley wrote a letter home to his wife Louisa in which he expressed his relief at having defeated the 'strong' enemy and turned his attention to tracking down Sekhukune 'If we can only kill or catch the chief himself the thing will be the most competent affair possible. 'He is hiding away in a cave somewhere and as the Lulu Mountains are a mass of caves and rocky crannies where fugitives can conceal themselves it will be no easy task matter catching the villain. 'I am very glad I came here with a large force; with a small one I should have failed, for the position occupied by the enemy was strong and easily defended.' A search party was gathered to find Sekhukune and he was eventually located the next day in a cave 15 miles away from Tsate. He was offered the chance to hand himself in but a little girl ran out of the cave to say he was prepared to fight. A tense stand-off ensued. However, the following morning, he had a change of heart and surrendered before leaving the cave with some of his wives by his side.


Charles Commeline, a member of the British forces who was present at the scene, said: 'Sekhukhune was carried out on a stretcher with some of his wives by his side. 'He then squatted with a dozen chiefs around him and shook hands with all the officers as we came up to see him.

Lancers return from burning kraals.Much has been written about the famous British rearguard of Rorke's Drift in January 1879 but there was another significant battle 11 months later - at Fighting Kopke - which has been completely overlooked until now 'After a good strong tot of rum began to get quite chirpy having at first been rather nervous for his personal safety.' Both sides paid a heavy price in the battle. One thousand Bapedi were killed, one quarter of their force. On the British side, 56 white officers and 600 Swazi were killed. Sekhukhune was held in Pretoria until 1881. The following year he was assassinated by a rival Bapedi notable. Mr Wright, 65, who now lives in Budapest, said: 'The importance of this battle is that the Bapedi were the last of three major rivals to British power in South Africa. 'They had destroyed the Xhosa people and wiped them out after nine wars, destroyed the Zulus in 1879 and finally Sir Garnet Wolseley vanquished the Bapedi.


Sir Garnet shown cheering on the Swazis in the final assault on Ntswaneng. At Rorke's Drift, on January 22 and 23 1879, just over 150 British and colonial troops successfully defended the garrison against an intense assault by 4,000 Zulu warriors 'It could be said this battle against the Bapedi was the culmination of British supremacy against the native people in Africa. 'The Bapedi had amazingly fought off two other white armies (the Boers in 1876 and the British in 1878) before they were vanquished. 'While the British won a decisive victory it must be said that their opponents had fought magnificently. 'The Bapedi, outnumbered over three to one, had held the superior-armed British force at bay for seven hours, refused to surrender and carried on fighting in dribs and drabs literally to their last bullets, four days later.' At Rorke's Drift, on January 22 and 23 1879, just over 150 British and colonial troops successfully defended the garrison against an intense assault by 4,000 Zulu warriors. It was the sole British bright spot in the devastating Battle of Isandlwana which resulted in the British taking a much more aggressive approach in the Zulu War. A British Lion in Zululand, Sir Garnet Wolseley in South Africa, by William Wright, is published by Amberley Books and costs ÂŁ25.


An artist's impression of the last stand at the Battle of Isandlwana. Rorke's Drift was the sole British bright spot in the devastating Battle of Isandlwana which resulted in the British taking a much more aggressive approach in the Zulu War Share or comment on this article (Retrieved 6 March 2017.)


SAPS rural safety units must be introduced ASAP – DA Leona Kleynhans | 06 March 2017 Party wants to know how many more have to suffer and die in farm attacks before something is done

Warden farm attack - how many more have to suffer before specialised SAPS Rural Safety Units are reintroduced? 6 March 2017 The DA in the Free State condemns in the strongest possible terms the most recent attack that took place yesterday evening at the farm Swartfontein, just outside Warden, in the Eastern Free State.


The attackers stabbed Mr CT Steyn in the heart and left him for dead. Mr Steyn survived the attack and managed to call for help. He underwent emergency surgery at a hospital in Bethlehem and is currently in a critical but stable condition. We wish Mr Steyn a speedy recovery and all the strength to his family and friends. The DA has for many years called on the government to re-introduce specialised rural safety units within the SAPS to better combat rural crime which not only affects farmers and farmworkers, but rural communities in general, who are often left neglected by an under-resourced and uncoordinated police service. The lack of a coordinated programme of action to combat rural crime to ensure the safety and security of rural communities allows these criminals the freedom to execute a reign of terror that has no place in a constitutional democracy. How many more people have to suffer from this senseless violence before action is taken? The DA reiterates its call on government to reintroduce specialised rural safety units without any further delay. The DA will not rest until the reintroduction of specialised rural safety units is a reality. We need to do more to ensure the safety and security of our far-flung rural communities. We owe it to them. Issued by Leona Kleynhans, DA Member in the Free State Provincial Legislature, 6 March 2017 (Retrieved 7 March 2017.) POLITICS

State regulation of social media nothing but state interference – AfriForum Ernst Roets | 06 March 2017 Ernst Roets says proposed regulations will result in 'false narratives' being promoted

Proposed state regulation of social media nothing but state interference 6 March 2017 AfriForum today said that state regulation of social media, as proposed by David Mahlobo, Minister of State Security, would result in “false narratives� being promoted rather than limited. AfriForum also announced that should the Minister continue herewith, the civil rights organisation would oppose it.


Mahlobo said yesterday morning that Government considered regulating social media, as there are too many “postmen and women” who, according to him, convey untested information. Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, says that the governing ANC is notorious for often being dishonest with the public, especially where corruption and state deterioration are concerned. “It is especially ironic that a Minister who was recently caught out on social media over his own alleged corrupt behaviour now suddenly wants to regulate social media,” Roets says. Photos recently emerged on social media of Mahlobo posing with an employee of the massaging salon that belongs to the self-confessed criminal Guan Jian Guang. The photos seem to have been taken in 2016. Roets adds that this statement smacks of the ideology of totalitarianism that is currently taking root in the ANC. “The Minister is concerned about the dissemination of false news. We are concerned about the dissemination of a false ideology,” Roets concludes. Issued by Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO, AfriForum, 6 March 2017 (Retrieved 7 March 2017).

British army officer murdered on his Kenyan ranch foretold the attack in a haunting letter to friends weeks earlier • • • •

Tristan Voorspuy said he was ‘braced’ for an armed walk on ‘any day now’ Warned ‘callow youths’ who were ‘armed to the teeth’ were leading takeovers Few days after his warning the 24,000 acre Sosian ranch Mr Voorspuy co-owned was trampled by cattle and vandalised by armed men accompanying them Two men were charged with murder and a local MP may also face charge

By Tom Kelly for the Daily Mail Published: 23:04 GMT, 10 March 2017 | Updated: 01:00 GMT, 11 March 2017 A British former cavalry officer murdered on his Kenyan ranch foretold of the attack in a haunting letter to friends weeks earlier. Tristan Voorspuy said he was ‘braced’ for an armed walk on ‘any day now’ following dozens of recent killings during land invasions. He warned that ‘callow youths’ who were ‘armed to the teeth’ were leading the takeovers, which are allegedly encouraged by politicians to win popular support with anti-settler policies.


Tristan Voorspuy said he was ‘braced’ for an armed walk on ‘any day now’ following dozens of recent killings during land invasions. +5 And he described how the invaders were reviving long forgotten rituals of the Pokot tribe, which involve the killing and ‘grizzly mutilation’ of elephants buffalos, giraffe and other big game. A few days after his stark warning the 24,000 acre Sosian ranch Mr Voorspuy coowned in Laikipia, north-west of Mount Kenya, was trampled by tens of thousands of cattle and vandalised by armed men accompanying them. SHARE THIS ARTICLE And last Sunday, as he rode unarmed to inspect three houses torched in the attack, he was shot three times and killed. Two men have been charged with his murder and a local MP accused of inciting the violence may also face a murder charge, police have said.


He warned that ‘callow youths’ who were ‘armed to the teeth’ were leading the takeovers, which are allegedly encouraged by politicians. +5

Last Sunday, as he rode unarmed to inspect three houses torched in the attack, he was shot three times and killed. 105

+5 In his February 8 message, circulated around others involved in Kenyan tourism, Mr Voorspuy described how he had spent almost two decades building up his estate, which he bought when it had been overgrazed and had no game. Under his management, it was transformed into one of the country’s finest nature reserves, with more than 6,000 elephant and 250 lions. He wrote: ‘With the tourist lodge we employ 150 people and pay $ 200,000 (£164,000) in tax every year. ‘It is a culmination of 18 years of love and investment but we are bracing ourselves for an armed walk on any day now… ‘Civil wars in neighbouring countries have meant huge quantities of cheap and illegal firearms are at hand to any callow youth. ‘If the Laikipia ranch owners upped and left, these people would be happy for a very short space of time as they swamped the land and destroyed every last blade of grass.

In his February 8 message, circulated around others involved in Kenyan tourism, Mr Voorspuy described how he had spent almost two decades building up his estate, which he bought when it had been overgrazed and had no game. +5 ‘The attitude of ‘if I do not get that last blade, somebody else will’ is paramount and sadly the paradigm that governs most overpopulated pastoral activity today.’


He also described how in recent weeks his son Archie, 24, had been ‘shot at and intimidated’ by armed youths at the 44,000 acre Samburu ranch which had left it in a ‘smouldering ruin.’ And the night before the letter was sent, a police officer was in a critical condition after being shot in the neck in a ranch ‘besieged’ by ‘fully armed’ youths as part of a ‘political invasion by big wigs to drive families off the land so it can be claimed,’ he wrote. Mr Voorspuy acknowledged that huge increases in population and the latest drought meant local tribes were ‘desperate’. But he said the drought was by no means ‘catastrophic’ and said six years of reasonable rain have allowed them to overstock their domestic stock while ‘fat cats’ had put stolen money into livestock as an untraceable asset.

Pictured: The three lodges burned by armed tribesman who invaded Mr Voorspuy's Sosian Ranch in Laikipia +5 He added: ‘The degradation of the fragile Northern sandy soils which supported Man , livestock and game for thousands of years is nearly complete and will take decades to recover if it was ever allowed to.’ He added: ‘Sadly Laikipia and Kenya is one small example of the greatest challenge mankind has yet faced. What chance for the wildlife and tourism yet alone ourselves in the long run.’


Mr Voorspuy grew up in Sussex and served in the Blues and Royals, which included two tours of Northern Ireland, before settling in Kenya in the 1980s. He held dual British and Kenyan nationality. Share or comment on this article (Retrieved 11 March 2017.)

Dismounted: fears for the future of Britain’s mighty police horses as forces cut them back by a fifth in just five years • • •

Police admit cuts mean there are no longer enough horses to cover major events Mounted branches may be replaced by dogs, officers on foot or on bikes Just a dozen of the 45 forces in Britain have horses despite a report heralding their 'unique role' in dealing with crowds

By Martin Beckford Home Affairs Editor for the Mail On Sunday Published: 22:11 GMT, 11 March 2017 | Updated: 00:08 GMT, 12 March 2017

+4 108

Reassuring: A mounted officer in The Mall in London. Horses have also played an important role at football matches and violent protests For decades they have been a powerful and reassuring sight at big occasions, controlling crowds at protests and football matches or adding to the pomp and ceremony of Royal processions. But now police chiefs admit that budget cuts mean there are no longer enough police horses to cover major public events. Instead, mounted branches may have to be replaced by dogs, officers on foot or on bikes, or CCTV cameras – even though they will not be as good at keeping people safe. Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday reveal: ‘Mounted officers do provide commanders with the ability to respond rapidly to events and deploy tactics which are very effective in a public order environment. 'Other tactics that could be utilised as an alternative to mounted officers will, in some instances, be less effective.’ Mounted police capacity has fallen by 19 per cent in the past five years, according to the paper presented to the Chief Constables’ Council by Justine Curran, who until recently headed Humberside Police. She wrote that the fall ‘highlights the risk that police may not be able to access the required level of mounted police services’. Just a dozen of the 45 forces in Britain have horses, despite an academic review commissioned in 2014 concluding that mounted units have a ‘unique role’ in dealing with crowds.


Police horses are pictured during the 2011 London riots. Mounted police capacity has fallen by 19 per cent in the past five years, according to the paper presented to the Chief Constables’ Council

Mounted units also played an important role in policing the 1990 poll tax riots. Just a dozen of the 45 forces in Britain have horses, despite an academic review commissioned in 2014 concluding that mounted units have a ‘unique role’ The part played by Metropolitan Police horse Billy in restoring order after a pitch invasion at the 1923 FA Cup Final was commemorated with a railway crossing at the new Wembley Stadium being named the White Horse Bridge. More recently, mounted sections have been used to quell the Poll Tax riots in 1990 and disturbances in Tottenham, North London, in 2011. Sergeant Joel Gray told an official review after trouble flared in Tottenham: ‘The sudden presence of horses caused a very visible backing off by the rioters.’


Police horses also watched over the 1923 FA Cup Final. It was commemorated with a railway crossing at the new Wembley Stadium being named the White Horse Bridge In the paper presented to chiefs last October, Mrs Curran warned there was a ‘risk of insufficient operational national, regional and local mounted capacity for policing largescale events, including football and significant public disorder’. She listed the alternative tactics that could be deployed, but said: ‘It is recognised that some will not be as effective.’ The paper described how horses could be used to ‘quickly disperse hostile crowds’. It claimed dogs could be used in this situation instead, but ‘they have reduced time in front of crowds as they tire’. SHARE THIS ARTICLE Horses can also be used to ‘split a hostile crowd’, allowing riot squads through, reducing the risk to officers and the public. Away from public order events, the paper noted that horses provided reassurance and public engagement. This could be done instead by ‘use of cycles by police officers in parks or rural areas’. (Retrieved 12 March 2017.)


Daar is nie genoeg geld vir misdaadbekamping in Gauteng Uitgereik deur: Philip van Staden Hoedanigheid: VF Plus-LPW: Gautengse wetgewer Datum: 13 Maart 2017 Die VF Plus se beroep op gemeenskappe in Gauteng, minder as 'n maand gelede, om hulself teen misdaad te begin mobiliseer, begin nou in alle erns 'n werklikheid word. Dit volg nadat ʼn sestigjarige vrou van die plaas Kalbasfontein tussen Fochville en Westonaria die afgelope week met 'n elektriese boor gemartel was in haar woning nadat sy by haar plaashek oorrompel was. Die VF Plus is uiters bekommerd oor hierdie tendens en is van mening dat die Gauteng regering nie veel beskerming aan inwoners gaan kan lewer nie, aangesien daar vir die 2017/18 finansiële jaar slegs R203 miljoen begroot is vir die Departement van Gemeenskapsveiligheid. R45 miljoen hiervan gaan verdeel word tussen die duisende plaaslike Gemeenskappolisiëringsforums (GPF’s), Gemeenskapsveiligheidsforums (GVF’s) en straatkomitees. R158 miljoen gaan bestee word oor drie jaar om geweld teen vroue en kinders te beveg. Hierdie syfers was op 7 Maart 2017 deur die LUR van finansies, Barbara Creecy, bekend gemaak tydens haar provinsiale begrotingsrede. Die VF Plus se LPW in Gauteng, mnr. Philip van Staden, het gesê voordat mense bly raak oor die begroting, moet mens eers gaan kyk hoeveel GPF's, GVF's en straatkomitees daar in Gauteng geregistreer is. Die bedrag van R45 miljoen moet dan tussen daardie geregistreerdes verdeel word en op die ou einde van die dag is die bedrag wat elk van hierdie organisasies ontvang om misdaad te bekamp, totaal en al onvoldoende. "Na die afgelope week se gebeure is dit uiters belangrik dat inwoners baie vinnig sal moet besef dat dit noodsaaklik is om self na hul eie veiligheid te begin omsien aangesien die regering, provinsiale regering en die polisie nie meer oor die vermoë beskik om inwoners te beskerm nie. Gemeenskappe moet nou dringend begin mobiliseer deur middel van aansluiting by plaaslike polisiëringsforums en privaat buurtwagte." Van Staden het reeds die voortou geneem met hierdie beroep op inwoners van Gauteng en self begin betrokke raak by sy plaaslike GPF asook om sy woning nog meer te beveilig nadat hy ook die afgelope maand deel van die misdaadstatistiek geword het. Hy is ook konstant met sy bure in verbinding. "Nie almal het die finansies om hul wonings te beveilig nie maar ons het nie 'n keuse nie selfs al moet jy 'n verband op jou eiendom uitneem. Gebruik dit in plaas van om nog 'n motor aan te koop of om 'n swembad te bou. Skerp daardeur jou sekuriteit op wat in elk geval jou eiendom se waarde verhoog. Indien jy 'n huurder is, onderhandel met die eienaar by wie jy huur en kom tot 'n vergelyk. As inwoners nie een van dié opsies kan uitoefen nie, sluit net ten minste by jou plaaslike GPF aan, kry 'n radio in jou huis vir 'n minimale bedrag per maand en meld aan vir patrollies in jou straat voor jou eie huis. As elke inwoner by sy GPF of buurtwag aansluit sal dit baie bydra tot jou eie beveiliging." 112

VF Plus takel Paul Mashatile oor ANC wat VF plus-raadslede in Gauteng dreig en aanrand Uitgereik deur: Philip van Staden Hoedanigheid: VF Plus-LPW: Gautengse wetgewer Datum: 15 Maart 2017 Die VF Plus het gister, tydens 'n sitting van die Gautengse wetgewer, die LUR vir samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake (COGTA), Paul Mashatile, getakel oor die aanranding en dreigemente teen VF Plus-raadslede in die Johannesburgse metro en Mogale City/Krugersdorp. Die VF Plus se LPW van Gauteng, mnr. Philip van Staden, het behoorlik onder Mashatile ingeklim en wou by hom weet waarom hy toelaat dat ANC-raadslede opposisie-raadslede aanrand in die Tshwane-metro en die Wesranddistriksmunisipaliteit asook dat raadslede in die Johannesburg-metro se lewens bedreig word. Van Staden het Mashatile daarvan beskuldig dat hy deur middel van die ANC s speaker in Mogale City poog om die stadsraad omver te werp en oor te neem sonder 'n verkiesing. Van Staden het, onder andere, die volgende in sy toespraak gesê: "Nee ek hoor wat die LUR vanoggend sê en dit is ʼn baie mooi toespraak wat hy gelewer het, maar hy gee nie erkenning aan die feit dat die ANC-raadslede in die Tshwane-metroraad raadslede so erg aangerand het dat hulle in die hospitaal geëindig het nie. Hy gee ook nie erkenning aan die feit dat ʼn Vryheidsfront Plus-raadslid in die Johannesburgmetro ʼn dreigende SMS vanaf die ANC ontvang het om te sê dat ‘as jy nie vir die ANC-kandidaat gaan stem vir burgemeester nie, ons jou vrou en jou kind iets gaan aandoen by jou huis’. Ons moes inspring om vir daardie man veiligheid by sy huis te reël sodat sy gesin beskerm kon word. “Laastens erken die LUR ook nie die feit dat ʼn VF Plus-raadslid in die Wesranddistriksmunisipaliteit met die eerste sitting so erg aangerand is dat sy beserings opgedoen het en ʼn saak by die polisie moes oopmaak nie – dit terwyl sy ʼn vrou is en boonop nog ʼn kankerlyer ook is. “Die LUR is stil oor al hierdie dinge. Dis egter oral in die media.” 'n Hoogs ontstelde Mashatile het nie op hierdie feite gereageer nie. Tel: 084 015 4722 / 060 556 4347 / [Mediaverklaring]

HEROES Some wartime heroes are less equal than others



Some wartime heroes are less equal than others John Kane-Berman | 27 February 2017 John Kane-Berman says that in honouring some but ignoring others the ANC ignobly mimics predecessor govts Few of last week's numerous newspaper articles commemorating the tragic sinking of the SS Mendi off the English coastline near the Isle of Wight on 21st February 1917 failed to mention that the African servicemen who lost their lives in the First World War had been treated by the then government as second class. Most notoriously, of course, unlike white, coloured, and Indian volunteers, they were not allowed to bear arms. They served instead as stretcher bearers, batmen, transport drivers, and in various other capacities. The then prime minister, Louis Botha, led the parliamentary tributes to the 646 men, among them 607 members of the "South African Native Labour Contingent", who were drowned or otherwise died when the Mendi was accidentally rammed by another ship while transporting them to the war zone in France (although other ships arrived safely). But neither they nor any of the other Africans who volunteered for active service were properly recognised. According to a study published by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in 1949, "they were bitterly disappointed by, and resentful of, the fact, that in spite of the services rendered and the sacrifice made, no medals or even ribbons were issued to them". This treatment was a slap in the face not only to African volunteers who survived the war, but also to the dependants of those who did not. It was also a slight to the entire African population. Denied the franchise in the Union constitution which came into operation in 1910 by act of the British parliament, they nevertheless volunteered to enlist for a war that many white South Africans actively opposed as "Britain's" war. During the Second World War, nearly 75 000 African volunteers in various units of the "Native Military Corps" helped to rescue survivors from torpedoed ships around the South African coast. Others serviced aircraft in the Middle East and Italy. More than 4 000 of these volunteers were wounded, taken prisoner, killed, or presumed dead. Some were occasionally issued with arms, but they were mostly confined to non-combatant status. The Prime Minister, General JC Smuts, admitted that they regarded this as a slight. According to the IRR study, "any battle honours gained by others will indirectly be their battle honours as well", for they played a part in every battle in which other South Africans fought. Nevertheless, as the IRR pointed out in another report, legislation enacted during the war excluded Africans from the war veterans' pensions introduced for white, coloured, and Indian ex-servicemen and women. Some 114

received ex gratia payments from time to time, but these were no recompense for the pensions to which others were entitled by legislation. Racial insults of this kind have been emulated by the African National Congress (ANC), or at least those parts of it ruling Durban. Among the heroes of the Second World War is Edwin Swales, who led a bombing raid over the German city of Pforzheim on the night of 23rd February 1945. Although his Lancaster had been crippled by fighter fire, he remained over the target area directing the bombing until the raid had achieved its purpose. Thereafter, he managed to keep his Lancaster aloft long enough to cross the frontier into France, whereupon he ordered his crew to jump to safety. But the aircraft then crashed, killing him. He was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross. Captains Swales' home city of Durban honoured him by naming an arterial road after him. But the eThekwini metropolitan municipality removed his name, replacing it with that of one of the ANC's heroes, Solomon Mahlangu. In so doing they slighted not only Swales, but also the other 2 227 members of the South African Air Force who died in the Second World War. In this, as in so many other respects, the ANC ignobly mimics its predecessor governments. * John Kane-Berman is a policy fellow at the IRR, a think-tank that promotes political and economic freedom. His memoirs, Between Two Fires: Holding the Liberal Centre in South African Politics, will be published by Jonathan Ball in March. (Retrieved 28 February 2017)

Edwin Swales VC Edwin (Ted) Essery Swales VC DFC (3 July 1915 – 23 February 1945) was a South African pilot and war hero of the Second World War. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and posthumously the Victoria Cross. Early life and career Edwin Essery Swales was one of four children born in Inanda, Natal, South Africa to Harry Evelyn Swales, who was a farmer in the Heatonville district, and Olive Miriam Essery. Following the death of her husband in the influenza epidemic of 1918-19, Mrs Swales and her children moved to the Berea, Durban. Here, Edwin Swales attended Durban High School (DHS). As a young lad, Edwin had also been a member of the Boy Scout movement (4th Durban Scout Troop). After leaving school, and prior to the Second World War, Edwin Swales worked for Barclays Bank (Dominion Colonial and Overseas - DCO) in Durban. Swales had joined the Natal Mounted Rifles before the War, rising to the rank of Sergeant Major, (officially, a Warrant Officer, 2nd Class). With the N.M.R., in the early part of the War, he saw 115

action in Kenya, Abyssinia and in North Africa. He then transferred to the South African Air Force on 17 January 1942. Swales was also very keen on sport generally, and enjoyed rugby. He played for both civilian (pre-war) and various military teams. After playing for the DHS 2nd XV, he later played rugby for a number of South African and Dominion teams, whilst he was in the United Kingdom, during the War years. He played for Griquas when he had been posted to Kimberley for training. He was also a reserve for the Natal rugby team, without ever actually playing for the province. He received his wings at Kimberley on 26 June 1943. On 22 August 1943, he was seconded to the Royal Air Force (RAF) whilst retaining his South African Air Force uniform and rank. During the Second World War Following successful period of training on heavy bombers, Swales was posted, in June 1944, to the elite RAF Pathfinder Force (with 582 Squadron), part of No. 8 Pathfinder Group, at Little Staughton, in Huntingdonshire. It was normal for the Pathfinders to accept only experienced pilots who had completed a full tour on bombers. Although Swales had never spent any time as a bomber pilot in a standard heavy bomber squadron, Swales went straight into the Squadron. Swales' first operational flight for 582 Squadron was on 12 July 1944. Newly promoted to Captain on 4 November 1944, he took part in a daring daylight bombing raid on 23 December, on the Gremberg railway yards, Cologne, Germany. The Squadron Leader for the raid on Cologne was his close friend, Robert Palmer, D.F.C., who normally flew Mosquitos with 109 Squadron, also based at Little Staughton. Swales was the number two Pathfinder, leading the main flight and following Palmer as he marked the target. Palmer, who had completed 110 bombing raids, was killed as his Lancaster was damaged by German fighter and crashed. Six of the 30 aircraft on this operation were lost. Palmer was later awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross - becoming the 2nd Pathfinder pilot to be so honoured. For his actions on the Cologne raid, Edwin Swales was subsequently awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. The citation reads: “ This Officer was pilot and Captain of an aircraft detailed to attack Cologne in December, 1944. When approaching the target, intense anti-aircraft fire was encountered. Despite this, a good bombing attack was executed. Soon afterwards the aircraft was attacked by five enemy aircraft. In the ensuing fights, Capt. Swales manoeuvred with great skill. As a result his gunners were able to bring effective fire to bear upon the attackers, one of which is believed to have been shot down. Throughout this spirited action Captain Swales displayed exceptional coolness and captaincy, setting a very fine example. This Officer has completed very many sorties during which he has attacked a variety of enemy targets � Victoria Cross In 1945, while with the RAF Pathfinders (No. 582 Squadron), Swales was the Master Bomber and captain of Avro Lancaster III PB538.[3] On 23 February 1945, the very same day as his D.F.C. award was gazetted, Swales led the bombing raid on 116

Pforzheim, Germany (not far from Karlsruhe and the Rhine River), where 17,600 civilians were killed in 22 minutes. The 'sortie', his 43rd operational flight, consisted of 367 Lancasters supported by 13 Mosquitos. The marking and bombing, from only 8,000 feet, were particularly accurate and damage of a most severe nature was inflicted on Pforzheim: 1,825 tons of bombs were dropped in only 22 minutes. The post-war British Bombing Survey Unit estimated that 83% of the town's built-up area was destroyed, probably the greatest proportion in any one raid during the war. Ten Lancasters were lost that night and two more crashed in France Swales' aircraft was attacked by an Me110 whose fire shattered one engine and holed the fuel tanks. They were attacked again by the same fighter which knocked out a second engine. Swales decided to make if not England then friendly territory. The weather closed in and he ordered the crew to bail out. He attempted to put down but his Lancaster stalled and crashed near Valenciennes, west of Prouvy, 3 km SSE of Denain in northern France killing him. He was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross – the 3rd and last Pathfinder pilot to be so honoured. All had been posthumous. Swales' VC citation “Captain Swales was 'Master Bomber' of a force of aircraft which attacked Pforzheim on the night of February 23, 1945. As Master Bomber he had the task of locating the target area with precision and of giving aiming instructions to the main force of bombers in his wake. Soon after he reached the target area he was engaged by an enemy aircraft and one of his engines was put out of action. His rear guns failed. His crippled aircraft was an easy prey for further attacks. Unperturbed, he carried on with his allotted task; clearly and precisely he issued aiming instructions to the main force. Meanwhile the enemy fighter closed the range and fired again. A second engine of Captain Swales’ aircraft was put out of action. Almost defenceless, he stayed over the target area issuing his aiming instructions until he was satisfied that the attack had achieved its purpose. It is now known that the attack was one of the most concentrated and successful of the war. Captain Swales did not, however, regard his mission as completed. His aircraft was damaged. Its speed had been so much reduced that it could only with difficulty be kept in the air. The blind-flying instruments were no longer working. Determined at all costs to prevent his aircraft and crew from falling into enemy hands, he set course for home. After an hour he flew into thin-layered cloud. He kept his course by skilful flying between the layers, but later heavy cloud and turbulent air conditions were met. The aircraft, by now over friendly territory, became more and more difficult to control; it was losing height steadily. Realising that the situation was desperate Captain Swales ordered his crew to bail out. Time was very short and it required all his exertions to keep the aircraft steady while each of his crew moved in turn to the escape hatch and parachuted ” 117

to safety. Hardly had the last crew-member jumped when the aircraft plunged to earth. Captain Swales was found dead at the controls. Intrepid in the attack, courageous in the face of danger, he did his duty to the last, giving his life that his comrades might live” Legacy Originally been buried at Fosse’s USA Cemetery, his remains now lie at the War Cemetery at Leopoldsburg, near Limburg, Belgium, Plot No.8, Row C, Grave No.5.51°6′44.17″N 5°16′6.47″E Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris, KCB, OBE, AFC, of RAF Bomber Command, wrote a letter to Swales' mother, saying, inter-alia: “ .... On every occasion your son proved himself to be a determined fighter and resolute captain of his crew. His devotion to duty and complete disregard for his own safety will remain an example and inspiration to us all .... ” Although often referred to as being a "Captain" at the time of his last flight, Swales was in fact an 'Acting' Major. The S.A.A.F. was using the army ranking system, hence the ranks of 'Captain' and of 'Major'. At the time of his death on 23 February 1945, Swales was aged 29 years. In 1958, the British Air Ministry wrote to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission informing them that the South African Air Force authorities had confirmed that at the time of his death, Swales had in fact held the rank of Major. The front page of the program for the opening of the S.A.A.F. Memorial in Pretoria on 31 May 1950, described Mrs. Olive Swales (who opened the Memorial) as being the "mother of the Late Major Edwin Swales, DFC, VC".

Awards and recognition Swales was the only S.A.A.F. pilot during 1939-45 to be appointed a Pathfinder Master Bomber and also to have been posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross. The full list of the medals awarded to Swales follows: • • • • • • • •

The Victoria Cross The Distinguished Flying Cross The 1939–45 Star The Africa Star The France and Germany Star The Defence Medal, 1939–1945 The 1939–1945 War Medal (Victory Medal) The Africa Service Medal

Swales' full size war medals and some other possessions are held and displayed at the South African National Museum of Military History in Saxonwold, Johannesburg. At his old school, Durban High School (founded in 1866), a school 'House' is named Swales House. In the city of Durban, there was a major arterial road named 'Edwin Swales VC Drive'. In terms of controversial proposals made by the eThekwini Municipality, Swales' name was expunged, and the road's name changed to honour instead noted anti-apartheid figure Solomon Mahlangu.


The original set of miniature medals belonging to Swales, and a silver model Lancaster Bomber, are now housed in an exhibition honouring Swales at his old school, Durban High School. Many years ago, the miniature medals and the model had been sold by a member of the Swales family. After changing hands a few times, the group came up for auction in London in July 2004, at which time the medals and model were sold to a UK collector. A medal collector and D.H.S. Old Boy tracked down the buyer and convinced him to sell his recent acquisitions to the School. After four months of negotiations, the medals and model were delivered to their new home at DHS, where they were first displayed on Armistice Day, 11 November 2004. The silver model Lancaster was one of only ten such models which were commissioned by the aircraft’s manufacturers, Messrs A.V. Roe & Co. and by Rolls Royce (suppliers of the Lancaster engines) and presented to the ten Victoria Cross winners (or their families) who flew Lancasters in the Second World War. On the base stand of the model is a silver plaque inscribed: "A Tribute from the Directors of A.V. Roe & Company and Rolls Royce Limited. To the Memory of Captain Edwin Swales," V.C., D.F.C., S.A.A.F., who was Awarded the Victoria Cross for his great Gallantry and Self-Sacrifice during Operations Against the Enemy on 23rd February 1945". (retrieved 28 February 2017.)

Solomon Mahlangu (Afrikaans) in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu (10 Julie 1956 – 6 April 1979) was ʼn soldaat van die African National Congress (ANC) se militêre vleuel, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK). Hy is aan moord skuldig bevind7 en is in 1979 gehang. Vroeë jare Mahlangu is op 10 Julie 1956 in Pretoria gebore. Hy was die tweede seun van Martha Mahlangu, 'n huishulp. Sy vader verlaat hulle in 1962, waarna hy deur sy ma grootgemaak is. Hy woon Mamelodi Hoërskool tot standerd 8 by, maar kon, as gevolg van die onluste, nie sy skoolopleiding voltooi nie. Militêre opleiding In 1976 vlug hy na Mosambiek en spandeer ses maande in ʼn vlugtelingkamp naby Xai Xai. Daarna word hy geneem na ʼn ANC opleidingkamp, genaamd "Engineering", in Angola. Daar en by Funda-kamp het hy opleiding ontvang in sabotasie, gevegskuns, verkenning en politieke opleiding. Na sy opleiding is hy, George ‘Lucky’ Mahlangu en Mondy Motloung na Swaziland geneem waar hulle reistasse vol pamflette, gewere en handgranate gegee is. Daarna op 11 Junie 1977 het hulle die grens oorgesteek en hul weg na Johannesburg gebaan. Arrestasie Die drie kamerade het in Diagonalstraat in 'n taxi geklim, maar 'n polisieman het onraad gemerk toe hy hul groot tasse sien. Die polisieman het een van die tasse


Op die beginsel van “gemeenskaplike doel”. Ongewapende (onskuldige) lede van die publiek is koelbloedig vermoor - HBH


gegryp en 'n AK-478 en 'n handgranaat het uitgeval. Al drie het toe op die vlug geslaan. Lucky het eenkant toe gehardloop en Mahlangu en Motlaung het in die rigting van Fordburg gevlug. In Gochstraat het die twee gaan skuiling soek in die pakkamer van John Orr's en binnekant het hulle twee werknemers van John Orr's, mnre. Rupert Kessner en Kenneth Wolfendale, doodgeskiet en nog twee gewond. Beide voortvlugtendes is daarna gearresteer en aangehou. Verhoor Mahlangu se verhoor het ʼn aanvang geneem op 7 November 1977. Hy is bygestaan deur twee advokate, mnre. Ismail Mohamed S.C. en Clifford Mailer. Hy is aangekla op twee aanklagtes van moord, twee van poging tot moord en verskeie aanklagtes ingevolge die Wet op Terrorisme. Die hof het bevind dat Mahlangu en Motlaung met ʼn gemeenskaplike doel opgetree het en gevolglik dat dit nie saak gemaak het wie die skietwerk gedoen het nie. Mahlangu is skuldig bevind op alle aanklagtes. Geen versagtende omstandighede is bewys nie en Mahlangu is ter dood veroordeel. Sy aansoeke om verlof om te appelleer is afgewys. Mahlangu is op 6 April 1979 opgehang. Waarheid-en-versoeningskommissie Die kommissie het Mahlangu en Motlaung se geval ondersoek en bevind dat beide verantwoordelik was vir mnr. Rupert Kessner en Kenneth Wolfendale se dood en skuldig was aan growwe vergrype van menseregte. Dit het ook bevind dat die ANC en die bevelvoerder van MK aan sodanige vergrype skuldig was. Eerbewyse •

• • • •

Mahlangu is in Atteridgeville begrawe. Hy is op 6 April 1993 in Mamelodi herbegrawe. Daar is ʼn gedenkplaat wat glo lees: "Vertel my mense dat ek hulle liefhet en dat hulle moet aanhou veg, my bloed sal die boom voed wat die vrugte van vryheid sal dra, Aluta continua." 9 In Tanzanië is die Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) opgerig. Op 27 September 2005 is die orde van Mendi vir Dapperheid in goud aan hom toegeken deur die Staatspresident. In 2005 is daar 'n standbeeld van Mahlangu in Mamelodi opgerig. Op 6 April 2009 het die poskantoor 'n seel uitgereik om sy dood 30 jaar tevore te herdenk.

( - retrieved 28 February 2017).

Solomon Mahlangu Statue Solomon Mahlangu Mamelodi, Gauteng. See:

Solomon Mahlangu (English) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Volgens inligting was dit ʼn sogenaamde “Scorpion SMG” – HBH. En die bron van die inligting is????? Kyk, wanneer iemand gehang word is dit die werk van die balju. Hy gaan en hang die veroordeelde. Waar kom die inligting vandaan of is dit ‘n mite? 9


Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu (10 July 1956 – 6 April 1979) was a South African operative of the African National Congress (ANC) militant wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK). He was convicted of murder and hanged in 1979. Early years Mahlangu was born in Pretoria on 10 July 1956. The second son of Martha Mahlangu, his father left in 1962 and as a result he was raised by his mother, a domestic worker. He attended Mamelodi High School up to Standard 8, but did not complete his schooling due to the many riots that resulted in school closures. Military training In 1976 Mahlangu fled to Mozambique and spent six month in a refugee camp near Xia Xai. From there he was taken to an African National Congress (ANC) training camp called "Engineering", in Angola. There and at Funda Camp he received training in sabotage, military combat, scouting and politics. He, George 'Lucky' Mahlangu and Mondy Motloung were then taken to Swaziland, where they were given large suitcases filled with pamphlets, rifles and hand grenades. On 11 June 1977 they crossed the border into South Africa and started making their way to Johannesburg. The arrest The three comrades-in-arms, each carrying a large suitcase, were climbing into a taxi in Diagonal Street in the centre of Johannesburg. An ordinary police man became suspicious and grabbed one of the suitcases. An AK-47 assault10 rifle and a hand grenade fell out. All three of them fled, Lucky Mahlangu in one direction and the other two in the direction of Fordsburg. There, in Goch Street, the two sought refuge in the storage facilities of the retailers John Orr's. One of them opened fire on the employees of the company, killing two and wounding another two of them. Mahlangu and Motlaung were eventually arrested. The trial and sentence Mahlangu's trial started in the Supreme Court on 7 November 1977. He was defended by two advocates, Messrs Ismail Mohamed, S.C. and Clifford Mailer. They faced two counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder and various counts under the Terrorism Act. In its judgment the court found that Mahlangu and Motlaung had acted with a common purpose and consequently it did not matter which of the two did the shooting and killing. Mahlangu was convicted on all counts. In terms of the South African law, the court was obliged to sentence an accused to death for murder, unless the accused proved mitigating circumstances. The court found that Mahlangu had failed to do so and consequently sentence him to death. The court refused Mahlangu leave to appeal. His lawyers then asked the Appeal Court for leave to appeal and it was again refused. Mahlangu was hanged on 6 April 1979. Truth and Reconciliation Commission The commission examined the cases of Solomon Mahlangu and Mondy Motlaung and found that both of them were responsible for the deaths of Mr Rupert Kessner and Mr Kenneth Wolfendale. It also found both Mahlangu and Motlaung guilty of 10

According to research it was a “Scorpion SMG” – HBH.


gross human rights violations. Lastly it found both the African National Congress and the commanding officer of Umkhonto we Sizwe guilty of gross human rights violations. ( - retrieved 28 February 2016).

Comments: Who is my Hero? Edwin Swales VC Drive was a famous main thoroughfare in Durban connecting the City with the Bluff. I grew up on the Bluff and travelled on that road to Stella Park Primary and later to Port Natal Primary School. As child I read the gripping story of the heroism of Edwin Swales. As a policeman on the beat I travelled on this road daily whilst stationed at King’s Rest. As a member of the Security Branch at SB HQ I clearly remember the day the shooting happened in Johannesburg involving Mister Mahlangu and his party. (He was not the shooter but was part of the team.) I was about 30 years old and the act of shooting innocent and unarmed civilians shocked me. Today 40 years later and I am a “police historian” sitting in an armchair musing about the past. I have read about our South African heroes – real heroes - black and white in the past, from Wolraad Woltemade, to Dick King and Ndongeni right up to people of the present day. There were many Africans fighting with the Voortrekkers and the Boers. There were scores of unarmed African policeman who acted brave and beyond the call of duty. There were many brave people in the South African and Namibian wars. We must first identify the true heroes! Today, as a retired policeman, I have to agree that there were real heroes in the ANC – let’s say some were ill equipped and ill trained but they had the guts to attack a police station or an armed police patrol. (Mr. Mahlangu and his team fled for a single policeman. Then unarmed civilians - non-combatants - were murdered. No heroism here!) However a young man attacking a Casspir with a Molotov-cocktail has guts! When identified and circumstances allow they are heroes. Yes, Boer guerrillas were honoured, Boer rebels were honoured and rightly so! Yes, I know some SACP-ANC people who were true heroes! MK’s at great risk smuggled weapons into the country. I was a witness of the arrest of armed insurgents. I saw how an insurgent urinated all over the show after being disarmed and arrested. It takes guts to face armed police. MK’s need to be honoured otherwise they died in vain! Ironically on the other side former “police informers” have been honoured and have streets named after them! (It’s like honouring Hensoppers, Hans-khakis and Boer traitors).


If you want to honour PAC, SACP / ANC / UDF heroes, first talk to members of the former Security Branch – they know who the real heroes were! Somebody must hurry up; they are dying now! Or, do proper research from court records which are public documents. Ask yourself if a man is led to gallows to hanged by the sheriff of the court, where does the condemned man’s last words come from? Who is the source of disinformation? Read the finding of the TRC about Mr. Mahlangu’s case. The great problem is: You may rewrite history to please you, but in 50 or 100 years a true professional and truthful historian (or historians) will prove some of the current generation of historians are wrong! Very wrong! You can never hide the truth, or suppress it – the truth always rises to the surface! Members of SWAPO/PLAN were true fighters and honourable men, I am not so sure of the MK. As far as I know; MK was only once involved in a fight with the SADF and that was in Angola. The real resisters and heroes were people from the UDF, the radical clergy, the students, NUSAS, the workers, the resisters to SADF training, journalists, lawyers, teachers and professors and many others. They prepared the way and did the fighting for the SACP-ANC-COSATU alliance. The people of the UDF were the real herioes and real fighters – they deserve some credit for what they did. (If I may tell a secret: The UDF gave us hell!!!) I think that Major Swales deserves the honour to be our hero in this argument. He died whilst fighting for the liberty and freedom of people at large. He was a true blueblooded hero in the classical sense. One must build history on a sound foundation. I rest my case.






Kommentaar deur HBH: ʼn Baie eenvoudige maar tog doeltreffende grondwet. Let op artikel 5: afgesien van rang word alle lede aangespreek as “veteraan” – dis my soort organisasie die. Ek het die ledelys van 1960 deurgegaan – 58 jaar na die ABO - talle bekende polisiemanne en soldate was lede. Foto’s van die beskermheer en takpresident almal ou Veterane

Sir Winston Churchill (links) en genl JC Smuts (regs) saam afgeneem. Pas nadat Churchill tydens die Anglo-Boere-oorlog gearresteer is, is hy na genl. Piet Joubert se tent geneem – genl Louis Botha en genl Jan Smuts was toe daar. Churchill het tydens die ABO in Pretoria ontsnap en weer via Mosambiek na Durban gegaan. Sy vader Sir Randolph was goed aan die ou Boere bekend.

Korporaal HS Wakefield (CMR) gedure 1907 en afgeneem na die Marengomoeilikhede op die Kaap/DSWA-grens. Hy het ʼn Duitse medalje verwerf. Hy was ‘n deurwinterde vegter. Hy is later genlmaj HS Wakefield, CB, OBE. Bron: “The Nongqai” Julie 1946 pagina 825. Op besoek aan Voortrekkerhoogte sien ek hy het die hoeksteen van ʼn kerk aldaar gelê. Baie bekende Oubaas!


Bron: “The Nongqai” 1918 pagina 502.

BAIE DANKIE ‘n Spesiale woord van dank aan al ons korrespondente vir u al berigte, “ou” foto’s, artikels, skêrsnitte, dokumente en nuusbriewe. Dankie vir al die besoeke, oproepe en interessante gesprekke – sonder u sou die NONGQAI soos ‘n vaal SAP 3 gelyk het!

THANK YOU A Word of thanks to all our correspondents: Thank you for all your contributions, in the form of articles photogrpahs, newsletters, phone calls and visits. You make the NONGQAI not only possible but interesting as well.


Bron: “The Nongqai” Julie 1946 pagina 826.

Bron: “The Nongqai” Julie 1946 pagina 825.


1912: GUILD OF LOYAL WOMEN OF SOUTH AFRICA Tydens besoeke aan die Helde-akker in Pretoria (toe dit nog veilig was) het ek opgemerk dat baie soldate se grafte deur die Guild of Loyal Women of South Africa vernuwe was. Hul logo het op of naby die grafte verskyn.

Heroes Acre / Heldeakker: Pretoria Intussen het ek die regte foto’s opgespoor, kyk onder.

For King and Empire: Transvaal Constabulary, Provisional Constabulary Regular and Volunteer Regiments Ek sukkel met die positiewe uitkenning van die Transvaal Constabulary en met Majoor Peters wat voormalige kommissaris van polisie in Pretoria was. Ek sukkel ook om die Provisional Constabulary te identifiseer. (Na die ZARP het ons die Transvaal Town Police (the ‘blue police’) en die SA Constabulary (the ‘green police’) 130

in Transvaal gehad. Eersgenoemde was op die Witwatersrand en Pretoria. Die SAC het die platteland polisieer. Die TTP was op die Britse “Bobby”-stelsel gefundeer en die SAC was ‘n militêre konstabelmag. TTP en SAC het saamgesmelt en die Transvaal Police geword in 1908. Daarna het hulle deel uitgemaak van die ZA Politie.



To the disgraceful memory of the British Dragoons and the (new) SA Police


The words of the Red Flag


Geskiedenis uit die vuis Gedurende 1910 is die aangewese kommissaris van die nuwe ZA Politie, kol TG Truter, aangestel as kommissaris van die Transvaal Police (gestig in 1908 en saamgestel uit die voormalige SA Constabulary (SAC) en die Transvaal Town Police) en ook as hoofkommissaris van die nuwe SA Politie. Daar was al ZAP uniforms in 1911 (vir die kroning in Engeland) maar die ZAP het eers formeel op 1 April 1913 sy beslag gekry. Daar was groot deurmekaarspul – soldate het polisie geword en andersom. Polisieverpleegsters en -dokters asook -kanonniers is na die weermag. Daar was een opleidingsdepot en een kwartiermeester. Verskillende polisiemagte en weermageenhede is saamgesmelt en daar was onmiddellik geen uniale standaarde bv. t.o.v. uniform en hare nie. Daar is ‘n toekomstige teikendatum gekies wanneer al die ou uniforms en kentekens vervang moes word. Dit sou jare vir die ZAP neem om een standaard daar te stel; maar (gelukkig?) toe kom die onluste van 1913. Hoofkwartier was nog besig om Staande Orders (SO) te skryf. Die SO was op die Transvaal Police se SO gebaseer. Die ZAP se militêre inslag kom van die SAC. Manne is toe landwyd opgeroep vir diens in Johannesburg. Imperiale troepe het die ZAP ondersteun. Lt.kol. Bredell het die manne in Johannesburg een kyk gegee en opdrag gegee dat almal die nuwe ZAP uniform – teen terugbetaling - moes aantrek. In 1914 is die proses weer herhaal en het die ZAP gou ʼn nasionale standaard bereik. Hierdie aftastings kom uit majoor FL Robey se versameling. (Ek is besig om sy m/s vir publikasie reg te kry.) Die majoor was die “chief constable” (nie die “head constable’) van Oos-Londen in die Kaapse Polisie. Die kommissaris het hom toe aangestel as adjudant-offisier (hoof-konstabel of te wel Head Constable), iets wat hy nie was nie; hy was eerder iets soos die distrikskommandant van Oos-Londen. Na ‘n stram persoonlike onderhoud met die kommissaris en hoofbetaalmeester, mnr. Lewis, is Robey se rang en salaris reggestel en het hy kommissierang in die ZAP ontvang. Hy was bereid om sy saak in die hoërhof te beveg indien die kommissaris nie sy posisie sou heroorweeg nie. As “Chief Constable” het hy inspekteurs (kapteins) onder hom gehad, na die ZAP in werking getel is, het hy toe onder sy minderes diens gedoen. Soos u kan sien het die kommuniste of te wel die Rooies; die soldate en die polisie gehaat. Daar was baie verarmde ou Boerekrygers wat ook “rooi” was.







Vir elke reaksie is daar gewoonlik ʼn teenreaksie, of wigte en teenwigte: Toe sommige Boere, oudstryders van die Anglo Boereoorlog in 1914 rebelleer, het die Britsgesinde Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners in die Unie van Suid-Afrika ingegryp en die British League Club as teenvoeter vir die rebellie gestig. Die Britse kant van die saak moes belig word. Prominente rebelle in Preterita was bv kommandant (kaptein: UVM) Jopie Fourie en die kommandant-genl van die kommando’s in die UVM, genl Byers, genl De Wet en genl De la Rey het die Boere se kant van die saak deur gewapende protes gestel. Engeland het toe reeds oorlog teen Duitsland verklaar. Die Afrikaners – die Boer van 12 jaar gelede en rebelle was nie eintlik ‘kwaad’ vir die Duitser nie – hulle was eintlik, steeds ‘kwaad’ vir die Engelse en wou eerder neutraal wees en nie Duitswes inval nie. Die British League Club is dus ʼn soort van ʼn vroeë stratkom-poging deur die Engelssprekende opponente van die rebellie om Brittanje en die Britse saak te stel en om te sien na openbare veiligheid. Lees gerus die boek:




Mnr Vermaak (?) en afhanklikes van die “Public Service Union” het sewe volwassenes in die huisgesin. Hulle word op 10 Maart 1922 bystand verleen soos volg: 4 lb aartappels; ½ lb tee; 2 lb suiker; 10 lb Mieliemeel; en 1 blik konfyt. 140


Kol TG Truter was inderdaad ʼn interessante historiese karakter. Hy het die uniale polisiemag begin – hy en genl George Fivaz iets in gemeen gehad: Beide moes in moeilike tye verskillende polisiemagte doeltreffend saamsnoer. Kol Truter, ʼn Kapenaar en Britse onderdaan, het in die Anglo Boereoorlog teen die Boere geveg. Sien sy ABO-medalje met vier balkies: “Kimberley, Paardeberg, Driefontein en Transvaal”. Hy is dikwels op die toneel van vele opstande en stakings. Bang is hy nie! Hy is die man wat Jopie Fourie in ʼn veldkrygsraad laat fusilleer. Ek lees in die argief, later word hy hoof-interneringsbeampte – m.a.w. hy het honderde lede van die ou SAP laat interneer en hy was ook amptenaar van die SuidAfrikaanse Party (later die Verenigde Party.) Tong in die kies: Met die rekord sou hy nooit lid van die Afrikaner Broederbond geword het nie! Nog minder sou hy kommissaris onder die Nasionale Party geword het! (Destyds onder die Smuts-bewind mog lede van die staatsdiens nie aan die AB behoort het nie.) 141

Iets wat ek agtergekom het was dat genl Louis Botha, genl. Smuts en genl. Hertzog in ʼn mate ʼn politieke toleransie en groot verdraagsaamheid aan die dag gelê het.

1932: FRIENDS OF THE SOVIET UNION: GEORGE BERNARD SHAW Sien “advice to soldiers” op pagina 3.





Van oudsher af stel die kommuniste in Suider-Afrika belang. (Onthou ons Boere het ook bande met die Russe gehad.) Na die 2de wêreldoorlog was verskeie organisasies deur lede van die kommunistiese party gerysmier. In 1950 is die SAKP – tweede oudste Kommunistiese Party in die wêreld – as verbode organisasie verklaar en talle lede is gelys as kommuniste. Van toe af mag die doktrines (die wet praat van leerstellinge) van Marx en Engels nie versprei of gepropageer word nie. Ek was verbaas oor die heelwat Afrikaners wat gelys was as: Kommunis No. 100 of wat ook al. Party was natuurlik soldate gewees en die Russe was ons bondgenote tydens die oorlog. Wyle genl. Johann Coetzee, oudkommissaris en oudveiligheidshoof, het my vertel dat hy “onder dekking” teenwoordig was toe die Russiese Ambassade se goed gepak is en teruggestuur is na die USSR. (Net ʼn stukkie “useless information” – hy het nooit sy herinneringe op skrif gestel nie.) Ek het opgetree as skakeloffisier met SNAPS in Mosambiek en ons het dikwels saans tydens skakeldienste gesels. Hier is ʼn interessante geval waar die bekende skrywer, George Bernard Shaw, tot voordeel van die USSR optree en reklame maak. Ek plaas die storie vir die rekord want die pamflet is deur die FOSU (Pretoria-tak) versprei. Kommentaar: Ek was nog op skool toe die Kommunistiese Party verbode verklaar is. Ek dink stellig dit was ʼn fout van ons gewees om hulle verbode te verklaar en sy lede te lys. Ons het hulle net dieper ondergronds gedryf en hulle het later in koverte selle opgetree wat dit moeilik genaak het om hul te penetreer en inligting te bekom. Alles het geskiet op ‘n moet-weet-basis. ‘n Polisieman sou sê: “Kriminaliseer die kommuniste!” As hulle die wet breek kan ek hulle aankla. Ek is op die hoë morele grond; hulle is misdadigers.” ‘n Inligtingsman sou weer sê: “Los die kommuniste uit, ons weet waar hulle is en wat hulle doen. Ons kan bronne werf en mense stuur om hulle te infiltreer.” Die ZARP’s se Geheime Diens het bv. voor die ABO mense soos Bain en Tom Andrews wat in die vakbondwese betrokke was dopgehou. Die Britte na die val van Pretoria het voortgegaan en meeste verdagtes wat die ZARP’s dopgehou het, ook dopgehou. Soos ons bv. die dames van die nag leer ken het, het die ou ‘Special Branch’ die lede van die Kommunistiese Party geken, veral na die baie vergaderings op die trappe by Johannesburg se by die stadsaal.





1950: Wet op die Onderdrukking van Kommunisme

JH Jackson was ʼn meester met die “spotpen” – hier beeld hy polisie-optrede uit m.b.t. die wet op die onderdrukking van kommunisme. Dit was vyf jaar na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog en Suid-Afrika was deel van die Britse gemenebes. Die Russe, ‘n voormalige bondgenoot, het die ystergordyn opgerig in Europa en die “Koue-oorlog” is voort gesit. Veral Brittanje was bekommerd oor die uitbreiding en invloed van kommunisme in Afrika. Dit kan genoem word dat kol. AE Trigger, destyds ‘n speurhoof aan die Rand, vir hoofkonstabel Herbst opdrag gegee het om die kommuniste aan die Rand dop te hou. Genl IP de Villiers was voor die oorlog reeds besig om kommunisme te ondersoek en vir daardie doel die buiteland besoek waar hy gevind het dat Suid-Afrika in die verband voorgeloop het. 149

Enige regering se eerste plig en verantwoordelikheid is om te sien na die veiligheid en welsyn van sy land se inwoners wat uit alle rassegroepe bestaan. Die omgewing en politieke klimaat waarin Suid-Afrika hom gedurende die 1950’s bevind is geensins gerusstellend nie. ʼn Koue oorlog woed op die internasionale vlak en die ideologiese oorlog vind neerslag in Suid-Afrika. Die Unie Verdedigingsmag (UVM) is klein en die las op die SA Polisie word al hoe groter. Kommuniste in Suid-Afrika raak al hoe meer aktief. Juis die deelname van kommuniste in die UVM aan die pas afgelope oorlog verleen ʼn skyn van legitimiteit. Tesame met Rusland se deelname aan die oorlog, as deel van die geallieerde magte, verleen ʼn sekere statuur en ʼn status van respektabelheid aan die Russe en die Kommuniste in Suid-Afrika. Deur hierdie statuur te benut brei die SA Kommunistiese party vinnig uit. Sy taktiek bestaan uit volgehoue werwing, ondermyning, opleiding en aktivering. Die regering en is polisie is bewus van die aard en wese van die SAKP en omdat dit uiters moeilik is om deur gewone wetgewing die SAKP aan bande te lê, word die SAKP in 1950 verbied. (Ek is te dom om ʼn kommunis te wees; hul ideologie is moeilik om te verstaan. En dis ʼn baie droë onderwerp. Ek sal eerder met hoenders boer of gaan visvang of seëls versamel.)

1940: 20 JULIE: AS DIE HELE VOLK BETOOG Hierdie artikel deur FJ van Heerden geskryf is en wat in Ster op 9 Oktober 1970 verskyn het, is deur mev. M Geldenhuys onder my aandag gebring. Haar vader was ds. Harper Martins11 – sien pagina 40. Hier het 70000 mense bymekaar gekom. (Dink net hoeveel roomys is verkoop.)


Ds. H Martins was die eerste siviele SAP Kapelaan – HBH.



Adv. CR Swart




Dr. NJ van der Merwe was die leier en stigter van die Voortrekkers. Hy was pres. MT Steyn se skoonseun.




1940: GEÏNTERNEERDES: KOFFIEFONTEIN Ons is op soek na foto’s van geïnterneerdes te Koffiefontein. 158

Kapt. Van Vollenhoven Kapt. K van Vollenhoven destyds van die SAP Kollege was geïnterneer. Sy seun “Vollie” – ʼn offisier destyds verbonde aan die Hondeskool - het my afdrukke van sy vader se lêers gegee. Daar is baie korrespondensie maar min foto’s van Koffiefontein en sy manne.

• Weet iemand waar “Vollie” hom bevind? Ek slaag nie daarin om kontak met hom te maak nie.


Polisienoodhulp: Police Medic

Pynpolisie: Ons het nie sulke manne (of vroue) gehad nie. (Vuller). Met erkenning aan “Mail on Line.” 159



1910 1917 1923 1931 1939 1943 1956 1972 1975 1988 1990 2012

4412 5543 6220 6619 7057 6619 10926 17063 17179

Police National Reserve Servicemen



Special Temp const mem bers


818 1158 1168

Nonwhite 1470 2359 3845 2895 3370 3634 10851 15218 15903


37 38 49 1345 1584 7701 10128

Total 5882 7902 10065 9551 10465 10 302 21777 33626 35484 60878 77482 199 345

Onthou ons het met 33000 man ook grensdiens in SWA en RhodesiĂŤ verrig.

2012 Establishment SAPS ON Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Minister 1 Deputy Minister 1 Executive authorities 2 Secretariat 1 National Commissioner (Lieutenant General) 2 Top Management 30 Major General 162 Brigadier 559 Senior management 721 Senior Superintendent (Deputy Director) 2 062 Superintendent (Assistant Director) 6 164 Captain 18 060 Commissioned Officers 26 286 Non-commissioned Officers 130 435 Public Service Act Employees 41 870 SAPS Employees 199 345 Provinces: 9 Police Stations: 1 125 RSA Population: 50 586 756 (Mid-year estimate, 2011) 160

RSA Land Surface: 1 219 090 (per square km) Establishment: 199 345 SA Police Service Act employees: 157 472 Public Service Act employees: 41 873 Police / Population Ratio: 1:321

2015 – 2016: Establishment SAPS : Getalsterkte Nasionale kommissaris Jaarverslag 2015/2016 p. 34 Getalsterkte 31 Maart 201612 Rang Minister Adj-Minister Minister se personeel Nasionale Kommissaris Adjunk-Nasionel Kommissaris Sekretariaat Luit-genl Provinsiale kommissaris (lt-genl) Genl-maj Brig Kol Luit-kol & Majoor Kaptein & luitenant Totaal Offisiere Adjudant-offisiere en onderoffisiere

Getal 1 1 25 1 (geskors) 3 17 9 159 567 2137 6632 15847 24616 126416

SAPS-lede Burgerlikepersoneel

151834 42870



1140 polisiestasies

1978: AMI: DTI: TEEN-INLIGTING SE BEVELSKADER: KOL L ELS, SC AMI: DTI: Teen-Inligting se Bevelskader: Kol (adv) L Els, SC


Sien 2016.pdf


Voor L-R: Kol. Kruger; Brig. Greyling; Kapt. Schreuder; en Kdr. Imri Agter L-R; Kol. van Rensburg; Kol. Nieuwhoudt; Kmdt. Steenkamp; en Kmdt. van Rensburg.

MESSAGE: JW BOOYSEN: MAJ.-GEN. (RET) DURBAN Yesterday the 28th February 2017 was my last day with the SAPS (HAWKS). SAPS have agreed to settle with me. The agreement stipulates that I may not make the detail of the settlement public... I am grateful for the opportunity that I had to serve my fellow countrymen for 42 years. (Well two months short...) I have worked with the most amazing and talented police officers. I salute each one of you! If it weren't for you, my achievements would've been less significant. Thank you to all who have sent me encouraging messages. Thank you for all the kind words. I will cherish it always. To the Cato Manor boys: You have dedicated your lives to the police. Some paid the ultimate price. You have remained resolute and have not wavered. Mentioning our nefarious persecutors here would be time and space wasted. I shall refrain from doing so. But let them know this; 'Darkness shall never comprehend the light' - so the Scripture teaches us. Truth ultimately shall prevail. To the public who supported me during an enduring time; it is impossible to articulate my gratitude. Thank you! Thank you!! 162

My friends; you never forsake me! Wow, I couldn't wish for more. My family; DANKIE! (julle verstaan....) To my church and my priest (Du Preez) thank you for the many prayers. I never doubted that in unity, truth will emerge victorious. I am excited and eager to commence a new phase in my life. I will be taking up a position with a leading national company. Tomorrow morning the sun will rise and in the evening it will set. Life goes on. Lastly to my SAPS colleagues that remain. Be your own man /woman. Never succumb to the temptation of corruption. Strive to do what is right, albeit in the face of adversity. You chose a career of which is to serve. That is a calling, not a job. Corruption is corroding away our democracy. It is an evil monster that will, if not curtailed, devour all - including you! A Luta Continua! JW Booysen: Maj. - Gen. (Ret). Received via Barry Taylor & Terry Schwartz – Thank you very much!


NUUT OP DIE BOEKRAK / NEW ON THE SHELF SAP: Koevoet: The men speak: J Pittaway


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SADF: Recce: The Men Speak: J Pittaway


Agterkant van boek: Lt-genl WP Louw


Ons was daar: Sektor Een Zero: Paul Els

SANW: MEDALJEPARADE: P ELS Inligting t.o.v. medaljes oorhandig tydens die SAWV Projek Kolgans (Maandelikse Ontbyt) op Saterdag 11 Maart 2017 Medalje vir troue diens met ʼn balkie vir 40 jaar voortreflike diens toegeken aan: a. Adjudant-Offisier Klas 1 Phillipus Fourie. Balkie word postuum ontvang deur sy dogter Adjudant-Offisier Klas 1 Magdalena Catherina Bronkhorst Medalje vir troue diens met ‘n balkie vir 30 jaar voortreflike diens word toegeken aan: a. Kolonel Edward John Ruziecki b. Adjudant-Offisier Klas 1 Magdalena Catherina Bronkhorst c. Adjudant-Offisier Klas 1 Paul Johannes Els Medalje vir troue diens in Silwer toegeken aan: a. Luitenant Kolonel Joachim Hermanus Ehlers MMM Kommado Sluitings Medalje toegeken aan: a. Adjudant Offisier Klas 1 Johann Georg du Preez Hier is twee foto’s van die byeenkoms. Paul Els 168

Paul Els ontvang sy medalje.



Newsletter No 4 451 – March 2017 7 Our speaker on 8 February 2017 was fellow-member member Captain John Lamont LWM MMM (S.A. Navy Retd), ), whose topic was ‘‘Operating Operating a Submarine’, but not ‘Submarine operations’ – an entirely different subject. The submarines discussed by our speaker were the Daphne class submarines used by the S S.A. Navy, on which Capt Lamont served during his career with the Navy.

The Daphnes es were designed and built in France during the years 1964 to 1975 with 25 being built for service with the French, South African, Portuguese, Spanish and Pakistani Navies. Designed for coastal work, they were used as such by the French along their Mediterranean ranean coastline. Two were lost by the French but all the other boats gave good service for their operators. Of conventional design, they were 58 metres long with a double hull and fuel and ballast tanks outside the pressure hull. They carried 8 torpedo ttubes ubes forward and 4 at the stern, with no reloads. The crew was 51 in number, who fitted in somehow with all the machinery, batteries, stores, etc. A cruise in a submarine was no luxury cruise. cruise A normal surface vessel displaces its own weight and sails on tthe he surface. Submarines operate differently. For a large part of a cruise the submarine operates beneath the surface and uses its snorkel to get fresh air. So the design of a submarine is very different to a surface vessel. A sphere has maximum strength. A cylinder is the next strongest with its cross-sectional sectional shape. The ends of the cylinder are weak but, by placing a hemisphere at each end of a cylinder, its strength is increased. This is the optimum shape for a pressure-resisting hull in a submersible vessel. The next item to be considered is stability – any vessel travelling underwater needs to be stable. The arrangement of the “contents” of a submarine – operators and their stores, engine/motor and energy in the form of batteries, and especially the latter, latt need to be in a position below the centre-line line which allows the centre of gravity to be below the centrecentre 170

line, with the vessel remaining upright. The cylinder with domes at both ends is not hydrodynamic so the rear hemisphere is replaced by a cone. Submarines operate under water, water being kept out by a pressure hull. It has energy, motor and operators but it needs to move so a propeller is added at the stern. The next requirement is buoyancy or the vessel will not float. Buoyancy is an upward force relative to a fluid. The buoyant mass of a vessel is the volume of fluid displaced by the vessel times the density of the fluid it must float in. The specific density of seawater is 1.025 so, for a vessel to float in seawater, the volume of water displaced by the vessel must be less than 1.025 the volume of the vessel. If mass exceeds buoyancy, the vessel will cease to float. Submarines operate under water. The pressure hull is the critical volume. To submerge, the mass of the pressure hull must be just sufficient to cause the submarine to lose buoyancy. To operate on the surface, the buoyancy of the submarine needs to be adjusted by adding tanks to the outside of the submarine, which can be filled or emptied. To remain underwater the mass of the submerged submarine must be constantly adjusted to the exact specific density of the surrounding water. This is done using special regulating tanks to add or remove mass from the fixed volume of the pressure hull. For reasons of space either inside or outside the submarine, the volume of these tanks is limited. When operating on the surface, the buoyancy of the submarine also needs to be adjusted. Sections are added to the outside of the submarine – these are ballast tanks that can be filled or emptied. A surfaced submarine, like a ship, has a mass that is less than its buoyancy. The centre of buoyancy is below the centre of gravity. When it submerges, the submarine’s mass remains constant but its buoyancy reduces and enables it to submerge. If this is not complicated enough, the submarine has a crew who need to live – accommodation (sleeping, relaxing), feeding (cooking, eating) and hygiene (washing, ablutions). But the submarine primarily has a military role to fulfil: the crew are tasked to navigate, gather information on surroundings and contacts, compile this into useful data, control the submarine under water and handle the weapons. It must keep and change course, keep and change depth and alter speed. The crew need to man watches. They must also move around in the submarine. As they move fore and aft, this transfer of mass affects the longitudinal angle of the submarine – the balance of the submarine about its centre of gravity. This problem is solved by using trim tanks. There are four of these, two each fore and aft. One of each pair contains fresh water. The water volume is a constant and is moved by low pressure air, both fore and aft to compensate for movement of crew, transfer of fresh water from storage tanks, the usage of diesel fuel and other similar daily functions. Trim tanks can be filled with sea water in event of an emergency. Conventional submarines use diesel to power the generators making electricity to charge the batteries. As diesel is combustible, it is best stored outside the hull as it also takes up a lot of space. To do this ballast tanks are moved and fuel tanks inserted. The specific density of diesel is 0.9. It is positively buoyant, so the more one carries the more buoyant the submarine becomes. Other consumables are loaded such as fresh water, food, lubricants, oxygen generating chemicals, CO2 absorbing chemicals, etc. This all adds 171

mass to the inside the submarine but has the added benefit of compensating for the natural buoyancy of the diesel fuel on board. As the patrol progresses, fuel is consumed, making the submarine less buoyant. The other consumables are also used up making the submarine even lighter, but still partly compensating for the fuel. Any discrepancies and variations in the ballast of the boat are compensated by using the regulating tanks. While the submarine is operating, the crew are moving about and the surrounding sea is changing, there needs to be an immediate means of controlling the vessel. Diving planes, which are in effect horizontal rudders, are used for this purpose. A set is placed forward and another pair aft. The optimum effect is gained by using the aft diving plane which has the best water-flow from the propellers. The diving plane is put in the positive position (pointing up), this pulls the stern down and the propeller pushes the submarine up. Conversely, to go down put the aft diving plane in the negative position, pointing downwards. This lifts the stern and the propellers push the submarine down. The forward diving plane has its best effect at slow speed when it nudges the bow up using a positive angle or down using a negative angle. At higher speed, this does not add to the control of the submarine but causes noise, the enemy of a submarine, and is not used. From all the above, it must be obvious that submarine crews need to be very highly trained and intelligent people. In the SAN they are all volunteers and specially selected to ensure that they can live in harmony with a large number of others in a very confined space for an extended period. All of them need to be multi-skilled. Capt Lamont rather modestly said that our submariners are really very normal people. Very normal maybe but very skilled at their job. Unlike the S.A. Navy, in other navies with large numbers of submarines the crews are not all volunteers – sailors are conscripted to the submarine service when needed to make up the numbers. Capt Lamont then discussed the waters round the South African coast which are ideally suited for submarine operations. The different thermal layers caused by contact between warm surface waters and cold subsurface water propelled by currents of varying power and depths, help submarines escape detection by the sonar systems of anti-submarine warfare vessels. Our submariners have a good knowledge of these thermal layers. Captain Lamont then described the tactical exercise Casex D6 held in local waters on 9 July 1973. The participating ships were a Royal Navy force consisting of the cruiser Tiger (which carried Sea King anti-submarine (A/S) helicopters), the frigates Hermione, Dido and Mohawk, along with the nuclear submarine Dreadnought. These were escorting three Royal Fleet Auxiliaries (RFAs) Stromness, Tidereach and Regent. Supporting these were the South African frigates President Kruger and President Steyn, the destroyer Jan van Riebeeck and the tanker Tafelberg. Aircraft were supplied by 35 Squadron S.A.A.F. and 826 Squadron F.A.A. Opposing this array was the “enemy submarine” SAS Emily Hobhouse commanded by Lt Cdr (later Vice Admiral) L.J. Woodburne, whose mission was to penetrate the screen and “sink” the Fleet Auxiliaries. The RN believed that an old-fashioned diesel submarine would find it almost impossible to penetrate such a large screen. But Senior Officer S.A. Submarines Capt E. M. Kramer (later Rear Admiral) made the following signal to Emily Hobhouse “Remember David and Goliath. I am confident that you can also do it”. Emily Hobhouse did penetrate the screen and was judged to have “sunk” all three RFAs and the nuclear submarine Dreadnought. This achievement was all the more remarkable 172

because safety requirements had necessitated the South African submarine remaining above 280 feet (91 metres), which was to her disadvantage. However Cdr Woodburne and his crew had a good knowledge of the thermal layers off our coast and used it to good effect. The Royal Navy were shocked by the result of the exercise and were very keen to know what modifications had been made to our submarines. The answer to that there was “none”, but local knowledge and well-trained crews made the difference. Capt Lamont spoke of the freak waves that occur along our coastline between Cape Town and Durban. The effect of these could be felt even at the depths our submarines operated and the effect on other ships caught on the surface could be catastrophic. Our speaker noted that the submarine service can be a very dangerous one and mentioned some of the disasters that have occurred in the past, including the loss of the Russian submarine Kursk. She was lost in the Arctic Ocean during a Russian Navy exercise. The full details are not readily available but it is thought that an experimental torpedo using an unstable propellant exploded, setting off the entire set of torpedoes carried. This propellant had been rejected by most navies at that time. Cdr Bisset thanked Capt Lamont for a very interesting lecture and presented him with the customary gift. Tea followed with an extended further discussion. Received with thanks via the Chairman Johan van den Bergh SAS EN HAWE-POLISIE BY OSHIVELO Wel en Wee van die Militêre Veterane : Berig 03/2017 26. Agtergrond. Verlede week het Paul Els genoem dat hy steeds probeer uitvind wat die funksie was van die SAS & Hawe- Polisie wat by Oshivelo teenwoordig was. 27. Flip Genis van die Infanterie “In 1980/81was ek die 2iB van 53 Bn. Hierdie Spoorwegpolisie het die spoorwegtrokke begelei wat voorrade na Owamboland vervoer het. Hierdie trokke het altyd teen eerstelig by Oshivelo opgestel en dan het die polisie die konvooi met een seksie voor en een seksie agter begelei. Toe daar nog hinderlae tussen Oshivelo en Ondangwa was, het ek en my gesin eenmaal deel van die konvooi gevorm, maar die rookdampe was so erg dat ons maar op ons eie vooruit koers gekies het”. 28. Hennie Heymans van die ZARPe “Die Spoorwegpolisie het die SAS se Padmotordiens se konvooie begelei. Die SAS padmotordiens het nog in daardie dae goedere vervoer wat by die stasies in Tsumeb en Grootfontein afgelewer is. Genl Constand Viljoen het hulle by geleentheid vir die werk aangeprys wat hulle gedoen het”.


GEDIG: DOKTER EK ROOK: KOL VAN RENSBURG (SALM) Dokter ek Rook Dokter, ek rook, kyk die rook om my Ek is ʼn man, ʼn sterk jongman Die skooljare is verby En nou is ek regtig vry Die nuwe rooster is ʼn jol by Jeffries Met al die mooi leë-dop meisies. Nou is my lewe ʼn jol in die mol, My jeug is op ʼn skaatsrol. Hier is die see, branders van soetwyn en whiskies. Almal preek vir my en dit maak my gatvol! Dokter! Die rook se tweeling is drank. Die een sigaret is op my lippe En die drank in my gatsak. Ek abba hulle En wie moet ek bedank? My moeder het haar dood gebid vir my. Sy het al die jare met die duiwel gestry. Op die einde het hy my gekry. Die duiwel het my uit die Kerk gesteel, Maar ek het ʼn kontrak met die plesier van die lewe En is ʼn kind van slawerny In my murg is die reuk van sigarette, In my lewer die smaak van drank. Ek is ʼn afstammeling van die vierde geslag. ʼn slaaf van al die lekker dinge, Bestem vir baie groot dinge. Dokter, ek is nou vyftig jaar oud En nou is daar ʼn fout. Snags hoes ek sonder ophoud En alles voel so koud. Dokter! hier lê ek in jou hospitaal Besig om my rekening van sonde af te betaal. Op die voet en ent van my bed Sit die duiwel met sy register, Altoos is hy my familie lid vanaf my verre gisters. Dokter, daar’s ʼn helse oond in my longe, Die nikotien het alles verwronge. Ja ! my longe is ʼn steenkool myn. Van al die alkohol, is my bloed nou asyn. 174

My rooi oë is soos gerookte snoek. Ek is dom van die dagga vloek. Wanneer ek die suurstof-masker af haal Word my hele liggaam blou. Soos my geboorte dag lê ek hier kaal. Met my sigaret het ek God en mens gefaal. Ek is besig om na die doderyk te daal. Doktor, vir my is daar geen prag en praal. MJJ van Rensburg Desember 2016


Die uwe is aangekla vir: “Stomp not emitting a red light.” Die magistraat wou nie my EvS aanvaar.

SLOT Geagte leser vir hierdie kwasie-historiese dokument ons maak van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van akademici, politici en veterane en die opsteller van die Nongqai kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie.

GEEN KOPIEREG Toestemming om artikels her te publiseer kan by die Nongqai verkry word. Greetings / Groete Hennie Heymans; No 43630.


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