#90 HepSA Community News

Page 8

World Hepatitis Day 2021 Hepatitis Can’t Wait


July is World Hepatitis Day. This year, the global and Australian national message is “Hepatitis can’t wait”. COVID-19 has resulted in a common outcome in this aspect of healthcare—people have been putting off seeing their healthcare providers.


Unfortunately, there can be dire consequences for some conditions if you wait. Hepatitis is one of those. Worldwide, someone dies from hepatitis-related illness every 30 seconds. In Australia, hepatitis is a leading cause of liver cancer and liver cancer is the fastest


growing cause of cancer deaths. Over a quarter of a million people in Australia are living with hepatitis B and over a third of them don’t know that they have it. More worrying is the fact that only one in five of these people are in medical care. The expert advice is for all people with

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#90 HepSA Community News by Hepatitis SA - Issuu