Herb•age Magazine - August 2020

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Sarah Lee

Gossett Parrish Excellence. Efficiency. Integrity.

405/815-3434 slgparrish@slgparrishlaw.com www.sarahleegossettparrish.com

lawyer cannabis | litigation | oil & gas

Native warriors would travel the world to see what was living on the earth. They found great giants and deadly monsters lurking and waiting. One of the most deadly was an enormous gruesome lizard. The warriors were at a loss and asked the creator for guidance. Every warrior reunited with the world of spirits except one. One lonely warrior who would never stop. This warrior was the bravest of the brave. He was able to continue running until he finally ran into the answer. A protector sent from the creator. The protector was a magic beast. He talked to the warrior and let him know that when he exposes his chest the warrior must crawl inside and the two would defeat the giant lizard together. They did. The protector died in battle, but he wanted the warrior to always honor this day with fire and feast and in celebration as a victory over the evil lizard.

That protector is the lion.








Medicated Date & Almond Celery Salad

Owner/Publisher JAMES BRIDGES


Herbageologist RAYNE GRAHAM



Comfort Food with Oklahoma Female Spirits of Music



Boot Strap Beginnings



EST. 2019


Okie•Pristine by Michael Kinney

TJ Mayes has always been interested in music. The Bethel native said it goes all the way back to his elementary school days when he was banging his head to grunge and rock and roll. Yet, Mayes had no idea he would wind up living the life of a rocker, traveling around the world and playing his roots rock and roll music from Wild Records. Mayes’s passion for music extends far beyond what he’s able to create on stage or in a studio. One visit to his Oklahoma City residence and that is easy to see. Over the past 13 years, Mayes has built up an extensive collection that says a lot about him and his home state. It all started with Vicki France. Well, to be more specific, it was Vicki France with the Kings and their rendition of ‘Cry on My Shoulder’ that put Masey on the collector’s journey. “It was a female singer named Vicki France on the Sparkette label,” Mayes said. “The Sparkette label was a Tulsa label. There were probably five or six records on the Sparkette label. And Vicki France was kind of like a 50s pop kind of record. But it was the very first one, I still have it. And now I have everything else that was actually on that Sparkette label too.” Mayes freely admits Cry on my Shoulder is not his favorite 45RPM by any means. However, it is the one that kick-started it all for him when he was 25 years old. Mayes has gone on to collect close to 900 45RPMs in his collection. But the musician/singer isn’t just grabbing any 45RPM he can get his hands on. They have to fit a special niche. “So it’s both eclectic and also with a very narrow scope, which is kind of weird to be saying it out loud,” Mayes said. “But when I say narrow scope, I like music from all over the world, but the collection is very specific to Oklahoma. And so that’s why I say the scope’s real narrow. It’s anywhere from hillbilly gospel to country and western, rock and roll, rockabilly, garage rock, psych,” Mayes said. “It’s a real, real big mix of stuff. It’s basically anything that’s Oklahoma from, I’d say late 60s, anywhere back beyond that. So probably the earliest record I have is that’s Oklahoma’s is probably late 30s, early 40s.” The 37-year-old Mayes had bought plenty of 45RPMs before he got his hands on ‘Cry on my Shoulder.’ But it was at that point that he decided he wanted to focus on his home state. “So the record collecting started with the whole punk rock thing. So I actually was collecting punk records from all over for a little while. And so I already had kind of a little bit of a collection of those,” Mayes said. “So there’s a web site out there called Rockin Country Style. And can you go in there into this web site and it has a geography section where you can click on Oklahoma and I just kind of happened onto it. And I found there’s a whole list of Oklahoma labels on this web site. And you go, start clicking on the name of those labels. And you can see these artists and see samples of the record labels and stuff. And I just thought that was amazing.” 06It came as a shock to Mayes that there were so many record labels that had sprung up in Oklahoma. So the more research he did, the more fascinated he become with the history of music in the state.

“At that time I had no idea that there were all these small record labels that were just all over Oklahoma and even then, even looking back on that, there’s so much more, that’s even not on that website that I didn’t know about,” Mayes said. “And it just kind of blew up and I just started digging in. I started searching for the stuff that was listed on that website. And as I got more and more into it, I started looking for stuff that wasn’t on that website. And so, yeah, that’s kind of where it started. I just kind of accidentally happened upon a website and then just kind of exploded from there.” Mayes’s collection includes 800 45s and close to 80 records in the 78s category. For those who under a certain age, this lingo may sound like an alien dialectic. Before they had MP3, CDs, and even tapes, music was recorded on vinyl 45RPMs. They came in three speeds: 33, 45 and 78. Mayes said the most prized 45RPM in his collection is Trip to the Moon. It’s a 45 from Wesley Reynolds off the Rose Label out of Stillwater. The actual 45RPM itself wasn’t too difficult to find. But, being a prime collector, Mayes wanted it to be in pristine condition. “This label actually had a lot of good rockabilly, late 50s rockabilly stuff. But it’s Wesley Reynolds on Rose and the record in Trip to the Moon. Now, the record itself, I mean, it’s attainable. You can find it. It’ll usually pop up on eBay once in a while,” Mayes said. “What I didn’t even know about for probably a good eight years of my collecting is it was there’s actually a picture sleeve that came with it and it has a picture of him. And there was a contest to guess which date the record reaches a million sales and you win a thousand dollars or something like that. And so that’s probably my favorite record, is that Wesley Reynolds Trip to the Moon picture sleeve record. It’s just super obscure. That picture sleeve is just not found. The song Trip to the Moon, it’s a really good rockabilly tune, has really good echo guitar on it. And the combination of the song being as cool as it is. And then the fact that it’s as obscure as it is makes it one of my favorites.”



Finding Zen by Rayne Graham

Zen Cannabis started out as an idea of bringing high quality cannabis products at a value price to the Oklahoma consumer. Although Zen is run by a collective that brings over a decade of cannabis experience to the table, the primary owners are Oklahoma born and raised, hailing from OU to be exact. After spending some time in the cannabis industry out in California the guys decided to come back home and bring their knowledge to help Medical Marijuana patients with them. Currently, the staple product line up of Zen Cannabis is six different flavors and medicinal combinations of delicious gummies. There is a seventh flavor that appears for limited portions of time, like when they had the cinnamon flavor during valentine’s Day.These mouthwatering morsels are low-calorie, gluten free, and come in just ONE gummy per pack. Simple right? The gummy you choose can easily be broken down to tailor the amount of medicine your body needs specifically as well. The flavor and dosage combinations are as follows: • • • • • •

Indica (50mg THC): Fruit Punch Sativa (50mg THC): Fruit Punch Hybrid (50mg THC): Watermelon Hybrid (50mg THC): Pineappl 10:1 (50mgCBD/ 5mg THC): Orange 1:1 (25mg CBD/ 25mg THC): Cherry

If you are needing a larger dose, we have good news for you! Zen will be releasing the XXXL 150mg gummy very soon.The even better news? It will be the same size as the current 50mg gummy and that means that there will still only be 4 grams of sugar per pouch. Night Night grape flavored gummies infused with CBD, THC, and Melatonin is soon to be released as well. Who doesn’t want a delicious gummy to be able to naturally take us off to dreamland when we are feeling a little restless? “The word Zen itself speaks for the imagery, feeling, and emotion of being in a state of tranquility and peace.” - Kayla Cortinas (Administrative Supervisor) Sticking with their standard for high quality and passion for tranquility, Zen Cannabis makes sure that the consistency is there. I mean, I am speaking from experience when I say that I do not have the extra money set aside to try a product that works for me once and then when I purchase it again it doesn’t have the same effect. Therefore, I am happy to report that Zen keeps the patient in mind in all aspects but especially when it comes to consistency. Each gummy is made from oil purchased from hand selected processors and is tested a total of 3 times before being released to the public. Once by the processor, once by Zen when it is received, and once more after the gummy is made. Check, check, and check! Price point is another major plus for this high-quality brand. Kayla even stated, “The best speaker of our brand is the price point.” and I have to say I agree with her. A quick search on Weedmaps will show that a 50mg Zen Cannabis gummy will run you a small fee of $8 at most dispensaries. With the quality and consistency on the table, the price point is a very delicious icing on the cake. So, what are you waiting for? I think it’s time to find your Zen, don’t you?


The Lost Art Of Taking Pride Jason Mundell found himself needing an outlet for his creative energy not too long ago. He started to show interest in woodworking, specifically with the use of epoxy. When one of his close friends saw how happy his interest made him, they told him to go for it and the people who now own Jason’s one of a kind pieces are forever grateful to that friend. His first piece was made from an old log he found on a jobsite; he works construction during the day, so he is always finding unique wood pieces to use for his work. Adding epoxy to the end with the vision of gifting his creation to his parents for Christmas that year, he posted it to his social media. He was asked by several people if the piece was for sale but of course the answer was no, however, a woman asking him if the piece could be used as a water pip piqued his interest. “I am not sure about smoking epoxy, so I told her no, but I ended up making her a purple haze rolling tray with a cannabis leaf.” I am sure it goes without saying that when that rolling tray was uploaded to the inter webs the flood gates of custom requests came rolling in. But rolling trays aren’t his only forte. He has created beautiful wood tables and art pieces. In fact, there is a table at Studio 45 tattoo that has one of his custom tables displayed. So, custom order requests are not something Jason is in short supply of and he is very grateful for that because this is his passion. In Jason’s case, time and space are restricting him from being able to take on orders as much as he would love. He is trying to slow down and take his time to get set up before he takes on any bigger pieces because his focus becomes aligned with that piece and its end result. Of course, as an artist he feels no piece is ever really finished but he does say, “it is important to take pride in your work. Taking pride is a losing art.” His goal is to have a shop in the Moore area sometime in the near future so he can get back to his first love. “ My first love is wood with a clear coat of epoxy, it is gorgeous.”

Raising Lions


Pediatric cannabis therapy

I have been on an interesting journey since becoming a mother, but what else should I have expected? Two of my three children have August birthdays. I guess you could say I’m raising Lions. They are intense, they are determined and energetic. Getting from A to B with strong willed children is not a straight line, and I’m here to tell you how that nature is a gift in cannabis therapy. When it comes to developing and managing their cannabis regiments, I keep their nature in mind, and it has changed our lives. My middle daughter was on multiple pharmaceuticals when she was a baby, into toddlerhood. For almost 2 years I spent an hour a day sneaking medicine into foods, shooting syringes of syrupy substances into the back of her throat, late nights watching her have reactions, tracking side effects from those medicines, and so so so many after-hours calls to her pediatrician. Having a child with chronic illness is hard, and the pharma route seemed to create so much fight in her. Instead of being on the same team, every dose was a struggle; a struggle that I believed was a necessary part of helping her feel relief. But that wasn’t true. Would you believe me if I told you that same little fighter is 4 years old and is eager to take her medicine now? I’ve found that my daughters need flexible structure around their medicine. This is partially due to creating predictable results (they do rely on this medication after all,) but it’s also about stability and feeling in control. My passionate, vivacious daughters need to feel empowered. This doesn’t mean I hand them more responsibility than is age appropriate, but what is age appropriate for children who live with chronic medical conditions? We aren’t talking about a round of antibiotics we can power through and be done. We’re talking about multiple doses a day for months and years. It’s better for everyone when you can find a peaceful medicine routine. In the morning we have breakfast, and I go to the medicine cabinet, “ok, I’m getting our medicine ready, would you prefer a capsule or an edible?” When they are first trying a new method or strain, we talk a lot about how it affects them. I make observations, and they make suggestions on more vs less. I journal how it goes and we lean toward what works. With two of my girls having speech delays, it took us a while to get verbal feedback from them, so I would monitor them for clues. If I felt like the dose/method/strain/etc overwhelmed them, or wasn’t a good fit, we adjusted. Over time the medicine routine has become less of an inconvenience to my freedom-loving-girls. Along with their participation with their treatment, they also make occasional trips to a dispensary close to our house. Not only is this allowed, but it’s encouraged.The same can be said for letting them help grow their medicine, or process it if they are able. It helps them feel like true cannabis patients, and it reminds us, their caregivers, that these children are essential to their cannabis success. Allowing them to be involved like this helps them feel heard, it encourages maturity, and helps teach them to honor the plant in how they use it. It emphasizes that this is a medicine, it’s important, it’s powerful (like they are) and they should respect it.This plant changes how we all look at medicine, maybe it’s time it should change how we look at our children as well.

The Original Cannabis Infused Mints

#FindYourVIVE Oklahoma!

Diversion is the key by James Bridges

Sometimes people will tell you you can change the world. You probably won’t. You most likely will never even try. If you do, who knows how long that may last until there just simply iisn’t any gas left... Then there are those little nuggets of time when people tell you that you can’t change the world. I bet you try. I bet some of you would even come close. You most likely will, at the very least, change the world that immediately surrounds you. Why is that? What is it about our competitive drive that inspires people to do things they normally would have no desire to even bother? Competive drive truly has propelled humankind to do great and wonderful things. Competitive drive allows us to look at the next person and see what they are doing wrong and make it right. Make it work for others. Make solutions. Fill gaps in life... It’s healthy to seek out solutions to issues. Even if those issues are there because of someone elses mistakes. Of course its only natural to then transition into thinking that whatever you are behind is right. It is our intention to do good for our world. We want too help our neighbor (as long as they agree), and make the world a better place.... Who draws the line? Is it a line of morality? Is the line even needed at all? Correcting wrongs in order to make a right in the form of a solution to a better way is presumeably supported by most people. It’s something that I personally support. However, we must watch ourselves. I certainly could use a gut check once in a while. I imagine most do. We must not allow ourselves to close our minds to what others may consider a solution to a bigger problem. We must not allow ourselves to think that we are right and others must be wrong. We must not hide behind the mask of narcasism. We must understand that sometimes our neighbors may have some pretty good ideas for the block even if they don’t always agree. Diversion is a crafty and overused tool. Maybe that’s how we really can change the world...

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Traditional Quality by James Bridges

A very humble voice answered, “I’d like to own my own design shop of some kind.” I raised my eyebrows on the inside wondering if he had noticed my initial reaction of surprise from the outside, as I looked over a large pyle of wonderful artwork created by none other than Gilberto Salazar. Gilberto and his native american family made their way to Shawnee, OK from a small village just South of Texas when Gilberto was a very young boy. There was a bit of a language barrier for the young artist, but he learned to pass the time through creating things using his new found love of drawing. His family travelled almost constantly. They were field workers and needed to go where the work took them in order to survive. They would travel long distances to places like Montana, Washington, Utah, etc.. Gilberto honed his craft throughout the years as he grew up. While in school he would practice by looking at other things and re-creating them on his own canvas. “When I was in high school I had a teacher tell me that real art is whatever you come up with in your own mind. So, I started doing that instead.” When Gilberto was little he was told he was very good at drawing things. Once he drew his younger brother while he was sleeping. Gilberto was taught a valuable lesson by his father at that time. In his tradition you do not draw the likeness of any living person. I was very pleased while having this discussion with Gilberto. His traditional ways really did show through his near impeccable speech, the decor of his home, and the pleasantness of his overall surroundings. I was corrected, and gladly so, as I pronounced kickapoo while asking him a question. He giggled a bit. He said, “it’s kee-ka-pooah” not “kick-a-poo”. This is when I noticed his power of quality over quantity. “Every year my people, my normal customers, my supporters wait for my designs to come out. It’s very humbling and I am so thankful for their support.” Gilberto was very sincere. He concentrates heavily on the message of his work as well as the aesthetics. I found his work simply amazing. Most of his shirts and designs can be found belonging to his tribe members. Some can be found on a few outsiders, including yours truly. Some of his work has been noticed on location during the Dakota pipeline protests. He is working with the American Indian Movement, and much more. The point is….. Gilberto Salazar, with no advertising, store front, gallery, t-shirt shop, or any form of marketing other than word of mouth has his audience waiting in line every year to see what he comes up with next. That to me is nothing but success. I hope that one day you get an opportunity to purchase or trade for one of his wonderful pieces.

cover artist

Our Brand was established to provide quality medicinal treats to the community. We offer a wide variety of cannabis infused goods geared to alleviate ailments of our medical cannabis patients. We take pride in maintaining consistent dosing in all of our products. Our mission is to provide an alternative, natural way of healing without using industrialized pharmaceuticals.

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ARIES You have a lot going on this month Aries! From wanting to be more social with your friends, to paying attention to your budget, to focusing on exactly how you want your life to look like. Whew! When it’s time to relax and be in a state of chill grab the Hybrid Peanut Butter Breath to calm you down.

Strainology by

Rayne Graham

Your August 2020 horoscope and what Cannabis strain will help you get through it!

TAURUS August is all about work, work, work for you Taurus. Not so much that you will be working a lot but that you will be focused on where you see your career going in the long run. That includes all the path options it takes to get there. Settle down from the hustle by picking up the hybrid Bubba 76. CANCER August brings a boost of confidence for you dear Cancer to help get all the things done! Also, it seems as though a big announcement from your bestie is coming up in the lane of a proposal, pregnancy, job promotion, etc. Stay in a physical state of relaxation after you deal with all the things with the Hybrid Ceasar.

GEMINI You have been in somewhat of a rut for a little while now Gemini, a sort of is what it is attitude if you will. That is over this month, you will find yourself searching for more freedom and pursuing your passion in a strategic matter. Keep your mind in euphoric bliss as you navigate your newfound freedom with the hybrid Purps OG.

VIRGO It is time to clear your physical space Virgo and that means tidying up a bit. It may not be the most exciting thing, but you will feel so much better and ready for the second half of the month. Which has knowledge and education expanding your mind and filling the void. Stay on top of It all with the hybrid It’s It.

SAGITTARIUS This month will have you wanting to do all the things Sagittarius! Your creative ideas are at an all-time high and you should shoot for all of them! Nothing is too grand or too small for that mind of yours, make it happen. Keep the euphoria going with the Hybrid Bubble Bomb.

CAPRICORN August will have you focusing on the money Capricorn. There is so much of it out there, why not have some more for yourself? You will be spending this month focused on how to improve your cashflow but don’t get to obsessive remember to stick with practical goals. Keep focused but relaxed by grabbing the Sativa Bay Platinum Cookies.

LEO The beginning of this month will be spent living it up and having a great time Leo. Around mid-month however you will start to buckle down again and focus on money and career goals. Keep balance and mellow after the switch up with the Hybrid Golden Strawberry. LIBRA The beginning of the month will have you focused on what your reputation is at work dear Libra. Are you slacking or are you getting stuff done? Towards the middle of the month you will be privy to some juicy gossip that you are being urged to keep to yourself. Keep yourself in a state of mental and physical bliss as you smash your goals with the Hybrid Animal Face.

SCORPIO This month will have you in dreamland waltzing down memory lane. Don’t worry dear Scorpio, this won’t be a negative experience, in fact you will enjoy visiting old memories of the good old days. Stay in your state of memory bliss with the sativa Lucid Blue.

AQUARIUS It is time to just do you Aquarius. Follow the things that make your soul happy and do not focus on what other people around you have to say about it. It is self-care time from the inside out! Grab the Hybrid Sour Sorbet to help maintain that cheery attitude throughout the entire month.

PISCES Life has been intense for you lately dear Pisces; August has arrived just in time to give you the much-needed rest and relaxation you need. Take a few naps (your favorite) or bubble baths and enjoy your own company for a while. Grab the Hybrid Daywalker to help keep you in a state of relaxation and bliss.


Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish

National Law Journal 2019 Cannabis Trailblazer

WILL THE FEDS EVER LEGALIZE MARIJUANA? One of the questions I often am asked is whether I think the feds will legalize marijuana in the near future. Pieces of federal legislation have been introduced to accomplish this—either for medicinal purposes (CARERS Act of 2019), for whatever purposes each particular state has legalized marijuana (STATES Act), or for adult use (MORE Act). The CARERS Act of 2019, also known as the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States Act of 2019, addresses marijuana usage for medicinal purposes. The bill’s summary states that, among other things, the bill “eliminates regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the Controlled Substances Act for producing, possessing, distributing, dispensing, administering, testing, recommending, or delivering medical marijuana in compliance with state law; establishes a new, separate registration process to facilitate medical marijuana research; and authorizes health care providers employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”) to make recommendations to veterans regarding participation in state marijuana programs.” Thus, the CARERS Act removes penalties for medical marijuana usage in those states where it is legal and specifically authorizes VA doctors to recommend state marijuana programs to veterans. The STATES Act, also known as the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States Act, prohibits federal interference with marijuana-related activities in those states where, and to the extent in each state that, such marijuana-related activities are legal. The bill’s summary states that it “eliminates regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the Controlled Substances Act for certain marijuana-related activities that comply with state or tribal law”, and “requires the Government Accountability Office to study and report on the effects of marijuana legalization on traffic safety.” Therefore, the STATES Act goes a step beyond the CARERS Act, removing penalties and prohibiting federal interference not just for medical marijuana related activities but also, in those states where adult usage is legal, then also for adult use marijuana-related activities, so long as such activities do not violate that state’s law or any applicable tribal law.


Notably, on July 30, 2020, the United States House of Representatives passed a Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill that includes the Blumenauer-McClintock-Norton-Lee Amendment, which bars the Justice Department from using taxpayer funds to enforce anti-cannabis federal laws in states which have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes or for adult-use, protecting all state, territory, and tribal cannabis programs from any federal intervention whatsoever. This voice vote represents the second time in history that the House has verbally approved legislative language to restrict interference by the Justice Department with marijuana businesses and consumers located in states where marijuana is legal. NORML Political Director Justin Strekal issued a public statement opining that “[t]he importance of this bipartisan vote cannot be overstated as today, nearly one in four Americans reside in a jurisdiction where the adult use of cannabis is legal under state statute. It is time for Congress to acknowledge this reality and retain these protections in the final spending bill.” In fact, July 30, 2020, was a very good day for marijuana on the federal front. United States Senator Tina Smith filed a new bill in the Senate that day, to legalize marijuana federally. Senator Smith’s bill, titled the “Substance Regulation and Safety Act”, states it will “decriminalize and reschedule cannabis”.The bill carries a federal age requirement for marijuana sales of 21, and requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to develop rules that treat marijuana in the same manner that tobacco is treated.2 Significantly, the bill’s text concerning descheduling provides that those provisions “are retroactive and shall apply to any offense committed, case pending, or conviction entered, and, in the case of a juvenile, any offense committed, case pending, or adjudication of juvenile delinquency entered, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act.” Thus, if ultimately passed by the Senate, then the House, and signed into law by the President, this legislation would likely free the vast majority of inmates who currently are incarcerated solely because of sentences arising out of marijuana offenses. Could it be that significant federal policy change is on the horizon? Perhaps. Kyle Jaeger’s July 31, 2020, article for Marijuana Moment provides additional details of this bill. Information contained herein provides general information related to the law and does not provide legal advice. It is recommended that readers consult their personal lawyer if they want legal advice. No attorney-client or confidential relationship exists or is formed between you and Ms. Parrish as a result of this article.

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Chip Paul

GnuPharma Corp

Wow! Has the world changed! As of this writing it is late July of 2020. Tulsa has a mandatory mask order and OKC just instituted one. We have no idea if our kids will be back in school. No idea if there will even be “school”. How do you conduct a meeting? Plan an event? Roll out a new trade organization? Ask for a hug? New challenges. New world. We are very lucky in the cannabis industry. The fact that our businesses have been declared “essential” means alot now and even more in the future. You see, that is a LEGAL CLASSIFICATION, and we intend to leverage that in the future. By (we) I mean OK4UApproved which is the new trade association (go join right now!!! www.ok4uapproved.com ). If you are not following the trade association please do. We have two weekly shows now on Facebook. One called Wrap Up Wednesday where we discuss current medical marijuana topics in Oklahoma. Latest subjects have been on labs and the overall state of lab testing. Upcoming topics will be of high interest! The trade organization is also hosting Medical Mondays and these have been hosted by Dr. Bailey and will feature other medical professionals as the show develops. How and what (you) support as the medical marijuana community will tell us a lot about how and what to provide (you) as to education and information. We intend to listen first...so, join the organization! If you are a patient you will get numerous benefits and in particular a 10% discount at all member dispensaries. More benefits on the patient side and we will officially launch the patient piece in August. We intend to lobby for both patient and commercial rights at the Capital. We will also hire a patient advocate attorney for patient issues. Kratom • CBD • Hemp Flower



We are weak as an industry now. In fact we have some things going on where our industry is being called out for workers comp insufficiencies. Without a mechanism such as a trade organization, it is very difficult to fight these State initiatives. We intend to make 2021 a landmark year for medical marijuana here in Oklahoma, please help us do just that!

Brett Martin

Owner Feel Good the Natural Way! www.herbanalternatives.com brettmartin@herbanalternatives.com 2221 S. Air Depot

Midwest City, OK 73110

Cell: 405.566.9928




INGREDIENTS 3 Stalks Celery 3 Dates or 2 tablespoons dried fruit of choice 12 Almonds 2 Teaspoons Medicated Olive Oil 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice Red Chili Pepper Flakes to Taste

This salad is one of my favorite dishes on a hot summer day or when I am craving something crunchy when the munchies hit. Jam-packed with dense nutrients such as healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals you won’t expect a sluggish feeling after indulging in a bowl of this delicious salad! Celery works well as a salad base due to its numerous health benefits including its anti-inflammatory properties, anti-microbial benefits, while providing hydration to vital organs through improved digestion.

by Amy Lee

Medicated Date & Almond Celery Salad



Soak dates in warm water for 5 minutes (not necessary with other dried fruit) Chop celery into bite-size pieces Coarsely chop almonds Chop dates once softened Toast almonds on medium to low heat for 7-10 minutes depending on personal toasting preference Combine all ingredients in a medium mixing bowl, toss gently. Serve immediately or chill in refrigerator 10 minutes

Back to School, Boosted by Amy Lee

It’s no secret that many families in America are currently dreading the back to school season. While illness prevention may be a top priority, it can also become confusing or frustrating. Here are my top five methods for boosting the immune system naturally. Cannabidiol (CBD) - A recent study* conducted at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada concluded that cannabis extracts high in cannabidiol (CBD), are responsible for reducing inflammation at high levels and improving immune function on a cellular level within certain COVID-19 “gateway” tissues. These body tissues include but are not limited to lung tissue, oral/nasal tissue, and gastrointestinal tissues. Researchers believe reducing inflammation within these tissue groups could help decrease susceptibility to COVID-19 as well as other infections. Full-spectrum cannabidiol is also widely known for its ability to promote a healthy gut environment as well as serve as an antioxidant. Implementing a daily cannabidiol regimen is very simple to accomplish and results in major health benefits. Medicating daily with full-spectrum cannabidiol products is a wonderful solution for parents and school-age children. I recommend starting with a low dose of approximately 5-10mgs of cannabidiol to provide an immune boost while reducing inflammation to protect and prevent infection. Visit www.BohoOils.com for a full line of cannabidiol products including daily multivitamins and gummies. Ginger - A major superfood seasoning with high anti-inflammatory properties. This common seasoning is a simple solution with major immunity supporting benefits. Fresh ginger may be added to meals providing a zesty flavor for marinades, soups, salad dressings, or even as a seasoning for proteins and vegetables. Ginger tea is a wonderful product that may be easily paired with cannabidiol infused honey to amplify the immune-boosting benefits, as the cannabidiol acts as an amplifier. Apples (all varieties) - Apples are extremely rich in the flavonol quercetin, this flavonol is a potent anti-inflammatory compound that breaks down within the digestive system assisting in reducing inflammation throughout the body. Apples are also rich in antioxidants making it the perfect snack. Apples are easy to consume and Pair this powerhouse fruit with hemp-infused nut-butter and amplify the effects within the digestive and immune system. Bell Pepper - Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that assists in immune system support, encourages the production of white blood cells to protect the body against infection as well as protecting against free radicals.Yellow bell peppers contain the highest amount of vitamin C per serving but consuming any color bell pepper will provide sufficient amounts of Vitamin C. Bell peppers are a simple vegetable that may be included in many meals, effortlessly. One of my favorite ways to utilize bell peppers is as a substitute for chips with dip.This is a simple solution to consuming more vitamin C, reducing inflammation, and preventing disease. Turmeric - Turmeric is a superfood seasoning due to the active compound curcumin, an extremely potent anti-inflammatory, and immune system modulator. With its bright orange color and strong aroma, many people steer clear of PAGE this superfood however, adding it to your lifestyle is quite simple. This seasoning 19 may be added to proteins, soups, sauces or drinks. Check out my Golden Milk recipe on Herbage Magazine for a family favorite. PAGE 21 can It may seem simple, but adding these five superfoods to your routine result in amazing benefits internally and potentially protecting you and your family through this next season.

Comfort Food with Oklahoma Female Spirits of Music

But as I walked up to the display for Cassie Gaines, both Kim and I stopped and took a moment to admire the tank top, shorts, pictures, and jewelry to really feel the essence of who she was. In writing, she was an American singer best known by Rayne Graham for her work with Lynyrd Skynyrd and tragically lost her life in that fateful plane crash. Right after her death, a fire ensued at Divine feminine energy is part of the creative half that makes her residence and her belongings were destroyed, which means us whole, the part that is in tune with the energy around us there wasn’t anything of hers personally to remember her by. and attunes it in a way that supports the growth and sustains When she started her display for Cassie, Kim had no inkling of the life around us and within us. That specific energy chilled what would happen next. When the twinkle I her eye grew, I me as I walked through the beautiful wooden doors of Kend- knew this would be an enthralling tale of love and Oklahoma all’s Restaurant in Noble. As my wedge hills clicked on the old community. I was not disappointed. wooden floor, my eyes wondered to all the memorabilia on Cassie’s old roommate remembered that she had a pair of the wall. Not just any memorabilia mind you, but the kind that shorts that Cassie had embordered for her and those were would explain the comforting yet protective chill that held me donated to Kendall’s music museum for Oklahoma women. in its embrace the entire time I was there. Soon after the Rock’N’Roll Hall of fame came by to film the An excited woman with a story in her eyes approached me display and if I could explain the humble pride burning in Kim’s and that is where I started my journey into all that is Kendall’s face I would, but I could never do that feeling justice. It almost Restaurant. Her name is Kim Cline, and she is the owner of this brought me to tears honestly. “It’s emotional for the families of delicious dining establishment and musical shrine. As I walked these women and for us because it is finally a place for these the room to the left of the front door and scanned the plaques, Oklahoma treasures to be recognized and that what they are, pictures, clothing, awards, and letters of the musical women of Oklahoma Treasures, “ Kim explained as she brought me to my Oklahoma, Kim almost floated before me as she showcased the table in the dining area of Kendall’s. prized pieces of endearment to these amazing souls. She explained that she had been collecting musical trinkets for years from the likes of Jody Miller, Wanda Jacks, and Norma Jean. At one point she told her friends, “I’ve got so much of this women’s stuff, I should make an Oklahoma wall or something like that”. And that is how this beautiful tribute to the women of Oklahoma Music started and has grown, amongst whom are: • Katrina Elam: American Singer and songwriter that has written songs for Carrie Underwood, Reba McEntire, Rascal Flatts, Natasha Bedingfield, and the Eli Young Band. She also signed with South Records in 2004. • Wanda Jacks: American Singer, Songwriter, and Pianist who is also known as the “Queen of Rockabilly”.

The entire restaurant made me feel like I had stepped back to the 20s and I absolutely adored it. With black and white pictures of the building I was currently standing in that dated back before it was Kendall’s and a very welcoming atmosphere with smiling eyes on all the staff. I say eyes because we are in the age of Covid and everyone was wearing masks. As I sat down, I couldn’t ask fast enough how this place came to be. Her eyes lit up once more and she explained that her mother owned restaurants in the southern part of the states for her entire life growing up and was set to open a second restaurant when Kim was pregnant with her 1st child. On October 16, 1986, Kim had her baby girl and her mom surprised everyone by making a phone call then and there to put that baby’s name on the awning of the restaurant, Kendall. There is something to be said about the love of the ones running a restaurant and how it reflects in the food. Let me tell you, it reflects high vibrationally! Kim even told me herself as I dove into the Massive chicken fried steak platter, I had so graciously and accidently accepted the challenge of eating, exactly what their secret recipe is. “Nothing secret about it, Chicken Fried Steak and Cinnamon Rolls made with a little butter and whole lotta love. The butter is a lot more expensive so that is why we have to charge,” she laughed in a way that feels like coming home for Christmas when she revealed the secret recipe to me. I couldn’t help but match her enthusiasm either, it was infectious. I would be amiss talking about this energetic experience without talking about Dee Downer. A former Mayor of Noble, Dee is the face if Kendall’s that has been there for everything since the very beginning. I could feel the mutual respect and appreciation between these two as they sat across from my table and chatted while I continued, or tried to continue, to eat the most delicious and never-ending meal I have ever had. If you are looking for delicious food, an energetic atmosphere, and welcoming faces I recommend Kendall’s Restaurant. If you are looking for a thrill, you might want to drop by as well. Kendall’s was voted the most Haunted Place in Oklahoma by the Food Network and has been visited by many paranormal investigators. However, there is no need to fear, these spirits have always been friendly and protective of the amazing things going on at this place.


Anna Ervin smudgeyourself

Creative Magazine



A cannabis patient’s journey is something that many of us need help understanding. Learn along side the show’s hosts Josh Leone and James Bridges as they hope to shed light and bring options for those in need. TrulyMedicinePodcast




Boot Strap Beginnings by Rayne Graham If you follow my Instagram account @Divine_Independence, you will know that I might have a little bit of an obsession with marshmallows. Okay, it is not little, but moving on. So, when I tell you that the moment a watermelon Bison Extract strain specific Cannabis gummy melted into my mouth like a marshmallow you know I am coming from a place of deep experience. Of course, there are so many other reasons to love this brand other than how amazing their edibles taste, but I would be amiss if I did not give nod to that very amazing fact. One of those reasons being that the moment my eyes wondered to the packaging on the back I realized it had all the information I would ever need about the medicine I just took. We are talking strain name, cannabinoid percentage and breakdown, terpene percentage and breakdown, and of course nutritional information. I hate saying it, but it is hard to find all of that on packages of cannabis products these days. I had the opportunity to speak with Necole Cantu, one part of the duo that created Bison Extracts, and I was living in a fan girl moment the entire time. The more she said, the more it aligned with how I felt about this brand from the moment I popped that gummy onto my taste buds. Necole and her partner Brandee Spillman started Bison by their bootstraps with no investors and have never regretted it. Necole worked for DHS as a child abuse detective for 10 years and Brandee is an Army veteran that now owns her own Dental lab! Both of these inspiring women with big hearts wanted to be able to help the Oklahoma Cannabis community in a very holistic and medical way. Even though they wanted to be in the cannabis industry of Oklahoma to help patients, they knew they didn’t want to own a dispensary. So, they reached out to Halo Cannabis in Washington and hired a consultant to help them get their brand rolling the right way.The first product to roll out was the THC infused transdermal patches. “We really want to stick to medical; we will never have any of those gimmicky products that do not really have a medicinal factor.” - Necole If you ask Necole, she will tell you that she is a huge believer in the Bison Fuel Syringe. Every product that is in their lineup is made from this oil and it is made by way of C02 extraction. Bison Extracts cares so much about their products and the people using them, Necole and Brandee have decided to be a craft cannabis brand. The farms they get their flower from to do the extracting are all handpicked and craft as well. This means more attention is paid to the plant and when it reached the Bison Extract facility it is shown that same amount of love and attention before it reached the consumer. Just how craft is Bison Extract? There are only 5 employees running this epic brand, yes you read that right. 5! With only one man working for them, Necole was very proud to state that Bison is Female owned and operated. To be honest, that very much reflects in the way that this brand is dedicated to the medicinal craft of cannabis itself. “We are never going to be the biggest company out there, but we pride ourselves in being craft.” -Necole

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US- So how did you get into the industry? K- I applied to at least 10 other dispensaries, before landing my first job at Project Releaf. Within a week I made management there. US- How do you feel that you help your patients find what they need? K- I always ask what they are here for first. And use that information to better help the patients get the medicine they need. Listening is key, when working in this industry. Not only listening, but using that to give the best service. US- What about your first cannabis experience? K- I was at a buddies house, with 3 other friends. It was right when Borderlands 1 was big. So we played that and Fallout 3 for hours. We made a pipe out of aluminum foil, and smoked 2 bowls through the night. Never ever got that high again. US- In your opinion, what makes Stars and Stripes Dispensary stand out? K- Stars and Stripes was a big change for me when I started working here. Immediately it didnt feel like working at other stores. From the owners, managers, to the budtenders everyone was super friendly. They took me in from the jump. When working at other stores, it always felt like a competition. And like you are under a microscope. But working here, it feels like I came across family. US- What are you favorite forms of consumption? K- Concentrates. From extraction to consumption, its all fascinating. The forms and potency can range. And even how it can be consumed can vary widly. For me if a company knows what they are doing it will be apparent in their product. US- Favorite strains and effects? K- Forbidden Fruit and Larry OG! Ive had a few surgeries, so the pain relif and anti-inflammatory properties have to be on point. These two strains really do it the best for me. If I find these strains, and they are decent, I buy bulk. US- Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of the industry? K- My family. They are always so supportive and help me with my passion. Which is this industry. But when Im home I play on PC. VR games mainly pertaining to war, or flight.

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