Herb•age Magazine - June 2020

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June 2020 Edition

Sarah Lee

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Dad... I have always had a vision of what a father was in my head. He’s the superhero. He is stronger than anything. God-like. It’s funny to think about those things now. I continue and probably always will continue to have that vision in my mind. The one thing that really has opened my eyes is being a father myself. I know what it feels like when you imagine something wanting to harm your child. I know what it feels like to get a totally unsolicited “I love you dad.” I keep in mind that superhero that I assume my own children believe in like I did. I try to become it. That’s when real fatherhood reveals itself. Nothing, has ever felt more rewarding in my life as that moment when I finally realized that the real superhero lies in the hearts of my children.

you are simply wisdom





















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Out of the pages of a story only written up in whimsical foreshadowing moments of films that tell of times when rock gods once met to begin their journey into the abyss which is….in most cases...a crappy life as a band. Though for Rousey...life is good. It’s 3AM on a dock. Yes, a dock. On a body of water, dock. Nicolai, bass player,...beaten...and Garrett, Sax wizard,....smashed. Both fresh off a music festival stage repping different bands. What better to do? JAM... Harrison, who is the vocalist for Rousey recalled that night as an “innocent” bystander. “I remember the jam. I was a hundred yards away. I was trying to “pass out” the entire night in my tent. That just was not going to happen. I stayed up the entire night listening to this jam that I eventually fell in love with.” “A few months later that band I was in broke up,” Nicolai explained. “Garrett gives me a call and says hey, you wanna play bass for Rousey? Need I say more... Then we brought Tommy and ol’ boy Austin in and that’s where it all started. Guitar mesmerizer, Tommy, the “kid” of the band, has been somewhat of a “barhop” since an early age. “We had no idea that Tommy was only 19. I mean...I was letting him into the bars I worked for during open mics. We found out his age after he was in the band for almost 3 months. We all thought...oh damn, that’s gonna be a problem!” Nicolai laughed. “But it never was.”


One of the things that caught my attention to Rousey was of course their single, “DABs In the Kitchen.” So I had to ask the guys, what’s up?

Dabs in the kitchen is something we have been saying and doing for a long time. Harrison got into detail as this next bit of information is quite important. “It’s something we would always do at practice over at Garrett’s house. Garrett always had the dab rig but he didn’t have a torch. Sonthe electric stove...banger...get it? So now when someone yells “dabs in the kitchen, we know the heat is on and ready.” We suddenly hear audio from the blank video screen of Garrett….”what do you guys think I’m doing now?” Laughter… I soon realized that the song was merely a cover to this book. This was a collection of individuals who all brought something to the table. It’s hard for me to find something with textured layers that are somewhat different from one another, yet slightly similar when it matters. Music is definitely a candy store for those with that mindset. I dove into Rousey’s music and realized much more. “Our music is spread across so many different genres. When you get into the “soul” of our music, it comes very collectively.” Nicolai says he feels “the process works best when we all take a look at an idea. “We bring our own influences and creativity to the mix.” Jazz, rock, blues, reggae, you name it... There’s a little in there. It’s good soup too. Tossing his smoke, Nicolai says, “If you listen to our album there’s a lot of different genres, so it’s impossible for me to sit here and say that I’m influenced by one particular person. We spread across so many different genres and we’re always trying to push the limits of our music and creative process because there’s no reason to sit around and do what’s been done. You know... even though everything’s been done technically... I guess, but try to put a new spin on it. In order to do that we have to access certain influences and inspirations in our minds, as children and on up you know? There’s certain emotions that we get stuck in and we end up shaping the way that we want to make other people feel. I take it as we “have” felt that emotion. I want to do that for other people. In order to do that we got work to do you know what I mean?”

Herbage Magazine

Garrett wanted to chime in here, “If you only like artists that you listen to you you’re going to be very limited. I remember a professor from college when I was around 19-years-old. He said to me that real artists don’t create, they steal.” They all laughed. “ Now I get it and it makes sense. Every artist just needs to be a sponge. If they’re not out listening to other artists that are doing and trying new things then they themselves aren’t really trying to come up with and make something of their own. It’s really all about going to an unfamiliar show, maybe with your friend. In those instances you can either find out what you did not like and learn from it or ignore it. Is this what makes you feel turned off? What worked? Can I gain from this? Music essence is when you remember that thing that you like... the space whenever you go to a show... the people. You see this face?” He made a facial expression that communicated stimulation. “ This face is the one you want to have or see when you are experiencing something on stage that is primal and guttural to say the least.” The guys and I were on a video conference call because of, well…. Nicolai was actually in isolation. But for them it wasn’t such a bad thing. They all seemed to be able to step back a bit, as most of society, and reflect on things that matter most to themselves. They wanted to use this time wisely to hone their craft and creativity rather than create a larger dent in their couch. I get it. Entrepreneurialism is a curse of which that can consume the brightest of beings. A tough blessing no doubt. Yet, one must make hay while the sun… Harrison personally very much enjoyed the break from shows, “If you’re trying to start out in a band and make an actual business you know, it could probably make your life very very stressful. Especially if you work at a job outside of being in the band. You’ve got to be able to still get your hours, pay your rent... A lot of the times the money you make can go back to you, but to build your business it needs to go back into paying for everything just to get back to that point. So it’s extremely important to stay balanced. I think what I enjoyed in this time of no live shows is getting to reflect and really re-balance. I’m really excited to get back into practices and shows right now. I’m very confident that all of us have been doing things and writing in our own

time. We have notebooks full of material ready to go when we get back to normal.” It’s not necessarily just sitting around writing songs either, Nicolai added. “Just you know, I’m not much of a songwriter as I am a bass player, but I can tell you that in this time I’ve definitely had the opportunity to practice and advance certain techniques. In the past we were digging super hard. For the past few years, you know, it’s Monday night practices then a show on Thursday. Again on Friday and Saturday and then we got another Monday night practice. I’m just spending Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday just trying to pay bills and let my balls rest for a second. So now I’ve got some free time. I don’t like to sit around with some free time on my hands. I’ve actually been able to finally go in and work on little nuances and things. I just haven’t been able to really sit down and take the time to crank out certain finger exercises that I need to be able to perform certain techniques that I want to do live. I’ve definitely advanced instead of sitting around with nothing to do but look at my four strings.” Garrett says he has been picking up flute. “It’s very hard, very very hard, but I was doing like a jam the other day and I was recording and I was like, shit, let’s just drop some flute on this. It sounds really good.” They all chimed in with a giggle and a, hell yeah let’s get some flute action going! Tommy continues to mesmerize and hone down his guitar skills. He can be found sneaking into an occasional bar, but this time it’s legal. I had an inspirational moment from the group as they were able to take their musical process and have it applicable to almost any walk of life. Have an idea. A group of talented people manipulate that idea into their own greatness. They collect all of the greatness. Boom-bam-you get good stuff. 07


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“Here in Oklahoma, Here for you”

The gate keepers PART 2 Everyday we find ourselves a step further down a road we never imagined, perhaps down a road that leaves our society changed forever. Building off of last month’s article, it’s times like these that cannabis professionals, such as myself, see parents step up for their kids in ways that make us feel hopeful and bring us to tears. True warriors.k Perhaps your natural support system was flipped on it’s side during all of this, and you’re swamped with your children’s mental, emotional or medical needs... or perhaps you are working long hours and not seeing them very much right now. I’ve seen a lot of both lately, and it’s hard across the board. I am thinking of you today, Dad. Since I addressed Mom last month, I will make the same disclaimer: we know that moms and dads are both involved in raising children and in managing their cannabis therapy plans, but this month we are celebrating the dads. You are their giant, you’re their safe tower. You worked hard to have access to flower. You see them struggle, you see them fight. You’re there to tell them it’s gonna be alright.

You are their giant, you are strong You lift them up You tell them they belong.

You work late, You advocate You did research You help them medicate

Comforting the hopeless Measuring doses Journaling progress Celebrating success

You read the books You asked around You planted seeds in the ground

Overcoming social judgement Fighting for legal access without punishment The journey has many hallways and doors Because of you, their quality of life is restored.


Pediatric cannabis therapy

Monthly cannabis therapy plan tip: Anecdotal evidence suggests that if you or your child are people who have atypical reactions to things like sedatives or stimulants, you will likely have atypical responses to cannabis strains and their terpenes. So if you’re trying to get the most out of your plant medicine funds, cannabis therapy journaling will be even more important. This way you can predict the results when trying a new strain and experience fewer uncomfortable situations.

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by Rayne Graham Drake a grower, a medical cannabis patient, and most importantly a father. This is the first opportunity I have had to be able to speak with and write about the patient of the month for Herbage! I was beyond excited to be able to chat with Drake Howell on what got him into cannabis, how it helps him in his life, and how it effects his outlook on fatherhood. Talking to him on the phone you could tell that he had such a relaxed vibe but is still so passionate about why cannabis worked for him and how his past has lead him to this green point. I, of course, wanted to start our conversation with where Drake was introduced to cannabis and he did not disappoint! “I got a good story on that,” he introduced his story in a way that I knew was going to be an interesting one. When he was about 13, he and a group of friends decided to hot box the bathroom in a garage apartment of one of the members of the group. Once Drake blazed up, he had the age-old question that I am sure we have all had our first time in Cannabis consumption, what is this supposed to feel like? Which happened to be the last coherent thought he had before he found himself waking up downstairs from the bathroom on the floor being told by his friends all the crazy things, he had done the night before, which he did not remember. This is when he found out that he had an exceptionally low tolerance for THC. His endocannabinoid system was overly sensitive. “Well, at least it was then, not anymore!” Drake laughed explaining how he built his tolerance to where he could actually enjoy his cannabis experience. He would take a gram of flower and lock himself in his room. He would then take small amounts of the bud to pinch hit, then light away. Once he felt the effects dwindled or felt he was gaining a tolerance, he would smoke a little more. Being locked in his room assured he would not end up in places he could not remember, being paranoid for no reason, or doing things he would regret. Drake knew he needed cannabis as medicine because he had been addicted to opiates, so he knew growing his tolerance was of the utmost importance. Anxiety is the road that let him to self-medication and his addiction to opiates. “Pain pills make you numb and when we were in school it was just there. We heard don’t smoke weed but we never heard hey these pills are going to make you physically dependent.” Which, he found out the hard way once when he thought he was suffering from a bad case of the flu, but it ended up being because he had not taken a pain pill in a few days. However, for the past 10 years he has successfully found cannabis to be the best form of medication for his anxiety and that is mostly thanks to Drake pushing himself to find what works best for his body in a healthy and healing way. His passion for what cannabis had done for him took him on the path to working at a dispensary when SQ788 first passed. However, he quickly realized that he wanted to be a part of the growing process of this amazing green plant.

“Seeing patients firsthand come in curing their own medical issues while their doctors are telling them they are going to die is just wild! I wanted to be a part of that from the beginning process for sure.”

I could feel the empathy and conviction he had in his voice for that statement. This is when Drake ended up moving from the dispensary to helping with the grow. He currently works at True Heads Cannabis Co. and will tell you that the quality of the medicine starts with how it is grown. “We have some of the best quality of medicine out here that I have ever tried, and I am saying that as a patient first.” He boasted gladly. Not only is Drake a grower and patient, but he is a father first. When I asked him about how he handles cannabis and being a full-time dad and how that effects it, he had the most amazing response; “When I was growing up in school there was D.A.R.E. Cannabis was a drug and it was bad. I had to break that stigma in my bedroom alone, on my own, but that wasn’t something I wanted for my child.” He is open with his young son on what he does as a grower and that he needs his medicine from time to time. He does not medicate in front of his son but wants him to be comfortable enough to be able to come to Drake when he is older with questions, without fear of judgement or punishment. PAGE 10

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Pizza that makes you happie! by Rayne Graham

No matter how you slice it, it is hard to find someone who does not love pizza. That yummy cheesy goodness is hard to resist and makes for the perfect comfort food. From pepperoni to unique flavors like Philly cheesesteak and deep dish to thin crust, there are flavors out there in baked pizza pie form for everyone. Taking our love of pizza and combining it with the healing effects of Cannabis, Stone Edibles has brought us a pizza we didn’t even know we needed. Now, we do not know how we ever lived without it! Happie Flower Pizza is a mouthwatering healthy edible that will have you wondering where it has been all your life, trust me. They are made from locally sourced products such as Lovera’s Cheese and are offered in two flavor options, the three-cheese blend and the vegan option. I am sure a majority of our readers have seen those deep freezers colorfully decorated chilling in your favorite dispensaries. Those freezers contain these 8” personal cheesy treasure that are begging you to take them home and stick them in your oven. This heaven on a crust is organic, gluten friendly, and non-GMO but if you are not too health conscious do not let that detour you from giving these a try.

JONNA NOWAKOWSKI weed wonder woman

I had the opportunity to catch up with Jonna Nowakowski, pastry chef turned weed wonder chef for Stone Edibles, and the amount of joy she had for this product beamed through the phone. “The pizzas are delicious, and I normally work with sugar and sweets, I am a pastry chef!” She giggled through the line with her infectious laughter. Her passion for natural ingredients and methods on how to compliment those ingredients with THC is spilling into her home community of Oklahoma and you can taste it in every bite. Jonna focus is laser like when it comes to creating the perfect entourage experience by infusing THC, CBD, and terpenes for these delicious pizzas and there is no denying it when you finally get to taste this pizza. Jonna is in charge of the infusion, but the organic sprout spelt dough and home-made sauce come from an Oklahoma City Foodie favorite, Stone Sisters Pizza. Sheli, Tracy, and Tami are the three sisters behind this amazingly healthy and delicious pizza bar. I was able to speak with one of the sisters, who is the owner of Stone Edibles, Sheli Stenseth. When Sheli’s late husband was diagnosed with cancer she knew she had to focus more on the right food for her family and less on her career path as a pharmaceutical sales executive. So, she jumped headfirst and got her certification in traditional nutrition and set out to change the world. Just from speaking to her for a few moments, I can tell you her passion is unmatched when it comes to nutritional food and the benefits it has for your body. Sheli is all about making a positive impact and change on the world through her love of people and pure organic food which has translated perfectly to her endeavors in the cannabis community with Happie Flower Pizza. “We wanted to create a healthy alternative for patients with diabetes for instance, instead of a lot of the alternatives you see on the shelves.” I could hear the empathy in her voice when she madethis statement to me. Trust me when I say, all that passion translates deliciously to the pizza. So next time you see one of those beautiful treasure chests of a freezer while you’re out shopping for medicinals, pick up a Happie Flower Pizza. Be on the look out for anther pizza flavor coming soon from Stone Edibles, here is a hint, oink oink!

SHELI STENSETH chief optimism officer



Back in October of 2009, Whip It Hit the big screen and gave us a look into the rather unknown yet exciting world of roller derby. When I left the theater after watching that movie, I had the feeling that young boys get when they leave action films or the fast and furious. Instead of thinking I could fight like Keanu Reeves or Drive like Paul Walker, I thought I was a bad ass roller derby girl that could slay the world. Of course, the moment I jumped on some roller skates I realized that I was EXTREMELY far from being Ellen Paige in Whip It and I needed way more practice than I first had thought. Not that I expected it to be easy, but Hollywood has a way of making everything seem achievable in a two-hour time slot when reality simply does not work in that time frame. Unfortunately, I never pursued my goal of learning this great sport or participating in it myself. However, I have been given the opportunity to visit the REAL roller derby world and speak with a few members of the South Central Roller Girls in Ada, Oklahoma and I am so grateful that I did! Before we get into these powerful and inspiring women’s stories, lets quickly go over what the game of roller derby actually is‌shall we? The objectives of roller derby seem complicated if you are watching the game with brand new eyes. However, they are fairly simple and easy to keep track of. Basically, each team fields a single point scoring skater, known as a jammer, whose objective is to lap as many opposing skaters as they can. The remaining skaters who are not scoring points work both on offense and defense at the same time to block the opposing

jammer and to clear the path for their own jammer. It is safe to say that teamwork, strength, agility, speed, control, peripheral vision, and communication are all key to becoming a successful player in this game. Now that we are all caught up, it is time to catch up with some ladies from the team! Katie Hoff, team captain, has been playing since 2010. Unlike me, when she saw Whip It in theaters, she knew this was her passion and stopped at nothing to achieve her goals. Of course, being a part of the team was different in the real world rather than the big screen version and in such a positive way! When she came to her first practice, she was welcomed by the women and from that point on she was a permanent part of the team. In the process of learning how to play the game, Katie has gained self-confidence, athleticism, and new friends. Check her out as a blocker for South Central Roller Girls as Hoff The Chain #311. Meggie Kelsey, who spent time watching her sister Katie at her roller derby games, decided in 2012 that she wanted to join the team herself! She admits that before she started playing her and her sister were not awfully close. However, being able to bond during practices, games, team outings, and teamwork has brought them closer than ever over the past eight years. Meggie enjoys roller derby because it is a challenge





Rayne Graham

and could not tell me enough about just how welcoming the other girls were when she first started.

You can check her out at the next South Central Roller girls game as Tiger Killy #23.

Check her out as a pivot, blocker, and jammer for South Central Roller Girls as Sugar Bullet #83.

There were a couple interesting points that all four women made that I have to share with you all. It is important to note that I spoke with all of them separately and none of them knew what the other had to say. Everyone made the same statement when it came to the team, and that is that everyone is willing to lend a helping hand no matter what skills need to be learned or worked on, is caring, and is vibrating in the energy of a sisterhood. The other interesting point is that when I asked each of the teammates for advice to anyone who might be thinking of joining, they all had this to say.

Michelle Nowlin came to the team four years ago as a distraction from her divorce at the time. Being able to work on herself mentally and physically came hand in hand with joining the game and learning how to play. “It is rewarding to be strong and beautiful, “she had stated during our chat and I could hear how much that statement made her beam with joy. Michelle enjoys being able to travel, the challenges, and the team experience when it comes to why she will not be leaving the game anytime soon. Check her out at the next South Central Roller girls game as Dashing Diva #77. Jennifer West is new to the team, like 2018 new, but she is a beloved player all the same. She had always been curious about roller derby but never really pursued it until she met Michelle, remember Dashing Diva? Michelle kindled the flame of curiosity and got Jennifer started to which helped her in so many areas of her life. For one, it took her out of her comfort zone since you have to be so close to people and a lot of trust is involved, but it is always nice and encouraging.

“JUST DO IT! You will be glad that you did.”

I mean, if that does not make you want to grab a pair of skates and head to the next practice what will? Speaking of which, if you are interested in joining the team, stop by a practice and get started! It truly is that simple and like South Central Roller Girls have said, you will be happy that you did. Maybe it’s time I pick my skates back up? BRB going to watch Whip It again! In the meantime, you should out their website SouthCentralRollergirls.com.

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Satisfaction at Dee’s by James Bridges

Satisfaction is something that can only be defined by the one that is experiencing it. For me that experience is very, very hard to find. One thing I do know is that once I find it I want to keep it. Mother Earth was simply in love with the universe when the sensuous and masterfully blended aromas and flavors of sweet cedar went to bed with a touch of oak. These two ganged up something with a tad bit of tartness and wound up with a fire made for the gods themselves. I love Temple Kush. As I said before....satisfaction...yada..yada… I ran into somewhat of a road bump. There wasn’t enough to keep. So...obviously, I was now on the hunt to fill yet another void as those voids tend to become larger and larger the more time we take to seek out the actual satisfaction. Oh my... what a whirlwind.

“My name is Brian Ganster, but this is my mother’s Daddy’s place and my aunt is the one that owns the business but my grandpa Dee is this land. This 500 acres spread was his. When he died...I’ve been running this place, fishing it, and livin’ here since I was a little bitty kid. So still getting to run Grandpa’s place under his name has just been a blessing to all of us.” Lead grower Joe Faught grew up in Oklahoma. He knew he wanted to be part of this cannabis world from childhood. It seems to be a common theme actually… Another rather unfortunate common theme is in the past cannabis sometimes turned into a bit of a risky lifestyle. Too risky for this family man. “I was a grower in the past on the west coast. Then I moved back to Oklahoma. To my roots. Let’s just say I kind of thought about it when I came back.” Joe and Brian actually grew up very close to one another. A couple of miles down the road according to them. So when Joe moved back to Oklahoma you can bet his best bud was going to come say hello.

There. There it was. A hop-skip-& jump away from a state penitentiary no less. Some of the best conduits of satisfaction in Oklahoma can be found in this beautiful countryside grow, Dee’s Sowing Co.

“One day Brian came to me with this idea. Of course it had something to do with cannabis and I thought of my kids and how that was in my past...” You could see that Joe was reliving the moment. What seemed to be tears of passion came to his eyes, “Brian came to me with everything he had….$200 in his pocket. That meant more to me than anything.”

“You’ve gotta put out fire!” Brian Ganster shouts CEO of Dee’s Sowing as the fans blew in the background. I knew I was in the right place instantly.

I could see the light in Joe’s eyes. He had no choice but to go into business with his friend.

“We are a small bunch. It’s me, my closest friends, and my family. The day-to-day is really just the three of us. So we’ve got to go all in. We’ve said that from the get go. We gotta put out the good stuff.”

I noticed a character standing in the background. He seemed to be observing things. Quite curious, as I love me some curiosity…

I followed my instincts and headed south. Out of town. Out of existence. Just a road and a need to get to the end of it.

What’s your name? “Haggard.” There was a bit of a long (not quite awkward) pause. “Like Haggard... you know Merle Haggard.” Haggard was someone some might assume by cover to be pretty hard. As soon as he smiled that giant smile and passed the smoke I knew those assumptions to be overwhelmingly wrong. As the third of this group of reformed bandits, Haggard came across as the glue. He seemed to be the person to ask for just about anything and everything. When people say “salt of the earth” they are speaking of people like Haggard. Joe confessed, “you have to make money to pay rent. I didn’t pay rent. I mean I got it eventually, but yeah, I went all in. Anxiety comes with the territory. We stuck true to our word and we got paid.” “Trying keep up with competition is impossible if you are looking at things from a volume sold standpoint.” Brian was adimate. “You got to put out good medicine. The real stuff. The good stuff. This medicine changed my life as a kid. It’s helped me throughout my life. Now it’s changed my freaking entire life. A lot of people’s lives have changed, even a small amount. It’s all because of good medicine and that’s what we grow.” This bunch of guys have come up with a simple concept that works. Grow good medicine Concentrate sales efforts within a tight territory to meet demands. Grow as you go. Who woulda thought right?...

So for now satisfaction has been achieved. I know where the source comes from. I understand that the source is being cared for by an honest facility. I am also very happy to know that the people that are responsible for this medicine are good and are in cannabis for the right reasons. 15


Wait No Longer It’s Here...

ARIES The stage will be exactly right for you to speak your fiery mind this month Aries. Everyone will be captivated on your thoughts and ideas so use your platform wisely. After your eventful speeches and thoughts, it would be helpful to melt into the couch with the heavy sedative hybrid Gelato. TAURUS This month will have you concentrating on well-improved techniques rather than experiments especially in your career field Taurus. You are in a good position to make extra cash, so grab the bull by the horns, or yourself in this instance. Stay focused and stress free in June by picking up the Sativa Sour Diesel. CANCER You will be spending the first half of the month as a shoulder to cry on for a friend in need dear Cancer. You are empathetic at heart and will be a great help to get them on the right path. The rest of your month will be spent in summertime bliss and will feel all the more rewarding. Stay relaxed and uplifted while you help out by picking up the Indica dominant hybrid Wedding Cake.

GEMINI It would be wise of you to give serious thought to any promising opportunities coming your way Gemini. Although there is risk involved in accepting these opportunities, jumping without the net will have you surprisingly happy with the outcome. Stay happy, calm, and euphoric during this time by grabbing the Sativa dominant hybrid Blue Dream.

VIRGO There are a lot of opportunities for you to move forward in both your career and relationships this month. In true Virgo style you will want to create a detailed plan to move forward and you should do just that! Be careful not to waste anytime as you are meant to move upward and onward. Do not let the stress get to you, grab the heavily relaxing Indica Ice Cream Cake and let the stress melt away. SAGITTARIUS There will be sparks flying between you and your partner this month dear Sagittarius. These could be passionate sparks or annoying jolts of anger that will not seem to let up. Your attitude towards the situation will make all the difference. Keep the feelings more on the romantic spicy side by grabbing the Sativa Green Crack. CAPRICORN This month you should focus on upgrading your nutrition and communications. Focus on exercise and eating healthy but do not over do it! Also, new phone who dis? Stay happy, uplifted, and focused on your goals during June with the Hybrid Wedding Crasher.

Strainology Your June 2020 horoscope and what Cannabis strain will help you get through it! Remember, these are based on your Sun signs!

Rayne Graham

LEO June will give you the spotlight to shine like the Leo you are this month! You will be hosting, socializing, and entertaining both friends and new acquaintances, but you will also be keeping a secret. The question is, is it yours or some one else’s? All will be revealed around the 28th with a positive outcome however so no worries. Relax and unwind after all the fun with the Indica G13, you will be so glad you did. LIBRA Procrastination is not your friend this month Libra. It is important to not put off tomorrow what you can get done today or you will end up missing out on a lot of opportunities ready to land in your lap. Relax, focus, and stay happy while you work with the Hybrid Platinum GSC.

SCORPIO You might feel as though you are slow and steady wins the race attitude isn’t working for you in the business sector this month dear Scorpio. No fear, you will be happy with the outcome of your business meetings and ventures as you assurance and delicacy in tricky matters will be much appreciated. Get creative with your approach while still staying relaxed with the Hybrid Thin Mint GSC.

AQUARIUS Everything seems to be going smoothly for you right now Aquarius. This month will bring you interesting ideas and a whole lot of fun! Another good news point, you might just be on a winning streak at the beginning of the month, whether that is money or in love is up to you! Stay in your zone by being happy and uplifted, to achieve this try picking up the Sativa.

PISCES You are a natural with your intuition dear Pisces you know this. Listen to what it is telling you this month and trust it. However, keep your wits about you before allowing a measure of logical thought to balance your strong feelings. Explore your thoughts and stay uplifted with the Hybrid Paradise Waits for June.


DR. RAPHAEL MECHOULAM THE FATHER OF WEED The month of June includes a celebration of fathers, and I asked myself the question, “Who is the Father of Weed?” There is no debate on this one. It is Raphael Mechoulam, an Israeli organic chemist and professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Mechoulam discovered THC over fifty years ago, gave the endocannabinoid system its name, and celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday in November of 2019! Did I also mention he is one of my heroes?!

Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish A third-generation attorney. She maintains a civil litigation practice and is admitted to practice in Oklahoma and in Texas. She is admitted to practice before the Western, Northern and Eastern United States District Courts in Oklahoma; the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and the United States Supreme Court. She is a member of the Oklahoma County Bar Association, Oklahoma and Texas Bar Associations, the American Bar Association, the Federal Bar Association and Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity.

Dr. Mechoulam and his research team isolated and identified several major plant cannabinoids, including Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, known to almost everyone as THC. Significantly, cannabinoid acids are the precursors of CBD and THC. According to Dr. Mechoulam, “[t]he plant doesn’t directly make THC and CBD, it makes the acids. They are precursors and these compounds, unfortunately, are not stable and therefore there has not been a lot of interest in them. We were glad to find out that it is a very potent compound, probably more active than CBD. It is a very good anti-anxiety agent, and we have found out that it lowers the side effects of cancer chemotherapy. It also has an anti-depressive effect and it’s a pretty potent anti-pain compound. Dr. Mechoulam started looking for research subjects at age thirty-four. Why cannabis? “A scientist has to pick an original subject, one that doesn’t have another 50 people working on it. The subject must also be substantial and with social impact. Around that time, I read plenty of articles in English, Russian, French, and German to try to discover some unexplored problem, until I realized the scarce chemical knowledge about the compounds in cannabis. I found it very surprising: While morphine had been isolated from opium and cocaine from the coca leaf, no one had studied the chemistry of the marijuana plant. It was very odd.” Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, “Meet the ‘Father of Cannabis,’ the Man Who Discovered Why Weed Makes You High” by Juan Camilo Maldonado Tovar, published online February 19, 2016, VICE. Dr. Mechoulam attributes the beginnings of his research to “a fateful bus ride in 1964”, when the Israeli Police donated 5 kgs of Moroccan hash they had recently seized coming in from Lebanon to him. He brought the hashish to his laboratory at the Weitzman Institute in Rehovot.3 That fateful hashish enabled him to isolate and identify the psychoactive component in cannabis, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which had eluded researchers for decades. “The ‘Father of Cannabis Research’ on the Untapped Potential of Marijuana as Medicine” by Troy Farah, published in DISCOVER online, November 21, 2019. Interview with Dr. David Gorelick, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cannabis Research, published online January 30, 2020. He and his team individually tested all the compounds in the plant on monkeys and only one of them, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), had any effect at all. Let them eat cake! To confirm his conclusion that he had discovered the psychoactive compound which caused the marijuana high, Dr. Mechoulam took a large dose of THC home and asked his wife, Dalia, to add it to her cake recipe. That day, the Father of Weed got high, for the first and only time. He also confirmed his discovery of the phenomenon that every person reacts differently to THC. In observing those who ate his wife’s cake, he observed this first hand. The rest, as they say, is history.

One of American Lawyer Magazine’s 2019 Women Leaders in the Law!

When he and his team first started their cannabis research work in the early 1960’s, there was no interest in their subject matter. Dr. Mechoulam asked for a grant from the National Institutes of Health and they told him, “It’s not relevant. Nobody smokes marijuana in the U.S., people do it in Mexico.”5 A few short years later, the NIH became interested when Americans started smoking marijuana, and it has supported Dr. Mechoulam’s work for nearly forty-five years. And then, there was CBD….


One of the National Law Journal’s 2019 Cannabis Trailblazers!

Notably, in 1980, a team of investigators from the Sao Paulo Medicine Faculty of Santa Casa, working with Dr. Mechoulam and his team at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, published a study that showed cannabidiol (CBD) was “a very good antiepileptic.” He explained that he “thought it would be developed [as a drug], particularly since it shows no side effects.”

Slow going by the FDA and Big Pharma caused years of preventable suffering. Nothing happened for 35 years, “and then some parents, not companies, discovered cannabidiol help[ed] their children with pediatric epilepsy. So, there was some pressure in the U.S., and social pressure in the U.S. works. The FDA approved a clinical trial, and the clinical trial said yes, it’s an excellent drug in certain types of epilepsy. And so [Epidiolex] has been approved. Now, the approval could have been made 35 years ago, and we could have helped thousands of children. So I hope that we won’t have to wait 30 or 40 years for the other discoveries,” Dr. Mechoulam observes in “Meet the ‘Father of Cannabis,’ the Man Who Discovered Why Weed Makes You High” by Juan Camilo Maldonado Tovar, published online February 19, 2016, VICE. Along came Anandamide. In December 1992, Dr. Mechoulam reported his discovery of another amazing compound, located in and around the brain and produced by the human body. A member of his team who was a Hindu enthusiast called the compound “Anandamide”, from the Sanskrit “Ananda”, meaning supreme joy. Dr. Mechoulam’s cutting edge research concerning cures for addictions has established that this nontoxic, cannabinoid-like compound, anandamide, which has never been administered to humans, may have therapeutic potential. While anandamide has been around for over twenty-five years, unbelievably, no one has been given the green light to administer it to people. Addiction is a disease. In connection with his addiction research, Dr. Mechoulam hypothesizes that addiction is not psychological, but instead “it’s an actual disease with compounds and reactions in the body.”7 In explaining his conclusion, Dr. Mechoulam explains that, “If a mouse is addicted to nicotine, for example, the body makes a particular anandamide-like compound which can work against addiction. It can prevent the addiction, or it can lower, very considerably, withdrawal effects. This particular compound lowers, or almost prevents, both nicotine and heroin withdrawal symptoms.” This means a drug which eliminates the withdrawal effects of nicotine or opiates actually could become a reality. Wow! What an amazing discovery!

Pretty intriguing hypothesis. In the midst of the current global pandemic, Dr. Mechoulam’s theory, that “these compounds may play a role in the body’s defense against disease”, is particularly interesting. He thinks that it is quite likely the human body possesses “some alternate mechanisms for dealing with diseases where the immune system’s antibody vs. antigen method is not relevant. These endocannabinoid-like compounds may be part of a broader heretofore unknown aspect of the immune system, protecting against diseases in ways we may only uncover in the next 20 years.” While the human body uses the immune system to fight diseases in most cases, as we have learned during the instant pandemic, it does not address some of them. Dr. Mechoulam reasons that “the body has other ways to try to fight these diseases,” and he believes the endocannabinoid system is one of the major systems through which the body does so. In fact, he believes that in the future, the immune system and the endocannabinoid system will be referenced in discussions and research concerning how the human body fights disease. Dr. Mechoulam actually named the endocannabinoid system! With Dr. Mechoulam’s discovery of CB1, Anandamide, and a similar receptor, CB2 (a protector, protecting the body from a myriad of diseases), he and his team realized the human body contained a system of receptors and compounds very similar to those found in marijuana. They named it the endocannabinoid system. Dr. Mechoulam believes “[t]he endocannabinoid system is very important. Almost all illnesses we have are linked to it in some way or another. And that is very strange. We don’t have many systems which get involved with every illness…It all depends on how intensely the receptors become stimulated.” Marijuana is the cure! Dr. Mechoulam’s incredible research supports the conclusion that, so as long as the levels of anandamide and other endocannabinoids remain stable, the human body will perform many of its functions correctly, and in the event that these compounds become unbalanced, cannabinoids like THC and cannabidiol, naturally occurring in marijuana plants, could likely be used to cure many ailments.

The lack of clinical research, along with regulations that restrict cannabis research and funding are all issues that pose major future challenges. Big Pharma funds most clinical trials, but those companies have not traditionally been interested in trials that involve cannabis. Currently, there is a major need for clinical trials, and there are few out there. If patents for cannabis compounds become a reality in the future, then clinical trials funded by such companies may follow suit.

Clearly, scientists studying the current Covid-19 virus and its mutations should pay attention, and recent small studies concerning CBD suggest that they are.

Now this is exciting!

Why have the medical and pharmaceutical industries ignored all of Dr. Mechoulam’s findings?

Dr. Mechoulam believes more focus should be placed “on the acidic precursors of THC and CBD – THCa and CBDa. Those molecules have low stability, and as a result, very little research has been done on them. But I think that they have a big potential and should be studied more.” In addition to known endocannabinoids (Anandamide, 2-AG, etc.), the body also produces endocannabinoid-like compounds, which Dr. Mechoulam believes “must serve some endogenous role”. He thinks it is “possible that the different profiles of these compounds may be at least partially responsible for our differences in behavior, perhaps a molecular basis for our personality.”

2 Take-Aways

BRAVO, Dr. Mechoulam! What a hero you are!


GET YOUR VIVE ON by Rayne Graham


Shawn Smith, the owner of VIVE Cannabis and the co-owner of VIVE Oklahoma, may have achieved a substantial part of his childhood dream of being a chef in California but he will always be an Oklahoma boy at heart. I could feel this coming out in hometown beams as I sat across from him at our lunch meeting. Growing up in Ada, he always had a compass pointing toward adventure, so he joined the Navy and set sail! After his time in the military was over, he came back to Oklahoma to start his journey of becoming a chef by training at Belini’s, the Metro Wine Bar, and Coach House. Realizing his thirst for training and challenges that would enrich his taste buds and help him become closer to achieving his dream would never be quenched in one area of the country alone, Shawn headed to San Francisco. This is where his childhood dream and passion collided into one brilliant idea. With his dream being culinary since birth and his passion being non other than Cannabis mixed in with his knowledge holistic health and contemporary application, the Sublingual Cannabis mint was born. California’s strict laws and policies are making it harder for cannabis businesses to thrive. With this in mind, it was as if the universe reached out and tapped Shawn on the shoulder when SQ788 was passed. “It was like Oklahoma was calling me home.” He stated to me as he gleamed from ear to ear. So that brings us full circle to me sitting across the table from a chef that is passionate about Cannabis mints and the green roots community right here in Oklahoma. So, what are the VIVE Sublingual Cannabis Mints? Let’s start with the sublingual part, because that just is not a word that we all hear every day, right? Sublingual means situated or applied under the tongue, which is exactly where these little mints are placed for just the right kind of medicating! Since they are organic, vegan, and gluten free in every bite, medicating can be done without a care. Not to mention they come in discrete packaging for medicating on the go with no smell of green at all. And last but not least, these little mints are effective and that is what really matters right?

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Each flavor has the dosage amount and type on the packaging you purchase it in. THC and CBD are infused into the mints and come in different ratios. Which makes them perfect for combining and creating different effects for your day and situation. For example, you can combine the crisp mint and lemon lime to create a brain boost. You can also combine sour apple and lemon lime to achieve that chill walk in the park kind of vibe. The best part? The possibilities and combinations are endless!

Check out the flavors and ratios: Cherry Limeade: A Splash of nostalgia, sun drenched fun, and some exciting daytime bliss. This sweet mint is a Sativa and 5mg of THC per piece. White Hot Cinnamon: Sizzle your hot summer nights, warm your body, and soothe all that tension. This spicy mint is a Sativa and 5mg of THC per mint. Pineapple Passionfruit: Escape with a sweet pop of exotic tropical oasis that creates a blissful body sensation. This dreamy Indica mint is 5mg of THC per piece. Sour Apple: Reminiscent of tart candy, be ready to be stimulated and uplifted. This sweet and sour mint is a Sativa and is 5mg of THC per piece. Crisp Mint: This is the date night mint! It takes the edge off without slowing down your jive. This is a ratio mint as well which means it has a 5:1 ratio of 5mg CBD and THC respectively in each piece. Ginger Peach: Perfect for daily use, ginger and peach will help balance your day. This yummy mint is a perfect balance of 2.5mg of THC and 2.5mg of CBD in each piece. Lemon Lime: Time for some CBD! This zesty mint is 5mg of CBD per piece and is both calming and refreshing.

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Amy Lee of Boho Oils Co.

Vegan Mango Mousse

10 minutes to make 15 minutes to chill Makes 4 servings

Chili covered mango or pineapple* Fresh Fruit*

14-ounce (400g) package of silken or soft tofu 2 ½ cups frozen mango, thawed 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Tajin*

Vegan Mango Mousse

Place in refrigerator for 15 minutes or until chilled

Pour the mousse into personal serving bowls

Taste test to see if the sweetness is to your liking and add more maple syrup if necessary.

Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until all ingredients are well incorporated and the texture is smooth.

Drain the water in the tofu package and give the tofu a quick rinse.


Top with a small amount of Tajin chili spice, a chili covered mango or pineapple slice or your favorite toppings and enjoy!

This Summer add a new dessert to your repertoire and enhance your medicating experience. The smooth combination of tofu and mango are sure to provide a flavorful cannabis enhancing experience. Cannabis’ genetic makeup is built upon a terpene profile, this profile is what gives each strain its unique flavor, scent, and experience. Terpenes however, are not solely found in cannabis. They are also present in many fresh herbs, spices and whole foods such as mango. Mango contains a multitude of terpenes but the most common terpene is Myrcene. Myrcene is found in numerous hybrid or indica dominant strains and praised for its calming and pain relieving effects within the body. Pairing this mango dessert with your favorite myrcene strain may provide an enhanced entourage effect throughout your endocannabinoid system, thus giving you an enhanced medicated experience.





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Thirty minutes south of downtown Tulsa in the city of Mounds, lies a quaint escape that speaks to your soul fills the spirit and relaxes the mind with an experience not soon forgotten. OK40 Ranch is the host for a multitude of events including weddings, wellness workshops, Cannabis educational events, retreats, birthday celebrations, anniversaries, family vacations, girls or guys weekends, bachelor and bachelorette parties as well as the much-needed city escape. OK40 Ranch is proud to offer a cannabis-friendly escape for Medical Marijuana cardholders, allowing the consumption of cannabis at their leisure on property. As a guest at OK40 Ranch, you also have the freedom to medicate your prepared meals by supplying your own cannabis butter or oil for meal preparation.

OK40 Ranch Experience by Amy Lee

OK40 Ranch is owned and operated by Debbie Hunter who pours her heart, soul, and creativity into every guest experience at the ranch. Debbie has over 35 years of experience as an event planner and professional designer. She does not miss a single detail for her guests and prides herself on giving each guest the most enjoyable experience during their stay or at an attended event. As a guest at the ranch, you have the opportunity to customize your stay and activities to meet your getaway desires. Debbie describes staying at the ranch as “a relaxing getaway that we’ve designed with you in mind!� From the moment guests arrive through the gated entrance, escape from reality begins and the breathtakingly beautiful Oklahoma scenery takes over as time appears to move at a slower pace. Guests will begin their stay by checking in at the Hacienda to then settle into their personal accommodations. Accommodations include private rooms within the Hacienda, full rental of the Hacienda, one of the two private cabins on the property or bring your own RV to hook up on a pad site. The awe-inspiring southwestern styled Hacienda features a bed and breakfast styled stay while the individually decorated private cabins allow for a more secluded escape in the woods. All guests will enjoy full access to a variety of activities at their leisure both indoors and outdoors. This expansive property boasts several hiking trails, horseback riding, large tee-pee, fishing in the stocked pond, sunning by the saltwater pool, chilling in the plush cabana, relaxing in the hot tub, watching movies in the theater room, enjoying a delicious meal prepared in one of the two gourmet kitchens, late-night cozy campfires, as well as luxurious in-home spa experiences. OK40 Ranch provides a memorable escape with each visit. It is the perfect location for your next staycation, extended getaway or celebration event. The event center on property accommodates up to 150 people, boasts a medicated-friendly patio, full sound system, projector, caterer kitchen, and bar. Making it the perfect location for your next event big or small. Join OK40 Ranch this summer for cannabis-related events and retreats. All current events and updates are available on www.Ok40ranch.com or www.facebook. com/ok40ranch . PAGE 23

The Green


Hello sprouts! Welcome back to the Green Oracle. I realized that I had asked you all to send questions to be answered on a public platform without doing it myself first. Some version of lead by example comes to mind but I digress. Therefore, this month I decided to ask my own question while doing my oracle card pull as well as strain pick for the situation. Now, this may not be a personal question for myself because where is the fun in that? Instead, I wanted to post this question to the cosmos... How can the cannabis community help make a difference in our local community? Good one, right? I mean, I suppose it is time to remind everyone that divination is not an exact science. So, when I pull from the deck and we go over the message, it will not be a direct hey do this! It will be a push towards the right direction. This process gets our brains working and firing away at ideas and that is the whole point now isn’t it? Today I am pulling from my Alice in Wonderland Oracle Deck by Lucy Cavendish. I chose it for this question because it will bring us down a rabbit hole on an inward journey to help navigate us in the right direction. Let’s get started, shall we? I pulled #40 Keeping Up: Immense effort/Advance.

The message reads: “A time of very hard work. Getting ahead. Determination and resolve to push through into the next stage. The urge to improve your status to be rewarded. Moving quickly, with strength and stamina. A great deal to process and integrate.”

Interpretation: The Oklahoma cannabis community has gained a lot of ground in such a short period of time. I meant not even three years ago was everything about cannabis illegal in this state. I am feeling like this card is trying to tell us that we need to focus on solidifying our stance in Oklahoma as an industry of change and help to those in need. We need to stay focused on our rights as patients and what is needed for the green businesses to succeed on that path as well. This is what will help the community as a whole, or that is how I interpret the message anyway.

Strain recommendation: Staying active, focused, and uplifted are of the utmost importance at the moment, don’t you think? That is why I recommend picking up some of the Sativa Strawberry Ice to help with this mission. *Please send questions to Brittney@herbagemag.com I look forward to hearing form you all* PAGE 24

Creative Magazine



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PERFECTLY BALANCED by James Bridges Blake Votaw was a little boy. He liked to draw on things a lot. His mother was what some considered a master artist. She would hand him things to draw with. His mom knew something was different because most children might get bored after a while. Not little Blake. He would draw for hours. He would draw behind the couch, on family members walls, everywhere he could. He became a teenager and kept up with his love of art. He got better. Guess what happened... “A local police officer out of Tecumseh was killed in action. A friend of a friend asked me...you know why don’t you build something different. I was able to reach into my artistic side and drew on top of the wood with a sharpie. “Essentially I just cut it out and made some angel wings and stuff on this piece. It went to an auction for the family and all the proceeds went to that. The piece ended up selling for $1,800. I was like... I’v got something here, you know? Plus it means stuff, you know? That’s why I put all my time and energy into a piece and give it my all. It’s very rewarding and therapeutic at the same time.” Entrepreneurs are notorious for many, many things. Some good. Some not so… but one commonality is for certain and it is the willingness to never, ever give up. Go all-in as they say. Work when others are sleeping. Then hopefully have some sort of balance while practicing self awareness. Sounds fun huh? The feathers that Votaw creates are known to show up in many parts of the United States. He started out homegrown. “So many people were saying hey, go check this guy out because of my hand drawn stuff,” Votaw said humbly. His work started gaining popularity in Europe, California, and New York. Votaw then started getting interest from clothes companies. That went on for a few years. He knew he had a sort of tattoo vibe or feel to his artwork and could never really shake that desire. “I’ve always had that tattoo vibe on everything that I do because at an early age that’s what I wanted to do but I didn’t have true purpose. I just kind of got tired of the drawing of kind of got tired of the panting and wanted a new challenge.” Votaw was very clear. I couldn’t stop him from delivering this passionate message. “A friend of mine asked me once, why haven’t you been tattooing all this time? So I decided that I was going to hone my craft. Get better and better. I always loved tattoos like I said. When I was young I would have my mom buy me the tattoo magazines and it was like an explosion of inspiration. I just wasn’t ready.” Votaw had the skill and the desire but he didn’t have what he didn’t know that he needed. Time and experience made him realize that it’s not just about the ability. Time taught Blake how to be his best self. Experience taught him to do his best work for the most good. PAGE 27

“A special moment for me was when my mom said hey…. your grandpa was a master woodworker. He passed away before I could really learn anything from him, but I remembered him building little swing sets and cars and stuff that actually function then you would make them. He would make them for my grandma and he was into all kinds of stuff. So I thought when I started making woodworking and it came so naturally that maybe it’s in the blood or something.” He laughed but I could sense that was his reality and that is what mattered most. “Life heavily influences my art.” I bring it into may creation. Early on my wife thought I was not right in the head. Thoughts will just pop up out of nowhere. It bugs me to the point where it feels almost like itching a rash. I have to get it out. I guess I call that direction. I have no idea really where most of my pieces are going until about half way through.” My overall take on visiting with this very special and talented person is that he has somehow figured out how to solve a puzzle. One that has been personally unsolvable. Blake has taken every part of his world, his bubble, his wave, and made it into something that is holistically balanced. Helping others while creating amazing things and taking care of oneself and family. What a well oiled machine this world could be if we could figure out a way to solve that puzzle on a large scale.

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OKC Get Bak'd Green Vibes Nurses Station

Simply Green Farmacy

Skiatook - Big Bud Dispensary

Enid - Soul Sisters

Paul's Valley Rusty's Dispensary

Owasso - Broadleaf

Shawnee Pot Co OK Roots Dispensary

Elk City - Hemp Hill Dispensary

Lawton - Sugar Shack

Ardmore - Pure Wellness Medical Catoosa - Okies Wonderland Colcord- Hometown Stash Coweta - Med Pharm Inc Del City Cannabis Care of Oklahoma Oklabudz

Lawton - Sugar Shack Muskogee Advanced Wellness & Dispensary Okie Medical

Midwest City - K for Kush

Sand Springs - Harvest Health


Sapulpa - Vapor Herbs

Doc Greens LLC.

Langley - Cannatopia

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