Herb•age Magazine - October 2020

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Sarah Lee

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405/815-3434 slgparrish@slgparrishlaw.com www.sarahleegossettparrish.com

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Hey Siri play RAP!


Owner/Publisher JAMES BRIDGES

Blunt roach cached. I felt like a badass. Lookin’ all hard… So, of course, I rolled down to the reggie “big box” stores. Like a wannabe badass…

Layout & Design JAMES BRIDGES

So... I keep noticing that cannabis is becoming more and more acceptable. One of the strangest ways to look at a society is through its advertising and marketing. I say strange because people tend to believe that advertising and marketing actually effect society in such a way that its manipulative. But is it really?

Writer/Traffic Coordinator RAYNE GRAHAM

For the most part….just like any other form of expression…..its hard to come up with new and fresh ideas that will catch the eye and say a little something in return. Unfortunately, in advertising and marketing there are a ton of developers and account managers rather than idea people, but that’s beside the point....


CannaBannana & Mom Anna Ervin Dondi Cobb Two Twisted Girls

However...you can take a look around at advertising and marketing to get some sort of gut check on where we are as a society. Back to the “big box” “badass” wannabe story… In a few of these larger chains I have noticed more and more clothing, accessories, and even CBD products that are cannabis friendly. This tells me that as a society we are, indeed, moving in the right path for cannabis. But are we losing something in return?

Contributors: Brittiany Ralls MICHAELKINNEY SARAH LEE GOSSETT PARRISH TAB MOURA AMY LEE CHIP PAUL Chet tucker Cassie Alexander

Look... If you are not new to cannabis you know what I mean when I talk about that edginess to the culture. That feeling you get when it’s still a little sketchy. The world some of us actually wanted to be sacred at times and kept away from the mainstream. Cultural homogenization is considered by some to be natural. Cultural homogenization is considered by myself to have the putrid stench of rotten flesh and I would at all times rather avoid. Would I trade it? Would I allow myself to smell that stench? If it meant that someone’s child, or grandmother, or father, or anyone for that matter has the ability to choose this as their medication….. You’re damn right I would.

It’s not a trade-off or a sign of conformity to show the light to those that are blind.


Organically Transparent With Flower of Life by Rayne Graham

Pg 19 Chip Paul-Guest Editorial

Pg 6

Cann Have a Halloween by Tab Moura

Pg 22 Halloween Movie & Strain pairings by Rayne Graham

Pg 8

Strainology by Rayne Graham

Pg 23 Cannabis and Traditions by Rayne Graham

Pg 9

Almost as pretty as me by Cassie Alexander

Pg 26 The Lettuce Lounge by Chet Tucker

Pg 10 At a glance COVER ARTIST by James Bridges

Pg 27 Moroccon Chicken Tacos Amy Lee monthly recipe

Pg 12 OMMA’S requirements unconstitutional? by Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish

Pg 29 The Science of Cinnamon & Cannabis by Amy Lee

Pg 15 Inside the Cupboard by Brittiany Ralls

Pg 30 Harvest Season by Rayne Graham

Pg 18 Cannabanana & Mom





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Organically Transparent With Flower of Life by Rayne Graham There is no question at just how popular medical cannabis is in Oklahoma. There are more than 2,200 dispensaries alone. Let’s put that into perspective: There are more medical marijuana dispensaries in this state than there are McDonald’s and Starbucks combined. With so many brick and mortars, there are even more growers putting flower on those shelves. With that being said, few are as transparent and organic as Flower of Life. Elizabeth and Jeff Richardson, a mother son duo from Oklahoma, have been in business together since 2006. Flower of Life is their first Cannabis business, but it doesn’t make them any less passionate about what they are doing. Elizabeth’s father slipped away due to Alzheimer’s so she became passionate about the benefits that cannabis has as a means of preventing or slowing it. Her son Jeff believes in reducing exposure to harmful chemicals to live a long and healthy life. Together, they have founded a brand that reflects both of their beliefs and passions in a loving way to the cannabis community of Oklahoma. I had the opportunity to speak with Breanne Richardson, Jeff ’s wife and head of marketing, to talk more about what makes Flower of Life so special and unique. Cultivating and processing 100% pesticide free cannabis using biodynamic farming methods is a motto this brand lives by. So, today we are going to break down exactly what that means and why you should care a little more in the making of your medicine. Let’s start with the pesticide free part, shall we? First, it is important to know exactly what a pesticide is don’t you think? According to OMMA a pesticide is: ” Pesticide” means (A) any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, or (B) any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant.” 5 With that definition it doesn’t seem so bad does it? Not even close. In a 2004 review co-authored by the National Cancer Institute* it concluded that “epidemiological evidence clearly suggests that at current exposures pesticides adversely affect human health.” Endocrine and hormone function are also known to be disrupted by some pesticides according to a research review by the EPA and published in a toxicology handbook*. So, we can see why ingesting pesticide free cannabis is important, but what if I told you that out of those 100s of pesticides Oklahoma only tests for 13? To put this into perspective, California tests for over 65 and Canada tests for over 100 different compounds. Therefore, when Organic Flower of Life says they are Pesticide free, it is a BIG DEAL. They maintain a clean facility and incorporate beneficial insects such as predatory mites and rove beetles which combat unwanted pests instead. Next, let’s dissect the biodynamic farming part for a minute, shall we? Living soil is used in the making of all Flower of Life flower. Living soil is the community of organisms working together to break down organic matter in soil which, in turn, provides valuable nutrients to the cannabis plant.To obtain this, they custom blend their soil in house using only OMRI certified amendments such as black owl bio char, mineral rich rock dust, worm castings, and Maine lobster compost. Then, the soil is moved one wheel barrow at a time into the beds to allow for it to “cook” which could take several weeks.The cooking process helps promote the growth of healthy bacteria and fungus. Which sounds gross but honestly do you know what goes on in your stomach? Google it. Other farming practices of theirs include low energy consumption and zero chemical waste run off. Because no pesticides or nutrients are being used, duh! The whole point of Flower of Life is their transparency and deduction to the patients and that is the reason for such organic practices. Breanne put it into the perfect words as to why the family thought this was much needed in the community, “With every other product on the market you have a choice of what you put in or on your body. Cannabis should be that way too” Speaking of transparency, on each package of their product you will find a QR code that links to a full-page lab report of what you purchased. And of course, speaking about their products, here are some you need to check out. • Bruce Banner • Penny Wise 1:1 • Cured Flower Rosin (clean and solvent-less) It is important to note that all of their flower is slow dried, hand trimmed, and long cured. Which means you are in for a tasty and aromatic medical experience. It is also prepackaged at their facility to ensure the cleanest product possible. If that hasn’t gotten you wanting to hop on their website (www.organicfloweroflife.com) to see where the nearest dispensary to you that carries their products is, maybe their philosophy will. 07 “We believe the path to wellness begins with what we put into our body.” PAGE 5

Canna have a Halloween by Tab Moura What a month this has been! With kids in school, and holidays approaching, time seems to be speeding by. Can you believe it’s already time for Halloween? I don’t know about you, but I have been wracking my brain for how to safely participate in some of our favorite traditions. At the time of writing this, we don’t know what Halloween adjustments we’ll have to make for Covid, so that we can still honor these traditions for our children, but I do know that every community will have some big decisions to make. There are, however, a few things that are always relevant when it comes to Halloween, so I’m sharing today about how I use cannabis to support my kids’ experience. 1. Costumes Oh. my. word. Is there anything worse than finding out (the hard way) that a costume scratches weird, or the texture of the fabric overstimulates them? For my sensory sensitive kiddos, I like to scroll Pinterest for modified costume ideas. At the beginning of the night I lather them up with a cannabis topical, so they have low-key relief of any skin irritation. Despite the lotion, we may need to ditch part of the costume half way through the night, so I like layered costumes that still allow them to feel IN costume, despite the adjustment. This typically isn’t an issue, since the weather is a little chilly in October anyway. Last year my girls were archers. They had bows, and wore dresses and capes; and when one needed to lose the dress, she had an undershirt and pants that still matched. 2. Candy Thanks to Teal Pumpkin project, we have seen a dramatic rise in food allergy awareness during holidays like this. Since my middle daughter has a severe egg allergy, we have a few tricks we use, along with looking for teal pumpkins. For one, I always carry a bag of candy that I know she can have. We have been at this for a while, so she knows not to eat candy that we haven’t verified for her, but if you guys aren’t there yet, the bag of candy you take with you makes for a great Houdini swap. Time sometimes gets away from us on days like these, so as I mention in my next point, make sure our busy babies are properly medicated so they can fully enjoy their costumes and candy collecting. 3. Routine Changes As Cannabis patients, we make adjustments with their medicine schedules on days like these, since they aren’t usually in bed on time, and they may need naps, etc. Another change is that we drastically reduce how much sugar they take in leading up to a candy holiday. Since my kids’ edibles are usually 1” brownie squares, this means we switch to oils and capsules during this week. The change in method means they typically metabolize their medicine more quickly, so we also prepare for them to need their medicine more frequently to control symptoms appropriately. If you typically use tinctures or oils, you will have to remember make sure they take it with real food in their stomachs, as the increase of candy may make them metabolize their medicine more quickly as well. 4. Last, but not least: Don’t forget to medicate yourself while you work so hard to make the magic happen, you deserve it. I know that 2020 has had many unexpected twists and turns, so I am fully expecting all of us to wing it this year... to that effect I invite you to join me in sharing on social media about how you are adjusting and modifying, so that all of us can be inspired to make the most of this holiday for our babies. PAGE 6

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Strainology by Rayne Graham

Aries: You might be feeling like the goop between the caterpillar and the butterfly stages of metamorphosis dear Aries. Keep pushing, this month will bring you growth confidence and clarity so you might just be at the end of this transformation period. Grab the hybrid Sour Sorbet for a pick me up while going through all this change. Taurus: This month brings a chance to review your relationships with those closest to you and decide what air needs to be cleared or even released. Do you need to stand your ground on an issue that has been bothering you? Now is the perfect time to do it. Stay chilled and relaxed while you hold your ground with the hybrid Designer OG for October. Gemini: You are more susceptible to the energy around you this month Gemini. This means that you will be able to help others on a deeper level, it also means you will need to learn how to clean your energy field of stagnant negative energy to not feel drained. Try meditation, yoga, or even crystal therapy to help with this. Grab the hybrid Bubble Bomb to help you relax after a day of energy interactions. Cancer: That restless feeling you have inside this month dear Cancer isn’t because of anything going on outside of you. No, it is was it going on inside of you that is posing the problem.You must grow and allow yourself to develop, what talents have you been ignoring lately? Calm your nerves and journey inward with the ever-popular Hybrid GG4. Leo: October will give you the opportunity to either feel inspired or tired and honestly it is all up to you on which that is.You must be willing to have an open mind, heart, and energy when it comes to those around you and you will do just fine. Grab the hybrid Strawberry Banana to stay happy and Euphoric through it all, no matter which lesson you choose. Virgo: Emotions are running high this month Virgo and you are not exception to this. Try not to let angry words get in the way of your tasks and try and take a time out if you feel things are going to get heated with those around you.This energy will pass soon, and you will be glad you held your tongue. Take a chill pill in the form of the Indica Forbidden Fruit to get you through the angry times. Libra: Happy Birthday Libra! Now is the time to follow your passion, whatever that may be and work it into something you can use to support yourself. This can be anything but be sure you are following your heart and not what others are telling you to do. Scorpio: This month is here to teach you to go with the flow and allow change to happen Scorpio. This will give you some perfect time to catch up on the fun you have been missing out on trying to be on top of everything. Grab the hybrid Fire OG and enjoy the long-lasting calming effects for October. Sagittarius: You have been growing more and more into the person that us more, well, you dear Sagittarius. When this happens, the universe sends out tests and this month you will be going through them. This isn’t a bad thing; however, this will bring new and exciting ways to help you to grow. Stay uplifted during this process with the Sativa Ghost Train Haze, just in time for Halloween too! Capricorn: You might have a lot of new projects on the mind this month Capricorn. However, it is important for you to wrap up any old projects you’re still working on before you start anything new. Stay energized for all the things in October from wrapping up to starting new with the Hybrid Golden Goat. Aquarius: Things haven’t been very perfect lately dear Aquarius, but this month you will gain assurance you are going in the right direction. Keep going, you will be amazed at what is at the top of this mountain for you. Stay focused on your goals and ambitions with the hybrid Blue Dream for October. Pisces: Your emotions and those of the people around you have been all over the place lately and this month is here to teach you that you need to start learning how to “ground” yourself. This is the act of staying balanced without losing the essence of your spirit. Stay relaxed while you learn to ground yourself by picking up the Indica Cookies Kush.


Almost As Pretty As Me by Cassie Alexander My dad thinks he is pretty. Just ask him, he will tell you. While you’re at it, ask him if he thinks I am pretty. Do you know what he will say? “Almost as pretty as me.” Any girl that grew up around our family has had the same argument with my father. It begins with him saying that she is almost as pretty as he is, to which she will argue that boys aren’t “pretty” so he can’t be pretty. He will insist that he is pretty until the little girl is insisting that HE is not pretty SHE is pretty. Then he laughs, hugs and goes on about his business, leaving her to continue muttering to herself, “I’m pretty, not him.”

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It’s a pretty genius move, if you ask me. He has trained every single cousin, granddaughter, niece and smattering of friends to be able to utter the words: I am pretty. We learned to compliment ourselves without even realizing that we were doing it. How long has it been since you’ve complimented yourself? Are you noticing the 10,000 things you did right today? Or focusing on the 1 thing that didn’t go like you wanted it to? Most of us are taught that noticing the good things about ourselves is selfish or conceited-and that we are supposed to be humble and dismissive about our positive traits. It doesn’t have to be that way. Not only is it ok, but it’s healthy to compliment yourself. Be proud of the things you like about yourself. Say it out loud. And, if you need help, I am certain that my dad would be happy to tell you that you are almost as pretty as him.

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At a glance ~Bridges

Every month I continue to be amazed by great Oklahoma artists and creators. That alone gives me joy enough to say that my job is pretty awesome. This month I had the opportunity to glance at some art by Haley Bell. With that glance something caught my eye. I dug deeper. I found someone that many of you out there need to keep a close eye on. This work is wonderful and Haley is just getting started... Bridges: So if this amazing talent, which you own well I might add, were not an option what would Haley Bell see in her stars? Haley: I’ve been drawing since I was a toddler so I truly do not know what I would be doing with myself if it didn’t involve art, I don’t really see myself ever working in a non creative field... but if I had to answer I’d probably be investing myself into ecology/ entomology and studying bugs or just pushing myself into the science field somehow, I think I just prefer studying and drawing them though Bridges: Preference to work with….black and white or lots of color? Why? Haley: I usually prefer to work in black and white as a lot of my work since I was in high school I’ve mostly been inspired by black work tattoos. I think I’m mostly drawn to the detail and technical aspect of it and adding fine details like that into a lot of my work such as stippling and fine lines or just your basic shading. I do also work with color typically with acrylic or digital but recently I have been working with colored pencils to kinda try out some monochromatic shading that’s not in black but I don’t think anything can replace working in just black ink for me. Bridges: Do you like to chip away at your work or are you the type that has to finish what you started and can’t take days to do pieces? Haley: Ironically with my work ethic I usually work about 8-11 hours a day on my art so smaller pieces I can typically finish in a day or two but bigger drawings take me longer, planning typically takes up the most time for me because I’ll have to come up with an idea research it and then start planning out how I want to execute that idea onto paper or canvas.. I would say I’m pretty impatient though and have hundreds of unfinished projects laying around that I should probably go back to. Bridges: Favorite movie? Haley: Scott pilgrim vs. the world hands down, I read it in middle school and Bryan lee O’Malley just has a very unique style with his characters and Edgar Wright executed that film wonderfully even though the last book in the series wasn’t out yet. PAGE 10 PAGE 10

Bridges: Your work is so intricate. It’s like Bridges: Where can people find your work looking at the anatomy of the insect. On pur- and contact you for commissions? pose? Haley: My Instagram is @lazydogarts that’s pretty much the best way for anybody to Haley: I think the intricacies come from that keep up with my work and contact me also! tattoo inspiration I mentioned earlier but also looking at bugs is just crazy to me because they all have different wing patterns or just different patterns on their exoskeletons which just leaves more room for me to add those details even though they’re such small creatures Bridges: Okay….So I have to ask it…. Why moths? Haley: I don’t think I actually have a solid answer as to why I draw moths so often but spiritually they have a good meaning to them and have always kinda been used as a sign of luck for me whenever I see them Bridges: Does cannabis help you? How so? Haley: So I don’t regularly smoke cannabis but it’s definitely helped me in some ways with my anxiety and depression when I get in really bad spots and has also helped almost everyone that I know of which I’m happy for them. But as someone who has been prescribed multiple pharmaceuticals for those issues I can say I feel much more comfortable using cannabis than I do struggling with the withdrawals from those medications Bridges: What is playing on your music playlist right now? No cheating… Haley: Oh boy, uh I listen to a lot of local music artists but currently what’s playing is a mix between emo and hardcore with the occasional indie thrown into that Bridges:Your work obviously translates to ink work. Is that happening? Haley: I’m working on building up my portfolio but my ultimate goal is to get my apprenticeship when I’m ready for it and start the process of becoming a tattoo artist. I went back and forth on it when I was younger because I also wanted to be an art teacher because of my family but now I don’t really see myself doing that because I’d rather be involved in the industry that inspires my work Bridges: What mediums do you prefer working with and why? Haley: I prefer working with graphite or ink usually but I also really like using procreate and doing digital work because digital allows me to make mistakes and go back but that also takes out the fun and frustration of having to cover up a mistake in my traditional work

Herb•age Magazine’s artist spotlight for the month of October and cover artist is Haley A. Bell from Norman, Oklahoma.

residency during the preceding 25 years immediately prior to the application date. Additional, substantial, documentary evidence is now required as proof.



by Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish, Cannabis Lawyer1

The first major piece of legislation concerning medical marijuana was signed into law by Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt on March 14, 2019, and became effective on August 29, 2019. The bill was known as the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana and Patient Protection Act, nicknamed the Unity Bill (“UNITY”), and I have written about UNITY on numerous occasions. It is time to address what arguably has become one of the most controversial aspects of Oklahoma’s medical marijuana landscape—residency requirements for OMMA licensees. UNITY changed the residency requirements for OMMA licensees from the simple, easily-met standard in SQ 788, which required applicants to “show residency in the State of Oklahoma” by producing an Oklahoma state driver’s license, identification card, residential lease, mortgage, deed, or similar document, to a strict, two-year residency requirement or five years of continuous Oklahoma

For nonresidents eager to enter Oklahoma’s medical marijuana industry, UNITY marked the end of an era. Post UNITY, it has become more important than ever for those who are not Oklahoma residents to cultivate strong relationships with Oklahoma partners if they hope to obtain one of OMMA’s coveted licenses. It is important to note that UNITY did not alter the ownership percentage requirements—a minimum of 75% ownership by Oklahoma residents. However, exactly who would qualify as an Oklahoma resident changed significantly. Recently, federal district courts across the country have started to invalidate residency requirements for cannabis business licensees on the basis that such protectionist statutes violate the dormant Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution (U.S. CONST. ART. I, § 8, cl. 3.), by explicitly and purposefully favoring state residents over non-residents. Indeed, this would seem to be the intended purpose of Oklahoma’s residency requirements set forth in UNITY, as well as the preexisting 75% Oklahoma ownership requirement. Now, such an action has been filed here, in the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma (where I served as a federal law clerk just after I first finished law school), by a Washington limited liability company, Original Investments, LLC d/b/a Dank’s Wonder

Emporium. The Washington company’s declaratory judgment action contends that Oklahoma’s residency requirement for OMMA-licensed businesses “unconstitutionally prohibits non-residents from receiving an Oklahoma medical marijuana business license and from owning more than twenty-five percent (25%) of any Oklahoma company that holds an Oklahoma medical marijuana business license.” The action also asserts that the residency requirement violates the dormant Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution “by explicitly and purposefully favoring Oklahoma residents over non-residents.” It certainly would seem so. Notably, the allegations in this federal court complaint are supported by the June 26, 2019, decision of the United States Supreme Court in Tennessee Wine and Spirits Retailers Association v. Thomas, where the Court struck down a two-year residency requirement as to initial applicants for retail liquor store licenses and a ten consecutive year residency requirement for renewal applicants, in the State of Tennessee. In pertinent part, our nation’s highest court relied on the dormant Commerce Clause, which provides, “if a state law discriminates against out-of-state goods or nonresident economic actors, the law can be sustained only on a showing that it is narrowly tailored to advance a legitimate local purpose.” In the Thomas case, the Supreme Court reasoned that, since the residency requirement for liquor retail sales licensees had little, if any, relationship to public health and safety, and blatantly favored Tennessee

residents, it violated the dormant Commerce Clause and was unconstitutional. The same can be said for UNITY’s two-year residency requirement for OMMA licensees and for OMMA’s requirement of 75% Oklahoma ownership in any OMMA-licensed commercial business. Neither has any relationship to public health and safety, and both blatantly favor Oklahoma residents. Thus, it seems that these residency requirements for OMMA licensees violate the dormant Commerce Clause and are unconstitutional. Of course, marijuana remains illegal under federal law, so reliance on the dormant Commerce Clause could be problematic for cannabis businesses. In fact, a federal district court could decline to even exercise jurisdiction over such a case, on that basis. However, given the recent decisions of several federal district courts that have invalidated similar residency requirements for cannabis businesses, I like the Washington company’s chances here. What’s the take-away? Stay tuned. Oklahoma’s Wild, Wild, West may get a little bit wilder in the near future. Information contained herein provides general information related to the law and does not provide legal advice. It is recommended that readers consult their personal lawyer if they want legal advice. No attorney-client or confidential relationship exists or is formed between you and Ms. Parrish as a result of this article.

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A cannabis patient’s journey is something that many of us need help understanding. Learn along side the show’s hosts Josh Leone and James Bridges as they hope to shed light and bring options for those in need. PAGE 14





Inside the Cupboard by Brittiany Ralls

In a home built in 1912 sits a little dispensary, beautifully redone on the inside, keeping as many original pieces of the structure as possible, including the kitchen sink….. pun intended. Sitting on a stool in the main area of the dispensary, The Green Cupboard, is Khiel Hoffman. Khiel a young, tattooed businessman that dives head first into everything he does and cares for, has created TGC Processing. A company that is devoted to an elevated edible experience that incorporates health aspects by not using preservatives, not adding extra sugars, creating edible options that aren’t just candy, and processing only solvent-less extracts. There’s more to TGC Processing and Khiel than just that. Coming from a long line of Oklahoman’s, Khiel is knowledgeable in his family’s history and takes a lot of pride in being part of the Hoffman family. Showing from his Hoffman Bikes t-shirt that he is wearing in blue and his tone when he speaks of his family, it’s easy to see his devotion. How did you get started in the (cannabis) industry? We were the first cannabis on Classen, we were the first ones. There was CBD plus, but they were just CBD. There wasn’t any other cannabis at all. No one was here yet, so when we started it was like, fresh! Nobody really had any cannabis, but we did have cannabis. But (before opening) we went to CO a few times, just to learn and see how they are doing it. Because I went to college in Cali, and I really knew California dispensaries really well and so I wanted to see how CO was doing it and seemed like a cluster-fuck for the lack of a better word. We learned all that and said well we are just going to stick with one farmer, we found our farmer.TwistedRoo, and only exclusively carried their products. That’s it. Khiel being a huge believer in deep water culture cannabis, he sought out a grow that was just that. Going on social media one day Khiel thought, “Maybe if I just type in #dwc, what would pop up?” Low and behold Twisted Roo was one of the first accounts. Twisted Roo doesn’t put their cannabis in any store. Conversing back and forth through social media and coming to check out the Green Cupboard as a retail spot for Twisted Roo, they were able to form a bond that would allow a relationship to flourish into what it is today. Twisted Roo now working with TGC Processing, with Khiel teaching Twisted Roo how to make a lot of his recipes for edibles and extracts. Building even further the history of Hoffman’s in the Oklahoma community and continuing that legacy he is very proud of. Starting with the dispensary and continuing education by working with Twisted Roo isn’t where the Hoffman business train stops. BioClean Remediation is a company that cleans up crime scenes, and sterilizes surgery rooms in hospitals. Casinos have even hired BioClean Remediation as a way to clean the money that goes through the casinos, thus ensuring even clean money when you gamble. The Hoffman family was quickly able to see the benefits of

their company in the cannabis industry with the ability to remediate cannabis and assist in the cleanings of cannabis facilities. With that being said, they are only able to take limited accounts until the new facility is ready to accommodate all the possibilities of assisting cannabis grows and casinos. While this is a great option for many in the cannabis industry, Khiel wanted to make sure to let me know that the process is expensive. BioClean Remediation does work with all the medical cannabis labs in Oklahoma and strives to have good relationships that allow them to do the correct procedures to ensure a safe and quality product to patients. Having family in the medical industry, Khiel is a hardcore staunch when it comes to solventless extractions. Because of this you won’t find shatters, waxes, or live resins created by TGC Processing. You will only be able to acquire products that have been solventless extracted thus hopefully ensuring a more medically accepted product. For processing with TGC, your company, why is solventless such an important aspect to you? For the fact that its (solvent extractions) aren’t used in any other community. So if I’m doing live resin or any other ethanol extraction, any kind like that, it’s not used in any other consumption of any other industry. So, the gastro-people in the chef world use dry ice a little bit to do molecular changes to cook properly in that way, um, the medical community scoffs at it.You can not fully re-extract out ethanol. Ya’ll can hate me if you want…. It’s not possible. If you were to, it would take the original form it had. I will light fire to anybody’s live resin... anybody’s ethanol extraction, anyone’s anything that is not completely solventless, I will light it on fire and it will stay lit like a candle, no matter what. It just doesn’t, it doesn’t matter.You can taste it, so the fact that no other medical community is going to use it.When the FDA approval does happen, and it will happen one day, all that other stuff is going to have to go bye-bye, and we are going to have to do something different. With having such strong opinions on cannabis and its methods of consumption it’s easy to see that TGC Processing isn’t one to back down and start riding the coattails of what Khiel would call, “your garage chemists,” and start making concentrates that are using chemicals like ethanol. According to Khiel cannabis has helped his whole family stop using pharmaceuticals and alcohol, so you can see why the health aspect may be so important to someone who cares for their family to such an intense capacity. While also hoping to help patients realize the standards that may one day be set by federal legalization of cannabis. Between Twisted Roo training, setting up Green Cupboard and building a new facility for BioClean Remediation, Khiel has a long journey ahead of him. Having a heart for helping and a mind for creating, TGC Processing has the capabilities of going a long way. Oklahoma, be on the lookout for even more elevated cannabis options in the future.



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Anna Ervin ~ Dondi Cobb Two Twisted Girls


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Roasted Butternut Squash with Brussel Sprouts, Cranberry & Pecan Sponsored by Oklahoma Medicine, A Better Bloom Health & Wellness, and Two Twisted Girls.

Infused with olive oil, this recipe brings together some of my favorite fall ingredients to create the perfect side dish. You could also serve it with a protein-packed grain like quinoa for a balanced meal. Sweet, savory, and full of texture, you’ll still be craving this dish long after winter’s over! Ready in 50 minutes Serves 6 Infusion 25mg/serving



1 small-medium sized butternut squash 1 lb brussel sprouts 2 Tbsp olive oil salt and pepper ½-1 C fresh cranberries (frozen will work too) ½ C pecan halves THC infused dressing 3 Tbsp infused olive oil (about 150mg) 4 Tbsp maple syrup 3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar


1. Preheat oven to 375. Peel and cut butternut squash in half, remove seeds and cut into ½” cubes. Cut the ends off brussel sprouts and cut in half. 2. Toss brussel sprouts and butternut squash in olive oil, spread them out on a sheet pan, sprinkle a little salt and pepper over them and bake for 30 minutes. 3. While veggies are in the oven, make your cannabis infused dressing. Add infused olive oil, maple syrup, and balsamic vinegar to a small bowl and whisk until blended. Set aside. 4. Remove pan from oven and turn temperature up to 450. Sprinkle cranberries and pecans over the veggies, drizzle about ⅔ of the dressing on top. Use a spatula to toss, then return to oven for 5-10 minutes, until veggies are soft and cranberries have started to pop. 5. Remove pan from oven, drizzle remaining dressing over the dish and serve.

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At this writing it is just a little over 2 years since commercial medical marijauana licenses began being issued in Oklahoma. When writing SQ788, a timer was installed to ensure that the State was efficient in rolling out the program. In just two years we are now the largest medical marijuana marketplace in the nation. Expected sales in the Oklahoma medical marijuana market in 2021 will top $1 billion dollars.

One would assume yes, but it is the cannabis business after all. While we may NEVER get any love from the powers that be, we know some things. We will have INCREDIBLE influence in elections should we choose to unify. We certainly now have the commercial horsepower to guard our industry, the question is will we?

We are now approaching 10% of our population as medical patients. Further, this number keeps increasing! I was at a patient drive last weekend and they had to take overflow and still had a waiting list! Almost all of our patients are registered voters.

A lot yet to do! Anyone watching Psilocybin legislation? Cindy and I are. A small molecule research mecca in Oklahoma soon? If folks were smart they would be considering. Where is our cannabis research license BTW? We need that developed and available for issue soon!

So what does all this mean? Well let’s consider it this way. What if a new BILLION dollar industry were coming to the State? Would we be excited like we were for Tesla? Would we consider the economic impact? Would the State whole-heartedly embrace the new industry? Would the State HELP the new industry?

We have made tremendous progress in the last 2 years. Hundreds of thousands of patients are experiencing the healing benefits of medical marijuana. Physicians are beginning to wake up and FINALLY ask for education. I am so PROUD of us! #itshappening

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HALLOWEEN MOVIE AND STRAIN PAIRINGS by Rayne Graham It is pumpkin carving, cookie baking, scary movie, bonfire, and smores season! We’re talking leaf crunching and apple cider sipping kind of ish. You know, the grab your best friends and head down to the local haunted house kind of energy. Can you tell I’m excited? But seriously, I know with Covid and threats of Halloween being “cancelled” fall can seem less like its golden self in 2020. Who even has the authority to cancel Halloween? This is a holiday made for staying in. I mean, sure we have turned it into an adult theme park full of costumes and parties with so much alcohol that we don’t remember its November the next morning. But what if I told you Halloween is just as fun cuddled up on the couch with a seasonally themed movie, a strain to go with it, and of course your favorite munchies? Well its possible and I have even compiled a little list of Halloween movies and strains to smoke them with to enhance your spooky movie experience.You are welcome. HALLOWEEN-TOWN I had to start this list off with one of my favorite Halloween movies growing up. Halloween Town is about a young girl saving her family and the town her family is originally from even if she has never been there until now. If you pair it with the sativa Green Crack, you will stay uplifted and awake for the whole movie no matter how many chocolates you eat. HOCUS POCUS Is it even a Halloween movie list if I do not mention the classic Disney Hocus Pocus? Three sister witches being brought back from the dead by a virgin blowing out a black flame candle? I’m in. Pairing it with the hybrid Blue Cookies will make for an even cozier experience too! CLUE THE MOVIE This is a classic but a goodie! Clue the Movie is even better than the board game and if you watch it with friend (even on Facebook watch) you can choose different characters as your own. Stay focused and help solve the mystery too by pairing this movie with the Sativa Jack Herer. HALLOWEEN (2018) Honestly any of the Halloween movies are perfect for Halloween but the newest 2018 one has to be one of the best. I mean, Jamie Lee Curtis back and ready to attack? Yes, please! Pairing this movie with the hybrid White Widow will keep you chill enough to get though the scary parts but focused enough not to fall asleep. CHILD’S PLAY What is Halloween without Chuckie the murdering doll? Child’s Play is about a terrifying doll that pretty much wreaks havoc on an entire town and his name is Chuckie. Grab the Sativa Candyland to help get through the jumpy parts but still be able to enjoy the good plot twists. DISNEY’S HAUNTED MANSION When a realtor’s wife is brought into a deadly plot of love it makes for a visually amazing experience very much in the realm of Disney. Seriously one of my all-time favorite Halloween Movies! Pair this one with the Hybrid Peanut Butter breath and stay uplifted through even the tear-jerking scenes.

Cannabis and Traditions by Rayne Graham This time of year marks the beginning of celebrating traditions. Think about it, all the holidays coming and the things we do every year around this time to commemorate them.Trick or treating during Halloween, the big turkey dinner for Thanksgiving, Santa and his cookies for Christmas, and so on. While traditions weigh heavily on my mind at this time, I also had a thought on what cannabis traditions there might be. When I think of traditions when it comes to cannabis, I think more of the unspoken rules that the community lives by. In other words, no one really ever says any of the following things to us it’s just natural for us ganja smokers to act these traditions out. It is pretty amazing if you stop to think about it for a moment, almost as if this amazing plant makes us connect on a deeper level than just surface words. I digress, let’s just go ahead and discuss the rules or traditions however you want to word them. • If you have bud, you share. Seriously, it is that simple. Have a friend coming over? Ask if they want some bud. Hanging in a group sesh and there is already bud being passed around? Ask if you can throw some in of your own. • Do not, I repeat, do not hold onto the joint when it is being passed around. It is not a microphone. It is puff, puff, pass for a reason. • Always ask if everyone is done before putting the joint out. Even if there is the slightest puff left, it is always polite to ask. • Be cognoscente of being a knowledgeable host when you have new cannabis users over. This could mean new to cannabis or new to the method of which your choosing. Edibles, dabs, tinctures, etc. Hit everyone differently, don’t be the douche that thinks it’s funny to give your friends too much at once. • If you are smoking in public, be aware of where your smoke is drifting. Of course, before this was because one might have been looking for law enforcement. However, now we want to make sure that everyone gets to decide what goes in their body and inhaling our secondhand smoke doesn’t fit that view of thinking. • Clean your glass! This is a big one not only so it looks cleaner for those Instagram videos, but also because it could make you and anyone who smokes out of it sick If it’s not cleaned regularly. I mean, have you smelled bong water? Gross. Who wants two-week-old recycled water vapor in their lungs when hitting a toke? I will tell you, no one. • I think the last and certainly not least of this least is, no judgement. The cannabis plant calls for a sense of fellowship, kindness, love, and no judgement. You want to eat an edible and chill? Cool. You want to smoke a couple bowls and see how high you can fly? Go for it man. Taking a tolerance break? Awesome. Your go to munchies are pickles and peanut butter? You do you.



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THE LETTUCE LOUNGE by Chet Tucker Hindsight may be 2020 but the ride “ain’t” over yet so BUCKLE UP for the Cowboy Cup and it’s keystone addition,The Lettuce Lounge! In a collaborative effort between Arcadia Brands (and their sister brand Utokies) and none other than Herbage Magazine, we’re proud to put together an independent lounge during the Cowboy Cup on Friday & Sat, Dec. 4th & 5th at The Tumbleweed Dancehall in Stillwater. With Arcadia sponsoring an exceptionally spacious lounge tent, equipped with picnic tables, lounge tables, bar tabletops, a “rolling bar”, Herbage Magazine will sponsor the stage and the laid back acoustic based musicians, creating the perfect space to kickback during the two day event. The spacious 40x80’ lounge will be centrally located between the vendor tents, food trucks, and the Tumbleweed Dancehall. Cowboy Cup founder, Daniel Lewis, shares his enthusiasm by saying, “We had a great first year to establish the footprint of having ‘THE’ cannabis championship & music festival in Oklahoma and we’re only here to level up this year. With any event, you learn what works well and what areas can improve and, luckily, I’m fortunate to have great collaborators to work with to make this year’s Cowboy Cup even better than last!. With that said, I surveyed our sponsors, vendors, and participants and worked with guys like Chet & Robert at Arcadia Brands to move the lounge area we had within the vendor and create a larger and segregated area for medicating, eats, and drinks. I’ve been fortunate to have guys like Chet, who’s background in branding and marketing, in our corner to expand the vision. Couple their sponsorship of the lounge with Herbage Magazine and their chief in charge, James Bridges, to offer a laid back acoustic stage and I couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve got going for year two of the cup.” Chet Tucker, Arcadia Brands’ Executive Director of Sales & Marketing, he echoed Daniel’s enthusiasm with, “From the first day I sat down with Daniel, at an ice cream shop outside of Oklahoma City, I saw his vision and worked with Robert, our primary owner and CEO, to be one of the first gold sponsors last year and we’ve pretty much doubled down this year. Last year’s event was the cleanest, friendliest, and most well managed cannabis festival that I’ve attended in Oklahoma. From being fully ADA compliant (handicap accessible) to a clean and spacious arena that lies near perfectly between Tulsa and OKC, Cary and The Tumbleweed in Stillwater (aka The Weed), you can’t get a more conducive location to hold such an event. Add the fact that it’s an Oklahoma built event with some great brands and farms entering the cup’s competition and/or participating with vendor booths as well as some amazing musical performers, an artist area, and man … it’s only going to grow … pun intended,” he quips with a smirk. “I love that James, with Herbage, and I have had a chance to get to know each other and discuss how we continue to build on the brands built by Oklahomans. Sure there are bigger players from out of state but “farming” Oklahoma built brands and helping them succeed is important so that we can avoid mega corporation infiltration and work together with fellow Oklahomans. Herbage is growing its base and puts together some solid content and I see them growing with the marketplace too.” PAGE 26

James Bridges, owner of Herbage Magazine, could not be happier to be a participant in the atmosphere for the cup that provides a safe and pleasant venue for our Oklahoma cannabis community and friends. “It is wonderful to see everyone from patient to grower and even the plant herself gathering as we all should. Working with both Daniel and Chet has been more than eye opening when it comes to the possibilities of helping our fellow cannabis family.” “The location is perfect within the state,” Bridges continues. “A chance for all of those cannabis lifestyle lovers to come together and celebrate in Oklahoma fashion. We love being involved in events that serve a great purpose. Vendors from around the state with terrific creations, networking (looking for a job?), growers with genetics that make your head literally spin, music from our next door neighbors that blows you away, travelers looking to enjoy the afternoon, COUNT US IN!” Daniel also shares some other benefits with, “We’re also working with Arcadia & one of Stillwater’s local dispensaries, Simply Green Farmacy, to offer truly valuable coupons to purchase ahead of or during the event weekend. Arcadia, Utokies, Dreamleaf Farms, Simply Green Farms, are a few that will offer some Cowboy Cup savings a week or so leading up to the event and through that weekend.” The Cowboy Cup goes out of the way to ensure safety and hospitality via partnerships with local hotels and their shuttle services and with Dec. 4th & 5th, right around the corner, we encourage you to go to cowboycup.com and participate. Whether it be purchasing a few remaining vendor booths, entering your flower, edibles, or extracts, or certainly purchasing tickets for the event, your participation only strengthens the Oklahoma cannabis community so that we can continue celebrating the freedom of plant based medicine.

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The Science of Cinnamon & Cannabis by Amy Lee When it comes to terpenes I definitely have my favorites and more than likely it’s going to be something strong and peppery such as caryophyllene. There is something alluring about the strong peppery smell and flavor that my body craves. It’s often said that the “nose knows what the body needs” and my body definitely craves Caryophyllene. Caryophyllene is known for its beautifully balanced soothing properties throughout the mind and body. Unlike Myrcene, Caryophyllene provides a balanced response of relaxation and stimulation throughout the endocannabinoid system. Caryophyllene is one of the most unique terpenes due to its ability to also interact with the CB2-Receptors throughout the human body. CB2-Receptors do not provide any euphoric reaction when stimulated, instead, they work towards balance and wellness throughout the Endocannabinoid system and provide supplemental support throughout the digestive system and subsequent endocrine systems through the CB2-Receptors. This terpene is recommended to my clients suffering from anxiety, addictive personalities, inflammation, chronic pain, gastrointestinal issues, and clients seeking balanced wellness. Caryophyllene is also found naturally in other spices such as Basil, Oregano, Lavender, Rosemary, Black Caraway, Clove, and Cinnamon.

Here are some simple ways to combine caryophyllene dominate medicine with cinnamon for a boosted medicated treat or meal. Medicated sugar is a simple solution for layering medication during the day and with everyday items. You may use the sugar of your choice but I recommend Monk Fruit sugar with a ready-made tincture instead of creating your own tincture at home to cut the processing time down significantly. To begin combine Caryophyllene dominant medicated sugar of choice with cinnamon and sprinkle over peaches, figs, apples, and pears before baking or grilling for a healthier dessert option. You may also add to apple cider and simmer over low heat for a cozy Fall medicated drink.

A personal favorite is to add to Jamaican Jerk Chicken dry marinade & then grill or bake. Combine your Caryophyllene dominate medicated products with cinnamon powder for a boosted medicated meal or treat any day of the week!

Cinnamon is one of my favorite natural spices to combine with my heavy-hitting caryophyllene strains like Girl Scout Cookie, Bubba Kush, and Sour Diesel for an amplified entourage wellness effect. Cinnamon is a natural antiseptic with a flavor that is not naturally sweet, in fact, it’s strong flavor is accredited for accentuating the sweetness of other ingredients when cooking or baking. This robust terpene requires time to escape from its woody matrix and release the critical flavor compound cinnamaldehyde which does not dissolve in water. Add this spice to your medicated meals, or sweets early in cooking to provide an opportunity for the natural cannabis terpenes to infuse in the dish.

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Harvest Season by Rayne Graham It is #croptober and cannabis growers couldn’t be more excited! I am speaking from a place of pure happiness when it comes to harvesting my cannabis plants. What is Croptober you ask? Basically, us lucky ducks in the Northern Hemisphere get to witness the outdoor crops coming in. The hashtag is a way for us to track all the beautiful colors of the Cannabis harvest across social media. This also means It is cutting, drying, trimming, and curing time. Then by the time Christmas rolls around we will all have more to put under the tree. Lovely, isn’t it? This could also be the month for aromatherapy as well. Think about all those terps fully ripe within the trichome heads giving off dank aromas that will make your mouth water. For instance, Lavender Jones would have linalool making everyone relaxed and chilled out, think lavender as this terpine is present in it as well. Also, the perfect time to roll up a really stick resin joint... “just saying” So, in light of Harvest Season and of course Croptober, let’s check out some fun cannabis facts as we prepare to partake in these mouthwatering strains.


Cannabis is one of the most successful of Earth’s species, period.

The first Hemp Seeds were introduced to North America by Christopher Columbus.

Americans consume more than 6,000 metric tons of Cannabis each year.

There are now more Marijuana smokers than Tobacco smokers. About 37million Americans use marijuana each year which is higher than the number of tobacco users.

Cannabis reduces Alcohol Consumption. In the states where it has been legalized the alcohol sales have dropped by 15%.

In 1996 California became the first state to legalize Cannabis.

At this moment medical Marijuana is legalized in 33 states.Yay!

Medical Marijuana patient vs recreational smoker spending. Medical patient spends roughly $136 on a purchase that will be made about every 10 days. Recreational smokers will spend an average of $49 per every few weeks.

According to Marijuana statistics in 2017, sales of medical Marijuana were higher than that of Oreo Cookies.Yes, americas favorite cookie was taken down by Americas favorite plant. In fact, 9 times bigger than the sales of the Oreo cookie.

Hemp breathes in more than 4xs the Carbon Dioxide that trees do.

Only 8% of Americans say that Cannabis should not be legal.

Legal cannabis has created more than 211,000 jobs in the US market.

Even though legalization is making strides, the police in America make a cannabis related arrest every 45 seconds.

Medical Marijuana has helped more than 90% of the people that have used it.

There has still not been a reported death from a cannabis overdose!

Europe is set to become the largest medical cannabis market in the world by 2027, with a budget od 1.3 trillion is health care spending.




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