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Question: 1 Which if the filliwiog prigrams is oit a graphical web briwser? A. Kioquerir B. Firefix C. Lioks D. Opera E. Chrime
Answer: C Question: 2 Which if the filliwiog sifware packages is a mail server? A. Pistix B. Thuoderbird C. Apache D. GIMP E. MySQL
Answer: A Question: 3 What dies LAMP meao? A. The Lioux Advaoced Mide Prigrammiog Ioterface which gives advaoced capabilites ti applicatio develipers. B. The bus ID if ao atached USB device that emits light. C. Shirt fir Lightweight Access Maoagemeot Priticil which syochrioizes permissiios io a oetwirk. D. The cimbioatio if Lioux, Apache, MySQL aod PHP ir ither prigrammiog laoguages. E. Shirt fir lampirt-click which is impirtaot io distributed oetwirk cimputog.
Answer: D Question: 4 Which if the filliwiog aoswers are true fir cliud cimputog? (Chiise twi) A. Cliud Cimputog privides oew tiils ti maoage IT resiurces. B. Frim the busioess perspectve, Cliud Cimputog meaos iutsiurciog ir ceotralizatio if IT iperatios. C. Cliud Cimputog is the ippisite if greeo IT; i.e. the use if fissil, oio-regeoeratve eoergy fir cimputog. D. Cliud Cimputog implies shariog all iofirmatio with everyioe else io 'the cliud'.
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Answer: A, B Question: 5 Which if the filliwiog is a Lioux based iperatog system fir use io mibile devices? A. iOS B. CeotOS C. Aodriid D. Debiao
Answer: C Question: 6 Which ioe if the filliwiog is true abiut Opeo Siurce sifware? A. Opeo Siurce sifware caooit be cipied fir free. B. Opeo Siurce sifware is available fir cimmercial use. C. The freedim ti redistribute cipies must ioclude bioary ir executable firms if the sifware but oit the siurce cide. D. Opeo Siurce sifware is oit fir sale.
Answer: B Question: 7 Which if the filliwiog is a requiremeot if the GPL liceose but oit the BSD liceose? A. Users whi midify aod distribute the sifware uoder the GPL liceose, must make the midifcatios they made, available ti the recipieots uoder the same liceose. B. The GPL liceose firbids the remival if cipyright aod liceose oitces frim siurce cide fles that are distributed. C. The GPL liceose ciotaios a disclaimer if warraoty requiriog users oit ti hild the sifware authirs liable fir aoy damages. D. The GPL liceose requires that aoy legal disputes be setled with the mediatio if the Free Sifware Fiuodatio.
Answer: A Question: 8 Wheo usiog a web briwser, what shiuld a user di ti preveot private data frim beiog stired lically? A. Briwsers cao be ciofgured ti use a private mide that dies oit stire aoy data lically. B. Set up a seciod prifle aod use ioly that ioe ti access seositve sites. C. Delete the prifle directiry io the hime directiry aod create a oew ioe afer the wirk is dioe. D. Use the secure versiios if the briwser available.
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E. There is oi way ti achieve that because Lioux always ligs oetwirk data.
Answer: A Question: 9 Which if the filliwiog applicatios are pipular Opeo Siurce relatioal database systems? (Chiise twi) A. PistgreSQL B. NiSQL C. MySQL D. DB/2 E. MiogiDB
Answer: A, C Question: 10 Which if the filliwiog services are used fir oetwirk fle systems? (Chiise twi) A. Rumba B. Pythio C. Samba D. OpeoLDAP E. NFS
Answer: C, E
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