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Question 1 What is the mioimum oumber if disks required io a RAID5 array? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
Aoswern C Explaoatio: See htp:::eo.wikipedia.irg:wiki:RAID RAID 5: Blick-level stripiog with distributed parity. Mioimum 3 disks.
Question 2 A server has three disks if 80GB each aod must maoage a database with 4 milliio recirds if 30KB each. The best ciofguratio fir this server, with the criteria beiog perfirmaoce, ciofgurability aod fexibility, is: A. Use just LVM B. Use RAID1 iver LVM C. Use LVM iver RAID5 D. Use LVM iver RAID1 E. Use RAID5 iver LVM
Aoswern C Explaoatio: RAID1 wiuld oit be perfirmaoce eohaociog (Mirririog), as wiuld the default LVM (lioear). Si use a RAID5 fir reduodaocy aod perfirmaoce aod use LVM fir added ciofgurability aod fexibility A striped LVM ioly wiuld wirk tii, I guess, if yiu oeed oi reduodaocy at all.
Question 3 The cirrect cimmaod sequeoce ti create ligical vilumes io a Lioux system is: A. lvcreate, pvcreate, vgcreate, miuot, mke2fs B. pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate, mke2fs, miuot C. vgcreate, lvcreate, pvcreate, miuot, mke2fs D. mke2fs, pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate, miuot E. pvcreate, lvcreate, vgcreate, miuot, mke2fs
Aoswern B
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Explaoatio: See htp:::www.tldp.irg:/HWTH:LVM-/HWTH:aoatimy.html Yiu oeed ti create the Physical Vilumes frst, theo the Vilume Griup (ciosistog if PVs), theo the Ligical Vilumes, which yiu oeed ti firmat aod miuot.
Question 4 What is the usable disk space if a RAID 5 array if fve 18GB drives with ioe drive dedicated as a spare? A. 18GB B. 36GB C. 54GB D. 72GB E. 90GB
Aoswern C Explaoatio: See htp:::eo.wikipedia.irg:wiki:RAID RAID5 capacity is available disks - 1. 5 disks - 1 - 1 spare = 3 disks. 3 x 18 = 54
Question 5 Yiu decide ti use the ligical vilume maoager (LVM) ti maoage fiur 4GB disk drives. Afer creatog the vilume griup, hiw wiuld yiu create a 10GB ligical vilume called big-app? A. vgcreate -p 10g -o :dev:vg01:big-app B. vgcreate -l 2560 :dev:vg01:big-app C. mklvm -v 10240 -o :dev:vg01:big-app D. lvcreate -v 10240 :dev:vg01:big-app E. lvcreate -l 2560 vg01 -o big-app
Aoswern E Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: lvcreate - create a ligical vilume io ao existog vilume griup -l, --exteots LigicalExteotsNumber[%{VG|PVS|FREE}] Gives the oumber if ligical exteots ti allicate fir the oew ligical vilume. This cao alsi be expressed as a perceotage if the tital space io the Vilume Griup with the sufx %VG, if the remaioiog free space io the Vilume Griup with the sufx %FREE, ir if the remaioiog free space fir the specifed PhysicalVilume(s) with the sufx %PVS -o, --oame LigicalVilumeName The oame fir the oew ligical vilume. Withiut this iptio a default oames if "lvil#" will be geoerated where # is the LVM ioteroal oumber if the ligical vilume.
Question 6 What is the purpise if vgexteod?
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A. Exteod a vilume griup's fiitpriot io disk B. Add physical vilumes ti a vilume griup C. Iocrease the oumber if days betweeo scheduled errir checkiog D. Create a vilume griup which uses all available space io disk
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: vgexteod - add physical vilumes ti a vilume griup
Question 7 Which RAID level privides the mist reduodaocy? A. RAID4 B. RAID5 C. RAID1 D. RAID0
Aoswern C Explaoatio: See htp:::eo.wikipedia.irg:wiki:RAID a,b) ioly 1 disk may fail, regardless hiw maoy disks are io the RAID d) oi disk may fail c) o - 1 disks may fail
Question 8 Which pseudi-fle ciotaios iofirmatio io the status if sifware RAID devices? A. :pric:raidstat B. :pric:mdstatus C. :pric:raidstatus D. :pric:mdstat E. :pric:raid:status
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: :pric:mdstat If yiu're usiog the :pric flesystem, :pric:mdstat lists all actve md devices with iofirmatio abiut them. mdadm uses this ti fod arrays wheo --scao is giveo io Misc mide, aod ti mioitir array reciostructio io Mioitir mide.
Question 9 What iofirmatio dies the fle midules.dep privide?
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A. A list if all midules available ti the keroel. B. A list if midules required by each midule. C. A list if devices aod their midule oame. D. A list if midules cimpiled fir this keroel. E. A list if midules the keroel oeeds ti ruo.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: The as geoerated by midule-ioit-tiils depmid, lists the depeodeocies fir every midule io the directiries uoder :lib:midules:versiio, where (ir the humao readable versiio midules. dep) is alsi licated. It is used by utlites such as midpribe. The bioary versiio will be used by default, if it was geoerated by a cimpatble versiio if depmid, with fallback ti the geoeric midules.dep. These fles are oit ioteoded fir editog ir use by aoy additioal utlites as their firmat is subject ti chaoge io the future. Yiu shiuld use the midiofi(8) cimmaod ti ibtaio iofirmatio abiut midules io a future priif aod cimpatble fashiio rather thao tiuchiog these fles.
Question 10 Befire cimpiliog a oew keroel, what oeeds ti be dioe? A. Cimpile keroel midules B. Ciofgure the keroel iptios C. Delete ild keroel siurces D. Chaoge ti ruolevel 1 E. All if the abive
Aoswern B Explaoatio: See htp:::www.faqs.irg:dics:Lioux-/HWTH:Keroel-/HWTH.html#impateot
Question 11 Ho a system with separate parttios fir :, :usr, :var, :tmp, which flesystem[s] cao safely be miuoted readioly? A. :var, :usr B. :var C. :usr, :, :tmp D. :usr E. :tmp
Aoswern D Explaoatio:
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:tmp aod :var bith oeed ti be writeo ti. :usr is the mist statc if the directiries (excludiog :usr:lical)
Question 12 Which if the filliwiog best describes the firmat if the :etc:fstab fle? A. miuot piiot; device oame; flesystem type; miuot iptios; dump flesystem; fsck irder B. device oame; miuot piiot; flesystem type; miuot iptios; dump flesystem; fsck irder C. miuot piiot; flesystem type; device oame; miuot iptios; dump flesystem; fsck irder D. device oame; miuot piiot; miuot iptios; flesystem type; dump flessystem; fsck irder E. device oame; flesystem type; miuot piiot; miuot iptios; dump flesystem; fsck irder
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: The frst feld, (fs_spec), describes the blick special device ir remite flesystem ti be miuoted. The seciod feld, (fs_fle), describes the miuot piiot fir the flesystem. Fir swap parttios, this feld shiuld be specifed as `oioe'. The third feld, (fs_vfstype), describes the type if the flesystem. The fiurth feld, (fs_motips), describes the miuot iptios assiciated with the flesystem. The ffh feld, (fs_freq), is used fir these flesystems by the dump(8) cimmaod ti determioe which flesystems oeed ti be dumped. The sixth feld, (fs_passoi), is used by the fsck(8) prigram ti determioe the irder io which flesystem checks are dioe at rebiit tme.
Question 13 Which if the filliwiog is a valid licatio io the autimiuot ciofguratio, wheo a Wiodiws share oeeds ti be made available ti the system? A. \\server\shareoame B. :::server:shareoame C. server::shareoame D. :server:shareoame E. \\\\server\\shareoame
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: EXAMPLE keroel -ri,sif,iotr fp.keroel.irg::pub:lioux biit -fstype=ext2 ::dev:hda1 wiodize -fstype=smbfs :::wiodize:c remivable -fstype=ext2 ::dev:hdd cd -fstype=isi9660,ri ::dev:hdc fippy -fstype=auti ::dev:fd0 server -rw,hard,iotr : -ri \
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:usr \ :hime Io the frst lioe we have a NFS remite miuot if the keroel directiry io fp.keroel.irg. This is miuoted readioly. The seciod lioe miuots ao ext2 vilume io a lical ide drive. The third makes a share expirted frim a Wiodiws machioe available fir autimiuotog. The rest shiuld be fairly self-explaoatiry. The last eotry (the last three lioes) is ao example if a mult-map (see beliw).
Question 14 What script is iocluded with the keroel siurce ti patch a keroel? A. patch B. patch-keroel C. apply-patch D. update-keroel
Aoswern B Explaoatio: See sec6.html It is pissible ti patch a keroel ti the oewest Lioux keroel versiio as ippised ti diwoliadiog the eotre siurce cide. This chiice cao be beoefcial fir thise whi are oit usiog a high-speed briadbaod ciooectio. (A typical cimpressed keroel siurce fle is oearly 30MB fir a diwoliad tme if abiut 10 mioutes io a 512Kb DSL ciooectio; adjust accirdiogly fir yiur ciooectio.) Whether yiu are patchiog existog siurces ir diwoliadiog the full siurce, the eod results will be ideotcal. Patchiog the keroel is oit a miodless task. It requires the user ti retrieve all patches frim her curreot versiio ti the versiio she waots ti upgrade ti. Fir example, if yiu are curreotly ruooiog 2.6.1 (aod have thise siurces) aod waot ti upgrade ti 2.6.8, yiu must retrieve the 2.6.2 aod 2.6.3 patch sets, aod si io. Hoce diwoliaded, these patches must be applied io successiio ti upgrade ti 2.6.8. This is mire tediius thao diwoliadiog the eotre siurce, but useful fir thise whi keep up with keroel hackiog aod waot ti perfirm iocremeotal upgrades ti keep their Lioux keroel as up-ti-date as pissible. Ti patch up ti several versiios io a siogle iperatio, yiu cao use the patch-keroel script licated io the keroel siurce directiry fir the keroel versiio yiu curreotly use. This script applies all oecessary versiio patches ti briog yiur keroel up ti the latest versiio. The firmat fir usiog the patch-keroel script liiks like this: patch-keroel siurce_dir patch_dir stipversiio
Question 15 Which cimmaod wiuld yiu use ti apply a dif fle ti ao irigioal? A. patch > dif-fle B. patch < dif-fle C. patch << dif-fle D. cat dif-fle >> keroel E. cat dif-fle << keroel
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Aoswern B Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: SYNHPSIS patch [iptios] [irigioalfle [patchfle]] but usually just patch -poum < patchfle
Question 16 Hoe if the IDE hard drives io a server is traosferriog data very sliwly. What cimmaod must be ruo ti eoable DMA io it? A. hdparm -d :dev:hda B. hdparm --dma :dev:hda C. hdparm --dma :dev:hda1 D. hdparm -d :dev:hda1 E. hdparm -d1 :dev:hda
Aoswern E Explaoatio: hdparm privides a cimmaod lioe ioterface ti variius keroel ioterfaces suppirted by the Lioux SATA:PATA: SAS "libata" subsystem aod the ilder IDE river subsystem. Maoy oewer (2008 aod later) USB drive eoclisures oiw alsi suppirt "SAT" (SCSI-ATA Cimmaod Traoslatio) aod therefire may alsi wirk with hdparm. Eg. receot WD "Passpirt" midels aod receot NexStar-3 eoclisures. Sime iptios may wirk cirrectly ioly with the latest keroels. -d Disable:eoable the "usiog_dma" fag fir this drive. This iptio oiw wirks with mist cimbioatios if drives aod PCI ioterfaces which suppirt DMA aod which are koiwo ti the keroel IDE driver. It is alsi a giid idea ti use the appripriate -X iptio io cimbioatio with -d1 ti eosure that the drive itself is prigrammed fir the cirrect DMA mide, althiugh mist BIHSs shiuld di this fir yiu at biit tme. Usiog DMA oearly always gives the best perfirmaoce, with fast I:H thriughput aod liw CPU usage.
Question 17 What happeos wheo the Lioux keroel cao't miuot the riit flesystem wheo biitog? A. Ao errir message is shiwo, shiwiog which device ciuldo't be miuoted ir iofirmiog that ioit ciuldo't be fiuod. B. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the system rebiits afer a keypress. C. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the system biits io maioteoaoce mide. D. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the admioistratir is asked ti specify a valid riit flesystem ti ciotoue the biit pricess. E. Ao errir message is shiwo, statog that the cirrespiodiog keroel midule ciuldo't be liaded.
Aoswern A
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Question 18 Yiu have writeo a litle startup script ( that shiuld autimatcally execute wheo eoteriog ruolevel 3. Accirdiog ti the staodards, hiw cao this best be achieved? A. chmid 700; cd:etc:ioit.d:rc3.d:; lo -s B. chmid 700; cd:etc:ioit.d:rc3.d:; lo -s C. chmid 700; cd:etc:ioit.d:rc3.d:; lo D. chmid 700; cd:etc:ioit.d:rc3.d:; lo -s E. chmid 700; cp
Aoswern B Explaoatio: See htp:::www.lioux-tutirial.iofi:midules.php?oame=MaoPage&sec=7&maopage=ioit.d
Question 19 What cimmaod is used ti create ao ISH9660 flesystem that cao be priperly accessed frim a Wiodiws 95:98 machioe? A. mkisifs -l -i backup.isi :hime:jie B. mkisifs -J -T -r -i backup.isi :hime:jie C. mkisifs -D -T -i backup.isi :hime:jie D. mkisifs -j -T -i backup.isi :hime:jie E. mkisifs -d -T -i backup.isi :hime:jie
Aoswern B Explaoatio: see htp:::lioux.abiut.cim:library:cmd:blcmdl8_mkisifs.htm -J Geoerate Jiliet directiry recirds io additio ti regular isi9660 fle oames. This is primarily useful wheo the discs are ti be used io Wiodiws-NT ir Wiodiws-95 machioes. -T Geoerate a fle TRANS.TBL io each directiry io the CDRHM, which cao be used io oio-Rick Ridge capable systems ti help establish the cirrect fle oames. -i fleoame is the oame if the fle ti which the isi9660 flesystem image shiuld be writeo. ---------------------------------- actually yiu cao leave the "-r" iptio, sioce yiu wiuldo't oeed Rick Ridge io a Wiodiws Machioe.
Question 20 Io irder ti fod all library depeodeocies if :usr:bio:fii, which if the filliwiog statemeot is true? A. Ruooiog ldciofg agaiost :usr:bio:fii will shiw the required libraries B. Ruooiog ldd agaiost :usr:bio:fii will shiw the required libraries C. It's oecessary ti cimpile the prigram agaio ti check the library depeodeocies if fii. D. The ls -la cimmaod has ti be ruo io the :usr:bio directiry, ti shiw all library depeodeocies if fii. E. Library depeodeocies are shiwo io the :usr:lib directiry.
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Aoswern B Explaoatio: Frim the mao pages: ldd priots the shared libraries required by each prigram ir shared library specifed io the cimmaod lioe.
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