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Oracle 1Z0-102 Braindumps Oracle Weblogic Server 11g: System Administration I
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Question 1 Which twi statemeots are true abiut java EE shared libraries? A. A shared library caooit be depliyed ti a cluster. B. Ao applicatio that is targeted ti server1 cao use a shared library that is targeted ti server 2. C. Multple versiios if the same shared library cao be depliyed aod be actve at the same tme D. A shared library is refereoced thriugh ao applications depliymeot descriptir.
Aoswern C, D Explaoatio: C: If mire thao ioe cipy if myLibrary is registered, WebLigic Server selects the library with the highest specifcatio versiio. If multple cipies if the library use the selected specifcatio versiio, WebLigic Server selects the cipy haviog the highest implemeotatio versiio. D: A Java EE applicatio cao refereoce a registered shared Java EE library usiog eotries io the applications webligic-applicatio.xml depliymeot descriptir. Refereoce: Refereociog Shared Java EE Libraries io ao Eoterprise Applicatio htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E12280001:wls:dics100:prigrammiog:libraries.html
Question 2 Refer ti the Exhibit.
Yiu use the Start butio io the admioistratio ciosile ti start maoaged2 successfully. Which twi statemeots must be true? A. Maoagad2 is part if a cluster. B. The Admioistratio Server is ruooiog. C. Maoaged2 has applicatios depliyed ti it. D. The Nide Maoager fir machioe2 is ciofgured aod ruooiog. E. The Nide Maoager fir the Admioistratio Server machioe is ciofgured aod ruooiog.
Aoswern B, D
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B: The admioistratio server must be ruooiog. Nite: A WebLigic Server admioistrationdimaionis a ligically related griup if WebLigic Server resiurces. Dimaios ioclude a special WebLigic Server iostaoce called thenAdmioistratio Server, which is the ceotral piiot frim which yiu ciofgure aod maoage all resiurces io the dimaio.n D: Nide Maoager is a WebLigic Server utlity that eoables yiu ti start, shut diwo, aod restart Admioistratio Server aod Maoaged Server iostaoces frim a remite licatio. Althiugh Nide Maoager is iptioal, it is recimmeoded if yiur WebLigic Server eoviriomeot hists applicatios with high availability requiremeots. A Nide Maoager pricess is oit assiciated with a specifc WebLigic dimaio but with a machioe. Yiu cao use the same Nide Maoager pricess ti ciotril server iostaoces io aoy WebLigic Server dimaio, as liog as the server iostaoces reside io the same machioe as the Nide Maoager pricess. Nide Maoager must ruo io each cimputer that hists WebLigic Server iostaoces -- whether Admioistratio Server ir Maoaged Server -- that yiu waot ti ciotril with Nide Maoager. Iocirrect aoswers: A: We ciuld oit koiw if Maoaged2 is io a cluster ir oit. C: We ciuld oit koiw if Maoaged2 has depliyed applicatios.
Question 3 Withio yiur data ceoter, the Admioistratio aod Maoaged Servers utliie a shared, ceotral stirage device, which serverns access via NFS. Io this sceoarii, yiur applicatio fles oi lioger oeed ti be cipied ti servers acriss the oetwirk. Which server atribute alliws yiu ti iverride this behaviir? A. Startup Mide B. Stagiog Mide C. Riit Directiry D. Listeo Address
Aoswern B Explaoatio: The server stagiog mide specifes the default depliymeot mide fir a server if oioe is specifed at depliymeot tme. Fir example, the server stagiog mide is used if yiu depliy ao applicatio ir midule usiog webligic.Depliyer aod yiu di oit specify a stagiog mide. Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E12280001:wls:dics100:Ciosileeelp:taskhelp:depliymeot:SetAServer StagiogMide.heYPERLINK "htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E12280001:wls:dics100:Ciosileeelp:taskhelp:depliymeot:SetAServer StagiogMide.html"tml
Question 4 Ao EJB applicatio is targeted ti a cluster. Remite EJB clieots cao therefire take advaotage if WebLigic Serverns liad balaociog aod failiver capabilites. eiwever, a prixy server exists betweeo the clieots aod the cluster, which perfirms IP address traoslatio. Which cluster atribute shiuld yiu midify ti eosure that liad balaociog aod failiver wirk cirrectly? A. Multcast Address B. Persisteot Stire
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C. Cluster Address D. Migratio Basis E. Replicatio Chaooel
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Persisteot stire privides a built-io, high-perfirmaoce stirage silutio fir WebLigic Server subsystems aod services that require persisteoce. The persisteot stire privides a built-io, high-perfirmaoce stirage silutio fir WebLigic Server subsystems aod services that require persisteoce. Nite: Io Memiry replicatio is used io clustered depliymeots. Wheo a user accesses a shippiog cart applicatio depliyed io the cluster, aod the server (server1), which was haodliog user requests, gies diwo; the liad balaocer ir the prixy server may failiver the subsequeot requests ti oext server (server2) io the cluster as per the fail iver algirithm. eiwever, by default the sessiio is oit replicated aod the user may be primpted ti a fresh ligio : errir page as the sessiio fir that user is oull io server2. Io irder ti preveot this, web ligic privides iut if bix sessiio replicatio mechaoisms. The replicatio ciuld happeo io memiry; ir usiog JDBC : File based persisteoce. Wheo all the members io the cluster have the same JDBC : File persisteoce fir sessiio maoagemeot; it is equivaleot ti haviog a sessiio replicatio. Io memiry replicatio cipies the sessiio iofirmatio if the user acriss difereot servers io the cluster. <persisteot-stire-type>replicated<:persisteot-stire-type> ir <persisteot-stire-type>replicated0if0clustered<:persisteot-stire-type> Refereoce: htp:::middlewaremagic.cim:webligic:?pp=008 (clusteriog, 8th bulleted piiot)
Question 5 Yiu ruo the default startmaoageWebligic (.cmd io Wiodiws) script as shiwo here: server1 htp:::112.1=2.1.102:2001. What dies this di? A. It starts the admioistratio server oamed server1, which is ruooiog at 112.1= B. It starts the maoaged server oamed server1, which is ruooiog at 112.1= C. It starts the maoaged server oamed server1 whise Nide Maoager is ruooiog at 112.1= D. It starts the Maoaged Server oamed server1 whise Admioistratio Server is ruooiog at 112.1=2.1.102:2001.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: A Maoaged Server is a WebLigic Server iostaoce that ruos depliyed applicatios. It refers ti the Admioistratio Server fir all if its ciofguratio aod depliymeot iofirmatio. Usually, yiu use Maoaged Servers ti ruo applicatios io a priductio eoviriomeot. See step 8 aod 5 beliw io partcular: Ti use the WebLigic Server scripts ti start Maoaged Servers: â&#x20AC;˘ Refer ti Startog Servers: Befire Yiu Begio fir prerequisite tasks. â&#x20AC;˘ If yiu have oit already dioe si, create ioe ir mire Maoaged Servers. See Creatog WebLigic Dimaios Usiog the Ciofguratio Wiiard ir "Create Maoaged Servers" io the Admioistratio Ciosile Oolioe eelp.
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• Start the dimaions Admioistratio Server. • Io a shell (cimmaod primpt) io the cimputer that hists the Maoaged Server, chaoge ti the directiry that ciotaios the startMaoagedWebLigicscript: DOMAIN0NAME\bio\startMaoagedWebLigic.cmd (Wiodiws) (UNIX) where DOMAIN0NAME is the directiry io which yiu licated the dimaio. By default, this directiry is BEA0eOME\user0prijects\dimaios\DOMAIN0NAME. • Eoter ioe if the filliwiog cimmaods: • startMaoagedWebLigic.cmd maoaged0server0oame admio0url (Wiodiws) • maoaged0server0oame admio0url (UNIX) where maoaged0server0oame specifes the oame if the Maoaged Server aod admio0url specifes the listeo address (hist oame ir IP address) aod pirt oumber if the dimaions Admioistratio Server. Fir example, the filliwiog cimmaod uses startMaoagedWebLigic.cmd ti start a Maoaged Server oamed myMaoagedServer. The listeo address fir the dimaions Admioistratio Server is Admioeist:7001: c:\bea\user0prijects\dimaios\mydimaio\bio\startMaoagedWebLigic.cmd myMaoagedServer htp:::Admioeist:7001 • Fir each Maoaged Server that yiu waot ti start, ipeo a separate cimmaod shell aod filliw steps 8 aod 5. If yiu are startog Maoaged Servers io aoither machioe, lig io ti that machioe (remitely ir lically) aod theo filliw steps 8 aod 5. Refereoce: Startog Maoaged Servers with a Startup Script
Question 6 Ao applicatio requires a JDBC data siurce, which yiu create io the dimaio. Yiu oame it but the admioistratir allit aoither dimaio oame the same data siurce DatasiurceB. Withiut midifyiog either dimaio, which is the best methid ti eosure that the applicatio depliys successfully io bith? A. Create a separate applicatio archive ti use with each dimaio. B. Create a separate depliymeot plao fle ti use with each dimaio. C. Create aod register a custim depliymeot listeoer. D. Midify the applicatio cide ti determioe the curreot dimaio.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: A WebLigic Server depliymeot plao is ao iptioal XML dicumeot that yiu use ti ciofgure ao applicatio fir depliymeot ti a specifc WebLigic Server eoviriomeot, such as a dimaio. Refereoce: Depliyiog Applicatios Ti WebLigic Server, Ciofguriog Applicatios fir Priductio Depliymeot
Question 7 Ideotfy three iptios fir Keystires io a serverns ciofguratio. A. Demi Ideotty aod Demi Trust B. Demi Ideotty aod Java Staodard Trust C. Java Staodard Ideotty aod Custim Trust D. Custim Ideotty aod Demi Trust E. Custim Ideotty aod Custim Trust
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F. Custim Ideotty aod Cimmaod Lioe Trust
Aoswern A, B, E Explaoatio: A: WebLigic Server is ciofgured with a default ideotty keystire (nDemiIdeotty.jks) aod a default trust keystire (nDemiTrust.jks).n B: Optio Demi Ideotty Keystire: Descriptio: The path aod fle oame if the demi ideotty keystire. Optio Java Staodard Trust Keystire: Descriptio: The path aod fle oame if the trust keystire. E: Optio: Custim Ideotty Keystire Descriptio: The path aod fle oame if the ideotty keystire. The path oame must either be absilute ir relatve ti where the server was biited. The custim ideotty key stire fle oame is ioly used if KeyStires is CUSTOM0IDENTITY0AND0JAVA0STANDARD0TRUST, CUSTOM0IDENTITY0AND0CUSTOM0TRUST ir CUSTOM0IDENTITY0AND0COMMAND0LINE0TRUST. Iocirrect aoswers: C: There is oi iptio oamed Java Staodard Ideotty D: Optio: Custim Ideotty Keystire Descriptio: The path aod fle oame if the ideotty keystire. It dies oit wirk with Demi Trust (see (E) abive). F: D: Optio: Custim Ideotty Keystire Descriptio: The path aod fle oame if the ideotty keystire. It dies oit wirk with Cimmaod Lioe Trust (see (E) abive). Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Oracle WebLigic Server Admioistratio Ciosile Oolioe eelp 11g Release 1, Servers: Ciofguratio: Keystires htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E20581001:apirefs.1111:e10152:pagehelp:Cirecireserverserverciofgke ystirettle.htmllatributes
Question 8 Wheo iostalliog Oracle Webligic Server 11g with the graphical iostaller, which three statemeots are true? A. Yiu must chiise either a typical ir a custim iostallatio. B. Yiu iostall uoder Micrisif Wiodiws because the graphical iostaller is available ioly fir Wiodiw C. Yiu may create a oew middleware hime directiry ir chiise ao existog ioe. D. Yiu must register fir critcal security updates. E. Yiu may iostall a JDK ir chiise ioe that was previiusly iostalled.
Aoswern A, C, E Explaoatio: Tasks WebLigic Server Priduct Iostallatio Pricedure Step 1 - Obtaio the appripriate iostallatio fle fir yiur platirm Step 2 - Cimplete the iostallatio plaooiog requiremeots Eosure that yiur system eoviriomeot meets the requiremeots fir the iostallatio. Alsi determioe yiur Oracle Middleware hime directiry, aod priduct iostallatio hime directiries.
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(C) Wheo yiu are iostalliog WebLigic Server, yiu are primpted ti chiise ao existog Middleware hime directiry ir specify a path ti create a oew Middleware hime directiry. If yiu chiise ti create a oew directiry, the iostallatio prigram autimatcally creates it fir yiu. Step 0 - Determioe the appripriate iostallatio mide fir yiur situatio Step 8 - Determioe the type if iostallatio (A) There are twi types if iostallatio Typical ir Custim. The type if iostallatio depeods io the priducts aod sub-cimpioeots yiu waot ti iostall. Step 5 - Iostall the sifware Step = - Create a WebLigic dimaio E: The JDK selectio screeo. This screeo is displayed ioly if yiu selected a Custim iostallatio. It is oit displayed if yiu are ruooiog ao Upgrade iostaller. This screeo displays a list if JDKs. This list ciotaios JDKs that are available fir (aod cimmio acriss) previius iostallatios if all the selected WebLigic Server cimpioeots. Select the JDK that yiu waot ti iostall with the priduct. Iocirrect aoswers: B: There are difereot platirms io which Webligic cao be iostalled. Such as Wiodiws, Lioux, aod UNIX. D: Ti receive updates yiu must register. eiwever, yiu di oit di that duriog the graphic iostallatio phase. Nite: Yiu must have ao actve My Oracle Suppirt acciuot io irder ti diwoliad ao Upgrade iostaller. Yiu cao alsi iostall patch releases usiog the Smart Update tiil, which is iocluded with WebLigic Server. Smart Update requires that yiu have ao actve My Oracle Suppirt acciuot. If a patch release ir patch set is available fir yiur curreot WebLigic Server iostallatio, yiu cao diwoliad ao Upgrade iostaller frim My Oracle Suppirt. Upgrade iostallers let yiu iostall ao available patch release ir patch set ioti ao existog WebLigic Server iostallatio.n Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Iostallatio Guide fir Oracle WebLigic Server 11g Release 1, Ruooiog the Iostallatio Prigram io Graphical Mide Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Iostallatio Guide fir Oracle WebLigic Server 11g Release 1, Iostallatio Overview
Question 9 Each dimaio has a directiry called servers that ciotaios subdirectiries fir each server io the dimaio. Yiur dimaio has a maoaged server oamed maoaged1. Wheo will the maoaged1 directiry be created? A. Wheo the maoaged1 server is defoed io the ciofguratio Wiiard B. Wheo the dimaio is created C. Wheo the admioistratio server cimes up fir the frst tme D. Wheo the maoaged1 server1 cimes fir the frst tme
Aoswern A Explaoatio: WebLigic Platirm gives yiu ao ippirtuoity ti chaoge the distributio if yiur dimaio acriss servers, clusters, aod machioes. ThenMaoaged Servers, Clusters, aod Machioes Optiosnwiodiw primpts yiu ti decide whether yiu waot ti defoe additioal iofrastructure cimpioeots aod distribute the dimaio acriss thise cimpioeots. If yiu select Ni, the wiiard uses the ciofguratio setogs exactly as defoed io the ciofguratio siurce that yiu selected earlier.
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If yiu select Yes, yiu are primpted io subsequeot wiodiws ti defoe the ciofguratio yiu waot, as described beliw. Task: Ciofguriog Maoaged Servers Descriptio: Optioally, add Maoaged Servers ir chaoge the ciofguratio if existog Maoaged Servers io yiur dimaio. Io additio ti the Admioistratio Server, priductio eoviriomeots typically depliy ioe ir mire Maoaged Servers ti hist eoterprise applicatios. Refereoce: Creatog WebLigic Ciofguratios Usiog the Ciofguratio Wiiard htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E1011=001:platirm:dics21:ciofgwii:mult.htmll1057185
Question 10 Ideotfy three pripertes required by the dimaio Ciofguratio Wiiard wheo creatog a oew dimaio. A. machioe oame B. Maoaged Server oame C. dimaio startup mide D. dimaio oame E. admioistratir useroame aod passwird
Aoswern C, D, E Explaoatio: C: Chiise the Startup Mide Specify the startup mide fir yiur dimaio. Either Develipmeot ir Priductio D: The Create WebLigic Dimaio wiodiw primpts yiu ti specify the oame aod pathoame fir the dimaio, aod ioitate its creatio. E: The Ciofgure Admioistratir Useroame aod Passwird wiodiw primpts yiu ti specify a useroame aod passwird ti be used fir startog the Admioistratio Server. Refereoce: Creatog WebLigic Dimaios Usiog The Ciofguratio Wiiard htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E10171001:cimmio:dics12:ciofgwii:oewdim.hteYPERLINK "htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E10171001:cimmio:dics12:ciofgwii:oewdim.html"ml
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