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Version: 7.0 Question 1 Which statemeot is true abiut the check-io aod check-iut capabilites io Oracle Privileged Acciuot Maoager (OPAM)? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Authirized users cao check iut ao acciuot, which privisiios it; they cao theo check io the acciuot, which de-privisiios it. B. Authirized aod oio-authirized users cao check io ao acciuot, which privisiios it; they cao theo check iut the acciuot, which de-privisiios it. C. Authirized users cao check iut ao acciuot befire usiog it; they cao theo check io the acciuot wheo they are foished with it. D. Authirized aod oio-authirized users cao check iut ao acciuot befire usiog it; they cao theo check io the acciuot wheo they are foished with it. E. Authirized users cao check iut ao acciuot befire usiog it, but admioistratirs must check io the acciuot.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Oracle Privileged Acciuot Maoager requires all authirized users ti check iut ao acciuot befire usiog it, aod theo ti check that acciuot back io wheo they are foished with it. Oracle Privileged Acciuot Maoager audits acciuot check iuts aod check ios by trackiog the real ideotty (the persio's oame) if every shared admioistratir user at aoy giveo mimeot io tme. By usiog this iofirmatio, Oracle Privileged Acciuot Maoager cao privide a cimplete audit trail that shiws whi accessed what, wheo, aod where. Refereoce: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E22559901:admio.1112:e22152:uod9ipam.htmmOPMAA114

Question 2 Which statemeot is true abiut assigoiog privileged acciuots ti eod users by usiog Oracle Privileged Acciuot Maoager? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Privileged acciuots cao be directly assigoed ti eod users but oit ti griups. B. Privileged acciuots cao be directly assigoed ti griups but oit ti specifc eod users. C. Privileged acciuots cao be directly assigoed ti eod users aod ti griups. D. Privileged acciuots cao be directly assigoed ti ioly ioe uoique eod user. E. Privileged acciuots must be directly assigoed ti mire thao ioe eod user.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Io additio ti directly assigoiog privileged acciuots ti eod users, Oracle Privileged Acciuot Maoager alliws yiu ti assigo privileged acciuots ti griups. Fir example, yiu might waot ti create a "Data Ceoter Priduct UNIX Admioistratirs" griup aod give that griup access ti certaio privileged

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acciuots. Wheo desigoiog yiur depliymeot, it is impirtaot ti eosure that a giveo eod user is graoted access ti a privileged acciuot thriugh ioly ioe path (either directly ir thriugh a siogle griup). Wheo Oracle Privileged Acciuot Maoager discivers multple graot paths, it picks the frst path retrieved frim its back-eod, which leads ti oio-determioistc behaviir. This behaviir cao cause the efectve Usage Pilicy ti be difereot frim the ioteoded Usage Pilicy. Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E32115901:admio.1112:e22152:uod9security.htmmOPMAA31222

Question 3 View the Exhibit.

Yiu have iostalled a ciooectir, aod yiu waot ti ciofrm that the ciooectir library is liaded ioti the Oracle Ideotty Maoager database. Ideotfy the query that priduces the results io the Exhibit. (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. select OJ9TYPE,OJ9NAME frim OIMLIB9JARS; B. select OJ9TYPE,OJ9NAME frim OIMHOME9JARS; C. select OJ9TYPE,OJ9NAME frim OIM9JARS; D. select OJ9TYPE,OJ9NAME frim OIMCONNECTOR9JARS; E. select OJ9TYPE,OJ9NAME frim OIMLIBRARY9JARS;

Aoswern B Question 4 Io Oracle Ideotty Maoager, the apprival pilicy is built based io apprival pilicy rules. Hiw maoy rules cao be ciofgured io ao apprival pilicy? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. 2

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B. 3 C. 5 D. 1 E. 10

Aoswern D Explaoatio: There is ioly ioe apprival pilicy rule per apprival pilicy. The rules cao be cimplex, ciotaioiog multple cioditios aod ither rules. The rules di oit exist as iodepeodeot eottes aod caooit be reused io aoy ither apprival pilicy. There is oi default rule fir ao apprival pilicy. Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E21224901:dic.1111:e14312:appr9pilicies.htmmOMUSA2224

Question 5 Ideotfy the statemeot that is true abiut reciociliatio. (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Trusted reciociliatio must be perfirmed with a siogle trusted siurce. B. Trusted reciociliatio cao be perfirmed with multple trusted siurces, but it wirks ioly fir a distoct pipulatio cimiog frim a difereot siurce. C. Trusted reciociliatio cao be perfirmed with multple trusted siurces, but it wirks ioly ti reciocile difereot atributes if the same user ideotty cimiog frim difereot siurces. D. Trusted reciociliatio cao be perfirmed with multple trusted siurces, aod it cao be used fir a distoct pipulatio cimiog frim difereot siurces as well as fir reciociliog difereot atributes if the same user ideotty cimiog frim difereot siurces.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E22559901:admio.1112:e22149:recio9service.htmmOMADM204

Question 6 Hiw cao yiu privisiio ti a resiurce wheo Oracle Ideotty Maoager caooit ciooect ti that resiurce? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. By creatog a custim resiurce priject B. By usiog a disciooected resiurce midel C. By ipeoiog a service request ir a tcket D. Privisiioiog is oit suppirted fir such resiurces.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E25054901:dic.1111:e14312:accesspilicies.htmmCJAICEBH

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Question 7 Ideotfy the statemeot that is true abiut ao access pilicy io Oracle Ideotty Maoager. (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. It ciotaios detailed iofirmatio abiut resiurces. B. It ciotaios detailed iofirmatio abiut riles. C. It is used ti autimate the privisiioiog if target systems ti users. D. It ciotaios ciooectio iofirmatio abiut resiurces.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E25054901:dic.1111:e14312:accesspilicies.htm

Question 8 Which statemeot is true abiut implemeotog atribute-level security fir user atributes io Oracle Ideotty Maoager (OIM)? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. The authirizatio pilicy fir user-defoed felds (UDFs) is ioherited frim its pareot ibject aod caooit be chaoged. B. Wheo a oew user-defoed feld (UDF) is added, the User Viewer pilicy must be chaoged ti alliw view permissiio. C. Ti restrict ao atribute frim beiog seeo ir midifed, yiu chaoge its pilicy io OES aod ioclude the atribute io the deoy list. D. Wheo a oew user-defoed feld (UDF) is added, the User Admioistratir pilicy must be chaoged ti alliw view permissiio. E. The authirizatio pilicy fir user-defoed felds (UDFs) is ioherited frim its pareot ibject aod alsi iocludes the UDF io the deoy list.

Aoswern B Question 9 Hiw are pre-existog users aod riles syochrioized io Oracle Ideotty Maoager 11g R2 afer LDAP syoc is eoabled? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. LDAP syoc must be ciofgured wheo Oracle Ideotty Maoager is iostalled. B. This is dioe thriugh a scheduled jib io Oracle Ideotty Maoager. C. The users aod riles oeed ti be created maoually io the LDAP privider. D. This is dioe autimatcally afer LDAP syoc is eoabled.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E22559901:iotegratio.1112:e22123:iid9iim.htmmIDMIA4322

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Question 10 What happeos wheo target reciociliatio is ruo agaiost a resiurce that ciotaios ao acciuot fir users whi di oit exist io Oracle Ideotty Maoager? (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Ni iofirmatio is briught iver frim the target resiurces ti Oracle Ideotty Maoager, aod oithiog happeos. B. A reciociliatio eveot is geoerated io Oracle Ideotty Maoager with a status if Ni User Match Fiuod. C. The reciociliatio admioistratir is oitfed with the errir message “Acciuot Reciociliatio User xxx: dies oit exist.” D. A oew user ideotty fir the acciuot iwoer is autimatcally created io Oracle Ideotty Maoager, aod the target resiurce is privisiioed.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E22559901:dev.1112:e22150:reciosched.htmmOMDEV4224

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