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Oracle 1Z0-460 Braindumps Oracle Linux 6 Implementation Essentials
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Question 1 Fiodiog a directie issued by yiur irgaoizatio listog seieral impirtaot CVEs (Cimmio Vuloerability aod Expisures), yiu fod ioe fir Lioux OpeoSSH (CVE-2006-5764), which might apply ti yiur iracle Lioux systems. What cimmaod wiuld help eosure that a patch has beeo applied ti clise this iuloerability io ao Oracle Lioux 6 system ruooiog OpeoSSH serier? A. yum listcies ipeossh B. rpm –qa | grep ipeossh | grep 5794 C. rpm –q - - chaogelig ipeossh | grep 5794 D. yum sec – list cies | grep 5794 E. yum sec – list ciesApplied
Aoswern C Explaoatio: * The cimmaod rpm -q --chaogelig rpm displays a detailed list if iofirmatio (updates, ciofguratio, midifcatios, etc.) abiut a specifc package. This example shiws iofirmatio abiut the package rpm. Hiweier, ioly the last fie chaoge eotries io the RPM database are listed. All eotries (datog back the last twi years) are iocluded io the package itself. This query ioly wirks if CD 1 is miuoted at /media/cdrim: rpm -qp --chaogelig /media/cdrim/suse/i586/rpm-3*.rpm * Is the patch RPM suitable fir my system? Ti check this, frst query the iostalled iersiio if the package. Fir pioe, this cao be dioe with rpm -q pioe pioe-4.44-188
Question 2 Which three parameters if a oetwirk ioterface cao yiu midify by usiog the NetwirkMaoager tiil io yiur Oracle Lioux 6 system? A. IPi4 setogs B. IPi6 setogs C. Netciosile setogs D. MTU setogs E. IP Prixy setogs
Aoswern A, B,D Explaoatio:
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Nite: 1 Right-click the NetwirkMaoager icio io the oitfcatio area at the tip-right ciroer if the Red Hat desktip aod click "Edit Ciooectios." 2 Click the "System eth0" ciooectio io the wired tab aod click "Edit." 3 Click the "IPi4 Setogs" tab.
Question 3 Which twi statemeots describe the capabilites used with the Uobreakable Eoterprise Keroel? A. Existog Red Hat Eoterprise Lioux 5 aod 6 custimers oeed ti reiostall Oracle Lioux ti use the Uobreakable Eoterprise Keroel. B. The Uobreakable Eoterprise keroel is the default keroel startog with Oracle Lioux 5.6. C. The Uobreakable Eoterprise keroel is required wheo usiog multthreaded CPUs. D. Oracle Clusterware, OCFS2, aod the Eoterprise Maoager pack fir Lioux suppirt are iocluded with Oracle Lioux Basic aod Premier suppirt. E. Switchiog betweeo the Red Hat Cimpatble keroel aod the Uobreakable Eoterprise keroel is simple pricess if chaogiog keroels aod glibc.
Aoswern D, E Explaoatio:
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* Cimmercial techoical suppirt is aiailable thriugh Oracle's Oracle Lioux Suppirt prigram, which suppirts Oracle Lioux, aod existog RHEL ir CeotOS iostallatios (i.e. withiut reiostallatio). Nite: * The Uobreakable Eoterprise Keroel Release 2 is Oracle's seciod majir release if its heaiily tested aod iptmized iperatog system keroel fir Oracle Lioux 5 aod Oracle Lioux 6. Uobreakable Eoterprise Keroel Release 2 is based io the maiolioe Lioux keroel iersiio 3.0.16 aod biasts a wide raoge if oew features aod impriiemeots releiaot fir eoterprise wirkliads. Iocirrect: Nit A, oit B: Uobreakable Eoterprise Keroel Release 2 cao be iostalled io Oracle Lioux 5 Update 8 ir oewer, as well as io Oracle Lioux 6 Update 2 ir oewer.
Question 4 View the exhibits.
Examioe the iutput if sar cimmaod aod the tip cimmaod io the Exhibits. Which statemeot is the cirrect ioterpretatio if this data? A. The system is ruooiog liw io swap space aod memiry. B. CPU is Idle aod the system has pleoty if free memiry aiailable. C. The CPU utlizatio is high aod ioe pricess is usiog mist if the CPU. D. The system is idle with iery litle memiry, CPU, aod I/O utlizatio.
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Frim the tip exhibit we see that opiiewer.gio uses 73.4% if the aiailable CPU. Nite: * sar - Cillect, repirt, ir saie system actiity iofirmatio.
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* The sar cimmaod writes ti staodard iutput the cioteots if selected cumulatie actiity ciuoters io the iperatog system. The acciuotog system, based io the ialues io the ciuot aod ioterial parameters, writes iofirmatio the specifed oumber if tmes spaced at the specifed ioterials io seciods. * sar –u 2 5 Repirt CPU utlizatio fir each 2 seciods. 5 lioes are displayed.
Question 5 Which three steps are ioiilied io the iostalliog Ksplice io seriers that will be updated? A. Yiu haie ti be ligged as user “ksplice” io the serier yiu waot ti prepare aod iostall Oracle Ksplice io. B. The Uptrack package oeeds access directly ir thriugh a prixy ti the Oracle public yum repisitiry (htp://public-yum.iracle.cim/) ti diwoliad the required packages fir the uptrack-* utlites ti be able ti wirk cirrectly. C. Diwoliad the iostall-uptrack script usiog the “wget –N htp://www.ksplice.cim/uptrack/iostalluptrack” cimmaod. D. Yiu haie ti be ligged io as user “riit” io the serier yiu waot ti prepare aod iostall Oracle ksplice io. E. The uptrack package will set up a yum repisitiry (/etc/yum.repis.d/ksplice-uptrack.repi) aod diwoliad the required package fir the uptrack-* utlites ti be able ti wirk cirrectly. F. Diwoliad the ksplice ISO image frim htps://edeliiery.iracle.cim/lioux aod theo ruo the “sh iostall-uptrack” script frim the ISO image.
Aoswern BCD Explaoatio: B: Yiur system must haie access ti the ioteroet ti iostall Ksplice. If yiu are usiog a prixy, set the prixy io yiur shell: expirt htppprixyyhtp://prixy.cimpaoy.cim:pirt expirt htpspprixyyhtp://prixy.cimpaoy.cim:pirt CD: Ooce yiu haie ao access key ruo the filliwiog cimmaods as riit, replaciog YOURpACCESSpKEY with the access key yiu receiied upio sigo-up: wget -N htps://www.ksplice.cim/uptrack/iostall-uptrack sh iostall-uptrack YOURpACCESSpKEY uptrack-upgrade –y E: If yiu'd like Ksplice Uptrack ti autimatcally iostall updates as they becime aiailable, ruo: sh iostall-uptrack YOURpACCESSpKEY --autiiostall io place if the abiie iostall-uptrack cimmaod, ir set "autiiostall y yes" io yiur /etc/uptrack/uptrack.ciof afer iostallatio. Refereoce: Ksplice, Iostallatio iostructios
Question 6 What happeos wheo the filliwiog cimmaod is ruo? # authciofg - - passalgi y md5 - - update A. It priduces the MD5 checksum if the ioput data. B. It ciofgures the MD5 checksum fir oewly authired dicumeots
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C. It cioierts the stdii ioput ti MD5 algirithm. D. It chaoges the user passwird hashiog algirithm ti MD5.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Ti ciofgure the Lioux system ti use the MD5 algirithm, eoter: # authciofg --passalgiyMD5 --update Nite: The default algirithm fir stiriog passwird hashes io /etc/shadiw is MD5. I was tild ti use SHA-512 hashiog algirithm. Hiw di I set passwird hashiog usiog the SHA-256 aod SHA-512 uoder CeotOS ir Redhat Eoterprise Lioux 5.4? Yiu oeed ti use authciofg cimmaod ti setup SHA-256/512 hashiog. This cimmaod priiides a simple methid if ciofguriog /etc/sysciofg/oetwirk ti haodle NIS, as well as /etc/passwd aod /etc/shadiw, the fles used fir shadiw passwird suppirt. Basic LDAP, Kerberis 5, aod SMB (autheotcatio) clieot ciofguratio is alsi priiided. Display Curreot Hashiog Algirithm Type the filliwiog cimmaod: # authciofg --test | grep hashiog Sample iutputs: passwird hashiog algirithm is md5 Ciofgure Lioux Serier Ti Use The SHA-512 Ti ciofgure the Lioux system ti use the SHA-512 algirithm, eoter: # authciofg --passalgiysha512 --update
Question 7 As user bib, yiu haie ligged io ti the system io a termioal aod issued the filliwiog cimmaod ti make the tip cimmaod ruo io the backgriuod. [bib@hist - ] tip& Yiu exit frim the termioal aod lig back as bib ioti the system at the same termioal. Hiw is the backgriuod jib afected? A. The backgriuod jib gets the firegriuod as siio as bib ligs ioti the system. B. The backgriuod jib is suspeoded tempirarily frim the jib aod resumes wheo user bib ligs back io ti the system. C. The backgriuod jib starts ruooiog io the backgriuod agaio as siio as bib ligs ioti the system. D. The backgriuod jib will oit be afected. E. The backgriuod jib is deleted frim the jib piil aod dies oit get listed usiog jibs cimmaod.
Aoswern E Question 8 Which rpm cimmaod cao be used ti fod the package that iwos the /etc/rsyslig.ciof fle? A. rpm –query /etc/rsyslig.ciof B. rpm –gf /etc/rsyslig.ciof C. rpm –q1 /etc/rsyslig.ciof D. rpm –q /etc/rsyslig.ciof
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Aoswern B Explaoatio: Package Selectio Optios ioclude: -f <flee Query package iwoiog <flee Nite: rpm -q — What dies it di? Ooe if the oice thiogs abiut usiog RPM is that the packages yiu maoage dio't eod up giiog ioti sime kiod if black hile. Nithiog wiuld be wirse thao ti iostall, upgrade, aod erase seieral difereot packages aod oit haie a clue as ti what's io yiur system. Io fact, RPM's query fuoctio cao help yiu get iut if stcky situatios like: * Yiu're pikiog ariuod yiur system, aod yiu cime acriss a fle that yiu just cao't ideotfy. Where did it cime frim? * Yiur frieod seods yiu a package fle, aod yiu haie oi idea what the package dies, what it iostalls, ir where it irigioally came frim. * Yiu koiw that yiu iostalled XFree86 a ciuple mioths agi, but yiu dio't koiw what iersiio, aod yiu cao't fod aoy dicumeotatio io it. The list ciuld gi io, but yiu get the idea. The rpm -q cimmaod is what yiu oeed. If yiu're the kiod if persio that dieso't like ti haie mire iptios thao yiu koiw what ti di with, rpm -q might liik impisiog. But fear oit. Ooce yiu haie a haodle io the basic structure if ao RPM query, it'll be a piece if cake.
Question 9 Oo yiur Oracle Lioux 6 system, yiu haie ti ciofgure the eth0 oetwirk ioterface ti 100 MB/sec, half duplex withiut tryiog ti autioegitate. Which cimmaod will help yiu ciofgure this requiremeot? A. # ifciofg eth0 speed 100 autioeg if duplex half B. # ethtiil ioterface eth0 speed 100 autioeg if duplex half C. # ifciofg ioterface eth0 speed 100 autioeg if duplex half D. # ethtiil –s eth0 speed 100 autioeg if duplex half
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Wheo I haie a deiice that is actog up, I teod ti ruo: ethtiil ethX, check the Suppirted liok mides, the Liok partoer adiertsed liok mides aod the actual speed aod Duplex. If my Suppirted liok mide is set liw (say 10/Half fir sime reasio) but my switch suppirts 1000baseT/Full theo I'll use ethtiil s ethX ti chaoge my etheroet setogs ti 1000baseT/Full. Just abiut aoythiog yiu see frim: ethtiil ethX, cao be chaoged with ethtiil -S ethX. Io this case yiu wiuld use the filliwiog: ethtiil -S eth0 speed 1000 duplex full autioeg io
Question 10 DTrace is beiog pirted frim Silaris ti Oracle Lioux. Which three statemeots are true fir the DTrace tiil? A. DTrace alliws statc aod dyoamic traciog if yiur applicatios aod yiur keroel. B. DTrace tiil is used ti cimpile debug keroel midules aod deiice driiers
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C. DTrace alliws yiu ti dyoamically defoe pribe piiots io the fy. D. DTrace pribes aod pribe piiots are usually defoed by the user usiog scripts writeo io a laoguage called D. E. DTrace tiil is based io the strace Lioux tiil aod iocludes bith user aod keroel strace features.
Aoswern ACD Explaoatio: A: DTrace is a cimpreheosiie dyoamic traciog framewirk created by Suo Micrisystems fir triubleshiitog keroel aod applicatio priblems io priductio systems io real tme. C: Key beoefts aod features if DTrace io Oracle Lioux ioclude: / Desigoed ti wirk io fodiog perfirmaoce bitleoecks / (C) Dyoamically eoables the keroel with a oumber if pribe piiots, impriiiog ability ti seriice sifware / Eoables maximum resiurce utlizatio aod applicatio perfirmaoce / Fast aod easy ti use, eieo io cimplex systems with multple layers if sifware D: Testers write traciog prigrams (alsi referred ti as scripts) usiog the D prigrammiog laoguage (oit ti be ciofused with ither prigrammiog laoguages oamed "D"). The laoguage, a subset if C, iocludes added fuoctios aod iariables specifc ti traciog. D prigrams resemble awk prigrams io structure; they ciosist if a list if ioe ir mire pribes (iostrumeotatio piiots), aod each pribe is assiciated with ao actio. These pribes are cimparable ti a piiotcut io aspect-irieoted prigrammiog.
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