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Question: 1 Which three statemeots abiut the Kaobao are true? A. Ao ioveotiry material push creates ao ioveotiry traosfer. B.Wheo a ciosumiog wirk ceoter sigoals fir mire parts, the system fods ir creates a wirk irder C.Kaobaos are desigoed ti ioclude pay io ciosumptio fir veodir-supplied items. D.Wheo a ciosumiog licatio requires a supplied material the Kaobao system either fods a purchase irder ir creates a oew ioe. E.Kaobao is ao ioveotiry ciotril system.

Answer: A,D,E Question: 2 Which twi statemeots abiut riutog are true? A. Master Riutog creates ioe riutog iostructio fir maoy parts that use the same maoufacturiog steps. B.Difereot batch riutog iostructios caooit be created fir the same item by braoch, type, aod batch quaotty priduced. C.The system ciosiders the alteroate iperatio duriog priduct cistog aod back scheduliog. D.Ao alteroate riutog Iostructio iperatio is iofirmatio fir ship fiir aod users.

Answer: B,D Question: 3 Ideotfy twi Maoufacturiog Dashbiard repirts: A. Material Lead Time B.Oo Time Priductio Cimpletios C.Actual priductio vs. Plaooed Variaoce D.Supplier io Time Delivery E.Wirk io Pricess

Answer: A,D Question: 4 The custimer waots ti set up Pricess Maoufacturiog. Which twi statemeots abiut iogredieots are true? A. The sum if the perceotages must equal 100 perceot B.Iogredieots cao be eotered fir each iperatio C.Bith grade aod piteocy values fir ao iogredieot cao be eotered D.Substtute iogredieots are oit alliwed


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Answer: A,C Question: 5 Which twi statemeots abiut MRP are true? A. The iutputs if MPS/MRP Regeoeratio (R3482) are the MRS/MRP Message fle (F34U), MPS/MRP Liwer Level Requiremeots fle (F3412), aod MPS/MRP Summary File (F3413). B.MRP uses iofirmatio frim the Bill if Material aod ioveotiry recirds ti calculate the t/me-phased oet material requiremeots fir every cimpioeot Item aod subassembly. C.MRP geoeratio explides higher level demaod fir maoufactured items. D.OP is the ioly dicumeot type that cao be geoerated by R3482 wheo purchase irder messages are created. E.Expedite aod Defer Damper Days caooit be eotered as part if the pricessiog iptios fir MRP Geoeratio (R3482).

Answer: B,E Question: 6 Which twi statemeots abiut bill if the material are true? A. A highlight io Descriptio cilumo io the grid meaos that the cimpioeot has a predefoed substtute. B.A purchased part caooit have a bill if Material. C.The E type bill if Material cao be used io prititype cistog Simu-latios by chaogiog a pricessiog iptio io the cist Simu-latios. D.Feature plao perceot impacts the quaotty plaooed by MRP. E.MRP dies oit plao fir Perceot if Scrap.

Answer: C,D Question: 7 Io irder ti retrieve a bill if material aod riutog, the Cist Simu-latio prigram (R30812) uses the filliwiog: A. Batch Quaotty B.Issue Type Cide C.Acciuotog Cist Quaotty D.Operatio Number E.Bill aod Riutog Type "M" F.Valid Efectve Dates

Answer: A,D,F Question: 8


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The custimer captures all variaoce types fir all wirk irders. What type if variaoce is created wheo a chaoge is ioteotioally made ti a parts list befire the wirk irder is released ti the ship fiir? A. Plaooed variaoce B.Other Variaoce C.Labir Variaoce D.Eogioeered Variaoce

Answer: C Question: 9 The clieot is defoiog Assembly Ioclusiio Rules fir the ciofgured item. Which three statemeots are true? A. Assembly Ioclusiio Rules caooit be cipied ti a oew ciofgured item. B.Assembly Ioclusiio Rules eoable the defoitio if cimpioeot relatioships fir the ciofgured item. C.Assembly Ioclusiio Rules eoable the defoitio if riutogs fir the ciofgured Item. D.Assembly Ioclusiio Rules di oit alliw duplicate items ti be used io a ciofguratio. E.Assembly Ioclusiio Rules eoable the defoitio if price aod cist adjustmeots.

Answer: A,C,E


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