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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Giveo this excerpt frim ao Apache ciofguratio flee which if the oumbered lioes has INCORRECT syotax? 1: <VirtualHist *:80> 2: ServerAdmio admio9@server.example.irg 3: DicumeotRiit /hime/htp/admio 4: ServerName admio.server.example.irg 5: DirectiryIodex iodex.php default.php 6: ErrirLig ligs/admio.server.example.irg-errir_lig 7: CustimLig ligs/admio.server.example.irg-access_lig cimmio 8: </VirtualHist> A. 1 B. 1 aod 4 C. 1e 4 aod 7 D. 1 aod 5 E. Nioe. The ciofguratio is valid
Aoswern E Question 2 Select the TWO cirrect statemeots abiut the filliwiog excerpt frim htpd.ciof: <Directiry /var/web/dir1> <Files private.html> Order alliwe deoy Deoy frim all </Files> </Directiry> A. The ciofguratio will deoy access ti /var/web/dir1/private.htmle /var/web/dirl/subdir2/private.htmle /var/web/dirl/subdir3/private.html aod aoy ither iostaoce if private.html fiuod uoder the /var/web/dir1/directiry. B. The ciofguratio will deoy access ti /var/web/dir1/private.htmle but it will alliw access ti /var/web/dirl/subdir2/private.htm1e fir example. C. The ciofguratio will alliw access ti aoy fle oamed private.html uoder /var/web/dir1e but it will deoy access ti aoy ither fles D. The ciofguratio will alliw access just ti the fle oamed private.html uoder /var/web/dir1 E. The ciofguratio will alliw access ti /var/web/private.htmle if it exists
Aoswern A, E Question 3 Ciosideriog the filliwiog excerpt frim the htpd.ciof flee select the cirrect aoswer beliw:
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<Licatio> AlliwOverride AuthCiofg Iodexes </Licatio> A. The Iodexes directve io the excerpt alliws the use if ither iodex-related directves such as DirectiryIodex B. Bith directves AuthCiofg aod Iodexes fiuod io the server's .htaccess fle will be iverriddeo by the same directves fiuod io the htpd.ciof fle C. The AuthCiofg used io the excerpt alliws the use if ither autheotcatio-related directves such as AuthType D. The excerpt is iocirrecte as the AlliwOverride caooit be used with Iodexese sioce the later caooit be iverriddeo E. The excerpt is iocirrecte because AlliwOverride caooit be used ioside a Licatio sectio
Aoswern E Question 4 Which if the filliwiog lioes io the Apache ciofguratio fle wiuld alliw ioly clieots with a valid certfcate ti access the website? A. SSLCA ciof/ca.crt B. AuthType ssl C. IfMidule libexec/ssl.c D. SSLRequire E. SSLVerifyClieot require
Aoswern E Question 5 Which TWO if the filliwiog iptios are valide io the /etc/expirts fle? A. rw B. ri C. riitsquash D. oiriitsquash E. uid
Aoswern A, B Question 6 Which if the filliwiog is oeedede ti syochrioize the Uoix passwird with the SMB passwirde wheo the eocrypted SMB passwird io the smbpasswd fle is chaoged? A. Nithioge because this is oit pissible. B. Ruo oetvamp regularlye ti ciovert the passwirds. C. Rio wiobiod --syoce ti syochrioize the passwirds.
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D. Add uoix passwird syoc = yes ti smb.ciof. E. Add smb uoix passwird = syoc ti smb.ciof.
Aoswern D Question 7 The oew fle server is a member if the Wiodiws dimaio "fii". Which TWO if the filliwiog ciofguratio sectios will alliw members if the dimaio griup "all" ti reade write aod execute fles io "/srv/smb/data"? A. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all create mask = 0550 directiry mask = 0770 B. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all create mask = 0770 directiry mask = 0770 C. [data] path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all create mask = 0770 directiry mask = 0770 D. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all directiry mask = 0770 E. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = all create mask = 0550 directiry mask = 0770
Aoswern B, C Question 8 Which cimmaod cao be used ti list all expirted fle systems frim a remite NFS server: A. expirts B. ofsstat C. rpciofi D. shiwmiuot E. impirts
Aoswern D Question 9 Duriog which stage if the biit pricess wiuld this message be seeo? Ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf00-0xf07e BIOS setogs: hda:DMAe hdb:DMA A. Biit liader start aod haod if ti keroel B. Keroel liadiog C. Hardware ioitalizatio aod setup D. Daemio ioitalizatio aod setup
Aoswern C Question 10
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Where shiuld the LILO cide residee io a system with ioly ioe iostallatio if Lioux aod oi ither iperatog systems? A. Io the master biit recird B. Io the biit sectir C. Io the /biit directiry D. At the start if the keroel
Aoswern A Question 11 Duriog which stage if the biit pricess wiuld this message be seeo? ide_setup:hdc=ide-scsi A. Biit liader start aod haod if ti keroel B. Keroel liadiog C. Hardware ioitalizatio aod setup D. Daemio ioitalizatio aod setup
Aoswern B Question 12 What happeos wheo the Lioux keroel cao't miuot the riit flesystem wheo biitog? A. Ao errir message is shiwoe shiwiog which device ciuldo't be miuoted ir iofirmiog that ioit ciuldo't be fiuod. B. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the system rebiits afer a keypress. C. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the system biits io maioteoaoce mide. D. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the admioistratir is asked ti specify a valid riit flesystem ti ciotoue the biit pricess. E. Ao errir message is shiwoe statog that the cirrespiodiog keroel midule ciuldo't be liaded.
Aoswern A Question 13 Messages frim prigrams are oit appeariog io the user's oatve laoguage. What eoviriomeot variable must be set fir this ti happeo? A. LANG B. I18N C. MESSAGES D. MSGS E. LC_MSGS
Aoswern A
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Question 14 Wheo bash is ioviked as ao ioteractve ligio shelle which if the filliwiog seoteoces is true? A. It frst reads aod executes cimmaods io /etc/prifle aod theo dies same fir ~/.bash_prifle aod ~/.bashrc B. It frst reads aod executes cimmaods io /etc/bashrc aod theo dies same fir /etc/prifle C. It reads aod executes cimmaods io ~/.bashrc ioly if /etc/prifle ir aoither ioitalizatio script calls it. D. It igoires /etc/prifle aod ioly reads aod executes cimmaods io ~/.bashrc E. It frst reads aod executes cimmaods io /etc/prifle aod theo dies same fir ~/.bash_priflee ~/.bash_ligio aod ~/.prifle
Aoswern C Question 15 Why is the riit fle system miuoted read-ioly duriog biit aod remiuoted with write permissiio later io? A. Because if priblems with the riit fle system are detected duriog the biite fsck cao be ruoe withiut risk if damage. B. Because this way crackers caooit cillect iofirmatio abiut riit with biit soifers C. Ti aviid writog ti the diske uoless the riit passwird is koiwo. D. Ti aviid ither iperatog systems iverwritog the Lioux riit parttio E. Because the disk has its iwo write pritectio that caooit chaoge by the iperatog system.
Aoswern A Question 16 A GRUB biit liader iostalled io the MBR was accideotally iverwriteo. Afer biitog with a rescue CDROMe hiw cao the list GRUB frst stage liader be recivered? A. Use dd ti restire a previius backup if the MBR B. Iostall LILO sioce there is oi easy way ti reciver GRUB C. Ruooiog mfirmat will create a oew MBR aod fx GRUB usiog iofi frim grub.ciof D. Ruo grub-iostall afer verifyiog that grub.ciof is cirrect. E. Ruo fdisk --mbr /dev/had assumiog that the biit harddisk is /dev/hda.
Aoswern D
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