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USTA Update
The Port Royal Men’s 4.0, sixty-five plus team has made our Racquet Club look good yet again. During the weekend of October 15 through 17, they participated in and won the South Carolina Championship Tournament. This is the same team that also won the seventies tournament back in May. Congratulations again. The competing team includes captains Rick Rickenbachand John Brummittalong with members Tim Arr, Dave Hales, Kent James, Jim Mansfield, Dave Partington, Danny Spar, Rich Silver, Don Steele, and Keith Whitlow. This team was originally formed in 2010 with a couple of additions and subtractions over the years, usually because some players were either bumped up to or came back down from a 4.5 ranking. Since its inceptionthis team has won eight South Carolina State Championships, and eight of these players have been members of all eight championship teams. What a great record!
Mark Your Calendars
Santa Claus will need lots of help again this year, and the Port Royal Racquet Club needs to be ready for duty. Monday, December 6 is the day. Watch for details to come!