2 minute read
9 Holers
By Judi Chmielowiec
It’s here!! Perfect golf weather has finally arrived!! However, our first Championship Day on October 7 was quite the challenge. Days of rain left the course extremely wet, to the point of mini lakes in some areas of the golf course. But, we persevered and finished the round with some innovative shots. Here we have Jackie Darling hitting from a very precarious lie. Thankfully, our Championship Day 2 on October 14 was a beautiful day. We look forward to revealing the winner at our December 2 Awards Luncheon. What can I say -Cherie Bailey has been a great leader and Director of the Month of October. It has been a challenging month, but Cherie has been keeping us informed and on track. She has planned our Tee Time Dinner at the Club and I know it will be handled perfectly. Our next game on October 21, Cherie has asked all of us to “Go Pink”, in honor of the Pledge the Pink campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness. And as we know, Cherie is a big fan of Halloween and as of this writing, I am sure our Trick or Treat Play Day will be memorable and we better be wearing our costumes! Thank you, Cherie!! I would like to welcome our newest member, Mary Ann Shallcross. We are so happy to have you join us, in what has been a great year of growth in membership. We are truly thankful for such a wonderful group of ladies -now 27 of us!! September 2 -Blind Hole (picked by Pro) -First Place Winner: Tammie Blank; Second Place Tie: Cherie Bailey and Nancy Simpson September 16 -Low Net Tournament Winners will be announced at the end of the year Awards Luncheon September 23 -Low Putts -First Place Tie: Nancy Simpson and Jo Ann Gibbs; Second Place Winner, Karen Simpson and Third Place Winner, Barbara Costalas We had quite a few Chip-In Queen’s recently with Nancy Simpson (pictured right), Georgette Voehringer, Barbara Costalasand Judi Chmielowiecwith a Chip-In for Birdie on Robber’s Row No.1. The planning continues for the Exchange on November 11, where our Nine Hole Ladies will host a golf tournament of Nine Hole Ladies from 20 participating clubs. It is always a fun time and ending with a well-planned awards luncheon. Sally Ann is asking everyone to work the tournament, as well as playing in the tournament. Your participation is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to contact me at jwc10201@yahoo.com if you are interested in joining the Nine Holers.