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This month starts our holiday season with Thanksgiving celebrations. I hope everyone is able to be with family and friends. Bright, sunny, cool days make golf more fun for all of us. Luckilywe were able to play our 2 daychampionship tournament without rain delays. Results will be out in the near future. Thanks to everyone who participated. On September 7th, we had our match play tournament. First place with 7 points each was a tie between Cheryl Moore, Jolanta Taylor and Polly Jackson. Second place with 6 points each was also a tie between Liz Bailey, Tammie Blank, DinnyCuthbertson and Gay Halleman. On September 28th we had our low gross/ low net tournament. Cheryl Moore won low gross. First low net went to Jolanta Taylorand second low net winner was Becky Guin. Congratulations to all our winners. We've missed having Dinny Cuthbertson with us and have her and Elmer in our thoughts and prayers. Also please remember WyndomBrown and her family who recently lost her husband, Rob. We have more than twenty ladies signed up for our member/ guest event and we're all looking forward to that. Thanks to Sophie Burger and her committee for planning this. Hope to see all of you on Tuesdays.