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University of Huddersfield Archive Service
Philip Greenwood Archive 1950s-2000s
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Accession No(s) Date of Accession Collection Reference No Catalogued Date Updated
2019-14 9 April 2019 GND 28 October 2019
ďƒ“University of Huddersfield, 2018
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Introduction Administrative History
Collection Description Collection containing materials on Philip Greenwood's PhD thesis which was on the Polish composer Andrzej Panufnik. The collection contains photocopies of primary sources relating to Andrzej Panufnik which is believed to have be used for Greenwood's thesis. Also contains photocopies of secondary sources relating Andrzej Panufnik as well as contextual notes, all believed to have been used by Greenwood in the writing of his thesis along with administrative papers relating to Greenwood's PhD.
Includes research notes, reference publications, scores, correspondences and other writings relating either to Greenwood or Panufnik. Also contained is scores written by Andrzej Panufnik and other composers such as Jonathan Lloyd and Wilfred Josephs.
Extent 1.5 lm
Custodial History In the possession of Philip Greenwood prior to donating the materials to Heritage Quay.
Related Material Access Conditions Original available for consultation by appointment
Archival processing undertaken Appraisal: Arrangement: Further items:
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Subfonds Andrzej Panufnik Sources
3 Boxes Scores by Andrzej Panufnik Panufnik Family Papers Photocopies of photographs of Andrzej Panufnik Interviews with Andrzej Panufnik Correspondence from Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik. One letter to Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik and one letter to C.B.S.O signed from numerous people in protest about Andrzej Panufniks chief conductorship of the C.B.S.O. Written work and talks by Panufnik Newspaper and magazine extracts about Andrzej Panufnik Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Scores by Andrzej Panufnik 2 boxes Piano Trio. Trio was first composed in 1934 but was destroyed during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 and was reconstructured after the war. Minor revisions made in 1977 and 1985 (1990) Twelve Miniature Studies. Composed in 1947 (revised in 1955 and 1964). First performed in 1948 in Krakow (1955) Nocturne. First performed in Paris in1948 (1956) Photocopy of Concerto In Modo Antico (1956) Photocopy of Lullaby for 29 stringed intruments and 2 harps (1956) Rhapsody for Orchestra (1957)
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Page 4 of 24 Tragic Overture (1959) Concerto for piano and orchestra. (Recomposed 1972). Commissoned by the Feeney Trust (Hand written) (1964) Sinfonia Sacra. Composed under a Fellowship Grant from the Kosciuszko Foundation, 1966. (1967) Landscape, interlude for string orchestra (1968) Photocopy of Autum Music. First performed 16 Jan 1968 in Paris (1971) Katyn Epitaph. First performed 17 Nov 1968 in New York (1972) Universal Prayer for 4 solo voices, 3 harps, organ and mixed chorus. First performed 24 May 1970 in New York (1973) Sinfonia Di Sfere. First performed 13 Apr 1976 in London (1976) Sinfonia Mistica. Commissioned by the Northern Sinfonia with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. First Performed 20 Jan 1978 in London (1978) Concerto Festivo. Commissioned by the London Symphoney Orchestra with funds provided by the Arts council of Great Britain. First performance 17 Jun 1979 in London (1979) Photocopy of Concertino. Commissioned by Shell (U.K.) Ltd. First performed 24 Jan 1981 in London (1980) Photocopy of Sinfonia Votiva (First version). Commissioned by the Boston Symphamy Orchestra. First performed 28 Jan 1982 in Boston, USA (Hand written) Photocopy of Sinfonia Votiva (1981) (Hand written) Sinfonia Votiva. Commissioned by the Boston Symphamy Orchestra. First performed 28 Jan 1982 in Boston, USA (1982)
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Page 5 of 24 Arbor Cosmica, 12 evocations for 12 strings. Commissioned by the Koussevitzky Music Foundation, Inc. First performed 14 Nov 1984 in New york (1983) Concerto for bassoon and small orchestra. Commissioned by Robert Thompson with the funds from the Milwaukee Polish community. First performed 18 May 1986 in Milwaukee, USA (1986) Symphony No.9 (revised in 1990). Commissioned by the Royal Philharmonic Society. First performed 25 Feb 1987 in London (1987) Concerto for piano and orchestra. (Reversioned 1972 and 1990) (1990) Symphony No.10 (revised version, June 1990). Commissioned by Chicago Symphony Orchestra Cello Concerto. Composed in 1991. First performed 24 Jun 1992 (1992) Unidentified sketches Original available for consultation by appointment
Panufnik Family Papers 1 file and 1 score book Booklet about Roxanna Panufnik her work Score of Virtue by Roxanna Panufnik (composed in 1992) Score of Ridiculously Happy for solo piano by Roxanna Panufnik commissioned by Amanda Hurton (1993/1994)
Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Photocopies of Photographs of Andrzej Panufnik
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Page 6 of 24 1 file Nineteen black and white photocopies of photographs of Andrzej Panufnik with various people. Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Interviews with Andrzej Panufnik 1 file Interviews with Andrzej Panufnik
Interview by John Amis with Andrzej Panufnik on 17/7/71 Conversation with Andrzej Panufnik, 1977 Interview with Andrzej Panufnik, 1 Dec 1980 Interview by Jerzy Peterkiewicz with Andrzej Panufnik in New Literary History : A Journal of Theory and Interpretation (Volume XV) (1983-1984) Interview with Andrzej Panufnik in May 1986 Interview with Andrzej Panufnik, 21 Jan 1987 Interview by Norman Lebrecht with Andrzej Panufnik 23 Aug 1987 Interview by Susan Nowak with Andrzej Panufnik, recorded for the BBC World Service 4 Nov 1987 Interview for Music & Musicians, 30 Jun 1989 Interview with BJ (believed to be Bernard Jacobson) with Andrzej Panufnik Prepared questions for radio interview with Andrzej Panufnik Unknown interviewer with Andrzej Panufnik Unknown interviewer with Andrzej Panufnik Unknown interviewer with Andrzej Panufnik
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Page 7 of 24 Unknown interviewer with Andrzej Panufnik Original available for consultation by appointment
Leaflets, Programmes and Booklets 1 file Photocopy of 'The Symphonies of Andrzej Panufnik' with a hand written note to Andrzej Panufnik from Robin Anderson and dated 30 Jan 1985 Photocopy of the programme for 'Opus 20' at The Purcell Room (28 Feb 1988) The Park Lane Group printed leaflet for 1989-90 The PLG's 34th Season The Polish University Abroad presents: A Tribute to Sir Andrzej Panufnik (04 Jul 1992) Panufnik Memorial Concert held by the Park Lane Group for the 37th Season: Opening Concert at the Queen Elizabeth Hall (18 Oct 1992) Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra, Leeds International Concert Season 1993/4 held at Leeds Town Hall (25 September 1993) Andrzej Panufnik's Music and its Reception Conference (Cracow, 23-25 Nov 2001) The Andrzej Panufnik Music Days programme (Krakow, 22-25 Nov 2001) Leeds College of Music Concert Season 02/03 programme (07 Jun 2003) Two orange booklets on Andrzej Panufnik published by Boosey & Hawkes Black and white booklet on Andrzej Panufnik published by Boosey & Hawkes Original available for consultation by appointment
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Page 8 of 24 Andrzej Panufnik Correspondences 2 files File 1: Correspondences from Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik
File 2: Letter to Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik and letter regarding Andrzej Panufnik relinquishing his post at the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Correspondence from Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik 1 file Photocopy of a hand written note from Andrzej Panufnik wishing someone happiness at Christmas with a unknown score on it. (Dec 1959). Also included is a written piece about Mr Fischer-Diskay dated 11 Jan 2000 and several scores Photocopy of a typed letter to Jerry from Andrzej Panufnik about Arbor Cosmica (14 Feb 1985) Photocopy of a typed letter to Jane Maskall from Andrzej Panufnik about Bassoon Concerto (13 Aug 1986) Photocopy of a typed letter to Bernard from Camilla Panufnik about Andrzej Panufnik with a hand written note from Andrzej Panufnik (24 Mar 1987) Photocopy of a typed letter to Bernard from Andrzej Panufnik about Symphony No.9 (5 May 1987) Photocopy of a typed letter from Andrzej Panufnik about Seattle Symphony Orchestra (4 Jul 1988) Photocopy of a typed letter to Richard from Andrzej Panufnik about Harmony (8 Dec 1989) Photocopy of a typed letter with hand written to Bernard and Laura from Camilla Panufnik about Bernards visit (30 Mar)
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Page 9 of 24 Photocopy of a hand written postcard to Mr & Mrs G. Shwarz from Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik about an up coming visit to New York These records contain personal data relating to living individuals. The original may be made available for individual consultation if the following terms have been met: - the Heritage Quay supervisor is satisfied that the researcher is consulting the records for historical research purposes only and will not cause substantial damage or distress to any subject of the records - the researcher has been alerted to the Data Protection principles that they must follow - the researcher has signed a Researcher Undertaking form
It may be possible to provide a redacted copy of a record if certain sections contain data that is not suitable for production.
Item Other Correspondence 1 file Copy of a typed letter to C.B.S.O from D.A. Millicheap, I.O. Picton, W.B. Hemingway, D. Price, B. Pricem M. Whittaker, D. Millicheap, V.N. Whittaker, A. Young, John Lenary, J.M. Jones and M.A. Jones in protest about Andrzej Panufniks chief conductorship of the C.B.S.O. (Jan 1959) Phoyocopy of a typed letter to Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik believed to be from Laura and Bernard about their vistit to see Andrzej and Camilla Panufnik and the Ninth Symphony (14 Mar 1987) These records contain personal data relating to living individuals. The original may be made available for individual consultation if the following terms have been met:
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Page 10 of 24 - the Heritage Quay supervisor is satisfied that the researcher is consulting the records for historical research purposes only and will not cause substantial damage or distress to any subject of the records - the researcher has been alerted to the Data Protection principles that they must follow - the researcher has signed a Researcher Undertaking form
It may be possible to provide a redacted copy of a record if certain sections contain data that is not suitable for production.
Written Work and Talks by Andrzej Panufnik 2 files File 1: Written work by Aandrzej Panufnik
File 2: Talks by Andrzej Panufnik Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Written Work by Andrzej Panufnik 1 file Book- Andrzej Panufnik 'Impulse and Design in my music' (1974) Photocopy of a typed 'Visions of Beauty' by Andrzej Panufnik (Sep 1979) Photocopied typed piece by Andrzej Panufnik about composer Bala Bartok (1981) Three photocopied pages of a book believed to be from 'Composing Myself' by Andrzej Panufnik (1987)
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Page 11 of 24 Photocopied page of a magazine about Andrzej Panufnik including a section 'In His Own Word: Andrzej Panufnik' from 'Composing Myself' by Andrzej Panufnik (1987) Photocopy of hand written 'Composer's Note: Harmony' by Andrzej Panufnik (1989) Photocopy of a typed 'Composer's Note' on Concerto for violin & strings for a program book (Feb 1990) Eleven photocopied hand written pages belived to have been written by Andrzej Panufnik about Metasinfonia (page 5 is missing) Photocopy of a book- Compose's Note on Sinfonia di Speranza (Symphony No.9) Photocopy of 'Notes on the Subconscious' dictated by Andrzej Panufnik Photocopy of hand written 'Composer's Notes: Dreamscape' by Andrzej Panufnik Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Talks by Andrzej Panufnik 1 file Photocopy of a printed script by Andrzej Panufnik about Karol Szymanowski. Pre-recorded on 22 Oct 1962 and transmitted 5 Nov 1962 Belived to be a photocopy of a printed talk about Karol Szymanowski by Andrzej Panufnik (1962) Photocopy of the Sinfonia Votiva Pre-Prom Talk by Andrzej Panufnik (14 Sept 1983). Also an earlier version of this talk. Believed to be a talk about his life by by Andrzej Panufnik Original available for consultation by appointment
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Item Newspapers Relating to Andrzej Panufnik 1 file Photocopy of an article from a Polic newspaper 'Ruch Muzyczny' (Music Movement) entitled 'O Muzyce Andrzej Panufnik' (About Music Andrzej Panufnik) (Oct 1983) Photocopy of a review of the Proms 86 in 'The Listener'. this includes a review of Andrzej Panufnik who conducted at the Proms (31 Jul 1986) Photocopy of a review of Andrzej Panufnik work: Ninth Symphony (28 Mar 1987) Photocopy of an review article of Andrzej Panufnik's book 'Composing Myself' in 'The Observer' (29 Mar 1987) Photocopy of an article about Andrzej Panufnik in 'The New York Times' (24 Jul 1988) Photocopy of an article about Andrzej Panufnik's work: 'Arbor Cosmica' in 'The New Yorker' (10 Dec 1989) Photocopy of a page from 'Classical Music' where a reader (Barrie Hall' has written into the magazine about the New Year knighthood for Andrzej Panufnik (26 Jan 1991) Photocopy of an article about Andrzej Panufnik and his work in 'The Independent' (26 Jun 1992) Photocopy of a page from a Polish newspaper 'Ruch Muzyczny' (Music Movement) about Charles Bodman Rae and Witold Lutoslawskim (15 May 1994) Photocopies of two pages from an unknown book/magazine which are 'Press Reviews and Comments' about Andrzej Panufnik Photocopy of a page from an unknown magazine about by Andrzej Panufnik Original available for consultation by appointment
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Subfonds Andrzej Panufnik Project Papers
3 boxes A copy of what is believed to have been Philip Greenwood's PHD with proposal Research believed to be linked to PHD including: Philip Greenwood's notes Unpublished material Contextual notes Original available for consultation by appointment
Item PHD
1 bundle and 1 file Possible draft copy of Philip Greenwood's dissertation (1 bundle). Philip Greenwood's PhD Proposal: The Music of Andrzej Panufnik. Notes on sources, referencing, structure and word count. An annotated copy of Philip Greenwood's PhD proposal and a proposed plan of work (1 file). Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Philip Greenwood Notes 1 box File 1: Old Polish Music, Chamber Music, Concertos, Orchestral Music File 2: Tragic Overture and Vocal/Choral File 3: Symphonies 1-4
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Page 14 of 24 File 4: Symphonies 5-10, includes loose score of 'Sinfonia di Sfere' File 5: General Biographical File 6: Letters, Personal Statements and Interviews/Transcriptions File 7: CBSO File 8: Various handwritten scores with annotations written by Philip Greenwood (Note: these are copies of published scores by other composers)
Loose items List of Reel to Reel Tapes, Score, and Dissertations. Notes for presentation on Panufnik. [2 copies-one longer and numbered] Press reviews of Panufnik, with biographical information and programme suggestions on the first two pages. Information on Panufnik and various works by the composer (1 bundle). Document by Philip Greenwood titled 'The Polish Inheritance'. [2 copies-one with annotations] Untitled document by Philip Greenwood on Polish composers. Notes for a presentation on Panufnik by Greenwood to acompany PowerPoint slides. Photocopied list of Polish music. Handwritten research notes and a possible early draft of a dissertation chapter by Philip Greenwood. Biographical notes on Panufnik by Bernard Jacobson, notes on Sinfonia Sacra by R.V. Ward (from the Gramophone Record), The Music of Andrjez Panufnik by Bernard Jacobson. Handwritten sheet music, possibly extracts of Panufnik's works. Letter with letterheaded of Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Limited, addressed to Philip Greenwood ďƒ“University of Huddersfield, 2018
Page 15 of 24 from Emma Kerr, listing a score and cassette recordings of Panufnik's works which havew been sent to Greenwood. Printout of PowerPoint slides from a presentation on Panufnik. Metasinfonia (sketches). Printed list of Andrjez Panufnik's works (Alphabetical). Printed list of Andrjez Panufnik's works (by category and alphabetically). Printed list of recordings of Panufnik's works-grouped by label. Printed lists of [archives] by date and performances by work. Handwritten notes by Philip Greenwood relating to music, including Tragic Overture, and Panufnik (1 file). Presentation Guidelines for M.A. in Performance. Document on Gustav Mahler's Symphony No.2. Document on Panufnik's Piano Concerto. Plastic wallet containing various documents, including a list of books on musical analysis, an extract from 'A Companion to Beethoven's Pianoforte Sonatas (1931), and scores. Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Unpublished material 4 files & 4 dissertations File1 Summary of Thesis from Christopher Stasiak. thesis entitled 'An Analytical Study of the Music of Andrzej Panufnik' (7 Oct 1990) 'Symmetry in the Symphonies of Andrzej Panufnik' by Beata Boleslawska
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Page 16 of 24 A call for papers for The Modernisms of 1960s in Czchoslovakia, hungary and Poland in Bristol, Apr 2002
File 2 containing work believed to have been for the International Panufnik Conference, Krakow 2001 -'Andrzej Panufnik's Music and its Reception' Edited by Jadwiga Paja-Stach using the papers from the International Panufnik conference, Krakow 2001 -Abstract of paper presented by Charles Bodman Rae entitled 'The Role of the Major Chord in Panufnik's Compositional Technique' -Summary of a paper presented by Piotr Papla entitled 'Reception of Panufnik's Early Music in Poland' -Piece of work from the organiser Jadwiga Paja-Stach entitled 'Panufnik's Piano Pieces. Structures and Timbres -Piece of work by Alina Krolak entitled 'Oranizacja wysokosci dzwiekow w Koncertach na instrumenty solo Andrzeja Panufnika' (The oranisation of Sound heights in concerts for solo instruments by Andrzej Panufnik) -Piece of work from Violetta Kostka entitled 'Reception of Andrzej Panufnik's work in the Great Britain' -Piece of work from Andrzej Sitarz entitled 'Old Polish Music as Adapted by Andrzej Panufnik' -Piece of work from Renata Suchowiejko entitled 'The Idea of a Note-Cell in Panufnik's Quartet no.3' -Piece of work from Alicja Jarzebska entitled 'Organization of Time in Panufnik's Music' -Piece of work by Anna G. Piotrowska entitled 'Andrzej Panufnik- National Identity of the Immigrant Composer'
File 3 containing work believed to be by Bernard Jacobson due to writing style and job title -Concerto Soloists Chamber Orchestra (2 Mar 1986) -A Fax to Ms Hannah Taylor about Andrzej Panufnik's Cello Concerto (1993) ďƒ“University of Huddersfield, 2018
Page 17 of 24 -Speach for a memorial concert for Andrzej Panufnik -Piece about Andrzej Panufnik's Piano concerto -Piece about Andrzej Panufnik work -Piece about Andrzej Panufnik's Sinfonia Concertante -Piece about Andrzej Panufnik's Metasinfonia and Unviersal Prayer -Piece about Andrzej Panufnik's Violin Concerto -Piece about Andrzej Panufnik's Sinfonia Votiva -Print out of 'Stravinsky: The solider's Tale', english version by Bernard Jacobson from the French of C.F. Ramuz
File 4 'Andrzej Panufnik (b.1914): His Life and Work, A Monograph' by Sally I. Pearce (Apr 1976)
Dissertations not in a file 'Two Approches to the scared Symphony in the Twentieth Century: Paul Creston and Andrzej Panufnik' by Walter Simmons 'Andrzej Panufnik: The Effects of communist Cultural Repression Upon a Creative Artist' by Peter Gumbley Two copies of 'Andrzej Panufnik: Composer & Craftsman' (one presented in a red book the other bound) Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Contextual Notes 2 folders Folder 1
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Page 18 of 24 Photocopy of a published piece about Andrzej Panufnik from an unknown source written by Boguslaw Schaffer Photocopy of a published piece about Andrzej Panufnik from an unknown source written by Bernard Jacobson Photocopy of a published piece about Andrzej Panufnik from an unknown source written by Bernard Jacobson with a piece from Andrzej Panufnik Photocopy of 'The Music of Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki: the first Decade' article in a unkown source by Adrian Thomas Photocopy of 'Rediscovering the symphony' article in an unknown source by Francis Routh Photocopy of an obituary for Andrzej Panufnik from an unknown source written by Charles Bodman Rae Photocopy of a 'Literature search: Andrzej Panufnikbiographical and critical material from July 1954' from an unknown source Print out of the obituary for Luciano Berio from the Telegraph website (30 May 2003) Photocopy of 'Czechoslovakia and Poland' in European Music in the Twentieth Century edited by Howard Hartog (1957) Photocopy of a piece about Polish music from 'Modern times' edited by Robert P.Morgan (1993) Photocopy of a piece about Birminghams music scene by Paul Griffiths in the Music Times (June 1976) Photocopy of pages 58 , 60 and 346 from an unknown source Photocopied pages of 'The essential Jazz Records' Photocopy of an extract from 'Music & Letters' (Oct 1956) Photocopy of 'The Ideological Platform of the Russian Association of Proletarian Musicans'from an unknown source Photocopy of Anthony Hopkins article 'Understanding Music' from an unknown source
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Page 19 of 24 Photocopy of parts of a chapter named 'Szymanowski' from an unknown source Photocopy of a chapter by James Macmillan entitled 'God, Theology and Music' from an unknown source Photocopy of a chapter about Andrzej Panufnik from an unknown source Photocopy of a chapter '1957: Andrzej Panufnik- New Thinking' from the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) History (Oct 1994)
Folder 2 Printout of 'A History of Western Music by D.J. ''Gout'' Professor Demeritus of Musicology University of Uselessness: A Takeoff on Grout's ''A History'' of Western Music' by John Orzel and edited by Rachel Harvey (Accessed 17 Oct 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'History and Culture' from Poland Online [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Poland: Consolidation of Communist Power' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Poland: The Gomulka Years' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Poland: The Gathering Crisi of People's Poland, 1956-80' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Poland: Resistance at Home and Abriad' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Poland: World War II' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Poland: German and Soviet Rule' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001)
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Page 20 of 24 Printout of an article entitled 'Poland: From Stalinism to the Polish October' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Poland and the Opposition in the 1970s' [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Short History of Poland' from the Polish Combatants Association Candada, Inc website [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout the Warszawska Jesien (Warsaw Autumn) festival by Tadeusz Wielecki (Director of the festoival) on the Warszawska Jesien website [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article about the history of Poland from the Country Watch website [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'Highlights of History of Poland: what one should remember about Polish history' on the Polmart website [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'The Soul of Poland in Music' by Michael J. Piduch [] (Accessed 21 Dec 2001) Printout of an article entitled 'A Summary of Poland's History' on the Polish World website [www.polishworld] (Accessed 7 Jan 2002) Printout of the article 'How book publishing has mirrored modern Polish history' by Janusz Kostecki on the Center for Publishing Development website [] (Accessed 7 Jan 2002) Printout about the Chopin Tradition [] (Accessed 12 Feb 2002) Printour of an article entitled 'A Polish Overture by a British Composer: ''Polonia'', Op. 76 by Edward Elgar' by Joseph Herter on the University of Southern California website [] (Accessed 12 Feb 2002)
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Page 21 of 24 Printout of an article entitled 'Krzysztof Penderecki' on the University of Southern California website [] (Accessed 1 Jan 2003) Printout of an article entitled 'Andrzej Panufnik' on the University of Southern California website [] (Accessed 22 May 2003) Original available for consultation by appointment
Reference Publication 2 boxes Magazines Bookes Scores by Other Composers Music Theory Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Magazines 1 box 2001 Listopad [November], Alma Mater
1993 January, Classical Music 1990 September, Classical Music 1988 November, Classical Music
1974/75 Winter (No.10), Contact
1993 May, Music Teacher
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Page 22 of 24 1992 September (No.182), Tempo 1992 June (No.181), Tempo 1991 March (No.176), Tempo 1987 June (No.161-162), Tempo-Extract: 'First Performances' with features Panufnik 1987 December (No.163), Tempo 1985 June (No.153), Tempo 1984 December (No.151), Tempo 1984 September (No.150), Tempo 1969 Autumn (No.90), Tempo 1964-1967 (No.71-80), Tempo [bound volume] 1960 Autumn/Winter (No.55/56), Tempo-Extract: Article on Andrzej Panufnik
1987 January, The Musical Times-Extract: p.1, pp.3738 1993 September, The Musical Times 1993 January, The Musical Times 1992 December, The Musical Times 1992 June, The Musical Times 1991 April, The Musical Times 1989 December, The Musical Times 1989 July, The Musical Times-Extract: 'The symphonies of Andrzej Panufnik' 1989 January, The Musical Times 1988 September, The Musical Times 1987 July, The Musical Times 1984 July, The Musical Times 1983 August, The Musical Times 1981 December, The Musical Times University of Huddersfield, 2018
Page 23 of 24 1980 May, The Musical Times 1964 February, The Musical Times Original available for consultation by appointment
Books 4 items polska twórczość kompozytorska 1945-1984 (Polish Composers’ Output 1945 – 1984) Andrzej Panufnik I Jego Muzyka (Andrzej Panufnik and his Music) Muzyka źle obecna I (Bad Music Present I) [possible mistranslation] Muzyka źle obecna II (Bad Music Present II) [possible mistranslation] Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Scores by Other Composers 1 file and 2 scores Folder 1 Photocopy of 'Brass Quintet' by Jonathan Lloyd (1982) Photocopy of 'Sonato' for oboe and piano by Wilfred Josephs (1998) Photocopy of an unknown score
Scores on their own 'Solo Oboe Piece' by Wilfred Josephs (1973) 'Eight Aphorisms' for trombone octet by Wilfred Josephs revised (1989)
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Music Theory 1 file Photocopy of a piece of Polish work believed to be about music theory Photocopy of Jagiellonian triptich, 2nd movement: Cantio Photocopy of Matrices for an unknown score Original available for consultation by appointment
Item Philip Greenwood 1 file Printed email from Bernard Jacobson to Philip Greenwood on the subject of a book project, 12 Feb 2003. Letter from Philip Greenwood to Lady Camilla Panufnik asking for access to source materials of Sir Andrzej Panufnik's works, 11 Mar 1994. Review of Philip Greenwood's musical 'Jeanne D' Arc' in The Stage and Television Today, 13 Jun 1991. Short story 'The Curse' by James Greenwood Original available for consultation by appointment
ďƒ“University of Huddersfield, 2018