The Common Security and Defense Policy of the Eur2021opean Union

Page 151


5.4. STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK TO SUPPORT SSR by Karin Gatt Rutter and Gianmarco Scuppa

Security Sector Reform (SSR) can be translated as ‘transforming a country’s security system so that it gradually provides individuals and the state with more effective and accountable security in a manner that is consistent with respect for human rights, democracy, the rule of law and the principles of good governance.’ The EU has been supporting Security Sector Reform in numerous countries for many years by using external action instruments and crisis management tools. In 2015, foreign ministers asked the High Representative and the Commission to review the existing policy framework and to maximise the impact, efficiency and consistency of the EU’s support. This led to the development of the new EU-wide strategic framework to support Security Sector Reform, which was issued in the form of a Joint Communication by the High Representative and the Commission in July 2016 and subsequently endorsed by the Foreign Affairs Council in November of the same year. This new SSR policy framework merges and updates previous policies from 2005 and 20061 that have been guiding EU action in the field of Security Sector Reform and includes new elements in line with international trends, such as the recognition of the increasingly strengthen-

ing links between security and development as explained in the Agenda 2030 and more explicitly in sustainable development goal 16.2

OBJECTIVES FOR SECURITY SECTOR REFORM This SSR strategic framework sets clear objectives for EU engagement in the security sector: • support partner states in concretely improving security for individuals and the state; This means, in particular, addressing the security needs of different groups (including women, minors and minorities) as perceived and experienced by them. • improve the legitimacy, good governance, integrity and sustainability of the security sector in partner states. This means encouraging and supporting the security sector in partner states to respect internationally accepted human rights, the rule of law and democratic principles, apply the good governance principles of transparency, openness, participation, inclusivity and accountability, respect public finance management rules and procedures, fight corruption and be fiscally sustainable.

1 A concept for European Community support for Security Sector Reform, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament (SEC(2006) 658), and EU concept for ESDP support to SSR (12566/4/05), which was produced on the basis of the European Security Strategy – A Secure Europe in a Better World, adopted by the European Council on December 2003. 2 Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015; UNGA A/RES/70/1); Goal 16: ‘promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels’.


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Articles inside

List of Authors

pages 260-265

The Security Policy Dimension (Jochen Rehrl

pages 252-259

Harald Gell

pages 249-251

8.1. Civilian and Military Capability Development (Klaus Schadenbauer

pages 197-210

8.5. Case Study: Disinformation (Vicente Diaz de Villegas Roig

pages 235-242

8.4. Case Study: Digitalisation of Defence (Daniel Fiott

pages 224-234

9.2. The European Security and Defence College (Dirk Dubois

pages 246-248

8.2. Case Study: Covid-19 and its Impact on the Defence Sector (Tania Latici

pages 211-218

7.4. The Security and Development Nexus (Clément Boutillier

pages 186-196

7.3. Internal-External Security Nexus: CSDP-JHA Cooperation (Crista Huisman

pages 181-185

7.2. Training for Partnerships (Jochen Rehrl

pages 177-180

6.3. The European Defence Agency (Jiří Šedivý

pages 164-168

7.1. Partnerships in Security and Defence (Alison Weston and Frédéric Maduraud

pages 169-176

6.2. The European Union Satellite Centre (Sorin Ducaru

pages 159-163

6.1. EU Institute for Security Studies (Gustav Lindstrom

pages 155-158

5.4. Strategic Framework to Support SSR (Karin Gatt Rutter and Gianmarco Scuppa

pages 151-154

5.3. Rule of Law and the CSDP (Daphne Lodder

pages 145-150

5.1. Gender and Women, Peace and Security in the CSDP (Taina Järvinen

pages 139-141

5.2. Human Rights and the CSDP (Taina Järvinen

pages 142-144

4.4. Hybrid Threat and the CSDP (John Maas

pages 132-138

4.3. Cyber Security/Defence and the CSDP (Jan Peter Giesecke

pages 126-131

4.2. Counter-Terrorism and the CSDP (Birgit Löser

pages 121-125

Factsheet: A European Border and Coast Guard

pages 119-120

3.3. Challenges for Civilian CSDP Missions (Kate Fearon and Sophie Picavet

pages 93-100

4.1. Migration and CSDP (Jochen Rehrl

pages 111-118

3.5. The European Peace Facility (Sebastian Puig Soler

pages 104-110

3.4. The Civilian CSDP Compact (Crista Huisman and Deirdre Clarke Lyster

pages 101-103

3.2. Challenges of Military Operations and Missions (Georgios Tsitsikostas

pages 87-92

3.1. How to plan and launch a CSDP Mission or Operation (Fernando Moreno

pages 81-86

2.6. The Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity (Jose Morgado and Radoslaw Jezewski

pages 77-80

2.3. The Role of the European Parliament in the CSDP (Jérôme Legrand

pages 58-65

2.2. The Role of the European Commission in the CSDP (Diego de Ojeda

pages 54-57

1.4. CSDP – State of Affairs (Jochen Rehrl

pages 38-44

1.2. The EU Global Strategy

pages 22-26

1.1. History and Development of the CSDP (Gustav Lindstrom

pages 17-21

1.3. Analysing the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy (Sven Biscop

pages 30-37

2.1.2. The Council of the European Union

pages 49-53

2.5. EEAS Crisis Response Mechanism (Pedro Serrano

pages 74-76
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