9.3. MILITARY ERASMUS – European initiative for the exchange of young officers inspired by Erasmus
Photo: Theresan Military Academy
by Harald Gell
42nd meeting of the Military Erasmus (EMILYO) Implementation Group in Austria in 2019
In November 2008, the European Union Ministers for Defence decided in their Council conclusions on the ESDP – during the 2903rd Council Meeting on General Affairs and External Relations – to establish an Implementation Group for the European initiative for the exchange of young officers inspired by Erasmus, tasked with harmonising European Union basic officer education, increasing interoperability and promoting
a European security and defence culture among future military leaders. The Implementation Group is a project-focused configuration of the Executive Academic Board, supported by the Secretariat of the European Security and Defence College. Consisting of experts from basic officer education institutions, the Implementation Group develops opportunities and creates the conditions for exchanges of young officers during their initial education and