Volume 3 Issue 3

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See What’s Inside! Message from the President




Member of the Month


Officer of the Month


Upcoming events


Officer Contact Info


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A Message From The President …

HELLO ALL YOU AMAZING WOLVES. Guess what! June is at the brink of finishing, can you actually believe it? How has the year gone by so fast? When is the last time you stopped to think about the fact that 2014 is HALFWAY DONE? It has all come and gone in the blink of an eye, I can remember the first day of my junior year like it was only a week ago, I remember my junior prom like it was only yesterday! It’s times like these when you should savor each moment as it passes by, because it only starts to go by faster as you progress and grow. As the school year quickly approaches, I want you all to make sure that you are able to relax and unwind with some summer trips with you friends, binge watching your favorite shows on Netflix, and eating your favorite foods before your siblings find it… BUT, always remember to leave some room for service! We have a ton os events coming up, including volunteering at a music festival in Caltech, at a street party, the 626 Night Market, and last but not least, the Region 7 Beach Clean Up (there will be more information on that soon). So like I said, savor the moments, relax, and continue to serve your communities to the best of your abilities.

With sincerest regards, Magy Louise Avedissian

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“The carnival came out to be a blast! Working around to keep the carnival clean for everyone to enjoy and sold drinks to keep chill vibes! Besides the heat, many of the other key clubbers came through it and we were able to bond and have a great time together. We were able to go on fun and thrilling mini carnival rides, play some intense games, and eat delicious authentic Filipino food. Hopefully we can do this event again next year and other members can join us in the fun!” Marvin Dollano

Incarnation Summer Carnival “Herbert Hoover high Key Club had the privilege of volunteering at Incarnation’s first annual Summer Carnival in the city of Glendale. Here, Key Clubbers were given the task of manning the drinks and cleaning up any trash left by the guests. There were multiple things for anyone of any age to do, including live music, food, carnival games, and even classical carnival rides! The president’s personal favorite part was getting her face painted. It was truly a momentous occasion to serve at something of this sort, as we don’t get many chances to volunteer at events this close to our homes. Hopefully this becomes an annual event our forthcoming members will continue to serve at. “ Magy Avedissian

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Kiwanis Takeover

“Every year, the Kiwanis Club of Glendale donates a large sum of money to our club in order for us to attend DCON. As a way of showing our gratitude for their generosity, we as a club volunteer to take over one of their Kiwanis meetings, which they hold every Friday at lunch. Most of the time, the volunteering Key Clubbers dress up in goofy outfits and come up with some sort of skit to play along to the meeting and this time we were super villains pretending to host a villain convention. From the Takeover alone, we raised over $400 for our club. “ Magy Avedissian

“The Kiwanis takeover was a new and interesting event for all of us involved. All of our officers came dressed as villains, from joker to Bellatrix Lestrange and we performed a short skit for the Kiwanis members. We marched in to “Eye of the Tiger” and pretended to take over the meeting by force; we even tied up their leader. Then we went through the various tasks which are done during a regular meeting such as birthdays and fees, but we spoke as our characters. The Kiwanis enjoyed it and fed us lunch when we were finished. “ Emily Ramos

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Officer Training Conference “Every year, divisional level officers create a fun and interactive conference day where new and returning officers are able to learn how to run their home clubs efficiently. Along with the rest of Division 3 (North and South), we come together to learn how to become better Key Clubbers and better leaders. There was a workshop for everyone, ranging from how to become a better officer to how to handle fundraisers properly. It is actually very important to attend these types of meetings, as preparation for such big task require some sort of guidance and information to ensure the officer knows what his or her job truly ask them to do, and what better way than through an officer training Conference?” Magy Avedissian

Officer Training Conference at Glendale Community College brought new leadership skills for both new members and officers wishing to go above and beyond the call to service. The many workshops offered a variety of topics that were covered, though I couldn't attend most of them since they were concurrent. My favorite workshop was the Vice Presidents'. I got to meet vice presidents in our counterpart division 3 North as well as our CNH District Governor Jacqueline Tsang, who was in charge of the workshop! It was a terrific presentation. I have to say, I feel more ready to take on the challenges ahead as this year's term is starting to move along quickly! “ Christian Acfalle

May DCM “The May DCM was successful, as we made many sandwiches for the homeless and then discussed out various clubs’ events. We first made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Ford production line style, so that we could get the task done efficiently, and so everyone could do their part. After we had run out of ingredients, we had a water balloon fight and pied our officers for the meager price of fifty cents. Then we held our DCM, and it was evident that all of the clubs in our division were as active as ever in the month of May. Lastly, everyone ate pizza and went home. “ Emily Ramos


beginning of summer was a great start with Key Club. Starting off by making peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless and making thank you cards before the May DCM. Fortunately, there were plenty of members from different schools which made meeting and interacting with others a whole lot of fun! The sandwiches and thank you cards were done in no time! Before the DCM was over, we had a chance to "pie", throwing a plate of whip cream, to our presidents of each school club. Then being able to wash it all off with a water balloon fight. “ Jemmilyn Lintag

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Member of the Month: Serafina Clarizio For the month of June, Hoover recognizes Serafina Clarizio for Member of the Month. The summer season opens a lot of opportunities for our club to help serve the community. However, with most of the club out on break during June, Serafina, one of our newest members to join this year, decided to spend her vacation on service. She volunteered to help out at the first annual Summer Carnival at Incarnation Catholic Church, which was her first event. The heat waves slowed the other volunteers down all day as they worked in the parking lot of the church where the carnival was held, but Serafina endured while serving cold fountain drinks to visitors with a happy smile! Our club president Magy was impressed by her unwavering spirit to make sure people stay cooled and happy at an event like a carnival. I am extremely happy you are part of our growing family here at Key Club, and going beyond service is what makes members shine. Congratulations Serafina for being June’s Member of the Month!

Officer of the Month: Annika Arambulo “Leadership,” is one of Key Club’s core values. If the president cannot attend an event, it befalls on the vice president to fill for them. If both the president and VP CANNOT attend an event, then it befalls on an officer if they can go to that event. While most of the officers in the 2014-2015 year have been busy with their respective schedules, one officer stood out of all of us here at Hoover’s Key Club. The officer of the month of June goes to Annika Arambulo, our club Bulletin Editor! Besides making the monthly club newsletter, Annika has been attending events like wild fire since the new term started. The Kiwanis Club during their takeover meeting early June loved her performance of holding the new president-elect TJ hostage as the Joker, and both club president Magy and I have enjoyed her upbeat spirit in helping out with drinks at the Incarnation Summer Carnival. Annika, as an officer you have been OUTSTANDING since the term started! Congrats on being Officer of the Month for June and keep up the great work.

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Past Events: 5/31: May DCM 6/6: Kiwanis Takeover 6/7: Relay for Life 6/14: Incarnation Summer Carnival 6/21: Officer Training Conference (OTC) 6/22: Santa Monica Beach Clean Up

Upcoming Events:

7/5: Muse/ique’s Summer of Sound place: Caltech’s Beckham Mall Lawn time: 12-4 p.m.

7/12: Colorado Street Bridge Party place: Colorado St., Pasadena, CA time: 1-4:30 p.m.

7/19: Region 7 Beach Clean Up place: Dockweiler Beach time: 9 a.m.- 6 p.m.

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President (L): d03s.hhkc.president @gmail.com Vice President (R): d03s.hhkc.vpresident @gmail.com

Secretary (L): d03s.hhkc.secretary @gmail.com Treasurer (R):

d03s.hhkc.treasurer @gmail.com

Bulletin Editor (L): d03s.hhkc.bulletine d @gmail.com Historian (R): d03s.hhkc.historian @gmail.com

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Howling for service!

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