Volume 3, Isuue 6

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Hello spectacular wolf pack! Hope all has been well with many of you. I understand the muggy hot weather has been taking a toll on everyone, but hey, only a couple more weeks of that left! I hope all of you have been able to effectively balance all that has been coming up these past few weeks. Between standardized testing, extracurriculars, and academics, I understand there must be quite a workload for many of you. But, do not fret! All of this is temporary, and all you need to get through it is a positive mentality. With that being said, I encourage you all to be proactive in your endeavors and never let the wretched powers of procrastination take over. Now, onto the fun stuff! Be on the lookout for plenty of future service events. There seems to be a jam packed amount of good that we can do for the community this coming month! We have a Salvation Army food pantry day coming up, the super fun Kiwanis Duck Splash, Hoover's beloved Relay for Life of Glendale, and much much more! It is sure to be a fun month ahead, so I hope you all can make it to these events. It will also give me a chance to get to know some of you new members. By the way, welcome! Please also remember to pay your DUES and the optional shirt fee as soon as possible. Remember that membership price has increased to $13.00 as of this year, and that our shirt price is $9.00. If you have any questions regarding either, please feel free to message me. Magy Avedissian Herbert Hoover Key Club President 2014-2015


PAGE 2 President’s message PAGE 4 Child S.H.A.R.E Gala

PAGE 3 Table of Contents

PAGE 5 Open Mic Night/ RTC/ Sept. DCM (pictures)

PAGE 6 RTC Articles

PAGE 8 Relay for Life/

PAGE 7 Duck Splash/

Aids Walk PAGE 9 Fally Rally SOUTH/ District Convention

Trick-or-Treat UNICEF

PAGE 10 Pledge/ DUES

PAGE 13 Officer of the Month

PAGE 11 T-Shirt/

PAGE 14 Officer Contact

receive info about meeting etc. PAGE 12 Member of the Month


CHILD S.H.A.R.E. GALA The California Club Sept. 13, 2014 @ 5p.m.


Region Training Conference/September DCM 9/27

Region Training Conference at John Burroughs High School September 27, 2014

“RTC was full of interesting, beneficial “As a senior, it was my first and last year in RTC. I missed out on so much about a

truer and deeper meaning and objective of being apart of Key Club. Going through workshops training to become or interested in other positions such as a Secretary. Knowing about upcoming events and planning it out

builds leadership and responsibility. The leadership and responsibility not only builds as a secretary but in all positions. Members, cabinet, district, region, international; they all

build a pyramid and members are the bass and the top of it. Every single person is important and can impact a much better change with a bonus of having fun and creating a better community with service hours. Moreover, I would not have known any of this without going to this event which makes me a little bummed out I missed out on this kind of opportunity in the past years.”

Marvin Dollano

workshops. It included "Technology

SafeKEY" which explained one of Kiwanis' newest initiatives to promote the safe use of social medias and workshops for specific officer positions to teach them how to be the best leader possible. But there were also two sessions of a service project, which allowed Key Clubers to mingle with one another while making bracelets. Lunch took place at 12:15, and pizza and chips were served. At the end an epic

spirit battle, which involved plenty of dancing and screaming, took place between the divisions. Lunch was followed by general session, where presentations were given on DCON, Fall


and the Thirst Project, a nonprofit which hopes to spread the word about the global water crisis and raise money to provide people in developing countries with clean water. Then the divisions all held DCMs, and when we were all finished, we ended the day with a massive group photo. It was great getting to meet members from other Key Clubs and learning more about my position!”

Get your DUCK ADOPTION FORMS before OCTOBER 6TH. WHERE? Lake Glendale in Verdugo Park 1621 Canada Blvd, Glendale, CA 91208 WHEN? October 11TH, 10am - 2pm

**If you would like to sell more ducks, don’t be afraid to grab more forms from Magy.

Collection boxes are here! Come get a box at the next meeting. A full box gets you 2 HOURS! So make sure to fill ‘em up!

WHAT? RELAY FOR LIFE WHERE? Scholl Canyon Baseball fields WHEN? OCTOBER 18-19, 2014 WHY? Raise CANCER awareness!! HOW CAN I HELP? Go to the hooverhs.org, scroll down and click the Relay for Life logo on the right side column. All the instructions ans information is there! **$40 registration and form due OCTOBER 10TH!!**

For more information, keep checking the Facebook page.


KEY CLUB PLEDGE I pledge on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institution.

DUES. dues. DUES. !!Due October 6th!! Option 1. PAY ONLY DUES

$13.00 Option 2. PAY BOTH DUES & T-SHIRT $13.00 + $9.00 = $22.00

HERBERT HOOVER KEY CLUB’S ‘14-’15 T-SHIRT DESIGN Get yours now! $9.00!!

To receive texts about meetings/events, PLEASE send the message @hhkc to (248) 809-5774

Member of the Month: Eileen Wisco September’s member of the month goes to our awesome Division News Editor, Eileen Wisco! A lot of members each year join as a freshman, and Eileen was one. In her sophomore year she ran and won club elections for club bulletin editor, and now this year as a junior, she is currently Division 3 South’s news editor. But besides making newsletters and taking photos for the division, Eileen is also a member. At the 29th Annual Child S. H. A. R. E. Gala this month, Eileen took her tasks accordingly with helping other volunteers selling bids for the event’s silent auction along with club president Magy and club bulletin editor Annika. She met with the coordinators’ expectations and left a splendid mark with completing a lot of tasks that the volunteers tried to accomplish within a matter of minutes. Eileen outside of Key Club also works on the school paper with photos and articles. Overall, Eileen is an incredibly resourceful member when it comes to getting the job done on any tasks, and this is why Hoover is proud to honor her for being member of the month for September. You go Eileen!

Officer of the Month: Annika Arambulo For the month of September, Hoover’s own club bulletin editor Annika Arambulo is once again our Officer of the Month! Annika is an all-star member at our club by being the first officer to sign up to an event as well as making awesome newsletters showcasing the hard work Hoover has volunteered in at events. At the 29th Annual Child S. H. A. R. E. Gala, Annika (alongside club president Magy and Division News Editor Eileen Wisco) tirelessly worked with volunteer coordinators on handing auction bid tickets and collecting signatures at the event, and on top give a great impression of what being a volunteer is to them. Service is definitely on point for Annika! Aside from being a Key Clubber, Annika also works on the school’s newspaper and media publications. Wow, congratulations on being Officer of the Month for September, Annika! Magy and I are impressed by your work and are extremely proud of you.

President: d03s.hhkc.president@gmail.com

Vice President: d03s.hhkc.vpresident@gmail.com

Secretary: d03s.hhkc.secretary@gmail.com

Treasurer: d03s.hhkc.treasurer@gmail.com

Bulletin Editor: d03s.hhkc.bulletined@gmail.com

Historian: d03s.hhkc.historian@gmail.com

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