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Google releases Android 4.4.3
A new version of Android, 4.4.3, has been released by Google recently. While, the latest version of Android KitKat will be available via over-the-air rollouts, the Android maker has released the factory images for Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 10, Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 (2012) devices. Google has shared the source code of the Android 4.4.3 release at Android Open Source Project (AOSP). If the claims of US telecom operator T-Mobile are to be believed, Android 4.4.3 packs in loads of security enhancements and bug fixes. Google has included an all-new Google Dialler with Android 4.4.3 on Nexus 5. The updated version of Google Dialler offers a tweaked user-interface and other changes.
Red Hat releases Enterprise Linux 7.0 and promises support for 10 years After a 3.5-year lull, Red Hat has finally released version 7.0 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), its flagship operating system. RHEL 7.0 also updates the underlying Linux kernel that was used in RHEL 6.x from 2.6.32 to 3.10, bringing in much needed improvements for customers. Red Hat will support this release for 10 years, providing bug fixes, security releases and updates on a regular basis.
Here’s Mozilla’s very own open source browser-based gaming engine
Mozilla hails it as the “world’s easiest-touse WebGL game engine that is free, open source and backed by amazing developer tools.” Say hello to PlayCanvas, Mozilla’s very own JavaScript tailored, WebGL utilising browser-based gaming engine. Though this has taken more than three years to build, PlayCanvas is a fine example of how open source technology has arrived on a scale that was never imagined before. The fact that its code is out for all to see, marvel at, toil over and improve, goes to show how good the philosophy of open source technology is for the community, since it is based on sharing with the world at large, with no added costs. PlayCanvas comes with support for all major graphics, physics, animations, input devices and components that are the pre-requisites for building professional high-quality no-holds-barred 3D games meant for both browsers as well as mobile devices. Moreover, implementation of the entity-component system will let game developers build stuff using blocks in the game. Use of HTML5 and WebGL will allow developers to build games that are completely cross-platform: equally playable on Windows, OS X, Android and iOS. Once you’re done, the game engine’s highly scalable back-end will let you host your games for free as well.
Looking for an alternative to Ubuntu Software Centre? Try App Grid
Although the Ubuntu Software Centre is downright amazing since it lets you search, install, buy and manage applications with ease, there are always those who just can’t have enough of default programs and apps. They like to hunt 16 | July 2014 | OPEN SOURCE For You |
RHEL 7.0 boasts of interoperability with Windows Active Directory and automated scripting. The latest release also changes the default file system from EXT4 to XFS, compared to RHEL 6.x, which had the former. However, RHEL 7.0 will offer support for a variety of other file systems at the same time. The Docker (Linux container) compatibility in the update will ensure service providers and customers get better version-toversion application portability. Further changes in RHEL 7.0 include: Rollback capabilities The ‘profiles’ feature that allows configuration definitions to be specified for particular workloads and deployed on demand Improved runtime management and monitoring capabilities