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Dalian University of Technology Press


Dalian University of Technology Press



Dalian University of Technology Press


PREFACEâ… Carolyn Trevor CEO of Carolyn Trevor Design

When adapting existing buildings to new residential uses and users, the new

entertainment and areas of privacy to retreat to. If the 19th century occupant

patterns of use need to be balanced within the constraints of the existing,

were able to return to his house in the 21st century, he would easily navigate

bringing a different challenge to the blank canvas of new construction.

a familiar plan but would not recognize the new functions and ways of living

However transient the tenure, people will occupy and personalize the space

within these spaces. We see our role to make clear how our client wishes

they are in, whether it's a work station or a hotel room, it is in our nature.

to live, how to accommodate this within an existing building and to make

Where change involves agents such as architects or designers, the process

transparent to the client, the process for how to achieve this.

is essentially the same, to personalize the space so that it becomes familiar and relevant to the occupant. To do this, the agent must understand how the user will wish to live and what they like. To reoccupy an existing building, the occupant's brief becomes a dialogue with the architecture and old patterns of use. In the best outcomes this is a harmony of old and new, a refrain to be handed on in time to the next user, in the worst a jumble of discord.

embodied in existing buildings. We must recognize however that these buildings were conceived in a time when energy inputs were much less and the expectations of comfort were much lower. Over time services have been patched into these buildings and with the benefit of lower energy costs, modern comfort levels have been gradually and inefficiently achieved. As

Much of the refurbishment work we undertake, especially in historic properties,

energy costs continue to increase however, the challenge for this generation

requires retention of the existing structure and building fabric. For buildings

of architects and designers is to reuse these buildings so they are more

which are often over 100 years old, conceived prior to the advent of internal

energy efficient. Modern services have a lifespan which is much less than that

plumbing, power and lighting, it is a challenge at the most mundane level to

of the building, they will need to be replaced regularly and as technology

introduce modern levels of comfort. At a more fundamental level, the new uses

changes probably with even more frequency than in the past. Hopefully the

are constrained within the old footprint of the walls. This means rethinking

preponderance of cables and pipe runs which has characterized much late 20th

the way spaces are used and a more nuanced approach to circulation and the

century refurbishment work will give way to less as better and more efficient

use of layout. Even with modest structural intervention, the design outcomes

technologies come on line.

can vary extremely; there are as many design outcomes as clients. Where once there were servant's quarters, sculleries, larders, drawing rooms, morning rooms, dining rooms and many bedrooms with perhaps one basic privy, these same spaces must be adapted for modern living, with spaces for dining and


There is a great benefit to the environment in reusing the labour and materials

Often architecture and interior design are seen as two separate disciplines. In alteration works, we believe that these approaches must be integrated and considered in tandem not as separate halves.



Working in Great Britain, we are lucky enough to have many great

"showiness" is now being replaced by a more elegant art of grace and

inspirations for our design vision close at hand. We can draw on the

subtlety, expressed in intricate detailing and refined craftsmanship.

rich influence of our European neighbours; benefit from our renowned expertise in detailed craftsmanship; work with the great numbers of both creative artisan studios and manufacturing workshops all around; interact with the international design talent we attract in our workplaces and learn from our international clientele.

Founder of Harry Heissmann Inc.

need, we know how big a lampshade needs to be (I still scale each and

design related material is seemingly at our fingertips or just a click away,

every one to its base by hand), where to go to find this "special" piece, etc.

I am often asked how the profession of an interior designer has changed.

This is also the reason, just as an example, that no pillow leaves any of my

Let me start by saying that when I first started working in New York, it was

workrooms without a trim, something to finish the piece. The detail counts,

a very different world and perfectly normal for clients to take you to Paris

it makes the project personal, tailored, different from everything else. We

or London on their plane and spend a day or two shopping for antiques.

are a service business after all and the service we provide goes far beyond

Nothing was too expensive or too much.

selecting furnishings and antiques. We become close with our clients,

Well, we all know these times are long over and we need to look at our profession with different eyes. One thing that never changed for me is

in a refined living space. The formal and informal split of space for public

in trends across various design disciplines, driven recently by both

reconnection means that the client can have several options for a

economic and cultural shifts. These include interface, detailing, harmony

changing world. Much of our inspiration as designers stems from a broad collection

The rapid development of technology – and more recently how we

of sources. For example, nature can be a huge influence for our team.

interface with it – has driven the change in focal points of the spaces we

Often designers' favourite pastime is to travel, where exposure to other

inhabit. Now not confined to the warmth of the fire or the television in a

cultures and their use of colour, space and texture is affected by their

single living space, we are free to experience media interaction and to be

environments and the surrounding ecological and economic situation.

heated or cooled in any room, from the largest, most public space to the

This leads to a quest to strive for a responsible solution too in producing

smallest and most private.

the most stunning interiors for our clients: a quest that is only set to increase in importance over time.

have also opted for opulent statements of individuality. This level of

and work there so frequently. Your expertise is needed – for the installation of a project or for the

furniture plans and the strong belief that a project needs to be client-

installation of art. We buy client's linens and their towels, we organize their

centric, location-specific and unique, given the client's taste and budget. It

bookshelves that have (in my projects) been lined in a marbled paper, so

has often been said that you can't buy taste, which I agree on, but we can

one doesn't look at empty painted walls behind the books. We select their

all strive to educate and further the client's horizon. There is really nothing

art, their wall colors, their carpets and we incorporate personal items –

wrong with buying items online, but one still has to know about their scale,

we add, subtract and we edit. We sometimes help them buy gifts for their

their feeling, their touch – all this can only be "experienced" in person.

loved ones. We listen to their problems and help solve them, we share

experience. We know what goes with what and how many of which we

order and for concealment, coupled with a desire to present collections

sometimes it almost begins to feel like you live in their houses, as you visit

the personal contact with a client, the attention to detail, my hand drawn

I think this is ultimately what we bring to the table as designers – the

the harmony of the created home is paramount. There is a need both for

and private functions and the need for harmony in the subsequent

Clients have always aimed for what is unique, but, until recently, many In today's world, where almost everything has been computerized and all

the client's artwork collection is a principal aspect of the design. Ensuring

At the same time, we are always open to fascinating developments

and responsibility.

Harry Heissmann

At our studio at SHH, we are currently working on several projects where

their triumphs, success and all other elements of life, in short, we do all the things a computer can't do and more.


Rupert Martineau SHH 004



Working in Great Britain, we are lucky enough to have many great

"showiness" is now being replaced by a more elegant art of grace and

inspirations for our design vision close at hand. We can draw on the

subtlety, expressed in intricate detailing and refined craftsmanship.

rich influence of our European neighbours; benefit from our renowned expertise in detailed craftsmanship; work with the great numbers of both creative artisan studios and manufacturing workshops all around; interact with the international design talent we attract in our workplaces and learn from our international clientele.

Founder of Harry Heissmann Inc.

need, we know how big a lampshade needs to be (I still scale each and

design related material is seemingly at our fingertips or just a click away,

every one to its base by hand), where to go to find this "special" piece, etc.

I am often asked how the profession of an interior designer has changed.

This is also the reason, just as an example, that no pillow leaves any of my

Let me start by saying that when I first started working in New York, it was

workrooms without a trim, something to finish the piece. The detail counts,

a very different world and perfectly normal for clients to take you to Paris

it makes the project personal, tailored, different from everything else. We

or London on their plane and spend a day or two shopping for antiques.

are a service business after all and the service we provide goes far beyond

Nothing was too expensive or too much.

selecting furnishings and antiques. We become close with our clients,

Well, we all know these times are long over and we need to look at our profession with different eyes. One thing that never changed for me is

in a refined living space. The formal and informal split of space for public

in trends across various design disciplines, driven recently by both

reconnection means that the client can have several options for a

economic and cultural shifts. These include interface, detailing, harmony

changing world. Much of our inspiration as designers stems from a broad collection

The rapid development of technology – and more recently how we

of sources. For example, nature can be a huge influence for our team.

interface with it – has driven the change in focal points of the spaces we

Often designers' favourite pastime is to travel, where exposure to other

inhabit. Now not confined to the warmth of the fire or the television in a

cultures and their use of colour, space and texture is affected by their

single living space, we are free to experience media interaction and to be

environments and the surrounding ecological and economic situation.

heated or cooled in any room, from the largest, most public space to the

This leads to a quest to strive for a responsible solution too in producing

smallest and most private.

the most stunning interiors for our clients: a quest that is only set to increase in importance over time.

have also opted for opulent statements of individuality. This level of

and work there so frequently. Your expertise is needed – for the installation of a project or for the

furniture plans and the strong belief that a project needs to be client-

installation of art. We buy client's linens and their towels, we organize their

centric, location-specific and unique, given the client's taste and budget. It

bookshelves that have (in my projects) been lined in a marbled paper, so

has often been said that you can't buy taste, which I agree on, but we can

one doesn't look at empty painted walls behind the books. We select their

all strive to educate and further the client's horizon. There is really nothing

art, their wall colors, their carpets and we incorporate personal items –

wrong with buying items online, but one still has to know about their scale,

we add, subtract and we edit. We sometimes help them buy gifts for their

their feeling, their touch – all this can only be "experienced" in person.

loved ones. We listen to their problems and help solve them, we share

experience. We know what goes with what and how many of which we

order and for concealment, coupled with a desire to present collections

sometimes it almost begins to feel like you live in their houses, as you visit

the personal contact with a client, the attention to detail, my hand drawn

I think this is ultimately what we bring to the table as designers – the

the harmony of the created home is paramount. There is a need both for

and private functions and the need for harmony in the subsequent

Clients have always aimed for what is unique, but, until recently, many In today's world, where almost everything has been computerized and all

the client's artwork collection is a principal aspect of the design. Ensuring

At the same time, we are always open to fascinating developments

and responsibility.

Harry Heissmann

At our studio at SHH, we are currently working on several projects where

their triumphs, success and all other elements of life, in short, we do all the things a computer can't do and more.


Rupert Martineau SHH 004
































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094 104











217 225 236 240






































217 225 236 240






































Area: 279m2

Modern Decoration Art

City Retreat Designer

Michigan Avenue, Chicago, USA

Design Company


Jessica Lagrange Interiors

Jessica Lagrange Interiors was commissioned by a suburban family to design their

The expansive Living Room, with its breathtaking Lake Michigan and Avenue views,

spectacular 279m city apartment in one of Chicago's most famous buildings on

is inviting and lush. The custom Tai Ping rug incorporates each color located in

the Magnificent Mile. This exquisite skyscraper boasts a shopping district, Michelin-

the room without overpowering the space. The Christian Liagre sofa and chairs

rated restaurants, a five-star hotel, as well as private residences. For this "city

encourage socializing by the split-face tile fireplace. The feature added warmth and

retreat", the family wanted a strong, contemporary feel but not cold or empty. The

texture while dividing the adjacent room.


motif was minimalism: little color, but rich in texture, albeit subtle.



Jessica Lagrange

Werner Straube

While the majority of the apartment exhibits clean lines and subtle tones of taupe,

The architecture of the apartment is smart and fluent. The clean-lined entry leads

grey and white, the clients were lenient with color tolerance in the daughters '

directly to the dining and living rooms. Both rooms are exactly what the client

rooms. Both wanted colorful, defined rooms with hints of glamour. The colors

wished – pure, quiet "absence" of color, but with abounding texture. In the Dining

selected were what the girls responded to; orange and hot pink in one, plum and

Room, the UFO Oval table is surrounded by classic Saarinen arm chairs, upholstered

chocolate in the other. The eldest daughter is into fashion; her bedroom, beginning

in posh Ghost Rider leather by Holly Hunt. The fourteen pendant Bocci chandelier

with a Donghia suzani fabric on the headboard, culminated with bold, Missoni

hangs above like a sparkling constellation.

window treatments.


Area: 279m2

Modern Decoration Art

City Retreat Designer

Michigan Avenue, Chicago, USA

Design Company


Jessica Lagrange Interiors

Jessica Lagrange Interiors was commissioned by a suburban family to design their

The expansive Living Room, with its breathtaking Lake Michigan and Avenue views,

spectacular 279m city apartment in one of Chicago's most famous buildings on

is inviting and lush. The custom Tai Ping rug incorporates each color located in

the Magnificent Mile. This exquisite skyscraper boasts a shopping district, Michelin-

the room without overpowering the space. The Christian Liagre sofa and chairs

rated restaurants, a five-star hotel, as well as private residences. For this "city

encourage socializing by the split-face tile fireplace. The feature added warmth and

retreat", the family wanted a strong, contemporary feel but not cold or empty. The

texture while dividing the adjacent room.


motif was minimalism: little color, but rich in texture, albeit subtle.



Jessica Lagrange

Werner Straube

While the majority of the apartment exhibits clean lines and subtle tones of taupe,

The architecture of the apartment is smart and fluent. The clean-lined entry leads

grey and white, the clients were lenient with color tolerance in the daughters '

directly to the dining and living rooms. Both rooms are exactly what the client

rooms. Both wanted colorful, defined rooms with hints of glamour. The colors

wished – pure, quiet "absence" of color, but with abounding texture. In the Dining

selected were what the girls responded to; orange and hot pink in one, plum and

Room, the UFO Oval table is surrounded by classic Saarinen arm chairs, upholstered

chocolate in the other. The eldest daughter is into fashion; her bedroom, beginning

in posh Ghost Rider leather by Holly Hunt. The fourteen pendant Bocci chandelier

with a Donghia suzani fabric on the headboard, culminated with bold, Missoni

hangs above like a sparkling constellation.

window treatments.










Area: 260m2

Modern Decoration Art

Hyde Park Townhouse Designer

Susan Knof

Design Company SHH


Hyde Park, London, UK


David Cleveland, Peter Baistow

Interior Designer Susan Knof of London-based architects and designers SHH has created a new home for private clients in Hyde Park, London, which combines understated elegance with practical and flexible spaces for real family usage, set within a classic, white stucco Victorian townhouse. SHH ' s client – an international family with a suite of homes (including one in New York and one in continental Europe) – purchased the four-storey property and appointed SHH both as interior architect and designer/decorator to re-plan and redesign the interior to fit their specific wants and needs. "The overall brief for the interior was non-prescriptive in terms of detail, but was more about feel", commented Susan Knof, SHH Senior Designer and lead designer for the interior, "The client asked for a classic and sophisticated series of spaces in muted grey tones. As the client didn't like curtains, wall coverings or finishes such as polished plaster, we had to look for ways to add an element of glamour to the requested cool, calm and classic approach, so that the space also had variety, drama and a sensual richness." Architecturally, the most important change to the structure of the house was the excavation of the back garden, which was previously elevated and messy and made the lower-ground storey of the house dark and unattractive. Now, a new lower-ground living space opens directly onto a new garden space, redesigned by garden designer Kate Gould (Chelsea Flower Show double-gold-medallist and frequent creative partner on SHH's residential schemes), creating in the process two vast and usable spaces filled with light. The indoor and outdoor spaces are divided only by full-height bifolding doors and are linked by new stone flooring (in charcoal grey with a metallic overcoat), which extends from the lower-ground interior out into the garden, creating a strong visual connection and making both spaces appear more extensive.



Area: 260m2

Modern Decoration Art

Hyde Park Townhouse Designer

Susan Knof

Design Company SHH


Hyde Park, London, UK


David Cleveland, Peter Baistow

Interior Designer Susan Knof of London-based architects and designers SHH has created a new home for private clients in Hyde Park, London, which combines understated elegance with practical and flexible spaces for real family usage, set within a classic, white stucco Victorian townhouse. SHH ' s client – an international family with a suite of homes (including one in New York and one in continental Europe) – purchased the four-storey property and appointed SHH both as interior architect and designer/decorator to re-plan and redesign the interior to fit their specific wants and needs. "The overall brief for the interior was non-prescriptive in terms of detail, but was more about feel", commented Susan Knof, SHH Senior Designer and lead designer for the interior, "The client asked for a classic and sophisticated series of spaces in muted grey tones. As the client didn't like curtains, wall coverings or finishes such as polished plaster, we had to look for ways to add an element of glamour to the requested cool, calm and classic approach, so that the space also had variety, drama and a sensual richness." Architecturally, the most important change to the structure of the house was the excavation of the back garden, which was previously elevated and messy and made the lower-ground storey of the house dark and unattractive. Now, a new lower-ground living space opens directly onto a new garden space, redesigned by garden designer Kate Gould (Chelsea Flower Show double-gold-medallist and frequent creative partner on SHH's residential schemes), creating in the process two vast and usable spaces filled with light. The indoor and outdoor spaces are divided only by full-height bifolding doors and are linked by new stone flooring (in charcoal grey with a metallic overcoat), which extends from the lower-ground interior out into the garden, creating a strong visual connection and making both spaces appear more extensive.



















Area: 300m2

Modern Decoration Art

Apartment S Designer

Marco Teixeira, Alexandre Lima


An apartment in downtown Lisbon, designed by FORWARD, aims at being a place

divided into a dining area, a lounge, a living and home-cinema – the environment

of refuge for the young cosmopolitan couple who seek peace and calm, forgetting

shows from one area to the other, allowing for a simple use according to the

the daily city buzz. Entering the house, you are surrounded by its sophisticated and

layout and circumstance of the moment. The main suite, which is a true "refuge",

relaxed environment, with light and comfortable areas, with clean elegant lines,

was created as an autonomous area, which includes a tv room, an office, a closet,

marked by the reflexes of the mirrors that extend the vertical elements subdividing

sleeping area and spa, reflecting the privacy of the area, with its duty and life as

them, and by the lighting shapes that emphasize architectural details, setting

a couple, with plans that allow subdividing the areas, reserving their use. This

directions and giving rhythm and some drama to the different sceneries planned for

apartment is characterized by its timeless environment, clean and elegant, where

home living. The neutral colors of the ornaments, ceilings and pavement contrast

the functionality of each room is tried, associated to the creation of several day and

with the metallic shimmers and the light boxes, giving a sense of modernity with

night sceneries, which come to life when occupied or experienced. Furniture by the

references to the city and its buzz, and, at the same time, they express a cozy

international designer alongside the Forward design selectively combine shapes

serenity, which is felt while going through social and private areas, which uniquely

and materials, being part of the interior architecture, showcasing the character of its

surround us and invite us to live in. All areas, with different environments, were

owners, reinforced by works of art from national artists, who give a personal touch

designed for a more private or social living. With different uses, the living room is

to its references.

Design Company



JoĂŁo Morgado


Area: 300m2

Modern Decoration Art

Apartment S Designer

Marco Teixeira, Alexandre Lima


An apartment in downtown Lisbon, designed by FORWARD, aims at being a place

divided into a dining area, a lounge, a living and home-cinema – the environment

of refuge for the young cosmopolitan couple who seek peace and calm, forgetting

shows from one area to the other, allowing for a simple use according to the

the daily city buzz. Entering the house, you are surrounded by its sophisticated and

layout and circumstance of the moment. The main suite, which is a true "refuge",

relaxed environment, with light and comfortable areas, with clean elegant lines,

was created as an autonomous area, which includes a tv room, an office, a closet,

marked by the reflexes of the mirrors that extend the vertical elements subdividing

sleeping area and spa, reflecting the privacy of the area, with its duty and life as

them, and by the lighting shapes that emphasize architectural details, setting

a couple, with plans that allow subdividing the areas, reserving their use. This

directions and giving rhythm and some drama to the different sceneries planned for

apartment is characterized by its timeless environment, clean and elegant, where

home living. The neutral colors of the ornaments, ceilings and pavement contrast

the functionality of each room is tried, associated to the creation of several day and

with the metallic shimmers and the light boxes, giving a sense of modernity with

night sceneries, which come to life when occupied or experienced. Furniture by the

references to the city and its buzz, and, at the same time, they express a cozy

international designer alongside the Forward design selectively combine shapes

serenity, which is felt while going through social and private areas, which uniquely

and materials, being part of the interior architecture, showcasing the character of its

surround us and invite us to live in. All areas, with different environments, were

owners, reinforced by works of art from national artists, who give a personal touch

designed for a more private or social living. With different uses, the living room is

to its references.

Design Company



JoĂŁo Morgado

















10 11




2 8




Dining room




Living room

4 5

















Master suite








Dining room




Living room

Master suite





1 9
























10 11




2 8




Dining room




Living room

4 5

















Master suite








Dining room




Living room

Master suite





1 9





















Area: 130m2

Modern Decoration Art

Fantasy Island


Miroshkin Michael, Miroshkina Elen

Design Company Geometrix Design


Moscow, Russia


Zinur Razutdinov

The designers set a goal to organize the light modern

construction arrests sight and its prescription astonish. And

interior which combines convenience, aesthetic qualities

in this case the idea aesthetics doesn't pinch the functional

and functionality of space. The foundation of delivered

purpose: the space for keeping CD and books on each side.

tasks was chosen as far back to the planning stage. The

Under the glass there is the commode with drawers, and

direction has been set up, "the movement vector" which

all the construction continued straight to the ceiling in the

interlay the way logically through all the apartment, with

form of lustrous panels with the built-in luminaries. The

the help of interesting wall architecture. Through the

luminous decisions wide choice makes the interior change

entrance lobby is the large sitting-room, where with the

according to mood preferences. The important decoration

help of extendable glass partitions the kitchen area is

elements are high black lustrous doors. With their help the

detached. This decision determines the prescription of

designers enlarge the ceiling level and preserve the black

every zone logically, but at the same time doesn't overload

color. The contrasts are observed not only with the help

the space and makes it unique, light and airy.

of color decisions but also with the materials which were

The main emphasis in the interior is focused on the home theater zone. This is not only the necessary part of the sitting-room but also the complete art-object. The switched off TV panel "ad notam" becomes the invisible part of big black glass panel with the all round embedded LEDs. The 104

used. The primary structure of smooth lustrous contrasts harmoniously with cozy wood. Both of the materials underline the advantages of each other very profitably. Wood is also the "connecting" element which makes the interior integral and complete.


Area: 130m2

Modern Decoration Art

Fantasy Island


Miroshkin Michael, Miroshkina Elen

Design Company Geometrix Design


Moscow, Russia


Zinur Razutdinov

The designers set a goal to organize the light modern

construction arrests sight and its prescription astonish. And

interior which combines convenience, aesthetic qualities

in this case the idea aesthetics doesn't pinch the functional

and functionality of space. The foundation of delivered

purpose: the space for keeping CD and books on each side.

tasks was chosen as far back to the planning stage. The

Under the glass there is the commode with drawers, and

direction has been set up, "the movement vector" which

all the construction continued straight to the ceiling in the

interlay the way logically through all the apartment, with

form of lustrous panels with the built-in luminaries. The

the help of interesting wall architecture. Through the

luminous decisions wide choice makes the interior change

entrance lobby is the large sitting-room, where with the

according to mood preferences. The important decoration

help of extendable glass partitions the kitchen area is

elements are high black lustrous doors. With their help the

detached. This decision determines the prescription of

designers enlarge the ceiling level and preserve the black

every zone logically, but at the same time doesn't overload

color. The contrasts are observed not only with the help

the space and makes it unique, light and airy.

of color decisions but also with the materials which were

The main emphasis in the interior is focused on the home theater zone. This is not only the necessary part of the sitting-room but also the complete art-object. The switched off TV panel "ad notam" becomes the invisible part of big black glass panel with the all round embedded LEDs. The 104

used. The primary structure of smooth lustrous contrasts harmoniously with cozy wood. Both of the materials underline the advantages of each other very profitably. Wood is also the "connecting" element which makes the interior integral and complete.






Экспликация помещений The wardrobe №1

1,2 м²

The wardrobe №2


9,8 м²

Master bedroom

31 м²

Laundry room

2,7 м²

Living room

36,6 м² 11,2 м²

Guest bathroom

4,9 м²


Master bathroom

11,7 м²

Guest bedroom

6,7 м²

14,3 м² Area

130,1 м ²


"Fantasy Island" Architect

Miroshkin Michael



Экспликация помещений The wardrobe №1

1,2 м²

The wardrobe №2


9,8 м²

Master bedroom

31 м²

Laundry room

2,7 м²

Living room

36,6 м² 11,2 м²

Guest bathroom

4,9 м²


Master bathroom

11,7 м²

Guest bedroom

6,7 м²

14,3 м² Area

130,1 м ²


"Fantasy Island" Architect

Miroshkin Michael



Area: 1,000m2

Modern Decoration Art

Sandhurst Towers

The client’s brief for this three-level Sandton penthouse was to design a product

The overall palette throughout the entire 1,000m2 is black and white with additional

that would showcase the evolution of 21st Century urban living, reflect individualism

color used as an exotic accent. Artwork, sculpture and a large collection of

as well as evolve the technological aspects of the "smart home", with tailored

glassware, ceramics and other accessories play a vital role in layering the space and

lighting and automation.

adding soul, depth and character. The designers add: "The décor is contemporary,

Court saw this project as the establishment of a new standard in modern urban luxury living. An opportunity to illustrate how a family unit – there are four bedrooms – can live in central Sandton in complete calm, security and extreme comfort. Despite the fact that this was an 11th floor penthouse apartment in a commercial city center, it elected to provide an unobstructed indoor/outdoor flow not normally associated with metro living. The designers needed to maintain a fluid connectivity throughout but also give each zone its own very specific look, not to have each simply a continuation of the previous environment. This can be difficult when walls don't compartmentalize and delineate areas and to overcome it they

simple, elegant and comfort-orientated. We were not trend-driven but rather used modern designs that referenced classical elegance. There are no over-thetop grandiose statements, no extravagant flamboyance but rather a refined and

Interior Design OKHA Interiors


SAOTA – Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects

understated luxury. The color palette of off-whites features blocks of black that define silhouettes and contours and add graphic perspective and drama to the open-plan format. Living space should be literally that: living, breathing, characterful, soulful places where we rest, play, entertain and rejuvenate. It’s not only about physical aesthetics, but more about energy and mood. Here, we managed to merge the functional, physical and emotive requirements of suburban living."


Johannesburg, South Africa



employed stylistically different furniture and décor elements from space to space and also used color accents specific and unique to each sector.



Area: 1,000m2

Modern Decoration Art

Sandhurst Towers

The client’s brief for this three-level Sandton penthouse was to design a product

The overall palette throughout the entire 1,000m2 is black and white with additional

that would showcase the evolution of 21st Century urban living, reflect individualism

color used as an exotic accent. Artwork, sculpture and a large collection of

as well as evolve the technological aspects of the "smart home", with tailored

glassware, ceramics and other accessories play a vital role in layering the space and

lighting and automation.

adding soul, depth and character. The designers add: "The décor is contemporary,

Court saw this project as the establishment of a new standard in modern urban luxury living. An opportunity to illustrate how a family unit – there are four bedrooms – can live in central Sandton in complete calm, security and extreme comfort. Despite the fact that this was an 11th floor penthouse apartment in a commercial city center, it elected to provide an unobstructed indoor/outdoor flow not normally associated with metro living. The designers needed to maintain a fluid connectivity throughout but also give each zone its own very specific look, not to have each simply a continuation of the previous environment. This can be difficult when walls don't compartmentalize and delineate areas and to overcome it they

simple, elegant and comfort-orientated. We were not trend-driven but rather used modern designs that referenced classical elegance. There are no over-thetop grandiose statements, no extravagant flamboyance but rather a refined and

Interior Design OKHA Interiors


SAOTA – Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects

understated luxury. The color palette of off-whites features blocks of black that define silhouettes and contours and add graphic perspective and drama to the open-plan format. Living space should be literally that: living, breathing, characterful, soulful places where we rest, play, entertain and rejuvenate. It’s not only about physical aesthetics, but more about energy and mood. Here, we managed to merge the functional, physical and emotive requirements of suburban living."


Johannesburg, South Africa



employed stylistically different furniture and décor elements from space to space and also used color accents specific and unique to each sector.























Area: 56m2

Modern Decoration Art

Chelsea Apartment


David Spence, Guy Matheson


Design Company



Chelsea, London, UK


James Silverman, Richard Waite


Area: 56m2

Modern Decoration Art

Chelsea Apartment


David Spence, Guy Matheson


Design Company



Chelsea, London, UK


James Silverman, Richard Waite


SHH has completed a truly exceptional residence in the heart of Chelsea (in the

has been devised to store a range of accessories. Seamless Industries were again

west end of London), which revives the glamorous spirit of art deco, thanks to the

commissioned to create the lustrous metallic surface of this piece, which is topped

extraordinary quality of finishes created by the SHH team, together with a global

with leather. A contemporary chandelier in platinum-colored glass from Dutch

roll call of the very finest craftspeople and manufacturers.

lighting designers Brand van Egmond makes a striking centerpiece. To the right and

The 56m2 apartment is spread over three floors and was initially taken on by SHH's client in shell form, with careful space-planning needed at to make the best use of space. Across from the main entrance doors on the upper floor is a further pair of doors that lead directly into a large and handsome dressing room. This space forms a lobby which connects the two "hidden" master bedrooms – his to the right and hers to the left. In front, facing the doors, is a wall of cream-colored wardrobes, whose slim doors are covered in leather. Studs form a decorative detail around the edge of each door, finished off with a horn handle from Ochre, a London-based designer

left are more doors, this time in semi-opaque glass, behind which are stored the couple's clothing. Here, SHH integrated special lighting that allows the clothes to be viewed from the outside even when the doors are closed. The allocation of space in the living area is emphasized by the design of the ceiling lighting, which forms pools of light above the four areas of the room. Additional illumination is created by a selection of striking lamps. Two pieces of particular note are the sconces either side of the fireplace. Made by Ochre, the bespoke design of these lights (to an SHH design) is based on eucalyptus leaves whose shape seems to also echo the organic arrangement of the ceiling lights.

and manufacturer. In the center of the room is a specially-designed island, which



SHH has completed a truly exceptional residence in the heart of Chelsea (in the

has been devised to store a range of accessories. Seamless Industries were again

west end of London), which revives the glamorous spirit of art deco, thanks to the

commissioned to create the lustrous metallic surface of this piece, which is topped

extraordinary quality of finishes created by the SHH team, together with a global

with leather. A contemporary chandelier in platinum-colored glass from Dutch

roll call of the very finest craftspeople and manufacturers.

lighting designers Brand van Egmond makes a striking centerpiece. To the right and

The 56m2 apartment is spread over three floors and was initially taken on by SHH's client in shell form, with careful space-planning needed at to make the best use of space. Across from the main entrance doors on the upper floor is a further pair of doors that lead directly into a large and handsome dressing room. This space forms a lobby which connects the two "hidden" master bedrooms – his to the right and hers to the left. In front, facing the doors, is a wall of cream-colored wardrobes, whose slim doors are covered in leather. Studs form a decorative detail around the edge of each door, finished off with a horn handle from Ochre, a London-based designer

left are more doors, this time in semi-opaque glass, behind which are stored the couple's clothing. Here, SHH integrated special lighting that allows the clothes to be viewed from the outside even when the doors are closed. The allocation of space in the living area is emphasized by the design of the ceiling lighting, which forms pools of light above the four areas of the room. Additional illumination is created by a selection of striking lamps. Two pieces of particular note are the sconces either side of the fireplace. Made by Ochre, the bespoke design of these lights (to an SHH design) is based on eucalyptus leaves whose shape seems to also echo the organic arrangement of the ceiling lights.

and manufacturer. In the center of the room is a specially-designed island, which



























Area: 372m2

Modern Decoration Art

Seacliff Designer

Vernon Applegate, Gioi Tran

Design Company

Applegate Tran Interiors


Seacliff, USA

Photographer Chris Stark

As entertainment home for lots of friends and family, the style is a reflection of the

Client wanted her home to reflect her personal style which is bold, colorful and

client's personality and personal taste. The client has an amazing personality who is

with a great sense of humor. The color pallet was cool grey paint throughout, as a

vibrant and stylish in every way. So the approach to create something modern and

base with accents of orange, blue and deep aubergine. Bold shape, materials and

bold with sculptural elements and layering exotic textures and pattern. There is no

color chosen for the architectural details helped influence the layering of interesting

definitive style that can be described in one word, it is a mix of elements mentioned

textures and color which gives this home a fun and fabulous flair.

that creates something unique.



Area: 372m2

Modern Decoration Art

Seacliff Designer

Vernon Applegate, Gioi Tran

Design Company

Applegate Tran Interiors


Seacliff, USA

Photographer Chris Stark

As entertainment home for lots of friends and family, the style is a reflection of the

Client wanted her home to reflect her personal style which is bold, colorful and

client's personality and personal taste. The client has an amazing personality who is

with a great sense of humor. The color pallet was cool grey paint throughout, as a

vibrant and stylish in every way. So the approach to create something modern and

base with accents of orange, blue and deep aubergine. Bold shape, materials and

bold with sculptural elements and layering exotic textures and pattern. There is no

color chosen for the architectural details helped influence the layering of interesting

definitive style that can be described in one word, it is a mix of elements mentioned

textures and color which gives this home a fun and fabulous flair.

that creates something unique.











Area: 181.35m2

Modern Decoration Art


Laura Umansky

Design Company

Laura U, Inc.


Houston, TX, USA

Uptown Pieda-terre

Photographer Julie Soefer

Challenge: To design a contemporary and playful pied-a-terre in just 8 weeks

the serene master and guest bedrooms. Automated window coverings, lighting,

(including new kitchen). The client's main request was white, lacquer floors (over

audio and sound complete the home.

maple) throughout the entire space.

planning, architectural material specification, millwork design, lighting design,

a very short timeframe. Starting with the clean-line kitchen with LED backsplash,

selection of all interior and exterior furniture, fabrics, art selection and placement,

white lacquer floors, and custom furnishings, the designers created a contemporary

and accessories.

and unexpected retreat in just two months. The white backdrop was implemented to contrast the bold colors, fine art, and graphic prints. The client is an avid contemporary art collector and the designers drew a color scheme from their acquisitions. Various textures create interest in the overall white ground: for example, using a constructed leather carpet in the living room and a very plush faux lawn on the patio. Colorful, woven fabrics in the main living space are a nice foil to 156

Level of Involvement: complete design including, but not limited to, interior space

Solution: This young couple tapped the designers to design their pied-a-terre in

Technically Advanced Features: fully automated "smart" home. Integrated Crestron and Lutron systems controlling all lighting, window coverings, music, television, HVAC. Rack room located in utility space and hidden behind custom, sliding door system. System controlled via wall panel controls, hand held remotes, and cellular phones for convenience.


Area: 181.35m2

Modern Decoration Art


Laura Umansky

Design Company

Laura U, Inc.


Houston, TX, USA

Uptown Pieda-terre

Photographer Julie Soefer

Challenge: To design a contemporary and playful pied-a-terre in just 8 weeks

the serene master and guest bedrooms. Automated window coverings, lighting,

(including new kitchen). The client's main request was white, lacquer floors (over

audio and sound complete the home.

maple) throughout the entire space.

planning, architectural material specification, millwork design, lighting design,

a very short timeframe. Starting with the clean-line kitchen with LED backsplash,

selection of all interior and exterior furniture, fabrics, art selection and placement,

white lacquer floors, and custom furnishings, the designers created a contemporary

and accessories.

and unexpected retreat in just two months. The white backdrop was implemented to contrast the bold colors, fine art, and graphic prints. The client is an avid contemporary art collector and the designers drew a color scheme from their acquisitions. Various textures create interest in the overall white ground: for example, using a constructed leather carpet in the living room and a very plush faux lawn on the patio. Colorful, woven fabrics in the main living space are a nice foil to 156

Level of Involvement: complete design including, but not limited to, interior space

Solution: This young couple tapped the designers to design their pied-a-terre in

Technically Advanced Features: fully automated "smart" home. Integrated Crestron and Lutron systems controlling all lighting, window coverings, music, television, HVAC. Rack room located in utility space and hidden behind custom, sliding door system. System controlled via wall panel controls, hand held remotes, and cellular phones for convenience.






Area: 372m2

Modern Decoration Art

A centerpiece of this 372m2 single-family home is the dramatic

surrounding homes, with a low profile. The material palette is

two-story circular stair. Its curved glass rail looks effortless,

natural, with a metal roof, ledgestone veneer, and integrally

but actually took three months of hard work and re-work. The

colored cement plaster. Pella windows and doors were chosen

kitchen is designed to be a real working kitchen, with granite

for their energy efficiency and quality detailing.

and top-of-the-line appliances that are positioned to be useful as well as beautiful.

This home received a sustainability rating of 113 GreenPoints under the GreenPoint Rated system, a voluntary program

Extra attention was given to the bathrooms; each one is

from BuildItGreen which is being widely adopted throughout

uniquely detailed with custom cabinetry and fixtures. Materials

the State of California. Green building measures included

were chosen for quality and to be cheerful, open, light,

construction waste recycling of minimum 50%, the use of

and pleasing. The master bath is a temple devoted to the

engineered lumber, and low emission insulation. The home

experience of bathing; a bathtub on a plinth with a view to the

is designed for efficient energy performance, achieving a

outdoors occupies its own alcove next to a custom vanity and

30% margin above California's standards for energy-efficient

glass-enclosed shower.


The exterior of the home was designed to harmonize with the

Pepper Drive Residence

Design Company

Mark English Architects


California, USA


Norma Lopez Molina



Area: 372m2

Modern Decoration Art

A centerpiece of this 372m2 single-family home is the dramatic

surrounding homes, with a low profile. The material palette is

two-story circular stair. Its curved glass rail looks effortless,

natural, with a metal roof, ledgestone veneer, and integrally

but actually took three months of hard work and re-work. The

colored cement plaster. Pella windows and doors were chosen

kitchen is designed to be a real working kitchen, with granite

for their energy efficiency and quality detailing.

and top-of-the-line appliances that are positioned to be useful as well as beautiful.

This home received a sustainability rating of 113 GreenPoints under the GreenPoint Rated system, a voluntary program

Extra attention was given to the bathrooms; each one is

from BuildItGreen which is being widely adopted throughout

uniquely detailed with custom cabinetry and fixtures. Materials

the State of California. Green building measures included

were chosen for quality and to be cheerful, open, light,

construction waste recycling of minimum 50%, the use of

and pleasing. The master bath is a temple devoted to the

engineered lumber, and low emission insulation. The home

experience of bathing; a bathtub on a plinth with a view to the

is designed for efficient energy performance, achieving a

outdoors occupies its own alcove next to a custom vanity and

30% margin above California's standards for energy-efficient

glass-enclosed shower.


The exterior of the home was designed to harmonize with the

Pepper Drive Residence

Design Company

Mark English Architects


California, USA


Norma Lopez Molina











Area: 465m2

Modern Decoration Art

Meyerhofer Residence Designer

La Canada, California, USA

Design Company


Jamie Bush & Co.


This project is a ground-up, 465m2 modern house made of glass, steel,

undergo a five year renovation to create a homage to it while adding major

redwood and stone. Set in the foothills of La Canada, California, the house

aesthetic and technological improvements. Jamie Bush & Co. is responsible

was based on its mid-century predecessor which was in terrible shape

for the interior architecture and design of the house, and collaborated with

and had begun to fall apart over time. The owners, Mark and Andrea

architecture firm Osborn Architects and landscape designers Katherine

Meyerhofer, loved the original house so much that they decided to

Spitz and Associates.


Jamie Bush

Laura Hull


Area: 465m2

Modern Decoration Art

Meyerhofer Residence Designer

La Canada, California, USA

Design Company


Jamie Bush & Co.


This project is a ground-up, 465m2 modern house made of glass, steel,

undergo a five year renovation to create a homage to it while adding major

redwood and stone. Set in the foothills of La Canada, California, the house

aesthetic and technological improvements. Jamie Bush & Co. is responsible

was based on its mid-century predecessor which was in terrible shape

for the interior architecture and design of the house, and collaborated with

and had begun to fall apart over time. The owners, Mark and Andrea

architecture firm Osborn Architects and landscape designers Katherine

Meyerhofer, loved the original house so much that they decided to

Spitz and Associates.


Jamie Bush

Laura Hull























Carolyn Trevor Design


David Spence & Guy Matheson

Architects and interior designers can make uneasy bedfellows – both

SHH was set up in 1992 by its three directors and co-founders: David

David Spence is a Co-founder of SHH and the Chairman of the company.

vying to realise a creative vision that might not necessarily be mutual –

Spence, Graham Harris and Neil Hogan. The 50-strong company,

He is a hugely-experienced RIBA Chartered Architect and drives the

but at Carolyn Trevor Design, there is no such professional tension. A

based in London, is made up of a highly talented and cosmopolitan

practice’s highly successful residential arm, overseeing the creation of

trained architect herself, Carolyn has set up an interior design practice

team of architects, interior designers, graphic designers, technical

all housing schemes for both developer and private clients. Internally,

that complements the work of Trevor Lahiff Architects, the practice

and administrative staff. SHH's work is international in scope, located

he ensures the smooth management of all residential projects, from

she runs with her husband Pat Lahiff: same office, same ideas, and no

anywhere from Moscow and Bahrain, Pisa and Riga to Dubai, Lisbon

client liaison and design direction to internal resourcing and on-site


and Tokyo and includes luxury homes, offices and hospitality schemes.

progress. With a plan and a pen to hand at all times, David is always

Luxury residential interiors are the company ' s stock-in-trade, with

SHH's projects have been published all over the world in magazines

looking for the best possible layout and use of space and light, as well

a particular bent towards generous family homes – existing or new-

such as Vogue and ELLE Decoration and have received over 75 creative

as seeking how to create the extra points of difference that are the

build –that are no less stylish for their practicality. Each home is

award wins and nominations. The company's clients are prestigious

hallmark of an SHH project.

French native Marie Burgos founded her interior design firm in 2007

naturally dictated by each client's desires, but with a recognisable

names anywhere in the world and include Christie's, Savills and the

which includes both residential and commercial design. Burgos ' s

pared-down coherence that makes them relaxing spaces to inhabit.

Mittal family.

ultimate talent is understanding her clients' needs and creating interiors

Carolyn says she doesn’t have a professional philosophy, other than to

Marie Burgos

that are balanced, harmonious, sophisticated, and functional. She combines her expertise with the vision of every client. Marie obtained a Masters of Business Management degree from the University of Paris and

the future, and still feels that there is more to achieve, including a move

in the luxury residential market. He is particularly passionate about fine detailing and believes in the importance of getting details exactly right in the delivery of luxury schemes. Guy joined SHH in 2004. He

keep pushing onwards until she gets where she wants to be. After more than ten years running her own business she is no less ambitious about

Guy Matheson is an Associate Director at SHH and highly-experienced

Bruce Wright

an Interior Design degree from New York University. During her studies,

into commercial work – hotels, restaurants and bars – that will enable

Bruce Wright has over 20 years of design experience, specializing in

she strived to balance elegance and harmony while keeping her designs

her to put an even more individual stamp on interiors. With 20-plus

hotel, resort and retail design. As a Vice President and Principal with

luxurious and tasteful. Burgos has been know for her stunning loft and

staff employed, she aspires not necessarily to grow larger, but to go

SB Architects, he lends his considerable project management and

penthouse transformations in Tribeca, Chelsea, Soho, and The Hamptons.

deeper into design, creating spaces that are intensely suitable for their

design expertise to a wide variety of projects around the world, in

purpose, with comfort at their hearts.

locations ranging from the California Wine Country, to the Caribbean,

has two degrees – a Bachelor in Building Science and a Bachelor of Architecture (with honours), both from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, where he also lectured to undergraduates on structural architecture. Guy is well-travelled and interested in global architecture, helping him to offer SHH’s international clientele a strong frame of design reference.

to a signficant and growing portfolio in China. As a Principal of the

Jamie Bush

firm, Bruce plays a leading role in the firm's development and design

Brunete Fraccaroli

Widely admired for his relevant and keen understanding of architecture

Throughout his career, he has worked closely with many of the world's

Jessica Lagrange brings over 30 years of experience to her eponymous

and design, Jamie approaches each new commission with an energetic

The renowned architect Brunete Fraccaroli, graduated at the

leading hotel operators, such as St. Regis Hotels and Resorts, Auberge

interior design firm. Jessica Lagrange Interiors (JLI) provides its clients

and insightful point of view. He is recognized for his ability to mix

Universidade Mackenzie in Sao Paulo and worldwide known as the

Resorts, Rosewood Hotels and Resorts, and Ritz-Carlton Hotels. Prior

with a full range of interior architecture and design services, including

period and contemporary furnishings with a fresh and discerning eye.

colorful architect is a respected and requested professional, for both,

to joining SB Architects, Mr. Wright worked as an Associate for Hill

color, material, and furniture selection, product specification, and

Layering rich colors and textures with exotic and organic elements

house and commercial projects.

Glazier Architects in Palo Alto, working on numerous high profile hotel

oversight of construction and installation in both high-end residential

transforms each of his spaces into an inviting, modern, and unexpected

Among her most acknowledged projects are: The Glass Garden for

and resort projects, including the Four Seasons Hualalai and the Four

and commercial markets. With services that extend to all aspects

environment. Personable and passionate, Jamie’s approach is marked

"Espaco Deca"1999, which was mentioned in The New York Times,

Seasons Bachelor Gulch. While obtaining his professional degree in

of the interiors, her work reflects a luxury lifestyle, blending clean

not only by his dedication to the design process but also to cultivating

won the CREA Prize from Belo Horizonte, the 1st place at the Espaco D

Architecture from The University of Arizona, he spent an academic year

architectural lines, classic furnishings, and subdued color and texture.

exceptional client relationships. After completing a client’s home he is

Award; The Glass Garage of "Casa Cor"2001 – project in honor to her

in Copenhagen, Denmark and has traveled extensively throughout

Prior to forming Jessica Lagrange Interiors in 1998, Ms. Lagrange

often asked to design their vacation home, their offices or even larger

father who loved cars – this area won the Solutia Design Awards 2002;


headed the interiors department at Lucien Lagrange and Associates.

new commercial ventures.

the commercial project of the Glass Store in Sao Paulo, which won the

In the end his clients find themselves delighted and wanting more.

contest Solutia Design Awards 2003 together with the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava.

Sergey Makhno

Jessica began her career at the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and as an interior designer at the architecture firm of Power/

Elips Design

Kleinschmidt. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Chicago 's School of the Art Institute's Department of Interior Architecture.

Elips design, a design and research studio based in London, RIBA

Thomas Dariel

Sergey Makhno is an artist, architect, designer, workshop project


Jessica Lagrange


manager. Graduated from Kiev National University of Building and

French interior designer Thomas Dariel was born in Paris in 1982.

Architecture as well as from Academic School of Design (Moscow),

As great grandson of a French furniture designer, grandson of a jazz

his career as a designer is not an ordinary one. In his early childhood

musician and son of an architect, Thomas has always drawn his strength

Sergey showed interest to design work, however, he started his career

and inspiration from his family heritage.

as a trainer of KioKushinkay karate and grew to professional writer

He came to China in 2006 to launch his own studio, Dariel Studio, which

and designer of Author ' s furniture. In 1999 he founded " Makhno

charteded Practice. Even if the practice remains dedicated to the eralization of buildings, it also operates in area beyond the traditional


boundaries of architecture, including semiotics, renewable energy, technology, product design and graphic design. It has always been

FORWARD is a trademark supported by the areas of architecture,

guided by a belief that the quality of our surroundings has a direct

interiors, design, consultancy and decoration, creating unique projects

influence on the quality of our lives, whether that is in the workplace,

with an innovative signature and character.

at home or in the public realm. Allied to that is an acknowledgement

With a specialized and multidisciplinary team, the main goal is the

elaborates unique concepts for living spaces, creative offices, concept

that architecture is generated by the needs of people – both material

expansion of a trademark with strong capacity to succeed in domestic

workshop". Sergey believes that his imaginative vision is combination of

stores and high-end hospitality projects (hotels, boutique hotels, spas,

and spiritual – and a concern for the physical context and the culture

contradictory backgrounds and creation of artistic mixes from seemingly

clubs, bars and restaurants).

and climate of place. Equally, excellence of design and its successful

incompatible things. He prefers rather not to have a rest but pay a visit

By confronting heritage and cutting-edge innovations, playing with

execution are central to their approach. Environmental awareness

to world design exhibitions and exposure into antique shops. May come

sensations, mixing opposites and incorporating French design expertise

is an integral part of the practice's culture as it evolves to meet the

up with an invention and devise not only well-forgotten old things but

with Eastern cultural influence. Thomas Dariel aims to transform reality

challenges of the next years.

also new ones never thought of before.

into a five-sense emotional experience.

market and with an image and strategy orientated to the global market – working in the way of qualification and diversification of the existing products/projects, namely through modernization and innovation in a company's individual developing model based in a strong dynamic factors of competitiveness.



Carolyn Trevor Design


David Spence & Guy Matheson

Architects and interior designers can make uneasy bedfellows – both

SHH was set up in 1992 by its three directors and co-founders: David

David Spence is a Co-founder of SHH and the Chairman of the company.

vying to realise a creative vision that might not necessarily be mutual –

Spence, Graham Harris and Neil Hogan. The 50-strong company,

He is a hugely-experienced RIBA Chartered Architect and drives the

but at Carolyn Trevor Design, there is no such professional tension. A

based in London, is made up of a highly talented and cosmopolitan

practice’s highly successful residential arm, overseeing the creation of

trained architect herself, Carolyn has set up an interior design practice

team of architects, interior designers, graphic designers, technical

all housing schemes for both developer and private clients. Internally,

that complements the work of Trevor Lahiff Architects, the practice

and administrative staff. SHH's work is international in scope, located

he ensures the smooth management of all residential projects, from

she runs with her husband Pat Lahiff: same office, same ideas, and no

anywhere from Moscow and Bahrain, Pisa and Riga to Dubai, Lisbon

client liaison and design direction to internal resourcing and on-site


and Tokyo and includes luxury homes, offices and hospitality schemes.

progress. With a plan and a pen to hand at all times, David is always

Luxury residential interiors are the company ' s stock-in-trade, with

SHH's projects have been published all over the world in magazines

looking for the best possible layout and use of space and light, as well

a particular bent towards generous family homes – existing or new-

such as Vogue and ELLE Decoration and have received over 75 creative

as seeking how to create the extra points of difference that are the

build –that are no less stylish for their practicality. Each home is

award wins and nominations. The company's clients are prestigious

hallmark of an SHH project.

French native Marie Burgos founded her interior design firm in 2007

naturally dictated by each client's desires, but with a recognisable

names anywhere in the world and include Christie's, Savills and the

which includes both residential and commercial design. Burgos ' s

pared-down coherence that makes them relaxing spaces to inhabit.

Mittal family.

ultimate talent is understanding her clients' needs and creating interiors

Carolyn says she doesn’t have a professional philosophy, other than to

Marie Burgos

that are balanced, harmonious, sophisticated, and functional. She combines her expertise with the vision of every client. Marie obtained a Masters of Business Management degree from the University of Paris and

the future, and still feels that there is more to achieve, including a move

in the luxury residential market. He is particularly passionate about fine detailing and believes in the importance of getting details exactly right in the delivery of luxury schemes. Guy joined SHH in 2004. He

keep pushing onwards until she gets where she wants to be. After more than ten years running her own business she is no less ambitious about

Guy Matheson is an Associate Director at SHH and highly-experienced

Bruce Wright

an Interior Design degree from New York University. During her studies,

into commercial work – hotels, restaurants and bars – that will enable

Bruce Wright has over 20 years of design experience, specializing in

she strived to balance elegance and harmony while keeping her designs

her to put an even more individual stamp on interiors. With 20-plus

hotel, resort and retail design. As a Vice President and Principal with

luxurious and tasteful. Burgos has been know for her stunning loft and

staff employed, she aspires not necessarily to grow larger, but to go

SB Architects, he lends his considerable project management and

penthouse transformations in Tribeca, Chelsea, Soho, and The Hamptons.

deeper into design, creating spaces that are intensely suitable for their

design expertise to a wide variety of projects around the world, in

purpose, with comfort at their hearts.

locations ranging from the California Wine Country, to the Caribbean,

has two degrees – a Bachelor in Building Science and a Bachelor of Architecture (with honours), both from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, where he also lectured to undergraduates on structural architecture. Guy is well-travelled and interested in global architecture, helping him to offer SHH’s international clientele a strong frame of design reference.

to a signficant and growing portfolio in China. As a Principal of the

Jamie Bush

firm, Bruce plays a leading role in the firm's development and design

Brunete Fraccaroli

Widely admired for his relevant and keen understanding of architecture

Throughout his career, he has worked closely with many of the world's

Jessica Lagrange brings over 30 years of experience to her eponymous

and design, Jamie approaches each new commission with an energetic

The renowned architect Brunete Fraccaroli, graduated at the

leading hotel operators, such as St. Regis Hotels and Resorts, Auberge

interior design firm. Jessica Lagrange Interiors (JLI) provides its clients

and insightful point of view. He is recognized for his ability to mix

Universidade Mackenzie in Sao Paulo and worldwide known as the

Resorts, Rosewood Hotels and Resorts, and Ritz-Carlton Hotels. Prior

with a full range of interior architecture and design services, including

period and contemporary furnishings with a fresh and discerning eye.

colorful architect is a respected and requested professional, for both,

to joining SB Architects, Mr. Wright worked as an Associate for Hill

color, material, and furniture selection, product specification, and

Layering rich colors and textures with exotic and organic elements

house and commercial projects.

Glazier Architects in Palo Alto, working on numerous high profile hotel

oversight of construction and installation in both high-end residential

transforms each of his spaces into an inviting, modern, and unexpected

Among her most acknowledged projects are: The Glass Garden for

and resort projects, including the Four Seasons Hualalai and the Four

and commercial markets. With services that extend to all aspects

environment. Personable and passionate, Jamie’s approach is marked

"Espaco Deca"1999, which was mentioned in The New York Times,

Seasons Bachelor Gulch. While obtaining his professional degree in

of the interiors, her work reflects a luxury lifestyle, blending clean

not only by his dedication to the design process but also to cultivating

won the CREA Prize from Belo Horizonte, the 1st place at the Espaco D

Architecture from The University of Arizona, he spent an academic year

architectural lines, classic furnishings, and subdued color and texture.

exceptional client relationships. After completing a client’s home he is

Award; The Glass Garage of "Casa Cor"2001 – project in honor to her

in Copenhagen, Denmark and has traveled extensively throughout

Prior to forming Jessica Lagrange Interiors in 1998, Ms. Lagrange

often asked to design their vacation home, their offices or even larger

father who loved cars – this area won the Solutia Design Awards 2002;


headed the interiors department at Lucien Lagrange and Associates.

new commercial ventures.

the commercial project of the Glass Store in Sao Paulo, which won the

In the end his clients find themselves delighted and wanting more.

contest Solutia Design Awards 2003 together with the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava.

Sergey Makhno

Jessica began her career at the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and as an interior designer at the architecture firm of Power/

Elips Design

Kleinschmidt. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Chicago 's School of the Art Institute's Department of Interior Architecture.

Elips design, a design and research studio based in London, RIBA

Thomas Dariel

Sergey Makhno is an artist, architect, designer, workshop project


Jessica Lagrange


manager. Graduated from Kiev National University of Building and

French interior designer Thomas Dariel was born in Paris in 1982.

Architecture as well as from Academic School of Design (Moscow),

As great grandson of a French furniture designer, grandson of a jazz

his career as a designer is not an ordinary one. In his early childhood

musician and son of an architect, Thomas has always drawn his strength

Sergey showed interest to design work, however, he started his career

and inspiration from his family heritage.

as a trainer of KioKushinkay karate and grew to professional writer

He came to China in 2006 to launch his own studio, Dariel Studio, which

and designer of Author ' s furniture. In 1999 he founded " Makhno

charteded Practice. Even if the practice remains dedicated to the eralization of buildings, it also operates in area beyond the traditional


boundaries of architecture, including semiotics, renewable energy, technology, product design and graphic design. It has always been

FORWARD is a trademark supported by the areas of architecture,

guided by a belief that the quality of our surroundings has a direct

interiors, design, consultancy and decoration, creating unique projects

influence on the quality of our lives, whether that is in the workplace,

with an innovative signature and character.

at home or in the public realm. Allied to that is an acknowledgement

With a specialized and multidisciplinary team, the main goal is the

elaborates unique concepts for living spaces, creative offices, concept

that architecture is generated by the needs of people – both material

expansion of a trademark with strong capacity to succeed in domestic

workshop". Sergey believes that his imaginative vision is combination of

stores and high-end hospitality projects (hotels, boutique hotels, spas,

and spiritual – and a concern for the physical context and the culture

contradictory backgrounds and creation of artistic mixes from seemingly

clubs, bars and restaurants).

and climate of place. Equally, excellence of design and its successful

incompatible things. He prefers rather not to have a rest but pay a visit

By confronting heritage and cutting-edge innovations, playing with

execution are central to their approach. Environmental awareness

to world design exhibitions and exposure into antique shops. May come

sensations, mixing opposites and incorporating French design expertise

is an integral part of the practice's culture as it evolves to meet the

up with an invention and devise not only well-forgotten old things but

with Eastern cultural influence. Thomas Dariel aims to transform reality

challenges of the next years.

also new ones never thought of before.

into a five-sense emotional experience.

market and with an image and strategy orientated to the global market – working in the way of qualification and diversification of the existing products/projects, namely through modernization and innovation in a company's individual developing model based in a strong dynamic factors of competitiveness.


Casa Forma

Mark English Architects


Casa Forma is an award winning luxury architectural and interior design

Mark English and his associates at Mark English Architects create

With a track record of more than 40 years in the industry, ONG&ONG

David Collins was born and grew up on the coast outside Dublin,

firm headquartered in London.

beautiful modern architecture, exploring the power of simple forms and

has earned an unparalleled reputation for servicing their clients with

Ireland. He studied architecture at Bolton Street School of Architecture

Founded in 2007 to do property development in super prime locations

spaces specific to place and client desire.

creativity, excellence and commitment.

and travelled Europe upon graduation. Settling in London to begin

of London, their international practice provides a comprehensive

Mark English Architects is an architectural firm known for creating

ONG&ONG offers a complete 360º solution – i.e. a parceled cross-

work for an architectural practice, David Collins rapidly established his

architectural and interior design service for residential, commercial and

unique, thoughtful spaces while providing consistent and committed

discipline integrated solution, encompassing all aspects of the

reputation in the industry and formed his practice in 1985 along with

hospitality properties.

professional service. A separate energy division provides design-

construction business. This three-pronged solution encompasses

business partner Iain Watson.

They place absolute importance on understanding the particular needs

sensitive Title 24 documentation services for architects and builders.

design (architecture, urban planning, interior, landscape, environmental

Each project is a sophisticated counterpoint between rationale and

and wishes of their clients for a personalised service delivered to an

They integrate new technologies of virtual building modeling into

branding, lighting and experience design), engineering (mechanical,

aesthetics. A comprehensive understanding of operational issues,

uncompromisingly high standard.

architectural design practice and construction. The quality of the work

electrical, civil, structural, fire safety and environmental) and

accumulated from a vast experience of working with Residential, Retail

In the last two years Casa Forma won five awards at the International

has gained both international and local media praise.

management (project, development, construction, cost and place).

and Leisure projects, has proved a distinct market advantage when

They are an ISO14001 certified practice with offices in Singapore,

rationalising key questions of service and quality of design. The David

China, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, the USA, Indonesia, Mongolia and the

Collins Studio aesthetic is discernible in the attention to detail, texture

UAE. In-depth knowledge of the local context, culture and regulations

and technique of the workmanship, as well as careful manipulation of

allow them to better understand their clients' needs to enable them to

lighting and progressive use of color to add depth and interest to an

meet and exceed their expectations. With more than a hundred awards

interior. Together, this winning formula produces a design that fulfils

to their name, ONG&ONG constantly works towards staying ahead of

every criterion of client and consumer alike.

Design and Architectural Awards and at The UK Property Awards.

Jennifer Post

Guilherme Torres Guilherme Torres can be defined by Daft Punk's misc: work it harder

Jennifer Post is the principal and visionary of her firm – Jennifer Post,

better faster make it over, the sentence has become his motto and

Inc. She has been creating elegantly modern, contemporary homes with

it has been tattooed on his arm and written on the walls of his

a flair of sophistication and richness not matched by others.

studio. His professional career started very early, when he was still a

Jennifer Post's ability to transform living environments into elegantly

teenager, he worked as a designer in an engineering office, where he

edited spaces has earned her a reputation amongst the country's

acquired the knowledge in the area and also the technical language. A

leading Architects and Designers, as well as a following of elite and

world citizen, Guilherme divides his time between his studios in Sao

the competition.

Harry Heissmann Gary Lee Partners

Harry Heissmann received his Masters of Interior Design degree from

Paulo and Londrina, with a range of activities, from residential and

Gary Lee Partners' name is synonymous with designs that are as elegant

the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Germany in 1995.

commercial projects to furniture design, one of his passions. Owner of

as they are evocative and functional.

Before joining the firm of Albert Hadley, Inc. (a dream of his) in 2000, he

Post project is immaculately conceived, detailed, and constructed. Post

his own and authorial style, his works were granted many awards and

After earning an illustrious reputation and numerous awards for his

gained extensive experience working with several prominent New York

personally sketches, draws, and documents the design details of each

publications. For 2011, Studio Guilherme Torres is preparing to become

interior and product designs, Gary Lee established his own firm in

interior designers.

an international studio, as result of the global media recognition.

1993. His vision was for a studio that solely serviced clients who sought

Harry ' s designs combine comfort, practicality, wit and humor, all

under her constant guidance. Her study of architectural principles and

exceptional service and design. A place dedicated to creating designs

elegantly organized to support his primary goal of satisfying the client's

her fine arts background combine for an approach that treats each

that bond quality and function, texture and simplicity. A practice where

needs and wishes. He cherishes the close relationships that have been

home like a piece of artwork. Clear spatial organization along a primary

the details matter, proportions are valued, and everything has its place.

built over his career – both professionally and personally – and is

sophisticated clientele. As a self-described perfectionist, it is important that every Jennifer

project, and her firm provides comprehensive construction management

axis is emphasized, as are balance, continuity, and clarity of form. Color and luxurious texture are used in sublime moderation along with natural light illuminating pure white walls to create an ethereal effect. Her understated elegant approach to contemporary design is classical and timeless. Post is passionate about her work – and about how good design can influence lifestyle, earning her reputation on Architectural Digest's coveted "AD 100" list of the world's top architects and designers.

Luigi Esposito Luigi Esposito opened Forma Designs in January 2004, almost ten years after qualifying as an architect in his native Brazil, during which he took a Masters in Interior Design, spent several years with Ralph Lauren in London and rose to Senior Interior Designer with Ralph Lauren Home.

Over the years, Gary has been joined by a loyal team of designers and

already working with ''second generation'' clients, some of whom say he

architects. Most of these professionals have been groomed by Gary for

helped them realize their dreams, too.

over a decade. Their versatile skill sets and impeccable eye for details

Mr. Heissmann's projects have included residences everywhere and he

helped build the firm 's impressive portfolio. Gary Lee Partners is a

always loves to contribute to charity and fundraising ventures, such as

certified MBE firm.

show houses and table settings. His work has been published in the New York Times, New York Magazine,

Forma Designs worked on several penthouse projects (two of which are

House Beautiful, Metropolitan Home, Traditional Home and British

included in the new Stephanie Hoppen interiors book "Perfect Neutrals" and Andrew Martin Interior Design Reviewed 2006), apartments, shops


and even a private polo club with stables for over 50 horses.

Keat Ong Managing Director(Nota Design Group)


client Faiza Seth to establish Casa Forma, focusing on interior design

dynamic combination of partners Stefan Antoni, Philip Olmesdahl and

In the spring of 2009, Harry Heissmann Inc. was established.

and bespoke furniture but also expanding into property development.

Greg Truen who share a potent vision easily distinguished in their buildings and an innovative and dedicated approach to the execution of projects internationally, nationally and locally. Projects range from large scale commercial and institutional to individual high-end homes.

oriented firms such as Oldfield Knott Architects Pty Ltd, LPT Architects Pte Ltd(Aedes), Look Architects and aKTa-rchitects. And now he is the managing director of Nota Design Group. As a celebrated designer, Keat is no stranger to design accolades. His latest awards are from Designers Association Singapore and International Council of Interior Architect/Designers.

Martin Design Review No.14 and the book "Undecorate" by Christiane

SAOTA – Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects is driven by the

Outstanding Personality (Asia Pacific Federation of Designers) Keat had the advantage and privilege of working in well-know, design-

House & Garden. Most recently Harry has been featured in the Andrew

In 2007 Forma Designs entered into a business venture with previous

Chairman, Membership(Interior Design Confederation, Singapore) "Individuals who influenced Yunnan 2012" (Yunnan Info Daily)


David Collins

Stefano Dorata He proposed himself to the large public by realizing new residential, hotel and yacht design projects in many countries of Europe, Middle East and United States. Many of his works have been published in Italy, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland , Russia, Bulgaria, South Africa, United States and

Emlyn Conlon

Inspired by the challenges and the opportunities of site, context,

Emlyn Conlon originally studied architecture before switching to

brief and budget they strive to create distinctive, memorable and

interior design, finding it more suited to his creative talents. He has

yet timeless buildings optimizing the Clients ' quality of lifestyle and

always worked in the residential sector, starting out with Kelly Hoppen

return on investment. The company has received numerous awards

before joining SHH, where he thrives on the huge variety of clients

and commendations from some of the most respected institutions

and projects, including, most recently, "Luxury Chelsea Triplex" and


"Paddington Penthouse".



Casa Forma

Mark English Architects


Casa Forma is an award winning luxury architectural and interior design

Mark English and his associates at Mark English Architects create

With a track record of more than 40 years in the industry, ONG&ONG

David Collins was born and grew up on the coast outside Dublin,

firm headquartered in London.

beautiful modern architecture, exploring the power of simple forms and

has earned an unparalleled reputation for servicing their clients with

Ireland. He studied architecture at Bolton Street School of Architecture

Founded in 2007 to do property development in super prime locations

spaces specific to place and client desire.

creativity, excellence and commitment.

and travelled Europe upon graduation. Settling in London to begin

of London, their international practice provides a comprehensive

Mark English Architects is an architectural firm known for creating

ONG&ONG offers a complete 360º solution – i.e. a parceled cross-

work for an architectural practice, David Collins rapidly established his

architectural and interior design service for residential, commercial and

unique, thoughtful spaces while providing consistent and committed

discipline integrated solution, encompassing all aspects of the

reputation in the industry and formed his practice in 1985 along with

hospitality properties.

professional service. A separate energy division provides design-

construction business. This three-pronged solution encompasses

business partner Iain Watson.

They place absolute importance on understanding the particular needs

sensitive Title 24 documentation services for architects and builders.

design (architecture, urban planning, interior, landscape, environmental

Each project is a sophisticated counterpoint between rationale and

and wishes of their clients for a personalised service delivered to an

They integrate new technologies of virtual building modeling into

branding, lighting and experience design), engineering (mechanical,

aesthetics. A comprehensive understanding of operational issues,

uncompromisingly high standard.

architectural design practice and construction. The quality of the work

electrical, civil, structural, fire safety and environmental) and

accumulated from a vast experience of working with Residential, Retail

In the last two years Casa Forma won five awards at the International

has gained both international and local media praise.

management (project, development, construction, cost and place).

and Leisure projects, has proved a distinct market advantage when

They are an ISO14001 certified practice with offices in Singapore,

rationalising key questions of service and quality of design. The David

China, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, the USA, Indonesia, Mongolia and the

Collins Studio aesthetic is discernible in the attention to detail, texture

UAE. In-depth knowledge of the local context, culture and regulations

and technique of the workmanship, as well as careful manipulation of

allow them to better understand their clients' needs to enable them to

lighting and progressive use of color to add depth and interest to an

meet and exceed their expectations. With more than a hundred awards

interior. Together, this winning formula produces a design that fulfils

to their name, ONG&ONG constantly works towards staying ahead of

every criterion of client and consumer alike.

Design and Architectural Awards and at The UK Property Awards.

Jennifer Post

Guilherme Torres Guilherme Torres can be defined by Daft Punk's misc: work it harder

Jennifer Post is the principal and visionary of her firm – Jennifer Post,

better faster make it over, the sentence has become his motto and

Inc. She has been creating elegantly modern, contemporary homes with

it has been tattooed on his arm and written on the walls of his

a flair of sophistication and richness not matched by others.

studio. His professional career started very early, when he was still a

Jennifer Post's ability to transform living environments into elegantly

teenager, he worked as a designer in an engineering office, where he

edited spaces has earned her a reputation amongst the country's

acquired the knowledge in the area and also the technical language. A

leading Architects and Designers, as well as a following of elite and

world citizen, Guilherme divides his time between his studios in Sao

the competition.

Harry Heissmann Gary Lee Partners

Harry Heissmann received his Masters of Interior Design degree from

Paulo and Londrina, with a range of activities, from residential and

Gary Lee Partners' name is synonymous with designs that are as elegant

the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Germany in 1995.

commercial projects to furniture design, one of his passions. Owner of

as they are evocative and functional.

Before joining the firm of Albert Hadley, Inc. (a dream of his) in 2000, he

Post project is immaculately conceived, detailed, and constructed. Post

his own and authorial style, his works were granted many awards and

After earning an illustrious reputation and numerous awards for his

gained extensive experience working with several prominent New York

personally sketches, draws, and documents the design details of each

publications. For 2011, Studio Guilherme Torres is preparing to become

interior and product designs, Gary Lee established his own firm in

interior designers.

an international studio, as result of the global media recognition.

1993. His vision was for a studio that solely serviced clients who sought

Harry ' s designs combine comfort, practicality, wit and humor, all

under her constant guidance. Her study of architectural principles and

exceptional service and design. A place dedicated to creating designs

elegantly organized to support his primary goal of satisfying the client's

her fine arts background combine for an approach that treats each

that bond quality and function, texture and simplicity. A practice where

needs and wishes. He cherishes the close relationships that have been

home like a piece of artwork. Clear spatial organization along a primary

the details matter, proportions are valued, and everything has its place.

built over his career – both professionally and personally – and is

sophisticated clientele. As a self-described perfectionist, it is important that every Jennifer

project, and her firm provides comprehensive construction management

axis is emphasized, as are balance, continuity, and clarity of form. Color and luxurious texture are used in sublime moderation along with natural light illuminating pure white walls to create an ethereal effect. Her understated elegant approach to contemporary design is classical and timeless. Post is passionate about her work – and about how good design can influence lifestyle, earning her reputation on Architectural Digest's coveted "AD 100" list of the world's top architects and designers.

Luigi Esposito Luigi Esposito opened Forma Designs in January 2004, almost ten years after qualifying as an architect in his native Brazil, during which he took a Masters in Interior Design, spent several years with Ralph Lauren in London and rose to Senior Interior Designer with Ralph Lauren Home.

Over the years, Gary has been joined by a loyal team of designers and

already working with ''second generation'' clients, some of whom say he

architects. Most of these professionals have been groomed by Gary for

helped them realize their dreams, too.

over a decade. Their versatile skill sets and impeccable eye for details

Mr. Heissmann's projects have included residences everywhere and he

helped build the firm 's impressive portfolio. Gary Lee Partners is a

always loves to contribute to charity and fundraising ventures, such as

certified MBE firm.

show houses and table settings. His work has been published in the New York Times, New York Magazine,

Forma Designs worked on several penthouse projects (two of which are

House Beautiful, Metropolitan Home, Traditional Home and British

included in the new Stephanie Hoppen interiors book "Perfect Neutrals" and Andrew Martin Interior Design Reviewed 2006), apartments, shops


and even a private polo club with stables for over 50 horses.

Keat Ong Managing Director(Nota Design Group)


client Faiza Seth to establish Casa Forma, focusing on interior design

dynamic combination of partners Stefan Antoni, Philip Olmesdahl and

In the spring of 2009, Harry Heissmann Inc. was established.

and bespoke furniture but also expanding into property development.

Greg Truen who share a potent vision easily distinguished in their buildings and an innovative and dedicated approach to the execution of projects internationally, nationally and locally. Projects range from large scale commercial and institutional to individual high-end homes.

oriented firms such as Oldfield Knott Architects Pty Ltd, LPT Architects Pte Ltd(Aedes), Look Architects and aKTa-rchitects. And now he is the managing director of Nota Design Group. As a celebrated designer, Keat is no stranger to design accolades. His latest awards are from Designers Association Singapore and International Council of Interior Architect/Designers.

Martin Design Review No.14 and the book "Undecorate" by Christiane

SAOTA – Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects is driven by the

Outstanding Personality (Asia Pacific Federation of Designers) Keat had the advantage and privilege of working in well-know, design-

House & Garden. Most recently Harry has been featured in the Andrew

In 2007 Forma Designs entered into a business venture with previous

Chairman, Membership(Interior Design Confederation, Singapore) "Individuals who influenced Yunnan 2012" (Yunnan Info Daily)


David Collins

Stefano Dorata He proposed himself to the large public by realizing new residential, hotel and yacht design projects in many countries of Europe, Middle East and United States. Many of his works have been published in Italy, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland , Russia, Bulgaria, South Africa, United States and

Emlyn Conlon

Inspired by the challenges and the opportunities of site, context,

Emlyn Conlon originally studied architecture before switching to

brief and budget they strive to create distinctive, memorable and

interior design, finding it more suited to his creative talents. He has

yet timeless buildings optimizing the Clients ' quality of lifestyle and

always worked in the residential sector, starting out with Kelly Hoppen

return on investment. The company has received numerous awards

before joining SHH, where he thrives on the huge variety of clients

and commendations from some of the most respected institutions

and projects, including, most recently, "Luxury Chelsea Triplex" and


"Paddington Penthouse".



Susan Knof

OKHA Interiors

Artbureau I/1

Susan Manrao Design

Susan Knof is a Senior Interior Designer at multi-award-winning, London-

In the past decade OKHA has emerged as one of the most stylish and

Designers: Ilya Klimov, Lena Solovieva

Artfully considered, distinctive in concept, Susan Manrao Design focuses

based architects and designers SHH, specialising in the interior design,

innovative interior brands with exclusive and contemporary furniture

They carry out both types of orders: private and commercial.They

on creating interiors spaces that convey warmth and character. Their

decoration and styling of high-end residential projects. The American-

and accessories providing a sought after signature offering. OKHA has

specialize in interior design, architecture and decoration. Since their

modern eclectic style firming rooted in the concept of "indie luxury" –

born designer joined SHH in 2007, having both lived and worked in New

set a new standard in design and continues to pioneer African luxury

motto in 1/1, they create individual and unique design of wall-paper,

incorporating into their spaces objects whose appeal is derived from

York, Sydney and London, which lends a sophisticated and cosmopolitan

across a wide range of unique furniture and décor products. Largely

ceramics, textile, pieces of furniture and different interior details for

their unique nature and rarity. They seek to engage the human spirit

style to her designs.

responsible for OKHA's evolution and the maturing of the brand is

every client. The name of their company "Artbureau I/1" reflects the

and spark irreverence through design with unexpected details that

Susan studied design at Miami University and textiles and photography

Creative Director, Adam Court, " OKHA has its roots firmly in Africa

main ideal of their work.

surprise and delight their clients. The juxtaposition of modern lines

at the University of New South Wales, going on to work as an Interior

but this is juxtaposed with contemporary lines and finishes, bringing

Their motto:All what we do is unique, the only realization I/1 .

with natural raw, materials and carefully curated objects from around

Designer for practices such as Gensler and SOSH Architects in New York.

different elements together in a fresh, imaginative and provocative

They want to fill their life with subjects full of associations and sense.

the world creates one kind of spaces with distinct style. A proponent for

She is also LEED-accredited (Leadership in Energy and Environmental

approach." His personal design ethos revolves around a simple belief in

The area must reflect their and their client's ideas about arts, aesthetics

emerging artists and innovation, Susan Manrao Design has an expansive

Design) and took time out early in her career to work on projects for the

reduction and the emphasizing of silhouettes and form, often utilising

and taste.They mix different cultures, materials, breaking down all rules,

library of international resources from the most recent design shows

"Habitat for Humanity International" in mainland America and in Hawaii.

contradictory languages of both the organic and geometric, to create a

achieving new interpretetions.

in London, Italy and Paris. Their expertise is in sourcing unique, hard to

Project work in Susan's portolfio has ranged from leisure centres,

perfect synthesis. His designs illicit a strong emotional response as well

Profile: specializing in high-end commercial and residential projects,

find items as well as developing custom, one of a kind custom furniture

offices, casinos and hotels, but luxury housing has always been a major

as analytical dialogue, invariably they are creations that stand out from

including boutiques, shops and restaurants.

pieces and art installations that are design especially for the client.

focus. At SHH, Susan has worked on interiors for London townhouses,

the masses.

Moscow villas and Lisbon penthouses in a variety of styles, from classic, modernist, and minimalist to maximalist, but always with the extraordinary level of finishes and bespoke solutions that characterises SHH's work in this market.

Robert Gurney Architect Maika Winter

Vernon Applegate & Gioi Tran

The office of Robert M. Gurney, FAIA is dedicated to the design of

Applegate Tran founders and principal designers Vernon Applegate and

Wintercreative is a contemporary design studio founded by Scottsdale

modern, meticulously detailed, thoughtfully ordered residential and

Gioi Tran are both based in San Francisco, where the firm was founded

interior designer Maika Winter. Specializing in unique interior

commercial projects sensitive to site, program and budget. Materials are

in 1998. Vernon Applegate was educated at The University of the Arts,

environments, and catering to a discerning clientele, Wintercreative

employed with honesty, integrity and ecological awareness. Regardless

in Philadelphia, where he received a B.S. in Architectural Studies, and

combines classic sophistication with avant-garde innovation, and

of project size or budget, their office is committed to producing

has done additional coursework through the University of California.

Laura Umansky is an interior designer who brings her signature

focuses on treating space as a livable art form. The company employs

buildings and spaces that strive for design excellence. The office of

He worked for several notable interiors design firms in Los Angeles and

aesthetic to luxury international residences, fashion-forward hospitality

an organic sensibility that regards the Environment, Architecture,

Robert M. Gurney, FAIA has created a body of work that has won more

San Francisco prior to opening ATI.

interiors, and high-style corporate offices. Her classic architectural

and Interior as one symbiotic entity. As a result, furnishings, lighting,

than two hundred local, regional and national design awards, including

Gioi Tran is co-principal of Applegate Tran Interior (ATI), a San Francisco

education and international design experience is channeled into each

and other interior elements are often custom-designed and built

two AIA National Honor Awards, six National AIA Housing Awards, and

based firm specializing in residential and commercial design with

and every design decision. At Laura U, Inc. she leads a talented team

specifically for each project. Maika received her BS in Interior Design

three American Architecture Awards. In addition the office's work has

design clients from New York, Hawaii, Panama, London and Singapor.

focusing on turn-key interior design solutions. Over the last five years

from the University of Cincinnati's acclaimed College of DAAP, along

been published in over two hundred local, national, and international

He is an established designer with more than 15 years of industry

Laura U, Inc. has won numerous ASID awards. Laura Umansky has

with a Certificate of Architecture. She is an NCIDQ Certified Interior

magazines, books, and periodicals, and in 2010 Robert Gurney was

experience. Gioi received his Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

been recognized by the interior design industry through additional

Designer, and is a Professional Member of ASID (American Society of

included in Architectural Digest's "AD 100". The work of Robert Gurney

from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco in 1995 and three

awards: ASID Presidential Citation, Houston Design Center's Inaugural

Interior Designers).

is the subject of a recent monograph, "Modern Order Houses by Robert

years later co-founded ATI with his partner, Vernon Applegate. ATI has


not only been recognized with awards nationally and internationally,

Laura Umansky

Stars on the Rise, Houston Business Journal's Top 40 Under 40, and

but their body of work has also been widely published.

Luxe magazine's National Gold List. Laura received her Masters of Architecture degree from the University of Houston and her BA from the University of Texas (Austin). She is an Allied Member of ASID and

Guillaume Gentet

Pebbledesign / Çakıltaşları Mimarlık Tasarım

an Associate Member of AIA. Currently, Laura is designing luxury

Award-winning, French born décorateur-ensemblier, Guillaume Gentet

residences throughout the US and bringing new hospitality concepts to

(ghee-ohm jeohn-tay) wears many hats: designer, fine artist, craftsman,

Pebbledesign, founded in 2004 in Istanbul, especially focused


and newly proud American citizen.

themselves for designing of residential and commercial purposes as

His talents encompass an extraordinary range of interior design

apartments & residentials, sample flats, concept & decoration projects,

applications. From his ability to direct construction and his keen

restaurants & cafes, exhibition booth, office and yachts. Founder of the

eye for highly covetable reclaimed artifacts and furniture, to his

Pebble Design, Interior Designer Ms. Neslihan Pekcan born in 1976 in

personalized faux finishes and one-of-a-kind cabinetry and millwork,

Istanbul, after attending Savannah College of Art and Design "Interior

Geometrix Design is a creative studio works on uniqueness of interior,

Guillaume Gentet offers knowledge, experience and design sensibility

Design Department" / USA, graduated from Mimar Sinan University

whether it be apartment, house, restaurant or office. They create

unparalleled in the industry.

"Architecture Faculty/Interior Design Department" in 1999. After

individual projects by a harmonious combination of a cosiness, modern

Despite a very discerning NYC/Hamptons client base, Guillaume Gentet

graduation, she started and continued her professional career in various

design and the account of all your wishes. People say "all is thought up

maintains a " no fuss " attitude while lighting up any room with his

architectural companies. Pebbledesign produces simple, absolute and

to us". But Geometrix Design actively denies this statement, realizing

boldly entertaining charm.

particular solutions that the details form their work. Nonetheless, they

new ideas and original decisions.

Gentet’s ultimate goal when working with his clients is to provide a

autograph to the boutique projects by preferring reflecting their design

space that is more than they imagined, yet perfectly suited to them. To

pleasure, due to answering all needs of their clients.

Geometrix Design

do so, Gentet has no fear in exploring different styles which he often enhances with his own whimsical twist.



Susan Knof

OKHA Interiors

Artbureau I/1

Susan Manrao Design

Susan Knof is a Senior Interior Designer at multi-award-winning, London-

In the past decade OKHA has emerged as one of the most stylish and

Designers: Ilya Klimov, Lena Solovieva

Artfully considered, distinctive in concept, Susan Manrao Design focuses

based architects and designers SHH, specialising in the interior design,

innovative interior brands with exclusive and contemporary furniture

They carry out both types of orders: private and commercial.They

on creating interiors spaces that convey warmth and character. Their

decoration and styling of high-end residential projects. The American-

and accessories providing a sought after signature offering. OKHA has

specialize in interior design, architecture and decoration. Since their

modern eclectic style firming rooted in the concept of "indie luxury" –

born designer joined SHH in 2007, having both lived and worked in New

set a new standard in design and continues to pioneer African luxury

motto in 1/1, they create individual and unique design of wall-paper,

incorporating into their spaces objects whose appeal is derived from

York, Sydney and London, which lends a sophisticated and cosmopolitan

across a wide range of unique furniture and décor products. Largely

ceramics, textile, pieces of furniture and different interior details for

their unique nature and rarity. They seek to engage the human spirit

style to her designs.

responsible for OKHA's evolution and the maturing of the brand is

every client. The name of their company "Artbureau I/1" reflects the

and spark irreverence through design with unexpected details that

Susan studied design at Miami University and textiles and photography

Creative Director, Adam Court, " OKHA has its roots firmly in Africa

main ideal of their work.

surprise and delight their clients. The juxtaposition of modern lines

at the University of New South Wales, going on to work as an Interior

but this is juxtaposed with contemporary lines and finishes, bringing

Their motto:All what we do is unique, the only realization I/1 .

with natural raw, materials and carefully curated objects from around

Designer for practices such as Gensler and SOSH Architects in New York.

different elements together in a fresh, imaginative and provocative

They want to fill their life with subjects full of associations and sense.

the world creates one kind of spaces with distinct style. A proponent for

She is also LEED-accredited (Leadership in Energy and Environmental

approach." His personal design ethos revolves around a simple belief in

The area must reflect their and their client's ideas about arts, aesthetics

emerging artists and innovation, Susan Manrao Design has an expansive

Design) and took time out early in her career to work on projects for the

reduction and the emphasizing of silhouettes and form, often utilising

and taste.They mix different cultures, materials, breaking down all rules,

library of international resources from the most recent design shows

"Habitat for Humanity International" in mainland America and in Hawaii.

contradictory languages of both the organic and geometric, to create a

achieving new interpretetions.

in London, Italy and Paris. Their expertise is in sourcing unique, hard to

Project work in Susan's portolfio has ranged from leisure centres,

perfect synthesis. His designs illicit a strong emotional response as well

Profile: specializing in high-end commercial and residential projects,

find items as well as developing custom, one of a kind custom furniture

offices, casinos and hotels, but luxury housing has always been a major

as analytical dialogue, invariably they are creations that stand out from

including boutiques, shops and restaurants.

pieces and art installations that are design especially for the client.

focus. At SHH, Susan has worked on interiors for London townhouses,

the masses.

Moscow villas and Lisbon penthouses in a variety of styles, from classic, modernist, and minimalist to maximalist, but always with the extraordinary level of finishes and bespoke solutions that characterises SHH's work in this market.

Robert Gurney Architect Maika Winter

Vernon Applegate & Gioi Tran

The office of Robert M. Gurney, FAIA is dedicated to the design of

Applegate Tran founders and principal designers Vernon Applegate and

Wintercreative is a contemporary design studio founded by Scottsdale

modern, meticulously detailed, thoughtfully ordered residential and

Gioi Tran are both based in San Francisco, where the firm was founded

interior designer Maika Winter. Specializing in unique interior

commercial projects sensitive to site, program and budget. Materials are

in 1998. Vernon Applegate was educated at The University of the Arts,

environments, and catering to a discerning clientele, Wintercreative

employed with honesty, integrity and ecological awareness. Regardless

in Philadelphia, where he received a B.S. in Architectural Studies, and

combines classic sophistication with avant-garde innovation, and

of project size or budget, their office is committed to producing

has done additional coursework through the University of California.

Laura Umansky is an interior designer who brings her signature

focuses on treating space as a livable art form. The company employs

buildings and spaces that strive for design excellence. The office of

He worked for several notable interiors design firms in Los Angeles and

aesthetic to luxury international residences, fashion-forward hospitality

an organic sensibility that regards the Environment, Architecture,

Robert M. Gurney, FAIA has created a body of work that has won more

San Francisco prior to opening ATI.

interiors, and high-style corporate offices. Her classic architectural

and Interior as one symbiotic entity. As a result, furnishings, lighting,

than two hundred local, regional and national design awards, including

Gioi Tran is co-principal of Applegate Tran Interior (ATI), a San Francisco

education and international design experience is channeled into each

and other interior elements are often custom-designed and built

two AIA National Honor Awards, six National AIA Housing Awards, and

based firm specializing in residential and commercial design with

and every design decision. At Laura U, Inc. she leads a talented team

specifically for each project. Maika received her BS in Interior Design

three American Architecture Awards. In addition the office's work has

design clients from New York, Hawaii, Panama, London and Singapor.

focusing on turn-key interior design solutions. Over the last five years

from the University of Cincinnati's acclaimed College of DAAP, along

been published in over two hundred local, national, and international

He is an established designer with more than 15 years of industry

Laura U, Inc. has won numerous ASID awards. Laura Umansky has

with a Certificate of Architecture. She is an NCIDQ Certified Interior

magazines, books, and periodicals, and in 2010 Robert Gurney was

experience. Gioi received his Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

been recognized by the interior design industry through additional

Designer, and is a Professional Member of ASID (American Society of

included in Architectural Digest's "AD 100". The work of Robert Gurney

from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco in 1995 and three

awards: ASID Presidential Citation, Houston Design Center's Inaugural

Interior Designers).

is the subject of a recent monograph, "Modern Order Houses by Robert

years later co-founded ATI with his partner, Vernon Applegate. ATI has


not only been recognized with awards nationally and internationally,

Laura Umansky

Stars on the Rise, Houston Business Journal's Top 40 Under 40, and

but their body of work has also been widely published.

Luxe magazine's National Gold List. Laura received her Masters of Architecture degree from the University of Houston and her BA from the University of Texas (Austin). She is an Allied Member of ASID and

Guillaume Gentet

Pebbledesign / Çakıltaşları Mimarlık Tasarım

an Associate Member of AIA. Currently, Laura is designing luxury

Award-winning, French born décorateur-ensemblier, Guillaume Gentet

residences throughout the US and bringing new hospitality concepts to

(ghee-ohm jeohn-tay) wears many hats: designer, fine artist, craftsman,

Pebbledesign, founded in 2004 in Istanbul, especially focused


and newly proud American citizen.

themselves for designing of residential and commercial purposes as

His talents encompass an extraordinary range of interior design

apartments & residentials, sample flats, concept & decoration projects,

applications. From his ability to direct construction and his keen

restaurants & cafes, exhibition booth, office and yachts. Founder of the

eye for highly covetable reclaimed artifacts and furniture, to his

Pebble Design, Interior Designer Ms. Neslihan Pekcan born in 1976 in

personalized faux finishes and one-of-a-kind cabinetry and millwork,

Istanbul, after attending Savannah College of Art and Design "Interior

Geometrix Design is a creative studio works on uniqueness of interior,

Guillaume Gentet offers knowledge, experience and design sensibility

Design Department" / USA, graduated from Mimar Sinan University

whether it be apartment, house, restaurant or office. They create

unparalleled in the industry.

"Architecture Faculty/Interior Design Department" in 1999. After

individual projects by a harmonious combination of a cosiness, modern

Despite a very discerning NYC/Hamptons client base, Guillaume Gentet

graduation, she started and continued her professional career in various

design and the account of all your wishes. People say "all is thought up

maintains a " no fuss " attitude while lighting up any room with his

architectural companies. Pebbledesign produces simple, absolute and

to us". But Geometrix Design actively denies this statement, realizing

boldly entertaining charm.

particular solutions that the details form their work. Nonetheless, they

new ideas and original decisions.

Gentet’s ultimate goal when working with his clients is to provide a

autograph to the boutique projects by preferring reflecting their design

space that is more than they imagined, yet perfectly suited to them. To

pleasure, due to answering all needs of their clients.

Geometrix Design

do so, Gentet has no fear in exploring different styles which he often enhances with his own whimsical twist.



Werner Straube, Jessica Lagrange, David Collins, Susan Knof, David Cleveland, Peter Baistow, Marie Burgos, Scott Morris, Ilya Klimov, Lena Solovieva, Marco Teixeira, Alexandre Lima, Brunete Fraccaroli, Brunete Fraccaroli, Demian Golovaty, Sergey Makhno, See Chee Keong, Miroshkin Michael, Miroshkina Elen, Zinur Razutdinov, Dook, David Spence, Guy Matheson, James Silverman, Richard Waite, Elisa Pardini, Carlo Carossio, Vernon Applegate, Gioi Tran, Chris Stark, Laura Umansky, Julie Soefer, Francis Augustine, Jennifer Post, Michael Moran & Antoine Bootz, Stefano Dorata, Stefano Dorata, Bruce Wright, Jamie Bush, Laura Hull, Harry Heissmann, Russell Gera, Robert Gurney Architect, Maxwell MacKenzie Architectural, Paul Warchol, Carolyn Trevor, Emlyn Conlon, Richard Waite, Mark English Architects, Norma Lopez Molina, Keat Ong, RenĂŠ Dekker, Anthony Parkinson, Gary Lee Partners, Tony Soluri, Gary Lee Partners, Nathan Kirkman, Thomas DARIEL, Roberto Wagner, Neslihan Pekcan, Murat Tekin, Susan Manrao, David Zaitz, Maika Winter, Mark Laverman, Vivian, Kara, Tiffanny, Jona, Susan, Jenna, Sara, Anna, Elaine, Phoebe, Susanz


We would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this book, especially all the artists, designers, architects and photographers for their kind permission to publish their works. We are also very grateful to many other people whose names do not appear on the credits but who provided assistance and support. We highly appreciate the contribution of images, ideas, and concepts and thank them for allowing their creativity to be shared with readers around the world.


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