Business District Planning & Design

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责任编辑:纪 策

亮 王思源


BUSINESS DISTRICT 商 业 区 规 划 与 设 计



PLANNING & DESIGN 商业区规划与设计 高迪国际 HI-DESIGN PUBLISHING 编 卢晓娟 崔倩 李宁 张彩霞 李彤 王玉婷 译


尺寸:260×368 mm 书号:ISBN 978-7-5038-7179-5 页数:352P 定价:780.00 元

经 销 商:北京怡然文轩图书有限公司 联系电话:010–66119249 010–66168103 联系地址:北京市西城区玉廊东园底商 4-2

定价:800.00 元(精)





PLANNING & DESIGN 商业区规划与设计 高迪国际 HI-DESIGN PUBLISHING 编 卢晓娟 崔倩 李宁 张彩霞 李彤 王玉婷 译

序言 1

PREFACE 1 In China, the challenge of commercial block planning is how to make the commercial facilities an organic part of urban structure, function and life more efficiently and conveniently. With the development of e-commerce industry, the challenge is becoming more and more practical and serious.


Commercial planning in China lacks rigid support of laws, which results in the decrease of commercial land intensive utilization. Besides, business resources scatter and homogeneity is serious. Eventually, it results in the decrease of the output benefit of the commercial land. On the one hand, planning area for commercial facilities is too large, such as in Shanghai per capita business area is 2.8 square meters (2.1 times that of Hong Kong); While on the other hand, commercial vitality of the city, especially the vigor of the community has not been activated effectively. Business planning should first consider the integration of form, function and industry, and then formulate each commercial block planning in this macro premise. In commercial block planning and city design, HYHW adheres the following principles: TOD principle: commercial facilities should be comparatively distributed intensively in the areas of public transportation sites within walking distance, because these areas are also the best places for the overall city development process to be used effectively and conveniently.

Comprehensive principle: comprehensive city function developing is the key to the success of the commercial planning. Only by considering the commercial function together with the function of residence, business ,culture and so on combining with the condition and characters of the site, can we ensure the greatest vitality of the commercial district, increase the area-use efficiency and balance the energy spending of the city to achieve the goal of a sustainable development. On specific layout of commercial function, we follow the principle of city connection concept. HYHW makes a study on the city layout, connection and nodes through the software of SPACE SYNTAX, by analyzing of its shortage and potential, strengthens or weakens the connection by land planning and combines it with the layout of commercial facilities of the city directly. This approach not only ensures a successful installation of the commercial facilities, but also plays a vital role for the vitality of the city’s public area as well as its network. On the stage of detailed planning of commercial block, we emphasize the design of streets, making the non-major streets peaceful and quiet to create humanized block spaces. We also pay special attention to the dealing with street sections and the arrangement of the function of the first floor of the buildings along the streets to create a kind and communicable street interface and to encourage the design of a convenient commercial facility layout. This connected and interactive planning method from macro to micro perspective is an important approach used by HYHW in commercial block planning.


在具体的商业功能布局上我们遵循城市联系的原则,HYHW 应用


SAPCE SYNTAX 软件对城市布局、联系和节点进行研究,分析其不足




设施布局相结合。这样不仅可以保证商业设施成功 , 同时对于城市公



一方面规划的商业设施面积已经过大,如上海人均商业面积高达 2.8


平方米 ( 是香港的 2.1 倍 );而另一方面城市的商业活力,特别是在





这种从宏观到微观的联系且互动的规划方法是 HYHW 在商业街 区规划实践中的重要方法。

宏观前提下编制城市各个商业街区的规划。 在商业街区的规划和城市设计中 HYHW 遵循以下的原则 : TOD 原则,商业设施应当相对集约地布局在公共交通站点步行 范围内 , 这也是城市整体开发强度最高的区域,以获得高效便捷使用。 综合性原则,综合性城市功能开发是商业规划成功的关键 , 将商 业功能与居住 , 商务 , 文化等功能综合考虑,结合场地现状和特质, 才能保证商业区最大的活力 , 提高使用效率 , 平衡城市能源支出,达 到持续发展的目标。

Li Hao 李浩 Executive Director of HYHW Architecture Consulting LTD



序言 3


序言 2 Business Districts are some of the largest victims of overly programmed behavior. They require an urban designer’s ingenuity to make them memorable.

encounters beyond those we plan for. It is in those encounters, in the accidental behavior that we grow as a people regardless of age, gender and race.

Today’s built environment is in large part the result of careful planning. But purely pragmatic planning leaves little, if any, opportunity for reinvention and evolution. We live in a world where spaces are narrowly programed. Design predefines very specific behavior for the people who will inhabit them. It is rare to find places that allow and encourage spontaneity and creative use. When it comes to Business District Planning and Design, every designer maximes a developer’s right to height, density and proximity to amenities such as urban waterfronts, adjacent civic buildings and open spaces. We seldom find districts that take the opportunity to embrace cultural traditions. When these opportunities are ignored, we are left with Business District Design that merely adds more buildings to the landscape. Districts that do embrace cultural traditions become more valuable and outlast their rival bland, programmed, utilitarian workplaces. The richness of a holistic design that contextually integrates program with the site’s self is intrinsic in every project. This transcendent design has the potential to truly make the art of building into architecture. Whether designing in the United States, Middle East, Latin America or Asia, I dare clients to avoid creating the norm. We collaborate to find an opportunity to re-introduce the lost tradition of place-building that fosters human habitats and challenges the confines of narrowly programmed use by allowing people to re-invent spaces. While the world becomes more urbanized, business district workers crave to make spaces their own in new urban landscapes. People tend to be happier and more productive if their workplace makes room for Third Places. In recent years, renown companies have created full environments that go beyond the cubicle. They build complete campuses that have been carefully crafted to provide workers with an environment that allows them to do more than just work. American urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg coined the word Third Place to describe our “home away from home” – those magical public and semi-public shared spaces. He reasoned that home is the First Place, work is the Second Place, but the Third Place is where the essence of life happens. Be it boisterous and sociable or quiet and contemplative, a Third Place provides a release space away from responsibilities, where nothing is programmed or planned. People of all cultures crave Third Places. They restore their humanity at these unconditional places through thought, contact, conversation and meditation. It is in these places that human interaction happens in an accidental, spontaneous way -- providing an opportunity to escape the norm and restoring the sense of humanity back to people. Planned Districts need to go beyond the program. It is our responsibility as architects to create Districts that encourage

商业区是过度程式化行为的某个最大受害者。它们需要城市设计师 们的独创性把其变得令人难忘。 现在的建筑环境在很大部分上都是精心规划的结果。但是,单纯的 实用主义规划为再创造和发展留有很少的机会,如果有的话。 我们生活在一个空间被严密程式化的世界里。设计为将要住在其中 的人们预先设定了非常特定的行为模式。我们很难发现包容和鼓励自发 性及创造性使用空间的地方。 当谈到商业区规划与设计时,每一位设计师都会最大限度考虑开发商的 权利,为开发区规划出合适的高度、密集度、以及诸如城市滨水区、邻近居 民楼和开放空间等公共设施间的距离。我们很少会发现把握住机会来融入传 统文化的街区。这些机会一旦被忽视掉,我们剩下的只是仅仅为景观增添了 更多建筑的商业街区设计。那些确实融入文化传统的街区变得更有价值,且 与其竞争对手乏味的、程序化的、功利化的办公场所相比将留存更久。 根据情境将项目与基地本身相融合的整体设计,在每个项目中都具有本 质上的丰富性。这种出色的设计具备将建造艺术真正变为建筑艺术的潜力。 无论是在美国、中东、拉丁美洲还是亚洲进行设计,我都敢于挑战

The formation and development of a commercial block is rooted in the economic base and consuming demand of the local area, which presents its culture and history, hard to be duplicated and transplanted easily. In Asian cities, the commercial blocks are obviously different from those in Europe. Because of the late coming of the democratic civilization in Asia, there is a lack of public square, and most public space of a city is built as streets and bazaars. For the prosperous markets and also a larger population with less land, the blocks are usually designed to occupy more air space when the land is not enough, more space inside when the space outside is not enough ,and to build more man-made landscape when the natural ones are not enough. The most popular shopping mall mode in our country originates from America at the earliest and develops rapidly in China. Now its development is catching up with Hong Kong, the scale is catching up with UAE, and the style will hopefully surpass Japan. The commercial blocks in Europe are basically come into being in a long time naturally. Those large comprehensive shopping centers are mostly located at countryside, convenient for residents to drive there.A large commercial body is not encouraged. It is mainly because large commercial bodies just like a “tumor”, divide the public space of a city, drawing a large amount of instantaneous traffic, causing many traffic problems and bringing a destructive competition to the large plenty of small merchants who are the source of the vitality of the city center.

In China, cities are growing to have the same outlook that every city has one or more Wanda Plazas, one walking street for tourists and the same brands as well as small commodities basically transported from Yiwu or LinYi.








体”,而应在于空间 “虚体”本身,首先是合理的街区尺度,适宜人













We hope that the future cities will have more open blocks and more commercial types with features. Especially now under the impact of e-commerce, only those areas that offer characteristics and new experience can attract enough people. The core of the design of a commercial block shouldn’t focus on the architecture “entity”, but on the “virtual” space itself. It should first provide a reasonable block space suitable for people to stay, and then attracting elements suitable for people to enjoy and generate a happy feeling. These elements include architectural surface with its own features, exquisite showcase, interesting goods, beautiful landscape configuration and interesting activities. Design can only decide the hardware but not the software. In the successful projects for commercial blocks, having a good design is only a half success, and having good merchants decides another half. When strolling comes to be the primary purpose and shopping to be the secondary, the design of a commercial block is successful and the block itself will have a lasting vitality.

客户,避免创造寻常的设计。我们合作寻找一个机会重新引入丢失的地 方建筑传统,这一传统孕育了人类的栖息地,并通过允许人们重塑空间 对狭隘的、程式化的空间使用发起挑战。 当世界变得越来越城市化 , 商业区的工人们渴望在新的城市景观中 创造属于自己的空间。如果工作场所提供第三空间,人们将会更加快乐 且工作更高效。近年来,知名公司已经创建了超出隔间限制的完整环境。 他们建立了完整的园区,精心设计,为工人提供一个不只限于工作的环境。 美国城市社会学家雷 • 奥尔登堡创造了“第三空间”一词,用来形 容我们的“家外之家”——那些神奇的公共和半公共的共享空间。他认 为家是第一空间 , 工作地点是第二空间 , 而第三空间是生命本质发生的 地方。第三空间或热闹、友善或安静,令人沉思 , 它提供了一个释放空间, 在那里人们远离责任,事事随意而无规划。 各种文化的人们都渴望第三空间。他们在这些无限制的地方,通过 思考、接触、对话以及冥想来回归人性。在这些地方 , 人类的互动以偶然、 不经意的方式发生着 ---- 为人们摆脱规则,回归人性提供了机会。 规划的商业区需要超越项目本身。作为设计师,我们的职责是创建 出促使人们相遇、且相遇比我们计划的要多。在那些相遇中、在偶然的 行为中,我们做为忽略年龄、性别和民族的人而成长。

带来诸多交通问题,同时对数量众多的小商户形成毁灭性竞争,而他 们正是城市中心区的活力来源。 中国的城市正在趋向千城一面,每个城市都有一座或者几座万达, 都有一条旅游步行街,品牌商户基本相同,小商品基本都来自义乌或 者临沂。

Lin Qingying Head in China and Principal Planning Designer of PPAIS (Pesch & Partner

Juan Mullerat

Architekten Stadtplaner ), ShangHai Branch

Principal at PlusUrbia Design

林庆英 德国佩西规划建筑设计事务所(上海)分部公司中国区负责人 主创规划设计师

穆莱纳·胡安 PlusUrbia Design 公司总负责人


序言 3


序言 2 Business Districts are some of the largest victims of overly programmed behavior. They require an urban designer’s ingenuity to make them memorable.

encounters beyond those we plan for. It is in those encounters, in the accidental behavior that we grow as a people regardless of age, gender and race.

Today’s built environment is in large part the result of careful planning. But purely pragmatic planning leaves little, if any, opportunity for reinvention and evolution. We live in a world where spaces are narrowly programed. Design predefines very specific behavior for the people who will inhabit them. It is rare to find places that allow and encourage spontaneity and creative use. When it comes to Business District Planning and Design, every designer maximes a developer’s right to height, density and proximity to amenities such as urban waterfronts, adjacent civic buildings and open spaces. We seldom find districts that take the opportunity to embrace cultural traditions. When these opportunities are ignored, we are left with Business District Design that merely adds more buildings to the landscape. Districts that do embrace cultural traditions become more valuable and outlast their rival bland, programmed, utilitarian workplaces. The richness of a holistic design that contextually integrates program with the site’s self is intrinsic in every project. This transcendent design has the potential to truly make the art of building into architecture. Whether designing in the United States, Middle East, Latin America or Asia, I dare clients to avoid creating the norm. We collaborate to find an opportunity to re-introduce the lost tradition of place-building that fosters human habitats and challenges the confines of narrowly programmed use by allowing people to re-invent spaces. While the world becomes more urbanized, business district workers crave to make spaces their own in new urban landscapes. People tend to be happier and more productive if their workplace makes room for Third Places. In recent years, renown companies have created full environments that go beyond the cubicle. They build complete campuses that have been carefully crafted to provide workers with an environment that allows them to do more than just work. American urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg coined the word Third Place to describe our “home away from home” – those magical public and semi-public shared spaces. He reasoned that home is the First Place, work is the Second Place, but the Third Place is where the essence of life happens. Be it boisterous and sociable or quiet and contemplative, a Third Place provides a release space away from responsibilities, where nothing is programmed or planned. People of all cultures crave Third Places. They restore their humanity at these unconditional places through thought, contact, conversation and meditation. It is in these places that human interaction happens in an accidental, spontaneous way -- providing an opportunity to escape the norm and restoring the sense of humanity back to people. Planned Districts need to go beyond the program. It is our responsibility as architects to create Districts that encourage

商业区是过度程式化行为的某个最大受害者。它们需要城市设计师 们的独创性把其变得令人难忘。 现在的建筑环境在很大部分上都是精心规划的结果。但是,单纯的 实用主义规划为再创造和发展留有很少的机会,如果有的话。 我们生活在一个空间被严密程式化的世界里。设计为将要住在其中 的人们预先设定了非常特定的行为模式。我们很难发现包容和鼓励自发 性及创造性使用空间的地方。 当谈到商业区规划与设计时,每一位设计师都会最大限度考虑开发商的 权利,为开发区规划出合适的高度、密集度、以及诸如城市滨水区、邻近居 民楼和开放空间等公共设施间的距离。我们很少会发现把握住机会来融入传 统文化的街区。这些机会一旦被忽视掉,我们剩下的只是仅仅为景观增添了 更多建筑的商业街区设计。那些确实融入文化传统的街区变得更有价值,且 与其竞争对手乏味的、程序化的、功利化的办公场所相比将留存更久。 根据情境将项目与基地本身相融合的整体设计,在每个项目中都具有本 质上的丰富性。这种出色的设计具备将建造艺术真正变为建筑艺术的潜力。 无论是在美国、中东、拉丁美洲还是亚洲进行设计,我都敢于挑战

The formation and development of a commercial block is rooted in the economic base and consuming demand of the local area, which presents its culture and history, hard to be duplicated and transplanted easily. In Asian cities, the commercial blocks are obviously different from those in Europe. Because of the late coming of the democratic civilization in Asia, there is a lack of public square, and most public space of a city is built as streets and bazaars. For the prosperous markets and also a larger population with less land, the blocks are usually designed to occupy more air space when the land is not enough, more space inside when the space outside is not enough ,and to build more man-made landscape when the natural ones are not enough. The most popular shopping mall mode in our country originates from America at the earliest and develops rapidly in China. Now its development is catching up with Hong Kong, the scale is catching up with UAE, and the style will hopefully surpass Japan. The commercial blocks in Europe are basically come into being in a long time naturally. Those large comprehensive shopping centers are mostly located at countryside, convenient for residents to drive there.A large commercial body is not encouraged. It is mainly because large commercial bodies just like a “tumor”, divide the public space of a city, drawing a large amount of instantaneous traffic, causing many traffic problems and bringing a destructive competition to the large plenty of small merchants who are the source of the vitality of the city center.

In China, cities are growing to have the same outlook that every city has one or more Wanda Plazas, one walking street for tourists and the same brands as well as small commodities basically transported from Yiwu or LinYi.








体”,而应在于空间 “虚体”本身,首先是合理的街区尺度,适宜人













We hope that the future cities will have more open blocks and more commercial types with features. Especially now under the impact of e-commerce, only those areas that offer characteristics and new experience can attract enough people. The core of the design of a commercial block shouldn’t focus on the architecture “entity”, but on the “virtual” space itself. It should first provide a reasonable block space suitable for people to stay, and then attracting elements suitable for people to enjoy and generate a happy feeling. These elements include architectural surface with its own features, exquisite showcase, interesting goods, beautiful landscape configuration and interesting activities. Design can only decide the hardware but not the software. In the successful projects for commercial blocks, having a good design is only a half success, and having good merchants decides another half. When strolling comes to be the primary purpose and shopping to be the secondary, the design of a commercial block is successful and the block itself will have a lasting vitality.

客户,避免创造寻常的设计。我们合作寻找一个机会重新引入丢失的地 方建筑传统,这一传统孕育了人类的栖息地,并通过允许人们重塑空间 对狭隘的、程式化的空间使用发起挑战。 当世界变得越来越城市化 , 商业区的工人们渴望在新的城市景观中 创造属于自己的空间。如果工作场所提供第三空间,人们将会更加快乐 且工作更高效。近年来,知名公司已经创建了超出隔间限制的完整环境。 他们建立了完整的园区,精心设计,为工人提供一个不只限于工作的环境。 美国城市社会学家雷 • 奥尔登堡创造了“第三空间”一词,用来形 容我们的“家外之家”——那些神奇的公共和半公共的共享空间。他认 为家是第一空间 , 工作地点是第二空间 , 而第三空间是生命本质发生的 地方。第三空间或热闹、友善或安静,令人沉思 , 它提供了一个释放空间, 在那里人们远离责任,事事随意而无规划。 各种文化的人们都渴望第三空间。他们在这些无限制的地方,通过 思考、接触、对话以及冥想来回归人性。在这些地方 , 人类的互动以偶然、 不经意的方式发生着 ---- 为人们摆脱规则,回归人性提供了机会。 规划的商业区需要超越项目本身。作为设计师,我们的职责是创建 出促使人们相遇、且相遇比我们计划的要多。在那些相遇中、在偶然的 行为中,我们做为忽略年龄、性别和民族的人而成长。

带来诸多交通问题,同时对数量众多的小商户形成毁灭性竞争,而他 们正是城市中心区的活力来源。 中国的城市正在趋向千城一面,每个城市都有一座或者几座万达, 都有一条旅游步行街,品牌商户基本相同,小商品基本都来自义乌或 者临沂。

Lin Qingying Head in China and Principal Planning Designer of PPAIS (Pesch & Partner

Juan Mullerat

Architekten Stadtplaner ), ShangHai Branch

Principal at PlusUrbia Design

林庆英 德国佩西规划建筑设计事务所(上海)分部公司中国区负责人 主创规划设计师

穆莱纳·胡安 PlusUrbia Design 公司总负责人


render master plan | rendered master plan




Istanbul International Finance Center (IIFC)

Conceptual Design for Shuitu Central Business District, Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing

土耳其伊斯坦布尔 国际金融中心

重庆 两江新区水土中心区概念设计


Xuhui Waterfront CBD

上海 徐汇滨江综合商务区



安徽芜湖 赭山印象购物公园

Wuhu ocher mountain impression shopping park

Nordic City Commercial Mixed-Use Development Phase 2 四川成都 北欧知识城二期

上海 梦中心总体规划



Xin Hua Pudong Riverfront 上海 新华浦东滨水区

Xiqing CBD

天津 西青中心商业区


128 140

巴西里约热内卢 奥林匹克港

浙江温州 永嘉世界贸易中心


江苏 无锡中心商业区规划

Porto Olimpico

Yongjia World Trade Centre

福建 福州市台江区排尾地块综合体概念规划设计

094 102

DreamCenter Masterplan


Fuzhou Taijiang District Pai Wei Complex Conceptual PLANNING

Dongli Lake CBD

Wuxi Masterplan



Ningbo Yinzhou Southern CBD Portal 浙江宁波 鄞州南部商务区门户区

天津 东丽湖中心商业区


Panjin Project in North Area of Plot E

Ningbo Yinzhou South Business District Gateway Zone

辽宁 盘锦 E 地块北区规划

浙江宁波 鄞州南部商务区门户区概念规划设计


Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)


Hanking Nanyou Newtown Urban Design

阿联酋 迪拜国际金融中心

Port-Side Miami

广东深圳 汉京南油新城城市设计

美国 迈阿密港口规划 6



render master plan | rendered master plan




Istanbul International Finance Center (IIFC)

Conceptual Design for Shuitu Central Business District, Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing

土耳其伊斯坦布尔 国际金融中心

重庆 两江新区水土中心区概念设计


Xuhui Waterfront CBD

上海 徐汇滨江综合商务区



安徽芜湖 赭山印象购物公园

Wuhu ocher mountain impression shopping park

Nordic City Commercial Mixed-Use Development Phase 2 四川成都 北欧知识城二期

上海 梦中心总体规划



Xin Hua Pudong Riverfront 上海 新华浦东滨水区

Xiqing CBD

天津 西青中心商业区


128 140

巴西里约热内卢 奥林匹克港

浙江温州 永嘉世界贸易中心


江苏 无锡中心商业区规划

Porto Olimpico

Yongjia World Trade Centre

福建 福州市台江区排尾地块综合体概念规划设计

094 102

DreamCenter Masterplan


Fuzhou Taijiang District Pai Wei Complex Conceptual PLANNING

Dongli Lake CBD

Wuxi Masterplan



Ningbo Yinzhou Southern CBD Portal 浙江宁波 鄞州南部商务区门户区

天津 东丽湖中心商业区


Panjin Project in North Area of Plot E

Ningbo Yinzhou South Business District Gateway Zone

辽宁 盘锦 E 地块北区规划

浙江宁波 鄞州南部商务区门户区概念规划设计


Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)


Hanking Nanyou Newtown Urban Design

阿联酋 迪拜国际金融中心

Port-Side Miami

广东深圳 汉京南油新城城市设计

美国 迈阿密港口规划 6



ĺŽ ćł˘é„žĺˇžĺ?—éƒ¨ĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒşé—¨ćˆˇĺŒşéĄšç›ŽćŚ‚ĺżľč§„ĺˆ’莞莥









8 ) )




) 8


) ) -






- Đ&#x;੽â€ŤŕŤ¸ŕ­żŕĽąÖŤŮşâ€ŹŕŚż ߞ‍Ú?Úśâ€ŹŕŚ‰

ŇŠâ´ƒ ԇગ‍ޑ‏






8 8 8 ) ) ) )







é‡?庆 沙ĺ?Şĺ??ĺ&#x;Žĺ¸‚çťźĺ?ˆä˝“

塴輿 ĺœŁäż?罗市政兏园

ćľ™ćą&#x;金ĺ?Ž 太ĺ?¤ĺ˜‰çŚ?ĺšżĺœş 2 ćœ&#x;

Chongqing Shapingba HOPSCA

China-Taiwan Cross Strait Forum and CBD Development

çŚ?ĺťş ĺšłć˝­çťźĺ?ˆĺŽžéŞŒĺŒşćľˇĺłĄčŽşĺ?›ĺ’Œĺ›˝é™…äźšĺą•中ĺżƒ



é&#x;Šĺ›˝éŚ–ĺ°” éž™ĺąąĺ›˝é™…ĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒş

上澡 č™šćĄĽĺ•†ä¸šĺŒş



Hongqiao CBD

Yongsan International Business District

Bintaro Jaya Master Plan & Lifestyle Center

ĺ?°ĺşŚĺ°źčĽżäşš é›…ĺŠ čžž BINTARO JAYA ĺŒşć—śĺ°š中ĺżƒč§„ĺˆ’


Masterplan Wenzhou Central Business District ćľ™ćą&#x; 渊塞中ĺżƒĺ•†ä¸šĺŒşč§„ĺˆ’莞莥


Central Business District Tongzhou

9 Dragon Bay Mixed Use Development

ĺŒ—亏 通塞中ĺżƒĺ•†ä¸šĺŒş

ĺąąä¸œĺ¨ ćľˇ ĺ?Žĺ?‘äš?éž™暞中ĺżƒ饚盎一ćœ&#x;çťźĺ?ˆĺ?‘ĺą•



Masterplan Hangzhou New District ćľ™ćą&#x; ć?­ĺˇžć–°ĺŒşč§„ĺˆ’

Gonghua cheng Technology Business District


ĺŒ—亏 塊ĺ?Žĺ&#x;Žç§‘ćŠ€ĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒş

City Hall Park

The Phase II of Taigu Craft Plaza



IFC (International Financial Centre) Moscow

Mixed Used Masterplan of YueHaiWanJia Commercial District

äż„ç˝—ć–Ż 莍斯科国际金čž?中ĺżƒ

ĺŽ ĺ¤?é“śĺˇ? 阅澡万厜ĺ•†ä¸šĺŒşçťźĺ?ˆä˝“č§„ĺˆ’

ֽ٥â€ŤÚ˝â€ŹŕŹŹŕŤ¨ ֽ٥Đ&#x;â€ŤŮ´â€ŹŕŤ¨ Ö˝ŮĄŕ Šâ€ŤŮ´â€ŹŕŤ¨ ֽ٥â€ŤÝľâ€ŹŕŤ¨ ֽ٥֪Đˆŕ­ž૨ ‍ش‏Ԛଳ૨ ÖŞĐˆ૱‍ڀ‏ҾŐ? Ň¸Ń ŕŤąŕĽťŇľŐ?



Kartal Pendik Masterplan

ĺœ&#x;耳兜䟊斯ĺ?Śĺ¸ƒĺ°” Kartal Pendik ć€ťä˝“č§„ĺˆ’

Gubei Master Plan 轌čĄŒé “衯糝çť&#x;ĺˆ†ćž?回

上澡 ĺ?¤ĺŒ—ĺœ°é“ ä¸Šç›–饚盎



Goldin Finance 117, Tianjin 夊洼 éŤ˜é“śé‡‘čž? 117 大厌

N+ Masterplan,Ningbo

ćľ™ćą&#x; ĺŽ ćł˘č§„ĺˆ’莞莥



Urban Design of General Business District Of Inter-City Railway Station at Suzhou Industrial Park


ćą&#x;č‹? č‹?塞塼ä¸šĺ›­ĺŒşĺ&#x;Žé“ çťźĺ?ˆĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒşĺ&#x;Žĺ¸‚莞莥

Đ&#x;੽ֽ١঴ް઀૸ি ࢣŕĄœŢ°ŕŞ€૸ি ŕĄ&#x;੪ް઀ٍ

Chengdu Pearl River New Town


ĺ››ĺˇ?ćˆ?éƒ˝ ç? ćą&#x;ć–°ĺ&#x;Ž










ĺŽ ćł˘é„žĺˇžĺ?—éƒ¨ĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒşé—¨ćˆˇĺŒşéĄšç›ŽćŚ‚ĺżľč§„ĺˆ’莞莥









8 ) )




) 8


) ) -






- Đ&#x;੽â€ŤŕŤ¸ŕ­żŕĽąÖŤŮşâ€ŹŕŚż ߞ‍Ú?Úśâ€ŹŕŚ‰

ŇŠâ´ƒ ԇગ‍ޑ‏






8 8 8 ) ) ) )







é‡?庆 沙ĺ?Şĺ??ĺ&#x;Žĺ¸‚çťźĺ?ˆä˝“

塴輿 ĺœŁäż?罗市政兏园

ćľ™ćą&#x;金ĺ?Ž 太ĺ?¤ĺ˜‰çŚ?ĺšżĺœş 2 ćœ&#x;

Chongqing Shapingba HOPSCA

China-Taiwan Cross Strait Forum and CBD Development

çŚ?ĺťş ĺšłć˝­çťźĺ?ˆĺŽžéŞŒĺŒşćľˇĺłĄčŽşĺ?›ĺ’Œĺ›˝é™…äźšĺą•中ĺżƒ



é&#x;Šĺ›˝éŚ–ĺ°” éž™ĺąąĺ›˝é™…ĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒş

上澡 č™šćĄĽĺ•†ä¸šĺŒş



Hongqiao CBD

Yongsan International Business District

Bintaro Jaya Master Plan & Lifestyle Center

ĺ?°ĺşŚĺ°źčĽżäşš é›…ĺŠ čžž BINTARO JAYA ĺŒşć—śĺ°š中ĺżƒč§„ĺˆ’


Masterplan Wenzhou Central Business District ćľ™ćą&#x; 渊塞中ĺżƒĺ•†ä¸šĺŒşč§„ĺˆ’莞莥


Central Business District Tongzhou

9 Dragon Bay Mixed Use Development

ĺŒ—亏 通塞中ĺżƒĺ•†ä¸šĺŒş

ĺąąä¸œĺ¨ ćľˇ ĺ?Žĺ?‘äš?éž™暞中ĺżƒ饚盎一ćœ&#x;çťźĺ?ˆĺ?‘ĺą•



Masterplan Hangzhou New District ćľ™ćą&#x; ć?­ĺˇžć–°ĺŒşč§„ĺˆ’

Gonghua cheng Technology Business District


ĺŒ—亏 塊ĺ?Žĺ&#x;Žç§‘ćŠ€ĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒş

City Hall Park

The Phase II of Taigu Craft Plaza



IFC (International Financial Centre) Moscow

Mixed Used Masterplan of YueHaiWanJia Commercial District

äż„ç˝—ć–Ż 莍斯科国际金čž?中ĺżƒ

ĺŽ ĺ¤?é“śĺˇ? 阅澡万厜ĺ•†ä¸šĺŒşçťźĺ?ˆä˝“č§„ĺˆ’

ֽ٥â€ŤÚ˝â€ŹŕŹŹŕŤ¨ ֽ٥Đ&#x;â€ŤŮ´â€ŹŕŤ¨ Ö˝ŮĄŕ Šâ€ŤŮ´â€ŹŕŤ¨ ֽ٥â€ŤÝľâ€ŹŕŤ¨ ֽ٥֪Đˆŕ­ž૨ ‍ش‏Ԛଳ૨ ÖŞĐˆ૱‍ڀ‏ҾŐ? Ň¸Ń ŕŤąŕĽťŇľŐ?



Kartal Pendik Masterplan

ĺœ&#x;耳兜䟊斯ĺ?Śĺ¸ƒĺ°” Kartal Pendik ć€ťä˝“č§„ĺˆ’

Gubei Master Plan 轌čĄŒé “衯糝çť&#x;ĺˆ†ćž?回

上澡 ĺ?¤ĺŒ—ĺœ°é“ ä¸Šç›–饚盎



Goldin Finance 117, Tianjin 夊洼 éŤ˜é“śé‡‘čž? 117 大厌

N+ Masterplan,Ningbo

ćľ™ćą&#x; ĺŽ ćł˘č§„ĺˆ’莞莥



Urban Design of General Business District Of Inter-City Railway Station at Suzhou Industrial Park


ćą&#x;č‹? č‹?塞塼ä¸šĺ›­ĺŒşĺ&#x;Žé“ çťźĺ?ˆĺ•†ĺŠĄĺŒşĺ&#x;Žĺ¸‚莞莥

Đ&#x;੽ֽ١঴ް઀૸ি ࢣŕĄœŢ°ŕŞ€૸ি ŕĄ&#x;੪ް઀ٍ

Chengdu Pearl River New Town


ĺ››ĺˇ?ćˆ?éƒ˝ ç? ćą&#x;ć–°ĺ&#x;Ž









Istanbul International Finance Center (IIFC)

Architect / 建筑师 Özgüven Architecture INC.

Project Team / 项目团队 Özgüven Architecture INC.

HOK Planning Group ARUP

土耳其 伊斯坦布尔 国际金融中心

The city cradle to civilisations and home of Grand Bazaar –first finance center of the Worldis counting days to present İstanbul International Finance Center that will become the best finance center of the modern times. The master plan for the Istanbul International Finance Center (IIFC), a US$2.6 billion project that is integral to Turkey’s plan to make its economy one of the world’s 10th largest The Turkish government’s goal for the landmark project is to establish Istanbul as a global center for finance. The IIFC will house the head offices of the country’s financial market governing bodies, state-owned and private banks, and related businesses. It will include 45 million square feet of office, residential, retail, conference, hotel and park space. IIFC master plan provides a framework for developing a sustainable financial center in a way that blends human need, environmental stewardship and economic viability into a new global model of urbanism rooted in Turkish culture. The plan creates four distinct districts focusing on culture, commerce, civic functions and governance. Strategically located between the Ataşehir and Ümraniye districts, the site offers easy accessibility and views to the historic center of Istanbul. Major infrastructure improvements include a transportation system featuring a new subway line and station as well as new infrastructure for sustainable power, water, data and security. These systems are integrated into a podium that provides a surface for a new urban park.

Location Istanbul, Turkey 项目地点 土耳其,伊斯坦布尔



Istanbul International Finance Center (IIFC)

Architect / 建筑师 Özgüven Architecture INC.

Project Team / 项目团队 Özgüven Architecture INC.

HOK Planning Group ARUP

土耳其 伊斯坦布尔 国际金融中心

The city cradle to civilisations and home of Grand Bazaar –first finance center of the Worldis counting days to present İstanbul International Finance Center that will become the best finance center of the modern times. The master plan for the Istanbul International Finance Center (IIFC), a US$2.6 billion project that is integral to Turkey’s plan to make its economy one of the world’s 10th largest The Turkish government’s goal for the landmark project is to establish Istanbul as a global center for finance. The IIFC will house the head offices of the country’s financial market governing bodies, state-owned and private banks, and related businesses. It will include 45 million square feet of office, residential, retail, conference, hotel and park space. IIFC master plan provides a framework for developing a sustainable financial center in a way that blends human need, environmental stewardship and economic viability into a new global model of urbanism rooted in Turkish culture. The plan creates four distinct districts focusing on culture, commerce, civic functions and governance. Strategically located between the Ataşehir and Ümraniye districts, the site offers easy accessibility and views to the historic center of Istanbul. Major infrastructure improvements include a transportation system featuring a new subway line and station as well as new infrastructure for sustainable power, water, data and security. These systems are integrated into a podium that provides a surface for a new urban park.

Location Istanbul, Turkey 项目地点 土耳其,伊斯坦布尔



伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心 (IIFC) 的整 个计划耗资 26 亿美元,是土耳其成为世界 前十经济体之一的计划中不可或缺的组成 部分。 土耳其政府建立这一地标性建筑的目 标是确立伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心的地位。 伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心将容纳土耳其 国内金融市场管理机构的总部,国有银行 和私立银行,以及相关的商业。总共占地 41.8 万平方米,包括办公、住宅、零售、 会议、宾馆以及停车场。 伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心的整体规划 为打造可持续的金融中心提供了框架,这 一框架将人类需求、环境管理、经济的可 行性融合到一起成为一种新的植根于土耳 其文化中的全球都市生活的典范。 这一计划创造出四个风格迥异的区 域, 它 们 分 别 侧 重 于 文 化、 商 业、 城 市 功能和管理四个方面。将其策略性地建在 Ataşehir 和 Ümraniye 街区中间,这一选 址能使人们更容易、更好地观赏到伊斯坦 布尔历史中心的景色。 主要基础设施的改进包括交通运输系 统方面新开通了一条地铁线,新建了一个 地铁车站,还有为可持续用电、用水、数 据和安保所做的新的基础设施。这些系统 将整合到一个平台之中,这个平台为新的 城市公园提供了新的面貌。



伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心 (IIFC) 的整 个计划耗资 26 亿美元,是土耳其成为世界 前十经济体之一的计划中不可或缺的组成 部分。 土耳其政府建立这一地标性建筑的目 标是确立伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心的地位。 伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心将容纳土耳其 国内金融市场管理机构的总部,国有银行 和私立银行,以及相关的商业。总共占地 41.8 万平方米,包括办公、住宅、零售、 会议、宾馆以及停车场。 伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心的整体规划 为打造可持续的金融中心提供了框架,这 一框架将人类需求、环境管理、经济的可 行性融合到一起成为一种新的植根于土耳 其文化中的全球都市生活的典范。 这一计划创造出四个风格迥异的区 域, 它 们 分 别 侧 重 于 文 化、 商 业、 城 市 功能和管理四个方面。将其策略性地建在 Ataşehir 和 Ümraniye 街区中间,这一选 址能使人们更容易、更好地观赏到伊斯坦 布尔历史中心的景色。 主要基础设施的改进包括交通运输系 统方面新开通了一条地铁线,新建了一个 地铁车站,还有为可持续用电、用水、数 据和安保所做的新的基础设施。这些系统 将整合到一个平台之中,这个平台为新的 城市公园提供了新的面貌。



vaziyet görünüşleri görünüşleri | | vaziyet site elevation 场地标高 site elevation kuzeybatı |

northwest | güneydoğu southeast 东南方向



vaziyet görünüşleri | site elevation kuzeydoğu | northeast kuzeybatı | güneybatı | northwest




vaziyet vaziyetgörünüşleri görünüşleri| | kuzeydoğu | site 场地标高 siteelevation elevation northeast kuzeybatı | kuzeybatı | northwest northwest 西北方向



vaziyet görünüşleri | site elevation kuzeydoğu kuzeybatı || kuzeydoğu | northeast northwest northeast 东北方向


kuzeydoğu | northeast 014


vaziyet görünüşleri görünüşleri | | vaziyet site elevation 场地标高 site elevation kuzeybatı |

northwest | güneydoğu southeast 东南方向



vaziyet görünüşleri | site elevation kuzeydoğu | northeast kuzeybatı | güneybatı | northwest




vaziyet vaziyetgörünüşleri görünüşleri| | kuzeydoğu | site 场地标高 siteelevation elevation northeast kuzeybatı | kuzeybatı | northwest northwest 西北方向



vaziyet görünüşleri | site elevation kuzeydoğu kuzeybatı || kuzeydoğu | northeast northwest northeast 东北方向


kuzeydoğu | northeast 014


render master master plan plan || render rendered master master plan plan rendered

master master plan planana anahatları hatları| | master master plan planframework framework 总体规划结构图




master plan plan ana ana hatları hatları || master master master plan plan framework framework


planlama ana hatları | planning framework 规划框架图







render master master plan plan || render rendered master master plan plan rendered

master master plan planana anahatları hatları| | master master plan planframework framework 总体规划结构图




master plan plan ana ana hatları hatları || master master master plan plan framework framework


planlama ana hatları | planning framework 规划框架图







yol kotları kotları || spot elevation elevation 海拔高度

84.8 84.8

parsel planı planı || parsel parcel plan plan parcel

84.8 84.8


77 77

63.9 63.9

地段 4 地段 4

73.5 73.5 62.5 62.5 地段 1 6 6

24 24

66.3 66.3 地段 2


地段 3



bina yükseklikleri yükseklikleri || building heights heights

parsel parsel planı planı || parcel parcel plan plan













40 40








yol kotları kotları || spot elevation elevation 海拔高度

84.8 84.8

parsel planı planı || parsel parcel plan plan parcel

84.8 84.8


77 77

63.9 63.9

地段 4 地段 4

73.5 73.5 62.5 62.5 地段 1 6 6

24 24

66.3 66.3 地段 2


地段 3



bina yükseklikleri yükseklikleri || building heights heights

parsel parsel planı planı || parcel parcel plan plan













40 40










• parselalanı alanı:: 21717,87 21717,87 • parsel m2M2 • parselsahibi: sahibi:BDDK BDDK • parsel • podyum üstü üstükat katadedi: adedi:28 28 • podyum • emsal alanı: alanı:123.787,98 123.787,98 • emsal m2 M2 • bina programı: programı:OFIS, OFİS,TICARET, TİCARET, OTEL, REZİDANS • bina OTEL, REZIDANS

• parcel area 地段面积 : 21717,87 m2 承租人 BDDK • tenant • parcel area::21717,87 M2 • Number of floors above the podium 墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 28 • tenant: BDDK : 123.787,98 m2 • net area 实用面积 • Number of floors above the podium : 28 建筑计划 : OFFICE, • building program RETAIL, HOTEL, • net area: 123.787,98 M2 办公、零售、酒店、住宅 RESIDENTIAL • building program: OFFICE, RETAIL, HOTEL,


17.20 m

parsel - BDDK | parcel - BDDK

parsel parselplanı planı| | parcel plan parcel plan










vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告

parsel - Ziraat Bankası | parcel - Ziraat Bank

parsel - DURU GYO | parselalanı: alanı:6741,03 6741,03 parcel - DURU GYO • • parsel mM

地段—Ziraat 银行




17.20 m

地段面积 : 27.195,50 parcelarea: area 27.195,50 • •parcel M2




parcelarea area: 6741,03 M2 m2 地段面积 •• parcel : 6741,03 • tenant: DURU GYO • tenant 承租人 : DURU GYO Numberof offloors floorsabove abovethe thepodium podium墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 22 : 22 •• Number netarea area:实用面积 33707,50 M2 m2 : 33707,50 •• net buildingprogram program: OFFICE, RETAIL 建筑计划 •• building : OFFICE, RETAIL 办公、零售


承租人 : ZIRAAT tenant ZİRAAT BANKASI • •tenant: BANKASI Numberofoffloors floorsabove abovethe thepodium podium: 46 - 40 • •Number 墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 46 - 40 • net area: 155.013,07 M2 实用面积 : 155.013,07 m2 net areaprogram: • •building OFFICE, RETAIL 建筑计划 • building program : OFFICE, RETAIL 办公、零售



17.20 m

• •parsel M22 parselalanı: alanı:27.195,50 27.195,50 m • •parsel sahibi: ZİRAAT BANKASI parsel sahibi: ZIRAAT BANKASI • •podyum podyumüstü üstükat katadedi: adedi:46 46--40 40 • •emsal M2 2 emsalalanı: alanı:155.013,07 155.013,07 m • •bina binaprogramı: programı:OFİS, OFIS,TİCARET TICARET


• parselsahibi: sahibi:DURU DURUGYO GYO • parsel • podyum üstü üstükat katadedi: adedi:22 22 • podyum • emsalalanı: alanı:33707,50 33707,50 • emsal m2M2 • binaprogramı: programı:OFIS, OFİS,TICARET TİCARET • bina







零售店入口 广场 高塔入口 高塔






墩座墙 高塔


贵宾停车场 柱廊


vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告 贵宾车辆入口


vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告




• parselalanı alanı:: 21717,87 21717,87 • parsel m2M2 • parselsahibi: sahibi:BDDK BDDK • parsel • podyum üstü üstükat katadedi: adedi:28 28 • podyum • emsal alanı: alanı:123.787,98 123.787,98 • emsal m2 M2 • bina programı: programı:OFIS, OFİS,TICARET, TİCARET, OTEL, REZİDANS • bina OTEL, REZIDANS

• parcel area 地段面积 : 21717,87 m2 承租人 BDDK • tenant • parcel area::21717,87 M2 • Number of floors above the podium 墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 28 • tenant: BDDK : 123.787,98 m2 • net area 实用面积 • Number of floors above the podium : 28 建筑计划 : OFFICE, • building program RETAIL, HOTEL, • net area: 123.787,98 M2 办公、零售、酒店、住宅 RESIDENTIAL • building program: OFFICE, RETAIL, HOTEL,


17.20 m

parsel - BDDK | parcel - BDDK

parsel parselplanı planı| | parcel plan parcel plan










vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告

parsel - Ziraat Bankası | parcel - Ziraat Bank

parsel - DURU GYO | parselalanı: alanı:6741,03 6741,03 parcel - DURU GYO • • parsel mM

地段—Ziraat 银行




17.20 m

地段面积 : 27.195,50 parcelarea: area 27.195,50 • •parcel M2




parcelarea area: 6741,03 M2 m2 地段面积 •• parcel : 6741,03 • tenant: DURU GYO • tenant 承租人 : DURU GYO Numberof offloors floorsabove abovethe thepodium podium墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 22 : 22 •• Number netarea area:实用面积 33707,50 M2 m2 : 33707,50 •• net buildingprogram program: OFFICE, RETAIL 建筑计划 •• building : OFFICE, RETAIL 办公、零售


承租人 : ZIRAAT tenant ZİRAAT BANKASI • •tenant: BANKASI Numberofoffloors floorsabove abovethe thepodium podium: 46 - 40 • •Number 墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 46 - 40 • net area: 155.013,07 M2 实用面积 : 155.013,07 m2 net areaprogram: • •building OFFICE, RETAIL 建筑计划 • building program : OFFICE, RETAIL 办公、零售



17.20 m

• •parsel M22 parselalanı: alanı:27.195,50 27.195,50 m • •parsel sahibi: ZİRAAT BANKASI parsel sahibi: ZIRAAT BANKASI • •podyum podyumüstü üstükat katadedi: adedi:46 46--40 40 • •emsal M2 2 emsalalanı: alanı:155.013,07 155.013,07 m • •bina binaprogramı: programı:OFİS, OFIS,TİCARET TICARET


• parselsahibi: sahibi:DURU DURUGYO GYO • parsel • podyum üstü üstükat katadedi: adedi:22 22 • podyum • emsalalanı: alanı:33707,50 33707,50 • emsal m2M2 • binaprogramı: programı:OFIS, OFİS,TICARET TİCARET • bina







零售店入口 广场 高塔入口 高塔






墩座墙 高塔


贵宾停车场 柱廊


vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告 贵宾车辆入口


vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告





地段—私人项目区域 •• parsel m2 M2 parselalanı: alanı:52897,61 52897,61 •• emsal m2 M2 emsalalanı: alanı:150.758,19 150.758,19 •• otel m2 M2 otelemsal emsalalanı: alanı:67.241,00 67.241,00 •• bina PROJE ALANI binaprogramı: programı:ÖZEL ÖZEL PROJE ALANI •• Yüklenici teklif edilecek avan projeye göregöre Yüklenicitarafından tarafından teklif edilecek avan projeye uygulama uygulamayapılacaktır. yapılacaktır. 地段面积 parcelarea area: 52897,61 M2 M2 : 52897,61 •• parcel 实用酒店面积 nethotel hotelarea area: 150,758,19 M2 : 150,758,19 m2 •• net 2 实用住宅面积 netresidential residential area: 67241,00 M •• net area : 67241,00 m2 建筑计划: buildingprogram program: PRIVATE PROJECT AREA •• building 私人项目区域 PROJECT • PRIVATE Implementation willAREA be made in accordance with the • Implementation will be made in accordance with the preliminary design which offered by the Contractor. preliminary design which offered by the Contractor.


• parsel• alanı: 52897,61 m2 parsel alanı: 52897,61 M2 • emsal• alanı: m2 emsal150.758,19 alanı: 150.758,19 M2 • rezidans emsal alanı: 82908,00 m2 • rezidans emsal alanı: 82908,00 M2 • bina programı: ÖZEL PROJE • bina programı: ÖZEL ALANI PROJE ALANI • Yüklenici tarafından teklif edilecek projeye göre • Yüklenici tarafından teklif avan edilecek avan projeye göre uygulama yapılacaktır. uygulama yapılacaktır. 2 2 • area parcel area:: 52897,61 地段面积 52897,61 mM • parcel 2 2 • net area: 150,758,19 M • net area 实用面积 : 150,758,19 m 2 • net residential area: 82908,00 • net residential area 实用住宅面积 : 82908,00Mm2 • building 建筑计划:PRIVATE PROJECT AREA • building programprogram: • Implementation will私人项目区域 be made in accordance with the PRIVATE PROJECT AREA preliminary which offered bywith the the Contractor. • Implementation will design be made in accordance



preliminary design which offered by the Contractor. 项目施工将按照承包人的初始设计进行








vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告

vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告



2 2 • •parsel parselalanı: alanı: 52897,61 52897,61 mM 2 2 • •emsal emsalalanı: alanı:150.758,19 150.758,19 mM • •konferans 13850,00 konferansemsal emsal alanı: alanı: 13850,00 m2M2 • •bina binaprogramı: programı:ÖZEL ÖZEL PROJE PROJE ALANI ALANI Yüklenicitarafından tarafından teklif göre • •Yüklenici teklifedilecek edilecekavan avanprojeye projeye göre uygulamayapılacaktır. yapılacaktır. uygulama

• parsel alanı: alanı: 12530,10 m2 • parsel 12530,10 M2 • parsel sahibi:sahibi: SPK SPK • parsel • podyum üstü kat adedi: 23 23 • podyum üstü kat adedi: • emsal alanı: alanı: 71420,74 m2 • emsal 71420,74 M2 • bina• programı: OFIS, OFİS, TICARET bina programı: TİCARET • parcel area 地段面积 : 12530,10 M m22 • parcel area: 12530,10 承租人 • tenant : SPK • tenant: SPK 墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 23 • Number of floors aboveabove the podium • Number of floors the podium : 23 : 71420,74 M m22 • net• area net实用面积 area: 71420,74 建筑计划OFFICE, • building program : OFFICE,RETAIL RETAIL 办公,零售 • building program:

• •parcel 52897,61 M2 : 52897,61 m2 parcelarea: area 地段面积 • •net 150.758,19 M2 nethotel hotelarea: area 实用酒店面积 : 150.758,19 m2 2 实用会议面积 • •net M netconference conference area: area 13850,00 : 13850,00 m2 • •building PRIVATE buildingprogram: program 建筑计划 : PROJECT AREA 私人项目区域 • Implementation will be made in accordance with the PRIVATE PROJECT AREA design offered by the Contractor. •preliminary Implementation willwhich be made in accordance with the preliminary design which offered by the Contractor.

17.20 m

parsel - SPK | parcel - SPK







• Yüklenici tarafından teklif edilecek avan projeye göre uygulama yapılacaktır. vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告

vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告






地段—私人项目区域 •• parsel m2 M2 parselalanı: alanı:52897,61 52897,61 •• emsal m2 M2 emsalalanı: alanı:150.758,19 150.758,19 •• otel m2 M2 otelemsal emsalalanı: alanı:67.241,00 67.241,00 •• bina PROJE ALANI binaprogramı: programı:ÖZEL ÖZEL PROJE ALANI •• Yüklenici teklif edilecek avan projeye göregöre Yüklenicitarafından tarafından teklif edilecek avan projeye uygulama uygulamayapılacaktır. yapılacaktır. 地段面积 parcelarea area: 52897,61 M2 M2 : 52897,61 •• parcel 实用酒店面积 nethotel hotelarea area: 150,758,19 M2 : 150,758,19 m2 •• net 2 实用住宅面积 netresidential residential area: 67241,00 M •• net area : 67241,00 m2 建筑计划: buildingprogram program: PRIVATE PROJECT AREA •• building 私人项目区域 PROJECT • PRIVATE Implementation willAREA be made in accordance with the • Implementation will be made in accordance with the preliminary design which offered by the Contractor. preliminary design which offered by the Contractor.


• parsel• alanı: 52897,61 m2 parsel alanı: 52897,61 M2 • emsal• alanı: m2 emsal150.758,19 alanı: 150.758,19 M2 • rezidans emsal alanı: 82908,00 m2 • rezidans emsal alanı: 82908,00 M2 • bina programı: ÖZEL PROJE • bina programı: ÖZEL ALANI PROJE ALANI • Yüklenici tarafından teklif edilecek projeye göre • Yüklenici tarafından teklif avan edilecek avan projeye göre uygulama yapılacaktır. uygulama yapılacaktır. 2 2 • area parcel area:: 52897,61 地段面积 52897,61 mM • parcel 2 2 • net area: 150,758,19 M • net area 实用面积 : 150,758,19 m 2 • net residential area: 82908,00 • net residential area 实用住宅面积 : 82908,00Mm2 • building 建筑计划:PRIVATE PROJECT AREA • building programprogram: • Implementation will私人项目区域 be made in accordance with the PRIVATE PROJECT AREA preliminary which offered bywith the the Contractor. • Implementation will design be made in accordance



preliminary design which offered by the Contractor. 项目施工将按照承包人的初始设计进行








vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告

vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告



2 2 • •parsel parselalanı: alanı: 52897,61 52897,61 mM 2 2 • •emsal emsalalanı: alanı:150.758,19 150.758,19 mM • •konferans 13850,00 konferansemsal emsal alanı: alanı: 13850,00 m2M2 • •bina binaprogramı: programı:ÖZEL ÖZEL PROJE PROJE ALANI ALANI Yüklenicitarafından tarafından teklif göre • •Yüklenici teklifedilecek edilecekavan avanprojeye projeye göre uygulamayapılacaktır. yapılacaktır. uygulama

• parsel alanı: alanı: 12530,10 m2 • parsel 12530,10 M2 • parsel sahibi:sahibi: SPK SPK • parsel • podyum üstü kat adedi: 23 23 • podyum üstü kat adedi: • emsal alanı: alanı: 71420,74 m2 • emsal 71420,74 M2 • bina• programı: OFIS, OFİS, TICARET bina programı: TİCARET • parcel area 地段面积 : 12530,10 M m22 • parcel area: 12530,10 承租人 • tenant : SPK • tenant: SPK 墩座墙上的楼层总数 : 23 • Number of floors aboveabove the podium • Number of floors the podium : 23 : 71420,74 M m22 • net• area net实用面积 area: 71420,74 建筑计划OFFICE, • building program : OFFICE,RETAIL RETAIL 办公,零售 • building program:

• •parcel 52897,61 M2 : 52897,61 m2 parcelarea: area 地段面积 • •net 150.758,19 M2 nethotel hotelarea: area 实用酒店面积 : 150.758,19 m2 2 实用会议面积 • •net M netconference conference area: area 13850,00 : 13850,00 m2 • •building PRIVATE buildingprogram: program 建筑计划 : PROJECT AREA 私人项目区域 • Implementation will be made in accordance with the PRIVATE PROJECT AREA design offered by the Contractor. •preliminary Implementation willwhich be made in accordance with the preliminary design which offered by the Contractor.

17.20 m

parsel - SPK | parcel - SPK







• Yüklenici tarafından teklif edilecek avan projeye göre uygulama yapılacaktır. vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告

vol01 | master plan report vol01 | master plan raporu 总规划图报告



Nordic City Commercial Mixed-Use Development Phase 2 四川成都 北欧知识城二期

Location Chengdu, Sichuan, China 项目地点 中国四川省成都市

Architect / 建筑师 Hawkins\Brown

Client / 客户 Chengdu Beixin Knowledge City Real Estate Co. Ltd

Hawkins\Brown has masterplanned phase 2 of a new quarter in the burgeoning district of Xindu North of Chengdu. Named Nordic City, the masterplan is influenced by the Scandinavian model of a healthy and sustainable cities. The 7.1hectare site is phase 2 of a larger site bisected by the River Pi and is home to Nordic Business School, and phase 2 is for a 3G Innovation park and Retail/Residential/Office mixed-use development within a landscape of planted squares and courtyards terraces. The development will accommodate over 10000 residents and office workers, and is perceived as the "Grand Gateway " to northern part of Chengdu. Almost 300000 sqm of floorspace will provide 180,000 sqm mixed-use high-rise and super-high rise towers, and 120000sqm of commercial space within a 5 storey podium. The masterplan explores how elements of culture coexist - playing, knowing, creating and living. Events and destinations will ensure that the new quarter has a dynamic and thriving energy. Interventions include a network of human-scale streets; a variety of squares and courtyards; terraces and podiums with gardens and green areas for locals and visitors to enjoy. 快速发展的新都区位于成都北部,霍金斯布朗 (Hawkins\Brown) 正在此地整体规划着一个新的 社区,即北欧知识城。该整体规划方案受斯堪的纳维亚建造健康、可持续发展的城市模式的影响。 基地占地 7.1 公顷,毗河将其一分为二,这个基地将成为北欧商学院、3G 创意广场、零售 / 住 宅 / 办公综合开发体的聚集地,且内有许多的景观广场和庭院露台。 社 区 能 容 纳 10000 以 上 的 居 民 和 上 班 族 , 可 看 做 成 都 北 部 的“ 港 汇 广 场(Grand Gateway)”。建筑面积约 30 万平方米,其中 18 万平方米将用来建造高层和超高层的楼宇 , 剩下 的 12 万平方米属商业空间,用来建筑低于 5 层的裙房。 这个整体规划方案探索了怎样使娱乐、知识、创新和生活等多种文化元素共存。方案的活动和 目标是确保社区能充满活力并蓬勃发展。方案的设计包括纵横交织的宽阔街道 , 各式各样的广场、庭 院、露台、带有花园的裙房以及一些可供居民和游客欣赏的绿化区域。


Masterplan 总规划图 033

Nordic City Commercial Mixed-Use Development Phase 2 四川成都 北欧知识城二期

Location Chengdu, Sichuan, China 项目地点 中国四川省成都市

Architect / 建筑师 Hawkins\Brown

Client / 客户 Chengdu Beixin Knowledge City Real Estate Co. Ltd

Hawkins\Brown has masterplanned phase 2 of a new quarter in the burgeoning district of Xindu North of Chengdu. Named Nordic City, the masterplan is influenced by the Scandinavian model of a healthy and sustainable cities. The 7.1hectare site is phase 2 of a larger site bisected by the River Pi and is home to Nordic Business School, and phase 2 is for a 3G Innovation park and Retail/Residential/Office mixed-use development within a landscape of planted squares and courtyards terraces. The development will accommodate over 10000 residents and office workers, and is perceived as the "Grand Gateway " to northern part of Chengdu. Almost 300000 sqm of floorspace will provide 180,000 sqm mixed-use high-rise and super-high rise towers, and 120000sqm of commercial space within a 5 storey podium. The masterplan explores how elements of culture coexist - playing, knowing, creating and living. Events and destinations will ensure that the new quarter has a dynamic and thriving energy. Interventions include a network of human-scale streets; a variety of squares and courtyards; terraces and podiums with gardens and green areas for locals and visitors to enjoy. 快速发展的新都区位于成都北部,霍金斯布朗 (Hawkins\Brown) 正在此地整体规划着一个新的 社区,即北欧知识城。该整体规划方案受斯堪的纳维亚建造健康、可持续发展的城市模式的影响。 基地占地 7.1 公顷,毗河将其一分为二,这个基地将成为北欧商学院、3G 创意广场、零售 / 住 宅 / 办公综合开发体的聚集地,且内有许多的景观广场和庭院露台。 社 区 能 容 纳 10000 以 上 的 居 民 和 上 班 族 , 可 看 做 成 都 北 部 的“ 港 汇 广 场(Grand Gateway)”。建筑面积约 30 万平方米,其中 18 万平方米将用来建造高层和超高层的楼宇 , 剩下 的 12 万平方米属商业空间,用来建筑低于 5 层的裙房。 这个整体规划方案探索了怎样使娱乐、知识、创新和生活等多种文化元素共存。方案的活动和 目标是确保社区能充满活力并蓬勃发展。方案的设计包括纵横交织的宽阔街道 , 各式各样的广场、庭 院、露台、带有花园的裙房以及一些可供居民和游客欣赏的绿化区域。


Masterplan 总规划图 033

Ultra-high-rise Business Center LOFT Creative Building Nordic Knowledge Building Group Commercial Facilities

The Nordic culture, the attitude of life, how would be a specific kind of experience?

How do we combine the experience and the mode of the project operation and function?

How do we represent and express the meaning by Architecture?

How do we practical operate and integrate into the integrative concept of leisure, life and work as well as in our daily life?

How do we distinguish our design from any other real estate and gather people?

Nordic Home Experience and Scales Center

Background Culture Analysis 背景文化分析 034


Ultra-high-rise Business Center LOFT Creative Building Nordic Knowledge Building Group Commercial Facilities

The Nordic culture, the attitude of life, how would be a specific kind of experience?

How do we combine the experience and the mode of the project operation and function?

How do we represent and express the meaning by Architecture?

How do we practical operate and integrate into the integrative concept of leisure, life and work as well as in our daily life?

How do we distinguish our design from any other real estate and gather people?

Nordic Home Experience and Scales Center

Background Culture Analysis 背景文化分析 034


International Trade Online Purchase Area EU Line Green channel Free Trade Area of the Northern Town

The European Union Business Office Center International Enterprise Headquarters

SME incubator

Embassy Business Offices in China

International Youth Incubator Base Growth of SME

Global Meeting Center International Business Multifunctional Showroom

Creative Design Building

Think Band Center

The Nertherland SLLM Creative Education Research and Development Center Northern Europe Furniture Design Center Finnish Creative Design Center Leather School of Design

International Business Center Electricity Suppliers Online Trading

Brand Operation Center

Business Resource Library

Danish Innovation Incubation Center

Internet Trading Operations Background

Lauterborn Studio Professor Carlson Studio Kungliga Tekniska Hรถgskolan (KTH)

Creative Office Zone Creative Distribution Base Business Support Center Consulting / Lawyer / Photocopier / Talent Base Training Various Types of Sharon Community House

Commercial Support Center Global Food Area Commercial Negotiations Recreation Clubs Wedding Hall Nordic Flavor Wedding Photography Base Regional Commercial Facilities

Star Business Hotel

Nordic Creative Living Museum

Multifunctional Conference Hall

Nordic Museum Creative Home

Brand Release Area

Furniture / Accessories / Cabinets / Fixtures / Textiles

Specify Staying at the Investment Conference

Scandinavian Design Shop

Fitness Center

Life Experience Hall

Shopping International Cuisine

Brand Supermall New Products Exhibition Hall E-business products exhibition area Flagship Store

Nordic Creative Living Museum Nordic Museum Creative Home


International Trade Trading

Furniture / Accessories / Cabinets / Fixtures / Textiles

Products Nordic Region

Scandinavian Design Shop

Nordic-line Trading under the Green Channel

Life Experience Hall


International Trade Online Purchase Area EU Line Green channel Free Trade Area of the Northern Town

The European Union Business Office Center International Enterprise Headquarters

SME incubator

Embassy Business Offices in China

International Youth Incubator Base Growth of SME

Global Meeting Center International Business Multifunctional Showroom

Creative Design Building

Think Band Center

The Nertherland SLLM Creative Education Research and Development Center Northern Europe Furniture Design Center Finnish Creative Design Center Leather School of Design

International Business Center Electricity Suppliers Online Trading

Brand Operation Center

Business Resource Library

Danish Innovation Incubation Center

Internet Trading Operations Background

Lauterborn Studio Professor Carlson Studio Kungliga Tekniska Hรถgskolan (KTH)

Creative Office Zone Creative Distribution Base Business Support Center Consulting / Lawyer / Photocopier / Talent Base Training Various Types of Sharon Community House

Commercial Support Center Global Food Area Commercial Negotiations Recreation Clubs Wedding Hall Nordic Flavor Wedding Photography Base Regional Commercial Facilities

Star Business Hotel

Nordic Creative Living Museum

Multifunctional Conference Hall

Nordic Museum Creative Home

Brand Release Area

Furniture / Accessories / Cabinets / Fixtures / Textiles

Specify Staying at the Investment Conference

Scandinavian Design Shop

Fitness Center

Life Experience Hall

Shopping International Cuisine

Brand Supermall New Products Exhibition Hall E-business products exhibition area Flagship Store

Nordic Creative Living Museum Nordic Museum Creative Home


International Trade Trading

Furniture / Accessories / Cabinets / Fixtures / Textiles

Products Nordic Region

Scandinavian Design Shop

Nordic-line Trading under the Green Channel

Life Experience Hall


Landscape Analysis 景观分析

Landscape Analysis 景观分析

Landscape Analysis 景观分析 038


Landscape Analysis 景观分析

Landscape Analysis 景观分析

Landscape Analysis 景观分析 038






g plan 平面图 G

3 plan 平面图 3


6 plan 平面图 6


Transport Analysis 交通运输分析 042


g plan 平面图 G

3 plan 平面图 3


6 plan 平面图 6


Transport Analysis 交通运输分析 042


DreamCenter Masterplan 上海 梦中心总体规划

Masterplanner / 总设计师 Benoy Ltd

Architect / 建筑师 Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) (Grade

The Site | Major & Secondary Road Network 项目基地 | 主要及次要道路网络

A Office Towers, Headquarters of Oriental

Developer / 开发商 Lan Kwai Fong Group, DreamWorks Animation, CMC Capital Partners

Project Executive Architect / 项目执行建筑师 P&T Group

Retail Design Consultant / 零售店设计顾问

DreamWorks, Art Galler y and Gateway Theatre); 3XN Architects (Iconic IMAX Theatre, Creative Offices and Retail Facilities);

Area / 面积 152300 m2 (Site Area), 463000 m2 (GFA)

The Oval Partnership HK

Location Shanghai, China 地点 中国江苏省上海市

DreamCenter is set to be the shining landmark of Shanghai’s Xuhui District and the leading element of the ‘West Bund Media Port’ project, a vibrant cultural hub that will inspire a new generation. One of the largest cultural investment projects in China, DreamCenter brings an integrated cultural and lifestyle destination to the city and the country. With a land area of 152000m2, the masterplan brings together 12 unique art, culture and entertainment venues to ignite inspiration as a cultural hub for the city. Key features include the ‘Dream Avenue’ Cultural Theatre District; Headquarters of Oriental DreamWorks which will become Asia’s top animation production base; the world’s largest 500-seat IMAX Cineplex; and the first Lan Kwai Fong Entertainment and Lifestyle District for Shanghai. The masterplanned scheme also takes into consideration its surroundings as a commercial center of the West Bund Media Port, a development 044

consisting of nine plots of land with a focus on creative media, technology and cultural industries. Leading enterprises in cultural and entertainment industries such as Hunan TV and Wanda IT have committed to the West Bund Media Port. The T-shaped riverside land will be developed into Grade A offices and creative offices; lifestyle retail and dining; Asia’s most iconic IMAX Cineplex with top facilities tailor-made for international film festivals and red carpet events. The creative performing arts district comprised of performance stages, music theaters and art studios as well as the Lan Kwai Fong district. DreamCenter will provide a culturally-rich lifestyle destination, bringing an international dining and leisure entertainment experience with year round themed events and parties. The meaning of a place is not based solely on the architecture, but also its spatial relationships between the buildings to enhance the character of the environment. As such, eight themed outdoor

plazas will work to interconnect these core hubs within the development. The major urban space nodes have also been carefully planned and spread across the development. Each node is within a 200m radius and not more than a five minute walk from one another to encourage pedestrian foot traffic. The DreamCenter scheme offers a unique opportunity to revitalise the old industrialised Shanghai Xuhui District along the Huangpu River and be a catalyst for growth in this part of the city. The masterplanned scheme has taken 045

a regenerative approach, incorporating plans to revitalise old silos, warehouses and a cement plant into cultural icons for the city to enrich the lives of present and future generations. Located at the South of Xuhui District Shanghai and adjacent to the Huangpu River, the site is near to the Shanghai commercial district, Shanghai Expo site, stadiums, as well as other cultural venues like Longhua Historical Site, Guilin Park and Shanghai Botanical Garden.

DreamCenter Masterplan 上海 梦中心总体规划

Masterplanner / 总设计师 Benoy Ltd

Architect / 建筑师 Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) (Grade

The Site | Major & Secondary Road Network 项目基地 | 主要及次要道路网络

A Office Towers, Headquarters of Oriental

Developer / 开发商 Lan Kwai Fong Group, DreamWorks Animation, CMC Capital Partners

Project Executive Architect / 项目执行建筑师 P&T Group

Retail Design Consultant / 零售店设计顾问

DreamWorks, Art Galler y and Gateway Theatre); 3XN Architects (Iconic IMAX Theatre, Creative Offices and Retail Facilities);

Area / 面积 152300 m2 (Site Area), 463000 m2 (GFA)

The Oval Partnership HK

Location Shanghai, China 地点 中国江苏省上海市

DreamCenter is set to be the shining landmark of Shanghai’s Xuhui District and the leading element of the ‘West Bund Media Port’ project, a vibrant cultural hub that will inspire a new generation. One of the largest cultural investment projects in China, DreamCenter brings an integrated cultural and lifestyle destination to the city and the country. With a land area of 152000m2, the masterplan brings together 12 unique art, culture and entertainment venues to ignite inspiration as a cultural hub for the city. Key features include the ‘Dream Avenue’ Cultural Theatre District; Headquarters of Oriental DreamWorks which will become Asia’s top animation production base; the world’s largest 500-seat IMAX Cineplex; and the first Lan Kwai Fong Entertainment and Lifestyle District for Shanghai. The masterplanned scheme also takes into consideration its surroundings as a commercial center of the West Bund Media Port, a development 044

consisting of nine plots of land with a focus on creative media, technology and cultural industries. Leading enterprises in cultural and entertainment industries such as Hunan TV and Wanda IT have committed to the West Bund Media Port. The T-shaped riverside land will be developed into Grade A offices and creative offices; lifestyle retail and dining; Asia’s most iconic IMAX Cineplex with top facilities tailor-made for international film festivals and red carpet events. The creative performing arts district comprised of performance stages, music theaters and art studios as well as the Lan Kwai Fong district. DreamCenter will provide a culturally-rich lifestyle destination, bringing an international dining and leisure entertainment experience with year round themed events and parties. The meaning of a place is not based solely on the architecture, but also its spatial relationships between the buildings to enhance the character of the environment. As such, eight themed outdoor

plazas will work to interconnect these core hubs within the development. The major urban space nodes have also been carefully planned and spread across the development. Each node is within a 200m radius and not more than a five minute walk from one another to encourage pedestrian foot traffic. The DreamCenter scheme offers a unique opportunity to revitalise the old industrialised Shanghai Xuhui District along the Huangpu River and be a catalyst for growth in this part of the city. The masterplanned scheme has taken 045

a regenerative approach, incorporating plans to revitalise old silos, warehouses and a cement plant into cultural icons for the city to enrich the lives of present and future generations. Located at the South of Xuhui District Shanghai and adjacent to the Huangpu River, the site is near to the Shanghai commercial district, Shanghai Expo site, stadiums, as well as other cultural venues like Longhua Historical Site, Guilin Park and Shanghai Botanical Garden.

Master Plan | Overall Plan 总体规划 | 整体布局

The Site | Control Lines 项目基地 | 建筑控制线



Master Plan | Overall Plan 总体规划 | 整体布局

The Site | Control Lines 项目基地 | 建筑控制线



Connections | Walking Distances 空间连接 | 步行距离

Connections | Green Links at Waterfront 空间连接 | 滨江地块的绿色纽带



Connections | Walking Distances 空间连接 | 步行距离

Connections | Green Links at Waterfront 空间连接 | 滨江地块的绿色纽带



Connections | By Car at L1 空间连接 | 一层(地面层)的私家车流动动线

Typical (Tower) Plan 总体典型塔楼平面图

Roof Plan 总体屋顶平面图


创造性的表演艺术区由表演舞台 , 音乐剧院和艺术工作室以及


兰桂坊区组成。梦中心的目的是提供一种文化丰富的生活型态 , 将




一个地方的意义并不仅仅基于体系结构 , 也基于其建筑之间用

占地 152000 平方米 , 总规划汇集了 12 个独特的艺术、文化

来突出环境特点的空间关系。因此 ,8 个主题性户外广场将用于连



想大道”文化剧场区 ; 将成为亚洲顶尖动画生产基地的东方梦工厂


总部 , 全球最大的有 500 个座的 IMAX 电影院 , 以及上海第一个兰

个节点都是 200 米范围内的 , 节点间步行不超过五分钟,以此来鼓





业中心 , 即一个由 9 块土地组成的开发区 , 专注于发展创意媒体、

徐汇老工业区 , 是这个地区经济增长的催化剂。

技术和文化产业。文化和娱乐产业的龙头企业 , 如湖南卫视和万达

总体规划方案采取了再生的方法 , 把旧筒仓 , 旧仓库及水泥站



T 形河畔的土地将会发展成甲级写字楼和创造性的办公室 , 生

梦中心位于上海徐汇区的南部 , 毗邻黄浦江 , 这个地点临近上

活型零售和餐饮店。亚洲最具标志性的有 500 个座位的 IMAX 电

海商业区 , 上海世博会园区 , 体育馆 , 以及龙华历史遗迹 , 桂林公园 ,





Connections | By Car at L1 空间连接 | 一层(地面层)的私家车流动动线

Typical (Tower) Plan 总体典型塔楼平面图

Roof Plan 总体屋顶平面图


创造性的表演艺术区由表演舞台 , 音乐剧院和艺术工作室以及


兰桂坊区组成。梦中心的目的是提供一种文化丰富的生活型态 , 将




一个地方的意义并不仅仅基于体系结构 , 也基于其建筑之间用

占地 152000 平方米 , 总规划汇集了 12 个独特的艺术、文化

来突出环境特点的空间关系。因此 ,8 个主题性户外广场将用于连



想大道”文化剧场区 ; 将成为亚洲顶尖动画生产基地的东方梦工厂


总部 , 全球最大的有 500 个座的 IMAX 电影院 , 以及上海第一个兰

个节点都是 200 米范围内的 , 节点间步行不超过五分钟,以此来鼓





业中心 , 即一个由 9 块土地组成的开发区 , 专注于发展创意媒体、

徐汇老工业区 , 是这个地区经济增长的催化剂。

技术和文化产业。文化和娱乐产业的龙头企业 , 如湖南卫视和万达

总体规划方案采取了再生的方法 , 把旧筒仓 , 旧仓库及水泥站



T 形河畔的土地将会发展成甲级写字楼和创造性的办公室 , 生

梦中心位于上海徐汇区的南部 , 毗邻黄浦江 , 这个地点临近上

活型零售和餐饮店。亚洲最具标志性的有 500 个座位的 IMAX 电

海商业区 , 上海世博会园区 , 体育馆 , 以及龙华历史遗迹 , 桂林公园 ,





L1 (Ground Level) Plan 总体一层(地面层)平面图

L2 (Platform Level) Plan 总体二层(平台层)平面图



L1 (Ground Level) Plan 总体一层(地面层)平面图

L2 (Platform Level) Plan 总体二层(平台层)平面图



L3 (Third Level) Plan 总体三层平面图

L4 (Fourth Level) Plan 总体四层平面图



L3 (Third Level) Plan 总体三层平面图

L4 (Fourth Level) Plan 总体四层平面图



Section A-A 剖面 A-A





Section A-A 剖面 A-A





Section 剖面 058


Section 剖面 058


Hanking Nanyou Newtown Urban Design 广东深圳 汉京南油新城 城市设计

Location Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China 项目地点 中国广东省深圳市

Architect / 建筑师 Jaeger and Partner Architects Ltd.

Client / 客户 Hanking Group

Hanking Nanyou Newtown Urban Design comprises redevelopment of one of the oldest neighbourhoods of Shenzhen, located in Nanyou area of Nanshan district. The project caters to a new sustainable urban environment where mixed-use activities of living, work and support functions afford higher density and greater reliance on public transport and pedestrian network. The concept brings together planning doctrines of compact city, green city and intelligent city to create a microcosm that captures and recreates the progressive identity of Shenzhen while providing an innovative model for future projects. The concept preserves existing infrastructural connections with the city as well as historical and cultural aspects of the site. Being integral to communal development, the site's current educational and hospital facilities are preserved. The project identifies and retains an interlaced grid system that blends the current orthogonal urban fabric to a historical diagonal axis. Existing framework of housing is revitalized as an art village providing a cultural amenity. As the masterplan retains urban landscape and built form in the center, the new development is oriented towards these existing social functions creating a link that acts as a receiving and dispersing component to channelize movement within the site. Acting as a unifying element, the multi-functional ring at the site's core provides the best accessibility solution. The concept displaces vehicular flow in two underground layers. The first underground layer allocates drop-off zones and access to commercial program. The second underground layer allocates access to parking. At ground level, the link organizes a pedestrian friendly zone and nests the main cultural and public amenities. Above, a double height art gallery glass tube connects the podium's functions and provides access to the green roofs.

Using the low height - low density centre, a 3-dimensional virtual convex surface generates the definition of surrounding towers, guiding their heights, orientation and relation within the neighbourhood. The forces of movement and geometry are instantiated into a formal expression that articulates office towers, hotel, residential buildings and studio apartment buildings with cultural, social and green components of the site into a singular, coherent and unified whole. The conceptual plane inherently manages distribution of density into controlled scales of buildings creating a distinct skyline as well



as affords ease of orientation and legibility for the users. The urban design embodies ideals of sustainable development by establishing a pedestrian friendly environment with vibrant and commercial street-scapes and public transportation connectivity to cater to diverse and rich mix of residents and visitors. Hanking Nanyou New Town reveals an inclusive vision to transform a derelict neighbourhood into a beautiful and integrated public realm for the community stake-holders and the people of Shenzhen.

Hanking Nanyou Newtown Urban Design 广东深圳 汉京南油新城 城市设计

Location Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China 项目地点 中国广东省深圳市

Architect / 建筑师 Jaeger and Partner Architects Ltd.

Client / 客户 Hanking Group

Hanking Nanyou Newtown Urban Design comprises redevelopment of one of the oldest neighbourhoods of Shenzhen, located in Nanyou area of Nanshan district. The project caters to a new sustainable urban environment where mixed-use activities of living, work and support functions afford higher density and greater reliance on public transport and pedestrian network. The concept brings together planning doctrines of compact city, green city and intelligent city to create a microcosm that captures and recreates the progressive identity of Shenzhen while providing an innovative model for future projects. The concept preserves existing infrastructural connections with the city as well as historical and cultural aspects of the site. Being integral to communal development, the site's current educational and hospital facilities are preserved. The project identifies and retains an interlaced grid system that blends the current orthogonal urban fabric to a historical diagonal axis. Existing framework of housing is revitalized as an art village providing a cultural amenity. As the masterplan retains urban landscape and built form in the center, the new development is oriented towards these existing social functions creating a link that acts as a receiving and dispersing component to channelize movement within the site. Acting as a unifying element, the multi-functional ring at the site's core provides the best accessibility solution. The concept displaces vehicular flow in two underground layers. The first underground layer allocates drop-off zones and access to commercial program. The second underground layer allocates access to parking. At ground level, the link organizes a pedestrian friendly zone and nests the main cultural and public amenities. Above, a double height art gallery glass tube connects the podium's functions and provides access to the green roofs.

Using the low height - low density centre, a 3-dimensional virtual convex surface generates the definition of surrounding towers, guiding their heights, orientation and relation within the neighbourhood. The forces of movement and geometry are instantiated into a formal expression that articulates office towers, hotel, residential buildings and studio apartment buildings with cultural, social and green components of the site into a singular, coherent and unified whole. The conceptual plane inherently manages distribution of density into controlled scales of buildings creating a distinct skyline as well



as affords ease of orientation and legibility for the users. The urban design embodies ideals of sustainable development by establishing a pedestrian friendly environment with vibrant and commercial street-scapes and public transportation connectivity to cater to diverse and rich mix of residents and visitors. Hanking Nanyou New Town reveals an inclusive vision to transform a derelict neighbourhood into a beautiful and integrated public realm for the community stake-holders and the people of Shenzhen.





















现状:扰人的水泥丛林 交错















现状:扰人的水泥丛林 交错
















医院 运动场













公园 幼儿园


医院 艺术画廊 创造出一条显著的天际线


































医院 运动场













公园 幼儿园


医院 艺术画廊 创造出一条显著的天际线

































Architect / 建筑师 Pesch & Partner, Architects and Urban Planners

Design Director / 设计总监 Lin Zhuangying

Project Manager / 项目经理 Wang Xiangkun

Project Team / 项目团队 Shao Peng, Chen Juan, Pan Hui, Tao Xiaoliang, Lu Hongwei

Area / 面积 1294400 m2

Conceptual Design for Shuitu Central Business District, Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing 重庆 两江新区水土中心区概念设计

Location Chongqing, China 项目地点 中国重庆市



Architect / 建筑师 Pesch & Partner, Architects and Urban Planners

Design Director / 设计总监 Lin Zhuangying

Project Manager / 项目经理 Wang Xiangkun

Project Team / 项目团队 Shao Peng, Chen Juan, Pan Hui, Tao Xiaoliang, Lu Hongwei

Area / 面积 1294400 m2

Conceptual Design for Shuitu Central Business District, Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing 重庆 两江新区水土中心区概念设计

Location Chongqing, China 项目地点 中国重庆市



2. Central Core, Three-dimensional Suture Making use of the 3D layers of the topography, we create a commercial central area in the crossing area of the main road and rail transit by TOD method. It not only creates the center of the area, but also solves the problem of main transportation separation, connecting the cultural landscape district to the west and the waterfront commercial district to the east, in order to realize the 3D suture of the district function. 3. Emphasize Waterfront, Create Landscape According to the topography, we design a functional leisure landscape harbor, which is connecting by commercial pedestrian streets inside.The steep bank in the middle is a problem for people to be close to the water.The incurved pedestrian streets reserve the waterfront commercial buildings.Moreover, the landscape nodes are all designed by the topography, which can highlight the characteristics of Chongqing,and guarantee the design result.

The location of the site is at the northwest of Liangjiang new area outside the ring expressway to the north of Chongqing city. The position of the project is a industrial commercial center, which serves the natural area surrounding by the hills and water.The north area of the site is higher than the south.There are two planned rail transits and main roads square crossing the center of the site.Two district culture protect units are located at both south and north sides of the main road to the west of the site.At the southeast edge of the site, the landscape around Zhuxi River is the highlight of the site. Design Highlights: 1. Better Industry Selection, Scale Quantification According to the analysis of the extend of industrial function service chain,the position of the district service function, the layers of district development and the future tendency, we come up with the industrial function of the site and quantify the scale of the industrial model by using index and employment calculation method, in order to make the design result reasonable and accurate.



2. Central Core, Three-dimensional Suture Making use of the 3D layers of the topography, we create a commercial central area in the crossing area of the main road and rail transit by TOD method. It not only creates the center of the area, but also solves the problem of main transportation separation, connecting the cultural landscape district to the west and the waterfront commercial district to the east, in order to realize the 3D suture of the district function. 3. Emphasize Waterfront, Create Landscape According to the topography, we design a functional leisure landscape harbor, which is connecting by commercial pedestrian streets inside.The steep bank in the middle is a problem for people to be close to the water.The incurved pedestrian streets reserve the waterfront commercial buildings.Moreover, the landscape nodes are all designed by the topography, which can highlight the characteristics of Chongqing,and guarantee the design result.

The location of the site is at the northwest of Liangjiang new area outside the ring expressway to the north of Chongqing city. The position of the project is a industrial commercial center, which serves the natural area surrounding by the hills and water.The north area of the site is higher than the south.There are two planned rail transits and main roads square crossing the center of the site.Two district culture protect units are located at both south and north sides of the main road to the west of the site.At the southeast edge of the site, the landscape around Zhuxi River is the highlight of the site. Design Highlights: 1. Better Industry Selection, Scale Quantification According to the analysis of the extend of industrial function service chain,the position of the district service function, the layers of district development and the future tendency, we come up with the industrial function of the site and quantify the scale of the industrial model by using index and employment calculation method, in order to make the design result reasonable and accurate.



Design Ideas Analysis 设计思路解析

Define the ranges of site construction and ecological plants

Sunken flooding treatment



Delimit the ranges of site construction 划定可建设范围及生态护被

Define the ranges of site construction and ecological plants

Main roads divided parcel

Small hub valuable area, the metro hub is divided by main roads



Rely on bayshore and cultural resources 依托湾岸及文化资源

Build hub landscape nodes 构建核心景观节点

Plan space functions formats according surrouding layout

Zhong Xing Road adjust toward west, restore the metro hub area to keep complete



Connect open space to hub landscape


Produce planning area overall space layout according to functions 依据功能形成规划区整体空间布局

Connect open space to hub landscape 开敞空间连接核心景观


Reserve connector of surrounding road net 预留周边路网接口

Combine open space to build planning area road net, and joint with surrounding area seamlessly



Design Ideas Analysis 设计思路解析

Define the ranges of site construction and ecological plants

Sunken flooding treatment



Delimit the ranges of site construction 划定可建设范围及生态护被

Define the ranges of site construction and ecological plants

Main roads divided parcel

Small hub valuable area, the metro hub is divided by main roads



Rely on bayshore and cultural resources 依托湾岸及文化资源

Build hub landscape nodes 构建核心景观节点

Plan space functions formats according surrouding layout

Zhong Xing Road adjust toward west, restore the metro hub area to keep complete



Connect open space to hub landscape


Produce planning area overall space layout according to functions 依据功能形成规划区整体空间布局

Connect open space to hub landscape 开敞空间连接核心景观


Reserve connector of surrounding road net 预留周边路网接口

Combine open space to build planning area road net, and joint with surrounding area seamlessly



Land Use Suitability Evaluation 用地适宜性评价

Current Terrain Element 现状地形元素

Legend Abrupt Slope 100 years flooded line


Slope Hiltop

Prohibited Construction Area


Inappropriate Construction Area

Current Road

Conditional Construction Area

Planning Area

Appropriate Construction Area

Water Area

Water Area Planning Range Line

Ecological Sensibility Analysis 生态敏感性分析

Legend High Sensibility Area Mid Sensibility Area Low Sensibility Area

Plot Ratio Analysis 容积率分析


Main Interface 主要界面

Green Open Space Square Open Space

Water Area

Open Space Business Space

Planning Range Line



Office Space


Land Use Suitability Evaluation 用地适宜性评价

Current Terrain Element 现状地形元素

Legend Abrupt Slope 100 years flooded line


Slope Hiltop

Prohibited Construction Area


Inappropriate Construction Area

Current Road

Conditional Construction Area

Planning Area

Appropriate Construction Area

Water Area

Water Area Planning Range Line

Ecological Sensibility Analysis 生态敏感性分析

Legend High Sensibility Area Mid Sensibility Area Low Sensibility Area

Plot Ratio Analysis 容积率分析


Main Interface 主要界面

Green Open Space Square Open Space

Water Area

Open Space Business Space

Planning Range Line



Office Space


Heights Analysis 高度分析

Open Space 开敞空间

Legend Green Space Hard Pavement Pedestrian System Key nodes

Functions Formats 功能业态

Functions Structure 功能结构

Landscape Structure 景观结构


Staging Development 分期开发 077

Heights Analysis 高度分析

Open Space 开敞空间

Legend Green Space Hard Pavement Pedestrian System Key nodes

Functions Formats 功能业态

Functions Structure 功能结构

Landscape Structure 景观结构


Staging Development 分期开发 077

Comprehensive Transporation 综合交通

Legend City Main Road City Secondary Road


Branches Pedestrian Paths


Rail Transit


Rail Transit Station


Under Gate

边界的竹溪河沿岸景观优美,是基地最大的亮点。 设计亮点: 1、优选业态、量化规模 根据产业功能的服务链延伸、区域服务功能分工协同以及区域发展层

Landscape View 景观视线

级及未来趋势等综合叠加分析,优化确定规划区功能业态,并采用指标法 和就业推算等模型量化各业态规模,从而从基础上即实现规划设计的合理 化和精准化。 2、中央核心、立体缝合 Hub Area Analysis 核心区分析

利用地形的立体叠合关系,以 TOD 建设模式,在主干路、轨道交通相 交的中央区域,打造商业核心功能区,不仅形成片区的标志核心,更巧妙 地化解了主干交通的割裂,有效联动了西侧的文化景观门户区以及东侧滨 水景观商业区,实现区域功能的立体缝合。 3、强化滨水、依势造景 依据地形条件,在滨水岸线南北两端结合自然湾岸打造功能性休闲景 观港,并利用商业步行街相串联,中段岸线陡峭不利于人的亲水,向内弯 曲的步行街正预留出滨水的商业建筑群,不仅如此,区内的景观节点均依 地形现状而建,突出重庆特色、保障规划实施。


Landscape Pedestrian

Green Space Main View Vestibule Secondary View Vestibule Visual focus

Pedestrian Circulation Concept 步行街布局概念 078


Comprehensive Transporation 综合交通

Legend City Main Road City Secondary Road


Branches Pedestrian Paths


Rail Transit


Rail Transit Station


Under Gate

边界的竹溪河沿岸景观优美,是基地最大的亮点。 设计亮点: 1、优选业态、量化规模 根据产业功能的服务链延伸、区域服务功能分工协同以及区域发展层

Landscape View 景观视线

级及未来趋势等综合叠加分析,优化确定规划区功能业态,并采用指标法 和就业推算等模型量化各业态规模,从而从基础上即实现规划设计的合理 化和精准化。 2、中央核心、立体缝合 Hub Area Analysis 核心区分析

利用地形的立体叠合关系,以 TOD 建设模式,在主干路、轨道交通相 交的中央区域,打造商业核心功能区,不仅形成片区的标志核心,更巧妙 地化解了主干交通的割裂,有效联动了西侧的文化景观门户区以及东侧滨 水景观商业区,实现区域功能的立体缝合。 3、强化滨水、依势造景 依据地形条件,在滨水岸线南北两端结合自然湾岸打造功能性休闲景 观港,并利用商业步行街相串联,中段岸线陡峭不利于人的亲水,向内弯 曲的步行街正预留出滨水的商业建筑群,不仅如此,区内的景观节点均依 地形现状而建,突出重庆特色、保障规划实施。


Landscape Pedestrian

Green Space Main View Vestibule Secondary View Vestibule Visual focus

Pedestrian Circulation Concept 步行街布局概念 078


Xin Yue Square Plan Node Enlarged Drawings 新月广场平面节点放大图



Xin Yue Square Plan Node Enlarged Drawings 新月广场平面节点放大图



Xin Yue Square Section 新月广场剖面

Dock Waterfront Section 码头滨水剖面

Dock Local Plan 码头平面局部

Fisherman's Wharf Terrain Analysis 渔人码头地形分析 082


Xin Yue Square Section 新月广场剖面

Dock Waterfront Section 码头滨水剖面

Dock Local Plan 码头平面局部

Fisherman's Wharf Terrain Analysis 渔人码头地形分析 082


Corte Da Quedra 5 矩形立面图

Porto Olimpico

Esquema Isometrico Da Quedra 方形框架等距图

Architect / 建筑师 Girimun Ltd

Area / 面积 1000000 m²

巴西里约热内卢 奥林匹克港

Location Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 项目地点 巴西里约热内卢

As part of a package of investments for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the regeneration of 85 hectares of land near the old docks will create more than 1 million sqm of apartments, hotels, office buildings and a convention centre. The project addresses two moments: the completion of support facilities for the 2016 Olympic Games (10,600-room accommodation for media and referees, a media-centre and 3 to 5-star hotels) and its transformation post-Games into a vibrant mixed-use extension of the city centre. A green loop circuit of public spaces embraces the whole master plan encouraging pedestrian and bicycle use by linking the various dissociated sites and connecting the whole area to the nearby waterfront of the revitalised docks.

Building Phasing 建筑定相 102


Corte Da Quedra 5 矩形立面图

Porto Olimpico

Esquema Isometrico Da Quedra 方形框架等距图

Architect / 建筑师 Girimun Ltd

Area / 面积 1000000 m²

巴西里约热内卢 奥林匹克港

Location Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 项目地点 巴西里约热内卢

As part of a package of investments for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the regeneration of 85 hectares of land near the old docks will create more than 1 million sqm of apartments, hotels, office buildings and a convention centre. The project addresses two moments: the completion of support facilities for the 2016 Olympic Games (10,600-room accommodation for media and referees, a media-centre and 3 to 5-star hotels) and its transformation post-Games into a vibrant mixed-use extension of the city centre. A green loop circuit of public spaces embraces the whole master plan encouraging pedestrian and bicycle use by linking the various dissociated sites and connecting the whole area to the nearby waterfront of the revitalised docks.

Building Phasing 建筑定相 102


Green Circuit 绿色环道

Shopping 购物区

作为 2016 年里约热内卢奥利匹克运动会投资计划的一部分,项目计划对旧港口周边共 85 公顷的区 域进行重建,来建造公寓、宾馆、办公楼以及一个会议中心,占地超过 100 万平方米。 该项目强调了两个重要阶段:首先是完成 2016 年奥林匹克运动会的配套设施的建设阶段(其中包 括 10600 个接待媒体和裁判的房间,1 个媒体会议中心以及 3 星级到 5 星级酒店)。其次是在奥运会后 该区域将被开发为城市中心的充满活力的多功能使用区。 一条绿色的环形走廊将贯穿整个规划区域连接起来,并使整个区域连接重新焕发活力的港口附近的 海滨区域,从而方便行人与自行车通行。



Green Circuit 绿色环道

Shopping 购物区

作为 2016 年里约热内卢奥利匹克运动会投资计划的一部分,项目计划对旧港口周边共 85 公顷的区 域进行重建,来建造公寓、宾馆、办公楼以及一个会议中心,占地超过 100 万平方米。 该项目强调了两个重要阶段:首先是完成 2016 年奥林匹克运动会的配套设施的建设阶段(其中包 括 10600 个接待媒体和裁判的房间,1 个媒体会议中心以及 3 星级到 5 星级酒店)。其次是在奥运会后 该区域将被开发为城市中心的充满活力的多功能使用区。 一条绿色的环形走廊将贯穿整个规划区域连接起来,并使整个区域连接重新焕发活力的港口附近的 海滨区域,从而方便行人与自行车通行。



阶段 1


阶段 2







Render Fachada 大门效果图



阶段 1


阶段 2







Render Fachada 大门效果图



Render Fachada 大门效果图

Plan 平面图 108


Render Fachada 大门效果图

Plan 平面图 108


Fuzhou Taijiang District Pai Wei Complex Conceptual PLANNING

Architect / 建筑师 RM Architects + J.A.O. Design

Area / 面积 420000 m2

福建 福州市台江区排尾地块综合体 概念规划设计

Location Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China

Fuzhou Taijiang District Pai Wei mixed-use project is located in the centre of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, with a site area of 420000sqm and a building area of 1540000sqm. It includes 540,000 sqm of residential area, 850,000 sqm of commercial and office area, and a 150000 sqm area used for schooling and other supporting facilities. The design concept comes from the urban context of Fuzhou especially Taijiang district. It attempts to bring this organic, dynamic and diverse space charm into new buildings and open spaces, creating a modern space mode which, based on the local culture, has its own features and can be the landmark of Fuzhou. In the master plan layout, we implant a dendritic structure consisting of pedestrian streets and open spaces as its main trunk . The structure as a whole looks like a banyan tree, the symbol of Fuzhou city. “The tree” starts to grow from the southwest corner and links the Guang Ming harbor in the north, forming the main sidewalk circulation of the main commercial area. To the east, the main trunk leads the pedestrian through a sunken plaza to the special style pedestrian street. The small branches reaching to the north and south are green open spaces of the residential area which make the whole community a complete ecological network. The design idea of the high rise commercial buildings is another reflection against the traditional vertical city spaces. Normally, the high density skyscrapers have great impact on the sunlight and ventilation conditions of the city spaces. By cutting, rotating and reconnecting the different building volumes, we would rather pursue one combining the vertical and horizontal space, and further create a large outdoor area on the roof. Here, in these three-dimensional plazas, citizens can still enjoy the sky, grassland and nature within the high-dense commercial area. In the design of the relocated residential buildings, the one side corridor arrangement allows each unit to have two side openings. The residential buildings are between 9 and 14 floors high, and their heights gradually increase from South to North. The differences of the building height enrich the skyline of the city landscape. Between the residential buildings, there are dendritic ecological corridors. There are also roof gardens on top of the buildings which provide the public spaces for residents to gather together and enjoy the nature. Also , the design of these gardens is a substantial method. From this point , the roof gardens with grasses, plants and trees there could reduce the impact of strong sun light in the summer, and also as a rain collecting system can collect the rain to reduce the daily water usage.

项目地点 中国福建省福州市



Fuzhou Taijiang District Pai Wei Complex Conceptual PLANNING

Architect / 建筑师 RM Architects + J.A.O. Design

Area / 面积 420000 m2

福建 福州市台江区排尾地块综合体 概念规划设计

Location Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China

Fuzhou Taijiang District Pai Wei mixed-use project is located in the centre of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, with a site area of 420000sqm and a building area of 1540000sqm. It includes 540,000 sqm of residential area, 850,000 sqm of commercial and office area, and a 150000 sqm area used for schooling and other supporting facilities. The design concept comes from the urban context of Fuzhou especially Taijiang district. It attempts to bring this organic, dynamic and diverse space charm into new buildings and open spaces, creating a modern space mode which, based on the local culture, has its own features and can be the landmark of Fuzhou. In the master plan layout, we implant a dendritic structure consisting of pedestrian streets and open spaces as its main trunk . The structure as a whole looks like a banyan tree, the symbol of Fuzhou city. “The tree” starts to grow from the southwest corner and links the Guang Ming harbor in the north, forming the main sidewalk circulation of the main commercial area. To the east, the main trunk leads the pedestrian through a sunken plaza to the special style pedestrian street. The small branches reaching to the north and south are green open spaces of the residential area which make the whole community a complete ecological network. The design idea of the high rise commercial buildings is another reflection against the traditional vertical city spaces. Normally, the high density skyscrapers have great impact on the sunlight and ventilation conditions of the city spaces. By cutting, rotating and reconnecting the different building volumes, we would rather pursue one combining the vertical and horizontal space, and further create a large outdoor area on the roof. Here, in these three-dimensional plazas, citizens can still enjoy the sky, grassland and nature within the high-dense commercial area. In the design of the relocated residential buildings, the one side corridor arrangement allows each unit to have two side openings. The residential buildings are between 9 and 14 floors high, and their heights gradually increase from South to North. The differences of the building height enrich the skyline of the city landscape. Between the residential buildings, there are dendritic ecological corridors. There are also roof gardens on top of the buildings which provide the public spaces for residents to gather together and enjoy the nature. Also , the design of these gardens is a substantial method. From this point , the roof gardens with grasses, plants and trees there could reduce the impact of strong sun light in the summer, and also as a rain collecting system can collect the rain to reduce the daily water usage.

项目地点 中国福建省福州市



Original Neighborhood 原有里弄

New Urban Structure (two-dimensional)

New Building Texture (three-dimensional)

Footpath Network 车行路网

Pedestrian 人行步道

Community greenland 社区绿网


Commercial 商业区

Project Location 项目位置


Residential 住宅区

本案地处福州市中心台江区。改造范 围内建筑以低矮平房为主,屋龄高, 房屋状况普遍较差,治安和消防隐患 大。周边配套设施也不齐全,居民缺 乏良好的公共空间与绿地景观

光明港 红星商务大楼

长 乐 光明港苑



地块西面六一南路现有立交桥一座, 即将拆除,对地块西侧的商业活动将 有很大的助益。场地东面为福州新 CBD预留地块。北面沿江区域为政府 规划的光明港项目,是未来滨水自然 景观与游船规划重点项目,也是创造 滨水商业的契机。

Inside Districts

Building Shape


Original urban texture

Outside space

一 南



Open Space


排尾路 Residences


Design Concept 设计概念图

Project Location 项目位置 112



Original Neighborhood 原有里弄

New Urban Structure (two-dimensional)

New Building Texture (three-dimensional)

Footpath Network 车行路网

Pedestrian 人行步道

Community greenland 社区绿网


Commercial 商业区

Project Location 项目位置


Residential 住宅区

本案地处福州市中心台江区。改造范 围内建筑以低矮平房为主,屋龄高, 房屋状况普遍较差,治安和消防隐患 大。周边配套设施也不齐全,居民缺 乏良好的公共空间与绿地景观

光明港 红星商务大楼

长 乐 光明港苑



地块西面六一南路现有立交桥一座, 即将拆除,对地块西侧的商业活动将 有很大的助益。场地东面为福州新 CBD预留地块。北面沿江区域为政府 规划的光明港项目,是未来滨水自然 景观与游船规划重点项目,也是创造 滨水商业的契机。

Inside Districts

Building Shape


Original urban texture

Outside space

一 南



Open Space


排尾路 Residences


Design Concept 设计概念图

Project Location 项目位置 112



South East View 东南视线图

Pedestrian Circulation 人行街道分布图

Vehicle Circulation 机动车辆路线图

Functions Diagram 功能图 114


South East View 东南视线图

Pedestrian Circulation 人行街道分布图

Vehicle Circulation 机动车辆路线图

Functions Diagram 功能图 114


Coloured-Tree Plant 装饰绿色植物

Functions 3D 功能图 3D 福州市台江区排尾地块城市综合体项目位在福州市的核心区域,用地




面积 42 万平方米,建筑面积 154 万平方米。其中住宅区占 54 万平方米,




商业及写字楼占 85 万平米,其余为学校用地及相关配套设施。







设计发想来自福州本地尤其是台江区的都市纹理。试图将有机、变化、 多样性的空间趣味保留在新的建筑物与开放空间中。塑造出一种根植于地




小高层回迁房有几个主要特征。平面布局上采用单边走廊板式结构, 每一户皆双边通透。高度为九层至十四层,由地块南边向北边逐步递增,


South West View 西南视线图



Green Area Design Concept 绿化带的设计理念 116


减少夏日强烈日照带来的负面影响。另外可以设置雨水回收系统,收集雨水, 节约整个社区的日常用水。





Coloured-Tree Plant 装饰绿色植物

Functions 3D 功能图 3D 福州市台江区排尾地块城市综合体项目位在福州市的核心区域,用地




面积 42 万平方米,建筑面积 154 万平方米。其中住宅区占 54 万平方米,




商业及写字楼占 85 万平米,其余为学校用地及相关配套设施。







设计发想来自福州本地尤其是台江区的都市纹理。试图将有机、变化、 多样性的空间趣味保留在新的建筑物与开放空间中。塑造出一种根植于地




小高层回迁房有几个主要特征。平面布局上采用单边走廊板式结构, 每一户皆双边通透。高度为九层至十四层,由地块南边向北边逐步递增,


South West View 西南视线图



Green Area Design Concept 绿化带的设计理念 116


减少夏日强烈日照带来的负面影响。另外可以设置雨水回收系统,收集雨水, 节约整个社区的日常用水。






高层商业的设计理念是对传统城 市垂直空间的另一种反思。通常 高密度的摩天楼对城市空间的阳 光及通风皆有很大影响。借由体 块的分割、旋转与重组,我们更 强调垂直与水平兼具的空间组 织,进而创造大面积的屋顶户外 空间。将广场的概念立体化,市 民仍然能在高密度的商业区中享 受天空、绿地与自然。



Skylight 自然光


Green 绿化



95000平方米 285000 平方米

75000平方米 230000平方米


Reassembled 重组


150mt x 3

120mt x 3

办公楼 90mt x 3

shopping mall 集中商业


Facade concept 立面理念







= Commercial Functions Diagram 商业区功能图

Commercial Concept 商业区概念图

Commercial View 商业区鸟瞰图

Commercial Pedestrian Street - Circulation 商业区分布图 118



高层商业的设计理念是对传统城 市垂直空间的另一种反思。通常 高密度的摩天楼对城市空间的阳 光及通风皆有很大影响。借由体 块的分割、旋转与重组,我们更 强调垂直与水平兼具的空间组 织,进而创造大面积的屋顶户外 空间。将广场的概念立体化,市 民仍然能在高密度的商业区中享 受天空、绿地与自然。



Skylight 自然光


Green 绿化



95000平方米 285000 平方米

75000平方米 230000平方米


Reassembled 重组


150mt x 3

120mt x 3

办公楼 90mt x 3

shopping mall 集中商业


Facade concept 立面理念







= Commercial Functions Diagram 商业区功能图

Commercial Concept 商业区概念图

Commercial View 商业区鸟瞰图

Commercial Pedestrian Street - Circulation 商业区分布图 118


Commercial Street Residential - Units Assembly 住宅商业区街道—单元楼群

Commercial Street Layout 商业街道平面图

Commercial Street Residential - Units Layout 住宅区商业街道—单元楼平面图

Commercial Street View 商业街道景观 120


Commercial Street Residential - Units Assembly 住宅商业区街道—单元楼群

Commercial Street Layout 商业街道平面图

Commercial Street Residential - Units Layout 住宅区商业街道—单元楼平面图

Commercial Street View 商业街道景观 120


Architect / 建筑师

Xiqing CBD

Remo Malnar, Wolf Loebel, Ran Li, Zhengwei Liu

Firm / 设计公司 RhineScheme GmbH

天津 西青中心商业区

Location Tianjin, China 项目地点 中国 天津市

Area / 面积 500000 m²

The adequate answer to a city function like ‘Central Business District’ can only be a distinctive and significant design which is able to serve as initial point for an identity in urban planning. Furthermore, a contemporary urban concept needs to correspond to flexibility and variability of future development processes, without weakening its primal overall concept. Starting from a design philosophy called ‘tension of opponent actors’, an antagonistic composition of interacting clear geometric forms has been formed – with the aim of creating a diversified spatial cityscape. One part of the composition creates rectangular clusters around a central park as core of the arrangement. Due to their modular structure, those clusters will offer a wide parameter of usage, flexible and variable to react to modified requirements on the time table of development. Moreover, in a smaller scale, each modular element is able to adapt to new developments. Mixed used functions that make cities highly attractive in their day and night rhythm will be located in those modular organized systems. The linear arrangement of building blocks offers a spatial partition of ‘inside and outside’. It defines public and private space in an unmistakable manner and provides landscaped areas for the nearby buildings. The central park serves as recreation zone for the building clusters and as environmental valuated element for improving the micro-climate. Around the central park the modular elements are arranged in rings: the inner ring accommodates residential functions with direct relationship to the park, the outer rings are reserved for office and commercial use. The ellipsoid ‘islands of use’ are related to each other and to the rectangular clusters and aim to complete the frame and picture of composition. Each ‘island of use’ has a different balance point and architectural language. Each single urban element and cluster of the overall composition has its own distinctive character and plays its part within the harmony of the ensemble.



Architect / 建筑师

Xiqing CBD

Remo Malnar, Wolf Loebel, Ran Li, Zhengwei Liu

Firm / 设计公司 RhineScheme GmbH

天津 西青中心商业区

Location Tianjin, China 项目地点 中国 天津市

Area / 面积 500000 m²

The adequate answer to a city function like ‘Central Business District’ can only be a distinctive and significant design which is able to serve as initial point for an identity in urban planning. Furthermore, a contemporary urban concept needs to correspond to flexibility and variability of future development processes, without weakening its primal overall concept. Starting from a design philosophy called ‘tension of opponent actors’, an antagonistic composition of interacting clear geometric forms has been formed – with the aim of creating a diversified spatial cityscape. One part of the composition creates rectangular clusters around a central park as core of the arrangement. Due to their modular structure, those clusters will offer a wide parameter of usage, flexible and variable to react to modified requirements on the time table of development. Moreover, in a smaller scale, each modular element is able to adapt to new developments. Mixed used functions that make cities highly attractive in their day and night rhythm will be located in those modular organized systems. The linear arrangement of building blocks offers a spatial partition of ‘inside and outside’. It defines public and private space in an unmistakable manner and provides landscaped areas for the nearby buildings. The central park serves as recreation zone for the building clusters and as environmental valuated element for improving the micro-climate. Around the central park the modular elements are arranged in rings: the inner ring accommodates residential functions with direct relationship to the park, the outer rings are reserved for office and commercial use. The ellipsoid ‘islands of use’ are related to each other and to the rectangular clusters and aim to complete the frame and picture of composition. Each ‘island of use’ has a different balance point and architectural language. Each single urban element and cluster of the overall composition has its own distinctive character and plays its part within the harmony of the ensemble.



“中央商务区”是设计城市标志物的起点,只有别具一格的 设计才能更好地彰显城市的特点。 而且,当代的城市的理念应既要符合未来城市发展的灵活性 和多样性,同时又不能削弱其最初的整体概念。 从“对比产生张力”的设计理念开始,一个清晰的几何形状 构建了富有张力的空间形态,创造了一个多元化的都市景观。 城市构成的一部分是规则的建筑群体,围绕中央公园布局, 并作为城市的核心。 我们的设计区域由多个模块组成,这些建筑群为我们提供了 广阔,灵活的应用空间,满足在日后不断开发中的需求变化。从 较小的尺度上来讲,每一个模块都能够很好的适应新的开发。 综合功能区坐落于多模块的结构体系当中,使城市在白天和 夜晚的交替中散发无限的魅力。 建筑群的线性规划为街区内外提供了一个空间屏障,它清晰 的界定了公共空间和私密空间,并为相临的建筑提供景观空间。 中央公园作为建筑群的休闲区,同时也作为极具价值的环境 元素改善当地的微气候。 中央公园的四周的模块元素形成环状布局,与公园直接相连 的内环是住宅区,外环是办公和商业功能。 椭圆形的“功能岛”互相连接并与与矩形建筑群相连接,构 成一个完整的城市框架和画面。每个“功能岛”都有不同平衡点 和建筑语言。 每个城市元素和建筑群都有其独特的个性,在扮演着各自角 色的同时,也和谐地融入到城市的总体发展规划之中。

Building Structure 建筑结构



“中央商务区”是设计城市标志物的起点,只有别具一格的 设计才能更好地彰显城市的特点。 而且,当代的城市的理念应既要符合未来城市发展的灵活性 和多样性,同时又不能削弱其最初的整体概念。 从“对比产生张力”的设计理念开始,一个清晰的几何形状 构建了富有张力的空间形态,创造了一个多元化的都市景观。 城市构成的一部分是规则的建筑群体,围绕中央公园布局, 并作为城市的核心。 我们的设计区域由多个模块组成,这些建筑群为我们提供了 广阔,灵活的应用空间,满足在日后不断开发中的需求变化。从 较小的尺度上来讲,每一个模块都能够很好的适应新的开发。 综合功能区坐落于多模块的结构体系当中,使城市在白天和 夜晚的交替中散发无限的魅力。 建筑群的线性规划为街区内外提供了一个空间屏障,它清晰 的界定了公共空间和私密空间,并为相临的建筑提供景观空间。 中央公园作为建筑群的休闲区,同时也作为极具价值的环境 元素改善当地的微气候。 中央公园的四周的模块元素形成环状布局,与公园直接相连 的内环是住宅区,外环是办公和商业功能。 椭圆形的“功能岛”互相连接并与与矩形建筑群相连接,构 成一个完整的城市框架和画面。每个“功能岛”都有不同平衡点 和建筑语言。 每个城市元素和建筑群都有其独特的个性,在扮演着各自角 色的同时,也和谐地融入到城市的总体发展规划之中。

Building Structure 建筑结构



Distinctive & Significant 特色鲜明

Legend 图例

Landscape System 景观体系

Central park


Green concentration


Urban road green


Cluster green


Waterfront green


Waterfront plaza


Public plaza


Pedestrain/ temporary lane

步行道 / 临时行车



Flexibility & Variability 灵活多变

Design Principles 设计原则

Youth center




Entertainment 娱乐中心

Senior citizen center 老年活动中心

Legend 图例

Whole plot traffic system 总区域交通体系

Traffic 交通 126

Main city road


Secondary city road


Branch road


Normal road




Subway station


CBD Main road


CBD Secondary road


Share space


Legend 图例







Service commerical


Trade center






Kindergarten 幼儿园

Functions 功能图 127

Distinctive & Significant 特色鲜明

Legend 图例

Landscape System 景观体系

Central park


Green concentration


Urban road green


Cluster green


Waterfront green


Waterfront plaza


Public plaza


Pedestrain/ temporary lane

步行道 / 临时行车



Flexibility & Variability 灵活多变

Design Principles 设计原则

Youth center




Entertainment 娱乐中心

Senior citizen center 老年活动中心

Legend 图例

Whole plot traffic system 总区域交通体系

Traffic 交通 126

Main city road


Secondary city road


Branch road


Normal road




Subway station


CBD Main road


CBD Secondary road


Share space


Legend 图例







Service commerical


Trade center






Kindergarten 幼儿园

Functions 功能图 127

Ningbo Yinzhou South Business District Gateway Zone 浙江宁波 鄞州南部商务区 门户区概念规划设计

Location Ningbo, China 项目地点 中国宁波市

Architect / 建筑师 Atelier Ashley Munday

Client / 客户 Ningbo Planning Authority

Land Use / 土地用途 Mixed use masterplan and architecture with transport inter change and metro station

Area / 面积 710000 m²(23 Ha site area)

The Gateway Site for the Ningbo South Business District establishes a new urban typology that merges the qualities of a garden or city park with intensified urban development. By proposing a ‘loose fit’ built form that allows a continuity of both landscape and movement across and through the site the the qualities of the City Garden are enhanced and the buildings themselves become a series of garden pavillions that define public space. The City Garden will not just be a gateway but become a city centre gathering point for the people of the new business district. The proposed ‘loose fit’ building structure will allow the qualities of the garden to merge with intensive urban development. With this more informal arrangement of buildings facilitating movement across and through the site from north to south and a continuity of landscape under and through the built fabric. This loose fit structure is open ended and accepting movement of people from both north and south, it is not just a gateway to the new business district but a new ‘Garden Heart’ for a much wider context in the long term. The landscape is envisaged as the dominant element within the masterplan with the buildings responding to the character of the landscape. The site in the wider context is seen as a type of City Garden where the ground plane of vegetation and tree canopy is continuous from one side of the site to the other both surrounding and often going under the ‘floating tree house’ structures. While the topography helps to divide the functional zones of the site and define routes and intimate public spaces it also houses the larger retail and commercial functions within it. Water is an integral part of this new City Garden with the geometry of the canals to the east an west of the site and also the central lake responding to and fitting in with the built form and topography elements. In this respect the water becomes connecting elements within the landscape rather than divi- sions across the site.



Ningbo Yinzhou South Business District Gateway Zone 浙江宁波 鄞州南部商务区 门户区概念规划设计

Location Ningbo, China 项目地点 中国宁波市

Architect / 建筑师 Atelier Ashley Munday

Client / 客户 Ningbo Planning Authority

Land Use / 土地用途 Mixed use masterplan and architecture with transport inter change and metro station

Area / 面积 710000 m²(23 Ha site area)

The Gateway Site for the Ningbo South Business District establishes a new urban typology that merges the qualities of a garden or city park with intensified urban development. By proposing a ‘loose fit’ built form that allows a continuity of both landscape and movement across and through the site the the qualities of the City Garden are enhanced and the buildings themselves become a series of garden pavillions that define public space. The City Garden will not just be a gateway but become a city centre gathering point for the people of the new business district. The proposed ‘loose fit’ building structure will allow the qualities of the garden to merge with intensive urban development. With this more informal arrangement of buildings facilitating movement across and through the site from north to south and a continuity of landscape under and through the built fabric. This loose fit structure is open ended and accepting movement of people from both north and south, it is not just a gateway to the new business district but a new ‘Garden Heart’ for a much wider context in the long term. The landscape is envisaged as the dominant element within the masterplan with the buildings responding to the character of the landscape. The site in the wider context is seen as a type of City Garden where the ground plane of vegetation and tree canopy is continuous from one side of the site to the other both surrounding and often going under the ‘floating tree house’ structures. While the topography helps to divide the functional zones of the site and define routes and intimate public spaces it also houses the larger retail and commercial functions within it. Water is an integral part of this new City Garden with the geometry of the canals to the east an west of the site and also the central lake responding to and fitting in with the built form and topography elements. In this respect the water becomes connecting elements within the landscape rather than divi- sions across the site.



宁波南部商务区——门户区项目是一种新型城市空间 类型,旨将花园或城市公园与强化城市发展相契合。该项 目提出“宽松配合”建筑形式,实现了此区域景观和活动 的连续性,从而使城市公园的品质得以提升,而且建筑物 本身也成为了有一系列园亭的公共空间。 城市花园不仅是整个城市的门户,更是新商务区的人 士的城市中心集散地。 这种“宽松配合”建筑结构使得城市花园品质与强化 城市发展相结合。通过建筑物的不规则布局,便捷了整个 区域内由北至南的活动,也实现了整个建筑群的连续性。 “松配合”建筑结构是南北通畅的,也就使得人群可 以南北双向流动。它不仅是新商务区的门户,从长远来看, 它也是更大区域内的一个新“园心”。在总体规划中,该“园 心”被视为主导因素,与其他建筑一起协调整个景观。 在更大的区域内,这个景观被视为城市花园的一种。 在这种城市花园中,地表植被和树冠南北延伸,即呈现了 一种“流动树屋”的结构。 地形则不仅区分了功能区域、路线以及公共空间,其 中还囊括了更大的零售和商业功能。 水体系统是这个新城市花园的不可分割的一部分。呈 几何状的水道贯穿东西,中心湖呼应与协调了建筑形式和 地形特点。在这个方面,水体系统联系了景观中的各个元素, 而非分割了整个景观。 Building Parcel Distribution Plan 建筑地块分布图

Wider Urban Context Plan 更广阔的都市环境规划图 142


宁波南部商务区——门户区项目是一种新型城市空间 类型,旨将花园或城市公园与强化城市发展相契合。该项 目提出“宽松配合”建筑形式,实现了此区域景观和活动 的连续性,从而使城市公园的品质得以提升,而且建筑物 本身也成为了有一系列园亭的公共空间。 城市花园不仅是整个城市的门户,更是新商务区的人 士的城市中心集散地。 这种“宽松配合”建筑结构使得城市花园品质与强化 城市发展相结合。通过建筑物的不规则布局,便捷了整个 区域内由北至南的活动,也实现了整个建筑群的连续性。 “松配合”建筑结构是南北通畅的,也就使得人群可 以南北双向流动。它不仅是新商务区的门户,从长远来看, 它也是更大区域内的一个新“园心”。在总体规划中,该“园 心”被视为主导因素,与其他建筑一起协调整个景观。 在更大的区域内,这个景观被视为城市花园的一种。 在这种城市花园中,地表植被和树冠南北延伸,即呈现了 一种“流动树屋”的结构。 地形则不仅区分了功能区域、路线以及公共空间,其 中还囊括了更大的零售和商业功能。 水体系统是这个新城市花园的不可分割的一部分。呈 几何状的水道贯穿东西,中心湖呼应与协调了建筑形式和 地形特点。在这个方面,水体系统联系了景观中的各个元素, 而非分割了整个景观。 Building Parcel Distribution Plan 建筑地块分布图

Wider Urban Context Plan 更广阔的都市环境规划图 142


Masterplan 总体规划

Landscape Masterplan 景观总规划图

Green Masterplan - Hills and Trees 绿色地段总规划图——丘林和树木

City Garden 城市花园 144


Masterplan 总体规划

Landscape Masterplan 景观总规划图

Green Masterplan - Hills and Trees 绿色地段总规划图——丘林和树木

City Garden 城市花园 144










Pedestrian Flow Diagram 人行流线 150


Pedestrian Flow Diagram 人行流线 150






Port-Side Miami

Architect / 建筑师

Client / 客户

PlusUrbia Design

World Trade Center Miami + Port of Miami

Project Team (Collaborator) / 设计团队(合作方)

Area / 面积

GSHstudio, OskiStudio y studioLFA

135000 m2

美国 迈阿密港口规划

Location Miami, Florida, USA 项目地点 美国弗罗里达州迈阿密

PortSide is designed to match Miami World Trade Center goals of attracting tourists with a range of hotel options while also creating a new trade and service district. PlusUrbia Design’s plan for 33 acres of dense urban development emphasizes connectivity to the mainland. This urban design provides a range of transportation options, which are crucial to the district’s success. Retail, office and hotels will provide round the clock activity, transforming PortSide Miami’s underutilized land into the premier urban district in South Florida. Featuring one of the city’s longest public promenades, PortSide engages the water’s edge at every level. Shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants will create a vibrant urban waterfront. Port Miami, one of the busiest cruise and cargo ship terminals in the world, will be anchored by a new standard for urban waterfront development. Building disposition is designed to emphasize the port’s its iconic nature while using downtown Miami’s scale and intensity as reference. PortSide is envisioned as an immediate extension of downtown while maintaining its identifiable urban island feel. The new district retrofits and extends existing infrastructure as its pedestrian and bicycle access. This extends the City of Miami’s plans for a river walk connecting the Miami River to mainland amenities such as Bayside Marketplace, Bayfront Park and public transportation. PortSide was an invitation-only RFQ for a master plan. Designers were given a set of parameters that dictated an intricate solution for phasing the project over time. This sequence minimizes the impact of construction on the port’s functions and allows it to retain the existing buildings until the last phase of redevelopment. PlusUrbia’s team, following the RFQ’s guidelines, refrained from designing specific buildings. The generic/volumetric look to the design is in harmony with the client’s intention of later engaging architects to design specific buildings for the prime site. 154


Port-Side Miami

Architect / 建筑师

Client / 客户

PlusUrbia Design

World Trade Center Miami + Port of Miami

Project Team (Collaborator) / 设计团队(合作方)

Area / 面积

GSHstudio, OskiStudio y studioLFA

135000 m2

美国 迈阿密港口规划

Location Miami, Florida, USA 项目地点 美国弗罗里达州迈阿密

PortSide is designed to match Miami World Trade Center goals of attracting tourists with a range of hotel options while also creating a new trade and service district. PlusUrbia Design’s plan for 33 acres of dense urban development emphasizes connectivity to the mainland. This urban design provides a range of transportation options, which are crucial to the district’s success. Retail, office and hotels will provide round the clock activity, transforming PortSide Miami’s underutilized land into the premier urban district in South Florida. Featuring one of the city’s longest public promenades, PortSide engages the water’s edge at every level. Shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants will create a vibrant urban waterfront. Port Miami, one of the busiest cruise and cargo ship terminals in the world, will be anchored by a new standard for urban waterfront development. Building disposition is designed to emphasize the port’s its iconic nature while using downtown Miami’s scale and intensity as reference. PortSide is envisioned as an immediate extension of downtown while maintaining its identifiable urban island feel. The new district retrofits and extends existing infrastructure as its pedestrian and bicycle access. This extends the City of Miami’s plans for a river walk connecting the Miami River to mainland amenities such as Bayside Marketplace, Bayfront Park and public transportation. PortSide was an invitation-only RFQ for a master plan. Designers were given a set of parameters that dictated an intricate solution for phasing the project over time. This sequence minimizes the impact of construction on the port’s functions and allows it to retain the existing buildings until the last phase of redevelopment. PlusUrbia’s team, following the RFQ’s guidelines, refrained from designing specific buildings. The generic/volumetric look to the design is in harmony with the client’s intention of later engaging architects to design specific buildings for the prime site. 154






绿化带 硬景观广场

Open Space 户外空间


入口 主干道 次干道 铁轨

并创造出一个新的世贸中心来吸引游客,针对迈阿密港口, PlusUribia


设计了 33 英亩的高密度规划,旨在强调港口和迈阿密市的联系。


将来,多种商业、办公、酒店的内置,将会在港口区域提供 24 小






系水岸:小型商业、精品店、咖啡厅、酒店等多重联系,将会营造出一 个丰富的城市水岸空间。

Vehicular Circulation 机动车辆路线图

总体规划的询价为设计师提供了一套参数。为了把对港口功能的影 响降到最低 , 保留现有建筑至最终阶段 , 这些参数贯穿项目始终 , 决定复






绿化带 硬景观广场

Open Space 户外空间


入口 主干道 次干道 铁轨

并创造出一个新的世贸中心来吸引游客,针对迈阿密港口, PlusUribia


设计了 33 英亩的高密度规划,旨在强调港口和迈阿密市的联系。


将来,多种商业、办公、酒店的内置,将会在港口区域提供 24 小






系水岸:小型商业、精品店、咖啡厅、酒店等多重联系,将会营造出一 个丰富的城市水岸空间。

Vehicular Circulation 机动车辆路线图

总体规划的询价为设计师提供了一套参数。为了把对港口功能的影 响降到最低 , 保留现有建筑至最终阶段 , 这些参数贯穿项目始终 , 决定复






Yongjia World Trade Centre 浙江温州 永嘉世界贸易中心

Location Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China 项目地点 中国浙江省温州市

Architect / 建筑师 UNStudio

Client / 客户 Shanghai World Trade (Shanghai) Holdings Group

Area / 面积 154900 m2 (Total), 111237 m2 (Developable Area)

The Yongjia World Trade Centre will create a new image for the WTC brand and will become a unique symbol for the new riverside city of Wenzhou. Wenzhou city lies in the dense economic zone along the coast of Southeast China, next to the Yangtze River Delta region. The deep water sea port outside of Wenzhou and the inland channel to the sea expands the city’s access advantages for international and domestic markets. The World Trade Center is located in the Oubei Sanjiang Area which has the highest development potential in Wenzhou. According to the master plan, the Oubei Sanjiang Area in Yongjia is positioned as an integrated functional area with, among others, business, modern residence, tourism service, leisure and entertainment functions rolled into one. The functional shift of the WTC area, from a business and financial district to a mixed-use development which includes cultural and recreational facilities and a high percentage of residential properties, will create a forwardlooking and sustainable city district that has all the components needed to support economic growth whilst propelling social connectivity and local identity. UNStudio’s competition design proposed 5 towers ranging from 287m for the main tower to 146m for the smallest tower. The office towers, including the World Trade Centre offices, are situated in the North area of the development. High end residential apartments are located on the upper levels of these towers, with residences that enjoy the best 360 degree views overlooking the whole peninsula. The programme mix of office and residential ensures an intertwining of functions and activation throughout the day and night. In the South part of the development residential towers and a hotel tower are located. In accordance with the competition brief the total above ground area adds up to 500000 m², including shopping and commercial areas of 150000 m², office areas of 160000 m², hotel area of 50000 m²and a high-rise condominium are of 140000 m².



Yongjia World Trade Centre 浙江温州 永嘉世界贸易中心

Location Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China 项目地点 中国浙江省温州市

Architect / 建筑师 UNStudio

Client / 客户 Shanghai World Trade (Shanghai) Holdings Group

Area / 面积 154900 m2 (Total), 111237 m2 (Developable Area)

The Yongjia World Trade Centre will create a new image for the WTC brand and will become a unique symbol for the new riverside city of Wenzhou. Wenzhou city lies in the dense economic zone along the coast of Southeast China, next to the Yangtze River Delta region. The deep water sea port outside of Wenzhou and the inland channel to the sea expands the city’s access advantages for international and domestic markets. The World Trade Center is located in the Oubei Sanjiang Area which has the highest development potential in Wenzhou. According to the master plan, the Oubei Sanjiang Area in Yongjia is positioned as an integrated functional area with, among others, business, modern residence, tourism service, leisure and entertainment functions rolled into one. The functional shift of the WTC area, from a business and financial district to a mixed-use development which includes cultural and recreational facilities and a high percentage of residential properties, will create a forwardlooking and sustainable city district that has all the components needed to support economic growth whilst propelling social connectivity and local identity. UNStudio’s competition design proposed 5 towers ranging from 287m for the main tower to 146m for the smallest tower. The office towers, including the World Trade Centre offices, are situated in the North area of the development. High end residential apartments are located on the upper levels of these towers, with residences that enjoy the best 360 degree views overlooking the whole peninsula. The programme mix of office and residential ensures an intertwining of functions and activation throughout the day and night. In the South part of the development residential towers and a hotel tower are located. In accordance with the competition brief the total above ground area adds up to 500000 m², including shopping and commercial areas of 150000 m², office areas of 160000 m², hotel area of 50000 m²and a high-rise condominium are of 140000 m².



Fields of Green Diagram 绿色地段图表

永嘉世界贸易中心将创建一个新的世贸中心的品牌形象 , 并将成为


新滨江城市温州的独特标记。温州市位于中国东南沿海的密集经济区 ,

UNStudio 事务所的设计提出 5 座塔的设计,主塔 287 米高,最


小的塔 146 米高。办公塔,包括世界贸易中心办公室,坐落在整个建


筑区的北部。高端住宅公寓位于塔的上部 , 住户可以 360 度俯瞰整个



据总计划,位于永嘉的牌三江地区被定位为一个综合的功能区域,商业、 现代住宅、旅游服务、休闲和娱乐功能综合于此。

办公区和住宅区的混合确保了它的功能性,使其无论昼夜都充满 活力。




500000 平方米 , 购物和商业区域占 150000 平方米 , 办公区域占 160000


平方米 , 酒店占 50000 平方米以及高层公寓占有 140000 平方米。



Fields of Green Diagram 绿色地段图表

永嘉世界贸易中心将创建一个新的世贸中心的品牌形象 , 并将成为


新滨江城市温州的独特标记。温州市位于中国东南沿海的密集经济区 ,

UNStudio 事务所的设计提出 5 座塔的设计,主塔 287 米高,最


小的塔 146 米高。办公塔,包括世界贸易中心办公室,坐落在整个建


筑区的北部。高端住宅公寓位于塔的上部 , 住户可以 360 度俯瞰整个



据总计划,位于永嘉的牌三江地区被定位为一个综合的功能区域,商业、 现代住宅、旅游服务、休闲和娱乐功能综合于此。

办公区和住宅区的混合确保了它的功能性,使其无论昼夜都充满 活力。




500000 平方米 , 购物和商业区域占 150000 平方米 , 办公区域占 160000


平方米 , 酒店占 50000 平方米以及高层公寓占有 140000 平方米。



Sky Gardens Diagram 空中花园图解

Layered Verticality Diagram 分层垂直图表 164


Sky Gardens Diagram 空中花园图解

Layered Verticality Diagram 分层垂直图表 164


Elevation East 东立面图

Elevation North 北立面图

Towers | Concept and Identity 高楼 | 概念与特征

Tower Composition 高楼构成

Framing - Identity 框架 - 特征


Differentiated Neighbourhoods 社区分化

Facade Variation

Tower 'Eyes'




Elevation East 东立面图

Elevation North 北立面图

Towers | Concept and Identity 高楼 | 概念与特征

Tower Composition 高楼构成

Framing - Identity 框架 - 特征


Differentiated Neighbourhoods 社区分化

Facade Variation

Tower 'Eyes'







Continuous landscape

Hard + Soft Edges


Tower - Landscape Relation



Podium Concept 中庭概念图

Site Activation 活动地点

Facade Concept Diagram 外围概念图表

T 1 办公及高端住宅区 阁楼

T2 办公及高端住宅区 豪宅区 阁楼 空中大厅及住宅区便利设施


空中大厅及住宅区便利设施 中庭及办公室中庭办公区





办公大厅 住宅大厅

办公大厅 住宅大厅

Podium Concept 中庭概念图

Tower Typologies Diagram 高楼类型图表 168





Continuous landscape

Hard + Soft Edges


Tower - Landscape Relation



Podium Concept 中庭概念图

Site Activation 活动地点

Facade Concept Diagram 外围概念图表

T 1 办公及高端住宅区 阁楼

T2 办公及高端住宅区 豪宅区 阁楼 空中大厅及住宅区便利设施


空中大厅及住宅区便利设施 中庭及办公室中庭办公区





办公大厅 住宅大厅

办公大厅 住宅大厅

Podium Concept 中庭概念图

Tower Typologies Diagram 高楼类型图表 168


Xin Hua Pudong Riverfront

Architect / 建筑师 Inbo & NITA

Client / 客户 Huangpu River Banks Develeopment

Area / 面积 750000 m² (Mixed Use Development)

上海 新华浦东滨水区


Shanghai, China 项目地点 中国上海市

Inbo and NITA were selected by Huangpu River Banks Development to design the master plan for the large scale Xin Hua Pudong waterfront development in the very heart of Shanghai.The low-carbon city development entails a 45 ha area and about 750000 square meter of mixed urban program. Inbo and NITA made an inclusive master plan development strategy for the Xin Hua plot only two kilometers east of the famous Shanghai broadcast tower. Inbo-NITA designed a highly sustainable green riverside park with natural fingers that penetrate and interact with the surrounding urban landscape. Together with a marina the park generates unique conditions for exclusive residential and office buildings, shopping malls and leisure. By instilling some of the existing buildings of this former harbor and industrial area with cultural functions, the development reflects the emerging reappreciation and re-use of cultural heritage throughout China. The marina will serve as a catalyst for leisurely use of the river board. People can have a stroll along the river or enjoy the area from their own yacht.

Traffic Analysis 交通分析图

Pudong Xin Hua Master Plan 浦东新华总规划图 170


Xin Hua Pudong Riverfront

Architect / 建筑师 Inbo & NITA

Client / 客户 Huangpu River Banks Develeopment

Area / 面积 750000 m² (Mixed Use Development)

上海 新华浦东滨水区


Shanghai, China 项目地点 中国上海市

Inbo and NITA were selected by Huangpu River Banks Development to design the master plan for the large scale Xin Hua Pudong waterfront development in the very heart of Shanghai.The low-carbon city development entails a 45 ha area and about 750000 square meter of mixed urban program. Inbo and NITA made an inclusive master plan development strategy for the Xin Hua plot only two kilometers east of the famous Shanghai broadcast tower. Inbo-NITA designed a highly sustainable green riverside park with natural fingers that penetrate and interact with the surrounding urban landscape. Together with a marina the park generates unique conditions for exclusive residential and office buildings, shopping malls and leisure. By instilling some of the existing buildings of this former harbor and industrial area with cultural functions, the development reflects the emerging reappreciation and re-use of cultural heritage throughout China. The marina will serve as a catalyst for leisurely use of the river board. People can have a stroll along the river or enjoy the area from their own yacht.

Traffic Analysis 交通分析图

Pudong Xin Hua Master Plan 浦东新华总规划图 170


Master Plan 总规划图

Master Plan 总规划图

Development Intensity Control 开发强度控制

Design Basis 设计基础 172


Master Plan 总规划图

Master Plan 总规划图

Development Intensity Control 开发强度控制

Design Basis 设计基础 172


Floor Parking 地面停车

Underground Parking (B1) 地下一层停车

Underground Parking (B2) 地下二层停车

Pubilc Parking 公共停车场

To Garage


Building Height Control 建筑高度控制

Parking Area Planning 停车场区域规划图

Landscape Master Plan 景观总规划图 174


Floor Parking 地面停车

Underground Parking (B1) 地下一层停车

Underground Parking (B2) 地下二层停车

Pubilc Parking 公共停车场

To Garage


Building Height Control 建筑高度控制

Parking Area Planning 停车场区域规划图

Landscape Master Plan 景观总规划图 174


Public Greenbelt 公共绿地 G1

Three Types of Residence Site 三类住宅用地 R3

Public Riverside Passageway 滨江公共通道

Commercial and Official Comprehensive Site 商办综合用地 C2 C8

Elementary Education Facilities Site 基础教育设施用地 RS

Municipal Public Facilities Site 市政公用设施用地

Commercial and Financial Site 商办综合用地 C2

Commercial and Residential Mixed-used Site 商住混合用地 R2 C3

Red Line 红线

Economic and Technical Index 经济与技术索引

Plan 规划图

Service Facilities Plan 服务设施区规划图 Plan 规划图

黄浦江岸开发建设工程(Huangpu River Banks Development)选中了由 Inbo 和 NITA 为上海腹地设计的新 华浦东滨水区开发总方案。这座低碳型城市占地 45 公顷,有约 750000 平方米的混合城市项目。Inbo 和 NITA 为新 华基地(距离著名的上海广播大厦只有两公里)定制了一项包容性总体规划发展战略。Inbo-NITA 设计了一个高度可 持续的绿色河滨公园,自然的特色与周围的城市景观相溶呼应。河滨公园与码头一起为高级住宅、办公楼、购物中 心和休闲提供了独特的条件。旧港口及工业区的一些现有建筑,被给予了文化功能,这种发展反映了全中国文化遗 产再欣赏、再利用的新兴潮流。 悠闲的码头促进河流的使用。人们可以沿着河岸或散步,或乘坐自己的游艇享乐其中。



Public Greenbelt 公共绿地 G1

Three Types of Residence Site 三类住宅用地 R3

Public Riverside Passageway 滨江公共通道

Commercial and Official Comprehensive Site 商办综合用地 C2 C8

Elementary Education Facilities Site 基础教育设施用地 RS

Municipal Public Facilities Site 市政公用设施用地

Commercial and Financial Site 商办综合用地 C2

Commercial and Residential Mixed-used Site 商住混合用地 R2 C3

Red Line 红线

Economic and Technical Index 经济与技术索引

Plan 规划图

Service Facilities Plan 服务设施区规划图 Plan 规划图

黄浦江岸开发建设工程(Huangpu River Banks Development)选中了由 Inbo 和 NITA 为上海腹地设计的新 华浦东滨水区开发总方案。这座低碳型城市占地 45 公顷,有约 750000 平方米的混合城市项目。Inbo 和 NITA 为新 华基地(距离著名的上海广播大厦只有两公里)定制了一项包容性总体规划发展战略。Inbo-NITA 设计了一个高度可 持续的绿色河滨公园,自然的特色与周围的城市景观相溶呼应。河滨公园与码头一起为高级住宅、办公楼、购物中 心和休闲提供了独特的条件。旧港口及工业区的一些现有建筑,被给予了文化功能,这种发展反映了全中国文化遗 产再欣赏、再利用的新兴潮流。 悠闲的码头促进河流的使用。人们可以沿着河岸或散步,或乘坐自己的游艇享乐其中。



Plan 规划图

Plan 规划图

Flood Wall Design 防洪石堤设计图

Plan 规划图 178


Plan 规划图

Plan 规划图

Flood Wall Design 防洪石堤设计图

Plan 规划图 178


China-Taiwan Cross Strait Forum and CBD Development

Architecture Team / 建筑设计团队 Gordon Affleck, Brian Fok, Francisco Fajardo, Frisly Colop Morales, Laura Rusconi Clerici, Lukasz Wawrzenczyk, Maciej Setniewski, Mike Kwok, Ryan Leong

Designer / 设计师

Landscape Team/ 景观设计团队

Gordon Affleck

Ewa Koter, Fabio Pang

Architect / 建筑师

Client / 客户


Pingtan Comprehensive Planning Bureau of Experimental zone

Area / 面积

93000 m2 (Site Area), 518000 m2 (GFA)

福建 平潭综合实验区 海峡论坛和国际会展中心


Pingtan, Fujian Province, China 项目地点 中国福建省平潭综合实验区

and dialogue the buildings are formed by converging elements that combine with the landscape and waterfront to create a fluid and open series of public spaces that meld into the buildings themselves. Service traffic, roads and trams are integrated into a series of terraced landscape levels to minimize impact of car traffic on pedestrian circulation routes and to create free access from the central axial park canal through the lake towards the waterfront through a series of leisure and retail lined canals.

Pingtan is planned as a new commercial hub to drive communication and commercial trade between China and Taiwan. Part of the competition included the design of a new Cross Straits Forum including theatre, convention, exhibition and auxiliary commercial and cultural facilities. At the centre of the CBD and Forum district has a newly created fresh water lake that conserves fresh water from run off through the urban grain. The masterplan cater for some 3.3 million sqm of urban development, while the Cross Straits Forum would be in the first phase of development. To reflect the aspiration of transparency



城市绿化带—与城市相互连接,减少城市热岛 效应和保护天然生态气候

冬季日轨图—通过吸收冬季太阳 辐射创造舒适温暖的内部环境


资源回收系统“水资源—热能转换” 能源回收程序

雨水收集系统—通过收集和存储雨水 浇灌绿地园林

水热交换系统—地下海洋系统,保持 内湾的淡水温度低下




夏日微风—该设计使得 微风自由流动


水槽和水库—预防雨季洪灾 淡水内湾—给野生动物 提供常温栖居地

China-Taiwan Cross Strait Forum and CBD Development

Architecture Team / 建筑设计团队 Gordon Affleck, Brian Fok, Francisco Fajardo, Frisly Colop Morales, Laura Rusconi Clerici, Lukasz Wawrzenczyk, Maciej Setniewski, Mike Kwok, Ryan Leong

Designer / 设计师

Landscape Team/ 景观设计团队

Gordon Affleck

Ewa Koter, Fabio Pang

Architect / 建筑师

Client / 客户


Pingtan Comprehensive Planning Bureau of Experimental zone

Area / 面积

93000 m2 (Site Area), 518000 m2 (GFA)

福建 平潭综合实验区 海峡论坛和国际会展中心


Pingtan, Fujian Province, China 项目地点 中国福建省平潭综合实验区

and dialogue the buildings are formed by converging elements that combine with the landscape and waterfront to create a fluid and open series of public spaces that meld into the buildings themselves. Service traffic, roads and trams are integrated into a series of terraced landscape levels to minimize impact of car traffic on pedestrian circulation routes and to create free access from the central axial park canal through the lake towards the waterfront through a series of leisure and retail lined canals.

Pingtan is planned as a new commercial hub to drive communication and commercial trade between China and Taiwan. Part of the competition included the design of a new Cross Straits Forum including theatre, convention, exhibition and auxiliary commercial and cultural facilities. At the centre of the CBD and Forum district has a newly created fresh water lake that conserves fresh water from run off through the urban grain. The masterplan cater for some 3.3 million sqm of urban development, while the Cross Straits Forum would be in the first phase of development. To reflect the aspiration of transparency



城市绿化带—与城市相互连接,减少城市热岛 效应和保护天然生态气候

冬季日轨图—通过吸收冬季太阳 辐射创造舒适温暖的内部环境


资源回收系统“水资源—热能转换” 能源回收程序

雨水收集系统—通过收集和存储雨水 浇灌绿地园林

水热交换系统—地下海洋系统,保持 内湾的淡水温度低下




夏日微风—该设计使得 微风自由流动


水槽和水库—预防雨季洪灾 淡水内湾—给野生动物 提供常温栖居地

MasterPlan 总规划图

平潭被规划为推动中国与台湾交流及商务贸 易活动的新兴商务中心。该竞赛的一部分包括设 计一个集剧院、会议厅、展厅及附加的商业、文 化设施于一体的新型海峡论坛大楼。中央商务区 及论坛中心地带有一个新建的淡水湖用于存储城 市流失下来的的淡水。总体规划涵盖了约 330 万 平方米的城市区域,其中海峡论坛大楼为整体规 划实施中的第一步。为了传达透明与对话的愿望, 构成建筑物的各种元素与风景及水滨相结合共同 构建了一个流动、开放的公共区域,而该区域又 与建筑物融为一体。公共交通、道路以及无轨电

Insolation Analysis 日射量分析

车融合为一系列梯田式景观平台,最大化减少了 汽车交通对人行道路的影响并提供了从中心轴线 公园穿过湖泊到达滨水区的往来自由。湖边是一 系列休闲、零售空间。


Perspective Sunpath 光线立体透视

宴会厅 活动前的准备 会议室 饮料和餐点 MEP



MasterPlan 总规划图

平潭被规划为推动中国与台湾交流及商务贸 易活动的新兴商务中心。该竞赛的一部分包括设 计一个集剧院、会议厅、展厅及附加的商业、文 化设施于一体的新型海峡论坛大楼。中央商务区 及论坛中心地带有一个新建的淡水湖用于存储城 市流失下来的的淡水。总体规划涵盖了约 330 万 平方米的城市区域,其中海峡论坛大楼为整体规 划实施中的第一步。为了传达透明与对话的愿望, 构成建筑物的各种元素与风景及水滨相结合共同 构建了一个流动、开放的公共区域,而该区域又 与建筑物融为一体。公共交通、道路以及无轨电

Insolation Analysis 日射量分析

车融合为一系列梯田式景观平台,最大化减少了 汽车交通对人行道路的影响并提供了从中心轴线 公园穿过湖泊到达滨水区的往来自由。湖边是一 系列休闲、零售空间。


Perspective Sunpath 光线立体透视

宴会厅 活动前的准备 会议室 饮料和餐点 MEP



Conventional Model an Enclosed Box

Conventional Model Limited Access

传统模式 封闭盒子

传统模式 限制进入

Opening up 'The Box' 打开盒子

New Model Access from all Directions 新模式 从全方位进入

Cultural Theatre




Exhibition Center

Public Vehicular Access



Convention Centre

Service Access



Meeting Room 会议室

Banquet Hall 宴会厅

Service / Back of House 机电 / 后勤

Kitchen 厨房

VIP Lobby 贵宾大堂

Retail / Food & Beverage 零售 / 餐饮





Service Drop-off




Boardwalk 走廊

Estuary 港湾

Estuary 港湾



Conventional Model an Enclosed Box

Conventional Model Limited Access

传统模式 封闭盒子

传统模式 限制进入

Opening up 'The Box' 打开盒子

New Model Access from all Directions 新模式 从全方位进入

Cultural Theatre




Exhibition Center

Public Vehicular Access



Convention Centre

Service Access



Meeting Room 会议室

Banquet Hall 宴会厅

Service / Back of House 机电 / 后勤

Kitchen 厨房

VIP Lobby 贵宾大堂

Retail / Food & Beverage 零售 / 餐饮





Service Drop-off




Boardwalk 走廊

Estuary 港湾

Estuary 港湾







Bintaro Jaya Master Plan & Lifestyle Center

Architect / 建筑师 The Jerde Partnership Area / 面积 1440800 m2

印度尼西亚 雅加达 BINTARO JAYA 区时尚中心 规划

As one of the first fully integrated, mixed-use transit-oriented developments in Jakarta, combining retail entertainment, culture, residential, office, hotel, and vast public space, the project represents a new standard in urban land use for the region. The conceptual master plan incorporates key urban design principles to connect the mixed-use Bintaro Jaya district to the adjacent university and create an overall intellectual and innovation district - a Creative Community concept that forms the "gateway" and identity of the entire Bintaro development. Built into and enhancing the existing topography of the site, the design creates a natural and organic transformation of the property into a public urban park. Bintaro Jaya's lifestyle "green" development introduces a distinct natural amenity into Jakarta's primarily concrete, grey urban core. Located on over 30 hectares as the area's new CBD, the project places a lush park and landscape throughout the complex to create a true mixeduse sustainable development. The sculptural landforms, terraces of the tropical landscape, trails and play areas, event spaces, interaction of outdoor and indoor pedestrian activities, and the unique glass towers rising out of the urban oasis symbolizes a breathtaking architectural signature and presence within the city of Jakarta. Completing the project's postcard iconicity are the lush landscape districts, which in total encompass over 200000 square meters of ground level, terraces and rooftops, to be maintained by recycled rain and grey water.

Location Jakarta, Indonesia 项目地点 印度尼西亚 雅加达



Bintaro Jaya Master Plan & Lifestyle Center

Architect / 建筑师 The Jerde Partnership Area / 面积 1440800 m2

印度尼西亚 雅加达 BINTARO JAYA 区时尚中心 规划

As one of the first fully integrated, mixed-use transit-oriented developments in Jakarta, combining retail entertainment, culture, residential, office, hotel, and vast public space, the project represents a new standard in urban land use for the region. The conceptual master plan incorporates key urban design principles to connect the mixed-use Bintaro Jaya district to the adjacent university and create an overall intellectual and innovation district - a Creative Community concept that forms the "gateway" and identity of the entire Bintaro development. Built into and enhancing the existing topography of the site, the design creates a natural and organic transformation of the property into a public urban park. Bintaro Jaya's lifestyle "green" development introduces a distinct natural amenity into Jakarta's primarily concrete, grey urban core. Located on over 30 hectares as the area's new CBD, the project places a lush park and landscape throughout the complex to create a true mixeduse sustainable development. The sculptural landforms, terraces of the tropical landscape, trails and play areas, event spaces, interaction of outdoor and indoor pedestrian activities, and the unique glass towers rising out of the urban oasis symbolizes a breathtaking architectural signature and presence within the city of Jakarta. Completing the project's postcard iconicity are the lush landscape districts, which in total encompass over 200000 square meters of ground level, terraces and rooftops, to be maintained by recycled rain and grey water.

Location Jakarta, Indonesia 项目地点 印度尼西亚 雅加达



Concept Sketch-main 总概念草图 Overall Project Aerial 3D Massing Model 项目总俯瞰 3D 概念模型图

Parcel B / 地段 B

PARCEL B Site area 用地面积:24,849 SM SITE AREA: 24,849 SM 室内面积:12,317 SM Covered Area COVERED AREA: 12,317 SM 户外空间面积:12,532 Open Space SM OPENArea SPACE AREA :12,532 SM 建筑密度:49.6 Site Coverage SITE COVERAGE: 49.6 %(50%%(50% MAX) MAX) RESIDENTS



Parcel C / 地段 C


用地面积:38,220 Site area SITE AREA: 38,220 SMSM 室内面积:17,172 Covered Area SM COVERED AREA: 17,172 SM OPEN SPACE AREA : 21,048 SM 户外空间面积:21,048 Open Area Space SM SITE COVERAGE: 44.9%(50% MAX) MAX) 建筑密度:44.9%(50% Site Coverage

655,581 SM 3.52 (3.5-6.0)


6 mins 521 m



147,146 SM 3.85 (3.5-6.0)

6 mins 415 m








3 mins 215 m

85,956 SM 3.44 (3.5 MAX)

8 mins 640 m


2 mins CENTER 162 m 社区活动中心

2.5 mins 190 m

10 mins 800 m








10 mins 800 m




1.5 mins 115 m



Parcel D / 地段 D


用地面积:24,510 Site SM SITEarea AREA: 24,510 SM 室内面积:3,401SM Covered Area COVERED AREA: 3,401SM 户外空间面积:21,109 Open Space SM OPENArea SPACE AREA : 21,109 SM SITECoverage COVERAGE: 13.9%(50% MAX) MAX) 建筑密度:13.9%(50% Site GFA: FAR:



1.5 mins 115 m



4 mins 316 m

15mins 1200 m










2 mins 180 m


SITE AREA: 25,010 SM 用地面积:25,010 Site area SM COVERED 11,916 SM SM 室内面积:11,916 Covered AreaAREA: OPEN SPACE AREA : 13,094 SM Open Area Space 户外空间面积:13,094 SM SITE COVERAGE: 47.6%(50% MAX) Site Coverage 建筑密度:47.6%(50% MAX)




Parcel E 地段E E PARCEL




94,819 SM 3.82 (3.5-6.0)


4.5 mins 360 m


85,700 SM 3.5 (3.5 MAX)



SITE AREA: 186,173 SM 用地面积:186,173 Site area SM COVERED AREA: 86,232 SM Covered Area 室内面积:86,232 SM OPEN SPACE AREA : 99,941 SM 户外空间面积:99,941 Open Area Space SM SITE COVERAGE: 46.3%(50% MAX) 建筑密度:46.3%(50% Site Coverage MAX)


Parcel PARCEL A A / 地段 A




10 mins 800 m






PROGRAM DIAGRAM Project Pedestrian Circulation & Program Diagram 项目步行系统和方案图表 88

Project Parcel Density and Open Space Plan 项目地段密度及户外空间平面图 232

31 July 2012 | PT Jaya Real Property, TBK. | Final Master Plan | Bintaro Jaya Mixed-Use & Lifestyle Center




Concept Sketch-main 总概念草图 Overall Project Aerial 3D Massing Model 项目总俯瞰 3D 概念模型图

Parcel B / 地段 B

PARCEL B Site area 用地面积:24,849 SM SITE AREA: 24,849 SM 室内面积:12,317 SM Covered Area COVERED AREA: 12,317 SM 户外空间面积:12,532 Open Space SM OPENArea SPACE AREA :12,532 SM 建筑密度:49.6 Site Coverage SITE COVERAGE: 49.6 %(50%%(50% MAX) MAX) RESIDENTS



Parcel C / 地段 C


用地面积:38,220 Site area SITE AREA: 38,220 SMSM 室内面积:17,172 Covered Area SM COVERED AREA: 17,172 SM OPEN SPACE AREA : 21,048 SM 户外空间面积:21,048 Open Area Space SM SITE COVERAGE: 44.9%(50% MAX) MAX) 建筑密度:44.9%(50% Site Coverage

655,581 SM 3.52 (3.5-6.0)


6 mins 521 m



147,146 SM 3.85 (3.5-6.0)

6 mins 415 m








3 mins 215 m

85,956 SM 3.44 (3.5 MAX)

8 mins 640 m


2 mins CENTER 162 m 社区活动中心

2.5 mins 190 m

10 mins 800 m








10 mins 800 m




1.5 mins 115 m



Parcel D / 地段 D


用地面积:24,510 Site SM SITEarea AREA: 24,510 SM 室内面积:3,401SM Covered Area COVERED AREA: 3,401SM 户外空间面积:21,109 Open Space SM OPENArea SPACE AREA : 21,109 SM SITECoverage COVERAGE: 13.9%(50% MAX) MAX) 建筑密度:13.9%(50% Site GFA: FAR:



1.5 mins 115 m



4 mins 316 m

15mins 1200 m










2 mins 180 m


SITE AREA: 25,010 SM 用地面积:25,010 Site area SM COVERED 11,916 SM SM 室内面积:11,916 Covered AreaAREA: OPEN SPACE AREA : 13,094 SM Open Area Space 户外空间面积:13,094 SM SITE COVERAGE: 47.6%(50% MAX) Site Coverage 建筑密度:47.6%(50% MAX)




Parcel E 地段E E PARCEL




94,819 SM 3.82 (3.5-6.0)


4.5 mins 360 m


85,700 SM 3.5 (3.5 MAX)



SITE AREA: 186,173 SM 用地面积:186,173 Site area SM COVERED AREA: 86,232 SM Covered Area 室内面积:86,232 SM OPEN SPACE AREA : 99,941 SM 户外空间面积:99,941 Open Area Space SM SITE COVERAGE: 46.3%(50% MAX) 建筑密度:46.3%(50% Site Coverage MAX)


Parcel PARCEL A A / 地段 A




10 mins 800 m






PROGRAM DIAGRAM Project Pedestrian Circulation & Program Diagram 项目步行系统和方案图表 88

Project Parcel Density and Open Space Plan 项目地段密度及户外空间平面图 232

31 July 2012 | PT Jaya Real Property, TBK. | Final Master Plan | Bintaro Jaya Mixed-Use & Lifestyle Center




3D Massing Model Aerial View 3D 概念鸟瞰图

3D Massing Model Aerial View 3D 概念鸟瞰图

Rendering Perspective View from Residential 住宅透视效果图

Rendering Perspective View from Restaurant Terraces 酒店阳台透视效果图 234


3D Massing Model Aerial View 3D 概念鸟瞰图

3D Massing Model Aerial View 3D 概念鸟瞰图

Rendering Perspective View from Residential 住宅透视效果图

Rendering Perspective View from Restaurant Terraces 酒店阳台透视效果图 234
























Illustrative Project Landscape Site Plan 景观总平图 Rendering Perspective Central Park View 中央公园透视效果图


该项目是区域内新的中央商务区,占地 30 多万平方米,拥有一个
















20 多万平方米,区域内梯田的灌溉和家庭用水靠循环雨水及中水供给。


Illustrative Southeast Elevation 东南立面图

3D Massing Model Special Features View 创意区域 3D 效果图

Illustrative East Elevation 东立面图 236
























Illustrative Project Landscape Site Plan 景观总平图 Rendering Perspective Central Park View 中央公园透视效果图


该项目是区域内新的中央商务区,占地 30 多万平方米,拥有一个
















20 多万平方米,区域内梯田的灌溉和家庭用水靠循环雨水及中水供给。


Illustrative Southeast Elevation 东南立面图

3D Massing Model Special Features View 创意区域 3D 效果图

Illustrative East Elevation 东立面图 236


3D Massing Model Park Plane View 公园平地 3D 概念模型图

3D Massing Model Park Plane View 公园平地 3D 概念模型图

Illustrative Project Landscape Site Plan 项目景观总平面图解

3D Massing Model View from Residences 公园平地 3D 概念模型图 238


3D Massing Model Park Plane View 公园平地 3D 概念模型图

3D Massing Model Park Plane View 公园平地 3D 概念模型图

Illustrative Project Landscape Site Plan 项目景观总平面图解

3D Massing Model View from Residences 公园平地 3D 概念模型图 238


Central Business District Tongzhou

Architect / 建筑师 UNStudio

Area / 面积

Client / 客户

1000000 m2 (Building Surface), 108700 m2 (Building Site)

Perennial Real Estate & Maxon Group

北京 通州中心商业区

The design of UNStudio’s CBD development is a dynamic composition created by introducing asymmetry in plan, orientation, clustering and façade treatment. This build-up of asymmetries has a far-reaching urban effect whilst simultaneously relating to users on a more personal scale. The six towers form three lively groups which interact according to a layered choreography. In relation to the ground and subterranean levels the towers are grouped in three pairs, each standing on a joint platform. As defined by the bridging connections between them, the towers are grouped as a couple, a trio and a single volume. The silhouette of the towers is derived from a combination of substantial differences between the lower and the upper parts of the buildings and the binding together effects of diagonal wrappings. On the lower parts the towers are marked by dense stacking, whilst towards the top they become smooth and reflective. This textural contrast is mediated by the strong diagonals running the entire length of the towers. The bridges have numerous roles. They help to cluster the towers and to form interconnections between them which can house many different semi-public

Location Beijing, China 项目地点 中国北京



functions. They also provide an artificial ground for users of the highest floors. From an urban point of view the bridges can also be read as the tops of large arches. In addition to the application of active sustainable measures at different scale levels, passive design tools were incorporated from the initial design of the six towers and the podium clusters. Driving features are the winter gardens and green surfaces. Winter gardens are effective within the Tongzhou climate as during long periods of cold temperatures the greenhouse effect is beneficial for pre-heating indoor spaces. Green surfaces on the public roof and terraces are suitable for rain water harvesting, contribute to human wellbeing and create an elevated park. To stimulate social and cultural interaction three large scale media screens are visible from the opposite bank. These are integrated with the winter gardens and the riverfront facade, visible also from the interior of the podium. The transport hub is also fully integrated within the site to ease traffic concerns. The transportation hub will provide convenience to those who work, live and visit the location. With the asymmetry of the towers, the media facades and the well-located transport hub, this design aims to become the dynamic landmark of Tongzhou.

Central Business District Tongzhou

Architect / 建筑师 UNStudio

Area / 面积

Client / 客户

1000000 m2 (Building Surface), 108700 m2 (Building Site)

Perennial Real Estate & Maxon Group

北京 通州中心商业区

The design of UNStudio’s CBD development is a dynamic composition created by introducing asymmetry in plan, orientation, clustering and façade treatment. This build-up of asymmetries has a far-reaching urban effect whilst simultaneously relating to users on a more personal scale. The six towers form three lively groups which interact according to a layered choreography. In relation to the ground and subterranean levels the towers are grouped in three pairs, each standing on a joint platform. As defined by the bridging connections between them, the towers are grouped as a couple, a trio and a single volume. The silhouette of the towers is derived from a combination of substantial differences between the lower and the upper parts of the buildings and the binding together effects of diagonal wrappings. On the lower parts the towers are marked by dense stacking, whilst towards the top they become smooth and reflective. This textural contrast is mediated by the strong diagonals running the entire length of the towers. The bridges have numerous roles. They help to cluster the towers and to form interconnections between them which can house many different semi-public

Location Beijing, China 项目地点 中国北京



functions. They also provide an artificial ground for users of the highest floors. From an urban point of view the bridges can also be read as the tops of large arches. In addition to the application of active sustainable measures at different scale levels, passive design tools were incorporated from the initial design of the six towers and the podium clusters. Driving features are the winter gardens and green surfaces. Winter gardens are effective within the Tongzhou climate as during long periods of cold temperatures the greenhouse effect is beneficial for pre-heating indoor spaces. Green surfaces on the public roof and terraces are suitable for rain water harvesting, contribute to human wellbeing and create an elevated park. To stimulate social and cultural interaction three large scale media screens are visible from the opposite bank. These are integrated with the winter gardens and the riverfront facade, visible also from the interior of the podium. The transport hub is also fully integrated within the site to ease traffic concerns. The transportation hub will provide convenience to those who work, live and visit the location. With the asymmetry of the towers, the media facades and the well-located transport hub, this design aims to become the dynamic landmark of Tongzhou.

UNStudio 建筑事务所设计的中央商务区是一个动态的设 计组合,通过利用不对称的设计、定位、集群和立面处理来创

Tower Orientation Diagram 高楼方位图表

造出这一动态设计组合。这种不对称建筑对城市影响深远,同 时从更加个性化的角度与 用户相关联。 六座塔形成了三个生动的群组,根据分层的编排交相辉映。 塔被分成了三组,相对于地面和地下水平。每一个都耸立在一 个共同的平台上。它们之间通过桥接连接 , 几座塔既可以看成 是一对,三位一体,或是单独的。塔的轮廓来源于建筑物上部 和下部之间大量差异的组合,以及受对角线交缠在一起的影响 结果。较低的部分塔身致密堆积,同时向靠近顶端的部分变得 平缓。这个结构上的对比是由于贯穿整座塔的对角线造成的。 桥梁有着多重角色。他们帮助塔聚集起来,使之彼此相连, 这样就能形成许多不同的半公开的功能。他们还为最高层用户 提供一个人工地面。从城市的角度看,桥梁也可以解读为大型 拱门的上层部分。除了不同规模水平上可持续发展措施的应用 外 , 被动式设计工具从初步设计六座塔和裙房上获得了整合。 冬季花园和绿茵表面是其中的典型特色。冬季花园在通州气候 下很有效,因为冷空气持续较长时间后,温室效应对室内空间 预热很有帮助。公共屋顶上和平台上的绿色平面很适合收集雨 水,有助于人类福祉和创造出一个高架公园。 为了刺激社会和文化互动,放置了三个从对岸可见的大型 媒体屏幕。这些与冬季花园和黄浦江外观有机结合在一起,也 可从裙房的内部看见这些景观。这一区域的交通枢纽也得到了 全面整合,缓解了交通问题。交通枢纽将会给那些在这里工作、 Attainability Diagram 可获得性方案

生活的人们和来访的游客提供便利。 本设计具有塔身的不对称设计、 媒体外立面和优越的城市 交通枢纽位置等特点,其目标是使之成为通州的动态地标。

Plan 平面图 242


UNStudio 建筑事务所设计的中央商务区是一个动态的设 计组合,通过利用不对称的设计、定位、集群和立面处理来创

Tower Orientation Diagram 高楼方位图表

造出这一动态设计组合。这种不对称建筑对城市影响深远,同 时从更加个性化的角度与 用户相关联。 六座塔形成了三个生动的群组,根据分层的编排交相辉映。 塔被分成了三组,相对于地面和地下水平。每一个都耸立在一 个共同的平台上。它们之间通过桥接连接 , 几座塔既可以看成 是一对,三位一体,或是单独的。塔的轮廓来源于建筑物上部 和下部之间大量差异的组合,以及受对角线交缠在一起的影响 结果。较低的部分塔身致密堆积,同时向靠近顶端的部分变得 平缓。这个结构上的对比是由于贯穿整座塔的对角线造成的。 桥梁有着多重角色。他们帮助塔聚集起来,使之彼此相连, 这样就能形成许多不同的半公开的功能。他们还为最高层用户 提供一个人工地面。从城市的角度看,桥梁也可以解读为大型 拱门的上层部分。除了不同规模水平上可持续发展措施的应用 外 , 被动式设计工具从初步设计六座塔和裙房上获得了整合。 冬季花园和绿茵表面是其中的典型特色。冬季花园在通州气候 下很有效,因为冷空气持续较长时间后,温室效应对室内空间 预热很有帮助。公共屋顶上和平台上的绿色平面很适合收集雨 水,有助于人类福祉和创造出一个高架公园。 为了刺激社会和文化互动,放置了三个从对岸可见的大型 媒体屏幕。这些与冬季花园和黄浦江外观有机结合在一起,也 可从裙房的内部看见这些景观。这一区域的交通枢纽也得到了 全面整合,缓解了交通问题。交通枢纽将会给那些在这里工作、 Attainability Diagram 可获得性方案

生活的人们和来访的游客提供便利。 本设计具有塔身的不对称设计、 媒体外立面和优越的城市 交通枢纽位置等特点,其目标是使之成为通州的动态地标。

Plan 平面图 242


Hub General Concept 综合中心概念图 中庭层




Cluster Diagram 聚类图表

M6 线 办公区 酒店


住宅区 通往 B1 零售店入口 通往地铁入口

S6 线

公车路线 M6 线 S6 线

Transportation Hub Diagram 交通枢纽图表

Section 剖面图




Hub General Concept 综合中心概念图 中庭层




Cluster Diagram 聚类图表

M6 线 办公区 酒店


住宅区 通往 B1 零售店入口 通往地铁入口

S6 线

公车路线 M6 线 S6 线

Transportation Hub Diagram 交通枢纽图表

Section 剖面图




Green Diagram 绿地图解

Green Diagram 绿地图解



Green Diagram 绿地图解

Green Diagram 绿地图解



Where Chongqing Located

Chongqing Shapingba HOPSCA 重庆 沙坪坝城市综合体

Location Chongqing, China 项目地点 中国重庆市

Where Shapingba located in Chongqing urban city

Architect / 建筑师 MAPA Architectural Design Consultancy Services Ltd

This project site covers a total area of 1780 thousand square meters and a total building area of 5340 thousand square meters, whose plot ratio is 3.0. Generally, the planning forms an overall pattern, that is, ”One river, two lines, two axis and three pieces”. The main part is divided into three groups, which have their own characteristics because of the different site conditions. 1. Binjiang ecological group in the northeast depends on the Jialing river scenery and the renovated Binjiang ecological landscape, putting more emphasis on the ecological and livable development. At the same time, it pays close attention to the commercial office projects and business services which have excellent riverside ecological environment. The development of this group advocates environmental protection and attaches importance to the symbiotic relationship between man and nature. 2. The historical and cultural group in the south depends on the long history and cultural background of the local area. Based on the inheritance of the material and cultural foundation of the original Chongqing special steel relics, it delivers many projects on tourism, catering, entertainment, leisure activities. This group will highlight the characteristics of Chongqing regional culture and modern industrial culture, and further excavate the potentiality of Binjiang area through the development of Binjiang water projects. 3. The CBD group in the northwest, with the traffic convenience and the huge number of passengers caused by the transfer hub of urban rail line 1 and line 16, develops high-end CBD. This, is the precondition for the CBD group to build modern urban business circle with large shopping centers.

Where the Planning Area Located in Shapingba

Distribution of urban Commercial Space 城市商圈分布

Master Plan 总平面图

Five Commercial Space

Monument of Liberation Commercial Space

Monument of Guanyin Bridge in Jiangbei Commercial Space

Shapingba Commercial Distribution

Nanping Commercial Space


Shapingba Commercial Space

Upper planning range

本项目规划用地总面积 178 万平方米,规划总建筑面积 534 万平方米。

2. 南侧历史文化组团依托本用地区悠久的历史文化背景 , 在继承原重

规划总面积容积率 3.0。


规划总体形成“一江两线两轴三片”的总体格局,主体分成的 3 个组




1. 东北侧滨江生态组团依托嘉陵江江景与改造恢复后的滨江生态景

3. 西北侧城市 CBD 组团依托城市轨道 1 号线与 16 号线的交接换乘


枢纽区域的交通便利性和巨大的人流量基础,开发高端城市商务 CBD,并



This planning range City railway line Internal tourist railway line Red line for different sites Architectural control line

Yangjiaping Commercial Space




Where Chongqing Located

Chongqing Shapingba HOPSCA 重庆 沙坪坝城市综合体

Location Chongqing, China 项目地点 中国重庆市

Where Shapingba located in Chongqing urban city

Architect / 建筑师 MAPA Architectural Design Consultancy Services Ltd

This project site covers a total area of 1780 thousand square meters and a total building area of 5340 thousand square meters, whose plot ratio is 3.0. Generally, the planning forms an overall pattern, that is, ”One river, two lines, two axis and three pieces”. The main part is divided into three groups, which have their own characteristics because of the different site conditions. 1. Binjiang ecological group in the northeast depends on the Jialing river scenery and the renovated Binjiang ecological landscape, putting more emphasis on the ecological and livable development. At the same time, it pays close attention to the commercial office projects and business services which have excellent riverside ecological environment. The development of this group advocates environmental protection and attaches importance to the symbiotic relationship between man and nature. 2. The historical and cultural group in the south depends on the long history and cultural background of the local area. Based on the inheritance of the material and cultural foundation of the original Chongqing special steel relics, it delivers many projects on tourism, catering, entertainment, leisure activities. This group will highlight the characteristics of Chongqing regional culture and modern industrial culture, and further excavate the potentiality of Binjiang area through the development of Binjiang water projects. 3. The CBD group in the northwest, with the traffic convenience and the huge number of passengers caused by the transfer hub of urban rail line 1 and line 16, develops high-end CBD. This, is the precondition for the CBD group to build modern urban business circle with large shopping centers.

Where the Planning Area Located in Shapingba

Distribution of urban Commercial Space 城市商圈分布

Master Plan 总平面图

Five Commercial Space

Monument of Liberation Commercial Space

Monument of Guanyin Bridge in Jiangbei Commercial Space

Shapingba Commercial Distribution

Nanping Commercial Space


Shapingba Commercial Space

Upper planning range

本项目规划用地总面积 178 万平方米,规划总建筑面积 534 万平方米。

2. 南侧历史文化组团依托本用地区悠久的历史文化背景 , 在继承原重

规划总面积容积率 3.0。


规划总体形成“一江两线两轴三片”的总体格局,主体分成的 3 个组




1. 东北侧滨江生态组团依托嘉陵江江景与改造恢复后的滨江生态景

3. 西北侧城市 CBD 组团依托城市轨道 1 号线与 16 号线的交接换乘


枢纽区域的交通便利性和巨大的人流量基础,开发高端城市商务 CBD,并



This planning range City railway line Internal tourist railway line Red line for different sites Architectural control line

Yangjiaping Commercial Space




Traffic Condition 交通条件

Renderings by Overall Aerial View 总体鸟瞰效果图 Bin River Ecological Amusement Park

Railway Hub-Bin River, HOPSCA Linear Connection

Section D-D

Section A-A


Section E-E Section B-B Industrial theme cultural and commercial area

Traffic Sections 交通断面

Partition Master Plan 01 分区总平面图 01 268

Section C-C 269

Traffic Condition 交通条件

Renderings by Overall Aerial View 总体鸟瞰效果图 Bin River Ecological Amusement Park

Railway Hub-Bin River, HOPSCA Linear Connection

Section D-D

Section A-A


Section E-E Section B-B Industrial theme cultural and commercial area

Traffic Sections 交通断面

Partition Master Plan 01 分区总平面图 01 268

Section C-C 269

Site General Situation

Master Plan Layout 一江两线两轴三片的总体规划格局: ail City r ne tion li porta trans

Northwest City CBD Group

Riverfront Development Axis

15 ail City r ne tion li porta trans

This Project Planning Site faces Jialing River on the east, and extending along the city railway traffic 1 line under construction, faces historical ancient town Ciqikou on the south, of which the central part is laid across Double Monument Bridge. The southern part of this parcel was the original ruins of special steel factory, adjoining Jialing plant on the north. With wide vision and convenient traffic, its surrouding is filled with strong cultural historic ambience.

Northeast Rriverfront Ecological Group

Railway Hub District City CBD Gevelopment Axis


One River, Two Lines

Two Axises, Three Pieces

Three Dimensional Traffic City

Urban CBD center

The city will become a large park when vehicles never separate it.

Surficial Landscape Design with Primitive Ecology

Urban Landmark Building

Don't need any mechanical vehicles in the ventilated and bright underground garage, but need to reduce the building height.

Free moving and Low Carbon Traffic Vehicles

Urban Landmark Building

Partition Master Plan 02 分区总平面图 02

Rich Ways of Pedestrian Organization 丰富的步行组织方式



Site General Situation

Master Plan Layout 一江两线两轴三片的总体规划格局: ail City r ne tion li porta trans

Northwest City CBD Group

Riverfront Development Axis

15 ail City r ne tion li porta trans

This Project Planning Site faces Jialing River on the east, and extending along the city railway traffic 1 line under construction, faces historical ancient town Ciqikou on the south, of which the central part is laid across Double Monument Bridge. The southern part of this parcel was the original ruins of special steel factory, adjoining Jialing plant on the north. With wide vision and convenient traffic, its surrouding is filled with strong cultural historic ambience.

Northeast Rriverfront Ecological Group

Railway Hub District City CBD Gevelopment Axis


One River, Two Lines

Two Axises, Three Pieces

Three Dimensional Traffic City

Urban CBD center

The city will become a large park when vehicles never separate it.

Surficial Landscape Design with Primitive Ecology

Urban Landmark Building

Don't need any mechanical vehicles in the ventilated and bright underground garage, but need to reduce the building height.

Free moving and Low Carbon Traffic Vehicles

Urban Landmark Building

Partition Master Plan 02 分区总平面图 02

Rich Ways of Pedestrian Organization 丰富的步行组织方式



Planning Area

Site Area

Renderings of Binshui Square Night View in Southern Site 南侧地块滨水广场夜景效果图 In regard to planning layout, each parcel center includes super five-star hotels, 5A first class office buildings, international boutiques centers, upscale shopping mall, innovative 3C digital shopping center and children's theme center, to create a first authentic landmark city which combines first compound traffic with modern services perfectly in accord with the requirements for the development of Chongqing.


Planning Site Range and Parcel Distribution Analysis 规划用地范围和地块分布分析

B: Northwest district center

Bin River Ecological Residential Area

C: Northeast district center

Bin River Ecological Commercial Area

A: South district center

Ecological Groups in Northeastern Bin River 东北侧滨江生态组团


Landmark System Distribution 地标系统分布


Planning Area

Site Area

Renderings of Binshui Square Night View in Southern Site 南侧地块滨水广场夜景效果图 In regard to planning layout, each parcel center includes super five-star hotels, 5A first class office buildings, international boutiques centers, upscale shopping mall, innovative 3C digital shopping center and children's theme center, to create a first authentic landmark city which combines first compound traffic with modern services perfectly in accord with the requirements for the development of Chongqing.


Planning Site Range and Parcel Distribution Analysis 规划用地范围和地块分布分析

B: Northwest district center

Bin River Ecological Residential Area

C: Northeast district center

Bin River Ecological Commercial Area

A: South district center

Ecological Groups in Northeastern Bin River 东北侧滨江生态组团


Landmark System Distribution 地标系统分布


Railway Hub Area—Bin River City Complex Based on the advantage that people flow gathered in the interchange between Line 1 and Line 15, to create a high intensity city complex groups and radiate out into larger city areas by developing Bin River Parcel.

Bin River Residential Area

Planning Range

Based on the railway hub-Bin River City Complex and it's landscape, to create perfect facilities and pleasant scenery residential area.

Commercial and Financial Site Commercial and Residential Site Residential Site Hotel

Culture and Entertainment Site

Appartment Office High-rise Residence Middle-rise Residence Villa

Land Use Distribution 用地性质分布 Commercial Distribution 商业分布

Buildings' Type Analysis 建筑类型分析 Bin River Residential Area

Railway Line 1 Shuangbei Station City Complex

Based on the railway Line 1 Shuangbei Station, City Complex and it's landscape, to create perfect facilities and pleasant scenery residential area.

Based on convenient traffic, to create large specialized market and drive the development of surrounding business.

Tourist and Commercial Area with Industrial, Historic and Cultural Theme Based on the historic and cultural resources of Special Steel Site and the Groups Effect of Southern Ciqikou tourist area, to create a industrial and cultural theme tourist area and commercial groups with Chongqing's characteristic.

Groups Functions Analysis 组团功能分析

Main Pedestrian Passage Corridor Secondary Pedestrian Passage Corridor Main Landscape Node

Secondary Landscape Node

Development intensity 开发强度 274

Landscape and Pedestrian Passage Corridor Distribution 景观系统与步行通廊分布

Open Space and Cultural Facilities Distribution 开放空间与文化设施分布 275

Railway Hub Area—Bin River City Complex Based on the advantage that people flow gathered in the interchange between Line 1 and Line 15, to create a high intensity city complex groups and radiate out into larger city areas by developing Bin River Parcel.

Bin River Residential Area

Planning Range

Based on the railway hub-Bin River City Complex and it's landscape, to create perfect facilities and pleasant scenery residential area.

Commercial and Financial Site Commercial and Residential Site Residential Site Hotel

Culture and Entertainment Site

Appartment Office High-rise Residence Middle-rise Residence Villa

Land Use Distribution 用地性质分布 Commercial Distribution 商业分布

Buildings' Type Analysis 建筑类型分析 Bin River Residential Area

Railway Line 1 Shuangbei Station City Complex

Based on the railway Line 1 Shuangbei Station, City Complex and it's landscape, to create perfect facilities and pleasant scenery residential area.

Based on convenient traffic, to create large specialized market and drive the development of surrounding business.

Tourist and Commercial Area with Industrial, Historic and Cultural Theme Based on the historic and cultural resources of Special Steel Site and the Groups Effect of Southern Ciqikou tourist area, to create a industrial and cultural theme tourist area and commercial groups with Chongqing's characteristic.

Groups Functions Analysis 组团功能分析

Main Pedestrian Passage Corridor Secondary Pedestrian Passage Corridor Main Landscape Node

Secondary Landscape Node

Development intensity 开发强度 274

Landscape and Pedestrian Passage Corridor Distribution 景观系统与步行通廊分布

Open Space and Cultural Facilities Distribution 开放空间与文化设施分布 275

City's Skyline Analysis 城市天际线分析 S k y l i n e Wa v e C r e s t : H i g h i n t e n s i t y development area like Railway Traffic Station and Bin River Cultural Square, etc.

Skyline Wave Valley:Low intensity development area beside the sides of Shuangbei Bridge

Skyline Wave Crest: Railway Traffic Hub, high intensity development area

Skyline along the city river skyline in east-west direction



City Major Road City Secondary Road Rail Transit Line 1

Skyline Wave Crest: Railway Traffic Hub, high intensity development area

Rail Transit Line 16

Traffic Analysis 交通分析

Skyline Wave Valley: Bin River ecological, mid-low intensity development area

Skyline Constitution 天际线构成

Urban Spacial Axis 城市空间轴线 Plenty advantages by lifting the urban surface overall Surficial Landscape of Original Ecology Building

Rich Pedestrian System

Urban Bicycle System

High-Rise Buildings at Nouthern Riverfront Super High-Rise Buildings at Railway Hub

Greenbelt Pure Vehicle System

Ventilated Daylighting Garage


High-Rise Buildings at Southern Riverfront

Vehicle System Normal shallow buried deep pipe network

Reduce the risk to develop Bin River

Lesser Investment


Under Garage connected entirely

Shorter Project Period



City's Skyline Analysis 城市天际线分析 S k y l i n e Wa v e C r e s t : H i g h i n t e n s i t y development area like Railway Traffic Station and Bin River Cultural Square, etc.

Skyline Wave Valley:Low intensity development area beside the sides of Shuangbei Bridge

Skyline Wave Crest: Railway Traffic Hub, high intensity development area

Skyline along the city river skyline in east-west direction



City Major Road City Secondary Road Rail Transit Line 1

Skyline Wave Crest: Railway Traffic Hub, high intensity development area

Rail Transit Line 16

Traffic Analysis 交通分析

Skyline Wave Valley: Bin River ecological, mid-low intensity development area

Skyline Constitution 天际线构成

Urban Spacial Axis 城市空间轴线 Plenty advantages by lifting the urban surface overall Surficial Landscape of Original Ecology Building

Rich Pedestrian System

Urban Bicycle System

High-Rise Buildings at Nouthern Riverfront Super High-Rise Buildings at Railway Hub

Greenbelt Pure Vehicle System

Ventilated Daylighting Garage


High-Rise Buildings at Southern Riverfront

Vehicle System Normal shallow buried deep pipe network

Reduce the risk to develop Bin River

Lesser Investment


Under Garage connected entirely

Shorter Project Period



Renderings of Binshui Square in the Northern Parcel 东北地块滨水广场效果图

Vertical Design of Bin River 滨江竖向设计

Reference Intention

Three Dimensional Traffic City 立体交通城市

Section A-A

Safer Flood Prevention Measures 更安全的防洪措施 Section B-B

Global warming, melting glaciers and water and soil loss, such series of ecological deterioration have caused to frequent floods, the maximum water lever has been rising year by year. In the long term, it exists much risks to develop Bin River.

Original Flood Prevention Height

Section C-C



Flood Prevention height after lifting the surface

Renderings of Binshui Square in the Northern Parcel 东北地块滨水广场效果图

Vertical Design of Bin River 滨江竖向设计

Reference Intention

Three Dimensional Traffic City 立体交通城市

Section A-A

Safer Flood Prevention Measures 更安全的防洪措施 Section B-B

Global warming, melting glaciers and water and soil loss, such series of ecological deterioration have caused to frequent floods, the maximum water lever has been rising year by year. In the long term, it exists much risks to develop Bin River.

Original Flood Prevention Height

Section C-C



Flood Prevention height after lifting the surface

Masterplan Wenzhou Central Business District 浙江 温州中心商业区规划设计

Location Wenzhou, China 项目地点 中国浙江省温州市

Architect / 建筑师 HENN

Wenzhou lies within a mountainous region of Zhejiang Province where the Ou jiang river meets the east china Sea. the traditional trading town opened to foreign trade in 1876 and as an international port is one of today’s key production locations for the consumer goods industry in china. the centrepiece of the city’s future central business District comprises offices, a five-star hotel, commercial space and a public park. The Wenzhou coastal region is interspersed with an intricate network of small and large rivers. the proposed design picks up on the river delta image and transposes it onto a park landscape which opens towards the sea. the green corridor leading out of the city continues across the site, where it branches out and forms an undulating connection between the city and the riverfront. On ground level, this architectural landscape merges with the flowing form of the buildings and simultaneously traces the movement of their users. The five towers stand in a staggered row to ensure a largely unrestricted view of the river. Their heights reflect that of the surrounding buildings in the south west and rises in a wave towards the river, where it defines the edge of the city on the bank of the Ou jiang. the rolling landscape provides open spaces in various forms – from private inner courtyards and broad pedestrian walkways to urban parks. these layers of space offer access from all sides and encourage interaction between people and places. The competition marks a beginning for the future development of Wenzhou. in this way, the central business District is a model for the process of transformation taking place in chinese cities and their struggle for a distinct identity in the changing economic climate. Like many other economically aspiring cities in china, Wenzhou faces the challenge of establishing an urban identity that unites local traditions with viable concepts for the future.

Site Plan 总平面图 288


Masterplan Wenzhou Central Business District 浙江 温州中心商业区规划设计

Location Wenzhou, China 项目地点 中国浙江省温州市

Architect / 建筑师 HENN

Wenzhou lies within a mountainous region of Zhejiang Province where the Ou jiang river meets the east china Sea. the traditional trading town opened to foreign trade in 1876 and as an international port is one of today’s key production locations for the consumer goods industry in china. the centrepiece of the city’s future central business District comprises offices, a five-star hotel, commercial space and a public park. The Wenzhou coastal region is interspersed with an intricate network of small and large rivers. the proposed design picks up on the river delta image and transposes it onto a park landscape which opens towards the sea. the green corridor leading out of the city continues across the site, where it branches out and forms an undulating connection between the city and the riverfront. On ground level, this architectural landscape merges with the flowing form of the buildings and simultaneously traces the movement of their users. The five towers stand in a staggered row to ensure a largely unrestricted view of the river. Their heights reflect that of the surrounding buildings in the south west and rises in a wave towards the river, where it defines the edge of the city on the bank of the Ou jiang. the rolling landscape provides open spaces in various forms – from private inner courtyards and broad pedestrian walkways to urban parks. these layers of space offer access from all sides and encourage interaction between people and places. The competition marks a beginning for the future development of Wenzhou. in this way, the central business District is a model for the process of transformation taking place in chinese cities and their struggle for a distinct identity in the changing economic climate. Like many other economically aspiring cities in china, Wenzhou faces the challenge of establishing an urban identity that unites local traditions with viable concepts for the future.

Site Plan 总平面图 288


温州市位于浙江省内的山区,瓯江在该处汇 入中国东部海域。 温州作为传统的商业城镇于 1876 年对外通商,同时作为一个国际港口,温州 是现今中国消费品行业的重要生产基地之一。该 市未来中央商务区中心由写字楼、一栋五星级酒 店、贸易区和一个公园组成。 温州沿海区域的大小河流形成错综复杂的网 络。其设计借用瓯江三角洲的形象,将其运用于 朝海而建的公园景观设计中。绿色走廊延伸出城 市,穿过基地,向外延伸,将城市与河滨联系在 一起。在地上一层,建筑景观与流线形建筑融为 一体,自然地形成了游客的参观路线。 五座塔楼互相交错而立,形成了面向河面的 广阔的视角。塔楼与其东南部的建筑融为一体, 高低起伏,波浪式延伸至瓯江河岸,也就是城市 的边缘。起伏的景观提供了各种形式的开放空 间——从私密的庭院、宽阔的人行道到广阔的城 市公园。这些空间层面从各方面提供了入口,并 激发人与场所之间的互动。 这次竞标标志着温州未来发展的开始。从这 方面来看,中央商务区是中国城市在转型进程和 不断变化的经济环境中寻求认同的一种模式。像 中国许多其他经济城市一样,温州面临着建立具 有个性的未来城市的挑战,一个当地传统与不同 概念相融合的城市。



温州市位于浙江省内的山区,瓯江在该处汇 入中国东部海域。 温州作为传统的商业城镇于 1876 年对外通商,同时作为一个国际港口,温州 是现今中国消费品行业的重要生产基地之一。该 市未来中央商务区中心由写字楼、一栋五星级酒 店、贸易区和一个公园组成。 温州沿海区域的大小河流形成错综复杂的网 络。其设计借用瓯江三角洲的形象,将其运用于 朝海而建的公园景观设计中。绿色走廊延伸出城 市,穿过基地,向外延伸,将城市与河滨联系在 一起。在地上一层,建筑景观与流线形建筑融为 一体,自然地形成了游客的参观路线。 五座塔楼互相交错而立,形成了面向河面的 广阔的视角。塔楼与其东南部的建筑融为一体, 高低起伏,波浪式延伸至瓯江河岸,也就是城市 的边缘。起伏的景观提供了各种形式的开放空 间——从私密的庭院、宽阔的人行道到广阔的城 市公园。这些空间层面从各方面提供了入口,并 激发人与场所之间的互动。 这次竞标标志着温州未来发展的开始。从这 方面来看,中央商务区是中国城市在转型进程和 不断变化的经济环境中寻求认同的一种模式。像 中国许多其他经济城市一样,温州面临着建立具 有个性的未来城市的挑战,一个当地传统与不同 概念相融合的城市。



Gonghua cheng Technology Business District 北京 巩华城科技商务区

Location Beijing, China 项目地点 中国北京

Architect / 建筑师 Sasaki Associates

Owner / 物主 Beijing Technology District Construction Company, Ltd.

Area / 面积 4480000 m2

Like many cities, Beijing went through a major transformation in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, growing far beyond its traditional urban boundary. Driven by dependence on the automobile, urban sprawl became the default development model, further disconnecting people from their community and contributing to a decrease in quality of life and economic productivity as people wasted time in traffic jams. But Beijing is a forward-thinking city. An ambitious new public transit strategy links outlying areas back to the city center and creates opportunities for transit-oriented development. Despite these transit links, however, creating a thriving urban district more than 20 kilometers from the core of Beijing requires a bold vision. Sasaki’s plan for the development of the Beijing Technology Business District at Gonghuacheng aims to integrate the best aspects of ancient China and contemporary planning and design strategies to create an innovative community that contributes to Beijing’s bright future. Existing uses on the site include fallow agricultural fields, and highly engineered concrete edges along the Beishahe and Nanshahe Rivers that offer little habitat value. On the western third of the site, a one square kilometer area in the shape of a perfectly symmetrical square marks the location of the former Gonghuacheng Palace, dating to 1421 and the height of the Ming Dynasty. Although the four palace gates and a small section of the wall are all that remain, its significance in Beijing’s history is profound. More recent buildings on the site include a new transit station. A harbinger of the site’s future, transit was built in advance of the development to appeal to investors, attract a talented workforce, and connect future residents with the amenities of greater Beijing. 304

Five overarching principles influence Sasaki’s design response for the district. The first establishes a transit-oriented development model. Clustering higher density development adjacent to the existing light rail station increases the district’s connectivity to Beijing. The second principle is the development of a mixed-use approach to land use. This combination of different uses in close proximity to each other fosters collaboration and reduces the development’s carbon footprint. Third, the design encourages biodiversity and habitat creation. The Shahe Reservoir adjacent to the site has been documented as an important stopover for migratory birds, with some 270 species known to frequent the area. Landscapes incorporate a wide range of habitat needs, including wetlands, meadows, and woodlands. Along these lines, the fourth principle is to use the landscape as a functional tool. Open spaces are designed as water-receiving landscapes, collecting and treating all stormwater on the site. Finally, the fifth principle focuses on remembering the ancient history and cultural heritage of the site. A new park system traces the footprint of the historic palace wall, and a new museum and library occupies the high ground where the palace once stood, providing a home for artifacts. These facilities are at the center of a vibrant new arts and cultural district, creating a juxtaposition between modern and ancient life which offers a microcosm of Beijing’s distinctive blend of old and new. 305

Gonghua cheng Technology Business District 北京 巩华城科技商务区

Location Beijing, China 项目地点 中国北京

Architect / 建筑师 Sasaki Associates

Owner / 物主 Beijing Technology District Construction Company, Ltd.

Area / 面积 4480000 m2

Like many cities, Beijing went through a major transformation in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, growing far beyond its traditional urban boundary. Driven by dependence on the automobile, urban sprawl became the default development model, further disconnecting people from their community and contributing to a decrease in quality of life and economic productivity as people wasted time in traffic jams. But Beijing is a forward-thinking city. An ambitious new public transit strategy links outlying areas back to the city center and creates opportunities for transit-oriented development. Despite these transit links, however, creating a thriving urban district more than 20 kilometers from the core of Beijing requires a bold vision. Sasaki’s plan for the development of the Beijing Technology Business District at Gonghuacheng aims to integrate the best aspects of ancient China and contemporary planning and design strategies to create an innovative community that contributes to Beijing’s bright future. Existing uses on the site include fallow agricultural fields, and highly engineered concrete edges along the Beishahe and Nanshahe Rivers that offer little habitat value. On the western third of the site, a one square kilometer area in the shape of a perfectly symmetrical square marks the location of the former Gonghuacheng Palace, dating to 1421 and the height of the Ming Dynasty. Although the four palace gates and a small section of the wall are all that remain, its significance in Beijing’s history is profound. More recent buildings on the site include a new transit station. A harbinger of the site’s future, transit was built in advance of the development to appeal to investors, attract a talented workforce, and connect future residents with the amenities of greater Beijing. 304

Five overarching principles influence Sasaki’s design response for the district. The first establishes a transit-oriented development model. Clustering higher density development adjacent to the existing light rail station increases the district’s connectivity to Beijing. The second principle is the development of a mixed-use approach to land use. This combination of different uses in close proximity to each other fosters collaboration and reduces the development’s carbon footprint. Third, the design encourages biodiversity and habitat creation. The Shahe Reservoir adjacent to the site has been documented as an important stopover for migratory birds, with some 270 species known to frequent the area. Landscapes incorporate a wide range of habitat needs, including wetlands, meadows, and woodlands. Along these lines, the fourth principle is to use the landscape as a functional tool. Open spaces are designed as water-receiving landscapes, collecting and treating all stormwater on the site. Finally, the fifth principle focuses on remembering the ancient history and cultural heritage of the site. A new park system traces the footprint of the historic palace wall, and a new museum and library occupies the high ground where the palace once stood, providing a home for artifacts. These facilities are at the center of a vibrant new arts and cultural district, creating a juxtaposition between modern and ancient life which offers a microcosm of Beijing’s distinctive blend of old and new. 305

Transit Oriented Sub Center | 以捷运为导向的副中心 Ming Tomb Reservoir 十三陵水库

Currently Proposed Forest Park Corridor 现规划森林公园走廊 Beishahe River 北沙河

Cuiminghu Dam 翠明湖大堤

Cuihu Wetland Park 翠湖湿地公园

Beijing Second Greenbelt 北京第二绿带

Botanical Gardens 植物园

Beijing First Greenbelt 北京第一绿带 Kunminghu & Summer Palace 昆明湖与颐和园

Olympic Park 奥林匹克公园

Historic City Fabric | 古城脉络 Beijing Transit | 北京捷运

Gonghuacheng Station


Capital International Airport 41km

离首都国际机场 41 公里

Beijing CDB 41km 距北京 CDB 30 公里 Beijing South Station 北京南站



Transit Oriented Sub Center | 以捷运为导向的副中心 Ming Tomb Reservoir 十三陵水库

Currently Proposed Forest Park Corridor 现规划森林公园走廊 Beishahe River 北沙河

Cuiminghu Dam 翠明湖大堤

Cuihu Wetland Park 翠湖湿地公园

Beijing Second Greenbelt 北京第二绿带

Botanical Gardens 植物园

Beijing First Greenbelt 北京第一绿带 Kunminghu & Summer Palace 昆明湖与颐和园

Olympic Park 奥林匹克公园

Historic City Fabric | 古城脉络 Beijing Transit | 北京捷运

Gonghuacheng Station


Capital International Airport 41km

离首都国际机场 41 公里

Beijing CDB 41km 距北京 CDB 30 公里 Beijing South Station 北京南站



Exhibition Pavilions 展亭

正如很多其它世界城市一样,北京在 20 世纪末 21 世纪初经历了巨大

Central Park & Urban Canal 中心公园和城市运河

Office & Exhibition Center 办公和展览中心





五个贯穿项目的大原则影响 Sasaki 对此区域的设计回应。第一原则是







这些交通联系,但是创建距离北京核心 20 公里以外的新兴城市街区仍需要


大胆的愿景。Sasaki 对巩华城新开发所做的规划试图整合历史与现代城市

有 270 多种鸟类频繁出现。景观将所需大面积的栖息地需求包含其中,包







方公里方形区域,是可追溯到公元 1421 年明代的巩华城宫殿旧址。虽然整


个宫殿只有 4 个大门和一小部分城墙被保留了下来,它对北京历史仍然具



立,是北京新旧融合的缩影。 308


Office & Transition Hub 办公和捷运中心

Exhibition Pavilions 展亭

正如很多其它世界城市一样,北京在 20 世纪末 21 世纪初经历了巨大

Central Park & Urban Canal 中心公园和城市运河

Office & Exhibition Center 办公和展览中心





五个贯穿项目的大原则影响 Sasaki 对此区域的设计回应。第一原则是







这些交通联系,但是创建距离北京核心 20 公里以外的新兴城市街区仍需要


大胆的愿景。Sasaki 对巩华城新开发所做的规划试图整合历史与现代城市

有 270 多种鸟类频繁出现。景观将所需大面积的栖息地需求包含其中,包







方公里方形区域,是可追溯到公元 1421 年明代的巩华城宫殿旧址。虽然整


个宫殿只有 4 个大门和一小部分城墙被保留了下来,它对北京历史仍然具



立,是北京新旧融合的缩影。 308


Office & Transition Hub 办公和捷运中心

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 后记 We would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this book, especially all


the artists, designers, architects and photographers, for their kind permission to publish their works. We are also very grateful to many other people whose names do not appear on the credits but who have provided assistance and support, for their contribution of images, ideas and concepts, as well as their creativity to be shared with readers around

Laguarda.Low Architects Laguarda.Low Architects is an award-winning,

the world.

international practice with the essential

在此,我们非常感谢参与本书编写的所有人员,尤其是各位艺术家、设计师、建筑师和摄影师,他们授 权我们出版他们的作品。我们亦感谢为本书编写提供支持和帮助的人员,虽然他们的名字并没有出现在 本书中,感谢他们提供的图片、思想和理念,并将他们的创意分享给全世界的读者们。

mandate of seeking a pure methodology toward the process of design. With over 80 design professionals in New York and Dallas, as well as abroad in Beijing, China and through the affiliate office of Laguarda. Low + Tanamachi in Tokyo, Japan, LLA shares an extensive knowledge of a diverse

The people involved in the book are:

range of project types through a proven degree of experience. Ranging from Master


Plans to Mixed-Use projects of varying scale and program, the work and experience of Laguarda.Low spans across four continents and continues to evolve. With the central idea of placing emphasis of design first through an inclusive process of developing ideas and possibilities, LLA is void of the undermining tendencies and bureaucracy that occur within

The Jerde Partnership The Jerde Partnership is a visionary architecture and urban design firm that creates unique places that deliver memorable experiences and attract over 1 billion people annually. Founded in 1977, the firm has pioneered "placemaking" throughout the world with projects that provide lasting social, cultural and economic value and promote further investment and revitalization. Based in a design studio in Los Angeles with project offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Seoul, Jerde takes a signature, cocreative approach to design and collaborates with private developers, city officials, specialty designers and local executive architects to realize the vision of each project. The firm has received critical acclaim from the American Institute of Architects, Progressive Architecture, American Planning Association, and The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. To date, over 100 Jerde Places have opened in diverse cities, including Atlanta, Budapest, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Osaka, Rotterdam, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo and Warsaw.

the traditional practice. As such, the body of


work that has been developed since the firm’s

UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is a Dutch architectural design studio with centrally located offices in Amsterdam and Shanghai specializing in architecture, urban development and infrastructural projects. The management

inception contains a strong lineage of high-

RM Architects (RMA) RM Architects (RMA), founded by two Italian architects, Riccardo Minervini and Marco Vitali, is located in Beijing, and is staffed by a team of

level design that is not defined through the eyes of a single aesthetic but rather a clear viewpoint that is rich with contextual, cultural, and programmatic understanding.

Benoy Benoy is a world-leading, international firm


of Architects, Masterplanners, Interior and

A leading international Partnership of

Graphic Designers. Founded in 1947 in the

Architectural, Urban, Landscape and Interior

UK, the company now operates from offices

Designers and Computer Generated Imagery

in the UK, Middle East, India, China and Asia,

(CGI) specialists. They have spent the last two

with a global team of over 500 people working

decades working in the emerging Asian and

in more than 60 countries.

Middle Eastern markets and have established

Underpinned by real personality and united

a reputation and brand name within the

by the desire to create the very best, the

industry. The founding of

Benoy Team brings together international

10 DESIGN was a result of the Partners’

experience and local understanding, creative

aspiration to create multicultural projects

flair and design integrity. As a result, Benoy

with architectural, economic, environmental

consistently delivers design solutions that

and social integrity. 1O DESIGN works at a

are inspiring, enduring, cost effective and

range of scales and operate within all sectors;

commercially sound.

including corporate, cultural, hospitality,

Internationally recognised, Benoy’s core

retail, education and residential and have

philosophy remains simple. Creativity and

offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Edinburgh,

viability are not mutually exclusive. They are

and Dubai. 10 DESIGN has a group of

essential and complementary elements of the

specialist Landscape Designers who develop

unique ‘Benoy Offer’.

their concepts in conjunction with architects,

Benoy's global reputation is built on award-

arbourists, artists and the

winning projects including Hysan Place in

Sustainable Design Group. Collaboration

Hong Kong, ION Orchard in Singapore, iAPM

and the sharing of ideas are the foundation

and ICC Shanghai, Westfield London, Ferrari

of the group. A key focus of the Landscape

World Abu Dhabi, Bluewater Kent, and the

Designers is the enhancement of communities

recently opened Chengdu IFS.

and quality of life. They frequently work with the environmental

skilful and experienced architects, planners and

specialists in projects that involve aspects

team of UNStudio consists of co-founders Ben

interior designers from around the world. The

such as Ecowalls or living green walls and

van Berkel, Caroline Bos and the directors

company is run by Arch. Riccardo Minervini and

other living elements.10 DESIGN has been in

Astrid Piber, Gerard Loozekoot and Harm

Arch. Marco Vitali who have been working in

the World’s Top 100

Wassink. Hannes Pfau is the director of

China for almost a decade. Their international professional experience concentrates on three

Architects since 2012.

UNStudio Asia. The name, UNStudio, stands for United Network Studio referring to the

main core subjects - Architecture (from Urban



to Building), Interior Design and Sustainable

Sasaki was founded 60 years ago on the

5+design is an international architecture firm

basis of interdisciplinary planning and design.

based in Hollywood, California with offices in

Today, their services include architecture,

Shanghai and Shenzhen. The firm focuses on

interior design, planning, urban design,

creating thriving urban places that become

landscape architecture, strategic planning,

centers of community life. With projects

retail, and tailor-made project management

civil engineering, and graphic design. Among

located throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle

within these fields include; the Mercedes-Benz

programmes for the implementation in China

these disciplines, they collaborate with

East, North Africa, the United States and

Museum in Stuttgart (Germany 2006), the

collaborative nature of the practice. The office has worked internationally since its inception and has produced a wide range of work ranging from public buildings, infrastructure, offices, residential, products, to urban masterplans. Pivotal UNStudio projects

Design. RM Architects specialises in Multipurpose master plan and Architecture, including high rise buildings and public buildings. RMA has developed many projects in luxury interior designs for hotel, residential and

of retail spaces for luxury brands. Sustainable

purpose. Their integrated approach yields rich

Russia, 5+design recognizes the universal

Company Profile

large scale mixed-use project Raffles City in

design is also a forte of RM Architects, with

ideas and surprising insights.

human need for connection and creates

HYHW Architecture Consulting LTD is

Hangzhou (China 2008 - 2013), the Galleria

an experienced team capable of implementing

Sasaki is an innovator. They play a leading role

environments that embrace and foster this

registered in Beijing, Shanghai, and London.

Department Store in Seoul (2005), the urban

projects with a zero-carbon footprint through

in shaping the future of the built environment


The company is multidisciplinary, specializing

and architectural plan for 88 residential

integrated design applied to planning or single

through bold ideas and new technologies.

The firm’s projects aim to become places that

in architecture, planning, urban design, and


They approach sustainability through the

bring people together, where business and

interior design. Projects include commercial

KR), department store Star

lenses of economics, social context, and the

commerce can prosper, where people can

buildings, shopping malls, urban planning,

Place in Kaohsiung (TW 2009), private family

environment. Their solutions are not only

convene with others in comfort, where life can

urban design, public buildings, tourism,

house VilLA NM in Upstate New York (USA

effective but poetic and enduring. Their

happen. Growing from five original principals

sports and cultural recreation, education,

2007), the Agora Theatre in Lelystad (NL

approach helps clients make smart, long-term

in 2005 to an office of more than a hundred

and residential developments. We value the

2007) and the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam

decisions that result in greater value for their

people, 5+design has become a multicultural

demand of the clients and final users, and

(NL 1996).

them, and a better future for the planet.

hub of creative design that tailors buildings

guarantee high-quality design.

towers of I'Park City in Suwon (2007 - 2012

and spaces to naturally suit the lives and aspirations of the people who use them.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 后记 We would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this book, especially all


the artists, designers, architects and photographers, for their kind permission to publish their works. We are also very grateful to many other people whose names do not appear on the credits but who have provided assistance and support, for their contribution of images, ideas and concepts, as well as their creativity to be shared with readers around

Laguarda.Low Architects Laguarda.Low Architects is an award-winning,

the world.

international practice with the essential

在此,我们非常感谢参与本书编写的所有人员,尤其是各位艺术家、设计师、建筑师和摄影师,他们授 权我们出版他们的作品。我们亦感谢为本书编写提供支持和帮助的人员,虽然他们的名字并没有出现在 本书中,感谢他们提供的图片、思想和理念,并将他们的创意分享给全世界的读者们。

mandate of seeking a pure methodology toward the process of design. With over 80 design professionals in New York and Dallas, as well as abroad in Beijing, China and through the affiliate office of Laguarda. Low + Tanamachi in Tokyo, Japan, LLA shares an extensive knowledge of a diverse

The people involved in the book are:

range of project types through a proven degree of experience. Ranging from Master


Plans to Mixed-Use projects of varying scale and program, the work and experience of Laguarda.Low spans across four continents and continues to evolve. With the central idea of placing emphasis of design first through an inclusive process of developing ideas and possibilities, LLA is void of the undermining tendencies and bureaucracy that occur within

The Jerde Partnership The Jerde Partnership is a visionary architecture and urban design firm that creates unique places that deliver memorable experiences and attract over 1 billion people annually. Founded in 1977, the firm has pioneered "placemaking" throughout the world with projects that provide lasting social, cultural and economic value and promote further investment and revitalization. Based in a design studio in Los Angeles with project offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Seoul, Jerde takes a signature, cocreative approach to design and collaborates with private developers, city officials, specialty designers and local executive architects to realize the vision of each project. The firm has received critical acclaim from the American Institute of Architects, Progressive Architecture, American Planning Association, and The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. To date, over 100 Jerde Places have opened in diverse cities, including Atlanta, Budapest, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Osaka, Rotterdam, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo and Warsaw.

the traditional practice. As such, the body of


work that has been developed since the firm’s

UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is a Dutch architectural design studio with centrally located offices in Amsterdam and Shanghai specializing in architecture, urban development and infrastructural projects. The management

inception contains a strong lineage of high-

RM Architects (RMA) RM Architects (RMA), founded by two Italian architects, Riccardo Minervini and Marco Vitali, is located in Beijing, and is staffed by a team of

level design that is not defined through the eyes of a single aesthetic but rather a clear viewpoint that is rich with contextual, cultural, and programmatic understanding.

Benoy Benoy is a world-leading, international firm


of Architects, Masterplanners, Interior and

A leading international Partnership of

Graphic Designers. Founded in 1947 in the

Architectural, Urban, Landscape and Interior

UK, the company now operates from offices

Designers and Computer Generated Imagery

in the UK, Middle East, India, China and Asia,

(CGI) specialists. They have spent the last two

with a global team of over 500 people working

decades working in the emerging Asian and

in more than 60 countries.

Middle Eastern markets and have established

Underpinned by real personality and united

a reputation and brand name within the

by the desire to create the very best, the

industry. The founding of

Benoy Team brings together international

10 DESIGN was a result of the Partners’

experience and local understanding, creative

aspiration to create multicultural projects

flair and design integrity. As a result, Benoy

with architectural, economic, environmental

consistently delivers design solutions that

and social integrity. 1O DESIGN works at a

are inspiring, enduring, cost effective and

range of scales and operate within all sectors;

commercially sound.

including corporate, cultural, hospitality,

Internationally recognised, Benoy’s core

retail, education and residential and have

philosophy remains simple. Creativity and

offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Edinburgh,

viability are not mutually exclusive. They are

and Dubai. 10 DESIGN has a group of

essential and complementary elements of the

specialist Landscape Designers who develop

unique ‘Benoy Offer’.

their concepts in conjunction with architects,

Benoy's global reputation is built on award-

arbourists, artists and the

winning projects including Hysan Place in

Sustainable Design Group. Collaboration

Hong Kong, ION Orchard in Singapore, iAPM

and the sharing of ideas are the foundation

and ICC Shanghai, Westfield London, Ferrari

of the group. A key focus of the Landscape

World Abu Dhabi, Bluewater Kent, and the

Designers is the enhancement of communities

recently opened Chengdu IFS.

and quality of life. They frequently work with the environmental

skilful and experienced architects, planners and

specialists in projects that involve aspects

team of UNStudio consists of co-founders Ben

interior designers from around the world. The

such as Ecowalls or living green walls and

van Berkel, Caroline Bos and the directors

company is run by Arch. Riccardo Minervini and

other living elements.10 DESIGN has been in

Astrid Piber, Gerard Loozekoot and Harm

Arch. Marco Vitali who have been working in

the World’s Top 100

Wassink. Hannes Pfau is the director of

China for almost a decade. Their international professional experience concentrates on three

Architects since 2012.

UNStudio Asia. The name, UNStudio, stands for United Network Studio referring to the

main core subjects - Architecture (from Urban



to Building), Interior Design and Sustainable

Sasaki was founded 60 years ago on the

5+design is an international architecture firm

basis of interdisciplinary planning and design.

based in Hollywood, California with offices in

Today, their services include architecture,

Shanghai and Shenzhen. The firm focuses on

interior design, planning, urban design,

creating thriving urban places that become

landscape architecture, strategic planning,

centers of community life. With projects

retail, and tailor-made project management

civil engineering, and graphic design. Among

located throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle

within these fields include; the Mercedes-Benz

programmes for the implementation in China

these disciplines, they collaborate with

East, North Africa, the United States and

Museum in Stuttgart (Germany 2006), the

collaborative nature of the practice. The office has worked internationally since its inception and has produced a wide range of work ranging from public buildings, infrastructure, offices, residential, products, to urban masterplans. Pivotal UNStudio projects

Design. RM Architects specialises in Multipurpose master plan and Architecture, including high rise buildings and public buildings. RMA has developed many projects in luxury interior designs for hotel, residential and

of retail spaces for luxury brands. Sustainable

purpose. Their integrated approach yields rich

Russia, 5+design recognizes the universal

Company Profile

large scale mixed-use project Raffles City in

design is also a forte of RM Architects, with

ideas and surprising insights.

human need for connection and creates

HYHW Architecture Consulting LTD is

Hangzhou (China 2008 - 2013), the Galleria

an experienced team capable of implementing

Sasaki is an innovator. They play a leading role

environments that embrace and foster this

registered in Beijing, Shanghai, and London.

Department Store in Seoul (2005), the urban

projects with a zero-carbon footprint through

in shaping the future of the built environment


The company is multidisciplinary, specializing

and architectural plan for 88 residential

integrated design applied to planning or single

through bold ideas and new technologies.

The firm’s projects aim to become places that

in architecture, planning, urban design, and


They approach sustainability through the

bring people together, where business and

interior design. Projects include commercial

KR), department store Star

lenses of economics, social context, and the

commerce can prosper, where people can

buildings, shopping malls, urban planning,

Place in Kaohsiung (TW 2009), private family

environment. Their solutions are not only

convene with others in comfort, where life can

urban design, public buildings, tourism,

house VilLA NM in Upstate New York (USA

effective but poetic and enduring. Their

happen. Growing from five original principals

sports and cultural recreation, education,

2007), the Agora Theatre in Lelystad (NL

approach helps clients make smart, long-term

in 2005 to an office of more than a hundred

and residential developments. We value the

2007) and the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam

decisions that result in greater value for their

people, 5+design has become a multicultural

demand of the clients and final users, and

(NL 1996).

them, and a better future for the planet.

hub of creative design that tailors buildings

guarantee high-quality design.

towers of I'Park City in Suwon (2007 - 2012

and spaces to naturally suit the lives and aspirations of the people who use them.



Jaeger and Partner Architects Ltd.


Jaeger and Partner Architects Ltd. is an

Shifang Commercial Properties

international design practice committed to the pursuit of creating holistic and inspiring built

Shifang Commercial Properties is a famous

environments. Established in 2003, with principal

enterprises in the industry of commercial real

HENN HENN is an international architectural consultancy

MAXWAN architects + urbanists are based

Pesch & Partner, Architects and Urban Planners

in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They are an

Pesch & Partner, Architects and Urban Planners,

international practice specializing in contemporary

located in Herdeckeand Stuttgart, was founded

urban design. Our masterplans are both broad and

in 1982, which is now the second largestfirm

detailed because we design in many scales and

specializing in Urban planning and design in

in many forms: architecture and urban design,

Germany.Professor Pesch, as the founder,

interior design and town planning, public space

is dean of the Institute of Architecture,and

and landscape design. To be able to achieve this,

Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart

designs are developed in closest collaboration with

and doctoral supervisor. His partners are Horst

clients and specialists in other fields, from budget

Schoenweitz, Gerold Kalkowski-Buechter

SURE Architecture (Sustainable Urban Regeneration and EcoArchitecture)

estate planning agency in China. It is composed

urban planning and interiors projects recognized

SURE Architecture (Sustainable Urban

Marketing Planning, Wuhan Shi Fang, Hefei

for their innovative design and highest quality.

Regeneration and Eco-Architecture) was

Shifang, Shifang Red Advertising and two network

With a strong team of over 40 multinational

established in London, UK. It is an international

platform called Wan Shanghui and the China

and multidisciplinary individuals working with

design practice focusing on research and

Professional Market. Since its establishment in

collaborators, we provide integrated design

realization of sustainable urban regeneration and

1993, Shi Fang have achieved the great position

services that respond to the clients’ aspirations

ecological architectures. Currently, the London-

of the industry with the hard woriking spirit. It

and enrich the socio-urban experience.

based company is able to offer a full set of high-

has won many honorary titles.

At the core of every project, Jaeger and Partner

quality service to Asian and Pacific clients through

Shi Fang can provide the services of land

its branches in Beijing and Hongkong. SURE

assessment, urban and regional operation, project

with an impressive range of works. We have

Architecture boasts of its international design and

planning positioning, planning and designing

won several international competitions, including

academic team that excel in multiple disciplines.

concepts, advertisement strategy promotion,

the Nanfang University Technology Park and the

Diversified personalities, techniques and

investment agents, sales agents, business

Guangfa Securities Headquarters and received

experience are gathered in the company. Sharing

management and other integrated services for

numerous awards, recently the Chicago Chapter

the gift of creativity and professional skills facilitate

the majority of developers of enterprises, to

AIA Award for Design Excellence. Important

us to make global and local achievements.

build the China's leading commercial real estate

publications include Architectural Record (USA),

Sustainability and regeneration are the key

integrated service provider, according to the

Hinge Magazine (Hong Kong), City of Design

words for the design theory and target for SURE

integration of a lot of brand business resources

Magazine (China), Zibook (Korea), Tall Buildings

Architecture. Sustainability is an attempt to

from retail business and professional market

Journal (Russia) and C3 Magazine (Korea).

provide the best outcomes for the human and

regions, relying on the planning and designing,

natural environments both now and into the

advertising planning, market investment

indefinite future, which development is defined

analysising, commercial real estate research and

have been highly appreciated in the industry.

to meet the needs of recent generations without

other professional sectors.

PPAIS Pesch & Partner Architekten Stadtplaner.

offices based in Turin, Shenzhen and Seoul, the practice works internationally on diverse scale and typologies including office, residential, culture,

Architects strives to achieve design excellence

of Shi Fang Investment Holding, Shi Fang Commercial Real Estate Consultant, Shi Fang

with 65 years of expertise in the design and realisation of buildings, masterplans and interior spaces in the fields of culture, administration, teaching and research, development and production as well as urban design. The office is led by Gunter Henn and thirteen partners with offices in Munich, Berlin, Beijing and Shanghai. 350 employees from 25 countries are

control and process management to detailing and

able to draw upon a wealth of knowledge collected

building execution.

over three generations of building experience in

Maxwan has a core staff of 20 design professionals

addition to a worldwide network of partners and

enriched with a mix of young talent. They work in

experts in a variety of disciplines.

collaboration with specialist advisors on ecology,

This continuity, coupled with progressive design

sustainability, building engineering, cost appraisal,

approaches and methods and interdisciplinary

civil engineering, process management, traffic

research projects, forms the basis for a continual

engineering, product design etc. It is with this

examination of current issues and for a consistent

broad range of talent and perspective, and their

design philosophy. Forms and spaces are no mere

love for design, that they merge cultural, technical

objective, they are developed from the processes,

and esthetical influences into an inextricable and

demands and cultural contexts of each project.

beautiful whole.

and Frank Boberg, all being engineers with Master’sdegrees. The team is composed of excellent designers engaging in architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape and graphic design.Under the historical and cultural backgrounds of traditional European urban architecture, the company provides the staff with a work stage where they take up challenging tasks of modern architecture and urban planning. Since 2003, the company has won more than 50 biddings in planning projects in Europe and in the USA.In China, German architectural planning experts have worked together

As a general contractor we are able to satisfy this

With our Chinese planners, whose Doctoral

principle at every stage of project planning and

degrees earned in Germany to participate in


several large planning and design tasks. The works

compromising future generations’ interest. Urban regeneration is a process to reforming human

PLP Architecture PLP Architecture is a London-based group of architects, designers and researchers who value the transformative role of ideas and the capacity for architecture to inspire. The practice is led by

living environment on both micro and macro levels. The past, present and future of a city can coexist to embrace urban regeneration in the manner of protection, reclamation, dismantling and rebuilding.

Martha Schwartz Partners ATENASTUDIO


Martha Schwartz Partners is a leading international

ATENASTUDIO is a research and a design

Hawkins\Brown is an established architecture

practice whose work focuses on activating

a group of partners including Lee Polisano, David

company based in Rome, working in the fields of

practice based in Clerkenwell, London.

and regenerating urban sites and city centres.


Leventhal, Karen Cook and Ron Bakker, who

architecture, urbanism, landscape and interior

Founded more than 25 years ago by Partners

Situated at the intersection of landscape, art,

The P&T Group, formerly known as Palmer and

formerly were in charge of KPF’s London office for

design. The studio was established by Marco

Russell Brown and Roger Hawkins, the firm works

and urbanism, Martha Schwartz Partners has 20

Turner Hong Kong, is the oldest and largest

over 20 years.

Sardella and Rossana Atena in 2005.

across a range of types and scale, bringing a

years of experience designing and implementing

international architectural engineering practice in

Although we draw from a rich history and

ATENASTUDIO has been strongly involved on

collaborative approach to its projects. Hawkins\

installations, gardens, civic plazas, parks,

the South East Asia with over 2000 staff. Projects are also undertaken in most other Southeast Asian

experience of working together on projects around

international level in several design projects

Brown is currently working on a major project

institutional landscapes, corporate headquarters,

the world, the studio, founded in 2009, has a

and competitions with professionalism and

to transform London’s 2012 Olympic broadcast

master plans, and urban regeneration projects.

countries and Middle East.

culture of a young start-up. We value innovation

thorough knowledge of many aspects conceiving

and media centre into a new digital quarter in

MSP is also working with cities at a strategic

Palmer & Turner was first established in Hong

architecture, advanced technologies, landscape,

east London, as well as three new central London

level as they take a view to sustainability at a

Kong in 1868, and since its inception, has proved

and creativity as we strive to test limits. We produce intelligent, exciting and ground-breaking


urbanism and interior design.

Crossrail stations.

city or regional scale. MSP’s work demonstrates

a major contributor to the physical development of

designs through a continual commitment to social,

RTKL is a worldwide architecture, engineering,

As part of a continuous process of research

Hawkins\Brown recently opened its first

a deep commitment to the urban landscape and

this region and responsible for many of its old and

economic and environmental ideals. The office

planning and creative services organization. Part

and academic involvement, ATENASTUDIO has

international office in Chengdu, China to target

public realm as the platform for sustainable cities

new architectural landmarks.

shuns preconceptions, fixed architectural styles

of the ARCADIS global network since 2007, RTKL

been recognized on International level with

overseas work, particularly in Asia. It is already

that are healthy across all aspects, sectors, and

The Group is committed to the pursuit of excellence

or methods, allowing each project to become

specializes in providing its multi-disciplinary

many architectural lectures and publications.

working on three projects in Xindu, the biggest of

domains of urban life.

in the architectural and engineering field and aims

a unique opportunity to research, analyse and

services across the full development cycle to

ATENASTUDIO has received many awards for

which is the 300,000sq m masterplan for Nordic

With offices in the United Kingdom, the United

to improve the quality of life by contributing to the

creatively respond to the brief, site and context.

create places of distinction and designs of lasting

winning competitions and prizes and had the


States and China, Martha Schwartz Partners is

design of the physical environment. Professional

The foundation of our work lies in a commitment

value. RTKL works with commercial, workplace,

opportunity to exhibit its work and research at

Last year Hawkins\Brown was shortlisted for the

engaged in projects and consultation around the

emphasis is placed on visual and functional

to the quality of life in the city, a delight in the

public and healthcare clients on projects around

various exhibitions in Italy, Spain, Germany and

RIBA Stirling Prize for its work on the regeneration

globe and has to date worked on projects in over

elements of design, to create buildings that are

handling of material, space and light and optimism

the globe.


of Park Hill in Sheffield.

20 countries and four continents.

both aesthetically pleasing and sympathetic to

about architecture’s potential to enrich our society.

their surroundings.



Jaeger and Partner Architects Ltd.


Jaeger and Partner Architects Ltd. is an

Shifang Commercial Properties

international design practice committed to the pursuit of creating holistic and inspiring built

Shifang Commercial Properties is a famous

environments. Established in 2003, with principal

enterprises in the industry of commercial real

HENN HENN is an international architectural consultancy

MAXWAN architects + urbanists are based

Pesch & Partner, Architects and Urban Planners

in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They are an

Pesch & Partner, Architects and Urban Planners,

international practice specializing in contemporary

located in Herdeckeand Stuttgart, was founded

urban design. Our masterplans are both broad and

in 1982, which is now the second largestfirm

detailed because we design in many scales and

specializing in Urban planning and design in

in many forms: architecture and urban design,

Germany.Professor Pesch, as the founder,

interior design and town planning, public space

is dean of the Institute of Architecture,and

and landscape design. To be able to achieve this,

Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart

designs are developed in closest collaboration with

and doctoral supervisor. His partners are Horst

clients and specialists in other fields, from budget

Schoenweitz, Gerold Kalkowski-Buechter

SURE Architecture (Sustainable Urban Regeneration and EcoArchitecture)

estate planning agency in China. It is composed

urban planning and interiors projects recognized

SURE Architecture (Sustainable Urban

Marketing Planning, Wuhan Shi Fang, Hefei

for their innovative design and highest quality.

Regeneration and Eco-Architecture) was

Shifang, Shifang Red Advertising and two network

With a strong team of over 40 multinational

established in London, UK. It is an international

platform called Wan Shanghui and the China

and multidisciplinary individuals working with

design practice focusing on research and

Professional Market. Since its establishment in

collaborators, we provide integrated design

realization of sustainable urban regeneration and

1993, Shi Fang have achieved the great position

services that respond to the clients’ aspirations

ecological architectures. Currently, the London-

of the industry with the hard woriking spirit. It

and enrich the socio-urban experience.

based company is able to offer a full set of high-

has won many honorary titles.

At the core of every project, Jaeger and Partner

quality service to Asian and Pacific clients through

Shi Fang can provide the services of land

its branches in Beijing and Hongkong. SURE

assessment, urban and regional operation, project

with an impressive range of works. We have

Architecture boasts of its international design and

planning positioning, planning and designing

won several international competitions, including

academic team that excel in multiple disciplines.

concepts, advertisement strategy promotion,

the Nanfang University Technology Park and the

Diversified personalities, techniques and

investment agents, sales agents, business

Guangfa Securities Headquarters and received

experience are gathered in the company. Sharing

management and other integrated services for

numerous awards, recently the Chicago Chapter

the gift of creativity and professional skills facilitate

the majority of developers of enterprises, to

AIA Award for Design Excellence. Important

us to make global and local achievements.

build the China's leading commercial real estate

publications include Architectural Record (USA),

Sustainability and regeneration are the key

integrated service provider, according to the

Hinge Magazine (Hong Kong), City of Design

words for the design theory and target for SURE

integration of a lot of brand business resources

Magazine (China), Zibook (Korea), Tall Buildings

Architecture. Sustainability is an attempt to

from retail business and professional market

Journal (Russia) and C3 Magazine (Korea).

provide the best outcomes for the human and

regions, relying on the planning and designing,

natural environments both now and into the

advertising planning, market investment

indefinite future, which development is defined

analysising, commercial real estate research and

have been highly appreciated in the industry.

to meet the needs of recent generations without

other professional sectors.

PPAIS Pesch & Partner Architekten Stadtplaner.

offices based in Turin, Shenzhen and Seoul, the practice works internationally on diverse scale and typologies including office, residential, culture,

Architects strives to achieve design excellence

of Shi Fang Investment Holding, Shi Fang Commercial Real Estate Consultant, Shi Fang

with 65 years of expertise in the design and realisation of buildings, masterplans and interior spaces in the fields of culture, administration, teaching and research, development and production as well as urban design. The office is led by Gunter Henn and thirteen partners with offices in Munich, Berlin, Beijing and Shanghai. 350 employees from 25 countries are

control and process management to detailing and

able to draw upon a wealth of knowledge collected

building execution.

over three generations of building experience in

Maxwan has a core staff of 20 design professionals

addition to a worldwide network of partners and

enriched with a mix of young talent. They work in

experts in a variety of disciplines.

collaboration with specialist advisors on ecology,

This continuity, coupled with progressive design

sustainability, building engineering, cost appraisal,

approaches and methods and interdisciplinary

civil engineering, process management, traffic

research projects, forms the basis for a continual

engineering, product design etc. It is with this

examination of current issues and for a consistent

broad range of talent and perspective, and their

design philosophy. Forms and spaces are no mere

love for design, that they merge cultural, technical

objective, they are developed from the processes,

and esthetical influences into an inextricable and

demands and cultural contexts of each project.

beautiful whole.

and Frank Boberg, all being engineers with Master’sdegrees. The team is composed of excellent designers engaging in architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape and graphic design.Under the historical and cultural backgrounds of traditional European urban architecture, the company provides the staff with a work stage where they take up challenging tasks of modern architecture and urban planning. Since 2003, the company has won more than 50 biddings in planning projects in Europe and in the USA.In China, German architectural planning experts have worked together

As a general contractor we are able to satisfy this

With our Chinese planners, whose Doctoral

principle at every stage of project planning and

degrees earned in Germany to participate in


several large planning and design tasks. The works

compromising future generations’ interest. Urban regeneration is a process to reforming human

PLP Architecture PLP Architecture is a London-based group of architects, designers and researchers who value the transformative role of ideas and the capacity for architecture to inspire. The practice is led by

living environment on both micro and macro levels. The past, present and future of a city can coexist to embrace urban regeneration in the manner of protection, reclamation, dismantling and rebuilding.

Martha Schwartz Partners ATENASTUDIO


Martha Schwartz Partners is a leading international

ATENASTUDIO is a research and a design

Hawkins\Brown is an established architecture

practice whose work focuses on activating

a group of partners including Lee Polisano, David

company based in Rome, working in the fields of

practice based in Clerkenwell, London.

and regenerating urban sites and city centres.


Leventhal, Karen Cook and Ron Bakker, who

architecture, urbanism, landscape and interior

Founded more than 25 years ago by Partners

Situated at the intersection of landscape, art,

The P&T Group, formerly known as Palmer and

formerly were in charge of KPF’s London office for

design. The studio was established by Marco

Russell Brown and Roger Hawkins, the firm works

and urbanism, Martha Schwartz Partners has 20

Turner Hong Kong, is the oldest and largest

over 20 years.

Sardella and Rossana Atena in 2005.

across a range of types and scale, bringing a

years of experience designing and implementing

international architectural engineering practice in

Although we draw from a rich history and

ATENASTUDIO has been strongly involved on

collaborative approach to its projects. Hawkins\

installations, gardens, civic plazas, parks,

the South East Asia with over 2000 staff. Projects are also undertaken in most other Southeast Asian

experience of working together on projects around

international level in several design projects

Brown is currently working on a major project

institutional landscapes, corporate headquarters,

the world, the studio, founded in 2009, has a

and competitions with professionalism and

to transform London’s 2012 Olympic broadcast

master plans, and urban regeneration projects.

countries and Middle East.

culture of a young start-up. We value innovation

thorough knowledge of many aspects conceiving

and media centre into a new digital quarter in

MSP is also working with cities at a strategic

Palmer & Turner was first established in Hong

architecture, advanced technologies, landscape,

east London, as well as three new central London

level as they take a view to sustainability at a

Kong in 1868, and since its inception, has proved

and creativity as we strive to test limits. We produce intelligent, exciting and ground-breaking


urbanism and interior design.

Crossrail stations.

city or regional scale. MSP’s work demonstrates

a major contributor to the physical development of

designs through a continual commitment to social,

RTKL is a worldwide architecture, engineering,

As part of a continuous process of research

Hawkins\Brown recently opened its first

a deep commitment to the urban landscape and

this region and responsible for many of its old and

economic and environmental ideals. The office

planning and creative services organization. Part

and academic involvement, ATENASTUDIO has

international office in Chengdu, China to target

public realm as the platform for sustainable cities

new architectural landmarks.

shuns preconceptions, fixed architectural styles

of the ARCADIS global network since 2007, RTKL

been recognized on International level with

overseas work, particularly in Asia. It is already

that are healthy across all aspects, sectors, and

The Group is committed to the pursuit of excellence

or methods, allowing each project to become

specializes in providing its multi-disciplinary

many architectural lectures and publications.

working on three projects in Xindu, the biggest of

domains of urban life.

in the architectural and engineering field and aims

a unique opportunity to research, analyse and

services across the full development cycle to

ATENASTUDIO has received many awards for

which is the 300,000sq m masterplan for Nordic

With offices in the United Kingdom, the United

to improve the quality of life by contributing to the

creatively respond to the brief, site and context.

create places of distinction and designs of lasting

winning competitions and prizes and had the


States and China, Martha Schwartz Partners is

design of the physical environment. Professional

The foundation of our work lies in a commitment

value. RTKL works with commercial, workplace,

opportunity to exhibit its work and research at

Last year Hawkins\Brown was shortlisted for the

engaged in projects and consultation around the

emphasis is placed on visual and functional

to the quality of life in the city, a delight in the

public and healthcare clients on projects around

various exhibitions in Italy, Spain, Germany and

RIBA Stirling Prize for its work on the regeneration

globe and has to date worked on projects in over

elements of design, to create buildings that are

handling of material, space and light and optimism

the globe.


of Park Hill in Sheffield.

20 countries and four continents.

both aesthetically pleasing and sympathetic to

about architecture’s potential to enrich our society.

their surroundings.



PlusUrbia Design HMD


HMD is an international multidisciplinary design

Inbo is an independent company in the field

launched on the shared strength of more

consultancy with design offices in Shanghai,

of urban consultancy, urbanism, architecture,

than 15 years of professional success in

Beijing, Shenzhen and XiAn. The scope of

interior design and architectural engineering. The

HMD’s work in China includes Consultancy, City Planning, Urban Design, Architectural Design, Landscape and Interior Design. We have unremitting efforts; include commercial real estate, tourism, real estate and large real estate projects. What HMD experts are looking for is the application of the advanced international design concepts and the high-end development of architectural technology in urban development that create a unique design language for the project and the cultural value. We put the traditional culture and local market fuse together, to create the unique cultural value and the design language. Our company praise highly the openness, creative, cooperation and excellence as our core values. It calls for

RhineScheme GmbH

Girimun Ltd

RhineScheme GmbH is a worldwide acting

Found in 2007 by their director Mauro

architecture and urban planning practice

Resnitzky, they collaborate with developers,

that can fall back on more than 30 years

investors and real estate consultants in a wide

of professional experience in planning and

range of sectors. With over twenty years of

construction management.

experience and a Master Degree at the AA

About 90 designers are working in branch

design and strategic development of a sustainable environment is teamwork. Founded in 1962, for more than 50 years now, Inbo is successfully developing the built environment through multidisciplinary collaboration.

Özgüven Mimarlık Having the vision of transferring traditional architecture to modern architecture, Ozguven was founded by Master Arch. Ugur Ozer

architectural design, planning, urban design, zoning code creation, development and project management. The practice is rooted in collaboration that designs contextual cities, towns and neighborhoods that create lasting

Ozguven and Civil Eng. Ozgur Onur Ozguven in


Inbo is ultra-Dutch. Offices are located in the

2004. Governed simultaneously from Istanbul

PlusUrbia’s diverse workforce teams to create

Architectural Association School of Architecture

Netherlands an China. Together with their clients,

and Ankara, Ozguven provides its customers

inspired design, collaborative approaches and

offices in Germany (Cologne, Frankfurt,

(London, UK), Mauro has designed and led

Inbo is continuously looking for clever and efficient

with qualified service of 50 professionals in

innovative solutions to shape vibrant, efficient,

Leipzig), China (Beijing) and in the U.S.A.

a wide range of award-wining projects in

ways of developing exciting and highly

architecture, construction and all related

adaptable and sustainable places of lasting


Brazil, Hong Kong, China, India and Southeast


cultural identity. The firm has acclaimed

Providing solutions in large scale designs,

expertise in form-based codes, which address

We work in integrated planning teams made up of architects, urban and landscape planners, interior designers as well as members from a

Asia with a focus on commercial mixed-use, shopping and entertainment centres as well as high-rise residential developments.

wide network of associated experts, engineers

They approach the design process as an

and consultants.

effective tool to add value and success to

We are aiming at sustainable solutions, easily

a diversified, team-working environment and

adaptable to changing parameters.

asks our designers to focus on responsibility

We are striving for economically feasible

and obligation for our society, the environment

innovation and creativity.

developments. From formulation of the brief to final delivery, their offer is a unique combination of innovative design and commercial sense. Working in different continents and cultures

and our customer as well.

Tangible practical experience is completed by

HMD's goal is to form a socially responsible

international teaching and research activities.

professional business model, integrating

Since 2004, a main focus of our planning

international best practice and Chinese cultural

world. They tune their collective expertise to

efforts is in China, where a local international

values. It is the aim of the company to create

the context where they work, understanding

team together with experts from abroad has

design work of long term value, practicality

local needs and building upon a shared vision

created a project portfolio that is quite unique

and elegance.

with their clients to create places where people

among German design companies.

want to be.

gives them a broader perspective on good practice and design excellence around the

Equipped with an equal German-Chinese

usable contemporary built space. Space that Inbo’s clients require and contains end users value. One of their most famous projects is the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, awarded as the smartest square kilometer in the world. Their path leading to the optimal solution may well be an unorthodox one. Inbo is a network organization. Multidisciplinary professionals work together to achieve common and individual goals and help collaborating parties reach theirs. Inbo takes an active role in the public debate through innovative initiatives

RhineScheme has an experienced working

PlusUrbia works collaboratively with citizens,

Ranging from mass housing, commercial

economists, engineers, architects, developers,

buildings, large scale urban renewal projects to sacred architecture, Ozguven puts it’s signature of multi-perspective experience under more than 50 different projects per year.

meet the requirements of today and tomorrow,

through clear analysis. Organizing complex

Ozguven shapes its designs in sense of creating

processes from the content within inspires their

sustainable spaces that can be evolved through

consultants in their work.

the demands of its users when needed. innovative ideas, approaches and materials, Ozguven underlines the fact that architecture is not for a certain class, but for all.


amphibianArc is an architecture design firm

team familiar with both Chinese and Western

Atkins is one of the world’s leading design C85 M21 Y0 K0

headquartered in Los Angeles, with branch

Services Ltd is an award winning multi-

planning conditions and culture, able to

consultancies. They have the breadth and

office in Shanghai, China. Founded by Nonchi

disciplinary architectural design consultancy

combine international experiences with local

depth of expertise to respond to the most

Wang in 1992, the practice endeavors to

firm with extensive knowledge and expertise


technically challenging and time-critical

synthesize between artistic expression and

in the design of office buildings, high-

projects and to facilitate the urgent transition

problem solving technique.

rise residential, mixed-use complexes,

to a low carbon economy. Their vision is to be

masterplanning projects and landscape design

the world’s best design consultant.

Through a shared disclosure called Liquid

and execution. MAPA was founded in 2003

Whether it’s the architectural concept for a new

the curvilinear forms prevalent in contemporary

in Singapore and subsequently moved its

supertall tower, the upgrade of a rail network,

architectural scene, but also ideogramic

headquarters to Shenzhen China to expand

master planning a new city or the improvement

methodology which is the foundation of

and further its design causes.

of a management process, they plan, design

Chinese word making.

MAPA’s design approach is to create responsive

and enable solutions.

Since its founding, amphibianArc has been

designs that are unique, value-added and

With 75 years of history, 17,700 employees

designed a wide range of projects in both the

sustainable. The ability to understand and

and over 200 offices worldwide, Atkins is the

U.S. and China, including the award winning

produce tailor-made design solutions to

world’s 13th largest global design firm (ENR

Beijing Planetarium (AIA/LA awards, China Zian

individual client’s projects marks the inherent

2011), the largest global architecture firm, the

Tien Yo Award), Foshan Dongping New City

talents and passions of MAPA’s staff.

largest multidisciplinary consultancy in Europe

Mass Transit Center (2011 MIPIM Architecture

Their multi-disciplined design strategy

and UK’s largest engineering consultancy

Review Future Project Awards), and Hongxing

seamlessly combines both their building

for the last 14 years. Atkins is listed on the

Macalline Furniture Flagship Store (2012 MIPIM

architecture and landscape design capabilities,

London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of

Architecture Review Future Project Awards).

guarantees that each project will be resolved in

the FTSE 250 Index.

The practice’s work has also been featured in

Conveying the experience to it’s staff by providing high standard working space, and attention to research and development, Ozguven aims to reflect its own culture to its designs by virtue of it’s rich potential and project portfolio, thereby becoming an expert in the international arena and having a voice in different parts of the world.

Architecture, his work, encompasses not only

relation to both internal/external context and

publications including Architectural Record,

natural/constructed environment.

Dezeen, LA Architect, and World Architecture.

buildings in relation to one another, and the


urban planners clarify complex urban issues


and the public realm, the form and mass of scale and types of streets and blocks.

Expanding the limits of architecture with

C85 M21 Y0 K0

the relationship between building facades

contemporary application experiences since its

standards and permanent aesthetic values that

MAPA Architectural Design Consultancy


on creative, research & development and

their designs. Their engineers think BIM. Their

planning and architecture projects as well as With about 30 local and foreign planners,

frame of integrity, Ozguven has been working

Building sustainable environments with high

is concentrating on (mainly big-scale) urban ecological construction technologies.

projects and implementations within the

with real life value. Their architects realize

management, RhineScheme’s Chinese branch

MAPA Architectural Design Consultancy Services Ltd

PlusUrbia Design is a finely-tuned ensemble


policy makers, government officials and builders. Our designs build on the unique character and positive qualities of each neighborhood, city and region we serve. Working at many scales, we coordinate: the design of individual buildings, the public spaces they help create and the preservation of existing local culture. We work side-byside with stakeholders to create plans and projects that are a viable and vital part of a community’s urban tapestry. The firm has worked in China; the Middle East; North, South and Central America. PlusUrbia’s international experience and global portfolio of completed projects is unmatched by any firm of its size. PlusUrbia’s was honored by the Congress for New Urbanism as a member of the team that created the Best City Plan of 2014. Firm founder Juan Mullerat, Assoc. AIA, APA, NCI, CNU, was awarded the 2013 Urban Designer of the Year by the Miami Chapter of The American Institute of Architects.

PlusUrbia Design HMD


HMD is an international multidisciplinary design

Inbo is an independent company in the field

launched on the shared strength of more

consultancy with design offices in Shanghai,

of urban consultancy, urbanism, architecture,

than 15 years of professional success in

Beijing, Shenzhen and XiAn. The scope of

interior design and architectural engineering. The

HMD’s work in China includes Consultancy, City Planning, Urban Design, Architectural Design, Landscape and Interior Design. We have unremitting efforts; include commercial real estate, tourism, real estate and large real estate projects. What HMD experts are looking for is the application of the advanced international design concepts and the high-end development of architectural technology in urban development that create a unique design language for the project and the cultural value. We put the traditional culture and local market fuse together, to create the unique cultural value and the design language. Our company praise highly the openness, creative, cooperation and excellence as our core values. It calls for

RhineScheme GmbH

Girimun Ltd

RhineScheme GmbH is a worldwide acting

Found in 2007 by their director Mauro

architecture and urban planning practice

Resnitzky, they collaborate with developers,

that can fall back on more than 30 years

investors and real estate consultants in a wide

of professional experience in planning and

range of sectors. With over twenty years of

construction management.

experience and a Master Degree at the AA

About 90 designers are working in branch

design and strategic development of a sustainable environment is teamwork. Founded in 1962, for more than 50 years now, Inbo is successfully developing the built environment through multidisciplinary collaboration.

Özgüven Mimarlık Having the vision of transferring traditional architecture to modern architecture, Ozguven was founded by Master Arch. Ugur Ozer

architectural design, planning, urban design, zoning code creation, development and project management. The practice is rooted in collaboration that designs contextual cities, towns and neighborhoods that create lasting

Ozguven and Civil Eng. Ozgur Onur Ozguven in


Inbo is ultra-Dutch. Offices are located in the

2004. Governed simultaneously from Istanbul

PlusUrbia’s diverse workforce teams to create

Architectural Association School of Architecture

Netherlands an China. Together with their clients,

and Ankara, Ozguven provides its customers

inspired design, collaborative approaches and

offices in Germany (Cologne, Frankfurt,

(London, UK), Mauro has designed and led

Inbo is continuously looking for clever and efficient

with qualified service of 50 professionals in

innovative solutions to shape vibrant, efficient,

Leipzig), China (Beijing) and in the U.S.A.

a wide range of award-wining projects in

ways of developing exciting and highly

architecture, construction and all related

adaptable and sustainable places of lasting


Brazil, Hong Kong, China, India and Southeast


cultural identity. The firm has acclaimed

Providing solutions in large scale designs,

expertise in form-based codes, which address

We work in integrated planning teams made up of architects, urban and landscape planners, interior designers as well as members from a

Asia with a focus on commercial mixed-use, shopping and entertainment centres as well as high-rise residential developments.

wide network of associated experts, engineers

They approach the design process as an

and consultants.

effective tool to add value and success to

We are aiming at sustainable solutions, easily

a diversified, team-working environment and

adaptable to changing parameters.

asks our designers to focus on responsibility

We are striving for economically feasible

and obligation for our society, the environment

innovation and creativity.

developments. From formulation of the brief to final delivery, their offer is a unique combination of innovative design and commercial sense. Working in different continents and cultures

and our customer as well.

Tangible practical experience is completed by

HMD's goal is to form a socially responsible

international teaching and research activities.

professional business model, integrating

Since 2004, a main focus of our planning

international best practice and Chinese cultural

world. They tune their collective expertise to

efforts is in China, where a local international

values. It is the aim of the company to create

the context where they work, understanding

team together with experts from abroad has

design work of long term value, practicality

local needs and building upon a shared vision

created a project portfolio that is quite unique

and elegance.

with their clients to create places where people

among German design companies.

want to be.

gives them a broader perspective on good practice and design excellence around the

Equipped with an equal German-Chinese

usable contemporary built space. Space that Inbo’s clients require and contains end users value. One of their most famous projects is the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, awarded as the smartest square kilometer in the world. Their path leading to the optimal solution may well be an unorthodox one. Inbo is a network organization. Multidisciplinary professionals work together to achieve common and individual goals and help collaborating parties reach theirs. Inbo takes an active role in the public debate through innovative initiatives

RhineScheme has an experienced working

PlusUrbia works collaboratively with citizens,

Ranging from mass housing, commercial

economists, engineers, architects, developers,

buildings, large scale urban renewal projects to sacred architecture, Ozguven puts it’s signature of multi-perspective experience under more than 50 different projects per year.

meet the requirements of today and tomorrow,

through clear analysis. Organizing complex

Ozguven shapes its designs in sense of creating

processes from the content within inspires their

sustainable spaces that can be evolved through

consultants in their work.

the demands of its users when needed. innovative ideas, approaches and materials, Ozguven underlines the fact that architecture is not for a certain class, but for all.


amphibianArc is an architecture design firm

team familiar with both Chinese and Western

Atkins is one of the world’s leading design C85 M21 Y0 K0

headquartered in Los Angeles, with branch

Services Ltd is an award winning multi-

planning conditions and culture, able to

consultancies. They have the breadth and

office in Shanghai, China. Founded by Nonchi

disciplinary architectural design consultancy

combine international experiences with local

depth of expertise to respond to the most

Wang in 1992, the practice endeavors to

firm with extensive knowledge and expertise


technically challenging and time-critical

synthesize between artistic expression and

in the design of office buildings, high-

projects and to facilitate the urgent transition

problem solving technique.

rise residential, mixed-use complexes,

to a low carbon economy. Their vision is to be

masterplanning projects and landscape design

the world’s best design consultant.

Through a shared disclosure called Liquid

and execution. MAPA was founded in 2003

Whether it’s the architectural concept for a new

the curvilinear forms prevalent in contemporary

in Singapore and subsequently moved its

supertall tower, the upgrade of a rail network,

architectural scene, but also ideogramic

headquarters to Shenzhen China to expand

master planning a new city or the improvement

methodology which is the foundation of

and further its design causes.

of a management process, they plan, design

Chinese word making.

MAPA’s design approach is to create responsive

and enable solutions.

Since its founding, amphibianArc has been

designs that are unique, value-added and

With 75 years of history, 17,700 employees

designed a wide range of projects in both the

sustainable. The ability to understand and

and over 200 offices worldwide, Atkins is the

U.S. and China, including the award winning

produce tailor-made design solutions to

world’s 13th largest global design firm (ENR

Beijing Planetarium (AIA/LA awards, China Zian

individual client’s projects marks the inherent

2011), the largest global architecture firm, the

Tien Yo Award), Foshan Dongping New City

talents and passions of MAPA’s staff.

largest multidisciplinary consultancy in Europe

Mass Transit Center (2011 MIPIM Architecture

Their multi-disciplined design strategy

and UK’s largest engineering consultancy

Review Future Project Awards), and Hongxing

seamlessly combines both their building

for the last 14 years. Atkins is listed on the

Macalline Furniture Flagship Store (2012 MIPIM

architecture and landscape design capabilities,

London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of

Architecture Review Future Project Awards).

guarantees that each project will be resolved in

the FTSE 250 Index.

The practice’s work has also been featured in

Conveying the experience to it’s staff by providing high standard working space, and attention to research and development, Ozguven aims to reflect its own culture to its designs by virtue of it’s rich potential and project portfolio, thereby becoming an expert in the international arena and having a voice in different parts of the world.

Architecture, his work, encompasses not only

relation to both internal/external context and

publications including Architectural Record,

natural/constructed environment.

Dezeen, LA Architect, and World Architecture.

buildings in relation to one another, and the


urban planners clarify complex urban issues


and the public realm, the form and mass of scale and types of streets and blocks.

Expanding the limits of architecture with

C85 M21 Y0 K0

the relationship between building facades

contemporary application experiences since its

standards and permanent aesthetic values that

MAPA Architectural Design Consultancy


on creative, research & development and

their designs. Their engineers think BIM. Their

planning and architecture projects as well as With about 30 local and foreign planners,

frame of integrity, Ozguven has been working

Building sustainable environments with high

is concentrating on (mainly big-scale) urban ecological construction technologies.

projects and implementations within the

with real life value. Their architects realize

management, RhineScheme’s Chinese branch

MAPA Architectural Design Consultancy Services Ltd

PlusUrbia Design is a finely-tuned ensemble


policy makers, government officials and builders. Our designs build on the unique character and positive qualities of each neighborhood, city and region we serve. Working at many scales, we coordinate: the design of individual buildings, the public spaces they help create and the preservation of existing local culture. We work side-byside with stakeholders to create plans and projects that are a viable and vital part of a community’s urban tapestry. The firm has worked in China; the Middle East; North, South and Central America. PlusUrbia’s international experience and global portfolio of completed projects is unmatched by any firm of its size. PlusUrbia’s was honored by the Congress for New Urbanism as a member of the team that created the Best City Plan of 2014. Firm founder Juan Mullerat, Assoc. AIA, APA, NCI, CNU, was awarded the 2013 Urban Designer of the Year by the Miami Chapter of The American Institute of Architects.

KAAN Architecten

Zaha Hadid Architects


KAAN Architecten is a Netherlands based

Zaha Hadid, founder of Zaha Hadid Architects,

MVRDV was founded in 1993 by Winy Maas,

architectural firm, operating in a global

was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize

Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries in

context, KAAN merges practical and academic

(considered the Nobel Prize of architecture)

Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The practice

expertise within the fields of architecture,

in 2004 and is internationally known for her

engages globally in providing solutions to

urbanism, research, and strategy.

built, theoretical and academic work. Each

contemporary architectural and urban issues.

The Rotterdam studio, led by Kees Kaan,

of her projects builds on over thirty years of

A highly collaborative, research-based design

exploration and research in the interrelated

method involves clients, stakeholders and

an international team of architects, landscape

fields of urbanism, architecture and design.

experts from a wide range of fields from early

architects, urban planners, engineers and

Born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1950, Hadid studied

on in the creative process. The results are

graphic designers.

mathematics at the American University of

exemplary, outspoken projects, which enable

KAAN Architecten operates across multiple

Beirut before moving to London in 1972 to

our cities and landscapes to develop towards a

attend the Architectural Association (AA) School

better future.

where she was awarded the Diploma Prize in

The products of MVRDV’s unique approach

1977. Hadid founded Zaha Hadid Architects in

to design vary, ranging from buildings of

1979 and completed her first building, the Vitra

all types and sizes, to urban plans and

obvious. This process allows the studio to

Fire Station, Germany in 1993.

visions, numerous publications, installations

distribute and share expertise.

Hadid taught at the AA School until 1987 and

and exhibitions. Built projects include the

Our projects transcend scale and type:

has since held numerous chairs and guest

Netherlands Pavilion for the World EXPO 2000

professorships at universities around the world

in Hannover; the Market Hall, a combination

including Columbia, Harvard and Yale. She

of housing and retail in Rotterdam; the Pushed

is currently a professor at the University of

Slab, a sustainable office building in Paris’

public and private sector.

Applied Arts in Vienna.

first eco-district; Flight Forum, an innovative

Project teams are becoming increasingly

Working with senior office partner, Patrik

Vincent Panhuysen, Dikkie Scipio consist of

platforms; we believe in cross pollination between projects and disciplines is essential in fostering a critical debate within the studio, which prevents a rush to the routine and

residential buildings and offices, retail to theaters, museums and buildings for the health and education. We actively work with both the

multidisciplinary. We initiate and participate in such teams and have been a strong partner in numerous successful collaborations. KAAN Architecten is a professional platform. We are dedicated to developing our team and eager in maintaining a culture of evolution in the studio, which is essential in a profession that changes at a rapid pace. We seek to maintain long-term relationships with the clients and our preferred consultants and partners in the divers teams in which we operate.

Schumacher, Hadid’s interest lies in the rigorous interface between architecture, urbanism, landscape and geology as her practice integrates natural topography and human-made systems, leading to innovation with new technologies. The MAXXI: Italian National Museum of 21st Century Arts in Rome, the London Aquatics Centre for the 2012 Olympic Games, and the Heydar Aliyev Centre in Baku are built manifestos of Hadid’s quest for complex, fluid space. Previous seminal buildings such as the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati and the Guangzhou Opera House in China have also been hailed as architecture that transforms our ideas of the future with new spatial concepts and dynamic, visionary forms. Zaha Hadid Architects continues to be a global


leader in pioneering research and design investigation. Collaborations with corporations

DOMAIN is a Dutch based office, which

that lead their industries have furthered the

operates within the fields of architecture,

practice’s diversity and knowledge, whilst the

urbanism and academics. DOMAIN was

application of advanced design, construction

founded in 2012 by Mitesh Dixit. The studio is

and material technologies aids the creation

led by Sven Jansse who works with a team of

innovative projects where concepts of seamless

architects, urban planners and designers.

spatial flow are made real.

DOMAIN deliberately works without a manifesto or agenda, but insists on a method, which explores into the very nature of a question, aiming to discover ‘new’ questions, as, opposed to recycling existing solutions. This process demands an intense investigation into the local, an abject surrender to the existing, and the rejection of any singular ‘vision’.


business park in Eindhoven; the Silodam Housing complex in Amsterdam; the Matsudai Cultural Centre in Japan; the Unterföhring office campus near Munich; the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam; the Ypenburg housing and urban plan in The Hague; the Didden Village rooftop housing extension in Rotterdam; the music centre De Effenaar in Eindhoven; the Gyre boutique shopping center in Tokyo; a public library in Spijkenisse; an international bank headquarters in Oslo, Norway; and the iconic Mirador and Celosia housing in Madrid. The work of MVRDV is exhibited and published worldwide and has received numerous international awards. Eighty architects, designers and other staff develop projects in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative design process which involves rigorous technical and creative investigation. MVRDV works with BIM and has official inhouse BREEAM and LEED assessors. Together with Delft University of Technology, MVRDV runs The Why Factory, an independent think tank and research institute providing an agenda for architecture and urbanism by envisioning the city of the future.

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