Sustainable & Green Building Vol.3

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VOL.3 Cultural ultural+Medical edical+Residence esidence 节能建筑


文化 + 医疗 + 住宅

下 ( )文 化 医 + 疗 住 + 宅

Vol.3 Cultural + Medical + Residence


& green Building

Sustainable & green Building

Dalian University of Technology Press



Dalian University of Technology Press



RESHAPING OUR BASES OF GROWTH I’m not discovering anything when I state that our buildings are still inefficient from an energy standpoint, I venture to say that there is an international consensus in this regard. On the one hand, Europe, and since the mid-90s, launched a set of Directives in order to reduce consumption, which has placed Europe as a reference, on the other hand, worldwide, all major economies, with China leading the way, are reformulating their energy base to not stifle their growth, aware that the building is one of the key parts, because it is the area that gets the bulk of demand. Throughout our careers, in Europe and beyond, we have worked to implement in the project reality and applied this new paradigm. We are impressed to perceive broadly common characteristics to this global initiative, as if beyond the cultural-historical characteristics we identify each other, there were others, common, current and full force of what means to be sustainable in the construction of the contemporary world and the future. What interests me to relation is that a major international effort of concreteness is being done to bring to reality the intentions related to energy efficiency and the respect for the environment, to consolidate a sort of shared knowledge. What is this common knowledge? Recognizing that a preamble can only be schematic, I will dare to mention those starting points that I think are most important: THE URBAN DIMENSION OF THE CONSTRUCTION: We cannot understand the buildings as independent units, subjected to its own logic as if they were isolated in themselves. We know that the basic unit is not the building but rather the neighborhood or set of buildings, open spaces and infrastructure that when linked can build up a living environment that provides a good management of the needs of the community and individuals.

bioclimatic envelope that filters and manages natural conditions in order to obtain a new and comfortable balance. The mechanical installation should work only as a complement, equipment sizing to meet the ends of the system. We know how to make buildings with much less energy demand for operating. There is nothing extraordinary in lowering the demand of 100 kWh/m2 of a standard conventional housing, up to 50 kWh/m2, without incurring a higher cost. THE BUILDINGS WILL HAVE TO PRODUCE THE ENERGY THEY CONSUME: Currently in Europe, about 40% of the energy consumed is applied to build and inhabit the buildings, so that meeting this consumption with renewable production near the point of consumption (integrated in the building itself, raised in neighborhoods decentralized production...) is a technological challenge and a substantial change in the current model. PARAMETERIZE AND EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE OF BUILDINGS: We measure the performance of buildings in order to improve them. If we do not, all can be in good intentions. Measure means first of all reaching an agreement, being able to reach an agreement among diverse sensibilities, what should be the parameters that convey, his rank and precedence. Worldwide, there are a lot of evaluation and certification systems that must adapt to the idiosyncrasies of each place and evolve over time, as the knowledge gained will discover new challenges that must satisfy, from a shared scientific basis.

ARCHITECTURE AND MACHINES: The architecture is in itself the construction of an indoor climate and some natural/artificial conditions best fitted to the expectations of our habitation. We can conceive architecture as a

Felipe Pich-Aguilera Architect, OSA (Sustainable Architecture)

序言 1 重塑发展根基 站在能源问题的立场上,我认为我们的建筑仍然是低效的。并无他意,并且冒险地说一句,这已经 是全球性的共识。一方面,自 20 世纪 90 年代中期,欧洲便出台了一系列减少能耗的指令,这也让欧洲 成为了世界的参照。另一方面,以中国为代表的世界范围内的经济大国,正在重塑其能源基础以避免阻 碍经济发展,并且意识到建筑作为能源消耗大户应在这一方面起到相当大的作用。 在我们的建筑生涯中,我们将这种新模式应用到欧洲及欧洲之外地区的实际项目中。我们惊讶地发 现在全球性的浪潮中涌现出了广泛的共同特征,好像除文化历史特征外我们仍能识别彼此,其他普遍的、 现有的、大量的力量意味着现今以及未来世界的建设将是可持续的。 让我感兴趣的是,切实可行的国际合作正在展开,希望能够提高能源效率、尊重环境并且巩固对此 类常识的掌握。 何谓此类常识?鉴于前言只能是简单扼要的,我斗胆提出我认为最重要的几点: 建筑工程的城市尺度:我们不能将建筑作为独立的单元考虑,好像它们是与外界隔离的单体,只遵 循自己的逻辑。我们所谓的基本单元并不是建筑单体,而是邻里环境,一组建筑群、开放空间与基础设施, 将其相互连接组合,为社区与居民创建更舒适的生活环境。 建筑与机械:建筑是一种对室内环境的营造,按照人们的期待去创造适宜的自然或人工环境。我们 可以将建筑看做一种生物气候学上的平衡体。而机械设备则仅仅是其中的组成部分,填补系统需求的缝隙。 我们知道如何减少运行中的能源需求。要将传统房屋的能耗由 100 kWh/m2 降至 50 kWh/m2,除 扩大投资外,再无他法。 建筑需要对其所需能源进行自供给:现如今的欧洲,约 40% 的能源消耗来自房屋的建设,因此使用 可再生能源满足能耗需求(建筑自身生产或与周边环境分散化生产)成为了建筑业的一项技术挑战与巨 大改变。 对建筑性能进行参数化设计与评估:我们对建筑性能进行评估以对其进行改善。如果我们不这样做, 那所有的一切都只是我们良好的愿景而已。 评估首先需要达成共识,而要在多样性之中达成共识,去衡量其优劣,就需要参数化的辅助。全世 界有许多评估与认证体系,它们需要适应不同的地域特征并且不断更新,因为在共同科学依据之上,人 们会不断发现并迎接新的挑战。

费丽尔 • 皮尔希 • 阿奎莱拉 OSA 建筑事务所建筑师



Resource Conservation As the population of our planet expands, enabled by the inventions of

conservation. Reduction of conditioned interior space, while still meeting

science and engineering, the earth’s once abundant and easily extracted

functional requirements, through the creation of tempered microclimates

resources such as concentrated minerals, easily obtained fuels, natural

is a transferable and valuable idea that will lead to substantial resource

forests, arable land, bountiful oceans and potable water, are being depleted;


some already to the point of exhaustion. Our biosphere is fouled.

Hand in hand with architectural programming (problem definition),

Sustainability, that is, in an environmental sense, the ability to only use

developing a deep understanding of the building site, particularly

resources at no greater rate than they can be replenished, is nearly an

climate and geography is part of, and inseparable from, developing the

impossible task, given the rate of population growth and consumption.

project concept. What does this understanding have to do with resource

Along with myriad of other environmentally impactful activities, especially

conservation? During site analysis for a headquarters building for the US

generating power and transporting people, constructing new buildings

Fish and Wildlife Service it became apparent, that the site’s proximity to the

rarely meets the strict edict of balancing use and replacement. The mere

habitat for an endangered bird, the Clapper Rail, posed a conflict between

act of digging, a normal starting point in traditional construction, is not a

the desire to maximize day lighting and the need to prevent birds from

sustainable activity and it only gets worse from there. Pouring concrete,

flying into the glass. The solution found through research was to angle

erecting steel and placing glass are all unsustainable activities using finite

the window glass to reflect the ground instead of the sky. Saving birds;

materials and energy intensive manufacturing processes.

protecting the environment.

So what are architects to do? As choreographers of the built environment,

Considered by the American Institute of Architect’s as one of America’s

we architects should look beyond politically correct labels and placating,

top 10 green buildings in 2008, the case study included here, Cesar Chavez

but less-than-forthright words (i.e. “sustainable”). We should not redefine

Library, incorporates aspects mentioned above. For example, in the desert,

well understood words to benefit manufacturers and politicians by lulling

west facing glass, typical on all symmetrical construction, adds tremendous

the well-intentioned into believing that the environment is a top priority.

heat loads to the interior. This in turn requires a substantial amount of air

Population is expanding. Potable water is disappearing. Generating power

conditioning. Our resource conserving approach was to totally eliminate

does pollute. Instead of the unobtainable and misdirected, we must offer

west windows and use the structure itself to exclude the sun. Further, at

our expertise in the pursuit of the doable; resource conservation. Resource

Cesar Chavez, in addition to task lighting, day lighting, water harvesting

conservation, an action involving slowing the depletion of resources and

and other “checklist” considerations, an understanding of non-visual

reducing the degradation of the environment to rates that consider the

aesthetic (an aesthetic based upon senses other than sight) as an important

viability of future generations, will extend our finite treasures and allow

element in resource conserving architecture led to creation of a tempered

time for technological breakthroughs to be developed (alternative energy,

microclimate as the setting for an exterior reading patio. In this case the

alternative transportation, etc.) that along with changes in human behavior

shaded area was cooled below ambient temperatures utilizing recycled

(population control, economic reforms, education, etc.) will lead to a

building exhaust air. Usable building space was added at minimal extra

sustainable future.

expense, with no environmental detriment and with maximum utility.

Line and Space, the Tucson, Arizona architecture firm, contributes to

In conclusion, we believe it is essential to instill an ethic of resource

reducing the use of resources by going beyond the normal “checklists” of

conservation among architects and engineers, to abandon misleading

sustainable thinking. Diminishing interior conditioning requirements by

terminology (such as the word “sustainability”) that when applied to

proper solar orientation and thoughtful positioning of glass, incorporating

building design lulls us into complacency, and to apply our critical thinking

non-visual aesthetic as well as the visual, recognizing the joy of bringing

and problem solving skills to conserving resources for the betterment of

the outside into a building and extending the usability of outside space

future generations. This approach will give scientists and engineers time to

through creation of tempered microclimates all play crucial roles in resource

develop environmentally sound technologies and, along with educators

conservation beyond the fundamental necessity of increasing efficiencies

and economists, develop models of living that will lead to a truly sustainable

(power, water and material choices) and educating resource users.


Interesting examples of thinking further than the checklist (i.e. LEED) include intense problem definition with clients. Often Line and Space, when setting upon the building site, spends days defining and redefining project needs and goals. How does this conserve resources? In the case of the Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center, it was decided that a large area of planned conditioned interior space, the heart of the building dedicated to exhibits and encouraging land stewardship, could be located in outside pavilions, where the climate has been slightly and economically modified to extend its usability well beyond the norm, thus saving tremendous amounts of energy over the life of the facility. Clearly this demonstrates a message of

Les Wallach Line and Space, LLC, FAIA

序言 2 资源保护 地球人口急剧增长,科技发明越来越多,那些曾经储量丰富易于采集的资源如浓缩矿物质、燃料、天然森林、耕地、 大洋与饮用水等都日益匮乏,有些甚至到了枯竭的边缘。我们的生物圈被污染了。 可持续性,从环境的角度来说,是一种资源使用速率低于其再生成速率的能力,然而考虑到人口的增长与消费水平, 这几乎是个不可能完成的任务。与其他能够对环境造成巨大影响的人类活动如发电、交通运输等类似,房屋建设也很难满 足平衡资源使用与再生的严格条件。常规工程的出发点——小范围挖掘,并不具有可持续性而且是环境恶化的源头。浇灌 混凝土、架设钢材、装玻璃等,这些都是使用有限材料的能源密集型生产过程,是非可持续性的活动。 因此,我们建筑师该做些什么?作为人工环境的缔造者,建筑师应该抛开政治立场或者中庸之道的模糊性词语 ( 例如 “可持续性”)。建筑师不该重新定义那些通俗易懂的词语以使开发商或者政治家从中获益,不能阻碍人们将环境作为当 务之急。人口急剧增长,饮用水在不断枯竭,发电会带来污染。我们必须将专业知识应用到对可开采资源的保护中而非那 些不可利用资源。资源保护,一项减缓资源消耗与环境退化速率而为子孙后代考虑的措施,会拓展我们有限的资源,给我 们留出足够的时间随着人类行为的变化(人口数量、经济形态、教育等)实现技术突破(替代能源、替代交通等),去创 造一个永续性的未来。 美国亚利桑那州图森市的 Line and Space 建筑事务所,致力于可持续性设计以减少资源消耗。通过适当的建筑朝向、 窗户位置、视觉与非视觉的美学设计以及将室外空间引入室内以创建舒适微气候等多种方式减少室内的设备需求。这些都 是除设置高能效基础设施(电力、水源与材料)与教育资源使用者之外的最有效措施。 周密程度超越相关标准(如 LEED 绿色建筑评估体系)的案例还包括与甲方之间的博弈。Line and Space 建筑事务 所常常在用地中花费大量时间,定义或重新定义项目需求与目标。这样如何保护资源呢?在红峡谷游客中心的案例中,原 规划的中心室内空间装有空调设备,用作展示与管理,但为在运行期间更多地节约能源,这些空间被移至外部展馆中,那 里的环境条件已被改善,具有超越当地标准的舒适性,因此在设备的使用寿命期内节约了大量能源。这便是资源保护的典 型案例。在能够满足功能需要的条件下减少配备空调系统的室内空间数量,使用创造性的方法塑造舒适环境可以节约大量 资源。 与建筑策划一样(提出问题),对基地的深入理解,尤其是对特定气候与地形的分析是项目理念不可分割的一部分。 这些理解与资源保护有什么关系呢?美国野生动物局总部大楼设计的场地分析即是一例。大楼毗邻濒危野生动物长嘴秧鸡 的栖息地,矛盾由此产生,建筑既需要最大面积接收自然光,又要防止鸟飞入窗户。最终,大楼将开窗角度进行调整,使 其能够反射地面而非天空,这样既保护了鸟类又保护了环境。 塞萨查维斯图书馆是美国建筑师协会认证的 2008 年全美前十个绿色建筑之一,也是一个很好的案例。建筑在沙漠中 西立面开窗,尤其是对称式结构,会为室内带来大量热量,也因此需要大量空调设备。我们的资源保护方法即避免西向开 窗,利用结构自身进行遮阳。除此之外,该图书馆不仅使用工作照明、自然照明、水回收以及其他规定事项,还使用了一 些非视觉美学(以感觉而非视觉为基础的美学)作为资源保护型建筑的要素,为室外的阅读平台提供宜人的微气候。在这 个项目中,遮阳区温度低于使用回收废气的室内温度。用最少的额外费用建造加建的使用空间,用最小的环境破坏得到最 大的使用价值。 因此,将这种基本理念渗透给建筑师与工程师具有相当的必要性,使人们摒弃具有误导性的术语(如:可持续性), 避免我们在建筑设计中自鸣得意,而是进行批判性思考去解决资源保护的问题,造福子孙。这样可以给科学家与工程师留 出时间研发环境友好型的技术,而教育学家与经济学家则可以发展新的生活模式以达到真正的可持续性生态。

莱斯 • 瓦拉赫 Line and Space 建筑事务所,美国建筑师协会会员



Sensible Sustainability Every year that passes, humanity exerts more and more

other into account beyond the need to adapt his reality to

pressure on the planet. However true theories about global

allow for the other’s existence. It is not possible to get to zero

warming might be, it does seems clear that the rising

consumption with this approach. In other words, generally,

tendency of CO2 emissions can’t lead us to anything good.

the building designed in this manner is a complete energy

Furthermore, it can drive us towards a total environmental and

disaster. 95% of our buildings are designed this way. We could

vital disaster.

have a building that has very efficient elements when analysed

Approximately 40% of total CO 2 atmospheric emissions can be put down to buildings. Contrary to what happens

independently, but that is a total disaster when considered as a whole.

with transport or industry, nearly all emissions produced by

A new paradigm is required. A new way must be sought to

buildings can be directly and easily avoided. The European

confront architecture, by high profile multidisciplinary teams,

Union is clear on this and has published its 2010/31 Directive

working under a same roof, where qualifications are of little

on energy performance of buildings which states that new

importance and knowledge is what counts. In Anglo-Saxon

buildings or those undergoing major renovations must be

countries they long ago understood that that was where the

energy neutral (near zero consumption) by the year 2018. A

problem laid. Design experts worked together with, and from

true challenge.

the beginning, experts in energy, structural systems, acoustics,

Interestingly, the bulk of the building industry, formed, in the first place, by its developers and then by the majority of its designers (architects and engineers), its executers (builders and fitters) and suppliers (auxiliary industry) haven’t got the faintest idea, at least in Spain, of how to achieve what the regulation is already setting as mandatory in just a few years. The reason for such ignorance is none other than the lack of comprehensive training in all the fields involved, including architecture and engineering. And this is far from new and therefore, if it is to be corrected, it’s going to need a relatively long time. Additionally, they each have expertise independent from one another. Architects don’t know enough about energy whilst engineers don’t know enough about building. The Spanish architectural design model has been based on studios filled entirely by architects. Even the most prestigious studios with great projects on their portfolio have had a

materials, chemistry, ecology and biology, all of which were highly specialized in building and therefore, with great knowledge in the fields of others. This is the only way in which the designed entity, whether it be a building, neighbourhood or city, will truly be a complex organism that will make the most of the possibilities in its surrounding environment. This is the only way the building will behave really making the most of all its components, which as a matter of fact, don’t have to necessarily be hi-tech or very expensive. They just have to get along with each other. The technology of the elements is replaced by intelligence when bringing those parts together. The building will cease fighting itself and will go on to be a true organism working quietly and harmoniously. That is sensible sustainability, which doesn’t have to cost more. On the contrary, it will cost less, and it should lead us realistically towards having zero consumption buildings.

structure based solely and exclusively on architects, without any other professionals on staff with knowledge of any other subject. Therefore, the designs that have resulted from these studios have been based on the addition of specialities or the global concept. The architect designs the building and the engineer adds the building services. Neither one takes the

Antonio Villanueva Director of the Group of sustainability and energy efficiency in IDOM

序言 3 明智合理的可持续性 这些年来,人类不断给地球施加压力。然而关于全球变暖的相关理论表明, 二氧化碳排放量的持续增长对我们有害无益,并将给我们带来重大生态环境灾难。 约 40% 的二氧化碳排放来源于建筑。与交通、工业排放不同,几乎所有建筑 排放的二氧化碳都可以避免。欧盟对此十分清楚,并且出台了 2010/31 号条例, 规定建筑的能源要求。条例规定:至 2018 年,所有新建与在建房屋都需达到能源 中性(即接近零耗能)。这着实是一项挑战。 有趣的是,大部分建筑工程从开发商到主体设计师(建筑师与工程师)、施 工人员(建筑工与装配工)和供应商(辅助工业),都没有想出好的方式在短短几 年内达到条例的规定,至少在西班牙是如此。这方面的缺失源于缺少相关领域的综 合培训,包括建筑与工程。而在这个新兴的范畴,若要使其得到纠正则需要相当长 的时间。除此之外,不同领域之间相知甚少。建筑师对于能源不够了解,工程师对 于建筑亦是如此。 西班牙的建筑事务所前身均为完全由建筑师组成的工作室,即使那些做过许 多大项目的著名事务所也完全由建筑师组成,几乎没有其他领域的专业人士。因此, 出自这些事务所的建筑作品往往融合专业与整体的意见。建筑师完成设计而工程师 添加设备。双方都不会考虑到彼此,而又不得不接受对方的存在。这样的运作方式 是不可能达到零耗能的。换言之,这种方式只会带来能源灾难。而 95% 的建筑是 这样建成的。我们的建筑局部分析都具有良好的能源效率,然而整体分析则一无是 处。 我们需要一种新模式,一种可以缓解建筑业尴尬处境的新模式。我们需要综 合性的工作小组相互合作,看重知识而非所谓的资格认证。在盎格鲁撒克逊时代的 国家,他们早已发觉了问题所在。专业的设计师从项目之初便与能源、结构、声学、 材料、化学、生态学与生物学等领域的专家合作,涉猎其他领域的知识。这可以说 是建筑单体、建筑群与城市设计可以真正成为一个综合有机体的唯一方法,使其更 好地适应周围环境。这也是建筑中各部分能够高效配合的唯一方法,不需要高科技 或者高造价。各部分只需相互配合,而这种配合所需要的智慧取代了高技术的必要 性。建筑将不再自相矛盾而成为可以安静有序运转的真正有机体。这便是明智合理 的可持续性,不会花费大量金钱。相反,它会节约资金并带领我们走向零耗能建筑 的时代。

安东尼奥 • 维拉纽瓦 IDOM 建筑事务所可持续和节能团队主管



medical 医疗


14 University of Aberdeen New Library

74 Grand Rapids Art Museum 大急流城艺术博物馆


Enzo Ferrari Museum

Hopital Klinikum Klagenfurt

慕尼黑 Gienger 陈列室

40 Cesar Chavez Library

奥地利克拉根福 Klinikum 医院

100 The Hive

50 Vennesla Library and Culture House

146 Akershus University Hospital

伍斯特 hive 图书馆



92 Ener[gie]nger

恩佐 • 法拉利博物馆

University Hospital Sant Joan de Reus 雷乌斯圣约翰医院





112 EDF Archives Center 法国电力公司档案中心

164 Vlietland Hospital Vlietland 医院


64 Seinäjoki Library


178 Emergency Call Management Center – 112 Building 突发事件应急管理中心——112 大楼


190 Assuta Medical Center


The Iréne Joliot Curie Residence 艾琳 • 约里奥 • 居里住宅

294 Millennium Hall 千禧堂



Paisano Green Community 同伴绿色社区

302 Athletes Village 东伦敦运动员村



202 Basket Apartments in Paris


258 Hybrid House

Social Housing, Las Retamas Train Station

Las Retamas 火车站社会福利住宅

Echo-Housings Vallecas 48



312 马德里 Vallecas 48 生态住宅区

266 Universiti Housing in Girona

320 Veilige Veste

Veilige Veste 避难所


INDEX 230 Apartment Building on the Harbor 海港公寓大楼

278 B3BC

巴黎 B3BC 住宅区



cultural 文化



niversity of Aberdeen New Library

| Architect | schmidt hammer lassen architects

| Landscape Architect | schmidt hammer lassen architects

| client | University of Aberdeen

| Location | Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

| engineer | Arup & Partners Ltd.

| area | 15,500 m2

| Quantity Surveyors | Davis Langdon LLP

| photographer | Adam Mørk

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Highly efficient facade with insulated panels and high performance glazing • 带有隔热板和高性能玻璃的高效节能表皮 The library accommodates 1,200 reading spaces alongside archives,

the building’s electricity requirements. A water recycling system will be

historical collections and a rare books reading room. The library will

utilised to collect and store rainfall from the roof. The rain water will be

be positioned on a base of Scottish stone, and it is designed to be

recycled for use in lavatories. A green displacement ventilation system

welcoming. The ground floor with lounge and café areas will host regular

will be used to save energy.

exhibitions, seminars and poetry readings. The atrium’s vast spiraling volume connects all eight storeys, and with its sweeping contours and organic form, this space contrasts with the clean cut exterior profile.


System pressure drops are much lower than in conventional fan coil unit systems, and this permits the use of far smaller fans to circulate air through the system. Temperature stratification allows for the

The building is designed to minimize long term running costs and

conditioning of the occupied zone only, and in this way energy is not

energy use. Consisting of an irregular pattern of insulated panels and

wasted in conditioning the unoccupied zone directly beneath the

high performance glazing, the facade will shimmer during the day

ceiling. The university is developing a traffic plan with an emphasis

and glow softly at night, creating a luminous landmark for Aberdeen.

on sustainability. This will generally encourage the use of sustainable

Aberdeen University New Library will be both a meeting place and a

transport systems rather than cars – for example cycling and buses.

cultural center for the University and the wider Aberdeen community.

Facilities such as showers for staff cycling to work will be provided.

Photovoltaic cells are to be located on the roof and will supplement



Site plan 1:5000 1. New library 2. Secret garden 3. Amphitheatre / Library garden 4. Public square 5. Fraser Noble building 6. Meston building 7. Central refectory, “Hub� 8. Town House 9. New Kings 10. Chapel 11. Kings College, sports ground 12. University office

Elevation south 1:750 1. Academic Plaza 2. Amphitheatre/Library garden 3. Main entrance

Elevation west 1:750 1. Library 2. Secret garden 3. Library garden



on aa 1:750

ary ary garden phitheatre ibition area hive um

ret garden servation suite ading room

这座图书馆共有 1200 个阅读空间,有档案室、史料收藏室和一间稀有图书阅览室。图书馆的基座采用苏格兰石材,其设计很受 大家欢迎。底层设置了休息室和咖啡馆,也可举办定期的展览、讲演和诗朗诵等活动。中庭巨大的螺旋形共享空间贯通了八层,其有 机的形式与外表简洁的轮廓形成了鲜明对比。 建筑设计旨在减少长期运行成本和能源损耗。绝缘嵌板和高性能玻璃组成的不规则图案的外表皮,白天反射阳光熠熠生辉,夜间 则透出柔和的光亮,成为阿伯丁地区闪闪发光的标志。阿伯丁大学新图书馆将成为大学本身和更广泛的阿伯丁地区的聚集地和文化中心。 屋顶安装有光伏电池以满足建筑的用电需求。使用一套水循环系统收集和储存屋顶的雨水,这些雨水将在卫生间得到再利用。利 用一套绿色置换通风系统以节约能源。

Section bb 1:750 1. Library

这一系统的压力损失远低于常规的风机盘管装置,也可以使空气循环系统中的风扇体积降至最小。温度分层可以使空调只在实用 2. Public area

3. Main entrance 区域工作,避免了天花板下方无人区的能源浪费。阿伯丁大学正在开发一种可持续的交通规划模式,这也可以鼓励可持续性交通工具 4. Exhibition area

的使用——自行车与公交车代替私家车。同时为骑自行车上下班的员工提供了淋浴室等设施。 5. Reading room 6. Atrium

Section aa 1:750

Section bb 1:750

1. Library 2. Library garden 3. Amphitheatre 4. Exhibition area 5. Archive 6. Atrium 7. Lifts 8. Secret garden 9. Conservation suite 10. Reading room

1. Library 2. Public area 3. Main entrance 4. Exhibition area 5. Reading room 6. Atrium




Ground floor 1:750

Ground floor 1:750

1. Entrance 1. Entrance 2. Foyer 2. Foyer 3. Café 3. Café 4. Exhibition area 4. Exhibition area 5. Print shop 5. Print shop 6. Control Point 6. Control Point 7. Lifts 7. Lifts 8. Stairs 8. Stairs 9. Toilets 9. Toilets


Level 02 1:750 1. Study space 2. Seminar room 3. Work room 4. Group study space 5. Office 6. Atrium 7. Lifts 8. Stairs 9. Toilets 10. Information




Level 06 1:750 1. General library 2. Quiet area 3. Work room 4. Group study space 5. Office 6. Atrium 7. Lifts 8. Stairs 9. Toilets


恩佐 • 法拉利博物馆

nzo Ferrari Museum Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • The utilization of the solar gains from facades and skylights

• AHU with high efficiency regenerative heat exchanger

• 通过表皮和天窗获得日光

• Night free cooling and natural ventilation

• Geothermal energy

• 带有高效再生式热交换器的空气处理机组 • 晚上建筑自然冷却和自然通风

• 地热能源

• Photovoltaic technology and water recycling systems

• High thermal insulation • 高度热绝缘

• 光伏技术和水循环系统


The sculpted yellow aluminium roof with its ten incisions – intentionally

pane is supported by pre-tensioned steel cables and is able to withstand

analogous to those air intake vents on the bonnet of a car – allows for

40 tonnes of pressure. The technical specification of these panes and

natural ventilation and day lighting, and both celebrates and expresses

cables means that greater transparency in the facade is achieved with

the aesthetic values of car design. With its 3,300 square metres of double-

maximum functionality. In the summer months a thermo-sensor activates

curved aluminium, the roof is the first application of aluminium in this way

the windows in the facade and roof allowing cool air to circulate. With 50%

on such a large scale.

of the internal volume of the main exhibition building set below ground

The views out of the new exhibition building dramatically frame the house and workshop, while views from outside the house and workshop immediately reveal the function and content of the new exhibition building.

level, geothermal energy is used to heat and cool the building. It is the first museum building in Italy to use geothermal energy. The building also employs photovoltaic technology and water recycling systems. Visitors entering the new building have uninterrupted views into the entire

The glass facade is curved in plan and tilts at an angle of 12.5 degrees. Each

exhibition space: a large, open, white room, where the walls and floor transition lightly into one another and are perceived as a single surface.

| Architect | Jan Kaplický (Future Systems), Andrea Morgante (Shiro Studio)

| Competition Team | Jan Kaplický, Andrea Morgante, Liz Middleton, Federico Celoni

| Art Direction | Andrea Morgante (Shiro Studio) (2009-2012)

| Enzo Ferrari House Exhibition design | Andrea Morgante (Shiro Studio)

| Firm | Shiro Studio

| Project Team | Andrea Morgante, Søren Aagaard, Oriana Cremella, Chris Geneste, Cristina Greco, Clancy Meyers, Liz Middleton, Itai Palti, Filippo Previtali, Daria Trovato(Preliminary, Detailed, Construction) (2005-2007)

| Gallery Exhibition Design | Jan Kaplický (Future Systems), Andrea Morgante (Shiro Studio)

| Location | Modena, Italy

| Client | Fondazione Casa Natale Enzo Ferrari

| Area | 2 10,600 m





31 独具雕塑感的黄色铝制屋顶带有十条切口—— 作用等同于汽车引擎盖上的排气孔,使自然光与自 然风能够进入室内,更好地表现汽车设计的美学价 值。这个 3300 平方米的双曲线铝制屋顶是如此大 面积的铝制材料在建筑中的首次应用。 向外看去,展馆外的景色同建筑一起形成梦幻 的框景效果;同时,从外部看,建筑的造型又很好 地展现了其内部功能。 玻璃表皮有组织地卷曲,形成 12.5 度的倾斜 角度。每一块玻璃都采用预拉伸钢索结构,可以承 受 40 吨的荷载。这种玻璃表皮的技术规格使建筑 表面达到更高的透明度以满足其功能需求。在夏季, 热敏元件使表面玻璃与屋顶进行冷空气循环。由于 主展馆 50% 的室内空间位于地面层以下,建筑可 以使用地热能完成室内的温度调控。这是意大利首 座利用地热能的博物馆。建筑同时采用了光伏技术 与水循环系统。 博物馆入口处形成一个大而开敞的白色空 间——墙体与地面微妙地相互转化,给人以一体化 的感受,使参观者进入建筑时可以获得连续的视觉 效果。



Gallery ground flooR 34

Gallery basement floor



Ferrari House ground floor


Ferrari House first floor



C 40


esar Chavez Library

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Energy saving materials

• Earth integration

• 节能材料

• 与地面一体来绝热

• Efficient rainwater collection system

• Natural daylighting, Tempered microclimates

• 高效的雨水回收系统

• 自然光和具有调节作用的微气候

• Proper solar orientation and shading of glass and building walls

• High efficiency HVAC systems

• 完美的朝向设置和玻璃与墙体遮阳

• 高效的暖通空调系统

Located adjacent to an existing lake in a public park, the Library is designed to serve

large overhang coupled with reuse of building exhaust air provides a tempered

40,000 visitors per month within one of the fastest growing areas of Phoenix, the

microclimate in the outdoor reading patio. Concrete masonry, steel and aluminum

Village of Laveen.

were selected for their clean appearance, durability, low maintenance, ability to be

Reflecting the geometry of the adjacent lake, the arced form of the Library is pushed into an existing earth mound, quietly integrating it into the public parkscape. Through appropriate orientation, glazing at the north and south of the building

recycled and local availability. These materials together with the open plan design allows for long-term flexibility and adaptability over time, increasing the service life of the project.

allows natural daylight to fill interior space. Overhangs extend the usability of

All rainwater from the 3,437 square meters roof is collected and stored in the

outdoor spaces by providing shade over seating and gathering areas as well as a

adjacent lake for use in park and landscape irrigation. The high-efficiency

zone of thermal and visual transition from the hot, bright exterior to interior space.

mechanical system is controlled by an automated energy management system

Day lighting in public and staff areas minimizes the use of conventional lighting and provides occupants with a connection to the surrounding outdoors. A

(EMS) and contains no CFC-refrigerants. In addition to recycling, carpooling and bicycling programs, the Library features an environmental education program that demonstrates how the design of the Library responds to its environment.

| Architect | Line and Space, LLC | Project Team | Les Wallach, FAIA , Henry Tom, AIA, NCARB , Johnny Birkinbine, AIA , Manny Kropf, RA, Mike Anglin, AIA, LEED AP, Jennifer DaRos | Client | The City of Phoenix | location | Phoenix, Arizona, USA | area | 2,322.58 m2 | Photographer | Bill Timmerman, Henry Tom, AIA, NCARB, Les Wallach, FAIA


42 42

views 视野

Noise 噪音

site section diagram 基地剖面图

Shade is crucial 遮阳很重要

Indoor 室内

Outdoor 室外

Adjustable spot diffuser 可调节的点扩散器

Plenum with in-line transfer fan



tempered microclimate 具有调节作用的微气候

Normally exhausted air 正常排出的气体 Harvested and recycled to temper outdoor reading patio 收集并回收用以调节室外阅读天台的温度

Desert museum palo verdes 沙漠博物馆绿皮树

Condensate from mechanical units 机械装置的冷凝物

Distribution: 4” perforated pipe Manifold 歧管

分流:10.16cm 穿孔管道

Water harvesting (direct irrigation)

water harvesting(direct irrigation) 水回收 ( 直接灌溉 )


建筑选址于公园内的人工湖旁,每月接待 4 万名读者,主要服务于凤凰城内最活跃的拉文地区。 为与湖泊形态相呼应,图书馆的弧线造型与现存的土丘相结合,自然地与公园景色融为一体。

Rain: annual 12” - 15”


雨水:年度 12”— 15”


Monsoon rate 1” - 4” per hour


季度比例 1”— 4”每小时


Duration 1 minute to 1 hour 时长 1 分钟至 1 小时

的可能。巨大的挑檐与建筑废气的再利用,为室外的阅读露台创设了温和的微气候。由于外观简洁、 耐久性好、维护成本低、可回收利用以及便于就地取材,建筑采用混凝土砌块与钢、铝材质。材料

Gutter 排水沟




3437 平方米的屋顶收集到的雨水都被储存在旁边的湖中,用于公园景观的灌溉。这套高效的 机械设备由一套自动能源管理系统(EMS)控制,并采用无氟制冷。除支持循环利用、汽车共乘及 自行车推广外,图书馆还会举办环保科普活动,向人们介绍图书馆的设计如何达到建筑与环境的相 Water free falls from roof gutter to splash basin To plants




Water in basin overflows to existing lake 盆地水溢出到原有的湖里

Irrigation system draws water from lake 灌溉系统从湖里取水

Water harvesting (roof top rainwater)

water harvesting(roof 水回收(屋顶雨水)

top rainwater)


Concept Site Plan







伍斯特 Hive 图书馆

he Hive

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Energy saving materials • 节能材料

• Efficient and compact architectural form • 高效的紧凑建筑形式

• Local heating and water use • 当地热能和水资源利用

The Hive, Worcester North East Elevation


| Architect | Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

The Hive is a beacon for learning, forming a key part of Worcester’s river frontage, highly visible from the

| Developer | Galliford Try Investments

Royal Worcester kilns which, with the Cathedral, once dominated the city’s skyline.

| Main Contractor | Galliford Try Construction | Environmental Engineer | Max Fordham Partnership | Landscape Architect | Grant Associates

rising ground to the south and west. The roofline echoes the profile of the Malvern Hills and recalls the

The iconic roof “funnels” are as fundamental to the interior of the building as they are to its external appearance, providing natural light and ventilation to the heart of the deep floor plates. The cladding of gold shingles reflects the rich palette of colors and materials which characterize the city center – the red and gold of brick, terracotta and stone embellished with gilded filigree and finely decorated encaustic tiles. The Hive accommodates a fully integrated public and University library, the County Archive, the County Archaeology Service and a “one stop shop” for the Local Authority.

| Structural Engineer | Hyder

The surrounding open spaces surrounding the Hive combine high quality hard landscape and planting,

| Structural Engineer for solid laminated timber | Atelier One

elements of landscape which predate the spread of the city beyond its medieval walls.

| Cost Consultant | Davis Langdon

energy and environmental impact and the building form has evolved to maximize the use of daylight and

| Access Consultant | All Clear

River Severn.

drawing on the history and ecology of the setting, providing a valuable new ecosystem and recreating

Sustainability has been central to the design process; materials have been selected to minimize embodied natural ventilation. Heating uses locally sourced biomass and cooling comes from water from the nearby

The Hive has achieved BREEAM Outstanding.


The Hive, Worcester Section B 1 to 400 @ A3 0








The Hive, Worcester Section F 1 to 400 @ A3 0






Hive 图书馆是一座学习的灯塔,是伍斯特河岸的重要组成部分,从南 侧与西侧的高地上清晰可见。图书馆的屋顶形态与莫尔文丘陵的轮廓相呼 The Hive, Worcester North Elevation 1 应,同时也使人回忆起伍斯特的皇家窑场,它曾与伍斯特大教堂一同作为城 to 200 @ A3 0

2 4 8 10 6 市天际线的引领者。

服务部以及当地政府的一站式服务点。 图书馆周围的开敞空间设计有高品质的硬质景观与植物,利用当地的 历史与生态环境创造出一个有价值的新型生态系统与景观设计的可再创作 元素——一些先于城中中世纪城墙的元素。







饰有镀金工艺的石材以及具有极高装饰效果的烧彩砖瓦。 Hive 图书馆容纳了一个完整的公共与大学图书馆、郡档案馆、郡考古

Hive 图书馆已获得英国 BREEAM 杰出奖认证。


The Hive, Worcester South East Elevation 1 to 200 @ A3 0



The Hive, Worcester







Ground Floor Plan The Hive, Worcester Ground Floor Plan 1 to 400 @ A3 0








The Hive, Worcester



First Floor Plan


First Floor Plan 1 to 400 @ A3










Second Floor Plan The Hive, Worcester





Second Floor Plan 1 to 400 @ A3








Third Floor Plan The Hive, Worcester Third Floor Plan 1 to 400 @ A3

medical 医疗

| Architect | Felipe Pich-Aguilera Baurier and Teresa Batlle Pagès (Equip Arquitectura PichAguilera), Mario Corea and Luis Morán (Corea-Moran Arquitectos) | firm | PichArchitects

| Group Responsible | Angel Sendarrubias, Xavi Milanes, Pau Casaldàliga | Project Responsible | Jordi Paris | contractor | UTE Hospital in Reus (Dragados-Abantia)

| location | Reus, Spain | area | 86,013 m2 | Photographer | Adrià Goula




niversity Hospital Sant Joan de Reus

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Energy saving facilities like geothermal, solar fields, etc. • 地热、太阳能场等节能设施

The building is implanted in a horizontal bar with two basements and a

The hospital is seen as a great system that organizes service subsystems.

ground floor. It is situated on a comb of 6 admission bars of two floors

The public, medical and technical needs are ranked and connected


by circulations that form a sequence that defines restrictions on the

The north facade supports one of the fast access roads to the city by

accessibility, clarifying the circuits and avoiding interferences.

some cantilevered bodies that house the hospital. The focus of public

The architecture is also an infrastructure capable of producing directly the

service hospital, is oriented to south and is conceived as a great avenue,

weather and lighting to its inner life.

transitional space between the exterior and interior.

The new Sant Joan Hospital is a building designed to provide a

The project aims to modulate the scale of a large hospital equipment,

contemporary response to the hospital program, takes special care in the

from urban scale characteristic of the access areas and public circulation

comfort of the patient and the staff who have to use it, and responds to

until the proper scale of hospitalization, with their need for proximity

the needs of eco-efficiency by decreasing energy consumption by 35%

and withdrawal. In this sense the public area is both functional and

respect the average consumption of a hospital.

climatically, as if it were a covered street and the area of inpatient grouping around three landscaped courtyards, where the rooms are oriented to, trying to humanize the life of this area .

This was achieved without using large active energy saving facilities (geothermal, solar fields, etc.) that would have further increased the levels of savings.


Longitudinal section 1

Longitudinal section 1

Longitudinal section 2

Longitudinal section 2








A VN VC 123



A 2







CO 2 = 0





V OM M mediterráneo_I invierno_V verano_EST energía solar térmica_IN iluminación natural_EI espacio intermedio_A aislamiento_IT intercia térmica_AEI alta eficiencia instalaciones_D domótica_E emisiones_E energía geotérmica_HE huella ecológica_IV incorporación vegetación_AAL Almacenamiento aguas lluvia_IED industrialización ensamblaje-desensamblaje_MR materiales reciclados_OM optimización materiales_RAG reciclaje aguas grises_RAN reciclaje aguas negras_T termodinámica_FV fachada ventilada_SR suelo radiante_PS protección solar_VN ventilación natural_VC ventilación cruzada




12000 10000




T CO 2 /year




8000 6000 4000

8000000 TOTAL CONSUME 2 163Kwh/m year








建筑呈水平条状,附设地下室与入口层空间,主体为六座双层的水平体量。 建筑北立面靠近城市快速路,设置了病房的水平条状体量悬挑于道路上方。建筑设计的 重点为南立面,希望创设一条林荫道,形成室内外的过渡空间。 建筑设计考虑了方便进出的需求,从入口与公共流通空间的城市尺度到住院部的亲人尺 度,以调节大型医疗建筑的尺度感。从这个层面上说,建筑公共区包含功能与气候两方面, 它们好似有遮挡的街道空间,使患者可以在三个景观庭院周围交流活动,每个病房都面向该 空间以使整个医院更具人性化。 医院如一个包含许多子系统的大型系统。公共空间、医疗空间与机械空间均根据一定序 列布置与连接,便于规定其准入性、净化流线并避免人流交叉。 该建筑同时可以调节自身微环境,并提供内部照明。 这座新建的圣约翰医院成为了当代医疗建筑的新尝试,关注患者与工作人员的使用舒适 性,并且响应环保理念,节约了普通医院建筑所需能源的 35%。 这些都是在没有使用大型节能设备(地热、太阳能等)的基础上实现的,这样可以进一 步节约能源。




Ground floor

Ground floor


First floor


-2 floor

-2 floor


-1 floor

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Energy saving heating and cooling system • 节能的制冷加热系统

• Compact building structure, very good thermal insulation of the outer shell and optimized building technology systems • 紧凑的建筑结构,外壳的优良隔热性,优化的建筑科技系统

• External shading and energy saving lighting systems • 节能的外部遮阳及照明系统



奥地利克拉根福 Klinikum 医院

opital Klinikum Klagenfurt The architectural concept is an important part of this modern definition of a hospital. The flat, two-storey building fits well into the landscape on a site where the wetlands of the Glan River close off the land to the north.

| Architect | Dietmar Feichtinger Architects | client | Kabeg | Location | Klagenfurt, Austria

| area | 127,000 m2 | Photographer | Hertha Hurnaus, Foto Horst, Gisela Erlacher, Wolfgang Thaler

the accommodation and medical wards. Established in 2005, the “ Green Building ” certification by the European Commission aims at improving the energy efficiency of buildings in the EU. In order to be certified the building must

As a refreshing and straight-forward design proposal, the design

demonstrate energy savings (heating and cooling) of more than

for LKH Klagenfurt was chosen as the winner out of a two-

25% below the minimum values of the OIB (Austrian Institute for

stage design competition. The flat, low-lying structure merges

Building Technology) Directive 6. The building is distinguished by

easily with the low and heterogeneous urban surroundings of

its compact building structure, very good thermal insulation of the

Klagenfurt. At the north side of the complex lays the floodplain

outer shell and optimized building technology systems with heat

of the river Glan. This scenic green space provides a filter

recovery. The low cooling demand was controlled centrally and

between the urban space of the city and the hospital grounds.

reached by movable external shading and energy-saving lighting

The horizontal division of the façade and the tiered structure

systems. The heating requirement of the building is 36 percent

of the form combine to further integrate the complex into the

and the cooling demand 41 percent below the required values of

landscape. The comb-like organization of the buildings provides a

the OIB guidelines.

strong visual relationship to the surrounding green areas for both






建筑设计的概念是该医院定义其现代特征的重要组成部分。建筑选址于北部地 块以格兰河湿地隔开,两层的扁平建筑体量很好地融入了它的基地环境。 因为其全新及明确的设计概念,克拉根福的设计在两轮的设计竞赛中脱颖而出。 平坦又低矮的建筑形式和克拉根福低洼起伏的城市环境很好地融合在了一起。医院 的北侧是格兰河的河漫滩。优美的绿色空间成了从城市到医院的过渡区。建筑外形 的水平划分和分层的形式感更有利于场地和建筑间的整合。酷似梳子的建筑布局形 式为住区和病房创造了可以望向周围绿地的良好视觉环境。 “绿色建筑”认证成立于 2005 年,由欧洲委员会颁发,其目标在于提高欧盟 国家建筑的能源利用效率。为了获得该认证,建筑节能(在采暖和制冷方面)指数 必须高于 OIB(奥地利建筑科技研究所)6 号指标最小值的 25%。通过可移动的外 部遮阳及节能照明系统,集中控制低温冷却需求并实现该需求。中央式的制冷系统 制冷范围甚至可以达到活动的外部遮阳板和节能照明系统。建筑的采暖能耗和制冷 能耗分别低于 OIB 要求的 36% 和 41%。









Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Locally sourced and recyclable materials, geothermal energy • 当地材料、可回收材料和地热能源

• Renewable energy by a ground-heat exchange system and thermal storage capacity in the bedrock • 地下热交换系统和基岩的热量储存提供可再生能源




kershus University Hospital | Architect | C. F. Møller Architects

| area | 137,000 m2

| client | Helse Sør-Øst RHF

| PHOTOGRAPHER | Torben Eskerod, Guri Dahl, C. F. Møller Architects


The Akershus University Hospital just outside Oslo is not a traditional institutional construction; it is a friendly, informal place with open and well-structured surroundings. These surroundings present a welcoming aspect to patients and their families. And Akershus University Hospital has been designed to emphasise security and clarity in experientially rich surroundings, where everyday functions and wellknown materials are integrated into the hospital’s structure. The Akershus University Hospital is a highly sustainable design, making use of locally sourced materials, and geothermal energy to provide 85% of the hospital’s heating and more than 40% of the total energy consumption. Short distances between functions, a clear organisation and extensive use of modern technology including robotics give staff more time for patients. The total energy consumption of the hospital is approx. 20 GWh/year, similar to the

consumption of 1,300 single family houses. The use of renewable energy is based on a ground-heat exchange system, combined with thermal storage capacity in the bedrock, where surplus heat (for instance from solar gain, people, technical equipment, cooling and ventilation plants) can be stored in 350 energy wells drilled to a depth of 200 m. The plant is among the largest installations of its kind in Europe, and it generates 85% of the energy used for heating, and covers over 40% of the total energy consumption in the hospital, including cooling. This reduces CO2 emissions by over 50% compared to the former hospitals’ performance. In the construction phase, very high priority was given to reduce waste and recycle materials, as well as reducing the energy consumption in the construction process.

148 148




阳能、人体、技术设备、降温与通风厂房等产生的余热)被储存在 350 个地下 200



见的材料融入建筑结构之中。 医院具有高水平的可持续性设计,充分利用当地的材料,同时利用地热满足医 院 85% 的供暖需求和高于 40% 的总能耗。不同功能间短距相连,现代科技包括机 器人技术在内的良好组织与广泛应用让医院员工有更多的时间为患者服务。 医院的总能耗约为每年 20 千兆瓦时,等同于 1300 户独立式住宅一年的能耗。

这一装置是欧洲同类设施中最大的一个,能够产生医院供暖所需 85% 的能量, 同时提供了包含制冷在内的总能耗的 40%。医院的二氧化碳减排量比传统医院高 50%。 在建设阶段,减少资源浪费与材料循环使用以及减少能耗均被优先考虑。




Bed wards

Children’s ward


Emergencies Treatment

Parking Entrance/ Auditorium







Hot water




Bedrock Surplus energy from technical equipment

Borehole thermal energy storage system Geothermal heat source



Facade section detail treatment building 1

Window cleaning system Standing seam flashing, slop 1:20 15x135 m opening for air circulation 2 mm perforated aluminium flashing with netting Rubber backing rod Parapet attached to column HUP 180x180


Parapet attached to column Steel prepared for curtain wall Bituminous roofing membrane 250-400 mm load bearing thermal insulation Load distributing steel plate Plastic vapor barrier 0,2 mm TRP 111 deck


HUP 180x180 column


Cell rubber backing rod


Steel beam


Poured-in-place concrete slab


“Vertical fixed louver of extruded aluminium bxd 50x270 mm end plates welded to top and bottom�


Cement fibreboard attached to metal profile


Stucco on 12 mm mineral fibreboard 250 mm vertical steel furring c/c 600 mm corrosion classification C3 Weather barrier 9 mm exterior sheathing 2x125 mm thermally insulated framing Metal band for radiator attachment 13mm gypsum Vapor barrier 13mm gypsum

10 Elastic sealant, backing rod and mineral wool 11 Window with built-in venetian blinds 12 Stucco on 12 mm mineral fibreboard 50 mm vertical steel furring c/c 600 mm corrosion classification C3 Weather barrier 9 mm exterior sheathing 2x125 mm thermally insulated framing Metal band for radiator attachment 13mm gypsum Vapor barrier 13mm gypsum 13 Conduit for lightning rod




1st floor




2nd floor

5th floor



Vlietland 医院

lietland Hospital

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Friendly and natural materials • 环保的自然材料

• Effective architectural form for abundant natural light • 高效的建筑结构使自然光充足 | Architect | Dutch Health Architects | Photographer | Dutch Health Architects


Vlietland Hospital stems from a merger of two hospitals in Vlaardingen and Schiedam.

Here, similar to the other waiting rooms, large prints of Rotterdam’s harbors and

Dutch Health Architects designed a highly flexible building that can properly anticipate

surroundings are decorating the walls. On the outside, the building is covered with

fluctuations in functions. The hospital has a colorful, friendly and very human character

dark ceramic tiles, while inside the walls take on a remarkably fresh color palette

defined by natural materials, abundant natural light and outdoor access. The main goal

ranging from lemon yellow to salmon to orange. The building’s technical infrastructure

was to create a warm people-friendly atmosphere. Therefore a shallow oblong building

provides plenty of flexibility for the long-term and, therefore, possibilities for

was chosen that is spread out over the site like a folding ruler. This kind of design

customization. The integrated concept of landscape, building, engineering and interior

brings in vast amounts of daylight, allowing patients and visitors to adapt easily to the

has blended proportionately to create a hospital with the right balance between a


healing environment, flexibility, scale and experience. The Vlietland Hospital took home

At the heart of the building lies the central hall with its friendly wood-lined interior.

the 2010 NVTG Construction Award in the category “Cure”.




Vlietland 医院由弗拉尔丁恩和斯希丹的两家医院合并而成。荷兰医疗建筑公司设计了一座能够满足多样功能需求的极具 灵活性的建筑。医院外表富有色彩、风格亲人,结合了丰富的天然材料、自然光线以及室外环境。设计的主要目的是为了创造 一个温馨友善的空间氛围。因此,建筑使用偏长方形的造型,如同一把折尺置于地块之中。如此造型可以最大程度地接收自然光, 使患者与探访者更容易适应这里的环境。 建筑的中心位置是一个木质装潢的中央大堂。这里和其他休息室一样,墙上装饰有大幅的鹿特丹港及其周边景色的版画。 建筑外部由深色瓷砖铺制,而内部则宛如夺目的调色板,从柠檬黄、浅橙色到橘红色。建筑的基础设施在技术上提供了长远发 展的灵活性以及定制化的可能。景观、建筑、工程与室内装修相互配合形成设计的概念——在康复环境、灵活性、尺度与经历 中寻找平衡点。Vlietland 医院将 2010 NVTG 建筑工程奖“医疗类”收入囊中。










Residence 住宅



asket Apartments in Paris | Architect | OFIS arhitekti | Project Team | Rok Oman, Spela Videcnik, Robert Janez, Janez Martincic, Andrej Gregoric, Janja del Linz, Louis Geiswiller, Hyunggyu Kim, Chaewan Shin, Jaehyun Kim, Erin Durno, Javier Carrera, Giuliana Fimmano, Jolien Maes, Lin Wei | Technical Team | Structural Engineering: INTEGRALE 4; Bruno PERSON | Mechanical & electrical engineering, sustainable development | Cabinet MTC; Cyril GANVERT | Client | Regie Immobiliere de la Ville de Paris


| Materials | concrete, glass, metal, plaster, high-density stratified timber panels, expanded metal mesh

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Efficient structural design

• Rainwater recycling

• 高效的结构设计

• 雨水回收

• Energy saving materials • 节能材料 The major objective of the project was to provide students with a healthy environment for studying, learning and meeting. Along the length of the football field is an open corridor and gallery that overlooks the field and creates a view to the city and the Eiffel Tower. This gallery is an access to the apartments providing students with a common place. All the studios are the same size and contain the same elements to optimize design and construction: an entrance, bathroom, wardrobe, kitchenette, working space and a bed. Each apartment has a balcony overlooking the street. The building is energy efficient to accommodate the desires of Paris’ sustainable development efforts. The Plan Climates goal is that future housing will consume 50kWh/m² or less. The objectives of energy performance and the construction timetable were met by focusing on a simple, well insulated and ventilated object that functions at its best year round.

| Underground part | Soletanche Polska Sp. z o.o.

Accommodations are cross ventilating and allow abundant day lighting throughout the

| Location | Paris, France

circulation, affording energy while also creating comfortable and well lit social spaces. The

| area | 1,981 m2

breakers are used on corridor floors and balconies to avoid thermal bridges. Ventilation is

| Photographer | Tomaz Gregoric

with an optimum temperature throughout the year. The incoming air also reuses heat from

apartment. External corridors and glass staircases also promote natural lighting in the common building is insulated from the outside with an insulation thickness of 20 cm. Thermal bridge controlled by double flow mechanical ventilation, providing clean air in every apartment the exhaust air. The roof is covered with 300m² of photovoltaic panels to generate electricity. Rainwater is harvested on site in a basin pool used for watering outdoor green spaces.





该项目旨在为学生提供一个研究、学习和聚会的良好环境。狭长 的足球场旁是一个开放的走廊,这个走廊能够让人们俯瞰球场并且可以 远眺这座城市和埃菲尔塔。通过这个走廊可以进入公寓并给学生提供了 一个公共空间。所有公寓的尺寸是一样的,并且设计和建造的原理都是 一样的:一个入口、一间浴室、一个衣橱、一个厨房、一个工作区和一 张床。每个公寓都配有一个阳台,可以俯瞰街道。 该建筑是节能建筑,并且符合巴黎可持续发展指标。计划的气候 目标是未来住房将消耗 50KWh/m² 的能源或者更少。通过一个简单、 绝缘性强且通风的装置,达到建筑节能和建造周期的目标。这个装置全 年都处于最佳状态。住房都是交叉通风,并且拥有足够的日光。外部走 廊和玻璃楼梯同样也可以增加公共区域的日照,提供能源的同时也可以 创造一个舒适的环境,并且照亮这些公共区域。建筑通过厚 20cm 的 绝缘层与外界隔离。走廊的地面和阳台上都装有热桥断路器来消除热桥。 双流的机械通风系统用来控制通风,为每个公寓全年都带来新鲜空气和 适宜气温。进入室内的空气重新利用排出的空气中的热量。屋顶覆盖有 300m² 的光伏板,用以发电。雨水通过一个盆地水池收集起来,用以 灌溉外部的绿色区域。

site plan


_ bis









1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor




5th floor

6th floor

7th floor

8th floor

9th floor

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Solar thermal • 太阳能

• Efficient Radiant panels • 节能的辐射板

• Efficient solar orientation, natural ventilation, thermal insulation • 节能的建筑朝向、自然通风、热绝缘



Las Retamas 火车站社会福利住宅

ocial Housing, Las Retamas Train Station

| Architect | Francisco Burgos, Ginés Garrido

| Location | Madrid, Spain

| firm | Burgos & Garrido Arquiteectos Asociados (BGAA)

| Area | 2,979.76 m2

| PROJECT TEAM | Agustín Martín, Raquel Marugán, Beatriz Amann, Almudena Carro, Rebeca Caso, Pilar Recio, HPAL (Alberto López, Héctor Pérez)

| Photographer | Ángel Baltanás

The economic characteristic of social housing is related to repetition.

the building owner, renting with buying options, determine and modify

Therefore the typological and constructive system of the project is based

the standard criteria in social housing. Flexible housing units are designed

on this principle. The project is made out of a number of pragmatic,

with sliding panels, minimum circulation spaces, concentrating the

efficient and hygienic blocks that create semi-open protected spaces

maximum square meters in the living areas that have a visual connection

that contain the 139 dwelling units. The central garden is the heart of the

with the kitchen units.

project, although it is open to the exterior to catch outside views.

Sustainability aspects:

The southeastern side of the block, due to its higher density, allows to

Solar thermal

create a more iconic volume that gives a very clear identity to the block. This sculptural piece is parallel to the railways with views to the historical center of Alcorcón. A very small social house is not a reduced scale of a bigger house. Its dimensions require a new typology, clearly different from the standard social house. The users, young residents, and their economic relation with

Radiant panels Condensing Boilers Bioclimatic architectural principles (solar orientation, natural ventilation, thermal inertia, ...) Thermal insulation









创设出半开放的保护性空间,包含 139 个住宅单元。


中央庭院是项目的核心,然而,为了捕捉室外景色, 庭院对外开放。 由于住宅密度较高,建筑东南部分意在突出其体

该住宅的可持续性特征包括: · 太阳能供热


· 辐射板

分与铁路平行,可以饱览 Alcorcón 历史城区的景色。

· 冷凝式锅炉


· 生物气候学的建筑原则(房屋朝向、自然通风和




· 热绝缘





























Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征

partment Building on the Harbor


| Render | Silvia de Vita

| Preliminary Project Team | Cino Zucchi, Nicola Bianchi, Andrea Viganò with Leonardo Berretti, Ivan Bernardini, Juarez Corso


| LEAD ARTIST | Nicola Bianchi, Chiara Toscani


| Clerck of Works | Michele Berti

• 高效的结构设计,朝向设计

• Solar panels • 太阳能板

• Efficient thermal insulation • 高效热绝缘 The geometric inflections of the two building blocks and the lived-in “bridge” connecting them on the water side contribute to give a sense of spatial enclosure and intimacy to the central court. The different height of the blocks are related to the long views toward the inner city and to the solar orientation of the complex. While the north side elevations of the buildings are treated in a rather “volumetric” way, the south ones are marked by

| Architect | Zucchi & Partners

| Definitive and Executive Project Team | Cino Zucchi, Nicola Bianchi, Andrea Viganò with Juarez Corso, Marcello Felicori, Chiara Toscani

• Efficient structural design and orientation

the long horizontal lines of the overhanging balconies. The whole complex is conceived and realized following the latest criteria for “sustainable” and energy conscious buildings. The building masses are carefully studied in relationship with the sun orientation, with an in-depth study of the shadow pattern at all hours and seasons both on the building surfaces and on the open collective spaces. The higher

| Structures | Michele Berti (Studio di Ingegneria Due esse) Mechanical and Electrical

building is located on the north side and the lower on the south. The rows of balconies

| Services | Claudio Pinardi, Luigi De Michele, Stefano Castellari (P.D.M Progetti)

of the complex. The north facades are marked by smaller openings contributing to


The thick “overcoat” insulation finished by a layer of plaster on mesh provides very low

on the south side of the buildings screen the living rooms from the summer sun rays, while admitting the lower winter ones, greatly contributing to the energy efficiency low thermal transmittance. A significant part of the energy required by the building is provided by solar panels placed on the rooftop terraces of the two buildings.

values of heat transmittance, saving energy and creating high environmental comfort for the dwellings. All materials are biodegradable or easily disposed of: stone for the window-sills, hemlock wood for the window frames, natural plaster for most of the exterior surfaces.



公寓楼的两个部分几何形态有所不同,中间由“公寓桥”在水面 上彼此连接,创设了一种面向中央庭院的亲近与围合感。根据市中心 的视线需要与太阳朝向,建筑两个体量具有不同的高度。建筑北立面 更具有厚实的体量感,而南侧则由悬挑的阳台形成水平线条。 整个项目从构思到施工完成均符合可持续性与节能建筑的最新标 准。建筑师认真研究了建筑各细节与太阳朝向的关系,并且针对每个 季节每小时建筑立面以及公共空间的所有阴影纹理进行了深入研究。 较高的部分位于北侧,低矮部分位于南侧。建筑南侧成排的阳台可以 在夏天为起居室遮挡阳光,并且可以吸收冬日温暖的阳光,有效地提 高了建筑的能源效率。北立面开窗较小,以保持较好的保温性能。建 筑的大部分能源需求都可以通过两个体量屋顶平台上设置的太阳能板 满足。 厚厚的建筑表皮表面加设石膏金属网以提高外墙绝热性,节能环 保的同时为每一层创设最舒适的居住环境。所有建筑材料均可被生物 降解或易于处理:石制的窗台、铁杉木的窗框和绝大部分外立面的天 然石膏面层。




1st floor


3rd floor

4th floor


8th floor

ectif une

ntué uns une

ce s de eur. par


et un entraxe de 5.90 m pour les 3 niveaux supérieurs (un refend toutes les deux chambres). 艾琳 • 约里奥 • 居里住宅 La continuité des fluides est assurée grâce à la quasi superposition des gaines verticales de distribution et d’évacuation.

he Iréne Joliot Curie Residence | Architect | BE Hauvette, Christian Hauvette | Associate Architect | DATA [architectes] | Landscape Architect | David Besson-Girard

Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Solar panels • 太阳能板

• Rainwater collection and recycling • 雨水回收

| Client | Espacil Habitat

The residence Iréne Joliot Curie adheres to be a compact building to optimize efficient thermal functioning.

| location | Paris, France

a reduction in energy consumption corresponding to approximately 30% compared to thermal regulations.

| Photographer | Cécile Septet

water. The collected rain water from the roofs is stocked in a tank for sanitary use or for watering the gardens.

The thick walls stock the heat in the day and releases it at night. Insulation levels in the building can achieve The establishment of more than 160m2 of thermal solar panels as roofing participates in the production of hot

The energy-saving general lighting is kept to the minimum to keep maintenance low. The lighting in the passages – circulation wells, stairs, hall, central garden, communal toilets are partly fixed lights and partly lights controlled by movement detectors. In the accommodation, the lights are equipped with Fluocompact bulbs. The building is certified BBC, label H&E with a profile A. It meets the expectations of sustainability laid down in the Climate Protection Plan for the city of Paris and makes a significant contribution to the future development in the city’s first Eco-quartier.








艾琳 • 约里奥 • 居里住宅布局紧凑,以得到最优化的保温性能。厚实的墙体在白天储存热量,并在夜里释放热量。 建筑保温等级可以使其能源消耗量与标准热工等级相比减少 30%。屋顶设置了大于 160 平方米的太阳能板以供给 热水。另外,利用屋顶进行雨水收集,将其储存在水池中用于马桶冲水与花园灌溉。 尽管照明设施均为节能产品,住宅仍尽可能减少日常照明的设置,以降低维护费用。走廊、楼梯、大厅、中 庭以及公共卫生间使用部分固定照明,部分感应照明。公寓中的灯具均使用紧凑型荧光灯。 该建筑通过了 BBC 能源性能认证,满足 H&E 人居环境评价 A 级标准要求,并达到了巴黎城市气候保护计划 的永续性标准,也为城市未来首座环保街区做出了很大贡献。







aisano Green Community Sustainable & Green Features 节能特征 • Solar photovoltaic panels • 太阳能光伏板

• Wind turbines • 风力涡轮机

• Efficient thermal insulation • 高效热绝缘


border crossing semi-truck customs area



detention pond

| Architect | WORKSHOP8

water treatment facility

| Location | El Paso, USA | Photographer | Jesse Ramirez, Ali Gidfar, jv DeSousa

The Paisano Green Community is the first net-zero, LEED Platinum, fossil

with adequate envelope insulation, minimizes the need for on site power

fuel free public housing community in the United States. The entire 73-

generation equipment. Thus, the project achieves Net Zero energy status

unit property is powered by clean electricity generated on site by solar

with the installed 710 PV panels which generate 165 kw of electric power.

photovoltaic panels and wind turbines.

The site presents an image of optimism and renewal to its neighbors.

In response to the harsh surroundings of the site, buildings are placed

Clean, light surfaces are highlighted by bright colors. Clearly visible to

along outside edges, creating a sheltered set of gardens and courtyards,

passersby to this affordable housing project are photo Voltaic arrays and

similar to walled cities found in many countries around the world.

two wind turbines. These technologies speak to optimism of a different

Building orientation is predominantly east / west with the majority of window openings in the south and north elevations, with a few east facing windows, and none facing west. Deep architectural overhangs and shading devices protect against summer solar heat gain, which together

kind. They are visual proof that a better future, one where renewable technologies are commonplace, helping us end our reliance on fossil fuels, is not only possible but inevitable.



Bus stop

Community building

Boone avenue residences

Canopy roof over community building terrace

South shade structure




Entry plaza


Tapestry garden

Picnic area



Courtyard 1

Courtyard 2

Courtyard 3

Visitor parking







Resident parking

Flat Building A Wind turbines

Flat Building B Canopy wall

Flat Building C Entry pavilion

Flat Building D PV panels 0

同伴绿色社区是美国首个零能耗住宅小区,通过了 LEED 绿色建筑评估体系铂金 级认证,并且不使用化石能源。全部 73 户住宅均使用由太阳能光伏板与风力涡轮机 提供的洁净能源。 为了应对周围杂乱的环境,建筑师将房屋布置在地块的外沿,为中间的花园和庭 院创造出一道护屏,类似于筑有城墙的城市。 建筑主要为东西向布置,主要开窗在南北立面,东立面有少量开窗而西侧则不设 开窗。建筑有较深悬挑与遮阳装置,以避免夏天过多的阳光与热量,同时做好外表皮





的绝热设计,尽可能减小场地内部发电装置的使用。项目装有 710 片光伏电板,可以 产生 165 千瓦电能,因此可以达到自身能耗平衡。 整个地块带给周围一种蓬勃向上的感觉。鲜明的颜色更突显了洁净、明亮的外立 面。这个经济适用房项目最突出的设计便是成排的光伏电板与两个风力涡轮机。这些 技术证明了一种不同的优化设计,同时也展现了一个更好的未来图景,那就是可再生 能源进入到日常生活,使我们脱离了对化石能源的依赖。 这不仅是可能的,而且是必 然的。







index 索引

OFIS arhitekti OFIS arhitekti is an architectural practice

Xavier Tragant, an architect who graduated from

established in 1996 by Rok Oman (1970) and

the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 1995,

Špela Videčnik (1971).

works independently and in collaboration with

The international team is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Paris, France and has partner firm agreements in London and Moscow. An OFIS project always starts with the search for a critical issue with the program, site or the client. Their design is not about surpassing, confronting, ignoring or disobeying the rules and limitations of each


Xavier Tragant

project. Rather, they plunge right in the middle of them and obey the ‘law’ literally, word by word, if need be and at times even exaggerate it. In their work, restrictions become opportunities for an architectural system. In that sense, they become subversive, turning the limiting conditions into operational tools and so exposing all of the different possibilities. The architectural straight jacket all of a sudden becomes a beautiful dressing gown.

KAW Architects and Consultants

various interdisciplinary teams. A member since the beginning of the group AuS (Architecture and Sustainability). In his early career, he learns directly from Enric Miralles and collaborates with architects such as Josep Miàs or Alfredo Arribas in several international projects. During the past 15 years, X. Tragant’s interests include the social and ecological aspects of architecture. His studio, projecte.aiRe, is conceived as an open network of interdisciplinary professionals driven by the paradigm of sustainability. In his works abound multiple projects and ideas to address issues such as the cycle of the life of materials and their safety, the energy efficiency of buildings and prefabricated concrete and wood modular buildings. He is in the origin of the Compacthabit modular building concept.

Cino Zucchi

The letters KAW in Dutch stand for ‘Co-

Cino Zucchi, born and based in Milan,

operative Architectural Workshop’, and

graduated from both M.I.T. and the Politecnico

as the name suggests, they are not the

di Milano, where he is Chair Professor of

average architects. They were founded in 1976 and since then they have been working with a broad combination of disciplines: architecture, urban planning, public housing, process management and engineering. This makes them a unique and service minded company capable of handling a multitude of medium to large-scale projects. At KAW they work with approximately 75 highly competent professionals from their offices

Architecture and Urban Design. He teaches architecture at international seminars and is currently visiting professor at the GSD Harvard. Together with his studio CZA he has designed industrial, commercial, residential and public buildings, public spaces, masterplans and redevelopments of ex industrial and historical areas. His urban design of the former Junghans factory site in Venice won international acclaim. Current projects include the Nuovo Portello

in Groningen, Rotterdam and Eindhoven in the Netherlands and

area in Milan, the Salewa headquarters in Bozen, the Turin car museum

Barcelona in Spain. They work for governments, housing corporations,

and a masterplan for the Keski Pasila area in Helsinki.

developers, schools, building co-operations and care and welfare organisations.

Burgos y Garrido Arquitectos Burgos & Garrido Arquitectos Asociados (BGAA) is based in Madrid, Spain. Over the last few years the work of the office has been focussed on the design and construction of public spaces, parks and land planning, from the perspective of social and environmental sustainability. His work on the Madrid River Park has recently finished. This is probably the most ambitious and complex public space

PETER LORENZ ATELIERS PETER LORENZ Peter Lorenz is the founder and CEO of PLA, peterlorenzateliers_ Innsbruck Vienna. He is known for his humanistic approach in his profession and appears as a passionate ambassador for the architect’s ethical responsibility. Much participation in international juries and part-time teaching in diverse universities all over the world complete his working capacity.

project constructed in Europe over the last few decades. They have also


worked on other large-scale land and urban projects in Spain, Peru and

To date, PLA has handled in more than 380 commissions – of which


approximately one third have been realised. Corresponding to

They have continuously worked on the design and construction of

Peter’s   philosophy of “creativity by universality”, PLA‘s projects are

social housing projects and projects for public buildings. They have

always varied and come in all shapes and sizes. The projects cover

been involved in international projects and are currently working

everything ranging from industrial design right through to large scale

outside Spain on the following projects: Restructuring the Expressway,

urban master planning – including shopping centres, interior design,

Lima Peru; Residency of the Spanish Embassy, Canberra Australia; 70

conversion jobs, residential quarters, hotels, multifunctional projects

Social houses, Eindhoven The Netherlands; Lent-Tabor Bridge, Maribor

etc. many of the PLA projects are being rewarded and published



C. F. Møller Architects

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

C. F. Møller Architects is one of

With 25 years of experience, schmidt

Scandinavia’s oldest and largest

hammer lassen architects is one

architectural practices. Their work

of Scandinavia’s most recognised,

involves a wide range of expertise

award-winning architectural

that covers programme analysis,

practices committed to innovative

town planning, master planning,

and sustainable design. The practice

all architectural services including

has offices located in Aarhus,

landscape architecture, as well as the development and design of

Copenhagen, London and Shanghai.

building components.

schmidt hammer lassen architects has established an international

Simplicity, clarity and unpretentiousness, the ideals that have guided

reputation for projects that interact with their urban context. The

their work since the practice was established in 1924, are continually

practice places particular emphasis on the use of natural light as

re-interpreted to suit individual projects, always site-specific and based

an integral part of the design process. The functionality – meeting

on international trends and regional characteristics.

the specific needs of the users – is also key, as are all aspects of sustainability. Where possible, the practice will explore the vital relationship between art, design and architecture.


Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

SHIRO STUDIO Andrea Morgante (1972) was born in Milan. After working in

Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios has an international reputation for

RMJM London he joins Future

design quality, environmental expertise and architectural innovation.

Systems architects in 2001

Their approach was recognised with the 2008 RIBA Stirling Prize, the

where in 2006 he became

UK's most prestigious architectural award, presented to Accordia, a

Associate Director. For almost 8

scheme which is widely regarded as setting a new benchmark for

years Andrea has been worked

housing in the UK.

in close relationship with Jan Kaplicky, founder of Future Systems. From

Established in 1978, and with offices in Bath and London, they have

2008 and 2009 he collaborated with Ross Lovegrove, directing several

Jan Kaplicky

grown steadily to their present strength of 27 partners and over 100

architectural projects.


In 2009 established SHIRO STUDIO in London.

They were one of the first practices in the UK to develop expertise in

Jan Kaplicky (1937-2009)

sustainable design and have consistently remained at the forefront of

Jan Kaplicky was born and raised in Prague, the city he left in 1968 and

research and innovation in the built environment. They were the first architectural practice in the UK to win a Queen's Award for Sustainable Development. They believe the best buildings emerge from a clear concept that then finds its way into the DNA of the details. They also come from a strong working relationship with committed clients and creative consultants who understand the transformational power of architecture and the importance of sustainability.


Andrea Morgante

DATA [architects] The agency DATA [architects], established in January 2010 in Paris, is directed by two architects associated, LĂŠonard Lassagne et Colin Reynier. It marks the continuation of the work initiated in 2006 as a duo in the Atelier of Christian Hauvette where they are responsible for several international competitions . DATA [architects] looks like a platform of multidisciplinary research and development of operational strategies on a variety of programs, microscale and territorial scale. A program, a site, a context, all the data of the project data is the singular matrix and founder of the act defined as a

then go to London. In London he worked for Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers (developing with them the design for competition for the Paris Centre Georges Pompidou), and later on with Foster and Partners. In 1979 he founded the architectural practice Future Systems with David Nixon (where Amanda Levete would join as partner in 1989), and he began to develop an architectural style that will combine organic shapes with a high-tech futurism.

NAEGELIARCHITEKTEN NAEGELIARCHITEKTEN is a successful architectural practice located in Berlin and Karlsruhe. The two partners, Gudrun Sack and Walter Naegeli, are specialized in new housing typologies and are reputed for profound research based specific design solutions. The bulk of their work is located in Berlin and Hamburg but there are also executed projects in other European countries and the Middle East.

design process.

Helen & Hard Dietmar Feichtinger Dietmar Feichtinger established Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes in Paris in 1993. With a thirty of employees between Paris and Vienna the team operates mainly in Europe. DFA has built a strong reputation for its inventive structures and its investigative approach to design. Its work links both architecture and engineering whilst exploring the dynamic between these two disciplines. In a constant strive DFA is looking for integration environmental and sustainable development, in an elegant and sensitive architecture, respectful of nature and humans. Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes is internationally-honored with architecture awards and publications for excellence in design and their built projects.

Helen & Hard was founded in 1996 in Stavanger on the west coast of Norway by Norwegian architect Siv Helene Stangeland and Austrian architect Reinhard Kropf. Today, the company has a youthful staff of 20 drawn from 8 different countries, with offices in both Stavanger and Oslo. They design in different scales and scopes, on a wide spectrum of projects ranging from single family houses to large public buildings, from offices and multi-family housing projects to master planning. They aim to creatively engage with sustainability, not only in the design of spaces, but also in the conception and organization of the design process, including construction and fabrication. Their goal is move away from a solely technical and anthropocentric view, allowing the project to unfold in relation to its physical, social, cultural and economic context.

wHY Architecture & Design

Erdy McHenry Architecture

Noted by “Newsweek” Magazine as one of

Recognizing in each other both kindred

the most innovative architectural practices

spirit and complimentary skill sets, Scott

of this age, wHY Architecture’s design

Erdy and David McHenry joined forces

philosophy and practice of excellence

over ten years ago to work together on

in creative energy efficiency, together with a focus on intelligent and

the Southern Poverty Law Center. With

high-quality construction, have gained them a reputation for their

great business acumen, they were able

creative architectural work on cultural, commercial and residential

to leverage their previous experience at

projects across the country.

a larger firm to make a “lateral transition”

wHY Architecture was founded in 2003 by architects Yo Hakomori

into projects of a scale and complexity not

and Kulapat Yantrasast. Hakomori received his Masters of Architecture degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his Doctorate from the University of Tokyo. Yantrasast, a native of Thailand, received

always possible for a startup architectural firm. Their first project as a partnership garnered them a Philadelphia AIA Gold Medal and the cover of the September 2001 “Architecture”

his Masters of Architecture degree and Ph.D. from the University of



Since their critically successful beginning, Erdy McHenry has

As a workshop for creativity in design and construction, wHY

won numerous awards for their innovative work. As befits their

Architecture continues their teamwork approach with every one of their projects, and strives for new ideas and strategies in design and architecture that are executed with the highest degree of quality and intelligence in the construction process.

complimentary skills sets, they have been able to create many fully realized buildings for diverse client types; developers and socially conscious non-profit organizations. They use a unique business model and Design Philosophy: Integrated Decision Making as a Design Tool, where Budget, Program and Schedule are reconciled each in terms of the other with each design decision. This approach enables them to create a “value proposition” on all projects regardless of budget and still produce cutting edge work.

Dutch Health Architects

Line and Space

Dutch Health Architects (DHA) is a joint

Founded in 1978 by Les Wallach,

venture of the two leading architectural

FAIA, in Tucson, Arizona, the eleven-

firms in the Netherlands specialized

person firm of Line and Space has

in healthcare architecture, De Jong Gortemaker Algra architects and engineers and EGM architects. Both boasting on more than 50 years of experience. Dutch healthcare is well known for its innovative character; new concepts focusing on patient logistics and efficiency of workflows and processes combined with aspects of Healing Environment and the

designed and built distinguished, award-winning architecture since its inception. Located in a 914m2 adaptive reused historic house; their office is organized as a studio, operating as a creative, free-flowing workplace.

Planetree Philosophy.

Line and Space has recently completed the San Diego National Wildlife

The experience and knowledge of DHA provides clients with the

Refuge for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Red Rock Canyon Visitor

possibility to discuss the demands of their organizations with a partner

Center for the US Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management,

who has a broad perspective on healthcare.

the Cesar Chavez Regional Library for the City of Phoenix, and the

It is DHA’s challenge to define and fully understand the demands of

Poetry Center at the University of Arizona. The firm is currently

its clients before the best possible “answer” in designing a building is

designing work in China.

developed. It is not just implementing proven solutions, but generating intelligent concepts that facilitate the client’s organization now and in the future. DHA’s field of work stretches from homes for the elderly and nursing homes to general hospitals and university hospitals. Apart from the healthcare designs for the international and domestic market, DHA is experienced in urban planning, designing buildings for governmental institutions, housing and office buildings. All DHA designs have a strong focus on sustainability and creating a better world.

AuriensArquitectura AuriensArquitectura is a study located in Madrid that belongs to AURIENS Company Consultancy. AuriensArquitectura works in three fields: architecture, valuations and urbanism. Architecture: AuriensArquitectura developed first drafts, computer graphics and projects of construction. Valuations: red estate valuations and studies of market for advising are made in all the Spanish territory. Urbanism: AuriensArquitectura makes projects, at urban level, level of planning and territorial level.


Local Architecture Network


Local Architecture Network was

The professional career began in 1986

created by Benoit Jallon and Umberto

in Barcelona. In 2006 the office began

Napolitano in 2002, with the idea of

its international journey, focusing its

exploring architecture as an area of

experience in sustainable architecture.

activity at the intersection of several disciplines.

Picharchitects has developed its projects in China since 2011, with a multidisciplinary team of architecture and engineering OSA (Sustainable

This attitude has developed into a methodology enabling LAN to explore new territories and forge a vision encompassing social, urban, functional and formal questions.

Architecture). OSA is owned by three partners of architecture and engineering with a long history in industrial projects, of energy efficiency and environmental respect. PichArchitects, Ruiz-Larrea Architects and Steel Products.

LAN’s projects seek to find elegant, contemporary answers to creative and pragmatic concerns. LAN has received several awards: the Nouveaux Albums de la Jeune Architecture (NAJA) prize awarded by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (2004); the International Architecture Award from the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Urban Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies,

It is the human team of their offices, who are responsible for the development of the project, the team consists of architects and engineers main responsible for projects, architects and engineers responsible for specific areas; as well as, architects, engineers and employees responsible for the development of projects.

the Archi-Bau Award, the Special Prize at the 12th World Triennale of Architecture, Sofia (2009); the AR Mipim Future Projects Award and the Europe 40 Under 40 Award (2010).


WORKSHOP8 Formed in March 2010, WORKSHOP8 is a multidisciplinary,

Zeidler Partnership Architects


architecture | planning | design

team-based collaborative architecture, planning and design studio based in Boulder, Colorado. Their diverse, award-winning team is lead

The firm’s continuity in terms of overlapping partners extends back to 1880 when an architectural practice was formed by William Blackwell in the City of Peterborough, nearby Toronto. Today, the firm is led by Senior Partners Alan Munn, Tarek ElKhatib and Vaidila Banelis as well as Partners Stephen Carruthers, Jurgen

by five principals – three architects, an interior designer, and a business

Henze, Andrea Richardson, Gerald Stein, Rob Eley and Ping Zhang. The

director. The partners share a dedication to providing elegant solutions

firm has been established for 50 years in Toronto which now serves

through creative problem solving for projects large and small. Their

as headquarters for the firm. Other offices are in Calgary, Vancouver

partnership is a strategic alliance allowing them to combine many years

and Victoria (Canada), Beijing and Chengdu (China), Abu Dhabi (UAE),

of varied project experience into a cohesive and extensive portfolio

Berlin (Germany), and London (UK). Zeidler Partnership has over 200

of work, with the shared goal to integrate art, architecture and design as a viable way to connect humanity. WORKSHOP8 is committed to sustainability, social involvement, and a belief that the benefit from good design should extend to all. They embrace the design process as an opportunity to create projects that change lives and improve the world. They have completed projects across the US, and Asia.

professional and support staff members. All of the partners and senior staff have been with the firm for 10 to 30 years; each has contributed to expanding the firm’s portfolio into its present diverse range of project types. A veteran partner heads each project, benefitting Clients with a personal touch.



ACXT is a group of professionals that

Philippe Dubus is formed in the ESA. His

was created with the idea of offering

first personal project is his own house in

convincing answers to the usual

Malakoff, which the minister of Culture

questions: what is the reason for and the

chose to be part of the buildings of the

basis of architecture? Where does the quality principle lie? In what

campaign Aimer l’architecture. In 2000,

terms is authorship recognized and established? How do they deal

he won a consultation organised by the Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris for

with the impact of a global, specialized and multicultural society? How

the assignment of a housing building.

does all this fit in with the quest for beauty? Its members share the

Discreet by nature, Philippe Dubus looks for the balance between

need to deal with these questions from a professional model different from that currently on offer: the small scale single man studio or the classic by-products created under the protection of the star system. The shifting of the social, economic and cultural context suggests the need for the reconsideration of the traditional organizational schemes. ACXT stimulates – convinced of its potential – a new model based on the synthesis of a double work pattern during the creative process. On the one hand, the individual’s unique suggestions and on the other, the complex and heterodox sum of interdisciplinary team work, an overlapping mixture of creative decisions always open to unforeseen

rigidity and flexibility, buliding in the same time an open and closed relationship with the client. This method is showed in his first big projects as an office, in 2004 and 2007 in Lille, nominated to the award l’Equerre d’argent. The first one, townhouses in Tourcoing and the Bois habité near station Lille-Europe. Working in the housing field a main part of the work consists to deflect the strong construction rules in order to enrich the building. He contributes with some innovations that allow to go further of a simple functionalism in housing.

and unexpected contributions of collective work.

JKMM Architects Asmo Jaaksi, Teemu Kurkela, Samuli Miettinen and Juha Mäki-Jyllilä established JKMM Architects in 1998. They started their studies in the middle of 1980s. From the beginning, architectural innovation has been the driving force of their work. Their goal is to make architecture with exceptional architectural and technical quality. In fifteen years the studio has grown and employs at the moment over 30 professionals. Architects operate actively in various areas and scales of architecture designing buildings, interiors, furniture, urban environments as well as renovations. JKMM Architects has a long track record in high quality built work and architectural competitions. The partners of the JKMM Architects have won prizes in over 70 architectural competitions, including over 30 First Prizes.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this book, especially all the artists, designers, architects and photographers for their kind permission to publish their works. We are also very grateful to many other people whose names do not appear on the credits but who provided assistance and support. We highly appreciate the contribution of images, ideas, and concepts and thank them for allowing their creativity to be shared with readers around the world.

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