Sustainable Ecology Landscape

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World Landscape Case Studies World Landscape Case Studies



Dalian University of Technology Press

Dalian University of Technology Press

World Landscape Case Studies

Sustainable Ecology Landscape Edited by HI-DESIGN PUBLISHING

Dalian University of Technology Press 1

PREFACE Landscape architects work with materials that are intrinsically dynamic – soil, water, plants and people. These elements connect us to nature and each other, enabling us to create outdoor spaces that foster human and ecological health within the built environment.

Elizabeth Shreeve, Principal, SWA

The remarkable projects in these pages illuminate a new approach toward orchestrating this living, changing palette by engaging directly in natural systems. Selected from all over the globe, these regenerative landscapes are functional rather than symbolic, adaptable rather than static. They address environmental challenges through landscape infrastructural solutions for stormwater management, soil and groundwater remediation, habitat restoration and energy conservation. Equally important, they create authentic and beautiful outdoor spaces that humanize the increasingly dense urban environments in which modern civilization exists. Rooted in place, history and culture, these landscapes – including parks, playgrounds, green roofs, performance venues, riverfronts, trails, campuses and urban farms – are not limited to a particular scale or style. Some projects occupy a fraction of a city block; others encompass waterfronts and forests. A few offer the orderly patterns commonly associated with the built environment while others embody the unkempt, informal character of a natural wetland or prairie. Humans crave connection to nature, as described by E.O.Wilson, the famous Harvard University biologist and theorist who coined the phrase “biophilia” to describe our innate emotional drive to affiliate with other living organisms. At the University of Virginia, Timothy Beatley’s current work applies this craving to the design of “biophilic cities” that offer daily contact with the natural world. Just as hospital patients heal more quickly when they can observe scenery through a window, urban dwellers thrive when exposed to authentic flora, fauna and a multisensory experience of place. Yet eco-landscape design calls for a careful balance of function and aesthetics. As Joan Nassauer of the University of Minnesota wrote in her Landscape Journal article, “Messy Ecosystems, Orderly Frames”, ecological quality tends to look messy. Furthermore, landscape infrastructure is often invisible. The typical visitor does not perceive, for example, how a landform has been carefully sculpted to store contaminated soils or how a palette of deep-rooted plants is controlling erosion along a river bank. In effect, the appearance of disorder can easily be mistaken for neglect. The reader of this book, therefore, can delight in discovering a new, ecologically based vocabulary of design that fosters beauty and experiential richness while supporting natural processes. The projects in this collection allow ecosystems to breath; they also communicate human care and habitation through intentionally designed elements such as formal tree rows or seatwalls built with salvaged industrial artifacts. In some cases the projects communicate ecological process through unique, place-based expressions. With whimsy, a knowledge of ecological function and keen sensitivity to site and the needs of people, these designs establish vibrant connections between people and place, breathing life into the public realm.




Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square


Lotus Pond


The Crystal – A Sustainable Cities Initiative by Siemens


Park Killesberg


Tianjin Cultural Park


Fort Werk aan't Spoel


Culture Wave City


Cerro de los Perdigones Park


garden serge gainsbourg


Lafayette GreenS Urban Garden




Ecological Park



Liupanshui MINGHU Wetland


Shanghai Houtan Park


Chapulco Lagoon Metropolitan Park


Park of Luna


Tanner Springs Park


Parque AtlĂĄntico (Atlantic Park) In La Vaguada De Las Llamas


University Hill Wetlands


Wijkeroogpark Velsen


Maungarei Springs


Toomuc Creek




Parco Dora (Spina 3)


Jardin des Fonderies


The Steel Yard


Millefleur Park


Mary Bartelme Park




Waterfront Landscape Belt Planning in Hedong Newlydeveloped Area (Waterfront Road)


The Edge Williamsburg

Ecological Redevelopment



Environmental recovery of the river Llobregat


Development Banks of Meurthe


Railroad Park


Riverwalk Commons


Henry C. Palmisano (Stearns Quarry) Park


Landscape restoration of the Vall d’en Joan landfill site


Guthrie Green Urban Park


Zollhallen Plaza, Freiburg, Germany




Nanji Han River Park




Ecological Park

Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square LOTUS POND The Crystal – A Sustainable Cities Initiative by Siemens Park Killesberg Tianjin Cultural Park Fort Werk aan't Spoel Culture Wave City Cerro de los Perdigones Park Garden Serge Gainsbourg Lafayette GreenS Urban Garden



Santa Monica, CA, USA

Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square Landscape Architect


James Corner Field Operations

James Corner(Principal), Lisa Switkin(Associate Principal), Sarah Weidner Astheimer(Sr. Associate and Design Phase Project Manager) , Matt Grunbaum(Associate and Construction Phase Project Manager), David Christensen(Associate), Tsutomu Bessho(Associate), Yitian Wang(Designer)


Water Feature Design


Frederick Fisher & Partners

Fluidity Design Consultants

Tim Street Porter, JCFO

Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square embody a new type of urban landscape that is active, innovative, resource-conscious, and natural. Ecology Transformed from a flat parking lot into a series of topographically dynamic meadows and gardens, the most dramatic aspect of the site has been the restoration of its ecosystem. Over three hundred carefully selected new trees, thousands of new plants, and hundreds of different California native and appropriately adapted species are part of the project’s abundant and ambitious planting scheme. Beyond just plants, the parks have been fundamentally modeled on healthy, native environments whose interconnected botanical, hydrologic, topographic, and agronomic systems work to provide restored ecosystem services to the site. New forest types and amended soils respond to microclimates and showcase a diversity of species wellsuited to different parts of the project. Water Plant, tree, and turf areas are irrigated using water from the nearby Santa Monica Urban Runoff Recycling Facility (SMURRF) water reclamation facility. Irrigated water and stormwater are maintained on site through the natural movement of water into bioswales at the base of almost every hill in the park. Daily water consumption for the irrigated park landscape and turf areas and the water features is less than the


City average. Water features use potable water and biological filtration within closed recirculating systems which only consume water through evaporation. The water play area uses potable water which drains into a water reserve where it is treated for use, as needed, in the Ocean Avenue water feature. Energy Park lighting is the primary energy consumer within the park and square. Energy demands have been kept to an extreme minimum with LED and other efficient fixtures and technologies. Materials Materials for the Park and Square consist of non-tropical hardwoods that have been sustainably forested, local aggregates and stone, numerous products with recycled content, low VOC paints, sealants, and adhesives and soy-based anti-graffiti coatings. Human Health Apart from the physical aspects of the site, the social sustainability of the project is uniquely high. The Park and Square provides a range of social spaces, quiet contemplative spaces, and promotes human health through a series of walking trails and loops, bike parking areas, and inclusive play spaces for all ages and abilities.












t hill base

lowers offer seasonal change and e to iconic California Landscapes MEADOW PLANTING


er field operations | palisades garden walk + town square MEADOW SUMMER

ner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square 18



rner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square


orner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square 19

GARDEN GARDEN PLANTING PLANTING -native and locally adapted plants work with hill topography for maximum display dramatic seasonal changes -dramatic -bold and unique forms and shapes showcase extraordinary plants

GARDEN | SUMMER james corner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square GARDEN SUMMER

james corner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square 20


james corner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square GARDEN | WINTER GARDEN WINTER

james corner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square



t tolerant species for western ion


rations | palisades garden walk + town square -native plantings are locally adapted

-large existing trees are reused on site COASTAL SCRUB PLANTING

james corner field operations | palisades garden walk + town square 22


Location Jeonranamdo, Korea

Lotus Pond Landscape Architect

Lead Project Designer



Shin Hyun Choi

Yunche Kim, Daeyoung Yi

Ctopos Design

Jongoh Kim and Ctopos Design

Muan, the largest habitat of White Lotus in Asia, is an ecological park providing beautiful sightseeing resources. The process of development of the pond into the largest habitat of the white lotus has been breathtaking. It was 1997 when Baekryonji became a nationally renowned attraction when the first lotus festival was held. The festival is an ecological festival in which endless array of white lotus flowers can be appreciated. During summer, the blooming season of the white lotus, a number of people come to Muan to enjoy watching and touching it. Most lotus flowers are pink but the flowers in Muan are snow white which is very rare. The festival revived the local economy and became one of the


important sources of revenue of the town. However, in order to become a world tourist destination there was a need of design strategy for a more attractive space for visitors. The installation of symbolic observatory deck was initiated by Ctopos Design Group after winning a regional competition for designing the observatory deck. Overall design of the observatory deck was inspired by botanical form of the lotus. The space was divided into five different parts of the lotus and each space represents the lotuses’ unique implication in design.











London, UK

The Crystal – A Sustainable Cities Initiative by Siemens Landscape Architect


Townshend Landscape Architects

18,000 m2

Townshend Landscape Architects were appointed by Siemens to design a ‘sustainable urban landscape’ as part of their Cities Initiative. The brief was to ensure that high quality public spaces were designed and delivered for the use and enjoyment of both visitors and the local community, ensuring the public space remains in public ownership. The aim from the outset was to create distinctive urban landscape, one that would provide an alternative perspective to the stereotypical ‘ecology center’. The idea was that this could be used as a precedent for how sustainable design can be integrated into city squares and urban spaces where there would initially seem little opportunity for doing so. The project is aiming for BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ as well as the international LEED ‘Platinum’ rating. The landscape design aims to reduce the ecological footprint of this project by specifying materials with a much lower embodied energy than a standard scheme. 34

The hard landscape materials used are also rated ‘grade A’ or greater with the BRE Green Guide to Specification. The plants specified are climate sensitive to reduce water consumption, in turn reducing the maintenance requirement of the development. Where irrigation is required for lawns, water is harvested through a pioneering ‘black water’ recycling system which utilizes the waste water from the building. In addition to providing visually attractive amenity spaces, an increase in wildlife and plants with a high biodiversity value were required as part of BREEAM. The design for the landscape seeks to strike a balance between these two competing factors by specifying a carefully selected range of plants which not only look good, but also provide a wildlife value with a high nectar source for bees and other insects. Native wildflower meadows and traditional flower gardens demonstrate this potential and it is hoped people will be inspired to think about their own back gardens, balconies or window boxes.








Location Stuttgart, Germany

Park Killesberg Design Team Arge Zukunft Killesberg, Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

Client State Capital City Stuttgart

Two themes that characterise Killesberg are the starting point for the design: a soft, near-natural landscape, and man-made quarries as hard topographies. The hard forms of a typical quarry topography change over time, morphing from sharply broken materials into a softer landscape of green regrowth. This process of change has been interpreted at Park Killesberg by bringing vast quantities of soil into the former quarry areas and exhibition grounds, simulating the long natural process of smoothing out irregularities by creating a new topography of lawn 'cushions' between path systems. A new landscape arises, and it tells a story. The underlying theme of the design is based on skewing the perception of human scale and reinterpreting familiar perspectives by raising the topography to eye height and setting up a sunken path network between. The skilful illusion of the new topography intensifies the feeling of being completely absorbed in the



Area ca. 100,000 m


Raffaella Sirtoli

landscape and generates a surprisingly playful experience for the park user — a new sensation. The layout of paths is inspired by the quarries' irregularities, as well as by the gentle winding pattern taken as one climbs the ascent on either side of the street which bisects the park. The new design motif unifies the Feuerbach Heide and the park in front of the Rote Wand (red wall of Kochenhof) with the new park extension (Grßne Fuge). The concept of sustainable and ecological development is an underlying theme. Rain water from the roofs of the new development is collected in an underground cistern from where it is piped to a new lake and returned to the water cycle. With their individual microclimatic conditions, the park's meadow cushions are biotopes for various types of flora and fauna.








©Tianjin Planning Bureau


Tianjin, China

Tianjin Cultural Park Client


Tianjin Environmental Construction Investment Co.,Ltd.

GMP, KSP, Riken Yamamoto, HHD, Callison, ECADI, TVSDESIGN







900,000 m2

Atelier Dreiseitl, YMGC, Tianjin Planning Bureau

Landscape planning and ecological water system design Atelier Dreiseitl

Tianjin is one of China’s top cities, not just in size and population but also in terms of business investment. Located just half an hour south-east of Beijing by high-speed train, Tianjin is also close to the sea. The high-water table needs to be maintained to prevent seawater encroaching inland and the dry, harsh climate does not preclude flooding. In the design of the new cultural district between the new opera house and existing city hall, a main goal was to increase outdoor comfort and create dynamic, social pedestrian routes. The lake waterfront is aesthetic with dramatic views to the opera house and exciting Museum, gallery


and library frontage. Avenues of trees and planting shield the waterfront from the cold Mongolian winds while at the same time storing water for irrigation. The lake features stormwater management, a balancing pond which can effortlessly handle a ‘hundred-year flood’. Generous tree plantings link subsurface, decentralised retention trenches which feed the lake via a cleansing biotope. The urban lake has its own natural biology and reduces temperature extremes. Its scenic beauty sets the scene for Tianjin’s most outstanding new cultural architecture.

©Tianjin Planning Bureau

©Atelier Dreiseitl 51

Public Transport Subway Regional Transportation Cycle

Pedestrian Circulation Green Volume Main Traffic Flow

Energy System

Circulation And Refill Water Supply Proposal 52

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl 53

©Atelier Dreiseitl/Polyplan


©Atelier Dreiseitl

stormwater management system

©Atelier Dreiseitl


ŠAtelier Dreiseitl


ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl 56

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

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ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl 58

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl 59



©Atelier Dreiseitl 61


Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Railroad Park Landscape Architect



Tom Leader Studio

City of Birmingham, Railroad Park Foundation

76,890 m2

This project celebrates the active participation of 11 abandoned rail line tracks of well-loved trains that slowly lumber through this downtown on a viaduct. The park is formed by a new topography that carves the site for a lake and stream, providing flood protection and biofiltration. A range of knolls allows viewers to experience the train traffic first hand, creating a “trainfront� park. Land forms also give shape to a range of festival and performance spaces in this food and music loving city. A former warehouse and brick-making site, much of the park is formed with materials recovered from historic uses to create multi-functional plazas and paths that incorporate performances, food trucks and spaces to relax. The park is four blocks long by one block wide and was historically, the lowest point in town. The scheme draws on this ample water in creating a large reservoir for irrigation which also discharges through a stream and series of ponds as a summer fountain. Needed floodwater storage is created by excavating for this water system, using the spoils to create a series of knolls along the rail viaduct.


For reasons of a lean recession-era budget as well as design, topography became the central means of accomplishing this and organizing the park. The south side of the site was excavated for a new lake which functions as an irrigation reservoir and a stream system which biofilters runoff and the north side was built up into a series of knolls generally tilt the entire site toward the south. The site’s low elevation makes a logical place to store water from the immediate watershed and to provide flood protection. The lake creates a major reservoir on site for summer irrigation needs and brings a cooling, recreational presence to the downtown, complete with canoes and paddleboats. Its fringes are planted with large biofiltration wetlands. The lake and stream system organizes district storm drainage, detaining, infiltrating, and bio-filtering water as it passes through the park to a flood storage low point at the west end. Each major pathway the stream encounters creates a check dam, weir, and wetland pond storage that gently descend the length of the park.
















Location Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

RIVERWALK COMMONS Landscape Architect

Exterior Lighting

Water Feature

Janet Rosenberg & Studio

Mulvey & Banani International Inc.

Dan Euser Waterarchitecture (DEW)




BA Group (Traffic Consultant), DCS (Abatement Consultant), Soil Engineers Ltd. (Geotechnical),

Town of Newmarket

Greg King, Jeff McNeill

Halsall (Structural Engineers), MMM Group (Environmental Management, Civil, Electrical)

The project transformed a 32,375 m2 downtown brownfield site adjacent to Holland River Park and Fairy Lake into a multi-use, adaptable, and seasonally functional iconic destination. The site was primarily used for parking and housed an old arena. Geographically, it is a key link to the Tom Taylor Trail and Holland River park system as well as Fairy Lake and the historic downtown. When the project began, these connections were ambiguous and offered few aesthetic benefits. The park was transformed to focus and link more defined connections that are supported by a strong design aesthetic respective of the site’s natural and historic elements. Janet Rosenberg & Studio brought unique and thought-provoking elements to the space using colorful materials and patterns that play off each other and give reference to the river, the path system, and the new play areas. Native plant material and a dramatic lighting strategy complement the programmatic elements. A terraced platform was created to provide views to the once forgotten 316

waterfall. Janet Rosenberg & Studio collaborated with the Town of Newmarket and a team of sub-consultants from schematic design through to contract administration. An open and inclusive public facilitation process, utilizing tools including Public Information Centers, enabled the team to negotiate a controversial proposal to a very positive end result. The design accommodates flexible programming throughout the year, for all ages and abilities, within a naturalized watershed. In order to prepare the site, the land went through considerable soil abatement. The park has become a source of civic pride; a space for skating in the winter, cooling off in the summer, stopping to enjoy a rest by the river while enjoying the trails, and a place where neighbours reunite at the weekly farmers market. As Newmarket grows, it requires more flexible amenities to meet the needs of a diverse and active community.




Location Chicago, USA

H E N RY C . PAL M I SANO (STEARNS QUARRY) PARK Landscape Architect site design group, ltd. Principal in Charge Ernest C. Wong Project Manager and Designer Michelle M. Inouye Associate Project Manager Hana Ishikawa Civil and Environmental Engineering Weston Solutions, Inc. Wetland Engineering Applied Ecological Systems, Inc. Environmental Engineering Applied Ecological Systems, Inc. Photographer site design group, ltd., Ron Gordon Photography, Eric Allix Rogers, Okrent Associates, Inc.


Located in Chicago’s residential and historic Bridgeport neighborhood, this 109,265m2 environmental park has provided huge benefits to community members and area commerce. Henry Palmisano (Stearns Quarry) Park is built on a site rich with historic significance. Located on top of an ancient coral reef, the City of Chicago’s first quarry supplied a lot of the limestone used in the creation of the magnificent Chicago skyline. Following the closure of quarry operations in 1969, the site was sold to the City of Chicago and became a landfill for clean construction debris. By making this former quarry and landfill into a publicly accessible park, green space in the area was increased by 200%, and the project raised the overall Bridgeport open space ratio to 6%. Henry Palmisano Park is designed for the exploration and discovery of natural processes by providing several native ecosystems including prairie plant communities, simulated wetlands, and a large 8,094m 2 pond. At the entry, a sculptural fountain feeding a shallow runnel marks the beginning of the water cycle. The water then winds its way through the wetlands, splashing over recycled limestone and concrete outcroppings, and eventually feeds the fishing pond. All stormwater on the site is directed towards the pond and wetlands instead of the City’s sewers. A variety of nature trails wind up and down hills, through native plantings and wildlife habitats, up to raised walkways with aerial views of the pond and exposed quarry walls, and down to the fishing pier. From the top of “Mount Bridgeport,” a 10-meter high hill constructed from materials displaced from the re-grading of the site, the visitor can experience a breathtaking view of Bridgeport and the downtown skyline amongst flowering native plantings.








Location Garraf, Barcelona, Spain

Landscape restoration of the Vall d’en Joan landfill site Landscape Architect



Enric Batlle, Joan Roig


PROSER, Proyectos y Servicios, SA, GEOCISA, RDS, Jordi Nebot, Xavier Ramoneda, Mario Suñer




AMB, Entitat Metropolitana de Serveis Hidràulics i

850,000 m2

Jordi Surroca

Tractament de Residus, Diputació de Barcelona


The Vall d’en Joan is situated in the Natural Park of Garraf, in the municipalities of Begues and Gavà , in the county of Baix Llobregat. Originally, this spot was one of the many closed, winding valleys that form the foothills of the Garraf massif. Its use as a landfill dates back to 1974, since when it has been the destination of most of the urban waste produced by Barcelona and its metropolitan area. When closure of the site began, it occupied an approximate extension of 85 hectares and had been filled to two-thirds of its original level. Before restoration, the landfill was a vast extent of steep slopes where a layer of 20 centimeters of earth covered the waste beneath, but with no definitive capping. This huge sloping tract covered the entire valley, the top part of which was still functioning as a landfill. The image of the valley occupied by the dump contrasted with the variety of relief and vegetation of the landscapes in the natural park in which it was set.

The landfill restoration project aimed to use a single operation to address the three basic aspects identified: solving a complex technical problem, creating a new public space and constructing a new landscape. The multidisciplinary technical team that carried out restoration brought to this single intervention knowledge from different disciplines (environmental engineering, geology, landscape architecture and agronomy) to create this new place. The complex technical problems that derived from closing and capping the landfill served to outline a working strategy based on rationalization. The organization of stabilizing terraces and retaining embankments, and the track providing access marked out the geometry of the landfill, and structured the layout of piping to collect and conduct biogas to the transformation plant where it is turned into electrical energy and the draining and storage of leachates. This organization is complemented by the construction of channels to divert runoff.






Location Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Guthrie Green Urban Park Landscape Architect



SWA Group

John Wong, Elizabeth Shreeve, Sergio Lima, Rick Story

George Kaiser Family Foundation



Kinslow, Keith & Todd, Inc.

Jonnu Singleton, Tom Fox/SWA Group

Designed by SWA’s Sausalito, California office, Guthrie Green transforms a 10,927-square-meter truck loading facility into a community gathering space offering gardens, interactive fountains, outdoor stage with vine-covered “green rooms”, multipurpose lawn for performances and festivals, and a 1,041-squaremeter cafe pavilion. Kinslow, Keith & Todd Architects designed the pavilion and stage. Wallace Engineering provided structural and civil engineering. Manhattan Construction Company, with Stonebridge Group and Tulsa Industrial Authority, oversaw construction. SWA identified the truck loading site as an ideal location for green space within the emerging Brady Arts District. The city block sits on a primary east-west street, opposite the historic Tulsa Paper Company building, which GKFF has reactivated as a cultural center housing the Woody Guthrie Archives and other nonprofit artrelated tenants. Early in the design, the team conceived of installing a ground-source heat pump system under the park. Consisting of 120 wells drilled to a 153-meter depth, the 334

“geo-exchange” system generates 600 tons (7.2 million BTU/hour) of heating/ cooling distributed via underground pipes to serve 11,148-square-meter of nearby nonprofit users as well as the cafe pavilion and bathrooms. Photovoltaic panels on the pavilion roof supply power for the heat pumps. The system enables 60% reduction in energy demand, with investment payback in five to seven years. This concept won the project a $2.5 Million ARRA Stimulus Grant and other state/local funding. Flynt & Kallenberger and Dr. James Bose of Oklahoma State University collaborated on the geo-exchange design using Rygan Corp.’s highefficiency closed-system technology. With the park’s LED lighting and bio-retention swales, the geo-exchange system provides a model for sustainable park design. Today, the project’s grid layout of gardens, paths, and interactive fountains reflects what is unseen below the surface. A major circular fountain provides lively entertainment, while smaller fountains carved from granite cubes express the seeping, misting and jetting characteristics of water.









ŠAtelier Dreiseitl


Freiburg, Germany

Zollhallen Plaza, Freiburg, Germany Landscape Architect



Atelier Dreiseitl

5,600 m2

Atelier Dreiseitl, B Doherty, Karl Ludwig

Zollhallen Plaza is a new counterpart for the historic customs hall which was restored in 2009. The plaza is a fine example of water sensitive urban design, as it is disconnected from the sewer system. Beautiful planters provide infiltration points, and subsurface gravel trenches with innovative in-built filter medium reduce the hydraulic overload on the sewer system. Indented plaza areas create a surface flood zone. No rain water is fed to the sewer system. Instead the groundwater table is recharged. The design plays with the historic past of the site which was a railyard. Timeless 342

and multifunctional benches recalled break noses of railtracks, and old railtracks are inlaid into the paving. A bright grove of cherry trees provide the perfect amount of shade, while the infiltration planters with perrenials and ornamental grasses give an attractive softness. 100% of the hardscape materials are high-quality demolition materials recycled from the old railyard. This makes sense not just from a resource management point of view, but harmonises the new clean modern design with the historic architecture of the customs hall.

©B Doherty

©Karl Ludwig 343

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl 344

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl


©Karl Ludwig

©Atelier Dreiseitl


ŠB Doherty

ŠAtelier Dreiseitl




Atelier cité architecture

Territoires is a landscape architecture agency, located in France and Switzerland. Their skills set is double: landscape design and engineering. The agency recently celebrated its 20th birthday. At the head of the company, Philippe Convercey (Conception), Franck Mathé (Production) and Etienne Voirot (Studies and Development) manage a team of ten persons, with technical, architectural/design and communication expertise. By avoiding landscape stereotypes, they think outside the box and stay focused on the real needs of a place and aim for the best possible use. They think their design touch is as much radical in its aesthetics than it is functional and intelligible. Sustainable development and ecology are essential components of their planning. Territoires work, visible in French and Swiss public spaces, is saluted by numerous prices. They are members of Swiss and French Landscape Architects Federations.

Atelier cité architecture is a workshop whose field of investigation crosses city territory and architecture. In very diverse professional practices (diagnosis, project teaching, research and publication), the partners of city architecture have always had the desire to develop global approaches and multidisciplinary territories and give great importance to the development of diagnostic to highlight the elements of identity of the place and build a contemporary project. Thinking about the long-term impacts of decisions on development, the environment and landscapes have always been the backdrop of all their work: the question of urban sprawl, the effects of “the all for car” the treatment of urban networks (travel, water, energy, infrastructure) and the identity of each place.

Oikosdesign SWA Group For over five decades, SWA Group has been recognized as a world design leader in landscape architecture, planning and urban design. Their projects have received over 600 awards and have been showcased in over 60 countries. Their principals are among the industry’s most talented and experienced designers and planners. Emerging in 1959 as the West Coast office of Sasaki, Walker and Associates, the firm first assumed the SWA Group name in 1975. Despite being one of the largest firms of its type in the world, SWA is organized into smaller studio-based offices that enhance creativity and client responsiveness. Over 75% of SWA’s work has historically come from repeat clients. In addition to bringing strong aesthetic, functional, and social design ideas to their projects, they’re also committed to integrating principles of environmental sustainability. At the core of their work is a passion for imaginative, solution-oriented design that adds value to land, buildings, cities, regions, and to people’s lives.

iGreens iGreens is a Design and Innovation Consultancy specializing in green spaces and recreational facilities. iGreens creates new business opportunities through their innovative proposals with regard to participation and communication. They are committed to innovation, renewal and enhancement of the environment as a vital necessity of their surroundings. They introduce new concepts of environmental aesthetics. iGreens offers innovative, practical and sustainable solutions that integrate the economic, social and environmental spheres. They design green spaces that are suggestive and stimulating to the senses and incorporate ludic activity and imagination to foster psychomotor abilities. Sustainability, water conservation and financial savings are present both in the materials used and in energy-efficiency solutions.


Oikosdesign is an international practice of landscape, architecture and urban design, located in the Netherlands. It is unique in its combination of theory and practice, science and art, and experience in East and West. Originally founded as Oikos in 1989 in Seoul, it became known for its visionary and innovative design approach to guide the rapidly urbanizing environment of Korea, and called upon by corporate and government leaders. Oikosdesign specializes in integrative and generative design balancing ecology with human economy, using cutting edge design research, in close collaboration with one of the world’s leading landscape research institutes.

Atelier Dreiseitl Atelier Dreiseitl is an award-winning, sustainable landscape architecture practice. They are a multidisciplinary team specialized in the synthesis of landscape architecture, art & urban design, environmental technology and urban hydrology. 30 years of experience has created a portfolio of outstanding projects with high aesthetic and cultural value. The scope of the practice’s work includes water sensitive urban design, streetscapes, master plans, parks and plazas, and down to the applied scale of swales, biotopes and buildingintegrated rainwater recycling systems.

Natural Habitats 30 years on Natural Habitats is the New Zealand’s largest and leading integrated landscape company relied upon to design, delivers and cares for some of Australasia’s most iconic landscapes. Natural Habitats has over 100 dedicated staff, with local offices across the country. Teams of landscape architects, experienced horticulturists, arborists, landscapers and environ­m entalists continue to cultivate Natural Habitats’ passion and commitment to delivering quality landscapes to be lived in and enjoyed.

site design group, ltd.

Klopfer Martin Design Group

site design group, ltd. is a landscape architecture and urban design firm that was founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1990. Comprised of fifteen design professionals including LEED accredited and licensed landscape architects, planners, architects, and urban designers, they are recognized by their ability to visualize and communicate innovative design concepts and spatial experiences throughout the design process. They provide professional design services to architects, engineers, municipalities, corporations, and institutions throughout Chicago, the Middle West, and Asia. site design group, ltd. is committed to design innovation, excellence, and community leadership. Each project brings a measure of social responsibility, sustainable accountability, and land stewardship through their multi-disciplinary, community-oriented design process. site design group, ltd. successfully facilitates conversations that engage participants in the design process. Their creative site design solutions transform the physical environment through attention to detail, understanding of spatial quality, circulation patterns, and social interaction. They design outdoor spaces that create a sense of place.

The Klopfer Martin Design Group is a landscape architecture firm providing non-profit organizations, municipalities, colleges, private individuals, and architects with high quality site design and collaboration. They work across scales, from the parcel to academic campuses to the urban design of city districts. The company was founded in 2006 by Mark Klopfer, who is both a licensed landscape architect and architect. In 2007 Kaki Martin joined the firm as a principal, bringing her extensive public landscape and public process experience to the group. Their work reflects this interest in landscape and architecture, building and site and their approach balances the aspirations of their clients with a respect for the needs of site, community, and sustainability. For more than eighteen years, Mark Klopfer and Kaki Martin have led complex teams that set new design vision for public landscapes. At KMDG, Mark and Kaki combine their design, public process and programming, and technical skills to create a team that is rich in aesthetic vision, experienced at project delivery, and stimulated by creative clients who face real-world, bottom-line constraints. KMDG currently has nine full-time employees. Lastly, KMDG has a commitment to strive for works of beauty in landscape. They hold the belief that aesthetics lies in formal beauty and that a designed landscape can reveal and inform the site’s history or larger contextual (ecologic, urban, hydrologic) connections. They feel that this is accomplished through cultivating an appropriate and thoughtful plant palette, integrated with material choice and detailing, all set within a smart response to the project site, history, and context.

W Architecture and Landscape Architecture, LLC W is an interdisciplinary woman-owned studio which builds on links between architecture and landscape architecture to create spaces that engage both nature and urbanism. Their office is in New York, and they have projects in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the United States. W is organized around the commitment of Principal Barbara Wilks to quality design and active participation in all levels of the firm’s projects. With over 35 years experience, she believes that effective leadership on complex projects requires vision, a collaborative and talented team, effective communication, and persistent commitment to finding solutions to project goals and aspirations. The staff of fifteen is organized in a flexible studio manner and includes experienced project managers, urban designers, landscape architects and LEED accredited professionals, who engage in each project through its successful completion. W works closely with the team to achieve consensus on an authentic and delightful design which combines strong conceptual ideas with environmental concerns. Projects are often complex involving multiple constituencies with differing points of view, on challenging sites with sensitive environmental conditions and infrastructure. W's work seeks to engage its visitors. A synthesis of landscape and architectural design facilitates the transition between regional planning, urban infrastructure, public spaces, individual buildings, and private landscapes.

adh architects [Doazan + Hirschberger & Associates] The workshop Doazan + Hirschberger was founded in 1998 by Benedicte Doazan and Stéphane Hirschberger. IN 2010, Nicolas Novello and Elisabeth Salvado become associates of the ADH ARCHITECTS [Doazan+Hirschberger & associates].

Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects With over 20 years of professional work experience as landscape designers, Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects is one of the largest and most successful offices in Germany. The office has roughly 26 multi-national staff members including senior landscape architects, landscape architects, graphic designers and administrative assistants. The company has three locations in Germany: the main office is in Munich, the others in Berlin and in Bernburg. The principal fields of services of the office are the planning and execution of large projects in the fields of landscape architecture, environmental planning and urban design, and supervision on both national and international levels. The office´s aim is to develop innovative solutions to the design problems of our time. The language of landscape architecture in the 21st century must offer a realistic reflection of the way people interact with each other and with nature. The office strives to achieve a balance between design, function, emotion and conservation. Rainer Schmidt has been Professor for Landscape Architecture at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin for 20 years and was guest professor at Bejing University in 2005 and Farrand Professor at University of California, Berkeley in 2007. Since 2005 Rainer Schmidt has been vice president of the German society of garden architecture and landscape culture (DGGL). 349

Grupo de Diseño Urbano


Grupo de Diseño Urbano is an interdisciplinary design team geared to produce integrated concepts of design, connecting architecture, landscape architecture and urban design is spatial, aesthetic, sustainable and social contexts with the aim to improve the quality of life of their clients and users. Their design philosophy is based on the conviction that urban, peri-urban or rural environments must be transformed by means of a creative process, through thorough investigation, with an environmental ethic and carefully looking at local culture and context; involving the participation of the client or user. Projects are set up specifically with an interdisciplinary team and based, depending on its characteristics, with the inclusion of specialists in social sciences, environment and sustainability, economics and finance, civil and systems, engineering and art. Their goal is to achieve imaginative and contemporary solutions to old, new and everyday design problems. These solutions have to be feasible, buildable, efficient and aesthetic with the conviction to conserve and improve the environment.

BATLLE I ROIG, ARQUITECTES is an architectural practice founded in 1981 by Enric Batlle and Joan Roig, formed by a multidisciplinary team able to reach all areas of architecture, landscape, environment, sustainability, engineering and technical architecture. The goal of the firm is the architecture and the client, to whom they offer their service in the broadest sense, having as general guidelines when making their projects the social and cultural commitment, the technological innovation, creation and respect for the environment. Their works has been recognized by many international awards (WAF 2008, 2009 and 2011 and FAD) and has been published in prestigious magazines worldwide (Architectural Review, C3 Publishing, Domus, Casabella, Croquis...).

Townshend Landscape Architects Established in 1988, Townshend Landscape Architects are an award-winning practice providing a professional landscape design, environmental planning and urban design service. The practice has considerable experience in historic conservation and in designing landscapes for prominent commercial, educational, residential, retail and leisure developments, and seeks to provide design-orientated solutions with a particular emphasis on an innovative approach within the practical restraints of a project. Every project and site is considered as different from those that have come before; they do not subscribe to the adage that ‘one size fits all’. At a scientific level this involves understanding all the ecological and environmental parameters of the site, and applying technological skill. At an aesthetic level the primary consideration is in determining ‘the spirit of the place’ to ensure that all design interventions are appropriate for the character of the location, as this can help inform the way specific elements of the design are manifested.

Fitzgerald Frisby Landscape Architecture Fitzgerald Frisby Landscape Architecture provides landscape architectural and urban design consulting services across a diverse range of project type sand scales for both public and private clients. The following provide general guiding principles regarding the FFLA approach to projects: Community engagement should help to set the agenda for the design process, and provide inspiration to it. Design must strive for deeper outcomes than the visual appeal of patterns, shapes and forms. It should seek to create connections to community and place, working with the stories and people that exist rather than smothering the old with the new. Sustainability needs to go beyond words to provide real and measurable results if it is to meet the challenges faced by contemporary society. Experimenting with new processes and techniques ensures that design remains interesting and informed. Research as a part of the design process in providing an insight to the evolution of place and an appreciation of local stories. Collaborating with the community and other professionals can provide valuable insights to local issues as well as solutions to complex problems. Community collaboration is a valuable means of achieving lasting outcomes. Outcomes of the design process must be practical and robust. They should be good value, valued and valuable.


Ronald Rietveld Ronald Rietveld (nationality: NL) graduated in 2003 from the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam, specialization landscape architecture (cum laude). In 2004 his graduation project “Delta Works 2.0” was awarded the ARCHIPRIX (third prize). After winning the Prix de Rome Architecture (first prize) in 2006, he started his own design and research office, Rietveld Landscape, together with his brother Erik Rietveld (Fellow in Philosophy at Harvard University). The office has exhibited work in various international exhibitions and has its own unsolicited research program for contemporary issues in the public domain. Ronald Rietveld presents frequently at conferences and is a lecturer at the Design Academy Eindhoven (Master’s program). He has also lectured at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam, Academy of Architecture in Rotterdam, and TU-Delft. He is a jury member for several design competitions. By invitation of the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI), Rietveld Landscape will contribute the Dutch submission to the 12th Architecture Biennale of Venice 2010.

HOSPER HOSPER is a design-office for landscape architecture, urban planning, outdoor space and object. The assignments which they work on are varied but always require the ability to generate new and creative ideas. They make up a young and enthusiastic team, within which several design disciplines are represented: landscape architecture, urban planning and industrial design. Society continuously imposes differing demands on its environment. Each new generation adds a new layer to the landscape. As designers, they attempt to translate the demands made by their times on the environment into a new layer. They retain respect for the layers which have gone before while creating new chances for the future. Their most important priority in doing this is to cherish the experience of space.

Kenneth Weikal Landscape Architecture Kenneth Weikal Landscape Architecture [KWLA], founded in 1989, is a practice dedicated to excellence in design, service to clients and attention to all aspects of a project from initial client meetings through construction. KWLA specializes in site planning, landform, stormwater management, horticulture and civic agriculture. The KWLA design philosophy is rooted in a profound respect for the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Recognizing the deep connections between people, place and landscape, KWLA promotes sustainable development by creating healthy, vibrant and livable places. Protecting and celebrating the interconnected natural systems of water, air, people and land, KWLA sees Landscape Architecture as the framework for integrating environmental responsibility, social-well being and creative design that results in successful projects for clients and healthy communities.


Dongsimwon Landscape Design

Turenscape was founded by Professor Kongjian Yu, who got his Doctor Degree from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. With almost 500 professionals, Turenscape is mainly composed of professionals who have overseas education background. Their work covers urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, environment design. It was officially recognized and certificated as a first-level urban planning and second-level architecture institute by the Chinese government. As a high-tech enterprise, Turenscape is an integrated team that provides quality and holistic services in: 1. architecture 2. landscape architecture 3. urban design Turenscape has involved in many large-scale projects throughout the world, including The Big Dig in Boston, USA, Beijing zhongguancun science park, Beijing Olympic park, etc. Turenscape's projects have earned it a great reputation for innovative and environmentally sound designs.

Dongsimwon Landscape Design places a premium on spatial evolution and changes of landscape. Knowing the importance of sustainability, they try to find the harmony among nature, society, and human life. They put client’s dream and reality above their desire, and thus emphasize delicate details and practicality which, they believe, eventually perfect the completeness of the space. For sixteen years, Dongsimwon has been one of the leading landscape design firms in Korea. They are an award-winning design group and composed of 22 highly qualified landscape architects. They have worked on various types of project including urban open space planning and design, waterfront development, garden design, and urban design. More specifically, their areas of expertise include: ▪. Urban open space planning and design ▪. Housing/ mixed-use residential complex landscape design ▪. Industrial/ commercial area landscape design ▪. Institutional planning and design ▪. Office building and hotel landscape ▪. Resort and recreational landscape design Understanding the significance of collaborative approach, Dongsimwon Landscape Design working together with architect, constructor, horticulturist, scientist, and artist to provide integrative design solutions.

CTOPOS CTOPOS Design is WATER. Water is the source of life. God provides water through rain, fog, and clouds. Water transforms its shape according to the space, and water possesses the purity of always flowing from top to bottom. Their designs use water to revive surrounding things. CTOPOS Design is EXPOSURE, the design from God’s wisdom, the design that exposes order of all things to make us believe in God. Their design exposes the character and workmanship of God. CTOPOS Design is INTIMACY AND SCALE. Purpose of their lives is to create relationships. They enter into a relationship through a medium. Relationship has to be intimate. Intimacy is deeply connected to distance. Their design is about detailed and friendly design of intimacy with a great sense of scale. CTOPOS Design is LIFE. They want to depict peoples’ lives in space. Their design is not about their own thoughts or design. Their design is about painting lives in your space. CTOPOS Design is COMMUNICATION. Good communication is always great. People and space;; Material and material; Wind, light, rain, earth and space: Their design makes these things communicate with each other. CTOPOS Design is LAND. Their design vitalizes everything on land. Many are underneath land. They design to serve and support land. CTOPOS Design is LIGHT. Light and spirituality stay together. Light contains sun, moon, and stars. Their deign celebrates sun, moon, and stars’ banquet of light. Light adds value and life to materials, textures, and colors.Light is the tool which evokes emotion.Light makes all darkness disappear. CTOPOS Design is COLOR. God gave us color as a gift.He gave color to make only humans feel. Color is life itself.That is why they design in the love of color. CTOPOS Design is JOY. God told us to be joyful always. Their design makes people feel full of joy.

HASSELL HASSELL is an international design practice with 14 studios in Australia, China, South East Asia and the United Kingdom. With more than 900 people and a track record spanning 75 years, HASSELL works globally across a diverse range of markets. With expertise crossing a range of disciplines – architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and planning with integrated sustainability and urban design capabilities; HASSELL draw on all to inform the design of both buildings and places. The latest BD World Architecture Top 100 Survey ranked HASSELL as Australasia's number one architectural design practice and the 31st largest in the world. HASSELL has won more than 850 design awards, including three categories at the World Architectural Festival in 2012.

LATZ+PARTNER Latz + Partner is an internationally established practice based in Kranzberg, Germany, with an experience of more than 40 years in landscape architecture and town planning. Since Latz + Partner started, their main focus has been ecological urban and landscape renewal and development, connected with research in the field of alternative building technologies and with the achievement of long term development and maintenance programs. They are accustomed to working with international partners in multinational and interdisciplinary teams. The office stands not only for quality of design but also for technical competence and know-how. It maintains a commitment to all work phases from design to execution, realization and review.

Janet Rosenberg&Studio Janet Rosenberg & Studio is one of Canada’s most highly regarded landscape architecture firms. Established in 1983, their portfolio of work includes master planning, design and project management for numerous government, institutional, academic, commercial and residential clients. The firm has been honoured with over 70 major awards, and their commissions have been published regionally, nationally and internationally. Company founder, Janet Rosenberg, is regularly sought out to share her passion, commitment, knowledge and enthusiasm at industry conferences, round tables and lectures. Janet is supported by a staff of twenty experienced professionals, including a certified Green Roof Professional. The Studio’s work is bold, innovative and adept. Through critical site investigation, innovative design, and project management, Janet Rosenberg & Studio create dynamic and vibrant landscapes that respond to how people use and move through spaces. Janet Rosenberg, in addition to designing a number of Canada’s most significant new public spaces, such as the award-winning Market Square in Guelph, Ontario and the Devonian Gardens in Calgary, Alberta, also led a multi-disciplinary team to design and implement the urban renewal project - Riverwalk Common in Newmarket, Ontario - which has been recognized with a 2013 Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Award of Excellence.


Bureau B+B Urbanism and Landscape Architecture Bureau B+B is an internationally operating design agency, founded in 1977. They believe in collective talent more than any other design agency. They rely on the shared intelligence of all their team members. Their designs are based on the unique aspects of a task, and they identify the elements a site offers. They then produce a functional design that always includes an inspiration or a disruptive component that allows the spatial experience to transcend the functional use.

James Corner Field Operations James Corner Field Operations is a leading-edge urban design and landscape architecture practice based in New York City. The practice is renowned for strong contemporary design across a variety of high-profile project types and scales, from large urban districts and complex post-industrial sites, to small well-crafted, detail design projects. There is a special commitment to the design of a vibrant and dynamic public realm, informed by the interactive ecology between people and nature. Comprising 40 professionals, many with cross-disciplinary backgrounds in landscape architecture, urban design, planning, architecture and communication art, their mandate is to respond with clarity and imagination to the unique circumstances of each project, crafting ecologically smart and culturally significant built works of lasting distinction. The office has a particular flair with urban situations, public spaces and large-scale, multidisciplinary projects, with a focus on developing high quality, innovative solutions for modern day cities, landscapes and social places. The ultimate aim is to bring beauty, engagement, health and vitality to the different kinds of environment in which people live and interact.

Tom Leader Studio Tom Leader Studio was formed in March 2001 for the practice of landscape architecture. This nationwide practice seeks to create an active liaison between emerging ideas and practices and their realization in physical space. Recent TLS projects include the Stanford University Medical Center Campus and Pool Pavilion Forest, art collaboration with James Turrell, which was winner of an ASLA Honor Award. The 2005 project, "Shanghai Carpet", was featured in the 2007 "Groundswell" exhibit on international landscape at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. In 2011 TLS was a finalist for Cooper Hewitt's National Design Award for Landscape Architecture. In 2012, TLS was winner along with architect Michael Maltzan of the St. Petersburg Pier Competition. Together with KVA, TLS was winner of the Minneapolis Riverfront Competition, an on-going large scale urban initiative now known as "RiverFirst". TLS was also winner of the 2012 ULI Urban Open Space Award.

BLVD international inc. BLVD international inc. was founded in Ontario, Canada in October 2001. The design company was established by several Canadian Architects and Interior Designers who shared a common interest in working in the Chinese market. After ten years of professional practice in China, BLVD now specializes in the field of Architectural Design, Urban Planning, Landscape Design and Interior Design including Resort Planning, high-end Hospitality and Office developments, Model Suites and Club Houses.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this book, especially all the artists, designers, architects and photographers for their kind permission to publish their works. We are also very grateful to many other people whose names do not appear on the credits but who provided assistance and support. We highly appreciate the contribution of images, ideas, and concepts and thank them for allowing their creativity to be shared with readers around the world.

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