DIRECTORY INDICATORS DIVERSITY INDICATORS Owned and operated by a disabled person: A person with a condition of the body or mind that makes it more difficult for them to do certain activities and interact with the world around them.
Owned and operated by an LGBTQIA2S+ person: A person who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and/or Two Spirit.
Owned and operated by an Indigenous or Native person: A person who is Indigenous or Native to the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawai‘i. Owned and operated by a person of color: A person who is Black, Asian, Middle
Eastern, Latine, multiracial, or other person of color.
Owned and operated by a U.S. veteran: A person who has completed active service in any branch of the United States Armed Forces.
Owned and operated by a woman: A person identifying as a woman.
FARM & RANCH INDICATORS These indicators identify the types of products and services our farms and ranches provide.
PURCHASING INDICATORS This indicator will let you know if you can use any of the following payment methods. Be sure to ask the vendor before you make a purchase.
Dairy &/or Eggs
EBT/SNAP: Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Oregon Trail or Food Stamps)
Meat &/or Poultry
& Children
Veggies &/or Fruits
Honey Flowers, Herbs &/or Grains CSA/Herd Share Farm Visits &Purchases
WIC: Nutrition program for Women, Infants FDNP: Farm Direct Nutrition Program is a
state-administered, federal nutrition program serving families enrolled in the WIC and income-eligible seniors. Participants receive $4.00 checks to spend on fresh, locally-grown fruits, vegetables, and cut edible herbs directly with authorized farmers from June 1-November 30.