High Levels Concept Catalogue Italian Wine Malta 2018

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Choose Italian Wine Italian wine is not just knowing how to choose the best moment of the year when to harvest, select one by one the good bunches and discard the bad ones, make a good vinification and use the finest barrels in which to mature the wine. It is something much deeper and more intimate. It is something that captures you, that you are passionate about, that conquers you up to bewitch you. When you drink an Italian wine, you drink all of this. Italian wines are unique in the world for other reasons. First of all for the variety. Do you think that in Italy there are something like 453 types of vineyards: a huge number, which guarantees a practically unlimited diversity between the productions of the various wineries. Another striking feature is that linked to microclimates that directly influence the development and growth of grapes. I’ll explain. Do you think that if, within the same area of belonging ​​ to a vine, you

move a few tens of kilometers, the results you get, in the bottle, are profoundly different. Another important factor is the quantity of wine that each winery produces. In fact, in Italy, cellars are very often brought forward by families, with a number of employees that is less than 10 people total. This means that the number of bottles produced is very low, with a consequent increase in the average quality. It is natural that the attention and care that can be devoted to a production of 1,000 bottles is infinitely superior to that which is put into the production of 100,000 pieces. Italy is full of small producers, real wine artisans, who take care of the collection and production processes in a maniacal way. Remember therefore: Italian wine means varied and superfine flavors and great experience and expertise of producers. Translated into two words: Absolute Quality!

THE BEST ITALIAN WINE SELECTION FOR THE FOREING MARKET Thirty-six of the best Italian wineries were chosen by the High Levels to be distributed in Irish territory. Quality and refined wines are included in the catalog, coming from all the regions of Italy. A gustatory explosion for the most sought-after palates. We will take you around Italy among its tastes and its flavors, which have always made the peninsula one of the most desired places for food and wine tourists lovers.

“The Italian wineries” 1. Barone di Valforte 2. Bressan 3. Cabert Spa 4. Cantina Bastianelli 5. Cantina Frentana 6. Cantina Siddura 7. Casa di Grazia 8. Casa Sola 9. Canonica Cerreto 10. Clementin Brojli 11. Colvendrà 12. Corte Aura 13. Cottini Vini 14. Fattoria di Mogliano 15. Gen Agricola 16. I Carpini 17. il Colle 18. La Fusina 19. Le Vii 20. Montel Vini 21. Odoni 22. Panizzari Wine 23. PortaRossa 24. San Michele ai Pianoni 25. Torrequarto 26. Vinoteca Bellucci


Tenute Barone di ValForte vineyards belong to the family Sorricchio di Valforte since the XIV century; it exstends on 52 hectares in the heart of Abruzzo region, between Adriatic sea and Grand Sasso and Maiella mountains. The family has focused their efforts on the prodcuction of typical and native grapes varities from the Abruzzo region such as Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Treabbiano; Pecorino, Passerina, with a particular care for a sustainable agricoture and respect for the territory and the enviroment. Centuries-old tradition and passion, combined with a exceptional geographical position, are importants features in wine-making, without forgetting state-of-the art technology:controlled temperature at all times during the production , soft pressing, constant and carefull analysis by our high qualified laboratory technicians. The technological perfections of the wines speaks for itself, it tells of their territory, their history, the love, passion and skill devoted to their production.

Barone di Valfor Montepulciano

Grapes: 100% Mont Productions area: C Altitude of vineyard Soil typology: sand Training system: bu Hectare harvesting Number of plants p Harvest time: last te and beginning of O Vinification: fermen for 15 days. Refinement: cold p Alcohol content: 13 Organoleptic prope purple highlights an and morel cherries, vintage, with a soft, appetizers, entrĂŠes,

Uvaggio: 100% Mon Zone di produzione Altitudine dei vigne Tipologia dei terren sabbioso - argilloso. Sistema di allevame Produzione per ett Numero ceppi per e Epoca di vendemm di ottobre. Vinificazione: ferme sulle bucce per 15 gg Affinamento: acciaio Alcol svolto: 13,5% v Caratteristiche org riflessi violacei, profu marasca giĂ maturo con palato morbido antipasti, primi piatti

Barone di Valforte Abruzzo Pecorino D.O.P.

Grapes: 100% Pecorino D.O.P. Productions area: Piomba, Colle Sale. Altitude of vineyard: 150 - 350 m above sea level. Soil typology: calcareous – medium - mix. Training system: buttressed Cordon espalier. Hectare harvesting: No more than 100-120 Q. Number of plants per hectare: 4200. Harvest time: end of September. Vinification: white wine technique. Refinement: cold process techniques. Alcohol content: 13,00%. Organoleptic properties: Floral mixture of broom and white flowers; fresh to the palate but strongly structured with complex aromas. Perfect with raw seafood, fish dishes and light sauces.

Uvaggio: 100% Pecorino D.O.P. Zone di produzione: C.da Piomba - Colle Sale. Altitudine dei vigneti: 150 - 350 m. s.l.m. Tipologia dei terreni: calcareo - medio impasto. Sistema di allevamento: spalliera. Produzione per ettaro: non oltre i 100-120 Q. Numero ceppi per ettaro: 4200. Epoca di vendemmia: fine settembre. Vinificazione: in bianco. Affinamento: acciaio con stabilizzazione a freddo. Alcol svolto: 13,00% vol. Caratteristiche organolettiche: floreale dove si fondono ginestra e fiori bianchi al palato fresco ma anche una complessitĂ aromatica unita ad una buona struttura. Abbinamenti con crudi di mare, piatti a base di pesce e sughi leggeri.

Barone di Valforte Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Grapes: 100% Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Productions area: C.da Piomba, Colle Sale. Altitude of vineyard: 150 - 350 m above sea level. Soil typology: sandy and clayey - medium - mix. Training system: buttressed Cordon espalier. Hectare harvesting: No more than 100-120 Q.. Number of plants per hectare: 4200. Harvest time: last ten days of September and beginning of October. Vinification: fermentation by steeping in grape-skins for 15 days. Refinement: cold process techniques. Alcohol content: 13,5%. Organoleptic properties: Ruby-red colour with purple highlights and fruity scent with tones of plum and morel cherries, matures a few months after vintage, with a soft, lingering taste. Perfect with appetizers, entrées, meat and cheese.

Uvaggio: 100% Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Zone di produzione: C.da Piomba - Colle Sale. Altitudine dei vigneti: 150 - 350 m. s.l.m. Tipologia dei terreni: medio impasto, sabbioso - argilloso. Sistema di allevamento: spalliera. Produzione per ettaro: non oltre i 100-120 Q. Numero ceppi per ettaro: 4200. Epoca di vendemmia: ultima decade di settembre - inizi di ottobre. Vinificazione: fermentazione con macerazione sulle bucce per 15 gg. Affinamento: acciaio con stabilizzazione a freddo. Alcol svolto: 13,5% vol. Caratteristiche organolettiche: colore rosso rubino con riflessi violacei, profumo fruttato con note di prugna e marasca già maturo dopo pochi mesi dalla vendemmia, con palato morbido e persistente. Abbinamenti con antipasti, primi piatti saporiti, carni e formaggi.

Barone di Valforte Valforte Rosè Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Grapes: 100% Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Productions area: Piomba, Colle Sale. Altitude of vineyard: 150 - 350 m above sea level. Soil typology: sandy and clayey - medium - mix. Training system: buttressed Cordon espalier. Hectare harvesting: No more than 100-120 Q. Number of plants per hectare: 4200. Harvest time: last ten days of September, beginning of October. Vinification: cold steeping. Refinement: cold process techniques. Alcohol content: 12.00%. Organoleptic properties: Ruby-red colour with purple highlights and bouquet with tones of strawberry, cherry, fresh to the palate slightly acid after taste. Perfect with light soups, appetizers, fish, soups and white meat.

Uvaggio: 100% Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Zone di produzione: C.da Piomba - Colle Sale. Altitudine dei vigneti: 150 - 350 m. s.l.m. Tipologia dei terreni: medio impasto, sabbioso - argilloso. Sistema di allevamento: spalliera. Produzione per ettaro: non oltre i 100-120 Q. Numero ceppi per ettaro: 4200. Epoca di vendemmia: ultima decade di settembre, inizi di ottobre. Vinificazione: macerazione a freddo. Affinamento: acciaio con stabilizzazione a freddo. Alcol svolto: 12,00% vol. Caratteristiche organolettiche: colore rubino carico con riflessi violacei e bouquet con note di fragola, ciliegia, palato fresco, acidulo, finale lungo. Abbinamenti con minestre leggere, antipasti, zuppe di pesce, carni bianche.

Colle Sale Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Colline Teramane D.O.C.G.

Grapes: 100% Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.C.G. Production Area: Piomba, Silvi (TE). Altitude of vineyard: 350 m above sea level. Soil typology: sandy and clayey. Training system: buttressed Cordon espalier. Hectare harvesting: No more than 90 Q. Number of plants per hectare: 4200. Harvest time: first ten days in October. Vinification: steeping in steel vats for 20-25 days. Refinement: in barriques. Alcohol content: 14%. Organoleptic properties: Deep ruby - red with purple. highlights and strong spicy smell of mature red fruit, strong complex structure confers a warm, full taste. Perfect with red meats, game, cheese, strong sauces and for “contemplation”.

Uvaggio: 100% Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.C.G. Zona di produzione: C.da Piomba - Silvi (TE). Altitudine dei vigneti: 350 m. s.l.m. Tipologia dei terreni: medio impasto, sabbioso - argilloso. Sistema di allevamento: spalliera. Produzione per ettaro: non oltre i 90 Q. Numero ceppi per ettaro: 4200. Epoca di vendemmia: prima decade di ottobre. Vinificazione: macerazione sulle bucce per 20 - 25 gg. Affinamento: barriques. Alcol svolto: 14% vol. Caratteristiche organolettiche: colore Rubino purpureo con riflessi violacei, profumo intenso di frutta matura rossa con note speziate, palato caldo e pieno dotato di grande struttura e complessità. Abbinamenti con arrosti di carne rosse, selvaggina, formaggi, salse forti e meditazione.

Barone di Valforte Montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Riserva

Grapes: 100% montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Production area: Colle Sale countryside of Silvi (TE). Altitude of vineyard: 350 m above sea level. Soil typology: sandy and clayey. Training system: buttressed cordon espalier. Hectare harvesting: No more than 100-120 Q. Number of plants per hectare: 4200. Harvest time: first ten days in october. Vinification: steeping in steel vats for 15 - 20 days. Refinement: 16/18 months in barriques. Alcohol content: 14% vol. Organoleptic properties: deep red colour, woodland fragrance a pleasant warm taste, high structure and complexity.

Uvaggio: 100% montepulciano d’Abruzzo D.O.P. Zona di produzione: Colle Sale. Altitudine vigneti: 350 m. slm. Tipologia terreni: medio impasto, sabbioso - argilloso. Sistema allevamento: spalliera. Produzione per ettaro: non oltre i 100-120 Q. Numero ceppi per ettaro: 4200. Epoca vendemmia: prima decade di ottobre. Vinificazione: macerazione sulle bucce per 15 - 20 gg. Affinamento: 16/18 mesi in barriques. Alcol svolto: 14% vol. Caratteristiche organolettiche: Colore rosso intenso, profumo di sottobosco con un palato caldo, di grande struttura e complessità.


The Cabert philosophy is to mind every phase, “from pruning to wine tasting”, relying on expert technicians and oenologists to guarantee the wine obtained from perfect grapes coming exclusively from the Cabert vineyards. It is an authentic guarantee of high tradition, the image of which is confirmed in the villas, the age-old residences of the landowning families, with their strong bonds to their land. Cabert proposes to perpetuate these distinctive testimonials, continuing the success enjoyed with the esteemers of its wines The CABERT vineyards, a panorama of sun-kissed lands, covered since ancient times with prized vine varieties. An anonymous traveller from the Late Middle Ages wrote “pulchreas vineas Bertegoli”, in praise of a dolomitic limestone soil made of pebbles, conglomerates and sand. Cabert, established in 1960 in Bertiolo, the farming village located in the middle of the “Friuli Grave ” plain, the natural habitat of the “beautiful vineyards” which is now one of the most renowned grape-growing zones of Controlled Origin Denomination, exalts the tradition expressed through time by the noble families to which it belongs. The Cabert distinction lies in fact in its owners, belonging to some of the oldest and most acclaimed families in the region. Men with a background of centuries of passion and keen attention for the grapevine, a cultural heritage handed down from father to son through the generations.

Pinot Grigio – Cabert CLASSIFICATION: D.O.C. PRODUCTION AREA: Friuli PRODUCER/BOTTLER: CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. – BERTIOLO – ITALIA MADE IN ITALY GRAPE TYPE: Pinot Grigio BUNCH: Small, very compact, typical colour GERMINATION: April FLORESCENCE: At the end of May, the first days of June RIPENING: At the end of August, the first days of September VINIFICATION/FERMENTATION: The must is fermented separately from the skins by soft pressing, fermentation is activated by selected yeasts, average duration 8-10 days at a temperature of 15° C - 17° C. STYLE: Dry DESCRIPTION: Fruity, balanced, hints of nuts and toasted bread GASTRONOMIC PAIRING: Hors d’oeuvre, soups, fish and white meat SERVING TEMPERATURE: 12° C CONTENT: Bottle 0,75 lt. AGEING: 1 - 2 years TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: Alcohol: 12,00/12,50 %vol Contains sulphites CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. Via Madonna, 27 33032 Bertiolo (Ud) Tel. 0432/917434 Fax 0432/917768 info@cabert.it – www.cabert.it

Pinot Nero – Cabert CLASSIFICATION: I.G.T. PRODUCTION AREA: Trevenezie PRODUCER/BOTTLER: CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. – BERTIOLO – ITALIA MADE IN ITALY GRAPE TYPE: Pinot Nero BUNCH: Medium sized, nearly cylindrical, winged GERMINATION: April FLORESCENCE: Early June RIPENING: Early September VINIFICATION/FERMENTATION: Wine pressing and removal of the grape stalks, introduction in automatic wine-making vessels for the fermentation which is activated by selected yeasts, soaking for about 8 days by controlled temperature. Ageing in stainless steel tank. STYLE: Dry DESCRIPTION: Delicate, fruity, vinous GASTRONOMIC PAIRING: Poultry, game, roasted meats, strong cheeses SERVING TEMPERATURE: 18° C AGEING: 2 years CONTENT: Bottle 0,75 lt. TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: Alcohol: 12,00/12,50 %vol Contains sulphites CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. Via Madonna, 27 33032 Bertiolo (Ud) Tel. 0432/917434 Fax 0432/917768 info@cabert.it – www.cabert.it

Spumante Prosecco Extra Dry CLASSIFICATION: D.O.C. PROSECCO PRODUCTION AREA: Friuli Venezia Giulia PRODUCER/BOTTLER: CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. – BERTIOLO – ITALIA MADE IN ITALY GRAPE TYPE: Glera, ancient Prosecco's name BUNCH: Big, with one wing GERMINATION: April FLORESCENCE: Last week in May RIPENING: The end of August VINIFICATION/FERMENTATION: The must is fermented separately from the skins by soft pressing. The first fermentation is activated by selected yeasts and controlled temperature in stainless steel tanks. The second fermentation is in autoclave keeping contact with the lees for 2 months. STYLE: Sparkling, smooth DESCRIPTION: Fruity and floral, fresh GASTRONOMIC PAIRING: Excellent aperitif, ideal with delicate courses and fruitcakes SERVING TEMPERATURE: 8 - 10° C CONTENT: Bottle 0,75 lt. AGEING: 1 - 2 years TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: Alcohol: 11,00 %vol Contains sulphites CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. Via Madonna, 27 33032 Bertiolo (Ud) Tel. 0432/917434 Fax 0432/917768 info@cabert.it – www.cabert.it

Ribolla Gialla Spumante Brut CLASSIFICATION: SPUMANTE BRUT PRODUCTION AREA: Friuli Venezia Giulia PRODUCER/BOTTLER: CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. – BERTIOLO – ITALIA MADE IN ITALY GRAPE TYPE: Ribolla Gialla BUNCH: Medium sized, nearly cylindrical GERMINATION: April FLORESCENCE: Last week in May RIPENING: The end of August VINIFICATION/FERMENTATION: The must, obtained by soft pressing, is fermented separately from the skins. First fermentation in stainless steel tanks. Second fermentation in autoclave keeping contact with the lees for 2 months. STYLE: Sparkling / smooth DESCRIPTION: Fruity and floral, fresh GASTRONOMIC PAIRING: Excellent aperitif, but also suitable to accompany dishes based on vegetables, white meat and, of course, fish SERVING TEMPERATURE: 8 - 10° C CONTENT: Bottle 0,75 lt. AGEING: 1 - 2 years TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: Alcohol: 12,00 %vol Contains sulphites CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. Via Madonna, 27 33032 Bertiolo (Ud) Tel. 0432/917434 Fax 0432/917768 info@cabert.it – www.cabert.it

Violino Prosecco – screw cap CLASSIFICATION: D.O.C. PROSECCO PRODUCTION AREA: Friuli Venezia Giulia PRODUCER/BOTTLER: CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. – BERTIOLO – ITALIA MADE IN ITALY GRAPE TYPE: Glera, ancient Prosecco's name BUNCH: Big, with one wing GERMINATION: April FLORESCENCE: Last week in May RIPENING: The end of August VINIFICATION/FERMENTATION: The must is fermented separately from the skins by soft pressing. The first fermentation is activated by selected yeasts and controlled temperature in stailess steel tanks. The second fermentation is in autoclave keeping contact with the lees for 2 months. STYLE: Sparkling, smooth DESCRIPTION: Fruity and floral, fresh GASTRONOMIC PAIRING: Excellent aperitif, ideal with delicate courses SERVING TEMPERATURE: 8 - 10° C CONTENT: Bottle 0,75 lt. AGEING: 1 - 2 years TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: Alcohol: 11,00 %vol Contains sulphites CABERT – Cantina di Bertiolo S.P.A. Via Madonna, 27 33032 Bertiolo (Ud) Tel. 0432/917434 Fax 0432/917768 info@cabert.it – www.cabert.it


“Cantina Bastianelli� is a family run company where the passion for wine has its roots in a history of tradition and love for the land: the same passion that united my grandparents and now is joining me and my father Egidio. A wine like a poetry, which arises from the indissoluble union between the territory and the charisma of those who work on it. We are border winemakers. Our company is located on the border between the provinces of Fermo and Macerata, two different provinces but also two different territories, each of them instilling different organoleptic characteristics to our vineyards. Its small size allows the company to implement a policy of research of a high quality product. The goal is to improve the organoleptic characteristics through a mix of traditional instruments and advanced technologies that ensure maximum respect for the product typicality. Today, the company is projecting into the future, investing in development and research of new technologies which could help us to make work in the vinery easier, always keeping an eye at our past and our identity.


Falerio Percorino DOC VITIGNO: 100% Pecorino VIGNETO: Esposizione: Sud Terreno: argilloso – sabbioso Forma di allevamento: controspalliera Potatura: guyot Densità d’impianto di circa 3500 ceppi per ettaro. VENDEMMIA: Raccolta manuale a Settembre. VINIFICAZIONE: Pressatura soffice e fermentazione a temperatura controllata, affinamento in acciaio per 9 mesi. CARATTERISTICHE: Interessante e variegata l’impronta aromatica, dal floreale della camomilla e della ginestra, al fruttato della nespola e dell’uva, spiccano un sentore di di Salvia. ABBINAMENTO: Antipasti e primi di pesce. Si può accostare a carni bianche.


Rosso Piceno DOC VITIGNO: 80% Montepulciano - 20% Sangiovese VIGNETO: Esposizione: Sud Terreno: argilloso – sabbioso Forma di allevamento: controspalliera Potatura: cordone speronato. VENDEMMIA: Raccolta manuale nella seconda metà di Ottobre. VINIFICAZIONE: Fermentazione con macerazione in acciaio inox a temperatura controllata, affinamento in acciaio e in bottiglia per 6 mesi. CARATTERISTICHE: Intenso e persisitente con tannino ben arrotondato, deciso e dal colore rubino. Fruttato con finale balsamico. ABBINAMENTO: Carni rosse.


Marche Passerina DOC VITIGNO: 100% Passerina VIGNETO: Esposizione: Sud – Ovest Terreno: argilloso – sabbioso Forma di allevamento: controspalliera Potatura: cordone speronato. Densità d’impianto di circa 3500 ceppi per ettaro. VENDEMMIA: Raccolta manuale tra fine Settembre e inizio Ottobre VINIFICAZIONE: Criomacerazione con pressatura soffice in acciaio inox a temperatura controllata. CARATTERISTICHE: Fresco e profumato. Giallo paglierino, sentori floreali di tiglio, camomilla e frutti gialli. Note erbacee sul finale. ABBINAMENTO: Antipasti e primi di pesce. Non disdegna le carni bianche.

Chiave di Volta Marche Merlot IGT

VITIGNO: Merlot VIGNETO: Esposizione: Sud – Ovest Terreno: argilloso – sabbioso Forma di allevamento: controspalliera Potatura: cordone speronato VENDEMMIA: Raccolta manuale dalla seconda metà di Settembre. VINIFICAZIONE: Fermentazione di 15 giorni con lunghe macerazioni sulle bucce e frequenti follature. Affinamento in acciaio inox e in bottiglia per almeno 6 mesi. CARATTERISTICHE: Strutturato e morbido allo stesso tempo. un bouquet tipico e complesso con frutta rossa matura (mora, prugna) sotto spirito. ABBINAMENTO: Piatti ricchi e strutturali come brasati di carne.


Since 1958 Cantina Frentana history has been handed down with passion. A story with a genuine taste in which players may have changed, but values remain untouched. This land, laying on Majella hills and lit up by the Costa dei Trabocchi splendour, has always been consecrated to vine cultivation and wine culture. Cantina Frentana wines are extraordinary products, which are the result of the special union of the industriousness of five hundred vine growers and the great generosity of a unique land. We have always believed in the value of native vine varieties and this aptitude has guaranteed a moderate penetration of other vine varieties, even in their period of greatest success on the market. Our choice goes beyond the natural bond to roots and traditions, as other vine varieties have rarely proven to be more remarkable and competitive than the local varieties, which have been acclimatized to our environment for centuries.


Annata: 2009 Tipologia: Rosso Gradazione: 13% alc./vol. Zuccheri riduttori: 2,10 g/l Formato: 750 ml Tipo chiusura: Tappo in sughero Descrizione vino: Montepulciano 100%. Fermentazione con le bucce per 7-12 giorni, in base alle caratteristiche dell’annata. Fermentazione malolattica e affinamento in acciaio; una parte del vino affina brevemente in botte grande prima del taglio finale. Normalmente disponibile al consumo nell’estate successiva alla vendemmia. Colore rosso rubino intenso con sfumatura viola in gioventù. Profumi di prugna, mela rossa estiva, ciliegia nera e violetta. Al palato evidenzia una buona struttura ed un corpo notevole, pur nella sua natura di vino giovane e fresco. Si consiglia di consumarlo nell’arco di due o tre anni.Gradazione alcolica 13,50°. Servire a 16-17 gradi. E’ un vino versatile che si presta all’abbinamento con molti piatti, dalle minestre di legumi alle paste, dalle carni rosse e bianche ai formaggi. Codice articolo: 101/10 Scatola n°: 22 Bottiglie x cartone: 6 Peso cartone: 9 Kg Dimensioni cartone (bxhxp): 175x260x310 mm Tipo pallet: EPAL/INKA 80x120 Cartoni x pallet: 95 Cartoni x strato: 19 Strati x pallet: 5

via Perazza, 32 - 66020 Rocca San Giovanni (CH) tel. +(39)0872.60152 - fax +(39)0872.608322 - info@cantinfrentana.it - www.cantinfrentana.it

Nome: Abruzzo Pecorino Doc Linea:

Costa del Mulino

Annata: 2017 Tipo:

Vino Bianco

Gradazione alcolica:

13,00 % alc./vol.

Chiusura: Sughero Tipologia del Terreno: medio impasto calcareo Collocazione geografica del vigneto: comune di Rocca San Giovanni, colline più vocate che si affacciano sulla Costa dei Trabocchi, con esposizione a Nord ed un altezza s.l.m. di circa 150 mt. Vendemmia: manuale, prima decade di Settembre Vinificazione: pigiatura soffice delle uve, macerazione, fermentazione a temperatura controllata. Maturazione ed affinamento: sottoposto ad un affinamento in acciaio per circa 6 mesi; un ulteriore stazionamento in bottiglia ne completa la maturazione. Caratteristiche organolettiche: colore paglierino piuttosto intenso. Al naso rivela piacevoli note di agrumi, miele e pesca gialla e talvolta un caratteristico sentore di birra. Al gusto si presenta come un vino di corpo e struttura, bilanciati da una buona acidità che rinfresca il palato. L'equilibrio tra sapore e profumo chiude lungo e persistente. Longevità in bottiglia: 2 o più anni, adeguatamente conservato Temperatura di servizio: 10-12°C

Abruzzo Pecorino Doc Costa del Mulino Denominazione di Origine Controllata

Nome: Rosato IGT Terre di Chieti Linea:

Vallevò - Costa dei Trabocchi

Annata: 2017 Tipo:

Vino Rosé

Gradazione alcolica:

12,50 % alc./vol.

Chiusura: Screw-Cap Tipologia del Terreno: medio impasto leggermente calcareo Collocazione geografica del vigneto: comune di Rocca San Giovanni, colline più vocate che si affacciano sulla Costa dei Trabocchi, con esposizione a Nord/Est ed un altezza s.l.m. di circa 150-200 mt. Vendemmia: manuale, prima decade di Settembre Vinificazione: pigiatura soffice delle uve, durante la quale il limitato contatto con le bucce permette di ottenere un colore pallido rosato. Macerazione e fermentazione a temperatura controllata (16°C) Maturazione ed affinamento: sottoposto ad un affinamento in acciaio e ad un ulteriore stazionamento in bottiglia per un paio di mesi. Caratteristiche organolettiche: colore rosa tenue dal profumo persistente e fruttato. Al palato è morbido e gradevole. Longevità in bottiglia: 2 o più anni, adeguatamente conservato

Temperatura di servizio: 10-12°C

Rosato IGT Terre di Chieti Costa dei Trabocchi - Vallevò Indicazione Geografica Tipica


Situated near the medieval, picturesque little village of Luogosanto, Siddura can be described as the heart of the Gallura. Here the noble culture of wine is as old as the history of the people who have inhabited this land over the centuries. To renew this antique tradition gives a historical dimension to our lives and daily toils. It fulfills our dream of creating something unique and extraordinary of these ancient roots. We are grateful for being so lucky. Our productions philosophy is based upon the belief that wine making starts in the vineyard, the wine being a true reflection of its terroir. This consideration influences all aspects of production: limited yields to ensure superior quality, selective hand harvesting, microvinification and ageing in finest French oak barrels. We hope you’ll enjoy drinking these wines as much as we enjoyed doing them.

SPÈRA The proximity to the sea, the Mediterranean climate, the granite components of the soil, the mistral wind, contribute all to the elegant character of Spèra, a fresh, fragrant and moderately alcoholic white wine. Best served cool, it’s a perfect aperitif or a welcome addition to enhance the delicious seafood dishes. NOMEN EST OMEN: SPÈRA (Gallura’s dialect) – Beam of light Classification: Grape variety:

Vermentino di Gallura Docg Vermentino 100%

Vintage: Vineyard region: Soil:

2016 Gallura, Sardinia Region (Italy) Granitic and slightly sandy

Altitude: Yield per hectare: Forma di allevamento: Planting density:

250 m on the sea level 70 q.li/ha Guyot and spur pruned cordon 5600 plants/ha


The grapes are handpicked in small baskets, following destemmed and gently crushed. The alcoholic fermentation take place in thermo-controlled steel vats.

Fermentation temperature: 12-13 °C Time of the fermentation/maceration: Medium-slow fermentation Maturation: Sur lies Bottling period: Alcohol content: Potential aging:

Spring-summer 2017 13,5 % vol. 3 years


Straw yellow with greenish reflections



Fine and intense. Delicate citrus flavours and typical scent of “Macchia Mediterranea”



Dry, sapid and fresh. Good balanced taste and pleasant organoleptic persistence


Serve at a temperature of 12-13 °C.

SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA SIDDURA SRL Località Siddura Snc 07020 Luogosanto OT, Italia Tel: +39 079 65 73 027 E-mail: info@siddura.com Web: www.siddura.com

MAÌA It’s our first wine ever made in Siddùra’s cellar, from the main vine we planted. The grapes harvested with meticulous care and selected carefully, in order to obtain the best quality, together with an outstanding terroir, allow to create Maìa. With its impressive complexity and aromatic finesse, it represent a “tribute to Gallura” wine’s region. NOMEN EST OMEN: [Ma’iya] MAÌA (Gallura’s dialect) – Magic Classification: Grape variety:

Vermentino di Gallura DOCG Superiore Vermentino 100%

Vintage: Vineyard region: Soil:

2015 Gallura, Sardinia Region (Italy) Granitic and slightly sandy

Altitude: Yield per hectare: Forma di allevamento: Planting density:

300 m on the sea level 65 q.li/ha Spur pruned cordon 5600 plants/ha


The destemmed grapes are cooled and left to macerate in a stainless steel tank for 2-3 days at 2 °C temperature, before being softly pressed. This allows you to extract the precious Vermentino’s aromatic precursors contained in the skins cells.

Fermentation temperature: Time of the fermentation/maceration: Maturation:

15-16 °C Long fermentation

Bottling period: Alcohol content: Potential aging:

Summer-Autumn 2016 14,5 % vol. 5 years


Deep straw yellow

Sur lies



Yellow fruit and white flowers. Harmonious and delicate.



Fresh and fruity, with a good balance on the palate and a final of bitter almond, typical of Vermentino’s vine


Serve at a temperature of 12-13 °C.

SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA SIDDURA SRL Località Siddura Snc 07020 Luogosanto OT, Italia Tel: +39 079 65 73 027 E-mail: info@siddura.com Web: www.siddura.com

ÈREMA Èrema is the cellar’s youngest red wine. A skillful blend of traditional red grapes vinified in stainless steel. The lively freshness and scents of mixed berries, make it attractive just in the early months of the year. Its softness and pleasant to drink allow it to be a perfect match for the typical dishes of the culinary culture of Sardinia. NOMEN EST OMEN: ÈREMA (Etruscan) – Small plant Classification: Grape variety:

Isola dei Nuraghi IGT Traditional red grapes cultivated in Sardinia Region

Vintage: Vineyard region: Soil:

2015 Sardinia Region (Italy) Sand and limestone

Altitude: Yield per hectare: Forma di allevamento: Planting density:

250-300 m on the sea level 65 q.li/ha Guyot and spur pruned cordon 5000 plants/ha


The grapes are harvested by hand in small baskets, destemmed and then left to macerate in thermo-controlled inox tanks.

Fermentation temperature: Time of the fermentation/maceration: Maturation:

24-26 °C Short maceration

Bottling period:

Summer-autumn 2016

Alcohol content: Potential aging:

14% vol 5 years


Deep ruby red

Sur lies



Fine and intense with delicate notes of wild berries, cherry and Mediterranean bush



Fresh, fruity and well balanced olfactory taste. Easy to drink


Serve at a temperature of 16-18 °C.

SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA SIDDURA SRL Località Siddura Snc 07020 Luogosanto OT, Italia Tel: +39 079 65 73 027 E-mail: info@siddura.com Web: www.siddura.com


Casa Sola possesses and ancient vocation for agriculture, proof can be found in the ancient and precious photographs which were discovered in the company archives. Here grew not only vineyards and olives but also grain and vegetables for the surrounding lands. Owners of Casa Sola for three generations, the Gambaro Family manages the company since 1960, transferring their passion and respect for this marvellous land into the wine and oil which they produce. Under the management of Giuseppe Gambaro, Casa Sola had its greatest development and growth when in 1985 he decided to get involved personally in the management of the estate and began to work full time at the company, bringing his experience as a manager and his curiosity and passion for the fine things in life. He developed his knowledge in wine making by reading about the fantastic Burgandy wines, he cemented his studies with texts about oenology and viticulture, he practiced techniques and methodologies, and began a delicate process of vineyard, machine and equipment renovation and restoration. Driven – together with his wife Claudia – by the desire to share the beauty of the area as well as the excellence of wine, he used his real estate knowledge and worked to restore the colonial company homes and gave life to a magnificent agriturismo (vacation farm-holiday homes).


Canonica a Cerreto lies in the heart of the Chianti hills, 12 km east of Siena. The property’s 60 hectares include 21 hectares of vineyard and 7 of olive groves; the rest of the land is woods. Chianti wine and olive oil have been produced here for centuries. Today there is a bed and breakfast where the monks used to reside. Canonica a Cerreto produces 150,000 bottles per year. Chianti Classico both Regular and Reserve accounts for 80% of the production. The balance is a Tuscan IGT called “Sandiavolo”. The regular Chianti Classico is made up of 90% Sangiovese grapes and 10% Merlot; the Chianti Classico Riserva is 85% Sangiovese, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, and 5% Merlot. The Sandiavolo is a blend in equal parts of all three grapes. Naturally, Sangiovese is our mainstay variety. However, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are very well suited to the terroir of Canonica a Cerreto, allowing them to express character in ways which are not very common for these ubiquitous international varieties. In other words, our Cabernet and Merlot are wonderfully complementary to our Sangiovese, contributing to the structure and balance of our wines, which remain typical of our terroir while at the same time satisfying the changing tastes of consumers.

Chianti Classico Riserva - 2008 RICONOSCIMENTI: Robert Parker - Wine Advocates / Wine Spectator ZONA DI PRODUZIONE: Castelnuovo Berardenga Chinati Classico , Siena ALTITUDINE DEI VIGNETI: 350 mt s.l.m. TERRITORIO: Collinare ESPOSIZIONE: Sud COMPOSIZIONE DEL TERRENO: Calcareo argilloso VITIGNI: 85 % Sangiovese -10 % Cabernet Sauvignon - 5 % Merlot DENSITÀ DEI VIGNETI: 5.000 – 6.600 viti/ha SISTEMA DI POTATURA: Cordone speronato – Guyot VENDEMMIA: A mano a fine settembre-prima metà di ottobre VINIFICAZIONE: A temperatura controllata in vasche di acciaio utilizzando le follature e i rimontaggi INVECCHIAMENTO: 18 mesi in barriques COLORE : Rosso rubino intenso PROFUMO: Note di frutti rossi e neri uniti a spezie dolci, cuoio e tabacco SAPORE: Pieno, elegante, persistente, con tannini ben equilibrati GRADO ALCOLICO: 14 % ESTRATTO SECCO TOTALE: 32.28 g/lt ZUCCHERI RIDUTTORI: 1.7 g/lt ACIDITÀ TOTALE : 5.8 g/lt TEMPERATURA SERVIZIO: 18 - 19 °C ABBINAMENTI: Primi piatti saporiti, carni, formaggi


The art of the wine, the culture of the earth “Fattoria Clementin� is at Terzo di Aquileia, in the province of Udine, a small area of Friuli where the tradition of wine growing is more tha thousand years old. The lowlands of Friuli bear a soil that is eminently suitable for wine growning and is tilled following age-old peasant customs and practises. The resulting wines are particulary delightful and fragrant. They are producet using organic equipment and traditional wine-making methods that enhance their quality. A great room with hearth, which is typical of the Country Resorts and here is adjacent to the Country Resorts and here is adjacent to the cellar; the possibility of sampling the wines and grappe; a small but very well-equipped laboratory where training courses in pork butchery are held: these, together with traditional farmer hospitality, are the main attractions of Fattoria Clementin. Healthy, certified products are the outcome of the high standards of our labour, which is managed by a family business. Our goals are to protect the traditions and distinctive characteristics of our produce, to encourage a balanced development of this wonderful land, and to improve the quality of life, culture and the environment.

www.fattoriaclementin.it - info@fattoriaclementin.it Via G. Galilei 5, Terzo di Aquileia (UD), Italia - P.IVA 01699540306

www.fattoriaclementin.it - info@fattoriaclementin.it Via G. Galilei 5, Terzo di Aquileia (UD), Italia - P.IVA 01699540306

www.fattoriaclementin.it - info@fattoriaclementin.it Via G. Galilei 5, Terzo di Aquileia (UD), Italia - P.IVA 01699540306


COLVENDRĂ€ dates back its set up to the early 1900 and has its own origins in the age-old wine custom of our land. In 1924 Mr. Leonardo Della Colletta, developing and promoting an ancient family tradition, started a productive route in the heart of the Veneto region, in Conegliano and Valdobbiadene areas, where lush vineyards meet sunny hills and the work of man turns a fruitful tradition into life-style


Corteaura Franciacorta was established in 2009 by Federico Fossati. Raised in Veneto he wanted to fulfil an oenological dream: to produce a top quality wine in a territory with a natural vocation for grape growing. After meticulous research across all wine producing areas of Italy, he recognised the Franciacorta region as the one that, above all others, would ensure his wines would have a rich and varied range of undertones. Of the various opportunities available in the region, he opted for Adro and its centuries-old tradition. He undertook scrupulous restoration work on an old rural building transforming it into a winery, while maintaining full respect for the local territory and surrounding vineyards. The first production was made possible thanks to a fortuitous meeting with Pierangelo Bonomi and his extensive winemaking experience in the Franciacorta area. Today Corteaura produces 100,000 bottles and cultivates 6 hectares of vineyards, the majority of which privately owned, purchasing grapes across the entire Franciacorta region ensuring its wines the widest range of fragrances and aromas.


Ours is a simple story, the story of a passion: that of Carlo Cottini for his land. He started the farm with great commitment and dedication, planting fruit orchards and vineyards in the early twentieth century, The first wine saw the light in 1925. From that moment on, the family business concentrated increasingly on growing vines and making wine. In the 1950s, my father Raffaello inherited his skills and knowledge, and worked his land, deciding to dedicate all his energy and resources to winemaking. I too inherited that enthusiasm and made it my life, bringing to bear my own curiosity and aspirations. My wife Annalberta immediately shared my passion for the land and for wine, applying her own gentleness and determination. Our two sons, Mattia and Michele, were naturally born and raised together with the vineyards, the grapes and the wines. They themselves are the fruit of this proud land and of our great love. And their personalities and skills beautifully complement our own.


Fattoria di Magliano is a young wine-making company spanning over 97 hectares in the heart of the Maremma territory. It was founded in 1997 by Agostino Lenci, who, after a long and successful career in the footwear industry, decided to follow his dream of becoming a winemaker. He chose this part of Tuscany because of the century-old tradition that rules this land, where men seek to preserve the environment of a territory both wilder and more reserved than elsewhere. The company’s first wines were marketed in 2003. Sangiovese and Vermentino, grape varieties typically found in this area, account for nearly 80% of our production. The company’s young age has given us the opportunity to experiment with other varietals our agronomists suggested could thrive in the area, namely Syrah and Cabernet Franc. Our newest additions is the Ansonica, a white grape particularly suited for the coastal area of Mount Argentario and the Tuscan archipelago.

HEBA 2015

Morellino di Scansano docg Planting Density: 6400 plants per hectare Average yield per plant: 800-1.000 g. Kind of Growing: Organic Grape: 95% Sangiovese, 5% Syrah N° bottles produced: 128.000 Vinification Time of the harvest: First week of October 2015 Harvest: Manual in small boxes Vinification Tecnique: • Non-aggressive destemming pressing • Fermentation: Temperature controlled (28°C) in stainless steel vats for 15-20 days • Malolactic Fermentation: partly in stainless steel and partly in cement vats. • Aging: 6 months in cement vats • Aging in bottles: 6 months • Stabilizing of the product: Natural, not filtered • Bottled: October 2016 •

Analitical Data: Alcohol Net Dry Extraction: Total Tartaric Acid: Sugar Residual

13.28 % 29,05 gr/lt 5,55 gr/lt 0.04 gr/lt

Characteristics: Wine Scent: Fragrant of violet, dog-rose and red berries Wine Taste: Faint texture, Fresh and winy with an attractive sweet fruity and likeable personality: drinkable! Colour: Brillant Light Ruby Matching dishes: Red and White Meats, Game, Pasta, Cheese and … Roast Chestnuts.

Poggio Bestiale


Rosso della Maremma Toscana DOC Planting Density: 6400 plants per hectare Average yield per plant: 800 g. Kind of Growing: Organic Grape: 35% Merlot, 35% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Cabernet Franc, 5% Petit Verdot. N° bottles produced: 35.000 Vinification

Time of the harvest: End of September 2014 Harvest: Manual in small boxes Vinification Tecnique: • Non aggressive destemming pressing • Fermentation: Temperature controlled (28°C) in stainless steel vats for 15-20 days • Malolactic Fermentation: in barrique. Aging: 12 months in barrique. • Stabilizing: Natural, not filtered • Bottled: January 2017 Analitical Data:

Alcohol: Net Dry Extraction: Total Tartaric Acid: Volatile Acetic Acid:

14,15 % 37,50 gr/lt 6,05 gr/lt 0,35 gr/lt

Characteristics: Colour: Deep Ruby, with violet hints Wine Scent and Taste: Leather, toasted smell, spicy. Very aromatic with currants and flowers. Full--‐bodied, with velvety tannins and a beautiful fruit intensity on the finish. Bright finish. Drink now or hold. Matching dishes: Seasoned cheeses, red, white and cured meats, game.

perenzo 2015

Syrah della Maremma Toscana DOC

Planting Density: 6400 plants per hectare Average yield per plant: 800 g. Kind of Growing: Organic Grape: 100% Syrah N° bottles produced: 9.600 Vinification Time of the harvest: Second week of September 2015 Harvest: Manual in small boxes Vinification Technique:  Non-aggressive destemming pressing  Fermentation: Temperature controlled (28°C) in stainless steel vats for 15-20 days  Malolactic Fermentation: in barrique. Aging: 12 months in barrique.  Stabilizing: Natural, not filtered  Bottled: First week of April 2017 Analitical Data:

Alcohol: Net Dry Extraction: Total Acidity: Volatile Acetic Acid: pH:

14,32 % 35,30 gr/lt 5,98 gr/lt 0,68 gr/lt 3,42

Characteristics: Colour: Deep Violet Wine Scent and Taste: Spices, licorice, coffee, chocolate and mint. Spicy, elegant and fragrant. Matching dishes: Everything!

ILLARIO Rosé 2016

Rosato della Maremma Toscana DOC - Certified Organic

Planting Density: 6400 plants per hectare Average yield per plant: 800-1.000 g. Kind of Growing: Organic Grape: 100% Sangiovese N° bottles produced: 11.000 Vinification Time of the harvest: Second week of September 2016 Harvest: Manual in small boxes Vinification Technique:  Non-aggressive destemming pressing, Very Short maceration on the skins at low temperature, then separation of the skins.  Fermentation: Temperature controlled (28°C) in stainless steel vats for 15-20 days  Malolactic Fermentation: partly in stainless steel and partly in cement vats.  Aging in bottles: 2 months  Stabilizing of the product: Natural, not filtered  Bottled: March 2017 

Analitical Data: Alcohol Net Dry Extraction: Total Tartaric Acid:

12,29 % 19,00 gr/lt 5,90 gr/lt


Rosé color with coral reflexes, "onion peel", intense scent of red fruits, cherry and raspberry, floral notes of violet and cyclamen, pleasant taste, very fresh, savory, wellstructured. Served at a temperature of 11-13 ° C, it is accompanied by appetizers and first courses of fish, frying, boiled fish, white meats and cheeses, non-spicy sausages, soups, courses of fish, frying, boiled fish, white meats and cheeses, non-spicy sausages, soups and ... pizza!


The Tortonesi Hills (hills of Tortona) are absolutely breathtaking for its splendid and dynamic landscape. As you admire the view, you can find cultivated fields, hilly orchards, vineyards and feel the cool breeze smelling of oak and chestnut from the nearby woods. From the hilltops you can enjoy the stunning panorama spanning from Monviso to the Ligurian Sea. Located at a very special crossroads of four different regions: Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Liguria, the Tortonesi Hills have historically been a trading center and therefore has been heavily influenced by different regions and cultures. The climate also plays a big role with its cold winters, sparse rainfall throughout the year and significant temperature changes between day and night during the ripening phase. This naturally gives the wine fruity, elegant, and delicate aromas. Cascina I Carpini’s vineyards in Pozzol Groppo, extend into the submunicipality of San Lorenzo which have an important South-Eastern exposure where roots dig deep into the medium-textured,cool, and well-drained soil. Even the water-bearing stratum a few meters underneath, maintains proper water supply as well as creating a unique microclimate.


The name Il Colle is the brand’s primary indicator, suggesting the main feature of the land where Prosecco comes from. It takes us into the world of the estate, its system of values and its environment. Il Colle, by defining its land of origin, helps to make the brand stand out and encourages an interaction with all the senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch Il Colle, whose art in cultivating Prosecco has been on-going for four generations, brings together very specific values such as tradition, family, respect for the land, trust and innovation. It is these elements that have made it a byword for quality and a benchmark for local producers. Its highly favourable geographical position has meant that Il Colle can devote most of its resources to cultivating Prosecco Superiore DOCG, the essential expression of a land which is a true natural heritage. Il Colle harvests approximately 1500 tons of grapes, almost a third of which come from the family estate while the rest comes from small farms in the area. The close cooperation with local producers enables a well-established production capacity to be maintained without jeopardising the healthy and authentic nature of the vinification methods. Due to the particular lie of the land, the grapes are still harvested in the traditional manner, strictly by hand..


Ubicazione: Terreno: Varietà: N° ceppi x Ha: Produzione media x ceppo: Resa hl x Ha: Acidità totale gr/l: Alcool svolto: Pressione: Residuo Zuccherino gr/l: P.H.: So2 totale gr/l: Vinificazione: Colore: Bouquet: Gusto: Abbinamenti:

Temperatura di servizio: Durata per il consumo:

Provincia di Treviso – Esposizione: Sud/Sud-Ovest Misto argilla, maronoso e calcareo Glera 2.800 – 3.000 kg 5 - 6 110 - 120 5,6 – 6,8 11% 5 – 5.5 atm. 16 - 18 3.05 – 3.20 100 - 140 Vinificato in bianco dopo spremitura soffice dell'uva; spumantizzato con metodo Charmat corto. Giallo paglierino scarico. Profumo aromatico caratteristico con evidenti sentori di mela. Leggermente amabile, equilibrato. Ideale come aperitivo. La sua leggerezza lo rende un vino versatile e piacevole in ogni momento della giornata. 6 - 8° C. 18 mesi.


VIGNETO Zona di produzione: provincia di Treviso. Area DOC Treviso Varietà: Glera. Densità di impianto: 2.800 - 3.000 ceppi ettaro. Resa ettaro: 110 - 140 ettolitri/ettaro. Resa per pianta: 5 - 6 kg/pianta. Sistema di allevamento: Sylvoz. Epoca di vendemmia: metà - fine settembre. VINIFICAZIONE Recipiente di fermentazione: in acciaio inox. Temperatura di fermentazione: controllata, massimo 20°C. Lieviti: selezionati. Durata di fermentazione: 10 giorni circa. Fermentazione malolattica: no. SPUMANTIZZAZIONE Spumantizzazione: metodo Martinotti. Maturazione: in autoclave per 30 - 40 giorni a temperatura controllata, massimo 15° C, con lieviti selezionati per spumante. Refrigerazione per 8 giorni. DATI TECNICI Grado alcolico: 11% vol. Grado zuccherino: 16 - 18 grammi per litro. Acidità totale: 5,5 - 6,5 grammi per litro. PH: 3.10 - 3.25 DEGUSTAZIONE Colore: giallo paglierino scarico. Profumo: aromatico caratteristico con evidenti sentori di mela. Sapore: leggermente amabile, equilibrato. Massima espressione: entro i 18 mesi dall’imbottigliamento. Servizio: 6 - 8° C. Ideale come aperitivo e perfetto con formaggio fresco, primi piatti a base di pesce e sughi di carni bianche. Bicchiere consigliato: calice.

IL COLLE S.r.l. Azienda Vitivinicola Via Colle, 15 - 31020 San Pietro di Feletto (TV) Italia T +39 0438 486093 / 486926 - F +39 0438 787958 E info@proseccoilcolle.it - W www.proseccoilcolle.it



VIGNETO Zona di produzione: Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG. Comune: San Pietro di Feletto. Varietà: Glera 100%. Densità di impianto: 3.200 - 3.500 ceppi ettaro. Resa ettaro: 88 - 92 ettolitri/ettaro. Resa per pianta: 4,0 - 4,5 kg/pianta. Sistema di allevamento: Sylvoz. Epoca di vendemmia: metà - fine settembre. Raccolta rigorosamente a mano. Tecniche: DMR (Doppia Maturazione Ragionata). Surmaturazione in pianta antecedente alla raccolta che si effettua tagliando il capo a frutto, in questo modo si ottiene una maturazione dovuta all’aumento della concentrazione degli zuccheri. La raccolta viene eseguita a mano con una selezione dei grappoli migliori, per una vinificazione senza solforosa. SPUMANTIZZAZIONE Spumantizzazione: Vinificazione con macerazione, senza anidride solforosa, utilizzando l’esclusivo metodo di spumantizzazione da mosto a spumante in un unico passaggio: Metodo Il Colle®. Esso permette una riduzione dei solfiti residui in bottiglia, utilizzati solo in fase di preimbottigliamento. Temperatura: controllata, massimo 15° C. Lieviti: selezionati per spumante. DATI TECNICI Grado alcolico: 11% vol. Grado zuccherino: 8 - 10 grammi per litro. Acidità totale: 5,7 - 6,2 grammi per litro. PH: 3.15 - 3.25 DEGUSTAZIONE Colore: giallo paglierino scarico con riflessi verdognoli. Profumo: bouquet fresco e variegato contraddistinto da nitide note di pera con sentori di profumi verdi-floreali. Tipici sentori aromatici. Sapore: secco, morbido e leggermente acidulo. Massima espressione: entro i 12 mesi dall’imbottigliamento. Servizio: 6 - 8° C. Da servire con antipasti di pesce, specialmente ostriche e crostacei. Bicchiere consigliato: calice.

IL COLLE S.r.l. Azienda Vitivinicola Via Colle, 15 - 31020 San Pietro di Feletto (TV) Italia T +39 0438 486093 / 486926 - F +39 0438 787958 E info@proseccoilcolle.it - W www.proseccoilcolle.it



VIGNETO Zona di produzione: Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG. Comune: San Pietro di Feletto. Varietà: Glera. Densità di impianto: 3.200 - 3.500 ceppi ettaro. Resa ettaro: 90 - 95 ettolitri/ettaro. Resa per pianta: 4,0 - 4,5 kg/pianta. Sistema di allevamento: Sylvoz. Epoca di vendemmia: metà - fine settembre. Raccolta rigorosamente a mano. VINIFICAZIONE Recipiente di fermentazione: in acciaio inox. Temperatura di fermentazione: controllata, massimo 20°C. Lieviti: selezionati. Durata di fermentazione: 10 giorni circa. Fermentazione malolattica: no. SPUMANTIZZAZIONE Spumantizzazione: metodo Martinotti. Maturazione: in autoclave per 30 - 40 giorni a temperatura controllata, massimo 15° C, con lieviti selezionati. Refrigerazione per 8 giorni. DATI TECNICI Grado alcolico: 11% vol. Grado zuccherino: 16 - 18 grammi per litro. Acidità totale: 5,5 - 6,5 grammi per litro. PH: 3.10 - 3.25 DEGUSTAZIONE Colore: giallo paglierino scarico. Profumo: fruttato, di mela e pera. Sentori aromatici tipici. Sapore: leggermente amabile, equilibrato. Morbido e armonico. Massima espressione: entro i 18 mesi dall’imbottigliamento. Servizio: 6 - 8° C. Ideale come aperitivo, ottimo con piatti leggeri a base di pesce e carni bianche. Bicchiere consigliato: calice.

IL COLLE S.r.l. Azienda Vitivinicola Via Colle, 15 - 31020 San Pietro di Feletto (TV) Italia T +39 0438 486093 / 486926 - F +39 0438 787958 E info@proseccoilcolle.it - W www.proseccoilcolle.it


VIGNETO Zona di produzione: Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG. Comune: San Pietro di Feletto. Varietà: Glera. Densità di impianto: 3.200 - 3.500 ceppi ettaro. Resa ettaro: 90 - 95 ettolitri/ettaro. Resa per pianta: 4,0 - 4,5 kg/pianta. Sistema di allevamento: Sylvoz. Epoca di vendemmia: metà - fine settembre. Raccolta rigorosamente a mano. VINIFICAZIONE Recipiente di fermentazione: in acciaio inox. Temperatura di fermentazione: controllata, massimo 20°C. Lieviti: selezionati. Durata di fermentazione: 10 giorni circa. Fermentazione malolattica: no. SPUMANTIZZAZIONE Spumantizzazione: metodo Martinotti. Maturazione: in autoclave per 30 - 40 giorni a temperatura controllata, massimo 15° C, con lieviti selezionati. Refrigerazione per 8 giorni. DATI TECNICI Grado alcolico: 11% vol. Grado zuccherino: 10 - 12 grammi per litro. Acidità totale: 5,5 - 6,5 grammi per litro. PH: 3.10 - 3.25 DEGUSTAZIONE Colore: giallo paglierino scarico con riflessi verdognoli. Profumo: leggermente fruttato, ricorda la mela acerba. Sentori aromatici tipici. Sapore: secco ma equilibrato, morbido e armonico. Massima espressione: entro i 18 mesi dall’imbottigliamento. Servizio: 6 - 8° C. Da abbinare con risotto ai frutti di mare o pesce al forno. Bicchiere consigliato: calice.

IL COLLE S.r.l. Azienda Vitivinicola Via Colle, 15 - 31020 San Pietro di Feletto (TV) Italia T +39 0438 486093 / 486926 - F +39 0438 787958 E info@proseccoilcolle.it - W www.proseccoilcolle.it



VIGNETO Zona di produzione: Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG. Comune: San Pietro di Feletto. Varietà: Glera 100%. Densità di impianto: 3.200 - 3.500 ceppi ettaro. Resa ettaro: 88 - 92 ettolitri/ettaro. Resa per pianta: 4,0 - 4,5 kg/pianta. Sistema di allevamento: Sylvoz. Epoca di vendemmia: metà - fine settembre. Raccolta rigorosamente a mano. Tecniche: DMR (Doppia Maturazione Ragionata). Surmaturazione in pianta antecedente alla raccolta che si effettua tagliando il capo a frutto, in questo modo si ottiene una maturazione dovuta all’aumento della concentrazione degli zuccheri. La raccolta viene eseguita a mano con una selezione dei grappoli migliori, per una vinificazione senza solforosa. SPUMANTIZZAZIONE Spumantizzazione: Vinificazione con macerazione senza anidride solforosa, utilizzando l’esclusivo metodo di spumantizzazione da mosto a spumante in un unico passaggio: Metodo Il Colle®. Esso permette una riduzione dei solfiti residui in bottiglia, utilizzati solo in fase di preimbottigliamento. Temperatura: controllata, massimo 15° C. Lieviti: selezionati per spumante. DATI TECNICI Grado alcolico: 11% vol. Grado zuccherino: 16 - 18 grammi per litro. Acidità totale: 5,7 - 6,2 grammi per litro. PH: 3.15 - 3.25 DEGUSTAZIONE Colore: giallo paglierino scarico. Profumo: profumo aromatico caratteristico con note di crosta di pane e mela. Sapore: leggermente amabile, equilibrato, morbido ed armonico. Massima espressione: entro i 12 mesi dall’imbottigliamento. Servizio: 6 - 8° C. Ideale come aperitivo, a fine pasto e per ogni momento di festa Bicchiere consigliato: calice.

IL COLLE S.r.l. Azienda Vitivinicola Via Colle, 15 - 31020 San Pietro di Feletto (TV) Italia T +39 0438 486093 / 486926 - F +39 0438 787958 E info@proseccoilcolle.it - W www.proseccoilcolle.it


Dogliani, capital of the south-western Langhe, lies in a natural hollow surrounded by hills covered with vineyards. The culture of wine is well rooted thanks to centuries of rural tradition and to the everyday contact with vineyards and cellars. The farmhouse is the heart of life: if there are a lot of reasons and a lot of ways to approach the wine, one of these can be knowing at close the way of making wine still used in the country, that is to know and taste the wines La Fusina. As far back as 1792, testified by an old map found in the farm’s loft, the farm La Fusina was partly cultivated with vineyards in the lands facing the sun and with grassland and wheat in the valley bottom. The actual owners, Luigi Abbona and his family, have been living in La Fusina since 1914 and from the beginning the work in the vinerows and the making of wines have been the main activities: 18 out of the 20 hectares of the farm are in fact grown on vineyards. The hamlet Santa Lucia, where is situated La Fusina, is one of the most charming places of the Doglianese territory. The amenity and peacefulness of the country, the land particularly suitable to the vine, the favourable exposures of the vineyards, the careful work in the cellar are all elements contributing to the production of high quality wines, very versatile and and of marked personality, ready to amaze also the most exigent palates.

Barolo doCg

Colore rosso rubino con tenui riflessi granato, sfumature rosso amaranto. Profumo intenso, pulito con note di ciliegia marasca, ribes nero e mora, sensazione retro olfattiva con ricordo di fieno e pepe; ricordo di tabacco e cuoio; sensazione tannica in leggero esubero; giovani sentori di legno dolce e finale di marmellata d i l a m p o n i . St a d i o e vo l u t i vo: a p p e n a maggiorenne, con una lunga carriera. Grande gioiello dell'enologia piemontese. Le vigne del nostro Barolo si trovano nella zona di Perno, del Comune di Monforte d'Alba, sono vigneti di circa 20-25 anni di età. Questo Barolo è invecchiato per circa 30 mesi in tonnò da 500 lt di rovere francese e riposa in una piccola cantina sulla piazza di Perno fino a quando ottiene la certificazione. Area di produzione: Monforte d’Alba, Perno Vitigno: 100% nebbiolo Altitudine: 395 mt Terreno: calcareo Età del vigneto: 20 anni Durata fermentazione: 6-8 giorni Vinificazione: breve con rimontaggi frequenti e controllo temperatura Affinamento: in legno per 30 mesi, tonneaux di 1°-2° passaggio provenienti dalla Francia Affinamento in acciaio: 12 mesi Affinamento in bottiglia: 8 mesi Temperatura di servizio: 18 °C Abbinamenti: secondi di carne, formaggio stagionato

langHe neBBiolo doCg

È un vino di grande struttura con grande longevità e potenza. Dal colore rosso rubino intenso con leggeri riflessi amaranto, con un profumo intenso con note superbe di frutti rossi maturi. Il suo sapore è pieno e si sentono note eccellenti di cacao e burro fuso con retrogusto di frutta surmatura. Si abbina con grandi secondi di carne e selvaggina.

Area di produzione: Dogliani e Monforte d’Alba Vitigno: 100% nebbiolo Altitudine: 350 mt Terreno: calcareo argilloso Età del vigneto: 20 anni Vinificazione: pressatura soffice delle uve con successiva macerazione in acciaio a temperatura controllata Affinamento in legno: 6 mesi Affinamento in bottiglia: 6 mesi Temperatura di servizio: 18 °C Abbinamenti: selvaggina, piatti a base di carne rossa

BarBer a d'alBa doC

ll piccolo vigneto che produce questo Barbera d’Alba si trova vicino alla zona del Barolo nel Comune di Monchiero a circa 5 km dalla sede dell’Azienda. Il vino ha un invecchiamento di circa 1 anno solo in acciaio e di circa 6 mesi in bottiglia prima di essere immesso sul mercato. La produzione è di poche migliaia di bottiglie, circa 4000 bottiglie. È un vino suadente, di grande corposità ed armonia, dai profumi speziati e complessi, piena espressione di una terra forte e generosa. Accompagna meravigliosamente i patti della cucina tradizionale piemontese esaltando risotti, arrosti, bolliti, brasati e selvaggina. Dal colore rosso porpora carico; al naso frutta matura e spezie; dal sapore caldo, vigoroso e persistente. Area di produzione: Monchiero, vicino all’area del Barolo Vitigno: 100% barbera Altitudine: 300 mt Terreno: calcareo argilloso con vene di “tufo” Età del vigneto: 30 anni Lieviti: indigeni Durata fermentazione: 6-8 giorni Vinificazione e invecchiamento: tradizionale in inox con breve macerazione Affinamento: solo inox per 6 mesi Temperatura di servizio: 18 °C Abbinamenti: risotti, arrosti, bolliti, brasati e selvaggina


Passion, love, engagement. The passion for nature, the love of the countryside and the engagement have been the driving impulse for the young Cesare Berasi to found the first sparkling wine production in the Giudicarie: the Maison LEVII Cesare was born into a farming family. His maternal grandfather every morning supplied the inhabitants of Tione in Trento with fresh milk, while his paternal family dedicated themselves to animal breeding and fruit growing. The starting point was his father and uncles decision to revive some ground, which had already served as wine growing soils but which due to an outflow of refugees had laid unemployed. Thus began the cultivation of a modern and functional vineyard. During his education at secondary school Cesare spent much of his free time in the vineyard; afterwards during his studies at universitiy his dream of his own winery grew continually. Over the years he understood that the sun-ripened grapes deriving from such a territory can be processed only into a product of the highest quality and that`s reflected in the excellence of the sparkling wine Metodo Classico LEVII. In the year 2012 Cesare bought his family’s vineyards and began the sparkling wine production with the foundation of the Maison LEVII with the intention to present the outstanding quality of the LEVII sparkling wines to the world.

LEVII EXTRA BRUT TRENTO DOC Metodo classico ottenuto con sole uve Chardonnay d’alta quota e affinato sui lieviti per un minimo di 36 mesi. Denominazione




Annate prodotte

2013, 2014

Affinamento Vendemmia

Minimo 36 mesi sui lieviti Manuale con selezione


Seconda metà di Settembre


60 q/ha su Guyot


650-700 m.s.l.m.


Piedi delle Dolomiti di Brenta


a Sud, su pendenze elevate

Gradazione alcolica

12,5 % Vol.

Formati disponibili

0,75 l

T. di servizio

5 – 7 °C

DEGUSTAZIONE Esame visivo Paglierino intenso e brillante, dalle lievi sfumature verdoline arricchito e impreziosito da un perlage abbondante e persistente; Calice elegante e ricco Esame olfattivo Gradevoli e intensi i suoi richiami floreali e fruttati, a comporre un variegato quadro olfattivo su cui si distinguono in sequenza cenni di ginestra, frutta tropicale ed agrumi come cedro, pompelmo e bergamotto; chiude su una scia minerale che richiama il suo terroir di alta quota. Esame gustativo In bocca l'ingresso è fresco ed equilibrato per un vino dal corpo snello ed avvolgente nel palato, grazie ad un perlage che contribuisce a nobilitarne l'avvolgenza. Dallo stile seducente, rivela doti di giovanile freschezza ed adeguata sapidità con ottimi livelli di persistenza. Accostamenti Ottimo su una cucina street food, antipasti di terra a base di guanciale e lardo, crudi di mare in genere; piatti di carne come il maialino freddo al mirto. A tutto pasto emerge deciso il suo carattere.



LEVII BRUT MILLESIMATO TRENTO DOC Metodo classico ottenuto con sole uve Chardonnay d’alta quota e affinato sui lieviti per un minimo di 36 mesi. Il lungo affinamento attribuisce armonia ed eleganza salvaguardandone finezza e freschezza tipiche della montagna. Denominazione




Annate prodotte

2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Affinamento Vendemmia

Minimo 36 mesi sui lieviti Manuale con selezione


Seconda metà di Settembre


60 q/ha su Guyot


650-700 m.s.l.m.


Piedi delle Dolomiti di Brenta


a Sud, su pendenze elevate

Gradazione alcolica

12,5 % Vol.

Formati disponibili

0,75 l – 1,5 l

T. di servizio

5 – 7 °C

DEGUSTAZIONE Esame visivo Giallo paglierino brillante, arricchito da seducenti riflessi verdolini e da eleganti trasparenze. Ricco nel suo perlage, che si presenta minuto e persistente a formare catenelle fitte e compatte; Esame olfattivo Leggere sfumature di lieviti e pane bianco inducono una buona intensità olfattiva, prosegue in successione su sensazioni minerali di gesso bianco, segue un frutto estremamente fresco e croccante come una mela verde Granny Smith, per chiudere su note di erbe aromatiche che avvolgono elegantemente i suoi richiami minerali gessosi. Esame gustativo Palato vibrante ed esuberante che richiama un calice di ampia freschezza e pesata sapidità. Una bevibilità appagante e immediata ci conduce ad un finale di bocca decisamente agrumato e coerente su uno slancio sapido e dal frutto decisamente croccante. Accostamenti Tartare di Astice e crudi in genere, carpaccio di muggine (cefalo), cocktail di scampi; Ottimo come aperitivo su fritture di terra e mare; Predilezione per molluschi, crostacei, pesce e risotti. Ottimo come proseguo di serata e a tutto pasto su menù di mare e basi di formaggi freschi www.levii.it



From father to son, the work and the passion have been passed down for five generations. For 135 years, the roots on which our company is founded have been intertwined with the surrounding territory, giving rise to a perfect alchemy, a source of excellence. We owe our longevity to our territory, to our sense of belonging to it, and to the respect that comes from this alliance. An alliance that has become, over time, an unbreakable bond, the principle of the recognized quality of our wines.

Serenitatis Collection ASOLO PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG B rut

As an expression of the company’s excellent sparkling winemaking ability comes the Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG, a high-quality wine made from our best vineyards. This particular wine is characterized by its originality in the Prosecco landscape. The most exacting discipline of the territory and limited production preserves its uniqueness and qualify it as a true gem waiting to be discovered.

The Winemaking Process The Glera grapes of the Asolo hills mature toward the end of September. After a first soft pressing, the must is fermented at a controlled temperature through the use of selected yeasts. After fermentation, the wine is filtered and stored, then re-fermented in an autoclave, with the addition of liquer de tirage, at a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius. Once obtained, the sparkling wine is chilled to -4 degrees Celsius and left in contact with the lees in order to extract the most of the aromas. Once the refining process is complete, the product undergoes isobaric filteration in a second autoclave and is then bottled.

The Wine The wine is straw yellow in color with green reflections. The fresh, fruity aroma is reminiscent of acacia flower, wisteria and Golden Delicious apples. It is the perfect Italian aperitif: its fine bubbles that rise in the glass create an instinctive festive atmosphere and its good structure, unusual for a Prosecco, satisfies even the most demanding palates. At the same time, the elegance of its aromas and its softness make it attractive to all winelovers. Prosecco is well-suited to accompany the best raw fish dishes as well as steamed seafood and shellfish in sauce. ALCOHOL % BY VOL











0,75 L





M i l l es i m a to - Ex tra B rut

It is the maximum expression of Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG. The careful selection of grapes ensures a particular finesse and harmony, despite the low sugar content, balanced by a noteable body. The Prosecco Extra Brut is produced only in the DOCG territory in Asolo, highlighting the freshness and the character of the Glera grape.

The Winemaking Process The first-pressing must is obtained using a soft pressing of the grapes, and is processed with a careful control of temperature, so as to keep intact the grapes’ own aroma. This care is taken throughout all phases of storage and fermentation, controlling all oxygen addition in order to preserve all the aromatic precursors that will be found in the glass during consumption. This creates a wine that is characterized by a pleasant, fruity fragrance.

The Wine In the glass it is pale straw-yellow with green highlights. It has a subtle perlage with great constancy and persistence. On the nose, after an initial floral nuance, it becomes full and fruity, while maintaining the natural elegance typical of the grapes from which it comes. Very complex in terms of quantity and quality of olfactory sensations, highlights include the nashi fruit, with characteristics between the Golden Delicious apple and pear, all the way to a delicate mineral note. In the mouth its intensity excites, with good structure and a pleasant, fresh acidity; with an excellent balance between the olfactory and retro-olfactory sensations.












0,75 L 1,5 L





Cantina Odoni was founded in 2009 as the last part of a path created in 1980 and handed down from father to son by generations of farmers, simple folk, who with sacrifice and love for our land find themselves, in this day and age, modernised but still with the genuineness of the past. Vineyards and history Cantina Odoni is located on the Trieste Karst, with its vineyards reaching the nearby Slovene Istria where it’s roots are buried. Territories rich in history, art, but above all characterized by soils and climates that allow us to create a unique product that only our land can give. The Winery Recently renovated in 2012 our winery allows us to transform the products that the earth gives us, thanks to the modernization of all the production processes using the most advanced technologies, but always respecting the naturalness of grapes.


The Panizzari agricultural firm starts at the end of the 19th century, from the love that grandfather Angelo had for the wine that the old farmer tradition has been able to pass on from generation to generation. As years passed my father Giovanni Battista and later I, have reinforced our production with a qualified survey and development of our vineyards following strict methods of production that determine the high quality of our product. Since then and even now our relationship with clients has always been direct. This has permitted us to satisfy their needs and better our wine. The varieties we grow are mainly those of our tradition of wine-growing areas, especially for the red grapes. In contrast to the wine world, our company prefers to keep its historical roots. In fact, most production (about 65%) is given from the vineyards of Barbera and Uva Rara Croatina, are eligible to become members of “San Colombano DOC Rosso�. For the white grapes most products are covered by the vine Verdea, a native type vinified only in St. Columban; other grapes grown in our vineyards are red, Pinot Noir and a little Cabernet, while white grapes Malvasia di Candia, Riesling and Chardonnay. All the grapes are vinified in that we produce at our own company . The collection starts from early grapes : the first of all is the Chardonnay , a white grape variety that matures roughly between the middle and the end of August.

Descrizione: ottenuto dalle uve Bonarda coltivate nelle nostre vigne. La vinificazione effettuata secondo tradizione, ma con tecnologie moderne, da origine ad un vino di colore rosso carico, dal profumo intenso, dal caratteristico sapore pieno, aromatico morbido e vivace. Abbinamento: e’ un vino adatto a tutto pasto, ideale accompagnato ad arrosti e brasati. Servire a: 12°-16°C, Imballo: 6 bottiglie da litri 0.750

Descrizione: vino spumante ottenuto da un’accurata miscela di uve rosse Barbera, e Uva Rara colore brillante dai riflessi violacei, dal profumo fruttato. Abbinamento: Ottimo vino con dolci e dessert, accompagna piatti di pesce. Si presenta inoltre per un invitante aperitivo. Servire a: 6-7°C. Imballo: 6 bottiglie da litri 0.750 Gradazione alcolica: 11%

Descrizione: vino spumante ottenuto da un’accurata miscela di uve bianche, Verdea, Malvasia, Chardonnay, colore brillante dai riflessi verdognoli, dal gusto e dai profumi fruttati Abbinamento: è un ottimo vino con dolci e dessert, accompagna piatti di pesce. Si presenta inoltre per un invitante aperitivo. Servire a: 6-7°C. Imballo: 6 bottiglie da litri 0.750 Grado alcolico: 11%


The tradition of commitment to this land has found a deserving heir in the current owner of the house, Enologist Pierfranco Bonaventura, who has worked in the winemaking field for several years. His expertise is paired by his passion for the winery. A legacy of tradition and wine-making devotion that converge at the work in the cellar and the respect of the objectives envisioned, i.e. putting the name of PORTA ROSSA next to that of best world class wines. Here you will find information about our wines. Our experience is at your disposal. Discover intense sensation through the tasting of our wines, the typical, traditional wines of the Langhe Area. Emotion is the signature of a great wine that you will always remember.


The vineyards are located in the heart of the Oltrepò Pavese (Lombardy), almost exactly at 45º latitude N. The location is mentioned in documents dating back to year 1718, as “Bosco dei Pianori”. As the name suggests, the location is on the flat part of a plateau at 370/400 metres above sea level, with most of the 13 hectares facing south/south-west. The soil is particularly suitable for Pinot Noir and aromatic varieties, such as Muscat and Malvasia. We share with the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers (FIVI, partner of CEVI) the responsibility for our territory and a strong commitment to sustainability. All the wines come from grapes organically grown within the estate, applying and perfecting the tradition and the experience of a family involved in agriculture for generations. The vines, about 4.000/hectare, are all trained with Guyot expallers and short-pruned following the protocols of the Italian School of Vine Pruning by Simonit&Sirch, with bunches thinned manually. When time comes, individual grapes are selected and harvested by hand, then immediately brought to the cellar under low temperature, so as to bring out only the best quality.

Description O LT R E P O P AV E S E

D. O. C.

R IE S LING Analytical data Alcohol: Sugar:

13.0% vol dry

RECENT AWARDS Wein-plus.de (Germany) Riesling 2010 - pts 85/100 Guide Viniplus 2009-14 - AIS Lombardia (Italian Sommeliers Association) Riesling 2008


Made entirely from Riesling grapes. A still wine, straw-yellow coloured, brilliant with green reflexes. Fresh and delicate, notes of apples with long persistency. Can stand full ageing. Best served with pasta dishes, sea food and vegetables.

Technical notes Vine: Name: Appellation: Soil: Altitude: Training: Pruning: Soil: Protection: Harvesting period: Harvesting method:

Riesling Italico Riesling Oltrepò Pavese D.O.C. calcareous, marly 350-380 m asl Guyot espalier short, manual grass low environmental impact beginning September manual, in open boxes with grapes selection

Vinification Brief maceration at low temperature followed by soft pressing. The must is clarified by precipitation, then ferments in stainsteel vessels under controlled temperature. Ageing At least 6 months on yeast in stainless steel vessels to complete the organolectic characteristics. After bottling the product is normally kept in a thermoconditioned storage area for at least 12 months.

Azienda Agricola SanMichele ai Pianoni LocalitĂ Pianoni - 27047 Montecalvo Versiggia (Pavia, Italy) tel./fax +39 0385 99842 www.sanmicheleaipianoni.it info@sanmicheleaipianoni.it - pianoni.wines@gmail.com

“GLORIA” MOSCATO PASSITO OLTREPO PAVESE D.O.C. dessert wine Description Made entirely from Muscat grapes . After late harvesting, the grapes are left to dry for 3-4 months, up to when they loose about one third of their weight and develop botrytisation (botrytis cinerea) which gives them added richness. Aged in wood for at least 12 months. An amber-coloured dessert wine with loads of dried fruit, including apricots, raisins, orange zest and figs. Aromas of Muscat, with an exotic character of pineapple and peach. Caramelized notes of honey on the palate. Carried acidity to aid the sweetness with a long pure and clean length. Full-bodied and zesty, sweet and thick, with a lively full flavoured aftertaste. Best served at room temperature, with pastries, chocolate cakes and also mature and blue cheese.

Analytical data Alcohol: Sugar:

Technical notes

15.0% vol sweet

RECENT AWARDS Decanter 2017 Gloria - Moscato Passito 2011 - pts 85/100 Wein-plus.de (Germany) Gloria - Moscato Passito 2003 - pts 88/100 Gloria - Moscato Passito 2004 - pts 87/100 Guide Viniplus 2009-13 - AIS Lombardia (Italian Sommeliers Association) Gloria - Moscato passito 2004 Gloria - Moscato passito 2005

Vine: Name: Appellation: Soil: Altitude: Training: Pruning: Soil management: Protection: Harvesting period: Harvesting method:

Moscato “Gloria” - Moscato Passito Oltrepò Pavese D.O.C. calcareous, marly 350-380 m asl Guyot espalier short, manual grass low environmental impact late harvesting, October manual, in open boxes with grapes selection

Drying After late harvesting, the grapes are left to dry on straw mats or in baskets in a ventilated room. The process of drying removes the water content of the grapes while concentrating sugar and flavor content.

International Wine & Spirit Competition London 2008 Gloria - Moscato Passito 2003 Silver Medal (best in class) “Deep bright gold. Most attractive aromatic nose of sultanas with a hint of stewed tea and grape pips. Gentle sweetness on the palate not cloying, good concentration, very smooth, ample and soft and the unmistakeable charm of the moscato grape. This is beautifully mature and is perfect for drinking now”

Vinification The grapes are then crushed and a slow fermentation begins, initially in stainless steel vessels under controlled temperature, then slowly in wood until the process of fermentation stops naturally and the wine is left with residual sugar. Ageing For12 months in wood in order to achieve complexity and longevity. At least 6 months in bottle under controlled temperature in order to complete the organolectic characteristics

Azienda Agricola SanMichele ai Pianoni Località Pianoni - 27047 Montecalvo Versiggia (Pavia, Italy) tel. /fax +39 0385 99842 www.sanmicheleaipianoni.it info@sanmicheleaipianoni.it - pianoni.wines@gmail.com


Torre Quarto winery was built by the French Dukes de la Rochefoucauld, in 1847. They had large estates in southern Italy, and the one in Cerignola was their greatest one. It covered an area of about 5000 hectares of which 3000 were vineyards. That’s why they built their winery in the area surrounding Cerignola. It was called “Quarto Ducale” (that means “duke quarter”), because the estates was a quarter of the Cerignola district. Here the Dukes de la Rochefoucauld produced red wine that they sent to France, where it was used for blending and bottled to be sold as French wine. They had a private railway line to link their winery to the nearest railway station, to send their wine to France regularty. The wine was aged in French oak casks, over 150 of these huge casks (containing each about 290 hl) are still kept the cellars of Torre Quarto. In the 1930s the Belgian family Solvay Bautier became owner of this winery and renamed it “Torre Quarto”, after the tower which part of the building, which was one, a schnapps distillery. Torre Quarto began marketing and selling the wine in Italy and all over the world and doing so, were among the first wine producers to dissolve the belief that wines from Puglia were used for blending wine only. Passing the time the name “Torre Quarto” became synonym of quality; in fact it was receveid a lot of rewards, medals and certificates for its excellence and it is also know as one of the most famous wines from Puglia. Nowadays the still owner of the winery, attorney Angela Tarantino, thanks to family tradition producing excellent quality wines.


Today the company manages about 40 Ha. of specialized vineyards created from the 70s to today. They are located among the most beautiful hills of the Perugian, mainly along the stretch that connects Perugia to Marsciano, and all falling within the territory of production of D.O.P. “Colli Perugini�. They are located in different locations: San Fortunato della collina, San Martino in Colle and San Martino in Campo. The resulting wine production is around 10,000 Hl. per year (variable depending on the favorable vintages, with higher production of grapes, or less) and the types of resulting wines count 11 different varieties, almost all with a protected denomination and geographical indication (D.O.P. and I.G.P.). The grapes produced and processed by the company are Grechetto, Pinot Grigio, Manzoni Bianco, Chardonnay, for the production of white wines, Merlot, Sangiovese and Cabernet for the production of red wines. The most recent vineyards, already in production, are the Manzoni Bianco (I.G.P.) and the Pinot Grigio (I.G.P.). The latter has undergone an increase in cultivated areas compared to the past. The company carries out all the processes, from the collection of the grapes to the bottling of the finished product. Wines are distributed in most of the country and abroad, some in large retail chains, others for catering; it is however possible to find the complete assortment, and even other special wines of the highest quality, in the sales point inaugurated in 2009, the Vinoteca Bellucci, a structure based on the typicality of the area that recalls the philosophy followed by the Bellucci Cellars. The structure was the last step towards the completion of the fundamental points that allow consumers to buy the product directly from those who produce it.

Gino Bellucci s.r.l. – Strada Marscianese n. 181/A – 06132 - Perugia Partita iva 01306820547 – Tel 075 38113Email: cantine@belluccigino.it


MERLOT dell’ UMBRIA I.G.T. “B. H.” bottiglia litri 0,750

* CONFEZIONATORE/IMBOTTIGLIATORE: GINO BELLUCCI s.r.l. Strada Marscianese n° 181/A 06132 – S. Fortunato della Collina PERUGIA – ITALIA I.C.Q.R.F. IT 305/PG * CONTENITORE: Bottiglia bordolese da l 0,75 con tappo a sughero; vuoto a perdere. * CONFEZIONAMENTO: Cartone da n° 12 bottiglie Europallet EPAL da n° 40 cartoni * PESI, QUANTITÁ E DIMENSIONI: n° 1 cartone x n° 12 bottiglie ...........kg 15 l 9 n° 1 cartone x n° 12 bottiglie …...….cm 32 x cm 24 x cm 31 n° 1 europallet x n° 40 cartoni .........kg 620 l 360 n° 1 europallet x n° 40 cartoni ……..cm 120 x cm 80 x cm 138 (i valori delle dimensioni sono rispettivamente lunghezza, larghezza ed altezza)

* CONSERVAZIONE: In ambiente asciutto, al riparo dalla luce solare, a temperatura 10°/25°C. * SCADENZA DEL PRODOTTO: Non prevista per i vini in contenitori di vetro. * CODICE EAN: 8 002777 02949 1 * CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO: - Vitigni di provenienza: Uvaggio di: Merlot. - Gradazione alcolica: 13% vol. - Zona di produzione: Umbria. - Tecnica di imbottigliamento: Processo a freddo con microfiltrazione. * CARATTERISTICHE ORGANOLETTICHE DEL PRODOTTO: - Colore: Rosso rubino tendente al granato. - Odore: Gradevole, caratteristico, vinoso. - Sapore: Secco, morbido, armonico. * TEMPERATURA DI SERVIZIO CONSIGLIATA: 16°/18°C * PRESENZA DI ALLERGENI: Contiene solfiti. * O.G.M.: Prodotto non proveniente da uve geneticamente modificate.

Gino Bellucci s.r.l. – Strada Marscianese n. 181/A – 06132 - Perugia Partita iva 01306820547 – Tel 075 38113Email: cantine@belluccigino.it


GRECHETTO dell’ UMBRIA I.G.T. “Scudo” bottiglia litri 0,750

* CONFEZIONATORE/IMBOTTIGLIATORE: GINO BELLUCCI s.r.l. Strada Marscianese n° 181/A 06132 – S. Fortunato della Collina PERUGIA – ITALIA I.C.Q.R.F. IT 305/PG * CONTENITORE: Bottiglia bordolese da l 0,75 con tappo a sughero; vuoto a perdere. * CONFEZIONAMENTO: Cartone da n° 12 bottiglie Europallet EPAL da n° 40 cartoni * PESI, QUANTITÁ E DIMENSIONI: n° 1 cartone x n° 12 bottiglie ...........kg 15 l 9 n° 1 cartone x n° 12 bottiglie …...….cm 32 x cm 24 x cm 31 n° 1 europallet x n° 40 cartoni .........kg 620 l 360 n° 1 europallet x n° 40 cartoni ……..cm 120 x cm 80 x cm 138 (i valori delle dimensioni sono rispettivamente lunghezza, larghezza ed altezza)

* CONSERVAZIONE: In ambiente asciutto, al riparo dalla luce solare, a temperatura 10°/25°C. * SCADENZA DEL PRODOTTO: Non prevista per i vini in contenitori di vetro. * CODICE EAN: 8 002777 07520 7 * CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO: - Vitigni di provenienza: Uvaggio di: Grechetto. - Gradazione alcolica: 12% vol. - Zona di produzione: Umbria. - Tecnica di imbottigliamento: Processo a freddo con microfiltrazione. * CARATTERISTICHE ORGANOLETTICHE DEL PRODOTTO: - Colore: Giallo paglierino. - Odore: Delicato, intenso. - Sapore: Asciutto, pieno, armonico, sapido. * TEMPERATURA DI SERVIZIO CONSIGLIATA: 8°/12°C * PRESENZA DI ALLERGENI: Contiene solfiti. * O.G.M.: Prodotto non proveniente da uve geneticamente modificate.

Gino Bellucci s.r.l. – Strada Marscianese n. 181/A – 06132 - Perugia Partita iva 01306820547 – Tel 075 38113Email: cantine@belluccigino.it


PINOT GRIGIO dell’ UMBRIA I.G.T. “Piaggia degli Storni” bott. litri 0,750

* CONFEZIONATORE/IMBOTTIGLIATORE: GINO BELLUCCI s.r.l. Strada Marscianese n° 181/A 06132 – S. Fortunato della Collina PERUGIA – ITALIA I.C.Q.R.F. IT 305/PG * CONTENITORE: Bottiglia bordolese da l 0,75 con tappo a sughero; vuoto a perdere. * CONFEZIONAMENTO: Cartone da n° 12 bottiglie Europallet EPAL da n° 40 cartoni * PESI, QUANTITÁ E DIMENSIONI: n° 1 cartone x n° 12 bottiglie ...........kg 15 l 9 n° 1 cartone x n° 12 bottiglie …...….cm 32 x cm 24 x cm 31 n° 1 europallet x n° 40 cartoni .........kg 620 l 360 n° 1 europallet x n° 40 cartoni ……..cm 120 x cm 80 x cm 138 (i valori delle dimensioni sono rispettivamente lunghezza, larghezza ed altezza)

* CONSERVAZIONE: In ambiente asciutto, al riparo dalla luce solare, a temperatura 10°/25°C. * SCADENZA DEL PRODOTTO: Non prevista per i vini in contenitori di vetro. * CODICE EAN: 8 002777 07820 8 * CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO: - Vitigni di provenienza: Uvaggio di: Pinot grigio. - Gradazione alcolica: 12% vol. - Zona di produzione: Umbria. - Tecnica di imbottigliamento: Processo a freddo con microfiltrazione. * CARATTERISTICHE ORGANOLETTICHE DEL PRODOTTO: - Colore: Giallo paglierino tendente al verdognolo. - Odore: Delicato. - Sapore: Piacevolmente asciutto e fruttato. * TEMPERATURA DI SERVIZIO CONSIGLIATA: 8°/12°C * PRESENZA DI ALLERGENI: Contiene solfiti. * O.G.M.: Prodotto non proveniente da uve geneticamente modificate.

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