High Levels Concept Catalogue Italian Wine Azerbaijan 2018

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Choose Italian Wine Italian wine is not just knowing how to choose the best moment of the year when to harvest, select one by one the good bunches and discard the bad ones, make a good vinification and use the finest barrels in which to mature the wine. It is something much deeper and more intimate. It is something that captures you, that you are passionate about, that conquers you up to bewitch you. When you drink an Italian wine, you drink all of this. Italian wines are unique in the world for other reasons. First of all for the variety. Do you think that in Italy there are something like 453 types of vineyards: a huge number, which guarantees a practically unlimited diversity between the productions of the various wineries. Another striking feature is that linked to microclimates that directly influence the development and growth of grapes. I’ll explain. Do you think that if, within the same area of belonging ​​ to a vine, you

move a few tens of kilometers, the results you get, in the bottle, are profoundly different. Another important factor is the quantity of wine that each winery produces. In fact, in Italy, cellars are very often brought forward by families, with a number of employees that is less than 10 people total. This means that the number of bottles produced is very low, with a consequent increase in the average quality. It is natural that the attention and care that can be devoted to a production of 1,000 bottles is infinitely superior to that which is put into the production of 100,000 pieces. Italy is full of small producers, real wine artisans, who take care of the collection and production processes in a maniacal way. Remember therefore: Italian wine means varied and superfine flavors and great experience and expertise of producers. Translated into two words: Absolute Quality!

THE BEST ITALIAN WINE SELECTION FOR THE AZERBAIJANI MARKET Thirty-six of the best Italian wineries were chosen by the High Levels to be distributed in Irish territory. Quality and refined wines are included in the catalog, coming from all the regions of Italy. A gustatory explosion for the most sought-after palates. We will take you around Italy among its tastes and its flavors, which have always made the peninsula one of the most desired places for food and wine tourists lovers.

“The Italian wineries” 1. Baglio dei Fenicotteri 2. Barone di Valforte 3. Bressan 4. Cantina Bastianelli 5. Cantina Sette Soli 6. Cantine del Castello Feudale di Motta 7. Cantine di Marco 8. Casalpriore 9. Canonica Cerreto 10. Clementin Brojli 11. Colmello di Grotta 12. Colvendrà 13. Corte Aura 14. Fattoria di Mogliano 15. Fratelli Pavia 16. I Carpini 17. I Mori 18. Il Colle 19. Lanciola 20. Le Vii 21. Lungarotti 22. Mazzei 23. Panizzari Wine 24. PortaRossa 25. Rocca di Castagnoli 26. Sordo Giovanni 27. Tenuta pepe 28. Tenuta Stella 29. Tenute del Garda 30. Torrequarto 31. Velenosi


Our family has a history closely linked to the territory. For many generations we have been in those lands between Noto and Pachino where the vineyards and olive trees find their ideal natural conditions. These two arts have always been a wealth of experience handed down from father to son until today, The place boasts ancient traces of civilization devoted to the cult of the earth and its myths like Ceres or Core and as one can deduce from the various cartographical reproductions, renowned in growing wine and olive oil and bread, ideal for the special position and possibility of defence. The dominations have been numerous due to thepeculiarity of the area: the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Arabs, the Normans, the Aragoneses and the Bourbons. All of them, in the course of centuries, have fought for this fertile soil, exposed to the sun, with a mild climate, in winter too, and set in a propitious geographical position, the centre of the Mediterranean sea, crossroad among Europe, Asia, Africa..


Tenute Barone di ValForte vineyards belong to the family Sorricchio di Valforte since the XIV century; it exstends on 52 hectares in the heart of Abruzzo region, between Adriatic sea and Grand Sasso and Maiella mountains. The family has focused their efforts on the prodcuction of typical and native grapes varities from the Abruzzo region such as Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Treabbiano; Pecorino, Passerina, with a particular care for a sustainable agricoture and respect for the territory and the enviroment. Centuries-old tradition and passion, combined with a exceptional geographical position, are importants features in wine-making, without forgetting state-of-the art technology:controlled temperature at all times during the production , soft pressing, constant and carefull analysis by our high qualified laboratory technicians. The technological perfections of the wines speaks for itself, it tells of their territory, their history, the love, passion and skill devoted to their production.

Barone di Valfor Montepulciano

Grapes: 100% Mont Productions area: C Altitude of vineyard Soil typology: sand Training system: bu Hectare harvesting Number of plants p Harvest time: last te and beginning of O Vinification: fermen for 15 days. Refinement: cold p Alcohol content: 13 Organoleptic prope purple highlights an and morel cherries, vintage, with a soft, appetizers, entrĂŠes,

Uvaggio: 100% Mon Zone di produzione Altitudine dei vigne Tipologia dei terren sabbioso - argilloso. Sistema di allevame Produzione per ett Numero ceppi per e Epoca di vendemm di ottobre. Vinificazione: ferme sulle bucce per 15 gg Affinamento: acciaio Alcol svolto: 13,5% v Caratteristiche org riflessi violacei, profu marasca giĂ maturo con palato morbido antipasti, primi piatti


Being together, chatting with friends in front of a crackling fire in the hearth or under a fabulous nocturnal sky in summer. The traditional enjoyment of offering to others the pleasure of discovering the things we hold dear. Maintaining ancient traditions that speak of countryside residences, the tranquil life of another age... of springtimes that explode in the vivid colour of cherries... of autumns that are lit up by crimson sunsets among the vines, of chestnuts and all the tastes and fragrances of the harvest... of woods containing precious wildlife and well-cultivated vineyards... These are the sensations that you can experience and let others experience with a top-quality wine, product of the scrupulous traditions of master vintners who carefully combine the traditional science of wine-making with methods deriving from an older technology, in the full respect of a lengthy tradition that categorically refuses the modernity which renders everything standard and boring. Therefore, when fine wine finds a top place on your own list of preferences... experiencing Bressan wines, getting to know them, will be an assured source of serenity, as well as a special excuse for rare and gratifying human contact, produced with the aristocratic pride of master vintners that, in addition to practicing a precious art, have understood how to derive an entire school of wisdom horn their labours.


“Cantina Bastianelli� is a family run company where the passion for wine has its roots in a history of tradition and love for the land: the same passion that united my grandparents and now is joining me and my father Egidio. A wine like a poetry, which arises from the indissoluble union between the territory and the charisma of those who work on it. We are border winemakers. Our company is located on the border between the provinces of Fermo and Macerata, two different provinces but also two different territories, each of them instilling different organoleptic characteristics to our vineyards. Its small size allows the company to implement a policy of research of a high quality product. The goal is to improve the organoleptic characteristics through a mix of traditional instruments and advanced technologies that ensure maximum respect for the product typicality. Today, the company is projecting into the future, investing in development and research of new technologies which could help us to make work in the vinery easier, always keeping an eye at our past and our identity.


We are a Sicilian winegrowing cooperative of 2.000 farmers who believe in the value of the community, in the quality of the wines that they produce and in the economic, social and environmental wellbeing generated by teamwork, since 1958. We cultivate the widest variety of grapes in Sicily: 30 different cultivars on six-thousand hectares of land, which represent 7% of vineyards on the island. We are a global company that invests in the young future generations, which takes care of the vineyards respecting the environment while being a pioneer in research, technology and quality to guarantee valuable grapes, income for the partners and excellent wines for the consumers. We were founded in 1958, in Menfi, the same year “Il Gattopardo” by Tommasi di Lampedusa was published, the historic Sicilian novel that mentions a feud called Settesoli. An important estate used by Calogero Sedara for his daughter Angelica’s wedding with Tancredi, the nephew of the Prince of Salina: the same feud we named our company after and same lands featured in the book, are also the backdrop of our daily life. Here, you can relive a history dating back to the Sicanians and the ancient Greeks: to this day, our vineyards surround the ruins of Selinunte, the largest archeological park in Europe, and were also responsible for raising funds destined to promote this jewel of our territory making it profitable.


The feudal Castle of Montegrosso d’Asti, built in 1134 by order of the Marquis Bonifacio del Vasto, lord of the city of Asti, dominates and extensive hilly area which is very much dedicated to the culture of vines, and it is the castle’s tranquil spacious, centuries-old cellars which provide a worthy home for the noble D.O.C. and D.O.C.G. wines of these hills. These wines, which are produced according to traditional and consistent winemaking methods, are selected at the right moment, matured in oak casks, and at the point when they reach the correct degree of maturity they are bottled and stored. Love of wine is something which is passed on from father to son, from one generation to the next. In fact there are documents to prove that the Motta family have been wine makers since 1794; and are therefore proud to show our experience and traditions by presenting today, just as we have done in the past, the very best of Piedmontese wine making.


Cataldo Di Marco was born in Martina Franca in 1921. Since he was a child he developed a strong sense of business and, driven by the desire to exploit the enormous wine potential of Valle d’Itria, he bought, in 1962, the buildings of the current winery, already started to winemaking from 1872. The handover with his son Francesco Di Marco, winemaker, takes place in the 80s when Cantine Di Marco specializes in the vinification of the native Apulian and in the sale of bulk, success is not long in coming and Cantine Di Marco soon became the main point of reference for the Apulian enology, consolidating the change of the company in what is now the productive and bottling structure. With his son, Aldo, representative of the third generation of the Di Marco family, the company has had the flywheel towards the most prominent international markets, towards an Italian market increasingly oriented to large retailers and a substantial improvement in winemaking and bottling techniques. so much so that currently Cantine Di Marco has an annual production of 1,500,000 bottles.


Casalpriore is a farm acquired in 1987 by the family of Gabriele Ronzoni, with registered office in Campogalliano, in the province of Modena. The farm, located in Stiolo di San Martino in Rio, in the province of Reggio Emilia is conducted with the organic method and has a centuries-old wine tradition. The large cellars with their wine vessels in the seventeenth century farmhouse are witnesses of an important wine production of the time that had much older origins. In fact in the Statutes adopted by Borso d’Este, Lord of San Martino in Rio in the years 1441 - 1450 and future Duca in Ferrara, the cultivation of the vine is important and regulated with strict rules. The area of the ​​ farm, with a part of pergola rows of 1960, is on the border between the provinces of Modena and Reggio and the alluvial soil is favorable to the production of Lambrusco Salamino and Ancellotta grapes, widespread in the Reggio area, but also of Lambrusco di Sorbara and Oliva. There are therefore all the historical and cultural elements (suitable terrain and biological management) to produce a Lambrusco rich in color that is healthy, but also fragrant and savory, which captures the best from the two provinces.


Canonica a Cerreto lies in the heart of the Chianti hills, 12 km east of Siena. The property’s 60 hectares include 21 hectares of vineyard and 7 of olive groves; the rest of the land is woods. Chianti wine and olive oil have been produced here for centuries. Today there is a bed and breakfast where the monks used to reside. Canonica a Cerreto produces 150,000 bottles per year. Chianti Classico both Regular and Reserve accounts for 80% of the production. The balance is a Tuscan IGT called “Sandiavolo”. The regular Chianti Classico is made up of 90% Sangiovese grapes and 10% Merlot; the Chianti Classico Riserva is 85% Sangiovese, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, and 5% Merlot. The Sandiavolo is a blend in equal parts of all three grapes. Naturally, Sangiovese is our mainstay variety. However, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are very well suited to the terroir of Canonica a Cerreto, allowing them to express character in ways which are not very common for these ubiquitous international varieties. In other words, our Cabernet and Merlot are wonderfully complementary to our Sangiovese, contributing to the structure and balance of our wines, which remain typical of our terroir while at the same time satisfying the changing tastes of consumers.


The art of the wine, the culture of the earth “Fattoria Clementin� is at Terzo di Aquileia, in the province of Udine, a small area of Friuli where the tradition of wine growing is more tha thousand years old. The lowlands of Friuli bear a soil that is eminently suitable for wine growning and is tilled following age-old peasant customs and practises. The resulting wines are particulary delightful and fragrant. They are producet using organic equipment and traditional wine-making methods that enhance their quality. A great room with hearth, which is typical of the Country Resorts and here is adjacent to the Country Resorts and here is adjacent to the cellar; the possibility of sampling the wines and grappe; a small but very well-equipped laboratory where training courses in pork butchery are held: these, together with traditional farmer hospitality, are the main attractions of Fattoria Clementin. Healthy, certified products are the outcome of the high standards of our labour, which is managed by a family business. Our goals are to protect the traditions and distinctive characteristics of our produce, to encourage a balanced development of this wonderful land, and to improve the quality of life, culture and the environment.


“In the small barrel you’ll find the best wine”. Wine makers used to put their higher level wine into small barrels to save it for important occasions. Although relatively small, perhaps more than any other, Friuli is a region where various elements are mixed together: mountains, hills, flat land and sea shores . Behind its calm, almost static appearance, the region’s history dates back to ancient times, with signs of all the various cultures that have reigned over the years: Romans, Barbarians, Slavs, Venetians, Austrians. People coming from all directions, a crossroad between East, North and West. Antique wine-making traditions have always been a sure sign of civilization.The Giulia Alpine foothills protect the area from the cold north winds and the closeness of the sea brings a mild, temperate climate, which is ideal for grapewines. The Estate spreads over an area of 21 hectares, 15 used for the vines; all facing south with heights that varies between 40 and 80 meters above sea level. The grapevines are equally divided between DOP Collio and Isonzo appellations, which, though they lie close are made of completely different soils. This dual personality is perhaps the main feature of the company, as they produce two completely different types of wine which perfectly complement each other.


COLVENDRĂ€ dates back its set up to the early 1900 and has its own origins in the age-old wine custom of our land. In 1924 Mr. Leonardo Della Colletta, developing and promoting an ancient family tradition, started a productive route in the heart of the Veneto region, in Conegliano and Valdobbiadene areas, where lush vineyards meet sunny hills and the work of man turns a fruitful tradition into life-style


Corteaura Franciacorta was established in 2009 by Federico Fossati. Raised in Veneto he wanted to fulfil an oenological dream: to produce a top quality wine in a territory with a natural vocation for grape growing. After meticulous research across all wine producing areas of Italy, he recognised the Franciacorta region as the one that, above all others, would ensure his wines would have a rich and varied range of undertones. Of the various opportunities available in the region, he opted for Adro and its centuries-old tradition. He undertook scrupulous restoration work on an old rural building transforming it into a winery, while maintaining full respect for the local territory and surrounding vineyards. The first production was made possible thanks to a fortuitous meeting with Pierangelo Bonomi and his extensive winemaking experience in the Franciacorta area. Today Corteaura produces 100,000 bottles and cultivates 6 hectares of vineyards, the majority of which privately owned, purchasing grapes across the entire Franciacorta region ensuring its wines the widest range of fragrances and aromas.


Fattoria di Magliano is a young wine-making company spanning over 97 hectares in the heart of the Maremma territory. It was founded in 1997 by Agostino Lenci, who, after a long and successful career in the footwear industry, decided to follow his dream of becoming a winemaker. He chose this part of Tuscany because of the century-old tradition that rules this land, where men seek to preserve the environment of a territory both wilder and more reserved than elsewhere. The company’s first wines were marketed in 2003. Sangiovese and Vermentino, grape varieties typically found in this area, account for nearly 80% of our production. The company’s young age has given us the opportunity to experiment with other varietals our agronomists suggested could thrive in the area, namely Syrah and Cabernet Franc. Our newest additions is the Ansonica, a white grape particularly suited for the coastal area of Mount Argentario and the Tuscan archipelago.


The Fratelli Pavia Company was born after a long familiar tradition in wine making: at the end of the XIX century our grandfather Michele and his brothers grew vines in Agliano, in the heart of Monferrato area where we produce some of the best red wines from Piedmont , mainly Barbera wine. A lot of customers from Piedmont and Lombardia came to Cascina Pavia to buy their barrel of wine. With the sons, Carlo and Giovanni, and buying new vines from those who stopped this hard job , the Company increased the surface with vineyards in the best position of Agliano with a good exposure and ground to make full-bodied red wines that express perfectly our territory. Today this is the third generation. The two sons Cesare and Michele are part of the Company with the passion and spirit of work of their fathers , the familiar conduction allows the whole control of the production cycle from the vineyards to the cellar always with the aim to make limited productions as maximum expression of the territory.


The Tortonesi Hills (hills of Tortona) are absolutely breathtaking for its splendid and dynamic landscape. As you admire the view, you can find cultivated fields, hilly orchards, vineyards and feel the cool breeze smelling of oak and chestnut from the nearby woods. From the hilltops you can enjoy the stunning panorama spanning from Monviso to the Ligurian Sea. Located at a very special crossroads of four different regions: Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Liguria, the Tortonesi Hills have historically been a trading center and therefore has been heavily influenced by different regions and cultures. The climate also plays a big role with its cold winters, sparse rainfall throughout the year and significant temperature changes between day and night during the ripening phase. This naturally gives the wine fruity, elegant, and delicate aromas. Cascina I Carpini’s vineyards in Pozzol Groppo, extend into the submunicipality of San Lorenzo which have an important South-Eastern exposure where roots dig deep into the medium-textured,cool, and well-drained soil. Even the water-bearing stratum a few meters underneath, maintains proper water supply as well as creating a unique microclimate.


The name Il Colle is the brand’s primary indicator, suggesting the main feature of the land where Prosecco comes from. It takes us into the world of the estate, its system of values and its environment. Il Colle, by defining its land of origin, helps to make the brand stand out and encourages an interaction with all the senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch Il Colle, whose art in cultivating Prosecco has been on-going for four generations, brings together very specific values such as tradition, family, respect for the land, trust and innovation. It is these elements that have made it a byword for quality and a benchmark for local producers. Its highly favourable geographical position has meant that Il Colle can devote most of its resources to cultivating Prosecco Superiore DOCG, the essential expression of a land which is a true natural heritage. Il Colle harvests approximately 1500 tons of grapes, almost a third of which come from the family estate while the rest comes from small farms in the area. The close cooperation with local producers enables a well-established production capacity to be maintained without jeopardising the healthy and authentic nature of the vinification methods. Due to the particular lie of the land, the grapes are still harvested in the traditional manner, strictly by hand..


Just a few kilometers outside Florence on the rolling hills of Impruneta, near Pozzolatico, in the “Colli Fiorentini� production area, is situated the Azienda Agricola Lanciola. In Greve, in the heart of the Chianti Classico area che Azienda Agricola Lanciola has around 14 hectares, 10 of which are devoted to specialized vineyards with optimum south-west exposure, on particularly favorable soil, at an altitude of approximately 300 meters. In addition to Sangiovese, the vineyards contain Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Canaiolo and Colorino grapes. Immersed in the distinctive tuscan countryside amidst olive-groves, cypress trees and vineyards. The estate totals around 80 hectares, 40 hectaresof which are covered by vineyards, with the remainder devoted to olive-groves. The estate has a very illustrious past. In Medicean times it belonged to the noble Ricci family which was also responsible for organizing the estate’s early farming and winemaking activities. The goal of the present owners, the Guarnieri family, has been to maximize the use of the land.


In the early 70’s when peasants left the countryside for the town, the Giannelli family, instead, decided to redevelop its small farm I MORI which has gradually grown since then. Today the firm included various farms and has extended its territory to 180 hectares of which 62 are vineyards and 15 olive groves. It is situated on the hills surrounding Florence in the Chianti area and its main crop is, naturally, the vines. This particular area, surrounding the old castle of Malmantile, has always been famous for its wonderful olive oil. Year after year all the vineyards are being renewed with an accurate selection of the new vines. The new cellar for the wine-making, aging and bottling has been built in the year 2001 and is located along the “Strada del Vino Chianti Colli Fiorentini”. This cellar is equipped to offer wine-tastings to the visitors. Today Canneta has 30 hectares of woods where oak-trees, ilexes (simbol of Montalcino), jiunipers and arbutus berries grow freely as a frame around the 7.75 hectares of vines. In the yars 2002 the building of a new cellar for the wine-making, bottling and tasting has been completed.


Passion, love, engagement. The passion for nature, the love of the countryside and the engagement have been the driving impulse for the young Cesare Berasi to found the first sparkling wine production in the Giudicarie: the Maison LEVII Cesare was born into a farming family. His maternal grandfather every morning supplied the inhabitants of Tione in Trento with fresh milk, while his paternal family dedicated themselves to animal breeding and fruit growing. The starting point was his father and uncles decision to revive some ground, which had already served as wine growing soils but which due to an outflow of refugees had laid unemployed. Thus began the cultivation of a modern and functional vineyard. During his education at secondary school Cesare spent much of his free time in the vineyard; afterwards during his studies at universitiy his dream of his own winery grew continually. Over the years he understood that the sun-ripened grapes deriving from such a territory can be processed only into a product of the highest quality and that`s reflected in the excellence of the sparkling wine Metodo Classico LEVII. In the year 2012 Cesare bought his family’s vineyards and began the sparkling wine production with the foundation of the Maison LEVII with the intention to present the outstanding quality of the LEVII sparkling wines to the world.


Since more than six hundred years, the Mazzei family produces unique wines with spirit and passion renewed from generation to generation. At Fonterutoli, as well as at Belguardo and Zisola, resides the same philosophy that aims to promote local vine varieties as an expression of the identity of the region, in respect of diversity and nature, via sustainable agriculture and improvements mindful of the delicate hydro-geologic balance, in order to prevent soil erosion and maximize water reserves in the region. All of this in order to be able to hand the land intact to future generations.


The Panizzari agricultural firm starts at the end of the 19th century, from the love that grandfather Angelo had for the wine that the old farmer tradition has been able to pass on from generation to generation. As years passed my father Giovanni Battista and later I, have reinforced our production with a qualified survey and development of our vineyards following strict methods of production that determine the high quality of our product. Since then and even now our relationship with clients has always been direct. This has permitted us to satisfy their needs and better our wine. The varieties we grow are mainly those of our tradition of wine-growing areas, especially for the red grapes. In contrast to the wine world, our company prefers to keep its historical roots. In fact, most production (about 65%) is given from the vineyards of Barbera and Uva Rara Croatina, are eligible to become members of “San Colombano DOC Rosso�. For the white grapes most products are covered by the vine Verdea, a native type vinified only in St. Columban; other grapes grown in our vineyards are red, Pinot Noir and a little Cabernet, while white grapes Malvasia di Candia, Riesling and Chardonnay. All the grapes are vinified in that we produce at our own company . The collection starts from early grapes : the first of all is the Chardonnay , a white grape variety that matures roughly between the middle and the end of August.


The tradition of commitment to this land has found a deserving heir in the current owner of the house, Enologist Pierfranco Bonaventura, who has worked in the winemaking field for several years. His expertise is paired by his passion for the winery. A legacy of tradition and wine-making devotion that converge at the work in the cellar and the respect of the objectives envisioned, i.e. putting the name of PORTA ROSSA next to that of best world class wines. Here you will find information about our wines. Our experience is at your disposal. Discover intense sensation through the tasting of our wines, the typical, traditional wines of the Langhe Area. Emotion is the signature of a great wine that you will always remember.


Surrounded by woods, vineyards, olive groves and cypress trees, Rocca di Castagnoli dominates for more than a thousand years, from the top of a hill, this beautiful land. Rocca di Castagnoli is a charming resort and a prestigious historical winery of the Chianti Classico. Here you can relax enjoying the harmony of Art and nature, good food and wine. Only a few lands offer such a rich and charming landscape like Chianti. A natural country with thousands shades, colours and perfumes together with the rural architecture contest which maintains its origin. Green hills full of vineyards and olive trees, oaks and chestnuts woods, small villages surrounded by medieval walls, old parish churches, castles, fortresses and farms; all together with its tradition which makes Chianti one of the most famous territory in the world. Chianti is a land famous all over the world for the production of its red wine. Already in the middle of 16th century, the wine produced in its vineyards was exported to England giving Chianti a splendour time. This land rich of vineyards tidy placed on its sweet hills has an extension of 700 square meters between the province of Florence and Siena.


The Pepe family is an ancient Irpinia family, which for generations has committed itself with dedication in the production of their wines, marketed throughout Italy and abroad. Following his intuition and driven by love for his land, the entrepreneur Angelo Pepe worked hard to design the future of his family, creating the Tenuta Cavalier Pepe, a complex consisting of: Cellar, Winery, Restaurant and Bed and-breakfast, which represents a production and tourism system of extraordinary quality. The value and foresight of Angelo Pepe were appreciated, by the then President of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, who in 1998 nominated him: “Knight of the Republic” for his work merits. Today, thanks to the work of Milena, the oldest daughter of the Cavaliere - graduated in viticulture and oenology in France and marketing in Belgium - is managed with charisma and competence and can boast a production of wines of the highest quality. Will and passion are the words that best characterize the Tenuta Cavalier Pepe. The Estate cultivates the vines in the greatest respect of the natural balance of the territory, as a farmer dedicates his life to the care of the land, the Estate gathers the fruits that nature offers thanks to a respectful and patient work in the vineyard. The Tenuta Cavalier Pepe aims to produce wines that highlight the best gustatory characteristics of the Irpinia territory. Unique and well recognizable features that allow numerous food and wine pairings. «Working and Believing» is the motto of the Pepe family which has become the company philosophy.


The inseparable link between the place and the vineyard is expressed by the famous French concept of terroir, which sees the way to express and highlight those that are the exclusive features of the area in the work done in the land. Tenuta Stella is set in an area dotted with hamlets and isolated houses that dot the rolling hills of Collio since Roman times. The atmosphere is that of Collio in the province of Gorizia, an extraordinarily suitable area for viticulture because of the climate and the soil types, which makes of this borderland a wonderful habitat that expresses its uniqueness through the wines produced here.


Tenute del Garda is a group of wine producers located in Valtenesi, on the beautiful western shore of Lake Garda. Our winery was founded a few years ago due to a great desire to cultivate and enhance our magnificent territory and its precious resources. Our purpose is to produce wine from the grapes grown on our land, cultivated with care and attention; we pay close attention to every detail in the growth of the vines and grapes, in order to create something truly unique and unmistakable. Our vineyards are located in Barcuzzi (near Lonato del Garda), Lucone e Storietta (near Polpenazze del Garda), Cantarane e Belvedere (near Galvagese della Riviera) while the production cellar is located in Burago. The age of the old grape vines cultivated with the experience and care of senior wine makers, combined with the methods and cutting edge ideas of youthful ambition, has allowed us to obtain excellent wines. With Tenute del Garda the old and the new, tradition and modernity go hand in hand: the substantive experience of the older generation vine growers and the enthusiasm of their young disciples ensures that we are constantly striving for the best. On behalf of everyone at Tenute del Garda, a toast to you the reader, thank you for taking the time to get to know us.


Belvedere e Barcuzzi

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Torre Quarto winery was built by the French Dukes de la Rochefoucauld, in 1847. They had large estates in southern Italy, and the one in Cerignola was their greatest one. It covered an area of about 5000 hectares of which 3000 were vineyards. That’s why they built their winery in the area surrounding Cerignola. It was called “Quarto Ducale” (that means “duke quarter”), because the estates was a quarter of the Cerignola district. Here the Dukes de la Rochefoucauld produced red wine that they sent to France, where it was used for blending and bottled to be sold as French wine. They had a private railway line to link their winery to the nearest railway station, to send their wine to France regularty. The wine was aged in French oak casks, over 150 of these huge casks (containing each about 290 hl) are still kept the cellars of Torre Quarto. In the 1930s the Belgian family Solvay Bautier became owner of this winery and renamed it “Torre Quarto”, after the tower which part of the building, which was one, a schnapps distillery. Torre Quarto began marketing and selling the wine in Italy and all over the world and doing so, were among the first wine producers to dissolve the belief that wines from Puglia were used for blending wine only. Passing the time the name “Torre Quarto” became synonym of quality; in fact it was receveid a lot of rewards, medals and certificates for its excellence and it is also know as one of the most famous wines from Puglia. Nowadays the still owner of the winery, attorney Angela Tarantino, thanks to family tradition producing excellent quality wines.

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