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Choose Italian Wine Italian wine is not just knowing how to choose the best moment of the year when to harvest, select one by one the good bunches and discard the bad ones, make a good vinification and use the finest barrels in which to mature the wine. It is something much deeper and more intimate. It is something that captures you, that you are passionate about, that conquers you up to bewitch you. When you drink an Italian wine, you drink all of this. Italian wines are unique in the world for other reasons. First of all for the variety. Do you think that in Italy there are something like 453 types of vineyards: a huge number, which guarantees a practically unlimited diversity between the productions of the various wineries. Another striking feature is that linked to microclimates that directly influence the development and growth of grapes. I’ll explain. Do you think that if, within the same area of belonging ​​ to a vine, you

move a few tens of kilometers, the results you get, in the bottle, are profoundly different. Another important factor is the quantity of wine that each winery produces. In fact, in Italy, cellars are very often brought forward by families, with a number of employees that is less than 10 people total. This means that the number of bottles produced is very low, with a consequent increase in the average quality. It is natural that the attention and care that can be devoted to a production of 1,000 bottles is infinitely superior to that which is put into the production of 100,000 pieces. Italy is full of small producers, real wine artisans, who take care of the collection and production processes in a maniacal way. Remember therefore: Italian wine means varied and superfine flavors and great experience and expertise of producers. Translated into two words: Absolute Quality!

THE BEST ITALIAN WINE SELECTION FOR THE FOREING MARKET Thirty-six of the best Italian wineries were chosen by the High Levels to be distributed in Irish territory. Quality and refined wines are included in the catalog, coming from all the regions of Italy. A gustatory explosion for the most sought-after palates. We will take you around Italy among its tastes and its flavors, which have always made the peninsula one of the most desired places for food and wine tourists lovers.

“The Italian wineries” 1. Barone di Valforte 2. Cabert Spa 3. Cantina Bastianelli 4. Cantina Frentana 5. Cantina Siddura 6. Casa di Grazia 7. Casa Sola 8. Canonica Cerreto 9. Clementin Brojli 10. Colvendrà 11. Corte Aura 12. Cottini Vini 13. Fattoria di Mogliano 14. Gen Agricola 15. I Carpini 16. il Colle 17. La Fusina 18. Le Vii 19. Montel Vini 20. Odoni 21. Panizzari Wine 22. PortaRossa 23. San Michele ai Pianoni 24. Torrequarto 25. Vinoteca Bellucci


Tenute Barone di ValForte vineyards belong to the family Sorricchio di Valforte since the XIV century; it exstends on 52 hectares in the heart of Abruzzo region, between Adriatic sea and Grand Sasso and Maiella mountains. The family has focused their efforts on the prodcuction of typical and native grapes varities from the Abruzzo region such as Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Treabbiano; Pecorino, Passerina, with a particular care for a sustainable agricoture and respect for the territory and the enviroment. Centuries-old tradition and passion, combined with a exceptional geographical position, are importants features in wine-making, without forgetting state-of-the art technology:controlled temperature at all times during the production , soft pressing, constant and carefull analysis by our high qualified laboratory technicians. The technological perfections of the wines speaks for itself, it tells of their territory, their history, the love, passion and skill devoted to their production.

Barone di Valfor Montepulciano

Grapes: 100% Mont Productions area: C Altitude of vineyard Soil typology: sand Training system: bu Hectare harvesting Number of plants p Harvest time: last te and beginning of O Vinification: fermen for 15 days. Refinement: cold p Alcohol content: 13 Organoleptic prope purple highlights an and morel cherries, vintage, with a soft, appetizers, entrĂŠes,

Uvaggio: 100% Mon Zone di produzione Altitudine dei vigne Tipologia dei terren sabbioso - argilloso. Sistema di allevame Produzione per ett Numero ceppi per e Epoca di vendemm di ottobre. Vinificazione: ferme sulle bucce per 15 gg Affinamento: acciaio Alcol svolto: 13,5% v Caratteristiche org riflessi violacei, profu marasca giĂ maturo con palato morbido antipasti, primi piatti


“Cantina Bastianelli� is a family run company where the passion for wine has its roots in a history of tradition and love for the land: the same passion that united my grandparents and now is joining me and my father Egidio. A wine like a poetry, which arises from the indissoluble union between the territory and the charisma of those who work on it. We are border winemakers. Our company is located on the border between the provinces of Fermo and Macerata, two different provinces but also two different territories, each of them instilling different organoleptic characteristics to our vineyards. Its small size allows the company to implement a policy of research of a high quality product. The goal is to improve the organoleptic characteristics through a mix of traditional instruments and advanced technologies that ensure maximum respect for the product typicality. Today, the company is projecting into the future, investing in development and research of new technologies which could help us to make work in the vinery easier, always keeping an eye at our past and our identity.


Cataldo Di Marco was born in Martina Franca in 1921. Since he was a child he developed a strong sense of business and, driven by the desire to exploit the enormous wine potential of Valle d’Itria, he bought, in 1962, the buildings of the current winery, already started to winemaking from 1872. The handover with his son Francesco Di Marco, winemaker, takes place in the 80s when Cantine Di Marco specializes in the vinification of the native Apulian and in the sale of bulk, success is not long in coming and Cantine Di Marco soon became the main point of reference for the Apulian enology, consolidating the change of the company in what is now the productive and bottling structure. With his son, Aldo, representative of the third generation of the Di Marco family, the company has had the flywheel towards the most prominent international markets, towards an Italian market increasingly oriented to large retailers and a substantial improvement in winemaking and bottling techniques. , so much so that currently Cantine Di Marco has an annual production of 1,500,000 bottles.


Since 1958 Cantina Frentana history has been handed down with passion. A story with a genuine taste in which players may have changed, but values remain untouched. This land, laying on Majella hills and lit up by the Costa dei Trabocchi splendour, has always been consecrated to vine cultivation and wine culture. Cantina Frentana wines are extraordinary products, which are the result of the special union of the industriousness of five hundred vine growers and the great generosity of a unique land. We have always believed in the value of native vine varieties and this aptitude has guaranteed a moderate penetration of other vine varieties, even in their period of greatest success on the market. Our choice goes beyond the natural bond to roots and traditions, as other vine varieties have rarely proven to be more remarkable and competitive than the local varieties, which have been acclimatized to our environment for centuries.


Cantina Oriolo is a renowned winery from Piedmont, Italy, producing quality red wines (D.O.C.) – Nebbiolo d’Alba, Dolcetto d’Alba, Barbera d’Alba, Langhe Dolcetto, Piemonte Barbera and Langhe Rosso d’Oriolo – and fine white wines, including Arneis, Chardonnay, Favorita and Moscato. Cantina Oriolo is a small cellarr, strictly conducted by family: Brangero Diego, Teresio and his daughter Eleonora, with a degree in oenology, work with passion to produce typical wines of the region, with the necessary help of other family members. Special offers for restaurants and wine bars! Specialty products and fine quality wines (D.O.C.) are available at reduced prices for online ordering...


We produce high quality wine from the Piedmont grapes in the Roero hills. We are among the oldest and most known producers in the area and our wine cellar has been bottling since 1900. The cultivation of the vineyard is carried out by expert people, respecting the tradition and balance of nature. Through the description of our wines you will be able to know the seriousness and the quality we offer. Private individuals, companies and restaurants have always entrusted us with the task of satisfying enological expectations that are constantly and accurately followed.


Great-grandfather Giovanni used to make wine and sell it. He would lead his horse down to Liguria carrying wine, and come back home bringing olive oil. Molinari family comes from Montezago di Lugagnano. There in 1916, grandfather Pietro bought a small farm named Casa Benna in Castell’Arquato. At that time, the vineyard was a small portion of the overall cultivated land – about 1 hectare – but the wine produced there was already known to be so full-bodied that “it could have been cut with a knife”. In the early 50’s Giovanni purchased the first tractor to replace handwork and eventually in the 60’s CASA BENNA® became a winemaking firm only. With notable long-term foresight, CASA BENNA® has always promoted the D.O.C. Gutturnio. Giovanni had three children: Pietro, Giusy and Andrea. Pietro, who sadly passed away in 1997, worked at the design for the “Cantina Nuova” (the new winery) and the advertising plan for the GUTTURNIO RISERVA wine...


Although relatively small, perhaps more than any other, Friuli is a region where various elements are mixed together: mountains, hills, flat land and sea shores . Behind its calm, almost static appearance, the region’s history dates back to ancient times, with signs of all the various cultures that have reigned over the years: Romans, Barbarians, Slavs, Venetians, Austrians. People coming from all directions, a crossroad between East, North and West. Antique wine-making traditions have always been a sure sign of civilization.The Giulia Alpine foothills protect the area from the cold north winds and the closeness of the sea brings a mild, temperate climate, which is ideal for grapewines. The Estate spreads over an area of 21 hectares, 15 used for the vines; all facing south with heights that varies between 40 and 80 meters above sea level. The grapevines are equally divided between DOP Collio and Isonzo appellations, which, though they lie close are made of completely different soils.


COLVENDRĂ€ dates back its set up to the early 1900 and has its own origins in the age-old wine custom of our land. In 1924 Mr. Leonardo Della Colletta, developing and promoting an ancient family tradition, started a productive route in the heart of the Veneto region, in Conegliano and Valdobbiadene areas, where lush vineyards meet sunny hills and the work of man turns a fruitful tradition into life-style


Ours is a simple story, the story of a passion: that of Carlo Cottini for his land. He started the farm with great commitment and dedication, planting fruit orchards and vineyards in the early twentieth century, The first wine saw the light in 1925. From that moment on, the family business concentrated increasingly on growing vines and making wine. In the 1950s, my father Raffaello inherited his skills and knowledge, and worked his land, deciding to dedicate all his energy and resources to winemaking. I too inherited that enthusiasm and made it my life, bringing to bear my own curiosity and aspirations. My wife Annalberta immediately shared my passion for the land and for wine, applying her own gentleness and determination. Our two sons, Mattia and Michele, were naturally born and raised together with the vineyards, the grapes and the wines. They themselves are the fruit of this proud land and of our great love. And their personalities and skills beautifully complement our own.


Scansano was renowned for its wine as long ago as the early 1800s when the Napoleonic army decided to make a garrison there for the troops marching to Rome, which was then governed by the Vatican. cennistorici-campanileThe coasts and plains were so badly affected by malaria that for almost a hundred years all public structures were transferred to Grosseto during the summer; but at 500m above sea level Scansano was unaffected by the disease and the village became the summer capital of Maremma. Some of the officers, who knew as much about winemaking as they did about arms, realized how suitable this area was for winegrowing and for the first time the local products were catalogued. In 1818 the total wine production was 5,000hl, 500 of which were reserved: truly remarkable figures for the period. The grenache variety was planted here, also known as “tinto di Spagna” or “Alicante” due to the Spanish-owned lands along the coasts: this is the same as the “garnacha” variety grown in Catalonia, in Languedoc to make Chateauneuf du Pape and in Sardinia to make Cannonau; other varieties planted here were syrah, the nero francese or gamay, used to make Beaujolais, and cabernet, which is still (although rarely) found in old vineyards, known as “bordò” to older farmers.


Fattoria della Aiola is a winery founded 80 years ago by Giovanni Malagodi which stretches across approximately 100 hectares, 36 of which are dedicated to vineyards The company is situated halfway between two historical towns in the historical region of Chianti: Castelnuovo Berardenga and Radda in Chianti, only 14 km away from Siena, in the heart of the beautiful Tuscan countryside. We offer our guests several tasting programs of our homemade wines, among which DOCG Classic Chianti is our flagship. L’Aiola is situated 14 km-drive from Siena across an ancient white road connecting Vagliagli, “la valley of garlics”, with Radda in Chianti. Built as a fortress during the local wars between the Florentine Republic and the Republic of Siena which ended in the 17th century, the Aiola Castle went through a radical transformation. The original aspect, characterized by town walls, drawbridge, secret underground tunnels has gradually left space to an elegant manor villa during the Renaissance, althought it maintained some original elements.


Fattoria di Magliano is a young wine-making company spanning over 97 hectares in the heart of the Maremma territory. It was founded in 1997 by Agostino Lenci, who, after a long and successful career in the footwear industry, decided to follow his dream of becoming a winemaker. He chose this part of Tuscany because of the century-old tradition that rules this land, where men seek to preserve the environment of a territory both wilder and more reserved than elsewhere. The company’s first wines were marketed in 2003. Sangiovese and Vermentino, grape varieties typically found in this area, account for nearly 80% of our production. The company’s young age has given us the opportunity to experiment with other varietals our agronomists suggested could thrive in the area, namely Syrah and Cabernet Franc. Our newest additions is the Ansonica, a white grape particularly suited for the coastal area of Mount Argentario and the Tuscan archipelago.


Foffani vines and grapes had a hard time back in Spring-Summer 2017: starting with frost in April, the season continued with heavy storms in august and massive rain in late august and september, during harvesting. But, you know, vines like it when the going gets tough. And they deliver high-quality grapes. So, vintage 2017 has brought less quantity but more quality. And quality is what it’s all about. In April 2018 the new wines were presented officially after bottling: Surprise, surprise‌ come and taste! All wines are produced from grapes of our estate vineyards in Friuli, east of Venice, in the DOC area of Aquileia.


Le Bertole, a farm business owned by the Bortolin family, has rapidly established itself on the Italian and international scene for the production of the Spumanti Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG, and this can be proved by the many awards won since 1997 to the present day. The traditional cultivation of the fine Glera vineyard (traditionally called Prosecco) in Valdobbiadene dates back to 1930, when the first vineyard was bought. Since then the careful cultivation of the fine vines has always improved thanks to the passion and devotion constantly passed on from generation to generation. The excellent quality of Le Bertole’s Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG grapes is due both to the strict respect of the production regulations, with very low yields per hectare, and the very nature of the region with a unique microclimate. The first vinifications by the Bortolin family have begun in the ‘80s and in 1997 Gianfranco Bortolin and his wife Viviana have created their own wine cellar branded Le Bertole from the homonymous vineyard producing Cartizze, in the area of Saccol, a hamlet of Valdobbiadene. From grapes to vinification, from the conversion to sparkling wine to commercialization, passion is always there, every bottle produced in the family farm is the result of an accurate work, in which technological innovation enables to find the right and harmonious marriage between the history of the region and tradition.


Passion, love, engagement. The passion for nature, the love of the countryside and the engagement have been the driving impulse for the young Cesare Berasi to found the first sparkling wine production in the Giudicarie: the Maison LEVII Cesare was born into a farming family. His maternal grandfather every morning supplied the inhabitants of Tione in Trento with fresh milk, while his paternal family dedicated themselves to animal breeding and fruit growing. The starting point was his father and uncles decision to revive some ground, which had already served as wine growing soils but which due to an outflow of refugees had laid unemployed. Thus began the cultivation of a modern and functional vineyard. During his education at secondary school Cesare spent much of his free time in the vineyard; afterwards during his studies at universitiy his dream of his own winery grew continually. Over the years he understood that the sun-ripened grapes deriving from such a territory can be processed only into a product of the highest quality and that`s reflected in the excellence of the sparkling wine Metodo Classico LEVII. In the year 2012 Cesare bought his family’s vineyards and began the sparkling wine production with the foundation of the Maison LEVII with the intention to present the outstanding quality of the LEVII sparkling wines to the world.


Some businesses begin in the same way a seagull decides to defy the wind and take flight. Paraphrasing the great Mario Soldati, Boston and San Francisco at five thousand kilometres apart are different, but not as much as Veneto and Friuli are at 50 km apart. It’s as though a fil rouge bonds these two regions. This fil rouge is now being resolutely upheld by Piera Martellozzo. She started her wine company at the age of 29. In the words of the writer Scott Fitzgerald in Tender is the Night, a woman... “ chooses wisely her aperitifs or, content, she enjoys the caviar of potential power” One significant evening, her father said to her: “Piera, I am handing you the keys to the business.” From then on, began an upward spiral just like the golden bubbles that come to the surface of a glass as though escaping from the darkness towards the light. The story however starts long before then in 1899, almost at the beginning of the twentieth century in Padova.


The tradition of commitment to this land has found a deserving heir in the current owner of the house, Enologist Pierfranco Bonaventura, who has worked in the winemaking field for several years. His expertise is paired by his passion for the winery. A legacy of tradition and wine-making devotion that converge at the work in the cellar and the respect of the objectives envisioned, i.e. putting the name of PORTA ROSSA next to that of best world class wines. Here you will find information about our wines. Our experience is at your disposal. Discover intense sensation through the tasting of our wines, the typical, traditional wines of the Langhe Area. Emotion is the signature of a great wine that you will always remember.


In the heart of the Castelli Romani, on the ancient volcanic land of the legendary Lago Regillo, where wine has always represented the liquid soul of the territory, Tenuta le Quinte has undertaken for years a profitable journey to enhance the ancient native vines of Rome, establishing itself as a consolidated reality of an area that today starts to talk about itself more and more in terms of quality. We are in the district of the town of Montecompatri, in the locality of “Le Marmorelle�, where the vineyards are characterized by an excellent exposure to solatio and are planted in a position of light slopes on predominantly volcanic soils at an altitude of about 400 meters. The estate is dominated by a 17th century farmhouse located on the Roman foundations of the villa of Caligola It is in this truly evocative setting that we meet the Papi spouses who, based on a family tradition that has their roots in a distant past, have believed and focused on a territory with a high wine-growing vocation, enhancing the native Malvasia Puntinata, Bellone, Bonvino (Bombino), Trebbiano Giallo and Verde, Cesanese and MontepuIciano, also winking at the international Syrah and Merlot..


Tenuta Maffone is a wine producer located in the town of Pieve di Teco, located in the province of Imperia, in the Liguria region. Quattrocalici selects wine producers through careful research and among the cellars of the Liguria region Tenuta Maffone is one of the most interesting wineries in the province of Imperia. The Tenuta Maffone wines are representative of the productive excellence of the Liguria region.


The Fornello territory, in the municipality of Ziano Piacentino, is located in the beautiful Val Tidone in the Colli Piacentini, one of the four valleys that characterize the hills of Piacenza, in Emilia Romagna. A unique and aesthetic heritage in which the wine is the greatest expressions. The nature in Torre Fornello has created the ground and ideal climate for the cultivation of the vine, from the Roman times. The vineyards reach a total of 73 hectares, divided into two farms, one wholly-owned with certified organic grapes (The Bernesca). On the Fornello tower stands from centuries a weatherwave flag of wrought iron with astrl symbol: three eight-pointed stars and an ellipsoidal planet in the middle. The history of this flag is unknown. It’s a perhaps a trace of the old owners, the Sanseverino ancient family, Princes of Naples, alchemist and scholars of the stars. We like to interpret it misssing out the most mysterious part, giving to the star a particular sense.


Torre Quarto winery was built by the French Dukes de la Rochefoucauld, in 1847. They had large estates in southern Italy, and the one in Cerignola was their greatest one. It covered an area of about 5000 hectares of which 3000 were vineyards. That’s why they built their winery in the area surrounding Cerignola. It was called “Quarto Ducale” (that means “duke quarter”), because the estates was a quarter of the Cerignola district. Here the Dukes de la Rochefoucauld produced red wine that they sent to France, where it was used for blending and bottled to be sold as French wine. They had a private railway line to link their winery to the nearest railway station, to send their wine to France regularty. The wine was aged in French oak casks, over 150 of these huge casks (containing each about 290 hl) are still kept the cellars of Torre Quarto. In the 1930s the Belgian family Solvay Bautier became owner of this winery and renamed it “Torre Quarto”, after the tower which part of the building, which was one, a schnapps distillery. Torre Quarto began marketing and selling the wine in Italy and all over the world and doing so, were among the first wine producers to dissolve the belief that wines from Puglia were used for blending wine only. Passing the time the name “Torre Quarto” became synonym of quality; in fact it was receveid a lot of rewards, medals and certificates for its excellence and it is also know as one of the most famous wines from Puglia. Nowadays the still owner of the winery, attorney Angela Tarantino, thanks to family tradition producing excellent quality wines.


Courage and love for grapevine cultivation were common traits to 23 growers in Trexenta who in 1956 founded the Cantina Trexenta. Later on, in the 70’s the winery was already exporting its Nuragus and Monica wines to France and Germany. In the 80’s the winery began to diversify its grape production with Vermentino grape variety, Cannonau and, more recently, Chardonnay, Montepulciano e Carignano. Nowadays, the winery owns 200 hectares of grape vines, handled with a maximum level of professionalism and a consolidated experience, handed on from generation to generation. Trexenta wines are very popular, not only in Italy but also abroad. The countries in which we currently sell are France, Spain, England, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Lithuania, United States, Japan, Canada and China.. In Japan we are well positioned in large scale retail trade, HoReCa wine bars and high-end market sector especially with our Nuragus, Cannonau and Vermentino. In Lithuania we are present with all of our products on wine bar specialist. In China we are entering in supermarkets in the north of the country with our red and white table wines. In the Czech Republic we are engaged in high-end wine bar with our wines of the HoReCa and Special line Cannonau and Vermentino. In Germany we export Cannonau and Vermentino. We are present on all sales channels (Ho.re.ca, wine bars, specialty shops and department stores).


Today the company manages about 40 Ha. of specialized vineyards created from the 70s to today. They are located among the most beautiful hills of the Perugian, mainly along the stretch that connects Perugia to Marsciano, and all falling within the territory of production of D.O.P. “Colli Perugini�. They are located in different locations: San Fortunato della collina, San Martino in Colle and San Martino in Campo. The resulting wine production is around 10,000 Hl. per year (variable depending on the favorable vintages, with higher production of grapes, or less) and the types of resulting wines count 11 different varieties, almost all with a protected denomination and geographical indication (D.O.P. and I.G.P.). The grapes produced and processed by the company are Grechetto, Pinot Grigio, Manzoni Bianco, Chardonnay, for the production of white wines, Merlot, Sangiovese and Cabernet for the production of red wines. The most recent vineyards, already in production, are the Manzoni Bianco (I.G.P.) and the Pinot Grigio (I.G.P.). The latter has undergone an increase in cultivated areas compared to the past. The company carries out all the processes, from the collection of the grapes to the bottling of the finished product. Wines are distributed in most of the country and abroad, some in large retail chains, others for catering; it is however possible to find the complete assortment, and even other special wines of the highest quality, in the sales point inaugurated in 2009, the Vinoteca Bellucci, a structure based on the typicality of the area that recalls the philosophy followed by the Bellucci Cellars. The structure was the last step towards the completion of the fundamental points that allow consumers to buy the product directly from those who produce it.

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