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Researched and Written By:

Mrs. davis’ 4th Grade Class

Chapter 1: Bats


Physical Description

That bats have large

almost no fur at all. Bats are also

ears that help them


hear their food, they use echolocation by making a call that bo unces off their food.

Bats have large ears to help them hear. They have long sharp claws to help them catch their prey.

These are pictures of real bats.

They can have black or brown fur. Bats have wings to fly. They also have a powerful chest. They have short legs and they can’t walk so well. Their wings are made of long HOW CAN WE

arms and fingers. Some species have

HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by not cut-

Diet from animals skin. Some

eat moths and beetles.

Some micro bats eat

bats drink nectar from

They also eat animals

fish, scorpions, lizards,

flowers. Some eat some

skin and they eat small

kill what

frogs, and birds.

fruit. Some bats also eat


they eat.

Vampire bats drink blood

plant parts. They like to

ting down trees. We can also not

Bats eat insects.

Bats eat lots of dierent bugs.

Behaviors A pup can fly up to 4 weeks old. Some bats reach adult size in 3 weeks. Large bats reach adult size in about 10 weeks. Mother bats make high pitch sounds. Bats are mature between 1 and 3 weeks old. Bats have highly sophisticated sense of hearing. They have echolocation. They also emit sounds too.

Habitat Some bats live in desserts, forests, and cities. They live in tropical regions like the rain forests. Some live in North America. Mega bats live only in Asia, Africa, and Australia. They also live in caves, crevices, tree cavities, and buildings.

This is where some bats live.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

They are endangered by habitat loss. People are clearing forests and the bats are losing their homes. They al-

so loose their food and then they will eventually die.

Chapter 2: Wolves


Did you know that wolves live in several places.

Physical Description Wolves have fur coats and they are either gray, brown, white, or black. Wolves have strong, muscular bodies. Wolves have very good hearing and have long legs to run quickly. They have long, bushy tails with sharp teeth and powerful jaws. They have really strong

gums. Wolves have very large feet.

Wolves communicate by howling.


We can help this animal by making it illegal to kill wolves in every place in the world.

Diet Wolves eat rabbits, rodents, beavers, birds, slowest ani-

mals, insects, nuts, berries, foods, weakest animals, deer, and

moose. Wolves eat five to twelve pounds a day.


Habitat Wolves live in forests, grasslands, the tundra, Canada, Russia, Mongolia, Ethopia, a country in Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and they live by mountains.


Wolves live in very bad weather.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is

farmers. Every year

endangered because

thousands of wolves

it loses food and

die in traps. Also,

homes. They are

hunters do not

hunted by bounty

check their traps

hunters and by

and the wolves die.

Chapter 3: Frogs Physical Description


Did you know the red eye tree frog can hang up side down on a tree.

there head .

Cap on describing picture or graphic.

The frog is covered in moist skin covered in mucus. It has s cky pads on toes. A frogs eyes are on top of

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We could help fogs by feeding them more food giving it more homes and taking more care if you have a pet frog.

Diet Frogs eat worms, dragonies, insects minnows and spiders.


A frog lays eggs in water. A frog lays thousands of eggs at once. A frog uses its s cky pads to hang on trees. Frogs don’t drink water like humans do.


A frog can live in the rainforest grasslands deserts and wetlands.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endangered because people kill frogs for food. Frog legs are famous in some countries frog legs is a popular in some countries .Some

are endangered because they have been here since the Jurassic period.

Chapter 4: Leopards Physical Description DID YOU KNOW‌ Leopards are vertebrates. That means that they have backbones, give birth to their young, make milk, and they are mammals.

them blend in and keep safe from predators. They have fast and powerful body that is built for hunting. They have excellent vision and pointed,

Leopard si+ng by a hill.

sharp teeth. Leopards have Leopards have light cream or dark gold fur. Their fur is

big and sharp claws. Their hearing is great.

always spotted and they have black spots. If they live +++++++++++++++++++

in deserts, their fur is light. If they live in rainforests,

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? You can do something! You can help cross leopards off the endangered list and save their species! How, you ask? Just make a simple donation today. Support Green Peace and even volunteer to care for

their fur is dark. Fur helps

Diet Leopards are

monkeys, wart-

prey. Then, they

carnivores, which

hogs, large birds,

strike into the

means they eat

and snakes. First,

neck and eat the

meat. They eat

they stalk the

rest of the meat. They hide the

Behaviors Leopards are warmblooded. They climb trees often. Also, they pounce on anything that

Habitat Leopards live in forests and rainforests. They can also be found in deserts and savannas. Some leopards live in mountains. They can adapt to both warm and

is smaller than them.

cold climates. Adult leopards live alone. Some,

They are very active

though, share homes with others. They also live in

creatures, meaning they’

grasslands. Some live in big territories and some live

re great hunters. Leop-

in small ones.

ards prefer living alone than with a pack.

This leopard is in a savanna.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Leopards are currently endan-

are cared for by people and spon-

gered. They are being hunted its

sored by Green Peace. They take

skin is now precious material.

care of the leopards and keep

That’s why people kill leopards.

them safe so they can reproduce,

They use the fur to make ex-

make new generations, and make

pensive clothing.

sure that leopards aren’t endan-

Right now, people are saving leopards. They put them in zoos, shelters, and other captivity buildings around the world. They

gered anymore.

Chapter 5: Tigers

DID YOU KNOW… gers have a extra coat on there fur to stay warm. Also if a ger is hungry it hunts down a buffalo or a small elephants it sees

Physical Description

Tigers have two layers of guard hair. Then comes the so, underfur. This makes up the fur coats. A ger has dark stripes. But some have few or no stripes.

A ger photo .


law not to hunt them down. And to make there environment a safer place. So that’s why a tiger trys to hunt us it does not want to kill you it is trying to protect

Diet The ger’s diet consist of meat. Love’s to eat the following animals: deer, elk, wild pigs, birds,

cows, monkeys, lizards, small elephants, water buffalo, sloth bear, dogs, leopards, pythons,

and hares. Also old and injured gers a.ack humans.

Behaviors The gers hunt down the animals it eats. The ger gives birth to its baby girl or boy cub. Has a mate of 3,4,5 years old. The ger is nocturnal. And a ger hunts down lots and lot‘s of deer water bualo. The ger always uses its weight. the gers ma ng is from November all the way to April.

Habitat The ger always live by its prey. The gers live in its territory the gers live by no other gers. The gers love to eat turkey . The ger lives in almost any climate.

This is a ger habitat.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

The ger has been huntsurvive in has been deed down. Also the water stroyed. has been polluted. There habitat has been destroyed by humans and the forest has been cut down. Almost any habitat in the world that they can A ger in polluted water.

Chapter 6: Mountain Gorillas

DID YOU KNOW… That mountain gorillas are 20% more smarter than people and they are 43% stronger than people so we should stay away from them and let them live.

Physical Description Mountain goril-

old. There are two

las have brownish-

main groups for

black fur. When

mountain gorillas;

new born gorillas

the silverbacks and

are born the are 4-

the black backs.

5 pounds. When the

They are 5.5 feet

gorillas grow up

tall when standing

the males can get


up to about 400 pounds and females can get up to about 200 pounds. They have hands like humans and can live


We can help this animal by making sure hunters don’t kill the mountain gorillas and poachers don’t steal the baby mountain gorillas.

from 40 – 50 years

This baby mountain gorilla is climbing a tree branch.


They are herbivores. They eat leaves, flowers, fruits, bamboo, shoots, and roots. They

don't need to drink. They get enough water from plants. Mountain gorillas shake the

tree to get fruit up high. They pick fruit from branches down low.

Behaviors Mountain gorillas build nests for sleeping. They like to clean by eating the bugs off of each others backs. The females groom their babies. Mountain gorillas use facial expressions and open their mouth and show teeth to show anger.


This is the forest where the gorillas live.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Mountain gorillas are endangered because of habitat loss. They also don’t have many babies. Another reason why they are endangered is because of hunters who kill them and poachers who like to steal baby mountain gorillas.

Lets save this cute mountain gorilla baby.

Chapter 7: Chimpanzee

DID YOU KNOW‌ KNOW Chimpanzees are related to humans. mans.

Physical Description

Chimpanzees have black hair all over their body except their face, ears, and palms. Baby chimps have pink skin. Male chimps are bigger than female chimps. Male chimps are also heavier

than female chimps. Like humans chimps have 5 fingers. Chimpanzees have large prehensile hands.

Chimps are like us

Chimps mouth. HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL We can help chimpanzees by not cutting down their homes.

Chimp’s head.

Diet Chimps are omnivores. They eat leaves, fruit, roots, nuts, and insects. Chimpanzees also

eat grass, monkeys, pigs, antelopes, and eggs.

Chimp ea ng food.

Behaviors Chimpanzees are playful. They shake hands and tickle each other. They hug but, they also kill monkeys for food. When thunder strikes chimpanzees scream. They make noises like hoots, barks, or slap trees when mad.

Habitat Chimpanzees live in African Rainforests. Chimpanzees like to live in clear forests. Chimps live in nests they make out of leaves, twigs, and other things. They also live in desert - like areas. The most common place they live in are grasslands.

African rainforest.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Chimps are endangered because they are killed for meat by poachers. Chimpanzees are also sold for pets at stores. They also get killed by diseases and illnesses. There are almost not enough chimps to have babies. Chimps are mad because friends killed

Chapter 9: Sea Turtles Physical Description DID YOU KNOW...sea turtles have no teeth and swallow their food whole?

ell is called a carapace. Also their bottom sh ell is called a plastron. Oooooooh! Ahhhhhhh! A maleĂ­ s tale is thicker and longer than a females tale. Most sea turtles are yellow-gre enish. Depending on the species, black.


Here is a baby sea turtle crawling in the sand.


are sea Sea turt

les are reptiles. They have backbones, lungs, and scales ,just like us, If we had scales. The y have smooth bodies to glide. Their flippers let them swim fast. Their sharp jaws help th em tear their food. They have one to two cla ws on all of their flippers. Sea turtles top sh HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can stop polluting our oceans and ban poachers. We should be more careful about where we )ish so we don’t catch sea turtles.

Here is a sea turtle looking at the camera! How cute!

Diet Woah! Did you know that sea turtles are carnivores. Most eat fish, crabs, sponges, sea cucumbers, and fish eggs. Green sea turtles eat sea grasses, shellfish, and sponges. Leather-

backs eat sea jellies. Hawksbills eat coral and sponges.

This is two sea turtles swimming.

Behaviors Sea turtles don't do much! But they do some things! They swim almost a thousand miles to their nests! WOW! They find a spot to dig an egg chamber or they

dig a hole.

Habitat Sea turtles live mostly in oceans and beaches. A female la ys her eggs on beaches. They live in salt water. You migh t find them in seaweed and sea grasses. They nest in tropi cal and subtropical places.

She sweeps away the sand with her front flippers and digs the hole with back flippers. She lays 50 to 180 soft-shelled eggs. Then she covers the eggs

with sand and she goes back in to the ocean. This is were sea turtles live.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Why! Why! Why! Why do you do this to sea turtles? Yah!

They also die because of all of the pollution in our oceans.

No answer! I don't know either. Sea turtles are captured or either tangled in floating garbage. Did you know that when you catch sea turtles in fishing nets they can’t breath. Poachers on the other hand they steal their eggs and make food and souvenirs out of them.

This is a very pre.y sea turtle.

Chapter 10: Komodo Dragons

Physical Description


a deadly mouth. Have 60 razor sharp teeth. There lower jaws open wide. There tail is long as there body. 2.7 meters. Forked tongue. Drool all over the place.

They are one out of the 100 deadliest animals in the world. Komodo dragons have scaly tough skin they have sharp claws. also have a long tongue. and they have a thick skin. They are gray and brown. All though they have We can help komodo dragons by not killing them and not tacking up there space by putting homes in there habitat in there land and give them more food.


Komodo dragons eat dead birds,

other Komodo ďŹ sh, pigs , monkeys, Rus- babies sia dear bones hooves and

Behaviors They hunt and kill animals. They Don’t share there meal. They eat together when the food is dead. They show there hissing when there angry. they whip there tail to say back off. They fight for there female. When they run out of food they go to village.

Habitat The komodo dragon lives in a tropical climate. The komodo dragon lives in a very hot climate on an island.

Cap on describing picture or graphic.

Why This Animal Is Endangered .

Chapter 11: Rhinos

DID YOU KNOW. That they live in the forest. I thought that was cool. You should cheak out the zoo and look for Rinos.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can let them live on. Don’t cut down trees, buses, leaves, flowers, and shrubs.

Physical Description

not very well. There nose has a horn and it’s height could be up to (2.5 m) to (1.5 This is what a Rino looks like. m)-5 feet. S,J,I kinds of rhinos have sharp food cutting teeth Rhinos use there W,B don’t. Rhinos overbite to tear up have thick folded food and there lip is skin and that is behooked. There eyesight is not very good cause they have to so when they see it is eat a lot.


Rhinos eat es , plants, things such grass, as branch- leaves,

flowers, and bushes.

Behaviors Rhinos are solitary. They mark there territory by winning a battle and marking it with urine and droppings. Rhinos are peaceful unless threatened. They also keep there baby’s near them.


Some Rhinos live in mountains and savanna’s . Others like black and white Rhinos live in Savanna’s and in Eastern Africa.

These are both pictures of Savannahs.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Not a lot of rhinos are being born and people kill the rhinos for there horns and medicine

and they are loosing there food.

Chapter 12: Elephants Physical Description DID YOU KNOW...Elephant s run with noise.

Elephants bathing

Elephants have thick and wrinkled skin. They have a long hairs at the end of there tail. They also have

appy ears to keep them cool. Elephants have thick pads on the bo.om of there feet. They have tusks that don’t stop growing. They have more than12 molars. Elephants have grinding teeth. They also have large brains.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can give them all the nutrients they need.

Diet Elephants are herbivores. They eat grass, fruit, twigs, and leaves. They also eat

bark. Elephants eat salt to stay healthy. They drink a lot of water. They eat

roots. Also eat shrubs.

Behaviors Female elephants do everything together. They spray to play. Elephants roll in mud. Mud protects them. They sleep at night. Also sleep in hot mes. Knock down trees. They are adults when 10 or 14.

Habitat Elephants come to farmers ďŹ eld to ďŹ nd food. Take food from houses and barns. Live in Africa and Asia. Some elephants are poisoned. Some people try to kill them.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Not a lot of elephants. They have died. Elephants have not been seen in 50 years in wildlife. Height risk of dying in the wildlife. Killed during the war. Lions can kill elephants calf.

Chapter 13:Manatees

DID YOU KNOW that the manatees hate coldness. coldness.

Physical Description

Mama and baby manatee snuggle as they dri,

Manatees are weird looking animals. They have a sleekly shape and paddle like tails. They are blubbery and gray. The manatee has little hair and small eyes. They are usually HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL we can help this animal by not throwing garbage where the manatees live.

Diet The manatees eats sea grasses and sea algae. If swallow fish, snails, or small crabs

are is there food then the manatees will eat them. A manatee is ea ng lunch.

Behaviors Manatees will use squeaks, squeals, and chirps to communication. Manatees swim up when sleeping= breathing. The manatees rub to show affection. The manatees eat 100 pounds a day.

Habitat The Manatees habitat is warm. They swim in shallow water and slow rivers and canals. The manatees live in bays too. The manatees also live in lagoons and costal. The manatees live in Florida.

A bit chubby but s ll cute. Baby and Mama Are snuggling.

Why This Animal Is Endangered This animal are in endangered because commercial hurters hurt them. The second thing is that people are pollu ng chemicals and garbage. The third thing is that people touch. The fourth thing is that degrade water quality. The last thing is coldness.

This is what dirty water looks like.

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