All About Endangered Animals

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Researched and Written By:

Mrs. DUFFY’S 4th Grade Class

Chapter 1: Bats


Physical Description

Bats are the o nly mammals that can fly. fly

Hanging from a tree.

Bats have long arms and fingers with short legs. They have black or brown fur with sharp claws. They are warm blooded and have a powerful chest and back muscles. They also have large ears. HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? People can help bats bye building them nest. People can help bye not putting chemicals in there habitats, and stop posining them.

Diet Bats eat fruit such as bannanas, mangos,and figs. They eat animals like scorpions,fish,lizerds,frogs,

birds,and crickets.they also eat nuts,pollen,nector,an d sometimes blood.

Behaviors They sleep upside down.they also are nocturnal.they are six and a half feet and can weigh more than three pounds. Some live alone and it is the only

Habitat Some bats live in tropical regions, rain forest, desserts, and also caves. They also live in tunnels, abandoned homes, building and trees. Also temperate regions, cities, under bridges, and forest. Mega bats live in asia, africa, and Australia.

mammal that can fly.some sleep up right or sideways,they have echolocation and they live in colonies.

Eating a cricket.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Bats are endangerd because people put garbage ,chemicals in there habitats. If they eat poisines fruit from people they die.also they have habitat loss.

Chapter 2: Chimpanzees


Physical Description Chimps have no tails at all.

Chimps actually have pink butts

Chimps have long hair.


Chimpanzees have short black hair and pink skin. Chimpanzees have little tiny thumbs. Chimps have prehensile hands and walk on their knuckles. Chimps arms are longer than their legs.


We can help chimps by preserving their homes


and helping chimp


zees made a tool

orphans by putting

hunt down ani-

to stick in a hole

mals and eat

to get any insects

them. Chimpan-

to eat.

them in sanctuaries .

Behaviors Chimps use their bodies to communicate. They are very playful. Sometimes they use sign languages to communicate. They groom each other. They swing from branch to branch.

Habitat Chimps live in the rainforests in Africa. They live in trees and sleep in nests.

Chimps live in rainforests and have prehen sile tails

Why This Animal Is Endangered Chimps are endangered because they are being hunted. In different countries, people kill them for their fur. People clearing forests wrecks their homes. Chimps can also get sick and then they die if they get too sick. Chimps are getting eaten by larger animals. Mothers are getting killed so hunters can capture their babies.

Chapter 3: Elephants

DID YOU KNOW‌ that elephants are the biggest animal in the world .

Physical Description

In this picture you can see that the elephants family is walking in their own pack .

Elephants have thick, tough and wrinkled skin. they also have large ears . Also they have tusks made of ivory and they are very extremely strong . Plus they are the largest animal in the world and there are two chief kind of Elephants African/Asian Elephants . HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by stop hunting the animals and stop cutting down their habitat

Diet Elephants are herbivores and eat plants, grass, fruits, twigs ,and leaves.

Also they eat salt to stay healthy .

Behaviors My animal stays in packs and makes many sounds to communicate. My animal also keeps cool in the mud and takes bathes in mud to .

Habitat Some elephants live in rainforests and they travel to deserts , forests ,and swamps . Plus live mainly on grasslands .

Also in this picture you can see that they are communica$ng that they love each other.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Elephants are endangered because people hunt them for their ivory tusks and they lose their habitat .

Chapter 4: Frogs

DID YOU KNOW‌ that poison dart frogs live in Brazil.

Physical Description their skin.

This frogs eyes are reall y close to the mouth. All frogs have small legs but have webbed feet so they jump to catch there food. They also have sticky tongues to do that. The Red eyed tree frog is known for its large red eyes. Most of these frogs eyes are near to the top of their head. This I never knew that frogs have holes in



We don't

For the diet of the frogs they eat a lot of little insects. Some eat snails, small fishes, and also eat

need to kill them for wars.

spiders. They are all called their prey. Most frogs eat worms but not all. Frogs use their feet to jump

up and to try to get their prey.

Behaviors A frog goes through a life cycle. First, a mother frog lays her eggs. Then, the eggs hatch into tadpoles. Last, the frogs go through a lot of changes.


Most frogs live in the forest. There is at least 80 in. of rain each year. Some live in grasslands. Most of these frogs live near to the water. All frogs live at least 3 to 15 years old. This frog is hunted by wolves the most.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is en-

mostly hunted by

dangered because

wolves. It is also

there is only about

hard to know for sci-

4,000 species or

entist to know if they

types of frogs on

are endangered.

the earth. There are

Chapter 5: Komodo Dragons


Physical Description

Komodo Dragons has 60 razor Sharp TEETH

As you see the Komodo Dragon is enjoying the sun.

Komodo Dragons have tough thick skin that is gray and brown and they can grow to be 9 feet long. They also have wide mouths and in their mouths they have 60 razor sharp teeth. They have a long tail and sharp claws, and can weigh as much as 365 pounds. HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help them by telling the people to stop taking over the land and maybe creating zoos to protect them.

Diet Komodo Dragons are keys ,and other rep$les. meat eaters. They mostly eat rusa deer but the also hunt birds, wild pigs, mon-

Behaviors When komodo Dragons eggs hatch they climb near by trees. The reason why the babies climb to nearby trees is because they cant protect themselves yet. They live un$l they are large enough protect themselves.

Habitat Komodo Dragons live in Indonesia and on the islands of Flores, Rinitja, Gili Motang, and komodo. They also live on both land and water.

As you can tell the y like each other.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Komodo Dragons are in endangered because they are losing their homes to the people who are living on the island. They are also having problems ďŹ nding enough food to eat. Lastly, people are hun$ng and killing komodo dragons to sell their body parts for money.

Chapter 6: Leopards

Did you know it is against the law to sell or trade leopard body parts.

Physical Description sharp and big paws .

This cute li7le cub is ge9ng $ckled on.

We can help this animal to learn about them and their habitats.

Leopards have sharp and big pointed teeth. Leopards have light cream or dark gold fur on their body. They also have a very strong jaw for ea$ng hard food. All leopards have sharp claws, to hunt their pray. Leopards have very long tails that are very so5. Black leopards and normal leopards have spo7ed fur. All leopards have really

Diet Leopards eat lots of dierent things ,like monkeys ,warthogs, large birds and snakes. Leopards

usually bite the preys neck with its front claws. These ďŹ erce animals eat meat and hunt their


Behaviors Leopards always hide food in trees, so it doesn't get stolen. Leopards ďŹ ght when they meet. Leopards mark their territory. Leopards bear two, three, or four young in a li7er.

Habitat Leopards live in rain forests, deserts, savannas and mountains. Some leopards live in warm climates and others live in cold climates. Most leopards live in Africa.

This snow leopard is ďŹ erce.

Why This Animal Is Endangered This animal is endangered because people are killing them for their fur, bones , whiskers, and meat. They use it for making fur coats.

Chapter 7: Manatees


Physical Description more than 3,500 pounds!! Some manatees reach up to 13 feet long.

A li'le bit a(er a baby manatee is born it can swim on *s own.

The baby manatees drink milk from their mother’s body.


Almost all manatees are covered with fur and some$mes hair. The manatees body was made to swim and its smooth body helps it swim. The manatee also has very big lungs. They help them stay under water for a long period of $me. Manatees tails help them steer and swim forward. They have a lot of blubber. They all weigh

Diet Manatees eat sea grass, algae and some$mes $ny fish, snails and small crabs. Manatees do

not like to eat a lot of meat.

Behaviors Manatees vocalize to send messages. Usually sounds like squeals and chirps. they always know when to swim to water.

Habitat Manatees live in warm climates like Brazil. They don't care if it is salty or fresh water. They usually live near land in lagoons, bays and rivers. The climate has to be warm year round. DDEDE99999999999999999DF,

Mother manatees can keep track of their calves by making sounds.

Why This Animal Is Endangered The manatee is endangered because people are hun$ng and killing them to sell their meat for food. They also get caught in ďŹ shing nets and in boat propellers. Another reason manatees are dying is because their habitats are being polluted by people.

Chapter 8: Mountain Gorillas

DID YOU KNOW… KNOW Mountain gorillas use facial expressions to communicate?

We can help mountain gorillas by not littering and smoking so we don’t pollute the air.

Physical Description gers on their hands and five toes on their feet. They walk on their knuckles and they also have very big shoulders.

Mountain gorillas like to play and spend time with each other.

Mountain gorillas have short legs and long arms with brownish-black hair to keep them warm. The male gorilla weighs 400 lbs and the female gorilla weighs 200 lbs. They have five fin-

Diet Mountain gorillas are herbivors. They eat leaves, flowers, fruits, bamboo shoots,

buds barks and roots. They don’t drink that much water.

Behaviors Mountain gorillas spend most of their time eating. When they sleep they sleep in nests. Mountain gorilla communicate with facial expressions.

Habitat Mountain gorillas live in the cool, misty forests that cover the Virunga Volcanos. Virunga Valcanos are eight volcanos surrounded by mountains. They are located at the central part of Africa.

Mountain gorillas spend most of their time eating.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Mountain gorillas are endangered because their homes are polluted, or because they are hunted and sick. Some mountain gorillas don' t live to be adults. A female gorilla only has 1 baby in

3-4 years. Many of them are killed by diseases. Mountain gorillas usually live up to 35 years.

Chapter 9: Pandas

DID YOU KNOW‌ That the red panda looks a lot like racoons? They look like each other because they are rela*ves .They both have raccoon tails,.

Physical Description A panda has black and white fur, with long claws, and can get up to ďŹ ve feet long. It has sharp teeth, that can help them eat bamboo and other meals. Their fur holds in body heat because they need to stay humid constantly. They can get up to 220 lbs. ( 100 kilograms.) Red and black pandas are related to raccoons because they have a long thick striped tail.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? You can help these animals by taking them to other continents that has a lot of bamboo and grass to eat.

Diet A panda is a herbivores because they evolved to be herbivores instead of carnivores.

Pandas eat bamboo, vegetables, and tall grass. Pandas stay healthy because of their diet. Bamboo is

low on nutrients.

Behaviors A panda can defend himself by covering its eyes, roars at predators, and makes sounds to tell other animals to back o. They use their thumbs as spoons. It also sleeps 12 hours a day.

Habitat Pandas live in Asia , in mountainous areas. They also live in forest areas, high on trees. Some other habitats are dens and trees .Dierent pandas live in dierent areas in Asia.

A panda in mountainous areas.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Pandas are endangered because the popula$on in Asia is rising, the cut down forests and build houses. Cubs are helpless against predators including hunters. Pandas have a very low chance of having a baby because there is not many female pandas because of hunters.

Chapter 10: Rhinoceros


Black rhinos are close to being ex*nct.

Physical Description

Their kissing, so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rhinoceros’ have horns that can be 5 feet long. They also have a short tail. All have three toes on

their feet. Rhinoceros’ bodies are low to the ground. Also, they have thick folds of skin. Rhinoceros also have a prehensile upper lip. They also have a solid body.


We should stop poaching them for their horns. We should also stop killing them for body parts.

Diet Rhinoceros like to eat grass, plants, branches, and bamboo. They

also eat fruits, water plants, shrubs, and hay.


Rhinoceros live alone, are aggressive, peaceful unless threatened, and fight for food. They also charge at humans, are easily frightened, use their lip to pluck leaves, and feed at night.


Rhinoceros live in forests, mountains and savanna’s in Africa and Asia. They also live in Europe and North America.

Love time Momma!!!

Why This Animal Is Endangered People are building cities and homes in their homes. They hunt for their horns to sell, and make medicine. They sell their body parts . Finally, they make their horns into handles for dag-


Chapter 11: Wolves

Physical Description DID YOU KNOW

largest animal in the dog family and are very good at hunting. The two main species of wolves are the Timber and Tundra ones.

There are less then 2 million lives in the world. That wolves kill each other because they might be fighting for a female or some food or be Playing


there habitat. We can stop putting traps to kill them.


Wolves have fur and thick coats. They can be gray, brown, red, black, and white and have strong muscular bodies. They have long legs and large paws and large ears and long bushy tails. They have very sharp teeth. They are the

Diet bits, rodents, beavers, and birds. They like to eat insects, berries, nuts, and fruits.

They eat big deer like animals like deer, moose, and caribou. They also eat small like animals like rab-

Behaviors They communicate by barking, growling, whining, snarling and howling. They show teeth and the growl when they are mad. They wag there talis when they are happy. When they are fighting they raise there tails when there sleeping they put there tail down. There body positions show there facial expressions. They can live in grassland, forest and mountain

Habitat Wolves can live in the forest, grasslands, mountains, and caves. They also are found in the Tundra, in Canada, Russia, Mongolia, Familys and packs.

Two wolves hun$ng

Why This Animal Is Endangered There are less then 2 million wolves, they have there habitat lost from people, they cant ďŹ nd enough food, wolves kill eachother, they can de from traps.

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