Researched and Written By:
Mrs. Davis’S 4th Grade Class
Chapter 1: Bats
Physical Description
Bats can not hear like we do, they use special echoes called echo loca on?
This is a picture of a young baby bat.
about the size of a man’s hands. Also, these li!le creatures have furry bodies and short legs. One more thing a bat has is it’s thin wings that allow them to glide and soar through the air gracefully.
Bats have very large pointed ears that help them hear. Some mes bats can be black, brown, grayish, or some mes a sort of beige. Bats are warm-blooded and HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by stop cutting trees, stop putting chemicals in the air, and make a law against killing bats.
Diet Bats like to eat mosquitos, plants, and ripe fruits such as bananas, figs, and man-
goes. They Also can eat nectar from flowers. Some bats can al-
so eat fish, scorpions, lizards, and crickets.
Bats hang up-side down. and don’t like to be disturbed. Bats are calm around all species and are only violent when predators are a!acking their young.
Habitat Bats live everywhere in the world expect the Antarc ca. They live in Asia, Africa, and Australia, too. They make their homes in tunnels, banded mines, under bridges, and in caves.
This is a picture of bats in their cave.
Why This Animal Is Endangered Bats are endangered because trees are being cut for lumber so they are losing their homes. Plants that they eat are being cut down and used for making medicine and other products. Another reason bats are endangered is because people throw gar-
bage everywhere, so their homes are polluted. The last reason bats are becoming endangered is because if a human ďŹ nds a bat, they might
kill them or shoo them from a place they live.
Chapter 2: Chimpanzees
Physical Description
Chimpanzees died from ebola! It spread quickly and half of them died.
The baby chimp is playing with its toes and it is trying to learn how to walk.
Chimpanzees have black hair on their bodies except for their faces, ears, palms of their hands, and the soles of their
feet. The baby chimps are pink but they grow darker when they get older. The male is slightly bigger and heaver than the female. The average male size is about 4 feet tall and weighs over 100 kg. the average female size is less 3/1 feet tall and weighs less than 100 pounds.
We can help Chimpanzees by not destroying there home and not hunting them or they will be enstinct.
Diet Chimpanzees eat meat (small animals) and plants. Chimpanzees are omnivores. They
some mes eat insects and eggs . Chimps main diet is mainly made of leaves ,fruit,
roots, and nuts.
Behaviors Chimpanzees make faces and communicate by shou ng so9ly then gets louder in a gree ng. They some mes communicate with their bodies and they shake hands, hug, ckle, and kiss one another. They groom one another, they knuckle walk, and use stones to crack open nuts. They communicate by barks, grunts, screams, and they make a sound called pant-ho.
Habitat Chimpanzees live in African rain forests, woodlands, and grasslands. The rain forests are ďŹ lled with large trees and many kinds of animals and plants. Hot humid rain forests are chimpanzees habitat. They also live in tropical Africa from lake Victoria.
Two chimps are on their moms back.
Why This Animal Is Endangered
Chimpanzees used to be found in 25 African countries. Now they are found in 21 African countries. They are mainly endangered because humans hunt them and destroy their habitat. In 1990
chimpanzees and people died from ebola! Almost half of them died and the virus spread quickly.
Chapter 3: Elephants
DID YOU KNOW That elephana re the largest animal on land.
Physical Description Asian. They have long hairs on the end of their tails which they use to swat insects.
Elephants have large ears that radiate heat to keep cool. Elephants have non stop growing tusks that are actually is a long nose. Elephants are the largest animals on land but African are slightly larger than
Stop hunting them for their tusks.
Some things elephants like are plants ,
leaves, and grass. Also they like to eat roots,
seeds, water plants, and twigs.
Behaviors Habitat Elephants like to spray mud on each other and spray water to clean off. Elephants are very playful. Elephants love to communicate by snort or squeal. Elephants have a large brain and rank high in intelligence.
One place elephants like to live in is grassy fields. They also like south Africa for homes. There also very fond of the rest of Africa and Asia to.
Why This Animal Is Endangered
One reason elephants are endangered is because they loose their homes and cant find food. Another reason they are endangered
is because they are captured and killed to make jewelry out of their tusks.
Chapter 4: Frogs
Frogs eat there old skin
HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? I think we can help frogs by not )ishing frogs and not selling them as pets and not kill frogs for food.
Physical Description
This is a frog on a leaf
Some frogs have spots and some also have stripes. They have s cky pads at the end of there fin-
gers and long hind legs. They have long tongues in there mouths. Some frogs are the size of peoples hands. The last thing I have for you is some frogs are mul colored.
Diet Some frogs eat worms and other frogs eat flies but not just one a whole lot of flies. There are
lots of species of frogs and other frogs eat insects and some eat snails. Some frogs live by the wa-
ter so they can eat ny fish and some frogs eat there own skin!
Behaviors Most frogs are sick and red. They are weak and red from the fer lizers and pes cides. They also have unhealthy bodies from the fer lizers. The UVB kills them. They have fairly good eyesight.
Habitat Some frogs live near ponds and some live by Wetlands. Frogs live every where in the world except Antarc ca. Some frogs live in the Kalahari Desert. Some live in Joseph back yard.
The frogs look like they are friends.
Why This Animal Is Endangered
The frogs are endangered because people kill frogs for food and people also sell them as pets. Frogs are by ponds so people ďŹ sh them they
are also loosing there habitats. So now there are only 4000 species le9.
Chapter 5: Leopards
Physical Description
KNOW...t hat each leopard has its own terri-
Hi, what’s your name?
tory or (home range).
A leopard has a tail that is almost as long as its body. This helps him chase his prey. A leopard has great hearing to help it hear predators that might want to
eat it. A leopard has excellent vision, it can even see in the dark. A leopard uses its big paws and sharp claws to grab onto its dinner. A leopard drags its food into a tree so other animals cant eat the leopardĂ s food. Leopard is up to 75 pounds and on average 4 feet 4 inches.
HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help leopards by making more strict laws against hunting them.
A Leopard eats monkeys, warthogs, ba-
boons, large birds, snakes, porcupines, an-
telope, jackals, peacocks, sheep, goats, dogs.
A leopard lives with its mother until it is 2 years old. Leopards will fight with other leopards. Leopards are cunning, graceful, and intelligent.
Habitat They live in a forests, deserts, savannas, and mo untains. Leopards live in both warm and cold clim ates. Leopards that live in dry places can go a lo ng time without water. Leopards that live in col d climates have thi ck fur to stay war m.
A leopard guards its cubs.
Why This Animal Is Endangered
A leopard is il legally hunte d and killed. P eople eat leo pards and use their fur. Peo
ple also sell t heir bones and fur for lots of money.
Chapter 6: Mountain Gorillas Physical Description
weigh 400 lbs. [181kg] and the
KNOW…. There
females weigh 200 lbs. [91kg].
are only 380
Older male gorillas develop
mountain gorillas that remain in the wild.
crown bone longer than female’s
This is a baby gorilla.
head. Mountain Gorillas have black and brown f r and longer hair than average. They also have shiny black faces. The males
HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help by passing a law that’s illegal to hunt mountain gorillas.
Diet Mountain gorillas are
bamboo shoots, and
herbivores. They eat
leaves, flowers, ) its,
Behaviors Mountain gorillas eat, sleep, groom, communicate, and each night they make nests in trees. Also babies sleep with their mothers while the dad is hunting for food in the morning.
Habitat Mountain Gorillas live in the rocky ÅÉâÇàt|Çá tÇw à{x vÜ|áÑ Å|áàç yÉÜxáàá à{tà vÉäxÜ à{x i|ÜâÇzt äÉÄvtÇÉxáA g{xáx äÉÄ@ vtÇÉxá tÜx ÄÉvtàxw ÉÇ à{x uÉÜwxÜ Éy eãtÇwt tÄáÉ hztÇwt tÇw WxÅÉvÜtà|v exÑâuÄ|v.
This is the head gorilla.
Why This Animal Is Endangered People take them for there f r, meat, and sell there body par5s. They also pollute and threaten mountain gorillas. Last they take there habitats to escape the war.
Chapter 7: Pandas
Physical Description five feet tall. It is
That pandas
only 5 ounces when
can climb over 13,000
in it born. They have
false thumbs to pick This is a baby panda cuddling a log.
up food. Their fur is very thick, and oily.
The Panda has a big strong body, a female is 200 pounds and a male is 220 pounds. HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help
An adult panda is
this animal by
protecting its
The Panda eats
panda can go
bamboo, bark,
ten days with-
fruit, and
out food.
A baby
Behaviors They can sense other pandas, they make noises to communicate. They also scare other animals like using growls. When a panda rolls a round it
Habitat The Panda lives in the mountains. They also live in forests, dens, and caves. They live with their mother for a least 2 years. When they grow up they live alone.
means it wants to play. Pandas use body positions to show how they feel. They can climb up to
This is a baby panda playing in the snow.
Why This Animal Is Endangered Pandas are endangered because people kill pandas for their fur. They kill them because their fur is worth a lot of money. They also kill them because they make rugs out of their fur.
Chapter 8: Rhinoceros
Poachers use rhino horns for weapons.
Physical Description
Rhinos are awesome !! :)
Rhinos have 2 or1 horns and babies have 1 or 2 horns to. The weird part
about rhinos is that they have fur in their ears. There are 5 different types of rhinos on the Earth. They have strong bodies and big and strong horns.
Tell the poachers to stop hunting rhinos for there body parts.
Diet The grazers eat plants and grass. Browsers eat branches, leaves, trees, and bushes. Javan and
Suatran rhinos eat bamboo shoots, fruits, figs , and mangos. Indian rhinos eat long grass,
leaves, gigs, mangos and water plants
Rhino’s are solitary. They are peaceful and calm unless threatened and they are easily frightened.
Rhinos live in forests ĂŤ mount ains and savannas in Asia and Africa.
The rhino is in the forest.
Why This Animal Is Endangered
This animal is endangered because they are being
hunted by poachers to sell body parts.
Chapter 9: Wolves
Physical Description
strong bodies. Wolves are
Wolves have
also very fast. wolves also have sharp teeth 42
a famous
teeth,4 of them are
fangs. they have long legs to catch preys.
Wolves are so cute!
They weigh up to 75 to Wolves have gray or red-
120 pounds. Their
dish brown fur. There fur
stomach weighs up to
is thick and with long
20 pounds to 9 kilo-
fluffy tails. They also have good hearing because they
have big ears. Wolves also HOW CAN WE
have strong jaws and
need to
stop building in wolves
Diet Wolves eat large
rabbits birds and
animals like
rodents. wolves
deer's, moose,
also eat insects,
and beavers.
nuts , berries,
Wolves also eat
and fruits.
Behaviors Wolves have an eerie howl. They bark growls, whines, and snarls. Wolves also hunt and howl in packs of 6 to 10. they communicate by howling, that is how they find their pup.
Habitat Wolves live in 48 states. Some of them are Canada, Russia, Africa, and North Carolina and the Unites States. they call their habitat a territory. Wolves live in natural places like forests and grasslands. Wolves also live in some mountains.
This is a wolf howling with it’s babies!
Why This Animal Is Endangered Wolves are dying in their habitat .wolves are also dying in the wild. They are losing their habitats because people are building homes in their habitat.
Chapter 10: Manatees
Physical Description
YOU KNOW… Manatees only have molars to eat.
This manatee eats 150 to 200 a day.
.Manatees have
whiskers to help feel. and strong jaws to help eat
strong plants. and have lungs to stay underwater for a long me. They have strong tails. the fluke help it swim faster. and the flippers help it push food into there mouth.
HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can preserve lakes and rivers where manatees live.
The manatees eats sea grasses algae, plants along the shore,
small fish snails, lbs. each day. and crabs. They eat 6-8 Adults eat hours a day. about100-150
Behaviors They send messages in different ways. They squeak, squeals, and chirps. They touch each other’s bodies to talk. It shows affec on by nuzzling, chasing and, bumping each other. They sleep on their backs. In the winter, manatees move to areas about 68 degrees. These creatures don’t mate for life. They go to the surface every 3 to 4 minutes to get air. They are born underwater.
Habitat It lives in warm climates. They stay in shallow water. Most of them live in freshwater and some live in saltwater. It lives in lakes and rivers. It lives in India, USA, Africa, and Brazil.
This manatee is talking to his friend!
Why This Animal Is Endangered
They are in danger in the wild. They might be ex nct very soon. People hunt them for their blubber. They get hit accidently by water
boats. It gets tangled in fishing nets and they cannot escape.