All About Endangered Animals

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Researched and Written By:

MS. ZUGHAYYER’S 4th Grade Class

Chapter 1: Bats Physical Description Did you know that a bat could be as small a tea cup?

Did you know that wrinkles help them hunt?

These amazing creatures known as bats have large ears used for echoloca on. They also adapt to their environment by having long, sharp claws used for perch-

ing on twigs. They are known to having black, brown, orange or striped fur. Bats are also born the size of a teacup, but not only their body is short but, they have short legs. Since, they need to fly they have thick skin on their wings.

We can help this animal by stopping pollution.

Diet Bats of course need to eat. Mega bats are herbivores meaning they eat meat. Most bats are known to eat figs,

fruit, pollen, crops, nuts, mice, and unfortunately their own species. Micro Bats eat insects, rep les, fish, and birds.

Vampire Bats on the other hand suck blood and eat warm blooded animals. But all use echoloca on.

Behaviors Bats have many ins ncts like what I’m about to tell you. Life cycle of a bat, 1st: Furless bat (pup) 2nd: Tiny pup who can fly 3rd: Mature in 3-10 weeks and gets larger. Queens give birth to one pup per year. To stay warm, pups huddle un l their mother comes. Also to stay safe they stay in colonies. Queens though, leave when pregnant. Amazingly these are the only flying mammals. Their life ends a8er 9 years.

Habitat These small mysterious bats live in every single con nent known to man other than Antarc ca. Bats prefer temperate and places where seasons change. They live in deserts, forests, ci es and rain forests. Bats like tropical areas, like I said, in the rain forest. Another place that’s ideal to a bat is a place with a lake or streams nearby.


Why This Animal Is Endangered There are always pa)erns in why animals get endangered. Most are because of habitat loss, cu*ng trees, and chemicals like these bats. Some people go around poising forest preserves. Not only that but they kill bats themselves. We should stop this!

Chapter 2: Chimpanzees


Physical Description

Chimpanzees throw things when they are angry and they make faces to communicate. This chimpanzee is enjoying their tasty lunch.

Chimpanzees have long thick black hair. M ales are larger and heavier than female Chi mpanzees but all have five fingers and are able to walk upright. All genders of chimpa nzees do not have any tail.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help these wonderful creature by stopping poachers from killing them and loggers from cutting down there habitat.

Diet All chimps are omnivores and eat leaves, fruits, root, and nuts. Male chimps hunt animals such as monkeys, wild pigs, and

animals. Chimps eat bird eggs and insects.

Behaviors All Chimpanzees walk on there knuckles and when they are angry they some mes throw things to show that they are angry. Chimpanzees spend a lot of me grooming each other. They also make nests at least 15 feet above the ground.

Habitat All chimps live in African rain forests. Each chimp has there own home range and builds nests to sleep in. The only chimps that sleep together are mother and her baby.

This chimpanzee is communica ng by making faces.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Chimpanzees are endangered because they are being hunted for meat. Chimps are also becoming Endangered because of Ebola. Also poachers kill babies under the age of ten and people are starting to sell baby chimps as pets.

Chapter 3: Elephants


Physical Description

Elephant calves rest on their mother?

The elephant uses its trunk for many things.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help the elephant by not taking away their homes to build houses for people.

mal. These amazing animals have the largest teeth. The elephant is from 8.2 feet up to 13 feet . The elephant has very long tail hairs. There tusks don’t stop growing. The male elephants are larger then the female elephants. The nose is in the form of a trunk. There skin Is very tough and thick. There trunk is there nose and mouth.

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. The large ears keep them cool when it Is very hot. There tusks are made of real ivory. The wrinkles on the elephants body trap water to keep them cool. Did you know the trunk alone contains about 100,000 different mussels. The elephant is the worlds strongest ani-

Diet Elephants are herbivores. They eat fruit, twigs, salt from saltlicks and many more. They eat salt to stay

healthy. They use there tusks to scrap the bark off of the tree.

Behaviors Some behaviors that the elephants have are they are playful with mud and when taking baths. Elephants sleep at night or during the ho)est part of the day. Did you know they could also sleep standing up and snore when they sleep? Elephants make weird noises, are strong, and are highly intelligent.

Habitat Elephants live in forest such like the rain forest. They travel to mountains. Some other places they live in are dry grasslands, deserts, and swamps. They mostly spend only 70 years in the wild.

Elephants stay together with their family.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Elephants are endangered because they don’t have enough food. Some people kill them if they are caught ea ng their crops or food. Hunters also illegally kill them for their tusks. Elephants are losing their habitats and could be killed during wars.

Chapter 4: Frogs

DID YOU KNOW that frogs have eyes on top of their heads.

Physical Description back legs are longer than the front legs.

Frogs have eyes on top of their heads and long tongues. Frogs also have webbed feet that are 1.3 inches long and hands that are 3.0 inches long. The frogs skin is moist and its eggs come in different sizes. Its HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can stop draining water so frogs can live in lakes or rivers.

Diet A frog eat small animals and fish. They also eat fly's and spiders. They like worms and plants to.

Also they eat dragon fly's and snails.

Behaviors The frog lay more than 1 egg at a time and


comes out as a tadpole.

They live in tropical regions near the equator.

The tadpole grows legs then it grows a tail until it is at least 5 to 6 years old then shrinks but dose not shrink all the way .


Why This Animal Is Endangered Frogs are endangered because People are cutting down trees to build houses. Many animals hunt frogs for prey. The frogs live in water but people are draining the water.

Chapter 5: Komodo Dragons

DID YOU KNOW That Komodo Dragons live on land and water only?

Physical Description are long and some are short. Komodo dragons have thick skin to protect them selves from the sun because it is very hot where they live. They also have sharp teeth to kill other animals easier . They have long tails to swim faster. They have scaly skin to keep them moist. Some have body’s that are longer then 2.7 m.

This is a Komodo dragon!!!

Komodo dragons have a awesome body. Komodo dragons have sharp claws to kill other animals to get food. They have a long tongue to poison other animals and eat them. They have many different colors of their skin. The main colors are gray and brown. Most komodo dragons HOW CAN WE CAN HELP THIS ANIMAL BY helping them live.

Diet Their diet is Rusa deer and most other deer. Also they eat birds. They eat Wild pigs. Komodo

dragons eat monkeys and other reptiles.

Behaviors Komodo Dragons behaviors are killing, and ea ng. Komodo dragons are mean. They ďŹ ght and play. Some mes nice or bad. They climb and lay 15 to 38 eggs

Habitat The komodo dragons habitat is land and water. They live in dry, hot, and grassy areas. Mostly beaches, savannas, and tropical places. Rarely rocky mountains. The body of water that surrounds komodo dragons is the Indian ocean. They live on ďŹ ve small islands called Flores, Rintja, Gili Motang, komodo, and Indonesia.

Watch out it is coming!!

Why This Animal Is Endangered Komodo drangons are endangered because they are killing them, they can not ďŹ nd food, and humans and other animals are destroying their home.

Chapter 6: Leopards


Leopard cubs can get sore bellies a&er they eat. A gentle belly rub from the care taker can solve the problem.

Physical Description

A leopard has strong jaws and muscles and also has excellent vision. Some leopards have black fur. The leopard is the largest cat in eastern hemisphere. A leopard can weigh about 75 pounds an average is about 2 feet 4 inches. A leopard is known for its beau ful spots. The leopard’s tail is almost as long as its body.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by stopping loggers and telling people to not kill leopards for there coat.

Diet A leopard eats monkeys, warthogs, large birds, and snakes. They drag their prey high up into the

trees so other animals can’t get it. It claws the animal and bites it’s preys neck. Also it waits long

enough to pounce on its prey.



The leopard stalks it’s prey and hides prey in trees so no animal can get there food. Leopards leave there mother when they are two years old. Leopards mark there territory by peeing on trees.

Habitat The leopard lives in forests, rain forests, deserts, savannas and mountains. Other leopards can live in warm climates and cold climates. Most leopards live in Africa.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Leopards have been killed for fur , hunters kill them for coats , and people cut down their habitat.

Chapter 7: Manatees

Physical Description

DID YOU KNOW That Manatees can live to be really old.

The manatee is swimming in the ocean.

A manatee is a mammal. It has whiskers that help feel its surroundings .It

has eyes that are protected by membrane. A manatee has strong jaws. They are warm bloodied animals. There are 3 kinds of manatees . People call manatees sea cows. They give birth every 2 to 3 years.


Diet can help by stop kill-

Manatees eat sea low ďŹ sh, small

ing manatees.

g ass ,algae, shal� crabs, snails.


A manatees behaviors are communica on sent in di errant ways. They make noise like squeals. They feel the scent.


Manatees live in warm habitats. They also live in natural places and shallow bodies of water. The girl is kissing the manatees.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endangered because its hunted for food. They also want to kill mentees and sell them for meat. They want to kill them for a

sport and they are also caught in nets.

Chapter 8: Mountain Gorillas


Physical Description

Did you know Mountain Gorillas use their lips and fingers as a tool for grooming. Mountain Gorillas stay in groups to protect their babies.

Mountain Gorillas’ have short legs for running and long arms for reaching fruit. Mountain Gorillas can get up to six feet in height and four hundred pounds. They have thick brownish black fur that helps protect them when there is a storm.

We can help them by not cutting down trees that carry fruit.

Diet Mountain Gorillas eat plants from the Mountain they live on. They also eat plants from the wa-


Behaviors Mountain gorillas have many behaviors. They sleep on nests made of leaves. Mountain Gorillas spent most of their me ea ng. If Mountain Gorillas are dirty they get groomed by another Gorilla. They groom with their ďŹ ngers or lips. That is the Mountain Gorilla’s Behaviors.

Habitat Mountain Gorillas live near the African volcanos. They live in cold forests. If you are a male you sleep on the ground and if you are a female you sleep in a tree.

Male Gorillas act tough to protect their turf.

Why This Animal Is Endangered This Animal is endangered because people are cu*ng down the African forests and mining in the Mountains. This causes Mountain Gorillas to lose their homes.

Chapter 9: Pandas

Did you Know‌ some pandas can be red.

Physical Description

Panda in the snow!! (ea ng)

Pandas have strong bodies which have black and white fur. Their claws are long, they have four legs. There claws are good for climbing. Also, pandas have ( surprisingly) a false thumb and ďŹ ve toes.. Their faces are chubby (and cute)

We can help this animal by not cutting trees or Bamboo. This will have the panda have more food to feed their children and there family and he/she.

Diet Pandas have a very good diet. They eat bamboo, and also grass. They are plant eaters.

Behaviors Pandas are!!!, playful. Some mes pandas growl They some mes get Frightened

Habitat A panda usually lives in Central India, or they can live in high mountains. They also make dens to live in. You can ďŹ nd Pandas in natural places, especially in China.

Peek-a-boo Panda!!

Why This Animal Is Endangered Pandas are mostly endangered because of habitat loss. The poor creatures are losing their homes! They also are not ge*ng enough food. Bamboo stalks are being cut down. And now that human recourses are being built, there are almost no homes for pandas!

Chapter 10: Rhinoceros

Physical Description DID YOU KNOW‌

The rhinoceros has thick,

That rhinoceros have dominant noses to protect it self from predators.

folded skin. The rhinoceros has a prehensile upThis is a physical descrip on of a rhinoceroses body.

per lip. Some rhinoceros

A Rhinoceros has a

are huge. The rhinoceros

horned nose to defend

has a solid body. Some of

it’s self from the prey.

the rhinoceros are short.


We can h elp this an imal by n ot huntin g rhinocer os.


The rhinoceros eats lots of stuff like plants. And the

browsers. rhinoceros eats grazers. And the rhinoceros also eats


The rhinoceros is


peaceful unless it

The rhinoceros lives in savanna’s in Africa. Also rhinoceros live in grassland’s. Also rhinoceros live in forests. Also they live in mountains. Also they live in Asia and Africa.

is threatened. The rhinoceros is dominant. The rhinoceros is aggressive.

In this picture this rhinoceros is in its habitat in Africa.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

The rhinoceros are beginning to be extinct because there’s not a lot of rhinoceros left. The reason they are becoming endangered because they are being

hunted rhinoceros are dying out to fast. And they are hunted down.

Chapter 11: Wolves

DID YOU KNOW‌ Wolves will protect their young by circling it so the predator won’t get in the pack and kill their young.

Physical Description

Wolves howl at the moon to communicate with each other and to let their pack know where they are.

Wolves are built for hun ng. They have heavy brown and gray coats. Gray wolves live in cold places and red wolves live in hot places. Wolves have good hearing which help them hunt. They also have big teeth to help them hunt.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help the wolves by stop hunting for their fur or there going to be extinct.

Diet Deer Wolves eat and moose. It also eats rabbits, rodents, beavers, and birds. When their scarce

which they are they eat insects, nuts, berries, and fruits.

Behaviors Wolves have good stamina. When they get angry they start to growl. Every me the pack meets they greet each other.

Habitat Gray wolves live in forest, grass land’s and tundra. They are o8en found in Canada, Russia, and Mongolia. Red wolves only live in grasslands and forests. They are found in North Carolina, United States, Ethiopian and mountains.

These wolves are ge*ng ready in their habitats ge*ng ready to hunt.

Why This Animal Is Endangered People despise them and kill them. They also kill them because they kill elk and deer. The hunters kill elk and deer for fur so that’s why the wolves are ge*ng killed to.

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