All About Endangered Animals

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Researched and Written By:

Mrs. HANNIGAN’S 4th Grade Class

Chapter 1: Bats


Physical Description

Vampire bats strike their vic ms from the ground.

This bat is looking for food and using eco loca%on.

Bats are mammals that have black, white, brown, and grey fur. They have short legs and sharp claws on there feet. Bats can live up to 50 years. They can weigh more than 3 pounds. Bats have large ears and amazing hearing, and strong wings.

This bat is trying to find a place to stay at night.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? People can help bats by leaving them alone.

Diet Bats eat a lot of things. Here are a few things they eat. They eat; plants, fruit, pollen, and

frogs. Bats even drink water and nectar. Vampire bats drink blood. Bats also eat fish, scorpi-

ons, lizards, and birds.

Behaviors Bats have many behaviors. Here are some of them. Female bats leave their home because they are pregnant. When bats are cold they gather with other bats to stay warm. Female bats give birth to one pup each year. Bats also, use eco loca%on to communica%on. Vampire bats suck blood.

Habitat Bats live in many places all around the world. Here are a few places they live. Bats live in Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America. Bats like to live in Tropical regions such as hot weather and warm weather. Also, they can live in caves, forests, deserts, ci%es, and trees.

These bats are caring for each

These baby bats are just waking up from their nap.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Do you know why bats are Endangered? These are some reasons why bats are Endangered. People disturb bats when they are trying to sleep in there homes. Also, people make noises

and sounds that make bats come out. Another reason is that people try to kill bats and the people

think they are dirty and dangerous.

This bat is looking for a place to sleep because it is ge/ng cold outside and it is %red of ying.

Chapter 2: Chimpanzees

DID YOU KNOW… Chimpanzees are some of the closest animals to humans. They have the same body shape.

Physical Description

These chimpanzees are eating on a dock.

Chimpanzees have many physical descriptions. They have black hair almost everywhere on their body. Baby chimps have pink skin with no hair yet. All chimpanzees have

prehensile hands to help them adapt to their environment. They are over one hundred pounds. Females are normally under one hundred pounds. Males are about four feet tall were females are around three and a half feet tall. Those are chimpanzees physical descriptions.


Not destroying their home •

Stop cutting down trees by their homes

Chimpanzees eat many things. They are omnivores. They eat leaves, fruits, roots,

and nuts. They also eat stems, bird eggs, and small insects. Those are the things

chimpanzees eat.


Chimpanzees have many weird behaviors. They scream and yell at each other to warn them of danger. They groom a lot and make faces. They shake hands, hug, tickle, and kiss each other. They throw things when they are mad. In the late 1900s, chimpanzees were taught sign language and they still are today.


Chimpanzees live in African rain forests and tropical Africa. They live in communities and build nests in trees. Chimpanzees will live on both trees and ground throughout the day.

This chimp is resting in a tree.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Chimpanzees have a few reasons why they are endangered. One is they are being hunted. Roads are being built and trees are being cut down in their habitat. Workers are also building things in the middle of their home.

Chapter 3: Elephants


Physical Description

Elephants were killed for their tusks and for making jewelry. This elephant has long tusks to dig up food.

d thick pads on their fee t. They have 12 molars/t eeth and have hairs on t he end of its tail. An ele phant is 11 feet tall and has big tusks made out of ivory.

Elephants are wrinkly a nd weigh about 14,500 pounds (6,600 Kilogram s.) They have big ears to keep them cool. They al so have a large trunk an HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help by

giving elephants places to live. We can also give them food and water.

Diet An elephant eats grass and water plants. They also drink lots of wat er. They also eat

seeds and bark. aves and fruits. Elephants love t o eat salt and t wigs. They like to eat lots of le

Behaviors Elephants roll around i n the mud because it keeps them cool and protected. They use motions and sound to communicate. It uses i ts enormous tusks to dig up food from the ground. Elephants als o sleep on its side and snores loudly.

Habitat Elephants live in Asia and Africa. They live in d ry lands and deserts. Some elephants also live i n swamps and rain forests. They travel up and down mountains for shelter and exercise.

This baby elephant is bathing in a waterfall.

Why This Animal Is Endangered This animal is endangere d because it has lost its habitat. They die in war a nd they get less water an d food. They also use tus ks for money. This is ille gal hunting!

Chapter 4: Frogs

DID YKNOW a devil frog was the size of a beach ball.

Physical Description

This is a devil frog. He is ge/ng ready to ponce

sonous in dierent places. A lot of frogs’ bodies are suited to their habitat. Frogs have moist skin and are covered in mucus. They also have permeable skin.

Most frogs have small bodies and some have big bodies. All frogs have s%cky pads on their feet. Some frogs are poiHOW CAN WE

HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help frogs by leaving water clean.


Frogs eat insects and snails. They also eat small . Frogs

like to siders and worms. It also eats crick-

ets. The last thing they eat is betel.


Frogs jump high to get from place to place. To find a mate Frogs catch their food by using their long sticky tongues. a male frog crocks.


Frogs lives in tropical forests and deserts. They also live in grasslands. Frogs live in wetlands and tropical places around the world.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Frogs are endangered from habitat loss and acid rain from polluted air. Frogs also become sick or die. Frogs also die from fer%lizers.

This frog is hidden in a pond

Chapter 5: Komodo Dragons

DID YOU KNOW… Komodo Dragons live up to 50 years old!?

Physical Description are either gray or brown. They grow up to the length of 9 feet (2.7m). They also have strong claws and long necks. That was all the physical descrip%on about Komodo Dragons! A Komodo Dragon is hun%ng for its prey.

These are some facts about scary Komodo Dragons. Komodo dragons have sharp claws and strong tails. They have wide mouths, forked tongues, and sawlike teeth. Komodo Dragons have scaly bodies that HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? People can stop trying to take over Komodo Dragon’s islands and stop killing them.

Diet We are going to tell you what a Komodo Dragons eat. They eat is Rusa Deer, especially their

hooves, bones, and fur. Also, they eat birds, monkeys, and wild pigs. Usually, they eat all the meat from water buffaloes. That is all

the things that Komodo Dragons eat.

Behaviors We are going to tell you what the behaviors for Komodo Dragons are. Larger Komodo Dragons eat first and the smallest last. They communicate by making sounds and they move their bodies a certain way to show anger. They whip their tail side to side to scare other dragons off because they normally like spending %me alone. Komodo Dragons do not share their meals unless needed. They hunt for predators as well as their predators hunt for them. Female Komodo

Habitat Komodo Dragons have 5 habitats. Their first habitat is Indonesia. The Komodo Dragon’s second habitat is Flores. Some of them also live in Rintja, Gili Motang, and Komodo. Those are all the places Komodo Dragon’s live.

Dragons lay from 15 to 30 eggs. Young Komodo Dragons take 5 years to mature. Those are the behaviors of Komodo Dragon’s.

A Komodo Dragon is happy!

Why This Animal Is Endangered

We are going to tell you about why Komodo Dragons are endangered. Scien%sts discovered them and people are taking over there homes. Such as,

they are growing crops over the Komodo Dragon’s islands which is like destroying their land. People over hunt them and trap Komodo Dragon’s for their body parts.

Chapter 6: Leopards Physical Description DID YOU KNOW… Leopards live in 12 areas around the world?! Also, did you know that leopards shed?! This leopard is looking for some food to eat.

Leopards have a very strong jaw and very sharp teeth. They are the color golden and they have spotted fur. Another fact about leopards is that they are mammals. Leopards have all

kinds of different colored eyes. Also, they have very big paws and have very sharp claws. They have very long tails and they can grow up to 9 feet long! In conclusion, leopards are very beautiful animals. You should read on to learn more about leopards!

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We could help leopards by not hunting them for money. Also, we can help leopards by protecting them from other animals.

Diet Leopards feed on many, many things. They feed on monkeys, warthogs and very large birds. Also, they feed on snakes, hyenas, antelope, jackals, pea-

cocks, sheep, and goats. Sometimes they feed on dogs, deer, and lastly, pig. In conclusion, leopards feed on many things. I’m happy I’m not one of those


BEHAVIORS Leopards are very crazy animals. They fight if they see any other leopards. Leopards have a scent of love so they’re ready to mate. They also make a mark by urinating. Leopards cut into tree bark with their sharp claws. They also can be very aggressive. In conclusion, Leopards are very crazy animals. I’m happy I’m not a Leopard.

Habitat Leopards live in many places. They live in forests, rain forests, deserts, savannas, and mountains. Also they can live in places where there is a warm climate, cold climate, in Africa, Asia, Korea, Turkey, Indonesia, China, and India. Inconclusion, Leopards live in many places. I’m happy that I don’t live in any of those places!

This leopard is about to strike.

A leopard is walking around to see if anything around is good to eat.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Leopards are endangered for many reasons. They are hunted for money. Hyenas steel food from leopards and leopards die of hunger. Other animals eat leopards for food. Lions steel their homes. People cut off the

leopards whiskers to help sick people stay alive. Also, medicines are made from leopards body parts. In conclusion, these are some reasons leopards are endangered.

Chapter 7: Manatees


Physical Description pounds. The Manatees are called Sea Cows, because they just eat grass and stay in shallow water. Manatees skin color is gray.

The manatee is called a sea cow?

This is how a manatee looks.


People can help manatees by not hunting them.

These are the things that you will see when you look at a Manatee. Manatee’s have long flippers that help them swim. Manatee’s have strong jaws to get a good grip on their prey. Some%mes Manatee’s go to the surface for air. The adult Manatee are about 1000 pounds, and calves are 70 pounds, a old Manatee are 1,600

Diet These are the things that the Manatees eat. The Manatee drinks it’s moms

milk. It eats sea grass, and they eat algae. The Manatees eat sea snails too.

Behaviors The ďŹ rst behavior is they make noises to communicate with each other, they also squeak. They sleep on the surface of the shallow water. They mark their territory by scen%ng a object, so when another manatee smells it the manatee knows another manatee is close. Some%mes they nuzzle with family members. The liEle ones chase and bumping.

Habitat They live in West Africa. They live in rivers, bays, canals, lagoons, coastal water. North East Brazil. Mid Atlan%c. Lastly Southeastern United States.

The manatee goes up to the surface for

Why This Animal Is Endangered The reason they are dying is age. And people liEer in water and manatees die. The manatee’s habitat gets destroyed by chemicals in the water and they are hunted. Manatees can get damaged by boats. Manatees also have predators.


Chapter 8: Mountain Gorillas


Physical Description tall! They are about 6 feet tall! Their legs are shorter then their


arms and they have five fingers per


hand and five toes per foot. A male gorilla has bone, muscle, and hair

mountain gorillas are a lot like humans?

on its head. These special gorillas This mother mountain gorilla is caring for her child.

have large teeth which makes them look fierce, but they really aren’t. The baby gorillas weigh from 3 to 5

Mountain gorillas look different then any other animal. They have

pounds. Gorillas are interesting looking animals!

brownish black hair that keeps them warm. Mountain Gorillas have longer hair then other gorillas. Boys weigh about 400 pounds when girls weigh about 200


pounds. Mountain gorillas are very

HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by growing more trees, eating

Diet Mountain gorillas

boo shoots, tree

they live in. Moun-

other things that

eat many foods.

bark, and roots.

tain gorillas also

don’t grow in the

They eat a lot of

They eat their food

don’t need much

plants like leaves,

in open, sunny parts

water to survive.

flowers, fruits, bam-

of the forest that

What do you eat?

Virunga Volcanos, and we can stop killing gorillas!

Behaviors Mountain gorillas do many different things. They usually spend most of their life eating. They also build their nest to sleep. Mountain gorillas clean one another with their fingers and lips. Gross! To communicate, they use facial expressions, sounds, and gestures. For example, they open their mouths and bare their teeth. They also walk on all fours. If you met a mountain gorilla, it would be shy and friendly. Mountain gorillas climb trees and they are usually quiet when they are happy. They are also believed to be intelligent animals. The mountain gorilla does so many things!

Habitat Mountain gorillas live in the Virunga Volcanoes. The Virunga Volcanoes is an area with 8 volcanoes. In the past, mountain gorillas lived in natural places, but they are endangered so they only live in the Virunga Volcanoes, which is in the Central part of Africa. In summary, mountain gorillas live in the Virunga Volcanoes.

These mountain gorillas are looking at a human.

Why This Animal Is Endangered The mountain gorillas are endan-

others. The last reason why these ani-

gered animals. One reason why this

mals are endangered is because humans

animal is endangered is because of

kill them so they can sell their body

their habitat is being cut down by hu-

parts. Could you imagine a gorilla head

mans. They cut the trees down be-

on your neighbor’s wall? In conclusion,

cause they want farmland. They also

mountain gorillas are endangered ani-

have to compete for food. It is get-


ting harder and harder to find plants and fruit, assuming that they didn’t trespass on a farmer’s land and die already. Yuck! People actually eat mountain gorillas so they die to feed

Chapter 9: Pandas

DID YOU KNOW...that pandas have a false thumb

Physical Description

Pandas are very unique animals. Pandas have chubby bodies with black and white fur. Male pandas weigh about 220 pounds and they are 5 feet tall. Pandas are also unique because they have 5 toes and 1 false thumb.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help by not cutting down bamboo trees so that the pandas have more food to eat.

Diet Pandas eat lots of things. Pandas eat bamboo, grass, bark, fruit , and other plants they can ďŹ nd.

Behaviors Pandas do lots of things. Pandas climb up trees and rest. They some%mes even climb on a tree to get food. Pandas also leave their mother when they are two years old. The only %me pandas look for other pandas is when it has to mate with other pandas. Pandas also make weird sounds to communicate with other pandas. Pandas make weird scents to say “Go away you this is my territory.” Pandas also hide their eyes when they are scared.

Habitat Pandas live all around the world! Pandas usually live in high mountains in china. Pandas usually prefer living in a home all by themselves. Most pandas live in shelters, caves and dens. Pandas also love going up on trees so some pandas live in trees. Usually males homes are 5 to 6 feet long and wide. if they live by mountains the mountain sides are very steep.

This panda is s%cking his/her tonge

Why This Animal Is Endangered Pandas are endangered because pandas do not reproduce enough have cubs. Wild dogs also eat baby pandas. Pandas also die from hunger when they cant find food. Also when pandas cant find any shelter they also di e,Pandas are oGen eaten by other animals. Pandas are also not protected enough by humans. People also die because humans kill their habitat

Chapter 10: Rhinoceros

DID YOU KNOW there are 5 different types of Rhinos. The black Rhino, the white Rhino, the Indian Rhino, the Sumatran Rhino, and the Javan Rhino.

We can help this animal by stopping killing it.

Physical Description skin or heavy skin. Rhinos can be gray, black, or whi%sh. They have knobby armor plates. Most have short stocky legs. Their rela%ves are hippos, cows, camels, hogs, and horses. Finally, they are warm blooded. You don’t want to mess with a Rhino! A baby Rhino cuddles with its mother.

Rhinoceros have a very interes%ng body. The Rhino has hooked lips and cu/ng teeth. The Rhino also has poor eyesight and two horns on its head. They are 16 feet in height, weigh 1 ton, and have fat heads. They are 2 feet long or 61 cen%meters long. Some types of Rhinos have hairless skin and others have hairy

Diet The Rhino has a diet of many foods and these are some of them. Rhinos like to eat figs, mangos, and water plants. Rhinos like to graze on long grasses, eat shrubs, and if

they cannot find enough food they will raid crops. If they are held in cap%vity they are usually fed hay or mineral biscuits. They some%mes have to compete for food and

they help plants grow by their diet. Rhinos are herbivores.

Behaviors The Rhinos can have deadly behaviors in fights. They will charge if they are frightened or threatened. They are aggressive but like to avoid fights. At the beginning of a fight they will wipe their horns on the ground. Rhinos are solitary animals and mostly live alone. Some%mes though they live in herds or groups. If they have to, the men will fight and the woman will protect their babies. Rhinos are really just peaceful animals.

Habitat Rhinos live all around the world. They are usually found in Africa and Asia but are in zoos all around the world. Some country's they live in are Indonesia, Malaysia, Java, Borneo, and Sumatra. It is common to find a Rhino at forests, savannas, grasslands, hills, and lowlands. They are also some%mes found in mountains.

The Rhino is traipsing in the beau%ful grassland.

Why This Animal Is Endangered There are many reasons why the Rhino is endangered. The Rhinos valuable horns are cut off of the Rhino to make things like medicine and dagger handles. People are also destruc%ng their habitat for buildings, farmland, and wood. Rhinos are assassinated for wealth and they can only have one baby at a %me and wont have another un%l 16 months pass. Rhinos are also killed to make human body parts. Rhinos may save human beings by curing

their lung and chest illness, they are used to make products, and decora%on but this is no reason to kill the Rhino. Help us to stop killing the Rhino and let

Chapter 11: Wolves Did you

Physical Description them muscular bodies.

know that some wolves

Wolves also have

starve to

long bushy tails.

death. death

They also have large These wolves are night.

gazing into the

ears which gives them good hearing. There

Wolves have for-

We can help

are many kinds of

ty-two sharp teeth

wolves some of the

with four fangs.

shades are pure

Wolves long legs and

white ,black, gray

big feet which gives

and brown. Wolves

this animal by finding it a home or food. food

Diet Some wolves

moose ,and deer.


have big appe-

Wolves also

They hunt the large

tites, here are

prey on the



slowest and

other animals they


animals. Some

Behaviors Wolves send messages to there family, pups , and there wolf pack. There are

Habitat Gray wolves live in forest ,grassland, and

many kind of different

Tundra. The states they are in are Canada, Rus-

ways. One of

sia, and Mongolia.

them is

Ethiopian wolves only live

wag your tail when there

in the mountains. Lastly Red Wolves live in

happy . They don't have

grassland and for-

to worry about



each other because they can recognize each others howl.

They send messages

by body and facial positions.

This wolf staring down its prey.

Why This Animal Is Endangered A wolf is endangered by losing it’s food or losing it’s home.

When it loses his food

it tries to find something but it can’t and people try to kill it.

That is why this animal

is endangered.

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